Night Warriors - DarkStalkers Revenge

Night Warriors - DarkStalkers Revenge

17.10.2013 20:05:43
Night Warriors: DarkStalkers Revenge

How to Use the Mummy Anakaris

by Brandon Wong (
May 25, 1995

Although Anakaris is one of the more tricky characters to master in Night
Warriors, his interesting moves make him a very fun character to use.

His victory quotes are:
"You are not worthy to clean my tomb!"
"The power of Pharaoh Anakaris is as eternal as the desert sands!"
"You could challenge Ra, but I Pharaoh Anakaris am the greatest warrior of all
"No jackal spawn trickster will ever be able to defeat me!"

Anakaris' moves are as follows:

Judgment Day

Forward, Down-back, Down, Down-forward and then press punch (or all three punch
buttons for the super version).


Down, Down-forward, Forward and then press punch (or all three punch buttons
for the super version).

<*> You can only do this move while you are airborne.
<*> Super Judgment Day shoots out faster and covers a larger area, but does
not last any longer than a non-super Judgment Day.
<*> In case you're wondering, this move lasts ten seconds (if you press
Fierce when you get hit, sometimes you can turn back to normal
immediately). If your opponent fails to block Judgment Day, a little
damage will be taken when they are initially hit, in addition to any
damage Anakaris inflicts on the "cursed" opponent.
<*> Try doing rushing (Forward, Forward) Ducking Fierce at your "cursed"
<*> The Coffin Dance is also a good thing to do to "cursed" opponents (they
can't block it).

Coffin Dance

Jab and Short simultaneously to make coffin land near Anakaris.

Strong and Forward (as in the kick button) simultaneously to make coffin land
away from Anakaris.

Fierce and Roundhouse simultaneously to make coffin land far away from Anakaris.

<*> You can push the controller left or right to adjust the range of the
Coffin Dance.
<*> Press all six buttons simultaneously to do the Super Coffin Dance (a
whole bunch of coffins falls down instead of one).


Push Up and a kick button simultaneously when your opponent has been knocked
down (press all three kick for Super Pursuit).

<*> This move may be a little difficult to execute since Anakaris is so
slow. A good way to get your opponents is to hit them with Coffin
Dance, and then do the Pursuit.
<*> You do not have to be near your opponent to do the Pursuit. You can be
anywhere on the screen. Just be sure you opponent has been knocked down
before you try this move.
<*> Super Pursuit inflicts more damage.

Pyramid Drop

Press and hold the controller either Down or Down-forward and then press

<*> Anakaris will drop down in the direction you pushed. Useful for doing
combos and surprising your opponent.
<*> This move is also useful to make Anakaris land if you want to get out
of the air immediately.

Cobra Strike

Forward, Back, Forward and then press punch (all three punches for Super Cobra

<*> If you do this move near your opponent, it hits three times.
<*> You don't have to "charge" or hold the controller in a direction before
you can do this move. Do it whenever you like.
<*> Super Cobra Strike hits your opponent up to six times.

The Void

Forward (as in the direction), Down-forward, Down, Down-back, Back and then
press Roundhouse.

<*> This move will make Anakaris eat projectiles (fireballs, etc.) that are
shot at you by your opponents. (In fact, you can even eat another
Anakaris' Judgment Day, but you must be in the air to shoot it back
<*> To shoot an eaten projectile: Down, Down-forward, Forward and then
press Roundhouse (if your special meter if full, press all three kick
buttons to shoot a super version of the eaten projectile. Be careful
not to do the Mystic Portal by accident!).
<*> You only have to eat one projectile to shoot out as many as you like.
For example, if you just eat one fireball, you can shoot out as many as
you like without having to eat another.
<*> You can do The Void in the air to eat airborne projectiles, but you
cannot shoot eaten projectiles in the air (Why bother when you got
Judgment Day?).
<*> If you can hit Morrigan with Judgment Day, she turns into a little bat.
If you have eaten one of her Soulfists before you got her, start
shooting! The little bat that is now Morrigan cannot avoid it! (And no,
this trick won't work on Demitri).

Grand Wrap

Down, Down-forward, Forward and then press punch (or all three punch buttons
for Super Grand Wrap).

