Beneath a Steel Sky

Beneath a Steel Sky

15.10.2013 17:08:12

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 27th Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Beneath a Steel Sky is an excellent adventure game set in the future. Robert
Foster is kidnapped from the Gap, a barren wasteland outside a huge steel city,
by a security ship. The ship crash lands in the city and Foster manages to hide
out in a recycling plant. As he is about to make his escape, a guard arrives in
the room and accuses him of being Overmann. As the guard raises his gun to
shoot Foster, the guard is shot by a mysterious computer system called LINC,
which seems to be in control of the city. Foster decides to escape from the
city, trying to find out about the mysterious Overmann and LINC along the way.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the recycling plant. Get the metal bar from the panel. Use
the metal bar on the door. After Foster hides from the guard, open the door to
return to the warehouse. Walk down the steps. East. Look at the trash to find a
robot shell. Use the circuit board on the robot shell to activate Joey. Look at
the transport robot. Walk onto the elevator to set off the alarm and then
quickly walk east. Open the cupboard and get the wrench. Talk to the man and
say "Where am I?". Say "What's the best way out of the city?". Say "So how do I
get to ground level?". Say "How come your elevator's not working?". Say "What's
wrong with the transport?". Say "I'll get on with my inspection.".

West. Talk to Joey and say "Can you start that transport?". Wait for the
transport robot to return with a barrel. When the elevator descends, use the
hole to jump down to the basement. Wait for Joey to fly down. Look at the lock
at the side of the door. Talk to Joey and say "Can you open that door?". Reich
will enter and will get shot by LINC. Search the corpse to find an ID card and
glasses. Walk through the doorway to exit the recycling plant.


East. Walk through the doorway to enter the factory. Talk to the woman about
all topics to meet Lamb. Say "Security. Looking for a fugitive." when he asks
who Foster is. East. Use the wrench on the cogs to stop the production. Get the
wrench from the cogs. West. Use the wrench on the robot. Talk to Joey and say
"Do you want a new shell, Joey?". East. Try to walk through the doorway to set
the alarm off. Talk to Joey and say "I want you to check out the storeroom.".
When he returns. Say "Find anything useful in the stores?". Talk to Joey and
say "Go and disable the fuse box in the stores.". West. Use the gangway and
then get the putty from the rail. Exit the room.

West. West. Look at the red cable at the right side of the area. Talk to Joey
and say "Fancy doing some welding, Joey?" to cut the cable. West. West. West to
the room with the control panel. Use the wrench on the left and right buttons
on the machine at the right side of the room. Talk to Joey and say "Try
pressing the button on the right...". When Joey presses the right button, press
the left button to make the man leave the room. Press the switch on the control
panel and then get the light bulb. Use the putty on the light socket. Turn on
the switch to open the control panel. Pull the top switch down to activate the
elevator. Exit the room. East. East. Use the ID card on the elevator slot.
Enter the elevator to go down to the middle level.


Get the cable. West. Walk through the doorway. Use the ID card on the left slot
and walk through the doorway to enter Reich's flat. Move the pillow and get the
magazine. Exit the bedroom. South. East. East. Enter the travel company shop
and give the magazine to the man. Say "What's the difference between grand and
economy?". Say "What's the mystery tour?". Say "How do I know it's not a rip-
off?". Say "Book me on the economy tour.". Say "It doesn't matter...". Get the
ticket from the slot. West. West. Use the ID card in the slot and then enter
the elevator to return to the top level.


Give the ticket to Lamb and he will give Foster a tour of the factory. Walk
through the doorway to enter the factory. Talk to Lamb and say "When do I get
the tour you promised me?" to start the tour. After the tour, walk east. Talk
to Anita and say "What are you doing now?". Say "What's a D-Linc?". Say "I have
to get to ground level.". Say "What's a jammer?". Give the ID card to Anita.
Talk to Anita and say "How come you were made a D-Linc?". Say "What do you mean
by Linc-Space?". Say "Will the jammer get me into Linc-Space?". Say "How do I
get a Schriebmann port?". Say "See you later...". West. West. West. Use the ID
card on the terminal. Select 4, 2, 1, 1 to authorise a D-Linc on Lamb. Select 2
to freeze his assets. Exit the terminal. Enter the factory and then return to
it to see Lamb trying to work the elevator. Talk to Lamb and say "Do you have a
problem?". Select any option and Lamb will give Foster access to his room. Use
the ID card in the slot and enter the elevator to return to the middle level.


West. Walk through the doorway. Use the ID card on the right slot and walk
through the doorway to enter Lamb's flat. Use the machine to feed the cat. Get
the video cassette on top of the book case. Exit the flat. South. West. West to
the surgery. Use the projector to talk to the hologram. Say "I want a
Schriebmann port.". Talk to Joey and say "Try talking to that hologram, Joey.".
Say "Use your natural charm on her...". West. Talk to Burke twice and say
"Maybe I wouldn't miss a kidney...". Talk to Burke again and say "I suppose I
could spare a lung...". Talk to Burke again to get a Schriebmann port.

