Requiem - Avenging Angel

Requiem - Avenging Angel

08.10.2013 22:02:25
This FAQ is a work in progress. If you know of something relating to
this game that I haven't entered, email me at and
I'll put it in and credit you with the snippet. If you just want to
make a comment/snide remark, email me. This is my first FAQ and I
want it to be a good one. Suggestions are always welcome.
Requiem: Avenging Angel FAQ
Ver. 0.777-->the Neighbour of the Lord
By Andy Nagel (
Copyright Andy Nagel, 1999
REQUIEM: Avenging Angel is copyright 1999 by 3DO and Cyclone Studios.
All names and weapons and otherwise trademarked stuff in this FAQ are
their intellectual property.
This FAQ may be distributed freely if and only if it has not been
altered in any way.
This FAQ may also be found at
Version History:
0.666 - First attempt at writing this FAQ. Only shown to a few
people. Was not by any means complete.

0.668 - First officially published FAQ. Contained info on
weapons, characters, and powers.

0.777 - Added Essence Costs for some powers
- Added Some Boss Strategies
- Added some notes on CSTIME and CSHALT
- Added some new Stupid Angel Tricks
- Added a Resources/Inspiration appendix, containing what I
consider to be inspiring factors in the creation of this
- Re-did the whole Cheats section ala voodooextreme's.
Table of Contents:

NOTE: an * means that this section has been updated from the previous


2.0 CHARACTERS (spoiler-free)









From the manual:
The Lord looked upon what He had wrought, and saw that His
creation was good. And yet...

And yet, the Host of Heaven saw that the Lord was
dissatisfied. This grand experiment housed not all He
would have wished. The angels looked down, and saw that
His experiment as fraught with greed, corruption, and
stupidity. The "noble beast" with which the Lord had
populated the planet was caught in a degrading spiral of
covetousness; ever wanting that which their creator would
not--indeed, could not--grace them.

And so, the Host of Heaven began to plot. This
dissatisfaction that the angels sensed within the Lord
split them into factions. While some would look to the
wisdom of the Lord for guidance and reassurance, others
would presume to interpret His desires...

The time, reckoned in human years, is midway through the
21st century. Humankind stands poised on the brink of
intergalactic exploration and travel. An interstellar
ship, Leviathan, nears completion. With its launch,
humanity will spread itself among the stars, and the
heavens themselves will be within the grasp of this
"misguided" race.

Without the Lord's consent, certain angels among the Host
have taken it upon themselves to bring about the end of
human life. In the process of executing this goal, they
have become dark, sadistic, and power-mad. They have
become the Fallen.

Not long ago, the Fallen, led by a desperate angel named
Lilith, descended to Creation through the netherworld of
Chaos, and cloaked themselves in human form. Though they
are not almighty, they still possess heavenly powers.
have used these powers to take over the will of an entire
government and its army of soldiers. These possessed
leaders and their armies do the Fallen's bidding, without
any awareness that they have been overtaken.

The Fallen ready themselves for the end of the world.

Armageddon lies close at hand.

But the Fallen are not without opposition. You are
Malachi, one of the Lord's chosen. You must travel to
Earth to stop the Fallen from succeeding in their
destructive quest. If you cannot stop what the fallen are
attempting, the Lord will have no choice but to instigate
Armageddon Himself, thus fulfilling the plan of the
Fallen. You must not allow that to happen.

The path from Heaven to Earth is treacherous, however, you
must travel through the realm of Chaos before arriving
upon Earth. This passage is one of the most difficult for
any angel to make, for you will arrive in Chaos stripped
of most of your angelic powers. You must build your
reserves for the battle ahead, for only you can offer hope
for Creation.



- You're an angel. With guns. Big guns.
- You're an angel. With powers. Cool powers. Lotsa powers.
- The system requirements are lower than most new FPS games.
The system req's on the box are "Pentium 166 (200
recommended), 32 megs RAM, 4x CD-ROM, and 116 megs HD space
(275 recommended)." And of course, a 3D accelerator card
(preferably with 3dfx support).
- Smooth engine (compared to Q2, the LithTech engine, and
- Detailed engine. (Faces are clearer than Q2, walls more
legible than Q2 and LithTech)
- Intriguing plotline.
- Detailed Gothic game world
- Cool Angelic powers.
- Cheesy voice acting (for you Resident Evil freaks :)
- Freaky-ass monsters.
- $20 rebate (for us canadians, that's about $30). 'nuff said.
And that's only single-player mode. Anyone want to
gush about multiplayer?

2.0CHARACTERS (spoiler-free)

MALACHI: Mal is your typical Biblical angel, except for the
fact that he's exchanged his flaming sword for an assault
rifle, curses ("Jesus Christ!" "They don't even f---ing
work.") and probably gets the girl in the end. (Actually, he
doesn't. Wow.) He's also your typical FPS protagonist who can
carry seven weapons and ammo and not slow down one bit. He's
cool, but not as cool as Duke Nukem, or BLOOD's Caleb.

