Entomorph - Plague of the Darkfall

Entomorph - Plague of the Darkfall

17.10.2013 08:18:50

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(_/ : Plague of the Darkfall

Item FAQ
Version 1.20


Written by: AUNAO

Table of Contents
I. Version History
II. Introduction
III. Copyright Info
IV. Item Info
V. Recognition
VI. Contact Information

I. Version History

v. 1.20 - 09/06/2005 - Visual Improvement
v. 1.10 - 08/04/2005 - Final Information
v. 1.00 - 08/03/2005 - Initial Information

II. Introduction

There's a serious lack of Entomorph content these days. Personally,
I consider this game a classic, and it's a real shame it's been
slept on for so long. There's no real comprehensive info on
the items in this game, so I figured something like this
was greatly overdue.

III. Copyright Info
This guide is copyright (c) 2005 for AUNAO.

Just drop me a line beforehand if you want to use it.

Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall is copyright
(c) Strategic Simulations, Inc.

IV. Item Info

Here you'll find a list of all items in the game, where to find
them, and what their use is. The list is in alphabetical order.
If you know what you are looking for, use the Ctrl-F search
feature to find it.


Item Name: Armor Charm
Location: Abandoned Village, Eastern side of Phoros

You'll find two ghosts in the area, one of a villager,
and one of a recently blinded Noble who mistakes you
for someone named Hiunan.

He'll ask you to find a healer.

Agree, and find the ghost of the villager. He'll talk
about blinding the Noble, and you can tell him you
are able to help if he'll follow you.

Lead the villager's ghost the the Noble's ghost, and
they'll both disappear, dropping the Armor Charm behind.


Well, it's another great Charm item. You can ALMOST
see a difference when at the end of the game at
the highest difficulty.

Still fairly useless.


Item Name: Bag of Ants
Location: Eastern Phoros, by Sechdric's camp
after finishing the T'Urthrax Mata's quest


Sechdric will explain the growing danger of
the Theyld Queen, and give you this bag of ants.

When you have this in your inventory, the Thelyd
will not attack you as long as you don't stray
from the main paths.


Item Name: Ball of Poison
Location: Mutrizzba Shrine, in a chest immediately
after slaying the Queen


A venomous ball used to poison some sort of living
pool in the Theyld stronghold.


Item Name: Bee Egg
Location: Panorpid Hive, Alpha Egg Chamber


Used to complete the Queen's task and gain access
to her antechambers.

Simply pick it up, and drop it where you unloaded
the blood earlier on.


Item Name: Bee Wax
Location: Panorpid Hive, Wax Chamber


Used to complete the Queen's task and gain access
to her antechambers.

Simply pick it up, and drop it where you unloaded
both the blood and the egg earlier on.


Item Name: Bloody Sponge
Location: Receive Automatically


Used to resurrect the Shaman to save Hammis Island.
If you bring both this item and the Shaman's Amulet to
his corpse, he will return to life for a short period.


Item Name: Blueprints
Location: Keechda Underground Temple, Tube Maze


One of three items needed for Oochdar to repair
the final Machine Module used to reactivate the
Great Keechda Machine.


Item Name: Child's Toy
Location: Maggot Cave


You can give the Child's Toy to the old woman
Kolfinna in Saltmoon. When you do, she'll teach you
the Phoros National Anthem.

You can recite the Anthem to the Nobles in the
Saltmoon town square to receive a Jar of Nectar.

If you aren't interested in finding it out yourself,
the Phoros National Anthem goes like this:

Greeble heeble habalibbel
Wongo jungo babalibbel
Keeble jeeble pergomiddel
Kirgo Wingo Scamzahizzel!

So... yeah. =/


Item Name: Crystals
Location: Keechda Underground Temple, receive from
Sabaruk after returning his father's severed head


One of three items needed for Oochdar to repair
the final Machine Module used to reactivate the
Great Keechda Machine.


Item Name: Elaborate Scroll
Location: Mutrizzba Shrine, before exiting


The scroll reads as following:

Intone the Incantation
by Shadowed Cross
Part Water Raise Stone
Passage Open

Al Kom Halatha Baram

Basically, use this item near the Black Cross sign
on the eastern part of the island. A passage will open
up, and you'll be able to get the Web Walk spell.


Item Name: Gift
Location: Receive from Clorin on Hammis Island


On your way to sail off of Hammis Island, Clorin will
run into you. He'll express concern for his cousin
Baytha, and ask if you'll take this Gift, aptly enough
a bouquet of flowers, to her. You can turn him down,
but it's somewhat worth your while to agree to help.


Item Name: Golden Coin
Location: Third Rebel Camp, hidden in the rug


Used to activate the Golden Table in the Ziggurat
connecting to the Panorpid Hive.


Item Name: Golden Scarab
Location: King's Palace, Dungeon


The true source of the Darkfall plague.

