King's Quest 6 - Heir Today

King's Quest 6 - Heir Today

15.10.2013 07:01:18

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Long Route
2.2. Short Route
3. Item List
4. Point List
4.1. Long Route
4.2. Short Route
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 18th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


King Graham of Daventry is replaced after four games in the King's Quest series
and it is now his son, Prince Alexander, who takes the main role. Alexander has
seen an image of Pricess Cassima in his magic mirror, which tells him that she
has been captured by an evil vizier on the Land of the Green Isles. Alexander
sets off to the Land of the Green Isles, a series of five islands that are
currently at war. As he arrives on the Isle of the Crown, his attempts to enter
the castle are met with failure. The vizier knows that Alexander could prevent
him from becoming king, so he sends out his genie to stop him. Alexander must
find a way into the castle using the help of the other islands.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts on the beach. Move the plank and open the treasure box. Get the
coin from the box. Get the Daventry ring in the sand at the left side of the
beach. North. North-east to the castle. Talk to the guards and then show them
the Daventry ring. Alexander will enter the castle to talk to the vizier.
South. North-west. Enter the book shop and talk to the shop owner to ask about
the Land of the Green Isles. The shop owner will mention that the ferryman may
be able to explain more about the land to Alexander. Try to get the book on the
counter; the owner wants another are book in exchange. Get the poetry book from
the right shelf and a page will fall out. Get the page. Get the book on the
table near the door. Exit the shop.

North. West. Knock on the cabin door and talk to the ferryman to enter the
cabin. Get the rabbit's foot on the table. Talk to the ferryman and he will
mention the magic map in the pawn shop. Exit the cabin. North. East. Enter the
pawn shop. Talk to the shop owner to ask him about the magic map. Trade the
Daventry ring for the map. Get a mint from the jar on the counter. Look at the
items on the counter. Select the mechanical nightingale and give the coin to
the owner. Exit the shop. South. North. The pawn shop owner will empty rubbish
into a pot. Use the pot to find a bottle of ink. South. South to the beach. Use
the magic map and select the Isle of the Sacred Mountain.


Get the feather and the flower. Use the magic map.


Attempt to walk east to meet five guards. Show the flower to the first guard,
the mechanical nightingale to the second guard, the mint to the third guard,
the rabbit's foot to the fourth guard and the ink bottle to the fifth guard.
Get the sentence in the ocean. Talk to the oyster and then use the book on it.
When the oyster yawns, get the pearl from its mouth. North. Get a milk bottle
from the tree. West. Get the rotten tomato. Open the doors to enter chessboard
land. Try to walk north to be stopped by the guards. The two queens appear and
will have an argument. As they leave, the red queen drops a scarf. Get the
scarf. South. Get the iceberg lettuce. South. South. East. Use the left book
pile to talk to the bookworm. Look at the spider web and pull the thread. While
the spider is distracted, get the scrap of parchment. West. Use the magic map.


Talk to the creature. Give the sentence to the creature and Alexander will get
him. North. Use the iceberg lettuce on the boiling pond. Walk through the pond
and get the lamp. North. Get the brick near the entrance to the garden. South.
South. Use the magic map.


East. Give the creature to the bookworm in the left pile of books to receive a
rare book. Use the rare book in the inventory to read it. West. Use the magic


North. Use the mechanical nightingale on the nightingale in the tree and it
will fly down to a lower branch. North-west. Enter the pawn shop and give the
mechanical nightingale to the owner. Select the flute on the counter. Give the
pearl to the owner to get the Daventry ring. Exit the pawn shop and enter the
book shop. Give the rare book to the owner to receive a spell book. Talk to the
man in the chair and then show him the Daventry ring. Exit the book shop.
South. South. Use the magic map.


North. West. Use the flute on the wallflowers to make them dance. Quickly get
the hole-in-the-wall and the teacup from the chair. Use the milk bottle on the
baby tears plant and then use the lamp on one of the other plants. South.
Attempt to get swamp ooze in the teacup to talk to Stick-in-the-mud, who tells
Alexander that it is not real swamp ooze. Talk to Bump-on-a-log and then give
him the rotten tomato. A battle will start and Stick-in-the-mud will throwing
the swamp ooze at Bump-on-a-log. Use the teacup on the swamp ooze. South. Use
the magic map.


