Fortress 2

Fortress 2

16.10.2013 22:38:24
Fortress 2 Blue Forever General Guide
06/19/06 version 1.00
P. Table of Contents

1. What is Fortress?
2. History of Fortress
3. How to play Fortress 2 Blue Forever
4. The versions of Fortress & the Tanks
5. The Tanks
6. The Items
7. Gameplay Tactics, Tips and Advanced Tactics
8. Legal info
9. Version History
10. Credits

1. What is Fortress?

Fortress is an online game where you fight as tanks, control
your position, angle and power and try to defeat your opponent.
It's similar to Worms and Gunbound, but as some of you know,
fortress existed long before those two serieses even went to
the drawing board. The history of fortress will cover more of
whatever questions you might have.

2. History of Fortress

2. History of Fortress

1987- First version of FORTRESS is released on Windows 386. It
doesn't gain much popularity then, and fails to leave a name.

1995- CCR is founded

1997- Netsgo services "Fortress", Developed by CCR with cute
characters and more advanced gameplay. Due to the requirement
of you having to subscribe to Netsgo to play the game, it
doesn't gain much popularity as well.

1999- "Fortress 2", AKA the game that started it all, is
developed by CCR and is serviced by X2Game. An explosive
reaction occurs, with 63% of the internet cafes becoming
members of X2Game, and Fortress 2 is considered the King of
Korea's online games. Most of korea plays Fortress 2, and is
the most popular game in Korea.

2000- Fortress 2 recieves the top prize in the Korean
National Gamng Awards of 2000. It is the game of the year.
Fortress 2+ is released. Fortress soon goes payment based,
and suffers an irrecoverable loss in customers, and is
dethroned from its king position.

2001- Netsgo files a lawsuit against X2Game, although both
games were develped by CCR, Netsgo holds toe patent for the
original Fortress, but X2Game wins, due to Fort2 having a
competely overhauled interface, and many new features making
it different from Fort1. X2Game wins the case. Shortly after,
Frtress 2 blue is released, an updated version of
Fortress 2+, and is currently the only version still in
sertvice. Fortress 2 Blue Arcade Version is also released by
CCR and Eolith. Fortress returns to being free.

2002- X2game files a lawsuit against Softnyx for Gunbound,
much like last year, but this time, they are filing one, not
having one filed against them. Softnyx wins the case, as a
new gameplay system and a new game engine is used.

2003- Fortress 3 Paewangjun is released. It offers much
improved gameplay, and newer gamplay systems.
Fortress BAM BAM also goes into a closed beta, it is a Puzzle
game based on fortress characters, where you use differnet
shaped pipes to make your way to the exit.

2004- Fortress vs. Gunbound is released by Softnyx. It has
a large internet reaction worldwide. FBB ends service around
this time. Fortres 2 Blue Forever is announced.

2005- NEWFortress is released, with a completely new gameplay
system, NewFortress, FvG and Fort3 goes out of service a few
months later, and X2game is changed to GVFun. The series
loses many users, as the only version available is Fort2
Blue forever, which hasn't changed significantly since
release, as is basically over half a decade old by now.

3. How to play Fortress 2 Blue Forever.

Fortress 2 Blue Forever isn't that different from the other
fortress games, I'll explain it through numbered screenshots.

The home site of Fortress 2 Blue Forever.

Where you download the game.

-Launching the game

1. This is where you type in your ID and PW after you register.
You need a Korean License number to play the Korean version,
so if you aren't Korean, you might want to look at other
versions, like the Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese or Thai
version. They shouldn't require any license number.

2. This is where you click to go to the game site, and launch
the game.

-Server selection

1. The notice board where announcements are made by the GM.

2. The ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA ZONES. These zones have seperate
Cring (cash) storage, so watch out. Each are divided into 6

3. Press this to refresh the usage list.

4. Press this to quit Fort 2 BF.


1. Shows any New announcements or News related to Fort 2.

2. Shows the selected Announcement/News.

3. Your character's info.

4. Goes to the Waiting Room list. You can join rooms and
play here.

5. The In-Game Message Board.

6. Shows the ranking.

7. You can change your ID thrice on Friday. You have to
re-login for you to play with the new ID.

8. Game options, you set the Macro, Buddy List and Room Name
options here.

9. Press this to quit Fort 2 BF.

-Message Board

1. The In-Game Message Baord

2. Use this to write messages.

3. Use this to find certain messages.

4. The arrows scroll through the messages, the Lightning
button clears the new NOTICE messages.

5. Use this to go back to the Announcements Page.


1. Use this to bring up the rankings window.

2. There are 20 Ranks in Fort 2 BF. This shows the minimum
points needed for each rank.

3. This shows the current rank for the players and their

4. Use this to find the Rank for a specific player.

5. The window that comes out when you press FIND.

6. Use this to scroll through rankings.

7. Use this to go back to the Announcements Page.

-ID Change

1. Normal ID- This only allows normal characters to be
entered in the ID.

Special ID- This allows special characteers to be entered
into your ID.

