

15.10.2013 21:27:41

hints by The Avatar
taken from The Book of Nimbus

-->>1 Complete Guide to Rules and Tactics

Nimbians are a prideful yet obedient people; you will
find leading them a pleasure. They do not, however,
take kindly to fools. To gain their respect you must
learn to direct them properly. Read this carefully, for
in it are the seeds of victory.

->1.1 The History of Nimbus:

On the surface of the planet Nimbus, far below the
Nimbian's islands, the Three Furies, Wind, Rain, and
Thunder, wage a vicious battle for control of the
blue-green planet. Long ago, the destructive Energy of
their war blasted huge chunks of the planet's surface
into the atmosphere. There, in the cloud-strewn skies
of Nimbus, the islands are held captive by the planet's
strong gravity.
Once the Nimbians were granted flight Knowledge they
moved to the sky islands to avoid the carnage from the
Furies' conflict. Resources, however, are scarce, and
the Nimbians must fight for the land to farm their
crops and the power to fuel their machines.
At the heart of the Nimbian's battle are the High
Priests of Nimbus, who possess incredible Knowledge of
magic and machinery. Their Sacrifice (to the Furies) is
the modus operandi of Nimbian conflict.

->1.2 Winning:

The goal of all Nimbian tribes is to capture enemy
High Priests, and Sacrifice them to the Furies. Only
through this Sacrifice can your tribe gain new Knowledge
that will allow them to rule the skies of Nimbus.

->1.3 Combat in the Skies of Nimbus: Behavior of Battle Units

Nimbian soldiers are well trained and fully understand
how to employ their weapons. It is not necessary, or
even possible, to direct each Battle unit's attack
against the enemy. As commander of a Nimbian tribe,
you merely direct the placement of your weapons, each
of which has a specific rate of fire, direction of fire,
and firing range. The Nimbians targeting the weapons
will then decide which enemy to engage.

->1.4 The Three Spheres of Nimbus:

Three spheres coexist in the realm of Nimbus:
The Deusphere, the Pyrosphere, and the Serenisphere.
These are not realms of the mind, but rather physical
sites, disparate in location as well as function.
Although Nimbians battle in only one, the Pyrosphere,
events in the other spheres affect those battles

-Deusphere: Here, the three Furies wage their eternal
battle for supremacy. This violent sphere, which
includes the lower planet of Nimbus, is inaccessible
to the gamer.
-Pyrosphere: The sphere in which Nimbians fight for
control of their floating islands. In this sphere you
will fight your battles against other gamers or the
-Serenisphere: As the name implies, the Serenisphere
is a peaceful realm. It is here that Nimbians rest
between skirmishes, and where you may challenge other
gamers to battle. See the Multiplayer section for more

->1.5 The Furies:

"The shot of a thousand cannons is but a whisper in the
Furies' ear." --Jon Helkinsen, High Priest

The Three Furies (Wind, Rain, and Thunder) strive to
dominate Nimbus. Each has strengths and weaknesses, each
has wonderfully different Knowledge to offer. You may
choose to align yourself with one or more in each battle.

-Thunder: Thunder is the most violent of the three Furies.
Its units are resilient, and pack a vicious punch.
-Wind: The units of wind, while lacking the brute force
of Thunder, are nevertheless potent. What Wind lacks in
raw power, it makes up for in speed.
-Rain: Not as strong as Thunder, nor as quick as Wind,
the rejuvenating force of Rain can be devastating,
making its units difficult to vanquish.

->1.6 The Nimbians:

"To win, you must know and fear your enemy. To begin,
you must know and fear yourself." --General Panette Jorkon

Nimbians are violent by necessity. Resources are scarce
in the skies above Nimbus, and to gain land for Edge
Farms, or Storm Geysers for Storm Power, the Nimbians
must fight. To fight effectively Nimbians must conquer
their neighbors, and capture High Priests to Sacrifice,
in hopes that the Furies will grant Knowledge that will
help them defeat their enemies.

->1.7 Terminology:

Although Nimbian culture is similar to ours, several of
their terms carry subtle connotations you must understand
before you can use them effectively. This is, by no
means, an inclusive list, but here are some common terms
used by the Nimbians:

-Building: This term encompasses Temples, Workshops,
Altars, and Outposts.
-Unit: This term describes anything (except buildings or
bridges) created or placed in NetStorm.
-Battle Unit: A sub-category of the term "unit",
encompassing all units that are placed in the Battle
window for purposes of waging war or defending. Thunder
Cannons, Whirligigs, and Bulwarks are examples.
-Transport: A sub-category of the term "unit", encompassing
all units that collect Storm Crystals, capture enemy
High Priests, and learn Spells. High Priests perform the
functions of Transports, but are much more powerful than
the average Transport, since Priests have the ability to
construct buildings, Pray, and Sacrifice enemy Priests.
Also, High Priests cannot capture other High Priests.
-Generator: A sub-category of the term "unit", encompassing
all units that produce Energy. Each Generator produces
one unit of Energy specific to the Generator's alignment
(Wind, Rain, or Thunder).
-Energy: A source of power, given off by Temples and
Generators, allowing the existence of units in the
sky-battlefields of Nimbus. There are three types of
Energy: Wind, Rain, and Thunder. Sun Energy is another
way of saying any type of Energy.
-Storm Geyser: Created by the conflict between the Furies,
Storm Geysers create Storm Crystals, which are harvested
by Nimbians for Storm Power.
-Storm Power: Once harvested (in the form of Storm
Crystals, created from Storm Geysers), Storm Power is
used by Nimbians in the creation of all things.
-Neutral Islands: Islands, only present in multiplayer
games, that are located in the center of the
sky-battlefield. Players may build units and buildings
on, and connect bridges to, a Neutral Island at any
time. If you build an Outpost on a Neutral Island,
you will be allowed to build bridges off of that island
and prevent enemy units from building on that island.
Some Neutral Islands also contain Obelisks, which
Transports can read to learn Spells (see The Handbook
of Nimbian for details).
-Home Island: The island on which you begin each scenario
or multiplayer battle.

>1.8 Energy:

"As night fell about us We tended our fallen cohorts By
the strobing Gen'rator's glow"
--From the Anthem of Thunder Ridge

A Temple produces one unit of Energy, as does each
Generator. This Energy pulses from the source, in a
fixed-range circle, and feeds any unit built within
the circle. Left-clicking on a Temple or Generator will
display the limits of its Energy influence.
To place units, you need Energy. Each of the Furies
produces a unique Energy, and specifically-aligned
Battle units need their Fury's particular Energy, or
else they cannot be placed. For instance, to build a
Thunder Cannon, (a Thunder Fury Battle unit), two units
of Thunder Energy and one unit of Sun Energy are
required. That is to say, to build the Thunder Cannon it
must be constructed in a place where three different
Energy sources overlap.