LILITH: Leader of the Fallen on Creation (Earth). A demoness
with alabaster skin, blood red nipples, and an abhorrence for
clothing and Malachi. Not someone with whom you would want to

LUCIFER: The angel who instigated the schism and leader of the
Fallen. More commonly known as Satan and The Devil. Likes:
Demonic laughter, destroying humanity. Dislikes: Angels, God,

AARON: Your predecessor, sent to Creation to stop the Fallen.
He has gone missing. Part of your mission is to find out what
happened to him.

JONAH: Owner of Jonah's Bar. Your first contact in the

ELIJAH: (pronounced Eh-LEE-jah.): A member of the rebellion,
and more than likely your romantic interest(ew. Last time
angels had "romantic interests" they made giants named
Nephilim. Check it out in Genesis 6.)

LEADER (actual name unknown): The Leader of the Resistance
(duh.) He's the guy who sends you out on missions. Killing
him is a bad thing.

(more to come.)


2.1.1HUMAN FOES (under the control of the Fallen):
[next update: AI info]

NOTES ON HUMAN FOES: These guys apparently went to the
BLOOD/BLOOD II school of firearms. On Purgatory
difficulty setting, their aim is practically flawless. If
you're visible for more than half a second, you'll be

LIGHT SOLDIER: "Armed with assault rifles, pistols and
grenades, these soldiers are found on the streets of New
Damascus, where they are able to harass and shoot
civilians with impunity. Their main functions are to
patrol the streets, enforcing curfew, and round up the
bodies of those who defy the curfew. In many areas,
though, they won't attack unless provoked."

COMMENTS: A shot or two to the head with the pistol or
assault gun is enough to bring these guys down.

POLICE/PRISON GUARD: "Found in the prison, these security
guards ruthlessly torture rebels and innocents alike.
They react to any breach in security with prejudicial
force. Their black and silver uniforms were specifically
designed to subliminally provoke fear in their victims."

COMMENTS: "Subliminally provoke fear"??? Uniform be
damned, I'd be scared of the big-ass gun he's got! Again,
dispatch the bastich with a few shots to the head.

LEVIATHAN SECURITY: "As the security force on the
Leviathan, these elite troops are dressed in the blue and
gold livery of the world government force. They patrol
the colony ship with heavy weapons and a sharp eye for
trouble, and are assisted by the cyborgs known as

COMMENTS: Three guesses as to how to kill them.

MEDIUM ARMORED SOLDIER: "Covered in body armour with a
drop-visor helmet, the Medium Soldier can take quite a
beating. Equipped with a variety of weapons, this type of
soldier can dish out a punishment worthy of the third
level of Hell."

COMMENTS: 3rd level of Hell? I dunno... the 3rd level's
pretty tough. I've had to re-load my saved game seven
times before getting through the first two rooms.
Anyways, these guys are much tougher than the light
soldiers. Their bodies are heavily armoured, so one or
two shots to the head won't cut it. Try a dozen or so.

HEAVY ARMORED SOLDIER: "This soldier wears something
similar to a Power Suit and is practically immune to
bullets. The arsenal of weapons contained in the arms of
his suit is surprisingly large, and often lethal. Heavy
Armoured Soldiers have been known to quell sector riots by
their mere appearance."

COMMENTS: I want one of these for my birthday!!! The
assault rifle, pistol, and shotgun are pretty much useless
against this machine. Try a grenade, rocket, or otherwise
throw the fear of God into them with a charged Pentecost
or something.

2.1.2MECHS (Mechanised foes)

MANDROID: "A heavy, lumbering cyborgs, the Mandroid was
originally designed to perform ore extraction work on
distant colony worlds for the travellers aboard Leviathan.
Its chaingun was intended for keeping native fauna at bay
within the mining tunnels, while its pick was more suited
to the intensive demand of extracting ore from rock."

COMMENTS: With a big-ass gun on it's arm, you have to
wonder what kind of fauna were in those ore mines. Vorpal
Rabbits, maybe? Mandroids are impervious to bullets.
You'll have to use heavy weapons and angelic powers to
defeat them. I prefer Pentecost (3 charged blasts) or
Rockets. Be careful, tho. A Mandroid's gun'll chop you
into little bits if you stand still in it's sights too

CYBERFIEND: "Designed for the intricacies of ore
extraction, Cyberfiends are adroid, agile cyborgs. They
are deadly, even without projectiles."

COMMENTS: A swipe from their claws will take off a LARGE
chunk of your health. A few shotgun blasts will make
quick work of them, tho. Why do all the ore-extraction
bots have to look so damn EVIL?

PEACEMAKER: "Quicker than the Mandroid, but slower than
the Cyberfiend, the Peacemaker can shoot lasers out of its
head an swing its spiked tail for more intimate attacks.
The Peacemaker was cobbled together by the Fallen fro
spare parts. They are a completely malevolent design."