2. Where you type in your new ID.


1. If you make a Game Room, this lets you tye in the default
room title.

2. Where you type in shortcuts to messages you use frequently.

3. Your buddy list.

4. Press this to update your options list.

5. Check this to make the screen vibrate when your character
gets hit.

6. Check this to make your tank switch to the team color.
(usually the tank stays at the default color regardless of
team color)

7. Check this put the Stage Music on.

8. Check this to hear sound effects for your shots.

9. Click this to go back to the Announcements page.

-Waiting Room

1. Shows the Zone and Channel you're in.

2. The Waiting Room Announcement Board.

3. Shows the status of the Rooms.
Player Status:
PLAYING- Room is playing a game, You can't enter.
FULL- Room isn't playing a game, but You can't enter because
It's full.
WAITING- Room isn't playing a game, and you can enter.

Lock Status:
Opened- Anyone can enter the Room.
Locked- You need a password to enter the Room.

00/00- Shows the Total number of users allowed and the number
of users inside the room. If you put your mouse cursor over the
room for around 3 seconds, you can view the room's info.

4. Shows the ID of the people in the Waiting Room.

5. You can scroll through the rooms using this button.

6. You can scroll through the users in the waiting room using
this button. Press the Lightning Buttin to display users in
Real-Time. (constantly updates)

7. The Waiting Room Message Board.

8. Use this to view previous messages.

9. Goes to the server list.

10. Use this to create a room.

11. Use this to see rooms in the WAITING status.

12. Use this to go to the shop to buy In-Game items.

13. Use this to go back to the Announcements Page.

14. Press this to use the Unlimited Access Item.

-Game Room

1. Shows the Game Room Name & Number.

2. The Game Room Announcement Board.

3. Shows the Player's Status.
Status Bars:
Orange Circle- The Game Room Master.
Blue Circle with an S- Inside the shop.
Yellow Striped Line- Preparing for the game.
Green Line- Ready for the game.

The Game Room Master can also close and open slots for the
player list in the room.

4. Game Room message board.

5. You select the team color here.

6. You choose your tank here. If you select RANDOM, you
have a 1/250 chance in getting the Super Tank.

7. It shows the info on the tank you selected.

8. It shows the map that's selected.

9. It shows the current Game Mode.
Normal- No special rules or restrictions.
Firepower- You can only use Firepower increasing items.
(Double Fire, Power Up, Ion Missile, Via Tornado)
Special Weapons- You can only use your special weapon
(second attack).
Boss Battle- Each team selects a BOSS (the character has a flag)
and if the boss is destroyed, the team loses.

10. Selects the game speed between NORMAL and TURBO.

11. Starts the Game.

12. Changes the room title.

13. You can enter the shop using this.

14. Use this to go back to the Waiting Room.

15. Use the Unlimited Access Item.


1. You can see the Premium (paid) items here.

2. You can see the Game (Normal) items here.

3. You can select the item listing here.

4. You can buy the selected item here.

5. This shows the items you currently have.

6. You can sell the Items you posess using this.

7. This shows the Premium items you curently have.

8. You can recharge your X2Coins here.

9. This shows how much Crings you have.

10. This shows how much X2Coins you have.

11. Use this to go back to the previous screen.

-Game Screen

1. This shows the Angle map.

White- Shows the base angle at 0 degrees.
Pink- Shows the ground angle.
Yellow- Shows your angle range.
Red- Shows the angle you're shooting at.
Left Number- Shows the ground angle.
Right Number- Shows the angle you're shooting at.

To find the angle you're shooting at, add the ground angle to
your frirng angle.

2. This is the character's Normal Weapon.

3. This shows the direction & strength of the wind.

4. This is the Character's Special Weapon.

5. This shows the team you're in and your character.

6. This shows the items you have.

Sometimes, an Apache helicopter comes and drops a wooden crate
at random spots on the map, and they contain items, and can be
destroyed. From what I know, they don't contain Premuim items.

7. Shows your DELAY value.

8. You can choose between Chat and Team chat here.

9. You can choose to display the minimap here. It appears on
the top right corner of the screen.

10. Use this to skip your turn.

11. Shows your mobile status.
ENERGY- Shows how much HP you have, turns red when you have 30%
POWER- Shows how much power you used in your shot. There is an
indicator on the top and the bottom, the bottom shows where you
shot it last, and you can move the top one to remind how much
you have to use on your next turn by clikcing it.
MOVE- Shows how much movement your character has left.

12. Shows how much time you ahve left in your turn. You get 20
Seconds to shoot. Click on Exit to quit the game.

13. Shows the map.

Sometimes, geographical effects, such as Tornadoes, Sunrays,
Snow, Fog, Mines, Earthquakes and Meteors can effect gameplay.

Snow- Stops FIRE from spreading and gets rid of any POISON
CLOUD on the map, Poseidon also gets a power up.
Fog- Can't see the enemy team.
Tornado- Changes the angle of a shot that passes through it.
Power Tornado- Powers up the shot that passes through it.
Mines- Random invisible mines deployed throughout the stage.
Earthquake- The screen shakes every turn, and the angle &
position of tanks change.
Meteor- Random meteors shower down thorughout the game. It
leaves FIRE after it hits, much like catapult's Special Attack.

