Realms of Arkania - Shadows over Riva

Realms of Arkania - Shadows over Riva

18.10.2013 03:21:06

Shadows over Riva


Assuming you can win all the battles, this walkthrough
leads you to a successful conclusion. I assume you are familiar
with the user interface and have a general knowledge of how to
open locked doors and chests. You will encounter many more combat
sequences than I mention. Be prepared for combat at every turn!
I only specify particular items that you must find to progress.
You will also find many more chests and booty than I mention.
I assume you will open every door and chest you can.

General Hints

Return to Riva at any time to sell/buy equipment
or use the services of a healer but be aware you may be captured
by guards later on.
If you need some spare cash, there are herbs
in the countryside outside Riva, which can be gathered and sold
in Riva.
If you have a weak party of characters you will
need to gain experience before you can tackle and win all the
combat sequences. In that case it is better to progress as far
as you can with each sub-plot. Return to the sub-plot when you
think you are able to continue. Save on entering every new area.
Perform the wand ritual at an inn so that you
have at least a constant light spell.
Mark exits on the map so you can easily find
your way in and out of areas.
Once you have befriended Ordo, his home is a
good place for a nutritious free meal and a night's sleep.

Getting started

Chat to the priestess at the Temple of Travia. Ask
her about Riva in particular. She advises you visit the priestess
at the temple of Firun.

Leave and turn right. Continue on until you reach
the house with the red light. Turn down the street to the left
and continue on past the bridge until you reach the Temple of
Firun on the right.

Enter the temple. The priestess will tell you about
a problem with the undead.

Leave and return nearly to the bridge. Turn left
and open the double doors to the cemetery.

Boron's Field

Find the hut in the south-east corner and visit the
servant. Leave and go to the three graves opposite the double
doors. Check out the middle grave and go down the ladder.

Explore the tomb thoroughly. Find the room
with dead man. Destroy the candles of the pentagram
on the floor. Find the room with the Servant of Boron. Find the
black key in a chest in the room with the bookcase. Return to
the gold amulet on the wall near the ladder. Remove it and you
will use the black key in the key hole. Go through the illusional
wall. I didn't find anything to do here. You can take the protective
amulets. Leave via the ladder.

Return to the servant's hut in the south east corner
and deal with the impostor! Leave via the double doors and return
right to the Temple of Firun.

Tell the priestess what you discovered. Leave.

Return to the bridge and go over it.

Exploring Riva

The first thing to do is sell some of your excess
equipment at the market to make some room in your inventory. Now
find the map maker located in the center of the city. Buy the

Now you can explore Riva much more easily. Visit
Quenya Stardust to find out what you need to treat diseases. Make
sure one of your characters is carrying all these herbs, then
(s)he can cure any other characters who fall ill.

The first order of business is to sort out that orc
problem at the mine. Find a city gate and leave the city.

The Dwarven Mine

Level 1

Head toward the mountain in the east. Go though the
rocky scree and examine the rock wall here. You will find a way
through the wall. Find the mine entrance. Explore the first level.

Find the barrel containing the dwarf and get the
key. Find the chest that the key will unlock and take the cross
spanner. Check out the west most bookcase in this room and use
the spanner. Go into the room behind the book case and explore
thoroughly. Open the chests and piece together the scraps. Continue
exploring and in another room read the history of the mine.

Level 2

Explore thoroughly. If you decide to investigate
the area where the orcs fell down, make sure you have a rope with
you. Fight the spiders then have the character with the rope climb
up the ramp. Check out of the seven dwarves trapped under the
rocks. Fight them and/or use a spell to banish their spirits.
Overpower the lone orc you find in the corridor and question him.
Fight the skeleton warrior. Don't enter the water and save
before approaching the pillars. When asked the five questions,
the answers are, in order: No, No, Yes, Yes and No.

Level 3

Follow the trapped tunnels to the three doors. The
letters on the walls of the tunnels spell out a word. Answer "Remission"
to get the doors to open. Return to the tunnel where there
is lichen growing on the wall. Check it out. Go up
the ramp, through the door and meet the demon. Use ignifaxus and
fulminictus spells to kill the demon. Battle Manresh the orc and
when he is dead watch the worm leave his skull. Go to the lectern
and take the book. Use the destructo spell to magically destroy
the demon book.

Find your way back to the mine entrance and return
to Riva.

