Nancy Drew - Treasure in the Royal Tower

Nancy Drew - Treasure in the Royal Tower

16.10.2013 23:47:39
Version 1.6 12/1/08 DDDDD

Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower Walkthrough
by The Lost Gamer (AKA Michael Gray)
Videogame Humor:
Copyright 2008

For the latest version of this guide, check

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Video Guide
003. Characters
004. Walkthrough
005. Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the PC game called Nancy Drew:
Treasure in the Royal Tower. It's the fourth game in the
Nancy Drew series, in which you play as Nancy Drew and go
around and solve mysteries.

If you want to contact me, e-mail, but make the subject blank
if you do. If you want to reproduce this guide in some
fashion, you should contact me before doing so.

002-Video Guide

Hey! Want to see how to beat the game instead of reading
about it? Well, I've got a video walkthrough, and you can
see it at...

The video guide comes with my humorous commentary. It's
more fun than a barell of monkeys.


Nancy Drew: Our heroine! She's a super-mystery solver, but
she's taking a break from mysteries in order to go skiing
in Wisconsin. Like most of Nancy's vacations, this one
soon turns into a mystery.

Ezra Wickford: The person who designed Wickford Castle in
1920. He's dead by now.

Christi Lane: The owner of Wickford Castle.

Dexter Egan: The caretaker of Wickford Castle. Since
Christi is away on business, Dexter is taking care of the
castle. You can usually find him at the front desk.

Jacques Brunais: The ski instructor, who represented France
in the last Winter Olympics.

Professor Hotchkiss: She's a somewhat crazy professor who
hides in her room all day writing about Marie Antoinette.

Lisa Ostrum: A photojournalist who spends most of her time
reading a magazine in the longue of the castle/hotel.

George Fayne: Nancy's friend. You can call George to get
advice during this game.

Bess Marvin: George's cousin. Bess will always be at
George's when Nancy calls.

Ned Nickerson: Nancy's boyfriend. You can call him during
this game, too.


To start the game, select "New Game". You can take a
tutorial to learn how to move around in the game, and then
you can play the game at either junior or senior detective
level. The difference between the levels is the difficulty
of the puzzles, but luckily for you, I'm a logic puzzle
fiend, so I cover the puzzles in both of the levels.

"Dear George,

So much for my Wisconsin ski vacation! I arrived here at
Wickford Castle last night just before a blizzard swept in!
The mountain is completely shut down, and all the
surrounding roads are closed.

I think I'm one of the few guests who made it to the castle
at all. This place is huge, and old--and slightly creepy
under the circumstances. You should hear this wind!

What's more, the caretaker, Christi Lane, my father's
friend, is away on business! I tried to ask the caretaker,
Dexter Egan, how I could contact her, but he said he didn't
know. Doesn't that seem odd? I couldn't help feeling like
there was something he wasn't telling me.

All this makes me a little nervous, but I'm determined to
enjoy myself. After all, this is a vacation, right? I
have big plans to explore the castle.

That Ezra Wickford, the original owner, must have been
quite a character to have built such an extraordinary
place! It's filled with strange dead end corridors for one
thing, and I noticed one of the towers is totally different
from the other ones.

Of course I'll have to save some time to meet Jacques
Brunais, the French ski instructor. Tell Bess she'll be
the first to know if he's half as gorgeous in person as he
looks on his website!

So, George, I guess things never quite go according to
plan. But at least this time, the culprit is just a
snowstorm! Talk to you soon!



Boy, Nancy sure is sending a lot of photos to George, isn't
she? Nancy says she has to mail the letter, but let's
examine her room before we do so.

First off, take the card that's on the desk in front of
you. That's your room passkey, which lets you get in and
out of your room (Room 205). Then open the drawer and
look at the card in there. It gives you your locker
information: You have Locker 310, with the combination 517.

Head the dresser, and pull out the top drawer. Take the
menu from inside (you'll need it later). You can look
inside your suitcase to find a pamphlet on the castle. It
appears that the strange tower Nancy saw was imported from
France, which is why it doesn't look like the other ones.

