Ultimate Doom

Ultimate Doom

15.10.2013 12:00:24
|| VERSION: 1.06 ||
|| ORIGINALLY SUBMITTED: April 3, 2006 ||
|| LAST UPDATED: JANUARY 19, 2007 ||

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Well, this faq is taking me such a long time to complete because of the simple
fact that nightmare is too damn hard. However, I got it done, with some strong
willpower I might add. The last level I almost gave up on, but luckly I pulled
through and killed that braindemon before I died. There isn't really much to
say about this guide, I like doom and I hope you do too, and you find something
usfull here.

This In-depth Faq will include:
>Version History
>Nightmare Basics and Strategy


The Ultimate Doom is one of the most intensive and exciting first person
shooters that has stood the test of time. My nightmare walkthrough is ment
to aid people in their conquest of completing the game on the nightmare
difficuly. This is not a really detailed guide, but it simply tells you where
to go and some nifty tricks to get past tricky parts. Do not expect full
detail because if you do you are not ready for nightmare. Everyone who tries
nightmare should have beaten the game on easier difficulties, preferably


Version: 1.00--April 3, 2006 - Original Version

Version: 1.02--April 7, 2006 - Added Supercheats.com and 1up.com to site list
- Changed format of credits

Version: 1.03--May 13, 2006 - Added DLH.net to site list

Version: 1.06--January 19, 2007 - Added Honestgamer.com to site list
- Put headers in boxes and centered
- Added games to library at bottom


What is nightmare?
Nightmare is the hardest difficulty in Doom. Enemies are harder, faster, and
outnumber you by an astonishing amount.

Are the levels different on nightmare?
The levels are the same, it is the enemies that become harder.

What else is different?
-There is less ammo.
-You are damaged more.
-Harder enemies appear in lower levels.
-You can't use cheats

Here are some strategies:
-Always be on the move. You are more likely to be hit and possibly killed if
you are standing still.
-Don't fight every enemy. Some enemies can be passed and forgotten making
it easier to traverse the level.
-Don't go for 100% Getting 100% kills, items, or secrets will make these
levels way harder then they need to be, skip all the enemies, items and
secrets as possible.
-RUN! Try to run as much as possible. The faster you go the harder it is for
enemies to hit you.


Episode 1 Knee-Deep In The Dead:

This episode is fairly easy. This is the easy episode and it shouldn't cause
any diffucult to the accustomed player, but it is still rather hard.

Level 1 Hangar:


1. Exit level

1. From the start, move left into the side room and push the button around the
pillar to the right. Run through the door that opens in the main room and
collect the blue armour out in the pool of acid. Now go in the passage to
the right and down some stairs. Shoot the soldier at the bottom with the
pistol to kill him. Collect the med kit and aquire the shotgun, then use the
shotgun to blow through the soldier ahead. Move up the stairs and open the
secret door. Out here go through the door to the right. In the door you need
to take out the acid barrel behind an imp with a quick shot. The acid eats a
path for you to go through and reach the door on the other side of a hord of
enemies. Go in the door and turn the switch.

Level 2 Nuclear Plant:


1. Collect red key card
2. Exit level

1. Head right and shoot some soldiers. Open the secret door to the left, the
one that opens the large area with the chaingun and supercharge. Push the
button and collect the backpack and green armour inside. Now exit the room,
take some time and clear some soldiers who may get in your way, and open the
door straight to the left. Take out the soldier who greets you on the other
side of the door and go out into the secret area. Now is the time to make sure
you have good shooting skills. Blast as many soldier out here as you can while
getting the supercharge and the chaingun. When you have the chaingun rip
through the remaining soldiers on your way back to the opening. In here run up
the stairs and vary quickly take out a soldier to the right, collect the
red key card and head down the stairs to the right.

2. At the bottom of the stairs, as fast as you can, run to the other side of
the level and open the red door. Use the chaingun to tear a path down the hall
and up and around the stairs. Stay to the right on the stairs and you shouldn't
run into any enemies blocking your path. At the top run across the acid and
take the elevator down. As it is going down run and strafe to the left. Go
around the enemies in here and flip the switch on the wall. Go in the left
door that opens and head all the way down this dark part and open the door
at the end. Shoot the imp ahead of you and fall down behind him. Take out the
second imp and push the button.

Level 3 Toxin Refinery:


1. Collect blue key card
2. Exit level

1. Open the door and get ready for a fight. Head left and shoot the
chaingun at all the soldiers. Don't bother with the spectre or imps, weave
through and open the door at the end. Blast the barrel in the middle and the
acid melts the nearby soldiers. Look around and kill and remaining soldiers
in this room and head up the stairs to the right. Shoot another soldier and
open the door at the end of the hall. In this room take out all the enemies.
You need to remove them all or when you come back through here, it will be
really hard to do so. Try and get some enemies fighting with each other, if
you can. When the room is clear go out to the area with the acid. Take the
left fork when you come to the Y path. Shoot through the enemies on here and
on the other side of the path head in and to the left. Rip through the
soldiers with the chaingun and enter the next room. Run to the end and
grab the blue key card, take out the soldiers guarding it first.

2. The room turns pitch black, but run out and over the Y path again. Blast
through some more soldiers as you run back to the starting area. Head around
pool of acid, pass the door you start in, and through the blue door to the
right. This room is hard to get through and I recommend running through it
and making no pit stops until you are at the blue door. In the blue door
shoot your way through the soldiers and imps and activate the automatic
stairs. As the stairs rise up take out the enemies above and some below
that have followed you. When you can reach the above area grab some med kits,
you're going to need them by now, and go through the door and push the button.

