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Table of Contents:

0: Version info
1: Disclaimer
2: About this FAQ
3: About Fairyland
4: Pet FAQ
A: Description
B: Getting Pets
C: Raising Pets
D: Pet Skills (N/A)
5: Special Thanks
6: Contact


Version info

(v0.8) 25-2-2004: FAQ was started.

(v1.0) 02-3-2004: More info added + pet skills inserted.


1: Disclaimer

[boring disclaimer]
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
[/boring disclaimer]


2: About this FAQ

This FAQ is about a more in-depth look at monsters, or pets as many people in
the game likes to call them. Details such as what they do, where they are and
other various info. The reason I made this FAQ was because lots of players in
the game often wonders where they are and if they are worth getting.


3: About Fairyland

Fairyland is a MMORPG (in short for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing
Game) which was recently released by a Malaysian company called CiB. The game
revolves around the land of fairytales, as this is also shown by many NPCs and
quests. As such, at first glance it may seem like a children's game, but in my
opinion it's for all ages.

Link to the English site: http://www.fairyland.com.my/


4: Pet FAQ

A: Description
i) What are pets?

Pets are what the monsters in FairyLand called. This is due to the fact all
of the pets in the game (excluding bosses from quests) can be caught for the
player to use, which is an interesting feature this game holds. No, this game
is not a ripoff of Pokemon.

ii) How many pets are there?

There's not a fixed number, but according to the pet conpendium in the game
the approximate number of pets in the game is around 400, so the choice is

iii) Some of the same pets are the same, but have different colours. Why?

This is the reason as to why there are hundreds of pets: Elemental
attributes. These are: Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth, Water, Light and Dark.
Elements give a weakness and resistance to a pet, as well as having it able to
know that element's skills.

All light pets can learn Recovery.

iv) What elements are weak against another?

Metal +50% on wood, 20% on earth
Wood +40% on Earth, 15% on Water
Water +50% on Fire, 20% on Metal
Fire +55% on Metal, +25% on Wood
Earth +40% on Water, +15% on Fire

Holy +45%% on Dark
Dark +50% on Holy

Holy & Dark do +5% on rest
Dark & Light also take 5% more damage from the rest.


B: Getting pets
i) How do I get a pet?

When starting the game for the first time, you get one of the three starting
pets which are a slug (metal), a red beetle (fire), a wood rat (wood) and a
water beetle (water), so you don't have to go without one in the beggining of
your gameplay, although these are chosen randomly so nobody goes choosing the
same pet.

ii) Yes, but how do I catch a wild pet?

To catch a pet of any sort, you will need a capsule. These can be bought at
the major cities of Rainbow City, Bluebird and Goldburg for 5000 money or
obtained as a reward when certain quests are done. Then, go in a fight and use
the capsule.

iii) Why do my attempts keep failing?

The catching of pets depends mainly on the Charm status (CHA), how much
damage the wild pet has and if you are a beastmaster or not. Unless you have
high CHA and/or are a beastmaster do not bother to catch any pets, as these
will keep failing.

iv) Any tips for catching pets?

Yes, these are:

a: Put the capsule in the hotkey bar,
b: Raise your CHA,
c: Weaken the pet you are trying to catch,
d: Get rid of the pet you don't want to catch.


C: Raising pets
i) I finally have a pet, what can I do with it?

There are lots of things you can do with it, including:

Lets your pet fight alongside you in battle. There is no intimacy
required for this, but if it is lower than 25 it attacks you. Not recommended
if you want to level up soon, as you share your experience with it.
Recommended if you are a beastmaster/diviner of any kind and need a monster

Fuses the pet with your current weapon, adding its hit rate, damage and
elemental effect to it. An intimacy of 30 is required for this option. Not
recommended if you are in an area with monsters of a stronger element and
recommended for vice versa.

Fire Arms VS Water pet = BAD
Fire Arms VS Metal pet = GOOD

Armor: Fuses the pet with your armour, increasing the defense, AC and adding
the property of that pet in it. Intimacy of 50 is needed. Not recommended if
you are in an area with monsters of a stronger element and recommended for
vice versa.