North. North-west. Enter the pawn shop and give the flute to the owner. Select
the tinder box on the counter. Exit the pawn shop. South. South. Use the magic


There are words etched at five different places on the cliff, with a different
puzzle for each set. The alphabet needed for the second and fourth puzzles can
be found in the game manual. To start the puzzle, just look at the words. Enter
RISE for the first puzzle. Enter SOAR for the second puzzle. Press the right
button, left button and middle-left button for the third puzzle. Enter DOQG for
the fourth puzzle. Enter ASCEND for the fifth puzzle.

Climb up the steps to arrive on top of the island. Wait for the old woman to
disappear and then climb into the hole near the berries. Use the tinder box on
the cave to provide light. Climb through the hole at the right side of the
cave. Get the peppermint leaf from the window of the cave. Climb back through
the hole and exit the cave. Walk north to meet Azure and Aeriel, who send
Alexander on a quest to rescue their daughter Celeste from the catacombs. The
guards take Alexander down to the catacombs entrance.


North. North. East. East. North. Get the skull on the floor. South. West. West.
North. West to the tile room. Walk onto the north rose tile, south-west rose
tile, south-west rose tile, north scythe tile, north crown tile, north-west
dove tile, south-west skull tile and south blank tile. Continue west on the
other side. North. Get the shield on the wall. North. North. North. West. West.
Get the coins on the skeleton. East. East. South. East. Use the brick on the
gears to open the door. East. East. North. East to drop down to a lower level
of the catacombs.

Use the tinder box on the room. West. West. West. West. West. South. South.
East. Use the hole-in-the-wall on the right wall. Look at the hole-in-the-wall
to see the minotaur. West. West. West. South. South. East. South. East. East.
North. East. North. North. Use the tapestry and walk through the tunnel to the
room with the minotaur. Walk further into the room and use the red scarf on the
minotaur to defeat him. Alexander exits the cave with Celeste and is taken to
see the oracle, who gives Alexander a vial of water from the sacred pool. The
guards return Alexander to the beach of the island. Use the magic map.


West. Get the coal from the fire pit. Get the scythe on the house at the left
side of the area. South. Use the magic map.


North. West. Get the potion from the table. North. Give the coal to the white
queen to receive the rotten egg. South. South. South. Use the magic map.


North. North. Use the shield on the stone archer to pass into the garden. Get a
rose from the hedge. Attempt to walk north to be stopped by the rose hedge. Use
the scythe on the rose hedge to pass into the garden. Beast will tell Alexander
that he needs to find a maiden to share his castle in order to break the curse.
He gives Alexander his family ring. South. South. South. Use the magic map.


North. North-west. North. Give the rose to Beauty. Give Beast's ring to Beauty
and she will agree to come to the Isle of the Beast.


Beauty agrees to join Beast in his castle, and the curse is broken. Beast
transforms into a human prince and Beuaty becomes a princess. They give
Alexander old clothes and a mirror as a reward. Use the vial on the lamp. Use
the lamp on the fountain. South. Get a rose from the bush. Use the spell book
in the inventory and cast the Make Rain spell. South. South. Use the magic map.
The game can now split into two different paths. The long route will lead to a
maximum point score and better ending, while the short route skips out on many
points and has a different ending.

2.1. Long Route


Alexander will be captured by the druids and put in a cage above a fire.
Alexander uses Beauty's old clothes and the rain spell from the lamp to put out
the fire. The druids, thinking that Alexander is a powerful nature wizard, will
release him. Use the skull on the hot embers. South. Use the magic map.


Climb up the steps to the top of the island to see Night Mare. Combine the egg
with the skull in the inventory. Combine the strand of hair with the skull in
the inventory. Use the spell book and cast the Charm spell to ride Night Mare
to the Realm of the Dead.


Talk to the circling ghosts to discover that they are Cassima's parents. Queen
Allaria will give Graham a ticket. Make sure not to touch the ghouls that walk
around the area. East. Talk to the ghost to receive a handkerchief. North. Use
the bones at the right side of the path and the tall guard will drop his key.
Get the key. Give the ticket to the guard near the door to enter the


Look at the body of the knight and get the gauntlet. North. Use the teacup on
the River Styx. Give the coins to Charon to cross to the other side of the
river. Try to open the gate. Talk to the gate and enter LOVE as the answer to
its riddle. Talk to either guard to meet the lord of the dead. Show the
gauntlet to him and he will challenge Alexander to make him cry. Show him the
mirror, and he will return Alexander and Cassima's parents to the Isle of the


