Ys - The Oath in Felghana

Ys - The Oath in Felghana

18.10.2013 01:20:55

--~== Ys - The Oath in Felghana ==~--

Century (Century_) jack.onderon@btopenworld.com
Version: 1.11 20/09/05

--~== -=-=-=-=-=-~-=-=-=-=-=- ==~--

=- Contents -=

Initial Blurb


Controls [ CNTR ]
- Attack
- Jump
- Mid-Air Slash
- Swirling Jump
- DOwnward Thrust
- Double-Jump (W-Jump)
- Jump-Cast
- Dash

Rings [ RNGS ]
- Fire Ring
- Wind Ring
- Earth Ring

Equipment [ EQPT ]
- Swords
- Armour
- Shields

Inventory [ INVT ]

Dropped Items [ DRIT ]

Save Points [ SPNT ]

Walkthrough [ WLKT ]
- Off to Redmont ................................. [ W_RDM ]
- Tigray Quarry .................................. [ W_TQU ]
- Dularn
- Ellefale
- The Illburns Ruins ............................. [ W_ILR ]
- Chester Stoddart
- The Zone of Lava ............................... [ W_ZOL ]
- Guilen
- Gyalva
- The Abandoned Mines ............................ [ W_ABM ]
- Istersiva
- The Elderm Mountains ........................... [ W_ELD ]
- Ligaty
- The Icebound Cave .............................. [ W_TIC ]
- Gildias
- Valestein Castle ............................... [ W_VLC ]
- Death Faleon
- Zellfel Zam Schutilger
- The Sewers Below Valestein ..................... [ W_SBV ]
- Zirduros
- The Clocktower ................................. [ W_CLO ]
- Chester Stoddart
- Genos Island ................................... [ W_GNI ]
- Dularn
- Garland
- Galvaran

Monsters [ MNST ]

Acknowledgements [ ACKM ]


=- Initial Blurb -=

I freely give permission for this file to be used or distributed on the
condition that it is done so completely intact and unchanged, and in full.
Do not use this walkthrough for any profitable means, and if you wish for
it to be presented on your website, please ask permission using the above
email. I would like to know exactly where it is being used, and any websites
I have given permission to, will be shown below:


Don't plagiarise my work, don't copy this out in part or in full and whack
your name on it anywhere.

Go to Falcom's website, buy their stuff, and support them in every way you

=- Introduction -=

Ys: The Oath in Felghana is the latest game in a long-running series by those
legends over at Falcom. Actually, it's somewhat of a remake of Ys III:
Wanderers from Ys, which appeared on the mega-drive a long time ago. Back then,
the game was a change in direction for the Ys series - many decided that they
didn't like the change from a top-down perspective, as found in Ys Books I &
II, to the side-on perspective in Wanderers.

Indeed it wasn't just the perspective change that annoyed people, but that
meant a slight change in the gameplay too. Whereas before there was no jumping,
and "hitting" an enemy was performed just by running into them, in Wanderers
jumping was an important skill, and Adol Christian, our main character, had
to actually swing his sword to hit the enemy.

After Wanderers the perspective was returned to top-down, but the other
elements remained. Falcom kept on remaking games (Ys I and II on the Saturn,
Ys Eternal I & II on the PC) before finally releasing Ys in its current form
in Ys VI: Ark of Napishtim. Oath uses the same engine as Ark, and it's
incredibly beautiful. Of course, if you're reading this guide then you're
playing the game, and therefore already know that!

Anyway, hopefully this guide can help you through this game. Actually, most of
the game can be played without a guide, as it's very intuitive. However,
gameplay aspects and boss strategies are always a help. If this is your first
time through the game, then perhaps just reading about the gameplay aspects and
the "quests" is the best bet, unless you get really stuck. And, of course, if
you don't speak Japanese and need to know what an item does.

I wrote this guide whilst playing on Hard mode, so the boss fights are tailored
mostly to that. I've included details on the difference between bosses on each
mode, and also included the level and equipment I had with Adol when I defeated
a boss. That might just give you an indication of how well you're doing, or if
you're having a lot of difficulty with a boss you may just see that getting up
one more level, like I did, makes it a whole lot easier (in fact, with most
bosses, gaining just one level can mean the difference between near-impossible
and very easy).

=- Controls -= [ CNTR ]

The basic controls will be explained to you when you get the Basic Action
manual at the beginning of the game, but to sum up I've written it all here
for you.


Attacking is performed with the Z key. This is a simple, horizontal swing,
but it can be chained together to form a large number of very quick attacks.
You can move whilst doing this, even changing direction. It'll be the most
used attack in the game.


The dash-attack is performed just like it was in Ys VI - press a direction,
and release (i.e. you shouldn't be pressing a direction for the next bit), then
after a quarter- to third-second delay, press the attack key (Z). You will
dash forward and attack. I didn't find this that useful in Ark of Napishtim
aside from moving into the dash-jump, which you can't do here anyway, but with
the host of other attacks you can do I find even less reason to use it. It's a
pretty big commitment, as you will dash forward a reasonable distance, during
which you can't perform any other action (which WILL be problematic should
you find yourself dashing into trouble).


Jumping is performed with the X key. Whilst this'll be used a lot to navigate
the areas you're in, it also opens a whole load of other skills, mostly
involving combat. Whilst in mid-air, pressing attack will perform one of a
variety of attacks, depending on your own position:

Mid-Air Slash

When in the ascent of the jump (i.e. still moving up), and moving in any
direction, attacking will perform a horizontal slash. Two, and even three
later on, attacks can be performed in the air, but they won't be a chain combo.
This is a very useful attack for the aerial enemies you'll come to face.

Swirling Jump

When in the ascent of the jump, and NOT moving in any direction, Adol will
spin round with his sword hitting everything in 360 degrees around him. You
won't be using this often as it's very restrictive. If you're surrounded by
enemies, you may get hit during the jump (and therefore won't be able to
jump-attack at all), and against one opponent the timing is difficult to
achieve. Not to mention not being able to move whilst performing this
manoeuvre really stops this attack from becoming that useful at any point.
Best used on slow aerial enemies if many are nearby. It is possible to perform
a combo here, but mostly would rely on the enemy being trapped against a wall.

Alternatively, if you're standing on a step lower than an enemy, jump up with
the swirling attack, and more towards them after initiating the attack. You
may land on the step and be able to continue into your normal combo, but this
is so much harder than doing it with the mid-air slash.

Downward Thrust

When on the descent of the jump (beginning to fall), Adol will point his sword
downwards and land on an enemy. This is an excellent attack. It can hit many
enemies at once, and is also an automatic combo: If you hit an enemy that
doesn't do well to avoid the attack, you can score up to five hits on it, or
even on each of a whole group of enemies if you're very lucky. There is also a
chance that, with each hit, the enemy is stunned - you'll know this by seeing a
circle of stars floating around an enemy's head. For a couple of seconds, that
enemy can do absolutely nothing, and is fair game. The only down-side to this
attack is the lag when you land, which is not even a second-long recovery
period in which you're prone. This will not inconvenience you in the slightest!

Double Jump

When you get the Mission Slate later on in the game, you will be able to
double-jump. Press jump a second time whilst in mid air for Adol to jump even
higher/further. A skill required to progress through the game.


It's possible to cast a spell in mid-air, although often requires casting
before jumping to secure the perfect timing - the spell will take effect as
you are in mid-air. The most useful magic is Wind Magic, as using this in
mid-air will allow you to hover for a short period, making some otherwise
unreachable areas accessible.


Once you've found and used the Brosia Secret Medicine, you'll be able to dash.
There are several ways to use it: Double-click the left mouse button,
double-tap and hold one of the direction buttons on the keyboard, or hold down
the cast button (C). Alternatively, select the fourth tick-box in the options
menu to have it on permanently. You will simply run faster, and jump a little
further (NOT higher). I completed the game the first time without realising
about Dash, so it's certainly not required at all.

=- Rings -= [ RNGS ]

The three Rings you get throughout the game, and the jewels that upgrade them,
are essential items. Not only do they have major impacts on gameplay, but the
attacks they allow you to do often help you a lot.

With the ring on its own, the normal, weaker version of the spell is available.
The rings can be upgraded by getting the ring jewels - Ruby for the Fire Ring,
Emerald for the Wind Ring and Topaz for the Earth Ring. There are three jewels
for each ring, each increasing the power of the ring, and the first one you get
also allows for a charged version of the magic - hold the cast button (C) until
colourful energy swirls quickly spin around your character, and then when you
release the button the spell will be the charge version.

Also note that once Dash is enabled, holding the cast button will engage dash -
it's therefore useful to pick your favourite ring, and always run with the cast
button held down. You can do every action whilst it is down, so it won't impact
you at all - except for helping you, a lot!

There are two ways to change Rings. The least useful way (particularly during
bosses, as you can't access the menus anyway!) is to go to the Equip Menu and
manually change it there. Far more useful and quick is to use the S and D keys
to cycle backwards or forwards through the rings.


Fire's usefulness is, I think, restricted just to using against just a few
bosses. The normal version is a single fireball, whilst the charged version is
a large fireball, which will stay in place when it hits something. I find the
smaller version more helpful through normal play, as the large fireball knocks
an enemy back after the first hit, and won't score multiple hits. The only
exception to this is when you trap an enemy in a corner, or when the enemy is
static or too big to move - both only occurring with bosses. In every other
case, firing a long stream of small fireballs at a single enemy can actually
pack quite a punch.

I have a lot of difficulty aiming with fire magic, too'c There can be a slight
delay between casting and the fireball coming out, which causes problems both
when jump-casting, and when wanting to fire to a diagonal. If you like it,
play around with it, but the other rings are probably much more useful. Only a
few enemies need fire magic to be used to kill them.

The fireballs also destroy the icicles in Elberm Mountain.


Wind is my absolute favourite ring. The normal version is a short lasting spin
attack, which reaches slightly further than a normal attack. The charged
version lasts about twice as long, and has twice the reach. Manoeuvrability is
kept low with Wind Magic, so if you want to go anywhere with it, make sure
you're moving in that direction BEFORE you cast it. If you cast it whilst
standing still, then move, you will only move a very short distance.

This is perfect. It means you have a lot of short-distance control if you're
using it against a tough opponent (e.g. a boss), but also you can cover a lot
of distance in the air if you need to. That's the second application of the
spell - the hover-jump.

Whilst in mid-air, using Wind Magic will make you spin as normal, but you won't
drop very far whilst you're spinning. If you're already moving in one direction
when you jump, and then use Wind Magic, your jumps will cover a longer
distance, allowing you to make seemingly impossible jumps.

In terms of attack capability, I think the damage through Wind Magic is
slightly less than normal, but you'll be hitting very rapidly, and cover a
larger range, thus hitting more enemies at the same time. If you're in a
tight-spot, surrounded by enemies, use this. Also use it if you can't hit a
flying enemy. The extra range of attack will make the smaller, more
manoeuvrable enemies easier to hit.

A classic move is when fighting ground and air enemies together. Whilst fully
charged, use whilst on the ground to kill the enemies there. Midway through
the spell, jump, and anything above you will be annihilated too.

Also, make use of the hover ability to dodge area spells on the ground. This
is mainly used against bosses - for example, Istersiva's energy ball attacks
cover a large range, and whilst you jump over it, you may find yourself about
to land on it again. Hovering will give you a bit of time to escape landing, or
to move to a safer area.

Alternatively, know that whilst spinning, you are immune to being knocked down.
Although you'll take damage, an attack that would otherwise knock you down will
not. This can be very helpful, especially when levelling and you want to keep
that x1.99 Exp modifier.


Whilst not as useful as Wind, IMO, Earth Magic is indeed good. The normal
version is a dash with a small aftershock area around and behind you. The
charged version dashes further, with a larger aftershock area. Perhaps some
people find it more useful, but it would take practice. The least you can
expect is to hit an enemy once with it, but aiming isn't as accurate as it
could be - don't worry too much about that with the shock area, though.

However, with some luck, if an enemy is caught within the shock as you go
through/past them, they can take a lot of hits. As such, don't aim at the enemy
but just to the side.

The biggest bonus to using Earth Magic over the others, though, is that whilst
it is active, you are absolutely invulnerable to everything in the game. I
rarely use it to attack, but especially against bosses I use it to avoid taking
damage against certain attacks. This will really have good applications outside
of boss battles, but I don't mind taking a bit of damage too much, and find it
difficult/cumbersome changing Rings throughout - I just stick with Wind unless
I absolutely need to change.

=- Equipment -= [ EQPT ]

Throughout the game you will be given the opportunity to find or purchase
more equipment - these are:
Swords - Increase your strength;
Armour - Increase your defense;
Shields - Increase your defense.

All equipment, once you have it, can be refined using Raval. Raval are the
purple crystals that you see having been either dropped by a monster you've
killed, or found in chests. To refine a piece of equipment, it will cost you a
certain amount of both gold AND Raval, depending upon the equipment you have -
if it is the first grade equipment (that which you start with) it will be very
cheap, but the last grade equipment (the last that you find in the game) are
very expensive:

| Grade | Raval | Gold |
| 1 | 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 7 | 30 |
| 3 | 30 | 150 |
| 4 | 100 | 750 |
| 5 | | |
| 6 | 700 | 15000 |

The equipment itself can be bought from Cynthia at the counter in the shop
(second option down when you speak to her), and behind her you will see Adonis
at a forge, who will refine the Raval to your equipment (second option down).

| Grade | Sword | Str+ | Location |
| 1 | Shortsword | 20 | Start with it |
| 2 | Long Sword | 34 | Shop - 800G |
| 3 | Broadsword | 48 | Lava Zone |
| 4 | Banded Slayer | 62 | Shop - 24,000G |
| 5 | Battle Sword | 76 | Sewers under Valestein |
| 6 | Brave Sword | 90 | Chester gives it to you |

| Grade | Shield | def+ | Location |
| 1 | Wood Shield | 6 | Start with it |
| 2 | Small Shield | 12 | Illburns Ruins |
| 3 | Large Shield | 18 | Shop - 2,800G |
| 4 | Banded Shield | 24 | Shop - 16,000G |
| 5 | Battle Shield | 30 | Valestein West Wing |
| 6 | Raval Shield | 36 | Give Adonis the Crimson Hammer and 1000R |

| Grade | Armour | def+ | Location |
| 1 | Leather Armour | 8 | Start with it |
| 2 | Chainmail | 16 | Shop - 650G |
| 3 | Plate Mail | 24 | Shop - 3,500G |
| 4 | Banded Mail | 32 | Shop - 18,000G |
| 5 | Battle Armour | 40 | Valestein East Wing |
| 6 | Raval Armour | 48 | Genos Island |

Aside from swords, shields and armour, there are also equippable accessories.
These have an important effect on the game, but for the most part it's usually
possible to wander around without even having them equipped.

| Accessory | Use whilst equipped |
| Fire Dragon Charm | Walk through (shallow) lava |
| ? Gem | See through fake platforms in Valestein |
| Stone Shoes | Prevents slipping on ice/slime |
| Spirit Robe | Recover HP if stand still long enough |
| Silver Bell | Kill Skull-Alnade and -Magiste outright |
| Spirit Necklace | Come back to full health if die |

=- Inventory -= [ INVT ]

The inventory contains a few one-use items, and some multi-use items, that all
never-the-less are either helpful or required to continue through the game. To
use them, go to the Inventory screen, highlight the item and press Z.