Read the Sassy Detective magazine that Nancy has on the
round table there for information on dusting for
fingerprints. Apparently, fingerprints become less clear
over time, as the oil in fingers are used up. You need to
read this because (surprise), you're going to work with
fingerprints later on in the game.

Okay, leave the room and start exploring. You're on the
second floor, where there's not much that's important,
except for the elevator, Nancy's room, Professor
Hotchkiss' room (room 214, you can hear her typing if you
get close enough), and the stairs that lead to all levels
of the building.

There is also a big set of stairs that lead from the second
floor to the lobby of the building (Nancy can't take the
other set of stairs because it's too dark). Go to the
lobby, and head to the lounge, which is left of the lobby.
Inside in Lisa Ostrum. Start talking to her.

Lisa is a friendly person, and she tells you that someone
has vandalized the library. Dexter locked the library so
no one can get in, but he probably has an extra key at the
front desk (hint, hint).

Lisa also brings you up to speed on the other people in the
hotel. Jacques Brunais is a ski instructor who completely
screwed up in the last Winter Olympics, which is probably
why he's not in France anymore. Professor Hotchkiss is a
nutty old woman who was recently robbed, but never said
what got stolen.

Lisa also lets you know that she's a photojournalist who's
studying weird mansions, and that she doesn't know any
foreign languages. She mentions that the original owner of
the castle, Ezra Wickford, locked himself inside the castle
for about fifty years. Weird. looks like Nancy has stumbled upon another
mystery, namely, the mystery of the vandalized library!

There's a bookshelf in the lounge with two books on the
French Revolution that you can read, but there's not much
point in doing it now, so instead you should go to the
front desk of the lobby and talk to Dexter Egan, who's
running the hotel.

Boy, Dexter's not going to win any friendliness awards
anytime soon, is he? Give him your letter for George, and
he says he'll mail it, but with all the snow, it's unlikely
the mailman will pick it up soon.

Dexter tells you the library is off-limits, due to the
vandalism. He also confirms the fact that Professor
Hotchkiss is a nut, and gives you the job of delivering her
ski boots. know, right now I have to ideas about who could
have vandalized the library. It could have been Professor
Hotchkiss, just because she's extremely strange according
to everyone's accounts. Then again, maybe the library was
never vandalized, and Dexter is lying about it, because he
locked the library and knows no one can prove him wrong.
Why would he want to do that, though?

It's time to head downstairs, so go to the lounge. Go left
down the hallway leading off of the lounge to reach the
stairs. Go down the stairs, and head through the halls of
the basement. At the "SKI RENTAL" sign, turn left and head
to the ski rental area, where you'll find Jacques Brunais.

Unless, of course, Jacques isn't there (he's there from 9
to 12 and 2 to 5). In which case, go to the ski rental
door and take the paintbrush that's there. Also, go to
your locker (310) and open it (the combination is 5-1-7).
Hey, it doesn't open! Lame. Then go to the elevator, and
hide inside until it's time for Jacques to return (use the
clock in the lower-left of the screen to tell what time it
is, and if it'll take way too long to wait, go to your room
(205) and set the alarm for a time when Jacques will be

Jacques tells you that the strange tower is called the
queen's tower, which came from France, near the town where
he grew up. It's called the queen's tower because Marie
Antoinette, the queen of France, used to spend time in
there before she got her head cut off in the French

Talk to Jacques about how your locker combination doesn't
work (you have to try to open your locker before you can
talk to Jacques about it), and he tells you that is the
combination for locker 311. Make sure to get Professor
Hotchkiss' boots from Jacques, then check locker 311.

Whoops! Somebody else is using the locker. It's not
polite to snoop but...let's open the bag and see what's

Hmmm...cameras. Oh, this must be Lisa's bag (she's a
photojournalist, remember?). Check out her fake IDs and
passports, and a letter in Spanish (I thought she said she
didn't know Spanish...the LIAR!). Boy, Lisa has just
jumped up ten points on the suspicious characters list,
hasn't she?