Note: Although unit construction requires Energy, their
operation does not. Once placed, Battle units will fight,
Transports will transport, and Generators will generate
until destroyed regardless of whether there are Energy
sources nearby.

->1.9 The Sun:

Sun Energy is another way of saying any Energy, and may
be supplied by any Generator. Hence, Sun units (which
require Sun Energy) can feed off any type of Generator.

->1.10 Storm Power:

The coagulation of the Geyser into Crystal form is like
watching white fire turnto ice... a very powerful ice.

Nimbians need Storm Power to construct units, cast
Spells, and upgrade Workshops. Your Storm Power reserves
are displayed in the upper left corner of the Production
window. Storm Power is the "money" of Nimbus. There are
four ways to accumulate Storm Power:

1.You may harvest Storm Crystals from Storm Geysers (the
Crystals will automatically be converted into Storm Power
in your Temple or Outpost).
2.You may reap it as reward for destroying enemy units.
3.You may gain it when you salvage your own units.
4.You may pick up a loose Storm Crystal dropped by enemy
Transports (if the Transport is destroyed, for instance).

->1.11 Harvesting Storm Power

"Yes, Master."

Any Transport can harvest Storm Crystals from Storm
Geysers. To do so left-click on the transport then
left-click on the Storm Geyser. Be advised, if the
Transport is a Ground Transport there must be a series
of bridges connecting your Home Island to the Storm
Geyser before the Transport can harvest. Aerial
Transports (such as Air Ships), do not need bridges in
order to harvest Storm Crystals. Consult The Handbook of
Nimbian for a complete list of Transports. Once the
Transport has harvested the Storm Crystal, it will
return to your Home Island's Temple where the Crystal
will be converted to Storm Power.

Note: In multiplayer games, Storm Crystals can be
brought to Outposts as well as Temples.

Note: Transports are loyal and dedicated units. Once you
have ordered them to begin collecting Storm Crystals,
they will always go to the nearest available Storm Geyser,
and always bring the Crystals to the nearest Temple or Outpost.

Note: Right-clicking on a Storm Geyser will display the
amount of Storm Crystals remaining in the Geyser.
Geysers initially contain 2000 units of Storm Power,
however, this amount may be altered in multiplayer games
(see the Multiplayer section for details).

->1.12 Collecting Storm Power Rewards

"To the Furies, destruction is creation. Death is the
fuel of Life."
--Einar Lexette, High Priest of the Nimbians

War pleases the Furies, and they will reward the
destruction of an enemy unit or building with 25% of the
unit's original Storm Power value. (The 25% value may be
adjusted by the Battlemaster in multiplayer games.)

Note: You may also garner 25% of your own unit's cost by
salvaging the unit, assuming that the unit is healthy.

->1.13 About the Buildings of Nimbus

The High Priest alone can construct buildings.
To construct a building, right-click on the Priest and
select Construct. Choose the building you wish to raise
from the list provided (Temple, Workshop, Altar, or
Outpost). If you do not have enough Storm Power to
construct a building, the cost will be listed in red in
the Priest's Construct sub-menu. Once you have selected
the building, your cursor will change into a reddened
silhouette of the building. Move the silhouette to a
vacant spot and adjust until it becomes a full color
depiction of the structure, then left-click to place.
Your Priest will walk to that spot, and in a few seconds
your building will be ready.

Note: The area you wish to place your building must be
free of any obstacles, such as other units.

->1.14 Temples

The most important building in Nimbus is the Temple,
which serves four primary purposes:

1.The Temple gives you ownership of the island on which
it is built, preventing enemies from building anything
on that island.
2.The Temple provides regenerating health to your Priest
if he is injured.
3.The Temple gives you the power to create bridges and
Golems. If your Temple is destroyed you will not be
able to create these fundamental units.
4.The Temple converts Storm Crystals into Storm Power.
Transports bring Storm Crystals back to your Temple for

->1.15 Workshops

The next most important building in Nimbus is the
Workshop, which is the means by which Nimbians put their
Knowledge of units to tangible use.

->1.16 Unit Production

To create a unit (other than the Golem or a bridge piece),
you must first put the Knowledge for the unit into
production. To do so right-click on your Workshop,
select Put Knowledge into Production>, and choose which
Knowledge you wish to produce. Each Workshop can only
produce units indigenous to itself. In other words, a
Thunder Workshop can only produce Thunder units, a Rain
Workshop can only produce Rain units. You can, however,
build different Workshops on the same island (e.g. Wind
and Rain).

Note: Sun Workshops are the exception to the rule.
Although they can only produce Sun Battle units and Sun
Transports, they may also build Generators from any of
the Furies.

Once placed into production, a unit will pop into the
Production window. Left-click on the unit to pick it up.
The cursor will become a red silhouette of the unit.
Move the silhouette over the Battle window until it
changes to a full color depiction of the unit (indicating
that the space onto which you are placing the unit is a
legitimate one). Then left-click to place it.

Note: "Legitimate" placement comes from having the
available space to place the unit, sufficient Storm
Power to build the unit, and the proper Energy
influencing the space. If any of the three are missing,
the unit cannot be constructed.
Note: Units may only be built on islands you own, off
of the ends of friendly bridges, or on Neutral Islands.
Buildings, by virtue of their tremendous weight, can
only be constructed on islands (not off of the ends of

->1.17 The Stream of Power

Once a unit is placed, it must receive Storm Power
before becoming fully activated. Each time a unit is
placed, a "stream" of Storm Power is emitted from the
Workshop; the stream will zig and zag until it reaches
its destination (the unit). Only then will the unit
respond to its environment. The stream of Storm Power
is what prevents the building of units on islands (or
bridges) that are not connected to the Home Island:
without a proper bridge connection, the stream cannot
reach its destination!

->1.18 Upgrading Workshops

Level I Workshops have two production slots, and can
maintain only two units in production. Level II Workshops
have three production slots. Level III Workshops have
four production slots. You may, in addition, build as
many Workshops as space and your Storm Power reserves
allow, giving you access to even more production slots.
To upgrade your Workshop, right-click on the Workshop,
then left-click on Upgrade. In a moment your Workshop
will be upgraded and the cost will be deducted from your
Storm Power. You may only upgrade each Workshop twice
(to Level II, and then again to Level III).

Note: Sun Workshops are less expensive to upgrade than
the more sophisticated Wind, Rain, and Thunder Workshops.

