Opera Fatal

Opera Fatal

16.10.2013 23:41:53

Manufactured by: Heureka Klett
Language of my edition: german
Author of this text: Guenter Pajer
Date: 1997.10.19

0. General remarks, hints etc.:
Remarks to my english version if this text:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do not know whether there exists an english of OPERA FATAL or not.
And I do not know which technical terms and musical words could be used
in english and foreign languages.
So please excuse me being very wrong at some phrases and terms.
This text may not be very accurate at answering the puzzles.

But the text is intended to probably help you getting along within the plot
and help you where to find and use things within the opera house.

Installation hints:
- - - - - - - - - -
There is no installation in the common sense of computering.

To start the game I created an icon with the following attributes:
Description: Opera Fatal
Command line: D:\OPERA.EXE
Working directory: C:\GAMES\OPERA.FAT

Hereabout is: *) "Opera Fatal" a randomly selected description
*) "D:" CD-ROM drive (on your system it could be
another letter as well)
*) "OPERA.EXE" given by the program
*) "C:\GAMES\OPERA.FAT" a randomly selected directory
on your harddisk (should be an existing one)

By selecting a working directory on harddisk you are suggested that path
at saving and restoring a game thus you need not re-select another path.

Game description:
- - - - - - - - -
You wander about within an opera house and look for various hints.

The most important thing is to find a number of puzzle papers and to solve
them. The game consists of 6 levels. There are approximately 6 puzzles in
most of the levels which have to answered by typing them literally.
And there are numerous of riddles where you have to combine, collect or
move small or big things hanging about. And there are a lot of musical
questions you have to answer.

Concerning the musical questions I urge you to look up these basics
at those wonderful elements
"musical examples/theory/instrumental knowledge/history"
which you can open in the game control desktop.
You can learn a lot and even your children can take profit for school.
Please do pick up the answers from this text only in case of emergeny
(if you got stuck and do not know how to continue).

To help both of us to orientate let's suppose the opera house has a
south-north-axis: the main entrance is south, the stage is north.

In the rooms you can find not only those puzzle papers but as well
many hint papers. And there are a lot of nice ideas which have nothing
to do with the game itself but do their part well for the whole feeling and
surroundings. For example please open all the chests, drawers you can find
(everywhere your mouse cursor changes to the shape of a hand, arrow ...),
move the things you can reach (e.g. pictures, hotspots within pictures,
curtains etc.).
At the "normal" locations where it shows as a circle you cannot do anything
even with some "tool" from your inventory.

>From many locations you can only withdraw if you have closed again
the chests, drawers, curtains etc.
At some locations your movement may not be quite locical, thus for example
if you turn left and then right again you need not be headed exactly to your
pevious view. Just try anything in all the rooms.

If you are on a corridor for instance and want to turn aside through a door,
you typically have to go ahead first until the door can't be seen any more
and then turn aside to reach the door.

1. Level:
You enter the opera house. In the entrance lobby you get the first
hint paper "hanged in the air" on front of your face.
Move right towards the cash desk. Right of the curtain you see another
hint paper.

Move around a little to get a feeling of controlling the game and breathe
the atmosphere.

You cannot leave the opera house to go home or stroll to the city.

Look around the ground floor:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Staircase upwards or downwards in the East;
staircase upwards in the West;
the cash room in the East behind the curtain - you can enter this room
through the door near the staircase in the East;
the wardrobe room in the West - you can enter this room through the door
aside the staircase to the West (but by now the door is still locked).

The cash room: Look at the desk, open the central drawer to the left
and catch the mouse (this is one of those "tools" you will need further on).
Open the large drawer in the middle of the desk and see a hint paper:
"How to abbreviate the dynamic term 'pianissimo'"
together with some diagram - what could this mean ?
See the small box on the table to the right and take a screwdriver out of
the lower left drawer.
On the Northern wall of the room you see a pinning sheet. There is a
puzzle paper hanging:
"Question 2: How to call a tone step from b to ..."
(unfortunatly the rest has been torn away).
(You won't find the puzzle papers in numeric order but that shouldn't disturb
Left of the door move away the curtain and take the key.

