Armed Delirious

Armed Delirious

17.10.2013 19:01:36
Armed delirious COMPLETE AND CONDISE walkthrough

AUTHOR: George K. Ison
by way of


Your computer may occasionally re-boot after changing a disc
or entering a new area. If this happens, start the game again
and restore the autosave listing. This is where the problem or
re-boot occurred. Now you can proceed normally.

TIP: Save at or near each area, in case you goof, and try
everything you can think of, for a bit of occasional fun. For
instance, in one area, click on the dressing curtains and
Granny will sing as she takes a shower.

Click on the chair on the right, don't let go of the button, and move
the drag cursor to the far left of the screen. Click on the pink thing
on top of the cupboard, you get a snorkel. Click on the bottom left
of the screen.
Click on the stairs on the bottom of the screen.
Click on the green bottle, a bottle of brandy. Drag the pole to the
right. Click on the bucket. Apply the bucket icon on the running
worm till you get the worm, color worms in a bucket.

In this walkthrough, when Granny gets an item, for example
a bottle of brandy, it would be wise to check inventory to see
that you actually have that item. If you leave an area without
an item you should have acquired, you won't have to restore,
but you will have to backtrack and pick it up. You'll realize
this when an item is called for and you don't have it.
Now go to the left room.
Drag the trash can near the bath-rug. Click on the bath rug and
apply it on the hole in the floor. Click on the trash can's lid, a sun
tan lotion. Go back to the hallway.
Click on the left exit near the stairs.
Click on the remote control on the desk. Click on the coffin on
the left - a flying casket. Click on the table drawer on the right,
a porno magazine. Click on the exit under the stairs.
Drag the picture upwards. Click on the pills jar and apply it on the
foot print on the floor, anti-dizziness pill. Click twice on the
trash basket on the left.
Click the morse code key at the lower right of the screen. Click
the picture on the top shelf of the red cabinet. Click the panel with
the large X. Go near drawers on the left. Click on the second
bottom drawer. Click on the object in the now opened drawer on
the right, A tape recorder. Review everything in inventory by
right clicking each item. Rewind the tape then play it. Get in the
habit of right clicking each new item in inventory. Click the door
in the floor. Return to Granny's hallway.
Click on the safe on the right. Drag the plunger, a plunger with a
bell. Go to the exit on the left.
Check everything here, particularly the very end of the rails.
Click on the lite-brown thing in the drawer, a coat hanger, and
ôa scarf. Open inventory and click on any icon, apply it on the
rails, or just click the rails near Granny (if the rails won't stay up,
check that you have these items: color worms in a bucket, a
bottle of brandy, sun tan lotion, a snorkel, a coat hanger,
a flying casket.) Click on the washing machine, and drag it to
the door on the right.

Click on the middle world on the bottom (Gazbig.)
Click the grey triangular thing on top of the rear end of the bus.
Click on the rubber band on the left. Click on the twirling object
on the right (near the clouds), half a compass. Click on the left
front tire of the van, dream maker capsule. Now leave the screen.
Click on the upper right world (Telecom.)
Click on the black hole (disc2.)
Drag the bottom rock to the right. Click on the giant needle on the
left and apply it on the toilets' rim. Click on the shovel on the right
and apply it on the trash can. Click on the shovel 3 times. Garbage
lodges in the toilet lid. Click on the yellow metallic thing behind
the trash can on the left and apply it on the bottom of the screen
when the ants aren't there. The ants will cause the lid to close.
You're now able to walk across the toilet's lid. Click on the middle
of the screen to do so.
Go to the upper left exit.
Click on the triangular object on the floor and apply it to the
bottom of the tree with the button on it. Click on the plank on the
floor and apply it on the triangular object. Click on the left side of
the plank. When you see the kangaroo on the left, click on the red
button (if you do it right ) and you get a baby carriage. Exit left,
then exit down to the trash dump. Now leave the world, at the
upper right of the screen. Click on the turning object, and enter at
lower center Gazbig (disc1.)
Use the baby carriage, on the guy, for a hammer and music
notes. Go back to Cradle Snatchers (Telecom, Black Hole-disc2,
up center of screen, upper left.)
Click on the right end of the path.
Click on the cannister behind the green creature to it's right. Click
on the buffer (black and yellow wooden thing in front of the rails.)
The green creature will fall down. Use the hammer notes on
him. Click on the green item on the right, a blow-dryer. Go back
to the map, and enter Gazbig again (disc1.)
Use the blow dryer on the guy, china plate. Now, in the map, go
to the bottom right location (Doors.)
Click on the double (swinging) doors (disc3.)
Click on the lite colored hallway on the left side.
Click twice on the desk's bell. Take the two guns on the right. Use
the china plate on the shop keeper, a bullet. Click on the
earmuffs. Exit to the pinball and click the lite brown hallway on
the right.
Click on the glass of beer on the bar and use it on the woman at
the table. Use the coat hanger on the coat rack, near the toilet
door. Click on it, when the door opens, to hook it. When the
woman appears in the doorway, click the hanger again and she'll
be knocked unconscious. Click on her seat. Click on the cards.
Click on the blue clock on the table, the Translator. Go out to
the pinball area, then up to the right to the top of the Doors area
near the swinging doors. Click on the bottom right exit (disc5)
to the right of the swinging doors.
Click on the hallway and Granny will run into a fake hallway.
Click on the hallway, just above Granny's shoes, and drag it up.

