Dungeon Keeper

Dungeon Keeper

17.10.2013 22:46:28
Dungeon Keeper

Table of Contents

1) Version History
2) Rooms
3) Creatures
4) Heroes
5) Spells
6) Useful Bonus levels
7) Walkthrough
--Level 01, Eversmile/Brana Hawk
--Level 02, Cozytown/Darkana
--Level 03, Water Dream Wall/Wither's Tread
--Level 04, Flower Hat/Fire Wall
--Level 05, Lush Meadow On Down/Knife
--Level 06, Snuggle Bell/Ruiniana
--Level 07, Wishvale/Steep Sign
--Level 08, Tickle/Panicantrizica
--Level 09, Moonbrush Wood/Neverdorf
--Level 10, Nevergrim/grimsforth
--Level 11, Harth/Rivel Mark
--Level 12, Elvesdance/Dragon Tithe
--Level 13, Buffy Ilk/Carn Forge
--Level 14, Sleepy Burrow/Arilyns Down
--Level 15, Woodly Rhyme/Mormon Flat
--Level 16, Tulip Settings/Hasem Lock
--Level 17, Mirth Shire/Demons Dirge
--Level 18, Blaze End/Valyinore
--Level 19, Missile/Dark Sword
--Level 20, Skybird Trill/Long Terror
8) Ending stuff

1) Version History

Submited to Gamefaqs.

Some general editing, and fixed some errors in the spells section.

Added forgotten creatures, added heroes section.

Re-wrote strategies for mission 19 and 20.

Added names for reference, included TC bonus's existance in level 14.
Fixed the bonus level's description.

Added Neoseekers.com and 1up.com to the list of people that are
allowed to host this.

2) Rooms

50 gold
The treasury's function is to store your gold. When imps mine it out, they
bring it to the treasury.

100 gold
The lair's function is to give sleeping space to your creatures.

125 gold
The Hatchery gives food to your creatures.

Training room
150 gold
The training room levels your creatures up, for a price. For every couple
of seconds the creatures trains on one, they use up gold. However, to make
training rooms actually work, you need to make it at least 3x3, or they don't
gain levels with any usable speed.

200 gold
The library is where your creatures research other rooms and spells.
Typically,only warlocks will actually research, but if you drop other creatues
in, they will research too.

30 gold
The bridge lets your creatures pass over lava, and lets your imps claim
whatever is on the other side of the lava or water.

Guard Post
50 gold
Drop a creature on a guard post and it will stay there and keep watch,
attacking any enemies that come by.

200 gold
Creatures dropped in here will start to manufacture doors and traps. Trolls
and bile demons automatically do this, no dropping required.

225 gold
Build a prison, turn on the stun icon, and when the enemies die, they will not
quite die, but be stunned. Have an imp drag the enemy to the prison, and it
will stay there until it dies(and thus becoming a skeleton, if it's human
shaped) or until you do something else with it.

Torture Chamber
350 gold
This room has 2 functions. One, dark mistresses will congregate here and be
tortured, making them happy, and two, more importantly, to cause pain to
prisoners. Put an enemy onto one of these babies and it will give you map info
and, after a while, join you. You'll want to heal units before-hand though.
Killed torture victims will become ghosts at the level of their death.

125 gold
A completely useless room. It allows you to group creatures together. If you
want orcs that badly though, just build one tile and they start coming in
*Note: This room is the only way to group creatures together in possess mode."

350 gold
Multi-purpose room. This is the only way to get Horned Reaper units, unless
you get one in the map or you transfer it. It rids your creatures of disease,
and it makes your creatures happier. For some reason, ghosts gather here.
Throw in gold to get chastised by the mentor.

300 gold
Turn off the stun icon, if it's on, and kill an enemy. Have an imp bring it
back to the graveyard. Once enough corpses decompose here, a vampire will

Scavenger Room
750 Gold
Put a creature in here, and it will try to get an enemy of the same kind (to
join your cause. To counteract this, put creatures in the temple, but a
lot ofthe kind of creature. Uses money periodically to do so (vamps scavenge
for free)

N/A gold
These rooms spawn units. You'll usually start out with one nearby.

