Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver

Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver

17.10.2013 17:15:08
| HotWheels Stunt Track Driver |
| FAQ v1.0 |
| 03-27-05 |
| |
| Written By - |
| DonkeyKong47421 |
| |
| PC Game |
| Main File Details - |
| Stunt.exe |
| 489 KB (501,248 bytes) |

This FAQ was created for and may not be reproduced by printed
or electronic means. If any other web site, magazine, etc. would like to
reproduce this FAQ contact me at for my
permission. This FAQ is protected under US copyright laws and foreign
treaties. Copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved. If any of this data is used
to make any cheat program, including a trainer, make sure to give me proper

1. Keyboard Controls
2. Available Vehicles & Stats
3. Game Maps & Cars Awarded
4. Cheats
5. Conclusion

What got me introduced to this game was my 7 year-old nephew that wanted a
cheat for the game that could stop the timer while racing. After playing
the game for a while and creating the codes myself with the memory editor
"Cheat Engine v4.4", I thought I would share my information. The game is a
lot of fun, and we now hold contests on who can get the best time on the
tracks. (No timer cheat activated while racing, just some of the others :o)

1. Keyboard Controls

The most basic controls for the cars are the directional arrow keys, as

Up - (Gas) Increases vehicle speed. In the air will make the vehicle row
Down - (Brake) Decreases vehicle speed. In the air will make the vehicle
row end-over-end.
Left - Steers the vehicle left. In the air will make the vehicle spin in
Right - Steers the vehicle right. In the air will make the vehicle spin in

There are additional keyboard controls versus the basic arrow keys for

Ctrl+Shift - Makes the vehicle do Barrel Rolls.
Space - Honk the vehicles horn.
C - Crashes the vehicle instantly.

L - Turn the vehicles lights On/Off on the custom made tracks.
W - Turns the Garage backdrop images On/Off on the custom made tracks.

2. Available Vehicles & Stats

To start the game off you are automatically given 3 vehicles. You can win a
total of 5 vehicles from playing the games Cup Mode (Trophy icon). They are
awarded for getting a Gold Medal from each Map 1 thru Map 5.

There are 4 additional vehicles to be awarded. You get these vehicles from
preforming various stunts. Stunts such as multiple Barrel Rolls, driving
long-distance backwards, and basically performing multiple flips and rolls.
These vehicles can be awarded from any map and any mode. So look at the
section "3. Game Maps & Cars Awarded" for details on each maps jump ramps
for great places to do your tricks to win the vehicles.

There are 12 vehicles in the game and for some unknown reason nameless.
They are no names to be seen on the vehicle selection screen. So instead I
will refer to the vehicles as the order they are inside the HotWheels Wheel
Car Holder, and what they look like.

Starting off with the Red Wrecker/Towing Truck as number One and going
clockwise thru the HotWheels Wheel Car Holder here is the list of available

1 - Red Wrecker/Towing Truck
2 - Blue Indy Car (Covered In HotWheel Logos)
3 - Orange Hotrod Coupe (Double Engine, Black/White Checkered Roof)
4 - Red "Flyer" Kids Wagon
5 - Purple Sprint Car (Red Foil Wing)
6 - Blue Lambogini Car (Chrome Engine in Back, HotWheel Logo on Back)
7 - Purple Jet Car (Dragon Wing Spoilers)
8 - Black Indy Race Car (Red Spoilers)
9 - Red Drag Strip Racer
10 - Blue Car (HotWheel Logos on Doors/Front/Spoiler, White Stripe Sides)
11 - Navy Blue Car (Sharp Solid Spoiler, Black Jet Cockpit)
12 - Yellow Sting-Ray Car (Seats above Back Wheels)

Here are the various stats of the vehicles straight from the game code
itself. The cars are only numbered, see above paragraph for vehicle
descriptions. At the end are the maximum stats for each available car

Car # Tire Icon Engine Icon Steering Wheel Icon
1 170 85 0
2 256 100 200
3 512 100 60
4 256 90 300
5 256 100 200
6 384 90 200
7 128 125 40
8 256 115 60
9 256 100 200
10 256 100 200
11 384 105 200
12 512 100 200

maximum 525 max 125 max 325 max

* Tire Icon = Vehicle Tire Grip
Engine Icon = Vehicle Speed
Steering Wheel Icon = Vehicle Turning Ability

3. Game Maps & Cars Awarded

There are a total of 6 maps to play in this game, 7 if you count the secret
map. The basic details on all the maps are simple - Miss items on the
tracks, land the jumps, get to the end before time runs out.