North. North-west. Give the lamp to the lamp seller and select the tall blue
lamp with the thin neck. Enter the pawn shop and use the potion on Alexander to
make the genie believe that Alexander is dead. Give the tinder box to the shop
owner and select the paint brush from the counter. Exit the shop. South. Give
the Daventry ring to the nightingale to receive a ribbon from Cassima. Get the
ribbon. Give the poetry to the nightingale to receive a note from Cassima. Get
the note. Give the rose to the nightingale. North-east. West to the side of the
castle. Combine the feather with the teacup in the inventory. Use the paint
brush on the wall of the castle to paint a door. Use the spell book and cast
the Magic Paint spell. Use the door to enter the castle.


Open the middle door at the right side of the hall and give the handkerchief to
the ghost. Exit the room. East. Open the door at the right side of the hall and
give the blue lamp to Jollo. Exit the room. Walk west through the top-left
exit. Use the arm at the left side of the suit of armour to reveal a secret
entrance. Walk through the entrance. Look through the hole to see the guards.
Up. Look through the hole to talk to Cassima. Give her the dagger. West. North.
Look through the hole to see the vizier. North. Use the secret door at the end
of the hall to enter the bedroom.

Use the skeleton key on the trunk and get the letter. Open the box on the table
and look at the piece of paper. Open the wardrobe to exit the room. South.
South. South. Down. Use the south wall to exit the room. West. Talk to the door
at the left side of the hall. Enter the word ALIZEBU to open the door. Use the
drapery and then look at the four objects on the table to discover that they
were stolen from the islands. Exit the room to hear wedding music. East. Open
the door at the top of the steps. Saladin appears in the hall and gives
Alexander five seconds to explain himself.

Quickly show him the vizier's letter and Alexander will enter the throne room.
Walk toward the throne to see the genie and the vizier. Cassima's parents enter
the room, and the vizier will run away. North. Up. Up. As the genie is about to
kill Alexander, Jollo will appear to give Alexander the real lamp. Use the lamp
on the genie. When the vizier draws his sword, get the sword from the wall and
use it on the vizier to start fighting him. After a while, Cassima will sneak
up and stab the vizier with the dagger. When he looks around at her, use the
sword on the vizier to complete the game.

2.2. Short Route


North. North-west. Give the lamp to the lamp seller and select the tall blue
lamp with the thin neck. Enter the pawn shop and use the potion on Alexander to
make the genie believe that Alexander is dead. Give the tinder box to the shop
owner and select the mechanical nightingale from the counter. Exit the shop.
South. Give the Daventry ring to the nightingale to receive a ribbon from
Cassima. Get the ribbon. Give the poem to the nightingale to receive a note
from Cassima. Get the note. Give the rose to the nightingale. North-east. Use
the old clothes on the hut to enter the castle.


Walk up the left staircase. When the guards walk up the hall, quickly use the
mechanical nightingale on the carpet and then walk into the alcove. Use the
pillar to hide behind it. Use the picture to move it. Get the nail. Exit the
alcove and open the door at the left side of the hall. Open the box on the
table and look at the paper. Use the nail on the trunk to open it. Get the
letter from the trunk. Exit the room. Enter the alcove and use the nail with
the wall. Use the picture to put it back on the nail. Exit the alcove and walk
north. Talk to the door to hear Cassima. Use the dagger on the door. West.
Enter the alcove and use the pillar to hide behind it.

Exit the alcove. South. Saladin appears in the hall and gives Alexander five
seconds to explain himself. Quickly show him the vizier's letter and Alexander
will enter the throne room. Walk toward the throne to see the genie and the
vizier. Show the mirror to the genie, and the vizier will run away. North. Up.
Up. As the genie is about to kill Alexander, quickly use the peppermint leaf on
him. When the vizier draws his sword, get the sword from the wall and use it on
the vizier to start fighting him. After a while, Cassima will sneak up and stab
the prince with the dagger. When he looks around at her, use the sword on the
vizier to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found in the sand on the beach on the Isle of the Crown. It is shown to the
guards outside the castle. It is given to the pawn shop owner to get the
magic map. It is shown to Jollo in the book shop. It is shown to the
nightingale in the tree to get the ribbon from Cassima.

Found by talking to Beast on the Isle of the Beast. It is shown to Beauty in
the garden on the Isle of the Crown.

