Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 1.11

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction 1.11

09.10.2013 08:21:07
-Diablo 2 Summoning Druid FAQ (1.11)
-V1.0 (8/04/06)

This is property of KIRBIX (Sean D'Hoostelaere). This may be not be
reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not
be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
In plain English, this means that it is against the law for you to copy this
guide. If you want to print it out, that's fine, but I do not permit its use
anywhere on the web or for it to be used for anything profitable.

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|Table of Contents|

I. Version History
II. What this guide is for
III. Overview of the Druid, and why summoning will actually work
IV. Skills
V. Skill allocation
a. The Summon Synergies

VI. Stat distribution
VII. Equipment
a. Overview
b. Helmets
c. Armor
d. Gloves
e. Belts
f. Boots
g. Weapons
h. Shields
j. Jewelery
k. Final listing

VIII. Mercenary
a. Getting around PI
b. Poor Man
c. Rich Man

IX. How to Use
X. Contact Me
XI. Credits

1.0- Original version; Summoning Druids have been argued as "useless" for far
too long, now. It's time to end the stupid beliefs and just kick some ass
with them.
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This is designed to explain the proper use of a summoning druid exclusively for
the purpose of PvM (Player versus Monster, which means NOT dueling).

It will cover an explanation of the skills you'll be using, provide a skill
layout, stat suggestions, and some equipment ideas. At the end it will go into
some explanation of how to use the character, too.

It's a semi-expensive build, but you don't need top-end gear to beat hell on
your own.
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Druids are one of the expansion characters, and they've got a bit of everything
at their disposal. With a summoning tree, they can bring tons of minions into
the field to aid them. The shapeshifting tree gives the druid a wide range of
decent melee options to use against their opponent. The elemental tree gives
them two different types of damage to bring the foe down with. Simply, the
druid has a bit of everything.

...Unfortunately, it's not really all that good at any of them. It holds its
own, but others can do it better. Consequently, druids are often forgotten and
left in the dust for the more proficient builds.

The summoning druid isn't an exception- a summoning necro is far better. It's
arguably the best class in the game at PvM, able to take on anything, and it
can do it with no equipment.

The thing is, just because it's not as effective of a summoner as the necro,
the druid is still a good summoner; I mean, being worse than the absolute best
overall class doesn't make you bad automatically, just bad by comparison (Look
at meteorbs: they're far from useless).

This setup uses an almost pure summoner setup to get the job done, and it's
done at a fairly early level, too. It's strong enough to tackle hell without
great equipment, and WITH great equipment, it's awesome.
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Like I said, the skills are mostly from the summoning tree. A couple from the
others to give you some more meat, but that's it.

Required Level: 1
Effect: Summon a flock of ravens to peck out the eyes of your enemies

Ravens are definitely your typical level 1 spell: they're great early on, and
they're quickly obsolete. The raven damage does not increase much, and while
the ability to blind is kind of nice, it doesn't justify using them any great

1 point as a prerequisite: you can summon them to blind archers later on, but
that won't require more than 1 point and a couple of +skills, especially since
they don't take damage.

~~Poison Creeper~~
Required Level: 1
Effect: Spawns a vine to deal poison damage to your enemies

Totally useless summon for its damage. However, the poison damage prevents
monsters from healing their HP back (a problem especially prevalent with most
bosses). Use it as a PMH on bosses; with regular enemies, your summons should
be quite good at taking down the enemies despite any healing they do.

1 point and let the +skills do the rest

~~Werewolf and Lycanthropy~~
Required Level: 1
Effect: Transform into a werewolf

I lump these two skills together because they go hand-in-hand. This is a skill
that provides one thing and one thing only- an HP boost. Since you're not
going to use Oak Sage, this can provide your druid with an HP boost at no
real penalty.

However, since you can't teleport in WW form, a person with great gear has no
use for the transformation, and you really don't need the HP boost, anyway.

Either 1 point into each or none at all. You have enough spare points that it
can't hurt, but if you're really not going to use it, just don't bother.

~~Oak Sage~~
Required Level: 6
Effect: Summon a spirit that raises the HP of all party members nearby

A living paladin aura, this is a highly popular and really good summon...
Usually. For you, though... you're not going to use oak sage once you have
access to heart of the wolverine.