-Game Result

1. Shows how much Crings you earned.

2. Use this to go back to the Game Room.

4. The versions of Fortress & the Tanks

Fortress (Windows 386)

It supported a few modes of play, 1 Player vs 1 CPU, 1 P vs 2
CPU, and 1 Player vs 1 Player. The tanks don't look special,
just colored dots. Same with the stage. You control the angle
with the Left & Right keys, the power with the up & down keys,
and fire with enter.

Fortress (Netsgo)

The first modern Fortress, it had 8 tanks, Catapult, Crossbow,
Cannon, Carrot, Duke, Mine Lander, Missile and Multimissile.
But they were namelss back then, and they only gained names
after Fort 2. Plus, the stages were quite small. The first
version to feature online.

Fortress 2

4 ner characters were added, Laser, SecWind, Ion Attacker and
Poseidon. Larger maps were added as well, and improved effects
and and faster gameplay made it the most popular game in Korea
for a while. Plus, the characters got bigger. It also had a
completely overhauled UI. Supertank was added as well.

Fortress 2+

It had new maps, new music, a new UI, and better graphics and

Fortress 2 Blue

Added GAMMA ZONE, changed the UI, improved security, had 4
new maps, and had improved effects.

Fortress 2 Blue Arcade

An arcade version more or less similar to Fort 2 Blue in terms
of graphics. New music and UI, but no online play. You could
play with another person though. There was also a SUDDEN DEATH
MODE, the Room leader set a time limit, from 1~2.5 minutes and
if the battle didn't end by then, the sudden death mode kicked

Fortress 2 Blue Forever
Better effects, new music, a new stage, a new UI and an
anti-hacking software included. More convenient features were
added, such as changing the room name form inside the room, A
TARGET MODE, and more helpful notes.

Fortress 3 PaeWangJun

Guilds appeared, where they attempred to take over several
castles in the gamea dn defent them from other guilds, and
Seige battles appeared. 18 players could play at once, in
either 9:9 matches, 6:6:6 matches, 3:3:3:3:3:3 matches and
so on. Tournaments caoud also be held, and Guilds could have
"levels" and level up. 6 new tanks were added as well, like
Iron Hammer, Blazer, Wind Blow, Solar Tank, Walkie Talkie and
Rainbow Shell. Completely new maps were added with improved
effects and 4 new UI modes for each generation of tanks, and
finally, the ability to CUSTOMIZE your characters gained a
lot of popularity.

Old Tanks UI

Modern Tanks UI

Present Tanks UI

Future Tanks UI

Fortress vs Gunbound

The shot system for doing cool shots were added, (backshots,
boomer shots... etc) Sudden Death Modes, and Score Modes
were added as well. Plus, Tanks could level up IN GAME,
everyone started at lv.1, and leveled up with more damage
inflicted, and their shots became upgraded.


Only 3 old tanks were broght back, and 3 new tanks were added
for a total od only 6 tanks. The old tanks were Carrot, Cannon
and Missile, and the new tanks... well they were more like
andriods, but they were Dakr Punch, Dark Robin, Dark Bbong.
The game system was completely overhauled, there were no
waiting turns, the nice shot system, where you clicked a
certain spot on the map, and if you shot there, you got skill
points, and you could use them to inflict massive damage.

Dark Punch

Dark Robin

Dark Bbong


5. The Tanks

I consider Defence, HP and afifing angle the most important
stats, because defense and HP is the differnece between if you
die and have 1 less shot, or if you live and hopefully destroy
the enemy, and angle is important because it's important to
have a shot. Sure, attack and mobility are important too, but
there's no point having all that attack and movement when you
are in a bad position and can't shoot the enemy.

Name: Catapult
Nickname: Rock Tank (because it throws rocks)
Attack1: A

It's a basic attack, where you fling a huge rock, but it does
excellent damage.

Attack2: B

You fling a smaller rock on fire. When it lands, it burns the
land, and does 2 damage per second to any tank that touches
the fire. It's very useful when there is little wind, as the
fire won't move much and constantly damage the enmy, but the
enemy can always move away, but then he'll have to look for a
new angle to shoot from. This shot is worthless when SNOW is
in effect.

Defense: C
Mobility: C
Fire angle: S
Fire range: D
Delay: C
Special: FIRE
Notes: It's got quite good attack and angle, but it's defence
isn't that great... it's not a bad tnak, but not good either,
plus, it's not noob friendly. It'd give it a C Ranking
overall, if you can find a way to use its shot 2 effectively
and maximize damage with the shot 1, I'd say go for it.

Gunbound Comparison: Armor

Name: Crossbow
Nickname: Poison Tank (because of its ability to poison)
Attack1: A

It shoots a spear that is quite hard to hit, and is affected
by wind a lot. It requires extreme precision to hit.

Attack2: C

It shoots a poisoned spear that poisons an enemy and
constantly drains 40 health per normal turn. But if you
fight a Duke Tank or SecWind, tihs differs, a Duke tank
suffers only 20 damage per turn, and a SecWind stops losing
HP when it reaches half HP.

