Freedom Force vs The Third Reich

Freedom Force vs The Third Reich

16.10.2013 16:02:48
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| F R E E D O M F O R C E |
| v s T h e T h i r d R e i c h |

V1.00 2005-05-04

(c)2005 Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Freedom Force, the Freedom Force logo and Freedom Force vs The Third Reich
are trademarks of and copyright Irrational Games.

This FAQ/walkthrough is not endorsed by, nor is the author associated with,
Irrational Games.

ASCII Art by Barry Scott Will

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[1] Game Overview
[1.1] Review
[1.2] Glossary
[1.3] Links
[2] Gameplay
[2.1] Controls
[2.2] Understanding Hero Stats
[2.3] Combat
[3] Heroes
[3.1] Alchemiss
[3.2] The Ant
[3.3] The Bard
[3.4] Black Jack
[3.5] Blackbird
[3.6] Bullet
[3.7] El Diablo
[3.8] Eve
[3.9] Green Genie
[3.10] Iron Ox
[3.11] Law
[3.12] Liberty Lad
]3.13] Man-Bot
[3.14] Mentor
[3.15] Microwave
[3.16] Minuteman
[3.17] Order
[3.18] Quetzalcoatl
[3.19] Supercollider
[3.20] Tombstone
[4] Foes
[4.1] Fortissimo
[4.2] Glacial Giant
[4.3] Nuclear Winter
[4.4] Red Oktober
[4.5] Red Sun
[4.6] Time Master
[5] Walkthrough
[5.1] Things That Go Bump in the Night!
[5.2] Chaos in Cuba!
[5.3] Beware the Sorceress of the Soviet! (Act I)
[5.4] Beware the Sorceress of the Soviet! (Act II)
[5.5] The Ice-Man Cometh!
[5.6] A Time of War!
[5.7] The Voice of Doom!
[5.8] Red Sun Rising
[5.9] Red Sunset
[5.10] To Rescue a Hero!
[5.11] When Strikes the Kill-a-Rilla!
[5.12] Sky King's Starring Moment!
[5.13] Achtung! Der Alchemiss!
[5.14] Beat the Clock!
[5.15] Peril and Paradox
[5.16] Mind of the Mad-Man!
[5.17] Enter Entropy
[5.18] Devastation Duet
[5.19] The Burning of Patriot City!
[5.20] Holes in the Time Stream!
[5.21] Entropy Over Time Equals Destruction
[5.21] Sacrifice of a Hero!
[6] Version History & Credits

To jump to a specific topic, open the Edit menu and choose Find in this
Page (or just press Control-F) and enter the bracketed number, including
the brackets. For example, enter [5] as the search text to jump straight to
the beginning of the Walkthrough.

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|| [1.1] REVIEW

Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich is the sequel to Freedom Force. Both are
strategy/RPG games loosely based on comics from the 1960s. The in-game
cutscenes and characterizations takes the general camp of comics from that
era and ramps it up several notches. Think Adam West and Burt Ward on

The voice acting is so over-the-top, calling it ham doesn't do it justice.
This is ham served with a side of bacon and cheese fries. If you can handle
that for more than a few minutes without gritting your teeth, the game
underneath is a solid squad-based tactical strategy game with some generic
RPG elements. Don't expect full-fledged role-playing as you would find in
Knights of the Old Republic or Baldur's Gate.

The pacing of the game is quite slow as you spend approximately 75% of your
time with the game in Pause. Your teammates have no artificial intelligence
(AI) to speak of, so you must pause, issue commands, resume to carry out
those commands, pause, issue more commands, resume...

You get the picture. If you assign one of your heroes to attack a target
using an attack that consumes no energy, that hero will continue using that
attack until the target is eliminated. That's the full extent of the AI
available to you for your heroes. Needless to say, you'll want to
micromanage combat situations yourself.

If that sounds tedious and boring to you, then you'll want to skip this
game. If handling the minutiae of combat gets your blood racing, then
you'll love this game. The interface is, overall, solid and intuitive. It
is missing a mapping feature; but, there are lots of arrows lying around
pointing the way you should go next.

The game is extremely linear. While the story is interesting and the
characters well-defined, you are thrust through one short, single-path
mission after another. This game is, really, all about the tactical combat
and the mechanics of increasing the power of your heroes.

It takes a bit of time to really get into the game, and the gloss can be
hard to overcome; however, this is a quality title that is well-worth
purchasing (and don't forget to pick up the original FF while you're at

__ __
|| [1.2] GLOSSARY

* AoE (Area of Effect):
A power that spreads its effect over a wide area, affecting multiple
Targets--including teammates if they are within the effect range. When
targeting an AoE power, the area that will be affected is shown by a
gray globe.

* Stat:
One of the five scores that determines a hero's abilities. They are
Strength (STR), Speed (SPD), Agility (AGL), Endurance (END) and
Energy (ENG)

__ __
|| [1.3] LINKS

* Freedom Force Universe:
Bills itself as the "number one source for all things Freedom Force"
and they are pretty much correct. This is the official community site
for Freedom Force, run by Irrational Games. If you're looking for more
in-depth information about this game or its prequel, this is the place
to start.

* ModForce:
A section of FF Universe, this is the place to start if you want to mod
Freedom Force (1 or 2). Includes free tools, tutorials, meshes and
skins, etc.

* Freedom Reborn:
A fan-run set of forums for playing and modding FF games. Lots of
activity, plenty of participants and very specific forums for handling
whatever type of modding you wish.

* Alex's Freedom Fortress:
A lot of high-quality meshes and skins created by the FF community.

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| [2] GAMEPLAY |

__ __
|| [2.1] CONTROLS

FFv3R is a typical point-and-click PC game. You can run the entire game
with your mouse:

* Left-click a target to perform a default action or attack
* Left-click the ground to move there
* Right-click any target (including your own characters or the ground) for
a menu of actions that can be taken on that target
* Push the mouse to the edges of the map to scroll the map in that
* Zoom the camera with the mouse wheel
* Left-click a hero or hero portrait to select that hero
* Left-click-and-drag around a group of heroes to select the group

There are a few actions that require the keyboard:

* Press SPACE or P to pause the game
* Hold the ALT key while moving the mouse to rotate the camera
* Hold the CTRL key when selecting an action to overpower the action
* Hold the SHIFT key while clicking heroes or hero portraits to select
multiple heroes
* Press ESC to open the game menu

Additionally, you can use the keyboard to perform most actions:

* Use the W, A, S, D keys or the arrow keys to scroll the map
(Do not work for rotating the map while holding ALT)
* Press 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select the hero in that position (you can see
the position number of each hero on the hero's portrait)
* Press SHIFT + 1, 2, 3 or 4 to add that hero to your current selection
* Press 5 to select all four heroes at once
* Use the Function keys to use hero powers; see each hero's action menu
for the F-key to use for each power
* Open the Objectives screen with O
* Quick save with F11
* Quick load with F12
* The bracket keys [ and ] cycle through a hero's powers

You can, of course, re-map the keys used for commands using Options >
Control from either the main menu or the game menu.

__ __

Each hero has five ability scores: Strength (STR), Speed (SPD), Agility
(AGL), Endurance (END) and Energy (ENG).

Strength modifies damage and knockback of melee attacks and determines the
hero's ability to pick up and throw heavy items.

Speed governs how fast the hero moves. Heroes do not move together in a
group at the same speed. If you have a really fast hero (such as Bullet)
with a group of average Speed heroes, the fast hero will quickly outpace
the others and can end up all alone among a group of enemies. The Speed
rate is applied equally whether the character is on the ground or flying.

