

14.10.2013 16:45:50
(Cryo Interactive)



SAGA: Rage of Vikings is published and distributed by Cryo Interactive.
This document or its author is in no way connected in any way with
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own risk.
Distribute this freely but maintain the credits. Have a nice day ;)


The Viking is a skilled man. He is a farmer who cultivates his land, a craftsman who
manufactures his tools, a hunter and a fisherman. His domain is close to the sea and he
possesses a ship. Sometimes he leaves his land to trade and make war - whatever it
takes to make a profit. An accomplished Viking practices physical exercise: swimming,
skiing, ball games... He likes horse fights and is a lover of poetry. Lastly, in all
circumstances, he shows himself to be very touchy about his honour.
The Vikings are masters of the ocean since they have fine ships and the audacity to sail
them far away. Their science of the sea leads them to the boundaries of the known world.
The Viking ships are open with no decks. In the case of rough weather, the water taken on
by the ship is baled out with buckets.
The Vikings are hardly gifted for music and also the their poetry is very rich in imagery.

The trolls of the sagas are not at all the same as the malicious little goblins of later
legends; these are creatures of great size and formidable fighters, especially when they
are in a fury. It is said that they seize travellers to devour them. Some even get into
men's houses. Despite their shambling appearance, they are quite capable of
manufacturing weapons and tools. Finally, the trolls know the magic of the runes. They
consider the swamps as holy places. The ancient custom of sacrificing a victim to the
gods by casting it into a swamp is probably of troll origin.

The centaur is master of the steppes as the Viking is king of the sea. The two peoples
meet on the banks of the great rivers that flow into the continental masses. Depending
on circumstances, they fight or trade. The centaurs have precious wares to sell since
they hold up the caravans that cross their territory. It is from them that the Vikings obtain
the spices and silk wares produced in the kingdoms of the Far East. They load them onto
their ships and sell them in the ports of Europe.The centaurs are savage fighters and
excellent archers. Their women fight by their side.

The dwarves live in galleries carved out of the mountains, and in strong towers built near
their underground quarters. They are good architects and excellent miners. Instinct guides
them towards the richest deposits. Once at work, they labour unceasingly because
tiredness means nothing to them. They have a passion for precious metals that men take
for avarice. But, more than this, they have a passion for work well done.

The elves are an astonishing race.They have numerous talents. Hunters from birth, they
imitate to perfection the calls of all animals. Their skill with bow and arrow is proverbial.
Of all peoples, the elves are the most gifted for magic. The elves know how to speak to
plants, rocks and winds. They have bonded with the powers of life. The elves arouse the
jealousy of other peoples. Their distant attitude, which is often taken for arrogance,
contributes to poisoning their relationships with their neighbours. This results in wars,
that are always bloody, since whilst the elves never torture, they do know how to kill
quickly and well.

The giants are a very ancient race. Their hatred extends to the races created by them:
men and dwarves. The strength of the giants allows them to construct formidable
fortifications in a very short lapse of time. Hardly any other talents are acknowledged to
them. When speaking to them, tradition has it that they should be addressed as " most
wise giant " but most often, this is just a formal way of speaking. For in general, the giants
are lacking in discernment.

Odin needs an army that he can lead when the Destiny of the Powers arrives. The Valkyrie
are made responsible for gathering this troupe together. They gather heroes who died in
battle and bring them to Valhalla. The elected ones spend their days fighting. By evening,
their wounds heal and they rejoice in a huge hall with a ceiling covered in gilded shields.
The Valkyrie do however have their dark side. They do not confine themselves to gathering
warriors who have been killed, they designate those who are to die.

All the dead do not go to Valhalla nor to the hell of Ran. Some refuse to leave the realm of
the living. We have seen some emerge from the ground, go back home and settle down
beside the hearth in their usual place. Furthermore, they are dreadfully strong. It is said
that where their hands seize you, the flesh falls off the bone. The dead person can knock
on walls, rip off the roof, or hide in the shadows not far from the door.