Click on the first door on the right (with the video camera.) Click
on the left and right white boards of the door, till the camera starts
spinning. Open the door. Enter the door again.
Use the scarf on the guard when he bends down. In the group of
three buttons, click the middle and top ones on the control panel.
the two right doors between the cells will open. In the top group of
4 large buttons, click the second from bottom so that the barred
door is moved down. In the group of 4 small buttons, click the
bottom button and the barred door will swap places with the door
on it's right. Pull the right side of the barred door toward Granny.
Click on the telescope, A Telescope. Click on the sewage lid.
Drag the lid up the screen. Sit in the char in front of the hole.
Make sure Granny stays in the chair, by clicking on it, whenever
she moves her legs. When the barber falls, click on the hedgehog.
Click on the chair. Drag Granny's right shoulder into the mirror on
the right side. Click on the stairway.
Drag the big round frame, of the left fan vent, straight to the left.
Drag the tip of the fan shaft to the right.
Use the plunger on the trap door Granny just came in from. Exit
and enter back to the plant plot. Walk to the nearest plant and
talk to it. Click on the mirror, double mirror. Use the translator
on the machine on the left. Click on the small pendulum, to get it.
Go out to the Underground Corridor.
The snails eventually tell you to follow the yellow bricks. Click on
them to end up near the left white door down the hall. Go through
that door.
Click on the big book case on the right. Click twice on the bottom
left corner. Drag the bookcase to the left. Climb down the red
ribbon that's hanging from the book on the left.
Drag the screw, in Granny's direction, twice, A Screw. Go back
to the underground corridor. Go down screen. Go through the
bottom left green door. Click out in the air. Go to Gazbig at the
bottom center (disc1.)
Use the telescope on the guy, worms poster. Enter GAZBIG
again. Use the pendulum on the chicken, an airy chicken. Go to
the map.
Go to the middle upper location, Thing.
Click on the rock with the balloon (disc5.)
If the bucket is on top of the well, drag it into the well. Drag the
handle, of the well, to the right once. Drag the lever, on the big
pipe, left. Drag the bucket onto the lever. Drag the well handle
to the right again. Click on the opening.
Click on the pink boxes in the water. Use the pink boxes on the
left hook. Click on the bluish box in the water, fish tank. Click
on the exit to the right of the bottom cave.
Drag the fruits on the right downwards. Use the color worms in a
bucket on the water. Click on the hole beneath the green creature,
a round green creature. Go back to the outback.
Click on the gas station pump.
Open inventory so that it's small and in a lower corner. Scroll it
down till the worms poster can be seen. Click on the left gas
nozzle. Click on the pump's wheels. A worm appears. Click the

