Blake Stone

Blake Stone

17.10.2013 21:18:34
--------------------------------Character Test---------------------------------

VER 1.0
Algus Sadalfus

1. Version Info
2. Story Transcript
A. Introduction
B. Mission 1: Star Institute
C. Mission 2: Floating Fortress
D. Mission 3: Underground Network
E. Mission 4: Star Port
F. Mission 5: Habitat II
G. Mission 6: Satellite Defense
3. Closing
4. Credits


July 3, 2005
1.0 - Initial release, all transcriptions of intro text, mission briefings, and
mission closings finished.

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold is a 1993 shooter based off the Wolfenstein 3-D
engine by Apogee. Unlike other 3-D shooters of the early 90s it attempted
to have more of a story then others in it's genre. And while this story is
limited to only background material as well as ending and closing text (in the
same vein as Wolfenstein 3-D) the attempt was impressive for its time.

As of this initial version, I do not include dialogues given by NPCs that you
are able to speak to in the game. Nor do I include a transcript of the
material included in the instruction book. Unfortunately I no longer am in
posession of the original book or box. However, a transcription of NPC
dialogue may be included in future updates.

If you have a gameplay question about Blake Stone feel free to shoot it my way.
This is by far one of my favorite old school shooters but it doesn't seem to be
very popular. I'm working on a walkthrough for it but until I get something up
I'm glad to help a fellow gamer whose playing this undiscovered gem in any way
I can.
This guide is authorized to be posted at At this time
I do not authorize nor will permit this guide to be posted on other websites.

I cannot guarentee that any website but will have the
most up to date version of this guide.


(This can be seen by selecting 'Story' in the Main Options menu, available in
both the shareware and retail version of the game)

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
The Story Thus Far

REBA (working)
(inquiry)(bio/psyc profile;lrelated info)(file open)
REBA ...accessing...

The facts bear out. I will not theorize or, in Blake's words, chatter, unless
relevant to this inquiry.

The known universe is growing rapidly. Recent Directorate colonization is
expanding the borders of the planetary system--almost beyond effective
control. There are equal and unlimited opportunities for good or for evil. In
that vein, for it is relevant to Blake's motivation, I will continue.

Robert Wills Stone III was born in Old London, England, Earth on July 2, 2114.
The first born of twin children to Elizabeth Andersone Stone and Robert Wills
Stone II (deceased); he was nicknamed Blake to avoid an obvious confusion.

At 18, upon Blake's final university year, a bomb ripped through a transit
shuttle outside the family's summer home in New South Wales. The debris
showered the walk with blasted alloy and injured hundreds of bystanders.
Fortunately for Robert Wills Stone II, death was instantaneous. Elizabeth
Stone was not as fortunate. Physically and emotionally scarred, she has been
under the care of Blake's sister, Sara Elizabeth Stone.

Mrs. Stone and Sara reside on Selon, a terra-formed planetoid at the far edge of
the Sol system asteroid belt. In the time since the family tragedy, Sara has
been intensely studying the roots of evil which she believes underlie all human
behavior. Her career: Research; Genetics. But as Blake would say, "Bloody
chatter!! REBA; get back to the inquiry!"

Similarly motivated and with an equal share of the Stone determination, Blake
chose a career in the British Royal Navy. At age 22, he led forces in
Operation: New London, a fierce struggle to reclaim that outpost colony. The
battle cost few of his force's lives. The rebels were destroyed. Blake was
awarded the Kindrey Medal of Honor and promoted to the position of Special
Operations Commander.

Following the New London conflict, there have been numerous battles. In each
campaign, Blake Stone was successful. It was his exemplary record which caught
the eye of His Majesty and the King's council. Public archives record that,
after eight years of heroic service and at the age of 26, Robert Wills Stone III
would retire from the Royal Navy. Public archives, however, do not record that
he entered British Intelligence as Agent Blake Stone.

(Related info: Stone; current assignment, the STAR Institute)

Only sparse records can be gleaned from Selon or the STAR Institute. The
planetoid is outside Directorate sphere of influence. I find references to a
Dr. Pyrus W. Goldfire, t he STAR Director. It would appear data-bank
information for this individual has been altered or amended.
I find no record of his birth. I find no reference to living relatives.

(Search...academic credentials for...
...Goldfire, Pyrus W.)

These files appear to be altered, as well. Among the data which I am able to
restore: a reference to his Associate Genetic Professorship at Corel University.
His contract was terminated 18 January, 2130, due in part to a dispute over
the ownership and licensing of a genetic research discovery. Data restoration
fails to provide additional information.

