Septerra Core

Septerra Core

17.10.2013 15:16:41
Septerra Core Walkthrough

Septerra Core Walkthrough v1.02 by Nightmare (

------------------New--UPDATED Nov. 3rd------------------------
Added parts of the palace, up to defeating the first Magi, and obtaining Law Fate card and
Red Palace Key. They weren't kidding when they said the Palace is huge, and confusing,
just wait until you read :) I'm calling Chapter 6 when you get the airship.

This is a big time [SPOILER!], if you do not want to read on DO NOT! :)

Done with all the chapters. Chapter 1 was condensed it down into one section because I don't think
it deserves more than that, for being so short :)

The chapters are divided by when a movies scene plays.

All the {thing?} and {umm?} you see if stuff I forgot and need answers to, my email is at the top! :)

Also check out this site for a FAQ of stuff I might have missed Dan Dautrich's Septerra Core

Chapter 1

You begin the game at your Uncle's house, he'll tell you to go to class at the temple, ask him for
bread then go to the refregarator and get some bread. Head out of the city and go west, through the
badlands and to the temple on the other side, talk with the teacher about everything and he'll give
you some fate cards, heal and {umm?} After that head back to your Uncle's house and you'll see
the mayor looking for smugglers. After this is over you want to go to the pumping station and you'll
see Tori closing a deal with people from Shell 3, and you'll be attacked, Tori will run away, defeat
these guys and head east and pick up some wires. Go back to town and convince the workbots to
go on strike and go to your uncles house who will tell you to get Grubb and look for Tori. Grubb is
at the south of the shell in his work house, go there pick up the Generator and head back to the
pumping station. Have Grubb look at the switch and open it, use the wires on the switch and use the
generator on the wires to stop the fan. After that go through the east pumping station, and head to
the town to the south. Steal 3 roots from the helgak and go into the bar at the far south. Pick a fight
with the 3 bounty hunters, and the barkeep will actually sell to you and give offer a room for 50
gold. After you rest up go to Outlaw canyon. If you find it hard here, defeat as much as you can and
go back and rest to level up. Go through the canyon, it's pretty straight fowards, you need to go up
and around, and you'll see Tori talking with guys from Shell 3, then some Chosen will kill that guy
and well you'll see, end of chapter.

Chapter 2

After getting sucked into the Chosen ship you will over here plans of one of the Chosen generals to
unlock the core. The ship will land and you will be placed on Shell 3 with hopes of warning the Holy
Guard. First thing you want to do is head to Southfarm.

Southfarm (1) Talk to all the villagers about the holy guards. Most important thing to do here is to
buy a empty flask from one of the shopkeepers, it is a key item. Also know where the helgak bone
guy is, and fix the old ladies {thing?} with Grubb, she'll give you 10 bird seeds, which you will be
giving to colored birds around the world. After this head to Wind City.

Wind City (1) Explore wind city, buying up equipment, there's a guy in the far north who needs an
OS upgrade, which Grubb can do, you get a good healing item. Go into the capitol building and
head north to the library. Talk to the monk in the north and read the books, he'll tell you about the
graveyard and the catacombs. You'll want to go right at the entrance and notice that head that is
bolted down. Head to the graveyard now.

Graveyard (1) North of the entrance a zombie will come out of the grond and when you defeat him,
there will be a puddle of green ooze, fill the flask up with the ooze. You may want to go notice the
headless statue to the west, where could the head be? You guess it go back to the library, use the
fill flasked on the head and take the head. Put the head on the statue and get ready to fight a boss,
after defeating him, you get the earth fate card. Head through the catacombs, there's a few levers
that open up the doors, you'll come across a bricked up door, you can't go through yet, go the
opisite direction and head up the stairs and through the door, bingo you've found Connor the Holy
Guard. Don't get to attached as you'll see he'll be shot and killed while you escape, back through
the catacombs and through the gravyard. Corgan joins party. You'll have to fight the bounty hunters
a few times, but they're a joke. There's a bird in one of the area's in the graveyard. After that you're
on to Armstrong.