You'll receive the Scarab after slaying the Queen's
mutated body. Your goal is to take the Scarab
to the chest in the center of Phoros, at the
hill's peak.

Note that if you don't be quick about it, you will
transform into a mutated creature similar to the
Queen, and you'll get a game over.

You have more than enough time to defeat
the T'Urthrax Mata and get the Scarab back to
the chest, though.


Item Name: History Book
Location: Theyld Anthill Area, Abandoned House


A large blue book entitled 'The Dark Ages of Phoros'.

There's a house with a man locked inside in the
deserted village on the eastern part of the island.

You can trade this book to him in exchange for
information. You can talk to him at any time after
giving him the book.

Not a bad trade.


Item Name: Jar of Honey
Location: Saltmoon Village


You'll find this item in the weird house filled with
bees. You'll likely be killed almost immediately
if you enter early on, so wait until later. Once you're
transformed into your second form, cast a fully
energized Armor and a Haste spell, and run in and out
to get it.

You can use this item when you have to go to the
Underground Keechda Temple. The young Keechda Mongrel
guarding the door insists you give him nectar,
otherwise he won't let you in.

This item exists as a decoy to give him. Although, if
you have the Nectar to spare, you need not bother
with it. It's really your choice.


Item Name: Jar of Nectar
Location: Various.

After entering the first Rebel Camp, your sister
will ask you what she should do with her jar. You can
choose to take it.

You can also trade three orchids to Kolfinna for another

Successfully reciting the Phoros National Anthem to the
two nobles in the Saltmoon town square will net you
another jar.

The rest are scattered in dungeons and temples in
obvious areas.


Nectar is weird. Apparently it greatly boosts your
strength, but I've personally never noticed much of
a difference after using it.

On the plus side, using a Jar of Nectar will fully
restore your Health bar. Since you can have about
eight to ten jars around the end of the game, they can
be an effective way to restore your health if you
choose to save each Jar.


Item Name: Luck Charm
Location: Second Rebel Camp, after visiting the
Third Camp and hearing about the treasure


Another wonderful charm item. Almost certainly does
nothing. Our pal Squire Warrick even comments on this,
as you find this wonderfully Lucky trinket in a grave.

On the plus side, you find a Mana Potion, too.


Item Name: Machine Modules
Location: Scattered throughout the Keechda Underground
Temple, attached to various machines


Thin square modules of a bright blue color. You'll
need to pry them off various machines. There are nine
in total, and you'll need them all to reactivate
the Great Keechda machine.


Item Name: Mana Charm
Location: Small island on the east of Phoros


You can get to this island via warp tube through
the Keechda Underground Temple. You'll need a
Mookaluke to activate it.

Like the other charms, it isn't very helpful,
but if you're a perfectionist, you'll go for it.


Item Name: Mana Potion
Location: Received from Damos Village Elder after
successfully saving Hammis Island. Also found in several
chests and ceramic pots throughout the game.


Fully restores your mana bar. This is
one of the few ways to do so, and these potions are
fairly rare. Save them for when it'll count.


Item Name: Medallion
Location: Theyld Stronghold, BF2


Immediately after slaying the Theyld Queen, her
hoard of jelly will appear. Opt to touch it, and
you'll find this medallion inside. Allows you to
gain access to the Distillery.


Item Name: Mookaluke
Location: Keechda Underground Temple, Great Machine


You need a Mooka Statue to insert into the machine.
If you do so, a Mookaluke will pop out. It's a useful
little trinket that can activate machines and several
warp tubes throughout the game. You'll need at least
one to complete the game.


Item Name: Mooka Statue
Location: Saltmoon Village, Seized House.
Also found in areas Nobles are found.


Once you repair the Great Machine of the Keechda
Underground Temple, you'll need Mooka Statues to
create Mookalukes. See 'Mookalukes' for their uses.


Item Name: Mushrooms
Location: King's Palace, Kitchen


The head chef will ask you to dispose of these
poisonous mushrooms.

Naturally, you have a better idea. One of the Mutalids
in the common room will show you how to mesmerize
a Muncher, effectively leaving him open to suggestion.

Using this trick, you can fool the poor little guy
into using the Mushrooms to poison the Noble
guarding the Northwest door, allowing you to
proceed deeper into the Palace.


Item Name: Mutrizzba's Egg
Location: The Great Mutrizzba's Shrine


You'll receive this automatically, just before you
engage the Mutrizzba Queen in battle.

It will hatch near the end of the game, turning
into the 'Sleeping Fly' item.


Item Name: Noble's Body
Location: Hills southwest from the Panorpid Hive


Used to complete the Queen's task and gain access
to her antechambers.

Pick it up near the hills, and bring it back into the
hive. Speak to the Queen through the voice tube, and
the body will drop to the ground, and the door to the
Queen's antechambers will open.