However, many personal log entries exist. The journal appears to grow
increasingly irrational, and is punctuated with outbursts of paranoid ranting--
fits of 'chatter'. The most recent entry is specifically directed at the Agent
and refers to nickname. (?)(data flag)

(Replay log

23 September, 2140: "The Directorate is sending Stone. The assistance of their
best operative? Ha! You can't conceive, in your wildest dreams, what I have
accomplished! Blake, I'll have a few surprises for you! I'll show you, Blake;
then I will show the galaxy..." The log continues, but I believe you get the
gist of the...chatter?

Assessment: Goldfire is planning Agent Stone's demise. It would seem the
Doctor has an evil prescription for the planetary system, as well. Blake
Stone is en route to the STAR Institute.

Data is insufficient to make further assessments regarding this inquiry.

REBA (save flag #reba01.rws)
REBA (idle)(end?)



Accessing......current location:
General Operations

Agent Stone...Reports confirm that Goldfire is aware of your arrival. My sensors
indicate movement toward the 9th floor shuttle bay. Sir...I can only extrapolate
from past behavior to determine Goldfire's current intent.

Assessment: Dr. Goldfire plans to flee the Institute. He realizes you are a
threat to his plan, and perceives an increased measure of personal safety on
the Floating Fortress. Control of greater destructive capabilities is a
certainty as well.

Objective: Proceed to Floor 9. Kill the Spider Mutant guardian alien of the
STAR Institute and take the shuttle to the next link in Goldfire's operation,
the Floating Fortress. You will receive additional instructions when you
arrive at the fortress complex.

Informant Bio-Techs have been located throughout the STAR Institute.
Information, ammo, and tokens may be obtained from these individuals.

If I may offer an opinion: Think before you shoo...Yes Sir...Good luck, Sir!


British Intelligence Low-Band Encoded Transmission:

Bloody good work, Blake! You've severely crippled Goldfire's legion of mutants
and destroyed the first of his dreaded guardian aliens. You've removed the
threat of Goldfire's forceful grip on Selon ensuring its peaceful existance.

With the fall of the STAR Institute, Goldfire has accelerated his plans to
unleash the legions of killer mutants and is fortifying his defenses against
any further attacks.

Your orders are highly classified and URGENT -- repeat URGENT. You must proceed
to the Floating Fortress and attack before his defenses are fully in place to
ensure complete success of this mission.

Final orders will be transmitted upon arrival at the Fortress.



Accessing......current location:

Transport Arrival

Nice flying...You made bloody good time, Blake! The minister will be glad to
know that all that time in the flight simulator paid off.

Goldfire, however, remains a threat. Readings indicate he is within the

Assessment: It is apparent that Goldfire respects your abilities as an agent.
Again...I foresee his attempts to cause your demise....Affirmative Sir.
But my progreamming...Yes Sir!

Objective: Continue your search to destroy Dr. Goldfire's creations. Make your
way to deck 9 where you must elminate one of Goldfire's strongest mutants, the
Acid Dragon. Find a shuttle and take off for the secret Underground Network on

Sir...If Goldfire is unsuccessful, he will...with all probability...retreat to
HABITAT II. Take care...Sir. Readings indicazte that many guards and patrols
loyal to the doctor are here within the fortress complex. Informants, however,
may give more information which will be of assistance.


British Intelligence Low-Band Encoded Transmission:

Good work, Blake! You've disabled Goldfire's ability to collect further data
about the earth. This hinders his access to vital knowledge needed to quickly
carry out his master plan.

It's reported that Goldfire has a secret underground entrance in the Pan
Crevasse. Use the shuttle scanners to locate this entrance to his Underground

Further orders will be communicated upon finding this entrance.


(R.E.B.A. Voice Interface)

Access???ing???attempting SIN interface to determine current location unable to???Updating...

Agent Stone? There are traces which indicate sabotage of your Fortress
shuttlecraft. The shuttle reflect beacon......plots your shuttle as......
'downed on the floor of the mile deep Pan Crevasse'.

Confirmed...I will repeat, Pan Crevasse. Although, your suggestion might be a
better name for such hostile terrain. Currently, you are standing within the
rover-module entrance to Goldfire's Undergroujnd Network.

Assessment: This is the most dangerous mission yet. Goldfire did not expect you
to survive the crash and cannot comprehend how you have pushed this far through
his defenses......I read many mutants within this installation and theorize that
this subterranean structure must house the results of Goldfire's early genetic
experiments and could possibly be a storage compound.

Objective: Move toward the top level of the Caverns; there you will find the
entrance to the STAR Port. The Port entrance will be your only means of exit
from the Caverns. Goldfire has placed a powerful Breather Beast guardian alien
on floor 9 to guard the entrance to the Port. You must defeat the guardian to
shut down the network.

Incoming transmission: Intelligence reports the situation is dire. Goldfire
offers more threats. Blake...My circuitry must be... Agent Stone....please
proceed with caution. You must destroy Goldfire's creations!