COMMENTS: Malevolent? I think it looks like a cute
little puppy-dog. :) Again, shotgun blasts and heavy
weapons ought to knock these guys off their feet.

ADVANCED MANDROID: "Once manned with a pilot, the
Advanced Mandroid now attacks mindlessly but with an
intensified purpose. The AM's with their twin chainguns
and heavy lifting capacity, were to be used by the
Leviathan colonists for base security and construction.

COMMENTS: How the hell can you construct anything with
gatling guns for arms??


NOTE: Most demons are more susceptible to angelic powers
than mundane weapons. Probably because they're more
"angelic" than mundane.

XAPHAN (Zay-FAN) (AKA Demon-Rat): "Xaphan was the angel
sent by the Lord to look after Adam and Eve in the Garden
of Eden, when Lucifer attempted to rebel against Heaven,
it was Xaphan who suggested that Heaven should be set
ablaze. Upon Lucifer's fall from grace, the Lord rent
Xaphan asunder, splitting him into many smaller, less
powerful creatures. These blind demons are now scavengers
of Chaos and Hell, and can only sense your presence by

COMMENTS: Well, by smell AND by hearing. These guys are
fun to watch. When I got to the sewer level of the demo,
I tried playing through it without killing a single
Xaphan. So, by the time I found the exit, there was a
whole horde of these little buggers following me, jaws
slathering and drooling. Heh. Then I turned around and
Pentecosted their asses back to hell. A shotgun blast
each also does the trick.

PITKIS (AKA Demon-Fish): "The Pitkis, created by Lucifer
to torment the souls of the violent within the river
Phlegethon, were only familiar with swimming through
blood. Until now."

COMMENTS: Every FPS needs bad fishies in their waters.
You get to fight bad DEMON fishies.

FLYING KYNTHRA (KIN-thra): "The insects of other realms,
the Kynthra attack with their claws up close but can also
shoot stingers out of their tails."

COMMENTS: I wonder if they're related to the Mynocks in
Jedi Knight? These buggers dart around quick. Assault
guns don't really work on them. Shotguns do, tho. Better
than a can of Raid any day

ZAEBOS (ZAY-bows): "Minor demons, the Zaebos serve as
lieutenants to Belial within the seventh level of Hell.
Armored with a reptilian shell, the Zaebos leap great
distances and slash with their scythe-like claws."

COMMENTS: These guys jump far. And once they touch you,
you lose a whole LOTTA health.

XAMUL (zah-MOOL): "Found in the depths of Chaos and
demon-dwelling areas of New Damascus, these rabid canines
inflict deadly bites with their razor-sharp teeth."

COMMENTS: Coming soon. Haven't encountered them yet.


"Hakael" Handgun: "Similar in look and feel to a
present-day 9mm pistol, this handgun has a user interface
that is so simple, even a child could use it. Many do.
It packs only a small amount of punch, but is useful for
those "light" days, when a heavier gun just feels like
"too much."

COMMENTS: The pea-shooter of the game. It does little
damage, and has a slow rate of fire (maybe 1.25 shots a
second). It is good for shooting out windows and gratings

"Azazel" Assault Rifle: "The Azazel gets its name from
its ability to deliver rounds with demonic speed.
Although the individual rounds do only light damage, a
sustained stream of fire will decimate most enemies within

COMMENTS: Remember the good ol' days of DOOM where you
could fire a chaingun and NOT have the screen dance and
bounce in front of you? Well, they're back. With the new
Azazel you can go through 50-100 rounds a second and not
have to worry about losing your aim. Don't know why, tho.
Probably has gas-vent recoil compensation up the wazoo.
It's also really good for tearing a slice out of any bad
guys you may encounter.

"Trinity" Combat Shotgun: "This triple-barrel shotgun
contains enough punch to rip through light armour with
ease. 67.8% of all common street thugs agree that its
slow reload rate is a serious design flaw, even in light
of the fact that 44.3% of all statistics are made up on
the spot."

COMMENT: Oh, great. Now the MANUAL's cracking jokes.
Yeah, the slow reload rate -is- a serious design flaw.
The gun's spread isn't that good, either. Even worse than
the popular DOOM shotgun. I tend to not use this gun
except when wanting to conserve assault rifle ammo, or
pinging off Kynthras.

"Beelzebomb" Grenade Launcher: "Though difficult to aim,
the Beelzebomb can inflict massive radial damage.
Grenades explode on contact with an enemy, or within three
seconds of exiting the gun's barrel. This is the weapon
of choice for those difficult "indirect" shots. The
reload rate is fairly fast, given the size of the

COMMENT: Ever since QUAKE came out, every FPS has got to
have a grenade-launcher. The Beelzebomb is not really
different than QUAKE's, tho the grenades are heavier and
don't bounce nearly as much.