Defense: C
Mobility: C
Fire angle: A
Fire range: D
Delay: D
Special: POISON
Notes: It's quite similar to catapult... but even then,
catapult is better. It's hard to control because it's
affected by wind so much, and the poison arrows don't do as
much in firepower battles... I'd cive it a C Rank, but use
it only if you can control it.
Gunbound Comparison: Boomer

Name: Cannon
Nickname: Shot Tank (becasue it's famous for shotgunning)
Attack1: D

It shoots a cannon that does a ot of land damage, but not so
much damage... it's good in long range and bunging, but even
then, Laser and Ion would do a better job.

Attack2: A

It shoots a red cannon that doesn't do much land damage, but
does a lot of plain damage.

Defense: F
Mobility: D
Fire angle:D
Fire range: F
Delay: F
Special: None
Notes: I think Cannon just sucks, and is the worst mobile in
Fort 2. Its other stats are just pathetic, the only thing
it's got is a high attack and bunge, but its the only tank
that doesn't have a special property, and I'd aviod it. I
would give it a D Ranking. Use it only in long range battles,
or only if you can use shot 2 properly.
Gunbound Comparison: Armor

Name: Carrot Tank
Nickname: Commie Tank (because it looks like the tank the
North Koreans used during the Korean War)
Attack1: B

It shoots an average shot that's useful in long range.
Nothing special, just an average shot.

Attack2: B

It shoots 3 shots that are good in close range. You can also
attempt to backshot it and have all 3 shots hit on target.

Defense: A
Mobility: B
Fire angle:B
Fire range: D
Delay: C
Special: Multiple Missiles (3)
Notes: It's a balanced tank, used by both noobs and pros. It's
one of the best tanks of the game, with excellent HP and
defence. I give it an A rank.
Gunbound Comparison: Trico

Name: Duke Tank
Nickname: Fart Tank (bacuse it shoots poisonous clouds)
Attack1: C

Just an average shot, not much different from carrot's shot 1.

Attack2: B

It shoots a shot where it releases a poisonous cloud that is
heavily affected by wind. It does 2 damage every second to any
tank that touches it, similar to catapult's shot 2. If you have
an enemy in a hole, and there isn't much wind, and you score a
shot 2, you're pretty much guaranteed to win. But like catapult,
it's useless when SNOW is in effect.

Defense: S
Mobility: B
Fire angle:B
Fire range: C
Delay: C
Notes: It's another balanced tank, one of the best of the game.
The shot 2 can be devastating, but you ahve to watch out for
allies, becuase it is mroe affected by wind than catapult's shot
2. It gets an A rank from me, but it's a bit harder to ure than
carrot. But it has the best defence in the game.
Gunbound Comparison: Grub

Name: Mine Lander
Nickname: Mine Tank (because it shoots mines)
Attack1: D

It shoots a grenade, which isn't that special. An average shot.

Attack2: S

Deploys 2 stationary mines that are invisible to the enemy,
and does massive damage. the most powerful shot in the game,
even more than SuperTank, although it's a bit hard to use. A
lot pf people shotgun it at the enemy from shot range, but this
isn't a good idea, becuase it only does 200 or so damage, and
it is supposed to be stepped on, so pros shotgun it at THE FOOT
of the enemy, tripling the damage done.

Defense: A
Mobility: B
Fire angle: C
Fire range: C
Delay: C
Special: MINES
Notes: It used to be widely used by pros, but after Laser and
SecWind appeared, which were excellent against it, it lost
popularity. Plus, it got powered down after patches, so I give
it a B rank.
Gunbound Comparison: Raon

Name: Missile Tank
Nickname: MisTank (abbr.)
Attack1: B

It shoots the missile that is on top of it, which is divided
into four layers. It's best used with high angles, as all 4
will hit then, or at very close range (right in front) and
with very, very low power. (just a tap on the space)

Attack2: D

It fires a green missile that homes into its nearest target
where it lands. Especially useful for killing an enemy with
low HP that ran away to a tough spot to hit, but is looked
down on by pros, and they call it a coward's shot. But it
has very low damage, the lowest of all shots, and doesn't
have IFF, so it may even hit an ally, or even an already
dead tank.

Defense: A
Mobility: B
Fire angle: D
Fire range: S
Delay: C
Special: Homing, Missile Divided into 4 shots
Notes: It's got pretty good life and defense, so that's a
big plus, and shot even has homing, which makes up for ts poor
angle. Although shot 1 is useful for damaging, and shot 2 for
finishing off shot 2 can be used to train yourself if you're
a noob, but shot 1 is for the more experienced. I give it a B
Gunbound Comparison: Armor

Name: Multimissile Tank
Nickname: MultiTank (abbr.)
Attack1: B

Shoots 3 missiles, which spread apart quite a lot. The only
chance you ahve of hitting all 3 is to either do a backshot with
opposing wind, or to shotgun it at point blank, or at an angle of
0 with an enemy parallel to you.

Attack2: B

Shoots 9 missiles, and again, if you want it all to hit, you have
to shoot it like shot 1. But the individual missiles have very
bad damage.