<*> This move cannot be blocked, but it can be avoided by ducking or
<*> If you press Jab, the Grand Wrap appears near Anakaris
<*> If you press Strong, the Grand Wrap appears away from Anakaris
<*> If you press Fierce, the Grand Wrap appears far away from Anakaris.
<*> Super Grand Wrap moves toward your opponent and cannot be avoided by
ducking or blocking.

Pharaoh's Wrath

Forward (as in the kick button), Jab, Down, Short, Strong

<*> You do not have to hold the controller down when you do this move. Just
push down once and let the controller fall back to its original
position (the"middle").
<*> You can only do this move when your special meter is full.

Mystic Portal

Back, Down-back, Down, Down-forward, Forward and then press all three kick

<*> You can only do this move when your special meter if full.
<*> This move cannot be blocked; to avoid it, don't touch the light and get
out of the way!

Walk Like an Egyptian

Jab, Jab, Down, Forward (as in the kick button), Roundhouse.

<*> You do not have to hold the controller down when you do this move. Just
push down once and let the controller fall back to its original
position (the"middle").
<*> You can only do this move when your special meter if full.
<*> After you do this move, the lower half of Anakaris automatically walks
toward your opponent. You cannot control the movement of the lower
half, but you can control the movement of the upper (flying) half.
<*> The lower half of Anakaris cannot be hit in any way by your opponent.
Just keep pressing Roundhouse (try pressing other buttons too) to make
the lower half attack your opponent.
<*> This move will end when either the flying Anakaris gets hit (you can
still block) or when the lower half of Anakaris walks off the screen.

Useful tips and combos

<*> Anakaris "jumps" differently than all the other characters (except
Huitzl, which I'll write a guide on later). If you press Diagonal
Forward (the direction you would press if you wanted to jump forward),
Anakaris will fly and stay in the air for an extended period. Before
you land, you can attack many times while you are airborne. If you're
airborne and find yourself getting too close to your opponent, just
press Diagonal Backward (the direction you would push if you wanted to
jump backwards) and Anakaris will fly in the opposite direction (Don't
forget, you can also Pyramid Drop to land immediately).
<*> If you have been knocked down by your opponent (with a Ducking
Roundhouse for example), you can move while you're getting up. Simply
push left or right to get up in that direction. You cannot be hit while
you are moving while getting up!
<*> If you press the controller up twice, Anakaris will float up. If you
press up twice again, Anakaris will float up once more. To land, just
press down. While floating, press left and right to fly in that
direction. Also, you can still attack while floating, but be careful.
<*> Anakaris can wrap around the screen by simply dashing backwards (Back,
Back) into one side of the screen, and appearing out of the other.
<*> Anakaris' Ducking Fierce beats a lot of jumping attacks. If you see
someone try to jump on you, just do this simple move and your opponent
will be more cautious next time. Ducking Strong is also useful for
defeating jumping attacks.
<*> A sneaky thing to do is to wrap around to the other side of the screen,
and while Anakaris is doing that, start doing the Pharaoh's Wrath
motion before Anakaris fully emerges (be sure your special meter is at
least to one before you try to Pharaoh's Wrath).
<*> Another good thing to do is to get your special meter to at least one,
then try to nail your opponent with a non-super Judgment Day, and then
do the Super Coffin Dance.
<*> Try this combo: Pyramid Drop, Ducking Jab, Ducking Strong, Ducking
Forward, Ducking Roundhouse. Its hard to do, but its a good one. Don't
wait for Anakaris to finish executing a Ducking Jab before you press
Ducking Strong. Just press the buttons sequentially without regard to
whether Anakaris has completed an attack or not. If you just press it
quickly and sequentially, the combo will work. In fact, pressing
quickly and sequentially without regard if your character has finished
attacking or not is true for all the characters in Night Warriors! You
can make up the most amazing combos this way.
<*> If that combo is too hard, try doing: Ducking Forward, Ducking
Roundhouse OR Ducking Jab, Ducking Strong OR Ducking Strong, Standing
Fierce OR Standing Fierce, Ducking (or Standing) Roundhouse.
<*> If you're getting annoyed by cheesy Demon Cradles and Shadow Blades
(uppercuts), you can block them while you are airborne! Just hold back
while you are in the air. In fact, all the characters can do this.

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