Beavis & Butthead - Virtual Stupidity

Beavis & Butthead - Virtual Stupidity

17.10.2013 09:31:12

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 10th Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Rarely has an adventure game without any major plot been so fun. There is a
vague theme about Beavis and Butthead wanting to join a gang so they can be
cool, but the real strength of this game comes from the commentary of Beavis
and Butthead as the player guides them through their virtual world. All of the
major characters from the TV show are in the game, and the same sense of humour
shown in the series is matched perfectly here, even down to the voices. With
the inclusion of hidden mini-games and music videos, Virtual Stupidity is an
extremely good adventure game with a refreshingly easygoing style.


2. Walkthrough



Get the bathroom pass and show it to the teacher to leave the classroom. Walk
east and get the chewing gum from the water fountain. Open the right door to
enter the gym. Use the springboard and select the vaulting horse. From the
vaulting horse, select the springboard again to jump up to the ladder. Climb up
the ladder to arrive on the roof. Get the stick and use it on the fan. Use the
side of the school building to start the Hock-A-Loogie mini-game.

After a while, the principal will appear. After every ten normal spits, Beavis
or Butthead will spit a green loogie when you click the right-mouse button.
Spit the loogie onto the principal's head and he will rush into the school. Use
the ventilation shaft to return to the hall and then open the left door to exit
the school. Walk west to view the map.


Talk to the man on the bench. Select Butthead twice and ask about food. Walk
west and use the dustbin to tip it over. Get the flyer. Exit the park.


Enter the food mart and attempt to get the nachos. Talk to Mr. Anderson about
nachos and money. Exit the food mart.


Talk to Buzzcut by the tank and ask about Mr. Anderson. Talk to the guitar
player and select Butthead. Ask about the whales. Exit the area.


Give the flyer to the woman. Get the poetry book on the chair at the top-right
corner of the coffee house. Drink the three cups of coffee on the tables and
then talk to the man at the bar about coffee. Use the coffee machine. Exit the
coffee house.


Use the top of the tank twice to enter the tank. Beavis and Butthead drive the
tank through town and end up in Highland Penitentiary.


Get the soap from the sink and use it on Beavis. Talk to Leroy and select
Beavis. The guard will come in and slip on the soap, leaving his keys on the
floor. Get the keys and use them to open the door. Walk west to the yard and
get the pillow on the bench. Enter the insane wing and get the camera and the
teddy bear. Open the cupboard and get the shock machine. Exit the insane wing
and walk west to return to the cell. Give the pillow to the man under the bed
to get the film. Combine the film with the camera in the inventory.

Walk west to the yard and use the camera on the man with the quarter three
times to start a fight. Use the keys to unlock the cell door and walk west to
return to the yard. Get the quarter from the floor. Walk east and get the towel
near the exit. Return to the cell and give the quarter to Leroy. Walk east and
use the shock machine on the guard's chair. Use the van to travel to the house.


Get a plank and use it on the ball. Use the plank to enter the slaughterhouse.
Beavis and Butthead will bring Todd back to their house. Return to the
slaughterhouse and turn the dial on the machine. Pull the lever and get the axe
and steak. Exit the slaughterhouse and get the license plate. Exit the area.


Get the burger on the table near the woman. Enter the back room and get the
spatula. Exit Burger World.


Talk to the farmer about Todd and the barn. Exit the farm.


Talk to Mr. Anderson about Todd and the remote control. Exit the area.


Get the snake eye from the container on the desk. Use the rabbit to get a
string. Exit the shop.


Combine the chewing gum with the string in the inventory. Use the gum and
string on the grate to get a quarter. Exit the house.


Enter the bathroom and use the quarter on the condom machine. Get the condom
and exit the coffee house.


Use the condom on the petrol pump to inflate it. Exit the area.


Enter the school. Give the inflated condom to the janitor and he will make it
into a balloon dog. Exit the school.


Give the steak and the balloon dog to the dog, and then use the chain cutters
on the chain to free the dog. Get the hammer. Use the hole to enter the
penitentiary. Walk west and open the door to return to the insane asylum. Give
the snake eye to the man reading the book, and then talk to the man to get the
book. Exit the insane asylum and walk west to the cell. Give the book to the
man under the bed and get the false teeth. Use the hole to exit the cell and
walk west to exit the area.


Try to get the dead squirrel and a car will appear. Exit the park.


Talk to the taxidermist about roadkill and she will leave her pen on the
window. Get the pen and exit the shop.


Use the pen on the free parking sign to move the car. Use the spatula on the
roadkill. Use the hammer on the spatula. Get the roadkill and exit the park.


Give the roadkill to the taxidermist to get the stuffed squirrel. Talk to the
taxidermist about the bear. Exit the shop.


Enter the school and give the stuffed squirrel to the janitor. Open the doors
at the right side of the hall to enter the gym. Use the rope, and then use the
towel on Beavis to make him climb up to the top. Use the axe on the rope to
enter the boiler room. Open the file cabinet and get the file. Get the bucket
of paint and exit the boiler room. Use the file on locker 69 to get Todd's
keys. Exit the school.