1 point, only a prerequisite for you.

~~Summon Spirit Wolf~~
Required Level: 6
Effect: Summons a pack of wolves to do your bidding

These are your basic summons; you will use them until you get dire wolves and
Grizzly. You can summon up to five of them, and theoretically they're just as
good as your other two summons. However, that's only true when you've got
tons of +skills to give them a wicked boost from Grizzly.

Max it; 20 points; all that you can, whatever.

~~Cyclone Armor~~
Required Level: 12
Effect: Create a whirlwind that absorbs elemental damage

In the same way that a summoner often builds up his bone armor once his
summons are competant, this is a great skill to invest in once your summons are
doing well by themselves. A practical spell for every druid to have, it does
a ton for your ability to survive.

~~Heart Of Wolverine~~
Required Level: 18
Effect: Summon a spirit to increase your fighting abilities

This is another great summon, easily as good as oak sage in its own way. It's
almost as good as fanaticism, and it's your summon of choice. A boost to AR
and damage is very helpful for your summons, which on their own are not all
that powerful.

Dump the full 20 here.

~~Summon Dire Wolf~~
Required Level: 18
Effect: Summons a pack of vicious wolves to do your bidding

Much more powerful than the spirit wolves, the Dire Wolf should be your main
summon once you get it. Interchangable with Grizzly in certain situations,
they hit harder and live longer than their counterparts, which is why you're
limited to three of them.

Max it out, of course.

~~Summon Grizzly~~
Required Level: 30
Effect: Summon an enormous Kodiak bear to kill your enemies

This is your other summon. While Dire Wolves win in number, the grizzly does
more damage and has more health, making him an incredible ally. Generally the
preferred summon, he can tank like nobody's business.

Max it.
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There aren't a lot of skills that you're even investing any points in as a
summoning druid, so this is fairly brief.

1 Raven
1 Oak Sage
20 Spirit Wolves
20 Dire Wolves
20 Grizzly
20 Heart of Wolverine
1 Poison Creeper

Total of 83 points, finished at level 72. Really quick, all things considered.
You could have possibly put 2 points into WW/Lycan, brining it up to 85 points
and level 74. Either way, easy to finish.

From there, put a point in arctic blast and max cyclone armor.

Now, as for the order of distribution:
Put your point into poison creeper and raven immediately and then save your
points. 1 point into oak sage, and then get 5 points into spirit wolves. After
that, save your points. At level 18, start putting points into both Dire Wolves
and Heart of Wolverine.

Come level 30, you'll have three skills to max in whatever order you see fit.
Grizzly should be your main focus, but you can put points into Dire Wolves for
an HP bonus or into HoW for the damage boost. I usually stop touching dire and
HoW (because they're decent enough by then) until grizzly is maxed, and then I
go back and max Dire Wolves and lastly HoW.

With all three of them maxed, finish Spirit Wolves. It gives the least useful
bonus of them all and therefore gets touched last. Finally, after that's done,
as I said earlier you just put your points into cyclone armor. If you used WW
and Lycan, put the two points in at the beginning so you can reap the benefits
as early as possible.
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Synergies are (if you didn't know) a system introduced in 1.10 of Diablo 2.
Basically, a synergy is an ability that you put points into to add to the
affect of another skill. For example, every point I put into molten boulder
adds 23% to the damage of my firestorm, meaning that with 20 points in molten
boulder I can increase the damage of firestorm by over 600%! However, synergies
only work with hard points, meaning that if I have +skills, they do not count
towards a synergy.

Druid summons, however, do not follow this rule. Spirit Wolves, Dire Wolves and
the Grizzly synergize with each other, but +skills DOES affect them. This is
where the summons truly shine. Dire Wolves give an HP boost to the Grizzly and
the Spirit Wolves, and the Grizzly gives a damage bonus to both of the wolves.
So, with a large number of +skills, your summons not only gain levels, but they
also get a larger synergy bonus. Awesome stuff.
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Quite simple- enough strength to carry all of your equipment. The heaviest thing
you should carry is a monarch shield (156 strength). Take into account any
charms you may have (annihilus and torch) and whether or not you'll have enigma
before dumping tons of points here.

