Pit, The

Pit, The

08.10.2013 11:28:28
This file is designed to help you learn to play The Pit, based on
Version 3.52. It is entirely free. You are under no cost or obligation
with respect to this file. You are free to destribute this file in a
limited fashion. However, you may not sell this information. If
distributed on a disk, a reasonable fee for the disk and/or shipping may
be charged. This file may not be mass distributed on disket without
specific written permission of the author. I retain all rights to this

Ok, that is most of the legal BS I see at the start of files that I
could come up with off the top of may head. Although I want the wording
of the above to be followed, basically, what I want is: For you to
understand that I spent quite a few hours gathering information,
designing this hint file, and putting it together. And that does not
count the time I spent playing before I got around to making the file.
I specifically became Immortal three times during the writting of this
file to test information and correct errors. However, I give the
information to you freely to help you learn this enjoyable game. But I
do not want you to make a profit on my efforts without getting a cut for
my time and effort. Basically, I'd like you to be reasonable. Fairly

Now of course, I am not really giving you this file without a catch. I
do ask on thing of people who find this file helpful: Please leave me a
message saying thanks and/or that you enjoyed the file. In the Atlanta
area, you can find me {Brian Grove} on Android II, or R's BBS, or
Commport with regularity. Outside Atlanta, leave me a message in the
the RIME or UNI net Games conference. If you get desperate, you could
write to me @

Brian Grove
2072 Howard Cir N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30307

That address should be correct through July of '94 or so. Then I'll be
moving to Texas. You'll probably see an update to this by then anyway.
Also, please try to get me any errors, corrections, suggestions, or
strategies you use that are not included in this file so that I may
correct/add them in/to future versions. Thanks.

Ok, that's it. Now the information you wanted:

Ok, here I am playing this strange door game - The Pit - and I don't
even know what I am doing. How do I get started?

Here is how: You start with 100 Gold Pieces (GP). Go to the
weapon shop and haggle for a long bow (90 GP after haggling) and
ten arrows (1 gp each if you haggle for 1 arrow and then buy
them one at a time.) Don't worry about buying armor or hand
weapons EVER in this game. Go to the Arena and fight a trainee.
Use the bow to kill him from a distance. Take their armor and
hand weapons. As needed, buy more arrows after each fight or
few fights, trying to keep around 50 arrows. Keep this up until
you have 900 GP. Then go back to the weapon shop and sell your
long bow. Haggle for a Great Bow (900 GP). Remember, you can
sell off any armor and hand weapons you accumulate from your
opponents if you wish. I usually don't bother, and I recommend
having some armor before you attack heros.

Start on warriors level 4. They still should not be too
difficult with the Great Bow. Just stay back and think of them
as pincushions.

Attack Veterans around level 7-8. You may lose some by starting
at 7, but not many. Here you should pick up the +1 Plate Armor
and +1 hand weapons. I'd sell these until I decide to fight
stronger enemies, as they are not very necessary here, but are

Somewhere around Level 10, consider attacking humanoid Monsters,
but not without a magical hand weapon, or you will be unable to
hit the were-creatures. Sell the amulets you get from medusa.
Her gaze weapon has a very limited range, so if you stay back,
she is easily killable. Beware the King with the Trident, he is
deadly with it, and you do NOT get it as a weapon for killing
him. You can pick up several +3 weapons here. The +3 Halberd
is the best, but it really isn't worth hunting for. You will
not use hand weapons much until you fight heroes, and then you
wish to paralyze. With gods, you want the occasional damage
bonus a weapon capable of a critical hit yields.

