Castle of the Winds

Castle of the Winds

18.10.2013 04:20:48
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I. Table of Contents
I. Table of Contents
II. FAQ Information
III. Version Updates
IV. Walkthrough
V. Item List
VI. Enemy List
VII. Spell List
VIII. Game Tips
IX. Making Your Own Character Sprite
X. Copyright Information

II. FAQ Information
Author: ImmortalLynx
E-mail Address: immortallynx[at]gmail[dot]com
Created: Wednesday, September 7th, 2005
Current Date: Thursday, January 12th, 2006
FAQ Version: 1b

III. Version Updates
- Decided to make this a complete FAQ, so I wrote "IV. Walkthrough";

- Finished "I. Table of Contents";
- Finished "II. FAQ Information";
- Finished "III. Version Updates";
- Finished "IV. Item List";
- Finished "V. Enemy List";
- Finished "VI. Spell List";
- Finished "VII. Game Tips";
- Finished "VIII. Making Your Own Character Sprite";
- Finished "IX. Copyright Information";

IV. Walkthrough
This walkthrough isn't very long, mainly because the levels are completely
random each time you start a new game. This is also a fairly short game compared
to games now-a-days. Regardless, here's the walkthrough.

To skip to a certain section, use the "Find" feature on your browser and search
for the heading name followed by a tilde, which is this character: "~"

___ _
|_ _|_ _ __| |_____ __
| || ' \/ _` / -_) \ /

I. Town Number One~
II. Dungeon One~
III. Town Number Two~
IV. Dungeon Two~

I. Town Number One~
You begin inside a small village with only a few houses. There's a weapon store,
an item store, a temple, an armor store, and an identify store. As you begin,
you'll be asked which magic spell you want to start with. CHOOSE MAGIC ARROW.
Any other spell is useless right now and will not help you in the first dungeon.
After picking your spell, head north, outside town. Follow the dirt path north
and into the cave.

II. Dungeon One~
This part is the same in all dungeons, so I'll explain it. Follow the path
north, then diagonally up and right. Switch directions and head diagonally up
and left. Now you'll be in a room with two large open circles. There will be a
Goblin Fighter here, so finish him off and go down the stairs. Now comes the
part of the game which is impossible to FAQ for. The random dungeon. There will
usually be seven or eight levels to it. On the final floor, you'll venture into
a room with about eight Kobolds and a parchment of paper. Pick up the parchment
and, if you have the Rune of Return spell by now, use it. Otherwise, return up
all the stairs and back outside.

III. Town Number Two~
As you exit the dungeon, you read the parchment of paper. It says your village
has been burned down by an evil being. There's no point in going back to the
village, so take the dirt path south, then take the west path. You're now in
the second town. This town has many more shops, as well as a bank. If you want,
deposit your money in the bank. After, of course, you buy new equipment and
items. I recommend get as much better equipment as you can afford, because the
next dungeon is quite a bit harder than the first. Anything enchanted I would
recommend, especially your weapon and armor. Once you're done buying all that
you need, head north, out of the town. Follow the dirt path into the mountains,
then enter the cave. You must have the Clairvoyance spell by now, so use it in
this small area to reveal a hidden staircase.

IV. Dungeon Two~
Well, it's the final dungeon. And it's only section IV. Told you the game was
short. Anyway, this dungeon has a lot more floors than the first one. Sometimes
even up to twenty! Explore EVERYWHERE, on every floor. You'll most likely find
lots of items and equipment you can either wear, or sell in town for better
stuff. Also be sure to save before trying anything on, as many things can be
cursed. At the final floor, you'll find a hill giant called Hrungnir. You'll
know when you find it because it'll be a big brown thing throwing rocks at you.
Use all your most powerful spells on it to defeat it. Once it's dead, it'll
leave behind the Enchanted Amulet of Kings. Wear it and the story line will

That's it. The end of the game. You can now use that saved game in the next
game, Castle of the Winds 2. Hope you enjoyed playing.

