Max Payne 2

Max Payne 2

17.10.2013 10:23:58

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: A Max Payne 2 PC Easter-Eggs & Fun Facts FAQ :

:=================By I-M-INDIAN18 (aka Aditya Singh)==================:

:=====================Copyright 2006 Aditya Singh=====================:

: Public Email: :


This Max Payne 2 Easter-Eggs & Fun Facts Faq is made solely by
I-M-INDIAN18, aka Aditya Singh, Copyright © 2006 Aditya Singh.

I hold the rights for this FAQ. This may be not be reproduced under
any circumstances except for personal, private use. You cannot reproduce this
FAQ without my permission. You cannot, in any way, reproduce this FAQ without
giving the credit to me and me alone. You cannot distribute this FAQ on any
site without my permission. You cannot claim to own any part of the FAQ
either. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.


Use the numbers to 'Find (ctrl+f)' any sections quickly.

1) Introduction ==================================================== (100)
2) Easter-eggs & Fun Facts in Level-wise Layout -------------------- (200)
i) Part I ===================================================== (220)
ii) Part II ---------------------------------------------------- (240)
iii) Part III =================================================== (260)
iv) Alternate Ending ------------------------------------------- (280)
3) Max Payne Franchise Fun Facts =================================== (300)
4) Easter-eggs & Fun Facts in Group-wise Layout -------------------- (400)
i) Group 1: Dick Justice - TV Series ========================== (410)
ii) Group 2: That's Odd ---------------------------------------- (420)
iii) Group 3: "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" ============= (430)
iv) Group 4: Piano & the Max Payne Theme ----------------------- (440)
v) Group 5: Mona Sax's hidden features ======================== (450)
vi) Group 6: Falling from Great Height!!! ---------------------- (460)
vii) Group 7: Voice Mails (telephone)!!! ======================== (470)
5) Weapon & Weapon Ammo Location (Not so Obvious ones) ------------- (500)
i) Part I ===================================================== (520)
ii) Part II ---------------------------------------------------- (540)
iii) Part III =================================================== (560)
6) In-game Television Shows & Commercials -------------------------- (600)
i) Television Shows =========================================== (610)
ii) Television Shows in the Dream Levels ----------------------- (630)
iii) Commercials ================================================ (650)
7) Glitches -------------------------------------------------------- (700)
8) Question Hour =================================================== (800)
9) Version History ------------------------------------------------- (900)
10) Sites where you can find this Faq/Walkthrough ===================(1000)
11) My other Faqs/Walkthroughs --------------------------------------(1100)
12) Credits =========================================================(1200)

1) Introduction (100)

Let me begin this by saying that I am a big admirer of the Max Payne
franchise and have played both the Max Payne games a lot of times. I have
even written reviews for both the games which can be found on the Reader
Reviews Section of many sites (more on it later).

There are so many interesting things to be found in Max Payne 2 that
it has inspired me to create this Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ. There are many
Max Payne fans who simply don't know many of the things stated here. Many
think that Max Payne is the only character alive from the two games, which is
not true at all!!! Check the Level-wise Layout Section of the FAQ to find out
more about it.

But beware if you haven't finished both the games yet. While making this FAQ,
I have assumed that the reader has finished the games at least once, and just
want to find out more about the minor & interesting things in this game.
Enjoy the FAQ!!!

2) Level-wise Layout (200)

Most of the Easter-eggs & fun facts of the game has been listed here, barring
the ones which have been put in the "Max Payne Franchise Fun Facts" & "Weapon
& Weapon Ammo Location".

Part I: The Darkness Inside (220)


1) Voice of the main villain of Max Payne 1 /
After the cut-scene involving Max & Mona (they are shown kissing), you go
through the double-door and find a medical kit on the ground with three
painkillers. Now, go into the ICU-Intensive Care Unit Receptionist Booth on
the left of the kit and use the phone to hear the voice of the main villain
of Max Payne 1. You will get to hear Nicole Horne say, "Is this the Payne
Residence". Nicole Horne says this line in the Max Payne 1 Prologue to make
sure that her thugs have reached Max's house.

2) Drawings summarizing the plot of Max Payne 1 /
After you kill your first enemy, you go through the door to get a cut-scene.
Exit this room by the other door and you will come across a series of
drawings in crayon taped to a window that summarizes the initial plot of the
first Max Payne.

Drawing 1: shows a police car (Max Payne) heading home.

Drawing 2: shows a happy family-Dad, Mom, & A Baby-girl (the American Dream
come true).

Drawing 3: shows something which makes a design like V- signifying the Valkyr
drugs & Junkies (valkyr addicts).

Drawing 4: Mom & Baby-girl are crossed with a Red X, signifying the murder of
Max Payne's wife & baby-girl.

Drawing 5: shows the man (Max Payne) crying.

Chapter 1: Elevator Doors

1) Dick Justice - TV Series #1 - Parody of Max Payne 1 /
If you watch the first TV in this level, then you will come across Dick
Justice. The interesting thing about it is that you will get to see a parody
of Max Payne 1. Dick Justice is, simply put, a parody made on the life of Max
Payne. In your first encounter with Dick Justice in this level, you will
witness the proceedings of the first level of Max Payne 1, where Dick
Justice, like Max Payne, loses his wife and then he decides to go after the
criminal underworld.

2) Dick Justice - TV Series #2 - Name's Inspiration /
Another interesting thing about this TV series is its name. In Max Payne 1,
one of the Commandos (enemies), in his talk to a comrade, reveal that he has
named his gun "Dick Justice".

3) Vladimir's Vodka - TV Advertisement /
You can also see Vladimir Lem on the TV who is promoting his new & trendy
Restaurant, Vodka (where you get to kill quite a few mobsters).

4) Max Heat 7 - TV Late Night Show /
You will also get to see the advertisement of Max Heat 7, which you
ultimately end up seeing in one of the latter levels.

5) The perp's disguise didn't fool me... /
If you kill the first cleaner (that you encounter) before he reveals his real
intent, then Max will remark," The perp's disguise didn't fool me. He was
leading me into a trap." If you don't kill him, then you will get a 2 second
cut-scene where the cleaner will reveal his murderous intent.

6) Ragnarock Billboard /
Remember Ragnarock from Max Payne 1??? You will get to see a Ragnarock
Billboard in the room after killing the first two cleaners. The board is
nicely resting against the wall on the far end of the room, near the left of
the hauler.

7) The Death of a Woman /
It is interesting to notice that both the Max Payne games begin with the
death of a woman.

Max Payne - Michelle Payne.
Max Payne 2 - Annie Finn (Vladimir Lem's girlfriend).

8) Max, we gotta stop meeting like this... /
"We gotta stop meeting like this" is the first thing that Mona says to Max in
this game. It is interesting to note that this phrase is also one of the last
things that Mona Sax said to Max in their last meeting in the first Max Payne
game. Just like in this game, Mona in the first game too, came out from an
elevator and disappeared after re-entering the elevator in the last sequence.

9) Gate-crashing Detective /
After killing the killers of Annie Finn and two more cleaners who come to
check that room, you will exit and go through the door on the right. You will
come into another room with loads of lockers and a door at the other end on
the right, near the window. Through that door, three more cleaners come into
the room. Charge at them and kill them. As soon as you do that, go and look
down to the yard below through the window. You will see a police car gate-
crash the main steel gates, and a cop & a woman (Detective Winterson) come
out of the car.

10) Security Camera /
After watching the gate-crash scene, retreat back to the room where Annie
Finn was killed. You will see a small screen on the left near the window. Go
and press 'Use' against it to see Detective Winterson & a cop, who have taken
their position outside a steel shutter (collapsible) door.

Chapter 2: A Criminal Mastermind

1) Dead or Alive - Mike the Cowboy /
In this level, you will meet Mike the Cowboy. Now, you can finish this level
with him either dead or alive. However, if you can get through the level with
Mike still alive, you will meet him again in Part 3, Chapter 2. He will be
taunting you over the loudspeakers throughout this level, and you will get
the oppurtunity to kill him yourself at the end of the level. However, if
Mike does get killed in this level, a random thug of Lem's will do the
talking in the latter level.

2) Captain Baseball-bat Boy Drawing on the White Board /
In Vladimir Lem's office, there is a Captain Baseball-bat Boy drawing on the
white board near his desk. You will see the full implication of this in one
of the latter levels of the game. So, was Vlad planning his Trojan-horse
trick from the beginning???

3) Hey! Who taught you to shoot? /
In this level, Mike the Cowboy is acting as your comrade. Now, if you shoot
him once, them he will ask you, "Hey! Who taught you to shoot?" If you shoot
him twice, then he will shout, "Enough, cop!" and turn against you.

4) Skip a Part, Unlock a Locked Door /
After meeting Mike The Cowboy, you go into a room with loads of goodies and
three enemies. Either kill Mike or tell him to hold the position. Then go
into the room, kill the three thugs, and go to the back of the room. Now,
near the end of the small passage, before going up the stairs, look around
the corner to the left to find a couple of thugs talking. Make sure they
haven't noticed you, because when they do, they will close the door. You can
chuck a grenade at the wall near the door which will blow up the two thugs,
or you can even chuck a Molotov at them. After they are killed, you can go
through the door which is unlocked. No need to go up the stairs and into the
room above.

5) Ragnarock Souvenirs /
Just before the end of the level, in the big room where about 10 thugs attack
you from the above floor, there is a door on the left side. If you go into
that room, you will find all the goodies from Ragnarock (nightclub in Max
Payne 1) including Ragnarock's billboard, the musical instruments, book
shelves, etc.

6) Vladimir Lem's Diploma Certificate /
Valdimir Lem's Diploma Certificate can be seen behind Vlad's desk hanging on
the wall. If you look carefully, then you will find out that he has received
the diploma for helping the blind. In one of the latter levels, if you talk
to other officers at the Police Station, then you will also find out that
Detective Winterson's son is also blind. You will also find a similar
certificate at Detective Winterson's desk at the Police Station. And you will
also get to see in another level that Vladimir Lem & Detective Winterson are
a couple. In her eyes, Vladimir Lem has always been "Good to her boy".

7) Huge Face Painting on the Wall /
Just before the end of the level, in the big room where about 10 thugs attack
you from the above floor, look at the wall of the double-door that you just
came through. A huge painting of an evil-looking face covers the entire wall.
The double-door is where the mouth of the face should be. Apparently, this
painting on the wall was also in the first Max Payne game, and you could see
it on the dance floor when you visited the place. In that game, the place was
called Ragna Rock and it was a disco-theque/night club then.
Contributed by: XanderKage (Gamefaqs' Message Board) /

Chapter 3: The Depths of My Brain

1) King Midas - A Greek Character /
After you reach the hospital in this dream level and see Mona sitting on the
bed, you will get a cut-scene. Look closely at the billboard during that cut-
scene. Where it said "Gold Touch Brandy", it will now say "Everyone I touch
dies". You will also see Max's poster on the billboard, and it also says
"Sadim". This is a reference to King Midas (SADIM backwards), a character in
Greek Mythology, who is mostly recognized for his power to turn anything
(including people) he touched into gold. He became greedy and ultimately
ended up transforming his own daughter into gold and killing her, by

2) That's Odd #1 - (TV)... /
Walk upto the TV and press the 'Use' button against it. The TV is stuck with
the same picture and it won't switch off. On the pressing the 'Use' key, Max
Payne will say, "That's odd."

