Guild Wars Factions

Guild Wars Factions

14.10.2013 19:48:50
Guild Wars Factions
A Guide by Amrita Pureheart and Mandy Candy version 0.815
Copyright 2006- Shadowduck and Mandy Memory. All Rights Reserved. This
guide can be printed and saved for your personal use. The guide MUST not
be sold, or otherwise edited and reposted on the Internet. and are the homes of this guide, and will always have the most
current version. If you wish to post this guide on your site, please
request permission by emailing Thanks!

NOTE: CheatCC can now host this guide as well.

This guide covers the starter Isalnd of Guild Wars Factions, and will cover
all of Nightfall.

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Justin, or in game my
main Character (A Monk/Warrior) is Amrita Pureheart. I have been playing
Guild Wars since the World Preview Event for the original Guild Wars game
back in October 2004. I currently have five level 20 characters in the
game world of varying professions. My friend and fellow player Mandy,
who's in game main is Mandy Candy (Elem/Monk), has also been playing
Guild Wars for a long time. She currently has five Level 20 characters
in the game world as well. Together, we hope to bring the reader, the
most complete guide to Guild Wars Factions/Nightfall available. As you
read this guide, a few things to note: 1) The game world is always changing:
any information is this guide is current and correct at the time of writing,
but my change in the future. Efforts will be made to update the game as
time goes along, but something might be missed. 2) As you read the guide,
we will refer to the various panels that give the players information
about their characters. The default keyboard assignment to pop-up that panel
in game will be given after the name of the panel in parentheses.
For example: To access your skills, use the Skills/Attribute Panel (K).
By default, pressing the K key on your keyboard will bring up the Skills List.
May 23- Added in a new Ritulist Guide by Taka
April 29- Added in a new Warrior GUide by Taka
April- Sorry Finally time to play this again!
November 4-11- Updates adding content to Nightfall Walkthrough sections.
November 3- Added more of the walkthrough and quests
October 27- Back from the death or depths of unknown places with Nightfall
May 26- Added more quests to Section 13, and added info on Zen Daijun
May 22- New Section Started 11d- Advanced Training on the starter Island
Updated section 11c with Assassin training quests. Added new quests in
Section 12 as well.
May 20- Completed most of the Primary quests on the island beyond
picking your Professions. Monk quests are completed for this as well.
Added Captured Son quest information in Section 12b.
May 18- Started the Walkthrough and added about 25 quests
May 17- Added around 50 skills to the Skills Section, more to come
May 12- This guide was born with Sections 1-8.

(Each section can be accessed using the Find feature in Notepad/your web
Preface- How Guild Wars Works
1. Basics
2. Guild Wars Attribute System
2a. Leveling
2b. Skills as Related to Attributes
3. Professions
3a. Warrior- Written by Taka Good Guide!
I. Introduction 3a.1
II.Contact Information 3a.2
General Information 3a.G~
III.Axe Mastery 3a.3
IV. Hammer Mastery 3a.4
V. Strength 3a.5
VI. Swordsmanship 3a.6
VII. Tactics 3a.7
VIII. Secondary Profession Choices 3a.8
VIV. Your Job 3a.9
X. Some Crazy Ideas and Battle Tactics 3a.10
XI. Glossary of Terms used In this Guide 3a.11
XII. Version History and Credits 3a.12
3b. Monk
3c. Necromancer
3d. Mesmer
3e. Elementalist
3f. Ranger
3g. Assassin (on GW Wiki)
3h. Ritualist
I. Your Role 3h.1
II. On your Mark, Get Set, Go! 3h.2
III. Secondaries 3h.3
IV. Build Ideas for Ritualist 3h.4
3i. Dervish (on GW Wiki)
3j. Paragon (on GW Wiki)
4. All about your Character and Conditions
4a. Conditions
5. Weapons
6. Runes
7. Armor
8. Upgrades
9. Items
Section I- Factions
10. Skills
11. Obtaining your Primary and Secondary Class
11a) Introduction
11b) New Mission Structure
11c) Training Quest Walkthroughs for each Profession
a. Monk
b. Assassin
11d) Advanced Skills Quests
12. Primary Quests and Missions for all Professions
13. Non-Primary Island Quests
14. The Factions Attribute Quests
15. Non-Primary Side Quests on the Mainland
Section II- Nightfall
16. Nightfall Beginnings
16a) Chahbek Village

17. Primary Training
17a) Dervish
18. Nightfall Mechanics
19. Kamadan- Jewel of Istan Quests and Getting to Level Five
20. Secondary Training
21. Leaving a Legacy- The Quest to Jokanur Diggings
22. The Path to the Mission of Jokanor Diggings
23. Misson at Jokanor Diggings
24. The Path to Blacktide Den
25. Mission at Blacktide Den
26. The Path to Consolate Docks
27. Mission at Consolate Docks
28. Koss is Captured!
Section III- Nightfall from Previous Games

A. Nightfall from Cantha (Factions)
B. Nightfall from Tyrna (Orginial GW)

Section IV- Hard Mode
X. Legal Stuff
1. Basics
Guild Wars Factions is a game developed by ArenaNet based in
Washington State USA. This game is an online role playing game. The
player must have a connection to the Internet at all times while playing
the game. This game is friendly to dial-up users, but having a broadband
connection will greatly enhance the gaming experience. The game is
Chapter 2 in the Guild Wars series. The player need not own Chapter 1 of
the series to play this game. Guild Wars Factions is completely a self
contained adventure. It is not an expansion pack for Guild Wars; however
the two games are closely related. When a player installs Guild Wars
Factions and creates an account using an email account and entering their
access key, they will have full access to the game, and the ability to
create four Factions characters. Note, if you own Chapter 1 as well, you
have the choice of linking your account or keeping them separate. Linking
the account gives you two extra character slots, so a total of 6
characters have full access (almost) to both games.

2. Guild Wars Attribute System
Guild Wars' skills (think of them as spells) are mostly based on
its attribute system. Each profession has around 150 skills available for
use; however you can only use eight at one time. Each Profession is
described in Section 3. This section describes the attribute system used
in Guild Wars Factions.

2a. Leveling
When you create a character, you start a Level 1 with zero
attribute points available to you. As your level increases, you gain
attribute points to spend on your attributes. Your attributes are
determined by the professions you choose for your Primary and Secondary
Class. Your character will gain attribute points as follows:
Levels 2-10: 5 points per level
Levels 11-15: 10 points per level
Levels 16-20: 15 points per level
There are total of 200 attribute points in the game. When your character
reaches Level 20, he/she will have 170 of these points. The other 30 are
available in quests. See the Walkthrough Section for more details on
these two quests.

As you gain levels, your character will earn attribute points as noted in
the list above. These points can be spent as soon as you earn them, and
reallocated anyway you wish thereafter as long as you are in a Town or
Outpost. Points may not be changed in missions or in explorable areas.
Attribute points are changed in the Attribute tab of the Hero's Panel

2b. Skills as Related to Attributes
Almost all skills in Guild Wars Factions have a related attribute.
When pointing to the skill description either on your Skills and Attirbutes
Panel or your skill bar at the bottom of the screen the attribute that skill is
tied to is shown in parenthesis after the skill description. Also, in
your skills list, skills are grouped by their attribute (default- this
can be changed using the dropdown at the upper-right corner of the
window). For example: The Elementalist skill Fireball says: Spell. Target
foe and all adjacent foes are struck for (7..112) fire damage. (Attrib:
Fire Magic). This skill is tied to the attribute of Fire Magic and
becomes more effective as points are spent on raising your level in Fire
Magic. Any green number in a skill (in this example 7..112) are increased
as attribute points are placed into related skill. Some skills are
listed with no attribute: their effects do not change based on an
attribute, and they are available to everyone of the profession the skill
is tied to. An example of this is the Monk skill Resurrect. Any monk may
use this skill and its effects are always the same, target party member
is brought back to life.

There are twelve attribute levels (or ranks) for each attribute. However,
an attribute can be raised beyond twelve using runes, armor, and skills
themselves. See the Upgrades Section for more information on runes, and
the Armor section for armor information. The list below lists the amount
of attribute points required for each level of an attribute:
Level Points Required Total Invested
1 1 1
2 2 3
3 3 6
4 4 10
5 5 15
6 6 21
7 7 28
8 9 37
9 11 48
10 13 61
11 16 77
12 20 97
As noted, any green numbers in a skill description are raised when the
related attribute for that skill is raised in the Skills and Attirbutes
Panel (K).
3. Classes/Professions

There are eight classes or professions available to players in Guild Wars
Factions. To experience the best of Factions (if you are a Chapter 1
player) create a Factions character. On the character select screen,
click Create. You have two options here: Role-playing character or Player
vs. Player Character. Section 10 covers PVP characters, for now click
Role-playing character. You will be asked to pick one of the eight
professions as your Primary class. All characters have a primary class
and a secondary class. Each class has primary attribute that only a
primary user of this class can access. The Professions are: Warrior,
Monk, Necromancer, Elementalist, Mesmer, Ranger, Assassin, and Ritualist.
Assassin and Ritualist were introduced with Guild Wars Factions are not
available in the original Guild Wars game. Each profession is described
below. In these descriptions example Skills will be gives. The ranges
given in the skills are based on the attribute the skill is related to
being between 1 and 15. For example: Do damage (9..18) to target. The
skill would inflict nine damage if your attribute is level 1, or 18
damage if its level 15.

3a. Warrior
I am replacing what I included about the warrior class with an
excellent guide by my good friend Taka Ragranok. Hope you enjoy this!

Disclaimer: I choose to include this Warrior Guide in mine, because it is much
more through that what I had. The content is the sole copyright of Taka, and is
used with his exclusive permission. The same rights that apply to my guide,
apply to this section as well. Hope you enjoy it.

Hey, welcome to my guide! I'm Taka, and I
am hoping that you are here to (hopefully)
learn something! This guide is dedicated to the most
armored Class in Guild Wars, the Warrior!
To be a proper Warrior, you must realize that you
are designed to soak up damage (abbreviated as dmg)
and dish it out. You are designed to clash weapons
with the bosses,
body blocking them so they don't kill your teammates.
You are the first line of defense, complete with skills
that block attacks, give you adrenaline, and grant
bonuses to the entire party. If people can get through
or around you, they WILL go after your Monks, and you
can't allow that to happen. This guide is dedicated to
telling you about the various tricks,
skills, and strategies that you need to know
(and some you don't really need, but are there just
for fun!). This is, in
a sense, the G4TV of Warriors: The Warrior's guide for
all the stuff you (should) care about.

Table of Contents: At the beginning of the main guide.


3a.1- A Hello Like no Other

Allow me to formally introduce myself. I go by the penname of Tal, although my
name is Strad. Don't ask me why, that's just how my parents named me. Anyway, I
have one level 20 character in Guild Wars, a Warrior by the name of Taka
Ragranok. And yes, I know it is not the correct spelling of the Sword. I could
explain my reasons, but due to certain laws in my state, I cannot. Anyway, I am
currently working on a Nighfall Monk by the name of Taka of Protection, a
Dervish by the name of Taka The Scythe, a Ritualist by the name of Audrey
Spiritcaller, and a PvP only character called Audrey Battlegirl as well as one
Ranger in Prophecies, which is a guy called Cheney Marr. Through all of these,
I have come to a basic understanding of aspects of almost every class, and will
try to be as well-rounded as possible in my advice.

3a.2- Contact Information:

If you have questions about a Warrior you can
email Taka directly at the following address below.
Please only send focused questions on topic about
Guild Wars. DO NOT send Taka e-mail asking him if you
can host this guide on your site. Please direct all
emails like that the contact information at the beginning of this guide.

My email address is:

AskTakaAboutGuildWars AT (AT = @)*

*For spam control

As noted earlier, anything I assume to be
hate mail or spam will instantly be deleted.
So keep things polite, please!

3a.G- General Information

Alrighty, so you are a Warrior. This is
good, because you have the heaviest armor in
the game (it can reach an Armor Level
-abbreviated as AL- of 100), not including shield
bonuses. As a Warrior, you start out with very
little energy (abbreviated as E), around 20,
I believe...Do yourself a favor and leave all
of those skills that cost 5 E apiece in your
skill inventory. 5 E is a huge amount for a
Warrior, since you gain only 2 back
per second. Once again, the numbers decieve
the eye, because a caster (such as an
Elementalist, abbreviated as Ele) has a rate
of 4 E regeneration (abbreviated as regen)
per second. In general, focus on having
AT LEAST half of your skill bar Adrenaline based,
and you should be clear. Once you can get armor
that increases E, you can add a few more
E-intensive skills, such as Berserker Stance.
Keep in mind that you will quickly need to
balance your skill set, including Strength
skills, your chosen weapon skills, and (in my
OPINION,) a string of secondary profession
skills OR tactics. Here is a quick reference
to the attributes of a Warrior:

Strength, the primary attribute: Increases usefulness
of related skills and increases % chance for armor
penetration by 1% for each rank. It also lets you
wield more powerful shields.

Axe/Hammer Mastery/Swordsmanship: With more points
here, you can wield more powerful weapons of
corresponding type. Related skills usefulness is
increased, as well as your % chance to land a
critical hit (abbreviated as crit) by 1% for
each rank.

Tactics: Increases usefulness of skills (duh),
which are usually defensive in nature, as well
as let you wield more powerful shields.
Often, these defensive skills can be stances
that provide defense bonuses, or things like
Drunken Blow, which can dmg and inflict
Status ailments.

Please note that Strength is the only
attribute unavailable to secondary warriors,
considering Warrior isn't their primary class.

Next, I'll discuss (in much greater depth)
the various attributes in Alphabetical order...

3a.3- Axe Mastery

Ah, the axe, probably the most fun of
weapons. If you are an axe warrior, you have a lot
of power, especially once you can get to Kaineng
Center. I say this because there are a
lot of powerful skills there, and, while
you probably won't be able to utilize them to the
max for a while, you can still use
them to kick plenty of butt. Take Executioner's
Strike, for example. At 9 or 10 in Axe Mastery,
it does a massive 34 dmg on
top of your axe! That's huge, especially when
you consider that that max dmg can reach up to
around 41! That is a minimum of 47
dmg, or a maximum of 69! Combine that with
armor penetration,
and you might just land a triple digit, or close
to it.

As an axe Warrior, you can also equip shields,
which provide an extra armor boost
(up to 16, which applies to all parts of the
body). This is especially nice if you gain
Health bonuses for being in a stance, or just plain
old health bonuses period.
The best ones to get are ones that require
strength-having more
strength gives you higher chances to penetrate
opponent's armor.

Certain Axe skills are almost Area of Effect (AoE),
the two most prominent being the elite Triple Chop
(in Factions) and Cyclone Axe (core). These two
skills each cost 5 Energy (abbreviated as E) to use,
but can be devastating if you have a
nice axe...

It is always a good idea to coordinate a spike with
your teammates if you are an axe warrior, that way,
you can fully utilize everyone's
power. Trust me, a 240 dmg Lightning Orb
(with 20% Armor penetration,ie AP, to boot) plus the
58 dmg from your axe (which may be crit,
AP, or both), plus the dmg from a poisoning arrow is
no laughing matter.
Think of it this way: they are in dire need of healing,
and they are poisoned. That is effective!

3a.4- Hammer Mastery

In all honesty, I never really used the hammer.
I honestly couldn't give you a reason, minus the fact
that an experienced player gave me a frickin' amazing
axe on my second day of play. Ah well. Anyway, hammers
are masters of knocking down opponents, as
well as having MASSIVE DMG! I am talking more dmg than
Executioner's Strike! That is a crapload....Anyway,
the max dmg of hammers is somewhere in the 18-35 range,
and almost all of them are blunt dmg dealers. There
are two that are different: and both are piercing dmg.
Many hammer Warriors use Stoneskin gauntlets to increase
knockdown time, which is a viable strategy. I'll try to
give you more information as I start
to play with one..

3a.5- Strength

In my personal opinion, strength is just about
the best primary skill in the game. Why? As noted earlier,
per rank in this attribute, you gain 1% more chance of AP!
It IS possible to get this rank up to 20, like all others,
but you have to go through (pardon my language)
Hell and High Water. Anyway, it can really turn the tide
of battle if you can get AP at the right time. But you
can't really control it. Oh well.

3a.6- Swordsmanship

Ah, the sword, my favorite real life weapon.
People who use a sword can often times inflict near as
much dmg as the axe, if not more, because some good sword
skills inflict Bleeding and Deep Wound; Bleeding causes
minor health degen and Deep Wound temporarily lowers
overall health by 20%, as well as making healing spells
used on that character less effective. Swords are also
the other weapon of the Warrior that can
be used in conjunction with shields. Swords have one
drawback: A much lower max dmg cap than axes or hammers.
Swords however, can do better average dmg per
minute than axes.

