Magic Candle

Magic Candle

17.10.2013 23:34:47
Miscellaneous Facts and Spoilers v1.0

by Stephen S. Lee (
You may distribute this freely, so long as you give proper credit to me.
This was derived from the PC version; I make no guarantees about
applicability to other platforms.
Please feel free to e-mail me with corrections or suggestions (this is
one of my favorite games!)

There are several walkthroughs out there that cover this game; I won't try
to repeat all that they cover, nor am I interested in plagiarizing them.
However, I do have some new information, and I would like to first point
out a couple of mistakes:

(1) One walkthrough claims that you need three wizards to complete the
game. This isn't true; you do need three magic-users, but that just
means anyone who can cast spells, not just wizards.

In the later phases of the game a single wizard does just fine; rangers
and elves can get up to 80 magic, which for most purposes is good
enough. A wizard is useful for getting someone's shield up to maximum
in one cast, and can also Teleport farther than a non-wizard (you need
90 magic skill to get the most out of Teleport). It is possible to
visit all locations in the game without ever hiring a ship; all land
masses (except for Heavenly) can be reached by one or both types of
magical transport, but you must have a well-developed wizard in your
party to reach some of them.

(2) Another walkthrough claims that each god only functions once. This is
not quite true; each god functions once per character, so you don't
need to worry about wasting enhancement potential on early-game
characters. You do have to hike back to the god and repeat the
awakening ritual, though.

Much of the below information is already contained in other walkthroughs or
strategy guides, but much of it is not; I figured it was still useful
enough to release to the public.


Any character may train in learning or charisma as many times as desired.
The amount a character benefits from learning training is fixed (see table
elsewhere in this guide). Charisma learned depends on learning skill, among
other factors.

However, the number of times you may train in sword, bow, or magic is
limited, so strong consideration should be given to delaying such training
until you get learning skill up to 99, which will enable such lessons to
grant +16 in that skill. Also, the number of times this can be done is
buggy, to say the least. The character's number appears to be a factor in
this; if you can no longer train your wizard in magic, try going to a
castle and rearranging your characters so that the wizard is in a
dwarf's former spot. You'll probably be able to train your wizard further

The number of training sessions allowed per skill per slot is typically
three, but it can sometimes be two or four.


Gambling halls normally allow you to win a maximum of 1000 gold per month
per gambling hall. You may, however, bypass this limit by inputting a
large bet. For best results, bet 511 gold; this will result in 255 gold
being won or lost per roll of the dice, and there's no limit to how much
you can win as far as I could tell. (Bit of careless programming there.)


Other than gambling and shameless abuse of save/reload, the best early-game
method of earning cash is to loot corpses on bridges. Monsters on bridges
will have extra money even if they don't specifically guard the bridge,
so you can earn more cash just by luring all mobile patrols to a
convenient bridge.


Assuming that you're already spoiled about all the teleportal combinations,
it helps a lot to know that you can reach the teleportal rooms in both
Khazan and Crezimas without any combat. You need a copy of Ishban to
reach Khazan in the first place, but it makes trips to and from Fubernel
much, much shorter; and you can safely make early-game trips to the Crystal
Castle if you know where you're going.

Abuse the "Flee" command; it uses extra energy, but sermins are dirt cheap
anyway. Drelins are also very reasonably priced.


A monks' sanctuary can become abandoned if you don't donate to them. This
will happen even if you immediately leave after entering, and thus don't
take advantage of their services. Always donate; it's not much money anyway!