Defense: A
Mobility: C
Fire angle:F
Fire range: B
Delay: D
Special: Multiple Shots (3, 9)
Notes: It's quite hard to handle, as only pros will hit all 3
shots, but it's still got high HP and defense. I'd give it a C
rank, but you'd be able to use it if you master how to hit all
Gunbound Comparison: BigFoot

Name: Laser Tank
Nickname: Birdtank (looks like a bird),
IronTank (looks like an Iron {the ones you iron your
clothes with})
Attack1: D

It fires a laser shot that has high bunge. An average shot.

Attack2: B

It fires 3 intertwining shots that does high damage when all 3
hit. Best used in high angles, as all 3 will hit if it lands
right on top of the enemy.

Defense: D
Mobility: S
Fire angle: C
Fire range: C
Delay: A
Special: Immune to Mines, Multiple Shots (3)
Notes: It's immune to Mines, so that gives it an overwhelming
advantage against Minelander, but the only thing it has going
for it is shot 2, which is hard to use. I give it a C ranking.
Gunbound Comparison: Raon

Name: SecWind
Nickname: OctoTank (looks like an octopus)
Attack1: C

It's just a big laser ball that does a lot of land damage. not
especially powerful.

Attack2: C

Fires 2 intertwining shots. Has decent damage, and agian, high
angling is the way to go.

Defense: F
Mobility: S
Fire angle: B
Fire range: A
Delay: S
Special: 50% attack increase when HP is halved
Notes: When it is a 50% HP, it gets a ring of fire around it
and it powers up. This gives it an edge, and is very useful
when used with double fire. I give it a B Rank, because it has
a horrible defense.
Gunbound Comparison: Mage

Name: Ion Attacker
Nickname: SateTank (because it attacks with a satellite)
Attack1: D

It shoots a small laser shot that doesn't do much damage. One of
the worst stos of the game.

Attack2: B

It shoots a tracer ball, which makes an Ion Cannon shoot that
spot from above. If there is something between the cannon and
the tracer, the shot hits the obstacle, and doesn't reach the
tracer. It's the only shot that can hit an enemy from below,
but you're screwed if you're palying on a multi-tiered stage.

Defense: D
Mobility: A
Fire angle: C
Fire range: S
Delay: B
Special: Ion Attack, only tank that can attack from under
Notes: Although it's at a severe disadvantage when in a
multitiered stage, it's quite powerful. If you dig a hole
underground with shot 1, and go directly under the enemy, and
keep on using shot 2, you've got yourself a huge advantage. I
give it a C rank, as it has limited use in some stages.
Gunbound Comparison: Aduka

Name: Poseidon
Nickname: WaterTank (shoots water), FrogTank (looks like one)
Attack1: C

Shots a huge blob of water that does average danage, adn is
greatly affected by wind. When SNOW is in effect, it gets a
50% power boost as the shot is frozen when it hits the enemy.

Attack2: D

It shoots poisoned water that immobilizes the enemy for 2
turns when it hits. Pors shoot the enemy at the foot in short
range, so that the tank faces downwards and cannot attack
properly. It's very annoying at times, since movement is a
major part of Fortress. It also gets a power boost when SNOW
is in effect.

Defense: B
Mobility: C
Fire angle: C
Fire range: D
Delay: B
Special: Immobilization
Notes: Especially powerful wne SNOW is in effect, it's got
average stats, except for its HP. I'd give it a C rank,
although it would be better when SNOW is in effect.
Gunbound Comparison: Ice

Name: Super Tank
Nickname: SuTank (abbr.)
Attack1: A

Shoots 3 missiles, similar to Multimisslie's shot 1, but far
mroe powerful. You need to shoot it the same way if you want
all 3 to hit.

Attack2: S

Shoots 9 HOMING, I repeat HOMING missiles, that do massive
damage. But again, it has no IFF, so if a noob gets hold of
a Supertank, both sides hold their breath. This tank can
either be the best ally or the worst enemy, as it can home
into an enemy or an ally, or even a dead tank.

Defense: S
Mobility: B
Fire angle: D
Fire range: S
Delay: B
Special: Homing, Multiple Shots (3, 9)
Notes: Sicne it has such massive attack, excellent defense,
and decent HP, it's a good tank. But I still don't think it
deserves a S, because of its shot 1, so I give it an A ranking.
But it's still the best tank in the game, you can only get it
by selecting RANDOM, and you have a 1/250 chance of getting it.
Gunbound Comparison: Dragon

6. The Items

The Items are divided into 2 groups, which are divided again
into 4 groups. The 2 major groups are the Premium Items and
Normal Items.

Normal Items- are dvided again into 4 groups, they are
assistance items, disruption items, attack items and
weather/etc. items.

*Assistance Items

Additional Energy 1 - Heals 20% of your total HP. It shows how
much you healed when used.

Additional Energy 2 - Heals 40% of your total HP. It shows how
much you healed when used. Your turn ends with use.

Energy Missile - Shoots a missile that heals 30% of the total
HP of any tank near where the shot landed. It shows how much
the shot healed.

Team Energy - Heals 20% of any living team member's HP, and it
shows how much was healed when used. Your turn also ends with

Shield - It summons a shield around you that blocks one
attack and the shield wears off.

