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Fishing FAQ
Copyright 2005 Rory "Jester" Sickles
E-mail: JesterTBP@hotmail.com
Version Information
Version : 1.1
Updated : August 4th 2005
Game Information
Title : Fate
Platform : PC (DOS)
Year : 2005
Company : Wild Tangent

Fate is a lovely little game full of endless monsters and amazing loot. But in
between the boundless fights there is a fun and quite rewarding side venture.
Fishing!! Yes I know, sounds boring doesn't it...but you may be surprised. The
information I have compiled here you could get within the game, but you'd have
to have an amazing memory to process it all...thus, this nice little FAQ!! I
hope you find it helpful in some way. Questions, comments, and additions are
quite welcome and you can contact me at my email listed both at the top and
bottom of this FAQ. This is my first FAQ, so be gentle...Thank you for reading
and enjoy!


1. Why Fish?
2. Types of Fish
3. Tips
4. Legal/Contact

1. Why Fish?
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One may ask, what exactly are the benefits of fishing? Couldn't I be out doing
more quests and getting more items etc etc... Well, yes, you could be. Your
pet is a helpful companion, but he needs a little boost every once in a while.
The fish you catch can DRASTICALLY change your pets attributes and/or
resistances. Sometimes this can give you the edge against certain monsters that
are a pain. Another, and some may say better, use for fishing is the items that
can be obtained. You can find MUCH better gear/gems while fishing on level 5
than will drop on level 30. Nice items means nice profits. Overall, fishing
is a vastly rewarding activity that takes little effort...my kind of fun...:)

2. Types of Fish
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There are 21 types of fish in 4 various sizes. The 4 sizes are as follows:
Fingerling - Transformation for 120 seconds (2 minutes)
Small - Transformation for 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Lunker - Transformation for 600 seconds (10 minutes)
Flawless - Transformation is "Permanent"

*NOTE* By "permanent" they mean "until you turn it into something
else" Once that next transformation wears off, your pet
will be changed back into dog/cat form.

The 20 different types of fish were a pain to record! But here they are anyway:

*NOTE* The stat increases listed are relative to the stats of your pet
while in original form.

Archerfish - Dire Wolf
STR - 63
DEX - 39
VIT - 64
MAG - 0
ARM - 27
Special: None

Arrowfish - Greater Basilisk
STR - 5
DEX - 10
VIT - 8
MAG - 0
ARM - 10
Special: None

Bass - Unicorn
STR - 64
DEX - 64
VIT - 52
MAG - 0
ARM - 35
Special: None

Betta - Nocturne Stalker
STR - 33
DEX - 45
VIT - 24
MAG - 0
ARM - 27
Special: None

Carp - Wyvern
STR - 40
DEX - 41
VIT - 42
MAG - 0
ARM - 45

Clownfish - Venomous Wyvern
STR - 107
DEX - 51
VIT - 93
MAG - 0
ARM - 58

Darter - Dire Unicorn
STR - 57
DEX - 64
VIT - 52
MAG - 50
ARM - 35
Special: None

Dogfish - Pet Form
Simply changes your pet back to original form.

Dory - Salamander
STR - 78
DEX - 62
VIT - 61
MAG - 0
ARM - 36
Special: 100% Fire RESIST 80% Ice WEAK

Goldfish - Watcher
STR - 38
DEX - 43
VIT - 45
MAG - 60
ARM - 33
Special: 50% Electric RESIST 20% Piercing WEAK

Grouper - Creeping Widow
STR - 22
DEX - 1
VIT - 7
MAG - 0
ARM - 10
Special: None

Hatchetfish - Timberwolf
STR - 38
DEX - 35
VIT - 27
MAG - 0
ARM - 22
Special: None

Lemonfish - Owlbear
STR - 67
DEX - 44
VIT - 50
MAG - 0
ARM - 25
Special: None

Luminette - Ebony Stalker
STR - 68
DEX - 75
VIT - 84
MAG - 0
ARM - 60
Special: 20% Crushing

Perch - Lava Beetle
STR - 31
DEX - 20
VIT - 23
MAG - 0
ARM - 15
Special: 100% Fire RESIST 70% Ice WEAK

Ruffy - Gryphon
STR - 70
DEX - 64
VIT – 73
MAG - 100
ARM - 48
Special: None

Rubyscale - Vile Tarantula
STR - 63
DEX - 63
VIT - 79
MAG - 0
ARM - 47
Special: None

Silverfin - Snow Stalker
STR - 56
DEX - 50
VIT - 69
MAG - 0
ARM - 45
Special: 100% Ice

Snapper - Brain Beast
STR - 38
DEX - 20
VIT - 40
MAG - 80
ARM - 17
Special: 100% MAGical RESIST 20% Piercing WEAK

Steelbelly - Gargoyle
STR - 58
DEX - 0
VIT - 60
MAG - 0
ARM - 17
Special: 40% Piercing 20% Slashing 40% Fire RESIST 30% Crushing WEAK

Trout - Tunnel Spider
STR - 32
DEX - 9
VIT - 29
MAG - 0
ARM - 14
Special: None

3. Tips
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There really isn't much skill involved in fishing, but there are a few things
that can make it easier/more profitable. A great thing I found to do was sit
at a fishing hole and get as many yellow items as I can. Load your pet up with
the loot you won't use and send him on his way. This is a very easy way to
rake in lots of cash quite quickly. Make sure, however, that you have a few
identify scrolls with you, a lot of the items you'll find have rather high
identification level requirements. You may also find that if your fishing hole
is "dry". Not too sure if it really helps, but I find if I'm not getting a
"bite" in a decent amount of time, I move my character around a little and
re-cast. Maybe it doesn't make any difference at all, but it seems to help for

4. Legal/Contact
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I hope you found this FAQ helpful in some way. If you think there's something
I should include, please don't hesitate to let me know. I can't possibly know
EVERYTHING there is about fishing...

Thanks for reading and enjoy the game!!


Copyright (c)2005 Rory Sickles.
All rights reserved.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

If you wish to post this guide at your site, or if you have suggestions,
e-mail me at: JesterTBP@hotmail.com

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Fishing FAQ
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