3) Max Payne's Memoriblia /
In the dream, you will find various things from Max Payne 1. In the first
game, Max Payne used to wear a wedding ring throughout the game. You will
find that ring on the small desk on the right side of the sofa, along with
his wife's photo. When the game switches to real time (next level), the ring
is shifted to the big table (coffee table) opposite the TV. If you search the
house, you will also find various other items from the first game. I will
list them here:

Item 1: The Wedding Ring - On the small table.

Item 2: Michelle Payne's Photo - On the small table.

Item 3: Max & Michelle Payne's Photos (several)- Beside the TV on the ground.

Item 4: The Hero Cops (Article featuring Max Payne & his best friend, Alex) -
Behind the big table opposite the TV, on the ground to the left.

Item 5: Max Payne's & Alex Balder's Photo - In the other room, on the table.

Item 6: "Late Goodbye" CD - On the big table opposite the TV.

Item 2, 3, 4 & 5 were also in Max Payne and they were interactive, i.e., you
could press 'Use' key to trigger a few words or Graphic Novels. Interesting
thing to note is that the new Max Payne face (Timothy Gibbs) has been super-
imposed onto the old one (Sam Lake) in the photos.

4) Mona Sax's hidden features /
When Mona Sax's body comes out on a sliding bed in the Hospital Morgue, you
can nearly see her entire left breast. It is interesting to note that you can
play as the nude Mona model using a cheat.

Chapter 4: No 'Us' in This

1) Max Payne's Memoriblia /
All of memoriblia in the previous level, i.e., the photos, wedding ring, CD,
etc. can also be found in this level. But, the wedding ring has now been
moved to the big table opposite the TV.

2) Phone to the Police /
Many people miss this, including me in my first couple of play-through of the
level. You can use the phone in the bedroom of Max Payne's apartment at the
beginning of the level, to get a cut-scene of Max calling the police. And if
you don't use the phone at the beginning, then you can again call from
another apartment. Remember the apartment where an old man is snoring with
the TV on??? In the first room of that apartment, there is another phone
which you can use. You will get a cut-scene with different dialogues from the
first call.

3) Phone Tapping - Mona & Mona Sax /
Once you reach the apartment from where you were being sniped at (spied from)
in the beginning, you will get a cut-scene. After that, you can use the
phone-tapping device on the table to listen to the last three phone calls
made by Max Payne.

To Detective Winterson: First call will be to Detective Winterson (police) if
you used the phone in the beginning to call police.

To Jim Bravura: Second call will be from Jim Bravura to Max Payne lecturing
him for being 'late again'.

To Mona (Dangerous Liasons): And lastly, it will play Max Payne's call to
Dangerous Liasons, where he will talk to a phone sex girl called 'Mona'.
Interesting thing to note is that this 'Mona' & 'Mona Sax' share the same
voice actress.

4) Old Lady with the Shotgun & a cut-scene /
When you come across the lady who kills a cleaner at the beginning, go listen
to her talks. She will eventually offer you a shotgun, press 'Use' key
against her to get it. After getting the shotgun, exit the house to get a
cut-scene, where Max Payne tells the woman to lock the door and to not to
open it for anybody other than the Police. Now, if you try to open the door,
the woman will shout,"Go away! I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!"

5) The Snoring Old Man & The TV /
If you switch off the TV, then the old man will wake up and say the following

"No, no! Put it back on, they'll hear!
They're spying one me, they're listening, spying on all of us.
They'll hear if the TV's not on.
The signal, the signal fools them.
Yes, my Lord. No, my Lady. Turn it back on."

After saying all this, the old man will again go back to his old ways of
sleeping & snoring. The old man is mad or something???

6) The Sweet but Deaf Old Woman /
After leaving the snoring man's house by the window, you will kill three more
cleaners and come across yet another house. The woman here is deaf and if you
care to listen to her then she will eventually offer you some painkillers.
Press the 'Use' key when she does, and she will unlock the bathroom where the
painkillers are kept, go & get them.

7) The Deaf Old Woman & a D****/
In that same bathroom, you can find a DILDO behind the washing machine with
the painkillers on the top of it. Use the cheats to get a sniper rifle and
zoom in on the small object behind the washing machine to read something
written on the object. Hmm...What the hell was that old woman doing with a

8) Dangerous Liaisons - A Title of a Film /
In the same tape recorder egg, the phone sex line Max calls is called
"Dangerous Liaisons", which is also the title of a 1988 film. The film
"Dangerous Liaisons" was nominated for seven Academy Awards. The commercial
for the phone sex line can be seen and heard on the TV throughout the game.

9) Spy Camera - Max Payne's House under Surveillance /
In the same room, there is a camera which you can use to watch an amusing

10) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #1 /
The theme song of the game, "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" can be
heard many times in the game. In this level, you can hear "Ed-the Janitor"
singing it.

11) The Neighbour of the Beast!!! /
When Max Payne asks for the code, Ed the Janitor replies, "667, the Neighbour
of the Beast. Get it?" And Max Payne says, "Yeah, I get it."

Now, If you have played the first Max Payne, then you will know that in Part
3, Chapter 3 of the game, Max Payne is looking for the keypad code to a door.
On finding a computer with the code, Max Payne remarks, "665, the Neighbour
of the Beast."

12) That's odd #2 - Mario Easter Egg (Floating fireballs)... /
Near the end of the level, you will come across a murdered housewife's suite.
Exit the house through the window, and out onto the ledge for the last time
in this level. Go right, and immediately after the first pipe, you will find
a black "M" spraypainted on the wall. Press the USE button three times
against it, which will cause something weird to happen. Continue on in your
path and you will come across several floating fireballs acting as a hurdle
on the ledges. The fireballs will go up & down on the wall. On seeing them,
Max will say,"That's odd." It seems to be a reference to the famous Mario
games. The fireballs will kill you if you touch them.

Chapter 5: A Sign of Her Passage

1) Painkillers anyone??? /
After you have turned off the gas valve and entered the burned (blackened)
out room, in stead of going out of the balcony, go into the room on the right
side (half-burning). And then, jump over the shelves and go into the bathroom
to find a couple of painkillers. I really think that many people don't know
about this.

2) Just round the Pipe - Loads of Goodies (Ammo, etc.) /
After exiting the burned (blackened) out room through the balcony, and
killing a few enemies, proceed in your path. When you reach the top (after
killing another couple of enemies), there is a pipe that is blocking the
right side ledge. From here, you're supposed to jump onto the scaffolding on
the left. But, if you try, you can jump round the pipe onto the right side.
After jumping, the ledge is broken. Jump over it to find a few sniper rifle
ammo. After that, there is a big gap between this & the next part. You will
need to shootdodge to get there. When you do, forward and go right to find
loads of goodies, such as Molotovs, Desert Eagle Ammo, Sniper Rifle Ammo,
Painkillers, Ingram ammo, etc.

3) A Kid with a Head Full of Videogames!!! /
In the Ending Graphic Novel of the level, Jim Bravura says the following to
Max Payne:

"What next? A kid with a bag full of guns and a head full of videogames turns
the house into a shooting gallery. Breaks my heart."

The developers are taking a pot-shot at the general non-gaming public &
politicians who have a tendency to attribute the crimes of teenagers to
violent video games.

4) To kill or Not to kill - The Old & The Innocent People /
In the Ending Graphic Novel of the level, Jim Bravura says the following to
Max Payne:

"What next? A kid with a bag full of guns and a head full of videogames turns
the house into a shooting gallery. Breaks my heart."

But, if you killed the Old & the Innocent People in the previous two
Chapters, then Jim Bravura will add a couple of lines in the same Graphic

"What next? A kid with a bag full of guns and a head full of videogames turns
the house into a shooting gallery. Breaks my heart.
Innocent People got killed. You didn't do your job, Payne.
To protect and serve isn't just bullshit hype."

Chapter 6: A Linear Sequence of Scares

1) Address Unknown Theme /
The funhouse is based on the TV show Address Unknown, which you get to see on
the TV on various ocassions throughout the game.

2) Photo on the Billboard /
In the beginning cut-scene of the level, notice the picture on the entrance
door billboard. You will get to see the face of the original Max Payne from
the first game, which is also the face of the game's writer, Sam Lake.

3) The Flesh of Fallen Angels #1 /
As soon as you start, you will go through a revolving tunnel out into a yard
with cardboard cars & stuff. On the right side in the middle, you will see
the words "The Flesh of Fallen Angels" written on the wall. Those of you who
have played the first Max Payne must be familiar with it. It is a reference
to one of the dreams in the first game in which Max Payne describes his
wife's body as "The Flesh of Fallen Angels". This phrase is also found in
various other levels.

4) She had Dyed her Hair Red /
After you take the cage-elevator, a cut-scene starts in which a huge needle-
like thing swings towards you. If you go and look at the wall behind that big
needle-like thingy, you will come across the phrase "She had Dyed her Hair
Red". It has the same implications as the above one.

5) Photo of the Sax Sisters /
You can find a photo of the twin sisters, Mona & Lisa (Punchinello), on the
small table opposite the TV at Mona's place. It is on the right side of the
Dick Justice poster.

6) Kung Fu Poster /
Near the end of the level, when you finally reach Mona Sax's room (hideout),
look at poster on the wall of the gym-area. The name of the movie is "The
Dragon" starring Kenneth Yeung. Those who have played the first Max Payne may
know him as the creator of the famous "Kung Fu" mod for Max Payne 1. The
poster also shows a person performing one of famous moves of the mod and a
model from the game mod. The developers were so impressed with Kenneth
Yeung's work that they paid a tribute to him through this poster.

7) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #2 /
The theme song of the game, "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" can be
heard many times in the game. In this level, you can wait outside the
bathroom to hear Mona Sax humming to the song's tune.

Chapter 7: The Million Dollar Question

1) In memoriam (eerie) /
After entering the room with a cleaner talking to another outside a window,
kill both of them. Jump out of the window and into the lift outside and press
the button to make your way down the scaffoldings. Make your way further down
the scaffoldings near another window below where you've just seen a man taken
out (he falls out and down). Blast the cleaner inside with a shotgun
(preferably! bang!) and instead of going inside, move your way further to the
left side of the building (walk on the ledge). There you'll see an open
window with some sort of faint light emanating from the inside. See for
yourself what's inside the room!!! Eerie!!!

