You Don't Know Jack 4

You Don't Know Jack 4

08.10.2013 23:43:24
You Don't Know Jack Volume 4: The Ride
Windows 95/98/ME/XP
Author: Pop
E-Mail Address:
Current Version: Final
Last Updated: 3/8/05
The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at

= Table of Contents =
= ----------------- =

1: Introduction
2. Gameplay Basics
2a: Buzzing In To Answer/For Money
2b: Name Generator Questions
2c: Time Limit
3: Multiplayer
3a: Buzzers
3b: Screwing Your Neighbor
4: Standard Multiple Choice Questions
5: Road Kill
6: Bingo
7: Gibberish Question
8: Fill In The Blank
9: Dis Or Dat
10: Jack Attack
11: Secrets
12: Conclusion & Credits
13: Version History
14: Copyright Information

= 1: Introduction =
= --------------- =

The You Don't Knock Jack series has been a blessing to low-budget PC
gamers for years. After looking through my old FAQs I stumbled across
an old FAQ that I originally wrote for Volume 4 of the series. The date
was 12/26/2000. Now, more than four years later, I'm back and revising
this FAQ for the gaming community.

I want to thank all that read this FAQ back in the day and hope that
new readers will find the information to be useful. You Don't Knock
Jack Volume 4 is easily one of my favorite games out for the PC to this
very day. The humor is great, the multiplayer fun and the challenge:

Again, I really hope you find use in this FAQ, and if not please let me
know by e-mailing me at with questions or comments.
Please include Jack, The Ride or Volume 4 somewhere in the subject
line. Thanks again for taking the time out to view this FAQ.

= 2: Gameplay Basics =
= ------------------ =

The following section will cover common questions about how to play You
Don't Know Jack Volume 4: The Ride. The following section mainly covers
the single player version of the game. Please read through your
instruction manual for information on technical issues (i.e.:
installing), game credits, menu options, etc.

= 2a: Buzzing In To Answer/For Money =
= ---------------------------------- =

Buzzing in is the foundation of any trivia game. The buzzer for the
single player games is the letter B. Every category requires that you
buzz in to submit an answer.

During the beginning of each question there is a set of time where you
cannot buzz in to answer the question. This is the danger portion of
every round. If you buzz in during this time (this time being before
the list of possible answers appear on the screen) then you will
receive four answers; all of which will be incorrect. This will more-
or-less cost you a lot of money in the end run and a possible high

At the beginning of each round you will see a series of high numbers
flash across the screen. You must buzz in to stop the cycle of numbers.
The number you stop the cycle on will be the amount of money the
following question (or series of questions if you're playing a round
such as Dis or Dat) will be worth.

There are some things you should be aware of when buzzing in for money.
Never stop exactly when a high number flashes across the screen; you
are bound to almost never get it and the number after a high number is
usually small in dollar amount. Simply wait until a set of mid-range
numbers appear; this is the best chance you have of "accidentally"
selecting a high dollar amount.

= 2c: Name Generator Questions =
= ---------------------------- =

At the beginning of the round each player will be prompted to input
their name, but every so often a question will appear instead a text
block. The question is always multiple choice and your answer will
correspond with the name you will receive throughout the remainder of
the game.

Example Question:
What continent were you born on?

Answer #1| North America
Answer #2| Europe
Answer #3| Asia

The game will turn your answer into a humorous name that you will play
with throughout the remainder of the game. For example, if you chose
answer #3 then you may receive the name Bruce Lee or Ramen Noodle.

Another form of the name generator question is random name modifying.
The game sometimes simply changes your name altogether after you've
already typed it in, and it even goes as far as to mess with your
keyboard configurations to force you to type in an unwilling alias.

= 2c: Time Limit =
= -------------- =

Each question is given a certain amount of time for which the player
(or group of players) may submit their answer in. If time runs out then
the round is simply thrown out and no money is taken away or awarded.
Certain exceptions do apply. For example, if you run out of time during
a Dis or Dat question then the player could lose a hefty sum of cash.

During a multiplayer game, use the time limit to your advantage. If
you're considering guessing (especially simple questions worth low
amounts of money) then take a shot at the question within the last few
seconds. Try not to buzz in until the last few seconds however; your
opponent may try to guess as well and submit a wrong answer. This will
leave your odds of getting the answer correct significantly higher.