Agility determines the hero's ability to dodge attacks.

Endurance determines the amount of health points.

Energy governs the rate at which Energy-X regenerates.


Adaptive: The hero is resistant to half the damage types and vulnerable to
the other half. Each time the hero is hit by a damage type to which the
hero is vulnerable, the hero becomes resistant to that type of damage and
vulnerable to another type of damage.

Armored: The hero is resistant to piercing damage. Speed is reduced by 1.

__ __
|| [2.3] COMBAT

FFv3R is a tactical squad-based strategy game. In other words, you've got
four people on your team and you must control and coordinate their attacks
on your enemies in order to get the most effective use out of your heroes'
attacks. You can attack targets two ways:

* Execute a default attack by left-clicking a target. You can set a hero's
default attack by selecting the hero and clicking the default attack bar
shown beneath the hero portraits. This will bring up the action menu and
you can select a new default attack.

* Execute any available action by right-clicking a target and selecting an
action from the action menu.

If you set a hero to attack a target with a power that consumes no Energy-
X, the hero will continue attacking that target with that power until
either the hero or target is knocked out. Otherwise, heroes will do nothing
unless you specifically command them.

When fighting the weaker minions, you can just select all your heroes and
left-click an opponent to quickly take out the target with default powers.
Then move on to the next minion in the group. Tougher minions and bosses
require much greater tactical maneuvering and use of powers.

In boss fights you should concentrate on taking the boss out of action in
some way so you can concentrate on the minions. Ways in which to do this
are Tombstone's Possession, Green Genie's Object Lesson or Polymorph,
Alchemiss' Purgatory, etc. Tombstone's Possession is especially good as it
allows you to use the boss to fight his or her own minions. If you can't
take the boss out of the fight, concentrate on the boss with all your
heroes--usually, once the boss is down the fight is over and you don't have
to worry about the minions any longer.

Whenever you mouse over a target, information about that target shows in a
status bar in the lower right of the screen. Pay attention to the
vulnerabilities and resistances of the target. It is next to useless, for
example, to use El Diablo to attack a target resistant to fire; but, highly
recommended to use him against a target vulnerable to fire.

Use Pause often and take the time to examine your options using the right-
click command menu. Some powers that cause less damage may be more useful
if they affect multiple targets and you are being mobbed. Finally, don't
forget that retreat is sometimes the better part of valor. Not to mention,
you may need to run away from some fights in order to complete an
objective--especially in timed missions.

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| [3] HEROES |

Ability stats cannot be improved during the course of the game. Attributes
listed with a Buy cost must be purchased with character points when
training the character. Powers listed with a Buy cost can only be purchased
when the Power listed directly above is also purchased and upgraded to
level 3. (If the previous power does not upgrade, purchasing it suffices to
allow you to purchase the lower power.) Resistances and vulnerabilities
cannot be changed, unless they are affected by an attribute or power you

__ __
|| [3.1] ALCHEMISS

"Believing in little besides her ability to make men drool, Catherine
Larchmont-Price wandered through life disdainful of the beliefs of others.
All that changed when the goddess came to her dreams one night, blessing
Catherine with mystic powers and transforming her into the Alchemiss."

* STR 3, SPD 4, AGL 5, END 4, ENG 6

* Flier
* Level Headed
- Buy cost: 700

* Smite the Wicked
- Buy cost: 0 (starting level 3)
- Upgrade cost: 63
- A short, sharp slap for the unworthy; crushing damage
* Arcane Bolt
- Buy cost: 0 (starting level 1)
- Upgrade cost: 86
- A small bolt of mystic energy; energy damage
* Blessed Aegis
- Buy cost: 788
- Upgrade cost: 157
- Passive defense against mental and mystic attacks
* Aloft
- Buy cost: 366
- Upgrade cost: 73
- Propel people upward with great force;
* Arcane Blast
- Buy cost: 380
- Upgrade cost: 76
- A devastating bolt of mystic energy; energy damage
* Repulsion
- Buy cost: 0 (starting level 3)
- Upgrade cost: 223
- Flings a foe away with furious force; energy attack
* Alteration
- Buy cost: 0 (starting level 3)
- Upgrade cost: 250
- Inflicts a random curse upon the target; mystic attack
* Arms of the Goddess
- Buy cost: 0 (starting level 1)
- Upgrade cost: 212
- Active defense against piercing, fire and cold damage
* Purgatory
- Buy cost: 181
- Upgrade cost: 36
- Temporarily banish an enemy from this plane of existence
* Vengeance Curse
- Buy cost: 551
- Upgrade cost: 110
- Target suffers susceptibility to stun

* None

* None

* Automatically at the beginning of the game

Alchemiss is required during the first two missions, and during two
missions much later in the game. Thus, it pays to get to know her well and
use her fairly often in order to train her up for the later missions. She
has a diverse assortment of ranged and direct attacks and two good shields;
not to mention she's a flier, able to stay out of range of melee attacks.

She is OK in boss fights early with Alteration; she is good in boss fights
once you've purchased Purgatory. Arcane Blast can do a lot of damage, but
is slow to release and not very accurate. She as average speed and
endurance and can regenerate Energy-X relatively quickly. Alchemiss should
be considered a good all-around hero with no specific strengths nor

__ __
|| [3.2] THE ANT

"The Ant hates those who prey on the weak or defenseless. Imbued with the
powers of, and control over, ants, he is doggedly determined when it comes
to besting an opponent. When not rounding up criminals he tends to be quiet
and introspective, as he doubts his place in the team. His lack of self-
confidence is his major weakness."

* STR 5, SPD 5, AGL 5, END 6, ENG 4

* Heavy Lifter
* Wall Climbing
* Nimble
- Buy cost: 200

Starting Powers:
* Thorax Punch (3)
* Acid Bomb (1)
* Burrow (1)
* Shove (3)
* Tunnel Travel (1)

Additional Powers:
* Pincer Punch
* Metabolize
* Mandible Assault
* Ultrasonic Squeal
* Ant Swarm

* None

* None

* Automatically at the beginning of the Ice Man Cometh mission

__ __
|| [3.3] THE BARD



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.4] BLACK JACK



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.5] BLACKBIRD



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.6] BULLET

"Very little fazes The Bullet. A career military man, he has a deep-rooted
and selfless concern towards the innocents caught in the crossfire of any
conflict. Imbued with fantastic powers of speed, he is always the first
into any battle when he is called upon."

* STR 5, SPD 10, AGL 4, END 5, ENG 4

* Rapid Metabolism, Cosmic Chump, Fast Healing

Starting Powers:
* One-Shot Punch (3)
* Fist Flurry (1)
* Sprint (1)
* Whirlwind (3)
* Energize (1)

Additional Powers:
* Speeding Bullet
* Fist Fusillade
* Hyper Spin
* Electrify

* None

* Radiation, Energy, Acid

__ __
|| [3.7] EL DIABLO

"Growing up in the barrio, Ricardo Ramirez thought he knew it all, heading
up a gang of thugs and miscreants. With the sudden bestowment of Energy-X
powers, his viewpoint changed for good. Now, using his amazing control of
fire, he seeks to make up for lost time--and to give a little back to the
city he grew up in--as El Diablo."

