CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dark Motives

14.10.2013 09:21:40
CSI: Dark Motives Guide by Grawl
grawler (@t) gmail (d.t) com
10/21/06 - Version 1.3


It seems thousands of players enjoy my guide, seeing the countless mails I
receive. This makes me very happy, since it means my guide actually has some
use ;p So I'm asking you, if you're enjoying this guide, could you perhaps
donate some money? Heck, I'll be happy with your 2 bucks you were going to
spent on a cheeseburger later ;p Thank you!



Every question, feedback, comment etc. can be mailed. Put "CSI: DM Guide"
in the subject, so I can pick out the mails easily. Thanks! Also add where you
found the guide, is possible.

I'm not related to Ubisoft. This FAQ has been made for fun, not to make any
money out of it. Don't use this FAQ on your site/magazine etc. without my
permission. Copyright (c) 2005 by Grawl. I keep a list of sites that are
allowed to use my guide. Using this guide without my permission will lead to a
lawsuit, not matter what.

To make searching easier, I added search-codes in the TOC. Just press CTRL + F
and enter the code to jump to that part immediately.

Table of Contents [DM.00.00]

* Table of Contents.................................................[DM.00.00]
* History & Next Version............................................[DM.01.01]
* Introduction......................................................[DM.02.01]
* Walkthrough.......................................................[DM.03.01]
* Case 1: Daredevil Disaster......................................[DM.03.02]
* Case 2: Prints and Pauper.......................................[DM.03.03]
* Case 3: Diggin' It..............................................[DM.03.04]
* Case 4: Miss Direction..........................................[DM.03.05]
* Case 5: Dragon and Dropping.....................................[DM.03.06]
* FAQ...............................................................[DM.04.01]
* Conclusion........................................................[DM.05.01]

History & Next Version [DM.01.01]

Version 1.0 (06/20/05) - Everything is new. (28,3KB)
Version 1.1 (06/28/05) - Fixed a small mistake. Now you should be able to
solve case 1 without a problem. Also wont the bounty of IGN.com. Yay for
World of Warcraft ;p (28,6KB)
Version 1.2 (07/31/05) - Fixed a very small mistake, but this should REALLY
fix it, so you can finish case 1. I hope. (28,7KB)
Version 1.3 (10/21/06) - Hopefully finally fixed the problem why case 1
couldn't be finished using my guide. Give the spring to Greg. Also missed
evidence in case 3. (29,0KB)

Introduction [DM.02.01]

I doubt you never heard of CSI before. It's one of the most famous police
series. I recently played Still Life, and this game seemed to just fit in the
same alley. That, and I can't play Guild Wars all the time. Not only that, it
seems IGN needs this guide, and who am I to ignore them?

Walkthrough [DM.03.01]

Set up your options. If it's your first time, don't bother with that, and just
start a new game. Enter your name, and you're ready to go.

Note that every time you ask your partner for a hint, you'll lose points. If
you play on the Beginner mode, you'll never the full points etc. Unless you
really care about the ranking, ignore this. You'll unlock extra's when you
get the most points, but you can always go through it again. Then again, why
not just try it the hardest right away, since you'll be using this guide
anyway ;p

Also note that at the end of every case, you get a pop quiz. You can score
points with this, which unlocks secrets. The thing is; the questions are
random, and different (most of them) for every difficulty you're playing at.
I'll figure them all out later. For now, try to answer them yourself.

When I tell you to pick something up, figure out yourself it the tweezers or
gloves are needed. You can't mess things up. Also, when you need to get a
fingerprint, you can do that in 3 ways. Once again, there is no way to mess it
up, so just try it.

Case 1: Daredevil Disaster [DM.03.02]

Location: Disc 1

You'll get introduced to the team. There has been an accident with some
daredevil. If it's really an accident, is up to you to discovered. You can go
to various locations. First go through the building itself to meet the staff.
The tutorial will explain how.