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As much as you need for equipment, so you really shouldn't need any. Don't
bother with max block.

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The most important of the stats- place every extra point into vitality. You'll
need the life, I guarantee it- not to mention that with battle orders, you'll
get a definite bang for your buck.

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NO POINTS IN ENERGY. You've got no reason to.
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This is the toughest part of any build; most people can figure out what skills
to invest in and stats are incredibly easy since they're the same for each
build. Equipment is where things start to vary and get tricky.

Just so that this makes sense, I'm going to go over how this works. I go by
equipment piece. I've picked out a low-end piece of equipment and a high-end
piece for each section, so whether you're rich or poor, there should be a
suggestion that works for you.

Early on, look for +skills more than anything. The more +skills, the more
damage your summons do, and that's really the only obstacle that you deal with
as a summoning druid. Get some decent mods for yourself, of course. +resists is
a good idea, +HP... you know, the usual stuff. Think the same way you would
if you were trying to get equipment for your summoner necro and you'll do fine.
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The best helmet of all is, of course, the Harlequin Crest Shako. Excellent
mods all-round make it unbeatable.

\Harlequin Crest (unique shako)
/+2 To All Skills
\+ 1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level)
/+ 1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
\Damage Reduced By 10%
/50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
\+2 To All Attributes

The poor man's outfit calls upon the Druid set, Aldur's Watchtower. Not quite
as good as the HC, Aldur's Stony Gaze is nevertheless a good helmet, and most
people are almost giving it away.

\Aldur's Stony Gaze (Set Hunter's Guise)
/+90 Defense
\25% Faster Hit Recovery
/Regenerate Mana 17%
\Cold Resist +40-50%
/Socketed (2)
\+5 To Light Radius
/+15 To Energy (2 Item)
\+15 To Energy (3 Items)
/+15 To Energy (Completed Set)
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As with almost all classes, the enigma runeword cannot be beaten. It is the best
armor for a summoning druid.

\Enigma (3 Socket Body Armor) Jah+Ith+Ber
/+2 To All Skills
\+45% Faster Run/Walk
/+1 To Teleport
\+750-775 Defense
/+0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
\Increase Maximum Life 5%
/Damage Reduced By 8%
\+14 Life After Each Kill
/15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
\+1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)

The less expensive armor is once again pulled from Aldur's Watchtower, and it's
once again pretty good and almost dirt cheap.

\Aldur's Deception (Set Shadow Plate)
/+300 Defense
\Requirements -50%
/Lightning Resist +40-50%
\+15 To Dexterity
/+20 To Strength
\+1 To Elemental Skills
/+1 To Shape Shifting Skills
\+15 To Vitality (2 Item)
/+15 To Vitality (3 Items)
\+15 To Vitality (Completed Set)
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You really don't need much that the typical set of gloves can offer you. A
summoner creates his minions and then doesn't really have any spells of his own
to cast. So, most of the typical gloves make no sense. I found these while
browsing arreat summit, and it has some mods that would actually be of some
use to you. Good luck finding it- it won't be expensive, but it might be hard
to find someone who found a pair and actually kept it.

\Gravepalm (Unique Sharkskin Gloves)
/+140-180% Enhanced Defense
\+100-200% Damage To Undead
/+100-200 To Attack Rating Against Undead
\+10 To Energy
/+10 To Strength
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Arachnid's Mesh is a caster's belt through and through, and the +skills is good
for you.

\Arachnid's Mesh (unique spiderweb sash)
/Defense: 119-138
\+90-120% Enhanced Defense
/Slows Target By 10%
\+1 To All Skills
/+20% Faster Cast Rate
\Increases Maximum Mana 5%
/Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)

A less expensive belt is Credendum from the set Disciple. Some great all-around
mods, this belt is not popular and therefore should be easy to get ahold of
for cheap.

\Credendum (Set Mithril Coil)
/+50 Defense
\All Resistances +15
/+10 To Dexterity
\+10 To Strength
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The best boots are definitely Sandstorm Treks. Great bonuses across the board
to give you a little bit of everything.