Contributed by: abdoncolina (taken from Gamefaqs' Cheat Codes & Secrets

1) A Secret GTA 2D Scene /
This can be found in Part 1 Chapter 7, "The Million Dollar Question" level.
You need to do this strictly after killing all of the enemies in this level,
and you should not use the television before all of them are dead, or else
the scene won't appear. After killing Kaufman and the rest of the cleaners,
retrace your steps back to the previous apartment and use the wide-screen
television on the wall. As soon as you do it, a cut-scene will begin. It is
in 2D and pays a tribute to the original Grand Theft Auto games. Kaufman is
also the name of the taxi cab company that you can purchase in Grand Theft
Auto: Vice City, named Kaufman Cabs.

3) Hooker's voice while having Sex /
After the beginning cut-scene ends, exit the lift and go left. When you come
across the first passage on the left leading to a door, take it. Go and kiss
the door to hear a woman moaning & groaning * egging her partner on (she is
having ***). This same sound track is later used in Part 3 Chapter 3 in the
TV Late Night Movie Max Heat 7.

4) Shoot the Security Camera /
If you shoot at the security cameras located throughout the building in the
corridors, Mona will randomly remark any of the following sentences:

"Max! stop it!"

"Max, I can't help you if I can't see what's going on."

"Max! those cameras are my eyes, we need them to make this work."

5) Piano & the Max Payne Theme #1 /
Just like in Max Payne 1, you can have Max Payne play the theme of the game
on the various instruments, like pianos, etc. In this level, you can play the
Piano that the two cleaners are playing. But you must make sure that the lid
doesn't fall off or else Max Payne won't be able to play it. The first time
you use it, he will play the theme at normal speed; the second time you try
the same, he will play it at a faster speed.

6) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #3 /
The theme song of the game, "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" can be
heard many times in the game. In this level, you can hear the cleaners
playing the song's tune on the piano. After the cleaner is done with playing
the piano, he starts to whistle the song's tune.

Part II: A Binary Choice (240)


1) Detective Winterson's secret & Diploma /
After you get to your desk and the cut-scene, go & talk to the officer to
find out that she has a blind kid. You can also find a "The Brooklyn School
for the Blind" Certificate near her desk, on the sticky board. If you
remember correctly, Vladimir Lem also had a similar certificate in his room. something brewing between them???

2) How ****ed up is that??? & Crime of the Century /
At the beginning, you can listen to a really hilarious interrogation taking
place at a desk near Jim Bravura's cabin. The officer finally dubs it as
"Crime of the Century".

Again, when you get to the prisoner cells, you can hear another hilarious
conversation between two cell-mates. They are located in the interior cells,
on the other side of the partition (second door). I dub it as "How ****ed up
is that???" story. Why??? You will know why when you hear it.

3) Miller & Broussard - Duke Nukem Forever /
If you go down to garage of the station, then you will find two police
officers "Miller" and "Broussard" arguing over an investigation. Miller
emphasizes the importance of "positioning", while Broussard mutters "It'll be
done When It's Done". This is widely regarded as a reference to 3D Realms'
vice President Scott Miller and president George Broussard, who is the
project lead of the long-delayed game Duke Nukem Forever. This game has been
stuck in limbo for a long time and website states the release date as "To be
released When It's Done." Officer Miller also lectures Officer Broussard for
not getting his own name right, which is a reference to George Broussard
spelling his name "Broussad" in Pharaoh's Tomb.

4) When it's done... /
Similarly in the lobby, if you attempt to enter the already-occupied toilet
booth will prompt the officer occupying it to say the following:
"For crying out loud! Is it too much to ask for some privacy?
I'll be out when it's done."

5) Has someone messed up the Air Conditioning again? /
You can go into the restroom in the upper level where you will find two
officers watching TV. There is an air-conditioning device behind the sofa
which you can use. When you do, it messes up the air conditioning of the
entire station and the two officers will remark something rudely. After that,
go down to the lobby and talk to the receptionist and she will hotly complain
about the hot temperature and ask if someone has again messed up the air-

6) Video Game Violence - Video Games Kill People /
When you go down to the lobby, you will hear a funny conversation between a
hot woman and the receptionist. The hot woman has come to report charges
against her ex-boyfriend, whom she suspects of plotting to kill her. She says
that he is video game fanatic who has become a really good shooter, thanks to
the violent videogames!!! After she goes away, go and talk to the
receptionist and she will say the following if you haven't messed up the air-

"Did you hear that? Guns don't kill people, video games kill people.
Jesus. Welcome to New York City."

The developers are taking yet another pot-shot at the general non-gaming
public & politicians who have a tendency to attribute the crimes of teenagers
to violent video games.

7) Images of the Dead Max Payne /
You can go down to the lobby area of the Police Station and enter the
"Briefing" room. In here, you can use the projector to view different images
on the board. The interesting thing about these images is that they are a
part of a dream sequence later in the game, Part 3 Chapter 6. One of the
images show Max Payne's corpse.

8) "Defender" song - Manovar /
You can go into the restroom in the upper level where you will find two
officers watching another episode of the Lords & Ladies on the TV. Near the
end of the show, the mother says "Ride like the wind, fight proud my son".
This is supposedly a reference to the "Defender" song from "Manowar". This is
not confirmed though.

Chapter 1: The Things That I Want

1) Mona Sax's Sex Appeal /
In the beginning Graphic Novel of this level, you can see nearly the entire
of Mona Sax's left breast and nipple.

2) Loads of Ammo /
You can find 120 rounds of Kalashnikov ammo at the start of the level. After
killing the two cleaners beyond the fence, go near the wooden staircase near
the middle of the passage. Two more cleaners will come down from the
staircase; kill them but don't go up the staircase. Instead, go beyond the
staircase to the other end of the passage; you will come across a locked
doorway. There is a wooden box on the side of that doorway booth. Use it to
jump over to the other side of the doorway booth to find loads of Kalashnikov
ammo behind two more boxes. Enjoy!!!

Chapter 2: In the Middle of Something

1) A few "Out of the Way" enemies /
After killing everyone in the parking yard and re-entering the building
through another door, take the right door and go to the beginning place
(underground garage) to encounter three more enemies. They will be
talking among themselves, one of them will say, "I bet the bastard that
did it is still in the building." Another one of them will say, "Oh, I
hope he is."

2) Falling from Great Height!!! #1 /
Halfway through the level, you will come across a long corridor (left side)
where a thug will be camping at the far end. Just behind him is a big hole on
the ground. Use the tables to get near him. When you get real close to him,
come out of cover and shootdodge towards him (but not at him, aim for his
left side) and be sure to kill him. Doing so will trigger a cool death-
sequence. Now, you must make sure that you fell through the hole while the
cut-scene (death-sequence). You will find yourself two floors down, still
alive & kicking when you regain control. This may take a couple of tries.

Chapter 3: Blowing Up

1) Burning Enemy!!! /
Halfway through the level, you will go into a room with enemies. After
killing them all, you will drop down to the room (floor) below through a big
hole in the ground, again kill a few enemies and again drop down to the room
(floor) below through another hole in the ground. Now, you will exit this
room & go right. But, take the left turn instead to see a cleaner running
towards you, trying to escape from fire. Poor (he deserved it P;) soul
doesn't make it and gets caught in the fire and dies before reaching you.

Chapter 4: Routing Her Synapses

1) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #4 /
The theme song of the game, "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" can be
heard many times in the game. In this level, if you go towards the staircase
and stand at the bottom, then you can hear the black-suit at the top of the
stair-case whistle to the song's tune. But, it doesn't always happen for me,
so I can't guarantee it.

Chapter 5: Out of the Window

1) Explosive barrel /
After exiting the starting room, you are supposed to head right because the
door at the end on the left side is locked. But near that locked door is an
explosive barrel. If you don't shoot it at the beginning, then it will help
later in the level by automatically killing a couple of enemies for you.

2) Damn it, Mona! Stop doing the cleaners' job for them! /
While playing as Mona, you get quite a few opportunities to shoot Max Payne.
When you do, Max Payne will yell any of the following phrases:

"Mona! watch your fire."

"Mona! You're not helping."

"Damn it, Mona! Stop doing their job for them!"

"Mona, the guy in the leather jacket in your scope right now,
he's the only one you're not supposed to shoot."

Chapter 6: The Genius of the Hole

1) Falling from Great Height!!! #2 /
Halfway through the level, after you cross the bridge, you will see 4 thugs.
Show yourself to them and two of them will come for you, kill them. The other
two will go and camp on top of the staircase platform. Kill one of them and
charge towards the other one. When you get real close to him, shootdodge
towards the gap in the middle of the staircase and be sure to kill him. Doing
so will trigger a cool death-sequence. Now, you must make sure that you fell
through the hole while the cut-scene (death-sequence). You will find yourself
at the bottom of the staircase, still alive & kicking when you regain
control. This may take a couple of tries. You skipped nearly a dozen of

Part III: Waking Up from the American Dream (260)


1) Quadraple the Payne /
In this dream sequence, Max Payne walks through a passage with police cells
on either side where other crazy Max Payne's are held up. They are babbling
to themselves with signboards hanging inside the cells describing their type
of madness. Two of them are particularly worth noting:

"Insane" - He says "I killed them, my wife, my baby, I shot them,
I buried them under the rosebush in the backyard."

If you remember the conversation dubbed as "Crime of the Century", then you
will get the source of this sentence. Also, it refers to Max Payne's guilty
conscience. Deep inside his mind, he blames himself for his in-ability to
save his wife & baby-daughter.

"Schizophrenic" - He says "I've been switched, I didn't used to look like
this." This is simply a reference to the fact that two different models were
used for the two Max Payne games.

2) Naked Mona!!! /
This is very obvious but...after meeting all the Payne's you will see Mona
Sax taking a shower. If you shootdodge forward in time (before you're
transported), you can see the entire of Mona Sax's naked body from behind.

3) The Cost of Passion!!! /
After you're are transported to Police Station's Lock-up Cell, you will enter
a room with a TV, then you will go up a couple of staircases and get a cut-
scene of Jim Bravura who is lying on the floor. He will tell you to "stay
true to the badge" and to "solve the case". Now, go through the next passage
and check the table near the staircase to find a recording device. If you
press the 'Use' key then you will hear Max Payne's voice who will say the

"The cleaners, Annie Finn, Senator Gate, Mr. Corcoran,
they were just peripheral noise surrounding the case.
Winterson's murder was what it was all about,
The cost of passion, my courtship of Mona Sax.
My case, my crime. It wasn't about finding the killer. I was it.
It was about looking for a deserving patsy to pin the blame on."

4) Wake up! You Are in a Computer Game!!! #1 /
Near the end of this dream sequence, you will find yourself at Police Station
along with Detective Winterson & Mona Sax. You need to go beyond them and
into Max Payne's cubicle. Check the white board there to find the following
message, "WAKE UP!!! YOU ARE IN A COMPUTER GAME!!!". Those of you who have
played the first Max Payne game will know about this, as Max Payne
experienced a similar thing in one of his dreams in that game too, in Part 3,
Prologue. But, in that game, you got a graphic novel for it.

