Black & White

Black & White

17.10.2013 21:16:38
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by MasterViVi


To start with, this FAQ is old. Really old! The final revision
(V.1.08) is dated 20th December 2001. Oh well, I decided to submit
it to GameFAQs because the questions about the Village Banter keep
on being the cause of new topics on the BWgame Boards. Second,
it seems a lot of people like to read the stuff the villagers say.
Oh well, time to start this old, small FAQ. ;)

What is the Village Banter?

After downloading this, you will be able to hear the secret thoughts of
your villagers. A word of warning - the villagers' banter may not be as
flattering to you, their deity, as you might like!

What do I need?

You MUST first install patch V.1.10. Otherwise it will not work.
Of course, V.1.20 or V.1.30 are also sufficient. I recommend using
V.1.20 though, as it's the only version people use to play online.

How does it work?

All you need to do is zoom in to the as close as you can, and their
innermost hopes, desires and dreams will become audible.

How do I know how this works?

The normal way is just to zoom in at those villagers. This doesn't
always work though (even never for most people), so the following
is the best way.

First look for a house where there are people inside (hit S to see this).
Now zoom in as close as you can at the entrance of that house,
and tap the house. There will come villagers outside and say something.
If not, the Village Banter isn't working properly.

Is it multilingual?

The Village Banter willl always be in English, no matter what version you

Where to download?

Well, since I first published this FAQ (even before the aforementioned
date), the official mirror hasn't changed yet. Let's hope it stays that

Lionhead mirror:

The second mirror I'll give you is KayssPlace, by far the best
Black and White site out there. This one will stay online "forever"
I presume.


What do they say?

This is what they're able to say. I may fix the wandering question marks
someday, but they say A LOT.