wheels a second time to see the worm again. Click the wheels a
third time, use the worms poster on the worm, a baseball cap.
Return to the Outback.
Click on the exit behind the far left rock.
Use the bullet on the giant. Click on the giant's belt, A Giant
Belt. Exit upper left and go back to Thing, where balloon rock is.
Click on the upper right small round world (disc3.)
Click on the laundry line behind Granny. Go to the left screen.
Exit center screen, to the cone shaped building, to go to the Pool.
Click on the bag. Exit lower left to Damaged Machine.
Use the rubber band on the handle on the left. Use the giant belt
on the conveyor. Use the fish tank on the conveyor. Take the
Grandpa in a bag. Go back to Thing, down to lower left, right,
click up in sky at middle of screen. Ride bucket to Balloon Rock.
Enter the bottom right big round world.
Click on the bench. Drag Granny's leg up to trip the girl. When the
girl falls into the fountain, use the snorkel on the fountain.
Granny's leg must be down before she can use the snorkel. Click
on the dynamo in front of the fountain. Drag the bus to the left.
Granny runs down after it.
Click on Granny. Click the light above her. Click on the yellow
handle on the side of the wheel. Drag green hose, near Granny's
head, onto the handle. Click on the wipers. Click on the
light bulb. Granny must get it. Exit the bus (the exit
symbol is on the stop sign.)
Enter the house on the right end of the street.
When the trolley is on the left, use grandpa in a bag on the trolley.
When the trolley reaches the right corner, click on the handle of
the recycling container on the floor. Click it again to get Grandpa
to open the gate. Click the exit on the right, above the container.
Click on the bone with the balloons quickly click on the table
cloth, table cloth. Click on the skeleton, glass of old liquor.
Exit back to the street. Click on the exit at far end of the street,
and you get a metal crowbar. You don't have to watch the
credits. Exit down screen twice to Balloon Rock. Click in the air.
Go to the bottom left world, Roads.
Click exit on the bottom right at the long pipe (disc2.)
Click on the giant sprocket above Granny. Drag the stairs straight
to the right side of the screen, so that they will be against the
sprocket. Click on the button on the bottom of the stairs. Click on
the opening in the sprocket spindle.
Click the rotating gate when the guard starts towards Granny.
Keep clicking rapidly on the big round mirror on the ceiling to
keep it spinning. The guard faints. Click on the right exit.
Drag the cannon on the right to the left and to the center of the
screen. Click on it. Shoot out all of the pillars. Right lick out of
the cannon. Click on the right wall, then on the left wall. Click on
the box the creature holds, corn flakes. Go left to the Museum.

Click on the left mirror on the bottom floor. Return to Gazbig at
the lower center of the map (disc1.)
Use the bottle of brandy on the corn flakes, spiked corn-flakes.
Use the spiked corn flakes on the pig, air-bubbling pig. Return
to THING, upper center on map, and click on the balloon rock.
Exit upper left of gas pump to Stepping Giant.
Click on the floating house.
Pull the middle lever down. When the man faints, pull the middle
lever back up. Drag the right lever to the right. Drag fainted guy's
helmet to the right. Use the air bubbling pig on him. Click twice
on blue machine that's beneath the book, a memo or echo
machine. Go to Doors area; at Balloon Rock, click out in the air.
Click lower right area of map.
Click lower right exit on screen (not the swinging doors.)
Click on the second door on the right (a red door.)
Click on the handle on the right. Drag the air tube, at upper right
under the clock, onto the exit funnel of the suction machine. Use
the green creature on the bottom conveyor. Click on the whistle on
the left, next to the closet, Whistle. Exit left, down, then left.
Click out in air. Go to Thing at upper center.
Click on the tree (disc4.)
Click on the pebbles on the bottom right of the ground. Click on
them again while the tree moves his hands. Click bike on the left.
Click on the car battery on the ground. Click on the bridge on the
right. Click on the shrub next to where the bridge was. Click on
the envelope that is on the table. Click on the bike. Use your light
bulb on the socket hanging down next to the painting. Use the
dynamo on the bike. Click on the painting, folding steps. Go
back to the Bored Tree.
Click on the skateboard.
Click on the bottom of screen, slightly left exit.
Click on the crowd in the bottom left corner. Click the right stump
in front of the tree. In inventory, rewind and play the tape. Use the
memo (echo) machine on the area left of the tree. On the right,
click little box on top of the other boxes, Jack in a box. Go back
to the Living Forest.
Exit to the left.
Click on the cheese. Click on the boulder. Click arrow sign twice.
Drag left on the tunnel drawing. Click on the cheese again. Use
the screw on the radical tree, a horn. Go right twice to the Bored
Tree, then exit upper right to Thing area, click out in air, go to
Telecom at upper right of map.
Enter the upper left world (disc2.)
Click on the handle above Granny. Click on the green window.
Click on each of the green blinds again. Click on two of the three
triangular windows on the right of the green window. There are 4
switches on the bottom right corner, A B C D, from left to right.
Click on A once, C twice, D 3 times. Click on the new door.
Click the small white panel next to the lit door. Drag the bottom
of electricity line onto the green opened panel. After the guard
gets electrocuted, click on the right button of the two on the panel