"Murmur" Missile Launcher: "This behemoth fires
line-of-sight projectiles which explode, causing blast
damage to anyone standing nearby. Production of it was
ceased following a number of accidents that resulted in
the deaths of both its targets and its careless users.
Though it fires at a slow rate, the damage it can inflict
is impressive."

COMMENT: I gather this gun's nickname comes from the fact
that it's quiet compared to most other Rocket Launchers.
Like the Azazel, it has no recoil, so you can aim easy
after each shot. Really good for those big honkin'
baddies in the Armored suits and for taking out hordes of
soldiers at once.

"Senciner" Sniper Rifle: "Capable of long-range fire and
sighting, this rifle allows you to take out enemies long
before you get within their visual range. If you hold
down the fire button, the sight pops up, allowing
precision aiming; when you release it, the gun will fire.
The damage potential of the Senciner is extreme, and its
sleek design has made it a favourite among sportsmen and
assassins alike."

COMMENT: I've never found much use for sniper rifles in
single-player FPSes. It's also true for this one.
There are usually too many bad guys around firing at you
for you to concentrate on pinging off even one of them.
And if you DO get a shot off, it's usually not enough to
kill the sucker. Now, that's not to say that this gun
isn't a lotta fun in multiplayer, but I've never played
multiplayer REQUIEM, so I wouldn't know. Anyone care to
enlighten me?

"Revelations" Railgun: "Firing small steel flechettes,
the railgun accelerates each round to a velocity well in
excess of 17,000 miles per second. Because of this
tremendous muzzle velocity (which would cause the bullet
to escape Earth's gravitational hold), most enemies simply
explode when hit. When the technology was first
developed, the planetary government used it to annihilate
malfunctioning spacecraft.

COMMENT: Malfunctioning spacecraft. Right. I'd love to
see what kind of Black Ops this puppy was used in. It
-is- a sweet gun, though. One shot DOES annihilate any
foot soldier or non-boss demon. However, ammo is really
hard to come by, so it must be conserved.



EXORCISE: "But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the
boy and gave him back to his father. And they were all
amazed at the greatness of God." --Luke 9:42b-43.

COST: 4 Essence per shot.

COMMENTS: Exorcist is much like the pistol. Not really
good for anything except to knock out windows and
gratings. It also can be used to push enemies back over
an edge.

PENTECOST: "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire
that separated and came to rest on them." --Acts 2:3

COST: 18 Essence, chargeable up to 50.

COMMENTS: When I first noticed the power's name I thought
"Oh great. A power that makes people speak in tongues."
In fact, this is one of the most diverse powers in your
arsenal. It's more powerful than Exorcise, for one. It
can also be charged up to 50 Essence to release a powerful
blast that will gibbify any soldiers in it's path. If it
gibs a baddie, it continues on at reduced power towards
its destination. There also appears to be a certain field
of effect that is bigger than the actual "ball."

While I use this power most of all the offensive powers,
there is one problem--it does tend to gib a lot of
enemies. Normally, that's not a bad thing; the more gibs,
the better. But in this game, you don't necessarily want
to turn a potential ally/host into sludge. (see POSESSION

Also note that Pentecost has electrical properties...
shooting it in water will damage you.

In a multi-player game, the charge-up option is not

BRIMSTONE: "On the wicked He will rain coals of fire and
brimstone, and an horrible tempest, a scorching wind shall
be the portion of their cup."

COMMENTS: Mmmm... sulfur. Just like mommy used to make.
A more powerful version of Exorcise, but not chargeable
like Pentecost. It does, however, have a faster rate of
fire than Pentecost. Brimstone's good against quite a lot
of demons.

BLOODBOIL: "His blood did boil in his veins, and he cursed
the name of the Lord, and died."

COMMENTS: The visuals for this power are... interesting.
Just walk up to a bad guy, activate the power, and watch
his body quiver and quake, lances of blood shooting out.
My main gripe with this power is that it has a range of
only a few meters. You have to be pretty darn close to a
person to use this, and that's not an easy task unless you
want to use WARP TIME or HASTE. Still, it's good for a

LIGHTNING: "From the throne came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, and peals of thunder." --Revelation 4:5

COMMENTS: Much like Pentecost, except with shorter range.
I didn't use this power much (except for the Chaos level).

LOCUSTS: "Stretch out your hand... so that locusts will
swarm... and devour everything..." --Exodus 10:12

COST: 25 per wave of hand.

COMMENTS: With a wave of your hand, a swarm of locusts
attacks the enemy in your crosshair, nipping and biting at
it until the victim dies. Useful for when you need a full

TO SALT: "But Lot's wife looked back from behind him and
she became a pillar of salt." --Genesis 19:26

COST: 50 Essence per salt shaker.

COMMENTS: With a high essence cost, and a slow reload
rate, this power is only useful if you want to see a cool
death with no fuss and no muss. Slowly, the victim's body
will turn to salt, and the air currents in the area will
blow an arm, leg, torso away. Pretty good if you don't
want to alert anyone to your presence.

