Doom 2

Doom 2

12.10.2013 08:26:33
Master Levels for Doom II FAQ/Walkthrough
For the PC (DOS/Windows)
Written by peach freak or
Copyright 2005-2006 Tim Brastow. All Rights Reserved.
Version 2.00

Welcome! This is a FAQ for the Master Levels for Doom II, expansion levels for
Doom II. If you have any questions, comments, or if I make a mistake, email me
at Once (good) questions are asked, I will make an
Asked Questions section in this guide.

Also, this FAQ is protected by copyright. You cannot sell this, put this on
your site without my permission, or any other violation of copyright law. You
can, however, save this onto your computer and print it out for offline and
LEGAL use.

Table of Contents
1. Version History
2. Controls
3. Enemies
4. Weapons
5. Items
6. How to use Master Levels
7. Things to Look Out For
8. Walkthrough
9. Secrets
10. Credits

1. Version History

Version .04, June 30, 2005: Started and completed the FAQ. Started the
walkthrough and did one level, Attack (ATTACK.WAD).

Version .09, July 1, 2005: Did another Master Level, Canyon (CANYON.WAD). 2 out
of 21 levels done now.

Version .23, July 2, 2005: Did 3 more Master Levels in the Walkthrough. I did
Titan Manor (MANOR.WAD), Nessus (NESSUS.WAD), and Bad Dream (TEETH.WAD). 5 out
of 21 levels done now.

Version .33, July 3, 2005: Did 2 more Master Levels in the Walkthrough. I did
the Express Elevator to Hell (TEETH.WAD), and The Combine (COMBINE.WAD). The
Express Elevator was probably the longest level walkthrough I ever wrote, so
you may get yourself stuck reading it. I did my best to write the best
walkthrough I could. 7 out of 21 levels done now.

Version .42, July 5, 2005: Hope your 4th of July was fun if you lived in the
USA. Well, I did 2 more levels. I did the Catwalk (CATWALK.WAD) and Virgil's
Lead (VIRGIL.WAD). 9 out of 21 levels done now.

Version .61, July 6, 2005: Did 4 more levels in the walkthrough. I did The
Fistula (FISTULA.WAD), Paradox (PARADOX.WAD), The Garrison (GARRISON.WAD), and
Minos' Judgement (MINOS.WAD). 13 out of 21 levels done now.

Version .71, July 7, 2005: Did 2 more levels in the walkthrough. I did Subspace
(SUBSPACE.WAD), and Geryon (GERYON.WAD). 15 out of 21 levels done now.

Version .90, July 8, 2005: Did 4 more levels in the walkthrough. I did Subterra
(SUBTERRA.WAD), Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO.WAD), Black Tower
(BLACKTWR.WAD), and Bloodsea Keep (BLOODSEA.WAD). 19 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.00, July 10, 2005: Did the final 2 levels in the guide that I didn't
do. I did Trapped on Titan (TTRAP.WAD), and Vesperas (VESPERAS.WAD). And now I
am done with all 21 levels! Woo hoo! On a side note to finishing this guide, I
arranged the levels in map number order (so all of the map 1 levels are first,
then the map 3, and so on). To know the order of the levels in the walkthrough,
check the table in "How to use the Master Levels" section, which has them in

Version 1.14, February 13, 2006: I decided to add a secrets section to this
guide, just like all of my other Doom guides. It will cover all the secrets in
all of the Master Levels. So far I have done Attack (ATTACK.WAD), The Express
Elevator to Hell (TEETH.WAD), and Bad Dream (TEETH.WAD). 3 out of 21 levels
done in the secrets section.

Version 1.19, February 17, 2006: Finished Titan Manor (MANOR.WAD) in my secrets
section. 4 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.28, February 24, 2006: Finished Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO.WAD)
and Trapped on Titan (TTRAP.WAD) in my secrets section. 6 out of 21 levels done

Version 1.38, February 27, 2006: Finished Black Tower (BLACKTWR.WAD) and the
Catwalk (CATWALK.WAD) in my secrets section. 8 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.52, March 14, 2006: Eh, sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Time
has been killing me as of lately. I'm trying my best to get the secrets section
done, but this time I finished Canyon (CANYON.WAD), The Combine (COMBINE.WAD),
and Nessus (NESSUS.WAD). 11 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.66, March 18, 2006: Did 3 more levels in my secrets section. I did
Virgil's Lead (VIRGIL.WAD), Geryon (GERYON.WAD), and Vesperas (VESPERAS.WAD).
14 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.76, April 15, 2006: Wow, I haven't updated this in nearly a month.
This is because of school, time, and other things that have gotten in my way.
But I have found a time to update. In the secrets section, I did Paradox
(PARADOX.WAD) and Bloodsea Keep (BLOODSEA.WAD). 16 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.80, April 18, 2006: Finished Minos' Judgement (MINOS.WAD) in my
secrets section. 17 out of 21 levels done now.

Version 1.90, May 25, 2006: Hey, long time no see. I'm going to kill this off
tomorrow if I can. I just did two more levels in my secrets section. They are
the Garrison (GARRISON.WAD) and Subspace (SUBSPACE.WAD). 19 out of 21 levels
done now.

Version 2.00, May 31, 2006: Took me over 2 months, but I finally finished my
secrets section, completing Fistula (FISTULA.WAD) and Subterra (SUBTERRA.WAD).

2. Controls

Keyboard Controls

Control: Fire, hold Control down to fire rapidly
Arrow Keys: Move
Shift (held) while moving: Run
Alt (held) while moving: Strafe
*Spacebar: Activate Switches, Open Doors, activate lifts, etc...
Enter: Shows the last message that appeared in the top left corner in the
Screen, or to select something in the menu
Tab: View Automap
Escape: View menu (this can be used anytime in the game, including at the title
screen, and ending texture screen)

*When I say "Check the walls", it means to press the spacebar in front of the
wall. Also, when I say "Go through the Blue Door", that means open it, and
enter the room.

Mouse Controls

Even though the mouse is just as useful as the keyboard is, the mouse can turn
your player in a direction more quickly than the keyboard does (but I prefer
the keyboard). Anyway, here are the controls for the mouse (if you have mouse
support for Doom). Also, there is no mouse button for opening doors, hitting
switches, etc. You still need to use the keyboard.

Move Mouse Right: Turns player right
Move Mouse Left: Turns player left
Move Mouse Up: Moves player forward
Move Mouse Back: Moves player backward
Left Mouse Button: Fire weapon
Right Mouse Bottom (While held, moving left/right): Strafe left/right

Automap Controls

Tab: Switch back to first person mode
Arrow Keys: Move
Shift (Held) while moving: Run
Alt (Held) while moving: Strafe
-: Zoom out
+: Zoom In
0: Full view of map
M: Make check-mark on the spot you're in
C: Clear all marks
F: Follow Mode On/Off (when off you can scroll around the map, press F again to
have the dot come back to you, and you can now go back to moving on the map)
Escape: View menu

"F" Functions (some only work during gameplay):

F1: Read This!
*F2: Save Game
F3: Load Game
F4: Sound Effects/Music
F5: Change the Graphic Detail (High/Low)
F6: Quicksave
F7: End Game (Returns to Title Screen)
F8: Turn Messages On/Off (the messages appear when you pick up an item, and
they show the messages at the top left hand corner of the computer screen)
F9: Quickload
F10: Quit Game
F11: Gamma Correction (Adjusts brightness in 5 different levels)

*You can save anytime in this game. You can save on your own if you use this
walkthrough, but there are a few times where I suggest you to save. And if you
are a beginner at Doom, I suggest you save often.

Weapon Controls

This shows which key you need to press to equip a weapon.

1. Fist/Chainsaw
2. Pistol
3. Shotguns (press 3 to switch between them once you have both)
4. Chaingun
5. Rocket Launcher
6. Plasma Gun
7. BFG
8. Chainsaw

Doom95-only controls/options

If you buy the Doom Collector's Edition these days, it may come with Doom95, a
program for running Doom. Doom95 is like the original EXE with a bit more

With Doom95 you can change the screen size while playing Doom. The possible
choices are:

320 x 200
320 x 240
640 x 400
640 x 480

There are two ways of changing the screen size: During the game, Hold Alt and
press + or -, and this will change the screen size higher or lower (+ is
higher, and - is lower). Another way is to open Doom95 and click Advanced. Then
go to the Screen Resolution tab, select which one you want, and hit OK.

Creating demos with Doom95: If you've ever tried to create a demo with Doom95
before, you'll notice that when you load the game up Doom95 immediately
terminates, as Doom95 has a bug that prevents it from creating demos. To fix
the bug, download this doomlnch.dll here: then
copy and paste it into your Doom95 folder and replace the current doomlnch.dll
with this one. Now you should be able to create demos with Doom95 without a
problem (this is legal by the way, it's a little "patch" to fix up demo

Playing demos: To play demos with Doom95, open up Doom95 and then click
Advanced. Then click the demo tab and check "play demo". Now select the one you
want to play, then click OK, then run the game (note that you need the correct
game running and this may not run demos created with other source ports). Also,
there is no bug that prevents you from playing demos.

To play with no monsters: Open Doom95, check the "No Monsters" box and run the
To play with fast monsters: Open Doom95, check the "Fast Monsters" box and run
the game. Monsters will be 3 times as fast.
To play with respawning monsters: Open Doom95, check the "Monsters Respawn" box
and run the game.

Also, on the main window of Doom95, you can select what Doom game you want to
play and if you want to use a PWAD (you can only use one though). You can also
select the skill level you want to play on. To play a saved game, click on
Advanced and check what saved game you want to load (note that you must be
running the correct Doom game for it to load).

The configuration button: Next to the Advanced button is a Configuration
button. If you click on it you can configure all your settings for the
keyboard, mouse, audio, chat strings, and joystick. Once you change anything
you want, click Apply Now (or create a new configuration, save it, switch to
it, and then click Apply Now). There is a default configuration which can't be

3. Enemies

Zombiemen: One of your most basic, standard, most weakest enemies in the game.
They are small soldiers who used to be former marines of your own kind. They
fire small pistol bullets at you for attacking. You can use pretty much any
weapon to get rid of them. Found in a lot of the Master Levels.

Shotgun Guys: Just like the Zombiemen, except these are slightly stronger and
better with their weapons. They carry around Shotguns and fire at you to
attack. These Shotguns can do a lot of damage at you, especially on high skill
levels. To get rid of Shotgun Guys, use any weapon to get rid of them, as they
are still pretty weak.

Heavy Weapon Dudes: Even worse than a Zombieman and Shotgun Guy combined. These
people carry around Chainguns and they fire it at you when they attack. If you
just stand in front of them and do nothing, their Chaingun will wear you down
very fast. Any weapon but the Pistol can knock them out in one hit, so don't
hesitate to use one of those weapons. These are very common in the game,
especially on harder skill levels.

Imp: About the size of a Shotgun Guy. Imps are small, brown monsters who walk
around on two feet. To attack you, they shoot out a fireball at far distances.
But if you are up close, they will scratch you. Their attacks are pretty weak,
so don't worry. Use any weapon but the Pistol or Fist (unless you have a
Berserk), and they should be taken down in one hit. Found in plenty of the
levels during the game.

Demon: One of the first actual "Demons" you will see in the game. They are pink
"bulls" who run around on two legs. On harder skill levels, their bite, which
is their only way of attacking, can hurt really badly. To kill these enemies,
stay at a far distance and use pretty much any weapon. If you are up close, a
Chaingun or a Chainsaw can take them down easily, and they shouldn't be able to
attack either.

Spectre: Almost the same exact thing as a Demon. Instead, Spectres are nearly
invisible, as they are gray and blurry, but you can still see them easily, but
watch out in dark areas. They bite at you for attacking, and it can hurt badly
on harder skill levels. To get rid of them easily, use any weapon and if you
are up close, use a Chaingun or a Chainsaw to take them down in no time, and
they shouldn't be able to attack either.

Lost Soul: Probably the most annoying enemy at the game. You'll know them when
you see them. Fine, I'll tell you. They are small enemies that are on fire and
they also fly around in the air. Most of the time they appear in groups, and
they will come out of the mouth of a Pain Elemental. They attack you by backing
up and then charging right at you, which can be annoying, especially when you
are up close to them. To get rid of them, use anything but a Pistol, Fist, or
Chainsaw and they will go down quickly.

Cacodemon: A really popular enemy, it seems. Just like the Lost Souls, these
enemies fly around in the air. They are big, red, have one eye, and a big
mouth. They have two methods of attacking you. They can open their mouth up and
shoot a fireball at you, and theirs is pretty strong. Their other attack is
when you are up close, they can bit at you, which can hurt a LOT. The best
weapons to use against them are the Chaingun and Chainsaw, and if you use
those, they won't have a chance to attack you.

Hell Knight: A big step up from all of the other enemies. Like pretty much most
other enemy, they walk on two legs, and have two methods of attacking you. They
are tall and have a light color on their body as well. They can shoot a green
fireball at you to attack, or if you're up close, they will scratch you. Either
attack can hurt a LOT on hard skill levels. To get rid of them, 3 rockets from
a Rocket Launcher or 3 Shells from a Super Shotgun can get rid of them easily.
But a Plasma Gun and BFG are effective as well.

Baron of Hell: Just when you thought the Hell Knights were bad enough. To find
the difference between the Hell Knight and a Baron of Hell, Barons of Hell have
a slightly darker body (they have dark pink, while Hell Knights have a bright
color). Just like the Hell Knight, their two methods of attacking are using a
fireball and scratching you up close, but these hurt a LOT more than the Hell
Knights. They are also tougher, so they won't go down easy. Use a Rocket
Launcher, Plasma Gun, or BFG to take them down, otherwise be prepared for a
long fight.

Arachnotron: Well, there's always something new to look forward to. Has your
fear for spiders increased now? These are spiders that walk around and when
they see you, they will fire green cells at you, identical to the ones you fire
from your Plasma Gun. They shouldn't be a problem if you are good at dodging.
Almost any weapon can get rid of these enemies, except from the Pistol, Fist,
or Chainsaw. 3 shots from a Rocket Launcher or Super Shotgun will get rid of
them in a fluke.

Pain Elemental: You may think these are the most annoying enemies in the game,
but the Lost Souls can knock out any enemy in that game. They are almost like
the Cacodemon. They are big, they fly, and have one eye. They are also brown
and they don't attack you. What they do is that they shoot Lost Souls out of
their mouths and the Lost Souls go and directly attack you. Once they get
killed, 3 Lost Souls will appear after they explode, unless it explodes at a
nearby wall (where a Lost Soul may get stuck in the wall). To kill them easily,
1 BFG shot will do the trick. Otherwise, 3 rockets or 3 Super Shotgun Shells
will finish them off easily.

Revenants: For being annoying, Revenants are right behind the Lost Souls in
that category. They are skeleton like enemies who have two methods of attacking
you. One of their methods of attacking is that they will shoot a missile at
you. There is a chance that it can be a homing missile. To tell if it is, there
will be smoke in the back of the missile. Run around and try to have it hit
something. Its other method of attacking is that it will punch you if you are
up close. Both attacks are very annoying and can do a lot of damage. 2 Super
Shotgun or Rocket Launcher blasts will do the trick.

Mancubus: Another fun enemy, which is one of my favorites. The bad news is that
the fireballs it pumps out can hurt really badly on higher skill levels. The
good news is that a Mancubus is fat, meaning it's a nice, big, wide target. It
has two missile launchers on its arms and both of them shoot out 3 missiles at
a time. They can be dodged pretty easily, but sometimes it can be tricky. Three
shells from a Super Shotgun or 3 rockets from a Rocket Launcher will do the
trick as usual.

Arch-vile: A little devil that can ruin your little killing spree in Doom.
These are huge skeleton monsters and they are very fast as well. When they see
you, they will attack but putting a fire on you and then attack. It does a LOT
of damage, and can put your health below 20%. To avoid his attack, GET OUT OF
HIS SIGHT BEFORE HE ATTACKS, and you'll be safe so he doesn't hit you. But
that's not it. When there is a dead monster around, he can go to it and revive
it, bringing it back from the dead. The only exceptions are Arch-viles, Pain
Elementals, Lost Souls, Cyberdemons, or Spider Masterminds. To get rid of them,
1 BFG blast should do it, otherwise it can be strong enough to stand a BFG>

Cyberdemon: My favorite enemy in the whole world of Doom. Cyberdemons are huge
goat-like monsters, but they stand on two legs and walk around. One of their
legs is metal, and on one of their arms is a Rocket Launcher, which has about
the same amount of power as yours. The rockets can be dodged without a problem,
and you can attack him by using your own rockets or a BFG. It should take
anywhere from 2-4 shots to kill him. Also, his metal leg makes a sound when he
walks, and it gets louder when he gets closer. This always scared the crap out
of me.

Spider Mastermind: Just like an Arachnotron, except bigger. A lot bigger. These
are giant spiders with a huge brain that like to walk around. Instead of firing
plasma cells at you, they have a Super Chaingun which is a lot more powerful.
Even though it has that, it is still pretty week. It only takes about 2 or 3
BFG blasts to get rid of it, and not a lot of Rockets either. You don't see
these very often during the Master Levels, but these are a cool enemy.

4. Weapons

Your weapons that you will get throughout the game. Also includes what to use
them on too.

Fist: How could you possibly pick up a Fist? You will have your arms the whole
time, but they are pretty weak. Only use this on weak enemies to spare ammo if
you really need to, otherwise don't bother using your own iron knuckles. They
are weak and useless. To change that around, grab the Berserk and this will
become a really fun thing to use around with. With a Berserk, you can knock out
almost any weak enemy in one hit, and a matter of a few punches on stronger

Chainsaw: A fun weapon to use if you know how to use it correctly. For some
weird reason, you will never run out of fuel to keep the Chainsaw going, but
we'll take it! With a Chainsaw, you can run into enemies and try to cut them,
but you'll have to get close. Now the best enemies to use a Chainsaw on is
Demons and Cacodemons. Once you use it on these enemies, they will go down very
fast. Also they will not be able to attack back because the Chainsaw will keep
stopping them. Useful at times, especially if you need to spare ammo.

Pistol: Just like the Fist, you will always have this with you, but this time
ammo is limited. The kind of ammo this uses are clips. You can hold up to 200
bullets maximum, 400 with a backpack. The Pistol is pretty weak except on
Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys, where they will go down in a few shots. Most of the
time you will use this a lot in the early parts of levels until you get better
weapons. Just use this on Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys. Nothing else and you
should be fine.

