World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

17.10.2013 21:25:06
World of Warcraft

Easter Eggs FAQ

Version: 1.2

Table of Contents

-1. Introduction/Version History
-2. Easter Eggs by Location
A. Universal - Unsal
a. Universal
b. Unknown Location
B. Lordaeron - Lrdon
a. Undercity
b. Trisfal Glades
c. Silverpine Forest
d. Hillsbrad Foothills
e. Alterac Mountains
f. Arathi Highlands
g. The Hinterlands
h. Western Plaugelands
i. Eastern Plaugelandsferal
C. Azeroth - Azrth
a. Ironforge
b. Stormwind City
c. Don Morgoh
d. Loch Modan
e. Wetlands
f. Badlands
g. Searing Gorge
h. Burning Steppes
i. Red Ridge Mountains
j. Elwyn Forest
k. Westfall
l. Duskwood
m. Deadwind Pass
n. Swamp of Sorrows
o. Blasted Lands
p. Stranglethorn Vale
D. Kalimdor - Klmdr
a. Darnassus
b. Teldrassil
c. Darkshore
d. Moonglade
e. Felwood
f. Winterspring
g. Ashenvale
h. Azshara
i. Orgimmar
j. Durotar
k. The Barrens
l. Stonetalon Mountains
m. Desolace
n. Thunderbluff
o. Mul'gore
p. Dustwallow Marsh
q. Feralas
r. Thousand Needles
s. Silithus
t. Un'Goro Crater
u. Tanaris
E. Items
-3. Voice Emotes/Quotes - Vcets
D.Pisses Quotes
-4. Credits
-5. Legal Stuff


1. Introduction

This guide is basicly for fun. If you're done with the game and looking for
something else to do I suggest you take a look through this guide. I've
catergorized each "easter egg" by it's location for easier finding. If you
don't know what a easter egg is, it's basicly a secret or an inside joke that
Blizzard has placed for a bit of comic releif. Some of these you may have had
to play some of Blizzard's earlier games to understand.

An Easter Egg
Funny Item
Something Intresting
or anything else wrong, please E-Mail me at or PM me.
If you send information, please give me a name/server to give credit to as
I don't like posting other's emails or names.

Name: A General Title
Location: The City or Region>Town Located In
Coordinates: The Coordinates for the General Location (Most UI Mods have this.)
You can get the coordinates by moving your mouse around your map.
Easter Egg: Well...
Note: Any extra information...
Contributor: Name & Server


Another update... luckily I wasn't mass spammed for the mess up on the
Ringo Star thing...

Finally for the Woo Ping guy in Stormwind refrence right, I got about 20
e-mails teling me to fix this. Other than that just the usual update.

LOTS of new content. Hope you guys like what you find.

I'm currently not registered in WoW so I might not be able to check stuff,
I should be back in by the Summer though. Alot of stuff added in this update.

Been a while again since I updated, some fixes on stuff and I think I finally
got the Algernon thing right. I've never read the story so don't come pissed
off at me.

Been a while since I updated so lots of new stuff.

Bunch of new content and fixes and such.

Well, few more fixes and such, and Blizzard has just released a 1.3.0 of

Fixed a few errors and added some new easter eggs here and there.

Reorganized Easter Eggs by location for easier finding. Fixed some errors,
added a few new ones.

Made this guide, includes complete jokes/flirt with errors and a good amount
of easter eggs.

2. Easter Eggs


a. Universal - Unsal


Name: Prey of The Predators
Location: Universal
Easter Egg: Sometimes a wolf or other agressive animal will attack critters.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Common Knowledge

Name: Goblin Shredder Display
Location: Universal
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: If you look at a dead Goblin Shredder you can see the old Starcraft
logo on the display inside the cockpit.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Common Knowledge

Name: Sleeping Pets
Location: Universal
Easter Egg: If you own a non-combat pet and stop moving for a while, it will
begin to sleep or do other kinds of emotes. The Diablo pet spouts out fire
when he's idle.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Common Knowledge

Name: Shiny Dinglehopper
Location: Universal
Easter Egg: If you pick-pocket a naga, you can loot a shiny dingglehopper. This
is a reference to the Little Mermaid.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Ailurin of Alleria

Name: Farting Sea Giants
Location: Universal
Easter Egg: If you watch a sea giant, eventually they will fart and little
bubbles will come out, of which the giant will swat at and eventually pop.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Jargonecius of Zul'jin

Name: Treant Death
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: When A Treant dies it dosen't realize it at first, then it becomes
surprized and then realizes that it is falling apart.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Alive

Name: Frost Breath
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Critters/Pets/Others breath frost breath while in cold places like
Winterspring and Loch modan.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Zulrog of Scarlet Crusade

Name: Bubbles
Location: Universal - Underwater
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: While underwater if you look at the bubbles when they're closer,
you can make out "S" and on some smiley faces.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Naldon of Magetheridon

Name: Credit Jokes
Location: Near end of the Credits
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: At the end of the credit's there's a bunch of jokes.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Tinker of Bloodhoof

Name: Free Chicken
Location: Chicken
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you go find a chicken, target it and use the /chicken emote at
it. Eventually it'll say "The chicken looks up at you curiously, maybe you
should inspect it?", if you right click on it it should give you a special
quest for a free pet chicken. You'll have to find an NPC that sells chicken
feed. There is one particuarly in Westfall, the farm just south of Sentinel
Hill, there's an NPC who sells the chicken feed. After, go back to the chicken
and use the /cheer emote on it, give it the feed and it'll lay an egg. Click
on the egg and it'll turn into a chicken!
Note: I tested this and it takes a bit of patience to work right.
Contributor: Astiliden of Uther

Name: Ding Dong
Location: ?
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The clocks towers that can be found throughout the lands ring their
bells on the hour.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Common Knowledge

Name: Head Toss
Location: Universal
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: When idle for a while, various undead skeletons whil toss their
head off, catch it and then stick it back on. A refrence to the old, "The
Secret of Monkey Island" where an undead pirate captain had a first mate
named "Bob" who's head would launch into the air and land back on his neck.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Vex of ? & Dervisch of Eredar

Name: Savory Deviate Delight
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: As many people know, eating Savory Deviate Delight has a number
of random effects. It can cause various types of buffs to appear on the
character, but it also has a random chance to transform the character into
a Pirate (YARRR! Mode) or into a ninja (Flip Out Mode). This is a tribute
to the hilarious and popular website hehe,
Blizzard rocks.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Zerod of Gilneas

Name: Monh'sters
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Many of the boss monsters in World of Warcraft have names that
are references to classic movie monsters from the heyday of Japanese
monster films. The giant Turtle Gammerita in the hinterlands is a
reference to Gammora. The Hydra in Zul Farrak is named Gahz'rilla, an
obvious reference to Godzilla. And so forth...
Note: N/A
Contributor: Zerod of Gilneas

Name: Afraid not...
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: As a rogue, pickpocket any of the various humanoids in the lower
level areas (and possibly higher level) and on chance you'll pickpocket,
"a frayed knot".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Kirsh of Warsong

Name: The Hoffa Mystery
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: While fishing you have a chance to obtain a "Teamster's Skull"
a likely refrence to teamster unions and their boss Jimmy Hoffa. One day
he mysteriously disappeared and his body was never found. There's a
description on the item that says, "Looks like someone didn't like this guy".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Airin of Dragonmaw

Name: HUngry Animals
Location: Universal
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: While exploring the continents of Azeroth you may experience
wolves attacking critters. It appears they may also attack your harmless
kittens/prarie dogs ect!
Note: N/A
Contributor: Kairos of Silvermoon

b. Unknown Location
I don't know where any of these are due to my noobishness to this game.

Name: Hail To The King
Location: Blackrock Depths?? or Blackfathom Depths?
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If the Emperor in BRD??/BFD?? kills a player he shouts, "Hail To
The King Baby!" This is a reference to the movie, Army of Darkness.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Setis & "Nick"


B. Lordaeron - Lrdon


a. Undercity

Name: Shapeshifting Prisoner
Location: Undercity - Apothecary
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a room with a bunch of prisoners in it near the Apothecary.
Next to one of the cages is an alchemist who hands a potion to one of the
prisoners. The man gets turned into a frog, squirrel, rabbit and a sheep. When
he turns him into a sheep, he pokes it and the sheep explodes. A refrence to
Warcraft II and III where if you clicked on Sheep and other critters enough,
they would engluf in a fireball and explode!
Note: N/A
Contributor: Painweaver of Shadow Moon Azreal of Ronin Redeemed

Name: Still Moving Eye
Location: Undercity - Apothecary
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Look at any of the Abomination heads and you'll notice that the eye
is still moving.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Tap of Kil'Jaeden

Name: Ophelia & Montague
Location: Undercity - Trade District
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: One of the bankers bears the name Ophelia Montague, Ophelia was a
character from "Hamlet" and Montague was the name of one of the families in
"Romeo & Juliet", both supposedly written by Shakespear. One of them is also
name "William Montague" which is most likely a reference to William Shakespere.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Aurelie of Daggerspine

Name: Unseen In The Undercity
Location: Undercity
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: If you use Detect Invisiblity(Warlock Ability) you can see ghosts
or other such things in the undercity.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Eyonix of Blizzard & Daniel Hodge

Name: Fight Club
Location: Undercity - Warrior Quarter
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In the Warrior quarter of Undercity there's a bunch of undead who
fight various Scourge, with names similar to that of "Fight Club".
Contributor: Grundulate of Illidan

Name: Demon Demonstration
Location: Undercity - Magic Quarter
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a circle there where you can watch a Warlock summon all
of the Warlock's sumons except the Infernal.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Mania of Silver Hand

Name: The Death of The King
Location: Undercity - Throne Room
Coordinates: 63,39
Easter Egg: In The Throne Room, if you turn up your volume you can hear the
entire cinematic soundtrack of Arthas killing his Father. This was seen in
Warcraft 3.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Alive

Name: Algernon
Location: Undercity
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In the story "Flowers for Algernon" a man has a mental handicap
that makes him behave like a child. Algernon was a mouse that underwent
testing that this man eventually underwent. I never read this book and I've
gotten about a million differnt e-mails about it. I really don't give a shit
if the above is wrong, Algernon is the name of the Alchemy vendor in the
undercity and the zombie vendor, is supposedly holding flowers.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Glaive of Darkspear

Name: Probable but Not Possible
Location: Ogrimmar/Undercity
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Rouge poison quest is titled "Mission: Possible, But Not
Probable." An obvious reference to Mission Impossible.
Contributor: Baltharog of Shadow Council

