Star Wars - Pit Doids

Star Wars - Pit Doids

17.10.2013 01:37:18
|------------------STAR WARS: PIT DROIDS FAQ/STRATEGY GUIDE-------------------|

For the PC
Copyright 2004 Richard Beast
Version: 1.0
Date: 02/28/04

Version History:

++ 1.1 ++
I fixed one big flaw in the formatting around the end of the guide, but that's
just about all that I did. Really nothing much changed here; this will be the
final version of this guide.

++ 1.0 ++
Hey there, just thought I'd do a random guide for a random game somewhere,
although I was already working on too much. I chose the first thing I found,

Table of Contents:

Yep, I know that this guide remains at a pretty small size, but I guess that it
may be a good idea for anyone who doesn't know this trick already: if you are
lazy or in a hurry, press Ctrl + F, and then look for whatever you want. Let's
say you want to go to the main FAQ section immediately. Type in "VI. FAQ", and
then you'll go to the basics section, instantly! Pretty neat, eh?

~ -------------------------- * TABLE OF CONTENTS * -------------------------- ~
I. Introduction
II. Game Information
III. Legal Disclaimer
IV. Contact Rules
IVa. E-Mail Rules
IVb. IM Rules
V. Basics
VIa. Basic Arrow
VIb. Number Arrow
VIc. Key and Locks
VId. Avoid the Fan
VIe. Blending Lines
Vif. Over the Fan
VIg. Colored Arrow
VIh. Two Lines
VIi. Color Transformer
VIj. Ratio Arrow
VIk. Two Paths
VIl. Locked Arrows
VIm. Mystery Arrows
VIn. Repeating Arrows
VIo. Tool Arrow
VIp. Barrier Maze
VIr. Tool Transformer
VIs. Three Lines
VIt. Sorting
VIu. Many Keys
VII. Credits


=-+-= I. Introduction =-+-=


Hello, y'all. I just decided to write for another game, so I picked up my old
copy of Star Wars: Pit Droids, started playing, remembered all the stuff I did
from about four years ago, and then decided that I could probably write a
decent FAQ for this game. Plus, there's bound to be the occasional person who
picks up this game and doesn't understand a part of it. I myself had plenty of
trouble going through some of C-3PO's stuff when I first went through Star
Wars: Pit Droids as a kid, although now I have none whatsoever. ;D So, for all
the poor souls who got this game from their parents for a small present and
don't know what to do, I'm here to help.

Anyway, this is how the layout of this guide will go: there's this introduction
in which you're reading right now, and then I'll give a little bit of detail
about the game itself, just in case you want it. Then, you can skim through the
next section (the Legal Disclaimer) unless you want to put this FAQ on your
site or the like. Otherwise, just scroll down to get to the section about
contacting me, and some rules you need to follow. After that, I'll go to the
very basics of the basics. Everything you're going to need to know to get
started, and then the FAQ itself. On everything you'll go through in the game,
every kind of puzzle (there is a VERY slim chance that I will do a walkthrough
of all 300 puzzles, though). Then the guide will end, after you read about my
thoughts on SWPD, and people I appreciate or would like to thank.

Now, I think I've gone on enough. I truly hope you enjoy this FAQ and find it
helpful, if you are stuck on this game in any way.

- Richard "Gbness" Beast


=-+-= II. Game Information =-+-=


Star Wars: Pit Droids is a very innovative puzzle game made for the PC, and
even though it says it's for people below the age of 11, any teenagers or the
like can pick up this game and thoroughly enjoy it. The game's storyline is
like this: Watto has a lot of pit droids in a transport ship and needs to get
them to an arena quickly, and get them through about eight different areas. To
get through these areas, you have to do puzzles that usually require you to
think, but are still quite entertaining. And it is based on Star Wars, which is
a good thing. I guarantee you that you can have an enjoyable time playing this
game, and I wrote up this guide for those who need a little bit of advice.