Level 4 Command Control:


1. Collect yellow key card
2. Exit level

1. On the left wall open the secret area and collect the backpack inside.
Now go through the main door and in the big area take the path closest to the
right. Run down the hall and in the room with the load of enemies, don't fight
them, run through them and up the stairs to the left. Shoot a soldier at the
top, then in the circular area go in the room to your right. Head right to the
seemingly dead end with a pool of acid. Over the pool of acid you can see the
yellow key card. Shoot the acid barrel and melt the enemies by the card. Now
this next thing you have to do is vary tricky. The left side of the wall above
acid pool has a tiny ledge on it. Run and strafe really fast towards it and
with some luck you should land on it. Take it across and enter the area with
the yellow key card. You have to get the key card this way, going the other
way through the maze-like area is next to impossible.

2. Move up the stairs to your right and blast some imps and the demon before
the yellow door. In the door run around to the right, kill some soldiers, and
go up the stairs in the middle of the room. Be sure to have pushed the button
before entering the yellow door for the gap in the path to be filled with a
platform. Now go in the door ahead and push the button.

Level 5 Phobos Lab:


1. Collect yellow key card
2. Collect blue key card
3. Exit level

1. Run across the large pool of acid and on the other side take out all the
enemies in this area. Make use of the acid barrels for quick kills. Head down
the hall and kill some soldiers and go out to the little alcove. Move to the
shotgun shells and a ledge rises up infront of you. Now head back and a group
of imps will be waiting for you. Take them all out and head up the stairs
where they came from. At the top head right and cross the ledge that you made
rise up from before. On the other side kill some soldiers and imps in the area
ahead and collect the yellow key card at the end.

2. Go back to the ledge fall into the pool of acid. Open the secret door
across the way, the brown piece of the wall, and collect all the upgrades
inside. Be sure to grab the rocket launcher, you're going to need it. At the
other end of the secret area you are brought back to the starting area. Go
through the door to the left and around the path to the left. Kill some
soldiers and open the yellow door. Now get ready for HELL!!! And Good Luck!
Take the elevator down and keep the trigger down as you rip through every
enemy at the bottom. Go down to the left and take the stairs around. At the
bottom run in the acid pool to the right and press the button on the other
side. Now run back and go right. Shoot like a madman and make it through the
pile of enemies around the bend. Go up the secret elevator and in the secret
room. In here collect some needed med kits and grab the invisible orb. Now
go through the star shaped teleporter to be taken back to the start of the
level. Run through the door to the left again and get out your rocket
launcher, you picked it up right? Use it to blast the enemies in the passage
to the right. Head in when they're all gone and take a left turn. Now you
just need to run. Run past all the enemies, staying to the left and make it
to the door that has a button on it. In this dark room use the rocket launcher
to blow the soldiers and imps away. Make it down the hall and in the next room
with the blue key card, blast every monster in there with the rocket launcher
until it is safe, then go grab the blue key card.

3. Turn around when you have the blue key card and there is a set of stairs to
your left. Go down them and beat the spectre below, be sure to switch back to
the chaingun. Enter the blue door to the right and there is a room with
blinking lights. The fastest and safest route through this part is to open
the secret wall before the exit door. Lift it up and go through it. Shoot some
soldiers in your way and open the door ahead. Shoot rockets in the door to
take all the demons and a spectre out. Go inside and push the button.

Level 6 Central Processing:


1. Collect red key card
2. Collect blue key card
3. Collect yellow key card
4. Exit level

1. Run along the path ahead and take out some enemies on your way. Head left
down the path with acid on either side. Now to the right is a secret room. Go
inside and take out the imps so they don't bother you later. Go back past the
starting area and this time go down the right path. Run to the end and enter
the large area. Take out as many enemies as you can and book it to the far end
of the area and collect the red key card, then run as fast as you can back to
the opening. Pick up the chaingun as you go.

2. If it's open go through it, if not, turn around and kill the enemies that
come after you and after some time it will open again. Head down the path and
across the starting area and on the end of the path on the other side is the
red door. Go in it and tear through all the soldiers in your way. Go around
the wall infront of you, take out some more soldiers and collect the blue key
card before a pool of acid.

3. Fall into the pool of acid and turn left. Head in the secret area and
collect the blue armour and a med kit. Now head right, down a long hall and
up some stairs at the end. Open the door with the button on it and you are
back to the starting area. Head straight and go through the door at the
other end. In here stay to the right and go through the first opening in this
circular room. Move down the path and on your right is a secret opening. Use
the rocket launcher to clear all the enemies in there and cross the acid
to go in. Grab the med kit and open the secret door to the right. Grab the
back pack and invisible orb, travel up some stairs and enter the blue door.
In here rip through an imp and grab the yellow key card.

4. Now head back down the stairs you came up. Take out the demon who's lurking
below now and grab the radiation suit. Head across the acid and the path and
on the far side is a secret opening with imps. Blow up the imps and hunt
through the acid. At the end grab all the med kits and go through the brown
door. You are taken out into a large area. Push the elevator to the left to
bring down a supercharge. Grab it and take the elevator up. Push open the wall
and take out the enemies infront of you. Go right and up some stairs to flip
a swtich on the wall. Do it and head back down. Move to the right and there
should be an opening filled with enemies. Blast them all away with the rocket
launcher to clear it up. Move in and take the right set of stairs down. Keep
shooting your rockets to take out all the demons below and make it to the
bottom. Shoot the acid barrels down here to melt and injure enemies.
To the left press the button then get out of boxed in part and run to the
opening in the top right corner. A lot of enemies will flood the room if you
stick around and the openings leading back up the stairs will close off. It's
suicide if you try and kill them all. Use the rockets to clear any enemies in
this part and push the button at the end.

Level 7 Computer Station:


1. Collet yellow key card
2. Collect red key card
3. Collect blue key card
4. Exit level

1. Open the brown door infront of you and blow the acid barrel to melt the
nearby enemies. Now head left and shoot some more soldiers through this hall.
Keep going and on your left there will be a darkened area. Move in it and go
right to incounter an imp. Blow him away and take the elevator to the left up.
At the top take out another imp and run across the blue ledge to a little
area with the yellow key card and some soldier. Shoot the soldier and collect
the yellow key card.