->1.19 Knowledge

"There is no greater power than Knowledge."
--Suxan Budette, Nimbian Primal Teacher
"You ever see what a Thunder Cannon can do?"
--Nek Turkon, incredulous Pupil of Suxan Burdette,
and Son of Gunner JonTurkon

Knowledge, or the lack of it, is the key to victory in
the skies of Nimbus. The Furies, who take great pleasure
in pain, destruction, and suffering, reward the Sacrifice
of captured High Priests with Knowledge of even more
ruthless weaponry and machines.

->1.20 Capturing High Priests

"As you command."
--Unknown Nimbian High Priest

To capture an enemy High Priest you must first immobilize
him. A High Priest is immobilized whenever he is struck
by a Battle unit's projectile or Transport's Spell with
enough force to stun him.

Note: Bringing a Priest's health bar down to the
half-way point will stun him.

Once stunned, Priests automatically throw a protective
shield (a glowing ring) around themselves. Although this
prevents a Priest from being destroyed, it also
prevents them from moving, making them ripe for capture.

Note: You must move quickly to capture a Priest. If he
has a Temple, he will draw Energy from it and regenerate
his health.

Once you have stunned an enemy High Priest, select one
of your Transports and move the cursor over the stunned
Priest. Left-click when the cursor changes to a hand.
Your Transport will approach the Priest, capture him,
and notify you.

Note: Priests draw life force from any Transport that
carries them. If the transport carrying a High Priest
drops him or is destroyed, the Priest is set free, fully
healed and unparalyzed.

->1.21 Rescuing High Priests

Remember that if your High Priest is captured, the game
is not over. You can rescue your Priest by destroying
the Transport that is carrying him, or even by destroying
the enemy Altar in mid-Sacrifice.
If your Priest (or an enemy Priest for that matter) gets
a bridge blown out from underneath him, the Priest will
not fall down into the Deusphere, but will "float" in
the clouds until rescued. To rescue a floating Priest,
build a new bridge underneath him, and he will settle
down on the bridge. If his health meter is strong, you
can then walk him back to safety.

In addition, you can use an Aerial Transport to capture
an enemy floating Priest.

->1.22 Sacrificing High Priests

Before you can Sacrifice an enemy Priest, you must build
an Altar. Right-click on your Priest. Select Construct,
then Build Altar. Then place the Altar on an open area
on either your Home Island, captured enemy island, or a
Neutral Island. Once the Altar is finished, select the
Transport that is carrying the enemy High Priest, then
left-click on the center of the Altar. The Transport
will secure the Priest to the Altar and depart. To begin
the Sacrifice, select your own Priest and move the cursor
over the Altar. When the cursor changes into the Nimbian
ceremonial dagger, left-click again.

In a multiplayer game, you will now select the Knowledge
you wish to gain from the Sacrifice. In the single
player campaign, your Knowledge is determined for you.
Now your Priest will slowly circle the Altar, inscribing
the five runes: Wind, Sun, Rain, Thunder, and Storm.
After the ritual is complete, the enemy Priest will be
consumed, and Knowledge will be yours.

Note: Although you may gain Knowledge of a unit through
Sacrifice, you must first put that Knowledge into
production in the correct Workshop before you can build
the unit. From the View menu, select View Knowledge
(F6) to scan your current Knowledge base (or right-click
on your Temple or Priest and select View Knowledge).

->1.23 Upgrading Altars (Multiplayer Only)

Gaining access to Knowledge of one of the more advanced
units requires the Sacrifice of two or even three enemy
Priests. To gain access to level II and III units, you
must upgrade your Altar. In multiplayer games, when
left-clicking the dagger cursor on your Altar, you will
be given the option to choose from available level I
units, or to Upgrade Altar. If you choose Upgrade Altar,
the enemy Priest will be absorbed into the Altar, and
the Altar will not be destroyed, but rather will remain
with you (even into future battles). The next time you
choose to Sacrifice an enemy Priest upon this Altar,
level II units will be available to you. You may choose
to upgrade yet again, and then gain access to level III

Once you choose Knowledge of a new unit, the Altar will
be destroyed, and you will have to start over with a new
Note: You may only upgrade an Altar on your Home Island.

->1.24 Building Bridges

"Let the islands lean against the bridge, and the
bridges lean against the air."

Nimbians are master bridgers whose trestles link miles
of islands, Storm Geysers, and unit emplacements.
The bridges are constructed of a special wood that has
been magically lightened in the Temple, then set aside
to harden. Effective bridge construction is crucial to
developing a strong flow of Storm Power. To lay a
bridge, left-click on the bridge piece you desire in the
Production window. As with Battle units and buildings,
your cursor will change into a reddened silhouette of
the bridge selected. Move the bridge to the location
(in the Battle window) you wish to place it.

Right-clicking will rotate the bridge.
When you have the bridge positioned in a "legal" spot,
a full colored depiction of the bridge will replace the
red silhouette, and left-clicking will now result in
placement of the bridge.

->1.25 The Ten Commandments of Bridge-Laying

1.In order to connect to a Storm Geyser, enemy island,
or Neutral Island, the end of the bridge must extend
exactly to the island. You cannot over- or under-shoot.
2.If a bridge is not connected to anything, it will
crack from its own weight, and eventually crumble.
(There is only so much magic you can put into a piece of
3.Once a bridge is placed, it is replaced immediately in
the Production window by another randomly selected
4.Initially, bridges in the Production window appear
cracked, but if not immediately used, they will quickly
5.You may not build bridges off your island (or connect
to another island) when an Edge Farm (the green
vegetation) is in the way.
6.Once connected to a Storm Geyser, the Storm Geyser
becomes "yours", and you can build additional bridges
off of that geyser. While enemies can still harvest
from the geyser, they will not be able to build bridges
off of it.
7.Bridge and Geyser ownership is indicated by color.
8.You may connect to the open ends of enemy bridges
(and use them for walking Transports), but you may not
build new bridges or units off of an enemy bridge.
9.You may only build bridges off of an enemy or Neutral
island after first erecting an Outpost on that island.
10.You may not place a bridge off of an enemy unit.

+Plus three hints...

1.Hint: If none of the bridges present in the Production
window meet your current needs, use them in a different
location. Doing so will clear the Production window,
paving the way for new, possibly more useful, bridges.
2.Hint: Nimbian carpenters have found that bridges can
also be used to block an opponent's progress in battle.
If a player is about to connect to your island, for
example, lay bridges across his intended path, blocking
his approach.
3.Hint: Building bridges directly towards a Storm Geyser
is not the best method. Instead, build so that your
bridges passes it on one side. Then make the final
connection. Try it!