=-+-= III. Legal Disclaimer =-+-=


You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site without my permission first.
All you have to do is email me or IM me saying you want this FAQ on your site,
then you can tell me your site and the chance is high that I'll let you. But if
you put this FAQ on your site without my permission I swear you will regret it.
If I let you, not ONE word should be changed from this FAQ! NOT ONE! Got it?
Good. Also, make sure that no money is involved. If you want this FAQ to be
sold on eBay, then just forget about it, man. And don't sell this guide either,
or pay people to use it, or you'll be in such big trouble you don't want to

Another little note is that I will not have this guide hosted on many other web
sites besides GameNotOver, GameFAQs, IGN, and Neoseeker. You need full-on
permission if it's not one of the four above sites. I am sick of people ripping
me off (I have been ripped off three times in the past), so if I don't like
your site, I won't let my guide be posted on it. I am sorry, but this is how it
has to be. If you ask politely and I like your site, you will definitely have
the luck of getting it up there. Thank you very much.


=-+-= IV. Contact Rules =-+-=


| IVa. E-Mail Rules |

I love getting good emails, so you're free to email me with a question any
time, but I will not answer questions already answered in this FAQ. I prefer
e-mails with good grammar, and subjects with Spyro or I
will delete them, sorry. Also, don't send me e-mails about Spyro: Year of the
Dragon with some other game's subject, please. And don't bother sending things

"u sux. Everything bout u sux. ur guides suck. U SUCK"

"C'mon, just kill yourself already."

"Hope ya fall down the stairs can catch on fire."

"help me plz how doo i beet levl 6 im stuk were u get tha furst eg were doo i
go neckst thx"

I will laugh at such e-mails and delete them. So... if you're not just playing
a friendly joke on me or something, don't bother with that, cos I've been
through with it too much. Another thing: don't send me e-mails in any languages
other than English or Spanish. I can read both English and Spanish pretty well,
but I prefer English. Still, I can do Spanish pretty well, so if you absolutely
have to send me an e-mail in Spanish, hola. But if you know English, I want
that, thank you.

| IVb. IM Rules |

My AIM list is closed, and since there are nowadays few people I can really
trust, you likely won't get on but there is still some chance, by the way. If
you're on, however, don't ever, ever advertise for your site and ask me to work
for it, or I'll probably remove you from it forever. I've had to do this SO
MANY times in the past, and it wasn't worth my time. Sorry if I'm rude, but I
am quite busy often and can't stay on a lot, so I will not work for your site.
It doesn't matter what it is; I WON'T WORK FOR YOUR SITE. Asking me to is
asking to never talk to me again. Thank you. And please don't IM me a lot too,
because I have like 20 people always IMing me, and although I hold nothing
against them, I would prefer having light IMs. Thank you again.


=-+-= V. Basics =-+-=


Here's all that you'll really need to know to get started playing Star Wars:
Pit Droids.


Alright now, you may be wondering what on earth you're doing when you first
turn Star Wars: Pit Droids on for the first time. Now, supposing your starting
on Easy mode... when you first begin, you'll find eight levels and the Arena,
although only one level is available at the start. The first level is the
Transport Ship and has unlimited droids. You'll never run out of them, so if
you have no droids at one location currently, you can get an endless supply
from the Transport Ship, solve a puzzle, and transport all that you got out
safely to the next area. To first unlock an area, you need 144 droids there,
although once it's unlocked, only 48 are needed to play a puzzle there. Try to
get as many droids past the eight levels and to the Arena as possible!


This is really the cream of the crop in Star Wars: Pit Droids. When you click
on an area with 48+ Pit Droids in it, you'll begin a puzzle. The main goal of
the puzzle is to get them from the main area where you begin (the elevator they
will come out of), to the pit located around. However, it's easier said than
done at times. To get them there, you have to place an arrow in the area. With
the colorless, standard arrow, and pit droids who pass over will follow it. In
basic puzzles, that's all you need to know. Here's an ASCII map of a generic
puzzle, and an arrow:

(): Pit
S^: Start
<-: Arrow pointing Left
^: Arrow pointing Up

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |()| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | ^| | |<-| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |S^| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |

From S, the pit droids will travel forward, in a straight line. When they reach
>, they'll then turn left, and when they reach ^, they'll travel in a straight
line again, until they reach the pit! When all 48 have gotten to it, the puzzle
is overall successful, and the pit droids will go to the next level. This is
mainly how it works, although arrows get FAR more complex, and the pit droids
themselves gain colors, tools, and helmets.


These are all the different kinds of arrows:

Basic Arrow: When a pit droid passes over this, they'll go in that direction,
no matter what.