next to the guard's post. Click on the mouse in the large box,
a mouse. Click on the door with the blinking lights.
SAVE GAME! Drag the vacuum's nozzle just to the left of the
table and near the gold shoes. Open inventory so that it's small in
the lower right corner. Scroll it until you see the mouse. Click on
the cloths rack. When the woman is behind the shower curtains,
use your inventory mouse on the curtains, quickly drag nozzle up
to trip woman. You get model's clothes. Go to the electrocuted
Click on the left button near the man. Click on the new exit.
In this game show, you have to avoid being caught by the fork and
shopping cart, and cause the cart to bump the big wheel. To do all
this, quickly go left, up, up, right (maybe the arrow keys will work
better than the mouse.) Climb out of the tank and click on the
square thing in front of the announcer's desk, bottom part of hang
glider. Now click near top of screen over Granny for Control
Center. Go out the white corridor on the left.
Click on the rotating remote control.
Click on the middle lite-red thing, of the three, behind Granny.
Click on it again. There are 6 radio tubes on the bottom right
corner of the screen. On the back row, left to right, a, b, c. In the
front, left to right, d, e, f. There are some wires connected to the
the top of the portal. See which wire will activate your cursor.
Click on tube b and then on the correct wire. Exit opened portal.
Click the red button by the castle gate. Click the red button on the
box at screen left, twice. Use the whistle on the horn, whistling
horn. Use the whistling horn on the bubble gum machine on the
right. Go down screen back to the Electronic Room.
Click on the cigar that the pink hairy thing holds, a cigar. Go
back out the portal to Grand Entrance.
Click on the squared door ON the opened castle gate (NOT the
round entrance.)
Click on the squeegee. Click on the tap handle. Drag the spout
end straight down to the mud bath. Keep trying till you do. Click
on the squeegee. You get a squeegee. Click on the trampoline
and quickly on the round handles. Click on the bike wheels
to open the door.
SAVE! Click on the eye in the top center of the back wall. Click
on the handle of the vacuum tube on the right wall. Close the
circular hatch. Click on the wheel connected to the right of the
machine. Click on the chair to the left. Click on the opened chute
in the ceiling. The idea is to make the room air tight before
turning the vacuum machine back on. Click the grey button on top
of the machine and quickly click on the chair again, master key.
Exit through the floor and up left steps in exercise room. Exit left
side of electronic room. Exit to the left of rotating remote. Click
out in the air to the map.
Go to Roads at lower left.
Click on the long tube looking thing, at the lower right, for
Sprocket City. Go through the sprocket spindle to the Museum.

Click on the round mirror, in the middle, at the back of the room.
Use the squeegee on Granny's reflection in the mirror. Click on
the revealed handle. You get a diamond. From moving staircases
at the sprocket, exit at the lower right (NOT the trapdoor.) Click
out in the air to the Map.
Go to Thing at top center.
Click on the tree (disc4.)
Click on the tree's mouth when opened.
Click on the table. Click on the stool. Drag the rope, by the table,
to the left. Click the guy in the cage. Click the left tunnel. Drag
the right tunnel to the left. Go through the left tunnel. Click above
the ladder. Try sitting in the small chair twice. Use the smelly
cigar on the chair and get the long sheet of paper. Exit to the
lower right then to the middle right back to the Bored Tree.
Click on the skateboard. At the crossroads, dag tree that's behind
Click on the judge's desk. Click on the monitor at upper left. Use
the diamond on double mirror get ôdiamonds. Give diamonds to
the guy on the right. Pick up the chest, Exploding Box. Exit to
the right, then right again to the Bored Tree.
Exit to the upper right, then click out in the air. Go back to the
villa, at the middle left (disc1.)
Inside, exit left of the front door.
Use your long sheet of paper, on the ball, on the top shelf. You get
a ball filled with water. Click on the brown vase. Click the white
thing on the floor, an electric button. Exit to the Map.
Go to Telecom at the upper right.
Enter the Black Hole (disc2.) Go back across the toilet lid towards
the center of the screen.
Exit to the right.
Click on the axe. Click on the axe again. Use the dream maker
capsule on the opened head. Click on the lower left to back away
from the head. Click the exit on the upper right area of the screen.
Quickly click on the rim of the tunnel, or you'll be thrown away. If
so, try again. Click on the bottom right area of the screen below
the tunnel. Click on the trolley when it's near Granny. In front of
the big woman, quickly move the mouse left, then right so that she
jabs left and right.
Click on the bone on the cabinet. Click on the rising and lowering
basket until Granny throws a grenade at the guy on the right. Use
the baseball cap on his head. Granny might have to move a bit in
order to do this. Click your old liquor on the table in front of him.
Now, click on his legs. Sit in the chair, you'll get underpants.
Click on the dart board on the left. It's on the easel in front of the
microwave. There are three circles with colors. From the inner
circle out, click on yellow, blue, brown. Back away at the lower
right. Click on the opened microwave door.
Use anti dizziness pill on Granny. Click on the giant snail's head.
Click on his shell near the tail. Click on the guy with the drill.
Click on mushroom at the bottom of the screen, a mushroom.
Go through the new opening, over the scaffold behind the snail.

