Blades of Avernum

Blades of Avernum

18.10.2013 06:05:07
== Blades of Avernum Editor Guide ==

== [1.1] Index ==

1. Introduction

1.1) Index
1.2) Version History
1.3) Checklist
1.4) Legal Stuff

2. Basic Functions

2.1) The Guide
2.2) Edit Statistics
2.3) Add Exp
2.4) Restore
2.5) Identification
2.6) Edit Gold
2.7) Uncurse Items

3. Major Functions

3.1) Take Out of Scenario
3.2) Take Out of Town
3.3) Reset Towns
3.4) Reunite Split Party
3.5) Change Day

4. Inventory Functions

4.1) Add Weapon
4.2) Add Armor
4.3) Add Jewelry
4.4) Add Tool
4.5) Add Wand
4.6) Add Artifact

5. Advanced Functions

5.1) Advanced Features
5.2) Add Special Item

5.2.1) Large Rebellion Special Items
5.2.2) A Small Rebellion Special Items
5.2.3) Babbysitting Special Items
5.2.4) Backwater Calls Special Items
5.2.5) Bahssikava Special Items
5.2.6) Canopy Special Items
5.2.7) The Cave of No Return Special Items
5.2.8) Cresent Valley Special Items
5.2.9) Death at Chapman's Special Items
5.2.10) Diplomacy with the Dead Special Items
5.2.11) Druids of Krell Special Items
5.2.12) Emerald Mountain Special Items
5.2.13) High Level Party Maker Special Items
5.2.14) Lord Putidus Special Items
5.2.15) Mad Ambition Special Items
5.2.16) Magus of Cattalon Special Items
5.2.17) Nephilim Mystery Special Items
5.2.18) Nine Variations on Point B Special Items
5.2.19) A Perfect Forest Special Items
5.2.20) Proving Grounds Special Items
5.2.21) Roses of Reckoning Special Items
5.2.22) The Za-Khazi Run Special Items
5.2.23) Tutorial Special Items
5.2.24) Undead Valley Special Items
5.2.25) Valley of Dying Things Special Items
5.2.26) Xerch'de for Win Special Items
5.2.27) Amnesia Special Items
5.2.28) A Good Beginning Special Items
5.2.29) Artifacts Hall Special Items
5.2.30) Bonus Army Special Items
5.2.31) Dallerdin's Scenario Special Items
5.2.32) Dilecia Special Items
5.2.33) Echoes: Renegade Special Items
5.2.34) Embers of Rebellion Special Items
5.2.35) Exodus Special Items
5.2.36) Express Delivery Special Items
5.2.37) Frostbite Special Items
5.2.38) Kill Prize Win Ogre Special Items
5.2.39) Shades of Gray Special Items
5.2.40) Shipwrecked Special Items
5.2.41) Stairway Special Items
5.2.42) The Empire's New Grove Special Items
5.2.43) Twilight Valley Special Items
5.2.44) Where the Rivers Meet Special Items
5.2.45) Witch Hunt Special Items
5.2.46) Rats Aplenty Special Items
5.2.47) Settlers Special Items

5.3) Set Stuff Done Flag
5.4) Give An Item
5.5) Basic Item List

5.5.1) A Small Rebellion Item List
5.5.2) A Large Rebellion Item List
5.5.3) Babystitting Item List
5.5.4) Backwater Calls Item List
5.5.5) Bahssikava Item List
5.5.6) Canopy Item List
5.5.7) The Cave of No Return Item List
5.5.8) Cresent Valley Item List
5.5.9) Death at Chapman's Item List
5.5.10) Diplomacy with the Dead Item List
5.5.11) Druids of Krell Item List
5.5.12) Emerald Mountain Item List
5.5.13) High Level Party Maker Item List
5.5.14) Lord Putidus Item List
5.5.15) Mad Ambition Item List
5.5.16) Nine Variations on Point B Item List
5.5.17) A Perfect Forest Item List
5.5.18) Roses of Reckoning Item List
5.5.19) The Za-Khazi Run Item List
5.5.20) Tutorial Item List
5.5.21) Undead Valley Item List
5.5.22) Valley of Dying Things Item List
5.5.23) Xerch'de For Win Item List
5.5.24) Magus of Cattalon Item List
5.5.25) Nephilim Mystery Item List
5.5.26) Proving Grounds Item List

6. Other Functions

6.1) Save Changes
6.2) Load Saved Game

7. Conclusion

7.1) Contact Me
7.2) Credits

== [1.2] Version History ==

Version 0.0.1: * Started work on guide
* Layout Made

Version 0.1.0: * Basic Functions Completed

Version 1.0.0: * Guide 85% Complete
* A Small Rebellion Item List Finished
* A Large Rebellion Item List Finished
* Babysitting Item List Finished
* Backwater Calls Item List Finished
* Bahssikava Item List Finished
* Canopy Item List Finished
* The Cave of No Return Item List Finished
* Cresent Valley Item List Finished
* Death of Chapman's Item List Finished
* Diplomacy with the Dead Item List Finished
* Druids of Krell Item List Finished
* Emerald Mountain Item List Finished
* HLPM Item List Finished
* Mad Ambition Item List Finished

Version 1.0.1: * Nine Variations on Point B Item List Finished
* A Perfect Forest Item List Finished
* Roses of Reckoning Item List Finished
* The Za-Khazi Run Item List Finished
* Tutorial Item List Finished
* Undead Valley Item List Finished
* Valley of Dying Things Item List Finished
* Xerch'de for Win Item List Finished
* Magus of Cattalon Item List Finished
* Nephilim Mystery Item List Finished
* Proving Grounds Item List Finished
* Started Work on Special Items List
* A Large Rebellion Special Item List Finished
* A Small Rebellion Special Item List Finished
* Babysitting Special Item List Finished
* Backwater Calls Special Item List Finished
* Bahssikava Special Item List Finished
* Canopy Special Item List Finished
* The Cave of No Return Special Item List Finished

Version 1.0.2: * Minor Corrections
* Some Formatting Fixes
* Title Alignment
* Finished All of the Special Item Lists (19 Scenarios)

Version 1.1: * Just noticed the rapid influx of new scenarios and decided
to update this guide.
* Added checklist.
* Updated structure of guide/new numbering and quick search

Version 1.1.1: * Special items for new scenarios
* Changed spacing on older special items lists.
* Removed Incorrect sections
* TODO: Regular custom items for new scenarios -- Next Version
* TODO: Updated inventory with more details. -- Next Version

== [1.3] Checklist ==

Just a checklist indicating what scenarios are covered by this guide:

Name Special Items Regular Items

Amenisia (X) ( )
Artifacts Hall (X) ( )
Babysitting (X) (X)
Backwater Calls (X) (X)
Bahssikava (X) (X)
Bonus Army (X) ( )
Canopy: Manufactured Womb (X) (X)
Cave of No Return (X) (X)
Crescent Valley (X) (X)
Dallerdin's Scenario (X) ( )
Death at Chapman's (X) (X)
Dilecia (X) ( )
Diplomacy With the Dead (X) (X)
Druids of Krell (X) (X)
Echoes: Renegade (X) ( )
Embers of Rebellion (X) ( )
Emerald Mountain (X) (X)
The Empire's New Grove (X) ( )
Exodus (X) ( )
Express Delivery (X) ( )
Frostbite (X) ( )
A Good Beginning (X) ( )
High Level Party Maker (X) (X)
Kill Prize, Win Ogre (X) ( )
A Large Rebellion (X) (X)
Lord Putidus (X) (X)
Mad Ambition (X) (X)
Magus of Cattalon (X) (X)
Nephilim Mystery (X) (X)
Nine Variations on Point B (X) (X)
A Perfect Forest (X) (X)
Proving Grounds (X) (X)
Rats Aplenty (X) ( )
Roses of Reckoning (X) (X)
Settlers ( ) ( )
Shades of Gray (X) ( )
Shipwrecked (X) ( )
A Small Rebellion (X) (X)
Stairway (X) ( )
Tutorial (X) (X)
Twilight Valley (X) ( )
Undead Valley (X) (X)
Valley of Dying Things (X) (X)
Where the Rivers Meet (X) ( )
Witch Hunt (X) ( )
Xerch'de (X) (X)
The Za-Khazi Run (X) (X)

== [1.4] Legal Stuff ==

Copyright 2006-2007 Universe_JDJ (

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

I take no responsibility to any damage caused by using the Blades of Avernum
Editor or by using this guide.

