Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil

Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil

17.10.2013 10:16:10
Doom III
Resurrection of Evil
Boss Guide


Version 1.2

[ Table of Contents ]
1. Introduction
2. Legal Information
3. Helltime Hunter
4. Berserker Hunter
5. Invulnerable Hunter
6. Maledict
a. Preparation
b. The Battlefield
c. The Fight
7. Conclusion
8. Contact
9. Version History
10. Credits

[ Introduction ]

Hello, and welcome to my Doom3 Resurrection of Evil Boss guide!
If you are like me, then you found the boss battles of RoE to be very
difficult. I was playing on veteran mode, so maybe that had something
to do with it.

I have developed strategys for all the bosses in the Resurrection of
Evil exponsion pack, and I hope they come in handy.

[ Legal Information ]

The Don'ts:

Do not post the guide on your website without my permission.
The sites that already have permission are:

If I find it on your site and you never asked me for permission,
I will take legal action against you.

The Do's:

If you are not on that list above but would like to be able to post
this guide on your website, then just send me an Email at and I will check out your site, and if I think it is
okay I will let you know that 6you may post this guide on your site.

[Helltime Hunter ]

The first boss fight is not that hard as long as you know what you are
doing. You won't be moving much, and the only weapon you need is the
Grabber. You'll start out on a platform, with Helltime on an opposite
platform facing you. He has three attacks.

He can fire a single fireball at you, he can fire a barrage of
fireballs at you, or he can warp around the battlefield chucking
fireballs at you as he goes. Nothing you can't handle though.

At first it will seem like he is invincible, but that is just because
there is only one way to damage him. See those two turrets on the sides
of the room? the ones that fire those big blue fireballs. You have to
catch those with your grabber and then fire them at Helltime. Do that
seven times and he will fall, granting you the Helltime power up for
your artifact.

Now you know how to hurt him, and here is how to keep him from hurting

Single Fireball attack: It's easy to avoide this one. You can hide
behind one of the two pillars, strafe out of it's way, or cathc it with
the grabber.

Barrage of Fireballs: His hardest attack to avoid, I have found only
one way to not get hurt from this. When you see him getting ready to
fire, quickly go behind one of the two pillars, so that he is directly
on the opposite side of it from you. All of the fireballs should
crash harmlessly into the pillar.

Warping: Seems easy at first, just dodge the fireballs he throws at
you. On the final time he warps though, he'll try to directly attack
you. get in the centre of the platform, wait for him to warp towards
you, and then quickly sprint away from him. He'll get nothing but thin

[Berserker Hunter ]

The second Hunter, and also a huge pushover. You only need two things
for this battle: The Artifact and the Double-Barrel Shotgun. When the
battle begins start by getting out the artifact. He will power up,
revealing an orange glowing object in his chest.

Get out your Double-Barrel shotgun and start nailing the orange
thing at close range with it. After a bit of damage, his chest will
close back up,and your goal now is just to stay away from him until he
re-charges (you will know when he does because the room gets dark).

Once the orange thing is back, just pound him with the shotgun some
more until he closes up. Rinse and repeat until he dies, granting you
the BerserkerArtifact power.

[Invulnerable Hunter ]

Finally a challenging boss fight! Unlike the last one, this Hunter is
not easy. After the cut-scene just start shooting him with the weapon
of your choice. When you get low on health or souls just go under the
floor via two holes near the walls. When you are under there make sure
you crouch so Invulnerable's Shockwave attack does not hurt you.

Anyway, after you do enough damage, he will start drawing electricity
from one of the four power generators in the room. This makes him
invulnerable. Use the Artifact now. Go to whatever generator he is
drawing out of, and click on the green panel. This will open a panel
exposing the Power Cell.

Pound the power cell with whatever you have until it explodes, and
what do you know; he is no longer invulnerable! Keep doing this, while
making routine trips under the floor to re-stock. You may want to use
the artifact when you are hurting him also.

Eventually all four power Generators will be destroyed. After that is
done then just finish him off, and you'll have a fully operational
Artifact, with Helltime, Berserker, and Invulnerable all in one.