-->>2 A Summary of Commands:

->2.1 Mouse

Moving the Cursor to the edge of the screen scrolls in
that direction. (Full-screen mode only.)

->2.2 Mouse Buttons*

-Left-click (in Production window): Picks up any unit
that is there, and holds it in your cursor.
-Left-click (in Battle window): Selects the object on
which you clicked, showing the Health Bar, if appropriate.
-Left-click (while holding a unit in the cursor): Places
(or attempts to place) that unit.
-Left-click (in the MiniMap): Centers the main view on
the spot where you clicked. If you click, hold, and drag,
you can quick-scroll around then entire sky-battlefield.

-Right-click (in Battle or Production window): Brings up
an options box, showing options for the selected object,
including an About option which gives detailed
information on the object.
-Right-click (while holding a unit in the cursor):
Rotates the unit, if it is a bridge or single-directional
Battle unit, such as the Thunder Cannon, Wind Tower, or

*If you have a Microsoft Intellimouse, pressing the
center "wheel" button will scroll the screen toward the
mouse cursor.

->2.3 Keyboard

-Alt: Scrolls the screen toward the mouse cursor.
-Esc: Toggles the menu on and off.
-Shift: Allows you to scroll in a straight horizontal or
vertical line (Alt-Shift if in a window mode).
-Shift-Left-Click: Allows you to select multiple
-Shift-1 through 0: Saves the current screen position to
the particular number.
-1 through 0: Centers the view on the screen position
last saved to the particular number.

-Tab: Cycles through the last five units created (not
bridges), centering the view on each one.
-F1: General Help.
-F2: Hides buildings and Geysers, so you can see behind
them (toggle).
-F3: Shows the Chat window (toggle).
-F4 (or H): Centers the view on your Home Temple.
-F5 (or P): Centers the view on your High Priest.
-F6: Shows the current Knowledge which you have acquired.
-F7: Toggles the artwork that denotes ownership over
-F8: Displays current mission objectives.

-F9: Displays a list of players in the current game and
their status.
-Shift-F9 or Pause: Pauses the game.
-Ctrl-F5 (or N): Cycles through all of your Transports,
selecting (left-clicking) each as it goes.
-Q, W, A, and S: Equivalent to picking up the bridge
piece from the corresponding position (to the
letters' keyboard position) in the Production window.
Add Z and X for six-slot multiplayer games.

-->>3 Epistle to the New High Priest

The fact that you have this Great Book open before you
means that the High Priest of your islandÐa divine
friend to your peopleÐhas been captured in battle and
slaughtered by another tribe of Nimbus. Let your people
mourn and wail for him, as they surely will. For you,
however, the time of mourning must now be finished. For
you have been chosen to replace him, and there is much
that you must learn, and very little time.
The topics that follow will clarify your tasks and
duties in detail, but certain things must be explained
immediately. Let the details wait for a calmer time, if
ever it comes. You have been chosen from among your
people to serve them, even until your very death.

If you are reading this now, then you have come safely
through your initiation. Undoubtedly you are afraid and
confused, and your body is weak. Be assured that you
will recoverÐthat you will soon be even stronger than
Now your training in the Priesthood of Nimbus begins.
Know that in a time before memory the floating islands
of Nimbus were one: one sphere of land, one tribe of
people, and that our hearts were free of hatred, as they
can never be again.
Know that under that one land, there grew an invisible
darkness and storm. The Furies whose brotherhood was
balanced and strong collapsed into ferocious jealousies
and rage. Thunder who is powerful and proud craved the
agility and speed of his brother Wind who longed, in
turn, for the rejuvenating powers of Rain. And the envy
spiraled. And the storm under the land rumbled and grew.
It was this battle, which rages still, that tattered our
land, tore it into bits, and hurled the pieces into the
sky: Nimbus as we know it now.

Know that the Furies have divided us. The wise ancients
say that the Furies will unite us again in the end times.
Until then, we must fight for the precious resources
that these islands supply us. We must descend from the
peaceful Serenisphere, down into the Pyrosphere where
these battles rage. If we do not fight, we do not survive.
But make no mistake: survival is secondary to glory. We
are fighting to rule these skies, to dominate our enemy
tribes, and to unite Nimbus again under one mighty hand.

Know that henceforward you are in mortal danger. Your
spilled blood is precious to other Priests, as theirs
will be precious to you. It is only by the release of
their blood that the Furies will grant you the Knowledge
of wondrous and powerful forms of warfare. Your people
will need them to dominate your ravenous foes. Let your
knife dig deep into the hearts of these men. Let your
Altar wrench from their souls the bloody destiny of your
Know that this sacred Temple, these stately Workshops,
and all the parts of this miraculous machinery of war
are now parts of yourself. And these magical bridges
that weave it together are like the veins that run
between your own organs. When a Workshop is destroyed it
will seem that your arm is being hacked from your body.
When a bridge falls down through the clouds and into the
abyss, you will feel that you are falling with it. And
when your Whirligigs or your Thunder Cannons score
victories for your people, you will feel the glory of
that victory surging toward your heart like a heat.

Know that one day, you may meet your end on the Altar of
your foes. If that hour should come, another will be
chosen. He will suffer as you have suffered, and he will
carry on your work, just as you now take up the torch of
those who have come before you. Look to the vast tribute
people now pay to your slain predecessor. Someday that
tribute and glory will be yours.

Go forth, High Priest of Nimbus, into your destiny.

-->>4 The Handbook of Nimbian Weaponry and Magic

Nimbians take pride in two things above all others:
their technology, and its devastating effect on their
enemies. However, despite your soldiers' familiarity
with their implements of war, you too must understand
the use of Nimbian weaponry if you are to lead your
tribe to victory.

->4.1 Classification

The term ôunitö refers to any object in NetStorm
(excluding buildings and bridges) that can be created
in the Battle window. Units are broken into three

-Battle Units: Units that are directly involved in
inflicting, or absorbing (intentionally) punishment.
Thunder Cannons, Whirligigs, and Bulwarks are examples.
Battle units are further divided into three classes:
-Shooters: Such as ground cannons.
-Aerial Attackers: Things that attack from the air.
-Blockers: Defensive units that absorb damage.

-Generators: Units that produce Energy. Each Generator
produces one unit of Energy specific to the Generator
(e.g. Wind, Rain, or Thunder).
-Transports: Units that may collect Storm Crystals,
capture enemy High Priests, and learn Spells.
Transports are further divided into two classes:

-Ground Transports: Must use bridges and land.
-Aerial Transports: May float over the clouds, and
can thus travel anywhere.