Armstrong (1) When you escape you'll talk to Lalya and she needs supplies for the rest of the holy
guard, which are in Armstrong, Corgan's home town. Go through the mountains and fight the dogs,
what a pain :) And enter Corgan, you will find it destroyed and you will fight Selina, the bad guy's
girlfriend, after defeating here you will receive the barrier fate card. Go through Armstrong and you
will come across a chest contain the supplies Lalya needs, after you get them return to her and give
them to her, I think you get the Summon Fate card at this point. Next you want to take Corgan to

Southfarm (2) Upon entering Southfarm you will see two Chosen guys, don't talk to them with
Corgan if you don't want to fight, here you'll want to go to the Inn and ask about fake passports,
then head to the weapon shop and have Corgan talk to the fat guy, who is a spy for the resistance,
who will let you into the library. Talk to the monk about fake passports and he will give you some.
After you have them head to the far west of the shell to the airport. Give the passports to the
attendent and end of chapter.

Chapter 3

Juamn Upon crashing you're party will be scattered. Start off by going into the bedroom of the
people who saved you and checking their cabinets for something. Exit outside and head east where
you'll find one of the birds to give seed to. After that head west and follow the fence until you see
Corgan, talk to him, he says he needs his sword back. Talk to the guy to the north of the guards and
he'll give you Corgan's sword. Give it to Corgan, then go back to the guards and convince them to
kill Corgan, and you'll set him free.

Fallen Ship (1) This is where one of the villagers told you Grubb was. You'll only have access to the
first area, in which you save Grubb for now. There's two switches before the door that open up the
area where Grubb is. Free him and head south to the Ankara {thing?}

Ankara {thing?} (1) Talk to the soldier and eventually you'll get some Juamn dogtags. Then talk to
Led, afterwards place the holodisc that Grubb had in the holo-player and you'll uncover a plot by
the Chosen, Led well say she needs to tell her father, but she needs a power generator. Go to the
southeast end on the map for a chest contain stuff, one of which is a fate card, Air I belive. The
generator is in the fallen ship.

Fallen Ship (2) Head north after entering and use the dogtags to open the closed blast doors, there's
a few things on the dead driod bodies that can be helpful, but you're goal is to get to the northen
most part of the ship and get a power generator.

Ankara {thing?} (2) Give the generator to Led and you'll fly off to the capitol, where you'll meet a
general who will give you another holodisc to give to Led's father. He'll tell you to go through the

Ankara Subway (1) Keep heading straight through the subway until you hit a part where you cross
the tracks, you can cross them and head down the opisite end and get a chest contain something
halfway useful, or stay on the side you're on and head southeast to the exit. Either way you still need
to come back to the exit. Upon exiting I think you start talking to Led's father and you see the
destruction of Juamn. I can't remember, but I beleive this is what happens. End of Chapter.

Chapter 4

Bazaar (1) You're party is landed by Selina on Shell 4. Make sure you do not put Selina and
Corgan in a group together! The object here is to free a bounty hunter named Ayram, the one who
tried to kill you in the graveyard. First you need to go outside with Grubb or Led and have them
look at the crane to drop down a box of explosives. Go back inside the brothel and go upstairs in
the back room and pcik a fight with the bounty hunter there. It will be taken outside where he stand
right in front of the explosives which you shoot and he dies, you get a key to the bounty hunter lair.
Head to the bounty hunter area in the Bazaar and go down some stairs and you'll come across a
sewer pipe with a scull on it, a little to the north is a whell, which you want to use the key you got
on, this will open the pipe. After going inside follow the path and you'll enter the bounty hunter lair,
in the west end you'll see Ayram, free him, then go back to the brothel, he'll get his arms. Put Ayram
in the party and go to the shipping transport part of the Bazaar and talk with the ship guy with
Ayram to book passage off Shell, you'll have to fight off the head bounty hunter, but he's pretty
easy. No you have some options. I'd go to shell 7 because you'll need to come to Shell 3 to make a

Shell 7 (1) Just head north and enter the mountain caves and pass through them. Head up to the
mining camp and get the explosives and a bio-lantern from the chest and talk with the guy. If you
have Grubb or Led, look at a pile of junk and you'll get a smelling salt, yeppie :(. Now you need
head to the Dark Lake.

Dark Lake (1) Throw the explosives into the lake and you'll be able to cross on dead helgaks :P.
Head north through the lake, until you hit the world map again, then enter the helgak boneyard, and
pick up the helgak bone from the ground, after that go back through the dark lake, and the caves
and go to Shell 3.