= 3: Multiplayer =
= -------------- =

Multiplayer in You Don't Know Jack Volume 4: The Ride truly makes the
game what it is. In multiplayer, everything changes. Playing with more
than one person truly feels like a totally knew game. Host's attitudes
will change, as will some rule sets. The new screwing your neighbor
feature is added and more categories become available for play as well.
The following section will document some changes that you will
experience throughout a multiplayer game.

= 3a: Buzzers =
= ----------- =

Buzzers will change in a multiplayer game to better suit the players
and keyboard layout. For a two-player game the buzzers are set up as

Player # 1 Will Buzz In On| Letter Q
Player # 2 Will Buzz In On| Letter P

For a three-player game the buzzers are set up as follows:

Player # 1 Will Buzz In On| Letter Q
Player # 2 Will Buzz In On| Letter B
Player # 3 Will Buzz In On| Letter P

Sadly, you can't alter the buzzer positioning. When playing rounds such
as Dis or Dat the chosen player must still buzz in on their
corresponding button. Multiplayer junkies should consider purchasing a
new keyboard as well; I've noticed that wear and tear on a keyboard can
sometimes leave an unfair advantage for contenders.

= 3b: Screwing Your Neighbor =
= -------------------------- =

Another feature that becomes available in a multiplayer game is the
ability to screw your neighbor. At the beginning of each game each
player is granted a set of screws. In order to screw your neighbor you
must buzz in and pound away on the S key to cover up the current
question and possible answers. However, screwing your neighbor only
works on standard multiple-choice questions and should only be used on
high value questions that seem harder than the norm.

There are some things you should watch for however. You should never
have your finger positioned over the S key at the beginning of a
question: this will notify your opponent(s) that you're getting ready
to screw them over. This may indicate them to read faster lowering your
chances of success.

So what exactly happens when you screw your neighbor? Well, let me try
to explain it simply. When you screw your neighbor you are prompted to
select an opponent to answer a question against their will. (If you're
playing with only two players then this step is obviously taken out.)
During this time the host will stop reading the question and you must
pound the S key as many times as possible to literally cover the screen
in screws. A fast player can make the question and answers unreadable
with ease.

A wrong answer on their part deducts money from their winnings and also
eliminates a wrong answer to ease the difficulty of the current
question. The other player (or players) may now buzz in to guess
at/answer the question without fear of an opposition to steal the

Be weary however, if your opponent gets a correct answer after you
attempt to screw them over, then money will be deducted from your
current winnings. Also be careful not to buzz in to early in an attempt
to screw your neighbor, or, as always, you will be given a wrong set of
answers and the ability to screw your neighbor is taken away.

Well, now that the basics of the game are covered, let's move onto
question types shall we?

= 4: Standard Multiple Choice Questions =
= ------------------------------------- =

These are the basic and most frequent questions featured in the game.
In this question type you will be given a question and a list of four
answers to choose from. Multiplayer gamers should take note that,
screwing your neighbor can only be performed during this question

Example Question:
What is the shape of King Arthur's Table?

Possible Answer #1| Square
Possible Answer #2| Circle (<- Correct Answer)
Possible Answer #3| Triangle
Possible Answer #4| Octagon

Choosing the correct answer (in which case, the correct answer would be
answer #2) will give you winnings equal to the amount chosen at the
beginning of the round, and choosing an incorrect answer will deduct
just as much.

Almost 75 percent of all questions in You Don't Know Jack Volume 4: The
Ride will consist of standard multiple-choice questions.

= 5: Road Kill =
= ------------ =

If you manage to receive a road kill question then you're in for a
treat. Road kill questions are set up in a driving scenario in which
the player resumes the role of a driver who is attempting to dodge road

At the beginning of the round a pair of phrases appear on the screen
and a series of answers will flash in front of the contestant(s). Your
job is to know what the pair of phrases have in common with one another
by selecting the corresponding answer at the correctly given time. It
may take a while for the correct answer to appear, so be ready with
that buzzer finger.

A correct answer will award the player with a successful road kill
dodge and 500 dollars, and a wrong answer will hurl road kill front of
the contestant and deduct 500 dollars from their winnings.

Example Question:
Phrase # 1| The Color of Grass
Phrase # 2| The _____ Mile

The correct answer is green. The player must wait for the word green to
flash across the screen in order to buzz in and grab the winnings. The
first player to buzz in gets the prize and there is no limit as to how
many times a player may attempt at a phrase. (Just know that 500
dollars is deducted every time you get it wrong, so be careful never
the less.) If the pair of phrases goes without anyone buzzing in for a
certain amount of time then the phrases are temporarily thrown out and
repeated later for a second time. The pair of phrases will be thrown
out entirely if they cycle through a second time without a correct
answer given. This will neither benefit nor harm contestants in anyway.

