Radix - Beyond the Void

Radix - Beyond the Void

08.10.2013 19:12:27
By: Neural Storm Entertainment
Published By: Epic MegaGames

"Official" post-release FAQ, v4.1
Written by: Greg MacMartin
January 1996


indicates NEW stuff in this version.

I. Introduction

1. Preliminary Info.
[1-1] A note from the author

II. General Game Information

[2-1] So, what is it?
[2-2] What is "shareware"?
[2-3] What is the difference between the shareware and the
registered versions?

3. What makes RADIX different than any other "3D shooter"?
[3-1] How does RADIX compare to DESCENT?
[3-2] DOOM? HEXEN???

4. What kind of features does the RADIX engine have?
[4-1] Sloped ceilings and floors.
[4-2] Non-orthogonal walls.
[4-3] Dynamic light shading and effects.
[4-4] Moving Surfaces.
[4-5] Analog movement.
[4-6] Complex event system.
[4-7] Digital music system.

5. What system is needed to run RADIX?
[5-1] REQUIRED hardware.
[5-2] What sound cards are supported?
[5-3] What input devices are supported?
[5-4] How does Radix run under Windows 95?

III. Gameplay strategies, hints and cheats

6. Help me! Please!!??
[6-1] For those who constantly crash into walls...
[6-2] For those who die all the time...
[6-3] How do I get to the secret hangar bay in 1-2? (Radix 1.1)
[6-4] How do I get into the security bunker in 1-6 and complete
the secondary objective?

7. How do I cheat in RADIX?
[7-1] What cheat codes are there?
[7-2] What command line parameters are there?

8. Did you know... (various features and neat things that you
might not have found yet)
[8-1] Game features.
[8-2] Power-ups and other things.

IV. Ordering Info
9. Where can I get RADIX: BEYOND THE VOID?
[9-1] How do I order RADIX?
[9-2] How do I get a copy of the shareware release?

V. Final Thoughts
10. Game version history.
11. Revision history.


1. Preliminary Info.

[1-1] A note from the author
This version is pretty much the same as 4.0 except that
there are a few minor things added that were omitted. There are
also a few questions that were asked after the release of 4.0
answered in here.
The main purpose for writing this FAQ is to help people
play the game, but it is also so that more people can learn about
the existance of the game. It's a game that I really enjoy
playing (I know, I know, I'm one of the developers, but I really DO
like playing it!) and I think all gamers should at least try out
the demo. If you have any questions regarding this game or this FAQ,
please dont hesitate to ask them. My E-mail address is:




[2-1] So, what is it?
"Radix: Beyond The Void" is a 3-D perspective action game. The
player is the pilot of an experimental fighter, the Radix-class
inter-dimensional star fighter, in the year 2148. The player has
complete control of the plane's movements, including speed, and
lateral / horizontal movement. The ship is heavily armed and has the
capability to incorporate new technologies into it's systems if they
are found. Many aliens, alien craft, missiles, mines and environmental
hazards try to hinder your completion of mission objectives.

Why would one want to put themselves through something like
that? Well...

In the 22nd century, after centuries of global strife and tyranny, the
people of Earth united to form a sovereign world government. The United
Earth Space Alliance (UESA) launched a dynamic plan to expand the reaches
of the human race beyond that of our solar system. In the year 2147, this
effort resulted in the launching of the first of two colony ships. These
massive vessels were destined to colonize a huge asteroid, designated
Theta-2, on the outskirts of our solar system. After five months of space
travel, the first ship safely arrived at Theta-2 and initiated the colony.
Soon after, the second of the two ships departed from earth with 10,000
colonists to bring the Theta-2 base into full operation. Once the colony
was fully established, mankind would finally have the opportunity to leave
the confines of the solar system.