APOCALYPSE: "I am the a-POC-alypse!" --Apocalypse, Various
Capcom/Marvel fighters. (Sorry. Had to put that in there.)

COMMENTS: BFG ex Deus. When you activate this power, a
ball of yellow dots appear, with all the dots converging
on each other. You now have 5 seconds to get the hell
(heh.) outta dodge. Once the sphere coalesces, a large
explosion takes place, hopefully destroying everything in
the near vicinity.


HEAL: "I am the Lord that healeth thee."

COMMENTS: 10 Essence for 5 health? I think not.
However, if you're really strapped for life, hide behind a
corner and pump up on this power. It'll take a few
minutes, but fortunately, there's no time limit in the

DEFLECT: "Behold! The arrows of the Philistines harm him

COST: 30 Essence for 1 second

COMMENTS: When activated, you are surrounded by a purple
nimbus that protects you for 1 second, acting as a
shield. Not very useful, difficult to use in the midst of
a heated firefight.

HOLY LIGHT: "The Light of the Lord is upon you, yet do
thieves sulk in the shadows."

COST: 5 Essence per Second

COMMENTS: This just surrounds the area with light so you
can see better, and so your enemies can spot you better.

BANISH: "The demons were cast into the abyss, never to
see creation again; the angels then rejoiced in Heaven."

COST: 50 Essence per shot.

COMMENTS: This power is only effective against Demons.
It paralyses them for a number of seconds, making them
nice, easy targets for your nice, big guns.

SHOCKWAVE: "They fell to the ground and could not arise.
Such is the power of the Lord."

COMMENTS: Okay, whom among you have played Half-Life?
Wow, that's a lot. Okay, you know those little doggy
aliens? You know how they make that funky noise right
before sending out a big circular blast that hurts you if
you're caught in it. Yep. Malachi does that, too.
Except he's not a little dog-alien. And he doesn't make
that noise. He's a good singer, you know.


HASTE: "Thou shalt be of the winds, north, south, east
and west shall be known unto thee."

COST: 25 Essence for 10 seconds

COMMENTS: Hey, look! It's Force Speed from Jedi Knight!

FLIGHT: "And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he
was seen upon the wings of the wind."

COMMENTS: Hey, look! It's Force Jump from Jedi Knight!

WARP TIME: "And the Lord said, I will certainly return
unto thee according to the time of life."

COMMENTS: This is cool. You've probably heard this
comparison thousands of times.... so once more won't hurt.
The MATRIX. The Lobby Gunfight Scene (tm). There, I said
it. When you activate this power, the screen takes a
purplish tint and everyone moves slower than you. You
still move at a relatively normal speed. This makes for
some really fun moments; dodging bullets and such.


HEAL OTHER: "And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying, Heal
her now, O God, I beseech thee."

COMMENTS: A purely ornamental power, it's only REALLY used
ONCE (see Spoilers, below).

INSIST: "And the truth of the Lord did come upon him all
at once, and he fought on the side of the Lord."

COST: 25 Essence per use.

COMMENTS: Instead of shooting the baddie, why not make
him fight for you? Only one baddie can be Insisted, and
the baddie has to be human. While Insisted, the baddie
follows you and attacks anyone that attacks you or him.
If you push against your Insisted comrade, he'll walk
forward in the direction you nudged him.

This power is not used in multiplayer. That'd just be too

RESURRECT: "Not yet. Come back. C'mon. C'mon. That's
it..." --Gabriel, _The Prophecy_

COMMENTS: Oooookay, instead of Insisting that the Heavy
Armour guy join you, you shot him. With a rocket
launcher. Luckily he's all in one piece. Resurrect him,
and boom. Instant ally. Resurrected people act like
Insisted, but you can have more than one following you
(imagine the possibilities!) Also, if a Resurrected
baddie gets killed again, it cannot be re-resurrected.

This power is not available in multiplayer. I mean, what
would be the point? You re-spawn automatically after you
die anyways, and WHY would you want to work for the guy
who killed you, anyways?

POSSESS: "The angel lies within thee, and ye shall know
the power of the Lord."

COMMENTS: Heh. I love this power. I'll tell you why
later. As you activate this power, your Spirit leaves
your mortal body, and the screen takes on a pink/purpleish
shade. You have a few seconds to find another body to
inhabit. When hop into the body, you gain it's weapon and
the ability to sneak past unnoticed (you're in a baddie's
body, after all). After a few seconds of possession, the
baddie's body dies normally, and your mortal body is there
again, taking it's place.

I think it was a good idea that 3DO decided that this
power should not be available in multiplayer, don't you?


The bosses in REQUIEM are TOUGH. In future updates, I
will give tips on how to kill them without using cheat

NOTE: If you're running ver. 1.0, you can't really tell
if you're damaging the Bosses. It's highly recommended
that you download the 1.2 patch, which makes the Boss
flash red whenever they get damaged.