Chapter 1: Too Stubborn to Die

1) Detective Winterson's Age /
In the morgue of the hospital, closer inspection on the blackboard near
Winterson's body would reveal that her age is 42. See the 4th line of left
side marked "Age".

2) Jim Bravura's Operation /
After you get a weapon for the first time in the level, and exiting that room
after killing the thugs, you will enter a room on the right side of the
corridor which a has few control panels on the left and opposite of the door
and loads of cabinets on the right. Go towards the control panel on the
opposite side of the door you used to enter. You will notice a couple of
painkillers on the table, and also a small screen on the extreme right-side
of the panel. Press the 'Use' key against it twice to see Jim Bravura on the
operation table. On seeing Jim Bravura's operation in progress, Max Payne
will say the following:

"Bravura was too stubborn to die.
I had to buy him time, draw the commandos after me,
get out of the hospital."
Contributed by: N64 Gamer (Gamefaqs' Message Board) /

Chapter 2: On a Crash Course

1) Dead or Alive - Mike the Cowboy /
If Mike the Cowboy survived in Part 1 Chapter 2, then he will taunt you over
the microphone throughout this level. If he didn't, then a random thug will
take his place and do the same.

2) Umm...Who is that??? /
(Not sure about this) One more interesting thing to note is that they assume
it's Mona Sax who is tearing down the place and coming after their boss,
Vladimir Lem. They also say that it was she who attacked the boss earlier and
wounded him. Remember Vladimir Lem's left hand in Part 1 Chapter 2??? It was

3) Mona Sax shot him!!! /
In this level, one of the thugs at the beginning says, "Is the killer chick
with him? The one that shot boss in the arm?" Now, this could very well be a
reference to how Vladimir Lem's left hand got injured earlier. In Part 1
Chapter 2, on being questioned by Max Payne about his injured hand, Vladimir
Lem says, "A hot date yesterday". We also see a TV show in the 3rd dream
level featuring Vladimir Lem and Mona Sax. In that show, Mona Sax shoots at
Vladimir Lem's left hand.

Chapter 3: A Mob-War

1) Dick Justice - TV Series #3 - Max Payne's Face #1 /
This series also take a dig at one of the famous criticisms of Max Payne 1,
the look of Max Payne's face in the first game. If you watch the TV in an old
bum's house, Dick Justice says "I had a permanent, constipated grimace on my

2) Max Heat 7 - TV Series /
Remember, I told about the Max Heat 7 TV Movie, the advertisement for which
you have been seeing throughout the game so far. You can watch it in this
level!!! After using the metal platform to crossover from one building to
another while a few enemies fight among themselves on the yard below, you can
go to the top floor to find a couple of thugs watching the TV, Max Heat 7!!!
Kill them and check out the TV, and guys, please, it's only a videogame, stay
away from the ******* screen!!!

3) See, I couldn't break it even if I tried, see? /
In that same building, when you go two floors down and into a house to
progress further into the game, you will enter a room with two thugs talking
to each other. One of them is standing on a metal/wooden platform outside the
window, the other one is inside. You can hear them by hiding behind the
shelf. You will learn that the outside one is acting brave while the one
inside is cautioning him against acting like the way he is!!!

Inside : "Stop being a jackass! You gonna break your neck."
Outside : "I can handle myself. Come on, come out here."
Inside : "Shit no! I'm afraid of heights. Get your ass back in here!
Oh shit, I'm gonna fuckin puke."

After the thug on the outside falls down, the inside one says:

"Shit! Damn it. You okay down there? You okay? Serves you right!"

4) Killing the Comrades!!! /
If you kill Vinnie Gognitti's men, who have mistaken you as one of them,
before they open the locked door, then another of Vinnie Gognitti's men will
come through that door into the building and try to kill you. Thus, enabling
you to progress further into the level without having to reload a previous
saved game!!!

5) Loads of Striker Ammo (Out of the Way) /
Before going through the last door of the level, you will find this on the
big road where about ten enemies attack you from both the gangs. Keep going
to the end of the road ignoring the green gate. At the very end, both the
roads are blocked by burning fence. Turn left and look at the burning fence
blocking the left side road. There are two explosive barrels here, BELOW the
DELI shop signboard. Shoot it. Boom!!! The shops doors are open now. Go
inside, collect all the ammo.

Chapter 4: Dearest of All My Friends

1) Vinnie Gognitti's Phone & the Captain Baseball-bat Boy's Theme Song /
If you check the telephone on the table in Vinnie Gognitti's room, then you
will get hear the Captain Baseball-bat Boy's Theme Song. Vinnie Gognitti's a
really big fan of the Violent Cartoon Series.

2) Voice Mail of Vinnie Gognitti /
If you check the telephone on the table in Vinnie Gognitti's room, then you
will hear the last three recorded messages. They are from:

Godfather: This guy's identity isn't revealed in the game, but he seems like
big Boss who has helped Vinnie Gognitti loads of times. But now,
he refuses to help Vinnie Gognitti in his war against the Russian,
Vladimir Lem.

Girlfriend: She seems angry and threatens Vinnie Gognitti.

Mona Sax: She tells him that Vladimir Lem is coming to get him. She also
clarifies that she told him because she wanted to make it more
difficult for Vladimir Lem.

3) Shoot the Captain!!! /
As soon as you enter Vinnie Gognitti's house, shoot the Captain Baseball-bat
Boy Goodies (like the photo-frames on the wall). Doing so will make Vinnie
Gognitti say,

"No, no, no! Payne! What are you doing? What are you doing?
Those are priceless collector's items! Payne! What are you doing?
Aww, shit, no-"
Contributed by: Darren LaPorte - aka KHfan67789 (E-mail) /

4) Deliverator!!! /
The Deliverator, the van in which Max and Vinnie escape in, is the name of a
car from Remedy game "Death Rally".

Chapter 5: A Losing Game

None So Far /

Chapter 6: There Are No Happy Endings

1) Wake up! You Are in a Computer Game!!! #2 /
When you are transported to the Police Station's Partition Cubicles, you will
see Jim Bravura on an Operation Bed!!! From here, go to Max Payne's desk and
check the white board in the same place as before to again find the following
message, "WAKE UP!!! YOU ARE IN A COMPUTER GAME!!!". Those of you who have
played the first Max Payne game will know about this, as Max Payne
experienced a similar thing in one of his dreams in that game too, in Part 3,
Prologue. But, in that game, you got a graphic novel for it.

2) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #5 /
The theme song of the game, "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" can be
heard many times in the game. In this level, you can hear a Cleaner singing
it while scrubbing the spraypaint off the wall.

3) Sam Lake - The Writer /
If you watch the TV next to the Captain Baseball-bat Boy toy, then you will
see Vladimir Lem & Vinnie Gognitti in an interesting Quiz Show. The 2nd Q
that Vladimir Lem asks Vinnie Gognitti is "Who is the original creator of
Maxwell's Demon???" Vinnie Gognitti answers "The show's writer Sammy Waters."
This very well could be a reference & tribute to the game's writer and the
model for the first Max Payne, Sam Lake.

4) Captain Baseball-Bat Boy's Head /
If you watch the entire show on the TV next to the Captain Baseball-Bat Boy
toy, then you will notice an interesting thing. Just as Vladimir Lem presses
the bomb remote button in the TV show, the toy's head gets blown away!!!

5) V for Vlad /
When you come across the second TV of the level, you will find the phrase "V
for Vlad" written on the wall behind the TV. This signifies that Max Payne
has found out the truth and Vladimir Lem is bad. In the first game, in Part
3, Chapter 3, Max Payne sees the Project Valhalla sign and the truth hits him
like wind straight in the face, "V for Valkyr, V for Valhalla."

6) Vladimir Lem & Mona Sax - In a Relationship??? /
If you watch the 2nd TV near the "V for Vlad" sign, then you will see a
conversation between Vladimir Lem & Mona Sax at the end of which Mona Sax
shoots at Vladimir Lem's left hand. This could very well be a reference to
how Vladimir Lem's left hand got injured earlier. In Part 1 Chapter 2, on
being questioned by Max Payne about his injured hand, Vladimir Lem says, "A
hot date yesterday". Also, in Part 3 Chapter 2, one of Vladimir Lem's thugs
says, "Is the killer chick with him? The one that shot boss in the arm?"
Thus, giving this notion more support.

Chapter 7: Love Hurts

1) Stuck!!! /
After you enter the first room (where the ceiling falls down) you enter the
mansion the door locks up behind you. But, if you time it right, then you can
shootdodge back out into the yard while the doors are closing. However, once
you're out, you will remain out. There is no way that you can gain entry into
the Manor again, and you won't be able to finish the level. You will have to

2) Piano & the Max Payne Theme #2 /
Just like in Max Payne 1, you can have Max Payne play the theme of the game
on the various instruments, like pianos, etc. In this level too, you can play
the Piano that is in the big room (second room of the level) after the
falling-ceiling-room. But you must make sure that the lid doesn't fall off or
else Max Payne won't be able to play it. The first time you use it, he will
play the theme at normal speed; the second time you try the same, he will
play it at a faster speed.

3) Control Panel /
Halfway through, after going up a set of stairs, you will enter a room with a
big control panel with a big blue/purple screen with floor-plans-diagrams on
it. If you go to the left side of the screen and use the small panel (with a
small screen) at the bottom corner, you will see interesting cut-scenes:

Of Vladimir Lem & Clay (a random mobster);
Of Alfred Woden;
Of Mona Sax.

4) Dick Justice - TV Series #4 - Max Payne's Face #2 /
If you watch the TV in the room after the room with a Control Panel
(with a big blue/purple screen), Dick Justice says "The poet Pool, in
his poem "Somebody's been wearing my face again" wrote:

"In this hall of mirrors/Built by liars,
I am a pale reflection of myself."

This is yet another reference to the fact that two different models were used
for the two Max Payne games.

5) Two Secret Enemies - Out of the Way!!! /
Near the end of the level, you will be moving in the second level of the
manor. You will come to a room where there will be a big chunk of floor
missing. When you look down, you will notice that this is the same place
where you dodged the falling ceiling at the beginning. You can make the jump
to the floor below without getting hurt, do it and enter the next room with
the piano. Now, the door on the left (no need to take the right door) will
open too and two more black-suits will attack you. Kill them and go through
that door to find yourself back in the yard you just crossed before dropping

Chapter 8: That Old Familiar Feeling

1) Jim Bravura Survives!!! /
Near the end of the level, you will get to enter Alfred Woden's office. In
that office, there is a TV. If you use that TV, you will see a news report in
which you will hear a surprising bit of information. Contrary to Max Payne's
earlier dream and contrary to popular beliefs (it is believed by many Max
Payne fans that Jim Bravura is dead), Jim Bravura survives the assault in the
hospital and is in stable condition!!! Thus, Max Payne and Jim Bravura are
the only main characters still alive at the end of the game in normal
difficulty. There is another surprise for you if you care to beat the game on
"Dead On Arrival" mode.