Go to the elevator and ride to the second floor. Go to
Professor Hotchkiss' room (214 - you can hear her typing
as you approach it) and knock on the door. She's glad to
have the boots back, but doesn't open the door any more
than a crack. Leave the boots by the bottom of her door,
then go to the lobby and talk to Dexter.

Tell Dexter about your broken radiator, and he sends you
off on a mission to fix the lights on the stairs. Boy,
some vacation! Head to the lounge and talk to Lisa, who
claims that the fake IDs are necessary for any savvy
photojournalist. Yeah, well, breaking the law is NOT savvy
with Nancy Drew!

Go down to the basement like you did last time, using the
stairs that are by the lounge. This time, turn right at
the ski rental sign to find the circuit breaker and the
elevator reset lever. Open the circuit breaker. Move all
the switches on the right-hand side so that they're on the
right, and move all the switches on the left-hand side so
they're on the left (the exception are the two switches on
the very bottom; don't move those at all). Go back up the
stairs to see that you've solved the problem, then go see

Dexter gives you another mission: find out what Professor
Hotchkiss wants for dinner. Go to the Professor's room and
ask her. She wants couscous, and she promises to leave you
a tip for next time.

Go to Dexter and tell him that the Professor wants
couscous. He's never heard of it; tell her to order
something OFF THE MENU. Go back to the Professor and tell
her that. She doesn't have a menu, so she sends you to get

You should have the menu from the drawer of Nancy's
dresser, so knock on the Professor's door and give her the
menu. She orders fifty chicken wings. Hey, where's the
tip? Go to Dexter and give him the order. He tells you to
go to Jacques and tell him to defrost the chicken.

Oh boy. Go downstairs to the basement and talk to Jacques.
If he's not there, go upstairs and set your alarm for a
time where he is there, then go downstairs and talk to him.
He doesn't seem happy about being treated like a chef, but
too bad for him.

Go to the elevator and ride it up to the second floor. Oh
no! It gets stuck! There's a little opening in the
ceiling (if your back is to the door). Climb through the
opening. Look up to see that there's a broken grate near
the ladder thing.

On top of the elevator is a box. Stand on the box, and
from there, open the door that leads to the second floor.
Go downstairs and tell Dexter what went wrong. He says to
try the elevator reset lever, so go to the basement and
pull the lever (it's to the left of the circuit breaker) to
fix the elevator.

Note: If you didn't get the paintbrush from Jacques'
station in the basement when he wasn't around, make sure to
do so now.

Let's go explore that broken grate thing. Go to the
elevator (in the basement) and climb through the ceiling.
You're at the bottom of the elevator shaft now. There's a
grate in the floor, but you can't climb through it (the
lever is stuck), so instead climb up the ladder and go
through the broken grate.

The grate leads to a ventilation system. Crawl through it
all the way to reach the library that's been locked by
Dexter. Score! Climb out into the library.

Whoops! Someone's jiggling the doorknob! Climb back into
the grate and hide while Dexter comes in. He shuts off the
security system and looks for something for a while.
Hmmmm...I bet whoever trashed the library was looking for
the same thing Dexter is! But what could that be...?

When Dexter's gone, climb down to the floor of the library.
There's a small table underneath the hole in the wall.
Read the book in the drawer, which is an atlas of the
United States which places Wisconsin at 90 degrees west and
45 degrees north.

This table is dusty, so dip the paintbrush into the dust.
Now we're going to try the "dusting for fingerprints" trick
in Sassy Detective. Go to the security system by the door
and brush all of the buttons. Now...using our knowledge
from the Sassy Detective magazine, we know that the less
clear fingerprints were made later, which means that the
security code must be 3*72.

You can pick up the diary of some French person to the left
of the security system, and you can pick up Professor
Hotchkiss' book to the right of the security system (on the
floor). Read both of them, as well as the book on the
table directly opposite of the door to this room.