1_01", "Work, work, work. I'm sick of it."
1_02", "I should have been a priest. They?ve got it easy."
1_03", "Worship is the only thing that keeps me going."
1_04", "I?ve been on my feet all day."
1_05", "What a day I?ve had."
1_06", "Someone should invent machines to do all this."
1_07", "It?s not easy being a Villager."
1_08", "I wonder if I?ll get a part in the sequel?"
1_09", "I wish I didn?t have to work so hard."
1_10", "Fetching and carrying. What a life."
2_01", "I?d better get to heaven for this."
2_02", "I wish there was some excitement in my life."
2_03", "Deity, if you?re listening, I lurve you."
2_04", "I hate my neighbour."
2_05", "Tomorrow I?ve got to get up and do it all over again."
2_06", "Gimme a break."
2_07", "This back to nature stuff?s a drag."
2_08", "I had to audition for this. Can you believe it?"
2_09", "I?m tired of working like this. I?m gonna quit."
2_10", "Leave me alone."
3_01", "It feels like someone's watching me."
3_02", "Spooky. I feel watched."
3_03", "Aunt Agatha? Is that you? Knock once for yes."
3_04", "I can't wait to get home and put my feet up."
3_05", "Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?"
3_06", "I'm beginning to doubt the powers of the almighty."
3_07", "This Village is gonna be great when we finish it."
3_08", "Why are you picking on me?"
3_09", "Yeah, yeah, take a good look."
3_10", "I'm not gonna be a Villager forever, you know."
4_01", "Haven't you got anything better to do?"
4_02", "Please don't hurt me."
4_03", "I could have been someone. I could have been in Dungeon Keeper."
4_04", "Can't you help with the chores just a little bit?"
4_05", "Village life is Garbage."
4_06", "Go find the Village idiot to pester."
4_07", "Can't you see I'm working? Call back later."
4_08", "Power to the people."
4_09", "Workers of the world unite."
4_10", "You know, ceaseless toil's actually good fun."
5_01", "Don't you have places you gotta be?"
5_02", "If you're a god, make me an angel."
5_03", "Stop following me around."
5_04", "How do I know you're not spying on me?"
5_05", "Stop stalking me or I'll call the, er, my family."
5_06", "Is this how you get your kicks?"
5_07", "Nice, detailed graphics, aren't they?"
5_08", "Go and do something useful, like I am."
5_09", "It's a shame you've got nothing better to do."
5_10", "Waste your time, but don't waste mine."
6_01", "Boy, I'd sure like to be a god like you."
6_02", "Can you turn my sister into a newt?"
6_03", "Did you know that god spelt backwards is dog?"
6_04", "I may be an insignificant character but I've got feelings."
6_05", "Race you to the top of that hill."
6_06", "I'm beginning to stop believing in you."
6_07", "Stop it. You're giving me a mid-life crisis."
6_08", "Go and smite some wrongdoers or something."
6_09", "Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on your Creature?"
6_10", "Can you fix it for me to be in another game?"
7_01", "Let's swap. I'll be a god and you be a mindless serf for a while."
7_02", "My agent said I'd be a fool to take this part."
7_03", "Being one of your subjects isn't fun, you know."
7_04", "Have you saved the game recently?"
7_05", "Psst. Do you wanna buy some timber?"
7_06", "Come on. Start acting like a god for once."
7_07", "Can we have a drinks machine installed?"
7_08", "Are we nearly there yet?"
7_09", "I can see my house from here."
7_10", "Hey. What are you looking at?"
8_01", "Please don't look at me - I blush easily."
8_02", "Stop being so nosy. Oops. Sorry, your highness."
8_03", "Fetching and carrying. What a life."
8_04", "I'm just a wage slave. That's all."
8_05", "My wife doesn't understand me."
8_06", "Do ya mind? I'm walking here!"
8_07", "We gotta get outta this place."
8_08", "Go throw some Fireballs."
8_09", "Don't look at me. I'm not important."
8_10", "You've got a lot of time on your hands, haven't you."
9_01", "I wish they'd hurry up and invent the Internet."
9_02", "Dear Santa. Can I have a car for Christmas?"
9_03", "It's nice to get out of the house sometimes."
9_04", "What a lovely day. Thank you for that."
9_05", "Is this weather down to you?"
9_06", "Stop being so creepy, will you?"
9_07", "Follow someone less busy."
9_08", "I ain't got time to chat."
9_09", "You lookin' at me?"
9_10", "I'm gonna be a star."
0_01", "Do all gods behave as oddly as you?"
0_02", "You are one bizarre deity, man."
0_03", "Phew. You love your godly powers, don't you?"
0_04", "If I was a god I'd zoom in and out all day, too."
0_05", "Gotta be honest. You're irritating me now."
0_06", "Naff off."
0_07", "Get lost, your holy spiritualness."