Shotgun: Before there was a Super Shotgun introduced into the Doom series, this
was my favorite weapon. But it's still a pretty solid weapon for the early
going. It can hold up to 50 shells, 100 with backpack. If you fire accurately,
it can knock out Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Imps within a few shots. You can
use it on other enemies too, where it still takes a few shots to take down
stronger enemies. Unless there is a better weapon around, use this because it's
a great weapon.

Super Shotgun: This is the best weapon in the game. No arguments about it. An
awesome alternative to the Shotgun, and it is deadly if used right. Unlike the
Shotgun, this weapon shoots out 2 shells at the time, and it takes a longer
time to reload, so don't use this if you are low on shells. It can take out any
weak enemy in 1 hit, and almost anything else in 3 direct hits. Also, its
shells can knock out a huge group of enemies in one hit, so use this a lot when
you see weak enemies in groups.

Chaingun: Something to replace that old, weak Pistol you have. This is the
"machine gun" in Doom. It fires multiple bullets at a time and uses the same
bullets as a Pistol. It can take out many weak enemies at a time and can stop
Demons and Cacodemons from attacking you when you fire right at them, because
they'll be stunned trying to attack. Use this against Demons and Cacodemons,
and in large groups of weak enemies because they can go down pretty fast.

Rocket Launcher: Another one of my favorite weapons in the game. It can hold up
to 50 rockets, and 100 with a backpack. It fires 1 rocket at a time and the
damage can be awesome. If you fire it in the right spot, it can knock out a
huge group of weak enemies in one hit, making lots of blood for you to see. Use
this on ANY enemy, as it can take them down very quickly. The bad part about
this weapon is that if the rocket explodes and you are extremely close to the
explosion, you will lose health, and the amount lost depends on how far you are
from the explosion.

Plasma Gun: Just like a Chaingun, except it fires blue cells instead of
bullets. This is a fun weapon to play around with. It holds up to 300 cells,
600 with a backpack, and it also fires about multiple cells at a time. Use this
on any enemy, as they will go down fast if you hold your fire button down. It
can take down plenty of Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys at once, so have fun with
it. A bad part would be if that you are too close to an enemy, the plasma cells
may get in your right and you may not see what's in front of you.

BFG: The ultimate weapon in the game, but it has negatives to balance the
positives. It uses the same cells as a Plasma Gun, and it can fires 40 cells at
one time. The ball it makes explodes, damaging/killing any enemy on the screen,
so you'll need to use this the right way. Do not use this on a single enemy, as
it just wastes ammo. But you can still use it on any enemy, because it knocks
out a Spider Mastermind or Cyberdemon with 2 perfect direct hits. This is not
found often in the Master Levels.

5. Items

There are many kinds of items in the game of Doom. I will divide them up into


Health Bonus: This adds 1% extra Health to your current health. With this, you
can go past 100% health.

Armor Bonus: This adds 1% extra Armor to your current armor. With this, you can
go past 100% armor.

Stimpack: This adds 10% health to your current health. You cannot go past 100%
health using these.

Medikits: Better than the Stimpacks. These add 25% health to your current
health. You cannot go past 100% health using these.

Green Armor: When you pick this up, this sets your armor to 100%. This will not
work if your armor is greater than 100%.

MegaArmor: This is the blue armor. When you pick it up, it sets your armor to

Soulsphere: This increases your health by 100%. The maximum health you can have
is 200%, so this is a really useful item. Only use it when you are low on
health, but grab it when you really need it.

MegaSphere: The best health item you can get. Once you pick it up, it sets both
your health and armor to 200%! This is very useful, but if you are high on
health, leave it where it is and come back to get it when you are about to exit
the level.


This is the ammo you can get throughout the game. It shows how much it gives on
easy/hard skill levels, what weapon it is used for, etc.

Use this table to find out the name of ammo used for each weapon. The "small
ammo" is very little ammo that doesn't give you a lot. "Large Ammo" is ammo
that comes in bigger amounts and is a lot more useful.

|Weapon | Small Ammo | Large Ammo |
| P/CG | Clip |Box of Bullets |
|SG/SSG |4/8 Shells |Box of Shotgun Shells |
| RL |Rocket |Box of Rockets |
|PG/BFG |Energy Cell |Energy Cell Pack |

P: Pistol
SG: Shotgun
SSG: Super Shotgun
CG: Chaingun
RL: Rocket Launcher
PG: Plasma Gun
BFG: BFG9000

Here is the amount of ammo each type gives out.

Pistol/Chaingun Ammo

Clip: Gives out 20 bullets on skill 1, 10 on harder skill levels. If you pick
it up from a Zombiemen, it will give you 10 on skill 1, 5 on harder skill

Box of Bullets: Gives you 100 bullets on skill 1, 50 on harder skill levels.

Shotgun/Super Shotgun Ammo

Shotgun Shells: Gives you 8 shells on skill 1, 4 shells on harder skill levels.

Box of Shells: Gives you 40 shells on skill 1, 20 on harder skill levels.

Rocket Launcher Ammo

Rocket: Gives you 2 rockets on skill 1, 1 on harder skill levels.

Box of Rockets: Gives you 10 rockets on skill 1, 5 on harder skill levels.

Plasma Gun/BFG Ammo

Energy Cell: Gives you 40 cells on skill 1, 20 on harder skill levels.

Energy Cell Pack: Gives you 200 cells on skill 1, 100 on harder skills.


These are items that will be a big help to you throughout the game. They help
you or protect you of some sort.

Backpack: This is probably my favorite item in the whole game. When you pick it
up, it doubles the amount of ammo you can carry! For example, the maximum
amount of bullets you can carry is 200. With a backpack you can carry 400. Just
take your maximum ammo and multiply it by 2.

Berserk: Man, this is a really fun item right here. When you pick it up, it
will set your health to 100% if it is below 100%. The second effect is that
your screen will go red and it will power up your Fist! The red screen lasts
for a few seconds, and this will remain in effect for the rest of the level.
During this time, your Fist will become very powerful, and it will be able to
knock out anything weaker than a Demon in one hit. It can knock out stronger
enemies in just a few punches! Very useful to save ammo as well.

Computer Area Map: Another useful item if you may happen to get lost. Once you
pick this up, it will fill your Automap 100% so that you can see everything on
the Automap! Areas that are in gray are areas that you have not visited yet.
However, this will not add object indicators to the Automap (where you can see
items and enemies moving around).

Invisibility Sphere: This red orb is something that makes you invisible. While
you are invisible, enemy attacks will be less accurate, and when they try to
attack you, it may miss. But you won't be completely invisible, as enemies just
have more difficulty spotting you. The other part is that this is on a time
limit, and you will be invisible for a minute.

Invincibility Sphere: Just the exact thing you'll need when you are in a
hellhole. While you are invincible, your screen will go white. This effect
lasts for 30 seconds. Also when you are invincible, you cannot be damaged in
any way. This includes enemy attacks, crushing ceilings, and even slime pits.
It just lasts for 30 seconds, and the white screen can be annoying.

Radiation Suit: Something you will really need in levels with a lot of slime
pits. When you pick one of these up, your screen will go green for a minute.
During this time, you will not be hurt when you are walking around in slime, as
this gives you protection from lava and slime. This effect lasts for a minute
and you can still get hurt by enemies, even if you do have this on.

Light Amplification Visors: A really, really, neat power-up. When picked up,
the brightness greatly increases for 2 minutes, and then the screen will return
back to it's normal brightness. These goggles are useful for getting pack dark
areas/mazes. Yeah, this means every area in the level will be 100% bright as
long as you have these on.

Key Items

Keycard/Skull Keys: Found in levels, these keys come in 3 colors: red,
yellow, and blue. Not all keys are in all levels, so keep that in mind. These
keys open a locked door, activate certain switches, etc.....

Also, many of the doors are not 100% blue, red, or yellow. If the door has red,
yellow, or blue lights to the sides of it, that's also a red, yellow, or blue
door. There may be a level with a Yellow and Red Key, but you may not need the
Yellow Key to complete that level (that sentence right there is made up, just
giving you a little example of that some keys in a level might not be needed to
finish that level).

7. How to use Master Levels

Since the Master Levels are not their own game, you must have a copy of Doom II
in order to use them, as they don't have their own program to run on. If you
installed Doom II and its Master Levels, you may have Doom 95 as well. Select
DOOM2 for the WAD you want to play and then for custom WAD file, get the WAD
name of the Master Level you want to play.

Ok, you don't use Doom95, and you use some other source port. Let's say you use
the ZDoom program, which can be found at Even if you do have all
4 Doom games (Ultimate Doom, Doom II, TNT and Plutonia), Doom II will be
ZDoom's default WAD to pick. To have a Master Level work with this, click on
the WAD file (like Attack.WAD is the Attack Master Level), and drag it to the
ZDoom icon. Now drop it and ZDoom will load Attack.WAD (or any other WAD you
are using).

Maybe you are using Doom Legacy. Click Launcher.exe and open it. Now, go to
Game Mode and select DOOM2 as your WAD file. Go to single map and before
running the game, browse for the Master Level you want to use and you are all
set to go. Doom Legacy can be found at

Ok, that is how you run the Master Level WADs. Now, when you are using a Master
Level WAD, be sure you are running it with the correct level. Each WAD file
runs with a certain level. For example, let's take ATTACK.WAD. This level was
designed on Level 1 in Doom II, so it will only work on level 1. Any other
level you play using ATTACK.WAD will just be the original levels from Doom II.

Here is a list of Master Levels, its WAD name, and the level it is used on.
First name is the WAD's name, and then the level's actual name on the table.

WAD Name | Level Name | Level Used On |
ATTACK.WAD | Attack | 1 |
CANYON.WAD | Canyon | 1 |
CATWALK.WAD | The Catwalk | 1 |
COMBINE.WAD | The Combine | 1 |
FISTULA.WAD | The Fistula | 1 |
GARRISON.WAD | The Garrison | 1 |
MANOR.WAD | Titan Manor | 1 |
PARADOX.WAD | Paradox | 1 |
SUBSPACE.WAD | Subspace | 1 |
SUBTERRA.WAD | Subterra | 1 |
TTRAP.WAD | Trapped on Titan | 1 |
VIRGIL.WAD | Virgil's Lead | 3 |
MINOS.WAD | Minos' Judgement | 5 |
BLOODSEA.WAD | Bloodsea Keep | 7 |
MEPHISTO.WAD | Mephisto's Maosoleum | 7 |
NESSUS.WAD | Nessus | 7 |
GERYON.WAD | Geryon | 8 |
VESPERAS.WAD | Vesperas | 9 |
BLACKTWR.WAD | Black Tower | 25 |
TEETH.WAD | The Express Elevator to Hell | 31 |
TEETH.WAD | Bad Dream | 32 |

Here are some other notes about these Master Levels. Since several of the maps
are used on level 1, that means you can play one of the Master Levels that runs
on level 1. Another thing to note is that TEETH.WAD uses 2 levels for maps 31
and 32 instead of just using 1 map.

There are a total of 21 master levels and 20 WADS total. It would be really
nice if there were more levels, as in a whole set of 32, so you can play them
one by one instead of just only loading one at a time.

Just to note that these levels are NOT free. They are created by the designers
from id Software and protected by their copyright. You must order these levels
from id Software if you want to play them, as they are like "add on" levels to
Doom II.

7. Things to Look Out For

What I mean is that watch out for these things. They can hurt you, depending on
what you do. Some can be useful, so will not.

Barrels: These can be your best friend, or your worst enemies. These are
scattered around many levels, and can help you a lot. To make very good use of
these, lure a lot of enemies to one barrel, and shoot the barrel. It should
explode, and hurt/kill the enemies near it. Or if you shoot the barrel when
you're right next to it, you'll be hurt/killed. Even enemies can blow up
barrels, so you can use them to blow them up and save your ammo.

Crushing Ceilings: Crushing Ceilings can appear at a nasty time, so watch out.
Just like Barrels, these can be your best friend or worst enemy. These ceilings
fall from the ceiling and touch the ground, and rise back to ceiling, and so
on. You'll need to time your moves right to get past these. Also, their good
use is that Crushing Ceilings can also crush and kill enemies, saving your
ammo. But they can crush you too, and these do hurt.

Slime/Lava/Blood: These appear on floors. Slime is green, lava is a mix of red
and yellow, and blood is red. Whenever you step on these kinds of floors, there
is a good chance your health will decrease each second. The amount of health
decreased depends on your armor and what kind of toxic floor you stepped into.
All types of toxic floors cannot hurt enemies, sadly. You will not be hurt from
these floors if you step on them while having an active Radiation Suit on.

8. Walkthrough

First, before you start, you must pick the episode, and then your skill levels.
Here are the skill levels, and some other notes about the game:

Skill levels (from easiest to hardest):

I'm Too Young To Die (Skill level 1)
Hey, Not Too Rough (Skill level 2)
Hurt Me Plenty (Skill level 3)
Ultra Violence (Skill level 4)
Nightmare (Skill level 5)

Beware the Nightmare skill level. It is not for inexperienced Doom players.
Enemies respawn, monsters are fast and powerful, but the good thing is you get
double ammo when you pick up ammo, and you can get a kill percentage over 100

What I mean by double ammo is this: For example, when you pick up a box of
Shotgun Shells on skill levels 2, 3, and 4, it will add 20 shells to your
Shotgun Ammo, and 40 in skills 1 and 5. ID Software knows you'll need the
double ammo in Skill 5. ;)

Hint: Try to "telefrag" enemies. A telefrag is when you teleport using a
teleporter, and an enemy is on the spot where you teleport to, he will be
killed like that, without using any ammo to destroy it.

The Status Bar:

50 | 100% | 2 | 3 | 4 | | 0% |__|
| |---|---|---|(your | |__| OTHER AMMO
AMMO | HEALTH | 5 | 6 | 7 | face) | ARMOR | |
Ammo: You'll see how many bullets you have for that weapon.

Health: Your survival. When you drop to 0% health, you're dead.
Arms: Shows which weapons you have, the weapon numbers you have are yellow (for
example, if you have the Shotgun, just press 3 to get to it).

Your Face: The marine's face. As your health goes down, your face will start to
bleed, and gets worse as your health slithers away.

Armor: Your armor helps you as it lasts.

The boxes next to armor: In each box, it will show which keys you have.

Other ammo: Shows how much ammo you have for each weapon, and shows how much
ammo you can hold up to for each gun.
In the Doom II Master Levels, you are not required to play the levels in any
particular order. I will just do random levels at a time for the walkthrough in
any order I wish to do them in.

Another thing to note is that once this guide is finished, I will sort the
walkthrough by level order (such as the map 1 levels being first and so on), so
it will be easier to navigate and they won't be all out randomly. You can still
use CTRL + F to type in the level's name and then it should bring it to you.


Level used on: Map 1

Start this level by going into the opening in front of you. In here, kill the
Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and the Heavy Weapon Dude on hard skill levels. Now
get the Shotgun and put your back on the opening you came out of. There is an
opening to your left and right. Go into the opening to your left. In here, head
up the stairs to your right. At the top, kill the Imp and Shotgun Guy in front
of you. Now open the door to your left and go through it. In here, face right
and get to the door at the other end of the room, killing the Zombieman/Demon
in your way. Over here, open the door in front of you and go through it.

In here, follow this hallway until you get to a Red Key, killing the Heavy
Weapon Dude and Hell Knight in here. Once you get to a Red Key, pick it up. Now
get the Plasma Gun and the Energy Cells in this room! From here, leave this
room the same area you entered it in. Back in this room, open the Red Door to
your right and go through it. In here, kill all of the Imps and Heavy Weapon
Dudes. Now enter the small building in the room and get the Blue Key. Before
more Heavy Weapon Dudes come and attack you, exit the Red Door. Back in here,
turn right and head all the way right until you stop at a door. Over here, turn
left and you will see a door, so open it and go through it.

In here, open the door across from you and go through it. In here, go all the
way left until you see the Blue Door to your right. Once you see the Blue Door,
open it and go through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dudes and the Pain
Elemental. Now, go straight into the opening across from you. In here, get the
Yellow Key in front of you. Now press the Spacebar on the bars in front of you
and they will open, so go through it. In here, step forward and the floor
you're on will lower. Down here, turn right and follow this pathway to a
teleporter. Once you get to a teleporter, step on it. In here, kill the Mancubi
and the Shotgun Guys. Now open the Yellow Door to your right and go through it.
In here, kill the Hell Knight and hit the exit switch.


Level used on: Map 1

Once you start this annoying level, hit the switch in front of you and the
floor you're on will rise. Up here, drop down to the floor below you. Down
here, get the Super Shotgun in front of you and you will see a lift. Press the
Spacebar to lower it, get on it, and then ride it to the top. Up here, kill the
Imps, Shotgun Guys, Demons, and Heavy Weapon Dudes around you. Now, you will
see a staircase at the other end of the room. Before heading down the
staircase, collect all the Clips, Shotgun Shells, and the Medikit. Now head
down the stairs at the other end of the room.

Down here, turn right and follow this path until the floor you're on lowers.
Down here, kill all the Demons, Zombiemen, and Shotgun Guys around you. Now
head left and the floor you're on will lower. Down here, kill all the Demons in
this room. Now open the door in this room and go through it. In here, get the
Red Key on the center of the pathway. Now go through the opening at the other
end of the room. In here, get the Super Shotgun and Medikit to your right. Now
turn around and follow this hall to a Red Door. Once you get to the Red Door,
open it and go through it.

In here, kill the Cacodemons and Revenants in front of you. Now go all the way
straight until you see a silver lift to your right. Once you see the lift,
lower it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, get the Rocket Launcher
and get the Blue Key. Now walk forward and the lift in front of you will lower.
If you notice, there is an opening below you. Try to run onto it. On here, kill
all the Shotgun Guys and open the Red Door and then go through it. In here,
open the Blue Door to your left and go through it. In here, kill the Imps and
the Pain Elemental across from you. Now get onto the platform to your left and
get the Radiation Suit.

On here, drop onto the lower platform to your right and get the Plasma Gun. On
here, drop down to the ground below you. Down here, look in the southwest
corner of the room and you will see a lift. Lower it, get on it, and ride it to
the top. Up here, go through the opening to your left. In here, head up the
stairs to your right, killing the Imps you see. At the top, get the Chaingun
and the Energy Cell Pack. Now go through the opening to your right. Out here,
you will see a door on the wall. Open it and go through it. In here, turn
right. Now kill the Hell Knights and then get to the other end of the room.

Over here is a wall with a demon head on it. This is a lift. Lower it, get on
it, and ride it to the top. Up here, open the door in front of you and go
through it. In here, kill the Mancubi and Heavy Weapon Dudes in front of you.
Now open the door at the other end of the room and go through it. In here,
follow the hall to a door, killing the Shotgun Guys and Demons in this hall.
Once you get to a door, open it and go through it. In here, kill the Imps and
step on the teleporter to your right. In this room, kill the Imps and Heavy
Weapon Dudes. Now get the Yellow Key and step back into the teleporter.