Shell 3 (1) Go ahead and go the the catacombs and to the west get the resurrect fate card, also get
the bird feed if you forgot too. You can also choose to fight the ??? stone things in the forest and
see how many birds you have :P. If you manage to beat the third stone thing, you'll get a +4 Speed
accessory. I also went to Armstrong and defeated the big boss, using root and one cast of Summon
+ Heal. The most important thing is to go to Southfarm and have the helgak bone guy make your
helgak bone unto a helgak flute, ALSO buy some earplugs, they are a must. After that back to Shell

Shell 7 (2) Here's what you want to do now, explore the south part of the mountain caves until you
each a new cave area, and explore that until you reach an area where Maya says my head hurts, put
the earplugs on and go back in, and you'll be fighting the hardest boss yet, a fire spider thing. Best
thing to do is use Summon + Water on the legs, it will regenerate the legs so make sure you kill
them, after defeat that pain in the arse you'll get the fire fate card. Head to the west exit on the
mountain cave and go to the Mold Forest.

Mold Forest (1) Head northeast to the second area of Mold Forest, then to the northeast part of
the second area and you'll see a red plant. Play the flute on it, then use the bio-lantern on the plant
to fill it. After that's done you can finally go to the Bone Circle.

Bone Circle (1) If you havent been here before they may say some stuff, but all you need to do is
use the filled bio-lantern on a totem pole and you'll be let into the village, where you talk to the chief
who speaks your tounge, here you'll get Badu. If you have enough supplies get Badu into the party
and head back to Mold Forest.

Mold Forest (2) Follow the wall of plants north until you see a mountain looking wall, along the wall
is a door that Badu can open. This is the mining complex with Chosen. Its kind of trickey to find out
where to go when you're in there, bet head southeast, since northeast is the exit, and you'll be on
your way. Make your way through the mines and eventually you'll fight a Kalab's mining helgak. Hit
it with level 1 hits with your two parts members, while Badu fills up for level 3, then when the eye
opens nail the thing with Badu. Keep repeating this and it will eventually die, took me a while doing
80 hps a shoot. After that's dead, end of Chapter :)

Chapter 5

Landing Site After landing on Shell 6, pick up the corite on the ground exit map.

Scum Town (1) Stock up on equipment, you should have plenty of money from the Mining Helgak
you just defeated. Also make sure you buy some MEAT from one of the stores, I forget which one
has it, sorry. Make sure you talk to the tatoo girl, with all your party members. No place to rest
here, so buy enough healing things to last for a little bit. After you're done goto the shipping area of
Scum Town and pick up the drill that is right near the entrance, you'll need it later.

Mountains Caves (1) Enter the caves and pick a fight with the two bounty hunters at the entrance.
After you defeat them, they're easy, sneak northeast through the entire cave system, with luck you
won't have to fight anything. After you exit head southeast to the next area.

Panora Upon enter here if you have corgan have him talk to some of the folks and you're get a
Cornicopa. Also there's a bird at far northeast of map. After you've done this go in the only tavern
here, and you'll meet up with the rest of your party, yeppie. They'll say something about a robot
named Lobo that lives in the swamp, but you need Ayram. Regroup with Ayram, and go back to
the caves.

Mountain Caves (2) Sneak through the caves again to the spot you originally entered, after exiting
head south to the swamp.

South Swamp (1) Go ahead and go to the south swamp, head south and then northwest to the next
little area. This area is Lobo's home, you'll see him land and he'll say get off my property, talk to him
with Ayram, and he'll tell you some stuff, ask about slave girls, this is how you're going to get his
crew for him. How do I become a slave girl? Remember the tatoo girl :)

Scum Town (2) Ask the tatoo girl about tatoo and she'll tell you she wants blood from a swamp
helgak. Head back to the Swamp.

East Swamp (1) You can do west or east first, doesnt really make a difference. In east swamp in
the southwest corner, you have to go all the way around, there's 3 leeches. Throw them the meat
you bought in scum town, then pick them up. Head to west swamp.

West Swamp (1) In the southwest of this area there's 3 floating helgak, kill them and get the
sleeping plant that's bright green. Find the swamp helgak in the water in the northern part of this
map, you'll be coming back here later. I'm not sure if you have to talk to lobo to find out it like
mountain helgak eggs of if you can just get the eggs, so next go back to the mountain caves.

Mountain Caves (3) This time you're going to go up a ramp near the east side and head east into a
mountain area with snow. Follow the area up until you see a flying thing, guarding some eggs, this is
a mountain helgak. It has 275 HPs, defeat it and take an egg, then head back to West swamp

West Swamp (2) Go back to where the swamp helgak is. Drill a hole in the helgak egg. Place the
sleeping leaf in the egg, then use the egg on the helgak. It will fall asleep, at which time you use the
leeches on it, to get bloated leeches. Time to give the leeches to the tatoo girl.