It happened on October 24, 2148; While the second vessel approached the
colony, something unnatural occurred. A dark shape began to form out of
nothing, blacking out the starscape and eating away at the very fabric
of reality. The commander of the colony vessel "Salvation" had barely
managed to dispatch an emergency message to Earth confirming that there were
multitudes of alien ships emerging from this "Void." Just after the
transmission, the largest of the alien ships tore the Salvation apart with
an immensely powerful particle beam.

The gigantic alien craft dragged both portions of the Salvation into
a huge hangar bay, sealing the fates of the 10,000 human beings aboard.

According to the information received from the destruct beacon
(the "black box") there were 45 alien vessels in the vicinity of Theta-2.
The largest ship, which captured the Salvation, moved to orbit the asteroid.
The remaining ships started converting the Theta-2 base into a base of
their own.

Immediately after the incident, UESA went on level one alert status and
began assembling a fleet to eliminate the alien force. UESA's ships reached
the Theta-2 asteroid and began an intense battle with the alien fleet. UESA's
3 battlecruisers, 10 frigates and 15 destroyers fought well, but their
weaponry was no match against the massive alien dreadnought. The mission was
a devastating failure. The Alliance realized that a large frontal assault
was not the way to defeat the invaders. It was decided that a small, heavily
armed, fast attack ship might be able to make it past the ships in orbit and
reclaim the Theta-2 base.

Back on Earth, scientists combined their knowledge and pooled their
ideas, and concluded that the black space, dubbed "The Void," was some
sort of inter-dimensional portal; a tear in the structure of our universe.
Using the current knowledge of multi-dimensional physics, they were able to
develop a device that would allow a small spacecraft, preferably a fighter
of some sort, to enter The Void and possibly leap into a different universe.

Three months after the invasion of Theta-2, the Radix class
inter-dimensional starfighter was built. Due to the enormous amount of
resources required to build this powerful fighter, only one was built.
Although the Radix class had just barely begun the experimental stage of
it's development, there was no time left. The Radix-class fighter was
loaded onto the Defiance, a battlecruiser, and Operation Vengeance
commenced. The Defiance had to leave, and the Radix, the last desperate
hope for humanity, was going with it.

[2-2] What is "Shareware"?
Shareware is a popular method of distributing software in
which the possible buyer gets to "try it" before buying it.
It the case of games, the first episode, usually out of three is
the one that is freely distributed for people to try. This game
is no exception. RADIX: BEYOND THE VOID is a shareware game
separated into 3 episodes, the first of which can be
distributed freely. This free version is called the "demo" or
"shareware" version.

[2-3] What is the difference between the shareware and the
registered versions?
The primary difference between the two versions is that the
shareware version only has the first episode in it. The shareware
version also lacks a large portion of the alien enemies in the game.
It is also missing three main weapon systems. Basically, the
shareware version is only a sampling of the game. If you want to
play the entire game, you must purchase the full, "registered"
version of Radix.

3. What makes RADIX different than any other "3D shooter"?

[3-1] How does RADIX compare to DESCENT?

RADIX IS NOT A DESCENT KILLER. Nor is it intended to be. The
gameplay is remarkably different, even if at first glance Radix
seems to be some kind of Descent clone.
Radix, first of all, does not have that much exploration. The
game focuses more on your getting to your objectives and surviving,
and much less of exploring mazes. There are some exceptions,
like secondary objectives. While sometimes out in the open and
obvious, secondary objectives in Radix tend to be hidden. Even the
exploration that there is much more simple than Descent's
because in Radix you cannot go straight up or straight down.
Basically, the designers of Radix did this purposely to give the game
a DIFFERENT and somewhat easier feel than Descent.
The second main difference between Radix and Descent is the
combat. In Descent, a popular way to destroy enemies is to fire at
them, then backup, then move forward and fire again until they are
dead. In Radix you are flying a special atmospheric craft that
always moves forward. The best way to fight is to fire continuously
at them while strafing around them avoiding their shots. The combat
is much more fast and furious and their tend to be explosions going
all the time all around you.

