Phantasmagoria 2

Phantasmagoria 2

17.10.2013 21:50:17
Phantasmagoria 2 walkthru
chapter one

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

* Open the nightstand drawer and take the granola bar, the
screwdriver and the photograph of Curtis' parents.
* Click on the dresser mirror.
* Exit the bedroom to the Front Door

Curtis' Apartment: Front Door

* Click on the mail basket to take the mail.
* Go to the Living Room.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Click on the rat cage to visit the rat.
* Take the mail from inventory and click it on Curtis.
* Take the photo from the coffee table.
* Go to the Front Door.

Curtis' Apartment: Front Door

* Click on the front door to open it. Curtis will discover that
his wallet is missing.
* Return to the Living Room.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Click on the couch. Curtis will kneel down and see his wallet
beneath the couch.
* Click on the rat cage to remove her from the cage.
* Use the rat on the couch.
* Use the granola bar on the couch to lure the rat back out.
* Leave the apartment and go to WynTech.

WynTech: Main Hallway

* Look at Curtis' wallet in inventory. Click on it to remove
Curtis' card key.
* Use the card key on the card reader on the left.
* Enter the Main Office.

WynTech: Main Office

* Click on the water cooler to get a drink.
* Click on the door across from the cooler to find out that it's
Warner's office.
* Go to Jocilyn's Cubicle.

WynTech: Jocilyn's Cubicle

* Jocilyn's cubicle is the one with all the plants.
* Talk to Jocilyn and show her the postcard and photos.
* Go to Tom's Cubicle

WynTech: Tom's Cubicle

* Tom's cubicle is the one with the keys hanging from the wall.
* Talk to Tom.
* Use the wallet and the card key on him.
* Go to Therese's Cubicle.

WynTech: Therese's Cubicle

* Therese's cubicle is back by the window.
* Talk to Therese.
* Use the postcard on Therese.
* Go to Bob's Cubicle.

WynTech: Bob's Cubicle

* Bob's cubicle has a trench coat hanging on a coat rack.
* Click on Bob to talk to him. What a jerk!
* Exit Bob's cubicle.

Wyntech: Main Office

* Click on the water cooler to get another drink.
* Click on Warner's office door.

WynTech: Warner's Office

* Click on the computer to get a close up of Warner's desk.
* Click on the photograph.
* Click on the desk drawer.
* Get thrown out; go to Curtis' Cubicle.

WynTech: Curtis' Cubicle

* Curtis' cubicle is right across from Bob's.
* Click on the green chair to sit down.
* Look at the picture of the rat.
* Look at the notepad by the keyboard.
* Click on the phone to pick it up.
* Call Jocilyn at extension 6992.
* Call Trevor at extension 6125.
* Call Tom at extension 6120.
* Call Therese at exension 3038.
* Call Warner at 6996.
* Click on the computer to use it.
* Type in BLOB when asked for a password.
* Call Trevor again, then go to Trevor's Cubicle.

WynTech: Trevor's Cubicle

* Trevor's cubicle is the one with all the globes.
* Click on Trevor to talk to him.
* Show him the photos and the sexy postcard.
* Use the card key on Trevor.
* Return to Curtis' Cubicle.

WynTech: Curtis' Cubicle

* Click on the computer.
* Click on the document icon in the lower left corner.
* Click on the Employees folder in the upper right window to
read the employee files.
* Click on the CurtisC folder to see what document Curtis is
working on.
* Read the Venimen_Sagawa document by clicking on it.
* Click on the other employees' folders to see what they're
working on.
* Go back to Curtis' folder and access the Venimen document
* Click on the document until Curtis hallucinates.
* After the hallucination, click on the computer monitor. Scary!
* Call Trevor at extension 6125.
* Click on the computer, then click on the mail icon in the
lower left.
* Read all email. Reply to Trevor and Jocilyn's messages.
* Go to the Network Room

WynTech: Network Room

* The network room is across the hall from the main office.
* Go to the far right corner of the room.
* Click on the boxes to remove them.
* Click on the door, then the keyhole.
* Use the screwdriver on the door.
* Return to the Main Office and go to Trevor's Cubicle.

WynTech: Trevor's Cubicle

* Click on Trevor to talk to him until you go to the restaurant.

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

* Click on Trevor to talk to him until you return to WynTech.
* Retun to the Main Office and go to Curtis' Cubicle.

WynTech: Curtis' Cubicle

* Click on the computer and try to bring up the Venimen
* When the puzzle comes up, click on the letters to spell
* Go to Bob's Cubicle.

WynTech: Bob's Cubicle

* Click on Bob to talk to him.
* Go to Therese's Cubicle.

WynTech: Therese's Cubicle

* Click on Therese to talk to her.
* Go to the Network Room.
* Watch Therese come on to Curtis.
* Return to the main office and go to Curtis' Cubicle.