Fire Armor VS Water pet = BAD
Fire Armor VS Metal pet = GOOD

Turns your pet into some kind of magic wisp above your head, increasing the
effect of the element of that kind of pet. Intimacy of 60 needed for it.
Useless for non-magic users.

The ultimate fusion, which joins your pet's entity into your body,
making you VERY resistant to the magic damage of that pet's element. Intimacy
of 80 is needed. Excellent in tougher dungeons if you know what element the
monsters in there carry.

ii) What is intimacy?

Intimacy is how much your pet loves you. The options above depend on it, so
try raising it as fast as possible. Starting pets have 30 intimacy, so you
don't have to worry much about it. However, caught or traded pets have a lower
intimacy than that.

iii) How can I raise intimacy?

When your pet's intimacy is lower than 20-25, it will start to rise
automatically. After that, you either let it walk (shoe option) or participate
in battle. Walking will not work after a pet's intimacy reaches 70. Intimacy in
battle gets raised after 20 won battles.

iv) Tips on intimacy?

a: NEVER EVER let the pet go out of sight when you let it walk!
b: When working always let the pet walk,
c: Always try to use the pet for fights.


D: Pet Power

i)What skills can pets learn?

Pets can learn many different skills and these depend on the pet's species
and element. These are (learning location included):

1. Boost
D:In one battle, increase pet's attack power for 3 rounds.
L:Gion (77,194)

Super boost
D:In one battle, increase pet's attack for 4 rounds.
L:Same as boost
R:Learn Boost, lvl15+

Ultra Boost
D:Increase pet's attack for 5 rounds.
L: Same as boost
R:learned super boost, lvl 30+

2. Heal
D:Recover 50% of pet's hp when not in battle.
L: Greenville (72,328)
R: lvl 15+

Lvl2 Revive
D:Completely recovery pet's hp when not in battle, but pet must be in combat
L: Same as recovery
R:Learned recovery, lvl35+

3. Combo
D:Attack enemy twice
L:Bluebird (57,312)

4. Mischief
D:In one battle, lower enemy's int for 5 rounds. Useless on boss monsters.
L:Rainbow City 165,407

D:In one battle, lower enemy int for 6 rounds, useless on boss monsters.
L:Same as above
R:Learn mischief,lvl10+

D:lower enemy int for 7 rounds, Useless on bosses.
L: Same
R:Learn stupid, lvl30+

5.Act dead
D:Act dead and monsters don't attack.
L:Goldburg 102,188

D:Hide yourself and can use skills at the same time.
L:Same as Above
R:lvl25+,learn act death

D:completely hide yourself, and can attack enemy while enemy can't hit you.
L: Same as above
R:lvl40+,learn hiding

D:Increase owner's luck for a limited of time, only can use it outside of
L: Pea Lake 58,109

7. Frighten
D: when success, enemy will run away. Wont work on bosses.
L:Frog Swap 42,93

D:Same as above
L:Same as above
R:lvl35+, must learn Frigten

8. Transfer hp
D: transfer all the pet's hp onto its onwer. Monster itself will disppear in
battle after used. The rate of transfer hp depends on pet's intimacy.
L:Dwarf Hill 12,135

D: Suck enemy's blood.
L:Snow forest 30,40

D:kind of the same...
R:lvl45+,must learn the vampire skill first

10.Cart push
D: Push owner to everywhere
L: argon the Strong in Veggie
R: Not in game yet

11. Sacrifice
D: When onwer dies, there will be a chance the pet will die for the owner.
L: Secret Plain inside a house
R: lvl10+(not in game)

12:Desperate Hit
D:Pet will attack enemy with a very powerful damage. Its hp will be reduce to
1 after used. Only can be use when intimacy reach certain point. After you use
the skill, pet intimacy will decrease.
L:MoonGlow(?) 21,63

ii) Why are some not listed?