Talk to Burke again and say "Can you get me to ground level, doc?". East. East.
East. East. East. Enter the Anchor insurance office. Talk to the man and select
either option twice. Talk to the man again and say "I want one of your special
policies.". Say "Doctor Burke.". When he leaves, talk to Joey and say "Use your
welder on that statue, Joey..." to make the anchor fall off. Get the anchor.
Exit the office. West. Use the ID card in the slot and then enter the elevator
to return to the top level.


West. West. Walk through the doorway to return to the recycling plant. Walk up
to the top of the steps and then open the door at on the right to arrive on the
ledge. Combine the anchor with the cable in the inventory to make the grappling
hook. Use the grappling hook with the sign on the next building to enter the
locker room. East. Use the ID card in the slot at the right side of the
interface. Use the interface to enter Linc-Space.

Get the ball. East. Open the carpet bag and then get the birthday surprise and
the magnifying glass. East. Decompress the compressed data to reveal two
passwords. Use the green password on the bottom-left tile. Use the red password
on the bottom tile. Get the green password on the bottom-left tile. Use the
green password on the left tile. Get the red password from the bottom tile. Use
the red password on the middle tile. Get the green password from the left tile.
Use the green password on the bottom-right tile. Walk north to the top-right
tile and exit the room. Get the book and the bust. Decrypt the three documents.
Disconnect to exit Linc-Space.

Use the ID card on the terminal and select 4, 1 and then read all three of the
documents. Select 0, 0 to return to the main menu. Select 4, 2, 2 to upgrade
the ID card. Exit the terminal. Use the ID card in the elevator slot to return
to the top level. Exit the security office. East. Use the ID card in the slot
and then enter the elevator to return to the middle level.


West. Use the ID card in the slot and then enter the elevator to arrive at the
bottom level.


East. Walk west around the bottom of the pond. Look at the door. Use the ID
card on the lock. Walk through the doorway and get the secateurs. Exit the
building. West. Talk to the doorman and say "How do I join the club?". Say "Do
you know anyone who'd sponder me?". Say "See you later...". East. East to the
right side of the pond. Talk to Piermont and say "Do you know someone called
'Overmann'?". Say "Would you sponsor me for the club?". Press the button at the
left side of the lift and say "It's me, Robert." to enter Piermont's flat.

Talk to her about all topics and she will phone the club. Use the video
cassette on the VCR below the monitor to distract the dog. Look at the dog
bowl. Get the dog biscuits from the bowl. Exit the flat. Walk west around the
top of the pool. Use the dog biscuits on the plank. Wait for Piermont to arrive
and then pull the rope twice to distract the guard. Walk through the doorway to
enter the church. Walk through the top doorway and then open the middle locker
to see Anita. Exit the room. West. Use the ID card in the slot and then enter
the elevator to return to the middle level.


East. Use the ID card in the slot and then enter the elevator to return at the
top level.


Walk through the doorway to enter the factory. East. East. Open the middle
locker and get the overalls. East. Use the control panel and select 2 to open
the reactor door. Exit the control panel. North. Get the LINC card. West. West.
Get the coat from the middle locker. West. West. West to exit the factory.
West. Walk through the doorway to enter the security office. Use the ID card in
the slot to return to the interface room. Use the LINC card in the slot at the
right side of the interface. Use the interface to enter Linc-Space. Use the
blind icon on the eyeball. East. Use the blind icon on the eyeball. North.
North. East. Get the tuning fork. West. Use the playback icon on the well.
Disconnect to exit Linc-Space. Use the ID card in the slot to return to the top
level. Exit the security office. East. Use the ID card in the slot and then
enter the elevator to return to the middle level.


West. Use the ID card in the slot and then enter the elevator to return to the
bottom level.


East. Talk to the gardener and say "What are those blue flowers called?". Say
"See you later...". Talk to the boy and say "What's that you're playing with?".
Say "What other games have you got?". Say "Don't wear out your thumbs!". Talk
to the gardener and say "You told me dandelions were blue!". Talk to the
gardener again and say "Do you know a girl called Anita?". Talk to the gardener
again and say "What's your name?". Walk west around the bottom of the pool.
West. Enter the courthouse. Talk about all of the topics and to exit the
courthouse. Walk through the doorway to enter the St James club. Walk down the
steps and use the jukebox. Select the song "You search, but find nothing". Wait
until the music starts stopping near the end of the song and then get the glass
from the table. Exit the club. Walk east around the top of the pond. Use the ID
card in the slot and then enter the elevator to return to the middle level.


West. West to the surgery. West. Give the glass to Burke. East. East. East. Use
the ID card in the slot and then enter the elevator to return to the bottom


West. Walk through the doorway to enter the St James club. Walk down the steps
and then use the metal plate at the left side of the door to enter the back
room. Use the metal bar on the packing case. Get the wooden lid and put it on
the box. Climb onto the box and then use the metal bar on the grill. Use the
secateurs on the grill. Enter the narrow passage to arrive in the subway.