In here, open the exit door and go through it (which needs the Yellow Key). In
here, kill the Shotgun Guy. Before hitting the exit switch, turn left and press
spacebar on the wall. It should open, revealing a Super Shotgun and a Medikit.
Now get them both and hit the exit switch.

The Catwalk

Level Used on: Map 1

You start the level in front of a door. Start this level by turning right and
you will see stairs. Try to step on them and then they will become lifts,
moving up and down. Use the rising and dropping lifts to get to a room with
three separate thin catwalks in it. In here, kill the Imps and the Heavy Weapon
Dudes. Now, see that thin catwalk in front of you? Slowly cross it to the black
and red tile in the middle of the room. From here, walk up to the catwalk in
front of you and you will hear the sound of a door opening. Turn around and you
will see a switch. Hit it and then get back on the central tile. From here,
turn right and use the catwalk in front of you to get to a switch. Hit this
switch and then go back to the central tile.

Back on here, use the catwalk on your right to get to another switch. Hit it
and the wall in front of you will open, but don't go through the opening.
Instead, turn around and you will see a new opening where the switch was.
Slowly cross the catwalks to get into this opening. In here, turn left and kill
the Shotgun Guys and the Baron of Hell in front of you. Now see that Yellow Key
on the pedestal? To lower the pedestal, look for a switch in this room. Hit it
and the pedestal will be lowered, but you can't get to the Yellow Key for now.
From here, look for a gray wall in this room with weird designs on it. Once you
find it, you'll know it is a door, so open it and go through it.

Back in the area with lifts rising and dropping, turn right to be in the same
area with the three catwalks. Again, get back on the center tile. On here, go
on the catwalk to the right and use it to go through the opening. In here, head
right to the Yellow Key and then pick it up. Now, drop down to the floor to
your right. Down here, open the gray wall as a door in front of you and then go
through it. Back in here, use the catwalk to get onto the center tile again.
This time, get on the catwalk in front of you and use it to go into this
opening. In here, kill the Cacodemon, Imps, and Shotgun Guys in this room. Now
follow the right hand wall until you get to a Yellow Door.

Once you find the Yellow Door, open it to get to a switch. Hit the switch and
then leave this small room. Now, head up the big stairs to the new opening in
this room. Up here, go through the new opening. In here, turn left and you will
see a large group of Health Potions. Collect all of them and then go through
the opening next to you. In here, hit the switch across from you. Now turn
around and you will see stairs being created. Use these stairs to get onto the
floor above you. Up here, kill the Shotgun Guy and the Imp. Now if you look in
the corner of the room, you will see a teleporter surrounded by smaller
computer platforms. Go to the northeast computer platform and face it (from its
north side). Press the Spacebar on it and it will lower, so get on it and ride
it to the top.

Up here, RUN across all of these computer platforms to the teleporter. Once you
get to the teleporter, step through it. In here, you will see the Red Key in
front of you on a pedestal, but you can't get to it right now. Instead, kill
the Shotgun Guys, the Imps, the Baron of Hell, and the Pain Elemental so you
won't have to deal with them later. Now, once they are all dead, step back
through the teleporter. You'll be back at the level's starting point. The door
in front of you is open, but just leave it for now. Turn left and you will see
a set of stairs. Walk on them and they will become lifts, rising and dropping.
Use these stairs to get to another room. In here, kill the Shotgun Guys, Heavy
Weapon Dudes, and the Imps.

From here, collect the ammo in this room. Now go to the two Yellow Doors here.
Open the one on the left and go through it. In here, turn left and you will see
a switch. Hit it and turn around. Follow this hall to a staircase. Once you get
to the staircase, head down it. Down here, go through the opening to your
right. In here, head down the stairs, killing the Zombieman, Pain Elemental,
Imp, and a Heavy Weapon Dude on the staircase. At the bottom, walk across the
very thin ledge to get to a Megasphere and a teleporter. Step through the
teleporter after that. In here, run past the three Hell Knights in front of
you. Now get the Rocket Launcher at the other end of the room and the Boxes of
Rockets. Use it to kill the Hell Knights. Now hit the switch on the pedestal in
the middle of the room.

Now, get the Plasma Gun and then turn around. Go through either teleporter and
you'll be back at the level's starting point. From here, turn right and get on
the lifts rising and dropping. Use them to get back into the three catwalk
area. Get to the middle tile and use the same catwalk in front of you to get to
an opening. Now go through the opening in front of you. In here, head up the
stairs to your right to get through an opening. At the top, head up the stairs
across from you. Remember these computer platforms? Get to the north end of the
computer platforms in the northeast part of this room. Press the spacebar on it
to lower it. Now get on it and ride it to the top.

Up here, RUN to the teleporter and step on it. In here, the pedestal with the
Red Key on it has been lowered. Get the Red Key and go back through the
teleporters, back to the level's starting point. In here, now you can go
through the opening in front of you. In here, you will get to the longest
catwalk of the level. Before going through it, save your game because if you
fall, you can't get out. RUN across the catwalk ignoring all of the enemies in
here. Now, at the end of the catwalk, kill the Heavy Weapon Dude in front of
you. Now, open the Red Door in front of you and go through it. In here, hit the
exit switch.

The Combine

Level used on: Map 1

Once you start this level, kill the two Zombiemen in front of you. Now collect
the Super Shotgun at the other end of the room. From here, turn around and you
will see Heavy Weapon Dudes teleport to the center of the room. Kill them all
and collect their Chainguns. Now, face where the Super Shotgun was. There is an
opening to your right, so go through it. In here, open the door to your left
and go through it. In here, kill all the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Heavy Weapon
Dudes in this room. Now head up the stairs until you see a Red Door to your
right. Once you see the Red Door, put your back to it.

From here, open the door across from you and go through it. In here, kill all
the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Heavy Weapon Dudes in this room. Now, from where
you entered the room, there is a door to your right. Drop down to the floor to
your right, and then open the door and go through it. In here, get the Rocket
Launcher in front of you. Now kill all the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Heavy Weapon
Dudes in this room. From here, head down the stairs. At the bottom, get the
Stimpack, kill the Shotgun Guys, get the Blue Key, and then head back up the
stairs and leave this room. Back in here, you will see a door above you to your
left. Use the stairs to get to that door, and then open it and go through it.

In here, get to the other end of the room where the Red Door is. Open the door
to the left of this door and go through it. In here, drop down to the slime pit
below you. Down here, collect the Radiation Suit and all of the Health and
Armor Bonuses. Now follow this slime pit until you stop at a brown wall. Once
you hit a brown wall, turn left (so it is to your right). If you look really
carefully, you will see stairs sticking out on the brown wall. Walk backward
until you hit a wall and then hold right and straight on the brown wall, and
you should be able to head up the stairs. At the top, open either Blue Door in
front of you and then a teleporter will be revealed, so step through it.

Once you are teleported, hold down and you will collect the Red Key. Now drop
down to the ground below you. Down here, kill all of the Shotgun Guys. Once
they are all dead, look for a Plasma Gun in this area. Quickly get it because
there is a crushing ceiling above the Plasma Gun. Once you have it, open the
door in this area and go through it. Back in here, open the door at the other
end of the room and go through it. In here, open the Red Door across from you
and go through it. In here, turn right and you will see a curved and a thin
catwalk leading to a door. SLOWLY cross the catwalk to the door, ignoring the
enemies below you. Now, get the Soulsphere if you can. Once you get to the
door, open it and go through it.

In here, kill the Shotgun Guys and Spectres in this room. Now run all the way
straight to the other end of this room. Over here, turn right and you will see
a switch. Hit it and then turn back around and leave this room. Back in here,
get to the other side of the catwalk. You can't use the catwalk to get to the
door, so drop into the slime pit and hit the teleporter. Back in this room,
turn around and open the door across from you, and then go through it. In here,
drop down to the floor to your left. Down here, open the door at the other side
of the room and then go through it. In here, kill the Shotgun Guys in Imps. Now
open the Red Door to your left and then go through it.

In here, go through the opening to your left. Now, walk forward and a wall will
rise, revealing a switch. Hit it and a wall to your right will rise revealing
another switch. Hit this switch and the wall to your right will reveal another
switch. Hit it and keep doing this until you get to the 4th switch. Once you
get to the 4th switch, hit it and turn around. A wall in front of you will
rise, revealing a switch. Before hitting it, turn right and you will see the
Yellow Key on the ledge. Now hit the switch and the ledge will be lowered. RUN
back to the ledge and get the Yellow Key before the platform rises. If you
can't do it, you'll have to hit the switches all over again.

Once you have the Yellow Key, leave this room. Back in here, open the door to
your right and go through it. In here, head up the stairs in front of you. At
the top, open the door in front of you and go through it. In here, collect the
MegaArmor and drop back down to the floor below you. Down here, open the door
to your right and go through it. Back in the level's starting room, follow this
hall to a door. Once you get to a door, open it and go through it. In here,
kill all of the Imps. Now, turn left and you will see a window. Through the
window is a switch. Shoot it with a Pistol, either Shotgun or a Chaingun. Now,
turn around and open the Yellow Door at the other end of the room. In here, hit
the exit switch.

The Fistula

Level used on: Map 1

You will start the level with a Yellow Key on a pillar behind you. You can't
get to it at the moment, so ignore it for now. In front of you is a door to
your left and right at the top of the stairs. Open the door to your left and go
through it. In here, get the Shotgun in the middle of the room. Now you will
notice there is an opening in each side of the room. With your back on the door
you came from, face the opening to your right. To get into it, get onto the
platform with the Shotgun Shells. Collect them and then use this platform to
get into the opening. In here, kill the Zombiemen, Imps, and the Heavy Weapon
Dudes. Now you will see 3 Stimpacks at the other end of the room.

Collect them and then the lift you're on will lower. Now look carefully and you
will see an opening to your left as you go down the lift. If you miss it, wait
for the lift to rise again and then go through it. Now once you get into the
opening, kill that annoying Pain Elemental, then the Heavy Weapon Dudes,
Shotgun Guys, and Imps. Once they are all dead, head up the stairs that go onto
the platform they are on. Up here, walk all the way straight to the wall across
from you. Once you get to the wall, it will lower, revealing Imps and a switch.
Kill the Imps and hit the switch. This switch lowers a pedestal the Blue Key is
on. Now go back down the stairs and then go back down the lift. Ride it to the
lowest floor. If the wall on you rises, you'll need to go through the opening
in this hall. It takes you to the Blue Key room, but you need the Yellow Key.
Leave this room and then go back through the same opening to your left to get
to the lift, and then use it.

Down here, follow this hall until you stop at a wall. As you head down this
hallway, Zombiemen, Imps, and Shotgun Guys will teleport into the room. Kill
them all and then head to the wall. It will lower, so get on it and ride it to
the top. Up here, get the Box of Shotgun Shells and then go through the opening
to your left. In here, follow this hallway until you see a switch on your left,
killing the Imps, Zombiemen, and Shotgun Guys around it. Once you see the
switch, hit it and continue to follow this hallway until you stop at a wall.
Once you stop at the wall, there should be an arrow pointing to it. This is a
door, so open it and go through it. In here, get the MegaArmor and then turn
right. You will see a teleporter and a huge slime pit across from you.

Use the thin ledges to get around the pit and then into the teleporter. Step
into it and then you'll be teleported back to the level's starting point. The
pillar with the Yellow Key has been lowered, so go collect the Yellow Key and
you'll be teleported. When you teleport, just step back through the teleporter
to the level's starting point. Open the same door to your left and then go
through it. In here, use the higher platforms to get into the openings in front
of you. In here, kill the Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and the Heavy Weapon Dudes.
Now open the Yellow Door and go through it. In here, get the Blue Key and
collect all of the ammo. Now leave this room. Back in here, leave this room. In
here, go through the opening to your right by using the higher platforms.

In here, you will see a Blue Door to your left and right. Open either one and
then go through it. In here, head up the staircase in front of you. No matter
which one you take, you'll get to a room with the Red Key. Kill the Shotgun
Guys here and then get the Red Key. Now leave this room, and backtrack to the
level's starting point. Back in here, open the door to your right and go
through it. In here, kill all of the Demons and Spectres. Now follow the right
hand wall until you get to a switch. Once you get to the switch, hit it and
then turn around. The lift behind you has lowered, so get on it and ride it to
the top. Up here, drop down to the big pit below you. Down here, go through the
opening in front of you. In here, kill the Imps and Shotgun Guys, and then
follow this path to a Red Door. Once you find the Red Door, open it and go
through it. In here, kill the Arch-vile and hit the exit switch.

The Garrison

Level used on: Map 1

Once you start the level, you will see the Blue Key on a pillar to your right.
You cannot get it for now, so leave it be. Start this level by heading down the
stairs to your left. At the bottom, kill the Pain Elemental (if it is there),
Imps, Zombiemen, Heavy Weapon Dudes, and the Shotgun Guys. Once they are all
dead, go through the opening at the other end of this room. In here, turn left
and you will see three Stimpacks. You will also see a switch/door you cannot
activate. Imps will appear out of the floor, so kill them. Now turn around you
will see a switch on the wall. Walk up to it and the floor you're on will
lower. Wait for it to raise. Now hit the switch. Remember that switch/door you
couldn't open? That door is now open, so RUN to the opened door and go through

In here, collect the Berserk and the Box of Shotgun Shells. Now hit the switch
in this room and step back through the teleporter. You will be teleported back
to the level's starting point. Turn right and follow this pathway to a
staircase. Once you get to it, head down it. Down here, kill the Imps and the
Shotgun Guys. The pillar with the Blue Key has also lowered, so pick up the
Blue Key. Now head back up the stairs. Back up here, follow the pathway back to
the staircase, and then head down it. At the bottom, turn left and you will see
a door. This is a Blue Door. Open it and go through it. In here, turn left and
you will see a lift. Hit the switch to lower it, and then get on it and ride it
to the top. Up here, kill the Imps in front of you and then go through the

In here, get the Invisibility Sphere in front of you. Now drop down to the
floor below you. Down here, go through the opening to your right. In here, head
up the stairs in front of you. At the top, go straight and you will get to a
staircase. Instead of going down it, look at the ceiling. You will see a
shining light. Now, below the light is the Yellow Key. To get the Yellow Key,
RUN onto the ledge next to the staircase. This takes a lot of patience, as you
may come up short. Once you get onto the ledge, drop down to where the light
shines and you'll get to the Yellow Key. Pick it up and drop down to the floor
below you. Down here, head back up the stairs. Up here, go to the other end of
the room. Now turn left and you will see a teleporter, so step through it.

You'll be taken back to the level's starting point. Head down the stairs to
your left. Down here, go through the opening across from you. In here, turn
right and step on the tile next to the switch. The floor you're on will lower.
Down here, get the Super Shotgun in front of you. Now kill the Shotgun Guys and
Heavy Weapon Dudes in this room. Once they are all dead, follow this hallway
until you get to an opening, killing the Cacodemon and the Pain Elemental you
see. Once you get to the opening, go through it. In here, you will see a thin
walkway leading to the switch. Quickly cross the walkway before it disappears.
Now hit the switch. Once you hit the switch, you will notice a new red
teleporter to your left. Step through it. Once you're teleported, step through
the teleporter you are on now.

Now, get the Red Key next to you. You may get stuck on this platform, and if
you do, use IDCLIP to get out, and then press IDCLIP again so you won't walk
through walls. From here, follow the hallway to the same opening. In here, head
down the stairs, and then follow this pathway to the Blue Door. Once you get to
the Blue Door, open it and go through it. In here, go all the way left until
you stop at a wall. Once you stop at a wall, drop down to the slightly lower
platform to your right. Down here, follow this long walkway to a switch. Once
you get to a switch, hit it and a platform will appear from the slime pit. Once
it's done rising, cross it to the Red Door. Once you get to it, open it. Now
open the Yellow Door. In here, hit the exit switch.

Titan Manor

Level used on: Map 1

This is a really fun level once you know what to do. Once you start the level,
collect the Armor in front of you. Now open the door across from you and go
through it. In here, collect the Super Shotgun and then kill all the Imps,
Shotgun Guys, and Heavy Weapon Dudes around you on the higher ledges. Once all
of them are dead, you will see a pillar in the center of the room. Remember
this, as it will become important. Now facing the Yellow Door, open the door to
your right and go through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dude in front of
you. Now, if you look at the floor, you will see an arrow pointing to a wall.

Go to the wall where the arrow is pointing at. Press Spacebar to open it like a
door and then go through it. In front of you is now a lift. Lower it, get on
it, and then ride it to the top. Up here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dude and then
go through the opening. You will be on a narrow catwalk, so be sure not to fall
off. Save your game if you think you'll fall off, and then get to the wall at
the other edge of the catwalk. Now, save your game in case you fall off. Turn
left and you will see a ledge below you. Drop down to it. Down here, use the
window to your right to enter the room. In here, you will see the Yellow Key on
a crate. Ignore it for now and then drop down to the ground below you.

Down here, turn left and you will see the Blue Door. Walk up to it and a wall
behind you will open, revealing Imps, Heavy Weapon Dudes, and a Revenant. Kill
all of them and then go into the room they came out of. In here is a switch.
Hit it and the crate to your right will lower. On that crate is the Yellow Key,
so pick it up. Now head back to the Blue Door. Once you get to the Blue Door,
drop down to the floor to your left. Down here, kill the Shotgun Guys and Heavy
Weapon Dudes. Now open the door in front of you and go through it. In here,
turn left and you will see a switch on the left wall. Hit it and then turn

You will see stairs rising to the pillar with the Blue Key on it. You cannot
get the Blue Key as of now, but RUN onto the platform and use the stairs to get
to the pillar. On the pillar is a demon face symbol on it. Press the spacebar
on it and a bridge will rise so you can get to this platform later. Cross the
new bridge and at the end, open the door in front of you and go through it. In
here, remember that blue pillar in the room like I told you to. Now open the
door to your right and go through it. In here, kill the Shotgun Guys and Heavy
Weapon Dudes. Now collect the Medikit and Box of Shotgun Shells. Once you get
those, head up the stairs to the left of the door.