Stipen Hullheimer

Leave the city and find the magic college student
Stipen to the east of the city. Agree to help him. Look at the
first rhyme. It is referring to the two willow trees at the edge
of the water near the city wall. Go south west to the pair of
willow trees. When you reach them, blow Stipen's

Read the second rhyme. This is referring to a picture
on the city wall near the northern gate. Go north to the city
gate and look at the picture of the dragon on the wall.
It is left of the gate. Blow Stipen's horn.

Read the third rhyme. This is referring to a place
on the rock wall very close to the scree. Have your strongest
warrior pull the legs free. Fight the trapped warrior to free
him. Take the boots. Blow Stipen's horn.

Read the fourth rhyme. This is referring to the broken
down dock. Go south to the broken down dock. It is quite close
to the good dock. Blow Stipen's horn.

Read the second parchment in Stipen's inventory.
Return north east to the hut near where you first met Stipen.
Check out the logs. Stipen finds the ring and returns to the college.
Wait for Stipen to return. Be magnanimous and let him keep his
graduation gifts. He should let you have the most valuable item.
Return to Riva.

The Sewers

Go the Harbour Maid tavern to find Tarik. Talk to
Tarik extensively. When you can't talk to him any more go to his
house and interrogate him further. Find a sewer grating and enter
the sewers.

Explore the sewers thoroughly. You should briefly
meet the rat-catcher and watch a monster eating. Do not try to
open the trellis that leads to the castle. When you can't find
anything else to do here, return to the surface.

You should be lead to the scene of a murder. Ask
around for some more information. When the guards have left the
scene of the crime, return to the house and use the secret door.
As you explore, one of you characters will suggest you return
to the place you first saw the monster. Return to the surface
and find a sewer grating that enters the main area of the sewers.

Explore thoroughly again. You will find a bridge
that leads to a solid wall. You realize there must be an opening
here but you can not find how to activate it. Keep exploring and
you will find a new area. Here Mandara will join you. Return to
the bridge and Mandara will activate the opening. You immediately
encounter the guild members…who are hostile! Mandara reveals
her true identity and you escape from everyone back to the surface.

You now have plenty of topics to ask people about.
Visit the more significant places, particularly the temples and
find out as much as you can. Also try to talk to the inn keepers
and house occupants. Definitely visit the rat-catcher's
residence. It is the house at the north end of the bridge. Enter
the house and look around. Take the "ratdevice">strange
device then talk to the rat catcher.

The Guild

Eventually the guild will contact you and arrange
a meeting at the warehouse south of the Efferd Temple around midnight.
If you need to kill time until midnight,
rest at the Might Fortress Inn for a few hours.

Enter the warehouse and you will be taken by the
guild. They will instruct you to help them deal with the pirates.
All you have to do is find out the names of Adran Seahoff's contacts.
You find yourself in the sewers again. Find the nearest exit to
the surface and head for the bridge. Go over the bridge and find
the north most house along side the harbour. Wait for Adran Seahoff
then talk to him. Put the house under observation, watch and wait
until he leaves. You may have to wait some hours. Follow him when
he leaves. Prepare for combat! Break into the house he enters.
When you have won the fight you will find the document naming
the pirate conspirators.

Return to Tarik and hand over the pirate document.
Interrogate Tarik again. He has plenty of new information.

The Old Sewers

Put on the blue guild armbands and visit a temple.
Talk to the priest or priestess and you will gain access to the
old sewers. I found these sewers were a quicker way of getting
around Riva. So mark all the temple names on the map as you explore.
Explore thoroughly. Don't bother entering the water. When you
find the three holes, you will place the rat-catcher's device in
them. This will open up access to more of the old sewers. You
should find an entrance to the rat-catcher's house. Leave via
the Efferd Temple when you have the old sewers mapped and all
the exits marked.

The Sorcerer's Tower

Scout around the city above ground for a bit and
you should come across an angry mob attacking a Holberkian. Do
not attack the mob, just disperse them. You will take the Holberkian
home and meet his family. They want you to return the following
day. Build up your supplies as you are in for a tough and interesting

The next day, return to Ordo's
house in the Holberkian area. Haffel will ferry you to the island.
Head north then west then south to the tower, avoiding the swampy
areas where possible. Make you way round to the back of the tower
and open the door on the south wall. Go into the area with cages,
then reopen the door you just came through. Most of the dogs leave,
but you will have to kill some that have gone mad.

Open the inner door and you will encounter the steward.
Defeat the steward and you will enter the garden. Ignore the door
to the tower here. Part of the hedge to the south is an illusion
so walk through it to the other part of the garden. Go up to the
door to the tower and check it out. Investigate the locks and
open one lock with a spell, while picking the other.