From these books, you learn that Marie Antoinette, the
Queen of France, had a fabulous tiara that went missing.
When she had her portrait drawn, she purposely did not wear
this tiara for some unknown reason. This is important
because Marie liked hanging around the queen's tower, and
in case you can't tell from the name of this game
("treasure in the royal tower"), we're going to find some
treasure there later on in this game.

Head to the globe in the corner. Remember how Wisconsin is
at 90 degrees west? Set the pointer at the top of the
globe to 90 degrees, then click on the knob at the top of
the globe to open up the globe. Inside is a strange
drawing with the numbers -15, 10 and -5 on it.

Now go to the mantle of this room. Click on the sign about
rabbits having three openings to their dens, and you see
the device from the strange drawing. Set it to -15 and
click the green button, then to 10 and click the green
button, and then to -5 and click the green button.

A secret door opens. Head up the stairs to find that it's
next to the grate. Head into the secret room, and pick up
the lighter on the table. Light the candle of the room to
find a key hidden in the candle.

Read the poem that's on the table. It's from Dexter's dad,
who has apparently hidden something behind his head in his
thinking spot in the garden. Weird...blow out the candle
and leave through the front doors of the library.

Head to your room. Hey, Dexter fixed the radiator! Grab
the oil can he left behind, then call George and Ned on the
telephone. You talk to them about all the various people
in the hotel. Set the alarm to 10 PM or so, then go to the
front desk and steal Dexter's key to the library (it's in
the lower-left drawer in his desk).

Head to the library (it's opposite of the elevator door on
the first floor). Make sure to call the elevator to the
first floor, too. Then open the library door with the key
you stole from Dexter, and go inside.

Once inside the library, turn to the keypad and type in the
security code, 3*72. Then go up the stairs and crawl
through the grate to the elevator shaft.

Climb down to the bottom of the shaft. Remember how
there's a grate on the floor that you couldn't open? Use
the oil can on the lever, which fixes things. Pull the
lever and head down the stairs that appear.

You reach two doors (unless the elevator is on bottom
floor, in which case it is in the way and you can't get
to the doors). The door on the right leads to the ski
rental place, where you've already been, so don't go
through it.

Instead, go through the left door. There are seven locks
to the door, which you must depress in the correct order
(the order changes whenever you approach the door). Open
the door and go through. Head left at the end of the
hallway (away from the stairs).

Hey, it's the hidden entrance to the royal tower! And...
Jacques trying to break into it! Talk to him to learn that
his great-grandfather worked on the tower in France, and he
found a medallion and diary in the tower. He didn't get a
chance to see what the rest of the tower was like, and now,
about eighty years later, Jacques is trying to have a
look-see himself.

For some reason, Jacques sends you to his locker to get his
medallion. The combination to his locker is 2-6-6-7. Take
the tip of the spear from the suit of armor by the door to
the queen's tower, then head to Jacques' locker.

Open the locker, and check out the letter on the bottom
shelf. Hmmm...US Immigration is onto Jacques, whose stay
in the US is soon coming to an end...check out the letter
from his fiancee (pasted on the backside of the door), and
then look at the medallion on the top shelf.

THWAP! Someone knocks Nancy unconscious! Holy crap! The
phone is ringing, so answer the phone and talk to Jacques.
He can't believe you lost his medallion, and hangs up on
you. Yeah, thanks for making sure Nancy is okay after she
got attacked by someone getting YOUR stupid medallion,

Call Bess and George, and they figure out that you getting
stuck in the elevator was sabotage, and that you should go
up the elevator shaft and through the broken grate. Um,
yeah, we probably should have called them sooner. Call
them back again to talk about how Dexter is apparently
looking for something in the library (could it be what the
vandal was looking for?) and about Marie Antoinette's tiara
that was worth a frooglepoopillion dollars.

So, to sum up the mystery so far: someone trashed the
library, stole something from Professor Hotchkiss, and is
being hostile to Nancy. It could be Dexter, who's looking
for something, Jacques, who's trying to break into the
queen's tower, Professor Hotchkiss, who's weird, and Lisa,
who's the shady type with multiple identities.