East. North. East. Use the light bulb on the socket. East. East. East. Use the
metal bar on the plaster. Use the metal bar on the brickwork. Use the metal bar
on the swelling near the bottom of the vein. Get the brick on the floor. Use
the brick on the crowbar stuck in vein. Wait for the robot to enter the room
and then walk east. North. Use the control unit and press 2 to reduce
temperature. Use the pit and pull the metal bar on the ceiling to loosen the
grill. Exit the room. East. East. Use the circuit board on the slot on the
robot. Say "Stay close to me, Joey.". Walk through the bottom-left doorway.
West. Use the grill to see the tank room. Talk to Joey and say "I want you to
check out the tank room.". East. East. Wait for Joey to return.

Talk to Joey and say "Give me your report on the tank room.". Say "Tell me
about the nutrient tank...". Say "Open the tap on the nutrient tank...". Wait
for Joey to return. Walk through the top-left door. Walk to the exit at the
top-right corner of the room. East. Use the ID card on the terminal at the left
side of the room. Select 2, 1 to open the door. Exit the terminal. West. Look
at the corpse to get a red LINC card. Look at the robot to get the circuit
board. Walk through the top-right doorway. Use the red LINC card in the slot at
the right side of the interface and then use the interface to enter Linc-Space.

East. Use the blind icon on the eyeball. North. Use the divine wrath icon on
the crusader. Disconnect to exit Linc-Space. Use the white LINC card in the
slot and return to the interface to enter Linc-Space. East. Use the blind icon
on the eyeball. North. East. Use the oscillator on the crystal to break it. Get
the helix. Disconnect to exit Linc-Space. West. Walk through the big door at
the right side of the room. Use the white LINC card on the console. Get the
tongs near the doorway at the right side of the room. Use the tongs on the tank
at the right side of the room. Quickly use the tongs on the tank at the bottom
of the room to freeze the tissue. East.

Open the cabinet at the right side of the middle android. Use the circuit board
on the cabinet. Use the console above the cabinet and select 2 to download
character data. Select 0, 3 to run startup program. Exit the console. East.
Talk to Joey and say "Place your hand on that lock sensor...". Use the hand
panel to open the door. East. East. Use the cable on the pipe support. Use the
rungs at the right side of the pipe to climb down to the area with the orifice.
Use the tongs on the orifice and then use the cable. Talk to Joey and say "Sit
in that chair!" to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found by talking to Joey about the statue in the insurance office on the
middle level. It is combined with the cable in the inventory to get the
grappling hook.

Found by using the metal bar on the brickwork in the subway. It is used on
the crowbar stuck in the vein in the subway.

After talking to Joey about the cable on the top level, the cable is found on
the middle level. It is combined with the anchor in the inventory to get the
grappling hook.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the robot shell in the
recycling plant. The circuit board is found again after arriving on the
bottom level. It is used on the slot on the robot in the subway.

Found in the bowl in Piermont's flat. They are used on the plank at the
top-left corner of the pool on the bottom level.

Found on the table in the St James Club. It is given to Burke in the surgery
on the middle level.

Found by searching the corpse in the basement of the recycling plant. They
are not used.

Found by combining the anchor with the cable in the inventory. It is used on
the sign outside the recycling plant.

Found by searching the corpse in the basement of the recycling plant. It is
used on the elevator slot. It is used to enter Lamb and Reich's flat on the
middle level. It is used on the lock on the door on the bottom level. It is
used on the terminal on the top floor of the security building and in the

Found in the control panel room on the top floor. It is used on the socket in
the subway.

Found in the reactor in the factory on the top floor. It is used on the
interface slot on the top floor of the security office. It is used on the
interface slot in the subway. It is used on the console in the subway.

Found by looking at the corpse in the subway. It is used on the interface
slot in the subway.

Found under the pillow in Reich's flat on the middle level. It is given to
the man in the travel company shop.

Found in the recycling plant. It is used on the door in the recycling plant.
It is used on the packing case and the grill in the back room of the St James
Club. It is used on the plaster, brickwork and vein in the subway. It is used
on the ceiling in the room with the pit in the subway.

Found on the rail in the factory storeroom on the top level. It is used on
the light socket in the control panel room on the top level.

Found in the cupboard in the recycling plant. It is not used.

Found by opening the door on the bottom level. They are used on the grill in
the back room of the St James Club.

Found after booking the economy tour in the travel company shop on the middle
level. It is given to Lamb on the top level.

Found in the rooms with the tanks in the subway. They are used on the right
tank and the bottom tank. They are used on the orifice at the bottom of the

Found on the book case in Lamb's flat. It is used on the VCR in Piermont's

Found in the cupboard in the recycling plant. It is used on the cogs in the
factory. It is used on the buttons in the control room on the top level.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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