Mystery Funhouse

Mystery Funhouse

15.10.2013 08:24:00

Time for a little spy stuff! A Fun House may seem a strange place for
espionage shenanigans, but secret agents have a habit of popping up in the
darndest places! if you just had some money, you could get inside. The first
thing to do is drop the watch, because you won't be needing it. Now go East
to the parking lot. Ignore the five dollar bill (it's a bill for $5!), and
look at the tree.

Get the branch, then look in the grate. Aha, that's where the real
money is! Chew the gum (tastes HORRIBLE!) then stick it on the branch. Use
the branch to get the coin, then drop both the branch and the gum. Return to
the Fun House entrance.

Wear the shoes, then give the dollar for a ticket. Go Fun. You are
standing in the Magical Mirror Room, and just up ahead is (gasp!) a maze.
Fortunately, it's not a bad one, if you're careful (if you aren't careful,

Go North three times, then West twice. This brings you to a small room.
Go West from here to the room with the knobs. Pull the green knob, and you
will find yourself in another room. Get the trampoline that's here, then go
South to the shooting gallery and pick up the strange spectacles. You have a
few minutes, so, if you want to, you can amuse yourself by shooting a few
clay pigeons. When you're finished, go back North, then Up, to the knob

Now, as you proceed through the adventure, you will from time to time
get messages about your shoe heel being loose. Ignore them, and don't touch
the heel for now. There will be time for that later. At the moment, you have
other things to do. So, head along West to the tank room, and from there, Up
to the ledge over the pit. Drop the trampoline here, then go East to the
barrel room.


Once in the barrel room, get the match and the comb, then crawl (that's how
you get out of the barrel). Drop the match by the trampoline, then head
South to the rickety stairs and down to the landing. Go down the slide into
the tank. Get the rusty key, then give the comb to the mermaid. Go up the
secret stairs she reveals, and you will be back on the landing.

Go East into the Windy Hall, and East again into (sigh) the maze. Now,
carefully make your way South, East, South, East, and you will be in the
Mirror Room again. Wear the spectacles, and look in the mirror. Sonuvagun!
There's a hidden door! Open the door and go inside. Here you find a valve
handle. Drop the spectacles and get the handle, then go East back to the
mirror room.

Once again, go through the maze to the room with the knobs. Drop the
key, then continue on West and then up until you come to the ledge. Get the
trampoline, then go down the ladder to the pit. Drop the trampoline, then
put handle and turn handle. You have now turned off the calliope in the
merry-go-round room (which is where you're going next). Now go trampoline,
and jump. Wheeee! You're back up on the ledge.

Get the match, and return to the knob room. Drop the match, get the
key, and pull the blue knob. Now you're in the room with the Fortune-telling
machine. However, it won't be telling your fortune today, because it's
broken. However, in an odd sort of way, it's going to be very helpful to
you. But right now, go on along East to the merry-go-round room.


Once in the merry-go-round room, push the blue button to stop the ride. Go
merry, then go horse. Climb the pole in the horse's back, which brings you
to the top of the ride. Look up, and you will see a rope. Jump! Now look,
and you will see you are on a catwalk. Go East, and unlock the door. Drop
the key, and look at the shelves. Grab the flashlight and the wrench, then
head back West, and climb all the way back down again, then return to the
knob room. As you pass the fortune-telling machine, pick up the "out of
order" sign.

Pull the green knob, then go South to the shooting gallery. Drop the
sign there, then return to the knob room. Get the match, then pull the
yellow knob. This takes you to a small room with strange music. Go North
into the maze (again!), then go East, South, East, South, East, and you're
in the Mirror Room. From there, go South out of the Fun House.

Now it's back to the parking lot. Open the grate. You will only be able
to open one bolt, but you can slide the grate to make room for yourself to
go down. Drop the wrench and get the gum. Turn on the flashlight, then go
down the manhole, and East to the room with the second grate.

Close the door, and drop the ticket. Now, the big moment has arrived!
Remove the heel from your shoe. A couple of things will fall out. One is a
note expaining what this is all about, the other is a fuse. Drop the heel
and the note, and get the fuse.

Chew the (yuck!) gum again, then stick it to the fuse, then stick it to
the grate. Light the fuse, and POP! the grate blows open. Get the ticket,
then go through the hole. Now up through the shooting gallery (good thing
you put that sign there!) and South to the hidden lab. There they are...the
secret plans! Grab them and...congrats! You have successfully completed your
assignment! After all this, you could use some peace and quiet. How about a
trip to some faraway place, like Egypt? In fact, you might even want to
visit the pyramids.....

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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