3) Creatures

Level 1 Dig/claim
Level 3 Speed up
level 10 Teleport
These are the life-blood of your dungeon. They Mine, Claim land/rooms,
re-enforce walls, and carry traps, enemies, and specials all around. They are,
however, extrodinalrily poor fighters. You can use a spell to spawn more imps,
at a price of 300+150 times the number of imps you own. Also, sacrificing imps
will permanantly reduce the cost off all future imps by 150 gold, cumulitively.
The lowest they can cost is ever is 150.

Level 7 Freeze
These creatures suck. Once you get to the third level, just throw then out as
soon as they come in.

Level 5 Sight
Level 8 Speed
These creatures aren't much use either. They make good explorers, but that's
about it. They fight with spiders. However, throwing 2 into the temple will
get you instant completion of the spell or room being researched.

Level 2 Slow
Level 4 Freeze
Level 8 Hailstorm
Spiders fight with Flies and will sometimes freeze prisoners.

Level 2 Fireball
Level 3 Heal
Level 4 Meteor
Level 5 Invisibility
Level 6 Homing Missile
Level 7 Sight
Level 8 Gust of Wind
Level 9 Word of Power
These creatures will work in the libarary happily. They don't like vampires.

Demon Spawn
Level 4 Shoot Red
Level 7 Heal
Demon Spawns will try to go to the training room every chance they get, so make
sure you have some money before you let them. At level 10, if you see them
training, let them, they will change into a level 3-4 dragon.

Level 4 Speed Up
Level 7 Fireball
Level 10 Grenade
These creatures love to manufacture at workshops. They are fairly poor in
combat, so try to keep them away from battle.

Bile Demon
Level 2 Poison Gas Cloud
Level 4 Not-so-silent and deadly
Level 7 Grenade
These creatures seem to love gassing the enemies, as it takes up most of their
abilities. They will work at the workshop most of the time.

Level 5 Speed Up
Level 7 Protect
Level 9 Grenade

Dark Mistress
Level 6 Lighting
Level 7 Speed Up
Level 9 Drain
Level 10 Teleport
These creatures are my favorite. They have 2 ranged attacks, speed, and
teleport! They will gather at the torture chamber if doing nothing else. They
don't seem to like samurais, though.

Hell Hound
Level 3 Speed Up
Level 5 Fire Breathing
Hell Hounds may not look great, but they are very useful. They like to
scout around and can run through lava. Good melee fighter.

Level 1 Fire breathing
Level 3 Grenade
Level 7 Meteor
Level 10 Word of Power

Level 7 Freeze
Fairly rare creatures, are not very useful.

Level 5 Protect
Level 10 Lightning
Skeletons are created by letting a creature die in prison. A skeleton will pop
up at the same level the creature/hero was.

Level 1 Reflect
Level 3 Invisibility
Level 6 Gust of wind
Level 8 Drain
Ghosts are made by killing a creature at the torture chambers. They are at the
same level the creature was at at its death.

Level 2 Flying
Level 3 Slow
Level 4 Teleport
Level 5 Heal
Level 6 Drain
Level 7 Protect
Level 8 Gust of Wind
Level 10 Word of Power
Vampires are made by bringing enough corpses to the graveyard. They don't like

Horny (Horned Reaper)
Level 5 Speed
Level 10 Slow
This creature is VERY tempermental. You can get one by sacrificing a troll, a
bile demon, and a dark mistress at a temple. Anyway, there are certain things
to keep in mind as you wield these loose cannons. Don't pick them up if u can
avoid it. DON'T slap it. Don't do anything that would annoy a regular unit,
these get mad fast. If they do get mad, they start killing your imps and
creatures. If he gets a bit angry, pick up some money and give it to him. He
might calm down.

A hero section will be added in a later update

4) Heroes

Level 10 Teleport
This creature will act like an imp, digging but kinda sucky at combat, but
doesn't learn speed up. So if you get one as a prizoner, just let it die.

Level 4 Armor
Level 7 Rebound
A tougher non-digging tunneler.