Now lets cover the various times of the maps, how to unlock and play the 2
locked maps and the infamous secret map.

The times of the Medals for the exact same map widely varied. At first I
did a fresh install of the game, to get rid of my times, and this didn't
help. If you complete the map you change the times, so I started each map
and hit escape to see the times before they changed (Or even lost
completely to see the times, still no help). On Map 4 the Attic/Black
Knight the times I got by hitting escape before completing the map was 1:03
for Bronze - which is impossible as you only have a total time of 0:55 for
the map!

So for the problems of the time for Medals, I am leaving this data out of
this FAQ for each map. I am however giving a general time to get each

Gold - Finish the map with 10 seconds or more left
Silver - Finish the map with more than 5 seconds and less than 10
Bronze - Finish the map with less than 5 seconds

Map 1 - Living Room/Fish Bowl

Track Time - 1:15

* Great air jumps at the bottom Stairs ramp and the Kitchen table
* Once you win a Gold Medal from this map you will be given car # 3 -
Orange Hotrod Coupe (Double Engine, Black/White Checkered Roof)

Map 2 - Kids Bedroom

Track Time - 1:05

* Best air jump is the one ramp next to the bed (Puts you on top of
the bed)
* Once you win a Gold Medal from this map you will be given car # 7 -
Purple Jet Car (Dragon Wing Spoilers)

Map 3 - Greenhouse/Volcano (Locked Map)

Track Time - 1:05

* Unlock stage by successfully completing Map 1 and Map 2 in Cup
* Best air jumps are the ramp over the lined-up potted plants (With a
dragon-fly), and then again going over the lined-up potted plants
from the side
* Once you win a Gold Medal from this map you will be given car # 11 -
Navy Blue Car (Sharp Solid Spoiler, Black Jet Cockpit)

Map 4 - Attic/Black Knight

Track Time - 0:55

* Best air jump is coming out of the mouse hole towards the Black
* Once you win a Gold Medal from this map you will be given car # 2 -
Blue Indy Car (Covered In HotWheel Logos)

Map 5 - Backyard/Sand Castle

Track Time - 1:25

* Best air jumps start off with the slide and continue through-out
this map (Especially around the Sand Castle)
* Once you win a Gold Medal from this map you will be given car # 12 -
Yellow Sting-Ray Car (Seats above Back Wheels)

Map 6 - Gameroom/Pool Table (Locked Map)

Track Time - 0:52

* Unlock stage by successfully completing Map 1 thru Map 5 in Cup
* Best air jumps start with the jump over the Pool Table (Half-way
thru the map) and continue with the next couple of jumps

Map 7 - Space/Green Grid Map (Secret Map)

* Only available once you have successfully completed the Cup Mode
(Trophy Icon), Map 1 thru Map 6
* To access this secret map go to the Time Trials Mode (Checkered
Flags Icon). Then you put your mouse pointer on the First letter T
after the letter A in "Mattel". Right-click your mouse on this
letter T until the music changes. Once the music is changed Click
the Green Signal Light to play.
* Great air jumps through-out this map. If you are trying to get
awarded vehicles for tricks then try this map!

4. Cheats

After researching on the internet, various cheat websites, and elsewhere
there simply are no known cheats for this game. So that leaves out entering
in codes or pushing buttons in the game. What that does leave however was
making codes myself with a memory editor, notably "Cheat Engine v4.4".

This program allows you to input exact data into the search function or
simply search for data that changed, decreased, increased, or whatever I
told it. No I didn't write the program, but it is the best game cheat tool
available and has too many options to name - Not to mention it is Free!
Heck, it does things even the game tools you have to buy can't even dream
about (Such as editing the games source code in assembly language in
memory - no permanent changes to the game files).

The information that follows is a lot of work I have done to get cheats for
this game (mostly for my nephew). After finding all the cheats I could, I
then found the information you can change in your saved game files for the
cars and maps as well.

Here are the hex offset codes that can be used to change various things in
your game as you play. You will need a memory editor such as Cheat Engine
v4.4 to use this, all you do is enter in the information as it is found.
Please do not e-mail me asking how to use hex offsets it will be ignored,
simply read the help file with the software.