2. Fall down off the ledge and at the bottom head left. Open the yellow door
at the end of hall and inside kill all the soldiers in your way around the
structure in the middle. Go completely around it to the other side and go in
the opening. Pass a light to your left and go down the hall to some stairs.
Use the rocket launcher and blow up all the soldiers at the top of the stairs.
Wait for the pillar in the middle to come down and blow the soldiers on the
top as they are coming down. Move past all the dead corpses and go right. When
you come to the fork take the left path. Now in this part take out all the
enemies in here so that they can't get in your way as you come back. Open
the door at the end and again use the rocket launcher to clear the room. Shoot
any remaining soldiers in here and go to the opening ahead with the elevator.
Take it up and tear through all the demons above with the chaingun. Walk
through the area and at the end shoot all the soldiers and collect the red
key card.

3. Head backwards and down the elevator. Go through the next two rooms you
cleared to the part with the pillar. Soldiers will be teleporting in this area
as you enter. Shoot them away and take the pillar up. When it gets around
half-way up run off the side into the acid pool below with the radiation suit
in it. Get the suit, run to the blue armour and then go right to the end with
the supercharge. Let the secret door open ahead and move left inside. Keep to
the left and you will come to the red door. Open it and kill all the enemies
inside. Run in and collect the blue key card on a ledge.

4. Now head backwards and take the first left. Now take a right and head up
some stairs. At the top take another right all the way to some stairs and open
the yellow door at the bottom. In here shoot some soldiers and go right to to
room with lights on the walls. Head in and take out a soldier, then open the
blue door to the left. Inside kill the enemies that greet you and take the
stairs up. At the top kill more enemies and move through the hall to the
right. Take the hall to the end and then turn around. Head through the left
opening and run past all the enemies to reach the button at the end. Now turn
around and head back through the long hall you came from. Stop at the part
with the window to your left and take care of some soldiers to the right. Now
head right and use the rockets to blast all the enemies in your way. Go down
the path and open the door at the end. Shoot some last enemies and push the

Level 8 Phobos Anomaly:


1. Kill barons from hell
2. Get killed by enemies

1. Push the button infront of you and a door comes down. Shoot the acid
barrels surrounding all the demons to kill most of them. Shoot the remaining
ones and then jump down. Head left down some stairs and at the bottom open up
the secret wall to the right, it looks greenish. Grab the supercharge inside
and open the open the door ahead. In here grab the med kit and green armour on
the ground and keep going straight. Head to the end of the long hall and push
the button at the end to bring down an elevator. When the elevator goes up
run in the middle of the two structures that the barons from hell come out of.
Use the chaingun to kill the spectres that lurk on the red floor. Try and get
a lot of them close to the acid barrels by running for the invisible orb.
Stay in the corner and when a horde of them are near you blow the barrels. Now
head out and take out the remaining ones. Run up to the barons from hell
and if you have rockets left shoot them or use the chaingun or shotgun.
They're not that difficult!

2. When the walls start to drop run to the stairs below. Push the button to
start the automatic stairs. At the top run in the teleporter to get killed.

Episode 2 The Shores Of Hell:

Now the game starts to get tricky. This is the medium episode and with any
luck you will die again and again trying to beat this one.

Level 1 Deimos Anomaly:


1. Collect blue key card
2. Exit level

1. Head straight and turn right at the teleporter. Head down this hall with
the red wall at the end. You are no match for all the soldiers with just
your pistol so run to the right and pass them. Go through the opening
in the red wall and in the next area again run around the soldiers and
collect the blue key card.

2. Run back around the soldiers and back through the red wall. Go to the
end of the hall and enter the teleporter. Keep running to the left around the
soldiers and some imps and get the shotgun on a red pedestal. Move along to
the lava pit. Run across it and around the enemies to the teleporter. Go
through it and you come to a part with a lot of demons above. This part is
extremely hard to survive! Push the skull button to the left and watch the
wall behind you come down. Shoot the shotgun and try to kill one or two of
them above because when the wall is down you have to run through them. Don't
let them clog up the hall so that you are trapped. Run face to face with them
and with any luck you'll make it through. Run around to the left and enter the
blue door.Inside enter the teleporter. Shoot some imps down and make it to the
other end of this area. Push the button on the right wall for some automatic
stairs to start activating. Take out the demon who is running around and to
the left a cacodemon will appear. Run under him and up the stairs. Push the
button at the top and run back down. In the bottom right corner a teleporter
will come down, go in it. Now move towards the wall infront of you and it
comes down. On the other side is another cacodemon. Take it down with 5 or so
shots from the shotgun and enter the door. Shoot the imp inside and press the

Level 2 Containment Area:


1. Exit level

1. The trick to end this level is a beaut. Head straight and take the first
left. Go down here and at the end grab the berserk pack. Go right and punch
the imp in your way and go in the passage to the right. Go through it and
go to the right. At the end pass the demon and enter the pool of acid. Run
around the lost soul and come out to the dead end. Move along the right
wall with the door on it and you can push the button that rises the plaform
out of the acid. It's hard to explain how you do it so find out from other
faqs or ask people. When the platform rises out get on it before you are
trapped. At the top open the door and push the button.

Level 3 Refinery:


1. Collect blue key card
2. Exit level

1. Run to the right of the imps and in the area with the cage go around it
to the right. Go in the room with the vines on the walls and cross the acid
pool. On the other side with the shotgun on the pedestal take a right turn.
Move in the new area and take another right turn. At the end of the hall,
before the demons surrounded by acid barrels, turn left and open the door.
Attract the demons in here out but don't kill them. Now turn around head
back to the end of the hall and turn right. Move staight through this area and
fall down to the lava below. Run up the stairs ahead and at the top grab the
plasma rifle and fall down. Below run around the pillar and collect the blue
key card.