At the top, kill the Cacodemon and Imp in front of you. If you turn left, you
will see a little "fireplace". There is fire sticking out of the floor and a
Medikit to the right of the fire (the fire is actually the edge of torches on
the ground, but it still looks pretty neat). Now, get the Medikit, and then
press the Spacebar on the wall in front of you, and a secret room should be
revealed (the secret door is to the right of the fire). In here, turn right and
hit the switch. Now leave this small room. Back out here, turn right and you
will see a wall lowering, revealing an opening, so go through it and drop down
to the floor below you. Down here, turn left and you will see that blue pillar

Turn right and you will see a switch. Before hitting the switch, save your
game. Now hit the switch and turn around. The pillar has been lowered, SO RUN
TO IT BEFORE IT RISES. Otherwise, load your game again. Now, walk straight onto
the pillar and see the Blue Key in front of you? The pillar will lower, so RUN
TO IT BEFORE IT RISES. Load your saved game if you couldn't get to it. On the
pillar, get the Blue Key. Now look forward and you will see a Blue Door on the
right and the left. Open the Blue Door on the right and then go through it. In
here, turn right and press the Spacebar on the crates until you find the ones
that lower. Once you find them, get on them and ride them to the top. Up here,
turn left and you will see a Blue Door. Open it and go through it.

In here, walk straight and a door in front of you will open, revealing Imps,
Heavy Weapon Dudes, and a Revenant. Kill all of them. Once they are all dead,
get your back to the Blue Door. See that pillar with the Energy Cell Pack on
it? Remember where that is. Get to the switch at the other end of the room. Now
save your game and hit the switch. The pillar behind you will lower, so RUN to
it and get onto it. Otherwise, save your game. Now, ride this pillar to the
top. Up here, turn right and you will see a higher ledge and a lower ledge. Get
on the higher ledge. On here, there will be a window to your left. Walk through
it and step onto the teleporter. When you teleport, turn around without moving
or this will be messed up.

In front of you should be a window. Ignore it and follow this hall until you
get to a blue platform. Next to the blue platform is a window. Step through it
and get onto the high platform in front of you. On here, hit the switch at the
other side of the pillar. Now, a platform behind you will lower, so get on it
and ride it to the top. Up here, hit the switch, and then drop down to the
floor below you. Remember that arrow on the floor? Well, get to the front of
the arrow (not where it points to), and you'll find a new opening, revealing
Imps. Kill them and then go through the opening. In here, follow this hall to a
Red Key. Now you will see a window to your right, so step through it onto the
level's starting point.

Down here, kill the Imps, Revenants, and Barons of Hell in front of you. Now
open the door to your right and go through it. Back in here, go through the
opening across from you. Back in here, open the right Blue Door again. In here,
lower the same crates, get back on them and ride them to the top. Up here, open
the Blue Door to your left and go through it. Back on here, turn right and you
will see the Red Door. Before opening it, turn around and face the Blue Door.
To the right of it is a black wall with window screens on it. Pres the Spacebar
and it will open, so go through it. In here, get the Soulsphere and hit the
switch. Now leave this room. Back in here, open the Red Door and go through it.

In here, the wall in front of you should be finished lowering. Follow this hall
to the exit door. Once you get to the exit door, press the Spacebar on it and
it will lower, revealing a switch. Hit the switch and the wall to your left
will lower, revealing the exit switch. Hit it and you are done with this fun


Level used on: Map 1

This level looks easy, but it isn't. Plenty of enemy ambushes and lack of
health. Start this level by collecting the Shotgun and the Box of Shotgun
Shells. Now open the door in this room and then go through it. Out here, kill
the Spectres in front of you. Now head up the stairs to your right. At the top,
kill the Imps and the Mancubus. From here, go through the opening to your left,
and then kill the Shotgun Guys and Heavy Weapon Dudes. Now head straight and
you will get to a Backpack. Pick it up. Now open the door to your right and go
through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dudes and the Revenant in front of
you, and then get the Rocket Launcher. Now go straight to the other end of the
room, killing the Heavy Weapon Dudes and Zombiemen to your left and right. At
the other end of the room, go through the opening.

In here, kill the Demons around you. Now get the Yellow Key and then Imps and a
Baron of Hell will teleport into this room. Kill them all. Before you leave
this room, you'll see steps to your left and right. Head up them if you need
health or ammo. Now leave this room. Back out here, go through the opening to
your right, killing the Heavy Weapon Dudes and Spectres you see. Now head up
the stairs to your left. At the top, kill the Imps, the Mancubus, and the Pain
Elemental. Once they're all dead, open the Yellow Door to your left and then go
through it. In here, turn right and you will see a wall. Walk up to it and it
will open, revealing a Baron of Hell and a switch. Kill the Baron, and then hit
the switch.

Now kill the Heavy Weapon Dude, Imps, and the Arachnotron in this room, and
then leave this room. Back out here, you will see a little "castle" in front of
you. At the top are Shotgun Guys. These can get pretty annoying, so knock out
as many as you can. Now enter the "castle". In here, collect the Plasma Gun in
front of you. Now walk forward and you will get to three teleporters. Enter the
one on the left. In here, kill the Revenants in front of you. Now walk forward
and the pillar in front of you will lower, revealing a Blue Key. Pick it up and
then watch out for Zombiemen and Shotgun Guys teleporting into this room. From
here, drop down to the floor to your left. Down here, open the door to your
right and go through it to enter the small castle again.

In here, kill the Hell Knight. Now take either staircase to get back to the
three teleporters. Once you get back to them, take the one on the right this
time. In this tower, kill the Revenants and walk up to the pillar in this room.
It will lower, revealing a Red Key so pick it up. From here, look for a lift in
the southwest corner of the room. Once you find it, lower it, get on it, and
then ride it to the top. Up here, head up the stairs to your right. Now, follow
this long pathway to the southeast corner of the map (use the Automap if you
need to) and you should stop at a wall. To your right should be a Blue Door.
Open it, then the Yellow Door, and then the Red. In here, lower the lift in
front of you, get on it, and ride it to the top.

Up here, turn left and the wall in front of you will open, revealing a Pain
Elemental. Kill it and then turn left to the window. You will see an opening
with the exit switch. RUN across the gap to get to the opening. Now hit the
exit switch.


Level used on: Map 1

Once you start this level, shoot the door in front of you. It will open,
revealing the Red Key, so pick it up. From here, kill all the Lost Souls around
you. Now open the Red Door in front of you and go through it. In here, kill all
the Heavy Weapon Dudes, Imps, Zombiemen, and Shotgun Guys around you. Once they
are all dead, collect the Shotgun and the Chaingun they drop. From here, go to
the staircase in front of you. Get on top of the first step. Now press the
Spacebar on the wall to the left and it should open, revealing a Backpack and a
Megasphere. Pick them up. Now head up the rest of the stairs next to the secret
room. At the top, turn right and follow the left hand wall until you hear the
sound of a door opening.

Once you hear the sound, a door will open to your left, so go through the new
opening. In here, there will be a staircase in front of you. Before heading up
it, go through the opening to your left. In here, collect the Box of Shotgun
Shells, the MegaArmor, and then hit the switch. Now turn around and leave this
room. Out here again, follow the left hand wall until you hear the sound of a
door opening. Go through the same opening again. In here, head up the stairs to
your left and go through the opening. Up here, kill all of the Shotgun Guys,
Imps, and Zombiemen. From here, head up the stairs in this room. At the top,
get the Super Shotgun and then hit the switch hanging in the air.

From here, open the door at the other end of this room and go through it. In
here, head down the stairs in the opening across from you. Down here, turn
right and follow this hallway until you stop at a wall, killing the Zombiemen,
Shotgun Guys, and Imps you see. Once you stop at a wall, there should be a
switch on it. Hit the switch and then turn around. Follow this hallway to a
door, killing the Heavy Weapon Dude you see. Once you get to a door, open it
and go through it. Out here kill the Hell Knight and the Shotgun Guys, and then
head up the stairs in front of you. At the top, you will see the Yellow Key on
a teleporter. Pick up the Yellow Key and then you will be teleported.

You will be teleported in front of the same staircase you went on earlier.
Remember that same secret with the Megasphere? Get back on the first step
again. Open the hidden door to your right (across the other hidden door you
opened earlier). In here is a Soulsphere. Pick it up if you are low on health
or some sort. Now, head back up the stairs. At the top, turn left and follow
the right hand wall until you hear the sound of a door opening. Once you find
it, go through the new opening next to you. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dude
and the Shotgun Guy. Also in this room are two Yellow Doors. Open the Yellow
Door on the left first and then go through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon
Dudes and the Imps.

Now in this room are thin walkways leading to a switch. Use the walkways to get
to the switch, and then once you get to it, hit it. Now leave this room. Back
in here, open the Yellow Door across from you and then go through it. In here,
get the Blue Key across from you, and then leave this room. Back in here, drop
down to the floor below you. Down here, search the green walls for the hidden
door, and then go through it once you find it. Back in this room, head down the
staircase. Down here, open the door across from you and then go through it. You
will be back at the level's starting point. Back in here, open the Red Door
across from you and then go through it. In here, kill the Imps, Zombiemen,
Shotgun Guys, and the Spectre.

Once they are all dead, you will notice the computer walls to your right and
left. To lower these, open the Blue Door across from you and go through it. In
here, hit the switch. Both walls will be lowered for a few seconds. Facing the
left door, go through the opening to your left. If it's not there, hit the
switch again. Out here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dude. Now get the Rocket Launcher
on the exit tlepeorter and you will have finished this level.


Level used on: Map 1

Once you start this level, pick up the Shotgun in front of you, and then the
floor you're on will rise. Up here, get all of the other Shotguns, and then
kill all of the Imps around you. Once they are all dead, look for two doors in
this room. Walk up to them and both of them will open, revealing Hell Knights.
Kill them both and then go through the door on the right. In here, walk down
the staircase in front of you. At the bottom is a square floor. Walk onto it
and it will lower. As the lift is lowering, you'll see an opening in front of
you. Wait for the lift to rise again and when you see the opening, go through
it. In here, you will see 4 teleporters across from you. From here, walk
straight into the ones in front of you. You will be teleported to the platforms
at the level's starting room, where the Imps were.

On here, there will be a lower platform next to you, so drop down to it. Down
here, a Red Key should be on this ledge. Pick it up and then drop down to the
floor below you. Down here, go through either door at the other end of the
room. In here, head down either staircase. At the bottom, the floor you're on
will lower. Down here, kill the Imp. Now get the Invincibility Sphere, and then
open the door to your right and go through it. In here, get the Soulsphere on
the pillar to your right. From here, kill all of the Revenants in this room.
Now open the door at the other end of this room and go through it. In here,
kill the Shotgun Guys, Imps, and the Cacodemon. Now follow this hallway to a
switch and a Plasma Gun. Once you get to the switch, hit it and the get the
Plasma Gun.

Now turn around and leave this room. Back in here, get to the door at the other
side of the room. Once you get to it, open it and go through it. In here, open
the door in front of you and go through it. In here, walk straight and then
head down either staircase to your left or right. At the bottom, get the Blue
Key and then head back up the stairs and then leave this room. Back in here,
lower the lift to your right and get on it. Now turn right and wait for the
lift to rise. You'll see an opening as the lift is rising, and once you see it,
go through it. In here, open the Red Door to your left and go through it. In
here, turn left and you will see a bunch of pillars and a teleporter. Use the
pillars to get to the teleporter, and once you get to it, step on it. You'll be
teleported to a 4-way walkway.

Kill the Imp on here and then turn right. You should see a switch, so hit it.
This will make a walkway rise, so you can come here later. Now, turn around and
you will see a door, so open it and go through it. In here, follow this hallway
to an opening. Even though this hall is small, the floor you're on will drop,
getting you to a different part of this hallway. As the floors keep dropping,
you'll get to an opening, so go through it. In here, kill all of the Shotgun
Guys, Imps, and Cacodemons around you. Once they are all dead, hit the switch
to your left. Now go back to the lift you used. Use all of these lifts to get
back to the door. Once you get to the door, open it and go through it. Back in
here, open the door to your left and go through it.

In here, walk forward and the floor you're on will drop. Down here, go all the
way right until you get to the Yellow Key, killing the Imps and the Barons of
Hell you see. Once you get to the Yellow Key, pick it up. Now drop down to the
floor below you. Back down here, turn around. Remember that switch you hit
earlier? Go back to it. To the right of it is the Yellow Door, so open it and
go through it. In here, open the Blue Door to your left and go through it. In
this dark room, kill all of the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Heavy Weapon Dudes.
Once they are all dead, follow this walkway to a switch. Once you get to the
switch, hit it. Now turn around and you should see a teleporter in the slime
pit. Go into the teleporter to get out of this room. Back out here, turn around
and you will see a slime pit.

Kill the Shotgun Guys and then cross the slime pit. At the end of the slime pit
are Medikits and the exit switch. Grab the Medikits and then hit the exit

Trapped on Titan

Level used on: Map 1

This is a fun level once you know what to do. Start this level by getting the
Shotgun in front of you. Now the lifts to your right and left will lower,
revealing two Heavy Weapon Dudes. Kill them both and get their Chainguns. Now
lower the lift to your left, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, get
the Box of Shotgun Shells in front of you. Now follow this hall to a pit. Once
you see the pit, fall down it. Down here, kill the Spectre and search for a
switch. Once you find the switch, hit it. Now the lift behind you will lower,
so get on it and ride it to the top. Up here, get the MegaSphere and then walk
forward. Windows around you should open, revealing Barons of Hell, Revenants,
and Heavy Weapon Dudes.

Kill only the Heavy Weapon Dude in one of the windows. Now back up and RUN to
the window to get through it. If not, get on the lift and try again. In here,
go all the way left through the openings until you get to a switch, killing the
Revenants and Barons of Hell you see. Once you stop at a switch, hit it. Now
get the Backpack and turn around. From here, get on the lift and ride it to the
top. Up here, get on the lift across from you and ride it to the top. Up here,
get on the lift in front of you and ride it to the top. Up here, kill the Imps
and get the Super Shotgun. Now notice the window to your right. Part of the
ledge will drop, so get on it and ride it to the top of the window ledge.

If it doesn't drop, back up to the opening and it should. Up here, pillars
should be rising to a window across from you. Save your game and then hop
across the pillars to get to a window. In here, kill the Baron of Hell and then
kill all of the Demons. Once they are all dead, get the Chainsaw. Now you
should see a Blue Key in this room. It is on a lift, so lower it to get the
Blue Key. From here, go in the opening in front of you. In here, kill the
Shotgun Guys. Now get the Box of Shotgun Shells, the Berserk, and the Boxes of
Rockets. From here, lower the lift and leave this room. Back in here, use the
window across from you to leave this room. Drop down to the floor below you.
Down here, go through the opening.

Back in this hallway, follow this hall to the lift. Once it lowers, get on the
lowered lift in front of you. On this lift, ride it to the top. Up here, get
the Super Shotgun in front of you. Now open the door at the other end of the
room and go through it (it has the blue symbols on it). In this hall, follow it
to a door, killing the Shotgun Guy and the Imp you see. Once you get to the
door, open it and go through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dudes and the
Revenants on the platform to your left. Now use the stairs to get to the top of
the platform, collecting the Boxes of Rockets as well. At the top, look until
you can see a Rocket Launcher on a platform. Once you see the Rocket Launcher,
RUN to it and a ledge will lower in front of the pillar.

Now ride this ledge to the top. Up here, collect the Rocket Launcher in front
of you and then walk straight. A wall in front of you will open, revealing a
big room. Before going in it, kill the two Pain Elementals in the back. From
here, go through the opening. In here, head down the stairs to your left. Down
here, walk straight until you hear the sound of a door opening. Once you hear
the sound, go through the new opening next to you. In here, kill all of the
Shotgun Guys, Imps, Demons, Hell Knights, and that blasted Arch-vile, once they
are all dead, enter the room. In this room, you are in a room full of pillars.
Switch to your Automap. You'll notice there are three pillars on the left
column, 4 in the middle, and 3 on the right. Walk up to the MIDDLE pillar in
the RIGHT COLUMN and it should lower, revealing a Red Key.

Pick up the Red Key and ride this pillar up to the top. Up here, hit the switch
and then turn around. Press Spacebar on the wall in front of you to have the
lift lower. Back down here, the door you entered this room in is now opened, so
go straight and leave this room. Back out here, head up the stairs to your
right. At the top, go through the opening in front of you. In here, go through
the opening to your left. In here, walk straight to the lift. Once you get to
it, it will lower. Down here, head left until the floor drops. Down here, kill
the Heavy Weapon Dudes and then walk straight until the floor you're on lowers.
Down here, get the Medikit and the Armor, and then open the Red Door to your
right and go through it. In here, go straight to the center pillar in the room,
and then press the Spacebar to lower it.

It will reveal a Plasma Gun, so pick it up. From here, two walls will open,
revealing Revenants and a switch in both of them. Kill both Revenants and then
hit the switch in the RIGHT opening. Now turn around. See that window with a
ledge in front of it? Get on the ledge. Now, see that small platform with the
green eye symbol to the right? RUN onto that and then run to the ledge across
from you, and then drop down to the floor below you. Down here, kill all of the
enemies to your left - this includes Arachnotrons, Revenant, Hell Knights,
Mancubi, and Heavy Weapon Dudes. Once they are all dead, search for a door on
the gray building in the middle of the area. The door should be in between two
blue posts, and in front of a blue pond with an Energy Cell Pack in it. Once
you find that door, open it and go through it.

In here, turn around and face the door. To the left is a silver wall. This is a
lift, so lower it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, kill the
Spectre. Now save your game, and then open the door in front of you and then go
through it. Out here, kill the Mancubus in front of you. Now see that building
across from you? Back up and RUN straight to get onto the building. On here,
kill the Revenants and the Mancubi to your left. From here, turn left. See
those blue symbols on the wall? This is a lift, so lower it. While it's
lowered, follow this hall to another lift. Once you get to it, lower it, get on
it, and ride it to the top. Up here, get the Berserk and walk forward. The wall
in front of you will open, revealing Cacodemons and Revenants. Kill them and
then hit the switch on the pedestal in this room.

Once you hit the switch, turn around and drop back down to the ground below
you. Way down here, look for a building that has the Yellow Key in it. You'll
know it when you see a window, and the Yellow Key is inside. Once you find it,
get to the door. Before opening it, blow up the barrel in the opening to your
right (so it doesn't get in your way later). Now open the door and go through
it. In here, head up the stairs in front of you. At the top, kill the Revenant
and Heavy Weapon Dude, and then hit the switch across from you. Now go through
the opening to your right. In here, get the Megasphere and then face the
opening to your right. See that Yellow Key on the pedestal? Back up and RUN
across the opening onto the pedestal. On here, get the Yellow Key. Now drop
down to the floor below you.