Colored Arrow: Only a pit droid with the same color as this arrow will take
that direction. Otherwise, it is null.

Tool Arrow: Only a pit droid carrying the same tool as the one on this arrow
will take that direction. Otherwise, it is null.

Helmet Arrow: Only a pit droid with the same colored helmet as this arrow will
take that direction. Otherwise, it is null.

Numbered Arrow: Only a set number of pit droids can pass in this direction.
Let's say there are 26 who can. The remaining 22 will ignore it.

Ratio Arrow: This arrow has two numbers on it. Let's say it's 2:3 on the arrow.
2 will go in that direction, 3 will deny it, then it becomes active again.

Locked Arrows: These arrows are already put onto the area. Usually there are
three lines of locked arrows, and usually of three different colors/tools. The
colors/tools of the pit droids are important.

Mystery Arrow: For this one, you'll have to do some resetting of the puzzle.
The effect is unknown; you'll have to test it yourself.

Here is an ASCII of red pit droids using a red arrow to get to the goal, while
others ignore it and get to the goal normally.

S^: Start
(): Goal
>R: Red Arrow pointing Left
<-: Standard Arrow pointing Left
^: Standard Arrow pointing Up

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |()| | |<-| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | ^| | |>R| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |S^| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |


There are several obstacles that can block you from reaching your goal. These
range from different kinds of goals, like numbered goals, colored goals, etc.,
and there are sometimes barriers that block the way to getting to a goal. For
example, blue barriers, ladder barriers, etc... and there is also the evil Fan.
Avoid it at all costs. Anyway, you may sometimes have to change your color to
get to a goal. Here is an ASCII of this taking place: (keep in mind the pit
droids start by going left)

S>: Start
(): Goal
YT: Yellow Transformer
YB: Yellow Barrier
LT: Ladder Transformer
LB: Ladder Barrier
<-: Arrow pointing Left
->: Arrow pointing Right
^: Arrow pointing Up

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| | | |->| | | | | |LB|YB|()|
| | | | | | | | | | | |YB|
| | | |YB| | | | | | | |LB|
| | |YB|LT|YB| | | | | | | |
| | | |YB| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | ^| |YT| | |S>| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |

That is basically how it works. Now, there's one other thing that has to be
noted: the fan. When this piece of doom is in the area, you will have to time
it so you can pass over the fan without the pit droids being recycled. One
second it will be off, and one second it will be on. Usually, the fan starts
out right in front of the starting point. Let's say that the distance in
squares between the starting point and the fan is 3 squares. 3 is an odd
number. Since pit droids take a second to move from one square to the next, if
they go straight, they will be recycled. You have to make the path they take
from their starting point an even number. An example:

S>: Start
F: Fan (four squares away)
(): Goal
<-: Arrow pointing Left
^: Arrow pointing Up
||: Arrow pointing Down
\: Arrow pointing Upper-Left

__ __ __ __
||||<-| | |
__ __|__|__|__|__|
|()| F|<-| | \|S>|
| | | | |

That's mainly all the basic stuff you have to do. Let the FAQ section walk you
through C-3PO's puzzles, and a few new concepts that will come up. And may the
Force be with you...


=-+-= VI. FAQ =-+-=


Here's everything you'll need to know if you wish to advance in Star Wars: Pit
Droids when it comes to the more difficult parts.


This is the most basic of all excercises. In this challenge, all you'll have to
do is guide the pit droids to the goal with a few arrows. There's a goal just a
few squares from where the pit droids are, and they don't crash into each
other, a good thing. Place an arrow in the needed area (if you're still
confused, check the V. Basics section and see the first ASCII) and already
that's one lesson complete.


Here, we are introduced to an arrow in which only a few pit droids can use.
This puzzle is almost exactly the same as Basic Arrow was. All you have to do
is check the number on the goal, and put an arrow on the floor that will lead
that many pit droids to that goal. Then the rest will pass over, leading them
to the other goal. It's very simple, really.


Now this is one concept I have not yet talked about. Sometimes in front of a
goal, there are locks which the pit droids cannot go over or jump over. The
only way to open it is to first lead the pit droids to a key button, and when
it is pressed, the locks will go down. So for this one, all you have to do is
first get the pit droids to the left side of the area, then lead them back over
to the center, and then point them to the goal, which you can now enter with no


Alright, I've talked about the fan before! Avoid this demon at all costs,
because you do not wish to be recycled, period. However, in this kind of
challenge it is not necessary to pass over the fan. Don't go straightforward,
just point the pit droids to the left with an arrow, then up, and then just to
the right and they will enter the goal, and this had absolutely nothing to do
witht he fan.