Some items, such as Amulets, can only be used once, but it's possible to own
more than one. Such items have the number owned in the bottom corner.

Items that you have either run out of, or used for the one time they are
required, are shaded out. This shows that you at least once had that item.

| Map of | Wing | Phantom | Amulet |
| Felghana | Charm | Mirror | |
| Katoru | Brosia | Balm Leaf | Bob's |
| | Medicine | | Pendant |
| Silver | Storehouse | Ruins Key | Clocktower |
| Pendant | Key | | Key |
| Mission | Silver | Ivory Key | Star Cross |
| Slate | Organ Pipe | | ??? |
| Jade Ring | Fighting | Augite | Lotus |
| | God's Seal | Brooch | Hammer |
| Star-Moon | Setting | Darkness | White Light|
| Statue | Sun Statue | Statue | Statue |

Map of Felghana
- The map can be used as often as you want. It simply shows a map of
Felghana, your rough position, and the main routes. Overland only.
- Given to you by Gardner near the beginning.

Wing Charm
- Allows you to teleport instantly to any save point you've already
visited. Can be used as often as you want.
- Elena gives this to you when you leave town to head to the Abandoned

Phantom Mirror
- Allows you to withstand three hits (?) without taking damage.
- Bought in the shop. Some enemies drop them.

- Stops all enemies moving for a short period.
- Bought in the shop. Some enemies drop them.

Katoru Miracle Water
- Increases your max HP by a small amount. Useable once, but many can
be found.
- Bought in the shop, or found in a number of chests.

Brosia Medicine
- Once used, allows you to use the Dash skill. One use.
- Found in a chest just before fighting Gyalva in the Lava Zone.

Balm Leaf
- Collect four of these, and then give them to Hugo. He'll give you a
Katoru in exchange.
- All four are scattered throughout the Elderm mountains, the last one
just after fighting Ligaty.

Bob's Pendant
- Give to Aida. She will give you the ? Gem in return.
- Across a broken bridge in Tigray Quarry - head right at the bottom of
the first shaft for a couple of screens.

Silver Pendant
- Give to Elena when you meet her in the sewers beneath Valestein,
after killing Zirduros.
- On the floor in the chapel in Valestein Castle.

Storehouse Key
- Given to you by Dewey, a mine worker, in Tigray Quarry. Required, one
- Use to open the door to the left of the first mine shaft in Tigray
Quarry, leading into the room with Dularn.

Ruins Key
- Opens the gate into the Illburns Ruins. Required, one use.
- Given to you by Nicholas after you've defeated Ellefale.

Clocktower Key
- Opens the door into the Clocktower. Required, one use.
- Given to you by Andre once you've killed Zirduros.

Mission Slate
- The Mission Slate describes the story of the previous person to
vanquished the evil behind the quest. It grants you the double-jump
(W-Jump) skill.
- The small shrine near the top of the Abandoned Mine.

Silver Organ Pipe?
- Use on the organ in the chapel in Valestein to open the door to the
- Dropped by Death Faleon when you kill him.

Ivory Key
- Use on the organ in the chapel in Valestein to open the door to the
- Given to you by Alice at the top of Valestein's east wing.

Star Cross?
- Use on the organ in the chapel in Valestein to open the door to the
- Dropped by Zellfell Zam Schutilger when you kill him.

Jade Ring
- Swap this for the Fighting God's Seal in Margo's inn.
- Given to you by Anthony when you give him 100 Raval. See Quest 3.

Fighting God's Seal
- Increases the duration of Boost. One use, but the effect is
- Swap the Jade Ring for this with Randolph in Margo's inn.

Augite Brooch
- Increases enemy drop rate.
- Speak to Fran outside of Valestein Castle just after you've escaped
from the Lava Zone, and before completing the Abandoned Mine. Then go
to the entrance to the Illburns Ruins, where you will find Cristoph.
Escort him back to Valestein Castle, and Elizabeth will give you the
brooch. See Quest 1.

Lotus Hammer
- Give this to Adonis, the blacksmith in the shop at Redmont. He will
then ask for 1000 Raval. With that, he will craft the Raval Shield
for you. One use.
- In a chest on Genos Island, in a room filled with Skull-Alnada.

=- Dropped Items -= [ DRIT ]

Dropped Items include all of those items that are both dropped by an enemy
that you've just slain, as well as those found in some of the urns that you
can break with your sword. Many of them are herbs, which restore a certain
amount of HP, whilst others induce a temporary increase to one of your stats -
when you pick up the item, a bar in the bottom left hand corner shows how much
time you have left with the modifier active, but it will steadily decrease. It
can be refilled by picking up another item.

These latter varieties come in two types, one more powerful than the other.
Each one stacks onto the total bonus to one of your stats - Strength (red),
Defense (blue) or MP Regeneration Rate (yellow). The small, thin version of the
drop increases the amount by a small amount, the larger vial with what appear
to be handles increase it by double that. There is, sadly, a maximum limit your
stats can rise to 8(

| Stat | Small | Large | Maximum |
| Strength | +0.5 | +1.0 | 5.0 |
| Defense | +0.3 | +0.6 | 3.0 |
| MP Reg | +0.3 | +0.6 | 3.0 |

Once you hit the limit, you can still pick up these items, and although they
don't raise your modifier they do fill the bar to max again.

There are several types of herb as well, each one increasing your health by a
different amount (but, of course, not taking it over the maximum).

| Description | Amount |
| Green leaves | 10 |
| Green/Blue leaves | 25 |
| Lilac Flower | 50 |
| Lilac Flower, Red petals | 100 |
| Blue Flower | 200 |
| Red Flower | 999 |

Of course, you probably won't have the time to check which is which when
you've got monsters crawling all over you, but this is here if you want to
know ;)

Raval are also dropped by certain enemies, and again in different numbers. The
bigger the crystal dropped, the more Raval it's worth.

It's also possible for Amulets and Phantom Mirrors to be dropped by some of
the more powerful enemies, but this is rare.

=- Save Points -= [ SPNT ]

Save points are the blue crystals that you will see in various locations. They
are incredibly useful for a number of reasons.

Not only can you save at them (obviously helpful!), but touching them refills
your HP bar. They are therefore a lifesaver.

Finally, the save points act as locations for the ? Wing: Once you receive
this, you can teleport to any save point you've previously visited.

When you use the Wing Charm, you will see a map with all the main locations on it.
Click on each of these to see a list of all the save points [you've visited]
in that location. With just one exception, the locations of the save points
follow a set rule - the first is at the entrance to the location, and all the
rest are set just before a boss. The one exception to this is the third point
in the Elderm Mountains, Interior.

The save points are as follows:

Redmont Town
- Town Entrance

Tigray Quarry
- Quarry Entrance
- In Front of the Storehouse
- Deep Core of the Quarry

(Abandoned Mine)
- Abandoned Mine - The Lowest Layer

Illburns Ruins
- Ruins Entrance
- Festival Hall

(Lava Zone)
- ?
- The Deepest Point
- The Great Cavern

Elderm Mountains
- Mountain Range
- Mountain Range - Halfway Up
- Mountain Range - Interior
- The Icebound Cave

Valestein Castle
- In front of the Main Gate
- East Wing Corridor
- West Wing Corridor
- Underground Division
- Corridor in the Sky

Genos Island
- ?
- Shrine of Darkness

=- Walkthrough -= [ WLKT ]

Off to Redmont [ WRDM ]

When you start, you will have just docked at a small jetty with your old
friend, Dogi. As you walk onwards towards his home-town, you'll hear screams
from ahead - Adol runs forward, leaving Dogi alone... with two Guffs (they
look like Wolves). Adol finds a young girl, Elena, standing on her own. You
will then be attacked by some more Guffs yourself.

Before the fighting starts, you will be shown your first manual - Basic Action.
Defeating the Guffs should be easy enough, but if this is your first time
through the game it might take a moment or two to familiarise yourself with the
controls. Once those are taken care of, the next batch of Guffs will attack,
and you will be shown your second manual - Boost Mode. These two manuals are
actually your 4th and 5th, but you already have the first three. They are:
Equip, Inventory, and Drop Item. Equip and Inventory tell you how to use those
particular menu screens, whilst Drop Item tells you about all the - you guessed
it - items that monsters drop (See Drop Items). If you want, make use of your
boost (which is already charged up for you) to finish these off. Afterwards,
Dogi runs in and Elena introduces herself to the both of you. You then set off
towards Redmont, so enjoy the nice cut-scene.

By the time you reach Redmont it's night already, and the guard, Gardner, is
understandably wary. First off he notices Elena, then later recognises Dogi,
who he hasn't seen in a while. After all that is out of the way, Gardner opens
the gate and lets you in. Elena takes you straight to the inn, where you meet
Margo. And then go to sleep.

In the morning, Dogi will chat to you for a while, and leave once he's finished
Leave your room, speak to everybody in the inn, and then leave the inn. Now, go
and speak to everybody in the town - this will fill up most of your
"characters" section 8) Particularly speak to Elena to advance the plot. Once
you've spoken to her, return to the town's exit to see something has been going
on. Speak to Ricardo, and he'll tell you about the mine. You'll be asked a
question, so pick the top answer. Gardner will give you the Map of Felghana,
your first inventory item. It has no other use than to show you where
everything is.

You will also receive 1 raval, and 50 gold. It's up to you what you do with
those. Either save them up, which is kind of pointless, or upgrade one piece
of equipment. It'll cost you that raval, but only 10 gold, which is easily
replaceable. The best return for your money is probably upgrading the sword,
as you'll get a straight +2 to Str, as opposed to just +1 Def for either piece
of armour. Now, if you've spoken to everyone, you can leave the town. Save at
the up-coming save point, and then you'll start to meet up with some of the
local monsters.

Tigray Quarry [ WTQU ]

Once you've gained a couple of levels, head over to Tigray Quarry (if you can't
find it, check the map, though just always head to the south-west paths to get
there). Paul, one of the mine workers, is waiting outside looking quite shocked
Speak to him, then save and head inside. Get a few more levels (say, up to
level 5) by making use of the monsters inside the shaft. The Radel (troll-like
creatures) are tough, but are worth killing for the experience. At the bottom
of the shaft, head to the right to begin with. You'll start facing more Radel,
so make sure you can handle it. Keep going right.

Chest: 5 Raval

Go back to town and use them now, if you like, to upgrade all your starting
equipment to max. You may even be able to afford to upgrade some equipment,
but there's no worry about wasting raval - there's more than enough for all of
your equipment in the game.

Continue right and up the stairs. At the top, if you head left you will come to
a broken bridge, with an item and urn on the other side. There's no chance of
making that jump just yet, so head right instead.

Secret 1: Jump to the left and float across using Wind Magic. Bob's Pendant
will be on the floor. Urn: 600G. Take Bob's Pendant to Aida in
Redmont, and she'll give you the ? Gem.

Beware of the red flying creatures (Kayron) as they can pack a punch.

Urn: 70 Gold

Head downstairs. Carry on until you reach another mine worker, Dewey. He'll
tell you about what's going on further along, and give you the Basement Keys.
Now head back to the mine shaft, and head left.

If you think you're ready, save and go through the closed door to encounter the
first boss - Dularn.

Boss: Dularn, a Shadow of the Evil One

To begin with, Dularn encompasses himself with a blue aura - he's impenetrable
at this time, and the shield hurts, so don't even try and attack him. Standing
in the middle of the room, he'll attack three times, each in one of three ways:

1) Four swords will go straight up, and come down upon you. Just keep moving
and jump out of the way as they're about to land.
2) Four swords will shoot out in the four compass directions, and then spiral
towards you. This is the hardest to avoid - as they come close, jump, then
jump again as they swirl back in again.
3) Four swords will come straight at you in a line. You can jump them easily.

Once his three attacks are complete, his shield will be lost for a very short
time. Make sure you're close to him after his third attack, then hit him for
all it's worth. Boost comes in very handy. Once he's lost most of his hit
points, he'll change strategy slightly. His attacks will speed up, and once
his three attacks are complete he'll teleport to a random place in the area.
Follow him there, but be ready to jump over an energy wave before you hit him.

Difficulty Differences:
None known

Easy: Lvl 6, Short Sword-Max, Wood Shield-Max, Chainmail-Lv 1
Normal: Lvl 7, Long Sword-Max, Wood Shield-Max, Leather Armour-Max
Hard: Lvl 7, Short Sword-Max, Wood Shield-Max, Chainmail-Lv 1
Nightmare: Lvl 7, Long Sword-Lv 1, Wood Shield-Max, Chainmail-Lv 1


Once you defeat Dularn, head south to a room with a chest.

Chest: Fire Ring

You'll get the Ring Arts and Fire Ring manuals.

Now, after equipping the fire ring, head back to where Dewey was waiting, and
head right again. Go down to the bottom of the cavern (collect the urn just to
the left of the stairs at the top).

Urn: 120 Gold

You will come across some beetle-like creatures (Mozuk). They are resistant to
physical attacks, so don't attack them. Instead, use the fire ring to cause a
lot of damage.

Secret 2: Jump right, across the broken bridge, using Wind Magic. Chest: 8

Proceed through the next chamber, the bottom of a waterfall, and in the next
area, once you are clear, head north up the rock face. Head round to the right
to find a chest - use the Fire Magic on the brazier just north of it, then
open the chest to get a Ruby (and the Ring Jewel manual).

Chest: Ruby

Now you have access to the second grade of ring magic, used by holding down C
until you are charged up. You will notice this by seeing a small effect around
Adol. For the Fire Ring, this turns the small fireballs into a large fireball
which hangs around and causes extra damage. At the bottom of the chamber you
will find another urn, which you should open if you need the help.

Urn: HP+25, HP+50

Continue to the bottom of the stairs, and you will find Mayor Edgar. Speak to
him, then head left and break open the urn to get some cash.

Urn: 200 Gold

Save, and head through the door to fight the second boss.

Boss: Ellefale, the Statue of Azurite Death

The only way to injure Ellefale is using your newly acquired Fire Ring. The
normal attack does very little damage, and will take you forever to kill her,
so make sure you've grabbed the Ruby, and charge up before every attack. It
only takes a couple of seconds, and you'll hit her twice for low damage, and
hit her head (her weak point) for a lot more. Stay as far away as you can, so
you can avoid her attacks.

Ellefale's two main attacks involve a whirling disc of ice. Most of the time it
is horizontal, but every now and again it is vertical. You can tell which by
the motion of Ellefale's hand - if she sweeps it, the disc will be horizontal,
if she slices downwards, it'll be vertical. The vertical is easy to avoid (just
move left or right as fast as possible), but the horizontal disc requires
decent timing to jump over. Don't jump as soon as you know it'll be horizontal,
as she can throw this either high or low, depending on where Adol is. If you're
on the ground, it'll come at you low, so you can jump it. If you're in the air,
it'll come high, and you may be able to go under it if you land fast enough -
which is not often.

Every so often (once her HP have dropped a bit), Ellefale also has another pair
of attacks. The first, and more common, is a tornado that will come very slowly
towards you. It's easy to avoid on it's own, but complicated by her other
attacks, and you trying to hit her. Keep moving to avoid it, and once it's
behind you it can't come back again, and will disappear. She cloaks her wings
around herself before releasing this attack.