Down here, open the door and then leave this room. Out here, turn left and you
will see a Yellow Door. To get to it, lower the lift, get on it, and ride it to
the top. Up here, open the Yellow Door, and then drop down to the floor below
you. Down here, kill the Barons of Hell, Mancubi, Revenants, and the Heavy
Weapon Dudes. Once everyone's dead, find a switch in this area and hit it. Once
you hit the switch, go to the east part of this big area. Remember where the
windows were to get into that area? In front of you should be a brown wall with
gray patterns on it and such. This is a lift, so lower it, get on it, and ride
it to the top.

Up here, open the door in front of you. In here, open the Yellow Door in front
of you. In here, open the door in front of you. Back in the level's starting
area, lower the lift to your left, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here,
lower the lift in front of you, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, hit
the switch in front of you and the pillar will lower. Destroy the barrels and
get on the pillar, and then ride it to the top. Up here, go through the opening
in front of you. In here, go through the opening in front of you. In here, head
up the stairs to your left, avoiding the teleporter, and killing the Heavy
Weapon Dudes you see. At the top, collect the Megasphere and the walls will
lower around you, revealing the exit switch, so hit it.

Virgil's Lead

Level Used on: Map 3

This is a fun level to go around in. Start the level by getting the Shotgun in
front of you. From here, turn left and you will see a demon symbol on the wall.
Go to it and press the Spacebar on it. It will lower, revealing Armor. Pick it
up and then turn around. You will see another demon symbol on the wall in front
of you. Press the spacebar to lower it and it will reveal a door. Open it and
go through it. In here, kill the Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, Imps, and Spectres.
Now head up the stairs in front of you. At the top, turn left and you will see
a demon symbol on the wall. It is a door, so open it and go through it. In
here, kill the Demon in front of you.

Now open the door at the other end of this room and go through it. In here,
head down the stairs to your left. At the bottom, open the door in front of you
and then go through it. In here, follow this call to a door, killing the
Zombieman you see. Once you get to the door, turn left. You will see a wall,
but if you look carefully, one of the walls has a vertical design on it. This
is a hidden door, so open it and go through it. In here, hit the switch in
front of you. Now, turn back around and follow this hall to a staircase. Back
in here, kill the Imps, Revenants, and the Cacodemons. Now, get the Rocket
Launcher and the Yellow Key to your left. From here, open the door and leave
this room.

Back out here, open the Yellow Door to your left and go through it. In here,
kill the Hell Knights and the Imps. From here, hit the switch across from you
at the other end of the room. Now turn back around and leave this room. Back
out here, go through the teleporter at the other end of the room. You'll be
teleported back to a room that looks like the level's starting area. Get the
Blue Key at the other end of the room. From here, look for two demon symbols on
walls again. Lower both walls using the Spacebar. On one side, you will find an
Energy Cell, Berserk, and a Plasma Gun. The other side has a door.

Get the Plasma Gun first and then open the door and go through it. In here,
open the door to your right and go through it. Back out here, open the Blue
Door to your left and go through it. In here, kill all the Imps and Shotgun
Guys, and then kill the Arch-vile in the middle of the room. Now you will see
bars blocking the opening to the middle of the room. Open them like a door and
then go through the opening. In here, hit the switch in front of you and all
walls around you will open, allowing you to get to the Red Key. Pick it up and
wait for the walls to close again. You'll notice one of the switches is
different from the others.

Hit that switch and a door in front of you will open. To get to hit, hit
another switch to lower the walls. Now, get out of here and go through the new
opening. In here, kill all the Heavy Weapon Dudes and Demons down here. From
here, you will see a switch at the other end of the room. Hit it and it will
lower like a lift, so get on it and ride it to the top. Up here, kill the
Mancubi in front of you. Now, open the door to your right and go through it. In
here, kill the Barons of Hell. Now see that wall in between the torches? Press
the Spacebar on it and a switch on a pedestal will rise. Hit it and then turn
around and RUN to the exit teleporters in the air while the bars are removed,
and then step on them.

Minos' Judgement

Level used on: Map 5

Once you start this level, kill the Shotgun Guy in front of you and then get
the Shotgun. Now turn around and you will see a door to your left and right.
Open the door to your left and go through it. In here, there will be a door to
your left and a Blue Door to your right. Kill the Demon, Imps, and the Shotgun
Guy. Now open the door to your left and go through it. In here, kill the Heavy
Weapon Dude in front of you. Now head up the stairs to the Blue Door. To the
right of the Blue Door is a switch. Hit it and it will lower, revealing a
radiation sign. This is a hidden door, so open it and go through it. In here,
RUN across the gap to get to the platform with the Blue Key on it, and then get
the Blue Key.

Now drop into the slime pit and use the stairs to get out of here, and then
leave this room. Back in here, open the door in front of you and go through it.
Now head down the stairs to your left, and then open the door in front of you
and go through it. Back in this hallway, follow this hall to the Blue Door.
Once you find the Blue Door, open it and go through it. In here, kill the Imps
and the Heavy Weapon Dude in front of you, and then head up the stairs. At the
top, turn around. You will see a platform to your right and left, as well as
thin platforms. Use the thin platform to your right to get to the higher
platform to your right, and RUN across the thin platform.

On here, get the Super Shotgun. Now walk forward and the walls around you will
open, revealing Imps, Shotgun Guys, a Spectre, and a Red Key. Kill them all and
then get the Red Key. Once they are all dead, drop down to the floor below you.
Down here, open the door to your right and go through it. Back in this hallway,
follow the hall back to the same door you entered before. Once you get to it,
open it and go through it. Back in this room, you will see a door to the left
of the staircase. This is really a Red Door, so open it and go through it. In
here, kill all the Imps, Shotgun Guys, Heavy Weapon Dudes, and the Mancubi in
this room. Once they are all dead, grab the Yellow Key in the center of the

Now turn back around and leave this room. Back in here, open the door across
from you and go through it. In this hallway, follow this hall to the Blue Door
again, and then open it and go through it. In here, head up the stairs in front
of you. At the top, head down the stairs to the left. Down here, kill the
Shotgun Guys and the Zombieman. Now open the door in front of you and go
through it. In here, get the Radiation Suit to your left. Now go through the
opening in the south part of this room. In here, open the door in front of you.
In here, kill the Shotgun Guy and follow this hall to a Yellow Door. Once you
get to it, open it and go through it. In here, kill the Cacodemon.

Now kill all the enemies in this room and a pillar will lower. Let the Arch-
vile teleport. Now search for a switch on the pillar. Once you find it, hit it.
Now turn around and step on the teleporters, and you'll get out of the level.

Bloodsea Keep

Level used on: Map 7

You'll start the level standing on a Shotgun, so you'll pick it up when you
move. From here, open the door in front of you and go through it. In here,
there will be a pillar with the Red Key on it. Kill the Imps on it, and then
open the door across from you and go through it. In here, go through the
opening to the left. In here, head up the stairs to your left. At the top, kill
all of the Shotgun Guys in front of you. From here, open the door at the other
end of this room and go through it. In here, kill the Demons and the Lost
Souls. Now go back into the previous room. See that switch and the pillar with
the Red Key on it? That switch lowers the pillar for a few seconds.

Hit the switch and open the door to your right. Now drop down to the floor and
RUN to the lowered pillar (you can't go through the windows) before it rises.
On the pillar, get the Red Key. If you didn't get it, try again. Now open the
door and go through it. Back in here, go through the opening to your left. In
here, go through the opening to your right. In this hallway, follow it until
you see an opening to your left after you head up the staircase. Once you see
the opening to the left, go through it. In this room, go through the opening to
your left, ignoring the big pit for now. In here, kill the Shotgun Guy on the
level to your right. Now that red wall on the lava is a door, so open it and go
through it.

In here, kill the Imp and hit the switch, and then leave this room. Back in
here, drop down to the pit to your left. Down here, kill the two Pain
Elementals and then step through the teleporters. You'll be in some library. On
top of one of the bookshelves is a Yellow Key (great place to hide a key in a
library). Kill the Imps and save your game. Now RUN across the top of the
bookshelves until you get to the one with the Yellow Key. Once you get to the
one with the Yellow Key, pick it up. Now drop down to the floor below you. Down
here, kill the Demons and then head up the stairs. At the top, kill all of the
Shotgun Guys in front of you. Now get all of their Shotguns and go through the
opening across from you.

Out here, hit the switch and it will open like a door, so go through it. In
here, kill the Imps and then get the Blue Key. Now get the Invincibility Sphere
and then leave this room. Back out here, drop down to the floor below you. Down
here, open the door across from you and then go through it. In here, head up
either staircase to the Red Door. At the top, open the Red Door and go through
it. In here, open the Blue Door across from you and go through it. In here,
ignore the Pain Elementals and then open the Yellow Door across from you and
then go through it. In here, kill all of the Hell Knights around you. Now for
the boring part of this level.

Facing the door, lower the lift to your right and get on it. Now lower the next
lift and get on it. Up here, wait for the crushing ceiling to rise, and then
hit the switch. Now go back to the center of the room. From here, lower the
next two lifts on the right, and ride them to the top. Up here, get past the
crushing ceilings and hit the switch. From here, lower the next two lifts, and
then get past the crushing ceiling and hit the switch at the top. Do that on
the last one, and once you've done that to all 4 switches, go up the new
staircase in this room. At the top, kill the Arch-vile. Once it's dead, wait
for a wall to open in this room.

Once the wall opens, hit the switch behind the black chair. Now turn around and
step on the exit teleporter.

Mephisto's Maosoleum

Level used on: Map 7

Time to play the 2nd worst master level of them all. This level is packed full
of Revenants and many other surprises. Start this level by getting the Backpack
in front of you. From here, get the Shotgun and all 3 Boxes of Shotgun Shells
in front of you. Now, kill all of the Revenants in this area (there should be 7
of them). Use the pillars around you for protection. Once they are all dead, go
back to the level's starting point. From here, go all the way left to the Boxes
of Rockets, and then collect them all. Now, go all the way right until you stop
at another wall. From here, turn right. See all of those pillars? If you
notice, one of them has a slightly different color than all of the other

This is in the west part of this area. Go to the different colored pillar, and
press the Spacebar to lower it. It will reveal a Revenant and a teleporter.
Kill the Revenant. Before going into the teleporter, get the Boxes of Bullets
and the Chaingun at the other end of this area. Now save your game and go
through the teleporter. In this room, there are 4 demon faces on the wall, like
the final boss in the Icon of Sin. And if you are playing on an easy skill
level, there will be an Invincibility Sphere. Otherwise, you'll have to be a
man. Get the Rocket Launcher, the Plasma Gun, and the Super Shotgun. Now kill
all of the Revenants in this area. Once they are all dead, notice the demon
faces on the wall.

On the top of them are openings. Each of them have a Mancubus in them. Pull out
your Plasma Gun or Rocket Launcher, and then fire in each opening to kill each
Mancubus. Once all of them are dead, walls in the corners of the room will
lower, revealing Hell Knights and Arachnotrons. They will teleport to the
walkways of this room, so kill all of them with your leftover ammo. Once they
are all gone, go to the northwest corner of this room. Over here, there should
be a Red Key in the corner, so drop down to the floor below you and pick up the
Red Key. Grab any ammo down here and then step through the teleporter to be
taken back to the center of the room. Back on here, go to the southeast corner
of this room. In this corner, there should be a pit with a teleporter and a Red
Door. Drop down to the pit, and get to the Red Door.

Now open the Red Door and go through it. Back out here, more Revenants will
teleport into this area. Kill any that you see, and then go to the northwest
part of this area, where the Chaingun and the Boxes of Bullets are. Get any
leftover Boxes of Bullets and then get the Berserk. Now open the Red Door and
go through it. In here, hit the switch across from you. Now turn around and
leave this room. Back out here, see the structure in the middle of the room?
Get to the west part of it. On the west part should be a door. You need a Blue
Key for this door, so save it. But facing the door, turn right and go straight
until you see an opening to your left. In the opening should be a MegaArmor.
Get the MegaArmor and then walk straight. Stairs should be created in front of

Once the stairs are done, head up the stairs. At the top, open the door in
front of you and go through it. In here, kill the Hell Knight in front of you.
Now get the Soulsphere in front of you and then go through the opening to your
right. A wall will open, revealing a Revenant and a Box of Rockets, so kill it
and pick it up. Now go through the opening to your right. Up here, you'll be in
one of the openings of the demon faces. Three Barons of Hell will teleport to
the area below you. Kill all three of them. Once they are all dead, drop down
to the walkway below you. Down here, a pillar with the Blue Key has lowered. Go
to where the pillar lowered and get the Blue Key. Once you have the Blue Key,
lower the lift in front of you, get on it, and ride it back to the walkway.
Back up here, Arachnotrons have now appeared in each of the openings in the
demon faces.

Kill all 4 of them. Once they are all dead, go to the Red Door in the southeast
part of the room, and then go through it. Back out here, get to the western
part of this building. Over here should be the Blue Door I told you about
earlier. Before opening it, save your game for later. Now open it and go
through it. In here, kill the two Barons of Hell in front of you. Now get the
Megasphere. Also, the wall in front of you is a lift. Before lowering it, press
the Spacebar on the wall to the left. It will open, revealing Rockets, so PICK
THEM UP. YOU WILL NEED THEM. Use the Spacebar on the wall to the right and it
will open, revealing Energy Cells. Pick them up. Now lower the lift in front of
you, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, kill the two Barons of Hell in
front of you. Also if you notice, you'll be in an opening in a demon face.

On the demon face across from you, this will be the boss of the level. It will
shoot out skull boxes. Each of them contains an enemy when it hits the ground.
It can be anything but a Zombiemen, Shotgun Guy, Lost Soul, Heavy Weapon Dude,
Spider Mastermind, or a Cyberdemon. If the box hits you, you'll die
automatically. Now this is where the Rocket Launcher comes in. See that opening
across from you on the demon face? Use your Rocket Launcher to fire into it. If
you're firing at the right spots, you'll hear big, loud screams. If not, move
up or move back to get a better shot. Once it's dead, you'll hear a dying
scream and sounds of explosions. Run out of the way of any enemies so they
won't kill you. Wait a few seconds and then you will be done with this level!


Level used on: Map 7

This is a pretty short Master Level. Start this level by collect the Armor,
Shotgun, and Shotgun Shells in front of you. Now open the door in front of you
and go through it. In here, open the door to your right and go through it. In
here, step forward and the floor you're on will lower. Down here, kill all the
Shotgun Guys, Demons, and Cacodemons around you. Now go through the opening in
front of you. Out here, hit the switch at the other end of the room. It will
open like a door, so go through it. In here, head up the stairs to your right,
killing the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Revenant you see.

At the top, you will see a switch to your left. Try to hit it but when you try
to, the switch will disappear, revealing a Hell Knight and a Baron of Hell. If
you are low on ammo, lure them into the bigger room and then dodge them.
Otherwise kill them both. Now hit the switch they were guarding. From here,
head back down the same staircase and then open the same door to your left.
Back out here, get to the switch at the other end of the room. Hit it and the
lift will lower, so get on it and ride it to the top. Up here, open the door
across from you and go through it. In here, step forward and the floor you're
on will lower.

Down here, kill all the Imps, Shotgun Guys, Demons, and Heavy Weapon Dudes
around you. From here, get to the switch at the other end of the room. Over
here, hit it and it will open like a door, so go through it. In here, head up
the stairs to your left, killing all of the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Heavy
Weapon Dudes in your way. At the top, walk forward and a wall to your right
will open, revealing an exit switch. Hit it and then you're out of this level.


Levels used on: Map 8

Once you start this level, get the Shotgun in front of you. Now go straight to
the opening, and drop down to the floor below you. Down here, open the door to
your right and go through it. In here, kill the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and the
Zombieman in front of you. Once they are dead, head up the stairs across from
you. At the top, kill the Shotgun Guys and Heavy Weapon Dude in front of you.
Now head up the big staircase in front of you. At the top, head down the stairs
in front of you, killing the Imps and Shotgun Guys you see. Once they are dead,
open the door in front of you and go through it. In here, follow this hallway
to a door, killing the Imps, Zombiemen, and Shotgun Guys you see.

Once you get to a door, open it and go through it. In here, you will notice a
demon face symbol on the wall to your right and left. The one on your right is
a door and can't be opened, so leave it. The one on your left can be opened, so
open the demon face symbol on your left and go through it. In here, kill the
Zombiemen and the Shotgun Guy. Now get the Invisibility Sphere. From here, you
will see openings to your left and right. Drop down either one of them to get
to a slime river. Follow this river to a switch. Once you get to a switch, hit
it. Before you go back to the openings, get the Stimpacks and the Medikit. Now
go back to the openings. From here, lower the lift in front of you, get on it,
and ride it to the top. Up here, leave this room. Back in here, the other demon
door has opened, so go through it.

In here, kill the Shotgun Guys and get the Blue Key. Now leave this room. Back
in here, open the Blue Door to your right and go through it. In here, ignore
the Rocket Launcher in front of you. Go to the other end of the room. You will
see a wall in between two switches. This is a hidden door, so open it and go
through it. In here, go through the opening at the other end of the room. In
here, kill the Lost Souls, Imps, Shotgun Guys, and the Zombiemen. Once they are
all dead, put your back on the opening you came out of. Turn left and you will
see a switch. Hit it to lower the lift next to you. Now get on it and ride it
to the top. Up here, hit the switch. Now drop down to the floor below you. Down
here, leave this room. Back in this hall, you'll notice a door has opened to
your right if you were quick. Otherwise, go back and hit the switch.

Go through that opening. In here, follow this hall to a teleporter. Once you
get to a teleporter, step on it. In here, hit the switch in front of you. Now
turn around and you will see the wall lowering, revealing a Megasphere, Baron
of Hell, Imps, Shotgun Guys, and a Super Shotgun. Kill them all, get the Super
Shotgun, and then get the Megasphere. Save your game and step through the
teleporter at the other end of the room. Out here, run to either staircase at
the other end of the room, ignoring all of the enemies you see. Once you get to
the staircase, head up it. At the top, you will notice a long ledge leading to
a switch. Cross the ledge and kill the Hell Knight. Now hit the switch and turn
around. You will see a wall lowering, revealing the exit teleporter, a
Megasphere, and an Arch-vile.

Kill the Arch-vile, get the Megasphere, and step on the exit teleporter.