* STR 4, SPD 4, AGL 4, END 4, ENG 5

* Flier, Hot Tempered, Heroic

Starting Powers:
* Swift Punch (3):
- Upgrade cost 35
- A fast punch
* Fire it Up (3):
- Upgrade cost 147
- A powerful defense that burns bullets before they can strike
* Flaming Fist (1):
- Upgrade cost 75
- A strong, fiery melee attack
* Tongues of Flame (3)
- An effective flame attack, of moderate accuracy
* Inferno (1):
- Upgrade cost 85
- A powerful explosive projectile

Additional Powers:
* Absorb Heat:
- Gain energy points from incoming heat damage
* Ignition:
- Buy cost 598
- Upgrade cost 105
- Set fire to objects--causing them to explode in a fireball
* Hellfire:
- A mighty explosion that releases other smaller explosions

* Heat, Radiation, Acid

* Cold

* Automatically at the beginning of Chaos in Cuba!

__ __
|| [3.8] EVE



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.9] GREEN GENIE

"Young Jani al-Najani was taken to Patriot City to be sold off in an
arranged marriage. While making her escape, a bolt of Energy-X transformed
her into the giggling glamour-girl of Freedom Force--Green Geenie!"

* STR 3, SPD 9, AGL 7, END 4, ENG 5

* Weak Minded, Glass Bones, Flier, Nimble, Strange Visitor

Starting Powers:
* Object Lesson (3)
* Polymorph (3)
* Doppelganger (1)
* Static Zap (3)
* Sow the Wind (3)
* Teleport Swap (1)

Additional Powers:
* Speeding Frenzy
* Buoyancy
* Chaotic Deflections
* Joy Buzzer

* None

* Crushing, Mental

* 6358 prestige points; available beginning with the second act of Beware
the Sorceress of the Soviet!

__ __
|| [3.10] IRON OX



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.11] LAW



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.12] LIBERTY LAD

"Liberty Lad is the 'Little Brother' of the team. Passionate about super-
powered heroes, as Nick Craft he was often found nose down in the latest
comic book. Through an accident of fate, Nice received an Energy-X
saturated blood transfusion from Minuteman, giving the lad a second chance
at life...and amazing powers."

* STR 4, SPD 6, AGL 7, END 4, ENG 4

* Jumper, Danger Sense

Starting Powers:
* The Ol' One Two (3)
* Schoolyard Taunt (3)
* Flip-Kick (1)
* Firecracker (3)
* Energy Grenade (1)

Additional Powers:
* Tumble
* Throw Voice
* Proximity Grenade
* Molecular Excitement

* None

* None

* 6374 prestige points; available beginning with Beware the Sorceress
of the Soviet!

__ __
|| [3.13] MAN-BOT



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.14] MENTOR

"While he is responsible for the founding of the original Freedom Force,
Mentor remains a mystery, content to let other team members do the talking
publicly. With his phenomenal powers of the mind, Mentor instills terror in
his opponents, but the strange alien deals daily with a fear of his own..."

* STR 3, SPD 4, AGL 4, END 4, ENG 6

* Disciplined, Unbeliever

Starting Powers:
* Disorientation (3)
* Instinct Dominance (3)
* Cerebral Balance (1)
* Psyche-Slash (3)
* Electron Beam (1)

Additional Powers:
* Mental Barrier
* Cortical Suppression
* Kinetic Barrier
* Phase Cone

* Mental

* None

* Automatically at the beginning of Chaos in Cuba!

__ __
|| [3.15] MICROWAVE



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.16] MINUTEMAN

"Mortally wounded while attempting to foil a communist plot, Frank Stile's
powers were given to him by an Energy-X imbued statue of the patriotic
minuteman. Taking on the name and mantle of this historical figure, he
became Minuteman, and seeks to fight crime whenever it threatens the day-
to-day life of honest Americans!"

* STR 6, SPD 5, AGL 5, END 4, ENG 4

* Disciplined, Jumper, Heroic

Starting Powers:
* Smash (3)
* Strike for Freedom (1)
* National Guard (3)
* Minute Missile (1)

Additional Powers:
* 300-Percenter
* Vanquish
* Patriot Whirl
* Eternal Vigilance
* Rally the Troops

* Mental

* None

* Automatically at the beginning of Chaos in Cuba!

__ __
|| [3.17] ORDER



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __



Starting Powers:

Additional Powers:

* None

* None


__ __
|| [3.20] TOMBSTONE

"When Nathan Graves discovers the body of his wife, he is wrongfully
convicted of murder. But as he is executed, a freak blast of Energy-X
strikes his corpse, dragging his spirit back from the afterlife to seek
justice and punish the wicked--as Tombstone!"

* STR 4, SPD 5, AGL 6, END 7, ENG 5

* Jumper

Starting Powers:
* Phantom Punch (3):
- Upgrade cost 100
- This punch is tinged with the cold of the grave
* Spectre Shots (1):
- Upgrade cost 127
- Electricity from his own execution is fired from these twin pistols
* Possession (3)
- Upgrade cost 227
- Take control of a target and make them do your bidding
* Dead Mind (1)
- Upgrade cost 140
- Passive defense that absorbs many mental attacks

Additional Powers:
* Dead Reckoning
- Buy cost 977
- Upgrade cost
- A series of three blows, enhanced by the energy of tormented spirits
* Power Devour
- Buy cost
- Upgrade cost
- The victim can no longer use powers that require Energy-X
* Dancing Dead
- Buy cost 171
- Upgrade cost
- Imbue your fallen allies with a fleeting second life
* Translucency
- Buy cost
- Upgrade cost
- Active defense that causes physical attacks to pass right through you
* Shadow Shift
- Buy cost
- Upgrade cost
- Teleport to the target location

* Piercing, Crushing, Mystical

* Electrical, Radiation, Energy

* Automatically at the beginning of Beware the Sorceress of the Soviet!

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| [4] FOES |

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* None

* None

__ __




* None

* None

__ __

"Caught in a blast of liquid nitrogen, the Russian agent Sukhov expected a
quick death. Instead, he found that his Energy-X soaked body took on the
properties of the freezing spray. Sukhov became Nuclear Winter and
proceeded with his plans to sow havoc on American soil."

* STR 5, SPD 3, AGL 2, END 6, ENG 5

* Invertebrate, Jumper

* Frost Punch
* Snow Storm
* Ice Shell
* Icicle Blast

* Piercing, Cold, Radiation, Energy

* Heat

__ __
|| [4.4] RED OKTOBER

"Using the power of Energy-X to make monsters of Russian folklore come to
life, Red Oktober is a new ally of Nuclear Winter."

* STR 4, SPD 4, AGL 7, END 5, ENG 9

* Bedeviled, Disciplined, Shake it Off, Flier

* Accursed Bolt
* Witch's Kiss
* Blinding Insight
* Acid Brew
* Reanimation

* Mental

* Mystical

__ __
|| [4.5] RED SUN




* None

* None

__ __
|| [4.6] TIME MASTER

"A powerful scientist from another time, the Time Master still lives in
fear of his own mortality. But having discovered the key to his eternal
life, he has embarked upon a quest to find a power-source mighty enough to
enact his plans. To that end, he has observed the movements of Earth super-
powered beings with great interest."