V. Item List
_ _
__ ___ _ _| |_ __ _(_)_ _ ___ _ _ ___
/ _/ _ \ ' \ _/ _` | | ' \/ -_) '_(_-<
\__\___/_||_\__\__,_|_|_||_\___|_| /__/
Name Weight Bulk Cap.
Small Bag 300 500 5,000
Medium Bag 500 700 10,000
Large Bag 1,450 1,500 15,000
Small Pack 1,000 1,000 12,000
Medium Pack 2,850 3,900 22,000
Large Pack 4,000 100,000 35,000
Small Chest 5,000 50,000 100,000
Medium Chest 15,000 150,000 100,000
Large Chest 25,000 250,000 100,000
Small Pack of Holding 5,000 75,000 50,000
Medium Pack of Holding 7,500 100,000 75,000
Large Pack of Holding 10,000 125,000 100,000
Enchanted Small Pack of Holding 5,000 75,000 150,000
_ _ _
| |__ ___| | |_ ___
| '_ \/ -_) | _(_-<
Name Weight Bulk Slots
2 Slot Belt 300 300 2
3 Slot Belt 300 300 3
4 Slot Belt 300 300 4
Wand Quiver Belt 300 300 6
Utility Belt 300 300 10
__ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _
/ _` | '_| ' \/ _ \ '_|
\__,_|_| |_|_|_\___/_|
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Rusty Armor 10,000 30,000 0
Leather Armor 5,000 24,000 6
Studded Armor 7,000 25,000 12
Ring Mail 8,000 30,000 18
Scale Mail 9,000 30,000 24
Chain Mail 10,000 30,000 30
Splint Mail 12,000 40,000 36
Plate Mail 15,000 40,000 42
Plate Armor 15,000 60,000 48
Elven Plate 5,000 24,000 52
Meteoric Steel Plate 5,000 30,000 54
_ _ _ _
__| |_ (_)___| |__| |___
(_-< ' \| / -_) / _` (_-<
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Broken Shield 4,000 30,000 0
Small Wooden Shield 3,000 15,000 3
Medium Wooden Shield 4,000 35,000 6
Large Wooden Shield 5,000 50,000 9
Small Iron Shield 4,000 15,000 6
Medium Iron Shield 5,000 35,000 9
Large Iron Shield 6,000 50,000 12
Small Steel Shield 4,000 15,000 9
Medium Steel Shield 5,000 35,000 12
Large Steel Shield 6,000 50,000 15
Small Meteoric Steel Shield 2,500 10,000 15
Medium Meteoric Steel Shield 3,500 25,000 18
Large Meteoric Steel Shield 4,500 35,000 21
_ _ _
| |_ ___| |_ __ ___| |_ ___
| ' \/ -_) | ' \/ -_) _(_-<
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Broken Helmet 1,000 1,000 0
Leather Helmet 500 500 3
Iron Helmet 2,000 2,000 6
Steel Helmet 2,500 2,000 9
Helmet of Detect Monsters 2,500 2,000 9
Meteoric Steel Helmet 1,000 2,000 15
Enchanted Helmet of the Storms 1,000 2,000 25
__ __ _____ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ ___
\ V V / -_) _` | '_ \/ _ \ ' \(_-<
\_/\_/\___\__,_| .__/\___/_||_/__/
Name Weight Bulk Class
Club 1,500 3,000 1
Dagger 500 500 2
Hammer 2,000 3,000 2
Hand Axe 1,000 3,000 3
Quarterstaff 750 5,000 3
Spear 1,500 5,000 4
Mace 2,500 4,375 5
Short Sword 1,000 5,000 5
Axe 2,000 5,000 6
Flail 2,000 3,200 6
War Hammer 1,400 7,500 7
Battle Axe 3,000 6,000 8
Long Sword 1,500 8,000 8
Broad Sword 1,600 9,000 9
Morning Star 3,000 9,000 10
Bastard Sword 3,000 10,000 11
Two Handed Sword 5,000 12,000 12
_ _(_)_ _ __ _ ___
| '_| | ' \/ _` (_-<
|_| |_|_||_\__, /__/
Name Weight Bulk
Enchanted Ring of Dexterity 30 50
Enchanted Ring of Constitution 30 50
Enchanted Ring of Strength 30 50
_ _ ___ __| |____ __ _____ __ _ _ _
| ' \/ -_) _| / /\ V V / -_) _` | '_|
|_||_\___\__|_\_\ \_/\_/\___\__,_|_|
Name Weight Bulk
An Amulet 200 350
Enchanted Pendant of Resist Cold 200 350
Enchanted Scarab of Resist Drain Life 200 350
Enchanted Charm of Resist Fire 200 350
Enchanted Brooch of Resist Lightning 200 350
Enchanted Amulet of the Kings 200 350
_ _
| |__ ___ ___| |_ ___
| '_ \/ _ \/ _ \ _(_-<
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Normal Boots 1,500 4,000 3
Boots of Levitation 0 0 0
Boots of Speed 1,500 4,000 0
| |__ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ _ ___
| '_ \ '_/ _` / _/ -_) '_(_-<
|_.__/_| \__,_\__\___|_| /__/
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Normal Bracers 500 2,000 3
Enchanted Bracers of Defense 500 2,000 8, 13,
or 18
_ _
__| |___ __ _| |__ ___
/ _| / _ \/ _` | / /(_-<
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Wool Cloak 500 6,000 1
Enchanted Cape of Protection 500 6,000 5, 10,
or 15
_ _ _
__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _| |_| |___| |_ ___
/ _` / _` | || | ' \ _| / -_) _(_-<
\__, \__,_|\_,_|_||_\__|_\___|\__/__/
Name Weight Bulk Armor
Normal Gauntlets 500 2,000 5
Enchanted Gauntlets of Intelligence 500 2,000 0
Enchanted Gauntlets of Strength 500 2,000 0
Enchanted Gauntlets of Dexterity 500 2,000 0
Enchanted Gauntlets of Defense 500 2,000 15
Gauntlets of Slaying 1,000 4,000 0
Enchanted Gauntlets of Slaying 500 2,000 0
_ _ _
__| |_ __ ___ _____ ___ __ _ _ _ __| | __ __ ____ _ _ _ __| |___
(_-< _/ _` \ V / -_|_-< / _` | ' \/ _` | \ V V / _` | ' \/ _` (_-<
/__/\__\__,_|\_/\___/__/ \__,_|_||_\__,_| \_/\_/\__,_|_||_\__,_/__/
Name Weight Bulk
A Staff 750 5,000
A Wand 200 350
Staff of Heal Major Wounds 750 5,000
Staff of Heal Minor Wounds 750 5,000
Staff of Healing 750 5,000
Staff of Identify 750 5,000
Staff of Rune of Return 750 5,000
Staff of Summon Undead 750 5,000
Wand of Ball Lightning 200 350
Wand of Cold Ball 200 350
Wand of Cold Bolt 200 350
Wand of Detect Monsters 200 350
Wand of Detect Objects 200 350
Wand of Detect Traps 200 350
Wand of Fire Ball 200 350
Wand of Fire Bolt 200 350
Wand of Light 200 350
Wand of Lightning Bolt 200 350
Wand of Magic Missile 200 350
Wand of Sleep Monster 200 350
Wand of Slow Monster 200 350
Wand of Summon Monster 200 350
Wand of Transmogrify Monster 200 350
_ _ _
_ _ ___ ___| |___ ______ (_) |_ ___ _ __ ___
| || (_- \_,_/__/\___|_\___/__/__/ |_|\__\___|_|_|_/__/
(You'll want to leave these items on the ground, they're worthless)
- Amulet of Adornment
- Blank Scroll
- Broken Belt
- Broken Boots
- Broken Pack
- Broken Shield
- Broken Sword
- Dead Staff
- Dead Wand
- Distilled Water
- Ring of Adornment
- Ripped Cloak
- Rusty Armor
- Rusty Bracers
- Rusty Gauntlets