2. This room shouldn't have that many demons in it because you let them out.
Open the door down and to the left and kill the demons outside with the
plasma rifle. Don't bother with the lost souls in the room. Now head down the
hall to the right and make a left turn to the shotgun on the pedestal. Run
across it and to the area with the pool of acid in the middle. Kill the lost
soul and collect the blue armour to the right. Across the pool open the secret
door, it's the door with the metal on either side of it. Inside are more walls
with vines, head staight and take out some soldiers. Turn left and run by the
soldiers on the left and enter the blue door ahead. Inside shoot all the
enemies dead with the plasma rifle. Run through the hall with the stripes
and turn left at the end. In the large area ahead take out the enemies and
collect the invisible orb in the corner. Run along and enter the room with
the blinking lights. Keep to the right and take all the turns. Blast through
the imp and lost soul and make it out to the right. You come to another part
with a pool of acid. Run in and to the left of the right opening is a secret
radiation suit. Grab it and head out to the right. Go down the path and at the
end turn around and to the right will be a secret suprcharge. Get it to refill
your low health then move back where you came from and go in the opening to
the right. Some demons will be lurking around so be careful. Go inside and a
cacodemon awaits you at the end of the hall. Pass him and go right. Run around
the demons in this room and enter the door. Inside kill the spectre and push
the button.

Level 4 deimos Lab:


1. Collect blue key card
2. collect yellow key card
3. Exit level

1. From the starting area move up and enter the teleporter. In the next room
move forwards but not up the stairs, go left and across the acid pool. Cross
through the area ahead and through another acid pool. In the second area shoot
all the imps away before heading in the room with the blue walls. In this room
take a right and the first left past a door with a bull on it. Kill some more
imps and go in the around the corner to the left. In here will be a baron from
hell. Quickly run in a push the button to lower the elevator behind him. Avoid
his green goo and take the elevator up. Grab the blue key card above and then
fall down and go back through the door.

2. Take a right then a left and you'll come to an opening. Go through it and
there will be a blue door ahead. A group of imps await you to the right so
be quick about opening it and going in. Don't bother killing the imps. Inside
is a red room. Head in and to the left is the yellow key. Collecting it causes
the roof to start falling down. Run and collect it and then run off the part
where the yellow key is.

3. Now head backwards and to the left, a baron from hell will be waiting for
you, forget him and head in the yellow door. Head left in the circular room
and pass the opening with the red floor. Fall down the secret gap ahead, move
slowly and you should be able to see it, and collect the plasma rifle. Head
in the teleporter down there and you are taken to a part with a cacodemon. Run
past him and fall down the steps as you wind your way down to the bottom. At
the bottom is another cacodemon. Run behind him and go in the teleporter at
end of the hall. Now run past the wall with faces and head right. Dodge the
demon running around and fall in the lava below. Move left and press the
button in a little alcove. Now if you are quick enough you can run on the
path as it is rising out of the lava. If not, take the teleporter behind
you and come around again. Open the door ahead and kill the imp inside. Before
you exit turn around and collect the supercharge behind you. Now run back and
press the button.

Level 5 Command Center:


1. Exit level

Open the huge brown door infront of you and inside head right. Go around
the corner and up some stairs. At the top move around the corner to the
right and inside a door with a skull on it. Kill the imp below and head
down the stairs. Take a left turn, then go right and finally left again all
the way to the end to a skull door. Inside head through the opening with
the candle holders on either side of it and go left. Run all the way to the
end, don't take any paths right, and go in the skull door at the end. Inside
to the left a bit is another skull door, go in it. In here head right, run
through any lost souls and turn around to the left at the dead end and head
up some stairs behind you. At the top go in the skull door to an area with
vines on the walls. Move down all the stairs and at the bottom you'll see some
candle holders ahead. Take a right turn before the candle holders and go in
the skull door to an acid pool with a demon. Run past the demon and up the
stairs behind him. At the top and at the end of the hall go in the skull door
at the far left. Run past the corpse and in another skull door, when you enter
blast the imp and move right. Move past the baron from hell and collect the
blue armour ahead. When you have it head back and take a right past the
cacodemon. Weave through the halls and find the door at the end. Go in it and
press the button.

Level 6 Halls Of The Damned:


1. Collect yellow skull key
2. Collect red skull key
3. Collect blue skull key
4. Exit level

1. Kill all the enemies to the left and get the rocket launcher. Now open
the door to the right and blow up the demon and cacodemon inside. When they're
gone press the button. Run out and and take the opening to the left. Take the
first right and enter the room with the red lights on the ceiling. Go through
it and on the other side you come to a acid pool. Go over it and to the island
with pillars on it. Ahead cross another acid pool and press the button to
activate some automatic stairs to the right. Run up the stairs and grab the
berserk kit, you have to get this to move on. Now turn around and run
through the acid and to a passage to the left ahead a bit. Grab the med
kits on the island and then head to the end. Flip the switch and head out of
this passage. When you exit turn left and up to some land. Turn left and you
see a blue door, to the right is another door, go in that one. Inside shoot
the soldiers ahead and take a right at the fork in the road. Continue
going right untill you see a brown room to the left. Now go left of it, not
in it yet, and take the second door on your left. Inside shoot all the enemies
dead to get through to the end of the hall and go in the door to the right.
In here push the button to the right and it opens the door to your left. Kill
the imp and head in up some stairs. Head all the way in to the end of the hall
and pull out your rocket launcher. When you enter the room with the med kit
in the center turn to the left and blast the cacodemon away. This will prevent
him from getting in your way when you try and leave. Now turn around and head
in the door with the life capsule near it. Inside you come to a room with
vines on the walls. Run down the stairs to the left, pass all the enemies,
grab the yellow skull key on the ground and head back to the door up the
stairs to the right.

2. Now leave and head back through the passage you came from, at the end open
the door to the right. Run over all the dead corpses and in the door ahead
take a right. Run past the demon ahead and in the brown room. Inside it is
very dark and you need to make sure you know your way around so you don't
get lost. Go in pretty much staight, pass a face on the wall to the right,
and enter the door with lights on either side of it. Now open the door
and this part is dark and even scarier. Go right and take a left past a
flashing light. Now explore the alcoves ahead and find the red skull key.