2) Voice Mail of Alfred Woden /
If you check the telephone on the table in that same room, then you will hear
the last three recorded messages. They are from:

Max Payne: Remember the call that he made from the police station.

Mona Sax: Her message reveals that she is working with Alfred Woden. She also
confesses to him that she is in love with Max Payne.

Vladimir Lem: He warns Alfred Woden and says that he is coming to kill him.

3) A Painting of a Couple Kissing each other /
Again, in that same room, if you look at the ceiling, then you will see a
painting of a man & a woman kissing each other. They are naked, but there
privates are nicely hidden, damn bed sheets!!! But it sure can give you an
idea. Now quit looking at it, P;) Computer pimp hard at work!!!

4) Love Conquers All!!! /
In the end cut-scene of Part 3 Chapter 7, when Max Payne & Mona Sax are about
to enter the Panic Room where Alfred Woden is hiding, we get to see a crypt
with the Latin inscription "Omnia Vincit Amor" = "Love conquers all", and a
statue of lovers hugging each other. By now, everybody knows that Max Payne
is in love with Mona Sax, but in the following cut-scenes, Mona Sax dies
(barring the "Dead On Arrival" mode ending). But still, Max Payne conquers
his Survivor's Guilt because of his love. Thus, proving the Latin philosophy
to be true.

5) Loads of Ammo!!! /
In your last fight against the man behind it all, Vladimir Lem, you can get
loads of ammo if you run out of it. Just open the gate that you used to come
up here, and move an inch towards the inside. Don't go right in or else you
will be up in flames. And be quick about it because Vladimir Lem won't stop
with his Dynamite-Bombing thingy.

Alternate Ending (280)

1) She Survives too!!! /
Like I said earlier, there is another big surprise waiting for you to be
discovered if you care to beat the game on "Dead On Arrival" mode. By beating
the game on the highest difficulty mode, you will get a different ending, in
which Mona Sax survives!!! There's not much different except this. You won't
get any different cut-scene or level. They have just re-arranged the last
graphic novel of the game.


3) Max Payne Franchise Fun Facts (300)

1) John Milton's Paradise Lost & Fate /
Max Payne 1: It has references to Norse Mythology.

Max Payne 2: It has references to John Milton's Paradise Lost & Fate. Vlad
rebels against the Inner Circle and his one-time mentor, Alfred Woden, and
forms a renegade faction.He uses Alfred Woden's own men in his war against
them. Similarly, in Paradise Lost, Satan rebels against God taking a third of
Heaven's angel population with him.

Vlad even quotes Satan, "It's better to reign in Hell than serve in
Heaven."Max and Mona represent Adam and Eve. In Alfred's manor, a large mural
of Adam, Eve, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the serpent is
painted on a wall.Also, if you wait to shoot the bolts holding up the
observation deck in the final battle with Vlad, he mentions, "Did you know
that the old man used to come up here all the time when he was still able to
make the climb? To oversee his dominion, play god."This seems one of the few
references which could be linked to norse mythology, as Woden sat in his high
seat to, "Oversee his dominion," Just as Odin sat on his high seat in Asgard
and could oversee Migard.

2) Beginning & Ending - A Co-incidence??? /
Both games begin and end with the death of a woman:

Max Payne 1: Michelle Payne & Nicole Horne
Max Payne 2: Annie Finn & Mona Sax (barring the "Dead On Arrival" mode).

The series, thus, represents a sort of symmetry with ancient epics such as
the Aeneid or the Illiad.

3) Number of Enemies Killed /
Max Payne has killed more than a thousand peeps in the two games combined.
Here are the numbers and I believe them to be correct:

Max Payne 1: 660 (including helicopter pilot & Nicole Horne)
Max Payne 2: 620 (not including the 3 people killed in the dream-level);
(and 8 more if you kill the friendly people).

These calculations include all persons that you can kill without have having
to fail a level,i.e.,it includes all the 7 friendly characters whom you could
kill in Part 1, Chapter 4 & 5 (old people and the hot woman). It also
includes the people who were killed (whether necessary or unnecessary for
completing a level) in the dream levels. And it also includes all the enemies
who were not necessary for you to kill but you could kill,i.e., whom your
comrades could kill for you, in co-op like levels.

4) Duje Nukem Forever - When It's Done!!! /
Ironically, this game has a joke on the Duke Nukem Forever. And now, the
sequel to this game itself is stuck in limbo as of writing this.

5) It's Different - The Ending /
Both the games give you something different if you beat the game on the
highest difficulty setting - on 'Dead On Arrival' mode.

Max Payne 1: There is no secret ending as such. You just get an un-game
related level which is unlocked. There are about 20 enemies in
here and you are in constant bullet time and it's hard to kill
them. Once you kill them all, you can go to the back room where
you will find pictures of the developing team.

Max Payne 2: This game has a slightly different ending which you can access
by beating the game on the highest difficulty setting, "Dead On
Arrival" mode. They have simply changed and rearranged the last
graphic novel of the game to get a different ending. In the last
graphic novel of the game, they have changed the sentence
structure, and added a couple of new dialogues, which in turn,
gives us a new ending to the game. In this new ending, Mona Sax
survives too!!!

6) The Theme (Instrumental) of Max Payne Games /
Both the games have the same intrumental theme music, but different musical
instruments have been used to create them.

Max Payne : Piano
Mx Payne 2 : Cello

Both are very good, but in my opinion, 1st one created a better atmosphere.

7) Max Payne 2 website /
If you type/hit "" into your internet browser, then it will
take you to Max Payne 2's website.


4) Group-wise Layout (400)

Only the ones which have multiple Easter-eggs or fun facts but are of a
similar type have been listed here under its proper group.

Group 1: Dick Justice - TV Series (410)

1) Parody of Max Payne 1 /
Part 1 Chapter 1 /
If you watch the first TV in this level, then you will come across Dick
Justice. The interesting thing about it is that you will get to see a parody
of Max Payne 1. Dick Justice is, simply put, a parody made on the life of Max
Payne. In your first encounter with Dick Justice in this level, you will
witness the proceedings of the first level of Max Payne 1, where Dick
Justice, like Max Payne, loses his wife and then he decides to go after the
criminal underworld.

2) Name's Inspiration /
Part 1 Chapter 1 /
Another interesting thing about this TV series is its name. In Max Payne 1,
one of the Commandos (enemies), in his talk to a comrade, reveal that he has
named his gun "Dick Justice".

3) Max Payne's Face #1 /
Part 3 Chapter 3 /
This series also take a dig at one of the famous criticisms of Max Payne 1,
the look of Max Payne's face in the first game. If you watch the TV in an old
bum's house, Dick Justice says "I had a permanent, constipated grimace on my

4) Max Payne's Face #2 /
Part 3 Chapter 7 /
If you watch the TV in the room after the room with a Control Panel
(with a big blue/purple screen), Dick Justice says "The poet Pool, in
his poem "Somebody's been wearing my face again" wrote:

"In this hall of mirrors/Built by liars,
I am a pale reflection of myself."

This is yet another reference to the fact that two different models were used
for the two Max Payne games.

Group 2: That's Odd (420)

1) (TV)... /
Part 1 Chapter 3 /
Walk upto the TV and press the 'Use' button against it. The TV is stuck with
the same picture and it won't switch off. On the pressing the 'Use' key, Max
Payne will say, "That's odd."

2) Mario Easter Egg (Floating fireballs)... /
Part 1 Chapter 4 /
Near the end of the level, you will come across a murdered housewife's suite.
Exit the house through the window, and out onto the ledge for the last time
in this level. Go right, and immediately after the first pipe, you will find
a black "M" spraypainted on the wall. Press the USE button three times
against it, which will cause something weird to happen. Continue on in your
path and you will come across several floating fireballs acting as a hurdle
on the ledges. The fireballs will go up & down on the wall. On seeing them,
Max will say,"That's odd." It seems to be a reference to the famous Mario
games. The fireballs will kill you if you touch them.

Group 3: "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" (430)

The theme song of the game, "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" can be
heard many times in the game.

1) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #1 /
Part 1 Chapter 4 /
In this level, you can hear "Ed-the Janitor" singing it.

2) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #2 /
Part 1 Chapter 6 /
In this level, you can wait outside the bathroom to hear Mona Sax humming to
the song's tune.

3) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #3 /
Part 1 Chapter 7 /
In this level, you can hear the cleaners playing the song's tune on the
piano. After the cleaner is done with playing the piano, he starts to whistle
the song's tune.

4) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #4 /
Part 2 Chapter 4 /
In this level, if you go towards the staircase and stand at the bottom, then
you can hear the black-suit at the top of the stair-case whistle to the
song's tune. But, it doesn't always happen for me, so I can't guarantee it.

5) "Late Goodbye" by "Poets of the Fall" #5 /
Part 3 Chapter 6 /
In this level, you can hear a Cleaner singing it while scrubbing the
spraypaint off the wall.

Group 4: Piano & the Max Payne Theme (440)

Just like in Max Payne 1, you can have Max Payne play the theme of the game
on the various instruments, like pianos, etc.

1) Piano & the Max Payne Theme #1 /
Part 1 Chapter 7 /
In this level, you can play the Piano that the two cleaners are playing. But
you must make sure that the lid doesn't fall off or else Max Payne won't be
able to play it. The first time you use it, he will play the theme at normal
speed; the second time you try the same, he will play it at a faster speed.

2) Piano & the Max Payne Theme #2 /
Part 3 Chapter 7 /
In this level too, you can play the Piano that is in the big room (second
room of the level) after the falling-ceiling-room. But you must make sure
that the lid doesn't fall off or else Max Payne won't be able to play it. The
first time you use it, he will play the theme at normal speed; the second
time you try the same, he will play it at a faster speed.

Group 5: Mona Sax's hidden features (450)

1) Mona Sax's hidden features /
Part 1 Chapter 3 /
When Mona Sax's body comes out on a sliding bed in the Hospital Morgue, you
can nearly see her entire left breast. It is interesting to note that you can
play as the nude Mona model using a cheat.

2) Mona Sax's hidden features /
Part 1 Chapter 6 /
You can see nearly the entire of Mona Sax's breasts in the ending cut-scene
of the level.

3) Mona Sax's Sex Appeal /
Part 2 Chapter 1 /
In the beginning Graphic Novel of this level, you can see nearly the entire
of Mona Sax's left breast and nipple.

4) Naked Mona!!! /
Part 3 Prologue /
This is very obvious but...after meeting all the Payne's you will see Mona
Sax taking a shower. If you shootdodge forward in time (before you're
transported), you can see the entire of Mona Sax's naked body from behind.

Group 6: Falling from Great Height!!! (460)

1) Falling from Great Height!!! #1 /
Part 2 Chapter 2 /
Halfway through the level, you will come across a long corridor (left side)
where a thug will be camping at the far end. Just behind him is a big hole on
the ground. Use the tables to get near him. When you get real close to him,
come out of cover and shootdodge towards him (but not at him, aim for his
left side) and be sure to kill him. Doing so will trigger a cool death-
sequence. Now, you must make sure that you fell through the hole while the
cut-scene (death-sequence). You will find yourself two floors down, still
alive & kicking when you regain control. This may take a couple of tries.