Level 4 Speed
Level 7 Invisibility
Level 10 Rebound
Fairly weak creature, train him to 'level 11' to get it to become a level 3

Level 1 Shoot arrow
Level 4 Homing missile
Level 6 Speed up
Level 8 Slow
Weakish ranged creature. Will manufacture when doing nothing else and can be
fairly usefull in groups.

Level 10 Speed Up
Slow and powerful. Use him for tanking or as melee creatures for big groups.

Level 6 Protect
Cool-looking hero. Short ranged, and learns an ability at an acceptable level.
Better than giants.

Level 2 Heal
Level 3 Protect
Level 4 Slow
Level 5 Missile
Level 7 Drain
Level 9 Blizzard
Level 10 Word of Power
Good creature with useful spells, can take out vampires without them being

Level 3 Drain
Level 4 Lightning
Level 5 Heal
Level 6 Invisibility
Level 7 Homing Missile
Level 8 Rebound
Level 9 Meteor
Level 10 Freeze
Like a weaker, but healing Dark mistress. Learns a large variaty of spells,
one of the few units worth training to level 10.

Level 5 Sight
Level 6 Lightning
Level 7 Speed
Level 9 Freeze
Contrary to popular belief, this unit is a ninja, not a samurai.
This hero can be a mean melee, doing a fair amount of damage normally and with
freeze to boot. Fights with dark mistress.

Level 1 Missile
Level 3 Fireball
Level 5 Rebound and Heal
Level 6 Freeze
Level 7 Blizzard
Level 8 Drain
Level 9 Slow
Level 10 Meteor
A warlock with a slightly different spellbook and doesn't fight with vamps.
Will research if not doing anything else.

Level 2 Fly
Level 3 Poison Cloud
Level 4 Rebound
Level 5 Gust of Wind
Level 7 Lightning
Level 8 Heal
Level 9 Homing Missile
Level 10 Blizzard
An indescribably annoying hero, fighting either for or agaist you. Her Gust of
Wind knocks everything in front of her away, friend or foe. Just make her a
ghost or a skeleton.

Level 4 Rebound
Level 7 Heal
The Lord of the Land. A big melee creature with rebound and heal to make him
more annoying. Gang up on him with ranged creatures.

Level 2 Protect
Level 4 Heal
Level 6 Freeze
Level 8 Homing Missile
Level 9 Invincibility
Level 10 Word of Power.
Huge version of Knight with more abilities. This Hero will appear twice in the
final level. See the walkthrough for strategies. Possesing this guy into the
other keepers dungeon is fun after you kill the other heroes.

5) Spells

You control the unit and can use its abilities and fight with it. Use this
on imps when you're digging a tunnel, you can go twice fast as they do and
claim territory at the same time.

Create Imp
300 + number of imps you have times 150
Spawns a level 1 imp. Can only be cast on your territory. Throw imps into the

Sight of Evil
Shows un-looked at territory. More money, more area uncovered. Great with
Lightning spell. Also, while the spell is still in effect, click anywhere else
to recast the spell at the same power and for free. Double click on the icon
to end the spell.

Speed monster
Makes creatures do stuff faster. Great with training, researching, mining etc.
and during battle. More money, longer lasting.

Must obey
25 gold a second
All of your creatures do what you tell them to do. Not very useful ever,
especially for that price.

Call to arms
1-9 gold a second
Call to arms makes all the creautres in its range move to the flag, attacking
anything in its path. The more gold put into it, the greater its range.

Conceal monster(invisibility)
100-900 gold
Makes your monster invisible.

Hold audience
1000 gold
Gets all of your creatures to your dungeon heart.

Cave In
1000-2600 gold
Cave in deals damage to all creatures in its radius. Creatures will leave the
area of the cave in (good for getting enemies to leave their training rooms),
and can be spammed for more damage than lightning, as it fires faster.

300-1100 gold
Heals a creature.

Lightning strike
600-3000 gold
Causes a lightning bolt to strike on any dug-out tile, even if it's not yours.
More gold causes more damage and a greater shockwave. Great for killing imps.

Protect Creature
100-900 gold
Increases your creatures resistance to damage.