Use metal crowbar on the triangle thing on the floor to the right.
Click on the triangular thing to turn it's rough edge up. Keep
clicking on the toaster until it's on the triangle. Click on the
bouncing creatures over the hot plates until they're both inside the
toaster. Click the toaster handle twice. Use the jack in the box on
the big block on the left of the rotating plate Melony is on. Use the
underpants on Melony. Click the opened closet, family album.
Drag the giant plate to the left. To go to the Doors area, let the big
woman catch you. From the forest, go down screen to the toilet lid.
Click upper right of the screen, then click out in the air.
Go to the lower right to the Doors area.
Click on the hinges of the white door at the bottom center. Click
on the opening (disc4.)
Click on the bolts of the elevator's panel. Drag the foot to the
mirror. Click on the highest square button (4th floor.) Click on the
left red handle .
Click on the hallway. Someone really lets off. Drag the tip of the
pyramid to the far right area. Click on the last door in the corridor.
Click on the stairway at the left of the screen. Drag the stairway to
the left once. Click on the stairs.
Use the folding steps on the gap in front of Granny. Use the half
compass on the twirling thing near the stairs. Now use the family
album on the dog. Drag dog and Fritz straight up to the window.
Go back down the stairs.
Click on the creature on the ceiling/floor. Use the ball filled with
water on the floor that Granny is on. Look in the hole where the
ball went. In the dark, click on the area where the creature was.
When the light comes on, click on the lamp shade on the table
next to Granny. Use your electric button on the button panel to the
right, near the grate. Click on the grate.
On the back wall to the right, click the two circled arrow. To the
left, click on the sketch twice, a blueprint. Click on the wheel
under the sketch. Click on both of the handles on the right. Click
on the button near the handles. Click on the button near the tubes.
Click on the area on the bottom left (not the exit.) In inventory,
right click the fish. Then, exit the very bottom near the left side.
Exit center screen.
Click on the wooden plank on the bottom of the middle door in
the corridor.
Click the dressing curtain on the left. Click the fireplace. Use the
airy chicken on the fire place. Drag the round shiny knob on the
floor. Click on the crack near the drawers. Click the upper drawer
on the second floor. Click on the hole on the bottom floor. Click
on the camera when the creature can't see, a camera with a
backwards flash. Be sure to take the camera. Drag the mirror, on
the left, to the side and go in.
SAVE GAME! Click on the only arrow that's pointing to Granny.
Click on the arrow, which is directly in front of Granny, pointing
down screen. The idea is to get the ladder dropped into place so
Granny can enter the house. Use the blueprint on the architect.
Click on the bucket and apply it on the record player, red dancing

boots. Get them. Exit on the hook at the upper right. To go back
to the map, (the two rooms are connected by upper and lower
chest of drawers and in the elevator, use the right red handle in
order to turn the elevator back to normal.) Exit lower right corner
in the elevator.
Go to the Thing area at upper center.
Go to the upper small round world (disc3.) Go to the right exit.
At George's door, click him several times when his cigar is down.
Use the model's clothes on Granny. Use the flying casket on the
left part of the room. Use the camera with a backwards flash on
George. Click on the suitcase next to the table, a suitcase (with a
sock credit card). Go back out to the Map.
Go back the Villa at the left middle.
Go inside (disc1.) Go left near the stairs. Exit under the stairs. At
the lower left, click on the trash basket.
Drag the left narrow door to the left. Use the suitcase on the white
panel on the right of the curtains. Click on the lever in the opened
door on the left. Click on the football helmet below Granny,
A Football Helmet. Exit through the floor. Exit bottom of screen
in next two rooms. Go out front door and to the Map.
Go straight down to Roads.
Enter the tube at the lower right (disc2.)
Click on the right side door that is next to the stairs.
Click on the intercom next to Granny. Use your helmet on the
sleeping referee. As each of the creatures lands on the forecourt,
outside the board of squares, use sun tan lotion on them to
temporarily give the creatures sticky feet. Then position Granny at
the jumping off point at the middle-front of the forecourt. Click on
a square in front or behind any one of the four creatures. It jumps
to that square, often causing one of the obstacles to rise or fall. Do
the same with the other creatures until the first small square of the
middle row opens for Granny. Click this free square and Granny
jumps onto it. By continuing this procedure, Granny can proceed
along the middle row from square to square. When she reaches the
other side, click on the goblet (the trophy), a goblet. To return to
the Stepping Giant, go out to the sprocket. Then, exit lower right.
Go to upper center.
Click the balloon rock (disc5.)
Exit upper left of the gas pump.
Go to the volcano where balloons come out. Watch a lengthy
sequence. Use the lamp shade on the balloon maker. Use the
goblet on him. Click on the engine, an engine and a car battery.
From the Giant, exit middle left. Go right to Thing area and click
out in the air.
Exit upper right to Telecom.
Jump in the black hole (disc2.) Go north across the toilet seat.
Click on the car. Use the engine on the open hood. Notice the
magnet in the tree overhead. Go to the left exit.
Click the right handle of the machine in order to operate it. Click
the top button (hot pepper) just in time to stop the kangaroo. Click
the bench and then on the kangaroo, to ride it past the car and grab
the magnet from the tree, a magnet. Go back to the car and pick