The wardrobe room: The door is locked but you can use the key here.
Do not matter - tools which have been used vanish to the void but you won't
need them any more.
In the inner bag of the coat you find the torn off rest of question 2
("... c"). Upon the small chest there is a safety pin you pick up to your
inventory. Within the drawer, below the box (move it aside) you see
a puzzle paper:
"Question 4: How to call a stepwise order of tones".
>From this wardrobe room you walk through another door to the West into the ...

Wardrobe chamber: Have a look at the table from the left side and the bottle
upon it. Within the bottle there seems to be a paper. The bottle can be
pushed (just to the back) off the table and smashes to the ground.
The contents reads as:
"Question 5: How to call the incomplete measure at the beginning
of a piece of music"
South hand side there is a big chest. On the inner door you find a paper:
"Question 7: Which instrument is hidden in the packing case"
Left of the chest down in the waste paper basket you find a paper hinting
to Mozart (with a picture).

Using the Eastern staircase you get down to the ...

- - - - -
At the staircase landing you immediatly see the packing case. Unfortunately
it is locked and you don't have a key. But you can move it's right side a
little off the wall. At the rear edge to the right there is a black spot
(does your monitor show this shadow as dark as mine ?). Through this hole
you can recognize that hidden string instrument.

Turning right you see a metal door and nearby some pushbuttons arranged like
the diagram from the cash room (an elevator ?). Quickly you enter "pp" for
"pianissimo" and the metal door can be opened. You enter the ...

Electric room: You open the metal chest hanging on the opposite wall
(that one with the Mozart picture) by clicking to the middle and turn on
the characters of the composer's name in any order. Hereafter the main switch
below the chest can be turned on permanently.
When you turn on the speaker to the right, a paper falls down from the fan:
"Question 6: What is the priest's name in that opera
who robbed Pamina"
Left of the fuse chest there seems to be an interesting piece of brick wall
behind the bucket (acoustic effekt, use it later).
Before leaving the room can you really resist to screw in the fuse number 4 ?
(Number 2 still keeps empty a while).

Through the cellar door with the "NO ADMITTANCE" sign (who shall be kept off
by such a plates ?) you walk along a corridor towards North.
The very door at the end of it unfortunatly is locked but that one to the
left side can be opened. It leads you to the ...

Instruments room: Look around a little, try some instruments. Did you notice
the video camera hanging from the ceiling (just visable from the view when
you see as well the locked double door as well as the harp) ?
Left of that door you entered the room through, you see a small desk with
a paper upon it:
"Question 3: How to call this intervall"
(and two notes D and A are written)

Upper storey:
- - - - - - -
You can reach it via the Eastern or Western staircase. Don't be disturbed
by female sounding foot steps - you won't see other persons (helping you
or so).
Here lies the library to East and the secretary's office and the Maestro's
room to the West. The door to your own room, o Maestro, unfortunatly is
locked so you can only enter it through the secretary's office.

Secretary's office: Hardly entered you turn left, move aside the curtain
and you see a niche with a refrigerator, a table and a sewing machine.
At the drawer the handle is missing so you use the screwdriver. In the
box of coffee filters you discover a paper:
"Question 1: How is this tone called"
(and an A-sharp is written).
You go near the large table in the centre of the room from the chair side,
you open the drawer and see a hint paper:
" "Combination"
(and the notes F, A, C are written).
On the table there is the notebook in which you have write down your
answers to the questions (as well as now, in the first level as well as
later on):
Frage 1: A sharp (Ais)
Frage 2: semitone (Halbtonschritt)
Frage 3: quinte (Quinte)
Frage 4: scale (Tonleiter)
Frage 5: upbeat (Auftakt)
Frage 6: Sarastro
Frage 7: violin (Violine)
When you look up there is a monitor (no, not your own pysical one
but that one in the game) at the opposite wall which is blinking.
After turning on the monitor you can turn on one button on the control desk
(because you just have finshed one level of the game):
and you see the instruments room on the screen (something has changed
here ...).