3. Now use the plasma rifle to fight your way back through to the white area.
The first dark area you passed will be full of demons, so be careful. In the
white area head right and pass a baron from hell. Then take a left turn with
a demon at the other end and a left then a right past some corpses. Now
go all the way down to the end of the hall and take a left to get the blue
skull key.

4. Now run right past the demons released behind you and straight to the end
and exit through the door. To the right open the blue, red, then orange doors
and press the button.

Level 7 Spawning Vats:


1. Exit level

1. Now there is a trick to ending this level fast. When you start take
a left past a demon and go in the opening. Now run through and past a
soldier and a blue door to your left. Go straight and turn left to
enter a room with lights on either side and a cacodemon at the end. Pass
him and run left to a room with vats that say U.A.C on them. Run to the end
of the room and grab the invincible orb. Now the screen turns white. Head
right through an opening and then go left down a long hall. When you run
through the wooden border take the second right you see, not in the room with
the triangles on it, the other one. Take out your rocket launcher now and
get ready for a really cheap trick. The wall to your left needs to be hit
with a rocket so that the blast propels you over the gap to the right. Do
it correctly and all you need to do is open the door and press the button.

Level 8 Tower Of Babel:


1. Kill cyberdemon

1. Press the four buttons on the pillar in the middle of the room. Go in all
four of the rooms up stairs and collect the goodies. Be quick and make it back
before the door shuts to be able to get them all. Now head out with the rocket
launcher equiped and find the cyberdemon. Now make good use of the strafing
and avoid his rockets and return your own. With a little practice on easier
difficulties this boss is a push over. Even the lost souls don't make it
harder as they float around and try and get in your way. If you run out of
rockets don't run back and get some more from the openings, use your plasma
rifle or chaingun to finish him off. When he explodes wait for the ending.

Episode 3 Inferno:

Now get ready for hell. This is the hard difficulty episode and on nightmare
you better pray for some salvation in this hell.

Level 1 Hell Keep:


1. Exit level

1. Press the button infront of you and wait for the platform you're are on to
rise up. Don't bother battling the imps with your pistol, go for the door
and press the button on the left. Now the cacodemons inside can be avoided
if you move fast enough. Dodge the first one to the left and the second to
the right. On the other side run on the path that falls away and grab the
shotgun. If you are fast you can turn around and make it back, if not run to
then end and kill all the enemies. Make it back to the cacodemons and take a
left in the door with the skulls on it. Inside run to the right and in a door
with a green face on it. Shoot and kill all the demons in this passage to make
it to the end. Open another door with a green face on it and enter the room
with the red pillars. Now open the door on the other side of the room with the
green face on it and use the shotgun to blow all the imps away. Go inside when
they are all gone and open the door. Go in the teleporter to end the level.

Level 2 Slough Of Despair:


1. Collect the blue skull key
2. Exit level

1. From the start of this level head left and run past all the white stone
blocks. Now if you look on your map you can see a stone that resembles an
arrow. Go to the stone that the arrow is pointing to and open up the secret
area. Grab the plasma rifle and med kit that you are going to need and head
out and go straight and left. At the end is an opening with the blue skull key
at the end. There is a dead marine on the ground if you need a reference point.

2. Grab the blue skull key and head back. A gang of cacodemons will await you
so run to the left of them and into the room with the lost souls. Run around
them to the left and go in the blue door behind them. Inside push the button
and take care of any lost souls behind you with the plasma rifle. Go out
the door and in the teleporter to the right after collecting a med kit for

Level 3 Pandemonium:


1. Collect blue skull key
2. Exit level

1. Run straight ahead and blast the demon with the plasma rifle. Now behind
him is a set of stairs. Go up them and at the top take care of all the imps.
Take the stairs on the right side near the back up to an area with fleshy
walls. Kill the demon who gets in your way and wind around and drop down
at the end. Head along and in the silver room grab the blue skull key.

2. Turn around and head back out. Press the eye button and be on the elevator
as it rises up. You don't get another shot at the elevator if you are not on
it when you press the button or fall off. At the top go left and collect the
blue armour and fall down below. Some imps will now start teleporting in,
forget them and run up a set of stairs straight ahead with a candle holder
beside them. At the top run through this part and drop down into a part
with lava below. In the corner of this part is a BFG, grab it and exit. Get
the med kits and take the stairs down to the bottom. Pass a head on the wall
to your right and at the bottom turn right. Go through the wooden border ahead
and head left up some stairs. Be sure to take out the imp and soldiers in your
way. At the top is a large area with a blue door to the right. Run past the
enemies and open the door. Shoot the BFG and take out all the enemies in the
new room. Open the door and run in the teleporter.

Level 4 House Of Pain:


1. Collect blue skull key
2. Collect yellow skull key
3. Collect red skull key
4. Exit level

1. Start by taking out the demon infront of you. Now collect the rocket
launcher and head straight and up some stairs. At the top turn left and
and the end of the hall turn right. Open the door and head in the part with
the two crushers. On the other side of the area are three switches. Flip the
one on the right side and then the one on the left side. Collect the
invincible orb in the right crusher as the bottom rises up. Now head through
the opening to the left and inside don't go left or right, keep going straight
through another opening. Run down in here and to the left. You will come
to a part with bull faces on the walls, go in between them and around the lost
souls to the right and grab the blue skull key in the left corner.

2. Now turn around and head out, blow up anyting that gets you your way with
the rocket launcher. You are invincible so don't worry about getting hurt at
close range. Turn right and head down the area with the demons and acid
barrels at the end. Open the door behind the acid barrels, run past all the
enemies and open the door behind them. Run to the left and you come to a
tricky part. Touch the square to the right and then quickly touch the big
square to the left. With some luck the door ahead will open. Go in it and
to the right. Go around to the left at the end to an area with imps. Run
around the imps to a set of pillars. On the right pillar press the front and
left buttons. Now go to the right and take out all the soldiers. In the first
alcove to the right aquire the yellow skull key.