Her other attack, and much more dangerous, involves blasting six beams of ice
across the screen. It's not easy to avoid, as it's more-or-less instantaneous,
and like the tornado it does a lot of damage. She'll probably only do this once
- if at all - during the battle, so don't worry if you get hit by it. It is
preceded by her charging up white energy near her : when you see this, move to
around half-way of between her and the southern-most edge of the platform, and
as it is about to be released, jump south. It should hit where you were, and
not where you are.

Difficulty Differences:
Nightmare: Ellefale's attacks will approach you faster than in the previous
modes. Also, she can chain together tornadoes, so you might find
yourself having to avoid four or even five tornadoes, before jumping
another disc.

Normal: Lvl 8, Longsword-Lv 1, Wood Shield-Max, Chainmail-Lv 1
Hard: Lvl 8, Longsword-Lv 1, Wood Shield-Max, Chainmail-Lv 1
Nightmare: Lvl 8, Longsword-Lv 1, Wood Shield-Max, Chainmail-Lv 1


Once Ellefale has died, she'll drop the Star-Moon Statue. Leave her chamber,
and you'll come across another scene. A blond-haired man, accompanied by two
guards, is confronting the Mayor. They have a chat, and the blond guy - Chester
- basically tells you that he doesn't want to come across you again. Or bad
things will happen. To you. When he leaves, you and the mayor will
automatically skip back to his house, where you have a chat. Elena comes in,
words are said, and she runs off. Go figure.

Leave, and go to Rochus' house and speak with him to get 7 Ravals. Then speak
to Elena at her house, and she'll mumble something about her brother. Go to
the church, and you will find Sister Nell speaking to someone new, Nicholas.
Speak to them both, Nicholas will give you the Ruins Key (answer his question
with the top answer). Antonio is offering you stuff if you give him ravals.
Don't do this yet, as you don't have many - you'll get a better chance for
this later on.

Now, make sure you've got the best equipment you can get, and leave Redmont
for the Illburns Ruins (North, East).

The Illburns Ruins [ WILR ]

The Illburns Ruins are a step up in difficulty, with the Fazle and Sigled
enemies being an immediate nuisance. The Fazle (birds) can swoop, which should
be avoided, whilst the Sigled (wolf-men) lash with whips from a distance. The
path is pretty linear, and in the first actual room, Eager and Seean will make
themselves known. Eager are easy to "kill", but once you've killed them they
will drop to the floor and explode after a while. Avoid that, but more
importantly avoid the Seean's fireballs.

Exit that room to the north, and collect the cash from the urn to the

Urn: 300 gold

Carry on through into the next room. The path above you can only be accessed
later on, so for now don't worry about it.

Secret 3: Find the brazier that isn't burning, and shoot it with a fireball to
make the platform rise. Climb up onto the top platform, and run
right. At the end, jump to the right and float with Wind Magic to
reach the other side.
Chest: 200 Raval.
Urn: 600G

Carry on, and in the next chamber you'll find some beetle creatures, Gulg,
which are like nothing you've faced before. They're immune to all attacks from
the front, but take normal damage from behind. But don't try this - instead,
use the downward thrust on them as it will cause damage without you having to
rely on positioning, and also there's a chance of stunning the Gulg. Carry on,
not forgetting to cash in on the urn if you're in need of some health.

Urn: Def+, Str+, HP+

In the next indoor area, you'll come to a crossroads. To the north and south
are optional rooms containing bonuses. In each you'll be locked in with some
monsters. To the north are Barl, fire-creatures which are simple enough to take
out - just make sure you fight them one at a time, and be wary that they
jump-dash you.

Chest: 12 Raval

In the southern room, you will fight a series of Seean to reach a chest
containing a very helpful treasure.

Chest: Small Shield

Equip the small shield and head on. In the next room, make sure to open the
chest on the bottom floor.

Chest: 6 Raval

Now, light up the three unlit sconces you passed using Fire Magic to raise the
floor. Jump up to the top platform, and hit a fourth sconce on your left with
another fireball to make passage onwards possible. The next room is a long
corridor, which branches off like one of the previous rooms. The first room
you come to is on your south, and you will be locked in with several Barl, and
some more powerful versions of the Seean, called Sezarian. Like the Seean, they
shoot a fireball at you, but very soon afterwards they fire another two off,
one to either side of the first, so be careful!

Urn: Str+, Def+, MP+, HP+50
Chest: Katoru

You may as well use the Katoru now, as it'll boost your max HP. The amount
depends on the difficulty level. Carry on up the corridor and head into the
northern room. This contains a few Sezarian, but loads of Eagers. Kill them,
then light up the sconce as before, on the right hand side to open up the wall
on the left. Continue in to get the chest.

Chest: 8 Raval

You'll then be in another outside area, with more Gulg, Fazle and Diegled,
which are more powerful versions of the Sigled (wolfmen) you fought previously.
You may notice a wall with loads of cracks in - this is another "secret" area
for later on.

Secret 4: Use the Earth Magic dash to break open the wall.

Carry on through the next passages. You'll find an urn in the 2nd area.

Urn: Def+, HP+50

The next room is another cross-point. The northern room is empty save for an

Urn: 400 Gold

The southern room has a few enemies, but lots of treasure.

Urn: 400G
Urn: 50G, HP+50
Chest: Ruby

Make sure you collect that ruby before carrying on. Save at the save point,
make sure you think you're strong enough, and head onwards. After the fight,
you won't be able to return to town for a while so make sure you've got
equipment you'll be happy with for a while. You'll see Chester speaking with
Pierre, before he notices you. He comes towards you, says something, then

Boss: Chester Stoddart, the White Knight in Heartless

Chester is pretty simple to defeat, but some of his attacks must be avoided.
His weaker attacks include throwing four knives, which can easily be
jumped/avoided. When you get close to him, slash at him as fast as possible
(using Boost as well) to score as many hits as you can. Eventually he will
perform another action. If a blue shield surrounds him, get a good distance
away - you can't hurt him, and he will set off an explosion that can knock you
over and cause damage. He may also attack you back, performing the same kind of
combination attack that you do. If he starts to flash white, then run away and
be prepared to jump, as he will dash forward at you for a very powerful attack.

Eventually he will start using a series of shorter dash attacks - it's not too
difficult to avoid, but all of his attacks will be chained together much faster
than previously, so you'll have to be on your guard.

Difficulty Differences:
None Known.

Normal: Lvl 14, Longsword-Max, Large Shield-Lv 1, Chainmail-Max
Hard: Lvl 14, Longsword-Lv 2, Small Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 2
Nightmare: Lvl 15, Longsword-Max, Large Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 1
(The extra level and the large shield may not have been necessary,
but I bought the shield in preparation for the Lava Zone, and the
level came through saving up 8) )


Once you defeat him, Pierre will come along and you all start chatting.
Eventually a host of guards arrive, escorting King McGuire himself. The guards
will surround you, and you'll be taken to a broken platform where Chester will
kick you into a chasm. The group walks off.

The Zone of Lava [ WZOL ]

You've now arrived in the Lava Zone. You won't be able to leave, so if you're
particularly weak you'll have to spend some time levelling up. Save
immediately, then leave this room by heading south. All of the enemies here are
quite weak, but the flowers (Gewme) and large beetles (Almenger), which can
dash at you to cause quite a bit of damage, are worth quite a bit of

Head left to begin with, and you'll come to a room with ~birds~ and a hole in
the middle. Get the urn on the left of the room.

Urn: Str+, HP+50

Jump into the hole and you'll land on a platform in another room. Head south
first, to find another urn.

Urn: 500G

Head back to where you landed and this time head left. Follow the path, jumping
the gaps where necessary, and you'll come to a chest.

Chest: Protection of the Fire Dragon

It's your first accessory, so equip the amulet straight away, as it'll protect
you later on in the Lava Zone. Drop down again, and when you land do NOT head
left - there is some treasure, but it's protected by a hundreds of tiny
creatures. They'll slaughter you ^_^ So head right instead, and in the next
room when you come to a junction, head north-east, not south-east, which leads
to an inaccessible secret area.

Secret 5: Use the Earth Magic dash to break open the wall.

You'll come to another cross-point, so head left to get back to your starting
point. Continue left, and past the chasm that you originally dropped down to
get the amulet. You'll come to a room with a path submerged in lava. The amulet
will protect you from the lava, so make sure it's equipped and head in. First
off, head north. Follow the path, making sure to jump over the deeper areas of
lava (which will still cause damage), and open the chest.

Chest: Broad Sword

This new weapon will be super-handy, so equip it straight away. Continue back,
and this time head south. Go down the rockface. A third of a way down you'll
find an urn, and if you need some health open it up.

Urn: Def+, HP+50

Near the bottom you may see a platform to your left which you can't yet reach.

Secret 6: Jump-hover across with the Wind Ring.
Chest: Emerald

At the bottom, open up the final urn and head left.

Urn: 250G

Save at the save-point, as there is a boss coming up. Make sure you're a decent
level, and follow the passage all the way. You'll pass a room with five deep
lave pits, and carry on along the corridors. You'll reach a raised section with
a pedestal, holding aloft the Wind Ring.

Pedestal: Wind Ring

When you pick it up, you'll receive the Wind Ring Manual. Dularn will teleport
in, say something, and disappear just as quickly. Head back towards the room
with the five pits, and practice the hover-jump if you must. As you enter that
section, you'll find that flames are following you along the corridor - run to
the right to avoid them, they won't catch you, and eventually at the platform
with the five pits, you'll face the next boss.

Boss: Guilen, the Jaw of Roaring Flames

Guilen can pose pretty significant problems if you're unlucky with your timing.
He'll emerge from one of the pits, and after a while disappear down another,
and each time he emerges or disappears he'll release a wave of fire which
causes very high damage.

Whenever he emerges, he'll charge at you, his body covered in flames, trying to
head-butt you. Instead, jump and hover over him, and you'll need to do this two
or maybe three times. When his body finally stops flaming, he'll move a whole
lot slower. Attack his tail as quickly as possible, even using the Wind Ring to
swirl attack him if you have enough MP. At this point, he has two further
attacks. He may move towards you with flames spurting out of his mouth, or
shoot a fireball at you. Neither are particularly dangerous, but they're easy
enough to avoid anyway.

Slowly his tail will disintegrate until just his head remains. Continue to hit
this until Guilen dies.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard - When Guilen charges to head-butt you after he emerges from one of the
pits, avoid him like the plague - if he head-butts you to the ground,
he'll disappear down a pit again before you have a chance to fight back.

Normal: Lvl 16, Broad Sword-Lv 1, Large Shield-Lv 1, Chainmail-Max
Hard: Lvl 18, Broad Sword-Lv 1, Small Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 2
Nightmare: Lvl 18, Broad Sword-Lv 1, Large Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 1


Once killed, head back to the rock-face, and begin to head up it. Collect
Secret 6, and then head back to the room with the hole that you originally
dropped down when you first started here. Beware that the Zual have changed
into the more powerful Kelzarl. Drop down twice again, and this time you can
head left to face the Mozgouz. Use the Wind Ring's swirl attack to obliterate
them and collect the treasures.

Urn: Str+, HP+100
Chest: 18 Raval

Use the Mozgouz to collect a lot of experience, as you will need to be a decent
level to take on the next boss. Head towards the starting point, but at the
second cross-path head right instead of left. Jump onto the ledge on the right,
then use a hover-jump to cross to another platform with an urn.

Urn: 300G

Head right, crossing the first gap with another hover-jump. Keep going, and
you'll eventually reach a doorway. To the north is another secret area, which
you can get to shortly, but not yet.

Secret 7: Use the double jump. Urn: 800G. Carry on through to reach a chest.
Chest: Katoru.

Keep going along until you reach a save point. Just to the right of it head
north and pick up the Brosia Secret Medicine. Use it and you'll learn Dash
(you'll get the Dash Manual). This simply increases your movement speed, but to
use it you need to double-click the right mouse button. Alternatively, in the
options screen, select the bottom tick-box to have it on permanently. This
makes it easier to use if your using a keyboard. Now, save and head right to
the final boss of the Lava Zone.

Boss: Gyalva, the Tyrant of the Blazed Sphere

Gyalva can be a very tough boss to beat, but there is a way to make him simple
almost to the point of easy. Whenever you can't hit him (which is when he's
either behind or in front of the platform), stay near the middle of the
platform. From here you can see what Gyalva is going to do, and the middle is
the shortest point to either end of the platform - the ends are the safe points
from most of Gyalva's most powerful attacks, but he can still cause a lot of
damage if you just wait there all the time.

Gyalva's two biggest attacks are easily identifiable. When he's behind the
platform, if the two sacs either side of his head start filling up, a beam will
shoot towards you, and cause an explosion. Wait until just before the beam
fires, and head to either end. The explosion will cause the tiles on the
platform to fly up, which can also cause damage if you hit the spikes
underneath. Alternatively, he may charge with fire, and then charge the
platform, seeping along it. If he does this while you're at one end, run to
the other end and, before he's anywhere near you but after he's started
charging, jump-hover until you reach the end. This also disrupts the tiles, but
they simply spin on the floor rather than fly up.

A third attack from afar involves him shooting several fireballs at you. These
are easily avoided, especially if you use the moving from middle to end
technique, and disrupt the tiles.

To actually hit him, wait until he's hovering just above the platform. He'll
generally shoot a single fireball at you after a short wait, and there's two
ways to hit him. Either wait until the tiles are in mid-air, and you're on top
of them, and then jump to hit him. Or, and a much better way of doing it, is to
charge up the Wind Ring to the more powerful spin attack. Jump up to him -
You'll hit him for hopefully 100-200 HP each time you do this, and the fireball
is easily avoided. Even if he hits you with it, it won't do too much damage.

Once he dies, he'll drop the Darkness Statue.

Difficulty Differences
Hard: Gyalva will never hover low, so either make use of flying tiles to
get high enough, or just be prepared to take a little longer.
You'll need to activate Wind Magic at the very peak of your jump
to hit him.
Nightmare: Each time Gyalva performs an attack that spins the platforms (not
just tosses it in the air like the fireballs), when they land they
will be the opposite way up, ie if it's flat it will become spiked.
The spikes cause a lot of damage, and they will only rotate back to
flat when Gyalva next spins them.

Normal: Lvl 18, Broad Sword-Lv 1, Large Shield-Lv 1, Chainmail-Max
Hard: Lvl 20, Broad Sword-Lv 1, Small Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 2
Nightmare: Lvl 21, Broad Sword-Lv 1, Large Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 2

Save again, and head right, all the way up to the top of the area. You'll reach
a broken platform - hover-jump across to find a chest.

Chest: 12 Raval

Drop down the hole, and you'll be back in the Illburns Ruins. Head south.
Chester is still here, and starts to confront you. Before another fight begins,
Dogi and Elena come in and interrupt you both. Chester leaves, and you all
head back to the Mayor's house.

At his house, there is a large conversation between yourself, Dogi, the Mayor,
Nicholas and Dewey. They look at the two statues you've already found.
Everybody leaves, so speak to the Mayor and he will give you 20 ravals. Leave
his house and speak to everybody again, particularly Nell in the church. Grab
the Ravals on the church pillar. Upgrade your equipment and leave. Speak to
Gardner, and as you approach the save point just outside of Redmont, Elena
will come up to you. She says something, then gives you the Wing Charm.
This allows you to teleport wherever to any save point you've found so far.