2) Falling from Great Height!!! #2 /
Part 2 Chapter 6 /
Halfway through the level, after you cross the bridge, you will see 4 thugs.
Show yourself to them and two of them will come for you, kill them. The other
two will go and camp on top of the staircase platform. Kill one of them and
charge towards the other one. When you get real close to him, shootdodge
towards the gap in the middle of the staircase and be sure to kill him. Doing
so will trigger a cool death-sequence. Now, you must make sure that you fell
through the hole while the cut-scene (death-sequence). You will find yourself
at the bottom of the staircase, still alive & kicking when you regain
control. This may take a couple of tries. You skipped nearly a dozen of

Group 7: Voice Mails (telephone)!!! (470)

1) Phone Tapping - Mona & Mona Sax /
Part 1 Chapter 4 /
Once you reach the apartment from where you were being sniped at (spied from)
in the beginning, you will get a cut-scene. After that, you can use the
phone-tapping device on the table to listen to the last three phone calls
made by Max Payne.

To Detective Winterson: First call will be to Detective Winterson (police) if
you used the phone in the beginning to call police.

To Jim Bravura: Second call will be from Jim Bravura to Max Payne lecturing
him for being 'late again'.

To Mona (Dangerous Liasons): And lastly, it will play Max Payne's call to
Dangerous Liasons, where he will talk to a phone sex girl called 'Mona'.
Interesting thing to note is that this 'Mona' & 'Mona Sax' share the same
voice actress.

2) Voice Mail of Vinnie Gognitti /
Part 3 Chapter 4 /
If you check the telephone on the table in Vinnie Gognitti's room, then you
will hear the last three recorded messages. They are from:

Godfather: This guy's identity isn't revealed in the game, but he seems like
big Boss who has helped Vinnie Gognitti loads of times. But now,
he refuses to help Vinnie Gognitti in his war against the Russian,
Vladimir Lem.

Girlfriend: She seems angry and threatens Vinnie Gognitti.

Mona Sax: She tells him that Vladimir Lem is coming to get him. She also
clarifies that she told him because she wanted to make it more
difficult for Vladimir Lem.

3) Voice Mail of Alfred Woden /
Part 3 Chapter 8 /
If you check the telephone on the table in that same room, then you will hear
the last three recorded messages. They are from:

Max Payne: Remember the call that he made from the police station.

Mona Sax: Her message reveals that she is working with Alfred Woden. She also
confesses to him that she is in love with Max Payne.

Vladimir Lem: He warns Alfred Woden and says that he is coming to kill him.


5) Weapon & Weapon Ammo Location (Not so Obvious ones) (500)

Only those weapons and weapon ammo have been mentioned here which are located
in the places which can be considered out-of-the-way. In my opinion, such
places could easily have been over-looked by many players if they are not
exploring the levels in detail. And so, I have decided to include them in my

Part I: The Darkness Inside (520)


None so far /

Chapter 1: Elevator Doors

1) On the two shelves near the 1st TV /
After the cut-scene ends, make your between the shelves towards the door
where you meet the first cleaner. But, in stead of going towards the door,
turn left and go towards the box at the far end, the one which is kissing the
wall on the right. Jump onto it and then onto the 2nd box on top of the first
one. From here, you can go two ways:

i) Jump onto the boxes on the left (diagonally left) and check the shelf to
find some Ingram ammo.

ii) Jump onto an even higher (3rd) box on the right side, and then onto next
one, the box at the farthest, last one. From here, you can see the small
booth with the TV. Now, look straight, and jump across onto the box near the
pillar, near the booth (left). It may take a few tries. Once you have made
it, make your way along the line of boxes to the end to find a weapon,
Ingram. And then, jump onto the boxes in the shelf on the left to find a

2) Use the hauler /
After killing the first two cleaners, you will get to see a Ragnarock
Billboard in a big room with a hauler at far end of the room to the right.
You can use the hauler to lift the plank with an explosive barrel on it. Do
it and use the plank to climb up. Jump onto the carbon box, and then onto the
box kissing the wall. Go to the end and check the wooden box to find a
Painkiller, 9mm Ammo, & a grenade.

Chapter 2: A Criminal Mastermind

1) At the start /
As soon you resume control, check the passage on the right side to find a
couple of painkillers.

2) Hidden Grenades /
Remember the room with Ragnarock Souvenirs??? Just before the end of the
level, in the big room where about 10 thugs attack you from the above floor,
there is a door on the left side. If you go into that room, you will find all
the goodies from Ragnarock (nightclub in Max Payne 1) including Ragnarock's
billboard, the musical instruments, book shelves, etc. Now, jump over the
goodies and go to the middle of the big stack of goodies to find a few

Chapter 3: The Depths of My Brain

None so far /

Chapter 4: No 'Us' in This

1) Old Lady with the Shotgun /
You can talk to the first old woman you meet in the level to get a Shotgun
from her.

2) The Deaf Old Woman with the Painkillers /
You can talk to the deaf old woman (second old woman) to get some painkillers
from her.

3) On your way to Ed the Janitor /
After taking the lift down to the bottom floor, you will get to kill three
cleaners. Now, in stead of going down to the basement, take the staircase
opposite the lift to the the 2nd floor. You will find some Shotgun & Desert
Eagle ammo on the ground near the staircase.

Chapter 5: A Sign of Her Passage

1) The Top Floor /
After killing the first set of cleaners, in stead of going down, go up the
staircase to the top floor. You will find 4 cardboard boxes on top of each
other. You will find Kalashnikov & Desert Eagle ammo & Painkiller on the top
of the topmost box.

2) Painkillers anyone??? /
After you have turned off the gas valve and entered the burned (blackened)
out room, in stead of going out of the balcony, go into the room on the right
side (half-burning). And then, jump over the shelves and go into the bathroom
to find a couple of painkillers. I really think that many people don't know
about this.

3) Just round the Pipe - Loads of Goodies (Ammo, etc.) /
After exiting the burned (blackened) out room through the balcony, and
killing a few enemies, proceed in your path. When you reach the top (after
killing another couple of enemies), there is a pipe that is blocking the
right side ledge. From here, you're supposed to jump onto the scaffolding on
the left. But, if you try, you can jump round the pipe onto the right side.
After jumping, the ledge is broken. Jump over it to find a few sniper rifle
ammo. After that, there is a big gap between this & the next part. You will
need to shootdodge to get there. When you do, forward and go right to find
loads of goodies, such as Molotovs, Desert Eagle Ammo, Sniper Rifle Ammo,
Painkillers, Ingram ammo, etc.

Chapter 6: A Linear Sequence of Scares

None so far /

Chapter 7: The Million Dollar Question

None so far /

Part II: A Binary Choice (540)


None so far /

Chapter 1: The Things That I Want

1) Loads of Ammo /
You can find 120 rounds of Kalashnikov ammo at the start of the level. After
killing the two cleaners beyond the fence, go near the wooden staircase near
the middle of the passage. Two more cleaners will come down from the
staircase; kill them but don't go up the staircase. Instead, go beyond the
staircase to the other end of the passage; you will come across a locked
doorway. There is a wooden box on the side of that doorway booth. Use it to
jump over to the other side of the doorway booth to find loads of Kalashnikov
ammo behind two more boxes. Enjoy!!!

Chapter 2: In the Middle of Something

1) Ammo behind the Partition Table /
Nearly halfway through the level, you will come across a big room with 5
cleaners inside it. If you try the double door, it will be locked and you
will hear two thugs talking on the other side. Then you will have to go to
the room on the left, go to another room through a hole in the wall on the
right and again go through a door on the right to enter the big hall. There
are big red explosive boxes in the middle of the room and if you shoot it,
then half of the room's flooring (left side's) will be gone. In this room,
after killing all the five cleaners, go to the room on the opposite door
(though you are supposed to take the door in the middle on the left side.
After entering the room, check behind the three standing/partition table at
the far end corner to the right side to find some Sniper Rifle Ammo, Mp5 Ammo
& Molotovs.

2) Ammo behind the Partition Table /
In the same big room, go through the middle door on the left side to continue
forward. And after taking another door on the left, a cut-scene will begin.
You're now in the "Room with Illegal Firearms, enough to outfit an Army."
This room is full of stacks of green boxes. You will get tons of MP5 ammo
here, and a few painkillers too, but these are not what we are looking for.
In stead, go round the stack of boxes to the other side and you will see a
passage among the boxes leading to the pillar in between the boxes. Go near
the pillar to get some more MP5 ammo & more importantly, some Sniper Rifle

Chapter 3: Blowing Up

None so far /

Chapter 4: Routing Her Synapses

None so far /

Chapter 5: Out of the Window

1) Some more Painkillers, anyone??? /
Exit the starting room and go right. Past the first room on the right (it is
closed), and stop near the second one (a broken room with a broken doorway
and a plank hanging out from the doorway). Go to the extreme of the plank and
jump onto the metal platform leading to the room on the other side. And now,
check the room for some painkillers.

Chapter 6: The Genius of the Hole

None so far /

Part III: Waking Up from the American Dream (560)


None so far /

Chapter 1: Too Stubborn to Die

1) Painkiller in the Closet /
At the beginning, you will run away from the black-suit. While doing so, you
will cross the room where you got the Hallucination Cut-scene in the Part 1,
Prologue. In that room, you will find a painkiller in the closet near the
door, but you need to hurry as the black-suit is right behind you.

2) Weapons in the Van /
In the garage, you will see a black Van on the other end, and its back door
is open. If you check it out, then you will find some weapon ammo.

Chapter 2: On a Crash Course

1) Weapons in the Room behind the Bar /
When the level begins, kill all the thugs and go behind the bar counter and
through a door leading to a room with shelves and weapons. Collect all the
goodies. You also get a new weapon, Striker!!! You can also enter the room by
jumping over all the boxes on the left and entering the room through the

2) Weapons in the Room behind the Bar /
When you go up the stairs to the first floor, go to the other end of this
room and through the double-door on the right side. Two more thugs will be
coming through that door too, Kill them. Now, in this (second room of the
first floor) room, if you check the end of left side, then you will find some
M4 Carbine & Striker ammo behind a large box.

Chapter 3: A Mob-War

1) Weapons on the Top Floor /
After meeting the bum, you will cross a balcony to enter a joint-building. Go
up to the back of the top floor (you will meet 3 of Vinnie Gognitti's & 1 of
Vladimir Lem's thugs fighting among themselves) to find a painkiller and a
couple of Shotguns.

2) Painkillers in the top floor Room's Bathroom /
After using the metal platform to crossover from one building to another
while a few enemies fight among themselves on the yard below, you can go to
the top floor to find a couple of thugs watching the TV, Max Heat!!! Kill
them and check the bathroom to find four Painkillers.