->4.2 Alignments

Each unit or building (with the exceptions of the Altar,
High Priest, and Outpost), is aligned with one of the
Furies: Wind, Thunder, Rain, or the omnipresent Sun. The
alignment of a unit determines which type of Energy is
required to construct the unit. Alignment also
determines the unit's behavior.

->4.3 Levels

In NetStorm, the quantity of Energy units required to
construct a unit determines the level of the unit. For
instance, a Level One Bulf requires one unit of Thunder
Energy, whereas a Level Two Whirlibase requires two
units of Sun Energy, and a Level Three Thunder Cannon
requires two units of Thunder Energy and one unit of
Sun Energy.

->4.4 Attributes

The following is a brief description of some attributes
used in describing units:

-Hits: The number of hit points it takes to destroy the
unit. For instance it takes 400 hit points to destroy
the Sun Disc Thrower.
-Range: The range, in tiles, that a unit can shoot (if
it shoots), target (if it targets), or fly (if it flies).
-Damage: The amount of hit points each hit from the unit
-Cost in Storm Power: The Storm Power needed to produce
the unit.
-Energy to Build: The amount and type of Energy units
needed to construct the unit.

->4.5 Units

4.5.1 Units of the Sun The Golem

As omniscient as the Sun itself, Sun units are found in
nearly all Nimbian arsenals. Although not as powerful
as the Fury-specific units, they are inexpensive and
quickly produced. The Golem is a personal gift from the
Furies generated by the Temple. As a Ground Transport,
he's ideal for gathering Storm Power, capturing High
Priests, collecting and casting Spells.

Golem, Level I
Hits: 50
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

ôGolems are dumb, clumsy, humorless, and smelly.
However, in wartime, theyare the best friends you'll
ever have.ö
--Major Tane Russo The Baloon

The Balloon is an Aerial Transport ideal for gathering
Storm Power, capturing High Priests, collecting and
casting Spells. Because the Balloon is airborne, it
does not need bridges to move, but be careful: a few
hits will pop it like a soap bubble.

Balloon, Level II
Hits: 50
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 2 Sun Units

"Step 1: Find the unpunctured hide of a young
Air Whale...."
--From Balloon Building by Halldor Lexette The Sun Disk Thrower

The Sun Disc Thrower is a short ranged weapon that
fires in any direction, and is crucial for defense
against airborne attackers.

Sun Disc Thrower, Level I
Hits: 400
Range: 8
Damage: 10
Cost in Storm Power: 200sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

"Sun Disc Throwers decapitate the clumsy."
-Major Tomas Rultoff. The Whirlibase

The Whirlibase builds and refuels Whirligigs: airborne
attackers. Once destroyed, its Whirligig has no place
to refuel, and will soon crash. The Whirlibase's range
represents the distance at which the base will detect
an enemy and send a Whirligig to destroy it.

Whirlibase, Level II
Hits: 200
Range: 30
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 2 Sun Units

ôOnly a roof of gold could contain the blinding light
of the Whirligig's creation.ö
--Unknown The Whirligigs

Whirligigs fly into enemy territory, wreaking havoc
from above. They destroy target after target until
something shoots them down. However, they need to
refuel once every minute. Each time a Whirligig is
destroyed, its home base makes a new one. Although
potent weapons, A Whirligig cannot be used for cargo.
Note: A Whirligig will never target a Transport.

Whirligig, Level II
Hits: 10
Range: 30
Damage: 10
Cost in Storm Power: n/a

Energy to Build: None

ôThis device is lofted on its own impossibility, and so
it destroys by the powersof negation.ö
--Jakob Hammersholt,
Inventor of the Whirligig The Stone Tower

The Stone Tower is a defensive unit; set it between a
valuable unit and hostile fire to block incoming shots.

Stone Tower, Level I
Hits: 2000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 300sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

ôStone Towers are built from the outside in. The
builders give their strength andcourage to the Tower,
placing the body of a brave man in every third layer
--Yed Nuren, Nimbian Brick Layer The Sun Cannon

The Sun Cannon shoots straight north, south, east, or
west. It inflicts more damage per shot than the Sun
Disc Thrower, and can absorb more damage, too.
Unfortunately, it fires less often. The Cannon will
rotate itself to target an enemy.

Sun Cannon, Level I
Hits: 600
Range: 20
Damage: 14
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

ôTwo things in life cannot be ignored: one is a cannon,
the other is a cannon ball.ö
ù Commander Petrik ôBombardö Lombard The Barricade

The Barricade repels enemy fire. Two Barricade posts
set along straight horizontal or vertical lines will
create a force field between them that repels incoming
fire. Your own units, however, can still shoot through.
The Range represents the maximum distance the Barricade
posts may be separated before the force field fails.

Sun Barricade, Level III
Hits: 800
Range: 50
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 3 Sun Units

ôBetween Nimbus and the Beyond stands an infinite,
burning barrier.ö
--Book of Nimbus. Sun Workshop

Workshops build the units of battle. Each Workshop can
only build a few units, and they must be aligned with
the Workshop, so choose carefully. Unfortunately, if a
Workshop is destroyed you will lose the ability to
build anything that Workshop was currently producing,
until you build another Workshop to replace it. When a
Workshop creates a unit, a Storm Power Stream streaks
from the Workshop to the build site. When the Power
Stream combines with the proper Energy the unit will be
immediately created.

Sun Workshop, Level I
(upgradable to III)
Hits: 2000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 800sp

Energy to Build: None

ôThe Nimbian aptitude for complex mechanics is simply
--Nimbian Mechanic

4.5.2 The Forces of Wind

Quick as a fleeting thought, but powerful as a dream,
the forces of Wind are a deadly foe. Well suited to
those who prefer slashing attacks, Wind units are the
quickest in the sky. The Wind Generator

A Wind Generator spreads Wind Energy in a circle
centered on the Generator. Left-click the Generator to
see the range of its Energy. Wind Generators are
required to build Wind-aligned units in battle.

Wind Generator, Level I
Hits: 800
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

ôWith a hundred Wind Generators, you could power a
--Def Ilderless, Nimbian Sage The Sail Skater

The Sail Skater is a Ground Transport ideal for
gathering Storm Power, capturing High Priests,
collecting and casting Spells. The Sail Skater is the
quickest Ground Transport.

Sail Skater, Level I
Hits: 100
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 1 Wind Unit

ôThe best pilots know the breezes by the names they
call each other.ö
--Utchuck Yager, Sail Skater Test Pilot The Air Ship

The Air Ship is an Aerial Transport ideal for gathering
Storm Power, capturing High Priests, collecting and
casting Spells. It is much sturdier and faster than a

Air Ship, Level III
Hits: 800
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 1200sp
Energy to Build: 2 Wind

Units and 1 Sun Unit

ôIn Nimbus there is nothing more graceful or fine.ö
--Gilden Fraj, Nimbian Poet The Devil Maker

The Devil Maker generates ornery Dust Devils, which are
airborne attackers. Each time a Dust Devil winds down,
this base will make a new one. The Devil Maker's range
represents the distance at which the unit will detect
an enemy and send a Dust Devil to destroy it.