1100-3000 gold
Causes enemy to become a chicken. In that state it is not capable of dealing
damage. It can't be eaten, though.

7000-9000 gold
Castable only on your own tiles. Gives the creature a very communicable lethal
disease. Will kill the creature after a while. If one of your creatures is
sick, get it into a temple before it gets your entire population
Or, cast in on a fly and ride it around as many enemy creatures as you can until
it is struck down.

Destroy walls
10000-24000 Gold
This wall will make the walls it affects dirt and the dirt into path.
Increasing the spells power will increase the radius of effectiveness, and can
even totally take out the walls and turn them into path, giving no time to
re-reinforce. HOWEVER, it takes forever to research. The time it takes to
reasearch this spell is equivalent to researching speed up 131 times. Has its

60000 gold
When cast, you get some time to prepare, then your creatures and all the
enemies' are transported to your dungeon heart.

6) Usefull Bonus Levels

There are two quick and easy bonus levels that you can get by finding the
reveal hidden realm bonuses. To find them, just dig out the entire level (or
follow my guide).

Objective: Kill all the imps.
The first, you can identify by having a transfer creature by you dungeon
heart. The game will try to make you look like an idiot, trying to bolt all
those imps down. Instead, move north. you will see a door above the training
room. Dig out the dirt around the door to knock it down faster. Now, dig
upward, to the left, and to the right to get a level 3 horny, 4 increase level
bonuses, and 1 transfer creature bonus. Dig all of it out, and place the
reaper unit in a locked room. Slap the reaper a couple of times to make him
nice and pissed off, and start tossing in some imps. Use the increase level
bonuses now if you'd like to up his level. Kill all the imps and transfer the
Level 7 horny. Go back to this level, and follow the same procedure, only
angering your transfered horny, and killing the imps with a pumped up unit.
Transfer your level 10 horny to your next level.

Objective: Kill all the imps.
The other one is actually probably easier. First, find the white door. Knock
it down. Go up to the next door and do the same. The imps behind the door
will kill a few. Now, dig to the right(there's nothing to the left). Set off
a boulder trap and throw the imps under it until it breaks. Do the same with
the other one. Now, dig behind it to find a level 7 hell hound. It will run
to your dungeon heart, attacking imps on the way. Pick up the imps to get it
there faster. Let it hit your dungeon heart. This changes the imps AI and
makes them attack like regular creatures. Have fun watcing the dog massacre
your imps, without them running away! Transfer the Vampire.
Also, you can pick up imps as the hound is fighting them, and put them near the
treasure room, near the lava. Slap them into the lava, keep slapping, and they
die. Do this a couple times to make the work faster.

7) Walkthrough

Level 01
Brana Hawk

This level is basicly a tutorial for this game. Start by clicking on the gold
tiles and building some treasury rooms. It will then prompt you to make a lair
and to claim the portal. Do so. When a beetle and a fly come in, you will
get the hatchery and the create imp spell. Make a hatchery, and a few imps
if you really want to. Soon enough, it'll tell you enemies are coming. You
can hold out on them if you want, but it's not needed. start digging towards
them and you will fight. Drop some enemies on them and you should win easily.
Dwarfs die, the lord of the land will pop up soon. He's very beatable.

Level 02

Another easy level, but then, it is the begining. To the south, there is an
enemy "base". Don't worry about it. Anyway, start by making a treasury, and
mine some gold. Claim the portal, and make a 4X4 lair and a 3X3 hatchery. It
will tell you to make a training room. This room will make your creatures
stronger! However, it will cost you money to train your creatures. At this
point, don't worry about it. You have more than enough for this level. So,
Build a 3X4 Training Room somewhere. It will attract demon spawn. Put those
into the training room. Even if you don't train any of your creatures at all,
it'll work for this level(and only this level.) Enemies will come in 3 waves,
the last of which is the lord of the land (alone, level 1). Throw bettles or
demon spawn at it and you'll win! Good job.