Go to the hospital, and talk to the victim. He seems a bit cocky about it.
If you're done asking, you'll find out David McLadden checks his bike, but
took longer than usual. He did his trick, but he couldn't stop the bike. Cory
Muzotti seems to be his producer, but you won't get any information on that

Now go to the construction site. Zoom in on the truck, and use the swab on
the stuff. Then go to the bike, then zoom in near the lamp. Grab the sticker
with the tweezers. Then zoom in on the middle of the bike two times, and
use the gloves to pick up the spring. Zoom in a bit more, and use the powder
to find a fingerprint on the engine. In the same area, find yourself a cable
near the throttle, and use the swab to pick that up. Then zoom in on the
yellow stuff near the bike, and use the swab for that again. Look at the front
wheel, and use the adhesive lifter on that. Go back, and examine the ramp on
top. Go back, and look at the tracks on the path to the truck. Then look left
of the bike, at some sand.

Now talk to David. He tells you things didn't go as planned, he doesn't like
the producer, and he'll allow you to visit his trailer... if you have a

Go to the lab, and give the evidences to Greg. To be sure he gets everything,
just give him all of it.

Go to the office, and Jim will be happy to give you a a new location;
Draffer Promotion Office. Go there. Have a talk with the producer. Then look
at the wall behind him, and use the swab on the strange stuff on the wall.
Then look at the door, and use fingerprint powder (the normal one) to get a

Now compare the fingerprints from the engine with the ones of mister Draffer
Promotion Office. They match. Then search for the tire print you have, and
compare it with 10244. Confirm it.

Go back to the stunt site, and talk to the guy. He's very suspicious about it,
and that allows you to get a warrant for his trailer. Get it, and go there.

Now there's some stuff to do here. Look at the cup. Use the magnetic powder
on it, then pick it up with your gloves. Look at the drawer, and use the
gloves to pick up the tool (talking about Tool - great band). Look at the
trash can to find a broken video. After that, look at the dustpan on the
ground, and zoom in on the metal thing. Pick it up. Look at the broom to
finish things off.

Go back to Jim, to get the address to the bike shop that was on the sticker.
Go there, and talk to the woman inside; Leslie. She'll allow you to look
around. Look at the counter, and find the fingerprint with some powder. Go
back outside, and look at the tire marks on the ground. Use the electrostatic
dust print lifter (what a name) on it.

Back to the lab! Give him the rest of your evidence. You'll get 4 images back,
which were taken from the tape you collected. Combine the small metal piece
with the spring (to do so, double click on the spring, and move the small
piece onto the big picture). While it's still opened, use the scope on it, and
look at the part where the two parts were put together. Now let's do some
research. Use the computer. Don't forget to give the spring to Greg.

First some finger prints. Put the coffee cup fingerprint there, and the
counter fingerprint, search, and confirm it with Muzotti, Cory. Now compare
the doorway fingerprint with the engine fingerprint, and confirm it. Next,
compare it with the coffee cup fingerprint, and confirm it. Now confirm the
engine fingerprint with the coffee cup fingerprint, and confirm it again.

Now the tire treads. Search on the thread you found at the garage, and compare
it to code 91321. Now confirm the treads you have with each other, and voila.

Go back, and use the microscope, and use it on image 4. Now let's ask the
trailer guy about it. Go to the stunt site, and ask him about it. After that,
go to Draffler's Office, and ask him all the stuff. Did that? Good, now
visit the shop, ask the woman what you can, and finally ask the victim about
it. Phew!

Time to ask for a warrant. Go to Brass, and ask for a warrant for the
Draffler Office. Head there, and you'll be able to have some fun. Look at the
desk to find a letter. Pick it up with your gloves. After that, use the
computer, check his mail, and find the encrypted mail.

Head to the lab, and give the data disk. Use the computer, head to the
search links/special, and decrypt the encrypted mail. Apparently he sent a
mail about Komawa to Leslie. Head to the shop, and ask her.