WynTech: Curtis' Cubicle

* Click on the computer and access the Venimen document.
* Click on the document in the left window.
* Curtis will say that it's quitting time. Go to The Dreaming

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

* Talk to Jocilyn and the waiter until you can't click on them
* Use Curtis' wallet on the bill to pay.
* Go to Curtis' Apartment.

Curtis' Apartment

* Click on Jocilyn to start end of chapter movie.

chapter two

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Go to the Bedroom

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

* Click on the mirror
* Go to the Front Door

Curtis' Apartment: Front Door

* Take the mail from the basket
* Go to the Living Room

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Use the mail on Curtis.
* Click on Blob's cage to say good morning to her.
* Click on the bookcase to look at it.
* Click on the photo by the bookcase to see the extraordinarily
talented Phantas team.
* Use Dr. Harburg's card on the phone to make an appointment.
* Go to WynTech.

WynTech: Main Hallway

* Talk to Jocilyn, Trevor and Therese.
* Open the door to the main office.
* Click on the door next to the main office to enter Warner's

WynTech: Warner's Office

* Pick up the small piece of paper on the floor.
* Click on the door to enter the Main Office.

WynTech: Main Office

* Talk to the police woman, then click twice on the Curtis'
* Go to The Dreaming Tree.

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

* Talk to Jocilyn twice.
* Click on Therese until she makes a date with Curtis.
* Return to Curtis' Apartment.

Curtis Apartment: Living Room

* Look at the rat and the bookcase.
* Go to the Bedroom.

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

* Look at the mirror.
* Go to WynTech.

WynTech: Main Office

* Get thrown out by the police woman.
* Go back into the main office and go to Tom's Cubicle.

WynTech: Tom's Cubicle

* Use Tom's phone to call Warner at extension 6996.
* Go to Warner's Office.

WynTech: Warner's Office

* Click on Warner's desk.
* Look at the photo and the document on the computer, then exit
the desk closeup.
* Look at the Carpe Diem plaque on the wall.
* Go back to the desk close up and open the drawer.
* Take the key you find there.
* Return to the main office and go to Bob's Cubicle.

WynTech: Bob's Cubicle

* Click on Bob's chair to find a button from his coat.
* Take the button.
* Go to the Network Room.

WynTech: Network Room

* Move the boxes to uncover the hidden door.
* Use the key on the door.
* Inside the hidden room, click on the file cabinet.
* Take the metal box from the drawer, then click on it in the
* Leave the hidden room and go back to Curtis' Apartment.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Use the metal box on Curtis to get its closeup.
* Take the file folder and the lace dress from the box.
* Click on the box in the closeup to discover the locked
* Go to Dr. Harburg's Office.

Dr. Harburg's Office

* Look at the snowdome on Dr. Harburg's desk.
* Click on the doctor to talk to her.
* Show Dr. Harberg the photos and the cards from Therese.
* Show the doctor the file folder.
* Use the piece of lace twice on Dr. Harberg.
* Use Bob's button on the doctor to tell her about the murder.
* Click the doctor's card on her to make another appointment.
* Go to The Dreaming Tree.

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

* Click on Max to tell him about the murder.
* Go to The Borderline

The Borderline

* Show the bouncer the bondage postcard.
* Inside the club, click on the patron at the bar.
* Go into the restroom, then go to the booth to meet Therese.
* Talk to Therese until she orders you a drink.
* Drink the drink.
* When the leather-clad man asks for piercing volunteers, click
on him.
* Return to Curtis' Apartment after the sex scene with Therese.

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

* Click on Curtis' navel to start chapter end movie.

chapter three

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

* Look in the mirror.
* Go to the Living Room.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Answer the phone when it rings.
* Click on Blob's cage to talk to her.
* Get the mail and sort it. Read the bookstore ad.
* Go to WynTech.

WynTech: Network Room

* Look at the hidden door. It's now plastered over.
* Take the hammer from the desk.
* Go to the Main Office.

WynTech: Curtis' Cubicle

* Watch the fight between the police woman and Warner.
* Log into the computer.
* Read emails. Reply to Trevor, Jocilyn and Therese.
* Click on the Archive folder.
* Type in the password CARPE DIEM (don't forget the space).
* Click on the Memos folder.
* The password for ACCESS.DOC is INFECTION
* The password for ENERGY.DOC is REVELATION.
* The password for CURTIS.DOC is DESECRATION.
* Call Trevor at extension 6125.
* Call Jocilyn at extension 6992.
* Go to Trevor's Cubicle.

WynTech: Trevor's Cubicle

* Talk to Trevor.
* Go to Therese's Cubicle.

WynTech: Therese's Cubicle

* Talk to Therese twice.
* Go to Bob's Cubicle.