X Y Province Special Occurrence
14 27 Pheron King Rebnard's Castle
133 96 Yberton The Crystal Castle
11 52 Marmaris Village of Soldain
45 70 Fubernel Village of Bondell
66 28 Kendar Village of Lymeric
106 63 Trilliad Village of Theldair
130 109 Udar Village of Kharin
102 18 Darvale Village of Shiran
12 19 Pheron Town of Port Avur
10 72 Shendy Town of Keof
62 80 Fubernel Town of Delkona
103 45 Trilliad Town of Merg
82 96 Kherbel Town of Sumruna
136 18 Fiztraz Town of Knessos
35 20 Shertuz The Phaleng Road Guesthouse
74 32 Kendar The Kendar Road Guesthouse
85 57 Trilliad The West Trilliad Road Guesthouse
13 41 Uberion The Uberion Sanctuary
50 30 Shertuz The Shertuz Sanctuary
113 106 Piyan The Piyan Sanctuary
116 18 Darvale The Darvale Sanctuary
6 5 Pheron The Pheron Teleportal House
19 78 Shendy The Shendy Teleportal House
136 33 Khiriss The Khiriss Teleportal House
108 85 Kherbel The Kherbel Teleportal House
74 8 Phaleng The Phaleng Lever
92 113 Piyan The Piyan Lever
90 26 Darvale The Darvale Lever
46 58 Meram Enemy Headquarters of Northwest Deruvia
84 9 Dakland Home of Kalb
105 112 Piyan Home of Pax
33 36 Uberion Temple of Valon
25 73 Kuskunn Temple of Sur
46 35 Shertuz Temple of Nexis
62 94 Fubernel Temple of Heru
97 98 Kherbel Temple of Hissen
123 97 Kherbel Temple of Paladin
78 117 Dakland Temple of Kalb
87 31 Rosus Temple of Pax
26 14 Pheron Gonshi patch
135 101 Yberton Gonshi patch
124 25 Selderad Gonshi patch
18 41 Uberion Sermin patch
115 60 Trilliad Sermin patch
144 84 Fisestar Sermin patch
108 26 Darvale Sermin patch
36 61 Meram Mirget patch
59 117 Isle of Giants Mirget patch
145 37 Khiriss Mirget patch
99 110 Piyan Mirget patch
46 7 Phaleng Nift patch
7 81 Shendy Nift patch
116 67 Trilliad Nift patch
131 9 Fiztraz Nift patch
58 36 Shertuz Luffin patch
32 77 Kuskunn Luffin patch
44 81 Fubernel Luffin patch
93 82 Kherbel Luffin patch
111 91 Kherbel Luffin patch
74 12 Phaleng Loka patch
132 116 Udar Loka patch
111 9 Dakland Loka patch
21 104 Isles of Ice Loka patch
39 31 Shertuz Drelin patch
58 92 Fubernel Drelin patch
145 57 Bihun Drelin patch
142 79 Fisestar Drelin patch
97 19 Darvale Drelin patch
7 44 Uberion Downed Bridge #1
51 12 Phaleng Downed Bridge #2
99 93 Kherbel Downed Bridge #3
115 36 Rosus Downed Bridge #4
106 36 Rosus Downed Bridge #5
96 74 Trilliad Downed Bridge #6
122 83 Kherbel Downed Bridge #7
125 8 Fiztraz Downed Bridge #8
59 10 Phaleng White Wolf Rock
20 87 Shendy Aellin, an elf maiden
98 66 Trilliad Suerfin, an elf maiden
132 35 Selderad Ellidrin, an elf maiden
34 86 Heavenly The Last Unicorn
143 5 Fiztraz Obelisk #2
78 117 Isle of Vo Obelisk #3
58 57 Meram Tower of Ruhan
19 31 Uberion Dermagud, West Entrance
24 32 Uberion Dermagud, East Entrance
31 117 Isles of Ice Vocha Orc-Home
148 66 Bihun Bedangidar Mines (Level 3 Entrance)
145 12 Fiztraz Thakass Keep
51 93 Fubernel Khazan, North Entrance
37 93 Heavenly Khazan, South Entrance
52 110 Isle of Giants Tower of Shadrum
112 98 Kherbel The Fortress of Berbezza


Asterisks indicate that the character will transfer to The Magic Candle II.
Statistics (all except Speed will transfer) and items (most non-quest items
other than spellbooks and drelins will transfer, including weapons and
armor) will transfer only if they are better than what the character in
Magic Candle II normally starts with. Unlike other games, you do not have
to worry about your transferred characters being worse!