Start on Heros around level 13 or 14, (I sometimes start around
level 12, but realistically the risk is too high then. You'll
still die or need to run pleanty fighting at level 14. ). I
have included additional (and more detailed) hints on heros in
the hint section at the end of this file. Later editions of this
hint file will improve it still more. Beware of Elric, who
weilds Stormbringer, and Kargoth who weilds Soul Shatterer, and
Yykroon who weilds the MournBlade, as they drain levels.
Immediately run to the exits when you encounter them, unless you
are sure you will not get hit by their hand weapon. (The exit is
the break in the wall surrounding the Arena.) When you are
finished fighting Heros, you should have acquired the Silver
Shaft as your range weapon. Try to get the Shadow Blade for
fighting heroes or sorcerors as the paralysis is helpful.
However, as Elementals and Gods are immune to paralysis, get a
vorpal weapon when you are done with heroes. This occasionally
do extra damage to elementals and gods. Additionally, you
should have the following before mmoving on: the Supreem Plate
Armor, the Old Dusty Boots, Helm 'Skitoon', Leather Gauntlet,
Gold Arm Band, and the Bronze Bracelet. You will get even better
Weapons and Armor later, but these are VERY GOOD for now.

At some point around level 25 - 30, and considering your
armorment, you may consider fighting Creatures. Dragons tend to
be worth more money than heros. Beware the Fang Dragon, as it
drains levels.

Don't bother with Elvin Heros at any point. They just aren't
worth the trouble, as you always fight at least three of them.
Some people like to fight them and try to kill one to get his
stuff at a fairly early level. It just is not worth the risk
and number of losses.

Sorcerors should probably not be fought before you have 200 hit
points, and then only if you really want magic items. I usually
don't bother, as I just sell the magic items I get, and I
dislike fighting them. (If there is an item I really need, I buy
it at the magic shop when it becomes available.)

Fight Random Encounters aroung level 45, but you'll lose
sometimes. The dragons here are especially tough. Also, some
creatures here do drain levels. I believe that those the do
weild swords I have listed with the Level Draining ability so
you should be able to recognize them and play accordingly. You
should get the Bow and Sword of the Ancients here.

Fight Elementals when the number of Heros or Randoms become
excessive. Fight these from a distance. Try to move out of the
line of their range weapons when you cannot shoot, and let them
step to you when you can. Take you shots (and let them shoot
you), then move out again. Do not get into a battle of hand
weapons here, as they tend to win those. Just accept the fact
that you will sustain damage and fight from a distance. Two
Elementals are worth a special note: Moon Deva - RUN! This
enemy drains multiple levels with his RANGE weapon. Do not let
him hit you. He just isn't worth it; Sun - His range weapon
blinds but does no damage. If you have the Helm 'Skitoon', just
let him hit you from a distance and shoot him repeatedly. But
do beware, as he drains levels in close combat.

Start on Gods aroung level 250-300. At 250, you will only be
getting 4 attacks at a time whereas at 300+ you get 5. Until
you are confident in you ability to use the pattern, wait until
level 300.


Aesir - Weak God. Uses his sword and an Invulnerable
Wall. Use the standard pattern discussed in the notes at
the end of this file.

Baldur - Weak God. Weilds his sword and +5 Plate Armor.
Use the standard pattern to slay him.

Frey - Weak God. Has his sword and Rune Armor. Use the
standard pattern, and he will die fairly easily.

Heimdall - Weak God. Rune armor and his sword. Just stay
back and use the strategy for killing unarmed
opponents discussed in the notes.

Hel - Very tough God. Hel is very fast. Typically, he
isn't worth the damage and risk. Just suck up the
damage and head for the exit.

Loki - Tough God. Loki has his dagger and bow and a Wall
of Demons. You are rewarded with an Extra Special
Item for killing him. Just suck it up, stand next
to him, and fight. If necessary, run. He will do
a lot of damage with his range weapon, so avoid

Magni - Weak God. Weilds a Hammer and +5 Plate Armor.
Use the standard pattern and kill him easily.

Modi - Weak God. He gets the occasional with his sword,
but does not posesses a range weapon.

Mordred - Extremely high probabilty of him scoring a
fatality. This is frustrating. I reccommend
running unless you are short on time remaining in
that session, and do have more sessions remaining.
Mordred is tough but killable.

Odin - Tough God. Fight him with hand weapons. Avoid
allowing him to hit you with his range weapon as
it does vastly more damage than your range weapon.

