Alien Incident

Alien Incident

17.10.2013 15:48:58

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 25th Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Alien Incident is a short adventure game made by GameTek. Visiting his uncle's
house at Halloween, Ben discovers that his uncle has been working on a new
invention that has caused aliens to visit Earth. While Ben hides, the aliens
storm into the house and take Ben's uncle to their ship. Suspecting that there
may still be a human inside the house, a group of aliens remain outside. After
finding a way to escape from the house, Ben must try to construct a transporter
device that will take him to the alien ship.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the laboratory. Look in the trashcan to find a piece of
paper. Get the rope on top of the table. Exit the laboratory. Walk to the left
side of the hall and look at the lab coat to find a stethoscope. Walk through
the nearby doorway to enter the kitchen. Get the moldy bread from the counter.
Open the fridge and get the crowbar and the growth potion. Get the matches and
the fuse from the secretaire at the right side of the room. Exit the kitchen.
Return to the laboratory. Open the fuse box and then use the fuse on it. Use
the crowbar on the loose plank and then get the big key. Exit the laboratory.

Walk up the steps. Use the growth potion on the plant and a pumpkin will grow.
Use the crowbar on the pumpkin to get it. Open the right door and enter the
bedroom. Open the cabinet at the left side of the room and get the video
cassette. Get the walkman on the bed. Get the hammer near the speaker. Exit the
bedroom. Open the left door and enter the bedroom. Turn on the lamp in the dark
at the left side of the room. Move the pillow on the right bed and get the
small key. Open the desk drawer below the lamp and get the note. Get the remote
control on top of the dresser. Exit the bedroom.

Use the big key on the middle door and enter the library. Use the small key on
the padlock at the right side of the right bookshelf. Push the bookshelf to
reveal a safe. Use the stethoscope on the safe to open it. Get the floppy disk
and the key. Exit the library. Walk down the steps and enter the laboratory.
Use the floppy disk on the floppy toaster. Use the computer to open the
elevator control system. Select the up button to move the elevator to the top
floor. Quit the computer. Exit the laboratory. Walk up the steps. Enter the
left bedroom. Use the key on the closet and then enter the closet to travel
down to the basement. Get the battery from the hatch. Use the elevator to
return to the top floor. Exit the bedroom.

Walk down the steps. Combine the battery with the remote control in the
inventory. Use the remote control on the flashing door at the left side of the
hall to open the door. Walk through the doorway to enter the flower room. Get
the radio on the table. Get the scissors on the desk. Use the video cassette
with the VCR. Use the remote control with the TV. Get the arrow from the dish
and the video casette from the VCR. Exit the flower room. Walk up the steps.
Enter the left bedroom. Enter the closet to travel down to the basement. Use
the rope on the ring near the shaft. Use the shaft to enter the sewer. Get the
piece of paper on the pile of trash. Use the handle to lower the water. Press
the button near the floor to make a ladder appear. Climb up the ladder to exit
the sewer. Open the front door to return to the house. Enter the laboratory.
Get the fuse from the fuse box. Exit the laboratory. Exit the house.


Walk west. East to the crossroads. South. Talk to the hippy. Say "Who are you
anyway?", "Benjamin. Just call me Ben. My uncle's a mad scientist.", "That
seems like a cool game. Can I try it out?", "Like what?", "OK. Give me the
Gameson and I'll give you the walkman." to receive the Gameson. West. West.
Walk to the left side of the area and talk to the old man to receive the
picklock. Say "Think of a way to save my uncle and the universe.". Give the
blueprints, radio, and Gameson to Yodie. East. East. North to the crossroads.
West. West. Use the matches on the mailbox to wake Sluggs.

Enter the antique shop to talk to the shop owner. Say "Perhaps I have something
here you'd like to trade it to..." and then select the arrow to receive the
diving suit. Outside the shop, walk to the road. Talk to Sluggs to get the
observatory keys. South. East to the crossroads. South. West. West. Enter
Yodie's house. Give the moldy bread to the parrot and he will reveal a secret
safe. Get the teleport engine from the safe. Look at the runestone on the table
to reveal the blueberry password. Exit Yodie's house. North to the observatory.

Use the observatory keys on the door. Open the door to enter the oberservatory.
Look at the painting to reveal a fuse box. Put the fuse in the fuse box. Use
the circuit breaker at the left side of the room to turn the power on. Walk up
the steps. Put the disk in the disk drive below the switch. Use the teleport
engine in the inventory to get the Gameson. Put the Gameson in the slot. Pull
the switch at the left side of the monitor. Pull the lever at the right side of
the telescope to make it point to the alien ship. Use the monitor and select
the Save Coordinates option. Exit the monitor. Get the disk from the disk drive
and the Gameson from the slot. Walk down the steps and exit the observatory.

East. East. North to the crossroads. North to the cemetery. Walk over to the
right side of the cemetery and talk to the statue. Select any option and then
talk to the statue again. Say "Look! A blueberry." to remove the lasers. Walk
through the hole to enter a tunnel. West. Use the diving suit on the puddle.
Down. Use the picklock on the chest to open it. Look at the chest to get the
old key. Up. Up. Use the old key on the door. West. Climb down the ladder. Push
the button at the left side of the machine. Pull the switch at the right side
of the room. Climb up the ladder. Pull the switch. North. Up. Use the diving
suit on the puddle. Down. West through the propeller to enter the maze.