[3-2] DOOM? HEXEN???
To be perfectly fair; in Radix you are flying in a fighter craft,
while as in Doom and Hexen you are walking around. That in itself
should be reason enough to put Radix in the "different ballgame"
category. However, combat in the three games is remarkably similar.
Shoot, strafe, shoot, etc. It is especially similar if you play with
the mouse (the best input device for the game, IMHO).

4. What kind of features does the RADIX engine have?

[4-1] Sloped ceilings and floors.
Although the Radix engine is one that is similar to Doom in
many ways, a major difference is that Radix has sloped floors and
ceilings. This allows for vastly different level design than Doom
and many other 3D games that do not have slopes. With slopes more
realistic locales can be made. Radix has some neat architecture as
well, such as huge curved support pylons and arches.

[4-2] Non-orthogonal walls.
This feature is fast becoming the standard among 3-D games,
although there are still some that aren't implementing it.
Basically, this means that the walls can be at any angle to
one-another. For instance, in some 3-D games the walls are
at 90 degrees to one another, so that every locale was rectangular
in shape (Rise of the Triad). Radix never had this problem.
Areas can be created that look much more real than before and
increase the feeling of realism and immersion into the gaming world.

[4-3] Dynamic light shading and effects.
Radix has 120 some-odd different shades of lighting built
into it's engine. This allows for a more realistic depiction of
light in the game. There are also flickering, pulsating and
moving lights similar to those in Hexen.

[4-4] Moving Surfaces.
In Radix entire surfaces can move up or down. This allows
for some neat effects like water and lava lowering and uncovering
architecture underneath.

[4-5] Analog Movement.
Analog movement is a kind of movement that automatically
adjusts for the speed of the CPU, which means that the player
will move at the same RATE on a 386-33 as on a 486-DX2 66.
Obviously, the FRAME rate would be significantly slower, but
the rate that one MOVES is not effected.

[4-6] Complex events and event system.
Radix employs a very complex event system that allows for
the activation of many events at once. Events could be things
such as lighting effects, moving surfaces, teleportation, super
speed boosters, sucking fans, scrolling bitmapped surfaces,
among others. For example, triggers could deactivate one event
and activate two others simultaneously.

[4-7] Digital music and sound system.
Radix uses a digital sound system that allows digital sound
effects and music. Games like Jazz Jackrabbit and One Must Fall
2097 have similar sound systems.

5. What system is needed to run RADIX?

[5-1] REQUIRED hardware.
RADIX: BEYOND THE VOID has been developed to be played well on
a 486-66 with 8 megs ram, standard VGA. It really flies on a
Pentium. The game will run with 4 megs of ram, but it wont run

[5-2] What sound cards are supported?
RADIX has native support for the following:
1) The Sound Blaster family (SB/SBPRO/SB16 and compatibles)
2) Gravis Ultra Sound

NOTE: There is no support for the original Adlib sound
card, as RADIX uses pure digital music and sound
effects which are not possible to reproduce on the
FM synthesis based Adlib card.

[5-3] What input devices are supported?
Radix can be played with the keyboard, mouse and joystick.
If you have a joystick with a throttle control, Radix should
support it as well.

[5-4] How does Radix run under Windows 95?
Although Radix is a native DOS application, it runs very well
under Win95. The only problem that anyone has had running the
game under Win95 is that the music might occasionally "skip".
This is a memory shortage problem. To fix this problem, get more


6. Help me! Please!!??

[6-1] For those who constantly crash into walls...
SLOW DOWN! The main reason that many beginners tend to fly
around, smacking into walls and becoming disoriented is because of
speed. In Radix you are able to fly at VERY fast speeds. If you
don't believe me you should try punching your afterburners when you
have acquired the maneuvering jets! This great speed can be
used to great advantage in combat but for regular flying around it
can be very disorienting, especially when you are flying in levels
you have never been to before.
Disorientation can also be remedied by using the automap. By
hitting TAB, you can bring up a map that overlays itself over the
play screen. This should make it easier to find exits and doors that
you might not have noticed before.
One more note: Doors in Radix work very differently than other
3D games. In other games, you have to open doors by shooting the
door or by hitting a key. In Radix you fly nearby the door and
it will open by itself. If you see a door and crash into it then
you know that it must be opened by other means, such as by destroying
a computer console nearby.