Level used on: Map 9

Once you start this level, go straight to the other end of the room and stop at
the wall. In front of the wall, turn right and you will see a face icon on the
wall. This is a hidden door, so open it and it will reveal a Soulsphere. Pick
it up and then turn around, facing the west part of the room. Now open the door
across from you and go through it. Out here, go to the door at the other end of
the room. From here, go through the opening to the right of the door. In here
is a lift in front of you. Lower it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up
here, walk up to the bars to the right and they will open, so go through them.
In here, kill the Imps, Shotgun Guys, Heavy Weapon Dudes, and the Revenants.
Now walk up to the bars to the left and they will open, so go through them. In
here, walk up to the bars in front of you and they will open, so go through

Out here, kill all of the Imps, Cacodemons, and Heavy Weapon Dudes around you.
From here, RUN across the platforms to the Plasma Gun at the other end of the
room. Now get the Plasma Gun and then drop down to the pit. Down here, get the
Berserk and the Radiation Suit. Now step through the teleporter. Back up here,
turn left. See that new window? Kill all of the Imps in it. To get to that
window, put your back on the opening behind you and turn left. See that wall on
the left? Follow that wall, "hugging" it to the window, and make sure you're
always right next to the wall! You are on an extremely thin, invisible ledge.
If you did it right, you'll get to the window. In here, get the Megasphere and
then hit the switch. It will lower, revealing a Yellow Key, so pick it up. From
here, drop down into the pit and step onto the teleporter. Back up here, turn
around to face the bars.

Walk up to them and they will open, so go through them. In here, walk up to
these bars and they will open, so go through them. In here, walk up to the bars
to the right. Now get the Super Shotgun and then turn around. Open the bars in
front of you again. Back in this room, walk up to the bars across from you and
they will open, so go through them. In here, walk forward and the wall in front
of you will lower, revealing a Heavy Weapon Dude, an Imp, and the Yellow Door.
Kill them both, and then open the Yellow Door. In here, drop down to the floor
below you. Down here, kill the Cacodemons. Now go through the opening to your
right. Before walking forward, turn around. A wall will lower, revealing an
Arch-vile and a Red Key on a high platform. Kill the Arch-vile so it won't
bother you later. Now turn around and walk forward.

As you walk forward, the floor you're on will lower. Down here, hit the switch
to your right and then go back up the lift. The platform with the Red Key is
now lowering. Get the Red Key on it, and the Energy Cell Pack as well. Now turn
around. There is a Yellow Door across from you, so get to it, and then open it
and go through it (if the floor lowers, just wait for it to rise). In here,
head down the stairs and then kill the Heavy Weapon Dudes in the cages. Now
head up the stairs in front of you. At the top, kill the Hell Knight. Then turn
left and you will see a switch. Before hitting it, save your game. Now hit this
switch and it will open like a door, so go through it. In here, drop down to
the floor below you. Down here, turn around and you will see a switch, so hit
it. Now turn around and you will see a Blue Key, so pick it up.

From here, turn back around. Remember the opening? RUN back to it and look for
the opening above you. In front of it is a lift, so lower it, get on it, and
ride it to the top before the Demons, Cacodemons, and even the Cyberdemon get
you. Back up here, open the door in front of you and go through it. Out here,
kill all of the Imps, Shotgun Guys, and Demons around you. Now open the door at
the other end of the room and go through it. Back at the level's starting
point, open the Blue Door across from you and go through it. In here, hit the
exit switch.

Black Tower

Level used on: Map 25

This level is really annoying and you may get lost in it...but you do go in a
big black tower for most of this level. Start the level by going straight. The
black tower is right in front of you. Kill the Shotgun Guy next to the tower,
and then get its Shotgun. From here, open the door leading to the black tower
and then go through it. In here, open the door to your left and go through it.
Out here, kill all of the Zombiemen, Heavy Weapon Dudes, Cacodemons, and
Revenants in this room. Once they are all dead, collect the Chaingun and the
Clips, and then go through the opening at the other end of this room. In here,
get the Berserk and then hit the switch. Now leave this room. Back out here, go
to the door leading to the black tower.

Before opening it, get the Rocket Launcher to the right of the door. Now open
the door and enter the tower. Back in here, open the door to your left and go
through it. Out here, kill the Shotgun Guys and the Arachnotrons. Now hit the
switch and get the Backpack. After that, open the door and go back into the
tower. Back in here, get the Boxes of Rockets in the middle of the tower. Now
hit the switch on the pedestal, and this will create a huge spiral staircase
around the tower. Get to the bottom of the stairs and then get to the top. You
will see a group of Barons of Hell, so pull out your Rocket Launcher and clean
them up. Now go to the platform they are on. You will see a BFG. To get it, DO
NOT walk under the blue tile on the ceiling or you'll be teleported. Once you
get the BFG, go under the blue platform to be teleported.

In here, we'll need to clean up this room before we advance in the level. Kill
the Arch-vile, Revenants, Cacodemons, Heavy Weapon Dudes, Demons, and Spectres.
Once they are all dead, notice the building in the middle of the room. Go to
the west part of it. Over here is a Heavy Weapon Dude, a Chainsaw, and a
switch. Kill the Heavy Weapon Dude, get the Chainsaw, and now hit the switch.
From here, go to the east part of the building. On the northeast part is a new
switch. Hit this switch and then the cage to your left will open, revealing
another switch. Hit this switch and then go to the north part of the building
where the Arch-vile was. One of the pillars has opened and became a crushing
pillar moving up and down.

Get past it and you will get to a switch. Before hitting it, notice to the
right of you is a lift. Once the crushing pillar rises, hit the switch and the
wall will lower, revealing a Baron of Hell and another switch. Kill the Baron
of Hell. Now before hitting this switch, notice to your right that there is a
lift. Once the crushing pillar rises, hit the switch and RUN to the lowered
lift. Once you step on it, you'll be teleported. In here, kill the Shotgun Guys
and Heavy Weapon Dudes in front of you. Now go through the opening in front of
you. In here, follow this round room to the eastern part of it, killing the
Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, Heavy Weapon Dudes, and Spectres you see. Once you get
to the east part of this room, there should be a door opening next to you, so
go through it. In here, get the Medikit and the Stimpacks in front of you.

From here, go to the other end of this room. Now turn right and you should see
a barrel. Blow it up so you can get to the door. Now open the door and go
through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon Dudes and the Spectres in here, Now
kill the Arch-vile. Once everyone is dead, go through the opening to your left.
In here, there will be a teleporter in front of you. Save your game first, and
then step through the teleporter. In here, kill the 2 Mancubi in this room. Now
go to the middle pillar in this room. On one side is a Soulsphere, and the
other is a switch. Get the Soulsphere and then hit the switch. A wall will rise
around you. Hit the switch to lower it. Once it's lowered, kill all of the
Heavy Weapon Dudes and Barons of Hell in this room. From here, get the Yellow
Key in this room. Once you have the Yellow Key, turn left.

If you notice at the vines, some of them are a brighter green color. This is a
hidden door, so open it and go through it. In here, kill the 2 Shotgun Guys and
the Heavy Weapon Dude. Now walk to the other end of the room and the wall in
front of you will open, revealing a barrel and a switch. Destroy the barrel and
hit the switch. Now go back to the room where you got the Yellow Key. Back in
here, step on the new teleporter in the middle of the room. In here, kill all
of the Spectres and Barons of Hell in this room. Once they are all dead, go to
the room where there are three demon face symbols on the wall. Look for a
candle in front of one of them. This is a door, so open it and it will lower,
revealing two Arch-viles, a teleporter, and a Megasphere. Kill both Arch-viles
before hell breaks loose. Now get the Megasphere and step through the

In here, get the Invincibility Sphere in front of you and lower the wall in
front of you. Out here, go to the pillar on the west. If you notice, one of the
demon faces is different from the others. This is a door, so lower it and it
will reveal a Plasma Gun and a Revenant. Kill the Revenant, get the Plasma Gun,
and then see that hanging body in front of you? It is a switch, so hit it to
activate it. Now leave this pillar, and then go through the one in front of
you. In here, kill the Lost Souls in front of you and then hit the switch. Now
leave and go to the next pillar on the east side of the tower, killing any Pain
Elementals, Revenants, Cacodemons, or Arachnotrons you see. In this pillar, get
the MegaArmor. Now go to the next pillar. KILL THE CYBERDEMON WITH 2 BFG
BLASTS. Now get the Blue Key.

Before hitting the switch, try killing as many enemies as you can. Once this
room is clean of Cacodemons, Arachnotrons, and Pain Elementals, hit the switch
in the south pillar. This lowers the wall on the middle pillar, so RUN back to
it before the wall rises. If not, hit the switch and try again. Back in here,
step through the teleporter. Back in this room, you thought you couldn't get
anymore of this pain. Kill all of the new Pain Elementals, and then get the
Energy Cell Pack and the Soulsphere in this room. Once all of the Pain
Elementals are gone, hit the switch at the other end of this room. Now, once
you hit the switch, a teleporter will appear in the middle of the room.

Go through the teleporter and you'll be back in the Yellow Key room. Back in
here, hit the switch to lower the walls around you. Now kill the Imps and
Cacodemons in this room. From here, go through the opening in the northwest
part of this room. In here, you should see the Red Key across from you. Pick it
up. Now leave this room. Back in here, follow this pathway to a teleporter (not
the one in the middle of the room). Once you get to the teleporter, step
through it. Back In here, go through the opening in front of you. In here, open
the door to your right and go through it. Back in this room, go back through
the opening to your left. In here, go through the opening in the west part of
this room. In this room, kill the Revenants and walk to the other end of the
room, and then you'll be teleported.

Back in here, drop down to the floor below you. Down here, knock out all of the
Imps. Remember this building? Go through the south opening in this building. In
here, step through the teleporter. Now you'll be taken back to the black tower.
Back in here, kill all of the Imps and Cacodemons on the stairs, and then drop
down to the floor below you. Down here, kill all of the Demons. Once they are
all dead, search for a switch on a pedestal. Once you find the switch, hit it.
Now open the door at the bottom of the stairs and go through it. Out here, go
all the way left back to the level's starting point. We're finally done with
that crazy adventure. Over here, kill the Mancubi, and then head down the
stairs near you. Down here, kill the Revenant and get the Super Shotgun.

From here, kill all of the Spectres in front of you. Now open the Yellow and
Blue Doors in front of you. From here, drop down to the pit below you. Down
here, quickly open the door to your left and go through it, before you get
killed by the lava. In here, walk forward and you'll exit the level.

The Express Elevator to Hell

Level used on: Map 31

The Express Elevator to Hell is my favorite Master Level. Also if you look at
the first letter of each word, it makes TEETH (the WAD's name, I was thinking
of why they would name it TEETH).

Ok, enough talking. First, you will start the level on an elevator. Surrounding
you are loads of Boxes of Shotgun Shells. Don't take all of them, as you will
need them for a lot of the level. Another thing to note is that there are 8
different floors you can get to using the elevator (if you notice, there will
be a number 1 through 8 on that floor's hallway, so you'll know). Part 2 is
that each hall has a Heavy Weapon Dude or Hell Knight.

On the elevator, start the level by moving and you will pick up a Super
Shotgun. Collect a Box of Shotgun Shells and kill all of the Heavy Weapon Dudes
in the surrounding openings. Now, get to the bottom of the elevator and go
through the opening. In here, walk forward and bars will shut right in front of
you. To open them, you'll need to wait for a while and then they will open by
themselves. To kill off some time, go back on the elevator and kill any
remaining Heavy Weapon Dudes or Hell Knights. Once they are all dead, go back
to the lowest floor. Wait for the bars to open. Once the bars open, go through
them and follow this hallway to a door, killing all of the Spectres and Heavy
Weapon Dudes in this hall. Collect the Chainguns as well.

Once you get to a door, open it. Now kill all of the Imps (if you didn't while
the bars were shut) in front of you and then get the Armor. From here, hit the
switch on the wall and then the wall will lower, revealing a Baron of Hell and
another switch. Kill the Baron of Hell and then hit the switch. Now leave this
room and get back to the elevator. On the elevator, face the opening you came
out of and turn partially right. Once the elevator rises, get to the 2nd lowest
opening, on the 2nd floor. Up here, the bars blocking the hall will be removed.
Now walk straight past the opening to the left. Once you hear the sound of
Shotgun Guys growling, back up.

Let the Shotgun Guys come to you and then kill them. Now, kill the Heavy Weapon
Dudes in the window to the right. From here, go through the opening to your
left. In here, step through the red teleporter across from you. In here, kill
the Shotgun Guys in front of you. Now get all of the Health Potions and
Soulsphere across from you. After that, turn around and hit the switch in front
of you. Once you hit the switch, get the Invisibility Sphere to your right and
the Rocket Launcher to your left. After that, step back through the teleporter.
Back in here, kill the Spectre and then turn right to face the silver

Facing the fake teleporter, press Spacebar on the walls to the left until you
find a hidden door that opens. Once you find the hidden door, go through it and
step through the teleporter. You will be teleported to a small room. Kill the
Pain Elemental in front of you and then get the Red Key. After you get the Red
Key, drop down to the floor to your right. Down here, kill all of the Shotgun
Guys in front of you. Now switch to your Automap. The building in the center of
the room is shaped like a "+" symbol and you are on the south end of it. Also
if you notice on the Automap, you should see a small yellow line on the side of
the "+" symbol.

Get in front of that yellow line on the Automap. It is on the southeast corner
of the "+" building, and if you're still having problems finding it, the wall
it is on is a bright color, different than the normal walls on the "+" sign.
Once you find it, press Spacebar and it will open, revealing a switch. Hit the
switch. Now, face the west part of this room and you will see two Arachnotrons.
Kill them both. Now go to the northeast part of the map. You should see a
switch above you, along with 2 higher steps. To lower the first step, press
Spacebar on the step and it will lower. Now you can walk forward and drop the
second step. Now get on it and ride it to the top.

Up here, hit the switch in front of you. Now drop back down to the floor below
you and head to the northwest corner of the map. You will see 2 higher steps,
just like the ones in the northeast corner of the map. To lower these steps, go
to the northeast corner of the map and lower the two steps you used to get to
the switch. This lowers the steps in the northwest corner of the map as well.
Now RUN to the lowered ledges before they rise again. If not, go back and lower
the same steps again. Once you get onto the 2nd lowered step, ride it to the
top. Up here, press the Spacebar in front of you and it will open like a door,
so enter the room. In here, kill the Shotgun Guys and the Revenant. Now get the
Shotguns, get the Medikit, and pick up the Yellow Key in the corner of the

Now leave this room, and drop back down to the floor below you. Down here, open
the door and leave this room. In this hall, get the two Stimpacks in front of
you. Now walk forward and the bars in front of you will open, allowing you to
get to the elevator. Get onto the elevator. Once you get onto the elevator,
face the east part of the elevator. This is the 3rd floor right here, so once
the elevator rises to the 3rd floor, go through the opening. In this hall, open
the door across from you and go through it. In here, kill the Heavy Weapon
Dude, and then kill all of the Mancubi on the higher platforms above you.

Once they are all dead, hit the switch at the other end of this room. This will
lower the pillar the Heavy Weapon Dude is on, so get on it. On here, wait for
the pillar you're on to rise. Once it rises, face the switch you just hit, and
then RUN to get on the platform. On here, hit the switch in front of you. Now,
turn back around and leave this room. Back in here, head straight and lower the
elevator in front of you. Get on the elevator and then face the southeast
corner. This is where the 4th floor of the elevator is. Once the elevator rises
and you can see the opening, go through it. In here, kill the Zombiemen and
Shotgun Guys in front of you.

Now follow this hallway to an opening. Once you get to an opening, go through
it. In this room, turn right and you will see a wall. Remember where this wall
is. Now open the door to your left and go through it. In here, open the door in
front of you and go through it. In here, collect all the ammo in here and kill
the Shotgun Guys. Now open the door and go through it. In here, step through
the opening to your right and you will hear the sound of a door opening.
Remember that wall I told you about? Turn around, go back through the door to
your right and then face forward. The wall I told you has opened, revealing a
Revenant and a Heavy Weapon Dude.

Kill them both and go into the new room. In here, get the Plasma Gun, the
Chaingun, and then get the Blue Key. Once you have the Blue Key, turn around
and open the door to your right and then go through it. In here, go through the
same opening to your left. In here, open the door to your right and go through
it. In here, get the Medikit in front of you and then go through the opening to
your right. In here, you will see cages on the higher walls. Each of them have
a Shotgun Guy/Heavy Weapon Dude (depending on your skill level). Kill all of
them and once they are all dead, kill the Mancubus in this room. Once everyone
is dead here, hit the switch.

Now leave this room and go back through the door to your left. In here, go
through the opening and open the door to your right. In here, follow this hall
back to the elevator and then lower it. Kill any Revenants on the elevator and
then face the southwest part of the elevator. This is the 6th floor. Don't
worry because we already did the 5th floor. Once the elevator rises, go through
the 6th floor opening once you see it. Now, save your game right here. Go
through the opening across from you and pull out your Plasma Gun. Kill all of
the Shotgun Guys in a row. Now, facing the opening in the room, back up to the
switch to the switch is on your back.

Start firing your Plasma Gun. Heavy Weapon Dudes will appear in all cages, so
use your Plasma Gun to wipe them clean. Once all Heavy Weapon Dudes are dead,
hit the switch. Now, facing the switch, turn left. See that wall in front of
you? Press the spacebar on the middle part of the wall until a secret door
opens. This is where the Arachnotrons were, and you are in a secret room. Get
the Plasma Gun and the Medikit. Now leave this room and go back to the
elevator. Before going onto the elevator, go into the new opening to your left.
In here, kill the Revenants and then get the Soulsphere.

Now go back onto the elevator and lower it. On here, kill all of the Barons of
Hell and Revenants. Once they are all dead, get on the elevator and face the
west part of it, and this is the 7th floor. Once you see the opening, go
through it. In here, get the Medikit to your right. Now open the door to your
left and go through it. In here, kill the Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, and Heavy
Weapon Dudes. Once they are all dead, collect the Armor Bonuses and then leave
this room. Now open the door to your left and go through it. In here, kill the
Zombiemen and the Shotgun Guys in front of you. Once they are dead, save your
game. Now press the Spacebar on the silver pillar in the room and it will
lower, so get on it. Pull out your Plasma Gun and put your back facing the

Once the pillar rises, RUN onto the platform you see. On here, use your Plasma
Gun to spray this whole area of Spectres, Revenants, Heavy Weapon Dudes,
Shotgun Guys, and Barons of Hell. Once they are all dead, face the pillar and
you will see a switch to your left (which is a big face icon). Hit it and then
leave this room to go back to the elevator. On the elevator, use it to get to
the top floor. On the top floor, go through the opening in front of you. Up
here, save your game. Now open the door in front of you and go through it. In
here, kill the Shotgun Guys, Heavy Weapon Dudes, and the two Pain Elementals.
Once they are all dead, save your game.