* STR 8, SPD 5, AGL 3, END 9, ENG 10

* Ponderous, Grim Resolve, Density Control, Fast Healing, Shake it Off

* Space-Time Rift
* Chrono Crush
* Energy X Ray
* Time Master Stomp

* Piercing, Crushing, Mystical

* Electrical, Radiation, Energy

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Compass directions in FFv3R are worthless. Since you can rotate the map as
you please, directions are always based on some recognizable landmark on
each map. The easiest thing is to remember to always follow the yellow
arrows to helpful targets and red arrows to primary targets.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Find and rescue Man-Bot
* Defeat the evil Freedom Force members
* Alchemiss and Man-Bot must both survive
* Return to the Freedom Fortress

Secondary Objectives:
* Take out all the thugs in the park
* Save the innocent woman from El Diablo

* Alchemiss and Man-Bot are your only heroes in this stage

This is the tutorial stage for FFv3R and also ties this game into the
original FF. After the opening cutscenes, you have control of Alchemiss in
the middle of Patriot Park. Follow the on screen instructions to follow the
arrows and click on the Helper flags. This will give you a feel for the
game controls and interface. After dealing with a few thugs, you'll see El
Diablo threatening a harmless female civilian. If you haven't figured it
out yet, these are not your daddy's Freedom Force.

Use Arms of the Goddess to shield yourself from the fiery bolts of Diablo
and use Arcane Bolts to take him down. Now the directional arrows are
pointing you towards the city; but, if you want to complete the first
Secondary Objective, you'll need to wander around the park knocking out
thugs. The best way to do this is to go airborne and throw Bolts at them.
Once all the thugs are down, return to the scene of the Diablo fight and
continue following the arrows and Helper flags.

Soon after leaving the park, there's a two-part fight with Minuteman and
Liberty Lad. Keep Alchemiss airborne and use Repulsion and Arcane Bolt to
defeat both anti-heroes. Follow the arrows around the corner to find Man-
Bot held in a cage. There's a thug with pistols guarding him. Put up your
shield, go airborne and hit him with Alteration/Arcane Bolt. Then use
Arcane Bolt on Man-Bot's cage to free him.

You have new objectives and Man-Bot is added to your team. Follow the
arrows and Helper flags to defeat the remaining FF members. Once Ant has
been taken out, you must return to Freedom Fortress.


The screen is supposed to do that. Everything will be explained during the
mission briefing just ahead.

__ __
|| [5.2] CHAOS IN CUBA!

Primary Objectives:
* Destroy Nuclear Winter's freeze gun
* Interrogate the ice sergeant to learn more about Nuclear Winter's

Secondary Objectives:
* Deal with the ice troopers who have infiltrated the airfield
* Take out all of the snow men
* Don't allow 6 planes to be shot down

* Alchemiss, El Diablo and Mentor are all that are available

With Minuteman trapped in the ice cube that was once the Freedom Flyer,
Alchemiss, El Diablo and Mentor must save the American airfield from the
forces of Nuclear Winter. The worst thing that can happen here is your
characters end up inside the blast radius of bombs being dropped by Russian
bombers. Watch for the glowing targets that appear on the ground and stay
far away from them.

Keep Diablo and Alchemiss airborne to deal with snipers on the rooftops.
Normal ranged attacks (Arcane Bolt, Tongues of Flame, Electron Beam) can
quickly deal with the ice troopers. Soon you'll reach the perimeter fence
around the airfield. Coming through the gate is a snow man; they go down
quickly to Tongues of Flame. Look for the ice trooper behind the building
to the left of the gate to finish the first Secondary Objective.

Once the ice troopers are neutralized, exit the airfield and continue
towards the primary objective: the freeze gun (a red arrow points the way).
You'll want to move quickly in order to fulfill Secondary Objective #3 (not
allowing 6 planes to be shot down). Attack the freeze gun; your objectives
are updated.

After destroying the gun, target the "frosty warrior" who pops up and beat
on him until he cops a plea. Once he's pacified, scour the area to make
sure you picked up all the ice troopers and snow men. Then talk to "frosty"
to trigger a cutscene and the end of the mission.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Learn the location of Red's secret base
* Figure out who the spy is and attack them to get them to talk
* Enter Red Oktober's base
* Destroy the four mystical hands
* Interrogate Red Oktober

Secondary Objectives:
* Don't KO any innocent civilians while seeking the spy

* Alchemiss, Minuteman, El Diablo and Tombstone are it; unless you've
recruited Liberty Lad or a custom hero

Say hello to Tombstone. Watch his origin story play out, then examine your
squad. You may have enough Prestige to add Liberty Lad to your active team;
but, you should save your prestige points for recruiting later heroes. The
current roster of Minuteman, Alchemiss, El Diablo, Tombstone and Mentor are
strong enough for the next mission.

Train any heroes that have increased in level, then go to the mission
briefing. Tombstone arrives and revives Mentor, but your alien friend isn't
available for this mission. He's already proven he's useless against the
red witch, so no skin off your back. If you've recruited Liberty Lad, you
might want to replace Alchemiss with him, but you'll definitely want the
other three heroes (MM, Diablo and Tombstone) for this mission.

It's back to Cuba and you have to find Red's secret base. That means
interrogating natives while fighting off more ice troopers. Talk to the
civilian right in front of you to get filled in on the local situation and
get your objectives updated. The spy is easy to find, just follow the red
arrow right to him. He's the only civilian that tells you he won't tell you

Yeah, right.

Attack him with all you've got to get him to talk. After interrogating the
spy, fight your way to the revealed secret entrance to Red's base. Try to
enter it and four "mystic hands" rise up nearby; these are providing magic
protection to prevent you entering the base. You have to destroy the hands
to enter the base.

This next part is tricky. All four hands must be destroyed in a very short
amount of time, else they will regenerate. The easiest way to do this is to
send one hero to each hand. They aren't hard to take down, but the snow men
wandering around complicate matters. One option is to send Tombstone and
Alchemiss to one side and Minuteman to the other. Have MM smash both two on
his side while Alchemiss and Tombstone each take care of one. Send Diablo
flying around the area incinerating snow men.

When all four hands are destroyed, Red Oktober and a bunch of minions spew
forth and your first boss fight is on. Oktober likes to go airborne and
she's susceptible to Possession from Tombstone and curses from Alchemiss.
Go ahead and Possess her and use her powers to defeat her own minions, then
lay into her with everything you've got once Possession wears off.

Once she and all her minions are down, proceed to interrogate her. Not that
it will do you any good. Intermission time...

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Hunt for Red Oktober
* Discover Red Oktober's and Nuclear Winter's secrets
* Destroy Red Oktober's cauldron
* Defeat Red Oktober

Secondary Objectives:
* Rescue the prisoner
* Rescue all the imprisoned civilians
* Don't let any civilians die
* Smash Red Oktober's cauldrons

* Minuteman is required for this mission and Mentor is not available
* Green Genie, Tombstone and El Diablo work well with MM

Meet Green Genie. After her origin story plays, examine your team. You'll
notice Bullet has now joined your active roster, and both Green Genie and
Liberty Lad are available to recruit (assuming you did not recruit LL in
the previous mission). Go ahead and recruit Green Genie, she can be quite

After you enter the fray, face the rock formation in front of you and move
to the right to find the first prisoner. Defeat the guards, then break the
gate to let him out and update your objectives. Now move towards the exit,
which is guarded by a shurale. The shurale likes to throw rocks: an Object
Lesson or Polymorph from Green Genie will stop that. As soon as the spell
wears off, hit it with all four heroes to quickly take it down.

Click the exit to trigger another mystical hand. Even though Mentor says
they all need to be destroyed at once, there's only one back near the
makeshift prison. Destroy it and move through the exit.

You'll find a group of civilians transformed into frogs. Move into the
midst of them to trigger their transformation back to humans. As you go
around the next corner, you'll find a cauldron that spits out enemies.
Destroy the cauldron first using ranged attacks, then any opponents it

Continue exploring ahead, freeing another civilian from a cage. When you
reach the exit, KO the shurale, then click the exit to spawn another hand.
Again, there's just one, so follow the red arrow back to it and destroy it.
Then head for the exit again. Oh goodie! Another shurale. Defeat it and
head through the door.