3) Striker Ammo /
After meeting Vinnie Gognitti's men who mistake you as one of them, go to the
top level of the building to find a couple of Striker ammo at the back.

4) Loads of Striker Ammo (Out of the Way) /
Before going through the last door of the level, you will find this on the
big road where about ten enemies attack you from both the gangs. Keep going
to the end of the road ignoring the green gate. At the very end, both the
roads are blocked by burning fence. Turn left and look at the burning fence
blocking the left side road. There are two explosive barrels here, BELOW the
DELI shop signboard. Shoot it. Boom!!! The shops doors are open now. Go
inside, collect all the ammo.

Chapter 4: Dearest of All My Friends

1) On Top of the Stack of Boxes /
At the start, follow Vinnie Gognitti into the small room. There's a door on
the right, go through it & collect all the M4 Carbine ammo, and drop the
stack of boxes to get some painkillers & grenades.

2) On Top of the Shelf /
Near the elevator which Vinnie Gognitti uses to get to his house, there is a
double-door. Go through it to find a few painkiller & grenades inside a box
on the top of a shelf. Shoot it to make it fall down or simply jump towards
it to collect it.

3) Check the Bar /
Check out the small bar near the TV to find a cabinet with a couple of
painkillers in them.

Chapter 5: A Losing Game

None so far /

Chapter 6: There Are No Happy Endings

None so far /

Chapter 7: Love Hurts

None so far /

Chapter 8: That Old Familiar Feeling

1) Loads of Ammo!!! /
In your last fight against the man behind it all, Vladimir Lem, you can get
loads of ammo if you run out of it. Just open the gate that you used to come
up here, and move an inch towards the inside. Don't go right in or else you
will be up in flames. And be quick about it because Vladimir Lem won't stop
with his Dynamite-Bombing thingy.


6) In-game Television Shows & Commercials (600)

Just like in the first Max Payne game, you again get to see various shows
including Costume Drama, Sitcoms, Cartoons, News, etc. on the TV. In fact,
the game is full of them and you can follow the TV to get a few funny
conversations and a few extra stories which run alongside Max Payne's story
throughout the game.

Television Shows (610)

There are about 6 TV shows consisting of a costume drama, a psychological
thriller, a parody & revenge drama, an adult late-night movie, a violent
cartoon series, and the News. Some of these shows often relate to the Max
Payne's story.

1) Lords & Ladies /\ A Costume Drama /
------------------- -----------------
This is a costume drama which is set in the 18th century. This is a
continuation from the previous Max Payne game, in which we got only one or
two Lords & Ladies episode. This time round, they have fully developed the
series and given it a Grand Finale in the final levels. However, the single
episode from Part 1, Chapter 3 of the first Max Payne game is better than all
of the episodes in this game combined.

Fun Facts /
- None so far.

2) Address Unknown /\ A Psychological Thriller /
-------------------- --------------------------
A psychological thriller, the protagonist is a supposedly mentally ill person
who has escaped from a mental institution, and who is troubled by a
doppelganger (look-alike) named John Mirra. The protagonist eventually
discovers that he himself was John Mirra all the time. This series, too,
appeared in the first Max Payne game in a couple of episodes. And again, they
have fully developed the series and rounded it off with a Grand Finale in the
final levels of the game.

Fun Facts /
- Mona Sax lives in an abandoned funhouse which is themed on this show.

- The face of the original Max Payne from the first game has been used for
this show's protagonist, which is the face of the game's writer, Sam Lake.

- If you type/hit "" into your internet browser, then it
will take you to Max Payne 2's website.

3) Dick Justice /\ A Parody & A Revenge Drama /
----------------- ----------------------------
Dick Justice is, simply put, a parody made on the life of Max Payne. In your
first encounter with Dick Justice in the game, you will witness the
proceedings of the first level of Max Payne 1, where Dick Justice, like Max
Payne, loses his wife and then, he decides to go after the criminal
underworld. This is a new TV show in the Max Payne universe.

Fun Facts /
- Another interesting thing about this TV series is its name. In Max Payne 1,
one of the Commandos (enemies), in his talk to a comrade, reveal that he
has named his gun "Dick Justice".

- The first name for Max Payne 1 during early production was "Dark Justice".

4) The Adventures of Captain Baseball-bat Boy /\ A Violent Cartoon Series /
----------------------------------------------- --------------------------
This show is about a Kid Superhero, Captain Baseball-bat Boy, who likes to
use his Baseball Bat as a weapon. In this game, he goes after the evil
Maxwell's Demon in order to save his not-really-a-girlfriend, Bicyclehelmet
Girl. The show also features Zombie Demons from Outer Space. This show
doesn't really have an end like the other shows.

Fun Facts /
- This show is based on the Captain Baseball-bat Boy Newspaper Comic Strip
from the first Max Payne game.

- In the first game, we got to see movie posters of "Zombie from Outer Space"
on the walls. They have appeared in this show!!!

5) Max Heat 7 /\ An Adult Late-Night Movie /
--------------- ---------------------------
Right from the beginning of the game, you will get to see an advertisement
for Max Heat 7, an adult late-night movie entertainment, which you will
ultimately end up seeing in one of the latter levels.

Fun Facts /
- You will eventually get to see this movie in Part 3, Chapter 3.

- "Max Heat" was the 2nd name given to Max Payne 1 during early development.

- Max Heat magazines can be found in the first Max Payne game.

6) NYCNN News /\ News /
--------------- ------
Kyra Silver, the newsreader for NYCNN News Channel, is back and she is again
providing some valuable information and also has a nice surprise for you at
the end of the game. You will get to see TV news on various occasions
throughout the game. It generally provides you with information about how the
public and the police view the events unfolding in the game.

Fun Facts /
- At the end of the last level of the game, you will get to enter Alfred
Woden's office. In that office, there is a TV and you can watch the news on
it. Contrary to popular beliefs, Jim Bravura survives the assault in the
hospital and is in stable condition!!!

Television Shows in the Dream Levels (630)

You will get to see various television shows featuring the main characters of
the game during the dream levels. These shows can be related to the events
leading up this point. Some of the TV shows in these levels, though can not
be confirmed, can be said to have actually happened in the course of the
story. But, all the shows happen in Max Payne's dream, aka his sub-conscious

1) A Binary Choice /\ 2nd Dream Level /
-------------------- -----------------
Part 3 Prologue /
This show can be seen in Part 3: Prologue, after you're transported to the
Police Station Lock-up Cells. However, this is simply a rehash of the Ending
Graphic Novel of the previous level, Part 2: Chapter 6.

Fun Facts /
- The name of the show has been taken from the name of Part 2, which too, is
"A Binary Choice".

2) Dearest of All My Friends /\ 3rd Dream Level /
------------------------------ -----------------
Part 3 Chapter 6 /
This is Quiz Show featuring Vladimir Lem & Vinnie Gognitti. Vinnie Gognitti
is trapped inside the Captain Baseball-bat Boy Costume which is rigged with a
bomb, and Vladimir Lem has the remote. Vladimir Lem promises to free Vinnie
Gognitti if he can answer the 2 Questions based on the Captain Baseball-bat
Boy Comics/Show correctly. However, Vladimir Lem's 2nd Question turns out to
be a trick Question: "Who is the original creator of Maxwell's Demon???"
Vinnie Gognitti's first answer is the fictional creator, "Doctor Entropy".
However, he quickly changes his answer to the show's creator, "Sammy Waters".
But the real answer turns out to be James Clerk Maxwell, a nineteenth century
British Physicist, who created a Maxwell's Demon thought experiment. Thus
Vinnie Gognitti loses the Quiz Round and gets himself blown up as Vladimir
Lem detonates the bomb.

Fun Facts /
- The title of the show is based on Vladimir Lem's catchphrase, "Dearest of
All My Friends".

- The 2nd Q that Vladimir Lem asks Vinnie Gognitti is "Who is the original
creator of Maxwell's Demon???" Vinnie Gognitti answers "The show's writer
Sammy Waters." This very well could be a reference & tribute to the game's
writer and the model for the first Max Payne, Sam Lake.

- The Captain Baseball-bat Boy Toy Model next to the TV also blows up as soon
as Vladimir Lem detonates the bomb in the TV. Just as Vladimir Lem presses
the bomb remote button in the TV show, the toy's head gets blown away!!!

3) One-Armed Bandit /\ 3rd Dream Level /
--------------------- -----------------
Part 3 Chapter 6 /
In this show, we see Vladimir Lem and Mona Sax engaged in a conversation. In
it, Vladimir Lem makes a proposal to Mona Sax. He tells her to join him, and
together they can rule the NY Underworld. Mona Sax refuses the offer and
shoots him in the left arm. Vladimir Lem tells his men to "Get her! Get the

Fun Facts /
- The title of the show is based on one of the lines said by Mona Sax in Part
2, Prologue. While in the interrogation room, Mona Sax is asked to repeat
the following line: "You are nothing but a one-armed bandit."

- This could very well be a reference to how Vladimir Lem's left hand got
injured earlier. In Part 1 Chapter 2, on being questioned by Max Payne
about his injured hand, Vladimir Lem says, "A hot date yesterday".

- Also, in Part 3 Chapter 2, one of Vladimir Lem's thugs says, "Is the killer
chick with him? The one that shot boss in the arm?" Thus, giving this
notion more support.

Commercials (650)

Well, what did you think??? You can get away from the commercials in the
game's TV shows??? Where there's TV shows, there'll always be TV commercials
to accompany their cousins. There are about 10-15 commercials that can be
found in the game.

1) Interfectum /\ Painkillers /
---------------- -------------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "Interfectum 600 mgs - a serious painkiller for serious pain."

Testimony: "When I got shot in the line of duty as a Police Officer,
Interfectum was all I took for the pain."

Announcer: "Interfectum kills your pain.
Interfectum 600 mgs - a serious painkiller for serious pain."

Fun Facts /
- Max Payne uses the same painkillers. Just check out the caps of the
painkillers' bottle caps.

2) Max Heat 7 /\ An Adult Late-Night Movie /
--------------- ---------------------------
Advertisement /
(Girl moaning)

Man: "Max Heat is back."

Girl: "Oh, baby." (Moans)

Announcer: "Max Heat and Laura Norder in 'Max Heat 7'. Latenight adult
entertainment after midnight."

Fun Facts /
- You will eventually get to see this movie in Part 3, Chapter 3.

- "Max Heat" was the 2nd name given to Max Payne 1 during early development.

- Max Heat magazines can be found in the first Max Payne game.

3) Vodka /\ Vladimir Lem's Restaurant /
---------- ---------------------------
Advertisement /
Vladamir Lem: "Please to meet you, dearest of all my friends, allow me to
introduce myself. I am Vladamir Lem. I invite you to the
Grand Opening of my restaurant, 'Vodka'. Come, make a scene,
you will be seeing clear as Vodka."

Announcer: "'Vodka' - style, grace, and taste. Opening soon."