Now, see the exit door? Try to open it. Instead, two doors will be opening to
your left and right. Go to the RIGHT one and use your Plasma Gun/Rocket
Launcher to eliminate EVERYTHING. Once they are all dead, go to where the dead
Arch-vile is. Press the Spacebar on the wall and it will open, revealing an
Invincibility Sphere. Grab this because you'll need this. Now go to the other
side of the room. Kill everything but the Arch-vile, because you'll need it the
most. Remember the opening the Pain Elemental came out of? Face it. Now wait
until the Arch-vile casts fire on you. Once he attacks, you will be sent into
the air. TRY to get/RUN onto that higher opening the Pain Elemental was in
while you are in the air. If not, try again if you are Invincible, otherwise
load your saved game.

Now, up here, get the BFG and wipe everything out. Open the Yellow Door. Open
the Red Door, open the Blue Door and you will see a blood pit. Jump into it and
you FINALLY beat the level! This takes you to the secret level, "Bad Dream",
the other level of this WAD.

Bad Dream

Level used on: Map 32

For some weird reason, I can't get this to work with ZDoom, and this level is
annoying. Start this level by opening the door in front of you. In front of you
is a Spider Mastermind. It can't attack you, but fire your weapon and it will
trigger a LOAD of Cyberdemons to come and attack you. When they do, they will
fire at the Spider Mastermind. Wait for them to kill it for you. Now go through
the door and you will be teleported in front of a Zombieman. Kill it and then
head straight and drop down to the ground below you. Down here, you will be in
the Cyberdemon pit. RUN TO THE CENTER OF THE PIT and get the Invincibility
Sphere. Now, the ceiling will start to fall on you when you collect it.

You will be very lucky to get the sphere and dodge all of the rockets around
you from the Cyberdemons. Once you get the Invincibility Sphere, collect the
Blue, Red, and Yellow Key surrounding the Invincibility Sphere. Once you have
all 3 keys, RUN for the door in this room before you get crushed. Now, once you
get to the door, open it and get back to the level's starting room. Back in
here, wait for the crushing ceiling to raise and then drop down, so that the
Cyberdemons will be crushed. Now, go back into the previous room to be
teleported. Back up here, turn around and open the Blue Door. Now open the
Yellow Door. Now open the Red Door. Ignore the Hell Knight and the Pain
Elemental if you can.

In here, hit the exit switch and you will be done with this level.

9. Secrets

In this section, I will list all of the secret areas that can be found in all
of the Master Levels. Just like my walkthrough, I'll list the levels in
numerical order (meaning the level they are used on), as you can just play them
in any order you'd like.


Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 1

1. From the start of the level, progress this level until you get to the Yellow
Key. Once you get to the Yellow Key, pick it up. Now you'll notice pillars in
front of you. Press the Spacebar to open the pillars and then walk forward. The
floor you're on will lower, so walk forward and you'll be outside. Out here,
turn right and follow this pathway until you get to a set of teleporters. Step
on any of them and you'll be teleported to the next area. When you teleport,
back up and then walk forward to be teleported again. Instead of being
teleported to the area near the Yellow Key, you'll be taken to a room near the
beginning of the level. In this room, walk forward and then walk back into the
teleporter to get credit for this weird secret (you can just use this
teleporter as a little shortcut).


Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 4

1. From the start of the level, hit the switch in front of you and the floor
will rise. Up here, drop down to the floor below you. Down here, lower the lift
across from you, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, turn left and drop
down to the floor below you. Down here, head straight and follow this path
until the floor you're on lowers. Down here, go through the opening in front of
you. In here, turn right and head up the stairs. At the top, open the door in
front of you and go through it. In this room, walk up to the Red Door across
from you and turn right. In front of you will be a Blue Door. Walk up to this
Blue Door. Once you do that, leave this room the same way you entered it. Back
in this room, head down the stairs and all the way straight to the other end of
this room. Over here, head into the opening and the floor you're on will lower.
Down here, go through the opening to your left. In here, press Spacebar on the
wall to the left and it will open, revealing a Backpack. Collect it to get
credit for a secret.

2. From secret 1, progress the level until you get to the Blue Door. Once you
get to the Blue Door, open it and go through it. Out here, turn left and you'll
see a Radiation Suit on a pillar. Jump onto this pillar and then jump onto the
pillar that is in front of you. Below you should be a platform. When you see
this platform, jump onto it. On here, go through the opening next to you. In
here, head up the stairs next to you. At the top, go through the opening to
your right. In here, head down the stairs to your left. At the bottom of the
stairs, open the door to your left and go through it. In this room, turn right
and head all the way straight to the other end of this room. Over here, there
should be a demon face on a wall. This is a lift, so lower it, get on it, and
ride it to the top. Up here, open the door next to you and go through it. In
here, open the door across from you and go through it. There will be a
staircase, so head up it. At the top, turn around and leave this room. Back in
here, you should see a new opening across from you, so go through it. In here,
hit the Spacebar on the wall in front of you and it will open. In this room
will be an Invisibility Sphere, but it will not appear on the "Ultra Violence"
skill level. Step into this room to get credit for a secret.

3. From secret 2, open the door across from you and go through it. Back in this
room, drop down to the floor below you. Down here, follow the left hand wall
until you get to a door. Once you get to a door, open it and go through it.
Back out here, head up the stairs to your right. At the top, go through the
opening to your right. In here, head down the stairs to your left. Down here,
go through the new opening to your right. In here, press Spacebar on the wall
in front of you and it will open, revealing a Megasphere. Collect it to get
credit for a secret.

4. From secret 3, progress the level until you get to the exit door. Once you
get to the exit door, open it and go through it. In here, the exit switch is in
front of you, but do not hit it. Instead, press Spacebar on the walls to the
left until you find a hidden door. When it opens, it will reveal a Super
Shotgun and a Medikit. Step into this room to get credit for a secret, but I
think it's a little too late for this secret.

The Catwalk

Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 2

1 and 2. From the start of the level, just progress this whole level until you
get in front of the exit switch. Once you are standing right in front of the
exit switch, turn left and you'll be facing a wall. Shoot it with your Pistol,
either Shotgun, or a Chaingun (or use a Fist/Chainsaw), and the wall will open.
Walk into this room and you'll get credit for a secret. Now get back to the
exit switch and turn right this time. Shoot this wall with any weapon mentioned
above and it'll open, so go into a room to get credit for a secret. In these
rooms are two mazes with a few switches and ammo in them. If you can find the
switches in these mazes, hit them and they'll open paths to new areas in the
mazes. You can find 4 Rocket Launchers, a BFG, a Megasphere, a whole room of
Energy Cells, and scattered health and ammo. But you can solve the puzzles
yourself. Have fun.

The Combine

Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 1

1. For some odd reason, you will automatically get credit for a secret when
starting this level. Easier said then done.

The Garrison

Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 5

1. From the start of the level, head down the stairs next to you. At the bottom
of the stairs, go through the opening to your right. In here, turn right and
you'll see a switch on the wall. Walk up to it, but don't step on the tile
(it's raised slightly above all the other floors) so the floor you're on won't
lower. Now hit the switch. When you hit the switch, turn around and RUN to the
other end of the room. You should find a teleporter over here, so step through
it. In this small area, press the Spacebar on the walls around you until you
find a hidden door that opens. When you find the hidden door, go through it and
you'll get credit for a secret. If you go up the stairs, you'll be taken to an
area with a Megasphere on a pillar, a Rocket Launcher, and 4 BFG weapons!

2. From secret 1, progress the game until you get to the Red Key area. When you
have the Red Key, jump off the ledge and go through the opening in the southern
part of this room. In here, there is a staircase in front of you. At the bottom
is a Medikit. Get to the Medikit and press Spacebar on the wall to the right.
It should open, revealing a room with Armor and Health Bonuses. Step in to get
credit for a secret.

3. If you're in secret 2, there should be a teleporter across from you. If not,
get the Red Key and it should lower. Now step through it and you will get
credit for a secret.

4. In secret 3, there is a Backpack in front of you. Pick up the backpack to
get credit for a secret. To get out of this room, press Spacebar on all of the
walls around you until a hidden door opens, revealing a teleporter so you can
get out of that room.

5. Now continue this level until you get to the Yellow Key. Once you pick up
the Yellow Key, get back on the staircase surrounding you. Now get on the third
stair from the top. On this stair, press Spacebar on the walls around you until
a hidden door opens. When the hidden door opens, go through it and you'll fall
to a lower platform. Down here, you'll get credit for a secret. There is a
Megasphere, a BFG, and an Energy Cell Pack on the teleporter.


Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 1

1. From the start of the level, progress the game until you have the Red Key.
Once you have the Red Key, go back to the level's starting point. Facing the
two doors at the top of the stairs, open the door on the left and go through
it. In here, go through the opening to your right. In here, go through the
opening across from you and the floor you're on will lower. While the lift is
lowering, run into the opening to your left. If not, wait for the lift to rise
and then go through the opening. In here, head up the stairs to your right. At
the top, press Spacebar on the metal wall and it will lower like a lift, so get
on it and ride it to the top. Up here, go through the opening. In here, press
Spacebar on the left until you find a hidden door. It will open, revealing a
room with a Megasphere. Step into this room to get credit for a secret. Note
that you need the Red Key to open the secret door leading to this room.

Titan Manor

Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 7

1. From the start of the level, open the door across from you and go through
it. In this room, head up the staircase to the right. At the top, open the door
in front of you and go through it. This room is a dark room, but if you notice
on the floor there is an arrow pointing to the wall. Get in front of the wall
the arrow is pointing to and then press the Spacebar. It will open, revealing a
lift, so lower it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, head through the
opening and you'll be outside. Walk across this walkway until you get about
halfway and then save your game. To your left is a window. To get into this
window, face it, back up to the edge, and RUN to it. If you don't make it,
reload your saved game and try again. Once you get into it, you'll probably
fall to a lower floor. If you do, just turn around and lower the lift and get
back on it. When it lowers, step on it to get credit for a secret. There are
Boxes of Rockets and an Energy Cell Pack on this platform.

2. From secret 1, wait for the lift you're on to raise back up again. Back up
here, you should be facing the window and seeing the walkway. Again, save your
game and RUN to the walkway. Back on here, head left and you'll stop at a wall.
Now turn left and run onto the platform below you. On here, step through the
window to your right. In this room, head to the floor below you. Down here,
head left and you'll hear a door behind you open, so go through it. Hit the
switch and the lift to your right will lower, revealing the Yellow Key, so pick
it up. But that's not the important part. Head right until you stop at a Blue
Door. Facing the Blue Door, turn left and drop down to the floor below you.
Down here, face the door in front of you. Now turn left and you'll see a set of
crates. Press Spacebar on them and the crates will lower. Now get on the crates
and search for a gray crate. When you find the gray crate, press the Spacebar
to open it and it will reveal a hidden room with a MegaArmor. Step into it to
get credit for a secret.

3. From secret 2, leave the secret room. Back in here, open the door near you
and go through it. In this room, turn left and you'll see a switch to your
left, so hit it. Now turn around and you'll notice that a staircase has risen
to the pillar where the Blue Key is. Head up the stairs and get to the pillar.
You'll notice one of the sides has a demon face on it. Press the Spacebar on
the demon face and a pathway will rise to the middle of this room. Now cross
the pathway to the Yellow Door, and then open it and go through it. Back in
this room, head up the stairs to your right. At the top, open the door in front
of you and go through it. In here, head up the staircase to your right. At the
top, turn left and you'll see an opening to your left with fire on the floor
(actually, they're just the top of torches from a lower floor). Walk into this
opening. With the torches to your left, face the wall and press Spacebar and it
will open. Hit the switch in this room and then leave.

Back in this room, a floor is lowering next to you, revealing an opening, so go
through it. In here, hit the switch to your right and then turn around. You'll
notice a pillar has lowered, so RUN to the lowered pillar and step across it.
This causes the pillar with the Blue Key to lower, so RUN and get the Blue Key.
If you miss either pillar, go back, hit the switch, and try again. Once you
have the Blue Key, you'll see two Blue Doors in front of you. Open the one of
the right and go through it. Back in this room, press the Spacebar on the
crates in front of you and they will lower, so get on them and ride them to the
top. Back up here, open the Blue Door to your left and go through it. In here,
hit the switch at the other end of the room. When you hit the switch, a lift
behind you will lower, so RUN to it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Now
look for a window in the east part of this room. Facing the window, RUN to it,
but don't go through the window. Now turn around and you'll see a floor
slightly below you, so fall to that floor. On here, turn left and you'll see a
demon face on the wall, so walk up to it and press the Spacebar to make it
open, so go through it.

In this room, turn left and follow this hallway to a switch and then hit it.
Now follow this hallway to another switch and hit it. Once both switches have
been activated, leave this room. Back in here, turn left and you'll see the
switch. Hit the switch to lower the lift, get on it, and ride it to the top.
Back up here, RUN to the same window. When you get to the window, go through it
and step on the teleporter. When you teleport, turn right and follow this
passage to another window. To the right of this window is a blue platform, so
get on this platform. On here, press Spacebar on the walls until a hidden door
opens, revealing a room with a switch and a few Boxes of Rockets. Step into
this room to FINALLY get credit for a secret.

4. Now that you're in secret 3, I highly recommend saving here, because if you
miss this secret, you'll miss it for good. Hit the switch in this room and then
turn around. You'll notice a floor lowering. While it is lowering, get on it
and you'll notice a platform with a Computer Area Map on it. RUN to this
platform while you are on the lowering floor. The lowering floor should be high
enough to get on it, otherwise, the platform will be to high to get onto, so if
you miss the platform, you'll need to reload your saved game. When you step on
this platform, you'll get credit for a secret.

5. From secret 4, turn around and get in front of the window. Facing the
window, RUN through it and try to land on the higher platform. On here, hit the
switch and another lift to your right will lower. Get on this lift and hit the
switch that's on the pillar. When you hit this switch, a door in the southeast
part of this room will open, so go through it. In here, pick up the Red Key. To
your right is a window leading to the level's starting point, so go through it.
If you did everything right so far, you should see a pathway leading to the
center of this area. Cross this pathway. In front of you should be a white
pillar with a BFG on top. To get this BFG, head up the stairs in the northeast
part of this area. At the top of the stairs is a switch, so hit it and then
turn around. Head down the stairs and head to the southern part of this room,
where you'll find a pathway that is slightly higher than the one you're on.

Get on this platform and head right and up the stairs. You'll see a switch, so
hit it. This will open a door to your left, so head left, cross the pathway,
and get into the opened door. If the door closes, go back and hit the switch
again. In this room, lower the lift in front of you, get on it, and ride it to
the top. Up here, hit the switch to your left and then turn around. You'll
notice a walkway rising. Cross this walkway and you'll get to a teleporter.
Step through this teleporter. When you teleport, RUN forward and you'll land on
a pillar with a BFG. When you land on this pillar, you'll get credit for a

6. From secret 5, head back inside the building. In here, go through the
opening across from you and you'll be in the room where the Blue Key was. Head
up the stairs and get in front of the pillar. Now turn left and you'll see a
window. RUN to this window and you should run right through it and be outside.
Out here, you'll notice a wooden building next to you. In front of it are 3
Boxes of Rockets. Facing this wall, notice at the far right there is a metal
wall. Walk up to this wall and press the Spacebar. It will lower, so get on it
and ride it to the top. Up here, follow this thin pathway into a room where
there is a Plasma Gun. Step into this room to get credit for a secret.

7. From secret 6, go back to where the Boxes of Rockets are. Get in front of
the same wall and press the Spacebar to open it. Now next to you is a platform
with Health Potions on it. Walk onto it and then head into the opened door. A
lift on the right has lowered, so cross it and you'll hear another lift lower.
Get out of this area and get on the lowered lift to your left and ride it to
the top. Up here, open the door to your left and go through it. In here, walk
forward and the bookshelf in front of you will lower, revealing a Chainsaw.
Collect it to get credit for a secret.


Level used on: Map 1
Number of secrets: 7

1. From the start of the level, open the door in front of you and go through
it. In here, turn right and you'll see a staircase. To the left of the
staircase are 4 pillars. Press Spacebar on the 2nd pillar to the right and it
will lower, revealing a Soulsphere. Pick it up to get credit for a secret.

2. From secret 1, progress the level until you get to the Yellow Key. Once you
get to the Yellow Key, pick it up. In front of you is a green torch. Press
Spacebar on the green torch and a lift to your left and right will lower, both
revealing switches. Hit both switches and then face the opening you used to get
into this room. In here, head up the stairs to your right. At the top, go
through the opening in front of you and you'll be outside. You'll get credit
for a secret, but if you turn right and follow the right hand wall, you'll get
to an opening with the BFG.

3. With the Yellow Key, open the Yellow Door and go through it. In here, head
right and a wall will open in front of you, revealing a switch. Hit this switch
and then leave the room. Back out here, go through the new opening all the way
across from you. In here, there is a Plasma Gun and three teleporters in front
of you. Don't walk through any of them, instead turn around and face the
opening you came out of. Press Spacebar on the wall just to the left of an
opening and it will open, revealing a higher platform outside. Step onto it and
get credit for a secret.

4. From secret 3, turn right and you'll see a Medikit on a platform. RUN onto
the platform to get credit for a secret. When running onto this platform, a
lift will lower to your left. It takes you to another higher platform but I
don't know the use of it as there is nothing special on the higher platform.

5, 6, and 7. Now, with or without the Blue Key, get in front of the 3 Blue Bars
which acts as the Blue Door. Facing the Blue Bars, head left through the little
opening. To your left is a wall. Follow the left hand wall until the wall
starts to turn. When the wall starts to turn (there should be an Invisibility
Sphere in front of you), look for a fake wall to the left. When you find it,
you'll walk right through it. There is a Megasphere at the other end of this
room. When you get it, you'll get credit for 3 secrets.


Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 2

1. From the start of the level, shoot the door in front of you and it will
open, revealing the Red Key. Pick up the Red Key and then open the Red Door
across from you and go through it. In here, there is a staircase in front of
you. Get on the first stair and face the wall to your left. Press Spacebar on
it and it will open, revealing a MegaSphere and a Backpack. Pick them up to get
credit for a secret.

2. Same as secret 1. Get back on the first step, but this time press the
Spacebar on the wall to your right. It will open, revealing a Soulsphere and a
MegaArmor. Pick them up to get credit for another easy secret.