3a.7- Tactics

Aside from the Protection Prayers and Earth Magic
attributes, this has got to be probably the most defensive
I've seen. Various stances, such as Balanced Stance and
Defensive Stance, both provide a ample compensation to
armor. This is useful in high pressure situations against
enemies which can deal large amounts of dmg quickly.
Balanced Stance is particularly useful against Hammer
Warriors; it provides knockdown nullification. Defensive
Stance increases your armor temporarily (no, you think?),
and "Watch Yourself!" provides
a nice armor bonus to everyone within earshot

3a.8- Secondary Professions for Warriors

As a general rule of thumb, Warriors do not work
well having secondary professions that have skills that
require large amounts of energy; instead,
they usually use only one or two E-intensive skills from
the secondary of their choice. There are, of course,
exceptions to this rule, but still, the guidelines
usually hold true. Listed below are the ten professions
available, as well as
my opinion of how they synergize together.

Key: W = Warrior, R = Ranger, Me = Mesmer, E = Elementalist

Mo = Monk, N = Necromancer, D = Dervish, P = Paragon,

Rt = Ritualist, A = Assassin


Personally, I did it for two reasons: Troll Unguet and
Apply Poison; the former for a pre-battle regen to help
lessen the pressure on Monks, if only for a little while.
I use Apply Poison in conjunction with something like
Hundred Blades or Triple Chop to make the poison spread to
all the foes around me, just to apply pressure to the
enemy monks. Soon I'll dabble in Beast Mastery, but the
small E pool is gonna be hard to overcome...
I'll also never go with Marksmanship, if only because:
a. Skills are E-intensive
(for a Warrior, anyway), and b. The Warrior armor is
too strong to be used on the
backlines, unless your guarding a monk, in which case
you better have an extra
melee weapon and some atk skills. Another bonus is
"I will Avenge you!" which
is often used with a pet to increase atk power and
spd. A killer choice.

My rating: 9/10. Apply poison is just too good to pass up.


I haven't yet tried this, though the low energy pool
could really make this one
suck. You might use conjure phantasm to help you lay
the dmg on your opponent,
but other than that, I honestly don't want to try it.
A (in my opinion) bad choice.

My rating: 4/10. The high energy hexes just don't sit
well with the base Warrior
energy pool. An ok choice if you don't go overboard
on the hexes.


This is one of my other favorites. Besides being the
required secondary for the
infamous Shock Axe build, I used some fire spells that
could be utilized well by a
Warrior, especially in PvE. I used Inferno as one of
my two Elementalist (abbreviated
as Ele) skills, due to the natural E-intensiveness of
Ele Magic. Inferno, at a Rank
of 10 in Fire Magic, did 100 fire dmg to all adjacent
(abbreviated as adj) foes. My other
skill I used during this time period was Fire Storm,
which is a Area of Effect (abbreviated
as AoE) spell. At a Rank of 10 in Fire Magic, it did
25 dmg per second to all enemies in
the area. So long as you aren't going nuts in terms
of number of Ele skills, this could
really be a sweet build. An all-around good choice.

My Rating: 6/10. With a few Fire skills, your dmg per
second can really shoot through the
roof. And you save the nuker a little bit of E, too.


The much hated Paladin setup, used mainly by noobs and
runners. I personally hated the
build; whenever you started to get low on health, you
would cast a healing spell, and then
you'd lose it soon after. That's just my opinion, and
I guess that it wouldn't hurt to have
better timing, but I would much rather let a monk take
care of it for me. Thank You, Monks!

My Rating: 4/10. Unless you realize that Mending sucks
and should NEVER be used for anything
(except maybe, still no!) and try to cast
it on yourself, you are stupid. If
you DO realize it, then maybe you could pull it off.
A sub-par choice.


I haven't even touched this one, though I think that it
pretty much follows the same
description of the mesmer secondary. Blood magic could
make a very decent choice, though,
considering you could really release the burden on the
few monks that are actually
by humans. A good example would be blood renewal. You
could also utilize Plague touch in

My Rating: 6/10. A few Blood Magic skills and you might
have a workable build, assuming you
wield a melee weapon. Not too bad, actually.


Hmm...Haven't tried this one yet, though I do have some
speculation. You could pull this off
if all you used from the dervish side was Scythe Mastery
(and a powerful scythe,
of course), and then Strength and Tactics from the Warrior.
The Adrenal-based skills would
charge quickly, considering you get adrenaline everytime
you hit with a weapon, and since
Scythes are the "hit all adjacent foes in front of you"
weapon, you can quickly gain
adrenaline for Tactics based skills, such as
"Watch Yourself!" Combine this with
"For Great Justice!" and Berserker's Stance, and you can
spam "Watch Yourself!" over and
over again. This could be brilliant. Plus, if you really
want, you can put Avatar of
Balthazar on your skill bar :). Just keep half of your
skills adrenal, and you can really
make this work.....of course, many Scythe Mastery skills
need to have Enchants......hmmmmmm........

My Rating: This could very easily work, so long as you
have good E-management or just
simply good judgement on skill timing. I say 7/10; it
loses one point because you can't
pump up Avatar of Balthazar. =(


Once again, haven't quite tried it, but I have played
both. My opinion: They could really
synergize well with each other. Paragons use shouts or
chants (and various other types of
musical singing..) which can often provide decent bonuses.
This could be used to really
pump up you fellow Warriors and the occassional Assassin
or Dervish. Of course, all shouts
can benefit them, but you know what I mean.

My Rating: 6/10, only because you can't soup up Angelic Bond.
You have the HP and the
durability, so that can really stink. of course, you can use
it to help absorb some of
the dmg and abuse the opposing team hits your monk with.
A very good choice overall.


This was my original combination, and it can really kick
butt if you can keep weapon spells
on you for long enough durations, or if you spam the odd
spirit to make your job even
easier. The other nice thing is that is has a dedicated
ressurecting skill, which usually
belong only to monks: Flesh of My Flesh. Look that up on
Guild Wiki. It can really save
your butt. Main weakness: Short time frame to _actually_
utilize the weapon enchantments.
Oh well.

My rating: 5/10. You get a hard rez, and you can spirit
spam. If only the weapon
enchantments could be fully utilized!


A mixed bag here. you can dual wield (daggers only, sadly),
shadow step, and use three
hit combos that can seriously kill. However, this requires
ample investment in Crit. Strikes
(the Assassin Primary attribute), as well as Dagger Mastery,
and Deadly Arts. I am not
a genius of the Assassin, so I can't help you here. See the
Factions Assassin Guide for
help. Pretty much, by dual wielding, you atk faster w/ less
atk power, and if those combos
are interupted, your entire chain is done for. Keep your
blades sharp, but keep your wit

My Rating: 6/10. The shadow stepping is worth at least one
point, even if that is the
only thing you utilize from this setup. Like I said, I can't
really help you here, albeit
just a little.

3a.9- Playing a Warrior

You, as a Warrior, have a job on the battle field.
If there are two tanks
(a warrior is a tank, along w/ the flash in-flash out sin,
a sword-wielding paragon,
and a Potent Dervish, preferably w/ the Avatar of Balthazar
skill), you will be on
the front lines, dishing out dmg to enemies and soaking up
whatever they throw your
way. You get to be upfront, telling the warriors who to atk
and who to leave alone.
Of course, always listen to your monk; they pretty much
control if the team loses or
wins. Always, always, always, always listen to your Monk.
Get that through your head
and your team will run smoother. Got it? Good.

Depeneding upon your secondary, your _methods_ may
be different. For example,
a W/A might shadow step to enemy monks and unleash massive dmg
(although shadow steps
_can_ be bodyblocked), or you might teleport through the use
of a Necromancer skill,
such as Consume Corpse. Of course, the latter method also
requires that someone by
the Monk dies, so it could be a while....

Another strategy (and perhaps my personal favorite) is
the use of Apply Poison
if you have a Ranger secondary. This can apply pressure over
time, which can kill a team
if their monks aren't used to having every team member be
inflicted with -5 health degen
per second. Conjure Phantasm during the times you want to
inflict serious degen. So can
an Ele, if they are masters of Meteor Shower and/or
Fire Storm.

You will probably be the one called on to body-block
passageways in arenas,
considering you have the absolute toughest armor. You will
often be the target of AoE
spells of enemy Eles to try and out -spike or -degen your
teams' monks. Try to keep
the pressure _off_ your monks. I cannot stress this
enough! Make sure they never run out of
energy! =)

3a.10- Don't Call Me Crazy

These ideas are my own. Please don't claim them to be
your own, as they are
obviously not, and that is considered plagarism (ie, stealing
another's work and calling
it your own). I don't do that to you, so I expect that you return
the favor. Now, on
with the absolute crazy ideas! Feel free

Battle Tactics: As I see more PvP, I will definitely see more.
Keep checking back; I
try to update everything on Sundays.

Here's one thought for Warriors: If you are with 2 others
(making the total 3,
for you people who can't understand my writing), it _could_ be a
good idea to have
someone be the "Attack and Retreat Tank." I use this term to say
this: Have one tank
always keeping an eye on the monk. Whenever you see an enemy
attacker break through
the lines, the ART should try and head 'em off, giving the monk
time to run. An
assassin or a paragon (with a melee weapon; the spear does little
good because it is
ranged) can also do the job with ease.

Builds: Here are my ideas for strange builds that could _possibly_
turn the tide of battle.

All of my builds will follow this format:


Profession Combination

Attribute Ranks + Bonuses (provided by runes and armor)


recommended suit of armor


Summary, Advantages, and Disadvantages

On with the builds! Please note that these are for characters w/
the max 200 attribute points

Grenth's Paladin


Weapon Mastery of choice: 5 + 2 from armor + 1 from Rune

Strength: 3 + 3 from armor + 1 from Rune

Death Magic: As much as possible after above
requirements are met.


Weapon of choice (preferably with 15% dmg bonus while hp is
over 50%/max HP bonus)

Shield of choice with as close to max armor as possible
(dmg ^ while in stance/HP bonus)
*omit this if you are a hammer warrior!*

Choice of max Armor that gives E bonuses (gladiator armor
works wonders)


Berserker's Stance
3 Weapon Skills of choice, none of which can be Elites
Animate Flesh Golem (Elite)
Blood of the Master
Dark Bond
Rez Signet

Summary of Build: Energy is an issue with this build,
hence the Gladiator armor, which can raise
you E to around 30! You start of with
Berserker's to help you build up adrenaline
and attack faster. After you start to get
adrenaline, you can activate your weapon
skills. For example, a Sword Warrior
might choose to go Sever Artery, Gash,
Final Thrust for a Small
spike with additional degen. There
are several different choices available, no matter
what weapon you specialize in. After a corpse is
made, quickly make a Flesh Golem (which will greatly
aid you in battle). Use Blood of the Master
if you need to heal it, otherwise, just keep fighting.
If you get in real trouble, use Dark Bond,
followed by Ctrl Clicking Endure Pain. I say to
control click because if you don't, the monk will
think you gave yourself a health boost, instead of
proportinately increasing your health. Before
battle, tell everyone what you are running, that way
the monks know
to keep you alive more than the
other tank! If you die, that rogue Flesh Golem will
tear your team

Poison (insert your weapon choice here) Warrior


Weapon mastery of choice: 11

Strength: 8 + 1 from armor + 1 from rune

Wilderness Survival: 10

Weapon: makes no real dif, though poison duration increases are
a really nice thing to have.

Shield: read first four words of the above phrase, then add,
"W/ Max Armor"

Armor: Max armor w/ E bonuses


Berserker's Stance
Endure Pain
3 Weapon Skills of Choice (although Axe is probably the best
way to go), one an Elite that hits all adjacent
Troll Unguet
Apply Poison
Rez Signet/"For Great Justice!"

Summary of Build: Energy is nowhere near as much of a
problem as the Grenth's Paladin Build. At the
beginning of battle, as the gates start to rise, use
apply poison. Run into battle and immediately jump
into the middle of everyone. Use the Elite if you want
(if you use an Axe, you can make your Elite
Eviscerate/Decapitate and use Cyclone Axe as the "Hit
all Adjacent foes" skill) to spread poison all
around, and when you get to about 80% health, use
troll unguet. You might want to use Berserker's Stance
after Unguet to make up for the dmg you missed out
on dealing while activating it (Troll Unguet). If you
wish, you may also desire to activate "For Great
Justice!" right before you use Berserker's Stance
for a
Temporary extra 100% adrenaline gain, which
probably charges up your
weapon skills. Just watch your E,
and use good judgement.

More are Coming! I promise!--------------------------------------

3a.11- No good section is complete without the Glossary

Welcome to my Glossary of all the terms used in this guide!
I hope this can help to clear any
confusions my abbreviations caused. Now, get studying! For more
information about the words to describe
skills, look it up on GuildWiki (Run search on wikipedia for guild
wars, the link is at the bottom of
the page) or look it up in the Guild Wars Manuscripts included with
the game. If you desire, drop me an
email and I will explain. Get it. Got it? Good!

Atk: Attack. A physical way of damaging an enemy. Warrior, Assassin,
Paragon, and Dervish Weaponry deals
physical damage, unless otherwise noted on the weapon's

Dmg: Damage. Loss of Health recieved from an attack.

E: Energy. 'Nuff said.

HP: To those who don't know this one, I pity you. It means Hit
Points or Health Points.

Rez: Ressurection. Ressurection Signets are commonly called Rez
Signets or Rez Sigs.

Max Armor: Armor which gives you max protection, duh!

Max Dmg Weapon: Do I really need to say it? :)

Adrenal: Having to do with skills that require Adrenaline to use.

Adrenaline: A Warrior and Paragon way of using skills instead of
E usage.
For each successful hit you make
on an enemy with an atk, you gain one strike of

Paladin: A W/Mo combination where the monk emphasis is on
Healing/Protection. Associated with Noobs (new
players who think they know everything), Newbs
(new players who realize they know nothing),
and runners (people who will go with a group to
get them to a new destination on the group
members' maps.

More terms to come!------------------------------------------------

3a.12- Section History (only applies to this section)

Version 1.0: Started this on the March 17, 2007.

Version 2.0: Updated this FAQ to send to shadowduck


Just wanted to thank myself (for writing this and taking time to help
you) You, the reader
All of the writers at GameFaqs, you don't know how much you've
helped me
CJayC, for posting this,
Shadowduck (aka Amrita Pureheart) for including my mini-faq in his

and my fourth grade English teacher, for teaching me to never use
the word "stuff" I don't know why; it just drove her up a wall.

Section Copyright 2007 Strad Kirk Michael. All rights reserved. Usage rights
are exclusive to shadowduck and any other sites/persons of Taka's choosing. Do
NOT post this section or this guide without permission.

3b. Monk
The monk is one of the two support classes in Guild Wars. Monks are
healers, use spells which protect themselves and other allies, and can
deal damage using Holy Magic. Monks are one of the two classes that can
resurrect players using a skill that does not disable itself after one
use per quest. Monks have four attributes available to them: Divine Favor
(primary), Healing Prayers, Protection Prayers, and Smiting Prayers.
Divine Favor offers a healing bonus of 3 health per point spent in
this attribute when casting a monk spell on a target ally (or yourself).
So if I cast a healing spell on myself and my level in Divine Favor is 2,
I would be healed for 6 + the effect of the spell. Each of the other
three monk attributes does not have an effect other than raising the
effectiveness of skills tied to them. Note, that any Monk can use the
Resurrect skill, and the amount of health/energy given to the revived
ally is the same for everyone not affects by attributes.
Healing Prayers is an attribute tied to as the name implies healing
spells. A monk specialized in healing prayers will be able to heal
himself and others in the party while in battle. There are various
healing spells that heal only one player, and one that heal the entire
party. Note, any party healing skills will not heal NPCs (Allies) or pets
in a particular mission with you such as Master Togo. To heal Togo for
example, you must target him directly. Henchmen however are healed when
using party healing skills.
Protection Prayers deals with preventing damage from being dealt to
a player or redirecting it to the monk. Skills in protection prayers can
also raise health and energy of players. Smiting Prayers is the damage
attribute for Monks. Smiting Prayers deals with dealing Holy damage to
foes your party will face. Holy damage is a special type of damage that
ignores armor. So the skill will do exactly the damage listed to all foes
regardless of their armor. Holy magic will be dealt double to any undead
type creature you might face such as the minion of a Necromancer. A skill
listed to deal 15 damage would deal 30 to an undead type creature for

3c. Necromancer
Necromancer (Necro for short) is the class of death and minions.
Necros exploit corpses, steal life using drains and deal curses to foes.
Necros attain their energy to cast spells from the death of other
creatures around them. Necros are the only class that can create minions
to assist the party in a battle. Necros have 4 attributes: Soul Reaping
(primary), Death Magic, Blood Magic, and Curses. Soul Reaping gives Necro
3 points of energy per point invested in the skill whenever a creature
(player or foe) dies near the Necro. Obviously, investing some points in
this skill is the key to not running out of energy as a Necro. The other
three attributes again, have no effect other than raising the
effectiveness of the skills tied to them. Blood Magic deals with stealing
health from foes via drain spells or by touching them. A drain spell is
different from a damage spell as all health lost by the foe is gained by
the Necromancer at the same time. Most drain spells drain health over
time and add it to the Necromancer's total. A Necromancer can also deal
Shadow damage, which like Holy damage ignores armor.

Death Magic is magic that deals with corpses. A player specializing
in death magic is often called a Minion Master (or often just MM in
game). Necromancer's experience in Death magic can create minions to
fight for the party by using the bodies of dead foes or allies. Each
corpse can only be used once, after that it turns blacks and it not
useable again. Death magic can also deal damage by create exploding
corpses, and be used to give health to the caster.