Blending Lines is probably the most difficult challenge we have yet faced,
although it's still not very difficult. In this puzzle, there are two starting
points for different droids, and when they both go straightforward, you can
place an arrow to the upper-right, and they will go on a narrow path towards
the goal. The problem with this one, however, is that in the square they meet,
they will collide and crash, and neither will get to the goal. So count how
many squares one of them has to walk on to get to the area where they meet (the
one on the left is even, so make the one on the left head on an odd number).
Here is an ASCII:

S/: Start Point 1, heading upper-right
S\: Start Point 2, heading upper-left
(): Goal
^: Arrow pointing Up
<-: Arrow pointing Left
| |
| |
| ^|
| | ^|<-|
|S/| | | |S\|


In Over the Fan, there is no way to avoid the fan. You will just have to time
it properly so that the pit droids will not be recycled. This particular puzzle
that C-3PO throws at you here is actually not very difficult, though. There are
three squares from the starting point to the fan, so you'll have to take the
pit droids on a four or six square path. Check my ASCII for the fan in the late
part of the Basics section to see it in action.


Luckily, Colored Arrow is naturally very easy. Some of the pit droids that will
appear are blue. There is a goal for blue pit droids nearby, and one goal
blocked by several anti-blue barriers. All you'll have to do here is place a
colored arrow in between the three, and it'll go just as you want it to go. If
only the next challenge were this easy.


Although this exact type of puzzle is not very hard to figure out, Two Lines is
one of the toughest type of puzzles that will come up in Star Wars: Pit Droids,
with the exception of places with hundreds of keys or barriers. In this one,
you have two goals. The first spits out red droids, the second spits out yellow
ones. Ahead of the red is a goal blocked by yellow barriers, and ahead of the
yellow is one blocked by red ones. You will have to make sure their paths don't
cross. Here is a good example in ASCII (keep in mind that the pit droids start
by going forward):

RS: Red Start
YS: Yellow Start
RB: Red Barrier
YB: Yellow Barrier
(): Goal
<-: Arrow pointing Left
->: Arrow pointing Right
||: Arrow pointing Down
^: Arrow pointing Up
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
|->| | | | | | | | |||| | |
| | |YB| | | | | | |RB| | |
| |YB|()|YB| | | | |RB|()|RB| |
| | |YB| | | | | | |RB| | |
| | | ^| | | | | | |<-| | |
| ^| |<-| | | | | | | | | |
| | |RS| | | | | | |YS| | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |


The Color Transformer is very simple, and I have explained it already, but just
in case: in this puzzle, you'll find a green color transformer, and a goal in
which only green pit droids can enter. So all you have to do is guide them over
to the color transformer with an arrow or two, and then point them to the
direction of the goal. Pretty simple, really.


Alright, here's where things start to get a tad bit tricky. When you've got
Ratio Arrows, you'll have to first have the game on, then wait for the pit
droids to come out. You may notice that first, two blue pit droids appear, then
three green ones, then two blues, three greens, two blues, etc. A green goal is
in front of the starting machine, so between the two, line up an arrow to lead
the pit droids to the blue, and then the green that come out can go to the
green goal.


In this type of puzzle, you'll have one goal, and two barriers of different
concepts blocking off the goals. This puzzle itself is easy though. There's a
red goal above. Put a red arrow ahead of the pit droids, and then lead them
forward and through the red barrier, then they'll enter it with no problem.
Those who aren't red can pass an arrow that you pass ahead of that, and then
they'll be easily led into the goal.


This is a very curious type of puzzle. To start out with here, you'll have only
blue pit droids appearing from your starting point. The concept of Locked
Arrows is that there are a BUNCH of arrows in the middle, which cannot be
removed under any circumstances. They are multi-colored, and the pit droids
start on one side. The goal is on another. Try to look for a path that will
lead the pit droids across arrows that are NOT blue (or they'll come to a dead
end and be trapped there), and then lead them to the goal normally.