Devil Maker, Level III
Hits: 600
Range: 30
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 800sp

Energy to Build: 2 Wind Units and 1 Sun Unit

ôAnother impasse in the Devil Maker experiments:
today, it counter-spun theentire island like a top,
flinging pets and small children over the edge and
into theabyss. I must reconsider the design.ö
--Journal Entry, Dr. Dere Dulkus The Dust Devils

The Dust Devils churn into enemy territory, attacking
units, and cracking any un-cracked bridges. The Dust
Devil lasts for ten seconds, and regenerates from its
Devil Maker every twenty seconds. It cannot be used as
a Transport.

Dust Devil
Hits: Invulnerable
Range: 30
Damage: 20
Cost in Storm Power: n/a

--Energy to Build: None

ôAmid the howling of a Dust Devil, a doomed man hears
it scream his name.ö
--Nimbian Proverb The Crossbow

The Crossbow is a self-aiming shooter. When placing,
right-click to aim north, south, east, or west. The
Crossbow will target the closest unit in a 60-degree
arc. It's a valuable air defense weapon that packs a
real wallop.

Crossbow, Level II
Hits: 400
Range: 16
Damage: 30
Cost in Storm Power: 500sp

Energy to Build: 1 Wind Unit and 1 Sun Unit

ôBolts should weigh a hundred pounds and be
well-balanced. You will know yourbowstring's tension is
perfect when the Nimbian winds pass through it at
F-sharpabove Middle C.ö
--From the Sixth Archer's Handbook The Wind Tower

The Wind Tower is a defensive unit. Place it between a
friendly unit and enemy fire. The attacking unit will
attack the Wind Tower. On three sides it takes normal
damage, but on one side (the curved face) it is
invulnerable. As you're preparing to place it,
right-click to face the invulnerable side north, south,
east or west. It is still susceptible to air attack.

Wind Tower, Level II
Hits: 600
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 800sp

Energy to Build: 1 Wind Unit and 1 Sun Unit

ôThe universe is ninety-nine percent sky and one
percent island. In the sky, theWind rules.ö
--Unknown Wind Workshop

Workshops build the units of battle. Each Workshop can
only build a few units, and they must be aligned with
the Workshop, so choose carefully. Unfortunately, if a
Workshop is destroyed you will lose the ability to
build anything that Workshop was currently producing,
until you build another Workshop to replace it. When a
Workshop creates a unit, a Storm Power Stream streaks
from the Workshop to the build site. When the Power
Stream combines with the proper Energy the unit will be
immediately created. Wind Workshops produce Wind units.
They have twice the hit points of Sun Workshops and are
slightly more expensive.

Wind Workshop, Level I
(upgradable to III)
Hits: 4000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 1000sp

Energy to Build: None Wind Temple

The Temple is the ultimate center of Energy on each
island. The Temple provides one unit of it's namesake
Energy in a circle centered on itself.

Wind Temple, Level I
Alignment: Wind
Class: Influence
Hits: 5000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power:

Energy to Build: None

ôThe blood of holy men is the elixir of destiny.ö
--Book of Nimbus

4.5.3 Rain's Minions

Although possessing neither the brute power of Thunder,
nor the speed of Wind, the forces of Rain are
nevertheless as persistent as life itself. Many of
Rain's units, such as the Man Èo War and Ice Tower,
regenerate themselves, and many an unwary adversary has
been swamped by Rain's nagging perseverance. The Rain Generator

A Rain Generator spreads Rain Energy in a circle
centered on the Generator. Left-click the Generator to
see the range of its Energy. Rain Generators are
required to build Rain-aligned units in battle.

Rain Generator, Level I
Hits: 800
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

ôIn the Beyond, there is one sound that is always
present: the faraway music offalling water.ö
--Book of Nimbus The Cloud Floater

The Cloud Floater is an Aerial Transport ideal for
gathering Storm Power, capturing High Priests, and
collecting and casting Spells. The Floater is sturdy,
but expensive. Because of its vapor-like nature the
Cloud Floater is difficult to hit, and only one shot
in twenty will connect.

Cloud Floater, Level III
Hits: 200
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 1000sp

Energy to Build: 2 Rain Units and 1 Sun Unit

ôEvery year there is a grueling contest among the
thickest rain clouds for thehonor of powering the
Floaters. Most dissipate. A handful survive.ö
--Unknown The Ice Cannon

The Ice Cannon is a shooter, ideal for targeting
clustered enemy ground units. Although it inflicts
light damage, its artillery fire splinters into
shrapnel on impact, damaging other nearby targets.
When placing you must orient it, by right clicking,
in the direction you wish to shoot.

Ice Cannon, Level II
Hits: 600
Range: 28
Damage: 20
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit

ôLike a friendly snow-ball fight, with razor-sharp
--Gerhard Burgar, Gunner First Class The Man o' War Pool

The Man o' War Pool spawns Man o' Wars, which ride the
moist winds of Nimbus. Each time a Man o' War is
destroyed, its home Pool will make a new one.

Man o' War Pool, Level II
Hits: 200
Range: 28
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit

ôThe recipe is a very ancient one, primarily requiring
fermented rain and poisonspores. No stirring is
--Einar Lexette, Nimbian High Priest The Man o' War

The Man o' War drifts into enemy territory, destroying
all below it. Each of the squid-like creatures lives
for only one minute. However, if it destroys a unit,
the Storm Power released nourishes the Man o' War, and
it will continue for another minute. The Man o' War
prefers to attack Ground Transports, but if none are
available it will strike the nearest unit. Each
Man o' War is about twice as tough as a Balloon. They
cannot be used as Transports.

Man o' War
Hits: 200
Range: 28
Damage: 20
Cost in Storm Power: n/a

Energy to Build: None

"I train my men to slaughter each other at the very
sight of it."
--Deisen Trow,
Leader of the Band of Seerin The Acid Barricade

The Acid Barricade provides a lethal protection. An
acidic barrier is created by aligning two Acid
Barricade posts along straight horizontal or vertical
lines. The Barricade dissolves every enemy unit that
comes between the posts.