The Abandoned Mines [ WABM ]

Teleport to the 2nd point in Tigray Quarry, and head through the door to the
north. There is another door here (if you came here earlier it would have been
locked shut, but now it's opened). Waiting for you are the mine workers, who
tell you something. Break the urn, and head inside into Abandoned Mine.

Urn: 210G

Continue along the very linear route, defeating the ~oozes~ and ~things~ along
the way. They're all pretty easy to kill, but the ~oozes~ divide into more
~oozes~. At the very first opportunity you get to head downwards, continue left
and through the doorway. Head north until you reach the decorated wall, and
check it out. Touch the emblem, and you'll get a cut-scene, and then receive
the Mission Slate. You learn the technique to double-jump, and receive the
W Jump manual.

Now is a good opportunity to go and pick up some of the earlier secrets. They
can be found in the following places, but refer to the secret sections above
for details.

Secret 1 is in Tigray Mine - teleport to Tigray 2, and head right until you
reach the broken bridge.

Secret 2 is also in Tigray Mine - teleport to Tigray 3, and head up the
stairs/caverns until you reach a broken bridge heading to the right.

Secret 3 is in Illburns Ruins. Teleport to Ruins 1 and carry on until you
reach the first unlit sconce.

Secret 7 is in Lava Zone. Teleport to the last Ruins save point, and head a
little left. When you reach the open cavern, head north.

Quest 1: Head over to Valestein Castle, and you'll see Fran is having a
conversation with Anthony. Speak to Fran, and she'll ask you something. Click
the top answer, and then head on over to the entrance of the Illburns Ruins. A
kid is there, Elizabeth's son. Speak to him and he'll "join" you, so now take
him all the way back to Valestein without him getting killed by the monsters.
You'll be taken inside. Speak with the guards, and then with Fran, and
Elizabeth herself will come down. You'll receive the Augite Brooch. Chester
will then come down, say some stuff, and "escort" you out of the castle.

Now, return to the Abandoned Mine. Head down where you got the Mission Slate,
and on the first platform below head right. Jump across to get the urn.

Urn: HP+100, HP+50

Go back and down to the very next platform below. Head right again, and head
for the next secret.

Secret 8: Hover over the gap to reach a room. Inside you can defeat the enemies
and get the items.
Urn: 1000G.
Chest: 50 Raval.

Get to the bottom of the shaft, and head right to find another urn.

Urn: 700G

Go left into a flatter area. Follow the path, but be very careful when fighting
the huge ogres - Doradel. They can really pack a punch, and if they charge up
(they go white) for a long time, run like Hell. They will charge you once, and
then another three times in quick succession, knocking you down and doing a
lot of damage. Grab the urn.

Urn: 500G

In the next room the path splits - head south for a chest, and continue as the
paths combine again very soon after.

Chest: 25 Raval

Continue onwards. You'll soon encounter floating jellyfish called Barlen, which
are easy enough to jump-attack. Eventually you'll find a broken bridge.

Secret 9: Double-jump and float across. There are three Doradel to fight or
Chest: Emerald.

Now you should have two rubies and emeralds. Head back across and go down the
stairs - do NOT drop down as you'll land in a very dangerous area!! When you
get down the stairs, on the right is an urn which may or may not be useful for

Urn: HP+100, HP+50

Carry on and head down the stairs again. You'll reach another shaft-type area.
On the top platform, hover across the gap to get to an urn.

Urn: 300G

Go downwards. Halfway down there'll be a jump, guarded by a Doradel. Unless
you're quite strong, don't go all the way down yet - let's reach the nearby
save point first. Double-jump and hover across. On the other side, go into the
next room, which is a series of small platforms suspended in mid-air. You need
to make it all the way across without falling, although it's split into three -
if you fall, you won't have to go all the way back to the beginning.

Secret 10: Halfway through you'll see a platform above one of the small ones
you're standing on. Double-jump onto it, then jump across to the
Chest: 65 Raval

Carry on through, and you'll reach another situation similar to the above. Jump
up onto it, watching out for the two Barlen, and jump across to the stairs.

Secret 11: Bashy-bashy!

Find your way all the way down the stairs to a save point. Save, and now if
you're buff enough, head back to the area where I said don't go all the way
down just yet. Don't jump back across to the stairs - drop down from the
platform as you enter and hold left. You'll reach another platform.

Chest: Katoru

Drop down and dispatch/avoid the Doradel. When you reach the stairs, you'll see
a ledge just behind them. Jump up on those.

Chest: 40 Raval

Now, make sure you're strong enough and have some decent equipment, and
teleport back to the last save point. Head north to fight the boss.

Boss: Istersiva, a Mutation of the Crystal

It's quite possible to destroy Istersiva very easily, without taking too much
damage. Her first form is the easiest, but a little bad luck could see you
getting damaged a lot.

A worm will break out of the ground. Don't attack it yet; wait from afar to
see what it does. If you're not near it, it'll bulge and start dropping little
crystal creatures. When it does this (in fact, as soon as it starts to bulge),
run forward and either slash it, or spin-attack with the Wind Magic. Try to
kill the crystal creatures as well, by powering up the spin attack, coming
from the front, and releasing the button just before you reach the worm,
hitting everything in your path. If the worm looks as though it's going to do
anything other than release more crystal creatures, jump and get away.

If you're too close to it, the worm will either spin round quickly, knocking
you to the floor and doing serious damage, or rise up and come crashing to the
ground, doing much the same. The small energy balls the crystal creatures
shoot do little damage, so you may think those crystal creatures can be left
alone. Wrong. Istervisa itself (the crystal on the back wall) will occasionally
shoot out a very powerful laser beam. This will bend and head towards the
crystal creatures, which can not only direct the beams towards you, but also
split them up into more beams. If you don't take care of the crystal creatures,
the room will fill up with laser beams, and you'll die very quickly.

But if you take care, it's very easy to get through this stage without getting
hit at all. Once the boss reaches 1250 HP, the worm will die, and Istersiva
will come out of the wall. Istervisa has several modes of attack:

First off, it'll release a constant barrage of small energy balls at you,
which come out in a wide arc. Move constantly, and jump a lot. Try and land
where there's a big gap (if Istersiva is at the top left, there's often a gap
in the bottom right). When Istersiva has low HP, it has another form of this
attack, which are about 5 sets of five energy balls, released in an arc. It's
difficult to describe but you'll know it when you see it - and it's very easy
to avoid ^^;;

Its second attack is when it releases three larger energy balls. They're slow,
but follow you and pick up speed. After a couple of seconds, they explode
releasing loads of energy balls, which cause a lot of damage. Jump and hover
to get away from these. Again, Istersiva has a more powerful version, where it
releases loads of the first energy balls. Just hope it doesn't do that one ^^

Thirdly, it'll move across the screen, laying egg-shaped green objects. They
explode after a while, but they're not too difficult to avoid. Rarely,
Istersiva also makes the globe of green crystals expand, and surrounds itself
with a shield. It moves towards you, so just get out of it's way. Very easy.

The only way to hurt Istersiva at this stage is wait until a red aura appears
on the floor below it. As soon as it does, run underneath Istersiva. A red aura
will then surround it, and red crystals expand outwards whilst red lasers blast
everything outside of Istersiva. You won't get damaged at all below it. Make
sure you've charged up your Wind Ring already, then jump and release the C
button. You'll do plenty of damage to Istersiva if you hit it high, and little
amounts if you hit it low. When you land, jump with a normal spin attack, and
you might be able to do that a second time, even a third.

Keep doing this until Istersiva dies, and you'll receive the Darkness Statue.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard: Istersiva's laser rate in the worm form is much faster, and it will use
it when there are only a couple of crystal creatures, if that. On it's
second form, and with low HP, Istersiva will not mind blasting you with
lots of the exploding energy balls all at once. The energy balls break
up into more smaller balls.
Nightmare: The laser rate is upped again, so it's vastly more important to
make sure that the crystal creatures are all destroyed as soon as
they're created. Istersiva will also drop the exploding eggs when
it opens up the red aura in it's second phase, making attacking it
incredibly dangerous.

Normal: Lvl 23, Broad Sword-Lv 2, Large Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 1
Hard: Lvl 24, Broad Sword-Lv 2, Large Shield-Lv 1, Plate Armour-Lv 2
Nightmare: ?

Head back to town, and speak to everyone.

Quest 2: Head over to the docks, where you first arrived in Felghana with Dogi.
Elena is waiting there. She'll "join" you, and you'll have to escort her back
to town without her getting killed. When you get back there, she goes and waits
inside the inn. I have no idea what this quest does.

The Elderm Mountains [ WELD ]

Make sure you have the best equipment you can afford, and head over to the
Elderm Mountains. You'll earn a lot of money very quickly here, so by the first
save point you reach you should pretty much have all but one of the items in
the store, if not all of them.

At the second screen in, halfway up the cliff you'll find an alcove. Hidden
behind the bushes is the first Balm Leaf. Carry on up to the top ledge, and
drop down again through the narrow ledge opening.

Urn: 800G
Chest: 90 Raval

In the very next area, there is an urn at the top.

Urn: 1000G

You'll now enter the cave. On the second part of the cave, halfway up you'll
find a circular hole. Drop down, but beware of the ~troll~ at the bottom.

Urn: 1600G

Scale up the cave again, watching out for the ~Rock~ near the top. These are
very powerful, and it's wise to just avoid them at this stage. Head to the
right, to enter a cavern with an icy floor. Get to the chest, jumping over the
~rocks'~ ice attacks.

Chest: 50 Raval

Head back into the previous room, and get to the top. At the top-left is the
second Balm Leaf. In the next room, reach the top and look for the platform to
the top-left.

Secret 12: Double-jump and hover across to a platform to the very top-left.
Chest: 70 Raval.

Head right, and just by the exit of the cave is the third Balm. Use Fire Magic
on the icicles to break them open and collect it. Leave the cave. Near the top
of the second screen when you're back outside, you'll see what is a seemingly
inaccessible platform to the top-left.

Secret 13: There is a small passage which runs behind the scenery, so get into
that and head across to get to it.
Urn: 2000G.

Head to the right, and drop down to reach a chest.

Chest: 40 Raval

Head north again to get to a save point. If you need cash, head back down the
mountain again, and make sure you've got that Brooch equipped - it'll earn you
much more cash through an increased drop-rate. Return to the save point, and
head right. You'll reach a large platform where Dularn will appear, and say
something to you. He casts a spell, then disappears.

Boss: Ligaty, the Sensual Dancing Three Beasts

Ligaty is in fact three separate enemies, which really confounds things. Each
one can only be damaged in one way:

Blue - Normal sword attacks
Red - Fire Magic
Green - Wind Magic

They also all have their own attack forms. Blue will send a series of arrow-
style feathers at you, Green will spin-attack, and Red will aerial-dash.
However, if any of them are killed, then the remaining one(s) will use extra
attacks, and these attacks will be more powerful.

The best way to avoid damage while there are three of them, run around the edge
with dash activated, and jump/double-jump when necessary. Know who you are
going to attack, and have the magic primed to maximum whilst you're running.
Also keep the total HP in mind - each one has 1/3 of the HP, so if you do
1000HP to one bird (Normal mode) it will die.

Eventually they will perform a group attack. They will all fly upwards and
then come to land on pre-designated spots of a triangle:

Blue - South-west corner
Red - North corner
Green - South-east corner

Get in position to strike the one you want, and when they land get in some
quick attacks. They will all send energy into the middle, which will then
expand in a ring of musical notes(!!). Jump these (there are several to avoid),
then resume where you left off. Leave each one with about 100-200 HP left, and
then move on to the next one, so you should end up with Ligaty having less
than 600HP total, and none of them having more than 200 HP.

Now it's easy to kill them, and you won't be exposed to the more powerful
versions for too long. I prefer to get rid of Red first (as my Fire Magic
aiming sucks'c), then kill Blue as Green's final form is really easy to dodge.
It does a lot of large spin attacks.

The final static attack involves any of them standing still and blasting three
waves of musical notes together in a ring around them. They all perform this,
and they still have a short recovery time after this (which is often the best
time to hit them), but Green always has a second or so recovery after a spin
attack, and since it's so slow and Green can't control direction once it's
started, it's very easy to pick it off.

Difficulty Differences:
None confirmed

Hard: Broad Sword-Lv 2, Banded Shield-Lv 2, Banded Armour-Lv 2

Once you've finished off Ligaty, save again and head to the right. You'll
eventually come to a log hut, so come in and speak to the owner - Berhard. This
also happens to be Dogi's old teacher. You'll speak about things, and
afterwards leave and head right. You'll come to a high point, so drop down.
Beware of the ~spinners~, you need to hit them with a downward thrust to hurt
them, but if you daze them you can hit them any way you like. Head up the
ridge just to the right, to find an urn.

Urn: 1200G

Drop down again, and then head north. Get into the little frozen alcove at the
base of the cliff, and check the bushes to find the final Balm. If you'd like,
teleport back to town and speak to Hugo - he'll take the four balms and give
you a Katoru instead. Return to where you found the final balm and climb to
the top of the cliff.

Secret 14: Drop down to the ledge on the left, at the top of the cliff. Come to
the end of the platform, and you should be able to see a chest on
another platform south of you. Double-jump outwards, and then use
a fully charged Wind Magic to come around to the south and left.
You will need to come out quite a bit to reach it, but it shouldn't
be too difficult.
Chest: Katoru

Enter the cave. Follow the passage up and left, and then drop all the way down
to the bottom. Don't head left just yet, but go right instead, and you will
come to a chasm with Dogi standing by it. You'll exchange words, and once
you're finished jump/hover across the chasm. Dogi will chuck you over the
Earth Ring! You'll also get the Earth Ring Manual. You can use the dash from
this to kill off the ~rocks~ and, later on, the ~bouncing rocks~. Carry on to
the right as far as you can go, and you will come to a cracked wall.

Secret 15: Use the Earth Ring to bash through the wall and head in. Inside is
a very valuable save point and a chest.
Chest: Topaz

If you want, you can now head back and collect some of the earlier secrets.

Head back one screen, and head left until you see steps to the north. Head to
the top and bash through the wall to continue. Go through and follow the cave
until you reach a series of platforms covered in ice. It's too difficult to
navigate these now, so just drop down. You'll come into a huge room covered in
ice, so immediately head left to find another passage. Jump up, and then go
down all the way (avoiding the off-passage which you can jump up to) until you
come to an area with a room to the north and three ~rocks~ guarding it. Just
head into the room, and up to the top to find a chest.

Chest: Stone Shoes

The Stone Shoes are your third accessory, and they allow you to walk on icy
surfaces without sliding. Obviously, equip them now! Go back to the passage
leading to this room, and this time go UP the off-passage. Follow it all the
way until you reach a series of platforms coming out of the side of a large
shaft. Jump to your left to find an urn.

Urn: 1600G

Now jump to the right, and jump up the very steep slope. At the (precarious)
top, you'll see an icy path sort of in the background. Jump across to that -
it's easier than it looks. Follow it round, destroying/jumping over the
icicles to reach a chest.

Chest: 140 Ravals

Head back to the beginning of this ledge, and drop straight down to another
icy platform. This is where you initially dropped down to get the Stone Shoes,
and if you head left you'll get back to the start. Instead, head north, and
follow the path around - it's not too difficult to stay on track, but try not
to fall again! Go through the door at the top, and in the next room drop down.

There are a variety of paths to go here - first head right and down. Follow
this all the way around to get to a ledge. Jump up to it.