There's another group of frogs, two of which turn out to be ice troopers.
Take care of them and then head straight from the door you just came
through. You'll find a second cauldron. Destroy it, then make for the exit,
which is again guarded by a shurale.

There's a civilian locked up nearby, so don't let the shurale start tossing
rocks around and don't use any AoE powers, which are likely to backfire in
the enclosed space. Use Genies Object Lesson or Polymorph to transform the
shurale, then attack it with standard attacks when it changes back.

After freeing the civilian, click on the exit to trigger the hands. This
time there are two, one of which is guarded. Use all four heroes to take
out the guard, then split into two teams to destroy the hands. Go back to
the exit, fight the re-spawned shurale and click the exit to trigger a mini

After examining your bonuses for the first part of this mission, you find
yourself right back in the tunnels with your objectives reset. Continue as
before, transforming frogs, rescuing civilians, fighting evil minions and
destroying cauldrons and mystical hands.

After going through two areas, you enter Red's homeroom with a giant
cauldron in the center. Assign Minuteman to Smash the cauldron while your
other three heroes keep Red and her cronies occupied. Possess Red with
Tombstone if you can, and use Genie's Polymorph and Object Lesson to keep
down the number of enemies you face at one time.

When the cauldron has been smashed, concentrate on taking out Red Oktober.
Once she's beaten, you won't have to mess with her minions any longer.
Mission accomplished.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Destroy the three ice-wall machines
* The Ant must survive until the ice walls are down
* Interrogate the technicians to learn which transmitters to destroy
* Destroy transmitters only when they're confirmed targets
* Defeat Nuclear Winter

Secondary Objectives:

* You have to take Red Oktober and the Ant
* Minuteman is not available
* You really want El Diablo on the team
* Quetzalcoatl makes a good fourth

You meet another new hero: Quetzalcoatl. It's hard to pronounce and even
harder to spell, but he's a great addition to your team. Go ahead and
recruit him if you have the necessary prestige. You'll also find Ant has
been added to your active roster and you'll need him on this upcoming
mission. Former foe Red Oktober will guide Ant and two other heroes of your
choice into the HQ of Nuclear Winter.

Explore the immediate area to pick up a couple of bonus canisters, then
approach the first ice wall. Use Ant's Tunnel Travel ability--right-click
ground next to the ice-wall machine on the other side of the wall. Then
have Ant destroy the transmitter; you can just punch it, it only has a few
hit points. Once the wall is down you'll get a nice cutscene. Dissension in
the enemy ranks is so nice, isn't it?

Take out the ice troopers and approach the next ice wall. You now have the
support of a couple of Red Oktober's shamans. Take out the next two ice
walls in the same way as the first and destroy the enemies surrounding each
ice-wall machine. After the third wall is down, Nuclear Winter launches a
missile. You now have five minutes to figure out how to disarm the missiles
by destroying a specific transmitter next to each launch bay.

This is where having a couple of fliers comes in handy. Make sure Red and
Diablo are in the air, then move your team to the red arrow to find the
first technician. Beat him down and KO his buddies then interrogate him to
find you need to destroy the yellow transmitter. Now the red arrow points
to the appropriate transmitter.

Fly Red and Diablo over and destroy the transmitter (it's vulnerable to
fire). As soon as it's down, another missile is launched. Rinse and repeat
for that missile (green transmitter, four minutes to find it) and the next
(blue transmitter, two minutes). Now Nuclear Winter is ticked and out he
comes to do battle. Oh look! He's vulnerable to fire. Lay into him with
overpowered Diablo attacks and use the other members of the team to keep
Winter's cronies off your back.

After he goes down he regenerates into a glacial giant. He's big, but he is
still vulnerable to fire. Use Quetzalcoatl's Aztec Mercy to heal up Diablo
if you need it and lay into the giant Winter with some overpowered Flaming
Fists. Now he's down, and Nuclear Winter is back in custody.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Freedom Force, the world is safe once

Or is it?

__ __
|| [5.6] A TIME OF WAR!

Primary Objectives:
* Subdue and interrogate Black Jack
* Search the courtyard for Black Jack
* Take out the Nazi patrol
* Foil the Nazi assault

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* You only get to take three with you, one of which must be Tombstone
* Bullet and Mentor are not available
* The three heroes selected for this mission carry over to the next
* El Diablo is not much help in the next mission
* Recommended: Minuteman and Alchemiss in addition to Tombstone

Eve has been added to your active roster, and there are three new heroes to
recruit: Microwave, Supercollider and the Bard; though, you don't really
need to recruit any new heroes at this time.

This is a short mission, but it can be a bit frustrating. After the
extended cutscenes and mission briefing, you'll find yourself in the past
with just Tombstone. Your first objective is to subdue and interrogate
Black Jack; however, he escapes using a decoy.

You then discover Mentor is having trouble maintaining stability in the
time stream and Tombstone disappears to be replaced by one of your two
chosen heroes. This hero switching will continue for a bit longer. Follow
the red arrows to the burning pile of books in a nearby courtyard. You'll
be set upon by three Nazi soldiers. Take them out, enduring the switching
of your heroes.

Once those three Nazis are down, Mentor finally gets his act together and
all three of your heroes are now present in the past. At this point, a
large group of Nazi soldiers surrounds you and Black Jack shows up to aid
you. He blinds the Nazis and is added to your team. Attack the Nazis with
all four heroes and then sit through the cutscenes that segue to the next

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Tombstone must survive to interrogate the Nazis
* Prevent the Gutenberg Bible from being destroyed
* Prevent the Summa Theologica from being destroyed
* Prevent Shakespeare's First Folio from being destroyed
* Prevent Fortissimo from burning the invasion plans

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* The three selected for the previous mission, plus Black Jack

The Nazis are trying to destroy valuable historic literature. Your first
objective is to follow the red arrow to a Nazi soldier carrying the
Gutenberg Bible. Along the way you'll encounter some tough Roman
Legionnaires. They are resistant to fire, among other things, so if you
brought El Diablo along, he's going to be twiddling his thumbs.

Once you reach the target soldier, he will attempt to run the Bible over to
a book pyre, but he is easy to stop. Once he's subdued, take care of the
other soldiers in the immediate area and then talk to the book-toting
rifleman. He'll tell you where the Summa Theologica is going to be burned.

Follow the arrow to a flaming pile of books in a nearby park. A Nazi will
come running towards you and the red arrow will point to him. Defeat him
and then talk to him. Before he tells you anything, a panzer shows up. This
tank is fairly easy to defeat. Minuteman can be a big help here as his
Minute Missile works as well as a bazooka.

After the tank is toast, talk to the cowering soldier again and he'll point
you toward Herr Schmidt, who has Shakespeare's First Folio. Follow the
arrow to Schmidt and talk to him. It's an ambush!


Forget about the Nazis and the Legionnaire and go after Schmidt. Once he's
begging for mercy, turn and deal with the ambushers. Talk to Schmidt to
trigger the boss fight.

Regardless of where you defeat Schmidt, the conversation with him takes
place near a pyre on the far side of the building where you first chased
after the Gutenberg Bible. Fortissimo, who is carrying secret plans,
appears quite a distance away, near where your heroes first entered this

Don't go chasing after him. He's going to run to the Gutenberg Bible pyre,
which is close to you. Run down the street to the top of the stairs next to
the park (where you saved the Summa Theologica). Two Legionnaires will
attack you. Work on them until Fortissimo shows up.