Name: Charles Dexter Ward
Location: Undercity - Rogue's Quarter
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The rogue trainers have last names that allude to "The Case of
Charles Dexter Ward", a short story by H.P. Lovecraft. Lovecraft is best known
for his so-called "cosmic" horror tales such as "The Call of Cthulhu," upon
which a pen-and-paper RPG is based. Chaosium's "Mythos" collectible card game
is also based on his works.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Elorelei of Silver Hand

b. Trisfall Glades

Name: Cheesy Link
Location: Trisfal Glades - Deathknell
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The rouge trainer in the newbie Undead zone Deathknell is the son
Ellis Trias. Ellis Trias is the owner of the cheese shop in Stormwind.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Caetris of Eredar

Name: Atkins Diet
Location: Trisfal Glades - Brill
Coordinates: Brill's Coordinates 58/53
Easter Egg: There's a guy named Hamlin Atkins and he sells Mushrooms. The
Atkins Diet focusing around low carbs and Mushroom being low in carbs. He walks
up and down the road near Brill.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Me

Name: Hindenburg Zeppelin
Location: Trisfal Glades
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a goblin Zeppelin master named Hinden Burg.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Athena of Sargeras

Name: Harold Raims
Location: Tirisfal Glades
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: One of the NPCs (blacksmith? Can't remember) in the Undead starting
area is called Harold Raims. A Refrence to harold Ramis, co-writer of
Note: N/A
Contributor: Lattius of Argent Dawn

Name: Dan & Stern
Location: Tirisfal Glades
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's an enemy named Daniel Ulfman, similar to Danny Elfman, a
composer who's done various soundtracks for many movies, specially Tim
Burton's. There's also an NPC called Dannal Stern, an actor known for Home
Alone and City Slickers.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Lisandra of Crushridge

c. Silverpine Forest

Name: Norman Bates
Location: Undercity & Sepulcher
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Innkeeper in Undercity is named Norman and the one in Sepulcher
is named Bates. A refrence to the psycho killer Norman Bates.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Ganrod of Skullcrusher

Name: Pastime Characters
Location: Silverpine Forest
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: You can find Dalar Dawnweaver, a possible random name of an
archmage in Warcraft 3.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Fingersmcgee of Proudmoore

d. Hillsbrad Foothills

Name: Stable Boy
Location: Hillsbrad Foothills - Southshore
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Stablemaster "Wesley" in Southshore is a refrence to The
Princess Bride. In the movie, Wesley was the stable boy for Buttercup's
Note: N/A
Contributor: Manfred of Medivh

Name: Wolfe
Location: Hillsbrad Foothills - Ravenholt Manor
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In Ravenholt Manor there is a NPC named Winstone Wolfe. A refrence
to a character in the movie "Pulp Fiction" under the same name.
Note: - #44
Contributor: Oculi of Frostwolf

e. Alterac Mountains

Name: Caged Gnome
Location: Alterac Mountains
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Outside the Ogre Cave you can find a Gnome Merchant who is inside
a cage, a prisoner of the ogres.
Note: N/A
Contributor: ?

Name: Alterac Valley's Top Gun
Location: Alterac Mountains - Alterac Valley
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: All the Wing Commanders in Alterac Valley have names of Pilot's
Callsigns from Top Gun.
Note: N/A
Contributor: ?

Name: More Cowbell
Location: Alterac Mountains - Alterac Valley
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a quest in Alterac Valley called "I've got a fever for
more bonechips". A refrence to the SNL skit starring Will farrel and
Christopher Walkin. During the skit, Walkkin says, "I've got a fever and the
only cure is more cowbell."
Note: N/A
Contributor: Lokos of Deathwing

f. Arathi Highlands

g. The Hinterlands

h. Western Plaugelands

Name: Fetch
Location: Plaugelands
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: An Undead NPC plays fetch with his plaugehound.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Zulrog of Scarlet Crusade

Name: All Along The Watchtowers
Location: Western Plaugelands
Coordinates: Brill's Coordinates 58/53
Easter Egg: A quest obtainable at level 50 that's title is exactly the same as
A Bob Dylon/Jimi Hendrix track.
Contributor: Rex of Warsong

i. Eastern Plaugelands
Name: Poor Timmy
Location: Eastern Plaugelands - Strathlome
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In Warcraft 3 you could buy items from Timmy which could summon
Ice Revenants and other things. There was some side quest I remember where
you had to save Timmy or some other matter, either that or you got to kill him.
Here he is now in Strathlome. Crumsnatcher tells me that you can find Lil
Timmy's Peashooter/Golashes and The Cruel Hand of Timmy.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Me & Crumsnatcher of Durotan

Name: People of Strathlome
Location: Eastern Plaugelands - Strathlome
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The people will react to your emotes.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Mikro of ?

Name: Rammstein
Location: Eastern Plaugelands - Strathlome
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is an Abomination in in Strathlome named Rammstein, most
likely a refrence to the band. Also a slight chance of it being dedicated to
the German Rammstein airbase, during an aircraft show, when there was an
accident killing 69 people.
Note: N/A
Contributor: ???

Name: Men A Sunder
Location: Eastern Plaugelands - Plaugewood
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's an NPC that says the line, "I come from a land down under
where women scourge and men sunder." A twist on the line, Land Down Under by
Men at Work, the original line being," I come from a land down under, where
women glow and men plunder."
Note: N/A
Contributor: Anesthesia of Azjol-Nerub

Name: Egan
Location: Eastern Plaguelands
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: A NPC named Egan gives you a quest "The Restless Souls". This very
much resembles Dr. Egon Spengler, a character in the movie, "Ghostbusters". In
the quest you must use Egan's Blaster to free the ghostly spirits of
Strathlome, similar to Ghostbusters.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Kelirris of Whisperwind

Name: When Smokey Sings, I Get Violent
Location: Eastern Plaguelands
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: A quest named "When Smokey Sings, I Get Violent" is a play on ABC's
"When Smokey Sings, I Hear Violins". This was during the 80s.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Argyle of Icecrown


C. Azeroth - Azrth


a. Ironforge

Name: Nessy
Location: IF-SW; Deeprun Tram
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you jump off onto the walkway while going by on the tram or pass
at the right time, you can see a Thresadon swim around named Nessy, obviously
a reference to Scotland's Loch Ness monster.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Fynnegan of Lightbringer

Name: Mermaid
Location: IF-SW; Deeprun Tram
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you look out in the water near some sunken ships, you can see a
Naga named Little Mermaid, an obvious referance to Disney's animated movie.
Note: N/A
Contributor: CyberGamer

Name: I'm a bit cooked.
Location: Ironforge - Military District
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In the Military Distrcit in the large building where hunters &
warriors receive training you can go to a Siege Engine depot where you'll find
a dwarf dressed like a mechanic. His name is Xiggs Fuselighter, a play on
Star War's Biggs Darklighter, who was Luke's cover on the Death Star run.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Kopaka of Cenarius

Name: The Blue Pill
Location: Ironforge
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you ask an Ironforge Guard for the alchemy trainer, he'll
sometimes say "Why, o'why didn't I take the blue potion?".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Sorlaan of Doomhammer

Name: Barnum, Bailey and Soleil
Location: Ironforge - Bank
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg:
The bankers are from the same family. Their first names are all circus related.
Barnum and Bailey are the famous circus promoters. While Soleil is a reference
to the Famous Cirque du soleil. Perhaps they were former circus clowns now
working in Corporate Ironforge.
Contributor: Arkada of Earthern Ring (Europe)

Name: Old Ironforge
Location: Ironforge - King's Throneroom
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In Ironforge, there is the ancient city of Ironforge. First jump
into the molten pit inside the great forge to enter ghost form. Walk back into
IF and go into the King's Throneroom. There should be two doors against the
wall, walk into the left one and then revive on the other side. You should be
able to explore the original Ironforge. When you want to leave, hearth out.
Note: Restricted now, even in Spirit form.
Contributor: Lesh

b. Stormwind City

Name: Child Gossip
Location: Stormwind City - Canals
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's two kids who talk about various things that are only myths
to them, but in reality can be found throughout the game. One of the children
talks about how he found a three eyed fish, a refrence to mutation, seen
commonly on The Simpsons.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Sonrand of Uldum

Name: Give you a Woo-ping.
Location: Stormwind City - Trade District
Easter Egg: The Human Weapon Master in Stormwind is named Woo Ping. Possible
a play on the phrase "Whooping". But more likely a refrence to Yuen Wo-Ping,
a martial arts expert and has done martial/weapon coreography in both the
Matrix and Kill Bill movies.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Valcrist of Uther

Name: Under Siege
Location: Stormwind - Old Town - Pig & Whistle Tavern
Easter Egg: In Old Town, Pig & Whistle Tavern, go downstairs. The cooks name
is Steven Ryback, an obvious play on Steven Segal's character Casey Ryback,
the navy cook in Under Siege.
Contributor: Ryuujin of Suramar

Name: Alligator in The Sewers
Location: Stormwind City - Canals
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: You can find a giant alligator around the canals.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Maha of Elune

Name: Blizzard Employees
Location: Stormwind City
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: A teacher walks around town with a bunch of kids, all of whome have
names of Blizzard Employees.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Thanasis of Kel'Thuzad

Name: Salute
Location: Stormwind City - Valley of Heros
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you salute the Guard on horse there who's named Jonathan Marcus
or something, he will salute you back. You can also bow or wave to him, and he
will return the favor. People say that other emotes have affects as well. If
you flex at him, he will "appear unimpressed". You can alos /rude him for fun.
Note: This seems buggy, it could depend on your reputation with Stormwind/Level
or if you've done the Onyxia key chain quest.
Contributor: Sonrand of Uldum & Crumsnatcher of Durotan

Name: Dancing Barmaids
Location: Stormwind City - Inns
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: You can dance with the barmaids you find throughout Stormwind.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Grubash of Frostmane

Name: Who you gonna call?
Location: Stormwind City
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a mage quest where you have to capture "blue recluse" which
have infested a tavern in the mage district. You capture the ghosts inside
special containers. This is a refrence to the movie Ghostbusters.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Darchonis of Boulderfist

Name: For a burger today.
Location: Stormwind City
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Topper McNab in the aisle of Stormwind sometimes yells out, "I
will gladly pay you for a hamburger today". A refrence to Popeye
the sailor man cartoon.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Bastamon of Malygos

Name: The Grand Pope
Location: Stormwind - Cathedral District
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a bishop standing next to the altar named Benedictus.
Now think of this, the ingame Bishop Benedictus was there in Open Beta
(probally before as well). Bishop Benedictus is also one of those elite
boss NPCs that is apparently level 500. The new Pope of the Catholic
Church is named Benedictus. Blizzard controls the Catholic Church!
Note: None
Contributor: Oranjefranje

Name: Where everybody knows your name!
Location: Stormwind City
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a man walking around with a mug that advertises for the
Blue Recluse, a tavern. One of his advertisements is, "Head on down to the
Blue Recluse where everybody knows your name!".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Everolan of Scarlet Crusade

Name: Slaughter
Location: Stormwind City - Mage District
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a movie called American Wolf in London, in it there's a
pub called the Slaughtered Lamb, as in Stormwind there is the inn called
the Slaugtered Lamb, which is home to Warlocks and the like.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Renaldo on Daggerspine

Name: Stormsing Bankers
Location: Stormwind City - Bank
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The tree bankers in Stormwind are named left to right, Olivia,
Newtown and John, a reference to the singer/actress Olivia Newton John.
Contributor: Mewn of Frostwolf

Name: Warcraft 2 Heroes
Location: Stormwind - The Valley of Heros
Coordinates: Unknown
Easter Egg: The Five Statues that guard Stormwind are none of other than the
heroes from Warcraft 2: The Dark Portal.
Note: None
Contributor: Goldhart of Scarlet Crusade

Name: Intelligence Agency
Location: Stormwind City - Old Town
Easter Egg: There is an organization, based in stormwind, named "SI:7." This
is in reference to the British Intelligence agency MI:6. One of the quests
that Master Mathias Shaw of SI:7 gives rogues has a refrence to Mission
Impossible/Splinter Cell. He says "...and should you
be discovered, SI:7 will disavow all knowledge of your existence."
Also if you're looking for fun, use /salute, /flex, /rude to Master Mathias
Shaw and he will respond in various ways.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Omni of Skullcrusher & Littlebry of Dalaran.