Curses deal with spells which hinders foes with various negative
effects such as disease and poison which damage the player over time (and
can add up quickly). Generally, a Necromancer specializes in one of the
three magic types available, and adds remaining attribute points in soul
reaping, and one attribute from their secondary class.

3d. Mesmer
Mesmers are the class which uses magic to create problems for other
players and foes. Mesmers can steal health, interrupt a player's actions,
or cast other spells (generally Hexes) that generally hinder (and usually
annoy) the player or foe. The Mesmer like most other classes has three
classes of magic and one special skill. The primary attribute of the
Mesmer is Fast Casting. The three magic attributes are: Domination,
Illusion, and Inspiration. Fast Casting for each point invested slightly
speeds up the casting time of your speeds. Exactly how much seems to be a
mystery however. Domination magic is for controlling the actions of other
players, Illusion Magic is used to interrupt players, change their
actions and really annoy them in a PVP environment, Inspiration Magic is
for energy stealing, and how a Mesmer keeps their energy up.

3e. Elementalist
Elementalist is the profession of the elements or what most players
would consider the Mage. Elementalist's spells come from the 4 elements
of the earth (Fire, Wind, Earth, Water). The Elementalist can deal more
damage than any other character in a short amount of time. Elementalists
also excel in spells that affect multiple foes close to target foes.
These spells are called Area of Effect (AoE) spells. There are 5
attributes available to the Elmentalist: Energy Storage (primary), Fire,
Air, Water, and Earth.

Energy Storage is one of the best primary attributes in the game.
The effect is very simple, for every point invented the max energy on
your character is raised by 3. Since Elmentalist spells require lots of
energy to cast, this is very helpful. It is not uncommon to see
Elementalists with 75 or more energy available. Energy Storage also has a
very powerful spell tied to it called Aura of Restoration. This spell
lasts one minute at a time and heals the Elementalist for between 152 and
400% of the energy spent to cast spells while its effective. This works
for ANY spell from any class, so this is indeed powerful. However, to
counterbalance this, certain Elementalist spells cause Exhaustion. This
is a condition that lowers your max energy (it will show up as gray on
your energy bar). The energy is gained back on time a few points per
second but slower than normal regeneration. So, while your character's
max energy is high, casting three or four spells which cause Exhaustion
is worse than running out of energy, because your energy will be slower
to regenerate. Keep this in mind as you play this class.

Fire magic is the magic class for dealing damage to foes using
various AoE spells and spells that target only 1 foe, but usually set
them on fire which degenerates health quickly. Generally, AoE spells
either cast at the location or the caster or the location of a target
foe. All foes in the general area (around 20 feet) are effected by this
spell as well. Most AoE spells last for 5-10 seconds and deal damage once
per second.
Water magic is the magic class for hindering moving or dealing
damage to moving foes. Water's spells usually deal with ice or snow.
These spells can damage the foe over a few seconds (like fire), or vastly
hinder their movement by slowing them down up to 60%. A slow foe is one
who is much easier to strike. There are also various skills in Water
magic to cause knockdowns which render a foe helpless until he can get
Air magic is the magic of lightning. Some of the most powerful
spells in the game are available in this attribute. Such spells as Chain
Lightning can be devastating to an opponent. Some Air magic spells also
have armor penetration. Any skill which adds this value benefit notes
this in its description. The penetration amount is usually 25%. So your
foe's armor level is basically 25% lower against this spell. This is a
very nice benefit indeed. Air magic also has spells which can knock a foe
or group of foes to the ground. Gale is a good example of such a skill.
The final attribute of the Elementalist is Earth magic. Earth magic
is the mainly defensive attribute for Elemenalists. Earth spells
generally protect the caster or their party from attacks or damage from
foes. Earth does have some attack magic as such Stoning, but there are
only a few attack spells to be found here. The dedicated earth mage is a
support character built to protect the rest of the damage by reducing the
chance a foe connects on an attack, or by raising the level of the
party's armor. There are also spells here to increase the speed of the
casters movement. As with the other classes, the best character will
specialize in one of the magic classes, try to max out their Energy
storage, and spend the remaining attribute points in their secondary

3f. Ranger
The last of the "core" (as ArenaNet calls the six professions which
were available in the first game in addition to being available in
Factions) profession is the Ranger. Rangers are archers, and generally
attack with a bow. Rangers also have the unique ability to charm animals
scatter through the game world, and have the animal join them in combat.
Animal companions' level just like players and their attacks become more
effective as they do so. The starting level and leveling rate is
different for each animal that is available for charming in the game.
Generally any animal whose name shows up in green can be charmed by a
Ranger with the appropriate skill.
Rangers have four attribute classes available for use: Expertise
(primary), Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Wilderness Survival.
Expertise lowers the amount of energy requires to cast Ranger
preparations and attacks. For each point invested skills require about 3%
less energy. Effective use of this attribute ensures a Ranger will rarely
run out of energy.
Beast Mastery as the name implies deals with animal companions.
These skills are solely to enhance the effectiveness of your animal
companion in battle, to heal it, or to bring it back to life in case it
dies. Only a ranger can revive a fallen animal friend, Resurrection or
other Monk spells do not work on animals.
Marksmanship deals with making a Ranger's bow for effective. Like
the weapon classes for a Warrior, each point invested in this attribute
raises the damage of your bow and increases the chance of a critical hit.
Generally, skills in this class raise the max damage one arrow can
inflict modify the speed of your arrows, or the number of arrows shot at
once. Any good attack ranger will spend attribute points in this skill.
Finally, Wilderness Survival is the class of traps and other
Enchantments that effect to environment as a whole. Traps are invisible
to players and foes until stepped on, which triggers the trap rather
negative effect. Rangers skilled in Wilderness Survival lay traps all
over the field, hoping to catch an unsuspecting foe. Enchantments which
affect the environment come in the form of rituals which appear in the
game world can affect all creatures in range. Environmental enchantments
affect all players and foes within range, not just foes hostile to party.
Keep this in mind to use them effectively. The rituals modify everything
from speed of bow attacks to dealing extra damage to foes struck.

The following four professions I do not really know enough about to write
a decent write, so I will link you to excellent ones on GW Wiki.
Go to Then click on the the one of
your choice for lots for information on that Profession!

3g. Assassin
3h. Ritualist
3h.1- Introduction

Ok, as you all well know, I'm Taka. This is
my second guide that I have sent to Justin,
and once again, I hope to make this mini-
-guide the G4TV for the Ritualist. While
Guildwiki has a decent Rit guide, I thought
to offer my experiences w/ the class, which,
albeit getting to the mainland, I have still
learned a lot since I first started, and
have been looking at the skills for a long
time now. I am trying to get today's Rits
away from simple spirit-spamming and
start getting them to actually do stuff that
is worthwile, such as healing or nuking.
So read on, Ritualists!

3h.2 Your Role in Battle

Ok, so you are a Ritualist. most people
assume that you are a spirit spammer and,
because of this, you sometimes have difficulty
finding a group. first of all, don't spirit
spam too much. A, it is cheap, and B, spirits
can't move. Therefore, your minions cannot
move how the Necro's undead pets do. Your
main purpose is to help lessen the burden
on healers, if only a little. You are supposed
to combine the lightning damage of elementalists
with the healing of monks. Don't believe me?
ok, fine. Here is a setup for you:

You are with a group that has only one tank.
There is a sin w/ your group as well. You
have 2 monks, as well as a ranger, 2 nukers
and a necro (who happens to be a Minion Master)
in your roster. If your sin dies (which, if
you are playing w/ bad sins, will happen very
quickly), there is only one warrior, which
can not take a beating from 4 level 22
afflicted w/out being healed every 5 seconds.
What should you do in this situation? Quite
simple: Bring something like Shelter and
Union (you may want to bring Recuperation
for a little bit of regen), as well as
Spirit Light, Spirit Boon Strike, a
good rez (Flesh of My Flesh?), a self
heal (Generous Was Tsungrai works wonders), and
maybe a spawning power skill or two, as well
as something like Channeled/Channeling Strike
(not quite sure which it is...). You help
to mitigate damage w/ those two spirits,
can heal for about 100 health w/ Spirit Light,
and do around 90 damage apiece w/ Spirit Boon
Strike and Channeled Strike.

A true Rit's role is never solely nuking, spirit
spamming, or healing...It is a COMBINATION of
the 3! You are the jack of all trades (in
the casting line, anyway). One of the best
qualities of Rits is to be able to think on
your feet; you have to figure out how skills
can stack (Generous followed by Channeled) and
to think on your feet. You have to always be
keeping an eye on the health of your party,
the duration of spirits, and the HP of your
enemies. Rits require true multi tasking
capabilites, and that is why there are few good one wants to focus that much.
In fact, it is similar to a Paragon...A good
paragon can really buff your team to extremes.

3h.3- Starting Out..

Ok, so you chose a rit.....I don't know if you are
stupid, dedicated, brilliant, or all three. If you
succeed at your job, people will praise the ground
that your character walks on. If you fail, on the
other hand.......well, that is the polar opposite.
I would recommend starting in the following manner:

A. Buy Resto Skills at first....they will help get
get you in groups and keep that group alive...

B. then get a few Channeling skills as well as a
couple of spirits. I would recommend three: Union,
Shelter, and Bloodsong. The first two help to
mitigate damage, and the last one STEALS health.
Not deal, STEAL.

C. Upgrade your armor (most notably your chest and
leg armor) at Ran Musu Gardens, if you can. This will
help to cover your soft underbelly and protect you

D. Get the 30 bonus skill points quickly. They WILL
help you when you get to the mainland.

And finally, E. As soon as you hit mainland, get a
run to Kaineng Center. There, you can access (and
buy) every non-elite Rit skill in Factions, which
will help you deck yourself out even faster.

After that, you are open to your own whims, but
remember....Combination of the 3....Do not focus
on one sole art.

3h.4- Secondary Profession Opinions

Once again, I'll be rating the secondaries of a class,
this time, the Ritualist.

W = Warrior E = Elementalist R = Ranger D = Dervish

P = Paragon N = Necromancer Me = Mesmer Mo = Monk

A = Assassin Rt= Ritualist

Rt/W: Eh......not so much. You could use the stances
and some of the tactics skills, but that is about

My Rating: 3/10

Rt/E: Hmm.....More access to nuking skills....could
work, though you lack good Energy Management. Alright,

My Rating: 5/10

Rt/Mo: The ULTIMATE healing machine, but unable to
remove hexes...Resilient weapon can cover for you for
a little bit however.

My Rating: 7.5/10

Rt/R: The ultimate spirit spammer, though I don't know
why you would want to go this way...Though you do get a

My rating: 6/10

Rt/Me: Hmmm. You have hex removal! Yay! This could work,
too. Very well, at that.

My rating: 7.5-8/10

Rt/N: You can summon minions w/ more Hp...but that would
not be the best way to go...You could hex, though, which
would make your job easier. Leeching your opponents health
isn't that bad...

My rating: 7/10

Rt/P: Once again, shouts, chants, and stances. Although
these would work a bit better than the Warrior...after
all, your buffs would go to casters...If you are back
there w/ em...

My Rating: 6/10

Rt/A: I see very little potential other than shadow arts,
but that is still very lacking.

My rating: 3/10

Rt/D: Read the above, but change Shadow Arts to Earth/
Wind Prayers. These seem to work a bit better than the
sin, however...

My rating: 5/10

3h.5- Build Ideas

Ok.....I honestly don't know a whole lot of Rit builds,
but here are a couple that seem to have worked so far:

Taka's Pure Shing Jea Monastery restoration Rit:

Generous Was Tsungrai
Soothing Memories
Spirit Light
Flesh of my Flesh
Weapon of Warding
Vengeful Weapon
Resilient Weapon

At this point, you would pretty much put everything to
the Restoration Magic Line. Go figure. No, as in literally,
go figure.

Taka's SJ Monastery Combination Ritualist:

Generous Was Tsungrai
Weapon of Warding
Channeled Strike
Spirit Boon Strike
Flesh of My Flesh

For the optional, I would recommend something like
Resilient Weapon, to lessen the burden on the monks. If you
are acting as the main healer, find a really good spirit
or skill that can heal people. I have a Few offensive spells
to help heal your spirit (Spirit Boon Strike) and Channeled
Strike to maximize your potential. If people hammer on
you, then yeah, bring all of your healing prowess, but
otherwise, bring two nuking skills. Might I recommend
Spirit Rift? It has a delayed reaction, so if you know
that it will kill it in 3 seconds (after all, the Warriors
are attacking it, you know), fire it to strike the final
4. All about your Character and Conditions
When you create a character of course the character starts at Level
1. Your character will have no skills, 100 health and 20-40 energy based
on your primary class. Warriors start with the lowest energy, and
Elementalists start with the highest. How quickly your energy regenerates
also depends on your profession. As with any role playing game as you
battle foes and complete quests your character will level. Leveling will
allow your character to gain Attribute points as discussed in Section 2,
20 health, and 1 skill point. Skill points are used to purchase skills
from Skill trainers through the world. This is different from the first
Guild Wars game, skills beyond the basic ones earned in training quests
are no longer given through quests they must be purchased. As you
purchase skills the amount of gold required will increase starting at 100
and maxing out at 1000 gold (or 1 Plat).
So, at level 20 (the max level) your character's base health will
be 480, and it will have earned 170 attribute points. Energy is not
increased by leveling; only skills or armor can raise max energy. Health
can be modified with runes, either in positive or negative direction.
This will be discussed in the section on Runes.

4a. Conditions
Various conditions can afflict your character while in the game
world. Most of these conditions are negative and generally either cause
your character to lose health, reduce the speed in which it moves, or
hinder its attacks. The various conditions are described below:

Poison: Causes health degeneration of four, usually inflicted by a
ranger, and usually lasts for 45 seconds or more. Water in various swamps
is also poison to players, but usually the health degeneration is only
one or two.

Disease: Causes health degeneration of four also, usually inflicted by a
Necromancer. This effect usually lasts for under 30 seconds, unlike

Bleeding- Causes health degeneration of three, inflicted by a Warrior
type character using an attack skill or a Rangers trap. Generally
bleeding lasts for greater than 30 seconds.

Fire (Burning)- The most damaging condition causes health degeneration of
seven, but usually only lasts less than ten seconds.

Blind: Causes most melee attacks to miss their mark, and generally is
most devastating to a Warrior character. Rangers will also miss most of
their shots. This effect generally lasts around 30 seconds, and in often
inflicted by a Mesmer or Elementalist.

Deep Wound: Inflicted by a Warrior foe most often using an attack skill,
your max health is reduced by 20% for the duration of the effect usually
around 30-45 seconds.

Cripple- Inflicted again by a Warrior or a Rangers traps, being crippled
will greatly reduce your spell for the duration of the effect usually 30

Dazed- Basically "Blind" for mage characters. The amount of time needed
to cast spells doubles, your spells are easily interrupted by attacks,
and generally this can cripple a mage.

Weakness- Greatly reduces the damage dealt by your character. Again this
is most crippling to Warrior characters. Weakness does not effect skills
only attacks.

Exhaustion- See Section 3e the Elementalist for more information on this

5. Weapons
In addition to skills, of course, all characters can attack with a
weapon as well. Weapons come in various types and are either one handed
or two handed. Two handed weapons such as staffs are for mage characters
and generally offer more bonuses than one handed weapons to make up for
the loss of using an off-hand item. Each weapon type is described below:

Swords: one handed- used by Warriors 15-22 Max Damage range
Axe- one handed- used by Warriors, 6-28 max damage
Hammers- two handed- used by Warriors, 19-35 max damage
Bows- two handed- used by Rangers, 15-18 max damage
Wands- two handed weapons used by Necros, Elementlists, Monks, Mesmers,
Ritualists, 11-22 max damage
Staff- two handed- used by Necros, Elementlists, Monks and Ritualists,
Mesmers as well, 11-22 max damage range. Generally has an energy bonus
between 2 and 12 depending on the staff.
Daggers- two handed weapon- used by Assassins- Generally attack for low
damage but attack must quicker than other weapon types. 7-17 max damage

Weapons can be modified by a weapons crafter in any town or outpost
for 10 gold. This will add 20% damage bonus to the weapon, but this will
also customize the weapon for you, meaning it cannot be sold to another
player. All but basic weapons also have requirements attached to them.
This requirement will be listed in the description of the item. Any
character can use any weapon, but to use the weapon as listed, your
character needs to meet the requirement. The requirement will be a
certain level of an attribute, for example a fire staff will usually have
a requirement of fire magic.
6. Runes
Armor can be modified in Guild Wars Factions by using Runes. Runes
are purchased from players, the Rune Trainer, or found in the game world
from monster loot. Any armor drop whose name is blue, purple, or gold
colored in the game world will contain a Rune will salvaged with an
Expert Salvage Kit. See the section on Armor for more on Salvage kits.
When a player indentifies a Rune using an Identification Kit (purchased
at the merchant for 100 gold) that Rune is unlocked on their account. A
player may now use this Rune on any player-vs.-player character created.
Runes, of course, are not just limited to PVP players.
Runes come in 3 types: minor, major, and superior. Runes raise your
level in attributes by up to 3 points. There is a rune for each attribute
in the game in each of the three types. Runes can only equipped for your
Primary profession, with the exception of Vigor will any player can
equip. A minor rune will raise your skill in the related attribute by 1.
A major rune will raise your skill by 2, but lower your health by 50.
Superior runes, raise your skill by 3, and lower your health by 75. Each
player can have 5 runes equipped at any one time (as there are five
pieces of armor). Once a rune is equipped, it cannot be removed from the
armor without destroying the armor. If a character wishes to change a
Rune, they can apply a new rune to the same piece of armor, which will
destroy the old Rune.
There are 2 special types of Runes that do not modify attributes.
They are Vigor and Absorption. Vigor runes raise max health and can be
equipped by any player. Absorption Runes absorb damage, and may only be
equipped by Warrior characters. Unlike other runes, Vigor and Absorption
Runes have no health lowering effect at the major and superior levels.
Vigor runes raise max health by 30/40/50 based on level. Absorption runes
reduce damage by 1/2/3 based on their level.
When found in the game world a minor rune will be colored blue, a
major will be purple, and a superior will be colored gold. The game has
been modified so unlike in the past, each color will always produce a
Rune of that type. Rune drop can be easily identified as they will always
drop on Armor dropped from monster kills.