Shield Missile- Shoots a missile that generates a shield
around any tank where the shot landed.

Transparent - Turns your tank invisible to the enemy for 4
turns. When you get damaged, the item wears off.

Type-A Detox - Shoots a missile that makes the effects of
Movement Lock, Angle Lock and Over Power Item disappear to
any the tank near where the shot landed.

Type-B Detox - Shoots a missile that makes the effects of
Illusion Missile, Vertigo Missile and For Missile Item
disappear to any tank near where the shot landed.

Type-C Detox - Shoots a missile that combines the effects
of Type-A Detox and Type-B Detox.

Antidote - Shoots a missile that stops the POISON effect
of crossbow's shot 2 near where the shot landed.

*Disruption Items

Angle Lock - Shoots a missile that locks the angle of
any tank near where the shot landed for 3 turns.

Movement Lock - Shoots a missile that locks the movement
of any tank near where the shot landed for 3 turns.

Over Power - Shoots a missile that makes the power gauge
of any tank start from halfway to any tank near where the
shot landed for 3 turns.

Reverse Screen - Shoots a missile that flips the screen
upside-down to any tank near where the shot landed for 3

Vertigo Missile - Shoots a missile that makes the screen
look wavy to any tank near where the shot landed for 3

Illusion Missile - Shoots a missile that makes all the
characters (enemy and allies) look like itself to any
tank near where the shot landed for 4 turns.

Fog missile - Shoots a missile that makes FOG go into
effect to any tank near where the shot landed for 3

*Attack Items

Fire - Summons FIRE wherever the shot lands. It does 2
damage per second to any tank touching the FIRE.
Similar to Catapult's shot 2.

Poison Cloud - Summons POISON CLOUD wherever the shot
lands. It does 2 damager per second to any tank touching
the POISON CLOUD. Similar to Duke's shot 2.

Move Up - doubles the character's MOVE stat for 4 turns.

Double Fire - Fires two shots in the same strength &

Summoning Missile - Shoots a missile that brings tanks
next to you that were near where the shot landed.

Teleport Missile - Shoots a missile that sends your
tank to where the shot landed.

Ion Missile - Adds ION ATTACK from above to wherever
the shot landed, adding damage to the shot.

Power Up - Increases your attack by 1.5 times

*Weather/Etc. Items

Power Tornado - Shoots a missile that summons
POWER TORNADO where the shot landed

Powerup Missile - Shoots a missile that gives the
POWER UP effect to any tank near where the shot

Snow Fall - Puts SNOW into effect, which stops FIRE
from spreading or POISON CLOUD to disappear. It also
powers up Poseidon.

Wind Direction - Changes the wind direction to the
opposite of what it is now.

Generate Fog - Puts FOG into effect for every tank
on the map.

Tornado Missile - Shoots a missile that summons
TORNADO where the shot landed.

Via Tornado - Lets the shot pass through a TORNADO
and also gives it a power up when it passes through

Fog Light - Can be used when FOG is in effect and it
clears FOG to all of your team mebmers.

Wire tap - It lets you and yout team hear the enemy's
team chat for 10 turns.

Steal Item - If a character uses an item right after
the turn you sued this item, you get that item the
other character used.

Premium Items- Need to be bought with X2Coins, yeah,
real cash.

[PoMon]Pandie - A panda pet that follows your tank.

[PoMon]Bbiya - A chick pet that follows your tank.

[PoMon]Choromi - A cat pet that follows your tank.

Triple Shot - Same as double fire except you shoot

Angle Predict - It shows the path your shot will
take and where it will land.

1 Month Premium Item Use - You can use various
premium items for 1 month.

Normal ID - It lets you change your ID using normal

Special ID - It lets you change your ID using
special characters

Announcement Board - Lets you register a message on
the announcement board and is shown in order of

X2 Chance - Doubles the points you earn if when you
win a game.

Trick Rank - You can change your rank between Gold
Award, Gold Medal or Skull.

Color Chat - You can shoose a color for chat and you
cna chat in that color.

Emoticon - You can use emoticons during your chat.

Secret Room - You can create secret rooms using this

7. Gameplay Tactics, Tips and Advanced Tactics

Ok! Ther's some tips to improve your fortress skills. I'll try
to use ASCII art to explain what i'm talking about. First off,
We'll cover basic tactics.

+++Basic Tactics+++

-Wind and position

You'd want to be on a higher position than your opponent, and
most of the time, you'd wnat the wind blowing your way. And
Rather than changing only your power with changing wind, you'd
want to change your angle as well. And finally, When the wind
is blowing your way, try to use a double and bury the enemy.

Situation 1

You're on a higher plane with wind blowing your direction.

<---- <----
<---- <----
<---- <----

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
----- \
/ \
/ \ Enemy
/ --XX-------------------------------

You're probably in the best position to be. The enemy won't be
able to hit you easily, and You can hit the enemy at the top.
I'd recommend lowering your angle to less than 40 degrees,
because higher angles get affected by wind more.

situation 2

You're on a higher plane with wind blowing away from you.