Time to look around the shop. Ask for a warrant, and go back. Look on the
computer, to find a mail from mister producer. Now look under the desk, and
you'll find two things. An envelope full of money (find the fingerprints,
take them, and pick it up) and a lottery ticket. Grab both, then look on the
desk ahead of you, underneath the paintings. Look at the receipts. All free
of charge. Pick them up, and finally, look on the right shelve to find the
Komawa. It's a tool, it seems. Find the fingerprints on it, and pick it up
with your gloves.

Head to te lab, give the stuff, and compare the fingerprints of Cory with the
fingerprints that you found on the counter.

Go to the hospital, and ask what you can. Then ask for a warrant for Leslie
herself. Ask what you can, and you'll get a fingerprint.

Go back to the lab, and give all the evidence to Greg. Compare the
fingerprints of the tool with the one of Leslie.

First get a warrant for Leslie, then ask one for David, and finally for

Case 2: Prints and Pauper [DM.03.03]

Location: Disc 2

We have a victim, which seems to be a homeless bum. Or not quite... Go to the
morgue, and talk to Doc. You'll get the DNA of the guy. Now look at the
corpse. Look at the chest, left shoulder, left hand and stomach area. After
that, look at the pants next to his right hand, and use the swab on the stain.

Visit the lab, and give Greg the DNA and the stain of the pants you got. Use
the computer to compare the DNA of the guy, and the stain. They don't match.

Go talk to Brass. He'll give you two new locations; abandoned asylum and Le
Figaro. Go to the first place first.

A lot to discover here. Look at the blood on the floor. See the crack? Click
on it two times to find a larva. Pick it up. Now find the shoe print right of
the blood. Take a sample of it. More to the right is some pool. Use the swab
to get a sample. Then look above the pool, and use the swab on the paint. Turn
around, and look at the table. Find the fingerprint on the glass, then pick it
up. Behind Warrick is some more glass. Find the fingerprint, and then pick it
up. Now move forward. Look at the floor to find another footprint. Take a
sample, and look at the wheelchair ahead. The handle has a fingerprint, the
bar underneath the handle has a code (use mikrosil on it), and the seat of the
wheelchair has a code, the UV will spot.

Go to the restaurant, and talk to the owner. After that, go to the alley and
look at the top of the fence to find some cloth. Look in the dumpster. Pick up
the receipts (3 of them), and look at the meat, in the top right corner. Zoom
in on it with your scope, and you'll find powder. Use adhesive specimen
mount to get that.

Give Greg all the stuff in the lab (the glass will come later). Compare the
muddy footprint with code 5923. Then use the microscope, and compare the
blowfly with a blowfly of 28 hours.

Talk to Doc in the morgue for some more information. Now go to Brass to get
a new location; the hangout. Also let him trace the wheelchair number and
get a warrant to get the credit card number from the owner of the restaurant.

Head to the hangout first, and pick up the notepad. Then look at the table on
the right, and find the print on the can. Pick the can up. Move to the pool
table, and pick up the cigarette in the ashtray.

Go to the restaurant, and get some info about the credit card. Give all the
stuff to Greg, and then use the computer to find out the owner of the credit-
card. Go there, and ask what you can. Go to the restaurant, and ask about
the woman (Clair Thomas).

Head to the lab again, and combine the fingerprints of the glass, then
combine those with the fingerprint of the can. Voila. Look it up in the
computer and compare it to Jackson, Lane.

You got the pawn shop a bit earlier from Greg, so go there. Look at the sign.
Seems they are closed. Move back, and look at the cigarette on the floor. Pick
it up. Then look at the trash can, and pick up the note.

Once again, go to Greg. Give the stuff, and compare the 2 cigarettes with each
other. Go back to the pawn shop, and look at the right side of the screen.
Pick up the ring, and look at the jacket. Pick up the hair, then pick up the

Lab once again. Give him the stuff and then compare the hair you found with
the Singapore cat. Talk to Doc in the morgue about how tall the man was, and
what size his ring was. Then to go Brass to find out about the cat. Go to
the condo, and ask about the cat.