Level 03
Water Dream Wall
Wither's Tread

Start by claiming the portal and digging out some space in front of it for the
lair. Dig South to find a training room and 2 skelitons. Once you build decent
sized rooms, the library will become avainble. Just make it 3X3 for this
level, however, it will need to be bigger for the next levels. Research Speed
Monster. It is MUCH more usefull than it appears, use it often, on creatures
doing ANYTHING(besides sleeping.) Anyway, soon some dwarfs will come. Oh,
I'm so scared. Then about 3 real units(level 1) will come. Take them out.
Next wave later: about 4 level 1 units and the lord of the land. Kill them all
to finish the level.

Level 04
Flower Hat
Fire Wall

Ah, the first level with gems! This batch it much better than any other you
will get. Anyway, gems are purple looking gold tiles that you mine slower, but
NEVER RUN OUT! In short, infanant money! So, feel free to just blow it all
away, you can afford it. Anyway, build the 5 buildings available you and you
will get the workshop, which pumps out traps and doors. I usually ignore this
building, but it has (some) potential. Start training and researching. First,
you'll get the bridge. It lets you claim land seperated by water, and lets
your minions walk across lava. Next is Call to Arms. This spell will
constantly cost you gold, but it makes all creatures within range move to that
area and attack anything there. Hold it down longer before casting to make the
range bigger. Double click on the call to arms icon to end the spell. And
finally, research heal. It, of course, restores life to your creatures. Hold
it down longer to heal more life. When you are ready, tunnel north to find a
lava pool. Bridge across it and take out the archers waiting there. Knock
down some doors and a couple of heroes will attack you. No big deal, you have
some level 3+ creatures, right? Claim everything you see, and use the steal
hero thing if you like. Save the level up thing for later. (your imps will
take it to your library if you leave it alone, so don't fret.) Now, bust open
the last few doors and there white dungeon heart will be there. Lord only
knows why heroes have a heart, but, whatever. Kill it and the Lord of the
Land. When it says you have won, DO NOT PRESS SPACE. Now, dig behind the
former site of the heart and you will find a transfer creature special. You
have 2 options, transfer the level 7 spider you get with it or train it or
something else to level 10. (remember, demon spawns go to level 4 dragons
after level 10.) Go with whatever you're patient enough for.

Level 05
Luch Meadow on Down

Start by building your dungeon up. Research Sight of evil first off, it's a
very usefull spell, you will use it often. You can also research a guard post,
but it is nigh-well completely useless. Claim the prison to the north, but be
warned, the creatures inside it are not trapped, they will step outside the
the prison if you build a bridge to it(and shoot you from across the lava.)
Anyway, after you do that, just walk a creature over the lava with possess, if
you've transfered a creature, and procede to demolish the enemy. If not, just
train your creatures extensively and bridge over and take him out. There is
not a real strategy for this level.

Level 06
Snuggle Bell

You'll notice gold to your left and right, and a portal. Claim it. Notice the
gold in the middle with the hole in the middle. Do not dig towards it until
you have about 5 or 6 creatures. There are some weak heroes in the middle.
Once you get it, there is a torture chamber inside. Be happy, because you can
now torture creatures and get them to join you! Do this by imprisoning an
enemy, then heal it. Put it in the torture chamber. Check back on it
occastionaly to make sure it hasn't died. If it's about to, heal it again!
For all you sadists out there, rumor has it that if you end the level with the
lord of the land (or knight unit) in the torture chamber, you go to a special
screen where you get to inflict pain personally... Anyway, you get a new spell
in this level, lightning bolt! Used in conjunction with Sight of Evil, you can
easily desimate the enemy's imp force! Hold the mouse button down longer to
increase the range of effect. Anyway, the enemy on this level is pathetically
easy. Just move in a few level 3 creatures an he will go down like a bag of
dry hay.