7. Armor
The most important item you can buy in the game obviously is your armor.
Without it, your deaths will come quickly and often. Armor in Guild Wars
is handled a little differently than other games in the genre. Armor can
only be bought from armor crafters, and is customized for one player.
Armor cannot be traded or sold to other players; it is yours and yours
alone. The armor a level one character starts it, will not give you very
far. Armor Level (how effective your armor is at absorbing damage) varies
by class. Warriors can have armor of up to AL 100, Necromancer and
Rangers AL 70, Monk and Elmentalists, and Mesmer only are able to craft
AL 60 Armor. Armor is crafted by visiting an armor crafter in town. Not
all towns have crafters, most outposts do not. To craft armor you will
need supplies, usually one common material, and one rare material, plus
gold. Basic armor is 150 gold per piece, max armor is 1.5 plat per piece
of 15 plat for special armor. Crafting materials can be purchased from
traders (the expensive way), players (the cheaper way) or from armor
drops in the world (the free way). Buy an Expert salvage kit from a
merchant in any town or outpost (400 gold). This will let you salvage 25
times. You can buy Superior kits for two plat that salvage 100 items.
Anyway, once you buy a kit to salvage an item you have picked up,
double click your salvage kit, and then you item you wish to salvage.
Items given as quest rewards cannot be salvaged, as well as starter items
given to you. Almost any other item in the game can be salvaged for
materials. Always use expert/superior salvage kits because they give you
the chance to salvage rare material like silk or leather. Armor generally
requires 20-75 of the common material and 2-12 of the rare material per
piece to craft. Once crafted use your Inventory (I) popup to equip your
new armor. To add runes to your armor, double click the rune and then
double click the piece of armor you wish to add it to. The rune is
automatically added and the name of your armor will change to reflect
Guild Wars Factions adds six new sets of Armor for each class. In
most towns there are 3 armor crafters each selling a different set of
armor. You can also find armor crafters in the Kurzicks and Luxon towns.
However, if you have lots of Kurzick faction, don't expect the Luxon
armor crafter to talk with you.
There is one piece of armor that does not need to be crafted; this
is shields used by Warrior type characters. Shields have an armor level
between 1 and 16 and often have requirement to use. The requirement for
any shield will be listed in the description. The requirement will be
either a certain level in the Strength or Tactics attribute.
8. Upgrades
All weapons in Guild Wars Factions can be upgraded to perform more
effectively in battle. Each weapon can hold up to two upgrades (some
purple and gold items you find will already have two, you cannot add
more) which are applied by double clicking the upgrade and then the item.
Upgrades can be purchased from other players, or salvage from item drops
which are upgraded already in the game world. Make sure to use an expert
salvage kit to salvage the upgrade. The names for weapon updates are
listed below: (The list was compiled using the Guild Wars Wiki.)

--------------------Weapon Upgrades(Non Stave)-------------
Sword- Upgraded with a Hilt, Axe/Hammer upgraded with a Haft, Daggers
Upgrades with a Tang, and Bows with a String. Unless noted below each
upgrade will work with all weapons listed above. The first four all
convert physical damage to the listed element. The name of the upgrade is
added to the name of the weapon. (Fiery Long Sword for example.)
Fiery- Fire Damage
Ebon- Earth Damage
Icy- Ice Damage
Shocking- Lightning Damage
Barbed- Lengthens bleeding duration by 33%
(Not available for Hammers)
Crippled- Lengthens Crippled duration by 33%
(Not available for Hammers)
Cruel- Lengthens Deep Wound duration by 33%
(Not available for Bows)
Poisonous- Lengthens Poison duration by 33%
(Not available for Hammers)
Heavy- Lengthens Weakness duration by 33%
(Axe and Hammer only)
Silencing- Lengthens Dazed duration by 33%
(Bow and Dagger only)
Furious- Double Adrenaline on hit (2-10%
chance depending on upgrade- Sword,
Hammer, Axe only)
Sundering- Armor Penetration of 20% on hit
(10%-20% chance depending on
upgrade- not available for Dagger)
Vampiric- Life Stealing: 1-3 life per hit (for Swords, Axes
and Daggers) Life
Stealing: 1-5 life per hit (for Hammers
and Bows), Health regeneration
of -1 for all weapons
Zealous- Energy Gain of 1 on hit- Energy regeneration of -1
----------------------Weapon Upgrades (Staves) ------------
Staves (Staffs) are used all classes other than Warrior and Assassin.
They can be upgraded as follows, used a Staff Head. (Again, thanks Guild
Wars Wiki!)
Defensive- Armor +4 or +5
Insightful- Max Energy +1 to +5
Hale- Max Health +10 to +30
---------------------Weapon Upgrades #2--------------------The second set
of weapon upgrades change the name of the weapon by adding to the end of
the name. Fiery Long Sword of Defense for example, would be long sword
which does fire damage and has been upgraded with a Defensive sword
pommel to raise armor. All these upgrades can be applied to any weapon as
long as they are the proper type (a sword pommel cannot be applied to a
staff). Swords are upgraded with pommels, Axes, Bows, and Hammers with
grips, Staffs with wrapping, and Daggers with handles.
Defense Armor +4 or +5
Shelter- Armor +4 to +7 (vs physical attacks only)
Warding- Armor +4 to +7 (vs elemental attacks only)
Fortitude- Health +20 to +30
Enchanting- Enchantments last 10% to 20% longer
Blood Magic (or any attribute- there is an upgrade for each
one)- +1 while using
skills - 10% to 20% chance
Slaying a Creature Type- Damage +10% to 20% vs. that Creature
10. Skills

There are 150 skills or so for each profession in Guild Wars Factions. Each
of the core 6 classes were given 25 new skills in Factions. I do not even hope
to cover every skill available in the game as that would take a really
long time. Instead, I am going to focus on some of the most used skills
in the game using a few builds that I have run in the game. Any numbers
in ( ) are effected by the related attribute listed. Note, you only have
one elite skill equipped at any one time. Thanks to
( for providing skill descriptions!

10a) Elementalist Skills:
These skills are basically for a fire mage or called a Nuker in the game.
The skills are mainly AoE skills that effect a foe and any foe around it.

Aura of Restoration
Attribute: Energy Storage
Energy Cost: 10
Duration: 60 seconds
Recharge: 20 seconds
Type: Enchantment
Effect: For 60 seconds, you are healed for (152%-350%) of the energy cost
each time you cast a spell.
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 10
Duration: (1-3 seconds)
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge: 5 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect:Target foe is struck for (5-41) fire damage and is set on fire for
(1-3) seconds.
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 7 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect:Send out a ball of fire that strikes target foe and all adjacent
foes for (7-91) fire damage. If the view of your foe is obstructed
this skill will fail.
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recharge: 30 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Target foe and all adjacent foes are struck for (7-91) damage
and knocked down. This spell causes exhaustion.
Meteor Shower
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 25
Cast Time: 5 seconds
Recharge: 60 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect:Create a Meteor Shower at target foe's location. For 9 seconds,
foes adjacent to that location are struck for (7-91) fire damage and
knocked down every 3 seconds. This Spell causes Exhaustion.
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge: 20 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: All adjacent foes are struck for (30-114) fire damage.
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recharge: 25 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: A fiery phoenix rises at your location, striking adjacent foes for
(7-91) fire damage, and flies out to your target, exploding on impact.
This explosion strikes for an additional (15-75) fire damage.
Rodgort's Invocation
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 25
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recharge: 15 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Target foe and all nearby foes are struck for (15-99) fire damage
and are set on fire for (1-3) seconds.
Breath of Fire
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 30 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Create Breath of Fire at target foe's current location. For 5 seconds,
foes adjacent to that location are struck for (5-35) fire damage each second.
Bed of Coals
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Recharge: 30 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: For 10 seconds, foes standing still near this location are struck
for (5-29) fire damage each second. Any foe knocked down on the Bed of Coals
is set on fire for (3-7) seconds.
Double Dragon (Elite)
Attribute: Fire Magic
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 3/4 second
Recharge: 30 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: For two seconds, foes adjacent to this location are struck for (7-112)
fire damage each second. This spell causes exhaustion.
Energy Boon (Elite)
Attribute: Energy Storage
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge: 5 seconds
Type: spell
Effect: You gain (10-20) Energy. Energy Boon causes Exhaustion.
Ether Renewal (Elite)
Attribute: Energy Storage
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge: 30 seconds
Type: Enchantment
Effect: For 7 seconds, each time you cast a spell, you gain (1-5) Energy
and (5-20) Health for each enchantment on you.
Ether Prodigy (Elite)
Attribute: Energy Storage
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge Time: 5 seconds
Type: Enchantment
Effect: Lose all Enchantments. For (5-20) seconds, you gain Energy
regeneration of 6. When Ether Prodiy ends, you take 2 damage for each
point of Energy you have. This spell causes Exhaustion.
10c: Monk Skills
Monks can come in three flavors: Healing, Protection, or Smite (Damage
Dealing via Holy magic). I will focus on Healing spells for now.
Expect Protection and Smite spells to be added in a future update.
Signet of Devotion
Attribute: Divine Favor
Energy Cost: 0
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 5 seconds
Type: Signet
Effect: Heal target ally for (14-83) health.
Divine Healing
Attribute: Divine Favor
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 30 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Heal yourself and nearby party members for (10-210) health.
Heal Other
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge: 3 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Heal target other ally for (35-151) health. (You cannot use this spell
to target yourself.)
Heal Party
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 15
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 2 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Heal All party members for (16-67) health. This skill does not heal
pets or NPC allies traveling with your party. It also does not heal players
out of compass range. (Players whose names are dimmed.)
Healing Breeze
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 1 second
Recharge: 2 seconds
Type: Enchantment
Effect: For 10 seconds, target ally gains health regeneration of (3-8.)
One of the best healing spells in the game, especially if Healing Prayers
attribute is above around level 9.
Infuse Health
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 10
Cast time: 0
Recharge: 0
Type: Spell
Effect: Lose half your current health. Target other ally is healed for
(100%-129%) of the amount you lost.
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 2 seconds
Recharge: 0
Type: Enchantment
Effect: While you maintain this enchantment, target ally gains health
regeneration of (+1-3.) Caster has one less point of energy
regeneration while this enchantment is in effect.
Word of Healing (Elite)
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 0
Recharge: 4 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Heal target other ally for (16-80) points. Heal for an additional
(15-100) points if that ally is below 50% health.
Healing Hands (Elite)
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 5
Cast Time: 0
Recharge: 25 seconds
Type: Enchantment
Effect: For 10 seconds, whenever target ally is struck by an attack,
that ally is healed for (5-35) health.
Monk Resurrection Spells
The monk is one of the two classes that an revive fallen party memebers.
Resurrection spells will not resurrect pets or NPCs.
Attribute: None
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 6 seconds
Recharge: 5 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned
to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.
Restore Life
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 8 seconds
Recharge: 6 seconds
Type: Spell
Effect: Touch the body of a fallen party member. Target party member
is returned to life with (20%-65%) health and (42%-80%) energy.
Attribute: Protection Prayers
Energy Cost: 10
Cast Time: 6 seconds
Recharge: 0
Type: Spell
Effect: Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to
life with 25% Health and zero Energy, and is teleported to your current
location. All of target's skills are disabled for (10-4) seconds. This spell
consumes all your remaining energy.
Resurrection Chant
Attribute: Healing Prayers
Cast Time: 8 seconds
Recharge: 0
Type: Spell
Effect: Resurrect target party member with up to your current Health and
(5%-29%) Energy. This spell has half the normal range.
Hands down the BEST resurrection spell in the game. The ONLY spell other
than Resurrection Signet that revives a party time with up to 100% health.
Resurrection Signet
Attibute: None, any player can use it
Energy Cost: 0
Cast Time: ?
Recharge: WHen a boss is killed in the current mission/quest
Type: Signet
Effect: Resurrect target party member. That party member is returned to
life with 100% Health and 25% Energy.

11. Main Factions Walkthrough Part 1: Introduction to Factions

To start, create a character as described in Section 3-
Professions. Once you create a character you will come into the world as
a level 1 character with 100 health and 20-40 energy based on your class.
Your character will be in an explorable area with a few NPCs and Master
Togo. If you have never played Guild Wars before, it would be wise to run
through the tutorial by talking to Instructor Ng. If you are an
experienced player, follow Togo to skip the tutorial. You will be
teleported to the first town and gain 2000xp + 2 skills for your primary
class. If you so choose to complete the tutorial, Ng will lead you around
the area having you kill monsters. You will also gain a starter weapon
(not very good, try to get a better one ASAP), and a basic idea on how to
play the game. This tutorial is not very complete, and does not cover any
advanced game play techniques, nor does it explain anything about your
class. After each step, talk to Instructor Ng to continue. An NPC that
requests your attention or has a quest for you will always have a Green!
over his/her head. At the end of this tutorial sequence Ng will set you
on your way. Talk to Loco to get your reward (2000xp) and be transported
to the first town of the game which is Shing Jea Monastery. Note, to
players familiar with the first Guild Wars game, there is no presear area
beyond the tutorial. All areas of the game starting from Shing Jea, are
accessible at any time by your character. There is not an area of the
game in which you are unable to return. Once in town, look around and
explore a bit. Shing Jea offers all major services such as armor, traders
(rune, scroll, dye) Storage, a new type of collector called
Quartermasters, and other services. Quests will reward you will Monastery
credits will you can trade into the Quartermasters for various items such
as Salvage and Identification kits. Merchants still sell them if you have
the gold to buy them of course. The various quests you will receive on
the island will be the next update to this walkthrough.

11b- New Mission Structure
This seems as good of time as any to cover the new mission system present
in Factions. There are a total of 13 missions in which to complete in
Factions. Two of them are on the starter island, and eleven are on the
mainland. If you are used to the mission structure in the first Guild
Wars game, this one will take a little getting used to. Bonus mission
objectives have been done away with completely (much to the cheer of many
a Guild Wars player), and has been replaced with a 3 level system:
Standard, Expert, and Master. Each reward stacks, and achieving a Masters
level reward on a mission will earn you the reward for all three levels.
The rewards are as follows:
Standard- 1000xp, 100 gold, 1 skill point
Expert: 1500xp, 150 gold, 1 skill point
Master: 2000xp, 200 gold, 1 skill point
So completing a mission at Masters Level will earn you 4500xp, 450 gold,
and 3 skill points. (To earn the Protectors of Cantha title complete all
13 missions at Masters Level). To achieve the 3 levels, most missions
time you, and each level is based on how quickly the mission is
completed. A few missions base the rewards on how well the objectives are
met: like how many NPCs you kept alive out of 12.

11c. Training Quest Walkthroughs for each Profession

More of these will be added all the time! Some of them might be named
wrong, but the general idea of them will be correct. I am going to
add Monk quests first. The quests are given in order. The person who
gave you the reward from the last quest will offer you the next quest.
Quest Name: Forming a Party
Type: Primary for ALL Professions
Given by: Ludo in Shing Jea
Difficulty: Very Easy
Objective: Form a party with hench or players
Tips: Talk to Ludo to give this quest, make a party with other players
or Henchman and go into Sunqua Vale and talk to Ludo again.
Reward from Ludo: 1000xp, 10 gold, MMonastery Credit
Quest Name:Locate Sister Tai
Type: Monk Quest
Given by: Headmaster Amara in Shing Jea
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: Locate Sister Tai in Sunqua Vale
Skills Given: Healing Breeze, Orison of Healing, Bane Signet
Tips: After getting the quest from Amara form a party with hench and
go seek out Sister Tai in Sunqua at the top of the hill almost due
North from the start in Yundin Circle.
Reward from Sister Tai: 100xp, 10 gold
Quest Name: Slate Mate
Type: Monk Quest
Given by: Sister Tai in Sunqua Vale
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: Heal a Warrior who is fights another Warrior for 1 minute
skills Given: Healing Touch, Reversal of Fortune
Tips: Spam Healing Breeze on him, and this is really easy.
Reward from Sister Tai: 1000xp, 50 gold
Quest Name: Track Down Brother Pe Wan
Type: Monk Quest Only
Given by: Sister Tai
Difficulty: Very Easy
Objective: Find Brother Pe Wang
Tips: Anyway,
once Tai gives you this quest, just follow the area to Pe Wang in
Kinya Province.
Reward from Pe Wan: 600xp, 50 gold
Quest Name: Seeking a Cure
Type: Monk Quest Only
Given by: Brother Pe Wan
Difficulty: Very Easy
Objective: Gather nong berries and tai ling bods. Collect 1 of each
and return to Brother Pe Wan.
Skills Given: Resurrect, Retribution

Tips: From Pe Wan run past the sign that says Tomatt Pass and across
a bridge, the berry bush will be on the left, click it once. The green
arrow will now point down the path to the other item. Its not far,
its off to the right. Click once and Return to Pe wann. This quest
requires no fighting.