[ Maledict ]

Okay here it is: The big battle. Lets start with preparation:


Okay, before you get here, you will obviously have to beat the rest of
the game first, but that is not what this guide is about now is it?
Let's start with the final room. Seeing as you have been in Hell for a
good bit,you are probably a little freaked out, and the huge Maledict
Statue inthe center of the room isn't helping.

Don't worry though, because there are no more enemies waiting for you
in this room, so feel free to walk around a bit. Make your way to the
center of a room, and stock up on ammo, souls, and health. You will be
needing it all greatly in the next few minutes. After you are sure you
are ready, you need to switch to the grabber. That's right, the wimpy
little grabber. For the upcoming battle, you will only need 4 weapons:

1: The Grabber
2: The Artifact
3: The Chain Gun
4. The BFG 9000

No rockets, no Plasma Rifle, just those four. One very important thing
that you should memorize is where those weapons are in relation of each
other while using the mouse to scroll through them. It is VERY important
to be able to switch quickly between them if you want to do this battle

For instance, after using the artifact (Which you WILL be using in this
battle) your weapon will change back to the one that you last had out.
Now, if you went straight to the artifact from the Grabber, after you
use the artifact your weapon will change back to the grabber, instead of
something in between the grabber and the artifact. If you switch to any
other weapons than the ones you are using, it could really throw of your

During the next section, I will be listing the amount of mouse scrolls
needed to switch the next correct weapon.

When you are sure that you are ready (and have the grabber out as your
weapon, remember) then step in front of the big green portal and quick
save your game. You are most likely going to do a whole lot of quick
loading until you get a feel for the battle.

-=[The Battlefield]=-

In this battle there are a lot of things I am going to be telling you
to do, so I will make a little map to help me in my directing. I am
really bad at this so bear with me.
aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa
a C. a M. a C. a
a a a a
a aaaaaa a
Ea aW
a G. a
a a
a S. a
a a
a F. F. a
Okay, I know it ain't great but I think it'll work. I'll describe the

A: Well, basically the edges of the big platform that you are on. Either
there is a drop off after that point (instant death) or there is
something in the way (The big skull that Maledict sits upon).

S: Your starting location, but not really important.

G: The first place where you'll want to head after the battle begins,
you stand here with your Grabber and take out the four The Forgotten
One's that come rushing towards you.

F: These spots are where Maledict will appear when he is going into his
fireball-spewing stage. I think it is random with what one he appears
at. While Maledict is in either of these spots you will be stuffing his
head full of lead (hey it rhymes!).

C: These spots each have one corpse to recharge your artifact at, and
you will be standing here while Maledict does his nasty Meteor Storm
attack and while you are nailing him in the head with the BFG.

M: This is where Maledict sits while he calls down a nasty Meteor Storm.
He is sitting still here so it is a great time to use the fully-charged
BFG on him.

Well I think that takes care of everything and now you are ready for
the fight.

-=[The Fight]=-

Okay, you just walked into that green portal, went through the freaky
tunnel, and watched a cute cut-scene. Now you get to see some action!

Right as the cut-scene ends quickly run to point 'G'. Doing so will
save you a lot of flaming pain from Maledict flaming breath, and get
you to where you are supposed to be. Now Maledict will come up from the
north side of the platform and float above point 'M'.

He will summon 4 The Forgotten Ones, and one at a time they will come
rushing towards you. This part seems hard, but it is actually really
easy, because the demons come only one at a time, and Maledict won't be
attack for a bit.

Okay, so you are standing in point 'G' with the Grabber out, and they
start coming towards you. Here is the trick: When they are summoned,
the demons are way high up in the air. To attack you the must first
drop down to the ground. So simply aim your Grabber under the spot
where they are spawning, hold down the trigger, and they will fly
right into your.. Magnetic clutches.

There are two spawning to west of point 'M' and two spawning to the
east of it. The ones on the west side will come first, and then the
east. Just take all four of them out, and then quickly switch to the
Artifact (up 3 scrolls on the mouse) .

Use it, and your weapon will change back to the grabber if you
scrolled fast enough. From the Grabber, scroll down five times to the
Chain Gun. Do this while turning around to face the south side of the
platform. You should have been in the battle for about 15 seconds by

Now Maledict will appear at either of the two 'F' points, and you
should have the chain gun out and the artifact activated as he comes up
to float on those points. As soon as you can, start pumping him full of
lead with the chain gun and try to get him in the head as much as
possible. It shouldn't be too hard.