Sif - Weak God. Weilds his sword and +5 Plate Armor.
Use the standard pattern and he dies easily.

Thor - God of Gods. Just run from him. The only way I
have found to kill him is to fight up close, use
the Glass Eye of Tyr when you have less than 100
hit points left, and NEVER get hit by his hammer
as a distance weapon. Unfortunately, no magic
item is awarded for the killing of this amazingly
deadly foe. He just isn't worth it.

Thrym - Weak God. Weilds his Axe and wears +3 Plate
Armor. Use the standard pattern and kill him.

Tyr - Fairly easy, with the best Extra Special Item.
Advanced idea: if you already hold the Eye, when
you have nearly killed Tyr use the Eye to heal
yourself before finishing him. This limits the
amount of damage you have to heal at the end of
the match.

Vidar - Weak God. Has his Hammer and +4 Plate Armor. Use
the standard pattern and he dies easily.

What about all the choices of magic items?

If it doesn't heal you or return some number of drained levels,
and is not a Miscellaneous Item, I sell it. I usually don't
bother with protection items as I'd rather have the cash. Also,
read the notes at the end of the file. Selling an item at the
magic shop gets you only ten percent (10%) of the item's value
(plus any addition you get for haggling). Not good, but better
than nothing. And that is pleanty when selling an Extra Special


A: Yursheen Resistance to Fire 12,000
B: Wozitkis No Effect 4,000
C: Vulate User Teleports 38,000
D: Penchand User has Invisibility 25,000
E: Trouband No Effect 5,000
F: Erigin User Regenerates 240,000
G: Drakton Dragons do Double Damage 12,000
H: Diltif No Effect 10,000
I: Goolfate No Effect 22,000
J: Tulfevl No Effect 43,000
K: Tulfuchs No Effect 2,000
L: Gratfing User Hits More Effectively 20,000
M: Fergitchu User Becomes Confused 7,000
N: Winris User Hits Less Effectively 30,000
O: Soltak Level Drain User 13,000
P: Yikson User Gains 5-20% Health 35,000

A: Purple Liquid True Seeing 5,000
B: Dary Grey Liquid Cure Blindness 6,000
C: Red Brown Liquid User Becomes Confused 3,000
D: Yellow Liquid Blind User 1,000
E: Black Oil No Effect 10,000
F: Ruby Red Liquid Disease User 5,000
G: Pink White Liquid Poison User 8,000
H: Brown Elixir No Effect 3,000
I: Dark Blue Elixir User Becomes Drunk 4,000
J: Dark Blue Liquid Gain 10-20% Health 42,000
K: Dark Brown Oil Immunity to Paralysis 9,000
L: Dark Grey Oil Poison - Kills User 6,000
M: Healing Elixir Gain 5-20% Health 80,000
N: Bright Red Liquid No Effect 6,000
O: Dull Brown Goop No Effect 4,000
P: Bubbly Red Goop No Effect 12,000

A: Helm 'Skitoon' True Seeing 320,000
B: Belt - Giganto Decrease User Movement 54,000
C: Silver Metal Rod Nothing 32,000
D: Gold Arm Band User Does Double Damage 12,000
E: Silver Feather Nothing 1,000
F: Crystal Lens Innumity to Blindness 35,000
G: Bronze Bracelet User Takes Half Damage 15,000
H: Golden Key No Effect 2,000
I: Wooden Wand Fire Shooting Star 240,000
J: Obsidian Horn 3 Effects (Good, Bad, and None) 25,000
K: Jade Statuette Protection VS. Dragons 40,000
L: Ruby Wand Protection VS. Demons 50,000
M: Old Dusty Boots Increase User's Movement 42,000
N: Red Ruby Slipper Decrease User's Movement 80,000
O: Leather Gauntlet User Gets One Extra Arrow Per Attack 2,300,000
P: Jeweled Necklace Poison Needle Hits User 42,000