Reward from Pe Wan: 1500xp, 100 gold, Monastery Credit
END of MOnk Quests
Continue to Section 12- Island Quests and Missions for All Professions

Quest Name: Seek out Headmaster Lee
Type: Assassin Only
Given by: Ludo
Objective: Find Headmaster Lee in Shing Jea. He will have a Green !
over his head.

Reward from Headmaster Lee: 250xp, 20g
Quest Name: Locate Jinzo
Type: Assassin Only
Given by: Headmaster Lee
Skills Unlocked: Dancing Daggers
Objective: Find Jinzo in Sunqua Vale. He is northest of the starting
Tips: Get at least a monk hench to come with you, Ludo will give you
1000xp for getting a hench. See Forming a Party above for details.

Reward from Jinzo: 100xp, 10g
Quest Name: Opening Strike
Type: Assassin Only
Given by: Jinzo
Difficulty: Easy as can be
skills Unlocked: Fox Fangs, Death's Charge
Objectives: Kill 5 Minions
Tips: Talk to Jinzo again after he gives you the quest to start it.
Minions will appear one by one. Kill them. A overeager lv 1 NPC will
help you making this pathetically easy. After five, see Jinzo for
the reward.

Reward from Jinzo: 1000xp, 50g
Quest Name: Track Down Panaku
Type: Assassin Only
Given by: Jinzo
Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Objective: Find Panaku in Kinya Provence. Just follow the map arrow.
Try to run by the Crimison on the path. This can be difficult with only
2 in your party. If you find yourself in trouble, map back to Shing Jea
and pick up 2 more hench.

Reward from Panaku: 600xp, 50g
Quest Name: Dual Strike
Type: Assassin Only
Skills Unlocked: Shroud of Distress, Twisting Fangs
Given by: Panaku
Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Objective: Assassinate Swift Honorclaw in Aerie the Tengu Village
Tips: Speak with Panaku a second time to begin the quest. Just follow
him to Aerie which is a fairly straight path. Once there, dispatch
Honorclaw (easy with 4) and then talk to Panaku for your reward.

Reward from Panaku: 1500xp, 100g, Monastery Credit
Continue to Section 12- Island Quests and Missions for All Professions

11d. Advanced Skills Training
Once you have a Primary and Secondary profession, there will be new
quests available to you from the Trainer from your Primary profession.

To refresh your memory, the trainers are as follows:
Warrior- Headmaster Zhan
Assassin- Headmaster Lee
Monk- Headmaster Amara
Ranger- Headmaster Greico
Necromancer- Headmaster Kuju
Elementalist- Headmaster Vhang
Mesmer- Headmaster Kaa
Ritualist- Headmaster Quin

Based on your primary profession the trainer will give you a quest called
Insingia. YOu will have to go to the dojo and
complete quests teaching various skills. If you wait until around level
10 to do these quests, they are pathetically easy. Each quest Ng offers
has the same reward: 500xp, 50g. Below is the list of quests you could be
offered. The reward for all the Insingia quests is the same. 2500xp, 75g,
and a Monastery Credit.

Quest List:
Advanced Defense Techniques (All) (Weng Gha)
Condtion Removal (Monk, Necro, Ritualist) (Weng Gha)
Skill Chanting (All) (Sujun)
Defense Against Hexes (Mesmer, Monk) (Lo Sha)
Disruption (Elementalist, Monk, Ranger, Mesmer, Ritualist) (Talon)
Snaring Course (Assassin, Ranger, Warrior, Ranger) (Kai Ying)
Disenchantment Course (Assassin, Memser, Necromancer) (Mei Ling)

Basically all of these quests work the same. Talk to Ng, and request
access to the Dojo. Once inside talk to the NPC listed above twice
to start the quest. Most involve killing one or more NPCs. All NPCs are
level 10. To defeat one, only 50% of their health must be gone. When
their health bar turns green they are defeated. End each quest by talking
to the same NPC to talked to start, and return to Ng for your reward.
Before each quest Ng will give you skills based on your primary and
secondary class. Equip them if you wish. If you are over level 10
before trying these, its so easy it does not matter what you bring
along skill wise. When done with Ng return your trainer for the
reward and a new quest based on Primary profession.

Warrior: The Kaguchi Brothers
Monk: Port of Plague
Elementalist: The Stone of the Elements
Necromancer: Old Friends, Dark Times
Mesmer: The Box of Illusions
Ritualist: Power Surge
Assassin: Cleansing the Steel
Ranger: The Red Frog

The reward for all the above quests (obviously you can only complete
one) is 2500xp, 100g, and a weapon or armor specific to your class.
The requirement on the item will always be 4.
Quest Name: The Kaguchi Brothers
Type: Primary Warrior Only
Given by: Headmaster Zhan
Requirement: Completed Warrior Insingia
Difficulty: Moderate especially if under lv 10 with starter armor
Objective: Kill the two Kaguchi Brothers in Panjiang Peninsula
Tips: Map to Tsumai Village to start and get a least a monk, if you are
under level 10 or have starter armor get a full party of 4. Head south-
west and find the 2 Kaguchi Brother among the Crimson. There are arond
10 Crimson around and they will all attack you. A warrior over level
10 with a monk hench backing them will be fine. Ignore the Crimson
totally and attack the brothers. Once they are defeated map back to
Shing Jea to collect your reward.

Reward Item for Warrior: Armor Level 10 Shield (Req 4 Strength)
Walkthroughs for the rest of these quests- Coming Soon!
12. Primary Quests and Missions for all Professions

Primary Quests are listed first. Sections 13 and 15 deal with optional
quests. The first quest you will do twice, once when you complete your
primary traning and again when you complete training for your secondary
profession. The quests which are not listed a Primary are Optional. All
primary quests and missions in the game are covered in this section, in
the order of the story. The quests basically to be completed in the order
Audience with Master Togo
Type: All Secondary Trainers will give this quest when you complete
their training
Given by: Brother Pe Wan (Monks),
Difficulty: Very Easy
Objective: Return to Shing Jea Monastery, and find Togo in Linnok
Courtyard (up the white steps).
Tips: Speak with Togo for Reward
Reward from Master Togo: 600xp, 50 gold
Continue to: Return to Section 11c and complete the quests for your
Secondary Class, or if this is your secondary do the quest below. If
you are doing the quest the FIRST time to pick a secondary, take all
the secondary profession quests from Togo. Each one will give you 50xp
even though you are going to choose one in the end.
Choose your Profession
Type: Primary (All Characters)
Given by: Master Togo in Linnok Courtyard
Difficulty: Very Easy
Objective: Gain your Secondary Profession
Tips: Speak to Togo to get the quest and accept the Secondary profession
you chose before. Speak to Togo again for reward. Togo will also show you
all secondary skills that were unlocked but not equipped. Just hit Cancel
to not equip them.
Reward from Master Togo: 3500xp, 250 gold, Monastery Credit
Coninute to: A Formal Introduction
A Formal Introduction
Type: Primary
Difficulty: Easy with Togo at Level 20
Given by: Master Togo in Linnok Courtyard
Objectives: Speak with Togo in Sunqua Vale and then follow him to
Minister's Cho's Estate
Tips: Togo is slow so be patient, or just run way ahead and he will catch
up. He is Level 20 afterall, and the monsters here pose no threat to him.
When Togo makes it, speak to Guardmaster Zai.
Reward from Guardmaster Kayao in Cho's Estate: 2000xp, 150 gold,
1 skill point
Continue to: Minister Cho's Estate Mission
MISSION: Minister Cho's Estate
Type: Mission
Difficulty: Easy with Togo at Level 20 and Yijo Tahn at lv 10
Given by: Find a party and have the leader hit the Enter Mission button
to start.
Objective: Kill off all the sicked soliders as you make your way to
Minister Cho. Togo being Level 20 can take a large amount of punishment
but the Mission will fail if he somehow dies. The mission will also fail
if Yijo Tahn dies (not likely) The mission concludes with a boss fight
against Minister Cho who is Level 11.

Recommended Party: Tank, Monk, Nuker, and Mesmer (Though for this,
it really does not matter.)
Recommended Party Hard Mode: Healing Monk, Nuker, Tank, Minon Master

Requirements for each Level of Reward (Actual Mission Rewards are listed
in Section 11b just above):
Standard: Complete Mission
Expert: Complete Mission in under 25 minutes
Master: Complete the Mission in under 20 minutes

Location upon Completion: Ran Musu Gardens
Hard Mode: All the guards are now level 23 and the 2 bosses (warrior and necro)
are now Level 23. All guards attack 33% faster and have 33% faster recharge. The
pets are level 23 and use the elite Warrior skill Primal Rage. The guards still
use Frenzy, and are easy to kill. Just be careful in the middle of the mission
when there is a group of seven. Make sure your monk stays in the back. The AI
is much smarter in Hard Mode, and the guards will go after your monk first. If
you always keep the guards in front of your tanks, this mission is still pretty
easy. The time limit has not changed for Hard mode. The mission must be
completed in 20 minutes for the Masters reward.

OUTPOST: Ran Musu Gardens
Here you have the chance to buy better armor. If you can afford it is
a good idea to go ahead and do so. Armor is 150 gold for each piece
plus crafting materials. YOu will need 5 pieces of armor. The total
investment should be around 1200 gold. If you are a caster, your armor
is only level 5, this armor is level 30 a huge jump. This will make
the second half of the island far easier for you to manage.
Quest Name: Warning the Tengu
Type: Primary
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate. Easy with 4 people.
Given by: Ang the Ephemeral in Rau Musu Gardens
Objectives: Destory the Afflicted creatute after talking to Sour
Honorclaw in Aerie the Tengu village of Angchu.
Tips: Go out into Kinya Province and head west towards the mountains.
The village in on the top of the hill and will be guarded by Naga.
After talking to Aerie head southwest and dispatch a lv 14 Assassin
named "Afflicted Creatue" Return to the village for your reward.

Reward from Sour Honorclaw: 1500xp, 75 gold
Continue to: The Threat Grows
Quest Name: The Threat Grows
Type: Primary
Difficulty: Easy with a good group of 4
Given by: Sour Honorclaw in Aerie upon completion of Warning the Tengu.
Objectives: Destory the Sickened Guards attacking Kaitan Village.
Tips: Travel from the Tengu village to Panjiang Peninsula. If you are
following this walkthrough and have not been this way before, you can
pick up an easy 1500xp by escorting the guy at the door to Panjiang
Peninsula back to Tengu Village. See the Non-Primary section for more
details. Anyway, once you get to Panjiang Peninsula locate Sister Tai.
She will have you kill some sickened guards attacking the village. This
quest is really easy if you have a good group of 4. When you have
finished taking care of the guards return to Sister Tai for your reward.

Reward from Sister Tai in Panjiang Peninsula: 1500xp, 100g
Continue to: Journey to the Master
Quest Name: Journey to the Master
Type: Primary
Given by: Sister Tai
Difficulty: Togo might get mad if don't come right away
Given by: Sister Tai in Panjiang Peninsula after completeing The Threat
Objective: Go talk to Togo in Linnok Courtyard.
Tips: Map back to Shing Jea and go to the courtyard. Have a party of 4
ready if you wish to do the next quest right away, it starts from here.

Reward from Master Togo: 1500xp, 100g
Continue to: Road Less Traveled
Quest Name: The Road Less Traveled
Type: Primary
Given by: Master Togo
Difficulty: Pathetically easy, I soloed it with a Level 9 warrior
Objective: Escort Pe Wan to Seitung Harbor
Tips: First after getting the quest from Togo talk to Guard Tsukaro.
After telling him yes 35 times you want to continue you will be taken
to an explorable area, Saoshang Trail. Once there speak with Brother
Pe Wan who will announce he isn't a monk so don't except much. Actually,
this quest is so easy, he might as well not be there. Fight through the
monsters and make your way to the Harbor. See Pe Wan inside for your

Reward from Brother Pe Wan in Seitung Harbor: 1500xp, 100g
Continue to: Looking from Trouble
From this point on until the end of the island, the max party size
icreases to six.
Quest Name: Looking for Trouble
Type: Primary
Given by: Brother Pe wan in Seitung Harbor
Difficulty: Moderate, Level 15 creatures start appearing
Objectives: Find the NPCs in Jaya Bluffs, Kill the creatures attacking
the village.
Tips: Start out by getting a party of 6 and proceed to Jaya Bluffs.
Here you will encounter new creatures like Yeti in 3 types, Nerco, Monk,
and Warrior. The lv 15 Yeti are warriors, Longhaired Yeti are lv 13 and
monks, and the Red Yeti are lv 12 and Necro. These will be the toughest
monsters you have faced so far. Take out the Longhaired Yeti first as
they will heal the other Yeti, making your fights longer. Find Zho,
Talon Silverwing, Panaku, and Lo Sha in this area. They are on the
western side of the explorable area. Once you find them, you will
follow them to the Monastery and destory the afflicated creatures. There
are about 30 of them, so this quest is the hardest quest you have faced
so far in Factions. With six people however, its not too hard. Once you
clear the place out see Zho for your reward.

Reward from Zho: 2000xp, 100g
Continue to: To the Rescue
Quest Name: To the Rescue
Type: Primary
Given by: Zho upon completing Looking for Trouble
Difficulty: Moderate, about the same as the last quest
Objectives: Find Su, Sister Tai, Kai Ying, and Professor Gai in Haiju
Lagoon. They wil be in Linkei Township which is east from the starting
point. You will face various afflicated creatures who are mostly lv 15.
Take it slow and you will be fine. Note, the afflicated creatures implode
on death and do damage to anyone close by. Once you get to Linkei, your
quest will update and you will have to defend the Township. A couple
waves of Afflicated creatures will come calling. This won't be harder
than it was getting to Linkei. When they are all dead, talk to Su for
your reward.

Reward from Su: 2000xp, 150g
Continue: To Zen Daijun
Quest Name: To Zen Daijun
Type: Primary
Given by: Su when you complete To the Rescue
Difficulty: Rather easy compared to the last two quests
Objectives: Follow the same NPCs from the last quest to Zen Daijun.
Tips: The path is straight forward, take out the Afflicated as you come
to them. The NPCs need to make it to Zen Deijun for this quest to be
successful. Su tends to get stuck, just talk to her to get her moving
again. Once all the NPCs are safely there the quest will update. Speak
to Master Togo. After this, speak to Brother Manjui. Say yes to him 35
times to enter Zen Daijun. Inside speak Manjui again for your reward.

Reward from Brother Manjui: 2500xp, 150g, 1 skill point
Continue to: Zen Daijun Mission
MISSION: Zen Daijun
Type: Mission
Given by: Find a party and have the leader hit the Enter Mission button
to start.
Difficulty: Moderate, not really hard however.
Objective: Clear out all the Afflicated from the area. Togo must stay
Tips: Beware of the purple haze. This causes health degen of six, when
you come in contact with it or touch anyone who has it. Zuurra will
cast a spell called Blessing of the Kurin randomly. Using a skill when
this spell is in effect will remove the degen right then. Also, just
use any skill. All that really has to be done to beat this mission
is defeat the 3 bosses at the end (Necro, Monk, Ritualist) but in reality
you have to clear everything out. Take it also and use a ranger or other
ranged attacker to pull the Afflicated in manageable groups. Overaggro
will cause failure. After you beat the three bosses at the end the
mission is over. YOu will be transported back to the Harbour.

Requirements for each Level of Reward (Actual Mission Rewards are listed
in Section 11b):
Standard: Complete Mission
Expert: Complete Mission in under 25 minutes
Master: Complete Mission in under 20 minutes

Location upon Completion: Seitung Harbor
Here you have two choices. You can either talk to First Mate Xiang to
start the quest to the mainland or talk to Zuura to start the second
15 point attribute quest which is described in Section 14.
Quest Name: A Masters Burden (Part 1)
Type: Primary
Given by: First Mate Xiang in Seitung Harbor
Difficulty: Moderate in Part II
Objectve: Find Togo in Wajjun Bazzar and travel with him to next mission
Tips: I am going to break the quest into two parts, because it is much
better to buy better armor for the second part of the quest and
especially for the mission. The game here does a poor job to letting you
know without max armor you will last very long, and gives you no clues
on where to buy it. Anyway, after getting the quest from First Mate
Xiang, talk to him again and request passage to the mainland. Once there
speak with Headmaster Greico who will tell you to find Togo in Wajjun
Bazzar. Go into the outpost the Marketplace.
OUTPOST: Marketplace
This is the main outpost that offers most services on the western side
of the island. However, there is an armorer here and thats what we are
interesting in at the moment. Find the exit to Bukdek Byway so we can
make our way to Kaineng City which is the main city here (and has
armor crafters).