Name Race Class Str Sta Swd Bow Agi Mag Cha Hun Lrn Dex Spd
Lukas Man Ranger 16 35 35 35 6 20 20 50 30 35 9 *
Ziyx Wizard Mage 4 30 20 0 3 50 7 0 25 30 7
Nazim Man Ranger 15 35 35 30 5 20 15 70 20 25 10 *
Jimbo Halfling Carpenter 10 25 30 30 8 0 30 50 20 20 10 *
Nehor Elf Ranger 14 30 20 50 8 15 10 60 30 40 11 *
Sakar Dwarf Fighter 25 50 45 15 10 0 5 10 15 35 9 *
Dalin Dwarf Metalsmith 22 45 40 15 9 0 10 20 15 30 9
Min Halfling Tailor 9 25 30 20 8 0 33 50 30 20 10
Eflun Wizard Mage 10 30 30 0 5 35 4 0 20 20 8 *
Alhan Elf Gemcutter 10 30 20 42 7 20 10 25 15 30 11
Amad Man Mercenary 20 40 35 35 6 0 4 0 10 35 9
Rexor Man Knight 18 35 35 25 6 0 25 10 15 30 9 *
Miko Halfling Metalsmith 14 30 25 25 9 0 30 40 25 20 10
Kruga Dwarf Fighter 42 60 55 30 12 0 5 10 20 45 11 *
Ben Man Mercenary 30 50 45 40 10 0 5 5 5 35 10 *
Rasul Man Tailor 14 40 35 25 7 0 30 10 35 30 9
Madir Wizard Mage 15 40 35 0 7 35 10 0 25 35 8 *
Lupi Elf Ranger 22 45 35 55 10 25 15 70 25 45 12 *
Nimmo Halfling Gemcutter 18 40 30 40 9 0 40 15 30 30 11 *
Yulig Dwarf Gemcutter 36 55 55 30 10 0 10 20 25 40 9
Eldai Elf Carpenter 18 45 30 45 9 25 15 15 20 35 11 *
Tamas Wizard Mage 12 45 35 0 8 45 5 0 35 35 8 *
Nagi Man Knight 30 50 45 20 8 0 35 25 25 30 9
Dokar Wizard Mage 12 45 30 0 9 40 10 0 70 40 8
Rogga Dwarf Metalsmith 38 55 55 30 9 0 5 25 20 60 10 *


Race Str Sta Swd Bow Agi Mag Cha Hun Lrn Dex Spd
Human 78 99 80 80 20 80 99 99 99 75 14
Dwarf 99 99 99 80 18 0 50 99 99 80 14
Elf 54 99 75 99 25 80 60 99 99 99 15
Halfling 46 88 60 75 30 0 99 99 99 99 14
Wizard 20 99 45 0 16 99 30 99 99 60 11

STATISTIC GAINING (per awakened god, or per learning-to-learn session)

Character Str Sta Agi Dex Lrn
Lukas/Nazim +5 +9 +2 +6 +7
Rexor/Nagi +6 +8 +1 +5 +7
Amad/Ben +4 +8 +2 +7 +1
Rasul +2 +6 +2 +6 +5
Sakar/Kruga +9 +9 +2 +8 +4
Dalin/Rogga +8 +9 +1 +7 +4
Yulig +7 +8 +1 +7 +5
Nehor/Lupi +4 +8 +3 +10 +7
Alhan/Eldai +3 +7 +3 +7 +6
Jimbo +3 +7 +3 +11 +6
Miko +4 +6 +3 +10 +6
Min +2 +7 +3 +11 +6
Nimmo +3 +6 +3 +10 +6
Ziyx/Eflun/Madir/Tamas/Dokar +2 +8 +1 +5 +10


Province Squads Difficulty
Pheron 4 0
Uberion 4 1
Phaleng 6 1
Shertuz 8 1
Kendar 4 1
Marmaris 5 2
Meram 6 2
N. Trilliad 4 3
S. Trilliad 9 3
N. Bihun 2 3
S. Bihun 5 3
Fisestar 5 5
Kherbel 12 6
Yberton 3 4
Udar 7 6
Piyan 7 7
Shendy 6 1
Fubernel 8 2
Kuskunn 3 5
Heavenly 4 5
Isle of Giants 9 7
Isles of Ice 4 2
Isle of Vo 4 7
Dakland 5 3
Fiztraz 7 4
Darvale 6 4
Rosus 8 3
Selderad 5 3
Khiriss 8 4