VI. Enemy List
Name EXP
Giant Rat 1
Goblin 1
Giant Bat 2
Hobgoblin 2
Kobold 2
Large Snake 3
Skeleton 3
Wild Dog 3
Viper 5
Goblin Fighter 6
Giant Ant 7
Walking Corpse 8
Bandit 10
Giant Trapdoor Spider 10
Huge Lizard 10
Rat Man 10
Slime 10
Giant Scorpion 11
Gray Wolf 11
Gelatinous Glob 14
Huge Ogre 14
Shadow 15
Smirking Thief 15
Carrion Creeper 16
Animated Wooden Statue 17
Brown Bear 17
Young Green Dragon 18
Young White Dragon 18
Manticore 19
Eerie Ghost 20
Gruesome Troll 20
Young Blue Dragon 20
Young Red Dragon 20
Animated Bronze Statue 25
Evil Warrior 25
Wolf Man 25
Cave Bear 27
White Wolf 28
Berserker 30
Animated Iron Statue 35
Tunnel Wight 35
Pale Wraith 37
Barrow Wight 40
Bear Man 40
Dust Elemental 40
Hill Giant 40
Wizard 45
Bull Man 50
Castle Wight 50
Dark Wraith 50
Ice Elemental 50
Spectre 50
Animated Marble Statue 52
Air Elemental 55
Magma Elemental 55
Stone Giant 55
Two Headed Giant 55
Fire Elemental 60
Frost Giant 60
Spike Devil 60
Water Elemental 60
Earth Elemental 65
Necromancer 65
Vampire 65
Abyss Wraith 70
Fire Giant 75
Horned Devil 80
Ice Devil 85
Abyss Fiend 100