Sites that can use my guide:

If you wish to display this guide on your site on this guide, please email me

== [2.1] The Guide ==

Ever wondered about the Blades of Avernum Editor and how to use it? Just look
through this guide.

== [2.2] Edit Statistics ==

This option will allow you to edit the statistics of the chosen character. You
can edit skills by pressing the Up/Down Buttons next to each skill. Clicking
the skill will give a description of that skill.

Character Traits can be modified by clicking on the boxes next to each skill.
Please remember you cannot have more than 2 of each trait and for every
equipped trait you will either need more or less experience to gain a level.

For Example. Without any traits equipped, 1000xp = 1 Level. Traits that help
you, might add a +10% penalty, meaning that it requires 1100xp to gain a level.
For negative traits, it works in the opposite way. If you had a trait equipped
that was negative, then there might be a -10% penalty, meaning that you would
require 900xp to gian a level.

Known Potions can be changed by selecting/deselecting the box next to each

Mage/Priest Spells can be edited by clicking on the box next to each spell.
When the spell is a level one spell there will be one rune next to the box,
when the spell is level two there will be two runes and so on. If there are no
runes it means you haven't learnt the spell yet.

== [2.3] Add Exp ==

Clicking on this option will allow you to give the selected character more
experience. In the game, without trait differences, 1000xp is one level. Even
you add 3000xp, your character will not gain three levels until you have earned
at least 1xp in the game.

== [2.4] Restore ==

Clicking on this option will restore the character's health and spell points.

== [2.5] Identification ==

Unidentified objects in a characters inventory will be coloured blue. Clicking
on an unidentified item in a characters inventory will cause that item to
become identified.

== [2.6] Edit Gold ==

This option will allow you to change the amount of gold you have. Please note
that the maximum amount of gold is 30,000. If you type in a higher number will
result in the gold being set to will result in the following:

a) Will be set to 30,000 gold.
b) Will be set to 0.
c) Will be set to a random number in the 20,000 - 30,000 gold area. Results
include 20,322 and 24,647. This happens only very randomly.

== [2.7] Uncurse Items ==

This option will uncurse all cursed items that the party is carrying allowing
the item to be removed. A cursed item is a item that can't be removed and
nearly always has a negative effect when worn.

== [3.1] Take Out of Scenario ==

If you are inside a scenario using this option will take you out of the
scenario. All special items will be lost and the text displaying how many
scenarios you have won and how many you have entered will not be effected. Use
this option if the scenario is too hard, or there are too many buggy parts and
you have become stuck.

If you aren't in a scenario you will simply get a dialog box stating that since
you aren't in a scenario, there is little point of using this.

== [3.2] Take Out of Town ==

If you are inside a town, this option will take you to the outdoors. Please
note that this might mess up or ruin the game plot.

If you are outdoors, a dialog box will display stating that you must be indoors
to use this function

If you aren't in a scenario you will simply get a dialog box stating that since
you aren't in a scenario, there is little point of using this.

== [3.3] Reset Towns ==

Any towns angry with you will now be friendly and anyone you have killed in
those towns will be resurrected. No characters in towns that have always been
hostile to you will be affected.

== [3.4] Reunite Split Party ==

If your party is split up, use this option to reunite your party.

== [3.5] Change Day ==

Allows you to change the in-game day. PLEASE NOTE: Backup your savegame before
using this option because it may jump you severly in the games plot.

== [4.1] Add Weapon ==

Allows you to chose Blessed Weapons to add to a characters inventory.

== [4.2] Add Armor ==

Allows you to chose Blessed Armor to add to a characters inventory.

== [4.3] Add Jewelry ==

Allow you to add Jewelry to the characters inventory.

== [4.4] Add Tool ==

Allows you to add useful tools to the characters inventory.

== [4.5] Add Wand ==

Allows you to add magical wands to the characters inventory.

== [4.6] Add Artifact ==

Allows you to add powerful artifacts to a characters inventory.

== [5.1] Advanced Features ==

Use the features here carefully. Always make a backup copy of the save game
for safety before using any "Advanced Features".

== [5.2] Add Special Item ==

The Add Special Item item add special items from the game into your special
items inventory. When this option is clicked on it will ask for two numbers.
For the first number you type in the unique number for the special item
(listed below). In the second box you must type in how many of that item you
want (that's your choice).

== [5.2.1] A Large Rebellion Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Goldar Mines Key

This is a small key, so small that you doubt it is a door that it opens. It was
given to you by Janice. She told you you'd need it in the mines.

2 - Orb of Nar

This is a small, orange ellipsoid stone. You can't do anything with it because
it is locked.

3 - Spoon-Shaped Talisman

This is a small wooden spoon-shaped object with magical carvings in it. One of
the runes is a name. It says: "Faradoc"

== [5.2.2] A Small Rebellion Special Items ==

0 - Letter of Introduction

This is a Letter Of Introduction to present when meeting your first contact on
Morrow's Isle, a man named Vonnegut. He will be found in the Sea Wurm Inn in

1 - Contact Note

You found this note in your pocket. Someone must have slipped it in there. It
says that, to contact the rebels, you must find someone named Canizares in the
town of Liam, and say 'Invisible' to him.

2 - Unused

Empty Slot

3 - Empire Papers

You found these papers deep in the ruined Empire fort. They look like accounts
of troop movements and records of past actions. This is probably what the Hill
Runners wanted.

4 - O' Grady Scroll

Canizares gave you this scroll. It tells you to go find O' Grady in a town
called Muck, and ask him about the 'rebellion.' He'll help you.

5 - Oak Box

This is a heavy, polished oak box. It's pretty bulky. You haven't opened it.

6 - Unused

Empty Slot

7 - Brass Key

You found this key in a linen chest in Liam.

8 - Sewer Key 1

You found this tarnished copper key in the sewers under Zaskiva.

9 - Sewer Key 2

You found this tarnished copper key in the sewers under Zaskiva.

10 - Sewer Key 3

You found this tarnished copper key in the sewers under Zaskiva.

11 - Unused

Empty Slot

12 - Letter for Zulli

Madeleine in Willow gave you this letter to deliver to Zulli in Zaskiva.

13 - Unused

Empty Slot

14 - Slime Key 1

You found this key on a dead mage in the rebel's slime laboratory.

15 - Slime Key 2

You found this key on a dead mage in the rebel's slime laboratory.

16 - Small Oak Box

This is a smaller version of the explosive boxes the rebels used to destroy
Lord Volpe's palace. Pulling a rope on the side causes the box to explode.
You aren't sure how long you have to get away.

17 - Dock Key

This is a delicate silver key, which has the word 'Dock' etched on its side.

18 - Jaen's Key

You found this key near Jaen's freshly dead body.

19 - Bearden's Papers

You found these business papers in the ruins of Fahl. You don't know what they
are for, though.

20 - Lucky Tongs

The blacksmith in Zaskiva is named Eric. He is unpleasant. Some bandits stole
his lucky tongs, and he seems to want them back.

21 - Steel Key

You found this large, worn steel key in the hidden Empire outpost.

== [5.2.3] Babbysitting Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Prison Key

This key is large and black, and has 'Cells' written on it in small writing

2 - Intricate Key

A key which, despite being unusually complex, is good and solid.

== [5.2.4] Backwater Calls Special Items ==

0 - Demon Amulet

The amulet you found in the goblins lair, tincered by Mosadorl, in order to
smite the demon lord when brought close enough to him.

1 - Letter

This letter was given to you by Captain Yarling. She wants you to deliver it to
the commanders in Sattle, Norton and Fort Laramie.

2 - Goblin Amulet

You found this amulet on the body of the goblin chieftain. Goblins aren't known
for their jewlery skills, so it can't be made by goblins. It has a skull, most
likely a human, with claw marks across the forehead.

3 - Iron Key

A key made of iron, you found in the Iron Mines.

4 - Necklace

You took this necklace off a dead miner. It has a falcon flying towards the
moon and an inscription on the back: "From Luna with all love."

5 - Deputation

You have been given a piece of paper that authorizes you as a special agent of
the Empire.

6 - Bat Head

This head belonged to the screaming white bat you killed. While it is of no
use to you, you hope someone will want it.

7 - Tiny Brass Key

Given to you by Havelock the alchemist, this key opens the door in his hut.

8 - Hendrickson's Key

Found around the neck of the dead hunter Hendrickson. This key most likely
fits something in Hendrickson's house.

9 - Ancient Tome

This tome was found in the vampire's lair. Within the tome lie several ancient
holy rituals. Some of them are specifically designed to smite demons. How to
invoke the rituals is beyond you.