----> ---->
----> ---->
----> ---->

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
----- \
/ \
/ \ Enemy
/ --XX-------------------------------

It's not the best position to be in the especially if the enemy
hides close to the hill, but your best bet is to high angle,
and remember to shoot a bit weak, becuase it's going to be
harder to hit the enemy if you destroy the land behind him.

Situation 3

You're on a lower plane with wind blowing your direction.

----> ---->
----> ---->
----> ---->

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
----- \
/ \
/ \ YOU
/ --XX-------------------------------

If you know how to high angle, you can turn this around easily.
First, you'll have to get as close as you can to the hill, and
then dig a hole behind you to avoid enemy fire as well as to
have an angle from shoot from. If you're at a hill close to
your opponent, fo for angles over 55 degrees, if you're at a
further hill, go for angles around... maybe 40 degrees.

Situation 4

You're on a lower plane with wind blowing away from you.

<---- <----
<---- <----
<---- <----

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
----- \
/ \
/ \ You
/ --XX-------------------------------

You really don't want to be in this position. My tip is to...
shotgun. that's the only way you're going to win, at least until
you're on equal footing. Try to hit the enemy's front, to make
him lose his angle, or if you're a bit better at fortress, try
to go for angles between 55~80 depending on the strength of the
wind. And if you use a double, it's hard to make all 2 shots
hit, as one will hit and the other will likely miss due to the
lowered position of the enemy.

-Shooting angles and Strength

This section will cover how far a shot will go in cretain
situations, but when on EQUAL FOOTING! Shoot a bit weaken if
the enemy is on lower footing and a bit stronger when an enemy
is on higher footing.

42 degrees, no wind

1/3 power gauge = 1/2 screen

1/2 power gauge = 1 screen

3/4 power gauge = 2 screens

53 degrees, no wind

2/5 power gauge = 1/2 screen

3/5 power gauge = 1 screen

4/5 power gauge = 2 screens

9/10 power gauge = 3 screens

53 degrees, wind blowing away from you in MAX strength

1/3 power gauge = 1/2 screen

1/2 power gauge = 1 screen

2/3 power gauge = 2 screens

53 degrees, wind blowing towards you in MAX strength

1/2 power gauge = 1/2 screen

4/5 power gauge = 1 screen

-1/2 Screen Rule

This shows what I mean by 1/2 screens, when you first take a
glimpse at it, it may look like you're a bit further than 1/2
screen away, but it isn't if you look at the graph, so this may
be something to keep in mind.


-Angle Similarity

At the same strength...

Angle 20 and 70 land on the same spot.

Angle 30 and 50 land on the same spot.

1. No wind, 70 degrees full power.
2. 1/2 wind blowing against you, 59 degrees full power.
3. MAX wind blowing against you, 47 degrees full power.

-Resistance and Weakness.

When fighting enemies, there are resistance and weakness aspects
for each type of tank. The Classic Tanks, (Catapult, Crossobw and
Cannon) the Modern Tanks, (Carrot, Duke and Mine Lander) the
Present Tanks, (Missile and Multimissile and Super Tank) and
Future Tanks, (Laser, Secwind, Ion Attacker and Poseidon) have
different properties to each other. First off, the same types
have a 20% resistance to each other, and then here starts the

Strong against: Future
Weak against: Modern

Strong against: Classic
Weak against: Present

Strong against: Modern
Weak against: Future

Strong against: Present
Weak against: Classic

So there you go. I think strong does 33% more damage and weak
recieves 33% more damage.

Keep in mind, that supertank has resistance against ALL mobile
types, so it is the superior mobile in terms of resistance.

-Cring Recharge

If at any time you get low on crings, the Fort 2 site will
recharge 500,000 crings for FREE on ALL THREE zones. Nifty
huh? Here's where you go to recharge 1,500,000 free Crings!

+++Advanced Tactics+++

-Missile Tank shooting Guide

This shows how to score a direct all-4 hit with a missile tank.
Again, on equal footing.

45 degrees, no wind

2/7 power gauge = 1/2 screen

3/7 power gauge = 1 screen

4/7 power gauge = 2 screen

5/7 power gauge = 3 screen

45 degrees, wind blowing towards you in MAX strength

1/4 power gauge = 1/2 screen

1/2 power gauge = 1 screen

This list can be used with an ION ATTACKER as well, but you'll
have to shoot slightly stronger.

-MultiMissile Backshot Guide

This is a guide for backshotting with Multimissile to make all
3 shots hit.

Missile Weight comparison (all 3 doesn't hit)

42 degrees, no wind

1/3 power gauge = 1/2 screen

1/2 power gauge = 1 screen

2/3 power gauge = 2 screens

4/5 power gauge = 3 screens

That shows how heavy multitank's missile is. Let's goe on with

Oh, and the wind will have to blow towards the enemy for a

107 degrees, MAX wind

1/3 power gauge = 1/2 screen

1/2 power gauge = 1 screen

2/3 power gauge = 2 screens

107 degrees, 1/2 wind

2/5 power gauge = 1/2 screen

4/7 power gauge = 1 screen

3/4 power gauge = 2 screens

90 degrees, MAX wind

3/7 power gauge = 1/2 screen

3/5 power gauge = 1 screen

6/7 power gauge = 2 screens

90 degrees, 1/2 wind

5/9 power gauge = 1/2 screen

4/5 power gauge = 1 screen

-Carrot and Duke 90 degrees Shot guide

Alright, here's how to shoot with carrot and duke at 90


2/5 power gauge = 1/2 screen

3/5 power gauge = 1 screen

8/9 power gauge = 2 screens


3/7 power gauge = 1/2 screen

6/9 power gauge = 1 screen

-Backshot Guide

Alright, this will give you a general idea on how to do

First off, there are 2 conditions you must fulfill to do
a backshot.