THE GERYON: The first Boss level that Lilith sends you to
is a shallow pit in Chaos inhabited by a pair of Geryon.
The Geryon have two attacks: Their hand-to-hand (or
claw-to-hand) and their lightning attacks. The lightning
moves slow enough for you to easily dodge.

Conventional weapons won't work on them. If you launch a
grenade at them, an invisible field (Possible AT Field for
all you Evangelion fans) deflects it. The trick to
beating these ugly SOBs is to use your Banish power on
them, rendering them immobile for a few seconds, then lob
some grenades at them. While under "banishment", their AT
Fields are innefective. Just make sure that you're out of
the blast radius.

You can also use Pentecost while the Geryon are
Banished... but I find grenades do a much better job.

TRYXINOS: This guy has two main attacks: An itty-bitty
fireball attack, and a shockwave attack. Of course, you
know well enough to keep away from him when he uses these
attacks, don't you? Goooood.

Tryxie tends to jump around a lot like a little puppy dog
who's happy to see you. Well, actually, he's not little..
and he's not happy to see you. Because he jumps around a
lot, it's a good idea to slow him down before attacking
him. To do this, use either BANISH or TURN TO SALT.
BANISH will stop him in his tracks for a few seconds,
while SALT slows him down. While he's vulnerable, send a
few grenades his way. All in all, he's not that difficult
to beat.

LILITH: Okay, you're halfway into the game and then they
throw the apparent main villian against you? Hmmmm...

Lilith, being an archdemon, has a whole host of powers
making her much more powerful and difficult that the
weenie demon hordes. She can send out 3 Pentecosts at
once, bursts of lightning, and reflective lances of light.
She can also summon Demon-Dogs and Zaebos.

Lilith's a bit tricky than the other Bosses. Secular
weapons won't work against her at all; she just laughs and
shrugs them off. Also, you can't attack her at all from
within the four pillars in the center of the room, as the
projectile will simply veer off to the side. What you
have to do is this:

there, you're as good as dead, plus it's much easier for
Lilith to hit you with her weapons.

at her. If she laughs at you, then back off. Dodge her
attacks, then try again.

3) PICK AND CHOOSE. If your attack succeeds, Lilith will
split into two identical versions of herself (oo. the
POSSIBILITIES!) and attack. Choose one, and attack it.
If she flashes red, keep attacking her until she merges
back into her single form. If you picked the wrong one,
quickly turn around and shoot at the other Lilith. If
you're lucky, you'll get a few shots on her. If not, then
you'll have to wait.

4) DEAL WITH HER FRIENDS. After a few shots like 3),
Lilith will summon some hellspawn to wear you down. The
first time, she brings forth a half-dozen Demon-Dogs. The
second and third times, a pair of Zaebos. The last two
times, she'll bring in 2 or 3 more Demon-Dogs. Dispatch
them like you would normally. Lilith won't attack you.



Yeah, all FPSs need these things, and Cyclone put the
standard ones in...

These codes were shamelessly cut'n'pasted from Don't worry, I got their

Function key toggling is enabled with CSMILTON entered in the
Fn Key Console Command Description
F1 CSYHWH Toggles God mode -- an abbreviation for Yahweh.
F2 CSHOST Toggles flight mode - use the jump and crouch keys
to move up and down.
F3 CSHALT Toggles the freezing of all entities.
F4 Turns off the effects of F1, F2, and F3.
F6 CSPORTAL Shows the portals in the game.
F7 CSVANISH Kills all entities in the current JAM.
F8 CSWIRE Shows the wireframe around all architecture polygons

F9 CSSTIGMATA Give all guns, ammo, powers, items, health, and
F11 CSBACK Restart the level.
CSGO n Jumps to the indicated start point within the JAM. '1'
is the first.
CSGO x y z Jumps to the given coordinate within the JAM.
CSHIDE Does nothing, but the text appears in the executable
and people may think it's a real cheat code.
CSTIME [n] Slows down the clock within the game. Player
movement is not affected, though. '100' is normal speed. 200
is the maximum. If no value is given, the clock returns to
its normal speed.
CSMAPPER [f] Toggles the in-game "auto map". The optional
argument is a floating point number that scales the map as a

CSMAPPER[n] Note, there's no space between the integer and
the code. 0 is don't show, 1 is map only, >=2 is map &
CSGUNS Gives all weapons.
CSAMMO Gives all ammunition.
CSROSARY Gives all angelic powers.
CSESSENCE Sets the player's maximum and current essence to
CSHEALTH Sets the player's maximum and current health to 200.

CSSHROUD Sets the player's maximum and current armor to 200.