10 - Demon Amulet

The amulet you found in the goblins lair, tincered by Bearworth, in order to
smite the demon lord when brought close enough to him.

== [5.2.5] Bahssikava Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Metal traingle

This is a small, silver, metal triangle that you found in the depths of Ancient

2 - Black Key

This is a small, black, stone key. You found it behind the altar that was
summoning ghosts in the library in Ancient Bahssikava.

3 - Red Iron Key

This is a small, red, iron key. Phaedra found it north of the guardpost. It
unlocks a door in Central Bahssikava, according to a ghost you met.

4 - Small Copper Key

This is a small, copper key. You found it in the room of a very large haakai.

5 - Silver Key

This is a small, silver key. You found it on the altar in Northern Bahssikava
after cleaning out a hive of chitrachs.

6 - Large Bronze Key

This is a large, bronze key. You found it in the Demon Golem's personal

7 - Instructions Page

This is a page of instructions that you found that seems to describe how to
open a holding chamber.

8 - Phoenix Egg

This powerful magical artifact will create quickfire when used. (When an
appropriate time to use it comes, you will be given the option.)

9 - Small Brass Key

This a small brass key that you found in the temple in the eastern part of

== [5.2.6] Canopy Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Bugbear Emblem

This golden sun emblem hung in the chambers of the Bugbears is a sign of their
sun-worshipping religion. Too bad the sun is nothing but a myth.

2 - Obispopiedra

This stone, made in the shape of the emblems of the Bugbears, glows slightly
as you carry it. It was given to you by Emery for a unknown purpose.

3-19 - Unused

Empty Slot

20 - Storehouse Key 1

This key will open one of the valuable storehouses of goods in the lower level
of Schwertschrein.

21 - Storehouse Key 2

This key will open one of the valuable storehouses of goods in the lower level
of Schwertschrein.

22 - Storehouse Key 3

This key will open one of the valuable storehouses of goods in the lower level
of Schwertschrein.

23 - Golden Key

This key was held by a Bugbear Mage. It is ornate, with gems protruding from
the gripping surface.

24 - Iron Key

This key was given to you by General Alderauge. It opens the western gate to
the amphitheater in Machtschrein.

25 - Fusei's Key

This key was on the corpse of Lieutenant Fusei.

26 - Steel Key

This key was found on the fifth floor after a failed battle with General

27 - Silver Key

This key was taken from the body of General Trahison, traitor to the Empire.

28-39 - Unused

Empty Slot

40 - Explosives

Dangerous explosives, often used in the excavation of tunnels, but capable of
boring holes in doors, walls, et cetera.

41 - Mithril Ore

A powerful, magically imbued metal, often used to make the most powerful yet
easily maneuverable armor and weaponry. Quite valuable.

42 - Mithril

A purified form of Mithril, having gone through the forging process.

== [5.2.7] The Cave of No Return Special Items ==

0 - Caterpillars

A bunch of fuzzy caterpillars. They are very oddly colored.

1 - Spider Glands

The poison glands of a swamp spider. The poison within can be quite deadly.

2 - Asptongue

The tongue of an asp, a rare and useful alchemical ingredient.

== [5.2.8] Cresent Valley Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Heavy Iron Key

You found the heavy key in a bookcase. It fits a lock somewhere.

2 - Jeweled Bracelet

A thick gold bracelet with diamonds around the edge was found by a rock outside
of Cresent Tail.

3 - Lighthouse Key

You have a large steel key that will unlock the entrance to Cresent Lighthouse.

4 - Golden Candlestick

The heavy golden candle stick is stamped at the base with the name 'Jennie'.

5 - Small Devil Doll

The little, worn, devil doll has a spring loaded arm and removable pitchfork.

6 - Black Key

The cold, black key opens the watchers building in Farthest.

7 - Warm Potion

The warm potion will help cure what ails a sick farmer in Avernum.

8 - Parsley Sprig

The fresh sprig of parsley seems just what is needed to create potions with.

== [5.2.9] Death at Chapman's Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Doss-house Key

This small and rusty key has 'Doss-House' carved into the shank.

2 - Official Letter

This letter is addressed to Malone,the Empire overseer in Olsen.

== [5.2.10] Diplomacy with the Dead Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Iron Key

This key is pitted iron, heavy and cold. Lord Maynard gave it to you. It was
found on a dead zombie.

2 - Skull Key

This is a large iron key. It has a carefully crafted skull at one end.

3-9 - Unused

Empty Slot

10 - Ember Flowers

These small, lovely flowers are yellow and rare. Some creatures in these woods
would pay well to get them.

== [5.2.11] Druids of Krell Special Items ==

0 - Oakleaf's Blessing

Brother Oakleaf has confirmed you as a full member of the Order. Thus, you're
entitled to a few privileges that only Order members have, and you're able to
join Oakleaf in his quest to find Ephesos.

1 - Heartwood Key

This wooden key unlocks the Order's artifact storage room.

== [5.2.12] Emerald Mountain Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Iron Key

Found on the body of the Goblin Chief, this key most likely opens one of the
many strange devices in their village.

2 - Steel Key

You found this key in the strange caverns below the Goblin Village. It also
probably operates a device somewhere.

3-9 - Unused

Empty Slot

10 - Aquos Gem

This is the holiest of holy gems to your tribe. It somehow found its way to
the lower level of the goblin village, but it's back in your hands again,

== [5.2.13] High Level Party Maker Special Items ==

This scenario has no special items.

== [5.2.14] Lord Putidus Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Steel key

This is a small steel key that you found under Castle Putideum.

2 - Silver key

This is a small silver key that you found in the ashes of Lord Putidus.

== [5.2.15] Mad Ambition Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Malachai's Key

This key belongs to Dervish Malachai, who is now well and deceased. It opens
his quarters.

2 - Casimir's Journal

This is the journal of Casimir, also known as Zenbu, the tortured nephil who
was once human.

== [5.2.16] Magus of Cattalon Special Items ==

0 - Alchemical explosive

You're supposed to use this to blow a hole in the magi's wall. Carrying this
huge barrel around makes you feel uneasy. Hopefully you won't come across
anything that would cause it to blow up in your backpack.

1 - Letter to Neilina

Lance's wooing letter to Neilina. It's sealed tight, so you can't read it.

2 - Royal Coin

This kind of coin is given to each recruit in the Empire army, or at least
was given. It's the size of a regular gold coin but it has the Empire emblem
carved in it. It does absolutely nothing.

3 - Small Stone Box

This is the box Timothy wanted you to get for him. Although you could break
the box open and see what's inside, you won't. Okay?

4 - Key Ring

You did not just get a key from the nephilim torturer. You got a whole key

5 - Nephilim Idol

A golden idol of some ancient nephilim leader. Possibly you can sell it to

6 - Stinky Mushrooms

The mushrooms are still glowing a bit, most noticeably during night-time.
You can't imagine who would want them, but at least their smell has died down
a bit.

7 - Moonstone

This lump of rock is a religious afrtifact for the people of Feral Lake. It
doesn't seem to do anything.

== [5.2.17] Nephilim Mystery Special Items ==

0 - Vahnatai scroll

You took this scroll from a nepharim chief in the northeast corner of the
valley. You can't translate it, but someone else might be able to.

1 - Second vahnatai scroll

You found this scroll in a box below the Nephilim Hill. You can't translate
it either.

2 - Mithral bar

This is a bar of mithral, which you found in the Querbel valley. Someone here
should be interested in it.

== [5.2.18] Nine Variations on Point B Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Unused

Empty Slot

2 - Unused

Empty Slot

3 - Unused

Empty Slot

4 - Xiang Espionage Papers

On closer inspection, these papers also reveal shipments of illicit drugs,
various contemplated plots to assassinate high officials of Huan, and all sorts
of dirty laundry. More nails in the coffin.

5-26 - Unused

Empty Slot

27 - Special Item

This is a special item.

28 - Credits

Tim Farland for the Assassin and Imperial Guard graphics; UNKNOWN for the
Wooden Floor and Wooden Walls graphics, self for Emblem, Stairway, and Wooden
Special graphics. Alec Kyras 12/27/03

== [5.2.19] A Perfect Forest Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.20] Proving Grounds Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Blue Ribbon

A thin blue ribbon. Seems to glow with a special power.

2 - Key of Bronze

A large bronze key stamped with 'proving grounds'.

3 - Silver Key

An old silver key. Probably not worth much.

4 - Key of Gold

A small key made of gold.

5 - Statue of Frog

A small metal statue of a frog. Could be a key to something.

6 - Statue of Bear

A small stone statue of a bear. Could be a key to something.