Name: Jenn Langston
Location: Stormwind City - Old Town District
Easter Egg: There's an NPC in Old Town named Jenn Langston that walks around.
She will react to many various emotes, including dancing, waving, ect.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Lyla of Darkspear

Name: A Song of Tyrion
Location: Stormwind City - Old Town District
Easter Egg: In Stormwind Keep's library garden there's a gnome named Tyrion.
A possible frence to George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series in
which one of the dwarf characters is named Tyrion.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Felwine of Draenor

Name: The Freemasons of Stormwind
Location: Stormwind City
easter Egg: After reading alot recently about the Freemasons, the supposed
organization and cult that is "controlling" the world I noticed something.
If you get fairly far through alot of the Stormwind quests, especially those
concerning the Defias network in Westfall. You will learn about how the secret
organization of Stonemasons that built Stormwind, but when they were done, the
nobels refused to pay them. The Stonemasons went underground on a plan to
overthrow Stormwind. While the two groups, Stonemasons and Freemasons may have
different intentions, they both sound alike and work as secret organizations.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Me

Name: Big Bad Bunny
Location: Stormwind City
Easter Egg: When You are in stormwind You can somtimes here two youngsters talk
about storys thier father told them. and one of the boys says "and then the
rabbit jumps up and bites his head up" as in the movie Monty Python's
The Search For The Holy Grail.
Contributor: ???

c. Don Morgoh

Name: Dwarven/Gnomish Airbase
Location: Dun Morgoh
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: When Flying from IF to Menethil (and possibly other places) you
cansee an airbase up in the mountains that is unreachable by any normal
methods. There's supposedly a battle between dwarves and trolls that never
ends, dancing dwarves, and there's an airfield with various planes. You can
also check out several buildings and there is a gryphon nest, but no gryphon
master. I still have not reached the top, but I plan to attempt so soon.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Fynnegan of Lightbringer & Garret

Name: Mortar Team Practice Fire
Location: Dun Morgoh - Khranos
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: You can find a Dwarven Mortar team, that looks exactly the same as
in Warcraft 3. If you do the quest to give them their ammo, they're reinact
a whole scene. They use the exact sound files from Warcraft 3. One of the
Mortar Team's comments is a reference to an AC/DC song.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Wasted of Burning Legion

Name: Dwarf Lust
Location: Dun Morgoh - Khranos
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In one of the basements of a dwarven house is a poster of a bikini
clad female human. Looks like Dwarves don't like dwarven woman either.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Peepi of Suramar

Name: Tech Support Bot
Location: Dun Morgoh - Gnomeregan
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you listen to Tech Bot while he's idle or fighting, he says
various quotes that Tech Support or other kind of things say. He has a spell
called "Battle Net" which slows the target. He also has an attack called,
Note: N/A
Contributor: Me & Lisandra of Crushridge

Name: They've set us up the bomb.
Location: Dun Morgoh - Gnomeregan
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The walking alarm bomb things look alot like Bob-Ombs of Mario.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Tinker of Bloodhoof

Name: Dupe
Location: Dun Morgoh - Gnomeregan
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In Gnomeregan you can find "Dupe Bugs" which are a refrence to in
general duplication bugs that can be found in games. One of the major producers
of this was Diablo and Diablo 2 where item duplication was second hand.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Thello

Name: Fuchikoma
Location: Dun Morgoh - Gnomeregan
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In one corner of Gnomeregen there is a four-legged machine with two
stubby little arms a the front and a steam tank on the back. Looks extremly
like a Tachikoma, a tanklike machine from the anime TV series Ghost in the
Shell: Stand Alone Complex.
(That's one line, had to shrink it for GameFAQs.)
Contributor: Splinter of Thunderhorn

Name: Beam Me Up
Location: Dun Morgoh - Gnomeregan / Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a goblin named sprok near the teleporter inside Gnomeregan.
On a similar note in Booty Bay there is a goblin next to a teleporter named
Scooty, with the title, Chief Enginner. A refrence to Star Trek's "Chief
Engineer Scotty".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Mnar of Thunderhorn & The Drifter

Name: Binary
Location: Dun Morgoh - Gnomeregan
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The 3005 Punch Card Machines all have numbers on them, which in
binary translate to various phrases, you can get the following:
"Thrall and Jaina sitting ina tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

"If you can read this u're standing too close"

"The gnome king wears night elf underwear"

"Help! I'm trapped in a binary punch card factory!"
(Play on the popular line of "Help! I'm trapped in a X factory.")

"Tell your friends to play WoW"

"Play the Warcarft roleplaying game"
(I think this is from the banners that used to span the top part of
Battle.Net in Warcraft 3 and Starcraft.)

"Kiss me, I'm gnomish!"
("Toast" says this is a refernce to a Simpsons Tree House of Horror
Episode, but I'm fairly certain, being Irish myself, that this is a play on the
bumpersticker/t-shirt phrase "Kiss Me, I'm Irish". Although I guess it could
be a reference to The Simpsons.)

"The Lich King lives!"
(Tsuru Hiromi Inochi tells me this is a refrence to Elvis Presley. The
fact that Elvis had a closed coffin funeral and many thought he was still
alive or did not want to belive that the King of Rock'n'Roll was dead. "The

"Go go go!!"
(Starcraft Marine Reference Here I Think)

"Natalie Portman Rocks"

"Gnomeregan forever!"

"Play More WoW"

Note: N/A
Contributor: Salpta of Alleria

d. Loch Modan

e. Wetlands

Name: Crashed Pilot
Location: Wetlands
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: When flying from Wetlands to Ironforge you can see a crashed gnome
plane on the side of the mountain.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Blawlerlth of Hellscream

f. Badlands

Name: The Lost Vikings
Location: Badlands - Uldaman
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: You can find 3 lost dwarf, who represent the Lost Vikings, one of
Blizzard's classic games. The two items that you must gather for the Indiana
Jones quest (Read Below a Few) are Staff of Tsol and Amulet of Gni'Kiv, which
backwards the first word each spells out losT and vik'inG.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Daemonsul of Feathermoon & Ferrusmanus of Bronzebeard

Name: Grimlok
Location: Badlands - Uldaman
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: When he attacks he shouts, "ME GRIMLOK, KING!". The T-Rex
transformer of the dinobots was named Grimlock. He was the king.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Cheddo of Malygos

Name: Indiana Jones
Location: Badlands - Uldaman
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: One quest has you gather an amulet and a staff and put them
togther then insert it into a minature city. A refrence to Indian Jones
and the Raiders of The Lost Ark.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Baltharog of Shadow Council

Name: Going and going...
Location: Badlands - Uldaman
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: One quest has you gather An'Alleum and Dentrium powercells. A
refrence to "AA" and "D" type batteries.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Opacus of Europeon - Earthen Ring

Name: Crom
Location: Badlands
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a crypt atop a mountain in Badlands, inside is a large
skeleton with a sword in hand. This is a reference to Conan the Barbarian.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Horst of Warsong

Name: A Real Boy
Location: The Badlands
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a mechanical NPC called Little Servo, who sometimes says,
"Someday I'll be a real boy". Crumsnatcher tells me that when you meet him he
says something similar to, "I'm familiar with 4 languages". This may be a
refrence to C3PO in Star Wars where he talks about being a protocol droid and
knows millions of languages. Also a refrence to Tom Servo, a robot boy on
Mystery Science Theatre 3000. On one episode he wants to become a real boy
so he paints himself with skin-colored paint. Also reminds me of Pinochio.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Alive & "David" & Crumsnatcher of Durotan & Caera on Mannoroth
& Me

g. Searing Gorge

h. Burning Steppes

Name: Taunts
Location: Burning Steps - Blackrock Spire
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: When you're in the "event" fighting Lord Victor Nefarius and
Warchief Rend Blackhand will shout out taunts. Such as...
"You idiots! Kill the one in the dress!"
(Tsuru Hiromi Inochi tells me this is a refrence to "The Princess Bride",
one of the antagonists mentions this movie several times.)
Note: N/A
Contributor: Griladin of Lightning's Blade

Name: Loyd
Location: Burning Steppes - Blackrock Spire
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: An architecht named Forgewright designed Blackrock Spire, this
is a take off of the famous architech Frank Loyd Wright who designed
many skyscrapers.
Contributor: Ikefu of Thunderhorn

Name: Cockroaches
Location: Burning Steppes
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Ember Worgs play with the cockroaches there.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Zulrog of Scarlet Crusade

Name: Finkle Einhorn
Location: Burning Steps - Blackrock Spire
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's an NPC named Finkle Einhorn. A refrence to Ace Ventura,
Pet Detective.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Vallejo of Doomhammer

Name: Mother's Milk
Location: Burning Steppes
Coordinates: 65,23
Easter Egg: Ragged John in the Horde outpost Flame Crest who gives you a quest
called Mother's Milk. Most assuredly a reference to the Red Hot Chilli
Peppers' Album of the exact name.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Ogagog of Azgalor

i. Red Ridge Mountains

Name: Lindsay Davenport
Location: Red Ridge Mountains - Lakeshire
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There are two NPC merchants in Lakeshire that are named Lindsay
Ashlock and Amy Davenport. Switching the name/last names gives you Lindsay
Davenport a professional tennis player. I did a google seach and Amy Ashlock
does not give any partiular names.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Setrima of Boulderfist

Name: Jaws in Lakeshire
Location: Red Ridge Mountains - Lakeshire
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's an Fisherman NPC at Lakeshire named Matthew Hooper, which
was Richard Dreyfus's character in the movie Jaws.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Bardamu of Stormrage

j. Elwyn Forest

Name: Crazy Cat Lady
Location: Elwyn Forest
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you were hanging around the boards during the WoW Beta you may
remember a Blizzard employee and community offical named "Katrica", whom
everyone called "Kat". I belive the Crazy Cat Lady has a name Donna Anthonia.
Which is an obvious ploy on Donna 'Katricia' Anthony which was her real name.
Possible refrence to The Simpsons.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Boomer of Whisperwind

Name: Tommy Joe
Location: Elwyn Forest
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The "Young Lovers" quest in Elwyn Forest has you unite Maclure
girl with her love Tommy Joe Stonefield. The letter she has you deliver to him
is as follows:
'Oh, I'm cursed! My heart belongs to Tommy Joe Stonefield, but our
families are bitter enemies. So I can't see him, even though my eyes
ache to gaze upon that handsome face!