You'll have to engage the magician in combat until
he disappears. Leave any equipment you won't need in the shelves
and coat rack here.

Level 1

Go through the door and explore the ground floor
thoroughly. Find a dog figurine and a key in a chest in the most
south-easterly room. Take them. Go to the door with the ornate
lock in the south-middle area of this floor. Use
the dog figurine in the lock.

At the winch, leave your weakest member of the team.
The rest of the team should go up the level 2.

Level 2

You have to fight the undead creatures for the eight
diamonds. You should end up with two red, two blue, two green
and two yellow diamonds. You should also find a horrible statue
that speaks the word "fire".

At the door leading north with the ornate lock use
a red then yellow diamond to open it. At the door leading west
with the ornate lock use a green then blue diamond to open it.
Through here you will find another horrible creature that speaks
the word "washes".

At the door leading north with the ornate lock use
a red then blue diamond to open it. Through here you will find
two more horrible statues that speak the words "blood"
and "cleans".

Go to the statue that asks you "What is the
truth?". Answer "blood washes fire cleans".

Now go up the steps to the door to level 3.

Level 3

When you feel a breeze, do not continue in that direction
or you will find the floor is an illusion and fall into the garden
below. Mark the breezes and rest areas on the map.

Find the bedroom and search the chest of drawers
for the two letters. Read the letters. At the picture that asks
"Who am I", answer "Borbarad". Go through
to the room with the statue of the wizard. First destroy the statue,
then open the chest. You need the allen key.

Don't use magic in the library or you won't be able
to leave.

When you have killed the magician and dog men, fetch
the vial from the dead wizard's pocket using the motoricus spell.

Go up the steps and through the door to level 4.

Level 4

Here you will have to defeat the magician once again!

Go up the steps and through the door to the north.
At the door that asks "What devours the one and warms the
other?", answer "flame". Surprise, surprise! Fire
elementals! Return to the main room via the green teleport.

Go up the steps and through the door to the west.
At the door that asks "What will light your way, but becomes
your certain doom?", answer "flame". More fire
elementals, of course! Return to the main room via the green teleport.

Go up the steps and through the door to the east.
. At the door that asks "What crackles, hisses and stings,
and in the dark of night vivid pictures brings, but becomes your
certain doom?", answer "flame". Take the green
teleport to a new area.

Here you will fight a shapechanger who keeps returning
in different guises. Periodically you will have the chance to
rearrange a picture.

When you have completed the picture you will finally
defeat the shapechanger. Go though to the magnificently decorated
bedroom and find another green teleport. Take this and you will
end up in another part of the garden. Leave via the door. Return
to the tower via the shack, illusional wall and back door. Collect
the character you left by the winch and collect any inventory
items you left at the entrance. Return to the dock where Haffel
will row you back to the main shore.

Gorm Goldrecht/Bosper Jarnug/Malmodir Elin

Return to the city and go to the Holberkian area.
Here you will hear the story of how the Gorm Doldrecht used a
Holberkian child to give gifts to the orcs. A highly suspicious
thing to be doing! Find the grocer's house and enter. You interrogate
Gorm but all he does is implicate Bosper Jarnug, the judge.

Ask around about Bosper Jarnug. Tarik and the healers
will be most helpful. At some point Tarik will contact you and
ask that you meet with Malmodir Elin in the Harbour Maid after
dark tonight.

Bride of the Winds

Be prepared for an ordeal! At dusk, go to the Harbour
Maid. You will be abducted and taken on board. Untie yourselves
and go into the next area through the damaged wall. Open the chest
and recover most of your possessions. Leave via the door and Jann,
the boy, asks to join you. Accept. Find your way up to the top
deck. Before going out to the top deck, redistribute your load
evenly across all party members excluding Jann. Make sure you
cut the ropes around the mast before fleeing. Flee to the ship's
stern. If you are danger of drowning, drop
the easily replaceable heavy items, preferably the cheaper ones!
Get away in the small boat being towed behind the ship. You will
land in Riva late at night.

Find an inn and sleep until morning.


Leave the inn. Before long you will be arrested for
the murder of Malmodir Elin. Fortunately the judge is fair and
sets you free. You can visit the judge in the courthouse to hear
more of his views on Gorm's accusations.

Try entering the castle via the sewers. Go to the
trellis and open it. You will have to fight with many guards.
You realize it is trap and flee.

Spend some time in Riva recuperating, re-supplying
and wait to be contacted by Tarik.