0_08", "We must stop meeting like this."
0_09", "Go away. People will talk."
0_10", "Hey. What's up?"
1_01", "See something you like?"
1_02", "Do you want a photograph?"
1_03", "Stop staring at me like a bird of prey."
1_04", "I know Peter Molyneux personally."
1_05", "I'll be glad when today's over."
1_06", "Are this meant to be a sign, wise one?"
1_07", "Are you trying to tell me something?"
1_08", "I'm not a mind-reader, you know."
1_09", "Go and bother my cousin."
1_10", "I've got nothing to say to you."
2_01", "Are you checking up on me?"
2_02", "You can leave me alone, you know."
2_03", "Please don't hurt me. I haven't done anything."
2_04", "Go on. Make me a rainbow."
2_05", "Stop it. You're scaring me."
2_06", "Push off, you dumb sacred being, you."
2_07", "I love it when you look at me like that."
2_08", "Let me get on with my work, please."
2_09", "Sorry, did you say something?"
2_10", "Can't hear you. Got my stereo on."
3_01", "Go and cause a plague or a flood or something."
3_02", "Doh! Nearly tripped."
3_03", "You should try being me one time."
3_04", "Bet you can't catch me."
3_05", "Don't get all holy on me, mate."
3_06", "You think you're all that, don't you?"
3_07", "You and me. Right here, right now."
3_08", "You think we got a score to settle or something?"
3_09", "Shhh. I'm calculating pi."
3_10", "Plenty of room on your hard drive. Know what I'm saying?"
4_01", "You ain't seen me, right?"
4_02", "Ordinary work not good enough for you, is it?"
4_03", "Well someone's got to do the menial stuff."
4_04", "Get the kettle on. I'm parched here."
4_05", "It was this or work at the burger bar."
4_06", "Call me. I'm a bit busy at the moment."
4_07", "We demand a say in our future."
4_08", "One day we'll stop believing in you, deity."
4_09", "Things were great before you arrived."
4_10", "Lemme just say - thanks for being you."
5_01", "Have you met my sister? Eh? Eh?"
5_02", "I don't suppose you've got any spare change on you, have you?"
5_03", "I don't want to be a peasant any more."
5_04", "You know, I'd make a pretty good god, too."
5_05", "How'd you become god? I didn't vote for you."
5_06", "It's all right for you. You're a supreme deity."
5_07", "Did you spill my mead?"
5_08", "Power to the people, man."
5_09", "Sorry, but I don't believe in Miracles."
5_10", "If you ever need an assistant?"
6_01", "Can you get me a wheelbarrow?"
6_02", "All we do is eat and sleep and sing."
6_03", "About time for a Miracle, isn't it?"
6_04", "You're an impressive god, you know."
6_05", "I appreciate the attention."
6_06", "To think, I didn't believe in you at first."
6_07", "You kick arse, Holy One."
6_08", "Do gods have bank accounts?"
6_09", "Let me get on with my daily grind."
6_10", "You can watch - just don't interfere."
7_01", "Keep out of my way. I'm on a mission from, er, you."
7_02", "You don't want to mess with me, mate."
7_03", "Like I said. It's all work, work, work."
7_04", "Think you're a big shot, don't you?"
7_05", "You're modest. I like that in a god."
7_06", "Can I knock off early this afternoon?"
7_07", "Sorry I'm running late. Dentist appointment."
7_08", "Go and throw some livestock around if you're bored."
7_09", "Could you thunderbolt my mother-in-law?"
7_10", "Got a little spare time I see."
8_01", "Come and give me a hand with my chores."
8_02", "Go away. Can't you see I'm working."
8_03", "Wow. You're really larger than life, aren't you?"
8_04", "Don't I have to confess my sins to you or something?"
8_05", "We demand cake and fine wines."
8_06", "One day this Village is gonna be a city."
8_07", "How do you like our tribe?"
8_08", "Congratulations on being a god, pal."
8_09", "Can you make me Leader of the tribe, please?"
8_10", "I'm busy at the moment. I'll get back to you."
9_01", "Hey. Nice to see you."
9_02", "Fancy bumping into you."
9_03", "So is there a heaven and hell?"
9_04", "I've got a list of questions for you, godly one."
9_05", "What's it all about, eh godly one?"
9_06", "Can you tell me the meaning of life, then?"
9_07", "I'd love to talk but I'm in a hurry."
9_08", "Show me the light, wise one."
9_09", "Tell me the path of true faith."
9_10", "Am I on the way to enlightenment?"
20_01", "Another day, another dollar."
20_02", "Hey, Holy One. You're up early."
20_03", "Have you been there all night?"
20_04", "Can I have the day off today?"
20_05", "Another day in Paradise."
20_06", "Don't get too close - morning breath."
20_07", "Hello. I didn't expect to see you."
20_08", "Sorry. You're not seeing me at my best."
20_09", "What's this? Neighbourhood watch?"
20_10", "Morning!"