British Intelligence Low-Band Encoded Transmission:

Intelligence has confirmed that the Underground Network was a mjaor holding
chamber for Goldfire's mutant legions. By destroying this compound, you've
delayed Goldfire's ability to storm the earth with his mutant creatures. Now,
his only means of invasion is by teleportation. Well done, COmmander Stone!

We now know that the STAR Port is a major site of operation for Goldfire's
earth-based objective4s.

Proceed to the preset rendezvous point to receive further detailed information
about your next mission.


(R.E.B.A. Voice Interface)

Accessing......current location:

Alien Controlled Quarters

Agent Stone...this is the last remaining supply base on Earth that is receiving
shipments from Goldfire. It must be rendered useless to save the planet.

Objective: Locate the shuttle bay for launch to HABITAT II, Intelligence cannot
pinpoint the exact location of the bay, but it is apparently at the top of the
structure and well guarded by a powerful mutant, the Cyborg Warrior. Destroy
the mutant and take a shuttle to the HABITAT II complex.

Agent Stone? Beware, I cannot offer an assessment of Goldfire's future actions.
He is becoming extremely agitated; decidedly irrational.....Good Luck, Sir!


British Intelligence Low-Band Encoded Transmission:

Good job! STAR Port is no longer functional; however, intelligence reports some
of Goldfire's aliens have left the planet for Habitat II to inform him that
earth-based operations have been destroyed!

We speculate that Goldfire might immediately attempt mass teleportation of his
remaining alien legions to earth.

Proceed to Habitat II where you will be given further instructions.


(R.E.B.A. Voice Interface)

Accessing......current location:

Crew Quarters

Sir...informants have revealed that Goldfire is here, within the HABITAT
environment. He has been awaiting your arrival.

Assessment: I can extrapolate based on his past behavior with a 97% probability.
He has prepared many traps for you and is determined to stop you. He will spare
no cost to end your life and the threat you pose to his plan.....Incoming
transmission.....there are reports....of a secret transport facility near
HABITAT II. If he escapes, he will be free to use the facility to attack Earth.
His genetic experiments will be "shifted" en mass under Earth's planetary
defenses. I deem the situation to be most serious.

Objective: Blow away everything that tries to stop you from getting to floor 9.
When you get there, take out the Bio-Mech Guardian alien and hit the tunnel! You
must get to the Satellite Defense Installation as quickly as possible to prevent
Goldfire from starting his mass alien teleportation to Earth.


British Intelligence Low-Band Encoded Transmission:

Good work, Blake! You've knocked out his living base on the moon.

The end is near ... Goldfire is desperate and will do anything to get his alien
legion to earth. You must stop him now...

Move quickly to the defense building to recveive your final orders to destroy
Goldfire's creations forever.


(R.E.B.A. Voice Interface)

Accessing......current location:

Defense Operations

You have done it! Sir, you have found the defense facility! Bloody good Sir,
bloody good!

Yes Sir, I will run a self-diagnostic at next idle.

Intelligence reports that Goldfire has initiated startup on the Projection
Generators! This is Goldfire's final battlefront; however it will be his most
vicious assault.

Objective: Locate and destroy the ten Projection Generators located on floor 9
of this facility. Be careful, the Reptillian Warrior that guards the generators
is deadly! must succeed in this mission; otherwise, Earth will be defenseless
against Goldfire's attack. He will finally attain his goal. He will finally
rule the galaxy and its population. Use every bit of information gleaned from
intelligence to stop Goldfire and his creations. Sir...I know you can
accomplish this assignment, the world is counting on you. Good luck.......


British Intelligence Low-Band Encoded Transmission:

From the Office of the War Minister-

Great work Agent Stone! We had high confidence that you would stop Dr. Goldfire
and his mutant legions from taking control of the Earth and eventually the
knwon universe.

As for your next set of orders, I think you might find them slightly less
action packed but just as rewaqrding!

Report immediately to B1 Operations for mission de-briefing and award
ceremonies. You will be given the Queen's Intergalactic Peace Medal of Honor!
That's a mouthful, wouldn't you say Agent Stone?

Well anyway... job well done and thanks again Blake.


Well, there you have it. I hope this guide was of use or interest to you. Now
a remake of Blake Stone that told the story in its full glory would be great
but that wouldn't ever happen, alas.

Thanks for reading the guide, and happy gaming!


CJayC - for making such a wonderful website
Apogee - for simply making great games
ID Software - without Wolfenstein, there would be no Blake Stone

This guide is copyright 2005 by Curtis Mitchell. It may be distributed freely
as long as it is unmodified. The author makes no guarentee however that any
website besides GameFAQs ( will have the latest version
of this guide. No websites, without special permission, are authorized to post
this FAQ.
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