Level Used On: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 1

1. Once you start this level, progress the whole level until you get to the
Yellow Door (which has an exit sign above it). When you get to the door, open
it and go through it. In this room, open the Blue Door to your left and go
through it. In front of you is a Soulsphere on a pillar. To get to this, check
your Automap. There is a teleporter in the northeast corner of this room. The
location you teleport to depends on which side you step on the teleporter from.
To get to the Soulsphere, step on either the north or east side of the
teleporter. You'll be taken right to the Soulsphere and get credit for a

Trapped on Titan

Level used on: Map 1
Number of Secrets: 2

1. From the start of the level, progress the level all the way until you get to
the Blue Key. Once you have the Blue Key, progress the level until you get to
the Blue Door. Once you get to the Blue Door, open it and it will reveal a
switch, so hit it. Now, walk past the Blue Door and you'll see a platform rise.
In front of you is a silver rectangle on the wall. Walk on it and it will rise
above the ground slightly. Now in front of you is a platform with Boxes of
Rockets on it. RUN onto this platform. On here, you'll see a pathway to your
right. Walk across this pathway and you'll stop in front of a window. Now turn
left and you'll see another pathway leading to a window. Get on this pathway
and use it to get into the window. In this room, turn right and you'll see a
torch. To the right of this torch is a wall with a skull on it. This is a
hidden door, so open it and go through it. In here, follow this hallway until
you get to a door. When you get to the door, open it and go through it. In
here, collect the Megasphere to get credit for a secret.

2. From secret 1, progress the level until you have the Red Key. Once you have
the Red Key, progress the level until you get to the Red Door. When you get to
the Red Door, open it and go through it. In this room, follow this path until
you get to a pillar. Press the Spacebar on this pillar and it will lower,
revealing a Plasma Gun, so pick it up and turn around. You'll notice an opening
to your left and right. Each opening has a switch in it. Hit the switch in the
opening to the right and turn around. A platform will rise up to the window.
Use this platform to get into the window and you'll be outside. To your right
is a platform with a green eye on it. Use this platform to RUN forward and to
get to the ground below you. Down here, head to the building in the center of
this area. When you find this building, open the door on the west side of this
building and go through it (if you can't find it, look for an Energy Cell Pack
in a water pit near the building).

In this room, turn around and face the door. To the left of this door is a
silver wall. This is a lift, so lower it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up
here, open the door next to you and go through it. Out here, turn left and
you'll see a multi colored wall. This is a lift, so lower it, get on it, and
ride it to the top. Up here, notice the gray wall next to you. One of the walls
has a slightly different texture. This is a hidden door, so open it and go
through it. In here, open the door to your right and go through it. In here,
walk left and a door to your right will open, so face the opened door. If you
face this opened door and turn left, you'll see a thin pathway just below you.
Walk through the opened door slowly and you should land on the pathway. On
here, turn left and you'll see a Soulsphere to your left. Just past this
Soulsphere is a window. Get in front of the window and press the Spacebar to
make it lower like a lift, revealing an opening. Go through this opening and
you'll see a switch across from you.

Facing the switch, press the Spacebar on the hidden door to your right and then
go through it. There will be an Energy Cell Pack in front of you. Collect it to
get credit for a secret.

Virgil's Lead

Level used on: Map 3
Number of Secrets: 1

1. From the start of the level, progress the game until you get the Yellow Key.
Once you have the Yellow Key, get to the Yellow Door. When you get to the
Yellow Door, open it and go through it. In here, open the door on your left and
go through it. In this hallway, look carefully on the walls to the left. If you
notice, one of the walls is designed differently. This is a hidden door, so
press Spacebar and it will open, revealing a switch. Hit the switch and the
floor you're on will lower. Down here, there will be a Megasphere to your
right. Pick it up to get credit for a secret.

Minos' Judgement

Level used on: Map 5
Number of secrets: 5

1. From the start of the level, head up either staircase in front of you. At
the top, open the door in front of you and go through it. In this room, head
down the staircase in front of you. At the bottom of the staircase, hit the
switch and the wall in front of you will lower, so go through the opening. In
this room, pick up the Super Shotgun next to you and the door in front of you
will open. Step into this room to get credit for a secret. There is a Berserk,
a Backpack, Armor, and a Box of Shotgun Shells.

2. From secret 1, backtrack back to the level's starting point. Back here, face
the staircases and then turn around. There are two doors in front of you. Open
the door on the left and go through it. In here, head left down the hallway
until you get to a door. When you get to it, open it and go through it. In this
room, turn left and you will see a switch to your left. This is a lift, so
lower it, get on it, and ride it to the top. Up here, turn right. Now go all
the way straight to the wall across from you. Over here, head right and a wall
will open, so keep heading down this hallway until you stop at a wall. This is
a door. To open it, open the door to your right, go through it, and then hit
the switch to your right in this room. This opens the door. Step through the
new opening to get credit for a secret. I have no idea what the use of this
secret is for, as it has absolutely nothing in it, except for an Imp and a
Heavy Weapon Dude.

3. From secret 2, progress the game until you have the Blue Key. Once you have
the Blue Key, drop down to the pit to your right. Down here, there is a switch
in front of you. There is an opening to the right of the switch. Go through
this opening. In here, go all the way straight to the wall across from you. A
door will open, so go through it and open the next door. You'll get credit for
a secret. This just takes you back inside to the building near the level's
starting point.

4. From secret 3, turn around and face the wall to your right. Press Spacebar
on the walls until a hidden door opens. When it does, step through to get
credit for a secret. This also takes you inside, except you'll be near the
exit. This isn't a shortcut, as you'll still need the Yellow Key.

5. Go back to secret 3 and head inside. In here, open the door across from you
and go through it. You'll be in a hallway near the start of the level. On the
wall in front of you is a switch. Hit it and it will open, revealing a
teleporter to your right and left. Take either teleporter, as they both take
you to the same room. In here, there is a pillar with a Soulsphere on it. To
lower it, hit the switch on the north side of the pillar. Now get on it and
ride it to the top. Up here, there is an opening in front of you. RUN into the
opening. Now press the Spacebar on the door in front of you and it will open up
to reveal...nothing. But if you're playing on the Ultra Violence skill level,
there will be a BFG in this secret room. There is nothing here on lower skill
levels, but just step through if you want credit for your secret.

Bloodsea Keep

Level used on: Map 7
Number of secrets: 4

Note on this level: If you are playing this level on skill levels 1 or 2, then
you will only be able to get 75% secrets. This is because one of the secrets is
accessed by killing a Mancubus, and when playing on skill levels 1 or 2, the
Mancubus won't appear on the map.

1. From the start of the level, open the door in front of you and go through
it. In this room, open the door across from you and go through it. In here,
there is a Red Door in front of you, but go through the opening to your left.
You'll see a staircase in front of you and an opening to your left and right.
Take the right opening and you'll be in a hallway. In here, turn left and
follow this hallway up a staircase until you stop at a wall. There should be a
face on the wall in front of you. Press Spacebar on it and it will open,
revealing a MegaArmor. Pick it up to get credit for a secret.

2. From secret 1, backtrack all the way back to the room with the Red Door.
Facing the Red Door, go through the opening to the right. In this room, go
through the opening on the left and you'll be in a little library. Now get to
the wall at the other end of this room. Facing the wall, turn right and you'll
see a bookcase in front of you. On the bookcase is a black flag. Walk through
it and turn left, where you'll see a switch. Hit this switch and it'll open up
a door on the higher platform above you. To get here, go all the way back to
secret 1 (where the MegaArmor was). Facing secret 1, go through the opening on
the left. In this room, there is a pit in front of you. Ignore this pit and go
through the opening to your left. In here, get to the wall across from you and
then turn right. There is a Shotgun Guy on the platform. Kill it and then press
Spacebar on the wall it was in front of. It will open, revealing a switch. Hit
this switch. Remember the pit in the other part of this room? Go back to the
pit and fall into it. Down here, go through the new opening and step through
the teleporter. You'll be on the higher level of the library. Across from you
is an opening. Go through the opening and you'll get credit for a secret. In
this secret is a Super Shotgun, but watch out for the crushing ceiling.

3. From secret 2, progress the game until you have the Red Key (or if you have
it). Once you have the Red Key, open the Red Door and go through. In this room,
get right in front of the Blue Door. Facing the Blue Door, turn right and
you'll see a little alcove. Run into the alcove and press Spacebar on the wall.
It will open, revealing a hallway. Go straight to the other end of this hallway
until you stop at a wall. Now open the door to your left and go through it. In
this room, follow the hallway until you get to a larger room with blinking
lights. Step into this room. In front of you is an opening. Step into the next
room to get credit for a secret. There is a Box of Shotgun Shells in this room.

4. To get to this secret, you MUST be playing on the skill level "Hurt Me
Plenty" or harder, otherwise you won't be able to get to this. But to get to
the secret, you'll need to walk across toxic floors that hurt you when you walk
to them. From secret 3, go back to the level's starting area and get the Blue
Key. When you have the Blue Key, pick up the Invincibility Sphere next to you.
Now go back to the spot where you started the level. Facing the door, turn left
and follow this big lava path until you see a Mancubus to your right. It will
be in an alcove that has a Rocket Launcher in it. Kill the Mancubus. Killing
the Mancubus causes a wall to lower just north of this area. When it is dead,
continue following this lava path until you see a wall lowering to your right,
revealing an opening. Go through this opening and you'll be in a room with a
Chaingun. Pick it up to get credit for a secret. The teleporter takes you back
to the Red Door.

Mephisto's Maosoleum

Level used on: Map 7
Number of Secrets: 5

1. From the start of the level, progress the game until you get the Red Key.
Once you have the Red Key, open the Red Door and go through it. In this small
room, there is a platform in the middle of the room. Although you can't get to
this platform now, it'll be important later. Hit the switch here and leave this
room. Back out here, look for the MegaArmor in the corner of the building in
front of you. When you find it, pick it up and a staircase will be created near
you, so head up it. At the top, head right and walk in front of the window. You
should be facing the final boss face. Now backtrack all the way back to the Red
Door and go through it. In here, you'll notice that the platform in front of
you has a small platform rising and dropping surrounding that platform. When
the platform drops, get on it and use it to get onto the bigger platform.

On here, face the switch and you'll see a window to your right. RUN into the
window and turn left. In here, press Spacebar on the wall in front of you and
it'll reveal an Invincibility Sphere. Pick it up to get credit for a secret.

2 and 3. From secret 1, progress the game until you get to the Blue Key. When
you get to the Blue Key, progress the game until you get to the Blue Door. When
you get to the Blue Door, open it and go through it. In here, press Spacebar on
the wall and it'll open, revealing an Energy Cell. Pick it up to get credit for
two secrets.

4 and 5. From secrets 2 and 3, turn around and the Blue Door should be to your
left. Now press Spacebar on the wall across from you and it'll open, revealing
a Box of Rockets. Collect it to get credit for two secrets.


Level used on: Map 7
Number of secrets: 1

Although there is 1 secret in this level, it cannot be accessed on the map
without cheating. Without cheating, you can only get 0% secrets score when
finishing this level.


Level used on: Map 8
Number of Secrets: 2

1 and 2. From the start of the level, go to the opening across from you and
drop down to the floor below you. Down here, open the door to your right and go
through it. In this room, head up the stairs across from you. At the top,
you'll see another huge set of stairs, so head up this set. At the top of these
sets, you'll be on a circular platform. Take either path to get to the stairs
across from you and then head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs,
open the door in front of you and go through it. In this room, turn left.
You'll see an opening with two Shotgun Shells and a Stimpack in it. Head into
this opening. In this small room, press Spacebar on the walls to the left until
you find a hidden door. It will open, revealing a Computer Area Map. Step into
this room to get credit for two secrets.


Level used on: Map 9
Number of Secrets: 2

1. From the start of the level, progress the level until you get to the Yellow
Key. Once you get to the Yellow Key, pick it up and you'll get credit for a

2. From secret 1, turn around and you'll see the toxic pit in front of you.
Drop into this pit. Down here, you'll notice two waterfalls of slime in front
of you. The waterfall on the right is a fake one, so walk through it and you'll
get to a secret room with a teleporter. When you step into this room, you'll
get credit for a secret. This teleporter doesn't take you directly out of the
pit. To get out of the pit, use the teleporter in the toxic pit to teleport
back onto the right platform.

Black Tower

Level used on: Map 25
Number of Secrets: 4

1. From the start of the level, progress the game until you create the large
spiral staircase inside the black tower. Once you get the large spiral
staircase created, head up to the very top of the staircase. At the very top of
the stairs (you should be at the end of the spiral with a large pit below you),
go past the thin walkway to your right and then press Spacebar on the walls to
the left until you find a hidden wall that lowers, revealing two Energy Cells
and an Armor. Step into this small area to get credit for a secret. If you want
a Megasphere, just walk through the fake wall to the left and collect it. You
won't get credit for a secret on this, however.

2. From secret 1, cross the thin walkway behind you. There will be a BFG in
front of you. Walk up to it and you will be teleported. In this room, go
through the opening in front of you. Out here, follow either wall to your left
or right until you get to a Chainsaw. When you get to the Chainsaw, pick it up
and hit the switch in front of you. Facing the switch, follow the left hand
wall until you see a switch on the wall to your right. This switch can be hard
to miss, but it's near a set of bars on the northeast side of this structure.
When you find this switch, hit it and then the bars to your left will open,
revealing another switch. Hit this switch and then head to the north side of
this structure. You'll see a switch surrounded by bars, but one of them is now
open, so walk through it to get to the switch (watch out, as this turns into a
crushing ceiling). Hit the switch in front of you and the wall will lower,
revealing another switch. Hit this switch and a lift to your right will lower,
so RUN to it. When you get to the lift, you will be teleported. In this room,
turn around and press Spacebar on the wall in front of you. It will open,
revealing an Energy Cell Pack. Collect it to get credit for a secret.

3. From secret 2, progress this level all the way until you get to the Blue
Key. Once you have the Blue Key, you should be in a room with square pillars
with demon faces on them. There should also be a switch in front of you. Hit
this switch and a wall on the middle pillar in this area will lower, revealing
a teleporter. RUN to this lowered wall and then step through the teleporter. If
it raises on you, then go back and try again. Back in this room, you should see
a new opening to your right. It has a Soulsphere, a Box of
Bullets/Shells/Rockets and an Energy Cell Pack. Step into this room, because
doing so will open a door on one of the other towers. From here, hit the switch
in the northern part of this room and a teleporter in the middle of the room
will lower, so step onto it. When you teleport, get out of the little alcove
you are in and step through the teleporter in the western part of this room.

When you teleport, go through the opening in front of you. In here, open the
door to your right and go through it. In this room, open the door to your left
and go through it. In this octagonal hallway, take either pathway to your left
or right to the western part of the octagon. Over here, you should see two
openings. The left opening takes you to where secret 2 was, so go through the
opening on the right. In here, there is a switch in front of you, so hit it.
Not turn around and go back into the hallway. Back in here, turn right and
follow this path until you see a switch behind bars to your right. When you see
the switch, hit it. Once you hit this switch, go back to the same room you were
just in. Back in this room, go through the new opening to your right and you
will get credit for a secret. There is also a Berserk in front of you.

4. From secret 3, pick up the Berserk and you'll hear the sound of a door
opening. Turn around and you'll see a new opening to your right at the end of
this hallway. Step into it to get credit for a secret. In here is a switch.
What this switch does when activated is that it lowers a wall right next to the
very end of the level, containing a Soulsphere. But because it's right next to
the exit, it won't be of much use by then.

The Express Elevator to Hell

Level used on: Map 31
Number of Secrets: 4

1. From the start of the level, progress the game until you get can to the
fourth floor. Once you get to the 4th floor, head through the hallway into the
opening across from you. In here, open the door in front of you and go through
it. In this small room, open the door to your left and go through it. In front
of you will be a lower floor (you can access that area from the third floor).
Now, turn right and open the door in front of you and go through it. In here,
walk up to the Medikit in front of you. Once you get to it, open the door to
your left and go through it. In here, walk straight and you'll get to a lift
rising and dropping. When it drops, drop down to the floor below you. Down
here, open the hidden door directly in front of you and go through it. You'll
get credit for a secret. In this room is a Soulsphere at the end of the path.

2. From secret 1, progress the level until you are able to get to the 6th
floor. Once you get to the 6th floor, you should be in a room with a switch and
cages with Heavy Weapon Dudes in them. Facing the switch, turn left and face
the middle of the wall. It should have a yellow light at the bottom of it. This
is a hidden door, so open it and go through it. In here, you will be in a
secret room with a Plasma Gun, a Health Bonus, a Medikit, and Shotgun Shells.
Step in here to get credit for a secret.

3. After secret 2, progress the level until you are able to get to the 8th
floor, which is the highest floor in this level. Once you get to the 8th floor,
open the door across from you and go through it. In here, you'll see an exit
door at the top of the stairs in front of you. Head up the door and try to open
it, but you'll hear the sounds of two other doors opening, so head down the
stairs. At the bottom, you'll see a new opening to both your left and right. Go
through the opening to your right and keep going forward until you stop at a
wall, killing all of the enemies in your way. When you stop at a wall, press
the Spacebar in front of it and it should lower, revealing an Invincibility
Sphere. Collect it to get credit for a secret.

4. You need to be quick to get this secret. From secret 3, you should be
invincible right now. If you turn around and head back to the door you used to
get in this room, you should see a new window next to the door. To get into
this window, you must have an Arch-vile in this room attack you to jump you up
there. Try to get the Arch-vile to attack you, and when you are on fire, RUN TO
THE WINDOW and when you jump from the attack, you should be launched right to
the window. Collect the BFG and you'll see a Yellow Door near you. Open the
Yellow Door, open the Red Door, and then open the Blue Door. The exit
teleporter will be right in front of you, and this one takes you to the secret
exit. Walk up to it to get credit for a secret.

Bad Dream

Level used on: Map 32
Number of Secrets: 1

1. At the start of the level, turn around and you'll see a wall that is
designed differently from the others. Use the Spacebar to open this door and
it'll reveal a room with a switch, a Revenant, and a Megasphere. Step into this
room to get credit for a secret.

This is all I have so far, more levels will be coming soon.

10. Credits

id Software - For making the Master Levels and making the best games on earth,
Doom and Doom II.

Me - I wrote this guide.

You - you read this guide, and liked it (hopefully).

Microsoft - For making MS Word and my CPU.

Led Meister - A user on GameFAQs who helped me a lot in Doom.

CJayC - The administrator of the best site in the world (GameFAQs) posted this

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Master Levels FAQ/Walkthrough
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

08.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008

17.Oktober 2013
Modul für Spiele-Editor Gamewizard

10.Oktober 2013
engl. Paßwörter
13.Mei 2008
Die Eingänge zu den Geheim-Ebenen im JPG-Format

12.Oktober 2013
Engl. Secrets

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
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