Level 07
Steep Sign

Claim the portal, start your dungeon. Notice your dungeon is surrounded by
lava. After awhile, a level 2 orc will appear in your dungeon, and will give
you the barracks room. It is completely useless, it only serves to attract
orcs, which are great fighters. If you want orcs, only build 1 tile of
barracks. Anyway, you'll notice that occastionally, heroes will attack you. A
funny strategy i use is to have them rush me across the lava, then sell the
bridge around them, except for the one they're standing on. They don't move!
What's great is when you do this to the Lord of the Land and his all short
range troupe.And if you don't want them to die, then turn on imprison and they
will be shot at until they drop with only 1 health, giving you time to shoot
the non-ranged heroes. I would advise converting, but killing the drarves and
the short ranged units in the torture roomes for ghosts. Once you've killed
the Lord of the Land, mine east to find a keeper. He has no creatures, oddly,
but is totally walled in. Mine along his wall to find some water, leading to
his dungeon heart. Take it out. DO NOT LEAVE. You will see some gold near
his base. mine it out to find a secret tile, with a transfer creature bonus.
Get it. I recomend using it on a level 10 mistress, but that's just me.

Level 08

DO NOT mine north to begin with, unless you want to die very fast. Breaking
the gold barrier will show some fairies. If you are lucky, the enemy keeper
will find them when the level starts and will immediately procede to die,
making your life simple and painless! If he doesn't, there's a painfully easy
way to win anyway. Just dig east as fast as you can. When you get all the way
over there, dig across the gold, which is bordered on both sides by lava.
There will be two high level hell hounds. Run then across the lava, and you
will come across the lava. you will come to his undefended base. Kill him.
Once you've done that, you've removed the real threaght from the map. Oh ya,
you learn invisiblity spell and the protect creature spell in this, as well as
gain the temple. Temple- place your creatures on the edge to make them happy.
Place in water to sacrice. Temple protects 1 creature for every creature
worshiping from scavenge. Sacing a bile demon, a dark mistress, and a troll in
quick succession will give you a horned reaper (see creatures section for
details.) Anyway, move past where the fairies were to about north east to find
6 level 5 heroes.(short ranged.) Use the bridge trick and stick shooters
around to finish the level. DON'T press space. At the top right area of the
map, there is a part with 3 indentations into the rock. Dig to there. The
middle one has a bonus, specifically, locate hidden world. They're not great,
but one allowes you to bring a level 10 horny or hell hound to any area you go
to, so try to get them.

Level 09
Moonbrush Wood

Ah, my favorite level, for no reason whatsoever! If you transfered a creature,
have it break down the door behind the portal, and the doors behind that.
The creatures behind the doors are what need to go down the temple in the
middle to get a horned reaper. Don't bother at this point, they are a hastle.
Ok. Tunnel off to the west and go through that long maze thing and have your
imps claim it all. There are rooms with gold and a gem at the end. The gem
is placed poorly and is difficult to mine around, but at least you have one,
eh? There is also another gem, to the right. Much easier to use. Ok, before
you claim all 4 different libraries around the land, make sure that you have
the area in the middle heavily trapped. It'll make the Lord of the Land much
easier to defeat. And of course, you can use the bridge trick on him AGAIN!
Hah, it's funny. There is, however, a level 7 vampire in the middle, where we
want to trap. So, take precautions. And make sure you have the rooms to get
it on your side. Take out the 4 libraries, and then the Lord of the Land will
pop up in the middle. Immeadiately cast Lightning many times as you can full
power to take out all of his followers. And then just throw huge units at him
or strand him on a bridge and shoot him. Make sure you use the transfer
creature bonus, and get the reveil hidden realm one near the top library. (The
one with the permanant rock slide near a magic door).

Level 10

If you've transfered a creature, this is a 3 step process. 1) library, get
bridge. 2) make bridge south to enemy base. 3) posses creature and kill
enemy. If not, then claim the scavenger room, use the dragons to scavenge,
scavenge, scavenge(to get rid of the enemy's dragons, and train like crazy any
hellhounds you get. There are gold seams acrossthe lava to the south, so get
those. And don't forget about the 2 specials just lieing on the side land
masses, and the transfer creature the enemy forgot to use.