Hey, you have call waiting! See what the message is, and
it's from Dexter, who took you up to your room and wants to
talk to you now. Go see Dexter, and fess up about how you
found your way to the queen's tower.

Dexter isn't angry, because he remembers doing the same
thing when he was a kid and Ezra Wickford ran the castle.
Dexter agrees to help you out, and tells Nancy that the key
to the door blocking the tower is in the shed out back.
Talk to him about Ezra Wickford's thinking place, and he'll
tell you how to get there.

Head to the basement. Talk to Jacques if he's there. He's
upset that you lost his medallion. Nancy accuses him of
knocking her out and being an overall jerk. Jacques then
refuses to talk to you anymore.

The exit to the building is by the lockers. Go outside and
head to the shed. Go down the stairs to the right, and go
to the shelves along the left wall. On the left part is a
diagram for the ski lift (which operates on the numbers 3 2
4), in the middle is a newspaper clipping proving Dexter is
an ex-con (suspicious), and on the right is the key you're
looking for.

Head back inside the building (so you don't freeze to
death), then leave the building again. Instead of going to
the shed, turn left and head down the path there. You
reach a wall covered in vines. Push the vines away, then
rotate the circle on the door into place (I don't know why
this was put in the game), then push the door handle-thing
(on the left) and go inside the garden.

Well, this place sure doesn't look very garden-like now
that everything is covered in snow. Find the bust of Ezra
Wickford near the corner of the garden (remember how Ezra's
note said to look behind his head?) Step back twice from
the bust, then rotate the bow-and-arrow statue twice.

Go back to the bust, which has turned around. Pull the
lever, and a hidden door at the bottom of the pillar opens.
Check what's inside, which is a box. Use the key you got
from the candle in the library to open the box. You get a
medallion, sort of like Jacques' medallion, except it's red
instead of blue.

Go inside, and see what Lisa is up to. EVIL??? No, wait,
she's just reading her magazine. She tells you that she
saw Dexter outside with a green thing, which you should
check out. Lisa's going to stay inside instead of helping
you investigate, though.

Go outside, and then, hey, someone locks you outside! Not
cool! Go to the shed. Now, there are two machines in this
room. The one on the left is the ski lift machine, and the
one on the right is for some unknown purpose. Zoom in on
the unknown machine and take the green thing, which is a
poorly-hidden green medallion.

Then go to the ski lift machine. Remember how it operates
on the numbers 3 2 4? Well, you can move each lever down
four times, so that refers to which position the levers are
in, assuming the position the levers start in is position

Here's how the levers work:

Lever 1: Moves levers 1, 2 and 3.
Lever 2: Moves levers 2 and 3.
Lever 3: Moves levers 1 and 3.

Because the first lever moves all three levers, all we have
to do is get the levers into a position where the first
lever is one below the second and one above the third, and
we can just rotate things into place from there. So we
don't have to take rotating lever one into consideration,
which helps us out some.

Now, let's ignore the position of lever three for a second.
To get the levers in place, lever two has to be above
lever one. Since we can move the levers only once per
pull, this means we have to pull the lever that runs lever
two (which is lever two) one time less than the lever that
runs lever one (which is lever three). In case you don't
follow the logic, it means you pull lever three one more
time than lever two.

Let's see if this works. Pull lever three twice, and lever
two once. Yes! It works! The ski lift starts going, and
Dexter comes to find out what's going on. He lets you back
on, and compliments you on your quick thinking.

Okay, now we have the key to the queen's tower and two
medallions (not Jacques' though), let's head to the tower.
Go through the route you used last time (which starts out
at the library), then use the key on the door to get inside
the tower.

The way is blocked, because the steps are in the wrong
position. Look right, and you'll see movable chains. Look
left to see the positions the chains should be in, which
form two diagonal lines. Okay, logic time again.