\Sandstorm Trek (Unique Scarabshell Boots)
/+140-170% Enhanced Defense
\+20% Faster Hit Recovery
/+20% Faster Run/Walk
\+1-99 Maximum Stamina (Based On Character Level)
/+10-15 To Strength
\+10-15 To Vitality
/50% Slower Stamina Drain
\Poison Resist +40-70%
/Repairs 1 Durability In 20 Seconds

However, they're a bit expensive. Pulling once again from Aldur's Watchtower,
try those boots on for size.

\Aldur's Advance (Set Battle Boots)
\40% Faster Run/Walk
/+180 Maximum Stamina
\10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
/Heal Stamina Plus +32%
\+50 To Life
/Fire Resist +40-50%
\+15 To Dexterity (2 Item)
/+15 To Dexterity (3 Items)
\+15 To Dexterity (Completed Set)
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There are actually three options here. The best option is a weapon with
Last Wish in it (no, not beast- you're using a rogue). Another viable option,
though, would be a weapon with Heart of the Oak, which is cheaper and still
provides some great bonuses (think of it as the expensive and the REALLY

\Last Wish (6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes)- Jah + Mal + Jah + Sur + Jah + Ber
/6% Chance To Cast Level 11 Fade When Struck
\10% Chance To Cast Level 18 Life Tap On Striking
/20% Chance To Cast Level 20 Charged Bolt On Attack
\Level 17 Might Aura When Equipped
/+330-375% Enhanced Damage
\Ignore Target's Defense
/60-70% Chance of Crushing Blow
\Prevent Monster Heal
/Hit Blinds Target
\+0.5-49.5% Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level)


\Heart of the Oak (4 Socket Staves/Maces) Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul
/+3 To All Skills
\+40% Faster Cast Rate
/+75% Damage To Demons
\+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
/Adds 3-14 Cold Damage, 3 sec. Duration
\7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
/+10 To Dexterity
\Replenish Life +20
/Increase Maximum Mana 15%
\All Resistances +30-40
/Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges)
\Level 14 Raven (60 Charges)
/+50% Damage To Undead

Somewhat cheaper, Aldur's Rhythm is a good weapon for a much better price.

\Aldur's Rhythm (Set Jagged Star)
/+200% Damage To Demons
\+50% Damage To Undead
/Adds 40-62 Damage
\Adds 50-75 Lightning Damage
/30% Increased Attack Speed
\10% Life Stolen Per Hit
/5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
\Socketed (2-3) (varies)*
/+15 To Strength (2 Item)
\+15 To Strength (3 Items)
/+15 To Strength (Completed Set)
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Unless you're nonladder and poor, you should only be using one shield- A monarch
with a "spirit" runeword.

\Spirit (4 Socket Shields) Tal+Thul+Ort+Amn
/Required Strength: 156
\+2 To All Skills
/+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
\+55% Faster Hit Recovery
/+250 Defense Vs. Missile
\+22 To Vitality
/+89-112 To Mana (varies)
\Cold Resist +35%
/Lightning Resist +35%
\Poison Resist +35%
/+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)
\Attacker Takes Damage of 14

For those off the ladder who are not especially wealthy, there's Lidless Wall.
Not a great shield by comparison, it still gets the job done.

\Lidless Wall (Unique Grim Shield)
/+80-130% Enhanced Defense
\+1 To All Skills
/Increase Maximum Mana 10%
\20% Faster Cast Rate
/+3-5 To Mana After Each Kill
\+10 To Energy
/+1 To Light Radius
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Since there aren't any good low-end unique rings, just deal with what you have
initially. You'll eventually want two BK rings, though- you don't need any mana,
and more HP is always good.

\Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band (Unique Ring)
/+1 To All Skill Levels
\+0-49 To Life (Based On Character Level)
/3-5% Life Stolen Per Hit
\+50 Maximum Stamina


The obvious high-end amulet is mara's kaleidoscope. Resists and +skills all the

\Mara's Kaleidoscope (Unique Amulet)
/+2 To All Skill Levels
\All Resistances +20-30
/+5 To All Attributes

However, an amulet you rarely see put to use is Saracen's Chance. It also has
a great boost to resists, so if you can't find an amulet that gives +3
summoning skills, it's another awesome option.