1_01", "You'd better not be following me."
1_02", "How's the game going?"
1_03", "You don't look at the other Villagers like that."
1_04", "I've been on my feet all day."
1_05", "All this and we have to have kids too."
1_06", "To think, we could have had a god like Leonardo di Caprio."
1_07", "Hi. Wanna buy me a drink?"
1_08", "I wonder if I'll get a part in the sequel?"
1_09", "I wish I didn't have to work so hard."
1_10", "Do you often follow women around?"
2_01", "I'd better get to heaven for this."
2_02", "I'm busy. You're not, I see."
2_03", "At this level, Eden's just one big soap opera."
2_04", "O lord. I left the iron on."
2_05", "Tomorrow I've got to get up and do it all over again."
2_06", "Stop reading my thoughts."
2_07", "This back to nature stuff's a drag."
2_08", "I'm keeping a diary. And you're in it."
2_09", "Can you put in a good word for me?"
2_10", "Leave me alone."
3_01", "I'm like totally, so in awe of you."
3_02", "Spooky. I feel watched."
3_03", "Don't look. I'm having a bad hair day."
3_04", "I can't wait to get home and put my feet up."
3_05", "If you think being a god is tough, try having kids."
3_06", "What do you think of my makeover?"
3_07", "Black and White is the new black."
3_08", "Ahh, you're like a guardian angel."
3_09", "Yeah, yeah, take a good look."
3_10", "I'm gonna be a star! Just you wait!"
4_01", "Does my bum look big in this?"
4_02", "Please don't hurt me."
4_03", "I could have been someone. I could have been in Dungeon Keeper."
4_04", "Can't you help with the chores just a little bit?"
4_05", "Village life is Garbage."
4_06", "Go find the Village idiot to pester."
4_07", "Can't you see I'm working? Call back later."
4_08", "Power to the people."
4_09", "Workers of the world unite."
4_10", "You know, ceaseless toil's actually good fun."
5_01", "Don't you have places you gotta be?"
5_02", "If you're a god, make me an angel."
5_03", "Stop following me around."
5_04", "How do I know you're not spying on me?"
5_05", "Stop stalking me or I'll call the, er, my family."
5_06", "Is this how you get your kicks?"
5_07", "Nice, detailed graphics, aren't they?"
5_08", "Go and do something useful, like I am."
5_09", "It's a shame you've got nothing better to do."
5_10", "Waste your time, but don't waste mine."
6_01", "Boy, I'd sure like to be a god like you."
6_02", "Can you turn my sister into a newt?"
6_03", "Did you know that god spelt backwards is dog?"
6_04", "I may be an insignificant character but I've got feelings."
6_05", "Race you to the top of that hill."
6_06", "I'm beginning to stop believing in you."
6_07", "Three words. Hormone. Replacement. Therapy."
6_08", "Go and smite some wrongdoers or something."
6_09", "Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on your Creature?"
6_10", "Can you fix it for me to be in another game?"
7_01", "Let's swap. I'll be a god and you be a mindless serf for a while."
7_02", "My agent said I'd be a fool to take this part."
7_03", "Being one of your subjects isn't fun, you know."
7_04", "Have you saved the game recently?"
7_05", "Lipstick. That's what this game needs."
7_06", "Come on. Start acting like a god for once."
7_07", "Can we have a drinks machine installed?"
7_08", "Are we nearly there yet?"
7_09", "I can see my house from here."
7_10", "Hey. What are you looking at?"
8_01", "Please don't look at me - I blush easily."
8_02", "Stop being so nosy. Oops. Sorry, your highness."
8_03", "Fetching and carrying. What a life."
8_04", "I'm just a wage slave. That's all."
8_05", "My husband doesn't understand me."
8_06", "Let's do lunch some time."
8_07", "I've been dieting. Can you tell?"
8_08", "Go throw some Fireballs."
8_09", "Don't look at me. I'm not important."
8_10", "You've got a lot of time on your hands, haven't you."
9_01", "I wish they'd hurry up and invent the Internet."
9_02", "Dear Santa. Can I have a horse for Christmas?"
9_03", "It's nice to get out of the house sometimes."
9_04", "What a lovely day. Thank you for that."
9_05", "Is this weather down to you?"
9_06", "Stop being so creepy, will you?"
9_07", "Go follow someone less busy."
9_08", "I ain't got time to chat."
9_09", "You lookin' at me?"
9_10", "I'm gonna be a star."
10_01", "Don't even think of talking to me this week."
10_02", "You are one bizarre deity."
10_03", "Phew. You love your godly powers, don't you?"
10_04", "If I was a god I'd zoom in and out all day, too."
10_05", "Gotta be honest. You're irritating me now."
10_06", "Naff off."
10_07", "Believe me, this week is not a good time to bother me."
10_08", "We must stop meeting like this."
10_09", "Go away. People will talk."
10_10", "Hey. What's up?"
11_01", "See something you like?"
11_02", "Do you want a photograph?"
11_03", "Stop staring at me."
11_04", "Like what you see?"
11_05", "I'll be glad when today's over."
11_06", "What Eden needs is women's lib."
11_07", "Are you trying to tell me something?"
11_08", "I'm not a mind-reader, you know."
11_09", "Go and bother my cousin."
11_10", "I want you to know I've been speaking to my solicitor."
12_01", "Are you checking up on me?"
12_02", "You can leave me alone, you know."
12_03", "Please don't hurt me. I haven't done anything."
12_04", "Go on. Make me a rainbow."
12_05", "Stop it. You're scaring me."
12_06", "Why don't we have a take your daughter to work day?"
12_07", "I love it when you look at me like that."
12_08", "Let me get on with my work, please."
12_09", "Sorry, did you say something?"
12_10", "Can't hear you. Got my walkman on."
13_01", "Go and cause a plague or a flood or something."
13_02", "Doh! Nearly tripped."
13_03", "You should try being me one time."
13_04", "Bet you can't catch me."
13_05", "Chocolate. That's what the girls want."
13_06", "You think you're all that, don't you?"
13_07", "What about world peace?"
13_08", "Girl power!"
13_09", "Shhh. I'm calculating pi."
13_10", "Plenty of room on your hard drive. Know what I'm saying?"
14_01", "You ain't seen me, right?"
14_02", "Ordinary work not good enough for you, is it?"
14_03", "Well someone's got to do the menial stuff."
14_04", "Trying to make me blush, are you?"
14_05", "It was this or work at the burger bar."
14_06", "Page me. I'm a bit busy at the moment."
14_07", "Is there a glass ceiling for women in this tribe?"
14_08", "One day we'll stop believing in you, lordly one."
14_09", "Things were great before you arrived."
14_10", "Lemme just say - thanks for being you."
15_01", "My friend wants to go out with you."
15_02", "I don't suppose you've got any spare change on you, have you?"
15_03", "I don't want to be a peasant any more."
15_04", "You know, I'd make a pretty good god, too."
15_05", "How'd you become god? I didn't vote for you."
15_06", "It's all right for you. You're a supreme deity."
15_07", "A woman's work is never done."
15_08", "I warn you. I've got mace."
15_09", "Sorry, but I don't believe in Miracles."
15_10", "If you ever need an assistant?"
16_01", "Please invent mirrors. I must look a sight."
16_02", "All we do is eat and sleep and sing."
16_03", "About time for a Miracle, isn't it?"
16_04", "You're quite an impressive god, you know."
16_05", "I appreciate the attention."
16_06", "To think, I didn't believe in you at first."
16_07", "I'm praying for a better hairdo."
16_08", "Do gods have bank accounts?"
16_09", "Let me get on with my daily grind."
16_10", "You can watch - just don't interfere."
17_01", "Keep out of my way. I'm on a mission from, er, you."
17_02", "Don't interrupt me. I'm multitasking."
17_03", "Like I said. It's all work, work, work."
17_04", "I'm not a bad person, honestly."
17_05", "You're modest. I like that in a god."
17_06", "Can I knock off early this afternoon?"
17_07", "Why do we assume gods are male?"
17_08", "Go and throw some livestock around if you're bored."
17_09", "Could you thunderbolt my mother-in-law?"
17_10", "Got a little spare time I see."
18_01", "Come and give me a hand with my chores."
18_02", "Go away. Can't you see I'm working."
18_03", "Wow. You're really larger than life, aren't you?"
18_04", "Don't I have to confess my sins to you or something?"
18_05", "Please stop being so frightening."
18_06", "You might be a god, but you should try having kids."
18_07", "How do you like our tribe?"
18_08", "Congratulations on being a god."
18_09", "Can you make me Leader of the tribe, please?"
18_10", "It must be lonely, being a god."
19_01", "Hey. Nice to see you."
19_02", "Fancy bumping into you."
19_03", "So is there a heaven and hell?"
19_04", "I've got a list of questions for you, godly one."
19_05", "What's it all about, eh deity?"
19_06", "Can you tell me the meaning of life, then?"
19_07", "I'd love to talk but I'm in a hurry."
19_08", "Show me the light, wise one."
19_09", "Tell me the path of true faith."
19_10", "Am I on the way to enlightenment?"
20_01", "Honestly, am I a good person?"
20_02", "Today is a bad hair day."
20_03", "Strike my ex with lightning, will you?"
20_04", "Morning. Care to make me breakfast in bed?"
20_05", "Today's the first day of the rest of my life."
20_06", "Coffee. I need coffee."
20_07", "What's a nice god like you doing in a place like this?"
20_08", "I have seen the light."
20_09", "Can I be a sunbeam for you today?"
20_10", "Oh no! I haven't got any make-up on!"