Found on the table in the book shop on the Isle of the Crown. It is used on
the oyster on the Isle of Wonder to make it yawn.

Found near the entrance to the garden on the Isle of the Beast. It is used on
the gears in the catacombs to raise the ceiling.

Found in the fire pit on the Isle of the Mists. It is given to the white
queen on the Isle of Wonder to get the rotten egg.

Found in the treasure box on the beach on the Isle of the Crown. It is used
to buy an item from the counter in the pawn shop.

Found on the skeleton in the catacombs. They are given to Charon in the
underworld to cross the River Styx.

Found by giving the sentence to the creature on the Isle of the Beast. It is
given to the bookworm on the Isle of Wonder to get the rare book.

Found after rescuing Celeste from the catacombs. On the long route, it is
given to Cassima after looking through the hole in the room behind the
armour. On the short route, it is used on the door to Cassima's room.

Found on the beach on the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. After the teacup is
used on the River Styx, the feather is combined with the teacup in the

Found on the beach on the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. It is used on the
first guard on the Isle of Wonder.

This is one of the items on the counter in the pawn shop on the Isle of the
Crown. It is used on the wallflowers on the Isle of Wonder.

Found on the body of the knight in the underworld. It is shown to the Lord of
the Dead to challenge him.

Found by talking to the ghost in the realm of the dead. It is given to the
ghost in the cell in the castle on the Isle of the Crown.

After using the flute on the wallflowers on the Isle of Wonder, the hole is
found on the wall. It is used on the wall in the catacombs to see the

Found in the garden on the Isle of Wonder. It is used on the boiling pond on
the Isle of the Beast.

After the pawn shop owner empties the rubbish into the pot on the Isle of the
Crown, the ink bottle is found in the pot. It is used on the fifth guard on
the Isle of Wonder.

Found on the floor at the entrance to the underworld after playing a song on
the bones. It is used on the chest in the vizier's room in the castle on the
Isle of the Crown.

Found in the area with the boiling pond on the Isle of the Beast. After
making the baby tears plants cry on the Isle of the Wonder, the lamp is used
on one of the baby tears plants. The lamp is combined with the vial in the
inventory. The lamp is used on the fountain on the Isle of the Beast. The
lamp is given to the lamp seller outside the pawn shop on the Isle of the
Crown to get the tall blue lamp with the thin blue neck.

Found by using the lamp on the lamp seller outside the pawn shop on the Isle
of the Crown. In the long route, the lamp is given to Jollo in the castle.
The lamp is used on the genie in the castle.

Found in the trunk in the vizier's room in the castle on the Isle of the
Crown. It is shown to Saladin in the castle hall.

Found by giving the Daventry ring to the pawn shop owner on the Isle of the
Crown. It is used on beaches to travel to other islands.

This is one of the items on the counter in the pawn shop on the Isle of the
Crown. It is used on the second guard on the Isle of Wonder. It is used on
the nightingale in the tree on the Isle of the Crown. On the short route, the
mechanical nightingale is used on the carpet on the second floor of the
castle on the Isle of the Crown.

Found on the tree near the swamp on the Isle of Wonder. It is used on the
baby tears plant in the garden on the Isle of Wonder to make the other baby
tears plants cry.

Found in the jar in the pawn shop on the Isle of the Crown. It is used on the
third guard on the Isle of Wonder.

Found on the Isle of the Beast after Beauty meets Beast. On the long route,
the mirror is shown to the Lord of the Dead in the underworld. On the short
route, the mirror is shown to the genie in the throne room in the castle on
the Isle of the Crown.

On the short route, the nail is found behind the picture on the second floor
of the castle on the Isle of the Crown. It is used to open the trunk in the
vizier's room. It is used on the wall so that the picture can be replaced.

Found after giving the poetry to the nightingale on the Isle of the Crown
after it has flown to the low branch. It is not used.

Found on the Isle of the Beast after Beauty meets Beast. On the long route,
they are used in the cage on the Isle of the Mists. On the short route, they
are used on the hut outside the castle on the Isle of the Crown.

This is one of the items on the counter in the pawn shop on the Isle of the
Crown. It is used on the wall outside the castle on the Isle of the Crown to
paint a door.

After making the oyster yawn on the Isle of Wonder, the pearl is found in its
mouth. It is given to the pawn shop owner on the Isle of the Crown to get the
Daventry ring.

Found in the window of the cave on top of the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. On
the short route, it is given to the genie in the room at the top of the
castle on the Isle of the Crown.