Delkona : Enemy HQ (defeat for 18 rubies and +15 local Charisma)
Library (research: The Sunken Isle, Khazan, Obelisks)
Guest house (costs 8 coins/day)
Carpenter (pays 7 coins/hour)
Metalsmith (pays 7 coins/hour)
Archery school (costs 200 coins per session)
Magic school (costs 220 coins per session)
Keof : Library (research: Teleportals, Sherro's Legend)
Guest house (costs 5 coins/day)
Carpenter (pays 7 coins/hour)
Gemcutter (pays 9 coins/hour)
Archery school (costs 135 coins per session)
Combat school (costs 150 coins per session)
Knessos : Enemy HQ (defeat for 16 rubies and +15 local Charisma)
Guest house (costs 3 coins/day)
Carpenter (pays 9 coins/hour)
Metalsmith (pays 7 coins/hour)
Tailor (pays 8 coins/hour)
Archery school (costs 110 coins per session)
Combat school (costs 125 coins per session)
Merg : Museum (has Elden artifacts on display)
Guest house (costs 6 coins/day)
Carpenter (pays 6 coins/hour)
Gemcutter (pays 6 coins/hour)
Metalsmith (pays 8 coins/hour)
Magic school (costs 350 coins per session)
Port Avur : Library (research: Hoyam Essence, Meardom)
Jail (get a pass from an officer in town for 100 coins)
Guest house (costs 4 coins/day)
Gemcutter (pays 5 coins/hour)
Metalsmith (pays 6 coins/hour)
Tailor (pays 7 coins/hour)
Archery school (costs 180 coins per session)
Combat school (costs 200 coins per session)
Magic school (costs 300 coins per session)
Sumruna : Enemy HQ (defeat for 17 rubies and +15 local Charisma)
Guest house (costs 7 coins/day)
Gemcutter (pays 8 coins/hour)
Metalsmith (pays 8 coins/hour)
Combat school (costs 240 coins per session)
Magic school (costs 375 coins per session)


A gemcutter will add one-third to the selling prices below. The gemcutter
doesn't have to do the actual selling; he only needs to be present in the

Pearl Topaz Ruby Emerald Diamond
Delkona 30 90 115 250 575
Keof 25 75 100 175 420
Knessos 35 65 95 200 475
Merg 20 75 110 210 390
Port Avur 20 60 125 190 400
Sumruna 30 80 135 210 500


Location Names of people
Rebnard's Castle Mikemira, Belazar, Banas
Soldain Yodan, Azidamus, Rabbonkar, Denkar, Makaso, Hokando
Lymeric Remulda, Zeke, Aksimento, Gate Keeper
Bondell Tonton, Tuten, Nimmet, Hubbo, Fozimar, Meliso
Theldair Baelin, Hextaris, Gilondo, Jagamer
Crystal Castle Pindalf, Argelb, Dessen, Glenli, Remon, Truk
Kharin Koldan, Kurek, Pugar, Kabuck, Valoda, Shagar, Viadras
Shiran Fizkreto, Seksanta, Yetmishi, Petkenpif, Kemkezar


God Location Temple Chant
Valon Dermagud W of Donduk Shaerad, Ude, Shaerad, Faey
Sur Vocha Kuskunn Eftah, Eftah, Yolimdar, Pehriz
Nexis Sudogur Shertuz Yenna, Benivo, Heb, Benna
Heru Khazan S Fubernel Vreamen, Eftah, Yolimdar, Tiz
Hissen Crezimas SW Kherbel Tuem, Obotem, Kefluem, Maeslem
Kalb Dakland Dakland Idelioz, Fydelia, Heb, Tharimo
Pax Piyan Rosus Ishthyam, Sermian, Idelioz, Obotem
Paladin Bedangidar SE Kherbel Eftah, Yenna, Olm, Tiz

God Symbol
Valon, the harvest god Resembles a fancy compass
Nexis, the sun god A brilliantly shining sun
Sur, the sky god An eagle with wings spread wide
Heru, the god of war A long sword pointing upwards
Kalb, the god of secrecy A long white mask
Pax, the god of sacrifice A squinting eye with a black pupil
Hissen, the god of mystery A squiggly snake pointing downwards
Paladin, the god of the moon A backwards-C crescent moon


Each town has one captain that sails from it. The captain always hangs out
in the tavern, appearing at the indicated time. Ask the captain about
"passage" to schedule a trip. The ship will sail at 07:00 the next day;
you can be up to an hour late for the appointment, but no more.