== [5.2.21] Roses of Reckoning Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.22] The Za-Khazi Run Special Items ==

0 - Bundle of Wands

This is the magically sealed bundle of wands which was given to you in Fort
Goodling. You are to take it to Fort Cavalier within 2 weeks.

1 - Crystal of Purity

This crystal is about a foot high and perfectly clear. It is so clear, in
fact, that light seems brighter coming out than going in. Remarkably beautiful

2 - Melora Opal

This is a nearly flawless opal about the size of your fist. Get it back to
civilization, and it would be worth quite a lot of money.

3 - Scroll of Dragons

This long vellum scroll contains a list of ancient dragons, the lineages, and
the feats they performed. This wouldn't be interesting to anyone but the most
fanatical student of dragonkind.

4 - Slith Statuette

This is a small, delicate statue of some ancient slith warrior.

5 - Horn Charm

The unicorn Aetherius gave you this charm to help you find his mate's horn.
The charm will let you know when you're near it.

6 - Gray Stones

These are three large, chalky stones, which supposedly have some powerful,
esoteric magical use.

7 - Unicorn Charm

You were given this charm by the unicorns as a reward for services rendered.
It will get you past the Unicorn Gate.

8 - Unicorn Horn

This is the horn of the unicorn Aessoforus, who was slain by the Blood Glee
Clan of giants. The unicorns you have met really want it back.

9 - Drake Key

You found this key in the remote lair of a family of ice drakes.

10 - Morog's Shrooms

These small mushrooms with red spots were found in caverns far, far below the
Castle of Morog.

11 - Mushroom Talisman

Morog gave you this talisman as a reward. This onyx mushroom is supposed to
provide protection from something called a Spore Shroom.

12 - Malachite Statue

With great difficulty, you managed to steal this statuette from a strange cave
filled with hostile, slimy monsters.

13 - Giant's Iron Key

You found this iron key in the basement of the giant fort.

14 - Crypt Key

You pulled this key from around the neck of a skeleton you destroyed in some

== [5.2.23] Tutorial Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.24] Undead Valley Special Items ==

0 - Rentar-Ihrno's flesh

This grisly piece of flesh is all that's left of Rentar-Ihrno. Perhaps the
Empire mages can do something with it.

1 - Vahnatai Key

This key was taken off the body of a Vahnvoi Bladesmaster. It should fit a lock

2 - Rolar-Tel's Key

This key was give to you by Rolar Tel. It will open any door in his base for
you, and also of neighbouring towns.

3 - Vampire Necklace

You took this grotesque necklace from the dust of a VERY strong Vampire. You
have no idea if it holds any importance, but you took it anyway.

== [5.2.25] Valley of Dying Things Special Items ==

0 - Runed Stone

This is a black, smooth stone, about the size of your fist. It is covered with
small, finely etched runes and has been worn smooth by repeated handling. It
is slightly warm.

1 - Crystal of Power

This six-inch long quartz crystal would seem pretty ordinary were it not for
one thing - it's searingly hot to the touch. Someone has somehow stored an
amazing amount of power in it.

2 - Opening Stone

This is a simple black stone, about three inches long, which has been polished
smooth by the rubbing of countless hands. It is smaller than the stone you
used to unlock the entry gate.

3 - Old Scrolls

These old papyrus scrolls contain a variety of information on the subject of
mining. You can't understand any of it.

4 - Old Scrolls

These old papyrus scrolls contain a variety of information on the subject of
woodcarving. You can't understand any of it.

5 - Healing Scepter

This is a bronze scepter with fittings of gold, about two feet long. A large,
somewhat flawed opal is set into it at one end.

6 - Instructions Scrolls

This sheaf of scrolls explains in some detail how to operate the control
panels at the lowest level of the School of Magery. You manage to understand
the bits about Waste Disposal.

7 - Drake Fang

This tooth is bone white and about the length of your arm. Its owner was
clearly a beast to be reckoned with.

8 - Gnat Eggs

This is a cluster of white, moist eggs, still dripping swamp water. It's not
the most pleasant thing to be carrying around.

9 - Silver Key

You found this silver key in the Provost's office. You would imagine it fits
in a door somewhere.

10 - Brass Key

This key was found around the neck of a crumbling golem in the library area.

== [5.2.26] Xerch'de for Win Special Items ==

0 - Small Key

This key is about the size of your thumb. It was dropped when you killed
Kiersten. Perhaps it's to something important...

== [5.2.27] Amnesia Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Stamped Key

A heavy, bronze key. A lever is stamped on it.

== [5.2.28] A Good Beginning Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Steel Key

You found this key Jessica's body, after you slew her. It should open most of
the doors in Fort Bluebird.

== [5.2.29] Artifacts Hall Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.30] Bonus Army Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.31] Dallerdin's Scenario Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.32] Dilecia Special Items ==

0 - Bog Shrooms

Shaman Brup has sent Glup along with your party in search of these mushrooms.
Now that you have them you must return them so he can heal the tribe's

1 - Instruction Manual

This is a manual detailing how to use the panels controlling the flood gates
in the sewers. Commands require various combinations of buttons, it all looks
very complex.

2 - Filthy Key

This is a large brass key that you found on a dead body in the sewers. You
washed it thoroughly, but it still looks dirty and feels oily to the touch.

3 - Rusted Key

You found this iron key in a large rats nest in the sewers of Keilan. Years
spent in their damp nest has rusted it horribly.

4 - Disruption Crystal

This gem, when plugged in to the power source in Mountainwatch, can disrupt
the magic holding together all the golems there.

5 - Tuchin's Note

Tuchin wrote this hastily scrawled note to tell you how to make the small
adjustments necessary to work the disruption crystal.

== [5.2.33] Echoes: Renegade Special Items ==

1 - Steel Key

This is a key given by Mayor Candice. It will open up the storeroom where
unneeded but still useable supplies are kept.

2 - Mysterious Amulet

Mysterious Amulet","This artifact was found in 'Sanctuary'. It's a gold ball
on a small chain with a red starburst on it. It's apparently magical somehow.

3 - Boat Key

This key allows one of the brigand boats to be used. That's about it, honestly.

4-16 - Unused

Empty Slot

17 - Spell: Transfer Energy

This spell allows for the transfer of spell energy from one character to

18 - Spell: Roost

This spell allows for ground below the caster to rise up, offering protection
from melee attackers and the harmful effects of ranged attackers.

19 - Spell: Fracas

This spell makes all members of the party go wild with a berserker rage, having
them tear through the enemy with no restraint.

20 - Spell: Esuna

This spell resets all status effects for the party and gives temporary
protection from some enemies' harmful status effects.

== [5.2.34] Embers of Rebellion Special Items ==

0 - Strange Package

This is the package you need to take to Fort Galima. It smells faintly of
vinegar, and it has strange runes drawn on the outside. Needless to say,
you're not inclined to open it.

1 - Iron Key

This is a simple iron key hung on a thin chain. Karl, innkeeper of the
Sunken Cow, gave it to you. He said it unlocks a wine locker in the inn's

2 - Solarian Wine

This is a jug of high-quality Solarian wine. The jug looks pretty fragile.

3 - Bronze Key

This is a simple-looking key with an Empire emblem on the handle. Commander
Ylissa gave it to you so that you could access the mayor's private chambers.

4 - Mayor's Journal

This cheap journal was used by Mayor Anderson, and it details his dealings
with the rebels.

== [5.2.35] Exodus Special Items ==

0 - Soul crystal

This is a magical device - a small crystal which can hold the images of
monsters and then be used to recreate copies of those monsters via the
spells Capture Soul and Recall Soul.

1 - Crystal Key

This is a small crystal key. You found it in the depths of the Lava
Lizard Cave in the northwestern part of the Lava Ocean.

2 - Gold-thread tapestry

This is a beautifully woven tapestry with gold thread and the ancient
slith design on it. You found it in the ruined slith city at the bottom
of the Slime Pit.

3 - Tree

This is a tree that you recovered from Manikoss, south of the camp. Kass wants

4 - Iron Key

This is a large iron key. You recovered it from the body of the large doomguard
in Kathaneth.

5 - Brass Key

This is a brass key. You took it from a guard in the barbarian fort near

6 - Copper Key

This is a small copper key. Ithik gave it to you in the Barbarian Fort near
the Peninsula Camp.

7 - Battle Plans

These are the battle plans of the evil army in The Second Level of the
afterlife. Leksandross, elsewhere in the same area, wants them.

8 - Bronze Key

This is a small bronze key. Sasha gave it to you in the Temple of Sothana.
It opens the doors to the room of the Chief Priest, Zektoth.