\Saracen's Chance (Unique Amulet)
/10% Chance To Cast Level 2 Iron Maiden When Struck
\All Resistances +15-25
/+12 To All Attributes
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Rich Man's outfit:
\Helm: Shako (um it)
/Armor: Enigma (breast plate or archon plate)
\Gloves: Gravepalm
/Boots: SandStorm Treks
\Belt: Arachnid Mesh
/Weapon: Last Wish
\Shield: Spirit Monarch
/Rings: BK x2
\Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope

Poorer Man's outfit:
\Helm: Aldur's Stony Gaze
/Armor: Aldur's Deception
\Gloves: Gravepalm
/Boots: Aldur's Advance
\Belt: Credendum
/Weapon: Aldur's Rhythm
\Shield: Lidless Wall
/Rings: random rings
\Amulet: Saracen's Chance
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This is by far the most complex aspect of the entire build, oddly enough. The
mercenary is an important aspect to the summoning druid. The job of your merc?
Deal with physical immunes. If you hadn't noticed yet, the druid summoner does
not have corpse explosion to deal with PI, nor does it have amp damage to remove
the immunity. However, rather than get stressed about it, we'll just bypass it
and kill them with another attack style.

There are several options:

1) Open Wounds
Open Wounds is something that's actually somewhat tough to explain. Basically,
open wounds is damage very similar to poison damage, and the amount of OW
damage done is based on the level of the person inflicting it. At high levels,
it's a significant amount of extra damage. Open wounds is also kind of it's
own element, meaning that no enemy is really immune to it (although uniques and
bosses have the damage cut in half). It's a nifty way to get around physical
immunities, and put on top of the damage you're already doing, it can be highly

2) Amplify Damage
Simple enough- if you can get something that will cast amplify damage on
striking, you can get rid of the physical immunity. The trick is finding such
a thing. It's not all that hard to find amplify damage around, but here's the
trick. You get something like Brand, which does have a chance to cast, but that
chance to cast is based on "when struck," which isn't all that reliable. Other
weapons like "Lacerator" are great with a 33% CtC when striking, but no merc can
equip it, and you don't have the Attack Rating to use it yourself.
While it was a good idea, it was quickly squashed... there was no good way
to execute it.

3) Non-physical damage
This makes the most sense- if you have something immune to physical, just get
some non-phsyical damage, instead. This is the path I chose.

In the end, I use a combination of elemental damage and open wounds to get the
job done on the poor setup, with a pure element damage on the richer Merc.
The elemental damage is obtained through the use of an Act 1 merc that uses ice
arrow; her Open Wounds comes from the Duress Armor.

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Basically, if you're poor, your job is to do the best you can. You'll be able
to kill physical immunes, but only if they're not strong enough to kill you
first. If you have a good grizzly or some good dire wolves, they can *usually*
hold the enemies at bay, especially since you're able to just quickly resummon
as they die.

Again, do the best you can with what you have available to you. If you can get
your hands on a good unique, by all means use it. However, for it's cost,
Harmony is a great option. It provides a bunch of little boosts to your attack
through the elements, and when her job is to deal with physical immunes, every
little bit helps.

\Harmony (4 Socket Missile Weapons)- Tir + Ith + Sol + Ko
/Level 10 Vigor Aura When Equipped
\+200-275% Enhanced Damage
/+9 To Minimum Damage
/+9 To Maximum Damage
\Adds 55-160 Lightning Damage
/Adds 55-160 Fire Damage
\Adds 55-160 Cold Damage
/+2-6 To Valkyrie
\+10 To Dexterity
/Regenerate Mana 20%
\+2 To Mana After Each Kill
/+2 To Light Radius
\Level 20 Revive (25 Charges)

As I said, Duress is your armor of choice. It provides Open Wounds, something
that should help a ton. And hey! More cold damage! Cool beans.

\Duress (3 Socket Body Armor)- Shael + Um + Thul
/+40% Faster Hit Recovery
\+10-20% Enhanced Damage
/Adds 37-133 Cold Damage
\15% Chance of Crushing Blow
/33% Chance of Open Wounds
\+150-200% Enhanced Defense
/-20% Slower Stamina Drain
\Cold Resist +45%
/Lightning Resist +15%
\Fire Resist +15%
/Poison Resist +15%

The helmet is the same for both the rich and the poor, because it provides a
bunch of great mods. Crown of Thieves, simply. Andariel's Visage provides little
for you, and crown of thieves provides tons.