2. Level:
Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
Back to the cash room you can open the safe deposit box by using the
combination f/a/c and turning the wheel.
You can take out a single gold coin.

- - - - -
In the instruments room you notice that the double doors have been swung
open - now the way to the orchestra ditch is now free. At the rear end
you discover
"Question 13"
(with no additional text)
and in the background on a plate there is "moderately fast = moderato"
painted over.

At the beginning of the orchestra ditch to the right there is a door
(you must turn left at first and then turn around), which you can unclamp.
This is short cut to the already known corridor towards the instruments room
and the packing case.

Also a new long corridor starts from here towards North and after a corner
to the West with some old furniture and requisites. Here stands the next
video camera (don't panic due to the foot steps and shadows).
At the back end (near the giant spider) under the board of a writing desk
you find a paper on which many informations are crossed out:
"Question 8/17 (or whatever): How to call the under..."
(This does not seem to be an "official" question).
To the left of it within the green metal case you find a coin with a "C"
in it and you take it with you.
Left of the table a little higher on wall there is a currency distributer.
Open it, mend the cable for a certain gate to get its energy.
Near the table a metal spiral staircase starts winding up, but the door
is locked.

>From that very corridor you can reach three new rooms.
Through a small door with metal knob near the corner you enter the ...

Workshop room: Out of the big chest you take the wrench. On the inner door
of the chest there is a huge electric plan hanging. Out of the small
key chest you take the key with the "plus in the circle".
On the table aside the radio you see:
"Question 10: How to call the classical string quartette
which can be heard on ARSMUSICA"
Close the top cover of the box aside the door and see:
"Question 11: How to call the smallest musical building block
of a composition or melody"

The switch to open the gate with vertical stripes is placed to the right
of it. Across this lumber-room you reach the souffleur (prompter) chamber.
There (upwards) you find a paper:
"Question 12: At which mark a musician decides emotionally"
On a shelf in the lumber-room (to the right of the gate) you find:
"Question 8: How to call the 5th step of the scale in harmony theory"

The elevator (Northern side of the corridor) has a broken wood gate.
To the right of it there are some pushbuttons and a paper on the wall:
"When was Maurice Ravel born"
This is no "official" question too. After entering the correct year 1875
nothing seems to have changed ...
To be beforehand, there is one calling button for the elevator in each
storey. But the elevator won't work until later till energy has been turned
on. Nevertheless I have a list for you already now:
storey keyword answer
basement Ravel 1875
ground floor / stage Chopin 1810
upper storey Fidelio 1805
loft / cord storey Beethoven 1827

In the elevator a tin sheet beneath your feet sounds the same sound than
the electric room (resp. the brick wall there).
Using the wrench you can open it, climb down below (? - no, into) the
elevator and turn on the small switch.
But that won't help so you have another look on the electric plan in the
workshop room (it seems to coincide) - quite on the top there is a fault
written down ...

Standing on the elevator roof you can climb up the shaft in total 5 times.
At the 2nd and the 4th climb you can turn right and see other gates from
inside (locked by now).

If you stroll some times later from the ground floor down towards the
basement again you can see the 2nd (brown) door to the right of the
packing case hiding a hand wheel (with a plus in circle) which reminds you
of the key. After using it you discover the ...

Thermal room: Left hand side there is a small chest on the wall hiding
a blue wheel, the shadow of a "g" and a clue saying:
"Turn: g major triad in normal position"
At the rear wall of the room there are 7 coloured hand wheels.
You try them and sort the pitch of those notes: blue is the deepest (g ?!),
then follows violet, red, green, yellow, light blue and orange.
After touching blue/red/yellow for the triad g/b/d you hear some kind of wind
or similar for a short time (it's water, which now rushes into the pipes).
To the right of the huge boiler another paper is hanging on the wall
"In which age Mozart became the courtly conductor in Salzburg"
together with a diagram of a wooden (?) punctured box and electronic A and B.

Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
In the cash room now the water tab can be turned on which washes away the
rubbish off the paper which is lying in the washbasin saying:
"Question 9: Name another term for the 2nd reversal of a triad"

In the secretary's office (upper storey) please enter your answers:
Question 8: Dominante
Question 9: Quartsextaccord (Quartsextakkord)
Question 10: emperor's quartette (Kaiserquartett)
Question 11: motive (Motiv)
Question 12: Fermate
Question 13: moderato
When looking up from the notebook the monitor blinks again. You can switch on:
The screen now shows a corridor - now, stop it, this is not the wellknown one
in the basement, but ? A gate is standing open, you recognize it as one of
the elevator's. Cheerings, the upper storey of the opera house can now be
reached via the elevator shaft.

3. Level:
Upper storey:
- - - - - - -
Leaving the shaft you are standing on a gallery corridor facing East to West.
Let's go East at first (turn left) ...
By the way, the gate now is locked again so you can't return to the basement
through the shaft again.

Quite right of the gate at the call buttons you see:
"When was the premiere of Beethoven's FIDELIO"
Even if you enter the correct number 1805 nothing happens.
The next room to the right is the ...

Make-up room:
Here now stands the wooden punctured box where to enter Mozart's age
(later on, by now we still miss a certain thing).
At the central make-up table to the right (or at the right table to the left)
within the tissues you find a paper:
"Question 14: What is this sign for"
(and a wavy line is drawn).
The drawer of the right table maybe could be opened later on by the correct
tool ?

Farther to the East there is the sewing room+wardrobe:
At the sewing machine you take the thread cutter. At the back end of the
central walk you discover a tiny hole which invites you to apply the mouse.
That little animal vanishes in the hole and after a while it produces a paper:
"Symphonie fantastique, Hector Berlioz, row 8, seat 9"
AT the rear of the right walk you see a paper wrapped together with a pair
of trousers in some transparent foil, but by now you can't unwrap.

Standing at the parapet of the gallery near the door facing South you see
an electric box hanging on the wall below you but you cannot reach it by now.

To the West of the elevator gate you enter the ...
Wig room: Turning left you discover a paper hanging behind some wigs:
"Question 19: How to call the musical form of this piece of music"
When you touch one of the mouths of some wig holder you hear the
corresponding music.

The next room to the West is another (small) wardrobe. Turning left there
is an old gramophone but unfortunatly the crank is missing.
Left of the make-up mirror at the table there is the light switch.
After turning it on you can take a razor blade out of the silver box.
With the illumination on you turn right and see the pictur with a paper:
"Question 15: In which romantic BALLET the story of a swimming
QUEEN is told"

On the gallery farther to the West, left of the telephone there is a
letter shelf hanging on the wall. The paper lying in the upper row can be
read. It is a hint to the electric installation which works with 120 Volts
and 18 Amps, but the dimmer does not work.

Facing South from here by crossing a bridge (?) you get to a door.
>From there you can turn right and step up a staircase towards the loft.
The door up there is locked by a padlock but a paper gives a hint:
"The key is at Othello"
Looking towards your feet you see a nitro receptacle and a duster aside it.
Take the duster to your inventory.

Down again at the upper storey you open the door and you reach ...

The (Western) lounge:
Although you can open some doors towards the main hall it is so dark that
you just can return to the lounge. Here some paintings are hanging on the wall
which of course you look at.
In the Southern lounge you can pick up a crank from Joseph Haydn and
unlock one or both main doors towards the entrance hall which you already
know quite well.
On the Southern wall of the lounge (left of those doors) you see an empty
painting, no - it is painted over. At the side you see a paper saying:
"Question 18: Who is painted here"
With the nitro wet duster wipe off the new colour in several procedures.
By comparing the painting with the composers' ones in the "musical history"
you recognize Frederic Chopins.

By using the crank at the gramophone in the artist's wardrobe some music
plays and a paper glides down from air:
"Question 17: Wow to call the instrument which can be heard"
(compare the sound with the "instrumental knowledge").