9 - Silver Key

This is a small silver key. You found it on the body of Zektoth under the
Temple of Sothana.

== [5.2.36] Express Delivery Special Items ==

0 - Courier Pouch

The leather bag is embossed with a golden crown and the silver wings
standing for the Imperial postal service. It appears to be magically sealed,
and also enchanted against destruction.

1 - Brass Key

This key was lying at the bottom of a chest in a hidden side passage in the
goblin lair. Chances are that you will find a door it opens later.

2 - Courier Pouch

You retrieved this bag from a very spooky cave below the goblin lair. Hell
if you know how it got there, but you're glad you have it back.

== [5.2.37] Frostbite Special Items ==

0 - Cryoprev

You found this vial of medicine in the research facilities beneath Amon Sul.
It was developed to treat frostbite and hypothermia victims.

1 - Fabian

Your friend has asked one last thing of you-- a quick death. Perhaps you can
grant it to him.

2 - Erasmus' Guide Book

Erasmus' guide book, the only thing you have to remember him by-- and your only
map of the Rim as well.

3 - Jailer's Key Ring

This ring of keys was on one of the hobgoblins. Each key fits a cell in their

4 - Firewood

Finding deciduous trees at these altitudes was no easy task, this fire had
better be worth it.

== [5.2.38] Kill Prize Win Ogre Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.39] Shades of Gray Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.40] Shipwrecked Special Items ==

0 - Unicorn key

You found this key in an unicorn pit near the southern shore of Cherayeng
Island.So far, you don't know where the key is supposed to be used.

1 - Forest key

This is a key with a small symbol of a tree on one side. You found it in a
concealed forest on the northwest shore of Cherayeng Island.

2 - Basilisk orb

This is a brown orb which you found in the center of Cherayeng Island. You
aren't sure where you got it, but you can use it to get past the basilisks

== [5.2.41] Stairway Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.2.42] The Empire's New Grove Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Empire Papers

Although they are not in your name, these travel documents should get you into
Sarallis safely.

== [5.2.43] Twilight Valley Special Items ==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Silver Key

This simple-looking silver key is marked with a roughly scratched 'T'. It will
supposedly let you into Tovas's back room in Greenleaf.

2 - Bronze Key

You found this key in the tunnels under Greenleaf. Maybe it will open a door

== [5.2.44] Where the Rivers Meet Special Items ==

0 - Note

The small note, gotten from the Empire liaison in Voughton, will enable you
to look at the archives in the Empire HQ.

1 - Suspicious Senarti note

This is a small leather bounded scroll. It sits in some sort of leather tube,
with one opening on one side. You found it in commanders Johnson's office.

2 - Old spell book

It's a heavy, old, dusty book. When you try to open it, you burn your hands
slightly on it's lock. You can't open it.

3 - The real scepter

An old scepter glows slightly in your hands. You really don't know what to do
with it.

4 - The false scepter

You are holding an old scepter. It does nothing. It looks rather worthless.

5 - Senarti instructions

The scroll seems quite new. Written on it are runes you can't read. Maybe a
wizard could?

6 - Rusten key

This small key is all rusty. When you whipe off the rust, however, a silver
key with elegant patterns is what you hold in your hand.

7 - Manual

This leather bounded book has all kinds of instructions in it. It looks very
useful to you.

8 - Iron key

This small shining key was lying in a small box in some storage room. You don't
know what it's really for.

9 - Suspicious Senarti note

This is a small leather bounded scroll. It sits in some sort of leather tube,
with one opening on one side. You found it in the bandit's leader desk under

10 - Strange herbs

You found these herbs in a box in a small storage room at Thralni's castle
laboratories. They look like energy herbs, but they aren't.

11 - Strange herbs

You found these herbs in a tunnel, leading away of Thralni's testing halls.
They look like energy herbs, but they aren't.

12 - Strange herbs

You found these herbs in a tunnel, leading away of Thralni's testing halls.
They look like energy herbs, but they aren't.

== [5.2.45] Witch Hunt Special Items ==

0 - Disruption Crystal

You got this crystal from Yolus to dispel the enchantment on the brigands. It
emits a gentle glow.

1 - Silver Orb

You found this strange orb in the mouth of a decoration in the brigand camp.
It's magical, but you don't know what it does. Perhaps someone experienced in
magic could tell you...

== [5.2.46] Rats Aplenty Special Items==

0 - Unused

Empty Slot

1 - Horatio's Key

You picked up this key from the wizard's charred remains. It still seems
functional and will no doubt open the door to Horatio's bedroom.

2 - Pigeon Crap

This is a bag of pigeon crap. What you plan on doing with it is a mystery yet
to be solved.

3 - Forage

This is forage. Animals like the common cow eat stuff like this. In order for
the forage to be useful it needs to be brought to a said cow.

4 - Untitled Moss

You scraped this moss off the peculiar trees, you believe they were alders,
from the swampy regions.

5 - Fresh Milk

This milk is so fresh that it will stay fresh no matter what. Or will it?

6 - Poison Stingers

The hornets did a pretty good job detaching these stingers in to your armor.
Now all you have to do is find a use for them.

7 - Heart of an ice lizard

The heart of the lizard is freezing to the touch. This is the very essence of

8 - Acid Gland of a Giant Slug

You do not want to get in the details of this thing.

9 - Beer Recipe

The recipe for the trademark beer of the Belching Patron. Manuel in Scurftown
wants this.

10 - Treasury Key

You took this key from the dead Lord Duffeldorf.

11 - Shiny Item

You have no idea what this is or what it does, assuming it does anything.

12 - Heart of an Imp

This thing is burning hot. It might make your pack catch fire so be careful.

13 - Lucia's Doll

It's a simple small wooden doll. The dress on it is pretty though.

== [5.2.47] Settlers Special Items ==

This scenario does not have any special items.

== [5.3] Set Stuff Done Flag ==

A Stuff Done Flag is a special flag used by Blades of Avernum to record
whether you've done something or not.

For Example: In A Small Rebellion, at one point you get to chose whether or not
to join the rebels. If you chose to join the rebels, the SDF would be 100 1 0,
while if you didn't the SDF would be 100 1 1. So they game would know which path
you would have chosen and therefore have set the dialogs of characters and
quests to match your selection

That is how Blades of Avernum and most other games work.

If you didn't understand that, an SDF is simply something that tells the game
whether you've done something or not.

There are many ways this options can be used to fix games. Say you cheated in
the game and you accidentally killed a character you needed to talk to. Using
this option will allow you to change the SDF, meaning the game thinks he was
never killed, making him alive!

When you click on option you will see a dialog box pop up. Insert the correct
number. Repeat this for the second, third and fourth boxes.

Please Note: SDF means Stuff Done Flag. Please do not meddle around with this
option unless you know what you are doing.

When dealing with Stuff Done Flag remember to always back up your savegame
before trying. It could adversly affect your game.

== [5.4] Give An Item ==

Each item in Avernum has a unique code. If you know this code, you can use the
editor to add that particular item to the characters inventory. The items and
their unique codes are listed below.

== [5.5] Basic Item List ==

Because of the many different scenarios for Blades of avernum, item lists all
also different. The following is the basic item list. The basic list is
normally not modified by scenario authors, but it can happen.