Marketplace to Kaineng City: (Solo Route- you don't need hench for this)
Once out in the Byway head East and take your first path to the North
(it wont be far). Heading north you will cross two bridges along the way.
Continue north until you reach a dead-end. Turn left (west) and go down
the slope, and then resume your journey North. You will come to townsfolk
and some Afflicited. IGNORE them (they are lv 20) and you only have basic
armor. Run right past them (they are mostly interested in the townsfolk)
and up the metal (black) steps. Continue until you reach another dead-end.
Turn east to arrive at Kaineng City.
TOWN: Kaineng City
The main town on the northwestern part of the mainland of Cantha.
All services are available here including three armor crafters. Each
armor crafter sells different style armor, but the protection level
in the same. This is max armor and costs 1500 gold for each piece plus
materials. Materials vary but generally 175 of common crafting material
are required, and 32 of a rare material. When done buying armor, skills,
and anything else, there are two choices. If you own Guild Wars the
orginial game, you can travel to Trynia at this time. Otherwise, return
to the Marketplace to continue with Masters Burden.

OPTIONAL Kaineng Quest: Chaos in Kryta
Given by: Guardsman Chiepo in Kaineng City (he is near the exit to the
Bejunken Pier)
Difficulty: No fighting, solo it
Objective: Find Mhenlo in Bejunken Pier and travel to Lions Gate.
Follow these steps:
1. Find Mhenlo and talk to him in the Pier (go up the steps, find
steps down to the left once you go up.)
2. Talk to Armian to secure passage to Lion's Gate
3. Talk tO Lion Guard Neiro to gain access to Lion's Arch
4. Claim your reward from Firstwatch Sergio (skills trainer).

Reward from Sergio: 1000xp, Access to Trynia
The object of this guide is to cover Factions content only, so for
walkthroughs of the orginial game I kindly refer you to GameFAQs for
several excellent games which cover Guild Wars Chapter 1.
Quest Name: A Master's Burden (Part II)
Assuming you are in the Marketplace again, gather a party of 8 (players
or hench) and exit to Wajjun Bazzar.

13- Non Primary Island Quests

Quest Name: Study Buddy
Given by: Yazoying in Shing Jea once you complete A Formal Introduction
Objective: Escort Yijo Yahn to Tsumai Village
Difficulty: Easy
Tips: Get the quest tom Yazoying and then speak to Yijo Tahn in Sunqua Vale.
Escort him to Tsumai Village, and speak with Sister Choi Ju in Tsumai Village
to complete this simple quest.

Reward from Yazoying: 1500xp, 75 gold, Monastery Credit
Quest Name: A Belt Pouch
Given by: Neing the Tanner
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Objective: Find Herder Tsiyingju in Panjiang Peninsula and talk to him
about Hides. Destory a group of Crimson attacking the village, and speak
with Herder Tsiyingju again.
Tips: Make sure you have a group of 4, either players or hench. Map to
Tsumai Village and enter Panjiang Peninsula. Once there speak to Herder
Tsiyingju and go kill the Crimson. The Crimson will be really tough to
solo, this is why you have the party of four. Once you dispatch them,
Tsiyingju will give you the hides you need. Return to Neing for your reward.

Reward from Neing the Tanner: 1500xp, 75 gold, Belt Pouch
Quest Name: Appearance of the Naga
Given by: Captain Zinghu in Shing Jea
Difficulty: Moderate
Objectives: Map to Tsumai Village and speak to Sister Choi Ju. Go out
into Sunqua Vale and find Zen Nai Falls and dispatch the Naga there
on the island. Reutrn to Zinghu for your reward.

Reward from Captain Zinghu: 1500xp, 75 gold, Monastrery Credit
Quest Name: Togo's Ultimatium
Given by: The Emperor's Blade
Difficultly: Moderate to Easy depending on level
Objective: Deliver Togo's Ultimatium to Captain Quimag in Panjiang
Tips: Gather a party of four and go out into Panjaing Peninsula. Travel
to the SW tip of the explorable area killing the Crimson at you go. Once
you get to the SW tip, find and talk to Quimag. The quest will update.
Return to the Emperor's Blade to pick up your reward.

Reward from Emperor's Blade: 3000xp, 150g, Monastrery Credit
Quest Name: Seige of Tsuami Village
Given by: The Emperor's Blade
Requirement: Togo's Ultimatium
Difficulty: Hard unless you come back and do it after you bought max
Objective: Destory 18 groups of Crimson, 9 in Sunqua Vale, 9 in Panjiang
Tips: It does not matter which side you do first, gather a party of 4
and be prepared to deal with about 50 Crimson in waves. All the Crimson
at the start with be level 3, and will progress to level 7 and 8. The
final wave will continue a Level 15 boss like character. Both sides are
pretty much exactly the same. There are more NPCs to help you in Panjiang
Peninsula however. Once you dispatch all 18 groups, return to Emperor's
Blade for your reward.

Reward from Emperor's Blade: 3500xp, 175g, Monastrery Credit
Quest Name: Quimang's Last Stand
Given by: The Emperor's Blade
Requirement: Togo's Ultimatium and Seige of Tsuami Village
Difficulty: Moderate to Hard
Objective: Kill Captain Quimag in Panjiang.
Tips: Return to the same place as you did in Togo's Ultimatium. There
Crimson (lv 3-15) will aggro more easily, so a party of 4 is best here.
Once you get to the SW tip of the explorable, kill Quimang and return
to the Emperor's Blade for your reward.By heading east at the start,
you can pick up some NPCs that will help you.

Reward from The Emperor's Blade: 4000xp, 200g, Monastrery Credit
Quest Name: The Naga Source
Given by: Captain Zinghu in Shing Jea
Requirements: Complete Appearance of the Naga and Minister Cho Mission
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: Travel to Haiju Lagoon and talk to Scout Shenfai. Go look for
Naga on the north beach past Daochu Village. Three groups of spawn one
at a time in the water. Dispatch them and then return to Scout Shenfai
for your reward.

Tips: Make SURE you have a party of 6 this quest can be difficult. You
will encounter new monsters (Yeti) in Jaya Bluffs. These monsters are up
to level 15. Take out the Longhaired Yeti first in any mob, they are monks.
The game has bene pretty easy up to this point. It gets considerablely more
difficult here, especially if you didn't buy new armor in Ran Musu Gardens.
To make this quest much easier start in Zen Daijun and avoid the Yeti.

Reward from Scount Shenfai: 2000xp, 150 gold, Monastery Credit
Quest Name: The Thieving Nanny
Given by: Paomu in Haiju Lagoon (near where you receive the quest To
Zen Daijun)
Difficulty: Rather Easy
Objective: Find Mara and Paomu's coin purse.
Tips: First talk to Nei, who is standing right next to Paomu. Travel
northwest along the beach and past the Dragon Lilly's (which are good
experience and rather easy way by the way) to find a pile of bones.
Guarding them will be a level 11 Ravenous Drake. Defeat this Drake which
will drop the coin purse. Gather the purse and take it to Paomu for your

Reward from Paomu: 2500xp, 100g, Monastery Credit
Quest Name: Setimental Treasures
Given by: Miller Quong in Haiju Lagoon
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: Find Miller Quong's chest on Yuroso Island in Haiju Lagoon.
Tips: As soon as I complete the quest

Reward from Miller Quong: 2500xp, 100g, Monastery Credit
Quest Name: The Captured Son
Given by: Lady Mukei Musagi in Seitug Harbor
Difficulty: HARD! This is easily the hardest quest on the island.
Objective: Save Jatoro from the Crimson Skull.
Tips: It is best to start this quest from Zen Daijun, as you save quite
a bit of running. Head north until you see the hoarde of Crimson around
a bunch of houses. There are around 100 of them and they hit HARD. Kill
a few at a time and retreat to regain your energy. Running in head first
will ensure a quick death. Ranged attacks work better here than tanking
with warriors. This quest will be near impossible with henchman because
they are not understand evade tatics or retreating if they are engaged.
This quest is best completed with 6 players level 15 or higher. Once
you take care of all the Crimson, talk to Jatoro to get a letter. Return
the letter to Lady Mukei Musagi from your (well deserved) reward.

Reward from Lady Mukei Musagi: 4000xp, 500g, Monastery Credit
14- Factions Attribute Quests
This section describes the two quests on the island to gain fifteen
attribute points, to acheive the total possible of 200. Without these
quests, a level 20 character will only have 170 attribue points available
to spend.
Quest Name: The Lost Treasure
Given by: Raitahn Nem in Ran Musu Gardens
Requirement: Successful Completion of Minister Cho's Estate Mission
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: Clear Minister Cho's Explorable of Sickened Guards (basically
repeat the mission). WHen you get to the cave, you will find the treasure.
Tips: With a group of 4 having bought new armor, this quest is not that
hard. Remember: Keep Raitahn Nem alive. If he dies, the quest fails.
Once you find the tresure see Raitahn Nem for your reward.

Reward from Raitahn Nem: 4000xp, 175g, 15 attribute points
Quest Name: An Unwelcome Guest
Given by: Zunraa in Seitug Harbor
Requirement: Successful Completion of Zen Daijun Mission
Difficulty: Moderate
Objective: Restore Zunraa's presence by cleansing the valley of miasma.
Tips: Once getting the quest go out into Zen Daijun (explorable). Follow
the quest arrow around making sure to pull Zunraa through the purple mist
so it will disappear. Zunraa must be alive, but the quest will not fail
if he dies. To revive him, go ring the bell at one of the Shrines. Once
you have cleared all the mist, and defeated the Corrupted Zunraa at the
end, talk to Zunraa for your reward. If he alive, in the explorable, or
back in town if he dies.

Reward from Zunraa: 4000xp, 175g, 15 attribute points.

16. Nightfall Beginnings

Ah the new game is upon us- Guild Wars Nightfall. This new chapter in
the Guild Wars Trilogy (now) introduces many new features, the most
interesting of which is the Hero system. If you want to read all about
the game and its new features- please check out The
point of this guide is how to play the game, not you sell you a copy :P.

When you start on Elona the new island you can choose to take the
tutorial, or pass it up. If you have played a Guild Wars game before,
skip it. You already know everything covered. You will gain 2 skills
based on your profession and a Res Sig. Proceed to follow your quest
arrow to the end and gain enterance to the first mission area.

16a) First Nightfall Mission- Chahbek Village

Basically once you get in the mission. Kill everything in sight. There
are 2 ships and ground units scattered about. Take out all the ground
units first. Most are lv 0 or 1 and are really easy. There is one level
4 boss near the north ship. Once you clear out all the ground units, and
the mission updates, go look for Firing Oil. It is near the 2 giant
cataputs in the middle of the mission area. Take 1 oil to each catapult
and click the firing level 2 times. This will destory both ships and end
the mission. If no Sunspears die, you acheive Master Reward. If 1 dies,
Expert, and if 2+ die standard. The reward level breakdown for this
Mission is as follows:

Master- 1000xp, 100 gold, 1 Skill Point
Expert- 750xp, 75 gold, 1 Skill Point
Standard- 250xp, 25 gold, 1 Skill Point

Rewards stack, so the max reward on a mission is 2000xp, 200 gold, and 3
skill points.
17. Primary Training
Once your party completes the mission, you will drop in an explorable
area near an NPC named First Spear Dehvad. Speak with him to gain the quest
"Primary Training." Based on your profession, you will need to talk to at
least 1 expert in that area to compelte the quest. However, since each
expert teachs you skills, its in your best interest to talk to both NPCs
from your chosen profession. As this guide is updated all professions will
be listed along with the skills received.

17a) Dervish
If you decided to be a Dervish, you are lucky because I did too, so this
section is updated first. Run around until you find Lisha and Nagozi. Talk
to both of them to learn 5 skills. Lisha teachs you Chilling Victory and
Cripping Sweep. Nagozi tosses in Whirling Charge, Heart of the Holy Flame,
and Grenth's Fingers. Once you have beat up a few target dolls if you want
to test the skills return to First Spear Dehvad.

ALL Professions
Have a chat with Devhad to pick up 250xp, 50 gold,
and 5 Sunspear Promotion Points. Devhad will also teach you 1 more skill
from your profession. FOr Dervish this is Imbune Health. Devhad will also
now offer you a new quest "Honing your SKills." To have further dealings with
Devhad, you must be level 5. By now you should be level 3 or so, but still 2
to go. Talk to Second Spear Binah to enter Kamadan- Jewel or Istan the first
town of the game.
18. Nightfall Mechanics
There are a few things that directly impact the gameplay of Nightfall
that actually need to be mentioned in this guide. Not so much to tell you
how great the game is, but tell you how to use the new features.

18a) Heroes

There are tweleve heroes in the game that will join you through the game.
You may have 3 heroes in your party at any given time. Heroes are like
Henchman, but the player has vastly more control over them. The player
can select the skills a Hero can use, choose their secondary profession,
and directly control the Hero in battle if he/she wishes. The Hero can be
given weapons/shields by a player or have runes added to their armor. The
armor itself auto upgrades as levels are gained, but addtional upgrade
options can be purchases in towns. Any skills a player has unlocked
on their account in the primary profession of the Hero is avaiable for
that Hero to use. So, owning another Guild Wars game gives you a head
start with your heroes. Elites can be used by Heroes even at early levels.
The first hero granted to you is Koss a warrior. As I play through the game,
I will provide a complete list of Heroes and their professions here.

List of Heroes:

Koss- Warrior
Dunkoro- Monk
Melonni- Devrish

18b) Sunspear Promotion Points
Directly related to Heroes are Sunspear Promotion Points. As you gain them,
you advanced in ranks and are granted titles. For each rank gained, you earn
1 hero skill point. Some towns have special Hero skill trainers which sell
Hero only skills. Each skill costs 1 point. No gold is required to buy a
Hero skill. The attibute quests for the 30 attribute points not gained by
leveling are also earned by advancing in ranks. There are various ways
to earn points, the easiest being completing quests and slaying foes of
the proper type (more on this in the next seciton).

The ranks are as follows, number of points required are in ().

Sunspear Sergant- 50 Points
Sunspear Master Sergant (100)*
Sunspear Second Spear (175)
Sunspear First Spear (300)*
Sunspear Captain (500)
Sunspear Commander (1,000)
Sunspear General (2,500)
Sunspear Castellan (7,500)
Sunspear Spearmarshal (15,000)

*When acheiving this rank you will earn 15 attribute points and 2000xp
after speaking to Runduk in Sunspear Great Hall.
19. Kamadan- Jewel of Istan

Now with Section 18 out of the way, so you understand the basics of
Heroes and points, lets return to the game itself. You should be around
level 3 at this point and standing in Kamadan the first town. There
are quite a few quests here to complete. The order I give the quests is
not the only order in which to complete them, that is compeltely up to you.
However, the order I list them is the quickest way to get 100 Sunspear
Promotion points, 15 attribute points, and reach level 5. First, I will
list the quests in the standard format used in this guide, and then
explain the order I used. So either way you are set.

Quest Name: Honing Your Skills
Given by: First Spear Dehvad
Difficulty: N/A
Objective: Reach Level 5
Tips: Read the walkthrough below on how to reach Level 5. Talk to Dehvad
once you do.

Reward: 500xp, 50 good 10 Sunspear Promotion Points
Quests Given Next: Secondary Training and Command Training

Quest Name: A Personal Vault
Given by: Xunlai Agent Juah
Difficulty: If you can complete this quest, quit the game right now
Objective: Open a storage account
Tips: Talk to Juah to pick up the quest and then talk to the Xunlai
agent next to her to access your storage. Since this is the first time,
you will be charged 50 gold. No problem, since we gained 200 on the
mission. After opening the account (and getting the storage upgrade for
another 50 gold too) chat with Juah again to pick up 500xp. Easy eh?
Quest Name: Need More Stuff
Given by: Nenah (Collector)
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: Slay Juenvile Termites until they drop 2 legs.
Tips: As the objective suggests, so kill juenvile termites until you
get 2 legs. Return to Nenah for your reward.

Reward given by Nenah: 500xp, 50 gold, 5 Sunspear Promotion Points,
Belt Pouch, Battle Commendation (can be traded to NPCs for salvage kits,
bags, and ID kits)
Quest Name: Armored Transport
Given by: Mehino (Armor)
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: Meet Dengo in Plains of Jarin and escort him to Sunspear
Great Hall.
Tips: Before activting Dengo, clear the area on the path to the Hall
over monsters. Otherwise Dengo stops for every single one which is annoying.
This way, he only stops once, where you must dispatch 4 corsair. Easy.
Once he gets to Great Hall, you are done. Return to Mehino for your reward.