In the sewing room+wardrobe you quickly cut the wrapping bag with the razor
blade and get a paper:
"Question 16: How to call the composing method
which is the most important feature of a fugue"

In the secretary's office (upper storey) please enter your answers:
Question 14: double beat (Doppelschlag)
Question 15: swan lake (Schwanensee)
Question 16: polyphony (Polyphonie)
Question 17: english horn (Englischhorn)
Question 18: Chopin
Question 19: oratorio (Oratorium)
The monitor's next button
shows the make-up room with the now opened door to the broom chamber with a
vacuum cleaner in it. So you go there ...

4. Level:
Upper storey:
- - - - - - -
Make-up room: You open the bag of the vacuum cleaner by zipping, you take out
that shiny pearl (?) and close the bag again.
Insert the small ball into the wooden punctured box where to enter Mozart's
age (12 years) and you can start the actual game (but how ?).
After a while of trying you notice those small digit buttons at the lower end
where you can touch too and receive a shining figure on the main boards.
Now you imitate the pattern for "12" with balls (when transporting you must
keep your mouse button pressed from the distribution until the hole
you want to stuff).
After doing that work you step back and a drawer jumps open where you can
take a noble key to your inventory.
After some tries in vain at all locked doors you finally get the right one ...

Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
You can unlock (only) one of the two main doors leading to the lounge towards
the main hall.
Turn East and then North. The main hall still is very dark.

In the break room/coffee-house (Eastern side) on some table left of the
entrance there is an interesting cream cake with 6 flat marks ("b" signs).
At the right (South) end at the buffet you find a cream cake paper:
"Question 22: Which sharp pitch does Othello show"
On the plate of the Othello cream cake there is a key (which you cannot
get by now) below some glass cover.
To the right of the coffee machine you see another paper:
"Question 24: Which pure intervall can be heard here"
so you try to touch the middle between the two tubs as well as those
two tubs themselves.

In the chamber behind the buffet you discover a stove with a spaghetti plate
within and a paper below those spaghetti but you cannot read it.
To the left in a shelf there is a box. From the lower drawer you take out
the last fuse you need (number 2). At the back end of the chamber to right
you find a spoon within a pot. Take the spoon with you, but stop - couldn't
it help against those nasty spaghetti ? Now you can read:
"Question 21: What is that person's name in Beethoven's opera
Fidelio, who sat in jail and suffered hunger"

The small shop is in the Western lounge. Here a balloon hovers around
which contains another paper. By stabbing it with the safety pin
you now read:
"Question 20: Where died the father-in-law of the composer
of the Flying Dutchman (Fliegender Hollaender)"

- - - - -
In the electric room you quickly apply the fuse and thus the main switch
below it can be turned on.

Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
The main hall is now illuminated and can now be visited. You can stroll
through each single row.
In the 8th (= the 3rd from the rear) row (you remember your animal mouse ?)
about the middle you can look down and topple up a seat. Below it there
is a paper hanging:
"Question 25: How to call that gadget which gives the time
by constantly clicking"
Also in the 2nd row you can topple up a seat but this is just for fun.
At the rear corner (Western wall) you see a built in chest with a
fire extinguisher inside and a plate on it
"Question 23: Similar to what instrument does this
fire extinguisher sound"

Upper storey:
- - - - - - -
Gallery, 1st row, Western side (main hall): here lies an opera glass on a
seat which you cannot take with you but have a look around.

In the secretary's office (upper storey) please enter your answers:
Question 20: Bayreuth
Question 21: Florestan
Question 22: g flat (Ges)
Question 23: bass tuba (Basstuba)
Question 24: Oktave
Question 25: Metronom
The monitor's next button
shows the break room/coffee-house and the now opened showcase at the Othello
cream cake so you go there ...

5. Level:
Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
The break room/coffee-house: Take the key, close the showcase and hurry off.

Loft / cord storey:
- - - - - - - - - -
Up there where you took the nitro duster you now can open the padlock
with your new key. Shift left the bolt, step back and enter the loft.
Turning right, on that "moon" is a paper hanging but cannot reach it.
On the (Eastern) back end take out an oil can from the chest.
Left of the elevator gate a paper tells you:
"When did Ludwig van Beethoven die",
so you try to enter the number 1827 (with no successive event).
Step up the chicken ladder - up there to the right you find an electric
control board but still you have no idea for it.
Going back towards the exit of the loft you pass by three wheels.
The middle one does not turn properly but a drop of oil to the centre of
the wheel helps a lot so you can turn it now.
Thus the "moon" lowers and you can read the paper:
"Turn on that tones where the circle of quintes intersect
(or the elevator NEVER works)"
Now you climb up the chicken ladder again and turn on f-sharp/g-flat/
d-sharp/e-flat and press the ON button. Now some lights show your success.