The monstrous wolf will swallow up the Moon in a single mouthful. Blood will spatter
heaven and earth. Even the dwelling of the gods will be smirched with purple and the sun's
rays will darken.

Of all the serpents related in the legends, the greatest is the serpent of Midgard. He was
spawned by Loki, the god of a thousand tricks. As evil as the serpent of Midgard is
Nidhogg, who gnaws the roots of the cosmic tree Yggdrasil. . This towering ash tree covers
the world with its branches. At the summit an eagle lives between whose eyes perches a
falcon. Yggdrasil has three wide-set roots: the first touches the realm of the gods, the
second the realm of the giants, the third plunges down into the realm of shadows. The
serpent Nidhogg lives beneath this root.


* A Berserkr is a warrior who is possessed by fury before he fights. Foam pours from his
mouth, he bites his shield, growls, roars, then hurls himself into the attack without
worrying about being wounded. The Berserkr gene is present in all races. It is particularly
frequent in the trolls, who have undoubtedly passed it on to humans.

* In the world of sagas, the bow is a prestigious weapon. A bowstring that breaks can seal
the fate of a man, or even of a kingdom.

* In the world of the sagas, there are no unbelievers. When it is said of a man " that he
does not sacrifice to the gods and counts above all on his own strength ", this does not
mean that he denies the existence of supernatural forces, but rather that he is too proud
to accept their help.

* The honour of a Viking is related to his prestige. Whenever he suffers an affront, he must
take revenge on penalty of losing his dignity, in his own eyes and in those of others.

* In a world where everyone proclaims himself responsible for his deeds, honour is mixed
up with reputation. This is the most precious possession a man can have: " Goods may
wither, parents may die, and you yourself will die; yet reputation never dies, if you have
acquired a good one. "

* The colour brochure included in the Saga box introduces each people. Consult it and you
will see that there are three types of Viking characters each having their own role:
- The Viking woman works.
- The Viking warrior works and fights.
- The Valkyrie fights and takes care of everything having to do with religion and magic.
She refuses to do everyday tasks.

* If you move the cursor over a character, its characteristics appear in the information
Work value: symbolized by a hammer. Determines the speed at which a character
accomplishes the tasks you give it.
Combat value: symbolized by a sword. Determines efficiency of a character's attacks in
hand to hand combat.
Shooting value: symbolized by an arrow. Determines the efficiency of the projectiles the
character shoots.
Armour value: symbolized by an armour. Determines the character's capacity to take
Magic value: symbolized by a ball of fire. Determines the character's aptitude to use
pagan magic.
Anti-magic value: symbolized by a Celtic cross. Determines the character's capacity to
counter pagan magic. In the first scenarios, this characteristic doesn't concern the pagan
By moving the cursor over the different types of characters, you will notice that they don't
all have the same values. For instance, only the Valkyrie may have a magic value. Both
Viking women and warriors have a work value, but the women's is greater.

* In the first scenarios, the non-Viking peoples appear to be either your victims or your
enemies. But very quickly, non-Viking characters will come over to join you.
This happens:
- When you by a character of another people;
- When you submit an enemy clan;
- When you follow one of the scenarios which give you control of a non-Viking or mixed

* The Elves are characterized by their skill with the bow and arrow, the Dwarfs by the
quality of their armour, the Trolls by their brutality, the Centaurs by their mobility, the
Giants by their terrifying strength, the Vikings by their diversity and the South people by
the brilliance of their shields. All know how to fight in a formation.

* Buildings (classified per clan)
Construction : Number of raw material units needed for the erection of a building.
Function : A purpose of a completed building. A building can provide many functions :
- production of a value unit
- generation of creatures
- transformation of creatures
- capital
- source of manna or anti-manna.
Consumption : Quantity of raw material used in the building in order to produce a unit of
value , to create a character or to transform a creature.
Actors : List of creatures able to work in a building.
Efficacity : The higher this parameter, the quicker is the work achieved inside the building.
The indicated number defines the minimal efficacy of the building. Its value increases as
the clan wins upgrades in work value.
Resistance to assaults : is equivalent to the creature's armor value.