First head to the pawn shop, and talk to the man. Then go ask for warrant for
the condo. Look around the place. Look at the box first. Then look at the
painting and zoom in on the tie. The fireplace has a larva and a note, and
finally, the box has some hair.

Get a warrant for Markus van der Hellen. You'll get his DNA and fingerprints,
but it doesn't match the DNA of the stain, or the fingerprint of the one
on the wheelchair (check it out though).

Back to the lab. Give the stuff you found. Compare the hair you found in the
condo with the hair on the jacket. It's a match. Then compare the DNA of the
larva with the victim's DNA. Voila.

Let's get Claire in the house. Get a warrant for her, and ask her the
questions. This'll get you her fingerprint and DNA. Now let's finish this
case. Compare her fingerprint with the one on the wheelchair, and the DNA of
the stain. Get her back, and the mystery is solved.

Case 3: Diggin' It [DM.03.04]

Location: Disc 2

Head to the digging site. Talk to the guy (Elliot). Now head to the digging
hole. Look at the skeleton. Look at the head, mouth, left eye (grab the
glass) and the hand. Remove the dust. Look closely at the index finger. Left
of the skeleton is a dark spot. Use the adhesive specimen mount on that.
Move away, and look at the ground underneath the light, right of the tree.
Look at the ground on the top of the screen, and pick up the artifact. Then
look at the track marks, and use the casting plaster on it.

Head to the lab, and give the stuff to Greg. Compare the stuff in the
computer, but you won't find a thing. Go to Brass, and ask what you can.

Head to the dig site, and talk to the other man (John). After that, talk to
Eliot. There is a box next to John now. Look in it, and look at the watch.
Grab that. Then look at the bat. Use the UV on the right side of the batch.
Then use the scope on the left side of the batch. Pick up the glass you find.
Pick the bat up and leave... to the lab (it almost sounds amazing, right?).

Give the stuff to Greg. Use the microscope, and compare the pieces of glass.
They match. Let's head to the Doc in the morgue. Ask what you can to get
some stuff. Then look at the victim. Look at his right hands, then at his
2nd finger. Pick up the fiber.

Go to the lab, and give Greg the stuff. Go to Brass, and ask what you can.
You'll get some new locations. First head to the psychic. Ask what you can,
then look at the shelf, then the carpet. Pick up the fiber.

Visit the court. Talk to the guy. Another not-so-nice-guy. Head to Brass, and
ask what you can. Get a warrant for the court. Look at the statue there. Use
luminol on the statue to view the blood. Then pick it up. Look at the box,
and grab the letter. Look at the shelves, and pick up the axe. Then look at
the computer, and grab the tape.

We got more evidence. Give them to Greg at the lab. Use the computer and look
at the tape you found. You'll get a photo. Not because of the tape, but
because of Greg. Like you care. You got it ;p

Go to the morgue, and ask what you can. Then go to the psychic, and ask what
you can. Now head to Brass, and ask what you can. A lot of variety, right?
Well we're not done. Head to the digging site and talk to John, and ask what
you can. Finally, head to Brass once again, and get a warrant for Kilborn.
Ask whatever you can.

At the lab, give the stuff to Greg, and compare the DNA of Adam Kilborn with
the DNA of the blood on the statue. No match, so the story was true. Now ask
a warrant for the trailer from Brass.

Look at the tires, and use the adhesive lifter on it. Then look at the top of
the area, and use the swab on the stuff. Enter the trailer, and look at the
carpet. Pick up the fibers. Look at the shovel, and use the swab on the blood.
Look at the cabinet. Then look at the wall near the cabinet, and use the
luminol on it. Use the swab on that.

Give Greg the stuff you found. Use the microscope to compare the old carpet
fiber with the fiber of the victim. Then use the computer, and compare the
trailer tread with the tread of the construction site. Then compare the blood
you found near the cabinet with the victim's DNA.

Go to the construction site, and talk to John. Then look at the tree, and grab
the nest. Show the nest to Greg, and ask for a warrant for John. Ask what you
can, then ask for a warrant for Kilborn. Ask the questions, and case solved.