WynTech: Bob's Cubicle

* Look at the box on Bob's desk.
* Go to Jocilyn's Cubicle.

WynTech: Jocilyn's Cubicle

* Talk to Jocilyn twice.
* Return to Main Office and click on Warner's door.
* Listen to the fight, then click on the door again.
* End up in the Mental Hospital.

Mental Hospital

* Talk to the nurse.
* Click on Curtis, then click on the buckle to try to escape.
* Distract the nurse by kicking the green ball the patients are
* During the ensuing confusion, click on Curtis, then click on
the buckle to free him.
* Click on the doorway to the hall to escape.
* Go to Curtis' Apartment.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Use the metal box on Curtis.
* Look at the hammer in inventory to get its closeup.
* Use the screwdriver on the hammer.
* Click the screwdriver/hammer combination on the metal box to
open the locked compartment.
* Read the letter from Curtis' father.
* Go to The Dreaming Tree.

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

* Talk to Trevor until he leaves.
* Go to Dr. Harburg's.

Dr. Harburg's Office.

* Click on Dr. Harburg to talk to her.
* Show the doctor the photos and the cards from Therese.
* Use the file folder and the piece of lace on the doctor.
* Use Bob's button on the doctor.
* Show Dr. Harburg the letter from Curtis' father twice.
* Go to the Borderline.

The Borderline

* Click on the patron at the bar.
* Go to Curtis' Apartment.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Click on Therese to talk to her.
* Go to the Bedroom

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

* Click on Therese whenever you can.
* Watch the end of chapter movie.

chapter four

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Talk to the police woman until she leaves.
* Use Dr. Harburg's card on the phone to make an appointment.
* Click on Blob's cage three times - scary rat!
* Look at the bookcase.
* Get the mail and sort it.
* Go to WynTech.

WynTech: Main Office

* Go to Tom's cubicle and get thrown out by the police woman.
* Go to The Dreaming Tree.

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

* Talk to Trevor until he leaves.
* Return to WynTech.

WynTech: Main Office

* Click on Warner's door, but the police woman won't let you go
* Go to Dr. Harburg's.

Dr. Harburg's Office

* Talk to Dr. Harburg until Curtis gets mad and leaves.
* Return to Curtis' Apartment.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

* Answer the door when someone knocks.
* Talk to Jocilyn until she leaves.
* After Jocilyn is gone, take her hairpin from the table.
* Return to WynTech.

WynTech: Hallway

* Use the hairpin on the door to Warner's Office.

WynTech: Warner's Office

* Use the screwdriver to open the locked drawer.
* Take the paper and the code book from the drawer.
* Click on Warner's computer and log in as Curtis.
* Read the email from Trevor to find out the SecureCon password.
* Log out, then log in as Paul Warner, use the password CARPE
DIEM (don't forget the space).
* Click on the computer icon in the bottom left to access
* Increase Curtis' security level to three. When asked for a
confirmation code, use BLACKLOTUS.
* Read the paper and the book from the desk drawer.
* Exit Warner's office to the Hallway.

WynTech: Hallway

* Use the card key on the sensor by the glass door.
* Use the card key by the reader next to the elevator.
* This will take you to the Lower Level Corridors.

WynTech: Lower Level Corridors

* Click on the door at the end of the hall.
* In the next corridor, click on the bundle of cloth on the
floor, then the door at the end of the hall.
* In the third corridor, click on the toy truck on the floor,
then the far door.
* In the next hallway, click on the blanket on the floor.
* Click on the door in the wall to Curtis' right.
* In the closeup of the door, click on the box right under the
"B64" sign.
* Click on the switches to input the code "10958".
* Enter the Underground Computer Room.

WynTech: Underground Computer Room

* Click on the computer to turn it on.
* Use the password ROSETTA to log in.
* Talk to the aliens via the computer. It doesn't matter what
you say. They will eventually invite Curtis into the
* DO NOT attempt to enter the Threshold, or evil Dr. Marek will
get you.
* Exit the Underground Computer Room and return to the main
* From the main hallway, leave WynTech and go to the Borderline.

The Borderline

* Talk to Therese in the booth and drink the drink. Then follow
her to the back of the club.
* Show the bouncer the invitation from Therese and he'll let
Curtis pass.
* Click the tiles on the door until the centers are all green,
then click on the middle of the puzzle. The tiles will combine
and the door will unlock

The Back Room

* Click on the hanging chain to find the bondage hood.
* Click on the red curtains to find Therese.
* Watch very scary end of chapter movie!

chapter five

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

Click on the police woman once to talk to her.

Look at Blob's cage to discover she's missing!

Talk to the police woman until she leaves.

Click on Blob's cage to make sure she's all right.

Go to the Bedroom

Curtis' Apartment: Bedroom

Look in the mirror twice to see scary visions.