Delkona (Murdar, 09:00)
Isle of Giants (200), Shendy (150), Blue Crab Beach (250), Sumruna (150)
Keof (Kunder, 19:00)
Isles of Ice (200), Port Avur (120), Kuskunn (50), Fubernel (100),
Point Hena (210)
Knessos (Barbos, 19:00)
Bihun (200), Wizard's Isle (150), Pheron (400), Kuzu Bay (350)
Merg (Tomola, 12:00)
Udar (350), Kraken Bay (200), Bay of Meric (225)
Port Avur (Garlin, 20:00)
Shendy (100), Fubernel (150), Point Hena (200)
Sumruna (Patras, 20:00)
Fubernel (150), Isle of Vo (100), Shendy (250), Blue Crab Beach (250)


Book Who Where How Much
Sabano Azidamus Soldain 1500 coins Spells A-F
Ishban Remulda Lymeric 1750 coins Spells G-L
Demaro Hextaris Theldair 1500 coins Spells M-R
Zoxinn Fizkreto Shiran 2000 coins Spells S-X


Name Location Words
Dermagud Uberion Achunne, Reshiptar, Ebitonagzi
Vocha Isles of Ice Hokde, Kaflth, Pokandajo
Sudogur Kendar (none -- talk to the Gate Keeper)
Meardom Pheron (none -- talk to Beratt in King's Castle)
Crezimas Yberton (none -- north side of Crystal Castle)
Bedangidar Bihun Samandax, Tifgaramo, Kemt
Thakass Wizard's Isle Kuramdafur, Tevalato, Rekmetrek
Khazan Fubernel Eksam, Rattabl, Gangamurt
Shadrum Isle of Giants Damlaz, Firtarafa, Yaklamatofar
Sargoz (none) (none -- teleport from Shendy, Thakass, or


Name Words
Sherro's High Call Sherro, Hoy, Dumanfir
Bubble of Captivity Tefk, Akamur, Darda-Iym
Ritual of Awareness Rehtem Verek, Eklem Kenek, Elatir Gnassar
Three Words of Power Sastamounu, Ezberekene, Vrakkalamhir
Zirvanad First Chant Ude, Samaid, Dehuble
Zirvanad Second Chant Exiteralmisto, Haxobez, Behsaim
Zirvanad Third Chant Ekburamitral, Hox, Begone


If a town is given as a destination, you're teleported directly into the
town, not right outside it; this happens at night too, which is one way to
get into a town at night.

One of the combinations causes the game to lock up, at least on the PC

Origin Destination Combination
Pheron Kendar (74,35) Cube, Sphere, Cube
Pheron Meram (44,51) Sphere, Pyramid, Sphere
Pheron Kherbel (109,94) Cube, Cube, Cube
Pheron Rosus (105,36) Pyramid, Sphere, Sphere
Shendy Uberion (15,44) Pyramid, Pyramid, Cube
Shendy Dakland (86,5) Sphere, Cube, Sphere
Shendy Piyan (98,114) Cube, Sphere, Cube
Shendy Sargoz Sphere, Pyramid, Cube
Kherbel Pheron (7,23) Sphere, Sphere, Cube
Kherbel Fubernel (58,71) Pyramid, Sphere, Pyramid
Kherbel Trilliad (104,45) Cube, Cube, Cube
Kherbel Kherbel (109,94) Cube, Pyramid, Pyramid
Khiriss Shertuz (55,35) Pyramid, Cube, Pyramid
Khiriss Shendy (12,75) Pyramid, Pyramid, Pyramid
Khiriss Fubernel (66,75) Sphere, Cube, Cube
Khiriss Bihun (127,63) Sphere, Cube, Pyramid
Dermagud Pheron (23,9) Sphere, Pyramid, Cube
Dermagud Yberton (129,90) Cube, Cube, Cube
Dermagud Isles of Ice (9,98) Pyramid, Cube, Sphere
Dermagud Selderad (129,34) Cube, Pyramid, Cube
Vocha Phaleng (73,13) Pyramid, Sphere, Sphere
Vocha Meram (43,49) Cube, Cube, Cube
Vocha Shendy (8,78) Sphere, Sphere, Sphere
Sudogur Pheron (7,11) Cube, Sphere, Cube
Sudogur CRASH! Sphere, Sphere, Pyramid
Sudogur Darvale (85,21) Cube, Pyramid, Cube
Sudogur Sumruna (81,94) Pyramid, Pyramid, Pyramid
Meardom Kendar Pyramid, Sphere, Cube
Meardom Fubernel Cube, Pyramid, Sphere
Meardom Udar Cube, Cube, Sphere
Meardom Knessos Pyramid, Sphere, Pyramid
Crezimas Pheron (21,24) Pyramid, Cube, Sphere
Crezimas Fubernel (67,86) Cube, Pyramid, Sphere
Crezimas Trilliad (93,69) Pyramid, Sphere, Cube
Crezimas Selderad (124,30) Sphere, Pyramid, Pyramid
Bedangidar Pheron (7,25) Sphere, Sphere, Pyramid
Bedangidar Shendy (19,88) Sphere, Sphere, Sphere
Bedangidar Rosus (93,34) Cube, Pyramid, Cube
Bedangidar Udar (128,107) Sphere, Pyramid, Pyramid
Thakass Pheron (25,21) Sphere, Cube, Sphere
Thakass Bihun (134,53) Cube, Pyramid, Pyramid
Thakass Khiriss (140,26) Pyramid, Sphere, Pyramid
Thakass Sargoz Sphere, Pyramid, Cube
Khazan Port Avur Sphere, Sphere, Sphere
Khazan Shendy (8,87) Pyramid, Cube, Pyramid
Khazan Yberton (138,96) Sphere, Sphere, Cube
Khazan Sargoz Sphere, Pyramid, Cube
Shadrum Marmaris (7,56) Sphere, Pyramid, Cube
Shadrum Darvale (103,18) Pyramid, Cube, Pyramid
Shadrum Fisestar (140,82) Cube, Cube, Pyramid
Shadrum Isle of Giants (41,116) Sphere, Sphere, Sphere
Sargoz Port Avur Cube, Pyramid, Pyramid
Sargoz Fubernel (59.71) Pyramid, Pyramid, Cube
Sargoz Kherbel (109,94) Sphere, Sphere, Sphere