Urn: 2000G

Go back, and this time head left.

Urn: 2000G (?)

Back to the start of this room again, and this time head up. Follow this all
the way around, jump across the chasm, drop down at the icy bit, and bash
through the wall with the Earth Ring. Go in, and follow the cavern round to the

Chest: 140 Raval

Back to the cracked wall, head south. In the next room, head left and break the

Urn: 2500G

Head down and left until you reach a pair of chutes heading straight down. Drop
down the LEFT chute and you'll come to a pit of spikes (which you would have
landed in had you dropped down the right chute). Continue to the right, and
you'll pass two alcoves above you. Jump into the second and break the icicles
to the left.

Chest: Katoru

Go back to the right, and head all the way up. When you get an option to drop
to the left or jump to the right, head right and go through the door.

The Icebound Cave [ WTIC ]

This area is very small. In fact, it's just one boss! And it can be a tough
one at that. Save, but before you fight the boss head back to Dogi. Remember we
didn't go left when we could? Do that now - you should be tough enough to stay
alive against a large amount of ~rocks~. So head left and drop down. Head right

Urn: 2000G

Head left, then drop down and head right all the way to the bottom.

Urn: 2500G
Urn: Str+, MP+, HP+100

It's also a good idea to finish do the Anthony Quest right now, if you haven't

Quest 3: Speak to Anthony in Redmont. He's after some Ravals as well, and he's
prepared to pay for them. Three times, in fact. Each time you must
bring him some more Ravals, as follows:
10 Raval - 500G
50 Raval - 2,500G
100 Raval - 10,000G, ? Ring
Once you have the ring, go and speak to Randolph in Margo's Inn. He
wants the ring, and in exchange will give you the ?. Use this to
improve your Boost.

Now you're probably ready to face the boss. Go back to the save point, and then
head right. Head north when you can.

Boss: Gildias, the Guardian of the Frozen Cave

Gildias has the potential to obliterate you. But he's also probably one of the
coolest bosses ever. In Normal you should have a lot of fun fighting him, but
in Hard he's a huge pain in the arse.

At the beginning, you should be able to take him down to just over 1,000HP
without him even getting in an attack. After that it's all about timing.

To start off with, use Earth Magic on his legs to knock him over. A well-aimed
attack between the legs might hit both of them and cause more damage than just
hitting one, but that damage is negligible - once he's down, attack him in the
head to cause the more important damage.

In this early phase, Gildias has two main attacks. One is to bite you, which
is easily avoidable. The other is flapping his wings to create a draught. This
pushes you back towards the south, and blows any ice crystals on the platform
towards the back edge, doing damage if they hit you. You'll know he's about to
do this as he cocks his head to the right, then swings it left. Jump to either
side, and (with dash on) keep running towards the left or right edge, as the
main crystals go down the middle.

Once you've caused some damage, he'll start using a new attack. He'll raise one
foot in the air and stomp it on the ground, releasing a line of ice towards
you. It's best avoided by double jumping over it (landing on it won't hurt),
or using the Earth Ring to dash through it. Better yet, don't give him the
opportunity - stay near his feet, and dash him as much as possible to knock
him over before he does it.

Once he has about half his HP left, he'll have two more attacks. Always after
you knock him down, and sometimes at other times, he'll fly into the air. After
about a second and a half, icicles will drop down. Jump to avoid these. In one
version, he'll land shortly after that, but make sure to avoid the shock-wave
around his feet. Once that disperses, close in and hit his feet again.

The second version, he won't come down - instead he'll fly at you and try to
grab you in his mouth. Once you've avoided the falling icicles, double jump
again to avoid his first swoop. After a very short interval (1/2 a sec to 1
second) double jump again to avoid another swoop. In normal he'll swoop three
times before finally landing. If he does catch you, he'll drop you down a
shaft where you'll hit several ledges, causing plenty of damage. This damage
IS avoidable, if you time it right (you may need to experience it once or twice
before you get the hang of that!). Hold right so you get to the right hand
side. Then, before the next ledge even comes on screen, activate Earth Magic.
If the ledge is on your side, you'll take no damage, and if it's on the other
side, you'll miss it anyway. There's enough MP to avoid all but one ledge, and
that shouldn't be a problem. If you stay on one side, there's a 50:50 chance of
not hitting it.

Aside from these attacks, carry on knocking Gildias to the ground and hitting
his head to kill him. You can hit his head while he's standing up, but while
he's down he won't fight back! Also, he's completely immune to both Wind Magic
and Fire Magic, so stick with Earth throughout.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard: Gildias will take a lot more damage to the legs before he falls, which
means you'll find yourself needing to avoid all of his attacks a lot more
often. He also swoops four times to try and grab you to drop you down the

Hard: Lvl 33, Banded Sword-Max, Banded Shield-Max, Banded Armour-Max

When you kill Gildias, you'll receive the Star Moon Statue. You now have them
all! Head back but you'll find the entrance to the Icebound Cave has collapsed.
If you use Earth Magic on it, you'll do some damage, but realise you can't get
through. Thankfully, Dogi followed you and breaks it open for you. You both
head outside but find that Chester is there. He starts talking, and Dogi and he
have words. Chester puts his sword away, but later on gets all worked up. He
stabs Dogi through the chest!

Chester leaves, and you take Dogi to Gerhard's. He'll sort out the wound, but
Dogi has to stay to recover. Head back to town and speak to everybody. Now,
head off to Valestein.

Valestein Castle [ WVLC ]

Valestein is a bit of a step up in difficulty. Head inside and through the door
in front of you. The first room is up-and-down, and will get you accustomed to
the Ishguest (Knight) and Selnade (Maid) enemies. Ishguests hold their shields
up until they flash white and attack, so attack from behind or above them. The
Selnades run away, but if you coax them towards you they'll throw three knives
three times. They'll then run towards you and try to stab you. If you know
their attack pattern, they're easily slaughtered.

Continue into the next room, which is straight along. Beware of the plates on
the floor, which release spikes in a set timed pattern. Double Jump over them
and continue into the next room.

In the next room, head up the flights of the stairs and you'll reach a higher
landing. Just below you is a chest set in a recess in a wall. Drop down and
hover to reach it.

Chest: 200 Raval

Head back up the stairs, and there will be a thin platform up another set of
stairs in the middle of this room. At the top are a series of swinging balls
which will hurt if you they touch you, and also knock you off to either side,
where you will be subject to the abuses of rising spears and a bunch of
Selnade. If you want, kill the Selnade to the side first, then head up. Look
at the floor to see the shadows of the balls as they pass, then use that
knowledge to judge where to stop and stay to wait for the next ball. Head
through the door at the back.

You'll come to a circular room with a pit in the middle, slopes going up and
down and doors to the left and right. Initially, it's a good idea to get to a
save point so you don't have to navigate the swinging balls again. So, head to
the left. This room involves a lot of jumping, but isn't too bad to get through
when you're used to it. in the north end is an urn.

Urn: 2500G (?)

Carry on left, into the next room, and save. Now go back right and instead of
jumping all the way back, drop straight down. This large room is home to a lot
of spikes and monsters, but if you're careful they're easily killed. Once the
room is empty, head left. Climb up the platforms.

Urn: 2500G

Continue climbing round the back wall and you'll eventually find a chest.

Chest: Battle Armour

Drop down.

Urn: HP+?, MP+

Head right and up the slope to get back to the circular room. This time, head
up the slope. Follow this all the way to the top, killing everything along the
way and jumping the gaps. Underneath the very last jump you'll see a platform
floating below it. Drop down and use Wind Magic to hover across to it.

Chest: Topaz

Climb all the way back up to the next room. First off, head to the right of the
room to find an urn.

Urn: Str+, HP+200

Go up the stairs, jump across the broken platform and into the next room. Speak
to Elizabeth and she will understandably be protective of her children, Alice
and Christoph - even if you spoke to them earlier!!Speak to Alice afterwards
and she'll give you the ivory piano key.

Now, return to the circular room. If you need exp, head right and fight
monsters around the cathedral area. If not, teleport to the save point and head
north to fight the first boss of Valestein Castle.

Boss: Death Faleon, An Assassin's Blade Like a Whirlwind

I find Death Faleon to be a tough boss, but I can see why others find him easy.
He has five phases, starting off in one but then cycling between the other
four. All of his attacks in those phases are the same, but in each phase he can
only be hit by one type of attack:

1st Phase (Colourless): He starts in this. Can be hit by all attacks.
Blue Phase: Only hit by Wind Magic.
Red Phase: Only hit by Fire Magic.
Orange Phase: Only hit by Earth Magic.
White Phase: Only hit by normal sword attacks.

Each time he changes phase, he powers up and spikes come out of the floor in a
diagonal cross. In fact, spikes are pretty central to his attacks. Each of his
normal attacks is also combined with a pattern of floor spikes.

Faleon can throw a spinning fiery disc at you, which breaks up into lots of
other discs. These cause quite a bit of damage, and are actually also pretty
difficult to avoid, particularly if you get hit by one of them.

He also has a series of blue swords fly into the air and plummet towards you
in much the same way as Dularn, only they seem a little more difficult to
avoid. Spikes only appear around Faleon himself.

Finally, Faleon can spin dash you like you would him with Wind Magic, and this
is perhaps the easiest attack to avoid.

Tactics to take out Faleon are difficult to describe. It will depend entirely
on your position, his position and where the spikes are. Every now and again,
after one of his attacks, Faleon will just stand there doing nothing. That's
the best time to hit him, but you'll have to hit him at other times as well to
reduce his HP sufficiently. The added danger of seemingly random floor spikes
can really take it's toll on your HP if you're not careful, so you should try
and hit him as often as possible.

Hard: Lvl 35, Banded Sword-Max, Battle Armour-Lv 2, Banded Shield-Max.

When Faleon dies, he'll drop the Silver Organ Pipe. Pick this up and head back
to the cathedral area. Beware that the Ishguest, Falan and Halvaiger have now
been replaced by the much more powerful Ishknight, Farighva and Xenovaiger.
They're worth some good experience though, and this whole area is excellent for
levelling up. Go into the cathedral area, pick up Elena's Pendant from the
floor, and then head to the pipe organ. Insert the white ivory key and the
Silver Organ Pipe where appropriate, and then leave the cathedral area. Head
left and through the door that was previously closed.

Go up the stairs and head right, and you'll come to another circular room.
Again, it's best if you head to a save point first. Head to the right, and
equip the ? you got from Aida. This makes all the falling platforms appear
see-through, so stick to the solid-looking platforms. Head to the right,
through the door at the end and save. Back into the falling-platform room, and
equip the Protection of the Fire Dragon. Drop down and you'll land in lava.
Fight your way around (there aren't that many enemies), and head right.

Urn: HP+200, Str+, Def+

Climb onto the back wall. Carry on up until the top, and bash open the back

Chest: Battle Shield.

Leave this room to the left, and up the slope again to the circular room.
Continue up the next slope, as before, and when you reach another chest on a
floating platform, jump across the gap just after it, then jump and hover
back again to land on the platform.

Chest: 250 Raval

Continue up the slope and, in the next room, jump across the gap to another
room. Inside is Nicholas. Talk to him twice, and collect the contents of the

Urn: 3000G

Return to the circular room, and finally head south. Make sure you have the
Stone Shoes equipped, and work your way around. There's only two urns here,
one to the very north-east, and one a couple of ledges up towards the south-

Urn: Def+, HP+100
Urn: 3500G

Leave via the passage to the south on the right, and you'll come to another
straight passage with floor-spikes. Climb up the back wall, and break through
the wall.

Chest: 320 Raval

If you continue right you'll come to the beginning of Valestein Castle. Instead
make sure you're a decent level and have some decent equipment, then teleport
back to the last save point and head south to fight Valestein's second boss.

Boss: Zellfel Zam Schutilger, Mad Brute in the Fortress

Zellfell is another of those bosses which can be a real pain. However, treated
correctly and Zellfell can be tamed pretty easily. I don't even use any Magic,
although either Wind or Earth can be used to avoid his attacks.

Zellfell jumps a lot, but in the air if you hit him first, he usually won't
cause you any damage - except in one of two situations. He has a variety of
attacks. None of these are particularly dangerous if you're careful, and all
are avoidable.

If Zellfell double-jumps in mid-air, and often he turns around as well, it
means he is going to dash to the floor. Jump away from him, as this will give
out a damaging shockwave that'll also knock you to the floor. Whilst on the
ground, he generally has two attacks - he can snap at you with his fangs, which
is avoided by not standing still. He also has a flame-breath attack - it's easy
to see as he stands still for a moment, flames coming out of his mouth before
the blast comes out. Jump behind him to avoid that.

He also has a lateral mid-air dash, where he will jump and dash across the
screen with a purple aura. You can't really tell when he's going to do it, but
it's pretty easily avoided anyway.

When his HP start getting low, he will start to use another pair of attacks.
The first, and arguably the most dangerous in his arsenal, is a howl. This will
bring out a few more wolves which run across the screen and hit you, knocking
you to the floor. Either jump over them and hover with Wind, or jump and Earth
dash when you're about to touch them to avoid them.

His second attack involves him curling into a ball and bouncing around the
screen. If you have any natural ability to calculate angles, this attack is
utterly avoidable. Avoid it once, and then stay pretty much where you are. Move
left and right slightly to avoid where he bounces off the floor - when you see
it in action you may understand what I'm saying, but there's no real reason to
be alarmed. Once he finishes, he'll be dazed for a while.

There are two prime times to attack Zellfell - first off, when you jump behind
him whilst he's using his flame breath, hit him from behind as much as
possible. Also, when he's dazed after bouncing, again, hit him as much as you
possibly can. Otherwise, keep moving, keep him in your sights, and jumping a
lot also seems to help. Get used to his attacks so you know how to avoid them.
He may cause problems to start with, but once you get used to him he's pretty

Hard: Lvl 38, Banded Sword-Max, Battle Armour-Max, Battle Shield-Max

When killed, Zellfell will drop the last item you need for the pipe organ.
Take it back there and shove it in (it's some kind of cross), and doors will
open below you. Head through.

The sewers below Valestein [ WSBV ]

Carry on down the stairs. You'll need to use Wind Magic on the Pique, the tiny
insects, like you did with the Mozgouz back in the Lava Zone. You'll come to a
large platform. Climb up to the left.

Urn: MP+, Def+, HP+200

Head to the right, and go UP the stairs. This area is reasonably difficult, as
you must not drop or you'll have to start again. If that happens, head left and
through the door, and you'll find yourself where you would be had you gone
DOWN the stairs. Instead, jump all the way ot the left, only dropping to a
lower platform if you know yu can jump back up. You'll need to do a lot of
hovering jumps, and changing direction mid-jump. At the far end, don't drop for
the urn. Instead, go up, and start heading to the left. At a couple of points,
you'll find yourself seemingly stranded with nowhere to go but back right.
Take a leap of faith and double-jump to the left, getting prepared to hover
when you see where next to go.

In the next room, jump the gaps, and jump on the suspended platforms. They'll
drop when you touch them, but slowly enough to quickly gather yourself and jump
again. Once you make it, you'll go into another room, and end up on a platform
(which you would have seen in the background ages ago), with four of the large
plants (Torieze) and a chest.

Chest: Battle Sword

With that out of the way, head back and collect urns you saw on your way up
here. There's one just in a recess in the wall in the next room to the right,
and for the one right at the right-hand side of the room after going up the
stairs, you'll need to head up the stairs and jump across again.