Please, take this letter and give it to Tommy Joe. He's usually at the
river to the west of the Stonefield Farm, which is due west of here.'

A refrence to Romeo and Juliet. Also the bitter fued between the two familes
is a play on the Hatfields and McCoys fued, of which many movies and stories
have been written.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Ragnen of Warsong & Me

Name: I'm a Lumberjack
Location: Elwyn Forest - Eastvale Lumber Camp
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In Monty Python's Flying Circus there was three men named Terry
Gilliam, Terry Jones and Michael Palin. Monty Python being well known for
their Lumberjack Song, Blizzard decided to put an NPC lumberjack inside the
Mill named Terry Palin.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Ryche of Scarlet Crusade

Name: Quartermaster Hudson and Quartermaster Hicks
Location: Elwynn Forest
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In Elwynn Forest there are 2 soldiers: Quartermaster Hudson,
and Quartermaster Hicks. This is a reference to two characters from
Aliens. Hudson speaks the famous "Game Over Man" line.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Zerod of Gilneas

k. Westfall

Name: Juggernaught
Location: Westfall - The Deadmines
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: VanCleef's ship resembles that of the Juggernaught, a Warcraft II
Orc naval unit, there was also a secret model of this in Warcraft III that was
not used in Melee.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Me

Name: Strip It
Location: Westfall - The Deadmines
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: It may be just a coincidence but the Defias Strip Miners in The
Deadmines are not wearing shirts, compared to Defias Miners who are.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Josh

Name: He's Back
Location: Westfall - Moonshire Inn
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a jar on the table in the inn with an arm in it that
supposedly resembles Terminator 2 arm.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Fuuma of Hellscream

Name: What's new Scooby Doo?
Location: Westfall
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: If you're standing at the exit of the Deadmine's instance and take
a left out of the cave you'll find a small little farm house with a NPC named
Daphne, she has red hair and a violet jacket. There's also a dog house, with
a picture of a scooby snack near it. Obvious refrence to the TV series, Scooby
Note: N/A
Contributor: Everolan of Scarlet Crusade

Name: Van Cleef
Location: Westfall
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Van Cleef, the rebel pirate and once mason of Stormwind has the
the name of a fashion brand. There's also Lee Van Cleef who was an actor who
started as the villan in many western movies with Clint Eastwood.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Avagadro of Warsong

Name: Newman's Landing
Location: Westfall
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a secret house/dock north of Westfall. Get to the Westfall
coastline and follow it north for about 15 minutes. Once you find there is a
dock, old house, bones and a sign that says "Newman's Landing". Make sure to
stay out of the dark water or you'll die of fatigue.
Note: I have confirmed this to be true. There dosen't appear to be anything
to do at the house though. Very strange place none theless. The house is
approximetly west of the Dun Morogh starting zone, on the other side of the
Contributor: Terrishibiki

l. Duskwood

Name: Ambercrombie & Fitch
Location: Duskwood - Northeast of Raven Hill Graveyard
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's an old man named Ambercrombie, through completeing quests
you will learn that he is the creator of "Stiches". Ambercrombie and Fitch is
a fashion company.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Avagadro of Warsong

Name: Screaming
Location: Duskwood - Darkshire
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: One of the Blacksmiths in Darkshire talks about how the wind sounds
like lambs screaming, a refrence to "The Silence of the Lambs", enforcing this
more, her name is Clarice.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Verdandi of Aggramar

m. Deadwind Pass

n. Swamp of Sorrows

o. Blasted Lands

p. Stranglethorn Vale

Name: Flowers From The Dead
Location: Stranglethorn Vale
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: You can pick-pocket red roses from Zanzil undead.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Guen of Elune

Name: Frozen Solid
Location: Stranglethorn Vale
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: In the Mist Valley there is a baskilisk cave, outside are people in
horrified figures and various postions that have been turned to stone. If you
don't know a baskalisk, in other mythologies has the ability to turn a person
to stone if they look at the baskalisk's eyes.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Nohx of ?

Name: Ernest Hemmingway
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Hemet Nesingwary's Camp
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Hemet Nesingway is an anagram of Ernest Hemmingway, a famous author
and hunter. He also gives a quest where you have to find the lost pages of his
book titled "Green Hills of Stranglethorn", refrencing to Ernest's book
"The Green Hills of Africa".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Galka of Hyjal

Name: Goblin the Redeemer
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Janeiro's Point
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: This is a ploy on "Christ the Redeemer". There is a giant goblin
statue in the harbor of Booty Bay with his arms stretched out.
Contributor: Rescix of Eldre'Thalas

Name: An Offer You Can't Refuse
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: "Sea Wolf" Mckinley's quest Scaring Shaky may be a play on words
of Finding Nemo, just a guess though. In the quest it involves gathering the
Gorillia Giblets to scare "Shaky" Phillipe into paying the money he owes. This
is kind of the an imitation of "The Godfather" where they put a horse head
in a guy's bed because the Godfather's friend isn't accepted for a role in
the guy's movie.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Talset of Durotan

Name: First Mate Crazz
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's an NPC called First Mate Crazz, he was a famous member
of Legacy of Steel in Everquest.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Rollin of Ner'Zhul

Name: Welcome To The Jungle
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Nesingway's Camp
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: This is the name of the quest you get when you are instructed to
talk to Hemmingway. "Welcome To The Jungle" is the name of a kick arse Guns N'
Roses song.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Talset of Durotan

Name: Old Man Hemming and The Sea
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: Blizzard must really like Hemmingway. The fishing vendor in Booty
Bay is named Old Man Hemming, refrencing Hemmingway's book entitled "The Old
Man and The Sea".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Gundrun of Aggramar

Name: A Tailor of Cities
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There is a shop inside Booty Bay named a Tailor of Cities,
refrencing Dicken's book "A Tale of Two Cities".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Gundrun of Aggramar

Name: Tan That Hide
Location: Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a leatherworking shop called "Tan Your Hide" which is
sort of ironic, the town you're being in called "Booty Bay".
Note: N/A

Name: Apocalypse Now
Location: Starnglethorn Vale
Coordinates: Easter Egg: The whole Kurzen chain of quests bears a resemblance
to the plot of Apocalypse Now. In Apocalypse Now, Kurtz went deep inside the
jungle. In World of Warcraft Kurzen went insane deep inside the jungle. And in
the end they both become beheaded. Apocalypse Now being based on Joseph
Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
Contributor: Alesdia of Argent Dawn & Jokanaan of Thunderhorn

Name: Aquateen Reference
Location: Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
Easter Egg: In Booty Bay, there is an NPC named "Oglethorpe Obnauticus." This
is a reference to Aquateen Hunger Force. In some episodes there is a character
named Oglethorpe (a short, spiky, orange alien with a thick Bavarian accent
and a partner named Emory). During one episode, Oglethorpe makes the quote:
"We shall consult the almighty Orbnauticus." One could also note that, this
could be a refrence to Oglethorpe University.
Contributor: Omni of Skullcrusher & Rainsfre of Medivh

Name: Kong
Location: Stranglethorn Vale
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a HUGE gorilla on Jaguera Island. He holds a female tauren
called Princess Poobah captive. An obvious refrence to King Kong!
Note: N/A
Contributor: Aurhea of Gilneas


D. Kalimdor - Klmdr


a. Darnassus

Name: Go Shovel Dirt
Location: Darnassus
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Behind the Hunter's Tree in Cenarion Enclave, there is a night elf,
who has a shovel. If you talk to him he says that the head druid dosen't see
his ability, and makes him shovel dirt.
Note: N/A
Contributor: "Ryan"

b. Teldrassil

Name: Gubber Blump
Location: Teldrassil
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is an Fisherman NPC named Blubber Gump a refrence to Forest
Gump, and his shrimp company called Bubba Gump.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Sonrand of Uldum, Train of Zul'Jin & "Nick"

Name: Depeche Mode
Location: Teldrassil
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a rogue trainer, that sings part of a Depeche Mode song,
"Like a cat dragged in from the rain, go right back out, do it all over again;
I'll be back for more".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Vorion of Boulderfist

c. Darkshore

d. Moonglade

Name: Get Funky And Dance With Stars Blazin!
Location: Moonglade
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There is an NPC called Dendrite Starblaze, "Dendrite" is the name
of a Song by the group For Great Justice. Maybe our friend Dendrite Starblaze
likes to get funky and break it out on the dance floor while no ones looking?
Note: N/AF
Contributor: Greentpocky of Windrunner

e. Felwood

f. Winterspring

Name: From Another Game
Location: Winterspring - Everlook
Easter Egg: As part of a quest, you must bring a book from winterspring to
Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands. If you read the book, it has a
series of upper and lowercase O's. By treating the uppercase Os as ones and
the lowercase Os as zeroes, The book spells out, in ASCII binary,
"Napa Valley Knights of Chaos." This is a reference to a guild from Ultima
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Omni of Skullcrusher

Name: Sterling
Location: Winterspring - Everlook
Easter Egg: In Everlook there is an NPC named after one of Blizzard's
employee's, John Sterling.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Frimias of Perenolde

g. Ashenvale

Name: Ghamoo-ra
Location: Ashenvale - Blackfathom Depths
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The famous turtle Gamera is represented in Blackfathom Deeps by
a turtle named Ghamoo-ra.
Contributor: Aurhea of Gilneas

h. Azshara

Name: Fresh from the oven...
Location: Azshara
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Razelikh quest line has you gather Azsharite crystals, which
are actully hill giant crap. These "crystals" have a flavor text, "Hot out of
the oven". Some of the crystals are shapped like humans or trolls. Along with
a chance of getting a note written by a guy stuck in thie giant's stomach.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Gedrah