1 - Copper Coins
2 - Silver Coins
3 - Gold Coins
4 - Bread
5 - Mushrooms
6 - Greens
7 - Steak
8 - Dried Meat
9 - Weird Meat
10 - Lizard Haunch
11 - Fish
12 - Deli Sandwich
13 - White Tunic
14 - Red Tunic
15 - Green Tunic
16 - Cloak
17 - Cloak
18 - Pants
19 - Pants
20 - Shirt
21 - Shirt
22 - Robe
23 - Dress
24 - Cursed Leather Armor
25 - Poor Leather Armor
26 - Leather Armor
27 - Fine Leather Armor
28 - Drakeskin Armor
29 - Cursed Studded Armor
30 - Poor Studded Armor
31 - Iron Studded Armor
32 - Steel Studded Armor
33 - Blessed Studded Armor
34 - Cursed Chainmail
35 - Poor Chainmail
36 - Iron Chainmail
37 - Steel Chainmail
38 - Mithril Chainmail
39 - Cursed Platemail
40 - Bronze Platemail
41 - Iron Platemail
42 - Steel Platemail
43 - Blessed Platemail
44 - Cursed Dagger
45 - Crude Dagger
46 - Iron Dagger
47 - Steel Dagger
48 - Blessed Dagger
49 - Cursed Short Sword
50 - Crude Short Sword
51 - Iron Short Sword
52 - Steel Short Sword
53 - Blessed Short Sword
54 - Cursed Longsword
55 - Bronze Longsword
56 - Iron Longsword
57 - Steel Longsword
58 - Blessed Longsword
59 - Cursed Greatsword
60 - Bronze Greatsword
61 - Iron Greatsword
62 - Steel Greatsword
63 - Blessed Greatsword
64 - Cursed Spear
65 - Crude Spear
66 - Iron Spear
67 - Steel Spear
68 - Blessed Spear
69 - Cursed Pike
70 - Crude Pike
71 - Iron Pike
72 - Steel Pike
73 - Blessed Pike
74 - Cursed Halberd
75 - Bronze Halberd
76 - Iron Halberd
77 - Steel Halberd
78 - Blessed Halberd
79 - Stick
80 - Ceremonial Dagger
81 - Kitchen Knife
82 - Staff
83 - Hammer
84 - Cursed Javelin
85 - Crude Javelin
86 - Iron Javelin
87 - Steel Javelin
88 - Blessed Javelin
89 - Cursed Bow
90 - Crude Bow
91 - Ash Bow
92 - Yew Bow
93 - Blessed Bow
94 - Cursed Crossbow
95 - Crude Crossbow
96 - Ash Crossbow
97 - Yew Crossbow
98 - Blessed Crossbow
99 - Cursed Arrows
100 - Crude Arrows
101 - Iron Arrows
102 - Steel Arrows
103 - Blessed Arrows
104 - Cursed Bolts
105 - Crude Bolts
106 - Iron Bolts
107 - Steel Bolts
108 - Blessed Bolts
109 - Rock
110 - Cursed Sandals
111 - Sandals
112 - Drakeskin Sandals
113 - Cursed Boots
114 - Boots
115 - Drakeskin Boots
116 - Cursed Cloak
117 - Blessed Cloak
118 - Cursed Robe
119 - Blessed Robe
120 - Cursed Buckler
121 - Wooden Buckler
122 - Iron Buckler
123 - Steel Buckler
124 - Blessed Buckler
125 - Cursed Small Shield
126 - Wooden Small Shield
127 - Iron Small Shield
128 - Steel Small Shield
129 - Blessed Small Shield
130 - Cursed Large Shield
131 - Wooden Large Shield
132 - Iron Large Shield
133 - Steel Large Shield
134 - Blessed Large Shield
135 - Cursed Leather Helmet
136 - Poor Leather Helmet
137 - Leather Helmet
138 - Fine Leather Helmet
139 - Wyrmskin Helmet
140 - Cursed Bronze Helmet
141 - Bronze Helmet
142 - Iron Helmet
143 - Steel Helmet
144 - Blessed Steel Helmet
145 - Cursed Gloves
146 - Gloves
147 - Drakeskin Gloves
148 - Gauntlets
149 - Bowl
150 - Bowl
151 - Pitcher
152 - Pot
153 - Pot
154 - Bolt Of Cloth
155 - Bolt Of Cloth
156 - Bolt Of Cloth
157 - Cloak Clasp
158 - Pincers
159 - Tongs
160 - Spearhead
161 - Bucket
162 - Bucket Of Water
163 - Flagon
164 - Horn
165 - Jug
166 - Jug Of Cheap Wine
167 - Golden Goblet
168 - Plate
169 - Plate
170 - Candle
171 - Torch
172 - Lamp
173 - Spoon
174 - Lockpicks
175 - Magic Lockpicks
176 - Magic Lockpicks
177 - First Aid Kit
178 - Fine First Aid Kit
179 - Poor Fur
180 - Nice Fur
181 - Beautiful Fur
182 - Pillow
183 - Pewter Mug
184 - Mortal And Pestle
185 - Papyrus Sheet
186 - Dice
187 - Scalpel
188 - Needle
189 - Thread
190 - Trowel
191 - Skull
192 - Bones
193 - Whip
194 - Pen And Ink
195 - Earrings
196 - Trash
197 - Trash
198 - Trash
199 - Bar Of Tin
200 - Bar Of Lead
201 - Bar Of Iron
202 - Bar Of Silver
203 - Amber
204 - Emerald
205 - Ruby
206 - Silver Ring
207 - Gold Ring
208 - Jeweled Ring
209 - Silver Bracelet
210 - Gold Bracelet
211 - Silver Necklace
212 - Gold Necklace
213 - Torc
214 - Healing Herbs
215 - Spiritual Herbs
216 - Energetic Herbs
217 - Graymold
218 - Toadstool
219 - Mandrake
220 - Healing Potion
221 - Curing Potion
222 - Strength Potion
223 - Energy Potion
224 - Poison Potion
225 - Haste Potion
226 - Invulnerability Potion
227 - Resistance Potion
228 - Healing Elixir
229 - Curing Elixir
230 - Strength Elixir
231 - Energy Elixir
232 - Poison Elixir
233 - Haste Elixir
234 - Invulnerability Elixir
235 - Resistance Elixir
236 - Knowledge Brew
237 - Restoration Brew
238 - Protection Brew
239 - Heroic Brew
240 - Graymold Salve
241 - Balm Of Life
242 - Searing Balm
243 - Draining Brew
244 - Scroll – Bolt Of Fire
245 - Scroll – Call Beast
246 - Scroll – Arcane Blow
247 - Scroll - Slow
248 - Scroll – Ice Lances
249 - Scroll – Create Illusion
250 - Scroll - Farsight
251 - Scroll – Lightning Spray
252 - Scroll – Dispel Barrier
253 - Scroll – Summon Aid
254 - Scroll - Fireblast
255 - Scroll – Repel Spirit
256 - Scroll – Summon Shade
257 - Scroll – Control Foes
258 - Scroll – Spray Acid
259 - Scroll - Forcecage
260 - Scroll – Capture Mind
261 - Scroll – Divine Host
262 - Scroll – Bitter Loss
263 - Scroll - Withering
264 - Ring Of Vulnerability
265 - Ring Of Idiocy
266 - Clumsy Ring
267 - Ring Of Exposure
268 - Ring Of Grief
269 - Magnetic Ring
270 - Shield Ring
271 - Ring Of Health
272 - Ring Of Skill
273 - Resistance Ring
274 - Assassins Band
275 - Fletchers Ring
276 - Armor Ring
277 - Nimble Band
278 - Warriors Ring
279 - Firewalker Band
280 - Quicksilver Ring
281 - Archers Ring
282 - Wand Of Bolts
283 - Wand Of Ice
284 - Wand Of Slowing
285 - Wand Of Lightning
286 - Wand Of Fire
287 - Wand Of Acid
288 - Wand Of Forcecage
289 - Wand Of Absorption
290 - Rod Of Arcana
291 - Rod Of Beast Call
292 - Rod Of Major Call
293 - Rod Of Illusions
294 - Strength Bracelet
295 - Dexterity Bracelet
296 - Intelligence Bracelet
297 - Mages Bracelet
298 - Priest Bracelet
299 - Warriors Bracelet
300 - Lucky Bracelet
301 - Monkey Bracelet
302 - Chill Charm
303 - Warmth Charm
304 - Health Charm
305 - Shielding Charm
306 - Basic Charm
307 - War Charm
308 - Freedom Charm
309 - Crystal Charm
310 - Knowledge Charm
311 - Sticky Charm
312 - Harm Charm
313 - Cursed Sling
314 - Leather Sling
315 - Blessed Sling
316 - Broom
317 - Mop
318 - Shovel
319 - Pick
320 - Broken Sword
321 - Leather Bracer
322 - Drakeskin Bracer
323 - Bronze Bracer
324 - Iron Bracer
325 - Blessed Bracer
326 - Piercing Crystal
327 - Unshackling Crystal
328 - Shattering Crystal
329 - Shard Of Release
330 - Mythril Woven Robe
331 - Archers Cloak
332 - Dragonskin Cloak
333 - Pants Of Power
334 - Pants Of Sorrow
335 - Robe Of The Magi
336 - Radiant Robe
337 - Rogues Leather
338 - Mauling Leather
339 - Shadow Leather
340 - Icy Chainmail
341 - Polished Platemail
342 - Assassins Dagger
343 - Diamond Dagger
344 - Flaming Sword
345 - Icy Longsword
346 - Demonslayer
347 - Goulbane
348 - Giantslayer
349 - Jade Halberd
350 - Obsidian Spear
351 - Alien Blade
352 - Acid Arrows
353 - Bolts Of Life
354 - Arrows Of Light
355 - Acid Bolts
356 - Ruby Helmet
357 - Emerald Helmet
358 - Helmet Of Speed
359 - Runed Helmet
360 - Nimble Gloves
361 - Ogrish Gauntlets
362 - Giantish Gauntlets
363 - Glue Gauntlets
364 - Aspskin Gloves
365 - Micahs Gloves
366 - Dancing Shoes
367 - Boots Of Apollo
368 - Slippers Of Speed
369 - Wyrmsbane
370 - Slith Spear
371 - Fine Slith Spear
372 - Scissors
373 - Pot
374 - Glass
375 - Rolling Pin
376 - Towel
377 - Hatchet
378 - Unused
379 - Cursed Waveblade
380 - Waveblade
381 - Fine Waveblade
382 - Cursed Razordisks
383 - Razordisks
384 - Fine Razordisks
385 - Vahnatai Cloak
386 - Crystal
387 - Fine Crystal
388 - Gold Ore
389 - Silver Ore
390 - Rough Diamond
391 - Rope
392 - Fine Meal
393 - Cheap wine
394 - Unused
395 - Bliss Elixir
396 - Rogues Elixir
397 - Pears
398 - Apples
399 - Cake
400 - Meat On Spit
401 - Basket
402 - Clay Pot
403 - Teapot
404 - Mug
405 - Teacup
406 - Board Game
407 - Potted Plant
408 - Hourglass
409 - Curved Stone Spiral
410 - Lovely Stone Spiral
411 - Saw
412 - Plank
413 - Stone Blocks
414 - Bottle Of Ale
415 - Bottle Of Wine
416 - Unicorn Horn
417 - Incense
418 - Gremlin Wine
419 - Sack Of Meal
420 - Bar Of Gold
421 - Crystal Shield
422 - Ice Shield
423 - Shield Of Khar
424 - Shield Of Klin
425 - Life Shield
426 - Shield Of Klud
427 - Martyrs Shield
428 - Rune Shield
429 - Shield Of Kron
430 - Ring Of Warmth
431 - Icy Ring
432 - Ring of Speed
433 - Ring of Will
434 - Aescal's Ring
435 - Dust of Shadows
436 - Dust of Choking
437 - Cleansing Powder
438 - Basic Powder
439 - Power of Lethe
440 - Helm of Alertness
441 - Archer's Bow
442 - Mithral Blade
443 - Plate Boots
444 - Titanium Boots