Now is a good time to use Possession to take control of Fortissimo and use
him to help with the Legionnaires. Once Possession wears off, you're in
good position to keep Fortissimo away from the fire. He has a very good
personal shield, so try to find attacks that will penetrate it; but,
regardless, keep up the pressure. The impresario can fly, so ranged attacks
are a must against him, or some way of knocking him out of the sky.

Once Fortissimo is down, your team travels back to the present and it's
time for another mission briefing.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Defeat and interrogate the Red Sun
* Destroy the two time-blocking devices

Secondary Objectives:
* Destroy the three ammo trucks

* Black Jack and Tricolour are set
* You may select one additional hero, who will carry forward to the
next mission
* Minuteman is recommended as he is a good tank buster

As Black Jack, you are introduced to another hero, Tricolour, a French
femme fatale. You also meet Red Sun, a Japanese super villain, though he
doesn't seem quite so super right now. Tricolour falls immediately to Red
Sun's attack, so it's up Black Jack alone to defeat the slippery samurai.

Which is quite all right, since Red Sun is vulnerable to acid damage and
Black Jack has a nice acid attack, Off the Cuff. Use it as often as
possible, switching to bullets when you need to recharge your energy. Red
Sun falls, you talk to him, but he tells you nothing.

Mentor will then contact you and tell you he is sending help from the
future, but Blitzkrieg is blocking him. You must destroy two towers that
are preventing Mentor from sending heroes to the past. Tricolour is feeling
better now, so she and Black Jack are tasked with destroying the two

Before you chase after the red arrows, you may want to search the alleyways
for three ammunition trucks. They're green with a red cross on the top. As
you encounter Nazis, send Tricolor in close to attack them with her Saber
Slash. This is very effective against many enemies. Keep Black Jack well
back and don't shoot at the Nazis. You might accidentally hit Tricolour,
and, whenever Tricolour takes damage she may become Enraged, at which point
she lashes out at whatever caused her damage, and she is not under player

Tricolour may well be responsible for more hero deaths than all your
enemies combined. She's quite irritating as a fighting companion. Keep
Black Jack far away and use Tricolour to take out the Nazi guards, then use
Black Jack to destroy the trucks with Off the Cuff and Rapid Shot. Don't
attack the trucks with Tricolour as she will be heavily damaged when they

Once the three trucks are history, head for the two towers. One tower is
guarded by a tank, the other by Red Sun--or, as it turns out, Red Suns.
With just Black Jack and Tricolour, you're no match for a panzer, so you
want to go after the tower guarded by the Red Suns. The towers are located
in a park-like area away from the city streets. The tower you want to
attack is located closest to the city.

Yes, it seems when Red Sun is defeated, he clones himself. Now, if you kill
one Red Sun, the other Sun (or Suns) are instantly healed. The moral of
this is: don't divide your attacks. Concentrate on taking down one Sun,
then the other. You'll definitely want to keep Black Jack healthy, as his
Off the Cuff still works wonders against the Suns.

Once the Suns and the Nazi guards are dispatched, attack the tower. You
will now get the third hero you selected during the mission briefing. You
better hope you picked a tank buster (hint: Minuteman). Go after the other
tower: destroy the tank, the guards and the tower.

And here comes Bullet, who's not supposed to be here. But, apparently, he's
as dumb as he is fast. Ah well, you've got four heroes now, and you're
going to need them...

__ __
|| [5.9] RED SUNSET

Primary Objectives:
* Destroy the crypto center
* Destroy the tanks

Secondary Objectives:
* Capture the German tank

* Black Jack, Tricolour, Bullet plus the one you selected in the
previous mission

Immediately you must take care of a few guards, then you'll have some
breathing space. Black Jack suggests a bit of a scout around; but, don't do
it. All scouting will do is spawn all the enemies and send them swarming
down on you.

Rather, carefully move into the compound until you see an empty tank. Send
Bullet over to operate the tank (he's otherwise entirely useless). You now
have three heroes and a tank on your squad. Yippee!

Send Tricolour around to the left and right of the main entrance, taking
out the Nazi soldiers around the periphery. Then move straight up the
middle with your whole team. You now have to fight three Red Suns (and,
possibly, a couple of soldiers that Tricolour missed).

With your tank out in front firing at the Suns, keep the rest of your team
well back. Make use of Tricolour's Blinding Blade and Black Jack's Fawkes'
Flashers to keep the Suns off balance and firing blind. Use your fourth
hero's ranged attack and the Bullet-run tank to defeat the Suns. Now comes
the maddening bit.

You need to destroy the bunker housing the crypto center and the tank is
the best way to do that. Unfortunately, the main street is blocked and you
can't get close enough to fire at the bunker. So, you have to send your
tank to the side, going around some army barracks. And the tank is slow.

Once you have gotten your tank into position, fire on the bunker to reduce
it to rubble and trigger an assault by two enemy tanks. Now is a great time
to have Minuteman on your team. There are some power canisters nearby.
Juice him up and fire overpowered Minute Missiles at the tanks. It doesn't
take many hits to put them out of commission.

After all that is done, it's back to the future for Minuteman and Bullet...

But wait! There's a snafu and Bullet is captured by Blitzkrieg.

__ __
|| [5.10] TO RESCUE A HERO!

Primary Objectives:
* Find Bullet's cell
* Find the controls to open Bullet's cell door
* Use the controls to open Bullet's cell
* Free Bullet
* Smash the towers

Secondary Objectives:
* Take out all the Nazis

* Black Jack, Tricolour and Sky King are it

Black Jack and Tricolour are joined by Sky King in an effort to break
Bullet out of the slammer. You'll encounter new minions on this map: kill-
a-rillas, a mix of human and ape. They do a lot of damage and have terrific
knockback. You don't want to melee them if you can help it and you need to
stay out of range of their whips. Use Tricolour's Blinding Blade to
decrease their ability to fight and lay into them with Black Jack's Rapid
Fire and Sky King's Chain Gun.

The map is small, so explore thoroughly. You'll find two rooms with
switches that have to be thrown to open Bullet's cell, as well as a number
of Nazi soldiers and more kill-a-rillas. Once Bullet's cell is open, enter
and kill the Nazi guards. Now destroy the twin towers that are holding
Bullet in an energy field. There will be a cutscene and a mission status
screen, and then it's time to make your escape...

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Escape from the Re-Education Building
* Bullet must survive
* Find 2 Nazi officers, and make them give you their keys

Secondary Objectives:
* Smash all of Blitzkrieg's computers
* Find information about the kill-a-rillas
* Free the friendly kill-a-rilla

* Black Jack, Tricolour, Sky King and Bullet are your team

You'll have to work your way methodically through the base, exploring every
room. To fulfill the computer smashing objective, you'll need to look for
the green, boxy computers in every room. There are a few right in front of
you as you start the mission. Along the way you should defeat two Nazi
generals, who will give up their key once beaten.

About halfway through the base you'll run into kill-a-rilla Mark IIs. These
apes carry big machine guns. Blind them with Blinding Blade or Fawkes'
Flashers and remember not to try to melee them lest you be thrown halfway
across the map.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Protect Sky King while he adjusts his suit

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* See the Heroes section of the next mission (5.13, Achtung! Der
Alchemiss!) before selecting a team
* The team for this mission is Sky King, Black Jack, Tricolour
and El Diablo

You select a team of three heroes, plus Alchemiss, during this mission
briefing; however, the team you select will be used in the next mission.
What happens is, your team goes back to the past, but then needs to go even
further back in the past to circumnavigate Blitzkrieg's defenses while
Diablo comes back to this part of the past to help the current time heroes
do their part to get to Blitzkrieg...