Tarik tells you witnesses saw you murdering Gorm!
Now you are really being sought by the city guards for murder
and you must not be caught. Tarik tells you the Guild needs your
help and is willing to hide you underground. Enter the sewers
in the marketplace. Go the entrance to the old sewers marked on
the map.

Open up the way to old sewer area that you have already
explored. Find the Guild headquarters, enter it and talk with


He needs your help with the Feylamia, Mandara, the
vampiress. Lea, now out of disguise, accompanies you.

Don't forget that Guild HQ is now your only safe
resting place.

Explore the new area and find the entrance to the
Feylamia's lair.

Leave someone on the first switch you come across.
Explore further. Mandara will attack the character left behind
and you race back. Everything is fine and you now find another
way through so that the whole party can follow Mandara.

Open the cells and you will find the rat-catcher
in one of them. Explore further. Find the moon lantern. Lea seems
to have found Mandara, but then they both disappear. Explore further.
Take the diary and read it. From a desk drawer, take the small
key and antihypnoticum. In the Feylamia's bedroom (where her coffin
is!), take a bracelet and silver ring from the chest.

From the Feylamia's bedroom, have a character that
can cast light around them, take all the items you have found
in the Feylamia's lair, wearing the jewelry. Make this character
the leader of the party. Have them stand in front of the mirror
and eat a piece of antihypnoticum. Now have the lead character
walk through the mirror.

You walk into a room you haven't seen before. Open
the chest and take the crystal. You put the crystal in the moon

Mandara will attack the rest of the party and then
your lone character will stumble into the hall of mirrors. Mandara
attacks you. Then you are joined by Lea and the rat-catcher. The
rat-catcher has the silver dagger. Lea reminds you that moonlight
will kill the Feylamia. Use the moon lantern.

Have your lone character and Lea join the rest of
the party. Use healing spells on the rest of the party. Return
to the Guild HQ. Lothur tells you that another party of strangers,
possibly, allies, are likely being held at the castle. Lothur
is looking for a hidden entrance to the castle.

While you wait for the entrance to be found , recuperate.
Go to the Tsa temple and pray until Tsa grants you all maxium
life points. Remember you are wanted for murder, but if you like
you can risk a venture above ground to buy more magic potions.
I suggest you leave the sewers via the Phex temple and buy anything
you need in the Market Hall. You may also need to buy some thonnys
from Quenya.

Water Dragon

Return to Guild HQ and recuperate with sleep and
spells until Lothur reports that they have found a secret entrance
to the castle. Lea reports that first you have to get past a water

Return to the Feylamia's lair and find the new passage.
It leads to a drain or underground river. Equip your non-magic
users with bows and arrows. Use the raft to approach the water


If you are in poor shape, return
to Guild HQ to recuperate. Do not enter the castle until just
after dusk or there will be too many guards about. You must complete
the castle mission by dawn.

Explore the castle thoroughly to maximize your experince
and gain the most loot. Don't tackle any of the guard posts or
try to open the portcullis. You will have enough fights without
taking on an army! Find the key in the room to the south on the
right. Find the torture chamber and go up the steps so that you
are overlooking the instruments of torture.

Yuck! When you have won the fight, Rohezal thanks
you and asks you to free his companions. Return to the north of
the castle and find the captain of the guard in his room.

Return south and open the cell on the west wall (opposite
the torture chamber). Meet the rest of the magicians. They ask
you to fetch three ancient urns from the judge's quarters. The
cook knows how to get to these urns.

Find the cook's bedroom. It is in the north-east
near the top of the stairs. Here you find evidence of the cook's
sexual preferences. Find the kitchen. It is a short distance south-east
of the cook's bedroom.

Go to the judge's quarters. Bosper's rooms are to
the south middle of the castle. The entrance is opposite some
strange holes in the corridor. Look at his desk and take the key.
Go into the next room, kill the "guard" and move the
chest. Open the hidden chest and take the three urns.

Return to where you entered the castle (the winding

You return to Guild HQ and Rohezal explains how the
Borbarad worms are controlling the Orcs. The magicians are going
to find where the queen is located while you are tasked with recovering
the wand that controls the Borbarad creatures.

You have another chance to recuperate while the magicians
think how all this is to be accomplished. When the magicians are
ready they equip you to go underwater to recover the wand.

Harbour Basin

As soon as you move forward you will enter combat
with some aggressive nixes. Move forward again and you will encounter
more merpeople. Do not attack them. Follow them.