Scum Town (3) Go to the tatoo girl and give the leeches to her for you're temporary tatoo's. Then
go to the shipping area of Scum Town, make sure you still have Ayram with you and talk to the
shipping guy with Ayram, who will steal the shipping manifest. You still need a key for the door.
Lobo will give this to you, go see him in South Swamp, then come back here, give the shipping
manifest to the guy at the door, and unlock the door and off you go, alone again with Maya.

Lone Island (Prison) This part is somewhat easy, you're only Maya at the beginning, so everything is
one or two monster fights. What you need to do is exit the cell area, mess around the cave area until
you find the area where you launch the flare, it's in the east part of the map, wherever the things rise
up or fall down, that's a hint to where you need to go. After you get Lobo and your other member,
you need to find the blue key, then where the blue door is, find the red key, then go through the red
door, and you'll go to a new area where you fight the pirate guy. All you need to do is use level 1
attacks three times one each of guns, you can shot and turn them back on the pirate even if they're
already pointing at him :) Once you kill him you'll get the Bless Fate card, and the keys to the prison
cells, go back, unlock the cell with people, then the robots, and head to the spot where you fired the
flare. Guess what, Lobo's ship is yours, and it acts as a bed whenever you land and take off, you
can now go to any Shell and switch party members on the whim. I'm going to all this end of chapter,
since you get the ship, also do not put LOBO and LED together.

Chapter 6 From here you can do many many things, I recommend going to shops and buying parts
for your favorite party members, like rocket launcher for Maya, which I found in Junk Town. The
options you have, as I'm aware, is go to Shell 1 and raid the palace, or do the Shell 2 stuff, smelting
thing, and the water pumping station north of Junk Town. I did the palace.

Shell 1
Here's the break down of the city.. (1) West District - Has red capitol key, needed to open Red
door in East District (2) Center District - Tank, that needs tank engine from East district, also
contains an elixir and iron buckle, there's a switch that opens the area where Gunner is located. (3)
East District - Red Door and Tank engine behind door

First go to the west district and roam around until you find the red capitol key, it's in the northwest
part. Second, go to East district, open the red door with the key, you'll fight some slicer guys, use
core attacks on the red one, all other attacks do 0. Make your way north until you come across the
tank engine, which is in a chest. Third, go to the Center Distrcit, put the tank engine in the tank,
which is located right from the first junction. Go through there, and you'll come across a switch,
which open an aree to the west, go to this new area and walk around until you see two guards,
green in color, to the left is a chest with an iron buckle, walk to the guards and you'll talk to Gunner.

Palace Area Hall 1 (1) Let me tell you have confusing this little area is going to be. It's hard to
describe, but I'll do my best. Ok you'll want to turn into the first door on the left, this brings you to
the Library Area.

Palace Library Area Take a left at the first intersection and you'll find a switch, which opens on of
the two door leading to the upstairs area, go back to the intersection and head right and you'll find
the second switch. Go up the stairs and around to the left or right, doesnt matter, you'll come across
the red door and a chest contain the blue key. Go back to the Palace Area Hall 1.

Palace Area Hall 1 (2) Head north until you come across the blue door, unlock and enter.

Palace Blue Door Area Then is the fun part. Go into the second room on the right, and go to the
back of the room to trigger the 1st switch, which opens the duengon and closes the the way to door
3. Go to the duengon, head south and trigger the switch to unlock door 2 and close way you came
into the duengon and open a new one. Head back and all the way north and hang a left to come
behind the cells, here you'll fight three guys and there's a vase on a table right next to the door
containing a potion. Make you're way to Door 2, right after it there's a room to the left containing a
true sight, to the right is a switch to unlock Door 3, there's also a Kyra's Tear here. You'll notice
door 3 is block by another door, go back to the first switch which opened the duengon and flip it
again to open the passage to door 3. Behind Door 3 there's a Magi, to defeat him, you need to push
the blue balls into him. Here's some hints... (1) If you have Badu in party, put earrplugs in the other
two members, otherwise all members need earplugs. (2) Use Maya's heat siking, or shrapnel to
push all three balls back at once, and have the other two members hit the balls with Level 1 attacks.
(3) If you don't have Maya's stuff you're in for a fight, just make sure the balls don't hit you, it does
150-170 damage, also if you don't have the earplugs you're going to take 150-170 damage, unless
you keep the balls hitting him, in which case he won't have a chance. After defeating the Magi you'll
get the Red palace key and Law Fate card. Now head back to the Palace Library Area.

Palace Library Area (1) Head up to the red door and unlock it with the key.

This is where I am.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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