Urn: 3000G
Urn: 3000G

Drop down again, head right and save. Head north for the boss.

Zirduros, The Fullmetal Heavy Cannon

Zirduros can be very tough and annoying. He only has one weak-point, his red
tail. I use Wind Magic in this fight, but it might be easier if you use Earth
Magic - I don't like changing between them if I'm under the cosh, as is
usual against a boss - I always end up on the wrong Ring!

Anyway, Zirduros has a variety of attacks, like all other bosses. One he often
starts with is a jumping stomp. This has a huge shockwave, so double-jump well
out of the way. When he lands, he releases a load of slow-exploding mines, and
releases a few more as he trundles his way back to the middle.

From the middle, he can shoot rockets and missiles at you. The rockets come at
about ten at once, flying straight up and coming down in a random pattern. You
can see their shadows a very short amount of time before they land, but they're
quite easily avoided by just double-jumping out of the danger area the moment
you see their shadows. Avoid the explosions even after they've initially gone

The missiles are much larger and home in on you, so when they're fired, keep
moving. They're slightly faster than you, so you'll need to pull off some
good manoeuvres every now and again to get rid of them. Eventually they just

Zirduros is also capable of firing a machine gun. He'll rotate his body around
his legs, firing in a 360 degree arc around him. Normally it's easy to avoid
by double-jumping over it, but as with all of his attacks, it's complicated by
the fact that several attacks are often occurring at the same time.

Finally, Zirduros will blast you with a huge laser, but only if you're in front
of him. I've only managed to actually ~avoid~ this once, but it's probably
easier to Earth dash through it.

Whenever you get the chance, hit his tail for all it's worth. The best time is
just after you've jumped over his machine gun. I use the Wind Magic here as,
although it's not as powerful as a normal attack, it hits a heck of a lot

There really is little strategy to talk about other than avoid his attacks, and
get your own in when you can.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard - When Zirduros fires missiles at you, he'll fire four each time instead
of two.

Hard: Lvl 40, Battle Sword-Max, Battle Armour-Max, Battle Shield-Max

Zirduros is tough, but when you beat him a passage will open up behind him.
Head through to find Elena, Andre and... Bob! Elena will speak to you, and you
give her pendant back to her. Afterwards, speak to both Bob and Andre. Andre
will give you the Clocktower key. Return to town and speak to everyone,
particularly Fran (she's in the Mayor's house), Aida and Pierre (who are both
in the church).

Teleport back to the last save point in Valestein, and head to the right. Equip
the Stone Shoes so as not to slip on the Detoh's slime, and at the top use the
Clocktower Key to open the door to the... Clocktower >_>

The Clocktower [ WCLO ]

I'll try and be quite detailed in here, as it's quite complicated.

1st Room
Jump on the rising platform to the left. Jump from that onto the higher cog on
your right, and jump over the spikes to the second cog. Jump onto the lower
platform and use Fire Magic on the sconce. Jump on to the new raising platform,
onto the next static platform and climb up. Head all the way to the left, and
then drop down to get to a chest.

Chest: Ruby

Go all the way back, and this time head upwards. You'll come to four platforms
suspended by wires. They drop if you're standing on them, and the more they
drop, the higher one of the other ones goes. The first affects the second, and
vice-versa, and the same with the third and fourth. Get the second platform
higher than the first, then the fourth platform higher than the second. From
the third, jump to the second, then to the fourth, and finally onto the high
platform. Collect the statue. This opens up the door to the next room, and you
must do this in each Clocktower room.

2nd Room
Jump onto the raising platform, then onto the first cog. Work your way across
to the right using the cogs.

Chest: 350 Raval

Head up a bit, and when given the chance to go left or up. keep going up.
You'll reach the next statue. Drop down and this time head left. You'll see an
urn on the left wall, a little below you.

Urn: HP+999, MP+, Def+

Head straight up to the door.

3rd Room
Immediately light the sconce. Jump up, and light the next sconce on your right.
Head right, and then up again.

Urn: Def+, Str+, HP+999

Carry on up towards the top. You'll come to platforms moving sideways. Jump up
to the platform between the two, then jump to the left along the top moving
platforms. Collect the statue, then head back to the right and through the

4th Room
Light the sconce, get up the moving platforms, then light the next sconce.
Head to the right, and up the raising platforms. When you can, head all the way

Urn: HP+999, Str+, MP+

Drop down for the final statue. Head all the way up again. Like from the first
room, manipulate the four manual raising platforms to climb up to the door.

With those rooms completed, you'll be in a room with loads of the huge
Estarion. You can easily get a couple of levels here, and you'll need them - at
least, I did! Don't forget the urn.

Urn: 3000G

Head to the top, out the door and along the aerial walkway to teh save point.
Continue on when you think you're ready to the next boss.

In the next room, you'll find Chester speaking to King McGuire. They're
obviously not seeing eye-to-eye, and Chester's about to run him through when
he notices you. He tries to do that to you instead.

Chester Stoddart, the White Knight in Avenger

Chester's attacks are mainly similar to his earlier attacks. He will continue
to have his own combination attack, but instead of the knife throwing, he now
jumps slightly and releases a very wide ball of flame, which is difficult to

His charge attack, where he will glw white for a second, not only sees him
launch himself at you (like he did last time), but wherever he ends up he'll
also release a large white explosion. As soon as you see him charge up, jump
or run well out of the way.

A final new attack will see him glow white very quickly before jumping at you
and performing his own downward thrust. On landing, about eight large fireballs
will come out in all directions.

Finally, he will continue to bring up a shield, which if you hit will explode
and cause you damage again.

I'm not good at Chester's second form at all, and I tend to rely on levelling
up to a point where I can simply overpower him. The difficulty lies with him
being very quick and agile, so learn his attacks, learn when to get out of the
way and when to attack. I found that using a downward thrust just as he drops
his shield works quite well, and also dodging his combo and attacking him from

Difficulty Differences:
Hard - None known

Normal: Lvl 44, Battle Sword-Max, Battle Armour-Max, Battle Shield-Max
Hard : Lvl 45, Battle Sword-Max, Battle Armour-Max, Battle Shield-Max

Once you've defeated Chester, he'll run up the stairs in a bid to catch up to
McGuire. Follow him, and Chester's going to do the same thing again. This time,
though, Elena comes along and stops him. You all have a chat, then the whole
place begins to rumble. Nicholas comes up from behind. He starts talking about
something, then reveals himself to be something other than what he seems. He
is Garland. He has words, and Chester attacks him. Nicholas erects a big
barrier around himself, which Chester destroys with his sword. As he's about
to hit Nicholas, Dularn appears and whips Chester into shape with a few
flying sword attacks. Adol himself decides he should have a go - Nicholas
transforms into his true form, and attacks you. You can't get through his
barrier, so just let him beat you - it won't take long!

Once he's beaten you, he asks for Elena to come with him. She agrees, to save
your life. With Elena saying her goodbyes, Dularn appears, then disappears
with Elena. Nicholas disappears too, and you all head back to town.

Chester has been bandaged and is in the Mayor's bed. You're in his house,
speaking with the Mayor and Pierre. Berhard arrives, and Pierre leaves. Once
that's done, go and speak with Chester. He'll give you his sword, before

Chester: Brave Sword

Everybody in the town is in one of two places - all the women and children are
holed up in the church, hoping they won't be killed. All the men, led by
Berhard, are at the front of Redmont, preparing for battle. Head off to the
docks (where you first started), but beware that all of the enemies have been
replaced by Keratros and one or two Skull-Alnada. They're all very tough, but
the Skull-Alnada can't be killed yet - if you drop it to the floor, it'll
resurrect after a few seconds. Get to the boat, where Dogi is waiting for you.
You'll both sail over to Genos Island.

Genos Island [ WGNI ]

When you reach the island, Dogi collapses. Save, and head north into the cave.
When you get into the cavern proper, Nell will be there. She comes towards you.
You then realise that whilst Garland was masquerading as Nicholas, Nell was
Dularn all this time. She'll transform, and then attack you.

Boss: Dularn, the Allergiange of Eternal

Dularn can be very annoying, but is certainly doable - in fact, if you have the
timing required, she is certainly doable without getting hit once.

She starts off as she did the first time, surrounded in an impenetrable sphere
and blasting you with three different types of attack. This time, they're more
difficult to avoid. I always charge up Earth Magic, and use that. It blocks
the sword-line attack and the attack involving swords going up and all coming
down at the same point. But her other attack, where the swords swirl around
you, is a slightly different matter. Most often, a fully charged Earth Ring
dash will blokc all the swords, but to be safe jump just as it's about to end,
and you will certainly not be hit.

Again, once she's attacked three times, run up to her and hit her. Once she
loses about 1/6 of her HP, instead of standing in the middle, she teleports, as
before. But this time, she also has decoys. It starts off as one, but as the
battle progresses there are more and more decoys. Each one fires off a wide
blade of energy towards you, whilst Dularn herself fires a wide arc of fire-
balls. Jump over all of these, and hit Dularn again.

Halfway through, she'll fire off her three attacks much more quickly, so use
half-charged Earth Ring dashes to avoid them, and jump too. You may get hit
here a bit. Even worse, when she's down to about 1/4 of her HP, although her
three attacks will go back to the original speed, a number of drones will
appear. These aim at you with a red beam, and then fire lasers at you. The best
way of avoiding these is to continuously move and jump, and use the Earth dash

The drones don't fire when Dularn teleports and her decoys appear, but you have
enough on your plate with about six or seven of them firing at you. Just keep
calm, aim at Dularn when you're near her and tap the attack button furiously.
Boost would work well ;)

NB. A number of people have emailed me saying that Dularn is vulnerabel to
fire. I've only recently tried this out, and it's absolutely true. When my
normal attacks where doing 55-65 damage, fire magic was doing in the region of
250 damage each shot! I've tried several times to defeat Dularn with Fire
magic now, but I can't because I suck at aiming. However, if your aim is good
and you're adept at dodging Dularn's attacks, then you can probably kill off
Dularn VERY quickly.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard - None Known

Hard: Lvl 45, Brave Sword-Max, Battle Armour-Max, Battle Shield-Max

Once defeated, Dularn speaks with you, and then dies (finally). Head through
into the next room. The path here is pretty linear, so carry on until you
reach the area with some moving spikes. Jump past them, carry on up the
platform and jump across the gap with the Wind Ring. Drop down with the Wind
Ring to get to the chest.

Chest: Emerald

Climb back up and jump across again - this is a platform with a pair of moving
spikes. Time your movements to get to the other side, not forgetting the chest
in the middle, and it's probably best to avoid the Keratros altogether.

Chest: 750 Raval

Continue on. You'll reach a huge gap with a staircase on the other side. Again,
you'll need the Wind Ring. Drop down the square hole into the room below.
You'll land on a precarious platform, and carefully follow it to the north.
You'll reach a platform with a chest and a Skull-Magiste. Don't even bother
with the Skull Magiste, as it is, at this stage, unkillable, along with all the
Skull-Alnada below you. If you hit them enough, they'll drop to the floor, only
to rise again in a few seconds.

Chest: Raval Armour

Equip the armour, and then, if you think you can take the punishment, drop down
and head south. You'll find another chest, guarded by two Skull-Magiste.

Chest: Lotus Hammer

Now's the time to teleport out - not least because staying will probably get
you killed! Teleport back to Redmont, and head into the shop. Speak to Adonis,
then select the ~third~ option. If you have the Lotus Hammer and 1000 Raval,
Adonis will take these and smith the Raval Shield for you. Make sure you have
upgraded the equipment as much as you can, then head back to where you were.

Taking you from the square hole down which you jumped - don't jump down this
time! Instead, jump to the platform below you, and then jump to the platform
to the left.

Chest: 640 Raval

Jump back right, and continue to the right. Eventually, you will come to an
area with a large number of Doonos (the large skulls) heading right, which will
end up heading north with even more Doonos, and a single Skull-Alnada about
halfway along. Head to the north as fast as possible, avoiding that Skull-
Alnada, then make sure you have max HP (use the Spirit Robe if you need to).
You have the option to head right or left - head right and immediately you will
be able to go back south.

Have the Wind Ring equipped and go south - don't waste your time trying to kill
these guys, as they'll just have revived by the time you've killed the next
one. Jump and hover your way to the end.

Chest: Silver Bell

As soon as you can, pause and equip the silver bell. If you've still got quite
a bit of HP, unpause and fight the Skull-Alnada if you want - the Silver Bell
allows you to kill these and the Skull-Magiste permanently. If not, Teleport
back out.

If you kill them all, head back to the last junction and head left. If you
teleported, go back to the square hole and drop down it again - you'll end up
in the same place. Head south to the chest where you found the Lotus Hammer,
and go to the right.

In the next room, head up the back wall. Watch out for the Lavynade, the huge
dinosaur-like monsters. They're very tough, even at a high level, but they drop
some good stuff - including large lumps of Raval - if you kill them. Get to the
top, and jump past the moving spikes. Using the Wind Ring, drop and hover to
get to the chest.

Chest: Topaz

Get back up, past those spikes again and head left. Follow the passage round,
and the next room is a single corridor. Climb up the back wall, not forgetting
the chest.

Chest: 720 Raval

There is also a chest at the top.

Chest: 960 Raval

Drop down the ledge.

Urn: HP+200, Str+, Def+, MP+

Drop again through the square hole, and the rest of the area is populated by
large numbers of Lavynade. Kill them or avoid them (it's probably easier to
kill them! But do it carefully...), and into the next room. You'll go down a
very long slope, with no more monsters. Save, and head north. Inside, Nicholas
is waiting for you. He'll have words, then change again into his true form:

Boss: Garland, Mind Broken of the Darkness

Garland can actually be pretty easy. Most of his attacks are either completely
avoidable, or easily blockable with the Earth Ring dash.

In his first phase, Garland stands in the middle of the platform. He'll erect
his shield, and start firing off attacks at you. His lightning attack is a
spark that shoots outwards and in random directions. Luck more than anything
helps you avoid this, but he doesn't do it often. More often, he will shoot
two beams straight up. In staggered times, these beams will come back down and
hit the floor, causing small explosions. These are very easy to avoid, as you
can see where the beam will fall well before it will cause any damage.

His most dangerous attack at this stage is at it's most lethal when you're
close, but it can also cause damage from afar. He will prepare to scythe you
down with his sword, and you can easily see him preparing to do this. He does
it at two levels, either low or medium (which is still above your head, such is
his size). If you're near him, simply use the Earth Ring to survive unscathed.
The other effect it produces is to form a number of purple domes behind you.
Touch one of these and you will be hurt, but it will disappear.

The best strategy here is to run towards him (make sure you have Dash going, so
you can actually get up to him!). When you're near, he'll most likely use his
sword, so use the Earth Ring to get past it. As soon as possible, slash his
shield with your sword. The shield will break, so now you should close in and
hit him as much as possible.

Whilst you're hitting him, hold forward, and moving in any direction whilst
staying close enough to hit him will make you "run around" him. This is vital
to avoid his attacks, particularly the beam explosions. Whenever he uses his
sword, just use the Earth Ring, and notice where the purple domes are formed.
Run around him so that those domes are no longer behind you, or you are at
least in between two domes. Eventually his shield will recover, and at that
time you will be blown back to the edge of the platform. If you've moved around
to avoid the domes, you won't take any damage 8)

Keep this up until eventually he will take on his second phase of attacks. No
longer will he stand around in the middle, but he'll move around quite a bit -
he'll no longer have a shield, which is a big bonus.