Yeah. Don't time-travel plots just give you a wonderful migraine? Suffice
it to say you have two teams and you'll be jumping back-and-forth in time.
For now, you have to ground Sky King somewhere and use the action menu to
command him to Adjust Suit. You then have to keep Nazis off his back so he
can concentrate.

Don't leave Sky King out in the open. Find a nice alley somewhere that has
only two or three entrances so you can protect access to him. Use Tricolour
on regular infantry and Black Jack and Diablo on kill-a-rillas and tougher
infantry. At one point, a tank will show up and try to get to Sky King.
Keep Tricolour away from it and hit it from range with Black Jack and

After a few waves of enemies, you'll hear something about bringing out the
"eye". That doesn't sound good...But, before you can figure it out, you're
back in time with Alchemiss and the gang.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Get inside Blitzkrieg's walled compound
* Alchemiss must survive
* Destroy all remaining enemies

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* You get Alchemiss plus the three heroes you selected at the
beginning of the previous mission
* There's another fight with Fortissimo, so Green Genie or
Tombstone come in handy
* There are lots of Nazis with rifles, so heroes with shields that
can handle gunfire will also be useful

Follow the red arrow to the gate leading to Blitzkrieg's compound, taking
out enemies on the way, and try to open the gate. No dice. Well, that was

Not. Alchemiss conceives a scheme to get in, which basically requires you
to scour the map for Nazis and knock them out. Red arrows will point out
remaining soldiers. Once they are all down, you return to the gate and this
time it will open.

Oh no, what's that operatic tenor? Back to the future...err, past...err,
your past that is the future of when you are now...

Time travel stories should be illegal.

__ __
|| [5.14] BEAT THE CLOCK!

Primary Objectives:
* Protect Sky King while he adjusts his suit
* Sky King must find and interrogate the Nazi with the jamming device

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* Sky King, Black Jack, Tricolour and El Diablo

This is a repeat of the earlier mission, but with more and tougher enemies.
You'll encounter eyes of the Reich for the first time, and you really don't
have an effective power to use against them, but you play the cards you're
dealt. Park Sky King somewhere and use Black Jack against the eyes,
Tricolour on infantry and Diablo against kill-a-rillas.

When SK is almost finished with his modifications, he finds out he's being
jammed. Take your entire team and follow the red arrows to groups of Nazi
soldiers and take them out until one of them is revealed to have the
jamming device. Once you've taken it, put Sky King in a quiet spot and have
him Adjust Suit one more time while you protect him.

Once Sky King is finished, all you have to do is wait for the signal from

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* One hero must plant a bomb on Blitzkrieg's generator
* Don't destroy the generator
* Defeat all enemies who witnessed you planting the explosives

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* The same four as in ACHTUNG! DER ALCHEMISS!

You've got a long hike to the generator, and Fortissimo is standing (well,
floating) in your way. From the gate, the Italian impresario is awaiting
you down the center path through the gardens. Don't go that way. Rather,
work your way down one side taking out legionnaires. Once you reach the
large house, backtrack to the gate and then go down the other side of the
gardens. Once you've cleared that path, head for the center and the fight
with Fortissimo.

If you have Tombstone or Green Genie, you can use Possession or Object
Lesson on Fortissimo in order to ground him. Take out the Nazis nearby,
then surround the grounded Fortissimo and pummel him when he reverts to
himself. Continue with this tactic until he is KO'd. If you don't have
Tombstone or Green Genie, you can use Alchemiss' Purgatory, but that won't
get him on the ground so you'll need ranged attacks to hit him as soon as
Purgatory wears off.

After defeating Fortissimo, scour the grounds and take out any Nazis you
see. This will make the final part of this mission much easier. Approach
the generator that is back of the house. Either fly over the fence or smash
the fence, and click the generator to place the bomb. Now quickly head back
for the front gate.

Some Nazi soldiers who witnessed your sabotage are making for the exit.
There will be eyewitnesses even if you cleanse the compound beforehand.
Watch the red arrows and knock out any Nazis running your way. Now Sky King
can blow up the generator in the future...err, the past...oh, forget it.

__ __
|| [5.16] MIND OF THE MAD-MAN!

Primary Objectives:
* Find Blitzkrieg!
* Stay alive for one minute

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* Four heroes of your choice, excluding Alchemiss, Bullet,
Black Jack, Tricolour and Sky King
* Eyes of the Reich are vulnerable to electrical attacks, so plan
* You need a flier, preferably one with electrical attacks, such as
Green Genie
* You've got a boss fight with this team, heroes resistant to mental
attacks and heroes that can put a boss out of action (Tombstone,
Green Genie) are very useful.

This map is a bit more confusing than most, so here's a rough sketch:
______ ______________
| | | \ |
|__ | | | |
| | | | |
____|/X\|__| \ |
| \ |
| X / |
|__ __/____________| |
_____ _____ _____] [ ___ ___ | |
| | | | | \ | | | | | | |
| | | | | |____| | | | | |____|
| |___| | | |________|_/ |_| |_________
| / | |___|__\ | | |
| | /X | | |
|____\ / | | / |
| X ___| | | A |
| \ | | | | \ |
| | | | X*| |__ _ _ __|____|
| /|_____| |/ \| | | | | \ |
| |______ | |____/X__| / | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | \____| | |____
| | |______| | | |
|_____/B\__| | | | |
| | | |
|________| |__________|

A diagonal (/ or \) is a door. Two diagonals together (/ \) are a double
door. 'A' is your starting point. 'X' marks the spots where hypnosis globes
are found. Walking through a globe will cause the hero who triggered it to
attack the rest of the team. You can usually fly over these globes;
however, if you do trigger the hypnosis, it wears off quickly--just keep
the rest of the team far away.

There are switches in the rooms beyond the hypnosis globes that turn the
globes off permanently. If you don't hit the switch, the globe reactivates
shortly after its effect wears off. You have several options:

1) Send a hero through a globe, then quickly run in behind with the rest of
the team. Once the entire team is through, you can hit the switch and deal
with any enemies beyond.

2) Send a flier through. The flier may fly over the globe rather than
through it and be able to flip the switch without any ill effects.

3) Send a hero through the globe while keeping the rest of the team far
away. Once the hypnosis wears off, the affected hero can quickly run
through the door before the globe reactivates.

Option 2 is your best bet, just be sure to keep the rest of the team back
in case the flier doesn't make it over. Your flier will need to be able to
deal with enemies located in the rooms beyond the globes.

The one globe marked with an asterisk (X*) is actually outside the door,
rather than beyond it. This means you must walk through the globe to open
the door. Use option 1 above, sending one hero into the globe by clicking
to open the doors. The doors will open, the globe will deactivate and the
rest of the team can run through while being chased by the hypnotized hero.

Otherwise, this is pretty basic fighting against Nazis and eyes of the
Reich. There are a couple of Nazi generals, so be sure to put them out of
action while mopping the floor with their subordinates. Despite all the
security precautions, there's not much to look at here. Your goal is the
double doors marked with 'B'. Clicking them triggers a cutscene followed by
a rather nasty fight.

You're in Blitzkrieg's HQ, where he has Time Master captive. There are four
time portals around the room that keep spewing forth enemies and you cannot
destroy the portals. However, Alchemiss has a plan and all you need do is
survive for one minute. Focus on the stronger enemies and concentrate your
attacks to take them down quickly. After one minute, there's a cutscene and
you get to experience deja vu all over again...wait...err...yeah, whatever.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Destroy the six now-visible temporal amplifiers before engaging
* Find and defeat Blitzkrieg

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* Same four as you had last mission

This is a repeat of the previous mission, except you will now find six
temporal amplifiers scattered about. Scour the map, destroying the
amplifiers as you go. When you reach Blitzkrieg's HQ, you've got a boss
fight on your hands.