445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Unused
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.1] A Small Rebellion Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Apple Pie
451 - Unused
452 - Quickload Crossbow
453 - Spear of Deflection
454 - Leaden Cloak
455 - Fine Leather Pants
456 - Fanatic's Symbol
457 - Prismatic Charm
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Morrow's Isle Map
461 - Geode
462 - Lucky Tongs
463 - Soporific Herbs
464 - Soporific Brew
465 - Heart of the Pillar
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.2] A Large Rebellion Item List ==

445 - Burned Bread
446 - Earrings of Sorsha
447 - The Naga
448 - History of the Nephilim
449 - Lab Equipment
450 - Lab Equipment
451 - Beaker
452 - Vahnatai Lockpicks
453 - Fine Vahnatai Lockpicks
454 - Magic Vahnatai Lockpicks
455 - Mage's Cape
456 - Rogue's Cape
457 - Sorcerer's Cape
458 - Razorplate
459 - Gems
460 - Gems
461 - Gems
462 - Orb of Nar
463 - Toy Bat of Fireballs
464 - Gold Dagger
465 - Drakeskin
466 - Drake Fang
467 - Lemon
468 - Grapes
469 - Robotic Spider
470 - Parchement w. Map
471 - Serpent Delta Map
472 - Crude Letter with Map
473 - Advertisement
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Balm of Life
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.3] Babystitting Item List ==

445 - Wand of Polymorph
446 - Wand of Life Drain
447 - Wand of Translocation
448 - Amulet of Antimagic
449 - Unused
450 - Unused
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.4] Backwater Calls Item List ==

445 - A Permit to leave
446 - Undead and You
447 - Herbal Tea
448 - Iron Ore
449 - Steel Plated Helm
450 - Crude Club
451 - Plate of Electrocution
452 - Manslaughter
453 - Pants of Swiftness
454 - Borgia Toadstools
455 - Shackles
456 - Haakai Blade
457 - Protective Charm
458 - Hendrickson's Crossbow
459 - Faerengrove Map
460 - Lab Equipment
461 - Lab Equipment
462 - Dust of Learning
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.5] Bahssikava Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Book
447 - Book
448 - Book
449 - Halberd of Calindor
450 - Immunity Charm
451 - Phaedra
452 - Bahssikavan Spear
453 - Blademaster's Bracelet
454 - Braclet of Efficiency
455 - Golem Arm
456 - Scroll
457 - Spear of Kalthas
458 - Wand of Destruction
459 - Magic Vahnatai Cloak
460 - Magic Plate Mail
461 - Magic Slith Spear
462 - Quickness Gauntlets
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.6] Canopy Item List ==

445 - Miracle Cloak
446 - Dsmonzerstsrer
447 - Miracle Shield
448 - Adlerauge
449 - Miricle Bracelet
450 - Zauberrobe
451 - Miricle Boots
452 - Maximillion
453 - Saljuq
454 - Illusory Amulet
455 - Illusory Spear
456 - Illusory Rod
457 - Illusory Text
458 - Illusory Key
459 - Illusory Shield
460 - Blessed Mithril Plate
461 - Drakeskin Helmet
462 - Drakeslayer
463 - Miracle Helmet
464 - Cursed Greaves
465 - Leather Greaves
466 - Bronze Greaves
467 - Iron Greaves
468 - Steel Greaves
469 - Magic Greaves
470 - Chutes and Ladders
471 - Monopoly
472 - Clue
473 - Adrenaline Rush
474 - Blessed Steel Helmet
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Naturshand - 40 SP
480 - Rasereiangriff - 10 SP
481 - Lichtschild - 30 SP
482 - Blattstrahl - 5 SP
483 - FlammenrYckstoss - 0 SP
484 - Jutsuhi - 20 SP
485 - Tetra-Disaster - 40 SP
486 - Shinibiimu - 30 SP
487 - Scry - 1 SP
488 - Leave Scenario - 0 SP
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Summon Baldev - 30 SP
495 - Summon Goblin - 17 SP
496 - Summon Shinigami - 25 SP
497 - Summon Achilles - 50 SP
498 - Summon Archangel - 77 SP
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.7] The Cave of No Return Item List ==

445 - Alchemy and Whatnot
446 - Hellspawn and You
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Balu's Elixir
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.8] Cresent Valley Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Demonslayer
451 - Avernum Entrance Map
452 - Heal All
453 - Arena Long Sword
454 - Arena Bow
455 - Arena Helm
456 - Arena Shield
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.9] Death at Chapman's Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Death Charm
451 - Book
452 - Large Book
453 - Textbook
454 - Journal
455 - Novel
456 - Wand of Opening
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.10] Diplomacy with the Dead Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Fine Crafted Leather
451 - Mithril Studded Armor
452 - Fine Crafted Chain
453 - Fine Crafted Plate
454 - Master Longsword
455 - Master Pike
456 - Ice-Infused Spike
457 - Razor Plate Mail
458 - Fury Gauntlets
459 - Wizard's Cap
460 - Rogue's Cap
461 - Dagger of Defence
462 - Black Dress of Speed
463 - Fine Crafted Shield
464 - Lamp of Lightness
465 - Limb
466 - Beaker
467 - Metal Bowl
468 - Shackles
469 - Band of Vahkohs
470 - Maynard's Signet
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.11] Druids of Krell Item List ==

445 - Sun Stone
446 - Staff of Druids
447 - Naturewalker's Torc
448 - Skyshard
449 - Note
450 - Peppers
451 - Radishes
452 - Plums
453 - Oranges
454 - Onions
455 - Opening Staff
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.12] Emerald Mountain Item List ==