3. Now run out and head right to another alcove. In here kill all the enemies
and open the yellow door ahead. Inside grab the red skull key.

4. Now leave and head back to the first alcove where you got the yellow
skull key. Here an area will open up, take out the demon and go in the red
door to the right. Inside go straight and then go left, then run past all the
soldiers to the right. Take another left and run in a red room. Run through
the line of med kits and at the end dodge the demon and fall down below.
To the right is a secret door that can be opened, it is black and yellow.
Go in it and around the hall to the end. Open the door and kill the
cacodemon inside. Now run in the teleporter.

Level 5 Unholy Cathedral:


1. Collect blue skull key
2. Exit level

1. To the left of the blue flame infront of you go down to the end and open
the door. Inside run left around a circular area and in the door straight at
the end. Go in the left teleporter and you are taken to the middle of the
level. Turn to the left and run towards the teleporters around the corner.
Take the one closest to you and you are taked to a part with demons. Move up
and then back down into the teleporter. On the other side open the door
to your left and around the bend take out the demon. Walk in between the red
pillar to open the door to the left, it has the silver stripes. Go inside and
at the back are two crushers with buttons on their walls. Push the right button
when it is safe and then collect the blue skull key on the far left side.

2. Get the key and blast any spectres that get in your way. Now to the right
from where you are looking is a teleporter on the far side. Go in it to be
taken back to the part with the demons. Use something strong like the rocket
launcher to take them all out. When they are all gone go in the door to the
left. Bast through all the imps and lost souls and at the end of the hall
go in the blue door. To your left is another door, go in it and go in the

Level 6 Mt. Erebus:


1. Collect blue skull key
2. Exit level

1. Move right and across some lava to a building with vines on it. To the
left of that building is a green building. Go in the door with the lion on
it and inside the left wall has a secret teleporter in it. Get in it quickly
as all the monsters in this area will attack violently. It is located
near the middle of the left wall, not that hard to find, practice on easier
difficulties for more accuracy. Inside go in the teleporter and drop in the
box to the right when you come out. Go in the teleporter in the box and you
are in the inside of the blue and red building. Take out the spectre who is
coming at you and when you come to the fork in the road take the right path.
Watch the wall come down infront of you and shoot rockets at all the enemies
on the other side. Now run in and press the button. Take a left turn and
head to the end of the hall. Take another right at another fork and blast
through all the soldier. At the end of the hall is the blue skull key.

2. Now turn around and head back. Take a right at the fork and all the way at
the end fall down. Move right and eventually you should see some lava. Run
along the lava keeping to the right wall of the silver building. At the edge
of the wall go in the opening and follow the path along to a blue wall. Bring
the wall down, open the door, and go in the teleporter.

Level 7 Gate To Limbo:


1. Collect blue skull key
2. Collect red skull key
3. Collect yellow skull key
4. Exit level.

1. Take out all the soldiers ahead of you and move through the opening ahead.
Inside go left around the circular room with lava, ignore the demons running
around. In the opening dodge all the demons and to the left should be an
area with a white structure. Move around it to the left and head down the
area past it. Go in the first opening you see to the left and on the far left
side is the blue skull key on an island surrounded by lava.

2. Grab the key and run off the island. Head right and pass demons and keep
going straight untill you see that white structure on your left. Go around it
to the right and go in the first opeing you come to. In here take a right
and you encounter a group of demons. Take them out and past them cross the
lava to the middle pillar. Here collect some med kits and then to the right
head in the darkened area with the big blue door. Go in it and inside is a red
area with a lava pit. Fall in it to the right and go up the stairs on the
other end. On this side, in the middle, is an opening. Fall down it to some
lava. Move straight to the land with a cacodemon and radiation suits. Grab a
suit and head in the left opening. Forget the cacodemon you don't need to
kill him. Move around in here and take a right to another part with radiation
suits and a soldier. Shoot the soldier away and take the opening straight
ahead. Take the first left then take another left and finally go right. You
will see a teleporter to your right, don't go in it, go left and finally take
another left. This part has a soldier and the red skull key. Take out the
soldier and get the key.

3. Go in the red door ahead and push the button inside. Now head back where
you came from and take a right and go in a teleporter. In here take a left
and find that white structure. Again take the first right you see and come
to that big pool of lava. Go in the opening to the left and around the pillar
to the right. Go in the red door and in the teleporter. To the right take out
all the soldiers with a rocket and quickly run and strafe and you can make it
over the gap with the yellow skull key on the other side.

4. When you get it go back over the gap and back into the teleporter. Run out
and take a left and go back to the big pile of lava. Go in the center pillar
and in another red door with a teleporter. Take the teleporter and you are in
room with a window with enemies in it to the right. Run and strafe fast and
pass over the gap to the right and open the yellow door on the other side.
Inside collect some med kits and press the button. Now get back over the gap
and take the teleporter to the right. In here run in the opening ahead and
back in the red door on the right pillar. Now you remember you got the yellow
skull key to the right, well now go left. Run over another gap and make it to
the path. Open the door to the right and go in the teleporter.

Level 8 Dis:


1. Kill brainlord

1. Open the big door infront of you and down the long hall fall down at the
end. Open a door in the center and collect the blue armour inside. Now get out
your BFG and find the brainlord. Fire three or four blasts into him and he
goes down, this is way easier then the cyberdemon. If any cacodemons get in
your way they are taken out by the blasts. Now wait for the level to end.