up the magnet if Granny missed it. Go back down screen to the
trash dump and return to the map.
Go to the Doors at the lower right.
Go through the swinging doors to the pinball area (disc3.)
Click on the middle revolving hole.
Click on top of the table. Click on the disco ball. On the dance
floor, use the dancing boots on Granny's feet. Click next to the
DJ's desk, and then on the DJ himself, a clapping hat. Drag the
table base to the bottom right area and enter the hole.
On the floor, click on the right paddle once and then drag it down.
Click on the middle paddle. Click the left paddle. Click on both
old guy's ears to clean them out. Click on the piano keyboard.
Click on the opening next to the left old guy.
Eventually Granny will come back here. In the room with the
arrows, sit in the chair at the back wall. Pull the lever and push
the buttons. Try to go through the curtain on the right. Exit down
screen. From hiding, click on the guard. Use the magnet on the
guard. Click on the button on the right, an emergency steering
wheel. Go back through the left door to Checkpoint 2.
Use the porno magazine on the guard. Use the chit on the chute to
the left of him. Click on the curtain.
Drag the speaker to the hook. Click on the loose red brick on the
wall at the peace sign. Use the emergency steering wheel on the
hole in the wall. Drag Florence straight to the hole. You get an
electric guitar. To get back to Gazbig, exit down screen. Then,
again down screen. Go left and exit up the right side of the curtain
at the piano. Right from Disco and out to Map.
Go to the bottom center (disc1.)
Use the clapping hat on the salesman, top part of hang glider.
Go back in and use the electric guitar on him, a fishing rod.
Return to the Map.
Go up to the center.
Click on Balloon Rock (disc5.) Go to upper left of the gas pump.
Use fishing rod on the running stone with glasses on the bottom
left near the giant mushroom, a pair of glasses. Go back to the
well and down the hole. Then, exit to the lower right.
Drag the sun to the right.
Talk to Napoleon three or four times. Use the bottom part of a
hang glider with the top part of a hang glider, and use the hang
glider on the fork. Exit left through the manhole, then exit to
the right center. From Thing, go to the Map.
Go to the lower right to Doors.
Exit the bottom right of the screen (not the swinging doors.)
Step down the center of the corridor. Click black door on the right.
Quickly use the earmuffs on Granny. Click on the right side of the
table, you'll get 2 crooked sticks. Click the bottom center area of
the turntable. The camera should point downwards. Use a crooked
stick on the revolving record player. Click new door on the left.
Use the Glasses on Granny. Click the top hat two or three times.
Use your Exploding Box on the top hat. Use the second crooked
stick on the Exploding Box. Drag the handle of the window to the
right. Drag Donna's left arm towards the window. Go down the

manhole to the asylum. Exit asylum through same manhole. Go
down the stairs. Go through the large open ventilator on the left.
PLANT PLOT: SAVE GAME! Sometimes computers hang on this
final part and when you restore autosave, you are outside of the
Steps area without things you may have acquired inside this area.

Use the master key on the giant ventilator. Drag the ventilator to
the right and in front of the electrical outlet. Click on the portable
stairs on the right. Under the ventilator are four switches that look
like springs. Click the rightmost switch. Click the ventilator and
walk through. Watch a long ending.

AUTHOR: George K. Ison

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