Name: 300 Actions Per Minute
Location: Azshara
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: There's a NPC called Sanath Lim-Yo, named after a Starcraft Pro.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Mayday of Azglor

i. Orgimmar

j. Durotar

Name: The Bong
Location: Ogrimmar - Inn
Coordinates: 54,67
Easter Egg: The table in front of the barkeep in the inn has a hookah on it with
a troll and orc on the other side laughing. There is also an aggressive
tauren in this in that you can kill named Gamon. Glaive tells me he's killable
because a level 6 rouge quest has you pickpocket him.
Note: Although not proven, it seems if you attack him and then go in at a later
time, he might randomly attack you.
Contributor: Fortez of Feathermoon & Glaive of Darkspear

Name: Conan
Location: Ogrimmar
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Expert Blacksmith trainer Saru quotes directly from Conan the
Barbarian when you talk to him. What he says I don't know, but someone tell me.
Contributor: Tazrull of Feathermoon

Name: Probable but Not Possible
Location: Ogrimmar/Undercity
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: The Rouge poison quest is titled "Mission: Possible, But Not
Probable." An obvious reference to Mission Impossible.
Contributor: Baltharog of Shadow Council

k. The Barrens

Name: George Foreman
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is an NPC somewhere here that has the name of Foreman Grills.
George Foreman Grills is a company that makes... yup you guessed it, grills.
George Foreman was a famous boxer that lost his title to Muhammad Ali.
Contributor: Hirot of Stormreaver & Gninja of Medivh

Name: Shrine of Michel Koiter
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: This is a shrine dedicated to Michel Koiter, he was an
Artist for Blizzard, but died during the development of the game. In respect
Blizzard placed this shrine in the game. If you go their in spirit form, you
can see a spirit healer there with the name Koiter.
Contributor: Arei of Mannoroth & Jeroda

Name: Who's we?
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a Ratchet quest called "Guns of Northwatch", you have to
kill a two canoneers named Smythe and Whessan. Smith and Wesson made a high
quality guns, perticularly revolvers. Hyldun also tells me that this a
reference to the movie/book, "The Guns of Navorone", where a group goes in to
destroy enemy gun emplacements.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Rajizi of Earthen Ring & Hyldun of Laughingskull & Tsuru Hiromi

Name: The Thundercats
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Samoflange, an item that leads to several quests throughout
WoW, is a reference to The Thundercats. The Thundercats was a TV show, If you
look online there are audio outakes that featured lots of swearing and the
like. In one part, Panthro says, "And keep your hand off that damn samoflange!"
Glaive tells me this actually a real part in machinery similar to a shifter
for manual transmissions.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Pxigorth of Icecrown & Glaive of Darkspear

Name: I can do anything!
Location: The Barrens - Wailing Caverns
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In Wailing Caverns, before you start fighting the giant tree he
yells out, "I am the serpent king! I can do anything!". This is a reference to
Jim Morrison from The Doors.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Juggz of Dragonblight & Skeeve of Uther

Name: The Islander
Location: The Barrens
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Warrior's island southeast of Ratchet has a quest called, "The
Islander". You have to speak to a certain NPC named Macleod, which is the last
name of several characters from "Highlander".
Note: N/A
Contributor: ?

Name: Killing Rats in MMORPG's
Location: Crossroads, The Barrens
Coordinates: N/A
Easter Egg: A cook, by the name of Grub (a joke in itself), will send you on
a Cooking quest called "Dig Rat Stew." His comments end with, "You can't
call yourself a seasoned adventurer until you've spent some time killing
rats! Haw!" Most MMORPGs are known to force starting players to kill trivial
creatures like rats during their first few levels of play. EverQuest is the
most notable for doing this.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Common Knowledge

l. Stonetalon Mountains

Name: Peacepipe
Location: Stonetalon Mountaints - Sunrock Retreat
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Inside the big tent is a giant peace pipe.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Common Knowledge

Name: Prick
Location: Stonetalon Mountaints - Stonetalon Peak
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: At Stonetalon Peak there are mobs called Son of Cenarius, one of
their hands is a spikey branch. If you watch them when they're idle, they'll
sometimes touch this arm with their normal hands of which, they'll prick
themself and shake their hand in pain.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Crumsnatcher of Durotan

m. Desolace

Name: Centuars
Location: Desolace
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a centaur in Desolace with the name of Khan Shakka, this
is a refrence to an 80s music artist. There's also another centaur called
Nessos, a centaur in Greek Mythology who helped Hercules.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Main of ? & Tinker of Bloodhoof

n. Thunderbluff

Name: Clarice
Location: Thunderbluff - Shadow Cleft
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the cleft underneath Spirit Rise there is an NPC called Clarice
Foster of Silence of the Lambs. This is a combo name, based on Clarice Starling
and Jodie Foster, who played her.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Oculi of Frostwolf

Name: Kim Wyldmane
Location: Thunderbluff
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's an NPC named Kim Wyldmane, a refrence the 80's singer,
Kim Wyld.
Note: N/A
Contributor: ?

Name: Princess Monoke
Location: Thunderbluff - Hewas Armory
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: If you look above the doorway you can see a tree spirit face of
Princess Monoke a popular anime movie.
Note: N/A
Contributor: SqueeSquee of Thunderbluff

o. Mul'gore

p. Dustwallow Marsh

Name: Nat Pagle
Location: Dustwallow Marsh - Islands West of Theramore Isle
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the WoW credits, one of the designers is Nat Pagle. Nat Pagle is
the name of the Artisan Fishing trainer loacted on the islands west of
Theramore Isle. I'm guessing in real life, this designer probally fishes alot.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Tiras of Warsong

Name: Garran Vimes
Location: Dustwallow Marsh - Theramore
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the Foothold Citadel there's a NPC called Captain Garran Vimes,
a refrence to the Discworld novels by Terry Prattchet, there's a captain named
Garran Vimes. I've now been told that in the Discworld novel, the captain is
named Samuel Vimes, but this may still be a refrence to the same character.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Tinker of Bloodhoof & Irathanon of Stormrage

Name: Morgan Stern
Location: DUstwallow Marsh - Theramore
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: S. Morgenstern is the auther of the princess bride. William
Goldman 'rewrote' Morgenstern's book to be just the good parts.
Morgenstern doesn't really exist William Goldman made him up and the
whole story relating to Morgenstern to just be another charming part of the
Princess Bride.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Crik of Argent Dawn

Name: sdrawkcaB
Location: Dustwallow Marsh
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In Dustwallow, there is an ogre named Draz'zilb which is Blizzard
spelled backwards.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Legba of Alleria

Name: Krull's Blade
Location: Dustwallow Marsh - Onyxia's Lair
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In Onyxia's lair, in one of the lava pools is a five sided glaive.
A refrence to the movie, Krull, where the hero used the samed kind of blade to
defeat the "Beast". The hero had to retreive the five sided glave from a lava
Note: N/A
Contributor: DOnniction of Dalaran

Name: Muglak
Location: Dustwallow Marsh
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Another famous member of the Legacy of Steel guild in Everquest.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Rollin of Ner'zhul

q. Feralas

Name: Archanist
Location: Fealas - Diremaul
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a book that drops called the Arcanist's cookbook, which
starts a quest. This is a refrence to the "Anarchist's Cookbook" a unnoffical
book that explains the construction of bombs and other mischief.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Laird of Frostmane

Name: You're the man now dog!
Location: Fealas - Diremaul
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: When you get Guard Fengus's 2 hour buff in Diremaul he will say
to you, "You da man now dog!". A refrence to Finding Forester. Also
infamous for the YTMND site, that was named after it.
Contributor: Me

Name: Hose Again
Location: Fealas - Diremaul
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: When you take the Tannin from the basket to make an Ogre suit,
a Gordok Bushwhacker comes and says, "It puts the tannin in the basket or it
gets the club again!" A refrence to Silence of The Lambs's original line of,
"It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Brawlstone of Hellscream

r. Thousand Needles

Name: Puppy Eating Alien
Location: Thousand Needles - Freewind Post
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: When you complete the Alien Egg quest if you follow it, it will
hunt down the little dog at Freewind and eat it.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Cromulent of Thunderlord

Name: Nose-Picker
Location: Thousand Needles - Freewind Post
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Supposedly the Flight Master Trainer sometimes picks his nose and
wipes it on the bird, then walks away all proud.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Dyrex of Icecrown

Name: Goblin Pod Racing
Location: Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Some of the Goblin racers have a slight resemblance to Star Wars
Pod Racers, also similar is the fact that the course takes place in a desert,
similar to Star Wars. On a sidenot there is supposedly one in the east canyon
wall, about 10 meters up, apparently he flew a little to high.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Me

Name: 11
Location: Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a chain of quests in Shimmering Flats that refrences,
"This is Spinal Tap", where one of the NPCs says about another, "He is never
content unless he goes up to 11". This referes to the time one of the band
members says all his amps "go up to 11"
Note: N/A
Contributor: Ghede of Archimonde

Name: Pluck
Location: Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: If you /chicken emote at "Plucky" Johnson on the raceway, he'll
turn into a human.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Tinker of Bloodhoof

s. Silithus

t. Un'Goro Crater

Name: A Link To Zelda
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There's a NPC named Linken, a refrence to Link from the Legend
of Zelda series, if you don't know who this is, then you probally never owned
a Nintendo system.

One of his quests, has a reward for "Linken's Boomerang", one of Link's items
throughout the series.

At one point, Linken says that he remembers a raft. A refrence to "Link's A
wakening" where Link is sailing on his raft and gets caught in a storm, to
awake on an island.

One of the quests involves a creature named Aqumentas, Aqumentas is actually
a winged, horned green dragon from the Zelda games.

Next to Linken, there is a kodo named Dadanga, Dodongo was the boss
of the Dodongo Cavern in Zelda's OOT. If you talk to her owner, she says he
hates smoke. In the Original NES ZElda, you talk to an old man who warns Link
that Dodongo hates smoke.

There's a quest that has you retreive a chunk of meat on a bone,
this is similar to in the original Zelda. As an added refrence the vendor you
buy the meat from says, "Buy somethin' will ya?" which is what the vendors
said in the original Zelda game.

There's a quest called "It's Dangerous to go Alone" which is what the old man
says when he gives Link his sword in the original Zelda game.

There's a quest called "It's a Secret to Everybody" which is what a moblin says
if you find a secret area in the original Zelda game.