- - - - -
Now the elevator is ready to service you. It awaits you in the correct height.
(If you have already turned on the switch inside it, you may use it right
off the loft / cord storey).
Use the elevator to go to various storeys ...

Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
Your location now is behind the stage. To the right of the elevator gate
you find a paper:
"When was Frederic CHOPIN born",
so you enter the number 1810.
To the right of it (farther to the East) there is the ...

Cantina: The leftward vending machine invites you to insert a coin (that one
with the "C" is rejected, so the golden one would be the correct one).
Do not matter - if you choose to open the wrong box you are able to eat the
contents (whereupon it fills up itself) and you will get the coin back
in the return slot for another attempt. In the second box to the right there
is a paper reading:
"Question 29: The TIME should accelerate"
Even here you get the coin back to eventually read the paper again later on.
If you are bothered to carry an already used item with you, just leave the
coin in the return slot (now or later on).
In the input slot of the right vending maching is a paper sticking:
"Select the epoche in which the dual pitch was a special feature
in music"
After pressing the 1880-1910 key a cup is emerging with
"Hear the 8"
written on it.
Farther to the back of the room, sticking to the music box you find a paper:
"Question 28: Where did the composer of the correctly selected
piece of music live"
So you press the 8 key and hear an extract from Debussy's string quartette.
The storeroom farther to the back is still locked, so you can't do anything
more in here ...

In the corridor again farther to the East there is a piano statnding in the
dark. Even when you turn on the light which is standing on the piano,
you just can strum on the piano keys by now.

Around the corner to the South you unlock the door leading towards the
lounge around the main hall, but you still do not pass by.
To the right of the door there is an electric control board. You adjust
the knobs to the demanded 120 Volts and 18 Amps and press the main switch.
Looking North you see the stage curtain open as before but you find the
side stage shines illuminated invitingly now ...

Further on there are some more switches on the electric control board as well.
Here you can turn on the switches for the demanded Big Septime c/b.
This turns on the light at the top of the curved staircase behind you.
(Hint: If you leave this particular place of the stage, the light turns off
again automatically).
Now when strolling up the staircase you find a paper hanging on the wall
(upwards to the right):
"Question 33: Which rythmic FIGURE stamps Ravel's BOLERO"

On the stage now a huge gate curls you to approach - you just can pass by
to the right. Farther to centre of the stage a shield and sword curl to
get nearer. There on wall is an elegant looking key hanging on a nail.
Take the key with you.
Pay attention here - when you turn right and walk over that carpet towards
the hammer leaning to the wall, you will loose ground beyond your feet and
fall down to the basement's lumber-room.
In this case walk up again (e.g. by elevator) and keep on exploring the stage.
Looking towards the huge gate from the stage's side, and looking upwards,
there is a paper hanging up there with a diagram of some wheel mechanism.
On the way back to the corridor there is a dark corner to the right hiding
that wheel mechanism and "car hoist" written there.
But we still could not read the instructions.

To the West of the elevator there is the stage workshop. In the clock case
you pull down the rightmost weight (keep your mouse button pressed)
and thus wind up the drive. When closing the clock door again, a cuckoo jumps
out presenting a paper:
"Question 30: What is the 5th movement's name of the symphony
which can be hearded on the recording tape"
You find the corresponding tape within the tape recorder at the opposit wall.
(first rewind and then listen).
At the Eastern wall of the room there is a paper lying aside the violin
"Question 31: Take the distance between the VIOLIN's footbridge
and the upper saddle"
(Please tell apart the difference between violine and violin).
Hint: In the chapter
"instrumental knowledge/string instruments/violin/details and measures"
you can click on the footbridge and by pressing the mouse button you take
the distance to the upper saddle (on the violin itself, not between the
lettering points).