Case 4: Miss Direction [DM.03.05]

Location: Disc 3

Head to the theatre. Look at the victim. Look at the chest, then at the
centre wound. Use the swab on the blood. Look at the other wound, and use the
tweezers on the squib. Look at her head, and use the UV light to find a pretty
big bruise. Then look at the table, and grab the gun. Use the swab on the
edge of the gun. Look at the mark near the woman. Then talk to the woman, and
after that talk to the man. The woman is a friend/actress, the man is the
husband of the victim.

Go to the prop room. Look at the desk, and look at the bottom box. Pick up the
bullet. Then look at the other box, and look at the side of it. Find the
fingerprint. After that, look at the tool shelf to see the missing tool.
On the other side of the room is a rifle rack, with a missing rifle. Look at
the locker, and grab the shoe, and the picture. Then look at the water on the
ground, and use the swab on it.

Head to the morgue and talk to Doc. You'll get new evidence. Look at the
fragments, and use the scope on it to find marks. Head to the lab, and give
Greg everything. Look at the picture with the microscope. Then compare the
shoe with code 28541. Also, do a search on the water.

Go back to the theatre, and talk to the woman. Then go to the prop room, and
grab a bullet from the top box. Back at the lab, give the bullet. Head back to
the morgue, and look at the centre wound. Use mikrosil on it. Not what you'd
expect, but it works. Give that to Greg.

Head to the theatre again, and look at the dummy. Turn the device on. Look
at the pit, then look at the chair. Find the fingerprint on the device, then
pick it up. Talk to the woman again.

Head to the lab, and show the stuff. Compare the fingerprint of the detonator
with Harrison, Gus. Talk to Brass, ask what you can, then get a warrant for
Gus Harrison. Ask what you can. You'll get some funky stuff. Head to the lab,
and show it to Greg. Then go to Brass, and get 2 new locations.

First head to Colby. Talk to her, but she doesn't want you poking around. Head
to Regis, but he'll say the same. So head back to Brass, and get a warrant for
Colby's house.

Go there, and tell her you got a warrant. Look at the table, and find the
fingerprint on the letter. Pick it up. Then look at the panties under the
cough. Pick it up, and use the UV on it. Look at the diploma to see where she
studied. Give this to Greg. Compare the fingerprint of the letter with the one
of the prop room. Then compare the DNA on the panties with the victim. They
match. Woo lesbians!

Talk to Brass, ask what you can, and get a warrant for Colby. You'll get her
fingerprint. Then go to Brass, and ask for a warrant for Regis' house. Tell him
the good news, then look around. Grab the shoes. Look at the shelf above them.
Then look at the sink, and the soap. Grab the soap. Look at the thermos, and
pick that up too. Last thing, look at the drawer, and pick the tool up.

Head to the theatre, and turn the device on the dummy on. Head to the balcony.
You'll find a stain here, so use the swab on it. Then look at the footprints,
and take samples (2 different types). And finally, look at the black powder
on the edge, and take a sample.

Give it all to Greg, as usual. Compare the shoe of Regis with the print on the
balcony. They match. Then compare the shoe from the locker with the other
print. Then search up info about the water in the thermos, and the water on
the balcony. Enough reason to get him a warrant. Get him in, and talk to him.
You'll get his fingerprint. Compare the print with the letter you found, and
with the print from the prop room. Get him in again, and you solved the case.

Case 5: Dragon and Dropping [DM.03.06]

Location: Disc 3

Ah, the final case. Not a very hard one. Go to the circus, and talk to the
man. Then look at the cage on your left. Look at the wood. Zoom in, to find a
hair. Pick it up. Then look at the blood, and you'll find a toe. Pick it up.
Look further to the left, and look at the tracks. Take a sample, then look at
the cactus. Find the piece of cloth. There is another cage further on the left
with a snake in it. Ask the man what you can - again.