A faded photograph is part of a Linken quest, showing a picture of Linken
and a princessly-looking female gnome. A refrence to Link and Zelda. In another
way it is a refrence to Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, in both games you had
a pictograph machine that could take pictures.

Contributor: Colis of Kargath & Funhoofs of Ner'Zhul & Chaoslink of ?
& Aurhea of Gilneas

Name: DK
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Gorillas here drop Empty Barrels, this is basicly an obvious
refrence to Nintendo's Donkey Kong.
Contributor: Guen of Elune

Name: Mario & Luigi
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There are two guys here dressed like the Mario Brothers with names
Larion and Muigin.

Larion is a dwarf in red and blue and is friendly to the Horde. He hates
Muigin's fascination with bloodpetals and occasinaly runs out to attack them
with his hammer. Larion sometime states, "I wish I could just jump down a pipe
and get away from them..."

Muigin is dressed in green and blue and friendly to the alliance.
Contributor: Nicneven of ? & Aurhea of Gilneas

Name: Chasing A-Me
Location: Un'Goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: This quest is a double refrence to the movie Chasing Amy and I
to "Congo" who is a cyberneticly-enhanced gorilla. I've also found that this
is a refernce to the "Thundercats" outtakes. Stretching it a bit far you could
also say this is a ploy on Mario's "It's a-me a Mario!" phrase. Dam triple ref.
Contributor: Menar of Argent Dawn and Evergrey of Frostmane & "Nick"

Name: Spraggle Frock
Location: Un'goro Crater
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is an NPC in Marshall's Refuge named "Spraggle Frock," which
is a play on the name of the once popular childrens' show, Fraggle Rock.
Contributor: Blobdude of Kargath

Location: Un'goro Cratter
Easter Egg: Upon turning in the quest "Shizzle's Flyer" in Un'goro Crater,
Shizzle says, "Everything needs a name. I think I'll call it [a flying machine
he's building]...Pwned!" The popular misspelling of "owned."
Notes: OWNED!
Contributor: Omni of Skullcrusher

Name: Williden & Hol'anyee Marshal
Location: Un'goro
Easter Egg: Two NPCs at Marshal's Refuge, northern Un'Goro. They are
references to Will and Holly Marshall, two characters in the TV series "Land
of the Lost".
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Kelirris of Whisperwind

Name: A little bit of help...
Location: Un'goro Crater
Easter Egg: In Un'Goro there's an NPC named Ringo. For an escort quest you
must escort him out. The quest is called "A Little Bit Help From my Friends".
Ringo Starr is a famous drummer from The Beatles, who sang a song, "Little
Bit of Help From My Friends". On another note, Ringo Starr went on to act in
several movies. If this area is dinosaur-related, then it probably is also a
reference to The Caveman, one of the
most hilariously cheesy movies in the whole cavemen and dinosaurs genre.
Notes: N/A
Contributor: Frimias of Perenolde

u. Tanaris

Name: Arguing Ogres
Location: Tanaris
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The Ogre mages with two heads get in an argument and end up
punching each other. Possibly happens elsewhere.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Qaurz of Hellscream

Name: Jhordy Lapforge
Location: Tanaris - Gadgetzen
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Jhordy Lapforge a NPC named after a character from Star Trek.
Contributor: Meltharos of Nathrezim

Name: Beardo
Location: Tanaris - Gadgetzen
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Auctioneer Beardo is a very interesting character. He's located in
the Gadgetzen Auction House. In Everquest Beardo was a dwarf that was belived
to have millions of Platinum. He devised a scheme where he would buy all the
gear out there and sell it for much higher prices and keep the rarest stuff
for himself. Alot of players hated him but he had a nice idea.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Rollin of Ner'zhul

Name: What are you doing?
Location: Tanaris - Island off Coast
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: Off the coast of Tanaris is an island, if you swim out to it, you
can find a bottle that says, "What the heck are you doing out here?".
Note: N/A
Contributor: Lorilay of ?

Name: Jose Morgan
Location: Tanaris
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: In the quest Stoley's Shipment, you have to recover some stolen
rum that was stolen by a pirate named Captain Cuervo which is probally a
refrence to the popular brands of alchohol, Jose Cuervo and Captain Morgan.
Stoley's name is also similar in sounding to Stoli, a nickname for Stolichnaya
Note: N/A
Contributor: Hyldun of Laughing Skull & Valiro of Bronzebeard

Name: The Scrimshank Redemption
Location: Tanaris
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a quest in a chain in Tanaris entitled "The Scrimshank
Redemption." This is based on the movie "The Shawshank Redemption."
Contributor: Blobdude of Kargath

Name: 8Th Dimensional
Location: Tanaris/Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: The rocket car that hit the wall in Southren Shimmering Flats
actully comes out the other side of the mountain into Northern Tanaris and
crashes. A refrence to the cult classic film "The Adventures of Buckaroo
Banzai Across the 8th Dimension". In the movie Banzai creates an overthruster
that allows him to travel through matter in a rocket car. He crashed
on the other side.
Note: N/A
Contributor: Senjo of Argent Dawn

Name: Seargeant Bly
Location: Tanaris - Zul'Farrak
Coordinates: ?
Easter Egg: There is a band called "Filter" and one of their popular songs was
called "Captain Bly". In Zul'Farrak you have to help the various prisoners
escape and one of them is called Seargent Bly, a possible refrence.
Note: N/A
Contributor: ???

E. Items
The Items section is just a bunch of various items I've noticed that have
unusual names or are generally not related to WoW.

Name: Fight Club
Contributor: Bryce of Kilrogg

Name: Wirt's Third Leg
Note: *WARNING* Interpert it as you will.
What I forgot to mention is, Wirt was a boy with a peg leg in Diablo. In Diablo
II you could find his leg when you go to Tristrim. Combining it with a scroll
of town portal allowed you to access the secret cow level, of which you could
mow down endless hordes of hell bovine. In Warcraft III you could find Wirt's
Other Leg. And now, in World of Warcraft you have access to Wirt's third leg,
whatever that may be exactly, don't hold it too tightly.
Contributor: Common Knowledge

Name: The One Ring
Quote: Better than the Two Ring.
Contributor: Eltrotraw of Frostwolf

Name: The Legend of Linken
Contributor: Colis of Kargath

Name: Goblin Fishing Pole
Contributor: Ana of Skullcrusher

Name: Dwarven Fishing Pole
Quote: Dwarves aren't known for their sublety.
Contributor: Me

Name: Loin Cloths
Once again a strange item.
Contributor: Jarak of ?

Name: Moist Towelette
Quote: Cleanses with the power of a Lemon!
Contributor: Vix of Burning Legion

Name: Cubic Ziconia Ring
Quote: Trust me, she'll know.
Contributor: Guiles of Whisperwind

Name: Mood Ring
Quote: It's blue, wait, it's green!
Contributor: Sokaris of Stormreaver

Name: Mug'O Hurt
When you equip this the graphic is a mug, so you can actully bash people with
a mug.
Contributor: Funhoofs of Nerzhul

Name: The Mortar: Reloaded
This is obviously a reference to the movie, The Matrix: Reloaded
Contributor: Mnar of Thunderhoorn

Name: The Big One
Contributor: Me

Name: Nutcrackers
Contributor: Mikoto of Hyai

Name: Chainlink Towel
Quote: Now even less absorbant!
Contributor: Kelvin of Elune

Name: Six Demon Bag
Note: &
A refrence to the cult movie "Big Trouble in Little China".
Quote: Blasts enemies with the power of wind, fire, all that kind of thing!
Contributor: Draskuul of Garona & Deviant of Destromath

Name: Poobah's Nose Ring
Contributor: Anume of Burning Legion

Name: Ragged John's Neverending Cup
Contributor: Anume of Burning Legion

Name: How To Serve Man
Note: ?
Easter Egg: This is a refrence to a short story by Damon Knight, where humans
have convinced themselves they are going to be eaten by aliens. There was also
a short on the Twilight Zone about this. This is an item dropped commonly by
trolls in Hinterlands, STV and most likely elsewhere.
Contributor: Gundrun of Aggramar

Name: Red-Speckled Mushroom
Easter Egg: This item's name highly resembles the Mario Mushroom. The icon
even reinforces this idea.
Contributor: Extremejon

Name: Cow King's Leather
Easter Egg: Diablo II refrence, the Secret Cow Level.
Contributor: Omni of Skullcrusher

Name: Seaforium Charges
Note: &
Easter Egg: Seaforium Charges are a refrence to C4 Charges, an explosive used
by various military operatives.

Name: Sword of Omens
Easter Egg: The sword that Lion-0 used in the Thundercats. Pretty good sword
as well.
Contributor: Voenib of Suramar

Name: Vibroblade
Easter Egg: This weapon can also be found in Star War's Knights of The Old
Contributor: Justin

Name: Toxic Revenger
Easter Egg: Toxic Revenger, a very good dagger that is a ploy of the comic
Toxic Avenger.
Contributor: Syres of Nathrezim

Name: Broken I.W.I.N Button
Note: ?
Quote: "If only it worked".
Easter Egg: A joke, on the people whinning about how certain races/classes
have an "I Win Button".
Contributor: Atma of ??

Name: The Emperor's New Cape
Note: ?
Quote: "If only it worked".
Easter Egg: The Story of The Emeperor's new Clothes, where he is tricked into
belive he is wearing an extraodinary garment, but in reality he is naked. The
cape in World of Warcraft, is accordingly invisible.
Contributor: Aurhea of Gilneas

Name: The Butcher's Cleaver
Easter Egg: The Butcher's Cleaver from Diablo
Contributor: ???

Name: Hydralick Armor
Easter Egg: Sounds like Hydralisk Armor
Contributor: ???

Name: Nagelring
Easter Egg: A Ring from Diablo 2
Contributor: ???

Name: Dal'rends Sacred Charge/Tribal Guardian
Easter Egg: Similar to Bul'kathos set from Diablo 2
Contributor: ???

Name: Cookie's Tenderizer
Easter Egg: Mmm... Rolling Pin
Contributor: ???

Name: Fish
Easter Egg: There's no greater disgrace than losing a Duel to someone with
one of these equiped.
Contributor: ???

Name: Doombringer
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Rip Hook
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Razor's Edge
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Ripsaw
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: The Minotaur
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Eaglehorn
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Bonesnapper
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence --> Bonesnap
Contributor: ???

Name: Grim Reaper
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Bloodletter
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Thinking Cap
Easter Egg: Diablo 1 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: Magefist
Easter Egg: Diablo 2 Refrence
Contributor: ???

Name: The Ziggler
Easter Egg: Diggler... Dirk the Diggler?
Contributor: ???

F. Quotes - Vcets
This is a list of various funny voice emotes the game has when you do /silly
or /flirt.


Human Male

How does a tauren hide in a cherry tree? He paints his hooves red.