The ships are included in the building class. The following items refer to those:
Crew : Maximal number of crew memebers. The higher their number, the faster the ship
can sail.
Passengers : Maximal number of passengers the ship can embark.

* Creatures
Under this heading are listed animals and other creatures not belonging to any clan.
The following characteristics are given :
: Combatvalue (if the creature enters in approached combat)
: Shooting value (if the creature launches a remote assault)
: Natural protection. Is equivalent to the creature's armor value.
: If the creature is edible, this indicates the number of food portions provided by its
: The creature is able to transport goods.

* Ressources
Resistance to work hardships : The higher the value of this parameter, the more time can
be devoted by the creature to exploit the resource.
Production : Maximal quantity of raw material the resource is able to produce before
running out.
Renewal : Time needed for renewal of the depleted resource. The unit used corresponds
approximately to a minute. " Seasonal " means that the resource cannot be exploited in
winter and renews itself at the beginning of summer. " Permanent " means that the
resource never runs out.

* Spells
This chapter contains all the spells used in the game ranked in the incremental order.
Cost in manna : Indicates the number of points deducted from the magician's manna stock
each time he casts a spell. Lost points can be recovered more or less quickly according
to conditions explained in chapter "One player - Managing the Viking clan - Magic ".
Targets : Defines the targets at which a magician can cast a spell. Here are examples of
applicable restrictions:
Aliens : only creatures (characters, animals, monstersà) outside your clan may be targeted.
Friends : creatures from your clan.
Free area : the spell can be cast only in an area zone free from obstacles (example :
spectrum spell). In action, it is enough to observe the cursor, when it comes to a target,
to know whether the latter is valid or not.
Projectile : " Yes " means that the spell provokes the creation of a projectile capable of
either hittinig or missing the target. " No " means taht the magic effect appears directly on
the target.
Efficacy : Even when they hit their target, the enemy spells do not systematically win. One
carries out a test to know whether the assault was effective, and so, how many points were
made to be lost by it. The assault has the more chances to be effective as the value of a
magician is important and the spell cast is powerful. It has the more chances to fail as the
value of the target armor is high.
Duration : In case of some spells (Petrification, for example) it is important to define the
duration of effects. This item is missing when the spell has instant or very short-lasted
effects (Thunderbolt, Fireballà)

* No projectile or spell cast by you can affect a character from your clan.

* It is impossible to cast a second spell to a character already being under the effect of a
spell. For example, you cannot launch a fireball at a person immobilized by the Mortal
inertia spell. However, you can pinpoint it with arrows or stab it to death with the sword.

* All durations indicated are approximate: they vary according to the rapidity of your
computer and the adjustements you have made in the menu Options - Game speed.


Bolt of ligthning
Cost in manna : 10
Targets : All except friends
Projectile : Yes
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : The thunderbolt is an offensive polyvalent spell easy to use, recommend for
runemaster beginners. Experienced magicians will appreciate its low cost in manna.

Cost in manna : 14
Targets : No restrictions
Projectile : Yes
Efficacy : Automatic
Comments : The lighting flare launched by your magician penetrates gray and black mist.
It allows you to spot the enemy before he appears in your characters' field of vision.

Nidhogg's spine
Cost in mana : 18
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : Two poisoned poles springing up from the soil to impale the targeted creature.
This spell's name comes from the great snake Nidhogg, who lives underground and has
its tail stuffed with poisoned spikes.

Cost in mana : 22
Targets : Non-fighting aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Duration : 1'
Comments : This spell provides control over a fighting creature in the game for a limited
period of time. The creature takes your color and submits to you as if it belonged to your
clan. It can be a character coming from another clan, whom you will make to work for you.
It can be also a cow or wild beast you will kill for its meat.

Ice spikes
Cost in mana : 26
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : Ice needles penetrate the legs of the targeted creature.

Ring of obsession
Cost in mana : 30
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Duration : 20''
Comments : This spell affects the characters you target and those found in their vicinity.
Two revolving rings appear on the target. The victims of the spell, hypnotized, start to
dance and cannot do any other action until the looses its effect.