This FAQ was written by MasterViVi/CoJ, currently hiding at and

Thanks to all the oldies out there. This means Dragon_Nexus, CACHE,
Lizard, ChimpBizkit, Lluget, Liquid9, Ryaku ... too much to name. ;)

Thanks also to Lionhead Studios Ltd.

Thanks to KayssPlace for digging up this old FAQ (but not for not
informating me ;)).

You may always mail me at cellsofjenova AT

For more questions, visit


Copyright 2001 Me (but you may always use this FAQ :p)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Tipps und Tricks (als Word-Datei)
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Creature Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Village Banter FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

22.Juli 2014
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Holz und Nahrung (für v1.20)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für unendlich viel Nahrung und Holz

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Nahrungs- und Holztrainer (für v1.10 und Windows XP)

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer für v1.10

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Wechsele einfach die Kreatur (dt. Programm)

18.Oktober 2013
Mit dem BAWLT (Black and White Learntool) kann man auf einer BaW Map einen Wunderspender kreieren, der beliebige Einstellungen hat (Dt. Programm, gute Dokumentation)

15.Oktober 2013
Das Spezial-FAQ für 'böse' Naturen
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Lösung für 'gute' Charaktere
Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
B&W-Audio-Dateien extrahieren

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Holz und Nahrung

17.Oktober 2013
Wie kommt man auf eine anderen Karte? (im Word-Format)

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Tutorial für die Scriptsprache in Black & White (im HTML-Format)

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung im Word2000-Format

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Land 3 überspringen

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Holz- und Nahrungs-Freezer

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Nahrung und Holz (für v1.1 dt)

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
07.Maart 2014
30.December 2013
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
25.September 2015
28.Februari 2016
11.Juni 2014