Reward: 500xp, 20 gold, 5 Sunspear Points (SPP from now on- if you dont
mind!), 2 Tanned Hide Squares, 2 Bolts of Cloth
Quest Name: Material Girl
Given by: Kahlm
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: Talk to Pelei in Plains of Jarin and kill 10 Killer Iboga.
Tips: If you want to do this quest, do not kill any Iboga because you
need them for the quest. Talk to Pelei, (near the door to the east) to
active the quest. Kill 10 and talk to Pelei again. Return to Kahlm for
your reward. Further enchance your cause by having a chat with the Sunspear
Scout by the Rez Point to pick up double XP and 1 SPP for each plant you kill.

Reward from Kahlm: 500xp, 100 gold, 5 SPP, Expert Salvage Kit

Quest Name: Map Travel Inventor
Given by: Mauban in Plains of Jarin
Difficulty: Depends on how hard it is to press M on the keyboard
Objective: Map travel back to Kamadan and speak with Alekaya.
Tips: Pick up this quest from Mauban, who is near the door of the
Sunspear Great Hall on the eastern side. Map back to Kamadan and find
his mother Alekaya. Talk to her twice to get your reward.

Reward: 250xp, 50 gold
Quest Name: Nehdoka's Hog Hunt
Given by: Nehdoka in Plains of Jarin
Difficulty: Pretty Easy
Objective: Lead Nehdoka to the shore and protect him while he tames a
Tips: It is easier to clear out the area around the water west of
the Sunspear Great Hall before picking up Nehdoka. Otherwise, he likes
to get involved in fights, and manages to get killed rather easily.
If you clear the area first, there is no fighting on this quest, just
leading him to the shore and back to Yapano.

Reward: 1000xp, 100gp, 10 SPP
Quest Name: Rising in the Ranks Master Sergent
Given by: Runduk in Sunspear Great Hall
Difficulty: N/A
Objective: Gather 100 SPP
Tips: Read the walkthrough below for the fastest way of using these
quests to get to 100. Once you get 100 return to Runduk for your reward.

Reward: 2000xp, 15 Attribute points
How to get to Level 5 and 15 Attribute Points:

The quests above can be done in any order of course, but the way I did
it seemed the easier. I used my Dervish, Koss, a monk hench, and a
Paragon, though any combination will most likely do as long as there
is 1 healer. From Kamadan, head out into the Plains of Jarin. First all,
speak with the Sunspear Scout by the Rez Point and accept his offer. He
will give you a special skill that doubles your XP and awards you 1 SPP
for every plant monster you kill. Not bad. Your first step is to clear
the path from Dengo to the Sunspear Great Hall to the north. Do not
talk to Dengo yet, because he will fight everything which is annoying.
Avoid killing insects for the moment that you might see, just take out
the plants. Once you reach the Sunspear Great Hall, locate the other
Rez Point and another Sunspear Scout. This one will give you the same
double xp and 1 SPP for insects. Now return to Dengo taking out the
insects in the way on this pass. Pick up Dengo and follow him to
the Great Hall. You will have to dispatch 4 Corsair on the way, but
nothing else. Easy eh? After this, head west and start clearing out
everything from the Great Hall to the shore. You will encounter several
Juvenile Termites which might drop the 2 legs you need for "Need More
Stuff." Once you get to the shore and all the monsters have been cleared,
return to The Great Hall and pick up Nehdoka. Lead him back to the western
shore, where we will tame a hog. Lead him back to Yapano to complete
the Hog Hunt quest. Now go back to the water and start exploring. There
will be two packs of termites to clear out which should give you at least
the 2 legs you need. You can sell the extras in town to people who don't
want to find them for some extra gold. Avoid killing any Scale monsters for
the moment. In the swamp (I guess thats close enough) there is a 3rd Rez
Point and another Sunspear Scout who gives you double XP and 1SPP per scale.
Now with all three active, clear out everything in the Plains of Jarin.
This should get you to around 130 SPP, and enough for the first attribute
point quest and Level 5. Easy eh? Once you get done killing things walk back
to the SUnspeear Great Hall and enter. Have a chat with Rundok to pick up your
rank of Master Sergant, 2000xp, and 15 attribute points. Step back outside and
find Mauban to the east of the Hall. Pick up his quest, and map travel (M) back
to Kamadan and locate Alekaya. Talk to her twice to pick up a quick 250xp and 50
gold. Get your other rewards while you are here as well to reach Level 5.
Return to Dehvad and complete Honing your Skills. Now it is time to pick up
a secondary profession.

20. Secondary Training

So now, you are Level Five and have two new quest from Devhad, Secondary
Training and Command Training. Yes, I realize there are more quests you
can do in Kamadan, but getting a secondary is important, so let's do this
first. Once you talk to Devhad and get the quests proceed to talk to Second
Spear Binah to return the Chanbek Village. Talk to Devhad and then go talk
to one of the Experts in the Secondary Profession of your choice. Consult
Section 3 Professions for information about the various professions. Once
you choose one the expert will give you 2 skills. Return to Devhad to receive
500xp, 50 gold, 5 SPP, and Battle Commendation or BC. Pick your secondary
to get 500xp more and another 50 gold. He will then give you the quest Leaving
a Legacy. More on this one in a moment. Also in the same explorable is an NPC
named Tactian Hai. He is almost back at the village on top of a platform. Go
find him and talk to him to start Command Training. In this quest your Hero
(and hench if you have any) must conquer three areas on the map without your
help. Talk to Haj to start the quest. See the numbers under the compass? Click
the 1 and then find the pilar labeled "Area One" on the map and click it. A
flag will appear on the map, and Koss will travel there. When "Area One" in
the upper left of your screen turns Blue, move on to Area 2. Koss will have to
take out 2 simple monsters here, no problem. If you want to control Koss, click
the 1 next to his name in the Party Window (P). This will bring up the skills
Koss has equipped. Click on a skill to use it. Once Koss dispatches the 2
monsters, and the Area Two turns Blue, repeat for area 3. After all 3 are
blue, return Koss to Area 1 to compelte the quest. Talk to Devhad back at the
start to pick up 250xp and 125 gold.

Before going any further, I would recommend going ahead and killing monsters
in the Plains of Jarin to get 300 SPP and the rank of First Spear. You will
also reach Level 6 in the process. Also if you want, compelte all the optional
quests in Kamadan. I will detail those in a future update. One easy quest
that will help you is detailed below.
Quest Name: Suwash the Pirate
Given by: Sehti in Sunspear Great Hall
Difficulty: Pretty Easy
Objective: Locate Suwash the Pirate
Tips: Return to the Plains of Jarin and follow your quest arrow to locate
the first group of Corsair. You will have to dispatch 4 small groups
to complete the quest. Head west from the start, all four groups are
this way, with 1 at the beginning of the swamp, 2 and 3 in the swamp,
and 4 on the other side. After taking out all 4 groups talk to Suwash to
complete the quest. Return to Sehti for your reward.

Reward: 500xp, 50 gold, 5 SPP
21. Leaving a Legacy- The Quest to Jokanur Diggins

Now that you have 300 Sunspear Promotion Points return to the Sunspear
Great Hall and talk to Runduk to pick up 2000xp and 15 more attribute
points. Congrads, you have all 30 bonus ones now! Go back out into Plains
of Jarin and head west. If you didn't go the quest I talked about just above
before, you mind as well do it now as its on the way to Champions Dawn, which
is to the west across the swamp. Once you reach Champions Dawn enter. This is
an outpost, and your henchman will increase in level to 6 from 3 for the next
quest. Anyway, once you enter on the right talk to Mufuun to pick up the quest
Scholarly Affairs. Its right on the way to where we are going, so no point
in passing it up. Once you do this, locate Quarrymaster Bohanna and talk to him.
He will give you orders to meet Dunkoro in Cliffs of Dohjolo. So gather your
party or hench and proceed to the Cliffs. Once out there, talk to both Zerai
and Dunkoro. Once you talk to Dunkoro, the next part of the quest will appear
which is to talk to Hamer on the other side of the area. The reason we
picked up Zerai as well, as for this quest you must dispatch 12 Beautiful
Ibogas and pick up their blossoms. There are 12 in the area around the path,
and since they are level 10, it's good experience points. Follow your quest
arrow toward Hamar and you will find 3 Beautiful Ibogas on the path. Kill them
and pick them their blossoms before moving on the path. Further down the path,
there will be 2 or 3 more Iboga, but do not kill them yet. On the east side, you
will see a Rez Point and a Sunspear Scout. Talk to him to get double XP and 1
SPP per plant, then take out the Iboga for about 50 xp each. Pick up the
blossomsof course as well. Go around to the right when the path splits,
unless you want to fight some level 12 monsters. Most likely that is not a
good idea at this point. Hamar will be standing there with some bodyguards.
Talk to him to move the quest along.

Now you have to take out 5 groups of Skee. There is Rez Point to your right
which will give you double xp and 1 SPP for the skee so take advantage. Lead
Hamar using your quest arrow to the first group of skee at a brige. Groups 1
2 will end up being one and because of the bridge they cannot scatter. So AoE
spells like Fire Storm work great here. Move along in the open area along the
beach I guess and take out the other 3 groups. With a party of four, Dunkoro
who is a monk and the bodyguards this is really easy. Once you take out all
five groups the quest will update and tell you to have a visit with Diggmaster
Gatah in Jokanor Diggins. Well, it just so happens Zerai wants to go there too!
So, this is why we did both quests at once. On the path to Jakanor, there will
be five or six more Beautiful Ibogas which will get you to 12. Once you get to
Jokanor, wait for Zerai to enter and the quest to update before you do. Welcome
to Jokanor Diggins!

Reward for Scholarly Affairs from Midauha: 250xp, 50 gold, 10 SPP, BC

Reward for Leaving a Legacy from Digmaster Gatch: 1000xp, Dunkoro
becomes available to your party, 125 gold, 10 SPP

Below is the typical quick reference for quests:

Quest Name: Leaving a Legacy
Given by: First Spear Devhad in Kamadan
Difficulty: Pretty Easy
Objective: Take out 5 groups of Skee aftering contacting Hamar and then
escort Dunkoro to Jokanor Diggins

Quest Name: Scholarly Affairs
Given by: Mufunn in Champions Dawn
Objective: Escort Zerai to Jokanor Diggins after collecting 12 Beautiful
Iboga Blossoms from monsters in Cliffs of Dohjolo.

22. The Path to the Mission of Jokanor Diggins

Oddly enough the path to the mission of Jokanor Diggins starts at Jokanor
Diggins. There are two quests we must complete, and another Hero to unlock
before the mission becomes avaiable. After completing "Leaving a Legacy"
Digmaster Gatah will offer you "The Honorable General." Accept this quest
and prepare your party. Make sure Dunkoro is in your party and give him
all healing spells. This will help you greatly. If you have it unlocked
you can even equip him with Mending, cast it on your yourself, then disable
it so he wont spam it on everyone. You must be of rank Second Spear to start
this quest, but if you are following this walkthrough you are already First

Leave out of the portal into Zehlon Reach. The monsters here are levels 8 to
13, so they will be a bit more difficult. If you have been following this
walkthrough, you should be Level 7, so it won't be a big problem. The hench
here are Level 9. Make sure to chat with the Sunspear Scout to pick up the
Insect Bonus, and then head east into the water. You will have to fight
several groups of termintes and lances on the way. Grub Lances are monks, so
take them out first so they cannot heal the termintes. AoE spells work nicely
here, as the monsters tend to travel in packs. On the edge of the lake there
is a 2nd Rez Point offering Plant Hunt. Pick that up, because there some
plants to kill. Once you get the Hunt start going almost west until you find an
NPC named Hatuk. Ignore his quest from the moment, but just to the west of him
is the path we need to continue. Head up the path, taking out the monsters you
see, amd talk to General Morgahn.

You have three minutes to defeat all the Kourons in the area or kill more of
them then they kill of your party. This is not very hard, but find the monk
(look for the one casting monk spells) and take him out first. Then the rest
is easy. I took them all out in around 2 minutes. Once you do this, the quest
will update. Enter The Astralarium and speak with Emissary Dijmir to
pick up your reward. Dajmir will offer you the next primary quest which is
Signs and Portants.

Koss must be in your party in order to complete this quest. If you are playing
with a friend, only 1 player needs to bring Koss along. Return to Zehlon Reach
and talk to Dajmir to start the quest. The objective of the quest is to locate
your third Hero Melonni. Move back down the path towards Hatuk. If you want to
score an easy 1000xp accept his quest as its right on the way. Move west across
the lake back towards Jokanor Diggins. There will be several plant monsters
around, take care of them and locate the Great Fire Flower, a Lv 10 monster.
Take it out quickly and then talk to Hatuk to pick up 1000xp and 100 gold.
Keep heading west, and Melonni will be in front of the lake. Talk to her
to start a small cutscene. After the scene, take Melonni back to Joknar Diggins
and examine the Inscribed Wall (click on it) to start another cutscene. When
its over, talk to Digmaster Gatch to get your reward. The mission is now
accessable. The quests talked about in this section are broken down below with
their rewards.

Quest Name: The Honorable General
Given by: Digmaster Gatch in Jokonar Diggins
Requirment: Rank of Sunspear Second Spear or Greater
Objective: Prove yourself worthy to General Morgahn

Reward from Emissary Dajmir: 2000xp, 250 gold, 20 SPP, and 1 BC

Quest Name: Signs and Portants
Given by: Emissary Dajmir in The Astralarium
Objective: Locate Melonni and take her back to Jokonar Diggins

Reward from Digmaster Gatah: 1500xp, Melonni becomes a Hero, 125 gold, 15 SPP

Quest Name: Great Fire Flower
Given by Hatuk in Zehlon Reach
Objective: Kill a Level 10 Fire Flower for Hatuk

Reward from Hatuk: 1000xp, 100 gold

23. Misson at Jokanor Diggings

Gather your party, and make sure Melonni is added in the party, because she is
required for the mission to start. Once in the mission area, Kormir joins the
party, and she will remain with you for the duration of the mission. Anyway,
start off heading North and a little west towards the big castle looking thing
on your map. This is where the entire mission takes place. There are four trials
you must pass in order to complete the mission: Stone, Fire, Perseverance, and
a Boss fight. In the trial of stone, you must defeat all the Restless Dead and
Restless Corspes in the chamber, and then take out a LV 12 Darehk the Quick
who is running around with a stone tablet. Once you defeat him, there will be a
pedistal by the door at the left of the start on which to put the tablet on.
This will open the door to the next area, Fire. Before we move on to Fire, a
few words on the Trial of Stone. The stone columns will shoot out darts which
turns the screen a greenish colour and afflicts you with health degen of 1 for
10 seconds. Try to avoid them. Certainly avoid the Stone Crushers which will
result in an instant death. Death Penalty is not assessed on deaths that occur
this way however, nor does it count to your total.

Anyway, the Restless Corpses are warrior types and the Restless Dead are
Necromancer who spam Deadly Swarn and Vile touch. You will also see
Level 12 Sunspear Ghosts roaming around. DO NOT KILL THEM. The reward level
for the mission depends on how many of these stay alive.

Back to the mission now, and the Trial of Fire. Here there are two stone
tablets laying on the ground, once right at the start and one up the steps
to the right of the start. There are also Restless Dead and Corspes around.
Deal with them as you move along. There are three places in this chamber where
there are 2 large columns on either side of the path. Every 10-20 seconds a
line of fire will shoot from one column to the other. If you happen to be
standing in the middle, expect about 150 damage plus being set of fire. To
avoid being caught in the middle. Lure the monsters away, so Kormir won't get
catch in the middle either. Take both stone tablets and place them on the
two pedistals by the door at the far end of the chamber to open the door.
This completes the Trial of Fire.

Next up is the Trial of Perseverance in which you must guard a level 12 NPC,
Kahdash while he places a stone tablet. Just focus on wiping out all the
monsters in the area, and Kahdash should not have to many problems staying
alive. He does a good job running around where spawn points. Once he places
the tablet, the final door will open to a cutscene showing a stone tablet which
can change forms change to a monster. This is the boss for the mission.

Anyway, clear out the chamber to the left and middle of all the monsters before
going after the boss who is a real pain in the ass. He is a Lv 13, who can use
skills from three classses including elites. Once you clear out the area of the
undead, you can tackle the boss: Apocrypha. He will use skills from Devrish,
Mesmer, and Paragon classes. His elite is the Mesmer skill Crippling Anguish.

Have you party wail on him, and make sure your monk heals everyone as Apocrypha
can dish out damage rather quickly. After a while, you will finally defeat him
which will conclude the mission via a cutscene. The reward breakdown is as
follows for this mission:

Master- 2000xp, 200 gold, 1 skill point
Expert- 1500xp, 150 gold, 1 skill point
Standard- 1000xp, 100 gold, 1 skill point

Again the rewards stack so the max reward is 4500xp, 450 gold, and 3 skill
points. To acheive masters, all Sunspear Ghosts must remain alive. If one dies
Expert level is acheive. If both die, Standard reward is given.