Generally, his first move is to lie horizontally, and charge you with the
sword-butt sticking from behind his back. In his wake he'll leave a series of
explosions which would normally be easy to avoid, but the camera pans in such
a manner as he flies by that you are almost drawn into the explosions. As the
camera pans, slowly start changing direction to either up or down, depending on
which side of him you initially dodged to.

Another attack of his sees him fly to the back of the platform. There he will
fire his beams again, causing explosions all over the place.

Sometimes he drifts inwards of the edge of the platform, when he could
perform one of three attacks. His least serious two are firstly a lightning
attack similar to that in the first round (it's not too painful, either hope to
dodge it or don't even bother), and also a sword attack, where he will reach
behind, and bring his sword down on top of you. White lights above him are the
thing to watch out for, and a moment or two after that starts, use the Earth
Ring to block it.

His most dangerous attack of the whole battle is initiated when the cloak
he wears parts towards the bottom, and lights (white/purple) appear like an
aura below him. As soon as you see this starting, run away with dash. He will
start sucking you in. Do NOT jump, as you will get pulled in quickly, and if
you get too close use the Earth Ring dash SEVERAL TIMES to get away - there's a
short recuperation period after using it which will see you getting sucked in,
but if you keep tapping the Magic button you will dash several times with only
one recuperation period at the end. If he sucks you in, he will perform a cool
attack that's worth seeing once!

In this second phase, your best bet is to get close whenever he's inside the
platform's edge, and hack away as fast as possible. Dodge/block/run from his
attacks when you see them coming - they're all obvious. The moment he hits the
floor with 0HP, again dash away quickly, as he will try and suck you in in one
final explosion.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard - In Garland's second stage, where he's moving all over the place, blue
spheres will randomly appear over the floor. Just don't touch them, or
you'll take damage.

Normal: Lvl 50, Brave Sword-Max, Raval Armour-Max, Raval Shield-Max
Hard: Lvl 50, Brave Sword-Max, Raval Armour-Max, Raval Shield-Max


Save, and then head to the centre of the platform. You will be asked a question
to which you should answer with the top option - if you're ready. It is a lift,
and will carry you downards towards your final foe. Make sure you equip the
Spirit Necklace, just in case you'll need it against the final boss.

When you reach the bottom, climb the stairs. Your statues are all atop small
dais', and Elena is held between two posts. Her life is being drained away (if
you look at the other, similar posts, you will see skeletons beneath them).
Things will be said, but eventually Chester arrives from behind, jumps to
Elena and chops her bio-restraints away. To make good their escape, Chester
needs you to attack the final enemy, Galvaran...

Boss: Galvaran, The Devastator from Far Ocean

And this boss is just as easy as you can get. Provided your timing is good.

Galvaran has three phases, the first quite difficult, the second the most
difficult, and the third so easy as to be a relief when you reach it. Each
phase is characterised by different attack patterns.

Phase I
First off, Galvaran hovers in front of you, arms outstretched. Stand right at
the back of the platform, in the middle. He has three attacks:

The first is two waves of fire, one from each hand. The wave approaches you
first as one horizontal line of fire, then a second. This is easy to avoid -
the moment you first see it coming (small fire-auras from his palms, and then
he sweeps his arms), jump up and, at the peak, double jump. If you timed it a
little early, press forward a bit. When you land, do exactly the same thing,
and you will avoid the second line.

The second attack involves him launching a series of purple balls at you. It
looks tough to avoid, as they're coming at quite a pace, but move left/right
to either side of the platform, and then to the other side, jumping as you go.
Keep doing this until he stops attacking.

Finally, he will blast a couple of lumps of ice at you. It starts off like the
fire attack, with ice around his palms, but he throws them VERY quickly. As
soon as you see the ice forming, make sure you're in the middle of the platform
at the back, and double jump up. The ice will hit the floor beneath you, and
each will form a rising platform. These are critical - make sure you land on
them, and stand as centrally as you can. Select Fire Magic. You see that red
spot on his forehead? Wait until the platforms are at about a height where, if
you jump, you can shoot a fireball into that spot. Do so! Just one... The ice
platforms will shatter, and a plate at his bottom point will open up,
revealing his eye.

Shoot as many fireballs into this eye as you can to cause damage.

As you do so, his arms will detach and perform one of two attacks. Either they
will combine as a sword, and slam down where you are a few times (jump away
from the sword as it's about to stop and come down, to avoid the shockwave as
well), or they will go to both sides of the platform and sweep across to hit
you - (double-) jump over them

Do this several times, and eventually Galvaran will go into his second phase.

Phase II
First off, Galvaran's arms will draw all of your MP away, leaving you unable to
cast a spell. He will gather this energy into a ball, from which a beam will
shoot where you are standing - this will create a huge ball of energy that will
cause damage, so stand in the bottom left or right corner as he is building up
the energy, and then run to the other side as it's about to explode.

Just after the explosion occurs, a number of other attacks could simultaneously
be happening. The most usual are six beams running north-south that start to
either side of the platform. Either they are all together, in which case you
should expsct the whole lot to move across the platform (the gaps in between
are wide enough to safely land inside), or they start three at each side and
move across, thus making the gaps in between difficult to judge.

Galvaran's arms, now detached from his body, will also pound away at the
platform. They pound at the same time, and in the same place on either side of
the platform, always in the same order:
I) A third of the way in from the left/right edge, a third of the way north
from the bottom edge;
II) A quarter of the way in from the left/right ede, a third of the way
south from the top edge;
III) Three/eighths in from the left/right edge, half-way up the platform. This
is most easily described by saying they pound quite close together near
the very middle of the platform.

The pounding causes a shockwave, so be careful not to get too close.

When the hands stop pounding, Galvaran will attack in a manner similar to his
first Phase.

Random ice explosions could occur (6 together), forming useless

The aim of this Phase is to hit Galvarans arms repeatedly. Avoid the shockwave.
Once they have taken enough damage (you should be able to cause enough damage
in one round of three pounds, if you get my drift), Galvaran will get slightly
closer, his eye will appear, and your MP will begin to regenerate. A cold
vapour will sweep out across the platform, and suddenly ice spikes will appear
everywhere, causing a lot of damage. BEWARE that it's possible for these
spikes to cause repeated damage if you get caught badly, rather than them
knocking you over and only damaging once. If you want to avoid them, the best
bet is to jump (and double jump sometimes), then hover over them until they
begin to disappear.

As soon as you can, blast away with Fire Magic at Galvaran's eye. Do this
enough, and you will complete this phase. It might be easier to hit him with
the sword instead, but you could probably get a couple of extra hits in with
fire magic as he retreats.

Phase III
The last and, IMO, easiest of the Phases. Galvaran will shoot a series of huge
energy balls at you, which you must deflect back to him by hitting it with
your sword. Each time you hit one back, the next will come at you slightly
faster, and by the sixth or seventh, the last he'll throw, it'll be quite
rapid. Once that hits him, he'll take damage,

The first time he does this, he'll have no additional attacks. But each time
thereafter, he will.

The second and fourth time, a swirling black thing will arise at your feet,
and loads of bullet-like projectiles will come out of it in what can only be
described as like a whirlwind. You'll know it when you see it! Imagine a
typical spiral galaxy with many arms to picture what it's like. Stand in one
of the gaps, moving slightly forward or backward as those arms rotate.

In the third and fifth time, a black cloud will appear below you and start to
suck you in. I've never waited around to see what happens if you do get sucked
in, but it's easy enough to avoid with Dash, and jumping. The good thing is
that whilst your trying to run away, in whatever direction your facing as long
as you HIT the energy ball, it will go straight back at Galvaran.

Once you've done this five times, Galvaran will eventually die.

Difficulty Differences:
Hard - Galvaran's first phase is very similar to in normal, but his second
phase is near enough murder. When his fists come down on the floor,
jump and use the downward thrust to cause as much damage in as little
time as possible. Jump immediately, and do it again. You MUST make
sure that you do enough damage to get to the point where you can hurt
Galvaran in one go, otherwise he will have too much opportunity to hurt

If you fail to do so, although Galvaran will have the same kinds of
attack, he will put several types together. For instance, he might have
the beams going across the platform, as well as blast you with flame
AND with the purple spheres. And, in hard, he can do this for at least
a minute if he feels like it, without bothering to pound at the
platform again. Once you've done enough damage, and he freezes the
floor, jump and hover, and move close to him. Hit him with the sword in
his eye this time, as you want to cause as much damage as possible and
with Fire Magic, you may run out of MP.

In his third phase, everything is exactly the same except the first time
he shoots those orbs at you, he will also produce the black cloud under
you which tries to suck you in.

Normal: Lvl 51, Brave Sword-Max, Raval Armour-Max, Raval Shield-Max
Hard: Lvl 53, Brave Sword-Max, Raval Armour-Max, Raval Shield-Max

Now, sit back and enjoy the ending!

=- Monsters -= [ MNST ]

Difficulty level has an effect on the stats of all of the monsters - in harder
modes, the stats will be higher, but in the Monster's Manual it only ever shows
you these stats. I don't know whether they are intended for Easy or Normal.

Name HP Lv Att Def Exp Gold

Guff 42 1 42 40 5 1
Riez 67 2 44 44 8 1

Bicmole 47 2 46 31 17 1
Gulms 52 3 50 50 24 2
Kayron 57 4 48 44 33 2
Radel 88 5 58 59 40 3
Mozuk 113 6 68 61 65 4

Fazle 111 6 75 63 65 5
Sigled 154 7 81 65 75 6
Eager 82 8 81 75 85 5
Seean 97 9 81 72 95 4
Gulg 123 10 89 82 105 7
Diegled 155 11 95 89 115 7
Barl 121 11 91 80 115 6
Sizarian 115 12 90 87 121 8

Zown 167 13 101 81 122 8
Zual 121 13 103 78 124 8
Almenger 162 14 104 100 122 8
Gewme 175 15 105 93 131 9
Mozgouz 117 16 104 104 29 3
Kelzarl 172 17 108 119 153 10

Queguff 205 17 121 109 143 9
Deriez 160 17 125 109 145 10

Fozen 185 18 125 117 156 10
Robal 213 18 134 102 156 11
Geld 186 19 128 132 165 10
Barlen 168 21 135 130 182 12
Doradel 264 21 135 130 188 13
Gel-Grad 207 22 140 130 204 14

Kradel 246 23 146 147 206 22
Jigel 156 24 149 125 146 20
Halick 180 24 149 132 226 24
Zolmie 352 25 154 150 223 28
Passhow 228 25 151 129 227 3
Ilbra's Shell 288 27 165 157 233 26
Ilbra's Core 192 28 171 93 241 10
Salada 242 27 152 137 241 30
Vi-Jigel 176 28 167 141 170 20
Almetron 233 28 171 156 241 50
Galgado 316 29 171 163 250 60
Mon-Jigel 313 30 165 165 258 354
Jigradel 325 30 177 166 263 80

Ishguest 333 31 188 169 249 100
Selnade 290 31 174 155 253 100
Falan 259 32 186 159 270 105
Halvaiger 354 32 193 180 273 105
Kratica 403 33 199 181 274 110
Ishknight 372 34 198 173 287 115
Farighva 277 34 199 168 287 120
Xenovaiger 397 35 204 186 300 125

Pique 251 35 207 168 65 26
Erid 351 36 208 191 309 100
Radli 372 37 213 195 317 105
Torieze 493 38 218 199 326 110
Detoh 389 39 215 204 323 190
Garlium 426 40 219 201 331 35
Estarion 482 41 244 228 345 130

Keratros 502 43 233 223 219 42
Balzarl 512 44 235 231 390 240
Doonos 632 45 248 251 413 156
Skull-Alnada 590 46 251 247 394 166
Skull-Magiste 532 46 247 230 394 160
Mahavariese 703 47 260 260 424 180
Lavynade 680 48 262 253 456 200


Here I've written down a brief description of the enemies, including their
attack patterns and any weaknesses/strengths they might have. Where it's
important, I've also included how they move. Bear in mind that almost all of
their attacks can be stopped by you hitting them, though this is not always
the case, especially with the more powerful monsters towards the end.


The Guff look like wolves. Their only attack involves them turning white for a
half second, then snapping forward slightly with their jaws. It has a small
reach, but is easy to avoid.

The first flowers in the main map area. When you near them, they shoot several
small energy balls in the air in your general direction. They're not so tough
to avoid, in that they generally don't hit you anyway, but if you're standing
next to the Riez they're very unlikely to hit you.

These are the more powerful versions of the Guff, and they appear after you
leave the Lava Zone. Treat them as the Guff.

The more powerful versions of the Riez, appearing after you leave the Lava
Zone. Treat them as the Riez.

Tigray Quarry

These flies aren't much of a bother. They'll flash white before their attack,
which is a dash forward with their sting pointing in front of them. Dodge if
you need to, but you should be able to kill them before they get to use it.
Although they fly, they try and stay at ground level, so if they're above you
you can wait for them to drop to your level.

The spider-like Gulms' attack involves them flashing white, before shooting
a web at where you're standing. Although it gradually gets faster, the web
will go straight to where you were standing when it was fired, so if you move
it won't hit you. Gulms can also cling onto a ceiling, and tend to fire from
there - just jump and hit them off. They also have a habit of running away from
you, so aren't great for experience-building.

These are the red bat-like creatures. They'll try and remain above you, unlike
the Bicmole. They are also one of the strongest creatures here. Their attack
involves them flashing, before shooting a ray at you - a few multi-coloured
rings come out from it's mouth in your direction. The range is very short, and
it's slow enough to avoid easily. You'll need to jump-attack to fight these

The Radel are the green troll creatures. They run about and flash before doing
a small dash-attack with their clubs - the range of the attack is quite short.
They have quite a high defence so may cause problems at a low level, but there
aren't any particular tactics to use against them.

These are the armoured bugs that crawl around near the bottom of Tigray Mine -
most of them drop from above to surprise you. They have a very high physical
resistance, so your normal attacks will cause very little damage. Instead, use
Fire Magic on them to damage them - two or three shots may be required. Their
attack is a medium-range dash attack that can knock you over, and they move
very fast - fast enough to be on your heels. If they do this, the best thing to
do is a jump -> downward thrust to knock them away, then use the Fire Magic.

Illburns Ruins

These are the birds that occupy the outside sections of the ruins. They fly at
quite an altitude, so you WILL need to jump attack to hit them. And because
they move quite fast, it's often tough to hit them, let alone kill them. They
have two attacks, both started off by them flying straight up quite slowly.
They may flash, and then charge toward the floor where you're standing - this
will cause a small shockwave as well, and either the hit or the wave will knock
you over. They may also charge at you, which is quite slow but they can hit
you several times whilst doing so. Both are best avoided by getting well out
of their way

These are the wolf-men who also hang around the outside areas. They run toward
you, but as soon as you start hitting them back, they'll try and run away.
Their only attack is using their whip, which will smash down a good distance
from them and leave a very small shockwave.

These are the odd flaming heads that float around in the inside areas. And that
is almost all they do - float around. They'll mind their own business for a
while, every now and again changing their height. Then, at some point, they'll
flash white and descend to the floor, and then charge at you. The charge is
quite slow, but it lasts a long time. The best defence is to hit them while
they're coming at you, but avoidance is always a good idea as well. Otherwise,
hit them normally, being careful that just touching them can often hurt you.
These are also immune to Fire Magic.