You can get Cheat Engine v4.4 at their homepage at

Hex offset Addresses of Game - All items are the "2 Bytes" type

Address Description
005F7305 Track Timer (Each 5 is 1 sec from start time -- 5=1 Sec, 10=1 Sec,
15=3 Sec, etc.)
005F74A4 Number Of Crashes/Wrecks on track
005F74A8 Number Of Tricks Preformed on track 99 max
005F73B0 Car Gripping Ability (Tire Icon) 525 max
005F73B5 Car Engine Power Code 1 (Engine Icon) 125 max
005F73C4 Car Engine Power Code 2 (Engine Icon) 125 max
005F73AC Car Steering (Steering Wheel Icon) 325 max

I recommend that you enter the default value of each cheat, such as the
maximum, and then freeze the cheat. Doing this for example will make the
timer on the track simply freeze at 1 second into it. :o)


Now for example you would like to have all the cars available, all 12 of
them, no problem. All you have to do is edit the car save file. So no more
trying to land outrageous amount of tricks to get the last few cars, I know
many people never have been able to.

You will need to get a Hex Editor program to edit the saved game files. I
highly recommend that you get the software HHD Hex Editor v2.3 It is
completely Free, and has many options for the advanced user.

The HHD Hex Editor v2.3 software is available from their homepage at

Here is the table of information to change in the file WHEEL.DAT found in the
HotWheel program folder called SAVES As you are given 3 vehicles in the
game to start, you will need to change 9 hex offsets to receive all 12
vehicles available in the game.

All you do is open the WHEEL.DAT file found in the HotWheel program folder
called SAVES with the Hex Editor software and change the byte 00 found at the
listed offsets to 01 It is a real simple switch, 00 means no car and 01 means
you have it.

The offsets and the car you get for each offset are listed as follows (Once
again the car number is how they are inside the HotWheels Wheel Car Holder,
and what they look like. Starting off with the Red Wrecker/Towing Truck as
number One and going clockwise thru the HotWheels Wheel Car Holder) --

00000008 offset Car 7 Purple Jet Car (Wing Spoilers)
0000001C offset Car 8 Black Indy Race Car (Red Spoilers)
00000044 offset Car 10 Blue Race Car (HotWheel Logo on Doors,Front,Spoiler -
White Sides)
00000058 offset Car 11 Navy Blue Car (Sharp Solid Spoiler Wing)(Jet
Cockpit-Black Window)
0000006C offset Car 12 Yellow Car (Stingray Car Style)
00000094 offset Car 2 Blue Indy Car (Covered in HotWheel Logos)
000000A8 offset Car 3 Orange Coupe (Double Engine)(Black/White Checkered
000000BC offset Car 4 Red Wagon
000000D0 offset Car 5 Sprint Car (Red Foil Wing)


Now this is kind of useless information, but never the less some that may
help people who want to play the 2 locked game maps in Time Trial Mode that
haven't beaten the game (And don't want to use cheats to do it).

What you do is open the file ONOFF.DAT found in the HotWheel program folder
called SAVES with a Hex Editor such as the one I highly recommend, HHD Hex
Editor v2.3 It is completely Free, and has many options for the advanced

The HHD Hex Editor v2.3 software is available from their homepage at

So open the game save file with a Hex Editor and change the 2 bytes which
are 00 to 01

Address Description
00000008 Change 00 to 01 To play Greenhouse/Volcano Track (Unlock Track)
00000014 Change 00 to 01 To play Gameroom Track (Unlock Track)

5. Conclusion

It is a fun game to play with other people, it gives you something to do
versus beating the mere 6 game maps over and over again. The actual
concept of the game is great, driving the cars on HotWheels tracks (After
all when you played and build various tracks as you kid you always
pretended you were driving the cars).

The only vast improvement I would do for the game if I made it would be to
include many more tracks. With the track builder you can, although you have
to delete them if you want more than 4 tracks.


If anyone is interested in making FAQs for games I would highly suggest
that you purchase the software UltraEdit available at their homepage at It will do the proper formatting as required by
GameFAQs, Spell-Checker, and lots more.

However I managed to find a program that can allow you to do the proper
characters per line and once reached does a return automatically for you, it
is TextShield Build 644 It can be downloaded from their homepage at
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