CSITEMS Gives all plot items.
CSMILTON Enables the function keys as cheat keys.
CSTOURIST Toggles enhanced speed being on permanently.
CSAO n Adds the numbered objective to the player journal.
CSEO n "Ends" the numbered objective from the player journal.
CSRO Resets the player journal.
CSTIMEOUTS Multiplayer - allows non-active players to be
removed if more than 120 seconds have passed since the last
CSNOTIMEOUTS Multiplayer - does not allow inactive players to
be automatically removed.
CSVERBOSE Weapons are "explained" during the game.
CSBLAH Prints a test message on the HUD.
CSCLIPMOUSE Causes the mouse cursor to be clipped to the
window. Only useful if running in windowed mode.
CSUNSQUEEZE Multiplayer debugging tools.
CS3DNOW!OFF 3DFx version only, forces the game to not use
AMD's 3DNow! technology.
CS3DNOW!ON 3DFx version only, forces the game to use AMD's
3DNow! technology if it's available.
They play various lines of dialogue from the game.
-DEBUG Causes certain debug information to appear at the top
of the screen.
-MPQUERY Displays certain information about multiplayer game.

-EDKEYS Causes the original Requiem editor key bindings to be

-FOV[n] 'n' is an optional integer. (Note, there's no space
between the two.) If present, the "Field Of View" will be
set to the given value. (I don't think it's really a field of
view; it's more like the distance
between the eye and the viewing plane.) 120 is normal. If no
number is given, the current value of the field of view is
-CAMERA Toggles the HUD text from appearing when the HUD is in
"hide mode". Maximizing the screen to the fullest using the
'+' key puts the HUD in "hide mode".
-CALCFPS Toggles calculations of the frame rate to be on or
off. Whenever it's turned on, the history is cleared.
-SHOWFPS Simply displays the current frame rate. It has no
effect on whether or not the values are calculated nor does it
affect the update frequency.
-RUN [0,1] Running always on? 0 == no, 1 == yes
-LOOK [0,1] Free look?
-INVERT [0,1] Inverted mouse during free look?
-CENTER [0,1] Does nothing, but the text appears within the
-XHAIR [0,1] Crosshair?
-TEXT [0,1] Display dialogue text?
-SHADOWS [0,1] Shadows?
-HIDEGUN [0,1] Gun hidden?
-SFX [0,1] I don't think this does anything, but I'm not 100%
-STEPS [0,1] Foot steps?
-RES [+,-,0-9] Report, adjust, or set the current screen
-MOUSE [f] Sets the mouse's sensitivity using a floating point
number between 0.0 and 100.0. 100.0 is very fast, 20.0 is
quite slow. 50.0 is normal.
-INTENSITY [f] Sets the brightness/gamma of the game. The
default is 50.0.
-SOUND [f] Sets the "regular" volume control. Default is
-DIALOG [f] Sets the dialogue volume control. Default 100.0.

-MUSIC [f] Sets the background / CD music volume. Default is
CSMAP mapname Jumps to the "1st entry point" of the given
level/map/JAM. This is not necessarily the same place that
would be entered by normally playing the game.


*to be added*

Here's a few nifty things I discovered while playing the


Pentecost may seem like a cool power at first. With a
well-placed shot, you can take out 3 or 4 baddies.
However, when a charged bolt hits a baddie, it tends to
gibbify the poor wretch, rendering him unable to be


Again with the MATRIX. I still think Warp Time is a cool
power. It'd be better if it lasted longer, tho. Anyways,
if you're lucky enough to have the MATRIX soundtrack, pop
it in after you start up REQUIEM and select song 2
*console command?* Boom. Instant LGS.


There's no limit to the number of people you can
Resurrect. I once had a small army of 10 armor-clad guys
following me around, drawing fire off me. It's such a
good feeling, having the Lord's own creatures do my
fighting for me. Just be careful, tho... if you make too
many followers, you're bound to get stuck. Raising people
from the dead apparently gives them a poor AI.

FUN WITH POSESSION PART I: "Heh. Killed the bastard."

La la la... walking around. Opening a door. Buncha
baddies, guns pointing to me. Bullets flying out of their
barrels, and I fly out of my skin into the closest gunner.
As I enter his skin, my eyes become his eyes and I see my
body fall, lifeless to the ground. The guards, thinking
they've killed me, return to their duties... not knowing
the traitor in their midst.


As above... but I walk a mile in the man's shoes before I
hide behind some crates and let the flesh die. When I
emerge from his skin (not even a stain of blood on
me--that's how cool I am) I walk on until I see the next
guard, hop out of my body, and into his.

If you do this right, and have the patience, and don't
mind NOT killing a lot of people, you can finish an entire
level this way.

FUN WITH POSESSION PART III: "I'm invincible!" "You're a

While possessing a body, any attacks on the body do
absolutely NO damage. The body dies only after the
possession time limit is reached! Possession is, in
essence, an invulnerability spell-thingy!