1. Ask Trikerviz (on the road) about pearls.
2. Ask Lufer (in Port Avur) about mushrooms.
3. Ask Bordal (in the Port Avur tavern) about Dermagud.
4. Dermagud is an abandoned dwarf mine in Uberion.
5. Ask Tonton (in Bondell) to increase your charisma.
6. Knock on Banas' door (in the King's Castle) in the evening.
7. Read of "hoyam essence" in the Port Avur library.
8. Nuri (in the King's Castle) gives you free food.
9. Talk to Everos (in Port Avur).
10. Mikemira (in the King's Castle) can extend your time limit.
11. Ask Forkos (in the King's Castle) about his travels.
12. Ask Rimfiztrik (in the King's Castle) about teleportals.
13. Rabbonkar the Scholar (in Soldain) teaches Ancient Dwarvish.
14. Inspect the altars in temples and remember the symbols
15. The dungeon Meardom is beneath the King's Castle.
16. The dungeon Crezimas is beneath the Crystal castle.
17. Captain Kunder (in Keof) sails to the Isles of Ice.
18. Visit Belazar again after reading the Zirvanad.
19. Ask the guard officer (in Port Avur) about a pass.
20. Denkar (in Soldain) knows about the bowls in dungeons.
21. Offer the Port Avur bard a drink.
22. The vault holding the Zirvanad is in Sudogur.
23. To unlock the Zirvanad's vault, the Star Key is needed.
24. A dwarvish tale tells of a white wolf with a star about its neck.
25. The dungeon Sudogur is beneath Lymeric.
26. Ask Hosan (in Keof) about the vault.
27. Ask Numbar the Wise (in Keof) about Vocha.
28. Ask Hokando (in Soldain) about Valon.
29. The white wolf is at the wolf rock, which is in Phaleng.
30. Read about Sherro's Legend at the Keof library.
31. Ask Bestul about Ongar's wizard.
32. The mad wizard in Thakass has the blue ring.
33. Ask Pindalf (at the Crystal Castle) about the magic rituals.
34. A learning lesson from Seksanta (in Shiran) costs 120 coins.
35. A learning lesson from Aksimento (in Lymeric) costs 140 coins.
36. The King of Ogres wears a stolen circlet.
37. The King of Ogres lives in the Tower of Shadrum.
38. Ask Tuten and Dinera about Shadrum and the King of Ogres.
39. Ask the wizards' conclave at Shiran about shir-aka ash.
40. Ask all farmers you meet about food.
41. The elvish Queen Fay rules in Theldair.
42. Baelin (in Theldair) knowns about elven maids.
43. The Crown of Kumakdgan used to belong to the Gnoll King.
44. Bedangidar is an abandoned dwarf mine.
45. Somona, Queen Fay's sorceress, can give you magic dusts.
46. Reach Heavenly by means the fifth level exit in Khazan.
47. Read about obelisks in the Delkona library.
48. The words on the obelisks are supposedly the 3 Words of Will.
49. In the Hall of Lost Souls on Khazan Level 4, the portal to
Level 5 is in the northwest corner.
50. Gourney (in Sumruna) knows about a dust.
51. Pupin (in Delkona) knows how to enter Khazan.
52. There are two temples in Kherbel.
53. Ask the orcs in the Port Avur jail about Thorin's Hammer.
54. Ask the Queen of the Crystal Castle about her ability to
sense monsters from afar.
55. The Hammer was buried with Chambur deep inside Vocha.
56. Vocha is located on the Isles of Ice.
57. The Furnace of Hades burns in Sargoz.
58. To enter the Furnace of Hades, find the portal in Lake Kumalis
59. Lake Kumalis is at the bottom of Sargoz.
60. Farhad (in Sumruna) has an amulet.
61. Leksra (in Delkona) knows a lot about teleportals.