Cost in mana : 34
Targets : All except friends
Projectile : Yes
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : The Fireball spell is a classic that any magician should have at his disposal.

Cost in mana : 38
Targets : Free area
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Automatic
Duration : 1'
Comments : This spell should be cast in an obstacle-free area. It provokes the appearance
of a creature randomly chosen among all the non-fighters inthe game. The creature follows
your orders as if it were under the effect of the Control spell. Upon expiration of the spell,
it returns to nothingness.
Note : It is impossible to cast a spell at the creature invoked because it is already under
the effect of a spell.

Deadly smoke
Cost in mana : 43
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : A black fume appears under the targeted creature and sucks out its life through
its feet.

Deadly inertia
Cost in mana : 48
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Duration : 30''
Comments : The targeted creature lies prostrate on the ground, unable to move. At the end
of spell, it stands back on its feet - if you have not already killed it.

Tongues of fire
Cost in mana : 53
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : Once again, the danger arises from the ground, this time in the form of flames
which carbonize the legs of targeted creature.

Cost in mana : 58
Targets : Aliens except magicians, sea serpent and Destiny Warrior.
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Duration : 1' 10''
Comments : This spell is a more powerful version of Control. It submits to your power all
the creatures in the game except the magicians, the sea serpent and the destiny warrior.

Cure wounds
Cost in mana : 63
Targets : Friends
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Automatic
Comments : This spell restores to a creature of your clan all the life points that it had lost.

Fire wheel
Cost in mana : 68
Targets : All except friends
Projectile : Yes
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : Fire balls are being shot simultaneously in all directions. An ideal spell for a
magician surrounded by enemies.

Rise dead
Cost in mana : 73
Targets : Dead creatures
Projectile : Yes
Efficacy : Automatic
Comments : The spell to be cast at the squeleton of a creature. The bones are joined
together and a living dead arises where his body was lying. The living dead submits to
your orders and fights for you until it is destroyed.

Putrid fog
Cost in mana : 80
Targets : Alien creatures and ships
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : A suffocating mist layer swirls around the target.

Far sight
Cost in mana : 87
Targets : No restrictions
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Automatic
Duration : 30''
Comments : The magician conjures up a pulsing star which sheds light on the area until
expiration of the spell. This spell chases black and grey mists much better than the
Lightening flare.

Awaken Ymir
Cost in mana : 94
Targets : Free area
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Automatic
Duration : 1' 10''
Comments : This spell is a more powerful version of the Invocation spell. The appearing
creature is randomly chosen among warriors in the game, excluding the sea serpent and
destiny warrior. However, you have a chance to conjure up a giant - which is why this
spell bears the name of Ymir, the father of all the giants.

Cost in mana : 101
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Sunject to test
Duration : 50''
Comments : The targeted creature turns into stone for a limited period of time. It is unable
to move but remains vulnerable to attacks and may be killed.

Cost in mana : 108
Targets : Aliens except magicians, sea serpent and destiny warrior
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Duration : 1' 40''
Comments : This spell is a more powerful version of the Possession spell.

Devouring fire
Cost in mana : 115
Targets : Aliens
Projectile : Yes
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : A magical fire sticks to the targeted creature and follows it in all its movements.

Power shadow
Cost in mana : 125
Targets : Friends except magicians
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Automatic
Duration : 1' 20''
Comments : This spell changes a creature of your clan into a shadow. The shadow
creature is at your service. All its characteristics have been improved, namely its armor,
which makes it very difficult to kill in combat. At the end of the spell, the creature returns
to its initial form.

Cost in mana : 135
Targets : Aliens except magicians
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Subject to test
Comments : This spell disintegrates the targeted creature's matter and transforms it into
a highly unstable magma ball.

Summon Odin
Cost in mana : 240
Targets : Free area
Projectile : No
Efficacy : Automatic
Duration : 40''
Comments : This spell is analogous to " Ymir's awakening ". It provokes the appearance
of the destiny warrior.

Negoita"Summoner"Alexandru [Br > Romania]
I hope you`ve enjoyed this!
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