Take Curtis' wallet out of the nightstand drawer.

Go to the front door to get the mail.

Go to the Living Room.

Curtis' Apartment: Living Room

Use Dr. Harburg's card on the phone to call her.

Go to the doctor's office.

Dr. Harburg's Office

Click on the phone that's hanging from the desk.

Click the down arrow behind the desk to find out what happened to
the doctor. Yuck!

When the security guard isn't looking, run out the door.

Go to WynTech.

WynTech: Curtis' Cubicle

Click on the computer and see the scary monster!

Do it again!

Go to Bob's Cubicle.

WynTech: Bob's Cubicle

Click on Bob's keyboard for another hallucination.

Go to Tom's Cubicle.

WynTech: Tom's Cubicle

Click on Tom's computer. Yuck!

Go to Warner's Office.

WynTech: Warner's Office

Log in as Curtis and read all new emails, then log out.

Log in as Warner and read the GOLDMINE.DOC in the PaulW folder.

Click on the GRAPHIC button and PRINT the logo.


Exit Warner Office and go to the Network Room.

WynTech: Network Room

After Trevor's untimely demise, click on him twice to take his card

Exit the Network Room and go to the Underground Computer Room.

WynTech: Underground Computer Room

Use the password ROSETTA to access the computer.

Talk to the aliens until they open the Threshold door.

Use Trevor's key card on the card reader.

Push the second button from the left.

Enter the Threshold Room.

WynTech: Threshold Room

Click on the Threshold computer.

When Paul arrives, talk to him until the scary monster appears and
decks him.

Talk to the monster until he tries to electrocute Curtis.

Click on the computer console to escape through the Threshold to
the Alien World.

Alien World: Upper Room

Take some of the brown slime from the green pipe.

Go to the Lower Room.

Alien World: Lower Room

In the Lower Room, there are four aliens, but you can only capture

Find the horseshoe-shaped alien, the round alien with a tail and
the starfish alien.

Take some of the fungus the glowing aliens were eating.

In inventory, combine the horseshoe and the starfish aliens to make
a new, hybrid creature.

Go through the hole in the wall to the Electricity Room.

Alien World: Electricity Room

Use the fungus on the glowing aliens to attract them. Capture one
while it's eating.

Click the hybrid alien on the white electricity to create a hole.
(You may have to left click several times, then right click to make
the hole appear.)

Don't be scared - go ahead and touch the green electricity.

Go through the tunnel to Curtis' Room.

Alien World: Curtis' Room

Click on the deformed Curtis until you end up in the Mental

Mental Hospital

Click on the surgical tray to get a closeup.

Take the big syringe. Owie!

The Dreaming Tree Restaurant

Click on Jocilyn's gun to take it from her.

Wyntech: Main Hallway

Yikes! Zombie co-workers. (You always knew that would happen.)

Click the down arrow to find the card key - take it, quick!

Use the card key on the reader by the elevator.

The Borderline

Click on the handle by Curtis' right hand to dump Therese.

Little Curtis' Back Yard

Click on Mom to give her a big hug.

Alien World: Curtis' Room

Click on deformed Curtis to pull out his life support.

Take the yucky goo that is left behind.

Go through the new hole in the wall to the Lower Room.

Alien World: Lower Room

In inventory, combine the goo and the slime.

Used the new gooey slime on the broken pipe to repair it.

Go to the Upper Room.

Alien World: Upper Room

Use the glowing alien on the Threshold to give it power.

Click on the hanging circuit boards to get a closeup.

Alien World: Circuit Board

Here are the steps to complete the circuit:

Step 1: Use the colored keys at the left and bottom of the screen
as a guide to attaching the colored wires.

Step 2: Click once on the knob with the small red arrow.

Step 3: Click on the round lens with an opening in it until the
opening is at approximately the 10 o'clock position.

Step 4: Click on the spigot right above the round lens. This will
charge the red circuit at the left of the screen.

Step 5: Click on the round lens until the opening is at
approximately the 2 o'clock position.

Step 6: Click on the spigot above the round lens to charge the ray.

Step 7: Click on the knob with the small red arrow.

Step 8. Click on the triangle until the red dot is in the lower

Step 9: Click on the ray to shoot light through the red dot.

Step 10: Click on the triangle until the yellow dot is in the lower

Step 11: Click on the ray to shoot light through the yellow dot.

Step 12: Click on the triangle until the blue dot is in the lower

Step 13: Click on the ray to shoot light through the blue dot.

Step 14: Click on the red, yellow and blue toggles in that order.

Step 15: Repeat steps 8 through 14.

When the circuit is complete, go back through the Threshold.

WynTech: Threshold Room

Choose to be human by clicking on Jocilyn


Choose to be an alien by clicking on the Threshold.


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