Level 11
Rivel Mark

Right. This level is interesting. You start out with a fully functional
dungeon, complete with creatures. Great! What's the catch, you ask? It's
that you are being hit on 4 sides most of the time. Ya, fun. Heroes will be
coming at you most of the time. It's not too hard, ESPECIALLY with a transfer,
but it's challenging in some ways none-the-less. Start with this information:
any traps you make slap them on the north corridor, and don't mine gold there.
Not that you need to mine at all in this level, you get lots of money from
dead heroes. Anyway, sell all the doors at your base and dig it completely
out. To the west, there is a white door. Break it down as soon as you can.
Have an imp move in to start the boulder trap. It'll take a while to break, so
do something else. When it's finally done, your prize will be 2 level
upgrades! It helps more than you think. But wait to use them for when you
have more creatures. Also, train the 'fighting' creatures and have the rest
manufacturing. Screw researching, it's not gonna help you in this level. (Or
just get the bridge, for after the level bonuses.) Anyway, the battles. The
early ones, you can take on with just the transfer creature alone. If you did
not transfer, just try to mass them with big creatures, but try to have them be
training at all times, and resting when they need to. Make sure you get the
two level up bonuses, but don't use them right away. Mass the attacking groups
with creatures, any creatures, and hope you can hold out until it tells you
something about demons in hell aplauding you. TRAIN. When it tells you they
are back for more, use the 2 level ups. Mass the enemies like crazy,
EVERYTHING you have on each battle. It keeps the casulalties down. When you
get to the witches, try to bait them out of the wind attack with a couple of
creatures, pick them up, and mass. With the Lord of the Land, man, all I can
say is, good luck. His force isn't God awful, but it's not fun after a taxing
bout like that. Spam a creature in possess mode if you're good enough. When
and if you win, don't leave yet. in the corners of the map are water, and
bonuses. Get them.

Level 12
Dragon Tithe

Hope you transfered a creature. This is the only strategy I can provide right
now: possess transfered creature. Go up to enemy dungeon heart. unposses TC.
Watch TC kill enemy dungeon heart. Do this with the other one. Go south.
Kill level 1 hero swath. Mine east. Kill couple of level 1 heroes. Win.
There's a Transfer creature bonus on the southern part of the map, so find it.

Level 13
Buffy Ilk
Carn Forge

Right! First, claim the two portals, then dig out your entire base, except for
what lies beside lava. Build up your dungeon with the funds from the gem, and
get a scavenger room. Get your dragons especially to scavenge. This will
steal dragons from the enemy, who has a lot of them. Try to get a few level 10
creatures, then possess one into the enemy's dungeon heart. Get another couple
and it should be gone after a short time. They are both a cinch if they don't
find their gems. It also helps if you continueously screw their imps with
lightning. Practice makes perfect on how to kill them 1 shot at low power.
Anyway, the keeper on the east side has a transfer creature and reveal map
bonus at his library, so don't forget to use them.

Level 14
Sleepy Burrow
Arilyn's Down

Start off by mining to the portal and to the west gems, and if you don't have a
transfered creature, make sure you wall completely off! He has a lot of
dragons and bile demons. After you get a good base, start researching like
crazy to get the new destroy wall spell. It destroys walls! Anyway, just
train, scavenge, and kill him. They have boatloads of gold, you have gems.
Tunnel north, and find the lava pool. Go across, take out door, find 4 level 2
heroes. Imprison, convert. The next room contains 4 level 8 wizards(hero), so
you might not want to open that door yet. Or, do so and use the bridge trick
to seperate them and let 1 at a time into your base. Convert them as well.
Lord of the Land approaches from the north. Use the bridge trick (again)to
strand them and kill them with any long ranged unit. Don't bother stuning,
just plain kill them, And you win. I'm told there is a Transfer Creature bonus
in this level, check the north west area of the map.