1. First off, you'll need wind blowing towards your
opponent in more than 1/3 power.

2. You'll need to obtain an angle of 90 or more degrees.
This is even more important than the wind. Get the angle!
Even if the wind is at full, if you don't get 90 degrees,
a backshot is impossible.

Alright, when performing a backshot, you have to do 3 things.

1. Find a setting proper for a backshot. If you find a piece
of land that will allow you to backshot and you can move
there within 1 turn's movement, then go there. If you can't
the it's a better idea to make the setting yourself.

2. Use the proper weapons. When players make a setting for
a backshot, they sometimes forget to use the proper weapon,
and can't make a proper setting. For example, Multitank's
first weapon does a lot of land damage, but it spreads out
too much, so you can't make the desired strring for a
backshot. Always try to sue the second weapon, (the 9 shot
one) and make the power gauge go roughly 1 cm from the power
gauge. This will make the desired land setting. Also, don't
forget to use shot 1 when actually performing the backshot!
Not all of the shot 2's missiles will hit with a backshot.

3. Don't forget to adjust to wind. Fortress's backshots are
heavily affected by wind, so don't forget to adjust to the
wind every turn.


Angles dont appear, they are made. If you are in a hole with
bad angles, make a good one! There's no point wastng turns,
trying to hit with a bad angle. So make an angle ASAP.
That is the key to backshotting effectively.


Shotgunning is firing your shots directly at an enemy. But
you'll have to understand that shotgunning is not for every
tank, actually, shotgunning with some tanks will actually
decrease the damage. The only tanks that will effectively
shotgun are Carrot, Multimissile and Mine Lander. For
example carrot's shot 1 will do 100~300 damage. But shot
2's max power per missile is 150, giving a total of 450
damage at max.

How to shotgun

1. If you're at a closer rnage, the better it is for
shotgunning. Plus, attacking from above does more damage,
so try to shgotgun from above to below.

2. Getting angles are important, and there are 2 ways to
shotgun, from close range and from mid range.

Close Range

Try to aim for their feet, in Fort 2, the shots arch up a
little bit and then gradually fall down. When you shotgun,
it looks like you're shooting straight, but actually, the
shot goes up a little bit before hitting the enemy. So
aim a bit low whne shotgunning at close range. Aim maybe
2~3 degrees lower than what you think would be proper.

Mid range

When you're shotgunning from mid range, you'll have to aim
a bit higher than normal. The shot arches, and then gravity
takes effect, and the shot goes downwards the further the
shot goes. Try to aim 4 degrees above what you think would
be proper.


Fortress 2's tanks are divided into 2 parts, the upper part
and the lower part. Every shot differs in damage depending on
where it hit. The biggest damage is done on the upper roof
part, and if you hit there, your shot does full damage to the
enemy. The next most damaging area is the upper front and back
area, which does 2/3 of the shot's damage to the enemy. The
lower part only does 50% damage to the enemy, which is the
lowest damaging part of the tank. Pros high angle to hit the
roof portion of the enemy to maximize damage. There is one
exception to the rule, which is mine lander. Try to shotgun
at the foot of the enemy, becuase mines are programmed to be
stepped on, and you can nearly triple your damage if you shoot
it at the foot instead of at the body.

First off, try to get as close as possible to the enemy without
recieving recoil from your shot. Also, there are some tanks that
are not meant to be shotgunend with. Multitank is almost
incomparable stronger at shotgunning than carrot, so try to
aviod shotgunning with a multitank. If you have to shotgun, then
try to bury the multitank in a hole. To bury multitank, try to
hit all 3 shots in front of it, and make sure all 3 shots hit
the ground by shooting if weakly. Next, avoid shotgnning with a
Mine Lander at all costs. If a Mine Lander uses a Double Fire
on you, you can die in one turn, so watch out. If you have to
shotgun with a Mine Lander, try to be below the enemy, since
the mines do less damage from above. You can try to bury it like
the multitank, but a pro can cause even more damage this way, so
do it at your own risk. Finally, when righting a Laser tank or
Missile tank, try to avoid being buried, and you can probably
paly the game with no problems from then on.

8. Legal info

This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances, sold
or publicly distributed without advance written permission. This
guide may only be used for private, personal use, and placing
this guide on another web site except, and its partners is strictly prohibited, and
is an act of violating copyright.

All trademarks and cpoyrights belong to their respective owners.

Cpoyright 2006 Dninex (Steven Penczner)

9. Version History

1.00 Got all of the essentials in. Finished it!

10. Credits

One of the best Fort2 sites on the net.

For providing Fort 2 and some good info.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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