62. Argelb (in the Crystal Castle) knows how to enter Sargoz.
63. Four teleportal houses are on the surface: in Pheron, Khiriss,
Kherbel, and Shendy.
64. One obelisk is located on the Isle of Vo.
65. There are three halls at the top level of the Tower of Shadrum.
One is the Hall of No Return.
66. To cross the Hall of No Return, reach the east wall and move
67. Ask Glenli (in the Crystal Castle) about elven maids
68. Once you give the dwarf elders in Soldain Thorin's Hammer, ask
them for the hoyam essence.
69. Use the hoyam essence to attract the white wolf at Wolf Rock.
70. Repeatedly ask the mad wizard about the Blue Ring.
71. Ignore the mad wizard's meaningless grumblings.
72. Beratt (in the King's Castle) will let you enter Meardom.
73. You need a lot of Walkwater spells in Sudogur.
74. You need a lot of Pierce spells in Thakass.
75. Ask innkeepers about the captain.
76. One obelisk is located in Meardom, below the King's Castle.
77. Ask Kemkezar (in Shiran) about the Bubble of Captivity.
78. One obelisk is located north of Knessos.
79. Ask Yetmishi (in Shiran) for the words to enter Thakass.
80. Ask Petkenpif (in Shiran) about the White Amulet.
81. Tombul (in Delkona) bought the White Amulet from an elf.
82. The legendary sword Brennix is in Bedangidar.
83. Ask Ruhbear (in Merg) about Debaramos.
84. Debaramos knows how to enter Meardom.
85. Kurek (in Kharin) has been to Bedangidar.
86. Debaramos renamed himself Rufus and now wanders Trilliad.
87. Ask Ellidrin to play you the swan song.
88. Ask Gilondo (in Theldair) about Sherro's High Call.
89. Use Sherro's High Call to summon the Last Unicorn.
90. The Last Unicorn has the green ring.
91. Ask Suerfin to sing you the sparrow song.
92. The Elven Cloak will protect its wearer from all flames.
93. The Delkona supply shop merchant offers the best gem prices.
94. Crystal Dust is present in Crezimas.
95. The White Amulet is probably in the Furnace of Hades.
96. Truk knows the origin for teleporting into Sargoz.
97. The combination to Sargoz is written on four signs in Khazan.
98. The Delkona magic school is the best.
99. The Sumruna combat school is the best.
100. Ask Aellin to sing you the river song.
101. The Queen will get you the crystal dust if you clear Crezimas
of 100% of its monsters.
102. Dig eleven steps west of Trebor's tomb and find a fine treasure.
103. The portal on level 2 of Crezimas goes to Rakhan's treasure.
104. To raise the Sunken Isle, pull all three levers at the same time.
105. The Ritual of Awareness is locked in a glass sphere in a tower
on the Sunken Isle.
106. If you dig in the southwest corner of the Hall of Ancient Dreams,
said to be in the Caves of Crezimas, you may find the Elven Cloak.
107. Four posts in the dungeon of Khazan are rumored to give the
teleportal combination to enter Sargoz.
108. They say you must enter Sargoz via Thakass.
109. One may only get the Shir-Aka ash wearing the Circlet of Aka.
110. The Tower of Ruhan is on the Sunken Isle.
111. The Tower of Ruhan contains much lost Elden knowledge.
112. To conjure a Bubble of Captivity, chant the three words that are
found within the Zukkamear.
113. The Zukkamear is rumored to be in the Tower of Shadrum.
114. Dalameir buried his treasure before his final battle.
115. Sargoz is by far the most difficult dungeon.
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