A: Awesprae Protection from Demons 38,000
B: Ritogan Restore User's Lost Levels 76,000
C: Zaptoyd No Effect 11,000
D: Deiltone Fire Acid Arrow 80,000
E: Yelwing Fireball 95,000
F: Levato User Teleports 12,000
G: Laguepay Fire Insect Plague 105,000
H: Oyveay User Loses Half Health 11,000
I: Degenty Protection vs Undead 95,000
J: Protoct No Effect 50,000
K: Otreoni Lightning Bolt 65,000
L: Wilotyp User Takes Half Damage 22,000
M: Rotuero Protection from Elves 74,000
N: Spetuy User Slips on Oil 23,000
O: Igorist User is Paralyzed 13,000
P: Uiresol Paralyze All Monsters 32,000

A: ?????? ?????????? ??????
B: Opal Amulet Fire Lightning Bolt 400,000
C: Topaz Amulet User Fails Attack 20% of Time 90,000
D: Emerald Amulet No Effect 110,000
E: Ruby Amulet Resist Cold 25,000
F: Pearl Amulet Fire Force Blast 120,000
G: Stone Amulet Cause Fear (1 Opponent) 85,000
H: Gold Medallion Sheild User 170,000
I: Silver Medal Fire Ice Spear 270,000
J: Amethyst ?Amulet? Fire Magic Missile 230,000
K: Bronze ?Amulet? No Effect 890,000
L: Platinum Scarab Demon Gate Blocker 1,000,000
M: Gold Sphere No Effect 78,000
N: Blue Glowing Orb Permanent Paralysis Immunity 115,000
O: Golden Chalice No Effect 21,000
P: Light Green Orb No Effect 110,000

A: Sceptre of Law Lightning Hits All Monsters 99,999,999
B: Sceptre of Chaos Shoot Power Beam 99,999,999
C: Glass Eye of Tyr User Totally Healed 99,999,999
D: Crown of Heroes User Gains a Level 99,999,999

I have not ever seen Amulet A, and do not know what it is or
what it does. If you find out, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
I am starting to doubt it even exists.

All the actions I have listed are activated by use in combat,
except the Miscellaneous Items. The special abilities of those
work by having the object in your possession.

I sell all the Extra Special Items because they are not all the
effective IMHO. The Glass Eye of Tyr has the added ability of
regeneration while you possess it. However, it will never
regenerate 9,999,999 worth of damage. Maybe keep one after you
have sold a couple of Extra Special Items, as then money will
not be an object. Also, you seem to regenerate even though you
have sold the Eye. This may be a bug, I am not sure.


Dagger + 0 d 4 -
Short Sword + 0 d 6 -
Hammer + 0 d 7 -
Long Sword + 0 d 8 -
Battle Axe + 0 d 9 -
Halberd + 0 d10 -
Great Sword + 0 d12 -

Death Kiss +60 d 9+6 Vorpal Weapon
Dragon Slayer +60 d12+6 Dragon Slaying
Excaliber +50 d 8+5 Vorpal Weapon
Giant Slayer +60 d 8+6 Giant Slaying
Grim Reaper +70 d10+7 Vorpal Weapon
Hammer of Thunderbolts +60 d 7+6 -
Moon Sword +60 d 6+6 Cause Paralysis
Shadow Blade +70 d 6+7 Cause Paralysis
Soul Keeper +70 d 8+7 Level Draining
Soul Shatterer +70 d 7+7 Level Draining
Sword of the Ancients +80 d12+8 Vorpal Weapon
Terminator +70 d 9+70 Vorpal Weapon

Throwing Knife -
Sling 30' + 0 d 4 -
Short Bow 40' + 0 d 6 -
Long Bow 60' + 0 d 6 -
Short Composit Bow 80' + 0 d 6 -
Long Composit Bow 100' + 0 d 6 -
Great Bow 120' + 0 d 7 -

Note: For Regular +X weapons, the Bonus is X * 10, and the damage increases
by +X. I.e. a Battle Axe has a bonus of 0 and damage of d 9. A
+2 Battle Axe has a bonus of +20 and damage of d 9+2. It works the
same with bows, and the + does not alter the range of the weapon.