Episode 4 Thy Flesh Consumed:

Now await the impossible. Expert level episode is They Flesh Consumed.
Specialy made for The Ultimate Doom, don't count on surviving very

Level 1 Hell Beneath:


1. Collect red skull key
2. Collect blue skull key
3. Exit level

1. Run out into the opening with the acid pool. Now wait for all the enemies
to start teleporting in. Backpedal into area behind you, make sure you
collect to shotgun ahead, then blast as many enemies away as you can.
When you are comfortable run and drop into the acid pit below and bring down
the secret elevator, to the right. Go in the left teleporter when it is down
and you are taken above. Grab the rocket launcher and blast some rockets into
the windows ahead with the imps. When they are all gone run in there and
press the button on the right side. Now leave and to the left a horde of
enemies will be coming out of the opeing to the left. Blast them all with
the rocket launcher, then head in there. To the left of the other side of the
opening are some spectres. Take them out and run towards the gate ahead. Shoot
all the enemies inside and look at the red skull key inside. Now here is a
glitch that you can take advantage of. Run at the key from outside of the gate
and keep rubbing against it and turn around and you will be able to grab it
without going in, if not, you're going to have to go in and face some hell.

2. Now run back through the passage to the right and around the acid pool and
open the red door. Run past all the soldiers that appear and go staight
for the door. Inside go around the wall ahead of you to the left. Shoot the
imps dead on the other side and to the left grab the blue skull key.

3. Leave the red room and head back around the acid and through the opeing
ahead again. Go right and around the acid to get to the blue door. Go in it
and inside the teleporter.

Level 2 Perfect Hatred:


1. Exit level

1. When you enter this level you are behind two soldier who don't notice you.
Leave them alone and run left and right and get the attention of the demons
and imps ahead. The imps will fire their balls at you. Let them hit the
soldiers and a fight will break out. When the soldiers are dead use your
rocket launcher to take out some of the enemies ahead. Now run off the
left ramp and land over the gap. To the right push the button that is a
face. Behind you an opeing will open. Go in it and fall in the lava below.
To the right push another button for a rising path to come out of the lava.
Run on it before it is too high and you can't get on. Run around it and take
out some more enemies with the rocket launcher. At the end of the path run
over the gap and collect the plasma rifle. A baron from hell will come out of
a side wall with the yellow skull key so run back and fall down the gap. Run
up the stairs and at the top go in the teleporter ahead. On the other side
collect the blue armour in the corner and the BFG beside it, then to the
right run to the stairs with all the med kits on them. Go up, collecting the
med kits for the health you will need, and at the top use the BFG to take care
of the demons running around. Now the door behind you will open. Use the BFG
to kill all the cacodemons that are in the room and on the other end push
the button.

Level 3 Sever The Wicked:


1. Collect red skull key
2. Collect blue skull key
3. Exit level

1. Head forwards and press the button on a side panel. Now run backwards and
fall to a place below with a med kit. Get it and wait for the floor to rise
up with you on it. When it is up run along and collect the invincible orb.
Turn around and go back all the way past the button and down into an
opening in the ground. From here turn left and head up some stairs. Don't
shoot any enemies because you are invincible. At the top take a right and
open a door and fall down in the center of this room. Now find the land and
press the button you see when you look at the acid pool. The center pillar
comes down now. Avoid the enemies and collect the red skull key on the

2. Now head back and go right. At the end of the hall press the wall and
you should open a secret passage, a rocket is infront of the wall. Go
through and at the end a teleporter should be there. Go in it and you are
taken back outside. Open the red bars ahead and run past the enemies. Ahead
on the other side of the middle pillar is the blue skull key.

3. Get it and now your invinciblility should be wearing off. Go right and
down the elevator and then go right, around the corner. Ahead fall into the
pit with lava and enter the red door to the far left. Inside blast all the
enemies and travel up the winding stairs to your left. At the top move along
and up some stairs to the big blue door. Go in it and destroy the demons and
other enemies on the other side. Run around in this area and go in the

Level 4 Unruly Evil:


1. Collect red skull key
2. Exit level

1. Run forwards and open the door ahead. Now to the left a bit is a area with
an elevator at the end. Shoot all the spectres away and bring it down. Run
across the water in the middle and when you see the opening in the floor to
the right shoot rockets in there to take out the imps. When they are gone
fall in the gap and go in the big skull door. Run across the lava in here
and at the end is an invincibility orb and a teleporter, go in it. On the
other side run to the right of the imps and down some stairs further up.
Down there bring down an elevator and go up it. At the top blast through
some imps and in the top right corner is the red skull key.

2. Now run out of here and to the left open up the red door. Inside press the
button to the right and run to the elevator ahead. Take it up and go inside
the teleporter to the right. Now from where you are press the button to your
right. Now fall out and press the button to your left again to bring down the
elevator. Go up it and this time take the teleporter to the left. Press the
button to your left on the other side and fall out. Bring down the elevator
one more time and at the top fall into the orange hole.

Level 5 They Will Repent:


1. Collect red skull key
2. Exit level

1. Start by using the plasma rifle to clear all the enemies away ahead
of you. Now go left and fall down the ledge. Take out all the enemies below
on both sides of the lava stream. Open the door at the end and grab the
chaingun inside. To the right blow up the acid barrel to help kill some
imps ahead, then take out the remaining with your chaingun. Open the door
to the right and again try and clear the room with your plasma rifle. Fall
down to some acid barrels and to the left is an elevator. Bring it down and
take it up to get the red skull key.

2. Now fall back down below and to the far right side is the red door. Go in
it and down the elevator on the other end of the hall. Blast through a demon
or two and ahead with the plasma rifle on the ground, go to it and fall into
the lava. Move around the circular area to the right and get the radiation
suit. To the left when you are moving should be some barrels, don't go that
way. When you have the suit move up the stairs ahead to some rockets. To the
right are some soldiers, kill them. Move along and fall down a gap to the left
into some lava. Now to the left again is a passage with a lost soul in it.
Take out the lost soul and turn right at the end. Kill another lost soul here
and run through the next part and grab another radiation suit. Now to the
right kill the demons and hop the gap ahead. Straight ahead should be a
window, get some speed and run through it. Kill the soldiers and press the

Level 6 Against Thee Wickedly:


1. Collect red skull key
2. Exit level

1. Move forwards and take out the enemies ahead. Keep going straight taking
all the right turns and you will come to a brown area. Keep you guns blasting
and take out all the enemies you can. When you come to the brown part, ahead
to the right a bit is a secret wall. Go in it and take it around and up some
stairs. At the top fall down and go in another secret door straight and to the
left. You run in some lava and have to take out some more enemies. To the left
a bit ahead is a radiation suit. Get it and open another secret door to the
left. Move down the stairs and take out the soldier below. When you can go
right, take it up some more stairs to an imp. Kill it and at the top go right
and then down left on some stairs. At the end open the wall and use the BFG
to take out all the cacodemons and others. Now run through the lava to the
left and find some more land. Open the secret door here, it has blood on the
bottom, and inside take out a spectre and collect the invisibility orb.
Now the far right wall is a secret elevator, bring it down and collect the
supercharge on it. Take the enemies out ahead and fall down to the right
in the lava again. Go back in the secret wall you went in before, it will
be to your right now and take the lava across and fall down into the big pit
with the pillar teleporter. Bring down the elevator that is closest to you and
go in the teleporter at the top. You are taken to a part with a chaingun. Get
it and then behind you run and jump to a balcony below. Take out the soldier
on it and head to the right. Take out a few imps and cacodemons with the
plasma rifle and around the next corner to the left take out the baron from
hell with the rocket launcher. Head straight when the baron it gone and
collect the red skull key at the end.

2. Now head back and around the corner and get back to the balcony. Take out
any imps or cacodemons that get in your way. Now bring down the back end of
the pillar and take the teleporter on the top. You are taken to the right
of the cyberdemon. Use the BFG to take it out and then run through the
bars that open ahead. In the next area push the button.

Level 7 And Hell Followed:


1. Collect blue skull key
2. Collect red skull key
3. Collect yellow skull key
4. Exit level

1. Shoot all the soldier ahead and take the right set of stairs down. At the
bottom turn left and open a door to the right with a lion on it. Inside run to
the end and press the lion button. A pillar with a supercharge comes down to
your right when you press it. Grab it when you can and then use the BFG to
clear all the imps who come at you when you do. Now ahead grab the blue
skull key.

2. Now go back through this area and back into the light. Turn left and take
out some more enemies and to your left is a door with a face on it. Go inside
and take out the cacodemon then collect the blue armour to the left. Now to
the right go up some stairs and take the second left. Open the face door at
the end and cross a bridge to the right. Move through some pillars and grab
the red skull key to the left on a ledge.

3. Open the door with the skull on it and take the teleporter to the left.
Now collect the yellow skull key ahead and take the teleporter back.

4. Move ahead and to the right open the door. In here head left and then
right to collect a BFG. Open the wall ahead, which is a secret, and collect
the supercharge and invinsibility orb in there. Leave the area and head right
and go down some stairs and open the door at the bottom. Inside go straight
when you come to the crossway and in the next door take out some enemies
that get in your way and make a left turn up some stairs. At the top take
a right and open a big door with skulls on it. In this big area run to the
circular area in the middle and press the button.

Level 8 Unto The Cruel:


1. Collect red skull key
2. Collect yellow skull key
3. Kill brainlord
4. Exit level

1. Move forward and down the large set of stairs and at the bottom press the
button to the right. The door opens ahead and inside are alot of soldiers. Use
the BFG to clear them all away. Take the right side around and open the skull
door at the end. Inside grab the red skull key.

2. Now go back and take the left side around. At the end open the skull door
and go through the teleporter. Now run straight and up some stairs ahead. At
the top turn right and run off the ledge into some water with pillars sticking
out. Bring down the furthest one with the supercharge and then head around
and go back up the stairs. Head straight across a bridge and use the BFG to
take care of the Baron from hell ahead. When he's gone move left and cross
antther bridge. On the other side kill some cacodemons and to the right press
the button to bring down the elevator. Go down and use the BFG to take out
all the enemies below, including two barons from hell. At the end of the hall
grab the yellow skull key.

3. Ahead is a secret wall with a teleporter in it. Go in and on the other side
you are on a little ledge. Take it around and kill the soldier and get the
invisibility orb at the end. Now fall down and to the far right around some
buildings is a teleporter. Go in and you are taken back to the beginning. Use
the BFG again to clear this room of soldiers. When that is done go straight
and open the red door to the right. Kill the baron inside and push the button.
Now travel around the circular part and open the yellow door. Kill another
baron inside and push another button. Now there is a set of stairs to the right
with a big door at the top. Go up the stairs and in the door and you are taken
to the brainlords hidout. Bring down the left pillar for the supercharge on
top of it. Now to the left of the brainlord is a secret area with a BFG in it.
Use the BFG to take out the brainlord.

4. When the structure in the middle comes down jump into the orange hole.


This Faq\Walkthrough is Copyright 2006-2007 by: Nathan Kroeger (Mortortex)

THE ULTIMATE DOOM Copyright 1995 by ID Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOOM and all enemy names are all registered trademark of ID Software, Inc.


This In-depth Faq is for personal use only. It should only appear on sites
that I have allowed (see above). Any other sites or places with this
In-depth Faq on it, claiming it is theirs or not on my list, is plagiarizing
it. Please report it to me. Do not reproduce this guide in part or in whole
without my consent or it is in violation of the copyright.

If you wish to contact me because: spelling mistakes, comment, question, want
to add something--will credit, or I made a mistake, here is my E-mail address:

Credits go to:
-ID Software for making the game
-Me, for writing this Faq\Walkthrough
-Sites for posting this In-depth Faq
-My system for playing it.

If you like this Faq\Walkthrough, be sure to check out my others:
-MARBLE MADNESS FAQ\WALKTHROUGH for Nintendo Entertainment System
-KIRBY'S DREAM LAND 2 for Gameboy

Also, check out some of my in-depth Faqs:

All my In-depth Faqs and Faq\Walkthroughs can be found on the sites listed
above under the name Mortortex.

Bye, bye for now.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Nightmare Walkthrough
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