Found by opening the poetry book on the right shelf in the pawn shop on the
Isle of the Crown. It is given to the nightingale on the Isle of the Crown
after it has flown to the low branch.

Found on the table in the garden on the Isle of Wonder after Alexander has
visited the Isle of the Mists. It is used on Alexander in the pawn shop on
the Isle of the Crown.

Found on the table in the cabin on the Isle of the Crown. It is used on the
fourth guard on the Isle of Wonder.

Found by giving the creature to the bookworm on the Isle of Wonder. It is
given to the book shop owner on the Isle of the Crown to get the spell book.

Found after giving the Daventry ring to the nightingale on the Isle of the
Crown after it has flown to the low branch. It is not used.

Found on the hedge in the garden on the Isle of the Beast. It is given to
Beauty in the garden on the Isle of the Crown.

Found on the hedge in the garden on the Isle of the Beast. It is given to the
nightingale on the Isle of the Crown after it has flown to the low branch.

Found by giving the coal to the white queen on the Isle of Wonder. It is
combined with the skull in the inventory.

Found in the garden on the Isle of Wonder. It is given to Bump-on-a-log on
the Isle of Wonder after Alexander tries to get the swamp ooze in the teacup.

Found in chessboard land on the Isle of Wonder after Alexander meets the two
queens. It is used on the minotaur in the catacombs.

Found on the house on the Isle of the Mists. It is used on the hedge in the
garden on the Isle of the Beast.

Found in the ocean on the Isle of Wonder. It is given to the creature on the
tree on the Isle of the Beast.

Found in the catacombs. It is used on the stone archer at the entrance to the
garden on the Isle of the Beast.

Found in the catacombs. It is used on the hot embers on the Isle of the
Mists. It is combined with the egg and the strand of hair in the inventory.

Found by giving the rare book to the book shop owner on the Isle of the
Crown. It is used in the inventory to cast the Make Rain, Charm and Magic
Paint spells.

Found on the Isle of the Beast after Beauty meets Beast. It is combined with
the skull in the inventory.

Found on the chair in the garden on the Isle of Wonder. It is used to get
swamp ooze on the Isle of Wonder. On the long route, the teacup is used on
the River Styx in the underworld. It is combined with the feather in the

On the long route, the ticket is found by talking to Cassima's parents in the
realm of the dead. It is given to the guard to enter the underworld.

This is one of the items on the counter in the pawn shop on the Isle of the
Crown. It is used in the cave on top of the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. It
is used in the lower level of the catacombs.

Found after meeting the oracle on the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. It is
combined with the lamp in the inventory.


4. Point List



1 1 Move the plank.

2 1 Get the coin.

3 1 Get the Daventry ring.

6 3 Show the Daventry ring to the guards.

8 2 Enter the castle.

9 1 Talk to the book shop owner.

11 2 Try to get the spellbook.

12 1 Get the poetry book.

13 1 Get the page.

14 1 Get the book.

16 2 Enter the cabin.

17 1 Get the rabbit's foot.

22 5 Give the Daventry ring to the pawn shop owner.

23 1 Get the mint.

25 2 Get the mechanical nightingale.

26 1 Get the bottle of ink.

27 1 Travel to the Isle of the Sacred Mountain.

28 1 Get the feather.

29 1 Get the flower.

31 2 Show the flower to the first guard.

33 2 Show the mechanical nightingale to the second guard.

35 2 Show the mint to the third guard.

37 2 Show the rabbit's foot to the fourth guard.

39 2 Show the ink bottle to the fifth guard.

40 1 Get the sentence.

42 2 Use the book on the oyster.

43 1 Get the pearl.

44 1 Get the milk bottle.

45 1 Get the rotten tomato.

46 1 Get the scarf.

47 1 Get the iceberg lettuce.

48 1 Pull the thread on the spider web.

50 2 Get the scrap of parchment.

52 2 Give the sentence to the creature.

56 4 Use the iceberg lettuce on the boiling pond.

57 1 Get the lamp.

58 1 Get the brick.

60 2 Give the creature to the bookworm.

61 1 Read the rare book.

65 4 Use the mechanical nightingale on the nightingale.

67 2 Give the pearl to the pawn shop owner.

68 1 Give the rare book to the book shop owner.

72 4 Show the Daventry ring to Jollo.

74 2 Use the flute on the wallflowers.