Chain 1: Moves chains 1 and 4.
Chain 2: Moves chains 2 and 1.
Chain 3: Moves chains 2 and 3.
Chain 4: Moves chain 4.
Chain 5: Moves chains 5 and 1.

Luckily, this is easier than the puzzle with the levers
because chain four moves by itself, meaning that you'll
move chain four last, so displacing that chain doesn't

Now, since chains three and five can only be moved by
themselves (ie. you won't move them by pulling on another
chain), you can start off by getting those chains in the
right position and leaving them there.

Now we have to get chains two, one and four into the
correct position. Displacing chain four doesn't matter,
which means displacing chain one doesn't matter (because it
moves itself and chain four). So set chain two into
position by pulling on it, then set chain one into
position by pulling on it, and set chain four into
position by pulling on it, and the path opens up for you.

Head to the tower, and you find a prison, right under where
the stairs to the tower stop. I bet the stairs are
controlled by the game on the chess-like board. It's a
moving-piece puzzles, where you click on the side of a coin
to move it in that direction (it moves all the way in that
direction). I guess it's logic time again.

Junior Detectives:

The only way to get the green piece to where it's supposed
to be is to get it in the square that's left of where it
needs to go. In order to stop the green piece at that
spot, we need to put the other two pieces in the way.

To do this, move the red piece left and up. Move the blue
piece down, left and up. Then move the green piece down,
left, up and left to get it where it's supposed to go.

Now we just need to get the other pieces in place. Move
the blue piece right and down. Move the red piece right,
down, and left. Ta-da! Puzzle solved!

Senior Detectives:

The only way to get the blue piece where it's supposed to
go is to be on the square above it. Let's call this square
the desired square. The way to reach the desired square is
to move the blue piece up and left, meaning we need a piece
one up and one right of the desired square (that takes care
of moving the blue piece "up" to the correct level), and a
piece left of the desired square (which takes care of the
moving the blue piece "left" to the correct column. We'll
need to have a piece above the piece left of the desired
square to secure it, as well.

So...move the red, then gray pieces left, then up. Move the
green piece up, left, and up. Now all those pieces are in
place. Move the blue piece up, left, up, left and down to
get it into the desired position.

Now we have to move the green piece into position. We have
to do this by moving the green piece up, left, then down
into position, meaning we have to have to place the two
remaining pieces one left of the new desired square, and
one up and right of the desired square.

Let's get the gray piece in the spot left of the new
desired square. To do this, we'll have to get the gray
piece on this level, and there's only one wall that can do
that, so you need to get it on the level with the wall,
then to the wall, then to its spot.

To do this, move the gray and green pieces right. Move the
red piece down to get it out of the way for now, then move
the gray piece into position by moving it up, right, down
and left.

Now to get the red piece into position, which can be easily
done by moving the red piece right, up and left. But the
green piece has to be on the bottom and not on the top of
the board for the strategy we're going with to work. So
move the red piece right, then the green piece left and
down, getting it at the bottom of the board. Then move the
red piece up and left to its desired position, then move
the green piece up, left and down to get it into position.

Okay, now there's just the gray and red pieces left. The
gray square is easily accessible, so we must have to get
the red one done first, by getting it into the appropriate
row, then moving it left into position. This is easy; move
the gray piece right and up, then move the red piece right,
up, and left into position.

Now there's just the gray piece left. Move it down, left,
and up to beat the puzzle.


Red left, red up, gray left, gray up, green up, green left,
green up, blue up, blue left, blue up, blue left, blue
down (blue in position), gray right, green right, red down,
gray up, gray right, gray down, gray left, red right, green
left, green down, red up, red left, green up, green left,
green down (green in position), gray right, gray up, red
right, red up, red left (red in position), gray down, gray
left, gray up.

Go up the stairs to reach the tower, which is glitzy, but
kind of boring. On the other side of the room is a puzzle
you can zoom in on.