Specific elemental skills must be taught in that element's temple, here:

Wood - Smiling Forest
Earth - Northern Grasslands
Fire - Southern Grasslands
Light - Western Grasslands
Water - Rosen Lake
Dark - Genie Desert
Metal - Goldburg Lake

And here are the skills:

Wood - Timber Strike, Silence
Fire - Fireball, Liquify
Earth - Regeneration, Avalanche
Water - Dancing Fountain, Ice Blade
Metal - Enchant Blade, Shaker
Light - Heal, Holy Word
Dark - Curse, Poison

iii) Any pet listings?

This is the list of pets with their skills:


Tree Snake: Boost, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Vampirism, Sacrifice
Wood Beetle: combo, play dead, goodwill, vampirism, sacrifice, timber strike,
Puppet: Boost, Play Dead, Goodwill, Vampirism, Cart Pulling
wood monkey : goodwill, tranfer hp, cart pulling ,desperate strike
Dread Ram: play dead, goodwill, tranfer hitpoints, sacrifice, timber strike,
woodie: heal, mischief, play dead, goodwill, timber strike, silence
Mini Tiger: Boost, heal, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Cart Pulling
Leaf Butterfly GoodWill,Transfer Hitpoints,Vampirism,TimberStrike Slience
Wood crab: Boost, Heal, Combo, Play dead, Frighten, Sacrifice
woodhog: Boost, Heal, frighten, Play dead, mischief,desperate strike
Wood rat: transferHitpoints, vampirism,desperate stike, timber strike, silence
Wooden Poli: Play dead, Goodwill, Frighten, Transfer hitpoints, vampirism,
desperate strike


Black Snake: Boost, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Vampirism, Sacrifice
Dark Halfdragon: boost, heal, play dead, mischief, frighten, cart pulling
Black Bull: Boost, heal, Mischief, Play Dead, Cart Pulling, Sacrafice
Black rat: play dead, transfer hitpoints, vampirism, desperate strike, curse,
Black Kong: Boost, heal, Mischeif, Play Dead, Frighten, Desperate Strike
Night Eagle: combo, play dead, goodwill, vampirism, curse, sacrifice, poison
Evil Slime: heal, Mischief , Play Dead, Goodwill, Curse, Poison
Black Sheep: Mischief, Play Dead, Goodwill, Transfer Hitpoints, Sacrifice,
Curse, Poison
Black Widow: Combo,Play Dead,Frighten,Transfer Hitpoints, Vampirism, Desperate
Dark beetle: Combo, Play dead, Goodwill, Vampirism, Sacrifice, Curse, Poison
black lizard: boost, combo, play dead, goodwill, frighten and transfer
The Haunt:Combo, Playdead, Goodwill, Frighten, Poison, Curse.


Water Beetle: Combo, Play Dead, Goodwill, Vampirism, Sacrifice, Dancing Ripple,
Ice Blade
Water Slug: Mischief,Play Dead,Goodwill,Tranfer Hitpoints, Dancing Ripple,
Ice Blade
Water Spider: Combo, Play Dead, Transfer Life, Frighten, Vamperism, Desperate
frog : boost, combo, play dead, frighten , transfer hp , desperate strike
Water Monkey: Combo, Play Dead, Goodwill, Transfer Hit Points, Cart Pulling,
Desperate Strike
Cheering Poli: Play Dead, Goodwill, Frighten, Transfer Hitpoint , Vampirism,
Desperate Strike
Water Rat: Transfer Hitpoints, Vampirism, Desperate Strike, Dancing Ripple,
Ice Blade


Light Sheep: Mischief, Play Dead, Good will, Trasnfer Hit points, Sacrifice,
Recovery, Holy Word
Light Owl: Combo, Play Dead, Goodwill, Vampirism, Sacrifice, Recovery, Holy
Light Hedgehog: Boost, Recovery, Play Dead, Frighten, Desperate Strike
Light Beetle: play dead, goodwill, vampirism, recovery, sacrifice, holy word
light spider: combo, play dead, frighten, transfer hitpoints, vampirism,
desperate strike
Flame Wolf: Boost, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Vampirism, Cart Pulling
Light Pegasus: Play dead , Goodwill , Desperate Strike , Recovery , Holy Word,
Cart Pulling
Gem Crawler Combo, Play Dead, Vampirism, Sacrifice, Desperate Strike, recovery,
Holy Word
Snowman: berserk, fool, play dead, goodwill, push cart, heal
Light Unicon: Full Heal, Combo, Good Will, Play Dead, Hide, Desp Strike
Light Cloud: Good Will, Play Dead, Good Will, Revive, Holy Blast