Talk to Mr. Buzzcut and then use the hand icon on him. Exit the coffee house.


Look behind the bear. Use the front of the bear and then the back of the bear
to find the remote control. Get the remote control and exit the area.


Give the false teeth to the farmer. Use the remote control on the barn door.
Enter the barn and get the license plate from the car. Use the bucket of paint,
Todd's license plate and Todd's keys on the car.


Talk to Daria with Butthead to exit the car. Use Todd's keys on the car to
complete the game.


3. Item List


Found by turning the dial and pulling the lever on the machine in the
slaughterhouse. After Beavis climbs to the top of the rope in the school gym,
the axe is used on the rope.

Found by giving the inflated condom to the janitor in the school hall. It is
given to the dog outside Highland Penitentiary.

Found on the wall in the school classroom. It is shown to the teacher.

Found on the floor in the insane wing at Highland Penitentiary. They can be
given to the man under the bed in Highland Penitentiary.

After giving the snake eye to the man reading the book in the insane asylum
at Highland Penitentiary, talk to the man to receive the book. It is given to
the man under the bed in Highland Penitentiary.

Found in the boiler room at the school. It is used on Todd's car in the barn
at the farm.

Found on top of the cupboard in the insane wing at Highland Penitentiary.
After the camera has the film in it, it is used on the man at the left side
of the yard.

Found by giving the pillow to the man under the cell bed in Highland
Penitentiary. It is combined with the camera in the inventory.

Found outside the slaughterhouse. They are used on the dog chain outside
Highland Penitentiary.

Found on the water fountain in the school hall. It is combined with the
string in the inventory.

Made by combining the chewing gum with the string in the inventory. It is
used on the grate in Beavis and Butthead's house to get the quarter.

Found by using the quarter on the condom machine in the coffee house
bathroom. It is used on the petrol pump outside the food mart to make the
inflated condom.

Found on the floor after giving the book to the man under the bed in the cell
at Highland Penitentiary. It is given to the farmer at the farm.

Found in the file cabinet drawer in the boiler room at the school. It is used
on locker 69 in the school hall to get Todd's keys.

Found in the pile of rubbish after using the dustbin in the park. It is given
to the woman at the coffee house.

Found on the floor after releasing the dog outside Highland Penitentiary. It
is used on the spatula on the roadkill in the park after moving the car.

Made by using the condom on the petrol pump outside the food mart. It is
given to the janitor in the school hall to get the balloon dog.

Found on the floor of the cell at Highland Penitentiary after the guard has
slipped on the chewed soap. They are used to open the cell door.

Found on the floor outside the slaughterhouse after Beavis and Butthead meet
Todd. After the screwdriver has been used to remove the old license plate
from the car, it is used on Todd's car in the barn at the farm.

Found on the floor in Beavis and Butthead's house. It can be used on sand
piles in the game to play the Bug Justice minigame.

Found on the shelf in the taxidermist shop after talking to the taxidermist
about roadkill. It is used on the sign in the park to move the car.

Found on the bench in the yard at Highland Penitentiary. It is given to the
man under the cell bed to get the film.

Found outside the slaughterhouse. It is used on the ball that Butthead is
chained to.

Found on the chair at the top-right corner of the coffee house. It can be
given to the man under the bed in the cell at Highland Penitentiary.

Found in front of the bench after the fight in the yard at Highland
Penitentiary. It is given to Leroy in the cell.

Found by using the chewing gum and string on the grate in Beavis and
Butthead's house. It is used on the condom machine in the bathroom of the
coffee house.

Found by using the spatula and the hammer on the roadkill in the park after
moving the car. It is given to the taxidermist to get the stuffed squirrel.

After talking to the taxidermist about the bear, the remote control is found
by looking at and then using the front and back of the bear outside the
Veterans Hall. It is used on the barn door at the farm.

Found by using the axe on the rope in the school gym after Beavis climbs up
to the top of it. It is not used.

Found in the cupboard in the insane wing at Highland Penitentiary. It is used
on the guard's chair outside Highland Penitentiary.

Found on the counter at the left side of the taxidermist shop. It is given to
the man reading the book in the insane asylum at Highland Penitentiary.

Found on the sink in the cell at Highland Penitentiary. It is used on Beavis
in the cell.

Found on the counter in the back room of Burger World. It is used on the
roadkill on the park after moving the car.

Found on the floor in the slaughterhouse. It is given to the dog outside
Highland Penitentiary.

Found on the roof of the school. It is used on the fan on the roof.

Found by using the rabbit in the taxidermist shop. It is combined with the
chewing gum in the inventory.

Found by giving the roadkill to the taxidermist. It is given to the janitor
in the school hall.

Found on the bench in the insane wing at Highland Penitentiary. It can be
given to the man under the bed in Highland Penitentiary.

Found by using the file on locker 69 in the school hall. They are used on
Todd's car in the barn at the farm.

Found near the guard at the right side of the yard at Highland Penitentiary.
After Beavis climbs onto the rope in the gym, the towel is used on Beavis to
make him climb up to the top.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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