In the Western corner of the corridor there is the upper end of the spiral
staircase coming from the basement. There is a key hanging - thus you
can unlock the metal bar door at the lower staircase landing and have
a quick access from and to the basement.

At the Western stage corridor, below some steps which are leading upwards,
is a copier which is locked by a padlock. The paper lying in the box
can be read, but it doesn't give you much information. Here you put the
coin with the "C" into the input slot and you will receive a promptly
copied paper:
"Question 27: How to call this motive processing"
and some notes are written.
Now you unlock the door leading South towards the Western lounge around
the main hall (another quick passage possibility).
But still from the stage side you stroll up the staircase towards North and
unlock the door at the upper landing by touching the hook to the left -
another passage, now to the upper storey.

By unlocking the spiral staircase door in the basement it seems to me that
I have activated some event which made a paper now being sticked to the
lamp on the piano.
ATTENTION: Immediatly after putting back the paper, it will go up to fumes
because of the lamp is very hot and it will never come back - so you must
read it thoroughly or write its contents in your own notebook (this seems to
be an unhappy part of the game where you really can do something wrong and
something can be lost forever (or did you save this game at many places ?)).
After lighting up the lamp you can read:
"Question 32: What was the first name of the COMPOSER's wife
whose music I am practising"
(Concerning this very question of the game I did not find any hints
or clues (neither here nor elsewhere) which piece HE (that bad thief of notes)
is practising here - where have I overlooked something ?
So I tried all the wife's first names I know (at the secretary's office)
until I was right at Schumann's).

Upper storey:
- - - - - - -
Using the elegant key you can unlock the door to the Northern box from
the Western lounge (last door to the left).
In the first row you take a closer look on the central chair and by using
the thread cutter you open the seat. Together with a spring jumps out
a paper:
"Question 26: What's the term for TONE VOLUME"

In the secretary's office (upper storey) please enter your answers:
Question 26: dynamic (Dynamik)
Question 27: sequence (Sequenz)
Question 28: Paris
Question 29: accelerando
Question 30: witches' sabbath (Hexensabbat)
Question 31: 33
Question 32: Clara
Question 33: triplet (Triole)
The monitor's next button
shows the main hall and now opened stage curtain.
The last monitor's button unfortunately cannot be used further on
(or have I overlooked something at this game ?).
Hint: Have a last look in the notebook where you wrote down your answers
until now ...

6. Level:
Upper storey:
- - - - - - -
Using the opera glass you have a close towards the stage and the tower there.
Have that paper hanging there in sight and read:
"Car hoist: Adjust: Parallel pitches with 4 sharp marks"

Ground floor:
- - - - - - -
At the wheel mechanism you enter E/c-sharp whereupon the car hoist doesn't
lower down to the basement any more. Thus you can take the hammer now.

Cantina: The storeroom at the back end can now be opened and you discover
it being a toilet. Behind the door there is a torch hanging on the wall
and you take it with you (it just can be seen in that certain picture
which shows the door and you are almost leaving the toilet again).

- - - - -
In the electric room you turn left towards the interesting brick wall
behind the bucket. You smash the brick wall by using the hammer.
You face just a dark hole. Using the torch now you see another room
on the other side of the wall, let's call it the brick room ...

Here in the brick room you have a look around. You cannot do very much here.
Actually the only thing is to have look at a small packing case at the
rightmost end of the room standing on the floor. It can be opened.
Within the packing case resp. below it there is a deep dark descent to
somewhere (even those loose cables to the right cannot be touched).
When climbing down the shaft, strange things happen:
Notes, instruments and pictures come towards you. You cannot navigate
by mouse for a while, and afterwards you find yourself in a ...

Bedroom: Here you turn off the alarm clock and then explore the room.
Here the wanted notes are lying on the bedside table - everything pops up
to have been a nightmare - - - END

I hope you have enjoyed this game as much I did
and you have learned something as well.

Yours sincerely
Guenter Pajer pg@sat.co.at

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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