Go to the funeral, and talk to the man. Then head to the lab, and give Greg
his stuff. Use the compare to compare the fingerprint with the profile of
Petrenko, Domenic. Then head back to the funeral, and talk to the man again.

Visit Brass, and ask what you can to get 2 new locations. Head to the
imports first. Look at the aquarium. Then look at the cage on the right, and
pick up the paper. Look at the marks near the chair, and discover the blood.
Use the swab on it. There is a cage left of it, and the dragon is there. Not
living anymore though. Also take a sample of the marks of the car. On the
desk is a slip.

After that, visit the doctor's office. Talk to him. Go back to the lab, and
give Greg the stuff. Compare the DNA of the blood in the office with the DNA
of the toe. A match. Head to Brass, and ask everything for another new
locations. The office of the circus. First show Greg the slip, then head to
the office.

Talk to the man, then head to the morgue and ask what you can. Head to Brass
and get a warrant for the circus office. Head there. Look at the books on the
right, and pick up the note with the phone number. Look at the phone, and
redial the number. Then look at the jacket, and zoom in on it. Take the flake.
There is a pile of stuff too. On top is a picture. Find the fingerprint, and
then take it. Talk to the man, and then head to the lab.

Give Greg the stuff. Compare the Polaroid print with Petrenko, Domenic. Go to
Brass, and get a warrant for Arnold Ziegler. Ask whatever you can. You'll end
up in Brass' office again. You can interview a Domenic himself. Do so, and ask
what you can.

Head to the morgue, and retrieve the body. Look at the stomach, and use the
swab on it. Also look at the head. Then give the stuff to Greg. Use the
computer to compare the Komodo swab 1 with the hair you found. Compare swab 2
with record 54200.

Ask Brass about it. Head to the doctor, and ask what you can. Head to Brass
again for another question. Then head to the funeral, and talk to the man
there. You are allowed to look around. Enter the room ahead. Look at the
trash can, and look at the right side of the bag. Zoom in, and pick up the
fragment. Then do the same on the left side, and use the luminol on that spot.
Use the swab on the liquid. Look at the counter, and grab the key chain. Look
at the books, and open the binder. Take the piece of paper. Look in the
drawer to find a note. Look at the diploma. Also take a sample of the marks
of the car.

Time to investigate. Head to the lab, and give Greg all the stuff. Be sure to
give the paper after the key chain. Use the microscope, and compare the cloth
on the cactus with the fragment of the bag. Then use the computer to compare
the tracks of the funeral with the tracks of the circus. Then compare the
DNA of the bag with the hair, then with swab 1. Go to the special part, and
search on the paper and note.

Fhew... go to the funeral, and talk to the man. Go to the doctor, and talk to
that guy. Back to the funeral, to talk with the guy again. Go to Brass, and
ask for a warrant for the funeral. Go there, and enter the room you weren't
allowed in before. Look at the corpse (of the bum), and look underneath it.
Head to Brass, and ask for a warrant. Victor is missing though. Head to the
doctor's office, and you'll be able to finish the game. Congratulations.

Note: I wonder, if this guy is so religious, why does he kill, and commit
suicide? That's not allowed.

Also, you unlocked the bonus material. If you can't access it, check below.

FAQ [DM.04.01]

Q: Can I die in this game?
A: Nope, it's safe.

Q: You missed something/something isn't working!
A: I'm sorry. It's really easy to miss something in this game. Drop me a mail
and I'll fix it for you.

Q: The game crashes for me.
A: Try to patch it. If you did, then install it without the patch. It sounds
weird, but it did the trick for me. Also, try to see if a full install
works better than the minimum install.

Q: I can't view the bonus material.
A: You need to upgrade the game to version 1.01.

Conclusion [DM.05.01]

I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it. If you encounter
problems, feel free to mail me. Also suggestions, feedback, comment etc. are
accepted. The mail addy is on top of this file.

Thanks-list: Jolene Legacy, Rain X

And especially you, for reading this.

For other guides, you can check this link:

Copyright (c) 2005 by Grawl. All rights reserved.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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