[6-2] For those who die all the time...
Lower your skill level. This is the most obvious solution to
that problem. The lowest skill level in Radix should be easy enough
for most players to play through the game without much trouble.
Another way to avoid death is to cheat. Look below for some
interesting cheat codes that should make the game MUCH easier to

[6-3] How do I get to the secret hangar bay in 1-2? (Radix 1.1)
In order to complete the secondary objective for this mission,
you must find a scret alien hangar bay and destroy all stationary
Skyfire Assault Fighters. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Complete the Primary Objective
2. Find the Cruncher Room. (The room with all those pile-drivers)
3. Destroy the computer console in that area.
4. Go back to the huge outdoor area near the beginning of the level
with the huge energy core.
5. You will notice that a small portion of the force field
surrounding the core is now turned off. You can now fly onto
the core pad...

[6-4] How do I get into the security bunker in 1-6 and complete
the secondary objective?

1. There is a secret room at the bottom of the long, deep shaft
in one of the beginning rooms. You must find this secret and
fly around it.
2. Once you have done that, you must then proceed to the area where
the right wall opens to reveal MANY Skyfires and Bio-Mines. Go
through the red phantom wall and into the "doughnut" secret area.
If you completed step 1, there should be a passage leading from
this area.
3. This passage appears to be a dead end, but it is not. There is
ANOTHER phantom wall about half way along the left wall. In there
you will find a small computer terminal. Destroy it.
4. Now, one door of the security bunker is open. You may fly in and
complete your secondary. The consoles you destroy in the bunker
will also deactivate the force field protecting a bunch of pow-ups
elsewhere in the level.

7. How do I cheat in RADIX?

[7-1] What cheat codes are there?
Here are all of the cheat codes in Radix. Type them in while
playing the game. You may pause the game while you type in codes.

* indicates that the cheat code is only available in Radix version

NSOPTA Full armor, shields, energy, weapons, plasma bombs and

NSBAGWAN Toggle Ultra-Shields. Will remain on until end of

* NSE Full energy.

NSBJIPP Toggle maneuevering jets.

NSOPTL Surface illumination.

* NSBLASTER Toggle rapid shield regeneration.

* NSHORSLEY Toggle rapid energy regeneration.

* NSDIEBESTERDS Makes all weapons fire at a MUCH faster rate.

NSOPTS Does absolutely nothing.

* NSFRICOFF Toggles air friction. Pretty neat.

* NSDEATH A hidden skill level that makes all enemies go
nuts. If you finish the game with Death mode on,
it will be marked on the Top Ten pilot screen.


NSOPTD Enter the realm of debugging. Real fun.

NSWARP [ep] [lvl] Warp to any level in the game, EXCEPT the
secret level. Map 9 (secret) in each episode
can be reached by command line, however.

NSOPTM Makes the automap show all of the level.

[7-2] What command line parameters are there?
Here are all the command line parameters for Radix:

* indicates that the parameter is only in Radix version 1.1

-debug Play the game in debug mode.

-nosound Force Radix to disable sound when the game loads.

-file (filename) Used to load an external resource file.

-warp (ep,lvl) Go directly to the specified level.

-skill (#) Sets the skill level to play (0-3). Used in
conjunction with -warp.

-record (filename) Record a demo into the specified file.

-play (filename) Play a recorded demo.

-boom (# players) Initiate a network game from DOS.
The parameters below are to be used in conjunction
with -boom.

* -cheater Gives the player who uses this parameter the very
fast weaponry that is normally gotten by using
the cheat code NSDIEBESTERDS.