Item Name: Orchid
Location: Scattered throughout the Phoros wildland


Red and violet emblazened flowers. Be warned that they
will exhale a poison vapor when you approach, so back
off, wait until it disappears, and strike it. You can
then pick it up.

Orchids only have two purposes. The first is to extract
both information and


Item Name: Orb of Disclosure
Location: Theyld Stronghold, 1st Floor


A shimmering blue orb with Sechdric's severed arm
still grasping it. This item will allow you to see
the pheremone trails in the Theyld Stronghold.

However, the place is fairly easy to navigate, so
it's more of a novelty than anything. It's a
neat concept, though.


Item Name: Parchment
Location: King's Palace, Arena, Upper Right Cell


Reads as follows:

Porothos Malis Mordosis.

Use this Parchment in the Lower Left Cell of
the Arena where the wall is slightly different.
Once you do, you'll be able to pass through it and
collect a Potion of Restoration.


Item Name: Pendant of Communication
Location: Damos Village, receive from the Storyteller
after saving Hammis Island


Ugh. Quite an annoying item. This allows the
Storyteller to follow your actions through the course
of the game, and comment on them every now and then.
His voice actor is terrible, and it's pretty pointless.
A mandatory item, unfortunately.


Item Name: Potion of Restoration
Location: Maggot Cave, several chests.


A much more potent potion that restores both your
Health and Mana bars. Much rarer than Mana potions,
and definitely best saved for the more powerful
bosses later on.


Item Name: Room Key
Location: King's Palace, Noble's Quarters


This allow you to leave the Noble's Quarters, as the
only exit will lock automatically.


Item Name: Sea Sponge
Location: Hammis Island, Village of Addegun


You'll use this sponge to soak up some of the fallen
Shaman's blood from the Mutrizzba mosquito that
killed him. It'll automatically become the Bloody
Sponge afterwards.


Item Name: Severed Head
Location: Keechda Underground Temple, Tube Maze


A Severed Keechda head, belonging to the father of
Sabaruk. Return the head to him, and he'll give you
some Crystals in gratitude.


Item Name: Shaman's Amulet
Location: Hammis Island, Village of Damos


Used to resurrect the Shaman to save Hammis Island.
If you bring both this item and the Bloody Sponge to
his corpse, he will return to life for a short period.


Item Name: Sleeping Fly
Location: Receive automaticall after your
victory in the Arena


The egg the Mutrizzba Queen laid in your shoulder has
finally hatched.

Basically, it protects you from the T'Urthrax Mata's
time space abilities in the last battle.


Item Name: Strength Charm
Location: Receive from Baytha in Saltmoon village after
giving her Clorin's Gift


Strike up a conversation with Baytha, and you can
mention her name sounding familiar. She'll mention
Clorin, and in return, she'll give you the Strength
Charm. Basically, it's supposed to increase your
attack power by a small amount, but the bonus is either
negligible or non-existent.

Note that if you opt to flirt with Baytha or tell
her Clorin said she would help you, she'll brush you
off, permanently, leaving you with the Gift for the
rest of the game.


Item Name: Super Mana Charm
Location: King's Palace, Royal Bedroom


A better version of the Mana Charm.

You'll actually see a small difference in Mana
consumption with this item.

Pity you receive it so late in the game.


Item Name: Talking Skull
Location: T'Urthrax Ravine


It's a talking skull. You find it in the Ravine, and
promise to take it to its lost body.

The location of the body in question is just outside
of the Ravine, in the abandoned village surrounded
by webs. His body is at the bottom of the well you may
have noticed earlier. Reuniting the two will net you
the Lightning Bolt spell.


Item Name: Tube Maze Key
Location: Keecha Underground Temple, receive
automatically from Oochdar


Allows you to enter the Tube Maze within the Keechda
Underground Temple.


Item Name: Urthrax Eyes
Location: T'Urthrax Ravine


Before the T'Urthrax Mata will leave the ravine
to destroy the Theyld, she needs proof that the
Urthrax will not rebel. There are actually two
different Urthrax Eyes items.

You can either kill the Urthrax that helped you
earlier, or spare him and he'll give you the
eyes of a cocooned Urthrax.

I'd recommend sparing him, as you'll get the
Maelstrom spell if you do.


Item Name: Wires
Location: Keechda Underground Temple, Tube Maze


One of three items needed for Oochdar to repair
the final Machine Module used to reactivate the
Great Keechda Machine.


V. Recognition

- El Sabotender, he's always been there for me!

- SSI for making this classic, despite their total lack
of hype and advertisment

- Whoever the composers of this game's soundtrack were,
because it's absolutely mindblowing

- Oh, and the GameFAQs moderation staff, for being
the wonderful, forgiving individuals they are

VI. Contact Information

If you find any errors, or have something to say, let me know at:
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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