Fun Facts /
- You will get to wreck this place twice in two levels.

4) American's Avenger /\ Pistol /
----------------------- --------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "American's Avenger 9mm handgun - when it's too late to protect
your loved ones."

Girl: "No! No! Noooo!"

Announcer: "American's Avenger, for the payback time.[Gunshots] To order now,
call 555-Gun, and you'll recieve a year's worth of ammunition
absolutely free."

Fun Facts /
- Interesting to note that a billboard advertisement for America's Avenger
(and not American's Avenger) appeared in Max Payne 1, a 9mm pistol "for the
payback time".

5) Brooklyn School for the Blind /\ School /
---------------------------------- --------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "In the Brooklyn School for the Blind, we know that seeing is
not the same as believing. The Brooklyn School for the Blind,
our doors are open."

Fun Facts /
- Detective Winterson's son also attends the same school.

- Vladimir Lem and Detective Winterson have received a diploma for helping
the blind which can be seen in their respective offices, one in Vladimir
Lem's office in Vodka, and another on Detective Winterson's desk in the
Police Station.

6) Gold Touch Brandy /\ Brandy /
---------------------- --------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "A glass of Gold Touch Brandy, to make you feel rich and famous."

Girl: "Hi, have me met before? Is this seat taken?" [Laughs]

Announcer: "Gold Touch Brandy, a taste of gold."

Fun Facts /
- In the first Dream Level, Part 1 Chapter 3, you will get to see a Gold
Touch Brandy Billboard, but with a difference. The man in the billboard
changes to Max Payne's picture and the text "A Touch of Gold" changes to
"Everybody I touch Dies".

7) Castling Insurance Companies /\ Company /
--------------------------------- ---------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "Castling Insurance Companies, because your home is your castle.
For more information, call now, 555-Castle."

Fun Facts /
- You will get to visit one of Castling Insurance Companies' construction
sites. You will spend 4 levels of mayhem in & around the place.

8) Cleansing Cleaning Products /\ Cleaning Product /
-------------------------------- ------------------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "Clean Sing cleaning products. After dirty business, come
clean with us. Dial 555-Clean. That's 555-Clean. Clean Sing
cleaning products, the choice of crime scene clean-up services."

Fun Facts /
- Duh, not really a fun fact, but did the Cleaners used this product to wipe
out their traces from the crime scenes???

9) Dangerous Liaisons /\ Phone Sex Line /
----------------------- ----------------
Advertisement /
(Phone Rings)

"Hi, you've called Dangerous Liasons.
Call 555-Pssy, when you want to do more than just talk.
Dangerous Liasons, our girls are eager to hear from you."

Fun Facts /
- Even Max Payne used this phone sex service!!! In part 1, Chapter 4, if you
check the phone-tapping device in the Sniper's Hideout room, then you will
get to hear the conversation between Max Payne and a phone sex worker,

10) Lords & Ladies /\ TV Show /
-------------------- ---------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "Rackenteur magazine says, "It is the best costume drama since
'The Tragic Affairs of Johnathan Nightingale'". Elegant says,
"It has more melodrama than the award-winning 'Of Sudden Loss of
Innocence'". Silgenlace gives it 5 Handkerchiefs.
"Lords and Ladies" continues with all new episodes."

Fun Facts /
- Check out the Television Shows section.

11) Address Unknown /\ TV Show /
--------------------- ---------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "This week, television is as fun as mirrors.
Two days and two nights non-stop, the cult-series,
Address Unknown.
All the episodes, all the madness, in our return to sender

Fun Facts /
- Check out the Television Shows section.

12) Dick Justice /\ TV Show /
------------------ ---------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "Who's the man with nothing to lose? Who's the griemiest,
cat-bustin', metaphor-spewin', avengin' bad ass in the ghetto?
That's right. Dick Justice."

Fun Facts /
- Check out the Television Shows section.

13) The Adventures of Captain Baseball-bat Boy /\ TV Show (Cartoon) /
------------------------------------------------ -------------------
Advertisement /
Announcer: "A boy..."

Captain Baseball-bat Boy: "I don't mean to brag, but give me a bat and a
zombie head, and I'll hit a home run every single

Announcer: "A girl..."

Bicyclehelmet Girl: "Yawn! Wake me up when you're done trying to impress me."

Anouncer: "An army of freaking zombie demons from outer space.
(Zombie groans) And a whole lot of cartoon Kung Fu butt-kicking.
The adventures of Captain Baseballbat-boy!"

Fun Facts /
- Check out the Television Shows section.


7) Glitches (700)

1) Lots of Empty Clips /
Similar to the glitch in Max Payne 1, it allows you to drop the same clip on
the ground numerous times by jumping, this involves the same technique. Once
you've hit the reload button, do a jump roll (not shootdodge) to the left,
right or back as soon as the clip is coming out, when you come out of the
jump roll, Max will drop the clip again, and the process can begin anew.
However, jumping up or forward will not affect the reload.

Contributed by: RhinoH (taken from Gamefaqs' Cheat Codes & Secrets Section)

2) Super Jump /
Switch from a one-handed weapon (i.e. pistols, SMGs, etc.) to a two-handed
weapon (i.e. Shotgun, Rifles, etc.) or vice-versa, and immediately press

Contributed by: gta3kilchy (taken from Gamefaqs' Cheat Codes & Secrets


8) Question Hour (800)

1) Have you stated all the easter-eggs & fun facts regarding this game???

A: All that I can/could think of. But it is always possible that I may have
missed a few. If you find any such easter-eggs & fun facts, please e-mail me
about it. And be assured that I will give you full credit for it.

2) Hey, I just found out another cool easter-egg/fun fact which is not
included in your FAQ. Should I e-mail you about it???

A: Absolutely, what are you waiting for??? I want this FAQ to be as complete
as possible. And be assured that I will give you full credit for it.

3) What is the time that the events in the game unfold in???

A: The events of this game unfold in one day & 2 nights. It is interesting to
note that the game takes place only during night time!!!

4) Is Max Payne 3 out or is it being planned???

A: As of now, NO. A third part has been announced by the Rockstar Games, but
there hasn't been any news regarding it for quite a while now. No one knows
anything about it. Max Payne fans are quite skeptical about the future of
this franchise. It may very well be all over for Max Payne!!! But, let's hope
that they do actually make it.

5) Would you like a feedback for this FAQ???

A: Absolutely!!! Please give me your feedback. I had like to know what the
readers thought of this FAQ.

6) What is your e-mail address???


7) Do you have a website???

A: No, I don't. I was gonna develop my freewebs website and include all my
blogs, reviews, FAQs/Walkthroughs, and also add a forum to it. But, I have
scrapped the idea for good. I may, in the future, think about creating a
website, but as of now, it's indefinitely off.

9) Version History (900)

03rd August, 2006.
Version 1.00
80 Kb.
Max Payne 2 Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ.

23rd August, 2006.
Version 1.10
49 Kb.

Added one fun fact/Easter-egg in "Level-wise Layout" each to:
Part 1, Chapter 2.
Part 2, Chapter 6.
Part 3, Prologue.
Part 3, Chapter 1.
Part 3, Chapter 6.
Added two fun fact/Easter-egg in "Level-wise Layout" each to:
Part 1, Chapter 1.
Part 1, Chapter 5.
Part 3, Chapter 4.
Added three or more fun fact/Easter-egg in "Level-wise Layout" each to:
Part 1, Chapter 4 (five for this level).
Part 3, Chapter 3 (three for this level).
Part 3, Chapter 8 (three for this level).

Added three more fun fact/Easter-egg to "Max Payne Franchise Fun Facts"

Added the following groups to "Group-wise Layout" Section:
Group 6: "Falling from Great Height!!!"
Group 7: "Voice Mails (telephone)!!!"

Added "Weapon and Weapon Ammo Location" Section.
Max Payne 2 Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ.

31st August, 2006.
Version 1.20
25 Kb.

Added one fun fact/Easter-egg in "Level-wise Layout" each to:
Part 1, Chapter 2.
Part 3, Chapter 2.
Part 3, Chapter 4.
Added two fun fact/Easter-egg in "Level-wise Layout" each to:
Part 1, Chapter 6.

Added one more fun fact/Easter-egg to "Max Payne Franchise Fun Facts"

Added "In-game Television Shows & Commercials" Section.
- Television Shows.
- Television Shows in the Dream Levels.
- Commercials.

Changed/Fixed the Format a bit.
Max Payne 2 Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ.

7th September, 2006.
Version 1.30

Added "Glitches" Section.
Max Payne 2 Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ.


10) Sites where you can find this Faq/Walkthrough (1000)

These are the only sites that have my permission to use this FAQ:

2) (via Gamefaqs)

Those will be the only site for now.

If you find this faq/walkthrough on any other site, please email me about it.

If you wish to host this faq/walkthrough, then please email me regarding it,
for the requisite permission.

11) My other Faqs/Walkthroughs (1100)

This is my fourth faq/walkthrough for any game. Here's the complete

(1) A Max Payne PC Faq/Walkthrough
(2) A Max Payne PC Character Faq (not found at
(3) A Max Payne 2 PC Faq/Walkthrough (not released yet)
(4) A Max Payne 2 PC Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ

Hope you enjoyed it.

I am nearly through with my Max Payne 2 Faq/Walkthrough which will be
coming out soon, within a week of this FAQ's release.

12) Credits (1200)

I want to thank myself for writing this FAQ. It was nice to work for
a change.

I also want to thank the following people for making contribution to this Max
Payne 2 Easter Egg & Fun Facts FAQ:

N64 Gamer (Gamefaqs' Message Board).
Darren LaPorte - aka KHfan67789 (E-mail).
XanderKage (Gamefaqs' Message Board).

I would put your name here too if you email me some information that
I may have missed. Correct me if I have made a mistake somewhere.

I thank the developers of this wonderful game, Remedy Entertainment,
Rockstar Games, etc. for creating such a superior and fun product.

This Max Payne 2 Easter-eggs & Fun Facts FAQ is made solely by
I-M-INDIAN18, aka Aditya Singh, © 2006 Aditya Singh. I hold the rights for
this FAQ. You cannot reproduce this FAQ without my permission. You cannot
reproduce this FAQ without giving the credit to me and me alone. You cannot
distribute this FAQ on any site without my permission. You cannot claim to
own any part of the FAQ either.

Thank You.
And remember : Women give a chance
To a man who can dance.

And did you know : That rabbit has a pleasant face
His private life is a disgrace
I really could not tell to you
The awful things that rabbits do.
(Taken from an AGATHA CHRISTIE novel)


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16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Eastereggs

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
DLH.Net Hinweisesammlung

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Max Payne Series Plot FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

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Savegame für den letzte Level auf Stufe 'Dead on Arrival'. Spielt ihr es durch, kann man ein alternatives Ende sehen.

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Engl. Lösung

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16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

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Trainer für Painkiller, Munition, Bullettime und Gesundheit

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Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition, Bullet-Time und Unsichtbarkeit (für v1.01)

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