Once the mission is over you will be back in Kamadan, and First Spear Devhad
will have a new quest for you: Isle of the Dead.
24. THe Path to Blacktide Den
Once you accept the quest Isle of the Dead from Devhad, map yourself to
Champion's Dawn. Gather your party, and leave out into the Cliffs of Dohjok.
Go southeast towards the mine, and locate the 2nd Rez point at the top of the
hill. Just to the south, you will find the squad led by Nerash. The quest will
update and you will be directed to Issnar Isles to take out some undead
monsters. Head to the south and look for a path going down in between two
rocks. This path will lead around and up to an outpost called Bekor Harbor.
Enter the outpost which allows for a party size of 8! Well add 4 more hench
or players to your party and prepare to leave out the door to Issnar Isles.
If your party contains a Devrish or Monk equip a spell that deals holy damage.
It will double the damage dealt to all the Undead! If you don't have either,
bring Melonni and equip her with Heart of the Holy Flame. Make sure to keep
it up on her at all times.

The object here is clear out four groups of lv 15 undead. They will be in packs
of four or five (usually 4) roaming around the area. When you attack one, they
will all swarn so be ready. Try to lure them away from the normal creatures
that are already here before attacking, having Lv 15 Scales and 4 Undead, is
not a pleasent thing. The first group wil be right near the door alone.
Dispatch them and move into the water and cross it. Walk up to the Rez Point on
the other side and pick up Corsair Bounty from the Scout. Now you get the usual
bonus (double XP + 1SPP) for each Corsair you slay. MOve forward, when you see
the Corsairs, stand there for a few minutes. It seems as if the Corsair don't
like the Undead, and they will take out the 2nd group for you! How nice of them
eh? Well once the Undead are gone, move forward and dispatch the Corsairs. Keep
moving east past where the Corsair were, and group 3 will be back in the water.
Get rid of them and start to move north, up the hill and cross the big bridge
to meet Group 4. Now the quest will update, and tell you there are 3 more
groups in Melntani Keys you need to take out. Move SE and find the portal for
Kodlano Hamlet which is another outpost.

Once you are ready, leave out into Mehtani Keys. The first group of Undead is
just east of the drop point. Take them out as usual, and then follow the water
until you see a path on the right going up. Head up the path, and cross a
bridge. The 2nd group of Undead is just across the bridge. Be careful of the
Corsair in the area as well. Take the other path you see back down the hill
so you can run under the bridge. Run back in the water towards the Rez Point
on the other side. Just beyond this is group 3 with some Corsair. This time
the Corsair don't seem so eagar to help you so you will have to fight both
sets of monsters at the same time. Try to lure the Undead away from the Corsair
and dispatch them first, then focus on the Corsair. Once you clean up the Undead
(you don't have to kill the Corsair, but it's good XP), return to Devhad to
collect your reward which is 1000xp, 100 gold, and 10 SPP. A new quest will be
offered now called "Bad Tide Rising."

Once you get the quest, gather your party and leave via the portal to Sun
Docks. Here you will meet up with General Yurukaro. He will tell you to protect
Kamadan from some monsters. There are 10 or so of them and all Level 12. They
are of the variety from the Underworld or Fissure of Woe just much lower levels.
However, they are still Chaos monsters, so be careful. Once you kill them all,
(and close the rifts) return to Devhad from your reward. (1000xp, 100g, 10SPP)
You will then pick up a new quest again, this one is called "Special Delivery."

Return to SUn Docks once getting the quest and speak with General Hayao this
time. He will deploy some troops and send you to talk to Castellan Puuba in the
Sunspear Great Hall. Map there and chat with her. She will tell you to go find
Jerek in Issnar Isle and give him some orders. Map to Kodlano Hamlet, and up
your party to 8. Leave out to Isle and go due West to find Jerek. He will want
you to fight him! He is lv 20, but pathetically easy since you have 8 people.
Once you bash him to 5% health, he will decide to talk to you. Return to Puuba
in Sunspear Great Hall to collect your reward. (1000XP 100g, 10SPP)

Puuba will offer you a new quest called "Big News Small Package." Gather your
party and go out into the Plains of Jarin to find Jerek. Talk to him and return
to Kodlano Hamlet. Get your party up to 8 and leave out to Mehtani Keys. Go SE
across the water and down the beach to find a 20 gold and a Cryptic Scroll
Piece. Take it back to Jerek in Jarin to pick up your reward. (1000xp, Tahlkora
joins, 125 gold, 10SPP)

You now have four heroes! Jerek will give you a quest called "Following the
Trail. Tahlkora must be in your party in order to do this quest. Map out to
Champion's Dawn and leave to Cliffs of Dahjok. There are groups of Corsairs
here roaming around. Each group will have 4 or 5 Corsair and 1 boss type
monster. The Corsair Captains carry the Cryptic Scroll Pieces. You will to find
5 more (so you have 6 total).

This quest is the hardest one you have attempted thus far. There are 5 groups
of Corsair roaming around the Cliffs and you must take out all of them. Each
group as noted, contains 5 or so Corsair Thugs/Captains etc and then one Lv 14
or 15 Boss character who carries the Scroll Piece. Just follow your quest arrow
and slowly take out each group. Try to take out the other non-Corsair monsters
first, so they don't aggro in making the quest even more difficult. Once you
get all but the last piece, you will have to talk to Captain Mindhebehh. Once
you do there will be a cutscene and you will be teleported to Blacktide Den.
Have a word with Savage Nunbe for your reward. (1000xp, 100g, 100SPP). Now
the group size goes back to eight and prepare for the mission of Blacktide

25. Mission at Blacktide Den

This mission started off the marsh/swamp whatever you want to call it. The
objective is simple, just make it to the end and kill everything in your path.
However, this will only get you the standard reward. You have to do a bit more
to get Expert or Master. The reward level is based on how many Rinkhal Monitors
you kill. Expert is 3 or more and Master is all 5. Anyway, when you start the
mission you are going to be heading south/southwest. The monsters will be
Skale levels 13 to 15 with a few level 17 bosses mixed in. The wrong paths will
be blocked off by Corsair. Heading south you will come to a clearing with
monsters in which you must fight. This is the Ironfist Envoy. Once you clear
them out you can steal their gear and look like Corsair.

Clear it out to start the 2nd half of the mission which is following an NPC
Captain Besuz and killing monsters. One of the Monitors you have to kill is
right on the path. Around the middle of the mission area there is one path
to the east (left) thats is not blocked by Corsair. Take this path and proceed
to the left to find 2 more monitors. Three down, two to go. Return to the Cap't
to follow him and clear out the groups. The Captain will lead you to Kahyet.
One of your heroes blows your cover that you are not even Corsair so Kahyet
and the Captain turn hostile along with two Level 12 Grasping Chaos monsters.
Take all five down to end the mission. However, don't kill them all just yet.
Instead, kill all but 1 of the Chaos monsters and head back up the path. Look
for an opening on the left with Skale. Follow this path until it ends. Along
the way you will find your last two Rinkhal Monitors. With all five dead,
return to the end area finish off the Chaos monster to end the mission with
Master reward. Rewards are as follows:

Master- 2000xp, 200 gold, 1 skill point
Expert- 1500xp, 150 gold, 1 skill point
Standard- 1000xp, 100 gold, 1 skill point

Again the rewards stack so the max reward is 4500xp, 450 gold, and 3 skill

A little more on the fight at the end. Since you have 8 people, even though
Kahyet is level 18 and the Captain is level 15, this fight should be very easy.
I just took out the Cap't and then Kahyet. They won't follow you very far past
the end area, so if you get in trouble just retreat. When the mission ends you
are in the Sunspear Great Hall. Puuba has a quest for you, "The Iron Truth."
Take this quest to continue the storyline.

26. Path to Consulte Docks

After getting "The Iron Truth" go talk to Jerek in Plains of Jarin. Then map
yourself to Blacktide Den and talk with Savage Nunbe. Next, gather your party
and head to the Mehtani Keys. Your objective here is to defeat Ironfist on the
SE corner of the map. There will be lots of Corsair on the path, so be careful.
Follow the path, there is only really one way to go, and you will cross two
bridges enroute to Ironfist. WHen you get there, be careful Ironfish is level
21. However, with 8 people he is not very hard. After you clean up the area,
talk to him. Then return to Jerek for your reward, and a new quest "Trial by
Fire." Reward: 1500xp, 125gold, and 15 SPP.

The new quest is LAME. I guess they cannot be all good though eh? Talk to Jerek
and tell him you are ready to go to court. You are in a court trying to
convince people to believe the Sunspears. Well whatever. When the Elder tells
you to summon a witness pick Dunkoro. He will run his mouth and the general
will ask you a question. Select the 2nd answer: Without us Apocrypha would have
killed hundreds of people." Next, send for Ironfist. After he talks it up for
a while, the answer to the next question is: "We stopped the next Corsair
invasion." Finally, send for Melonni and listen to her. Answer the final
question: "We are at peace with Kourna." After the lameness is over, report to
Puuba for your reward: 1500xp, 125gold, and 15 SPP.

Puuba now offers you three quests: War Preprations: Recruiting Training, Wind
and Water and Ghost Reconnaissance. You can do them in any order you want, and
they are all very easy. Lets start with Recruit Training. Go into Plains of
Jarin and find Kormir. Then talk to Nerashi and take the Sunspear Recruits SW
to the shore and take care of the monsters there. Very easy. Return and talk
to Ahtok, and then Rojis. Recruit Training Complete.

Next, map yourself to Kodlano Hamlet and speak with Captain Bolduhr. Go out
into Mehtani Keys and find some Sailors wanting to perform a ritual. Defend
them from Level 15 Water Djinn. There are around 10 of them, and they are easy.
After you finish all of them, Kinya Kela will appear. Talk to her, to receive
the "Blessings of Wind and Water." Part 2 complete.

Finally, map to Blacktide Den, gather your party and exit into Lahtenda Bog.
Follow your quest area, pretty much due south until the path ends at an altar/
platform. Use the /kneel command in front of it to summon three level 12
ghosts. All three are stupid easy, so take them out in any order. Alright
Part 3 done.

Return to Sunspear Great Hall and talk to Puuba to pick up 1500xp, 125g, and 15
SPP for each of the three quests. Also get the quest "The Time is Nigh" from
her. You must be the rank of Sunspear Captain to accept this quest, but if you
have been following this walkthrough, you should be at that rank already. Map
to Kamadan and talk to Second Spear Binah to gain entry to Churrhir Fields.
Listen to Kormir babble uselessly about stupid things and then talk to her
when the quest updates. Return to Kamadan and go to the Consulate and talk to
Assistant Hahnna. She will send you to Consulte Docks where you can pick up
your reward from Raidmarshal Mehdara. He will also offer you the next mission
when you are ready. The reward is the standard one: 1500xp, 125g, 15SPP.

Now, if you have one of the other two Guild Wars games, you can take your Elona
character to those games. Even if you have no interest in ever playing your
Elona characters in other areas, do the quests because its an easy 2500xp for
each one. So, owning both games gets you a quick 5000xp! There are two NPCs
in Kamadan by the docks that offer you the quests. Both of them have you go
find Mehlno in Consulte Docks, and he sends you the the proper area. The reward
as I said for each one is 2500xp. There is no fighting required on either
quest. When you are finished (if you did it) with the sideshow, the next step
in the mission at Consulte Docks. First, I would recommend getting to around
Level 17. Go do side quests to level up. I will add in side quests in a later
27. Mission at Consulte Docks

The mission is annoying. All party members will have 600 health and 80 armor
which helps vastly here. The object of the mission is basically to wipe out
all the enemies in the area. There are a lot of them ranging in level 16 to
24. A more detailed breakdown of this mission will follow in a future update.
When the mission is over, you will lose Koss, so your first objective on the
mainland is to get him back.

28. Koss is Captured!

After the mission you will land at Yohlon Haven. Proceed to speak with Sunspear
Modiki. Who will give you a quest called "Haunted!" to begin the recuse of
Koss. Step one is to talk to Zudash Dejarin who is located in in Yoholn Haven
by the exit. Once talking to him exit into the explorable Marya Coast. Make
sure to speak with the wandering priest to pick up a bonus for insects. Double
XP and 4 SPP instead of just 1! Follow the path, N/NW around the rocks to
find Elder Jonah in a "town" part of the explorable. There is a merchant here
as well. When I ran this quest, there were 2 chests in the area that both
yielded gold items. The keys are 450g a piece. So, go for it if you wish.
When finished, speak to Guardsman Bahsi to enter the underground complex. Clear
out the area of monsters (just follow the quest arrow around). The queens are
monks and there is one lv 26 boss in this area. The rest are just garden
variety insects. Once you clear out the last group, a cutscene will follow.
The area will be converted to the Sunspear Sancuary. Talk to Loni to pick up
your reward (2500xp, 200g, 100SPP).

Loni will give you a new quest.

Section III- Nightfall from Previous Games

A. Nightfall from Cantha (Factions)

If you are at level 20 and want to take a Factions character to Elona
and play Nightfall content start by talking to Imperial Guard Linro in Kaineng
Center. He will offer you two quests: "SUnspears in Cantha" and a second quest
[Insert Name Here] that allows you to get a special hero for owning Factions.
For now, we will cover actually going to Elona. After you take the quest,
gather a party of 8 of either players or hench and proceed to Bejunkan Pier.
Here you will find Kormir, our hero from Elona. Talk to here and accept her
quest which will transport you to Kaineng Center as an explorable area which
is under attack. There are four chaos rifts here and lots of lv 24 and 28
monsters. Clear the 4 chaos portals by attacking the monsters directly around
them. YOu will pretty much have to clear the entire area to proceed. It is not
hard really, just there are quite a few of them. Once you clear all 4 portals,
a timer will start to count down and you will return to the Pier. Talk to
Kormir again and you will be transported to Sun Docks. Pick up your reward of
1000xp from Seamarshal Bendro. He will then offer you a quest called "Battle
Preparations." Accept this quest and proceed to the Plains of Jarin, which
is accessable outside of Kamadan.

Once outside on the Plains, talk to Kormir. This will cause 4 heroes to be
unlocked for your use: Koss, Dunkoro, Melonni, and Tahlkara. Tahlkara will
also learn Shield of Absorption. Once you are done here return to Kamadan
and talk to First Spear Dehvad. Before you leave, fix your Heroes skills.
Any skill unlocked on your account is avaiable, so upgrade them from their
defaults. This won't matter now, but will soon. You can also give your heroes
any secondary profession you wish.Now talk to Second Spear Binch to enter
Churrnir Fields, after adding one hero (does not matter who) to your party.
You will have to complete the Command Training quest here.

To begin talk to Tactian Hai. In this quest your Hero (and hench if you have
any) must conquer three areas on the map without your help. Talk to Haj to
start the quest. See the numbers under the compass? Click the 1 and then find
the pilar labeled "Area One" on the map and click it. Aflag will appear on the
map, and Koss will travel there. When "Area One" in the upper left of your
screen turns Blue, move on to Area 2. Koss will have to take out 2 simple
monsters here, no problem. If you want to control Koss, click the 1 next to his
name in the Party Window (P). This will bring up the skills Koss has equipped.
Click on a skill to use it. Once Koss dispatches the 2 monsters, and the Area
Two turns Blue, repeat for area 3. After all 3 are blue, return Koss to Area 1
to compelte the quest. Talk to Devhad back at the start to pick up 250xp and
125 gold. Since I am lazy, and just copy and pasted this from above, Koss can
mean whatever hero you brought along. However, since Koss is a warrior, he is
the best one to bring probably.

After completing Command Training, Devhad will send you to the Sunspear Great
Hall to see Costellan Puuba. Travel there by going into the Plains of Jarin
and going north and a little west into the desert. Puuba is on the left as you
enter the Great Hall. She will give you 1500xp, 15 SPP, and a BC. She will also
offer the a quest "The Time is Nigh." Accept this quest and return to Churrnir
Fields. Listen to Kormir babble by the shore with the Sunspears and then talk
to her. This will start a cutscene. After she is finished, return to Kamadan,
and leave through the exit to the Consolate. Talk to Asst Hahnna. When you
are done, you will be in Consolate Docks a mission area. Speak with Raid-
marshall Mahdara to finish the quest and pick up 1500xp, 125 gold, and 15 SPP.

From here on out, the story joins the main game, so refer to the "Mission at
Consolate Docks" above to continue with the walkthrough.
Section IV- Hard Mode

On April 19, Arena Net added a new mode to Guild Wars called "Hard Mode." This
mode is vastly more difficult then the old game, now called "Normal Mode." To
access Hard Mode, you need to of beaten one of the three GW games at least once.
All level 20 characters on your account will then have access to Hard Mode for
that game. I will have notes for Hard Mode in the mission write-ups for each
mission describing the differences.

To access Hard Mode- just click on the Red Helment at the top of you party
window. The map will change, and the fun begins!

X. Legal

Entire guide copyright 2006 by Justin Crompton. All rights reserved.
Guid Wars Factions & Guild Wars Nightfall are a registered trademarks of
Arenanet. All other trademarkers are the property of their owners.

You not under any condition sell this guide or otherwise profit from it.
This guide is written solely to benefit the Guild Wars community. If you
find this guide a website other than GameFAQs, NeoSeeker, or
please email me at: The latest guide will always appear
at these sites, and they are the ONLY sites authorized to display this guide.
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