445 - Aquos Gem
446 - Cursed Axe
447 - Crude Axe
448 - Iron Axe
449 - Steel Axe
450 - Blessed Axe
451 - Crude Claymore
452 - Blessed Claymore
453 - Cursed Cudgel
454 - Crude Cudgel
455 - Fine Cudgel
456 - Blessed Cudgel
457 - Wihcaser's Spear
458 - Loyalty
459 - Liberty
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Ironclad Bangle
496 - Baltimore Imperial
497 - Tachyon Heart
498 - Sol Phantasmal
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.13] High Level Party Maker Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - God Longsword
451 - God Plate Mail
452 - Pants of God
453 - God Large Shield
454 - God Helm
455 - God Gauntlets
456 - Ring of Total Immunity
457 - Boots of Blinding Speed
458 - God Bracer
459 - God Crossbow
460 - Cloak of Immortality
461 - Bolts of God
462 - Potion of Mighty Protection
463 - Potion of Combat Strength
464 - Potion of Uninhibited Travel
465 - Potion of Useful Effects
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Valley of Dying of Things
471 - Diplomacy with the Dead
472 - The Za-Khazi Run
473 - A Small Rebellion
474 - Babysitting
475 - Roses of Reckoning
476 - A Cave of No Return
477 - Emerald Mountain
478 - Death of Chapman's
479 - A Perfect Forest
480 - Canopy
481 - Xerch'de
482 - Bahssikava
483 - Backwater Calls
484 - Lord Putidus
485 - Nine Variations on Point B
486 - Cresent Valley
487 - Undead Valley
488 - Druids of Krell
489 - A Large Rebellion
490 - Mad Ambition
491 - Nephilim Mystery
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.14] Lord Putidus Item List ==

445 - Healing Potion
446 - Curing Potion
447 - Strength Potion
448 - Haste Potion
449 - Battle Medicine Kit
450 - Plum
451 - Body
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.15] Mad Ambition Item List ==

445 - Cursed Axe
446 - Crude Axe
447 - Iron Axe
448 - Steel Axe
449 - Blessed Axe
450 - Cursed Cudgel
451 - Crude Cudgel
452 - Fine Cudgel
453 - Blessed Cudgel
454 - Cursed Rapier
455 - Crude Rapier
456 - Iron Rapier
457 - Steel Rapier
458 - Blessed Rapier
459 - Cursed Tribal Spear
460 - Crude Tribal Spear
461 - Fine Tribal Spear
462 - Cursed Scimitar
463 - Crude Scimitar
464 - Iron Scimitar
465 - Steel Scimitar
466 - Blessed Scimitar
467 - Cursed Edge Sword
468 - Bronze Edge Sword
469 - Iron Edge Sword
470 - Steel Edge Sword
471 - Blessed Edge Sword
472 - Shamshod Plate Mail
473 - Scrap Metal Mail
474 - Stylish Cap
475 - Very Stylish Cap
476 - Toga
477 - Ball of Cloth
478 - Sapphires
479 - Spinel
480 - Aquamarines
481 - Garnet
482 - Malachai's Key
483 - Chitin Armor
484 - Healing Pod
485 - Healing Spores
486 - Gimeit Ambiere
487 - Magic Book
488 - Magic Book
489 - Magic Book
490 - Zenbu no Yoroi
491 - Malachai's Rapier
492 - Lamp
493 - Treasure Sword
494 - Limb
495 - Leather Greaves
496 - Iron Greaves
497 - Steel Greaves
498 - Magic Greaves
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.16] Nine Variations on Point B Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Unused
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.17] A Perfect Forest Item List ==

445 - Regeneration Shard
446 - Shade Dagger
447 - Spectral Wand
448 - Runed Amulet
449 - Sapphire Robe
450 - Blaze Ring
451 - Cosmos Gloves
452 - Silver Cross Bracelet
453 - Klinger's Bow
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Ruby
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.18] Roses of Reckoning Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Roses
451 - Quintessence
452 - A Little Girl
453 - An Apology
454 - The Forsaken
455 - Echoes: Assault
456 - Doom Moon II
457 - Lucky Cloak
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.19] The Za-Khazi Run Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Silk-Woven Chain Mail
451 - Small Shield of Clarity
452 - Cloak of Charity
453 - Blessed Gauntlets
454 - Mauler's Gauntlets
455 - Morog's Scepter
456 - Electric Crystal
457 - Pixie Dust
458 - Cobra Charm
459 - Bracer of the Tested
460 - Wurm's Fang
461 - High Quality Opal
462 - Rough Opal
463 - Khoth's Charm
464 - Eye of Khoth
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.20] Tutorial Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Cloak of Passage
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.21] Undead Valley Item List ==

445 - Vahnatai Knife
446 - Wave-Spear
447 - Cloak of the Warriors
448 - Vahnatai Sling
449 - Blessed Vahnatai Sling
450 - Cursed Vahnatai Sling
451 - Blessed Vahnatai Bow
452 - Vahnatai Bow
453 - Cursed Vahnatai Bow
454 - Sling of the Hidden City
455 - Hidden City Cloak
456 - Hidden City Armor
457 - Hidden City Spear
458 - Hidden City Dagger
459 - Hidden City Short Sword
460 - Hidden City Rapier
461 - Hidden City Greatsword
462 - Hidden City Baton
463 - Hidden City Robe
464 - Hidden City Shield
465 - Hidden City Cap
466 - Hidden City Helmet
467 - Hidden City Gloves
468 - Hidden City Gauntlets
469 - Hidden City Sandals
470 - Hidden City Boots
471 - Learning Brew
472 - Vahnatai Knowledge Brew
473 - Blademaster's Sword
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.22] Valley of Dying Things Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Accounts Ledger
451 - Textbook
452 - Frenzy Charm
453 - Ghostly Bracelet
454 - Arrows of Passion
455 - Way of the Blade
456 - Illicit Magic
457 - Destroyed Textbook
458 - Destroyed Textbook
459 - Skylark Vale Map
460 - Lab Equipment
461 - Lab Equipment
462 - Limb
463 - Beaker
464 - Metal Bowl
465 - Shackles
466 - Silk-Woven Robe
467 - Bug Egg
468 - Amber Flecked Ring
469 - Electrum Bracelet
470 - Smith's Charm
471 - Pants of Power
472 - Rogue's Vest
473 - Ichor-Coated Buckler
474 - Emblazoned Shield
475 - Chitin Armor
476 - Rod of Healing
477 - Moldy Journel
478 - Opening Stone
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.23] Xerch'de For Win Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Unused
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.24] Magus of Cattalon Item List ==

445 - Strange Wand
446 - Golem Head
447 - Cattalon Map
448 - Poison Darts
449 - Letter to you.
450 - Sword of Sharpness
451 - Moonstone
452 - Damaged Plate Mail
453 - Archer's Ring
454 - Papyrus Scroll
455 - Ancestral Spear
456 - Sharshooter's Bow
457 - Is Your Child a Magic-user?
458 - Prayer Club
459 - Shimmering Crystal
460 - Traveler's Boots
461 - Naga's Wisdom
462 - Displacer Helm
463 - Wand of Teleportation
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.25] Nephilim Mystery Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Unused
451 - Unused
452 - Unused
453 - Unused
454 - Unused
455 - Unused
456 - Unused
457 - Unused
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [5.5.26] Proving Grounds Item List ==

445 - Unused
446 - Unused
447 - Unused
448 - Unused
449 - Unused
450 - Werdna's Staff
451 - Sword of Trebor
452 - Werdna's Amulet
453 - Ring of Healing
454 - Werdna's Robe
455 - Blade Cusinart'
456 - Murasama Blade
457 - Lords Garb
458 - Unused
459 - Unused
460 - Unused
461 - Unused
462 - Unused
463 - Unused
464 - Unused
465 - Unused
466 - Unused
467 - Unused
468 - Unused
469 - Unused
470 - Unused
471 - Unused
472 - Unused
473 - Unused
474 - Unused
475 - Unused
476 - Unused
477 - Unused
478 - Unused
479 - Unused
480 - Unused
481 - Unused
482 - Unused
483 - Unused
484 - Unused
485 - Unused
486 - Unused
487 - Unused
488 - Unused
489 - Unused
490 - Unused
491 - Unused
492 - Unused
493 - Unused
494 - Unused
495 - Unused
496 - Unused
497 - Unused
498 - Unused
499 - Nontranslatable Item

== [6.1] Save Changes ==

Saves changes made using the Blades of Avernum Character Editor. Make sure you
have made a backup copy of the game first.

== [6.2] Load Saved Game ==

Load an Blades of Avernum Savegame into the Blades of Avernum Character Editor.

== [7.1] Contact Me ==

Thank you for reading this guide. If you wish to contact me my email is:

Please tell me about problems with this guide. If you send me requests for item
numbers, or lists for new scenarios, please check that you have the latest
version of the guide first.

== [7.2] Credits ==

* To Spiderweb Software for making Blades of Avernum and whole Avernum series.

* The Blades of Avernum Scenario Editor and the makers of the 3D version of it.

* To GameFAQ's for hosting this guide.

* To Neoseeker for hosting this guide.
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