Blitzkrieg brings four minions through before Alchemiss can shut down his
time portals. Getting Blitzkrieg out of the fight so you can deal with the
minions is your first priority. Possess him, turn him into a flower pot,
whatever you need to do to immobilize him for a while. Blitzkrieg has some
powerful mental attacks, so you either need heroes that can resist mental
attacks or heroes that have stunning attacks to keep Blitzkrieg out of
action. He's most susceptible to melee attacks, so pummel him. Pummel him

Ah, finally! The world is back to normal.

Or not. Drat! Alchemiss has gone on a bender and it's up to Freedom Force
to slap a little sense into her.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Defeat Fortissimo's minions
* Defeat Fortissimo
* Defeat the dinosaur

Secondary Objectives:
* Don't let Fortissimo's minions destroy the opera house
* Don't let Fortissimo's minions destroy the Top Hat
* Don't let Fortissimo's minions destroy the police station
* Don't let Fortissimo destroy the natural history museum

* If you are to have any hope of fulfilling the Secondary Objectives,
you will need heroes with at least average speed (4 or higher)
* There are a lot of chaos wraiths, which are vulnerable to energy,
electrical and radiation attacks
* There's a boss fight with Fortissimo (again), so plan accordingly
* The Ant is the only hero not available (well, other than Alchemiss,
who isn't even on your active roster any longer...for obvious reasons)
* Recommended: Minuteman, Tombstone, Blackbird, Green Genie

This is a fairly straight-forward mission, with a lot of tough fights. You
may as well attempt to fulfill the Secondary Objectives as Fortissimo
doesn't show up until the first three buildings are either saved or
destroyed. Follow the yellow arrows to the buildings under attack and take
out the legionnaires and chaos wraiths attacking the buildings.

At the Top Hat, temporal bolts that come raining down from the sky and blow
up cars. Try to stay far away from any vehicles around the building. At the
police station, you'll have to deal with maniacal cops, as well as the
typical minions. Finally, Fortissimo attacks the natural history museum.

You should know the drill by now: you have to ground him and pummel him. As
soon as Fortissimo is down, Entropy brings a T-Rex forward in time. It's
slow, so just stay out of range of its very large teeth and pepper it with
whatever ranged attacks you've got. Don't think you can fly over it, it has
a very long reach...

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Defeat the Red Suns
* Defeat Entropy's minions

Secondary Objectives:
* Prevent 8 civilians from coming to harm
* Prevent the wraiths and subterrestrials from merging into more
powerful creatures

* Against the Red Suns' fire elementals, cold damage (such as Blackbird's
Seeking Beam) is very good.
* You'll need wraith-defeating (electrical, energy, radiation) powers
* Recommended: Minuteman, Blackbird, Tombstone, Microwave or Quetzalcoatl

Things are going from bad to worse. First, Red Sun's are popping up all
over town. It's time to finally take care of him (them?) once and for all.
Follow the red arrows to each Red Sun encounter. As you kill off one, one
(or more) pop up elsewhere. You'll be running back-and-forth quite a bit.

Red Sun is vulnerable to radiation and acid; his fire elementals are
vulnerable to cold. Attack with the appropriate powers and run all the Suns
down. Entropy then appears and calls forth a chaos wraith and a
subterrestrial. When they get close, they merge into a devastation wraith--
a truly nasty creature and very tough.

If you don't want to fight a bunch of devastation wraiths, you'll want to
quickly follow the arrows to more wraiths and subterrestrials spawning
around town and kill them before they get close enough to merge. Obviously,
heroes that can move quickly and fight from range are preferred for this
stage. Once you've taken care of Entropy's minions, it's time to talk some
serious smack...or, better, get someone bigger to talk smack for you.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Send the temporal signature through six temporal holes to summon
Time Master

Secondary Objectives:
* Revert all monstrous civilians to their normal forms

* Any four heroes you feel would be good against chaos wraiths

This is a relatively easy mission. You must go to six temporal holes
(glowing purple globes), kill the chaos wraiths at each one and click the
hole to send the temporal signature. For bonus prestige, you should attack
civilians that have metamorphosed into monsters; they will revert to their
normal form when you "kill" their monstrous form.

The most difficult part of this mission is running down all the wraiths and
civilians. The wraiths leave their temporal hole and chase all over the
city after innocents; and you have to kill all the wraiths associated with
a hole before you can send the signature through that hole. Keep following
the arrows and keep the're almost to the end of this.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Defeat Entropy and her minions
* Time Master must survive

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* Ah, well, you're going to have to content yourself by controlling
Time Master his own bad self...and two clones

Your team is three Time Masters; Entropy throws wave after wave of
relatively weak enemies against you. Take them down and then target Entropy
herself with some overpowered electric shocks. You'll be amazed and
astounded how easy this fight is. That's because you can't win it. Yes, you
can defeat all Entropy's minions and you seem to defeat Entropy
herself...but wait! There's more...

Well, not any more Time Master; he runs away. But there is more Freedom
Force, just after the extended cutscene.

__ __

Primary Objectives:
* Defeat Entropy
* Man-Bot must survive
* Keep Time Master away from Entropy
* Defeat Time Master

Secondary Objectives:
* None

* Man-Bot can be joined by three heroes of your choice, electrical
damage is a big plus
* Recommended: Minuteman and Tombstone, plus whomever you prefer

This is it! The final boss fight...times two! First you have to chase
Entropy all over town while she throws various cannon fodder at you. Don't
forget about Man-Bot's Release power. The resulting electrical surge can do
quite a bit of damage to Entropy's minions--not to mention Entropy herself.
Just get the rest of your team out of the blast radius quickly.

Entropy is a flier, so standard flier-boss tactics apply: find some way to
get her on the ground so you can pound on her properly. Use Possession (if
you brought Tombstone) or Minute Missile (if your brought Minuteman) or
whatever you've got that will stun her or otherwise force her to the
ground, then close and use your strongest attacks against her.

Finally, she has been defeated (for real this time), and the world will
return to normal...

Except that yellow-belly Time Master decides now would be a good time to
suck the energy from Entropy so he can continue her good works. Looks like
your team is going to put in some overtime.

Time Master will make his ponderous march down the center street. Your best
bet is to stand in his way with Man-Bot and use Release when he gets within
range. That will weaken him by about half, so close up and let loose on
him. He's actually an easier fight than Entropy because he has less health
and no minions.

Finally! An extended cutscene that wraps up the story (or does it...?) and
you've reached the credits! Congratulations, now it's time to try the game
again using different heroes, including ones you create. Or play online and
test your mad hero-making skills against other comic-obsessed gamers...

_/ \
/ \
_______________ ^\ \ _______________
\ \ / \ / /
\ ########### \/ \/ ########### /
\ ########## __________ ########## /
\ ### | *__ *__* | ### /
\ ######## |## ## ##| ######## /
\ ####### |## ## ##| ####### /
\ ### |## ## ##| ### /
\ ### \## ## ##/ ### /
\ ## \#__##__#/ ## /
\ # # /
| |

v1.00 2005-05-04
- Finished Walkthrough
- Added a few more hero and foe stats

v0.90 2005-05-02
- First published release
- Much work remains to be done

Written and (c)2005 by Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.
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