At the end of the round the ten correct answers for the phrases appear
on the screen and a bonus question is asked. You must correctly
identify what all the correct answers have in common. The bonus
question is worth the amount of money chosen at the beginning of the
round. You only get one shot at the bonus question though, and a wrong
answer will deduct money from your score.

Example List of Answers:
Answer # 1| Diamond
Answer # 2| Opal
Answer # 3| Sapphire
Answer # 4| Ruby
Answer # 5| Crown

The correct bonus answer would be types of jewels. The first player to
buzz in when the correct answer flashes across the screen will win the
bonus round of road kill along with a large sum of money.

= 6: Bingo =
= -------- =

This is another enjoyable set of questions in which the player(s) are
given a five-letter word board. Your goal is to light up your entire
word board by getting correct answers for all five letters. How is this
done? Will it's simple.

The player is given a clue or question and the contestant(s) must give
the correct answer by buzzing in when the first letter of the correct
answer becomes highlighted on the master word board. This may sound
complicated, but it's quite simple, here's an example:

Example Question:
Five-Letter Word| RHINO

Example Question/Clue:
What city is NYPD Blue filmed in?

The player must wait until the letter N (New York City) is highlighted
on the master word board and then buzz in to receive points. A correct
response will reward the player with 500 dollars and a highlighted
letter on their personal word board; a wrong answer will result in a
500-dollar deduction from their winnings. Just like in road kill, you
are given unlimited opportunities to answer each question.

The first player to successfully light up their entire personal word
board wins the match and bonus prize. The bonus amount is selected at
the beginning of the round. Just like in road kill, single players are
awarded the bonus just for lighting up their board successfully.

= 7: Gibberish Question =
= --------------------- =

These are probably the hardest questions in the entire game. A popular
slogan or phrase will appear in front of the player(s). There's a catch
however, the phrase is in gibberish and it's your job to translate the
gibberish into proper English. The dollar amounts at the beginning of
these questions are usually high, and the amount of prize money will
drop significantly for every 3 seconds that goes by without an answer.

After a few seconds of no answers a clue will be given. This process
will continue until three clues are posted along with the gibberish
phrase/slogan. After the prize amount hits zero, the round ends.

Example Question:
Vitsa Itsveryverywere Yous Hant Tsummee.

Correct Answer:
Visa, It's Everywhere You Want To Be

Unlike road kill or bingo, you only have one shot at these, and the
dollar amount is usually high enough to either make you go bankrupt or
allow you to win the game with ease. Use extreme caution when typing in
your answer as well; the smallest typo could result in an incorrect

= 8: Fill In The Blank =
= -------------------- =

Just like gibberish questions, these questions are extremely difficult
and are usually worth a lot of prize money. You only have one shot at
these and there is a time limit, so be careful. A wrong answer could
put you in debt with ease. The format for these questions are just what
they sound like: fill in the blank by being the first player to buzz in
with the correctly typed out answer.

Example Question:
What is the capital of Japan?

Correct Answer:

Remember, a typo will cause you to lose the round along with a hefty
sum of cash, so be weary when you input your answer. Again, the
difficulty of this type of question is extremely tough; so think your
answer through.

= 9: Dis Or Dat =
= ------------- =

This is by far the most complicated question category in the entire
game. This is a one player round where the player who chose the value
amount will play for a large amount of cash and the other player(s) is
forced to watch it all without having the ability to interfere.

The round begins with a simple question and a set of three (and
sometimes four) options. Your job is to categorize a set of items by
correctly identifying what it is in correspondence to the question

Example Question:
Is this a president or cartoon character?
Choice #1| President
Choice #2| Cartoon Character (<- Correct Answer)
Choice #4| Skip

Bugs Bunny

It is now you job to either hit #1 to categorize Bugs Bunny us a
president, hit #2 to categorize Bugs Bunny is a cartoon character or
hit #4 to temporarily skip the question. Some questions even have a
third choice and allow you to categorize the example into both choices;
this adds an extra bit of difficulty.

You have one minute to categorize all seven examples and it is
impossible to break even at the end of the round. You will be forced to
return to all skipped examples at the end of the round.