-dogfight Set the net game to dogfight.
-cooperative Set the net game to cooperative.
-capture Set the net game to capture the flag.
-noenemies Set the net game to no enemies.
-respawn Set the net game to respawning powerups.
-name (plyr name) Used to give yourself a name for net play.

8. Did you know... (various features and neat things that you
might not have found yet)

[8-1] Game features.

IN-GAME MISSION BRIEFING SCREEN.(F11) This is a useful screen that
shows the primary and secondary objectives for the current mission.

AUTO-LEVELING.(F5) This is a feature that some find useful to keep
themselves orientated. It will automatically level the player out
so that the craft is flying straight. It can also be annoying to
some players. Experiment with this.

CHASE PLANE VIEW.(F2) A neat feature that allows you to see the Radix
craft from behind. Its a little hard to play this way, but it does
look neat. This key also toggles the cockpit instrument panels.

AUTO-DETAIL.(F6) This feature will automatically adjust detail levels
to keep the frame rate high.

MOUSE/JOYSTICK SENSITIVITY. In Radix 1.1 you may adjust the sensitivity
of these input devices in the In-Game menu (ESC).

[8-2] Power-ups and other things.

A.L.D.S. (Automated Laser Defense System). This is a powerup that
is found only in the registered version of the game. There is
no cheat code for it, so you'll have to find it. It will
automatically shoot out blue laser bolts at any enemies nearby.

PLASMA BOMBS. These are powerful weapons that are found even in
the shareware version. The little icon at the top right side of
the screen keeps track of how many you have. The default key for
this is the spacebar. Once activated, a plasma bomb will cause
heavy damage to ALL visible enemies.


9. Where can I get RADIX: BEYOND THE VOID?

[9-1] How do I order RADIX?
There are 3 ways to purchase Radix:

1. Call 1-800-972-7434 and you can use your MasterCard or Visa
2. Fill out the order.doc file and fax or E-mail it to Epic.
Fax: (301) 299-3841
E-mail: orders@epicgames.com
3. You can also use snail mail by sending a check or money order
to the following address:

Epic MegaGames
10406 Holbrook Drive
Potomac. MD 20854

[9-2] How do I get a copy of the shareware release?

Internet users:


You can also download Radix from the Epic MegaGames Web site:

Also check out the Neural Storm Web site:

And Jim Lowell's Radix "Homepage"

For those without internet access you can call the EXECPC
BBS at (414) 789-4362 (type FFE at the main menu) and download
Radix from there.


10. Game version history.

RADIX: BEYOND THE VOID 1.0 : This was released November 8th.
It had very few if any technical bugs, but had some gameplay and
control problems.

RADIX: BEYOND THE VOID 1.1 : Released January 4th. A new version
of the shareware version was released as well as a patch that will
update version 1.0 to 1.1. Control was fixed, levels were altered,
inertia was added and more. It is a big improvement over 1.0.

11. Revision history.

Version 1.0 (November 1994) Very old, useless information.
Version 2.0 (Early 1995) Discussion of engine features, slopes
Also very old and not very relevant to the
current Radix.
Version 2.1 Bug fixes, etc.
Version 3.0 (Late 1995) A true pre-release FAQ that is mostly
Version 3.1 Bug fixes, etc.
Version 3.2 (October 1995) More of the game's features were
added. The last pre-release FAQ.
Version 4.0 (January 1996) First post-release FAQ. Completely
rewritten. Very concise and shorter than the
unnecessarily lengthy pre-release versions.
This version was included with Radix 1.1
Version 4.1 Bug fixes. Accidently omitted cheat code NSOPTM
added. Radix version history added. Gameplay
questions answered.



Do what you will with this.

COMING SOON: The RadCad (Radix editor) FAQ.

*********** Greg MacMartin ************
*********** Email address: cl662@freenet.carleton.ca ************

Greg MacMartin

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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