You meet with the River Father and a young sailor.
You are tasked with finding out why some the nixes have become
so predatory. If you succeed the River Father will give you a
glowstick that will open the doors in the Even Star. Zorka accompanies
you but you must take care of her and keep her unharmed. Leave
the palace.

Go into the building where you find the winery sign
in the sand. From here you will spot a nix entering the building
to the north. Follow him. You will have to deal with the sea creature
blocking the entrance to this building. Go in and find the entrance
to the cellar. Go into the cellar.

Explore the cellar thoroughly. When you find the
room full of bottles of alcohol, smash all the bottles. Return
to the River King. He will hand over the "glowstick">glowstick.

Even Star

Find the Even Star to the east. Enter the ship through
the breach in the hull. Overhead is a door
which leads to the rest of the ship. You need to get up to it.
Remove the lead shoes of all the party. Enter the room.

Check out the chest and take the prism. Use the prism
and glowstick together to make them green.
Open the green lock and enter the room. Use the prism and glowstick
together to make them orange. Save. Open the orange lock and enter
the room.

Remember you must protect Zorka, so surround her
so that the water elementals can not attack her. You
must also send your strongest character into
the "maze". This character must get to the chest in
the middle. When the character heading for the chest has killed
all the water elementals in his way and reaches the chest the
water elementals will disappear. You open the chest …but
it is empty!

Leave the Even Star combining the prism and glowstick
to unlock the green and orange locks as before.

Harbour Basin

Return west to the River King's palace. He will hand
over the "wand". Go outside and remove the lead boots.
You will swim up to the surface and make your way to Guild HQ.

Borbarad's Wand

Be careful above ground but go to Quenya and have
her decipher the runes on the wand. Return
to Guild HQ with the translation. Now you have another chance
to wait and recuperate. Get completely replenished by meditating
with thonnys to maximize astral points and visiting the Tsa Temple
to maximize life points. Wait at Guild HQ until . . . you hear
the magicians horrible plan for you!

When you are absolutely ready, click on the icon
that will start the next action. You go to the entrance to the
hive and are shrunk so that you will be able to walk through the
hive. You lose nearly all your equipment!

The Edifice of the Queen"

Pick up some stones from the pile ahead of you. Head
west then south and kill the worm carrying the egg. Take the egg.
Continue on and collect some twigs from the pile of wood. Equip
your characters with sticks for close combat or sling shots as
missile weapons made from the Y-twigs and stones. Continue on.
Take the "spines">spines after killing the morfu. Continue
on turning left at the junction, then left again until you encounter
the beetles and grasshoppers. When you have killed them,
use the beetle carapaces as armour and the stings as swords."stings">
Return north, go right at the junction, then left. When you have
finished off the group of worms, go through the hole in the hive
and climb and slide down to . . .

The Chambers of the Queen

Turn right and go through the fire illusion. Continue
on and you will find two worms fighting over a lump. Go right
at the junction and the two fighting worms will attack you. When
you have killed them get the termite carapaces, beetle claws and
plant stalks. These carapaces make stronger armour than the beetle
carapaces. The beetle claws make better swords than the stings.
Use a sting on the plant stalks to make
blow pipes. You can now use the spines and
blow pipes as missile weapons.

Return through the fire illusion and take the south-east
tunnel over the pit illusion to the acid pool. Turn left and follow
the tunnel to the stalactite. Fight the worm. Break off as many
lumps off the stalactite as you can. Use these
amber lumps to boost your life and astral points later on.

Return the way you came over the pit and through
the fire illusions. Turn left at the junction. You will be confused
by hallucinations sent by the Queen. When making decisions,
do the opposite of what a hero should do! Once past the hallucinations
you will enter a labyrinth. Hunt for the way out in the south
west area of the labyrinth. You will find yourself back in the
Chambers of the Queen only a little further on.

Head west and you will find a secret door at the
end. Make a flute by punching holes in one of the blow pipes with
a beetle claw. Use the flute to open the secret door. Continue
on. Open the next secret door using the flute again. Save. The
next fight is very difficult. Climb down the ramp.

You must disable (kill, put to sleep or otherwise
make unable to fight) all the doubles within a certain time, or
more doubles will appear. When you have won this fight, save,
equip missile weapons and boost your life
and astral energy with the lumps.

Go through to the Queen. Do your worst!

When the Queen is dead, use the amulet.

Enjoy the closing sequences!

This walkthrough is copyright (c) 1997 by Diana Griffiths (email: All rights reserved. Not to be distributed
without permission.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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