Acid Barricade, Level I
Hits: 800
Range: 50
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Rain Unit

"Even water can sometimes burn like fire."
--Book of Nimbus The Ice Tower

The Ice Tower is a defensive unit. Place it between a
friendly unit and enemy fire. The attacking unit will
attack the Ice Tower. The Ice Tower is weaker than
other defensive units, such as the Bulwark and Stone
Tower, but it regenerates by itself if destroyed. If
built on a floating island, an Offensive Spell can
destroy its island and eliminate the Ice Tower

Ice Tower, Level II
Hits: 800
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit

ôThe first step in getting water to flow uphill is
enticing ice to melt backwards.ö
--Jake Stepson, Nimbian Carpenter The Crystal Crab

The Crystal Crab is a Ground Transport ideal for
gathering Storm Power, capturing High Priests, and
collecting and casting Spells. It is sturdy, and quick.
If the Crab meets another Transport, it will stun it
and steal what it's carrying.

Crystal Crab, Level II
Hits: 180
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 1 Rain Unit and 1 Sun Unit

"Perhaps it's merely a machine, but it's a mean one."
--Bertram Freilig, First Nimbian
Run Over by a Crystal Crab Rain Workshop

Workshops build the units of battle. Each Workshop can
only build a few units, and they must be aligned with
the Workshop, so choose carefully. Unfortunately, if a
Workshop is destroyed you will lose the ability to
build anything that Workshop was currently producing,
until you build another Workshop to replace it. When a
Workshop creates a unit, a Storm Power Stream streaks
from the Workshop to the build site. When the Power
Stream combines with the proper Energy the unit will
be immediately created. Rain Workshops produce Rain
units. They have twice the hit points of Sun Workshops
and are slightly more expensive.

Rain Workshop, Level I
(upgradable to III)
Hits: 4000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 1000sp

Energy to Build: None Rain Temple

The Temple is the ultimate center of Energy on each
island. The Temple provides one unit of it's namesake
Energy in a circle centered on itself.

Rain Temple, Level I
Hits: 5000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 5000sp

Energy to Build: None

ôIn these hallowed halls resides the Knowledge of
--Unknown Sage

4.5.4 Thunder's Tools of Destruction

Neither quick, nor crafty, Thunder's units are
nevertheless the most powerful in the skies of Nimbus.
Ideally suited for direct assaults, Thunder's armies
are perfect for aggressive generals.

A Thunder Generator spreads Thunder Energy in a circle
centered on the Generator. Left-click the Generator to
see the range of its Energy. Thunder Generators are
required to build Thunder-aligned units in battle. Thunder Generator

Thunder Generator, Level I
Hits: 800
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

"As night fell around us We tended to our fallen
cohorts By the Gen'rator'sstrobe and glow."
--From the Anthem of Thunder Ridge The Bulf

The Bulf is a Ground Transport ideal for gathering
Storm Power, capturing High Priests, collecting and
casting Spells. It is the toughest Transport in Nimbus,
but quite slow.

Bulf, Level I
Hits: 1200
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 1 Thunder Unit

"In its natural habitat the Bulf grows no larger than
a cannonball, but on a strictdiet of nickel and
limestone, he explodes to a hundred times that size."
--Field Journal, J. T. Kierken The Bulwark

The Bulwark is a defensive unit; set it between a
valuable unit and hostile fire to block incoming shots.
The Bulwark is the toughest building in Nimbus. It is
invincible when attacked from the air, and a formidable
target for ground fire. However, it is not cheap.

Bulwark, Level II
Hits: 5000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 800sp

Energy to Build: 1 Thunder Unit and 1 Sun Unit

"How is a Bulwark like your mother?"
--Last Words of Bernie Lovell,
Nimbian Comic The Thunder Cannon

The Thunder Cannon is the meanest weapon in Nimbus. It
has long-range, inflicts heavy damage, and can take a
beating. On the down side, it does not fire as often as
other weapons, and can only fire in one direction
(north, south, east, or west). As you place it you must
orient it (by right-clicking) to the direction you wish
to fire.

Thunder Cannon, Level II
Hits: 1000
Range: 42
Damage: 40
Cost in Storm Power: 1200sp

Energy to Build: 1 Thunder Unit and 1 Sun Unit

"Expect to go permanently deaf."
--First Line of the Tenth Thunder
Artillery Handbook The Vander Tower

The Vander Tower is a short range weapon that targets
air-borne attackers or airborne Transports. The Vander
Tower builds a charge and then releases it in a shock
of violent energy. It fires in any direction.

Vander Tower, Level III
Hits: 400
Range: 15
Damage: 20
Cost in Storm Power: 600sp

Energy to Build: 2 Thunder Units and 1 Sun Unit

ôIf you throw a raw Bulf egg into the air in front of a
Vander Tower, it'll hit theground hard-boiled.ö
--Tok Nocow, Nimbian Chef The Arc Spire

The Arc Spires form barricades. Set up two Spires and a
deadly pulse courses between them. The maximum distance
from Arc Spire to Arc Spire is less than other
Barricades, but it only damages enemy units.

Arc Spire, Level II
Hits: 1400
Range: 35
Damage: 50
Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

Energy to Build: 1 Thunder Unit and 1 Sun Unit

"If a captain sees an Arc Spire ahead and doesn't turn
his vessel around forhome, it means that he is either
very brave, very stupid, or has absolutelynothing to
--Air Admiral Heike Kamerlingh Thunder Workshop

Workshops build the units of battle. Each Workshop can
only build a few units, and they must be aligned with
the Workshop, so choose carefully. Unfortunately, if a
Workshop is destroyed you will lose the ability to
build anything that Workshop was currently producing,
until you build another Workshop to replace it. When a
Workshop creates a unit, a Storm Power Stream streaks
from the Workshop to the build site. When the Power
Stream combines with the proper Energy the unit will be
immediately created. Thunder Workshops produce Thunder
units. They have twice the hit points of Sun Workshops
and are slightly more expensive.

Thunder Workshop, Level I (upgradable to III)
Hits: 4000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 1000sp

Energy to Build: None Thunder Temple

The Temple is the ultimate center of Energy on each
island. The Temple provides one unit of its namesake
Energy in a centered on itself.

Thunder Temple, Level I
Hits: 5000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 5000sp

Energy to Build: None

ôThrough this building the Furies lay waste to all we
--Rod Tynken, Temple Steward

4.5.5 Non-Aligned Units

The High Priest is the ultimate vessel of Knowledge and
power from the Furies. Your Priest can build special
buildings and Altars, and also performs Sacrifices to
the Furies. For more information on the High Priest,
see A Complete Guide to Rules and Tactics.