VII. Spell List
_ _ _
| |_____ _____| | / |
| / -_) V / -_) | | |
|_\___|\_/\___|_| |_|
Name Mana Usage
Detect Objects 1
Heal Minor Wounds 1
Light 1
Magic Arrow 1
Phase Door 1
Shield 1
_ _ ___
| |_____ _____| | |_ )
| / -_) V / -_) | / /
|_\___|\_/\___|_| /___|
Name Mana Usage
Cold Bolt 2
Detect Monsters 2
Detect Traps 2
Identify 2
Levitation 2
Clairvoyance 3
Neutralize Poison 3
_ _ ____
| |_____ _____| | |__ /
| / -_) V / -_) | |_ \
|_\___|\_/\___|_| |___/
Name Mana Usage
Cold Ball 3
Fire Bolt 3
Heal Medium Wounds 3
Lightning Bolt 3
Remove Curse 3
Resist Acid 3
Resist Cold 3
Resist Fear 3
Resist Fire 3
Resist Lightning 3
Rune of Return 3
Teleport 3
Sleep Monster 4
Slow Monster 4
_ _ _ _
| |_____ _____| | | | |
| / -_) V / -_) | |_ _|
|_\___|\_/\___|_| |_|
Name Mana Usage
Ball Lightning 4
Fireball 5
Heal Major Wounds 5
_ _ ___
| |_____ _____| | | __|
| / -_) V / -_) | |__ \
|_\___|\_/\___|_| |___/
Name Mana Usage
Healing 6
Transmogrify Monster 6

VIII. Game Tips
• When you first start the game, choose the Magic Arrow spell. It's the most
useful out of the starting spells.
• Never be afraid to run. If you're low on HP and fighting a monster you know
you can't defeat, just run.
• Pick up anything that isn't completely useless. You can always sell it back
in town.
• Save often! This is probably the biggest tip I can give you. Constantly save.
There are no repercussions for saving many times, so save save save! It's
also wise to save before trying on items so you know if they are enchanted or
if they are cursed.
• Get the Rune of Return spell as soon as you possibly can. It's a very useful
spell which returns you to the town, no matter how deep you are in the
• Pick up all and any money left behind from enemies. Even 1 counts.

IX. Making Your Own Character Sprite
To begin, open your favorite image editing program. Make sure the program
supports .ico files.

Use either the two pre-existing sprites or create your own by starting a blank
32x32 pixel canvas.

When you finish drawing your character, save it under the same folder your
cotw.exe file is under.

As you start a new game, choose "Import" and select the graphic you made.

X. Copyright Information
This FAQ and all its contents are copyright © 2005/2006 James Matthew Allen
(ImmortalLynx). Reproduction of this FAQ is unauthorized. You may print out
this FAQ for your own personal use, or save it to your own computer for
reference. You may NOT sell or distribute this FAQ, alter it in any way, or
claim it as your own.

The _only_ site that may use this FAQ is GameFAQs (

Thank you for reading.
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