Cover for me... I gotta wizz behind the tree.

A duck walks into an apocethary and he said, "Give me some chapstick, and put
it on my bill."

So an orc walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder, the bartender says,
"Hey! Where'd you get that?", the parrot says, "Durotar, they got them all
over the place."

A guy walked up to me and said "I'm a teepee, I'm a wiggwam,I'm a teepee,
I'm a wiggwam.", I said relax man, you're too tense.

So I have this idea for a great movie. It's about two gnomes, who find a
bracelet of power and they have to take it to the burning steppes and cast it
into the cauldron. They form the brother hood of the bracelet, along the way
they're trailed by a murloc named gollum who is obsessed with the breacelet
and nine bracelet boogie men. It could be a 3 parter called "Ruler of The
Bracelet." The first part would be called "The Brotherhood of The Bracelet",
followed by "A Couple of Towers" with a climatic ending called "Hey! The Kings
(Really long one here, maybe too obvious refrence to Lord of The Rings.)

Human Female

Why does everyone automaticly assium I know tailoring and cooking?

I can't find anywhere to get my nails done.

I lke to fart in the tub.
(Thanks to "Nick" for clarifying what she said, I was sure she said this, but
I wanted to verify it first instead of sounding like a fool.

Sometimes, I have *pitch begins to accelerate faster* trouble controlling the
volume of my VOICE!
(Talset of Durotan tells me this is a reference to Austin Powers: International
Man of Mystery when he's reclaiming consciounes from the freezing process. I've
been informed that this could also be a refrence to Peter on Family Guy.)

Me and my girlfriends exchance clothes all the time, we're all the same size!

I can't wait till this quest is done and I can look for another Gariboldi
(Thanks to "Clairene of Deathwing". In the show Alias, Jennifer Garner's
character is searching for artifacts having something to do with a man named
Rambaldi. Garibaldi is a type of fish too, w/e that has to do with this
easter egg. I've also been told this is a famous painter.)

Do you ever feel like your not in control of your own destiny? Like your being
controlled by invisible hands.

Dwarf Male

I like my beer like I like my woman, stout an bitter.
(Thanks to Lookadwarf of Lightningsblade & Boxybrown of Uther for a bit of

I don't have a drinkin problem, I drink, I get drunk, I fall down, no problem.

Oh, I'm just a social drinker, everytime someone says, "I'll have a drink", so
shall I!

I don't drink anymore... coourse I don't drink any less either.

Ahh winter.. yesss winter.

*Ripping Sound* Oh! I'm having a wardrob malfunction. *Boing Sound* Aooh,
there's me hamma.

Hi ho! Hi Ho!... uhh, second verse same as the first.
(Thanks to Lookadwarf of Lightningsblade for a bit of clarification.)

Dwarf Female
(Irish Accent)

Tis like my father always use te say, shut up and ghet out.

My uncle has brass balls, no reeally!

I like my ale like I like ma men, dark an rich.

I give myself a dutch oven pedicure evhery night, I got no toe fungus at all,
my toes are pristine.
(May be a refrence to Dutch Ovens, where one person farts under a blanket,
and then holds it over someone's head. Dutch ovens are also a means to cook
food, but how this relates to this joke is unknown.

No there not real, but thanks for askin.

I don't like to be underground, it reminds me of death.
(Thanks to "Nick", most likely a refrence to the fact that Dwarves, are in
general related to the underground, caves and mountains.)

Gnome Male

I hope to find some intresting gadgets around here, I do love tinkering with

I had an idea for a device that you could put small pieces of bread into cook,
but in the end I didn't reall think there would be much of a market for it.

I think that last vendor short-changed me, ahaha! Oh... that was a bad one.
(Gnomes are short.)

I look bigger in those mirrors where things look bigger.

You know, I really wish I had a garden where I could put a couple of human
(An obvious ploy on the fact that some people place gnome statues in their

I'd like to give a shouout to my boys in Gnomeregon! Keep in it real, Big T,
Snoop-pup, and little d's, you all are short but you're real baby!

Gnome Female

I've discovered that getting pummeled by a blunt weapon can be quite painful.

I apologize perfusly for any inconveinience my murderous rampage may have

Someday I hope to find the nuggets on a chicken.

Yeh know, squrriels can be quite deadly when cornered.

Night Elf Male

Is that thing sharp? Could that thing cut me? I'm not an immortal now.

What? I didn't hear that.

Man I was halfway through the Emerald Dream when I had to pee.

I don't know about you, but I don't understand a thing those wisps say. I
usually just nod.

Last night I went to an awsome stag party.

You know those ancient protectors in Darnasuss? They're not that old.

Who wants to live forever?
(This was the main chorus in a song by Queen, from their album Classic Queen.
Thanks to Gabbelgak of Lightning's Blade, Tsuru Hiromi Inochi and FatAttack of
Ner'zhul tell me this is a refrence to the awesome movie "Highlander"'s
soundtrack, the fact that I forgot this is a shame.)

I don't mind gnomes, but I'm always worried about tripping over them.

Night Elf Female

Actully I'm more of a morning elf.

You know wisps are actully pretty useful for personal hygene.
(I don't wanna know.)

Oh, I'm dancing again, I hope all your friends are enjoying the show.

You know, I have to keep moving at night, or I'll disappear.
(In Warcraft 3, shadowmeld was basicly a passive ability and would work at
night whenever the unit stopped moving.)

I think that guys just use the emerald dream as an excuse for not calling me

Orc Male

It's not easy being green.
(This is a classic line from Warcraft 2 if I'm not mistaken, although I could
be confusing it with Warcraft 3. I've also been reminded by Naussica of
Shadowcouncil that this is a line by Kermit the Frog from my favorite show
Seseame Street & The Muppets Show.)

Stop poking me! Well... that was okay.
(In Warcraft 2 if you constantly clicked a unit it would begin saying "pissed"
phrases, this also happened in Starcraft and Warcraft 3.)

Orcs Smash!
(Thanks to Kanelathar of Bladefist, this is obvious refrence to The Incredible
Hulk who is also big, green and angry, like our little orc friends.)

Man dog it's like I'm feeling yeh, but I'm not feeling yeh, you know?
(All I can credit this to is street talk? Sounds like something the Randy guy
from American Idol would say.

I will crush and destroy! ... ooo, shiney.
(Sounds like something Homer Simpson would say.)

We come from the Orcs
We eat with spoons and forks
We love to eat our pork!

Orc Female

What's estrogen? Can you eat it?

Man, I think that boar meats comin back on me, I gotta hit the can, anyone here
got a hearthstone?

I feel very feminine, and I'll beat the crap out of anyone who disagrees.

Get between me and my food and you'll lose a hand.

Ahh, I got to have my chest waxed again.

I have no respect for people with small pirecings, I say go full haul, put a
spear through your head.

Troll Male

I heard if you cut off an extremity, it regenerates a little bigger, don't
belive it.

I got a shrunken head, I just came out of the pool.
(For those of you who don't know, shrunken heads appear to be some sort of
voodoo thing, and when you put them in water, they expand. Naussica of
Shadowcouncil also reminds me stuipdly of this obvious reference I missed,
the term "shrinkage" should be enough. This is probally a reference to

New troll here.
(The trolls in Warcraft 2 said this when they were produced from the Barracks)

I like my woman dumpy and droop with halitosis.

Cookings done, stew here!

I kill two dwarves in the mornin,
I kill two dwarves at night,
I kill two dwarves in the afternoon,
And dam I feel alright.
I kill two dwarves in time of peace,
And two in time of war,
I killed two dwaves before I killed two dwarves,
And dam I killed to more.
(Juggz of Dragonblight & Oculi of Frostwolf tells me that this is a reference
to Bob Marley's track, "Smoke Two Joints".)
(Thanks to Dreadwood on Perinolde as well)

Troll Female

I feel pretty, oh so pretty... *spitting soudn*
(West Side Story refrence.)

I got all this and personality tooo.

The way to a man's heart is through his somach, but I go through the ribcage.

If canabalisim be wrong, I don't want to be right.
(Possible refrence to Jamaicans, Bob Marley or Rod Stewart's "If Loving you is
Wrong, Than I don't Want to Be Right"?)

Stong halitosis be but one of my femine traits.

Tauren Male

Moo, are you happy now?

Here's the beef.
(I'm guessing this is a refrence to the phrase, "Where's The Beef?".

Yee mess with the bull, ye get the horns.
(Thanks to Baltharog of Shadow Council. A refrence to the movie, Breakfast Club
where the actual line was, "Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the

Homogenized? No way I like the ladies.
(Thanks to "Nick", for the spelling of this word.)

You know taurens are born hunters, have you ever seen a tauren catch a salmon
out of a stream, really it's quite exciting, ever seen a tauren stalk a python?
Of course you haven't because Taurens are so in-depth at blending in with their

Tauren Female

You know it's hard to get a groove on with the spirit of your great-grand
mother looking over you?

I once laughed so hard I milked all over the floor.

Happy taurens come from Mulgore.
(There's an old commercail about how Happy Cows come from California, thanks to
Jomay from Dunemal.)

In my native tounge my name means "dances with tassles".

Undead Male
I'm Dead and I'm Pissed
(Possible refrence to Dracula Dead and Loving It, thanks to Aainya of Lothar.)

Roses are Gray
Violets are Gray
I'm dead and color blind
(Obvious knockoff of a popular poem.)

Hey diddle diddle,
The mucus and the spiddle,
The corpse sank into the lagoon,
the murloc said,
"arr ot see such a site"
and the orc spanked the baboon!
(Obvous knockoff on the nursery ryhme about the cow jumping over the moon)

I can stand the smell of orcs.

Anyone have any odorents? Either wetdog, fresh garbage or low tide will do.
(I've been informed by Darksabre of Bloodhoof this is from Monsters Inc. Don't
know why this didn't hit me in the first place.)

Undead Female

This stinks.

Aww, doornails.

I'd paint my toenails but I'm not sure where they fell off.

I'm in a rotten mood.

Yes they're real, they're not mine, but they're real.

You know once your dead, nothing smells bad anymore, rotten eggs, no problem,
dead fish, like a spring breeze!

You don't need deoderant when you don't have any armpits.

I heard a real knee-slapper and it skipped my knee right across a lake.
(Thanks to "Nick", A Knee-Slapper is a really funny joke.)
Human Male

Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day.

What's your sign?

If I said you had a good body, would you hold it against me?

Your tags showing, it says Made In Heaven.

How you doin?
(Thanks to "Nick", a refrence to Friends, Joey's favorite pickup line.)

Hey Babycakes

Human Female

I need a hero.
(Thanks to "Nick", a reference to the song "I need a hero" by Chris Rice.)