Archer's Hand 100' +70 d 6+7 -
Bow of Second Sight 40' +60 d 6+6 -
Bow of the Ancients 140' +80 d 7+8 -
Death Reaper 80' +70 d 6+7 -
Demon Bow 60' +70 d 6+7 Demon Slaying
Dragon Flight 80' +60 d 6+6 Dragon Slaying
Grim Tooth 40' +70 d 6+7 -
Heart Bow 120' +70 d 7+7 -
Night Hawk 60' +60 d 6+6 -
Seeker 100' +60 d 6+6 -
Silver Shaft 120' +60 d 7+6 -

Armor Armor Value
Padded Cloth 5
Leather 10
Studded Leather 15
Ring Mail 20
Chain Main 25
Plate Mail 35
Field Plate 40
Plate Armor 45
+1 Plate Armor 55
Demon Armor 120
Armor of Ancients 140
Holy Plate Armor 150
Supreem Plate Armor 160
Cube of Force 170
Dealnar's Ring 180

There are quite a few more armor variants, but this gives you an
of what is out there. Dealnar's Ring is the best on I
believe, but is gained by fighting the Moon Elemental. Not
worth it, but if you challenge someone with it, GET IT!

1. Please understand that I have not contacted or consulted with
the author of Thie Pit while creating this file. I therefore
cannot gaurentee the accuracy of the information in this
file. It is accurate as far as I know. Should you find
errors, please attempt to contact me so that I may get them
corrected. Thanks.

2. To hit an opponent with your Range Weapon, they must be more
than on square away from you. Shots at an opponent in an
adjacent square will be blocked by your opponent. To hit
them with your Hand Weapon, they must not be more than one
square away from you.

3. The Pattern:
Once you get fairly high in levels, opponents typically pause
aftering hitting you. This gives you a free move during
attacks. That couples with the fact that you do more damage
with your Range Weapon (on average) than you do with your
hand weapon gives yields a way to increase you damage to
opponents who do not weild Range Weapons. When the round
starts and you realize that your opponent does not have a
rande weapon, do the following: 1. Shoot him with arrows
every time you get the opportunity; 2. When you do not have
the opportunity, move backwards trying to keep you opponent
near the maximum of you range; 3. When they get to you, do
not just stand in place and hit them. Instead hit them, then
step away from them, but stay in line with them. Then shoot
them with the bow. If they step to you again, then hit them,
step back, and shoot them. Those are the basics of the
pattern. Play with it some to perfect it.

4. Computer played opponants have a bit of a blind spot in
their strategy against range weapons on diagonals. If you
line up horizontally to shot your opponent (who cannot fire
back either because he is out of range, not currently capable
of firing, or does not possess a Range Weapon) he may move
towards you at a diagonal so you cannot shoot him. However,
if you line up on a diagonal, he will move towards you on the
diagonal. This allows you free shots if you line them up on
the diagonals. Again, play with it some and you'll see what
I mean.

5. Challenging other players can be VERY profitable. Since the
computer is not a very good opponent, you can defeat
opponents that are stronger than you are. Also, a player
that ends the day having gotten killed by the computer in
the arena has around 20% of his max hit points when you
an opponent. Run instead. If you are killed when you
challenge someone, you lose ALL your magic items. (Of
course if you win you may take any of theirs you do not
already have.)

Ok, that was it. I'm sure there is more, and I am the type of
person who would keep playing with this forever (I've been
holding it for two weeks to add less than ten lines even as I
write this), but it is good enough for now. Please do let me
know your opinion, and suggestions for improvement. Especially
quiestions that you have that are not covered in this file.
Also, try to be nice about it when you point out spelling errors
that probably exist. Neither spelling nor typing are my stong
suits, and the combination leads to some unfortunate results.

Thanks and ENJOY!

Brian Grove



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