4.5.6 The High Priest

High Priest
Hits: 100
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: n/a

Energy to Build: None

"Who among you will face the Fury? Who will know of
holiness and fear? Andwho will be destroyed?"
--Book of Nimbus
ôAs you Command.ö
--Nimbian High Priest

4.5.7 The Outpost

Use your Priest to create Outposts on islands in
multiplayer games. The Outpost gives you control of the
island. When an Outpost is created you gain four
benefits: 1.) You may build bridges off of the island
containing the Outpost. 2.) The island is warded
against enemy construction: no enemy may build on it.
3.) Transports may return Storm Crystals to the Outpost
to turn them to Storm Power. 4.) Outposts serve as
Storm Power sources, speeding the construction of units
farther away from the workshop.

Outpost, Level I
Hits: 2000
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 600

Energy to Build: 1 Sun Unit

ôYou can almost feel the power as it takes over the
--Sar Quinset

4.5.8 The Altar

On the Altar enemy High Priests are Sacrificed to the
Furies. Each Altar has five runes - Sun, Wind, Rain,
Thunder and Storm - which must be filled by your High
Priest in order to complete a Sacrifice. As each rune
is filled, one of the supporting bridges dissolves.
When all five are gone, the enemy Priest plunges into
the abyss. If an Altar is destroyed in mid-sacrifice,
the captured Priest will be freed.

Altar, Level I (upgradable
to III, in Multiplayer)
Hits: 1500
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Cost in Storm Power: 500sp

Energy to Build: None

"It is a window onto the greatest of all glory, and
into the deepest of all oblivion."
--Askeld Urvonnus, High Priest of Nimbus

4.5.9 The Bridges

Use bridges to connect to resources, to assault enemy
islands, and to create territory where you can lay your
units. Remember that stationary units are placed at the
end of bridges, never on them.

"We don't build bridges to make peace."
--General Jan Masaryk

4.5.10 Residence

Nimbians live in submerged houses below the chaos of
battle. You cannot move or destroy a residence, nor can
you build on top of it.

"I wouldn't mind living above ground, but battle
crossfire tends to burn your house down."
--Damon Runyon, Regular Guy

4.5.11 The Edge Farm

The inhabitants of the islands grow their food on the
island's perimeter, leaving interior space open for
development. Bridges may not be attached where an Edge
Farm grows.

"In other cultures, the plowing is not so dangerous."
--Pavel Milyukov, Nimbian Farmer

4.5.12 Storm Geysers

Storm Geysers spew Storm Crystals which Transports
collect for you and return to Temples (or Outposts) for
processing. Several Geyser islands appear at the
opening of each battle, and more will be generated as
Storm Power is hurled up from the Furies' battle below.
Unless set otherwise during multiplayer confrontations,
each Storm Geyser contains 2000 units of Storm Power.
Note: A Ground or Aerial Transport sent to collect
Storm Crystals from a Geyser will continue to collect
Storm Crystals until the Geyser is depleted.

ôThe coagulation of the Geyser into Crystal form is
like watching white fire turnto ice.ö

4.5.13 Storm Crystals

Storm Crystals are condensed Storm Power discharged by
Storm Geysers. They look like huge diamonds when laying
on the ground. Each Crystal can be converted into 200
units of Storm Power.

ôThey are heavier than you'd think.ö
--Yon Nite, Nimbian High Priest

4.5.14 Spells

"They add a little spice to the carnage.ö
--Oltor Hammershold,
Nimbian Battle Cook

Transports acquire and cast Spells that produce
spectacular effects. Spells are contained in Obelisks.
When a Transport touches an Obelisk (by moving on top
of it) it learns the Spell, and an icon for that Spell
will then appear overlaid on the Transport. Each
transport can possess one Spell. Once a Transport has
acquired a Spell it keeps that Spell until destroyed,
and can cast the Spell an unlimited number of times,
provided the player has sufficient Storm Power.
Note: If you right-click on your High Priest, you can
Pray for the Devastation Spell. After a short period of
prayer, the Spell will be available to the Priest at a
lower cost than to a Transport.
Left-click on the Transport to see the range of the
Spell. Right-click on the Transport to cast the Spell.
Once you cast the Spell, your Transport will halt until
the Spell is cast. This will take a couple of seconds.
Spells do not affect the caster.

The following are the Spells in NetStorm: Point Blast

A Spell that damages anything in its short range.

Point Blast
Range: 1
Damage: special

Cost in Storm Power: 300sp

"I don't think ôcuteö is the word you're looking for."
--Ervin Grots, Apprentice Devastation

A Spell that damages anything in its medium range.

Range: 3
Damage: special

Cost in Storm Power: 400sp

"Ideal for day-to-day pandemonium."
--Telsen Rott Decimation

A Spell that damages anything in its long range.

Range: 7
Damage: special

Cost in Storm Power: 800sp

"Run. Faster."
--Captain Knut Hamsun,
Nimbian Casualty Heal

A Spell that brings all units in its range to full
hit-points. It also heals Paralysis, and, because of
the iridescence of its healing magic, negates

Range: 9
Damage: None

Cost in Storm Power: 200sp

"And your illness was illusion. And your fever was a
--Book of Nimbus Invisibility

The Spell temporarily renders all units within range
invisible. Note, invisible units cannot be targeted or
picked up. Invisible defensive units (e.g. Stone Towers,
Ice Towers, etc.) will still block, but anything else
previously targeted becomes un-targeted when rendered

Range: 7
Damage: None

Cost in Storm Power: 1000sp

"It's not that you do not see, but merely that your
eyes do not perceive."
--Luffor Haginit, Nimbian Logician Paralysis

Temporarily stops all movement and shooting in its
range. Any affected Transports cannot cast their Spells.
Paralyzed units can be distinguished by the paralysis

Range: 7
Damage: special

Cost in Storm Power: 1000sp

"A stalemate with the ether itself."
--Dag Haverlink, Nimbian Gamesman Bridge Harden

The Spell renders in-range bridges indestructible.

Bridge Harden
Range: 7
Damage: None

Cost in Storm Power: 150sp

"The mortar itself takes on a hellish willfulness."
--Hule Gundersun, Master Mason Treason

Gives the caster ownership of all units in its range,
including all non-Priest Transports.

Range: 7
Damage: special

Cost in Storm Power: 2000sp

"The most delightful victory over any foe is to
persuade his right hand to hack off his left."

Written by The Avatar (Philip)
from Braila/Romania
my e-mail is

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Netstorm Unit FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Missionen spielbar

14.Oktober 2013
Ausführliches Tutorial
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Bitte Read_Me.txt lesen

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

15.Oktober 2013
Der selbe Text nochmal als HTML
Engl. Hinweise

15.Oktober 2013

09.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
24.Februari 2018
11.Februari 2016
25.Juni 2019
22.Oktober 2014