\Crown of Thieves (Unique Grand Crown)
/+160-200% Enhanced Defense
\9-12% Life Stolen Per Hit
/Fire Resist +33%
\+35 To Mana
/+50 To Life
\+25 To Dexterity
/80-100% Extra Gold From Monsters
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Pull out all the stops: Here's the best equipment you can get.

Money's no object, so we can go all-out. Remember where I said no beast?
Obviously you know where this is going; using faith is a must for giving your
summons a huge boost, as well as making her a death machine o_O.

\Faith (4 Socket Missile Weapons)- Ohm + Jah + Lem + Eld
/Level 12-15 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped
\+1-2 To All Skills
/+330% Enhanced Damage
\Ignore Target's Defense
/300% Bonus To Attack Rating
\+75% Damage To Undead
/+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
\+120 Fire Damage
/All Resistances +15
\10% Reanimate As: Returned
/75% Extra Gold From Monsters


But here's the thing: There's another great runeword available to cold rogues.
While it's not as good for your summons, Ice is a GREAT word for dealing with
physical immunes, greatly increasing your ice damage.

\Ice (4 Socket Missile Weapons)- Amn + Shael + Jah + Lo
/100% Chance To Cast Level 40 Blizzard When You Level-up
\25% Chance To Cast Level 22 Frost Nova On Striking
/Level 18 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped
\+20% Increased Attack Speed
/+140-210% Enhanced Damage
\Ignore Target's Defense
/+25-30% To Cold Skill Damage
\-20% To Enemy Cold Resistance
/7% Life Stolen Per Hit
\20% Deadly Strike
/3.125-309.375 Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level)

Some people might say fortitude, but frankly you shouldn't even look at it.
Stick with Chains of Honor: Life Leech, DR, Resists... all you need.

\Chains of Honor (4 Socket Body Armor)- Dol + Um + Ber + Ist
/+2 To All Skills
\+200% Damage To Demons
/+100% Damage To Undead
\8% Life Stolen Per Hit
/+70% Enhanced Defense
\+20 To Strength
/Replenish Life +7
\All Resistances +65
/Damage Reduced By 8%
\25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Still Thieve's Crown. Honestly, there's no better helm available.


"Harmony" Bow
"Duress" armor
Thieves Crown

"Faith" Bow or "Ice" Bow
"Chains of Honor" Armor
Thieves Crown
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It's a really simple build, actually. You summon all of your stuff in town,
make sure your merc is up and functioning, and go to work.

Knowing when to use Grizzly and Dire Wolves is pretty much what you feel would
work best. Despite being only one minion, the Grizzly actually does a rather
good job of distracting all of your enemies so that you don't get attacked
much at all. However, sometimes the Dire Wolves just seem to make more sense,
so don't worry about using them.

There's really nothing for your druid to do in regards to contributing to the
battle. I've read about druids who used a crossbow to help out, but it's
honestly not feasible in any way. Try it if you're desperately bored.

Lastly, summon management: it's not all that hard- if your summons are not
fighting what you want them to, resummon them where you want them to be. Or,
if you got ahold of an enigma, teleport next to them and quickly run back.
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This build is by far the one I put the most research into. Mostly because I was
unable to find any decent precedents to base my build off of. That being said,
I would love suggestions for the build. If you've got one, send me an email
at Kirbix@gmail.com. I'm pretty good with email correspondance and should be
back to you in a few days.
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Systemafunk- I went to the gameFAQs forums asking for some advice. While he
did not ever provide me with any new ideas, I appreciate the fact
that he tried to help. Thanks for throwing out all of those ideas,
even if none of them were much good >_>.

Chou Balloon Fighter- Suggested Harmony and Ice for the rogue's weapons. Awesome
idea- both are excellent options. Thanks.

The Arreast Summit (http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/)- Best website on the
net for Diablo 2; I owe them a lot of information.

GameFAQs and CjayC- My favorite gaming website, it's a pleasure to write here.

Copyright 2006 © Sean D'Hoostelaere
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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PvP Warcry Barbarian Guide

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