DAMN, not one of these puzzles! You can rotate a piece by
click on its top-left corner, and you can switch pieces by
clicking on them one after the other. If you're a junior
detective, all the middle pieces are in the right place for
you, which is nice. I can't help you completely with this puzzle, but
here are some hints. The top row of the puzzle has thick
frayed ends, while the bottom row has thinner frayed ends
(you can only see the tips of the ends on the bottom row
pieces). The circular designs in the corners are larger on
the top corners, and there are lines running down the left
and right hand sides. That's about as much help as I can
give you; you'll just have to work out the rest for

Once you solve the puzzle, a hidden compartment opens up,
which contains a French diary. But...Nancy can't read
French. Shoot. Who can translate it for is? Lisa
probably can, but she's pretending she doesn't know foreign
languages, and Jacques mad at Nancy, so he won't translate
it. I guess that leaves Professor Hotchkiss. Let's go see

Note the box on the wall at the top of the stairs. Hitting
it makes the stairs disappear behind you, which is a neat
security device. We need the stairs, though, so don't hit
the box just yet.

Professor Hotchkiss wants you to find some information for
here. The answer is in one of the two books on the French
Revolution in the lounge area. Look up the answer, then
give it to Professor Hotchkiss. If you can't figure out
the answer, ask her what you're looking for and she gives
you a new question to answer.

Professor Hotchkiss tells you that she holds office hours
in the lounge from 3 AM to 6 AM. Go to your room and set
the alarm for 3 AM, then go down to the lounge and talk to
Professor Hotchkiss. It turns out she's a French History
professor, whose specialty is Marie Antoinette (no surprise

Don't tell her about the diary yet. She gives you a key to
her room, so go up to her room. Hidden behind the pillow
on the couch is Jacques' medallion (did the professor steal
it, or is she being framed?).

On her desk near her bed is a video recorder. Watch the
video, then take the battery out and put it in the charger.
Go see Professor Hotchkiss and give her the diary. She
promises to give you a translation of the diary tomorrow.

Go to your room and set the alarm for 3 AM again. Go see
Hotchkiss to learn that she translated the diary like she
said she would. Go to Hotchkiss' room, but before reading
the translation, put the battery in the video recorder and
watch the rest of Hotchkiss' video.

Hotchkiss examines a peep hole which her medallion fits
over. Leave Hotchkiss' room and head right to reach the
area Hotchkiss was visited in the video. Look through the
peep hole with the three medallions to see French phrases
and symbols.

Go to Hotchkiss' room and check the typewriter. On the
right is the translation of Marie's journal, and on the
left is Marie's symbol guide. Nancy uses this to translate
the symbols she saw on the wall, which read "purple rose
hold diamond key of queen". Where have we seen a purple

Well, duh, there was a big stink made about the purple rose
in the book in the library about famous paintings. And, of
course, the painting is in the queen's tower. Go all the
way back to the queen's tower, and examine the purple rose.

Use the tip of the sword that you took from the knight's
armor by the locked entrance to the queen's tower, and
scrape away the tiles. Inside is a key thing, which fits
the hole in the floor.

There are three other holes in the floor, for the
medallions. Put the green one in the bottom hole, the blue
one in the right hole, and the red one in the left hole.
Then stick the key in the middle hole and the diamond pops
up. All right, Drew!

Lisa shows up! Please let her be there just to grab a
photo opportunity, please let her be there just to grab a
photo opportunity...Dang! She's the evil bad guy, and she
was using the time-honored evil villain technique of
letting the good guy do all the work and then robbing the
good guy at the last second. I really HATE that technique!

Lisa pepper-sprays Nancy, and confesses to a few things,
like knocking Nancy unconscious, locking her outside,
hiding Jacques' medallion in Hotchkiss' room to frame
Hotchkiss, and stopping the elevator when Nancy was in it.
She then takes the diamond and runs off.

Luckily, we know there's a security device! Open the door
and press the box on the wall to make the stairs retract.
Because Lisa is too busy running to slow down, she falls in
the prison and starts cursing you. All right! Mystery


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to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions
under general information)

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