Here is another trick that I have found: If you do enough damage to
him, he will skip the whole fireball stage and just fly back down to go
spawn more The Forgotten One's. Try to do that as it will make the
whole battle a ton easier.

If you fail to do that, then just keep shooting him with the chain gun
and try to dodge his fireballs until he fly's back down. Either way,
after he flies back down, switch to the Grabber by scrolling up 5 times
on the mouse, and move back to point 'G'. This next part is essentially
the same as the one before, but I'll say it again anyway.

Now Maledict will come up from the north side of the platform and float
above point 'M'. He will summon 4 The Forgotten Ones, and one at a time
they will come rushing towards you. There are two spawning to west of
point 'M' and two spawning to the east of it.

The ones on the west side will come first, and then the east. Just
take all four of them out with the Grabber, and then quickly switch to
the Artifact (up 3 scrolls on the mouse).

Use it, and your weapon will change back to the grabber if you scrolled
fast enough. From the Grabber, scroll down five times to the Chain Gun.
Do this while turning around to face the south side of the platform.

Now Maledict will appear at either of the two 'F' points, and you
should have the chain gun out and the artifact activated as he comes
up to float on those points. As soon as you can, start pumping him full
of lead with the chain gun and try to get him in the head as much as
possible. It shouldn't be too hard.

After the second fireball round, if you did enough damage he should
fly across the field doing another fire breath attack from the east
side to the west side.

So right after he dives down from pint 'F', run to the eastern point
'C' while getting out your BFG (9 mouse scrolls up from the chain gun),
let the weapon stay at BFG for about 1 second, and then scroll down
once to the artifact and get the soul from the corpse
there. Now Maledict will re-appear and sit on top of point 'M' opposed
to summoning more demons again.

Activate your artifact, and switch to the BFG, and right about now
meteors should start raining down from the sky. So you are stand at the
eastern point 'C' with the artifact activated and the BFG out, start
charging the BFG while walking to the western point 'C'.

It should be fully charged about halfway there (be careful not to let
it blow up on you), so fire that BFG shot straight at his head. As soon
as the shot leaves your gun reload and start charging again. By the time
it is all the way recharged and ready to fire you should be at the
western point 'C'.

Fire your second BFG shot at his head, and after it hit's the artifact
should run out. Reload your BFG once again, and scroll down only once to
the artifact. Suck the soul from the corpse near you, and head to either
the western pont 'C', so that his meteors won't hit you.

Also, Leanord Lee wrote:

"Hi there, I just wanted to add that if you stand on the far side of
the arena while Maledict does his meteor attack, you'll never get hit.
This area on your map should be right between the two Fs. Basically,
it's the far most part adjacent of M (or the area where Maledict
calls the meteor)."

After a bit, Maledict will appear and sit on point 'M' once again, and
after he does that activate your artifact an scroll up once to the BFG.
Start charging it and nail him in the head with a fully charged shot,
reload it and do it again one last time.

If you did everything right he will start lying around and the final
cut-scene will start.

Congratulations!! You have just beaten the hardest boss by far in all
of Doom III and also the Resurrection of Evil Expansion pack. Now that
wasn't too hard was it? *coughcoughcough*

[ Conclusion ]

Now that you have beaten the game why not go back and try it on
Nightmare difficulty? *maniacal laughter*

I hope that this guide was a big help with the big fights and wasn't
to complicated. Maybe I'll write another one sometime about something
else Doomey, but maybe not. We'll see.

[ Contact ]

If you have any complaints and/or suggestions about this guide then
don't hesitate to shoot me an email at . Anything
is welcome!

[ Version History ]

~Version 1.0~
First version, posted the guide on Gamefaqs and gamespot.
~Version 1.2~
Fixed some minor errors.
Added neoseeker to the allowed site's list.
Added how to avoid the meteors in the Maledict fight.
Added Leanard Lee to the Credits.
Updated Table of Contents.

[ Credits ]

This FAQ was written by me, Kridly. Special thanks to:

Leanord Lee for sending me a tip for the Maledict fight.

ID & Nerve software for making this great game.

CjayC for hosting a great site like

All the people who use this guide.


+This document is © 2005 Kridly +
+ All rights reserved. +

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