North. East. North. North. North. North. East. North. Get the pickaxe. South.
West. South. West. West. West. West. South. South to exit the cave. Use the
pickaxe on the fence. Use the right doorway to climb along the rope. Enter the
doorway to return to the maze. North. West. North. North. East. North. North.
North. North. North. North. North. North. East. East. South. South. South. Try
to exit the room and a doorway will open. Awlox appears and gives Ben a phone
number. Ben is then transported to the cemetery. West to the crossroads. South.
West to the park. Get the phone receiver. Combine the Gameson with the super
radio to make the teleport engine. Use the teleport engine on the broken
machinery. Use the phone number on the phone to transport to the alien ship.


Combine the scissors with the pumpkin in the inventory. Use the pumpkin mask to
wear it. Exit the room. East to return to the transporter room. Get the
security card from the console. West. West. Use the door and select the
security card to see seven decks that can be selected from the five columns.
Select the deck on the third column. East. Use the button three times and get
the tickets from the slot. West. Use the elevator and select the security card.
Select the deck on the fourth column.

Open the door to enter the jail. Walk over to the left side of the jail to talk
to the guard. Say "The Boss wants to see you. Now." and he will leave. Walk to
the right side of the jail and get the red security card from the slot. Use the
red security card on the slot to open the door. East. Open the right door and
select the red security card. Select the deck on the first column. Talk to the
maintenance man and say "Need any help with that?", "Are those security cards
you got there?", "I'm the Commander of this ship." to get the badge. Use the
elevator and select the red security card. Select the deck on the third column.

East. Get the ring on the floor. Try to exit the room and Ben will be called
into the Boss's office to be given a green security card. West. Use the
elevator and select the red security card. Select the deck on the fourth
column. Open the door. Walk to the left side of the room and use the ring on
the panel slot to turn on the display. Look at the display. Walk to the right
side of the jail and use the red security card on the slot. East. Open the
right door and select the red security card. Select the deck on the third
column. Walk to the right side of the room and use the red security card on the
console. Press the down arrow to select room 38 and then select the three
buttons to open the cells. Use the elevator and select the red security card.
Select the deck on the fourth column. Open the door to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found by using the remote control on the TV in the flower room. It is given
to Sluggs in the antique shop to get the diving suit.

Found by talking to the maintenance man on the ship. It is not used.

Found in the hatch in the basement. It is combined with the remote control in
the inventory.

Found by using the crowbar on the loose plank in the laboratory. It is used
on the library door.

Found on the pile of trash in the sewer. It is given to Yodie.

Found in the fridge in the kitchen. It is used on loose plank in the bedroom.
After the growth potion has been used on the plant in the house, the crowbar
is used on the pumpkin.

Found in the safe in the library. It is used on the disk drive in the

Found by giving the arrow to Sluggs in the antique shop. It is used on the
puddle in the cave.

Found in the safe in the library. It is used on the floppy toaster in the

Found on the secretaire in the kitchen. It is used on the fuse box in the
laboratory. It is used on the fuse box in the observatory.

Found by talking to the hippy. It is given to Yodie. It is used on the slot
in the observatory. It is combined with the super radio in the inventory to
get the teleport engine.

Found in the fridge in the kitchen. It is used on the plant in the house.

Found near the speaker in the bedroom. It is not used.

Found in the safe in the library. It is used on the closet in the bedroom.

Found by using the button three times on the ticket machine on the ship. They
are not used.

Found on the secretaire in the kitchen. They are used on the mailbox near
Sluggs' house.

Found on the counter in the kitchen. It is given to the parrot in Yodie's

Found in the desk drawer in the bedroom. It is not used.

Found by talking to Sluggs after waking him. They are used on the observatory

Found by looking at the chest in the water in the cave. It is used on the
door in the cave.

Found by looking at the trashcan in the laboratory. It is not used.

Found by talking to Awlox in the maze. It is used on the phone.

Found on the skeleton in the maze. It is used on the fence outside the cave.

Found by talking to Yodie. It is used on the chest in the water in the cave.

Found by using the crowbar on the pumpkin after using the growth potion on
the plant in the house. It is combined with the scissors in the inventory to
get the pumpkin mask.

Found by combining the scissors with the pumpkin in the inventory. It is used
in the inventory on the ship.

Found by using the button on the ticket machine on the ship. It is not used.

Found by using the button twice on the ticket machine on the ship. It is not

Found on the table in the flower room. It is given to Yodie.

Found on top of the dresser in the bedroom. It is combined with the battery
in the inventory. It is used on the flashing door in the house. It is used on
the TV in the flower room.

Found on the floor on the third column deck on the ship. It is used on the
slot in the panel on the fourth column deck on the ship.

Found after getting the pickaxe from the maze. It is used on the fence
outside the maze.

Found on the desk in the flower room. It is combined with the pumpkin in the
inventory to get the pumpkin mask.

Found in the console in the transporter room. It is used to access the third,
fourth and fifth column decks.

Found in the slot in the jail. It is used to access the first, third, fourth
and fifth column decks.

Found by talking to the Boss on the ship. It is used to access the first and
third column decks.

Found under the pillow on the right bed in the bedroom. It is used on the
padlock in the library.

Found in the lab coat in the hall in the house. It is used on the safe in the

Found by using the teleport engine in the inventory. It is combined with the
Gameson to get the teleport engine.

Found in the safe in Yodie's house. It is used on the broken machinery near
the phone.

Found in the cabinet in the bedroom. It is used on the VCR in the flower

Found on the bed in the bedroom. It is given to the hippy to get the Gameson.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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