But, when in a possessed body, you gain access to his
weapon, and the bullets from a baddie's gun move much
slower than the gun that you carry as Malachi. Malachi's
bullets are instantaneous (ala DOOM and QUAKE's shotguns),
while the baddie's bullets are actually entities that take
time to travel from point a to b. Keep that in mind when

THE MATRIX: "What do you need? Besides a miracle."
"Guns. Lots of guns."

Yeah, you've heard me gush over and over about the MATRIX
and how Warp Time makes the game play like that Lobby
Gunfight Scene (tm). But unfortunately, Warp Time only
lasts for two to three seconds. If you want to play the
entire game in slo-mo, enter the cheat code CSTIME 40.
Enemy animations are slower, bullets are visible (!) but
you still move the same speed. Your ROF is slowed
accordingly, tho, and doors open a bit slower as well.

For increased MATRIXosity, pop in your MATRIX soundtrack
and switch to track 2 (wish I knew the console command),
and shoot to your heart's content.

The best area to do this is in the reception area of the
Paradise hotel. One big square desk in the center, and
lots of pillars to hide behind. Actually makes you feel
like you're somewhat in the movie... well, except that you
only carry one gun at a time, have angelic powers, and
don't wear a trenchcoat.

God, I want alternate skins for this game!


Since REQUIEM is a game based on biblical themes, I plan
on putting the similarities/dissimilarities between the
game world in REQUIEM and the world presented in the Bible
and traditional (read: Judeo-Christian) interpretations of
the Bible. Currently, I just have a brief synopsis of
each issue. *In future editions of this FAQ, I will cite

The War in Heaven

In the Bible, the great War took place either before, or
some period immediately after the creation of the
Universe. Satan (literally "Adversary" in Hebrew), for
whatever reason, rebelled against God and took one third
of the Host with him. Since then they have made it their
business to keep God and humanity separated by sin,
hatred, anger, science, etc...

In REQUIEM, the War happened a few years ago, and it seems
to have affected a majority of the Host, not a minority.


Lilith is never mentioned in the Bible. She is first
"seen" in Midrashic liturature (a Midrash is akin to a
modern day "commentary" on a book of the Bible) as a
night-demon. Legend says that when God first created Man,
he created a Woman for him. This woman was Lilith.
Unlike Eve, she was created from clay, like Adam was.
However, Lilith wouldn't subject to Adam's authority, and
was cast out of Eden. Cast out, she became a demon that
preyed upon babies, killing them while they slept (SIDS?)
Other legends say that Lilith was Cain's wife. Lilith is
said to be extremely beautiful.

In REQUIEM, Lilith is butt-ugly.

A lot of names in REQUIEM are taken directly from the

Malachi: A minor Old Testament prophet.

Judith: A character in the Old Testament.

Elijah: An important Old Testament figure. Called down
fire from Heaven to consume a bunch of Baal's priests.
Commonly pronounced "ee-LIE-jah." In the game, it's
pronounced "eh-LEE-jah."

Jonah: Duh. Jonah and the whale? Anyone remember that
story from Sunday School?

Aaron: In Exodus and Numbers, Aaron was an aide to Moses
and Joshua during the conquest of Caanan.

Leviathan: A large sea-monster. Many scholars consider
it to be a dinosaur.

"Azazel" (your assault rifle) In some Jewish texts,
Azazel is a head demon.

Pentecost: The occasion marking the true birth of the New
Testament church, tongues of flame alighted on the
disciples heads and they began to speak other languages.

In the game, Pentecost is a way cool, destructive power.

As you enter Chaos, a series of walls flies encircle you.
The Latin on the walls read: "Et Septum Angeli Qui
Habebant Septem Tubas Paraverunt Se Et Tuba Camerent"
Latin Translation?


"The Prophecy/God's Army" While extremely far from
Biblical accounts, this is one of the best depictions of a
War in Heaven I've ever seen. Christopher Walken plays
the Archangel Gabriel who leads a second rebellion in
Heaven because he can't accept the fact that God has
granted salvation to a bunch of sinful, talking monkeys.

I noticed that Malachi has black fingernails, and in the
Prophecy, Lucifer had black nails. In the lackluster
sequel, all the angels except Gabe have black fingernails.

I'd love to see a mod or something that uses voice samples
from the Prophecy to replace Malachi's voice. At least
this would give him some sort of personality.

In Nomine: The Roleplaying Game. One of the more
interesting RPGs out there, IN is about the war between
Angels and Demons. Players can either be Angelic or
Diabolical, and the game world addresses certain issues
about spirituality and such. A must read for anyone
interested in "spiritual warfare".

"This Present Darkness" by Frank Peretti. An interesting
look at spiritual warfare, written by an evangelical
christian. I've only read a little bit of this, but I
found the concepts interesting.

THE MATRIX: 'nuff said.
This FAQ is a work in progress. If you know of something relating to
this game that I haven't entered, email me at and
I'll put it in and credit you with the snippet. If you just want to
make a comment/snide remark, email me. This is my first FAQ and I
want it to be a good one. Suggestions are always welcome.

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