For every correct example you categorize you will receive the amount of
money equal to the sum you chose at the beginning of the round, you
will also lose the same amount for every example you get wrong or
example you don't have time to sort.

= 10: Jack Attack =
= --------------- =

The last round of the game is the round where it's possible earn the
largest amount of money. The round starts out with a clue. At the
beginning of each sub-round you must match together phrases or objects
that are linked together by the clue.

A main phrase will be dominant at the beginning of each sub-round and
its possible counterpart will flash on the outside. If no one answers
the sub-round correctly then the pair of phrases is skipped and
returned to later. After a sub-round is cycled through three times
without a correct answer than it is permanently thrown out of the game.
Remember, just because a pair matches doesn't mean it follows the clue,
so be careful.

Example Clue:
Television Couples

Dominant Phrase:

Answer Choice #1| Ball
Answer Choice #2| Ricky (<- Correct Answer)
Answer Choice #3| Classic TV Character
Answer Choice #4| Redhead

While all the answers may match up with the dominant phrase in some
way, the correct answer would by answer #2 because it follows the clue
given at the beginning of the round.

The player(s) has an unlimited amount of tries for every sub-round, and
will receive the dollar amount equal to the number chosen at the
beginning of the round and lose just as much for a wrong answer. Simply
put: each sub-round is equal in dollar amount to an actual question,
this can easily put you in debt if you choose multiple wrong answers.

For multiplayer gamers this round is especially important. Whichever
player has the largest amount of money at the end of this round wins
the entire game. The end of this round could bring high score glory to
single player gamers.

= 11: Secrets =
= ----------- =

The following secrets were discovered while playing You Don't Know Jack
Volume 4: The Ride:

Secret #1: Have the announcer wish you a happy new year.
How it's done: Set your computer date for the first of any year. Rumor
has it that this trick works on other holidays as well such as

Secret #2: Have the announcer say your name.
How it's done: This is completely random, but you have a better shot at
the announcer saying your name if you type in a name that starts with a

Secret #3: Have the announcer insult you and your fellow players.
How it's done: This almost always happens at the start of any three
player game, however, your odds of this happening increases if you
input the number of players with extreme speed.

These are all the known secrets I have discovered while playing the
game, if you have more than please e-mail them to me at
and include the words Secrets and Jack in the subject line.

= 12: Conclusion & Credits =
= ------------------------ =

I'm really happy I found this FAQ on my computer because it truly
reminded me how much fun You Don't Know Jack is as a series. This is
the first FAQ I ever wrote and I'm elated to have found the time to
perform a complete revision. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as
I had writing it.

I am open to all types of question, comments and submissions. Please e-
mail me at with the words Jack, The Ride or Volume 4
somewhere in the subject line with any of these concerns and I will be
more than happy to reply. Once again, thanks for reading.

I would like to thank the following people for their continual support.
Without these people this FAQ would not be here today:

Devin Morgan -
A huge thank you goes out to Devin Morgan for being the sole person to
inspire me to write FAQs in the firs place.

Meowthnum1 -
Trace has always been a great friend and a phenomenal fellow writer.
Thanks for always being there.

CJayC -
A thanks goes out to CJayC for hosting my work and having the best
gaming site on the net.

Poopnug148 -
I have co-written many projects with Dr. Poo and he is a great friend
and a wonderful writer.

Wan Hazmer –
I want to thank Wan for clarifying some mistakes I made on my original
FAQ concerning question formats.

As always, thank you to my parents, my friends and the gaming community
for their continual support.

Feel free to check out my other work at:

= 13: Version History =
= ------------------- =

Version: .1 - 12/26/00
This was the initial version and my first FAQ ever created. This was
thought to be the final version.

Version: .2 – 1/1/01
I corrected many grammar mistakes in this version of the FAQ, a few
weeks later I removed it from GameFAQs.

Version: Final – 3/8/05
This is my current, and hopefully last version of this FAQ. I rewrote
the entire FAQ from scratch and added a new secrets section. Again,
thank you for reading and I hope you find use in this FAQ.

= 14: Copyright Information =
= ------------------------- =

This FAQ is Copyright (c)2000-2005 Pop. This FAQ is for private and
personal use only. It may NOT be used on any website other than the
following site:


If you would like to post this FAQ on a site, book, magazine, etc.
Please contact me at If you post this guide in any way,
shape or form without my permission on anything, then proper legal
action will be taken.

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