75 1 Get the hole-in-the-wall.

76 1 Get the teacup.

78 2 Use the milk bottle on the baby tears plant.

79 1 Use the lamp on the other baby tears plant.

82 3 Give the rotten tomato to Bump-on-a-log.

83 1 Use the teacup on the swamp ooze.

84 1 Solve the first puzzle.

85 1 Solve the second puzzle.

86 1 Solve the third puzzle.

87 1 Solve the fourth puzzle.

88 1 Solve the fifth puzzle.

89 1 Enter the cave.

91 2 Use the tinder box on the cave.

92 1 Get the peppermint leaf.

93 1 Get the skull.

96 3 Cross the tiles.

98 2 Get the coins.

100 2 Use the brick on the gears.

102 2 Use the tinder box in the catacombs.

103 1 Use the hole-in-the-wall on the wall.

104 1 Look at the hole-in-the-wall.

105 1 Use the tapestry.

108 3 Use the red scarf on the minotaur.

114 6 See the oracle.

115 1 Get the coal.

116 1 Get the scythe.

117 1 Get the potion.

118 1 Give the coal to the white queen.

121 3 Use the shield on the stone archer.

122 1 Get the rose.

125 3 Use the scythe on the rose hedge.

126 1 Get Beast's ring.

128 2 Give the rose to Beauty.

130 2 Give Beast's ring to Beauty.

132 2 Return to the Isle of the Beast with Beauty.

133 1 Use the vial on the lamp.

134 1 Use the lamp on the mountain.

135 1 Get the rose.

137 2 Cast the Make Rain spell.

4.1. Long Route Point List


140 3 Exit the cage.

141 1 Use the skull on the hot embers.

142 1 Combine the skull with the egg.

143 1 Combine the strand of hair with the skull.

148 5 Cast the Charm spell.

149 1 Get the ticket.

150 1 Get the handkerchief.

152 2 Use the bones.

153 1 Get the key.

156 3 Give the ticket to the guard.

157 1 Get the gauntlet.

158 1 Use the teacup on the River Styx.

161 3 Give the coins to Charon.

164 3 Answer the gate's riddle.

166 2 Show the gauntlet to the lord of the dead.

170 4 Show the mirror to the lord of the dead.

171 1 Select the correct lamp seller's lamp.

174 3 Use the potion on Alexander in the pawn shop.

177 3 Give the Daventry ring to the nightingale.

178 1 Get the ribbon.

179 1 Give the poetry to the nightingale.

180 1 Get the note.

181 1 Give the rose to the nightingale.

182 1 Combine the feather with the teacup.

183 1 Use the paint brush on the castle wall.

186 3 Cast the Magic Paint spell.

188 2 Enter the castle.

191 3 Give the handkerchief to the ghost.

194 3 Give the blue lamp to Jollo.

196 2 Use the left arm on the suit of armour.

198 2 Look through the hole.

199 1 Look through the hole.

202 3 Give the dagger to Cassima.

203 1 Look through the hole.

204 1 Use the skeleton key on the trunk.

205 1 Get the letter.

206 1 Look at the piece of paper.

208 2 Enter the password to open the door.

210 2 Look at the four objects on the table.

213 3 Show the vizier's letter to Saladin.

218 5 See Cassima's parents in the throne room.

219 1 Get the lamp from Jollo.

224 5 Use the lamp on the genie.

225 1 Get the sword.

226 1 Use the sword on the vizier.

231 5 Use the sword on the vizier.

4.2. Short Route Point List


138 1 Select the correct lamp seller's lamp.

141 3 Use the potion on Alexander in the pawn shop.

144 3 Give the Daventry ring to the nightingale.

145 1 Get the ribbon.

146 1 Give the poetry to the nightingale.

147 1 Get the note.

148 1 Give the rose to the nightingale.

152 4 Use the old clothes on the hut.

156 4 Use the mechanical nightingale on the carpet.

158 2 Hide behind the pillar.

161 3 Move the picture.

162 1 Get the nail.

163 1 Look at the paper.

164 1 Use the nail on the trunk.

165 1 Get the letter.

166 1 Talk to Cassima.

169 3 Use the dagger on the door.

172 3 Show the vizier's letter to Saladin.

175 3 Show the mirror to the genie.

176 1 Use the peppermint leaf on the genie.

177 1 Get the sword.

178 1 Use the sword on the vizier.

183 5 Use the sword on the vizier.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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