My turnoffs are rude people, mean people and people who aren't nice.

Umph, you've got me all a flutter.

Dwarf Male

Enough of this chit chat, lets go to it then.

Let's get on with it, I got a quest to do in 15 minutes.

Where are ye from, not that it matters.

You look pretty, I like your hair, heere' your drink, are you ready now?

You'd like to run yer arms through my beard wouldn't ye!

I must be asleep, because you're a dream come true... also I am slightly damp.
(Thanks to Lookadwarf of Lightningsblade for a bit of clarification.)

Dwarf Female

I'de like to see yu in a kilt!

I like tall men, *muffled laugh*

I won't fall for any bad pickup line, you've got to try 2 oe 3 at least.

And now for your flirtin, I know how you think all dwarven woman look tha same.

I'll have you know I can bend steel with my theighs.
(Thanks to Lookadwarf of Lightningsblade for a bit of clarification.)

Gnome Male

Everyone keeps talking about beer goggles, I can't find plans for them
(This is another refrence to The Simpsons, where Bart puts on a pair of "beer
goggles" and everything he looks at looks more appealing to the eyes. Also
just a refrence to when you're drunk, your judgement changes and somethings
look better.)

Hey! Nice apparatus.

I have a number of inventions I'd like to show you back at my place.

I like large posteriors and I cannot prevaricate.
("I like big butts and I cannot lie...", thanks to "Nick" for pointing this out
to me, obvious reference to the song "Baby got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot.)

Gnome Female

I don't feel that the 1-10 scale is fine enough to capture subtle details of
combalability. I'd prefer a 12 dimensional combalability scale with additional
parameters for mechanical and apptitude and torqe.

Your ability to form a complete sentance is a plus.

You're cute.

At this time I think you should purchase me an alchoholic beverage and engage
in dimunitive conversation in hopes of gathering a repor.

I do not find you completely disagreeable.

Night Elf Male

I hope you're not afraid of snakes.

You're an emerald dream come true.

Baby, I'm mortal now, times a waste'in.

Wanna bring out the animal in me?

I'm a force of nature.
(Force of Nature was a summoning spell/unit in Warcraft 3, could also be a
refrence to Magic:The Gathering card.)

Night Elf Female

Ther'es nothing like sleeping in the forest under the moonlight.

I'm the type of girl my mother warned me about.

Sure I've got exotic piercings.

If I wasn't purple, you'd see I was blushing.

Orc Male

You have six different smiles: one for when you're angry, one for when you tear
flesh, one for when you chew flesh, one for when you loot bodies, one for when
you skin game and one for when you want to kill something.
("wickEdGirl" tells me this is a reference to a movie called, "Win a Date With
Ted Hamilton".)

Uhm, you look like a lady.
(Skeeve of Uther, reminds me of one of Aerosmith's hit songs "Dude Looks Like
a Lady".)

Lady, from the moment I see you.. - I did not expect to get this far.
(Possible refrence to an Old Styx song, where the line goes "Lady, from the
moment I saw you..." Probally a refrence to a guy using song lyrics as a cheesy
pickup line. Thanks to Kettric of Dragonmaw,

That armor looks good on you... it would also look good on my floor.

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
(Thanks David & Protesilaus of Stormrage, I've also been told by other sources
that this is a refrence to 50 Cent's song "21 Questions".

This is true love, do you think this happens every day?
(Iranthanon of Stormrage tells me this is a quote from The Princess Bride:
Westley: Hear this now: I will always come for you.
Buttercup: But how can you be sure?
Westley: This is true love - you think this happens every day?

So once again another refrence to The Princes Bride.)

Orc Female

You'll do let's go.

I like men who aren't afraid to cry, cry "uncle".

Let's not ruin this moment with chitchat.

I'll give you crazy love.

You had me in Zugzug.
(Rashnack of Perenolde says this is a refrence to the movie "Caveman". In the
movie "Caveman" Zugzug means sex. "Kent" also tells me "You had me at 'Hello',
is from "Jerry Maguire". Also don't forget, Zugzug was one of the phrases orcs
said in Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3, not sure about the original, if it even had
sounds then.

Don't talk, just follow me.

Troll Male

I hope you're well rested, you're going to need your strength.

Want some of my jungle love?
(A refrence to Jungle Love, a song by Time. Thanks to Baltharog of Shadow

You look pretty, pretty tastey.

We trolls mate for life, course we belive in freequent incarnation.

Troll Female

Aren't ye gonna axe me out?
(Refrence to Ebons/African American Venacular English/Future English, as seen
in Futurama where they say aks. A bit of a stretch but possible with Blizzard
having so many Simpsons refrences.)

I won't bite you where it shows.

You're the type I like to sink my teeth into.

When enraged and in heat, a female troll cna mate over 80 times in one night,
be you prepared?

I know, my natural beauty is intimidating.

Tauren Male

You know older bulls really only have one function.
(Bulls who make it to a certain age are chosen for breeding, making them
"Stud Bulls". More fun for the taurens. ;) If one dosen't make it to the
older age... well then you'll probally end up as a nice juicy steak on
Thrall's dinner table.)

You moooove me.

Free rides for the ladies.
(This was the "pissed" quote of the Keeper of the Grove in Warcraft 3.

Hey, you into leather?

Hey, you workout?

Are you comfortable with complicated machinery?
(Keldar of Sargeras has solved this refrence. In Minoan/Grecian mythology,
the Minotaur was an offspring of King Minos' wife, who had sexual lust that
only a bull could provide. The only explaination give of how she did this
was through the use of "complicated machinery".)

Tauren Female

I've got big soulfoul eyes, long eyelashes and a wet tounge. What more could
a guy want?

I want a man with soft hands, preferably 4 of them.

Come over here sailor.

I'm tired of the same old bulls.

Wanna see some good clogdancing?

Undead Male

I don't smell that bad for a dead dude do I?

If rot was hot, I'd be a volcano.

Don't mind the drool, it's just embalming fluid.

Smell my breath *woosh sound* Is it bad enouhg for you?

Once you go dead you never go back.
(Thanks to "Nick", this is a reference to the phrase, "Once you go black, you
can never go back.")

You have beautiful skin, no maggot holes at all.

Undead Female

Us undead girls really know how to have a good time, after all, what's the
worst thing that could happen?

One good thing about being dead, my biological clock seems to have stopped.

I don't care that much about romance, I fell in love before and look at what
happened to me.

Nice... butt.

I cna't wait to suck the juice out of your eyeballs.

I don't need to get funky, I'm already there.

Thanks to Strummer of GameFAQs.

Below is a list of the possible sources for each race/gender's dance.

Human Male: Saturday Night Fever

Human Female: The Macarena

Dwarf Male: Cossack Dancing
(QuixoticIntent tells me that this is similar to Russian Step Dancing but I'll
have to look into it more. Trystand of Magtheridon tells me this is called
"Cossack" dancing.)

Dwarf Female: Irish step-dancing.

Gnome Male:

Gnome Female:

Night Elf Male: Micheal Jackson

Night Elf Female: Alizee (A young french singer, search on Google to find more

Orc Male: MC Hammer

Orc Female:

Troll Male: Capoiera

Troll Female: Shakria?

Tauren Male: Noodle Dance w/ Raise the Roof

Tauren Female: Electricslide/Line-Dancing

Undead Male: Mosher

Undead Female: Gothic

Pissed Quotes
If you keep clicking on NPCs they will say these things, here's a list I've
collected, this is similar to what happened in previous Blizzard games. I've
also listed ones that sounded cool but not nessicarly reached through
repetative clicking.

Who dares awaken Archaeas? Who dares the wrath of the makers?

Baron Revilgaz:
Keep your nose clean in my town.

Turn back. Do not wake the dreamer.

Druid of The Claw:
I'd rather be hibernating.
(This was a pissed quote for the Druid of The Claw in Warcraft 3)

Edwin VanCleef:
And stay down.

Male/Female Gnome NPC:
Was there something else?
Sorry, I wasn't listening.
Blah, blah blah blah blah, are you through?
I'm not listening!

Yeh very funny.
I've had a long day kid.
Buy somethin or leave.
Will you knock it off?
Alright, move along now.
Shut it!
You're just embarassing yourself.
I don't have time for this.

Me Grimlock, KING!
(When he attacks he shouts, "ME GRIMLOK, KING!". The T-Rex
transformer of the dinobots was named Grimlock. He was the king.)

Jammalan The Prophet:
The Soul Flayer Comes!

Lord Serpentis:
I am the Serpent King! I can do anything!

Mekginner Thermaplug:
Usurpers! Gnomeregan is mine!\
(Thanks Todd)
Explirsions! More explosions! I gotta have more explosions!
And stay dead!
He got served!

Mortar Team:
(All of these were Warcraft 3 Quotes)
It's you and me pal. We've got the sneregy.
I'm TNT, I'm Dynomite!
(Obvious refrence to AC/DC but all of these quotes are more directly linked to
Warcraft III.)
Mmm hmm mmm... burnin and lootin, come and shootin.
Take this you bad thing!

Mr. Smite
Hmm, you land lubbers are harder than I thought! I'll have to improvise!
Argh! Now you're making me angry!


(More Warcraft III stuff.)
Me Busy.
No time for play.
Me not that kind of orc.

VanCleef pay big for your heads!

(Warcraft III Quotes)
This is my, BOOMSTICK!
(Thanks to Kanelathar of Bladefist, this is a refrence to Bruce Cambell and
Army of Darkness.)
Where's me drink?
I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint.
Oh there's me drink, GET IN MA BELLY!
(Refrence to Fat Bastad in Austin Powers)

(Warcraft III Quotes)
Don't touch me!

Do not push me or I will impale you on my horns.

Time to die!

Here come teh voodoo!

Wolf Rider:
(Warcraft III Quotes)
You're annoying my dog.
What's that smell? Oh bad dog!

4. Credits

Blizzard for making an Awsome MMORPG.
I cannot give credit to everyone, but many of these were gathered off of the
World of Warcraft community forums. I will
provide as much credit as I can however.

If you really wish to have credit, just email me and I will put your name in
as a list of contributors. I also gave "Common Knowledge" credit because
there's some that are pretty well known, or that I've read in the past.

If you email me, at "" or whisper me on "Dragnoth" on
Mal'Ganis I'd be happy to place an easter egg you found, and I will include
full credit.

Easter Egg:

5. Legal Stuff

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

Special thanks to Sheep, Riach, Deadly and Teh Dung Beetle.
(And Ellendil Too)
Also to all the contributors of this guide, after all, I am just the compiler.

Copyright 2005

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This guide can be posted on any site, I really don't care, just as long as you
don't try to make money off it, share the secrets!
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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