Mystery Arrows, as I have already said, our arrows in which have features that
are unknown, and you can only find out by placing them on the area, and then
checking which droids follow that direction to find out how they operate. In
this puzzle itself, all you'll have to do is place the top arrow in the
inventory between the green goal and the starting point. The green pit droids
will take that, and the red pit droids will head forward and enter their goal


Now this is very easy, I need not explain THIS, do I? :) In other words, Tool
Arrows are exactly like Colored Arrows, except pit droids with specific tools
will take this path. For example, those with briefcases will take a briefcase
arrow, and those who don't will go past an anti-briefcase barrier and get to
the other goal just fine.


The number of possible barrier mazes goes up to almost a billion, but the one
presented here is not very difficult. In this one, you'll have to guide red pit
droids in one direction, while those who aren't red follow another. Then the
pit droids, red or not red, will be faced with another challenge: whether they
carry a briefcase or not. Here is an ASCII of a barrier maze:

S>: Start
##: Wall
(): Goal
R^: Red Arrow pointing Up
B^: Briefcase Arrow pointing Up
<-: Arrow pointing Left
||: Arrow pointing Down
RB: Red Barrier
AR: Anti-Red Barrier
BB: Briefcase Barrier
AB: Anti-Briefcase Barrier

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
|||| | | | |<-| | | |<-| | |
| |##|##|##|##|BB|##|##|##|RB|##|##|
|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__ __ __ __
|()|AR|AB| | |B^| | |AR|R^| | | | | |S>|
| | | | | | | | | | | | |

See? Not really that difficult.


Three Lines can indeed get quite tricky. First of all, there are three goals
and three pits. The pit droids come out quickly, and if they touch each other,
it's KA-BOOM! This is one of the more difficult types of puzzles in Star Wars:
Pit Droids, but in this one, you have the pit droids coming out of the middle
starting point going forward to that goal. That's fine, let them do that. The
ones on the left and right will go straight-forward too, however. They'll just
collide with the droids heading through the middle, making that out of the
question. You'll have to lead them to the goals on the other sides. Have them
go around the back of the middle goal and get them to the other side, where
they can easily get in the appropriate goal. Good luck.


This is a lot easier than it sounds, believe me. First of all, two out of three
elements of a pit droid are important here (this time, tool and color). In
front of the starting point are two barriers, blocking those who are blue and
those who carry ladders. There are some blue barriers and some ladder barriers,
so you'll have to place arrows that will lead the right pit droids to the
goals. Any who don't take the arrows will go to the normal goal right ahead.


Many Keys is the most challenging of C-3PO's challenges, and in some cases, it
can be the hardest type of puzzle. First of all, if you want to bring down the
key barriers, you'll have to step over ALL the keys. So in this area, you'll
have to make several pit different pit droids of a certain color go to a
certain key(s), and then lead them over to the goal. When the lock goes down,
they'll enter. There are lots of colored barriers here, which means that you'll
have to direct one color there, while the others go on anti-color barriers.
It's difficult to do and say how to do, so good luck.


=-+-= VII. Credits =-+-=


I would like to thank the following people for making this guide easier to do,
or assisting me along the way:

- Jeff "CJayC" Veasey: For creating GameFAQs, the site in which I mainly write
for. It is an awesome site, and I highly enjoy making guides for this site.
Thanks a lot, CJayC.

- Stephen Ng: For being the FAQ editor for IGN, which is the other site that I
write for. I am honored to write for IGN, since it is a great site. I was also
very glad to do an exclusive for IGN.

- The GameFAQs users like SinirothX, Psycho Penguin, Meowthnum1, CVXFREAK,
Karpah, Crazyreyn, Gobicamel, asa2377 (OH EM GEE YOU TROLL), Warhawk, Cyril,
supernova54321, Minesweeper, AlaskaFox, me frog, RHarrison, masterzero99, Tom
Hayes, wayalla, djg40, MTincher, BurningFox, AquaBlast, and definitely more
that I'm forgetting: all of you are awesome guys/girls and all motivate me
immensely to write, even if you may not realize it. You are all some of the
best friends that a guy like me can have. I am thoroughly grateful to all of

- BSulpher and ASchultz: you have inspired me to do ASCII in guides, believe me
there. You two have some of the best ASCII that will ever appear in any guide.
I take both of you as examples in ASCII.


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