Seean are the mages. When they see you, they'll blast a quick fireball at you,
which is so easily avoided by jumping over it. Once you've done that, close in
and hit them until they die. They will also teleport given a chance (which
involves them disappearing, then reappearing two to five seconds later), but
don't worry too much about that.

The bugs outside are the Gulgs. These are very dangerous as they can cause
quite a lot of damage. Their attack involves them first flashing and raising
their claws, before slashing just in front of them. Gulg are immune to attacks
from the front, so either jump and downward thrust them (the best bet, as it
will hit and possibly stun them), or jump behind them and attack them from
behind. This is dangerous as they might turn around, and when you hit them for
no damage they can retaliate quite quickly. The downward thrust can also
safely hit several of them at the same time.

These are the more powerful versions of the Sigled, and are treated the same.

These are the four-legged flaming creatures towards the end of the ruins. They
are quite easy to kill, but watch out for when they flash, as they'll then
jump at you, and can jump quite a distance. They'll also leave some flames
behind them which can also cause damage. When they start to flash, hit them
if they're close enough, or get out of the way. They are immune to Fire Magic.

The more powerful version of the Seean. When they cast their fireball, they
will very shortly afterwards cast another two, one to either side of the first.
Use exactly the same tactic, but just bear their extra attacks in mind if
you're in a room filled with them.

Lava Zone

The Zown are the first creatures you meet in the Lava Zone. There really is
nothing special about them, save their attack is slightly forward of them

These pesky birds are annoying, particularly when you're trying to navigate
the room with the chasm in the middle. When they flash, they will zoom straight
towards you in a long-range and fast dash attack. It's tough to avoid without
good timing, but it isn't too dangerous. You'll need to jump-attack them.

The Almenger are armoured beetles, much like the Mozuk from Tigray. They can be
hit normally, but they have an annoying dash attack - they'll curl up slightly
and dash straight at you with an aura increasing their size a little bit. This
is very easily dodged, but it might help you to know that it's possible to
block this attack by hitting back at it with your sword. Not easy to do!

Gewme are a bit like the Riez from outside, but they shoot a shower of lava
projectiles above them, which come raining down on you. Get up close and whack
them quickly, and you shouldn't have much problem.

These are very nasty if yo don't know how to deal with them. Their main
strength is that they come not in one's or two's, but in large groups... You
will encounter them in two areas, in one case there's about fifty of them!
They have a high physical resistance as well, so although all they do is rush
you and cause about 5 damage per hit, they'll all be doing that and you won't
be doing much in return. Use Wind Magic to obliterate them, and then go back
for more experience!

These replace some of the Zual once you've killed Guilen. They're larger
verions which aren't as fast, and their dash attack is slow. However, it drops
flames behind it when it dashes, so watch out for those, and it's more powerful
then the Zual.

Abandoned Mine

The Fozen are the first typical ooze creatures in the game. They shoot a short
range slime at you, and they also have the ability to divide into multiple
creatures. Otherwise, they're the fodder of the Abandoned Mine.

These were annoying in Ys III, but now these flower-like creatures aren't so
bad. If you get close to them, they sprout out with tentacles in a circle of
wide diameter. This can be quite a punishing attack, but the best way to deal
with these is to jump and downward thrust them.

These strange reptile kind of things run around shooting at you. Their range
is quite short, and not very dangerous so don't worry too much about it.
However, their attack is a double attack, firing twice in quick succession. If
you're worried about getting hit, downward thrust is the way forward. They also
have a tendency to run from you until they're safe enough to blast you.

The Barlen are the jellyfish that float from above. They try to hover over you
and charge up an electrical bolt to release downwards onto you. It's pretty
easy to avoid this just by keeping moving, and not letting them get directly
above you. Jump attack to kill thses.

Doradel are the first large enemies that you'll meet, and you'll find them
all to be a pain. The Doradel are huge creatures with warhammers (you'll know
them when you see them), and although they're quite slow, they can hit very
hard.They have two attacks. in the first, they will charge up white for a
moment, before charge attacking you. The second - and much more dangerous - is
a combo dash attack. It will charge up for about twice as long, then dash
towards you as before. There will be a short delay whilst it's hammer is on the
ground, and then it will follow up with another three very quick dash attacks.
Considering it's strength, this can be lethal. There really is no easy solution
to fighting the Doradel, as you can't stun them either. Still, go for the
downward thrust first, as it hits a lot and very quickly, and then immediately
follow up with a fully-powered Wind Ring attack, for the same effect. Be
prepared for the fact that, the first few times you meet them, this still may
not be enough to kill them off.

These are the more powerful version of the Geld. Aside from being stronger, and
their blast having a much longer range, they should be treated pretty much the
same way. They, too, have a double attack.

Elderm Mountains

These are the ugly goblin creatures running around. They take a lot of hits to
kill, and hit back quite hard, but their attack is a short dash at you after
glowing white for a moment. It's easily avoided.

The Jigel are the flies that annoy you everywhere. You'll need to jump attack
them, and watch out for their attacks - a long-range dart. They're quite tough
to hit, keep an eye on their shadow and jump when you need to.

Halick look a bit like fish (IMO), and wait underneath the ground. You can
just about see part of them sticking out of the surface of the ground, and if
you get close to them, they'll jump out and hit you before going back under the
ground a short distance away. They'll even do this if you're in mid-air, so
the best bet is to double-jump (to get as high as possible), then downward
thrust them.

Zolmie do not move except for rotating in your direction, and have two blades,
one on either side. It'll power up, and then throw those blades at you which
will fly some distance, spin, and then come back. Downward thrust is a good
tactic, but it might be a good idea to tempt it to shoot at you, then rush in
to hit it. They take a lot of hits.

Towards the end of the outside of the mountains, you'll come across these. They
look like racoons on their back legs, and carry swords. They're a very typical,
easy to beat enemy that don't need an explanation.

Ilbra's Shell
Inside of the mountains, you'll see lumps of rock that come out from the
ground. These are the Ilbra's Shell, and shoot a blast of ice at you. When they
go underground, they can also follow you around almost anywhere, and if you
don't kill them, you could see them emerge next to you wherever you are. They
are also highly resistant to anything but Earth Magic, which causes a problem
to begin with. If you don't have the magic yet, avoid them, otherwise dash
through them with Earth Magic. Their attack is quite easily avoided if you're
not avoiding other enemies, but if you're in combat then Ilbra's Core are a
pain. Also, if you kill them with Earth Magic, the shell will break and release
Ilbra's Core (below), but if you kill them with physical attacks (your sword)
Ilbra's Core won't be released.

Ilbra's Core
These are the orange/red orbs released from Ilbra's Shell when killed. They'll
shoot small blue orbs at you which will follow you for ages, so deal with these
guys quickly. They hover around and don't move too fast, so a few jump attacks
will deal with them quite fast.

Salada are the spinning enemies just past Ligaty. Whilst they're spinning, a
normal sword attack won't hurt them but downward thrusts will kill them
quite quickly. After a while, they'll slow down a lot, when they are more
vulnerable, but all these guys try to do is move into you - they're not very
mobile, so you may see them just going round in a circle around you instead!

These are the more powerful versions of the Jigel, and should be treated the

Almetron are rare, but annoying. They bounce everywhere and are not only
difficult to hit, but can hit you if you're not lucky, even through all they
do is bounce into you. USe Earth Dash to hit them, as (IIRC) they are resistant
to other attacks.

These are the beetles in the depths of the Elderm Mountains that follow you
and spout bubbles at you. Although you can hit them from the front, it's a very
dangerous ploy as they may release the bubbles - unlike other monsters, which
stop attacking whilst you're hitting them, Galgado continue to release bubbles,
and so while you're hitting them, you'll probably be taking a lot of damage.
Hit them from behind or with a series of downward thrusts. They won't change
direction while shooting the bubbles, and they shoot a long stream for a few

The huge mother-flies are the Mon-Jigel, and may be your favourite enemies.
They don't move far, and don't attack directly - they'll release coccoons every
now-and-again, which will hatch into either Jigel or Vi-Jigel. They fly quite
high above you, so charge up Wind Magic, jump and release, and you will hover
and hit them repeatedly, usually until they die. You will not only garner
a bit of extra experience from the Jigel and Vi-Jigel, but the Mon-Jigel are
also worth more Gold than any other monster in the game. Not bad for something
so easy to kill!

There are only a few Jigradel, and they are mor powerful goblin creatures. They
have a long range dash attack, but aside from that are pretty easy to kill -
get close, and hit them constantly to avoid them getting back at you.

Valestein Castle

Ishguests are the knights that walk around with a shield and sword. Their
single attack involves them charging momentarily, then dashing at you and
swiping their sword. This is the only time they're vulnerable from the front,
as they will otherwise raise their shield. Either attack them from above or

The Selnade look like maids, and are reasonably annoying. They have a
predictable attack pattern. Get close and they will run towards you, then
throw knives at you - three at a time in a fan shape. They do this three times,
then run in to try and stab you once, before throwing again.. Aside from
stabbing you, they will generally try and keep their distance, usually running
away from you.

Falan are incredibly annoying, as they will avoid you like the plague, and
blast you from afar. They are the odd looking spellcasters. Their spell, a
long ribbon-like projectile, will follow you and can bend several times before
fading away, and the Falan itself will jump out of the way when you get near.
They can also teleport, disappearing for a while before reappearin elsewhere,
much like the Seean and Sizerian from Ilburns. When they reappear they are at
their most vlunerable - as they appear, jump above them, then downward thrust

These are the lizardmen. There aren't many of them, but they're powerful. Their
favoured attack is to jump towards you and downward thrust you, which will
cause a lot of damage and knock you to the ground. Simply dodge this, and do it
back to them! They do have a tendency to jump away from your attacks too, so
they're not easy to hit, but when you do, chain attack them to kill them.

These are immobile enemies, and their top spins around. It fires four lasers,
north, south, east and west, spins and then fires another four lasers, but this
time in the diagonals. They're easy to take out.

Much like the Ishguest, but with Lances. They'll charge, as well, but at least
you can hit them from the front. This isn't advised, as getting hit will knock
you to the ground. Hit them from behind or downward thrust them.

These are the more powerful versions of the Faran. They teleport more often,
but otherwise are exactly the same.

The more powerful versions of the Halvaiger. Treat them the same.


Pique are the tiny bugs that attack in hordes like the Mozgouz from the Lava
Zone. Treat them the same way, and abuse them for loads of experience. You'll
need to.

These strange creatures have an attack which is a long-range dash attack. They
will jump at you and swipe with their blade, and (possibly in mid-air) begin
a second dash. They're otherwise typically easy to kill.

These are large flies which are more like Jigel/Vi-Jigel than Mon-Jigel, as
they will attack you viciously, swooping in, They can chain these swoops
together, doing a series of them, and each can knock you down. They're quite
tough to kill, but I think the point of them in the game was to knock you off
a platform as you tried to get the Battle Sword.

Torieze are the huge flowers. They will shoot a mass of energy balls above them
and towards you, which will rain down on you, and there isn't a lot of avoiding
you can really do about that, so just try and take them out quickly, running
away when they attack if you need to.


These are the little slimes. They don't split, but have a short-range
projectile attack, where they spurt bubbles. Equip the Stone Shoes if you don't
want to slide on the ooze they leave behind.

Garlium are the archers that shoot at you from afar. They're weak (unlike their
counterparts in Wanderers...), so just dodge the arrow and get up close to hit

Estarion are the huge brutes who are incredibly powerful and tough. They will
charge up for a moment before swiping their sword, leaving an energy arc
which is just as dangerous. They are very slow and will not string those
attacks together quickly, so run in, do damage, and get out of the way of that
attack - it will knock you down, too.

Genos Island
Keratros are the purple birds. You can get surrounded quickly, and they have a
short-range dash attack, but the best way to kill them easily is with Wind

These are the four-legged blue things, and are very similar to the Gulg from
Ilburns. They will jump at you, dropping flames which will explode on impact
with the ground. Normal attacks will easily suffice.

Doonos are a two-stage creature. They start off as a Giant Skull, which will
charge up before shooting a huge beam at you, which can knock you down as well
as cause a lot of damage. They will only do this once you get near, but if you
take your time in killing them, they'll turn into a head which follows you
around and trise to bite you. I recommend Wind Magic 8)

Skull-Alnada, the skeletons of the game, will run at you relentlessly and swipe
with their swords, an arc of energy also causing damage should it hit. Wind
Magic will help you out, as they are quite fast and strong, but make sure you
have the Silver Bell equipped to kill these guys. If you don't, they will drop
to the ground, and rise up again about 10 seconds later, and you won't get any
exp or gold for them.

The Skull-Magiste are obvious by the four small flames that circle around them.
The flames hurt you slightly. They will also shoot at you what I remember
thinking looked like a grey skull - it's slow and quite easy to avoid, but it
will follow you for ages and does a decent amount of damage. Jump in and get
hacking, you WILL take damage but do it quickly to cut that down. Like the
Skull-Alnada, you'll need the Silver Bell to kill them.

The Mahavariese are the huge flowers. The will shoot a beam of energy straight
up, and a couple of seconds later bllas of energy will drop down onto you.
Tough to avoid, but get in as much damage as you can before jumping out of the
way of those balls if you feel that way inclined.

These are the biggest, most powerful creatures in the game, more powerful even
than most of the earlier bosses. By far. They're the big dinosaur things, and
the first time you see them they could be powerful enough to destroy you
quickly. They have a variety of attacks. When they first see you, they're most
likely to charge and dash at you. It's quite a slow dash, but they'll swipe at
you about three times when they do it. When they stop, they usually wait a
moment before jumping into the air and landing heavily, knocking you down if
you're nearby. They also shoot fireballs - up to three orange fireballs,
followed by a very powerful red one. The fireballs are huge, and they will
fire them at you, so beware - if you get hit by one, it's likely you won't
recover in time to avoid the next, so you could easily get hit by them all.
Use Wind Ring and downward thrusts to hit them quickly, but seriously, even at
level 52 it's VERY dangerous to take on more than one at a time.


The HP for the bosses on each difficulty level are as follows:

| Name | Easy | Norm | Hard | Nigt |
| Dularn I | 190 | 190 | 238 | 285 |
| Ellefale | | 400 | 600 | 800 |
| Chester I | | 700 | 875 | 1050 |
| Guilen | | 1100 | 1375 | 1650 |
| Gyalva | | 1200 | 1500 | 1800 |
| Istersiva | | 2000 | 2500 | 3000 |
| Ligaty | | 2970 | 3712 | |
| Gildias | | 3000 | 3750 | |
| Death Faleon | | 2712 | 3390 | |
| Zellfell | | 2925 | 3656 | |
| Zirduros | | 3300 | 4125 | |
| Chester II | | 3500 | 4375 | |
| Dularn II | | 4000 | 5000 | |
| Garland | | 5000 | 6250 | |
| Galavaran | | 6000 | 7500 | |

Acknowledgements [ ACKM ]

Many thanks to:

Superlocke, for helping me with things I've missed;

Grawl and his guide, for getting me past a couple of bosses (Ligaty, you

AriaRyvall/Varion, for getting me the game in the first place ;)


(C) 2005 Century

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