Earth Snake: Boost, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Vampirism, Sacrifice
Earth Spider: Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Transfer Hitpoints, Vampirism,
Desperate Strike
Mud Slime: Mischief, Play Dead, Goodwill, Regeneration, Avalanche
Earth Lion: Boost, heal, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Cart Pulling
Evil Tiger: boost, combo, heal, play dead, cart pulling, frighten
Earth Poli - Goodwill,frighten,transfer hitpoints,Vapirism,Desperate strike
Earth Slug: Goodwill, Transfer Hitpoints, Regeneration, Avalanche
Gopher: Play dead, Transfer hitpoints, Vampirism, Desperate strike,
Regeneration, Avalanche
Earth wolf: Boost, combo, play dead, frighten, vampirism, cart pulling
Earth Goat: Transfert hitpoints, sacrifice, regeneration, avalanche


Werewolf: Boost, Combo, Play Dead, Frighten, Vampirism, Cart Pulling
Golden Hamster: Transfer Hit Points, Vampirism, Desperate Strike, Enchant
blade, Shaker
Yellow Bull: Boost, heal, Mischeif, Play Dead, Cart Pulling, Sacrifice
Golden Cloud: Transfer Hitpoints, Desperate Strike, Enchant Blade, Shaker
Cash Hog: boost, recovery, play dead, mischief, desperate strike, frighten
Metal Phantom: Combo, Play Dead, Goodwill, Frighten, Enchant Blade, Shaker
metal slime: heal, mischief, play dead, goodwill, enchant blade, shaker
Slug: Mischief, Play Dead, Goodwill, Transfer Hitpoints, Enchant Blade, Shake
Golden Monkey Transfer Hitpoints,Goodwill,Cart pulling,desperate Strike
gold lion: boost, heal, combo, play dead, cart-pulling
Golden Crawler: Vampirism, Sacrifice, Desperate strike, Enchant blade, Shaker
Yellow butterfly: combo, play dead, goodwill, transfer hp, vampirism,
regeneration, avalance
Gold Cloud:Goodwill, Transfer Hitpoints, Desperate Strike, Enchant Blade,


Red Bull: Boost, heal, Mischief, Play Dead, Cart Pulling, Sacrifice
Fire Rat: Vampirism, Desperate Strike, Liquefy, Fire Missile
Fire Slime: heal, mischief, play dead, goodwill, liquify, fire missile
Red Beetle: dead, goodwill, vampirism, sacrifice, liquefy, fire missile, combo
Large Red Butterfly: Goodwill, Transfer hitpoints, Vampirism, Liquefy, Fire
Fire Bear : boost, heal, ?pig head=fool?, play dead, frighten and cart-pulling

(from a fansite in chinese)

iv) My fire bear does not learn fire skills! What the Hell?

Hmm, this must be related to species. These pets don't learn them: Aibo, Bear,
Cow, Crab, Frog, Half Dragon, Hog, Lion, Lizard, Monkey, Poli, Puppet, Rock
Monster, Snake, Snowman, Spider, Tiger, Unicorn (not confirmed), Vulture and
Wolf. The others besides these can.


5: Special Thanks

Fairyland; for creating this game. No game, no FAQ ;)
The GGZ Clan; for assisting my research on pets
Zedja; The almighty brains and beastmaster who helped me FAQ this info up :)
A chinese fansite: Pet skills ^_^
You; For reading everything it.


6: Contact

E-Mail address = therpgeneral@hotmail.com

If there is anything you would like to see in the FAQ, feel free to e-mail me.

Copyright 2004 Dexter Camilleri AKA Zantetsu

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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