Level 15
Woddly Rhyme
Mormon Flat

Start by Researching the bridge and mine northwest for the gems. Bridge to
them and mine. There is a point that needs to be made: don't tunnel into the
anywhere near middle, unless you want 2 level 10 samurais and 1 level 10 Lord
of the Land sunk on you. Best to let an idiot keeper tunnel there and take
them out, but it's up to you. Convert them and it's all good. Occasionally,
they will spawn new waves off attacks. So be ready. Anyway, make sure you
train, and scavenge, like before. Notice the keeper on the south-east. Use
the sight of evil on his gems and use lightning to take out his imps. Keep
this up and he won't have any money. Go to him and finish him once his
creatures start to leave. This gives you access to more usable gems than what
you had before. Mine these, train and scavenge more extencively, and beat the
crap out of the other keeper. Don't leave when you do. There are some bonuses
you should know about. In the middle, there is a room with about 25 specials.
Look near the back middle. That's the one you want. There's also a Level up
bonus near it. Anyway, have fun trying to get to it. Or, use break wall near
the back if you've researched it and save yourself a lot of trouble. When
you're done, bridge south, then west at the fork. Keep going. Take out the
door. Mind the boulder trap right behind it. Get past the single lightning
trap and transfer a creature.

Level 16
Tulip Settings
Hasem Lock

You start out with 2 Horned reapers. Get both of them to training. Mine the
lame gem that's given to you. Build some treasury around it. Here's something
you need to know to avoid a nigh imposible battle. Mine a tile north until you
hit water. Now, mine west along the water until you reach the gold. Do not
mine the gold. Instead, build some wall around the gold so that the groups of
heroes can't reach you. Basicly, just walk around with huge creatures and kill
the heroes. You have the gems. Just train.
Also, there are a bunches of rooms stuck together outside your base. At the
end of these are some bonuses. You can go through the gauntlet of enemies, or
just destroy wall at the end and take the prize.

Level 17
Mirth Shire
Demon's Dirge

To do this level effectively, do what I tell you quickly. Dig to the portal.
Dig to the gem at the left (pause if you're going to look for it.) You'll
encounter some dwarfs, kill them with your TC(You brought one, right?) Dig a
large area a little to the north of it. If you hit an area that leads to a
white door, reload it, because you're screwed. Once you have everything dug
out, WALL EVERYTHING. Then, dig out anything inside your base you don't want
and start training some creatures. If you find it, don't use your Multiply
Creature bonus until later. Anyway, drop an imp near the portal that you don't
own. You'll get 2 archers, if they're right around there. Grab them. Now,
with an imp, walk around and find all the coridors the dwarfs have left behind
while you were training. When you find them, laugh when you pick them off with
lightning bolt. Make sure to get the Locate hidden realm bonus.

Level 18
Blaze End

Save, and often.
Ah, this level is pure, unadulterated hell! Make sure to transfer a level 10
horny. First off, make a lair and hatchery for horny, and dig towards the
portal to your east. While you're doing that, put horny in a library. He
reasearches crappily, but it keeps him happy, for some reason. Build towards
the middle, where the portal is. You'll find some archers. Kill them with
horny. Move towards the gold on the left. You'll find some skeletons. Dig
gold. Now, near the portal, there is something very special you should note.
A door. a simple door. One that, if knocked down, ****s you, as 15+ high
level heroes flood out of. Do NOT knock it down until you have the heal spell
and several high level creatures yourself. Oh ya, you can't get that portal
until you get the break wall spell, but you won't need to, as the starter
pumps out about 40 or so creatures. Now, you may notice some white coming in
from the north east. Mine towards them and kill them. When you have some down
time, mine west, through the gold and claim the hatchery, sell it. It seems to
make the heroes more mean if you don't. While you do this, mine east from the
portal until you hit water. There should be two level 1 tenticals for you to
claim. Try to train them to level 5, so they can freeze. If you mine around
the rooms with the door I told you about, you'll find a corridor up north.
But be careful, doing so will reveal another door(creatures have an annoying
habit of trying to knock it down while you're not looking, unleashing the
hoard) Kill the heroes there, and torture them if you've gotten that far. Ok,
now you're pretty much on your own. Know that there is a reveal all in the
upper left corner of the map. Remember to save every time you conquer a room,
and try to get to the gems eventually. And when you go for the dungeon heart,
use the break wall spell instead of killing your creatures by the handfull with
the numerous traps in the room.... and use lightning bolt to kill the heroes
inside. Good luck!

Level 19
Dark Sword

Note: Training room, heal, thunderbolt, and break wall are going to have to be
picked up, not researched.
Start by digging out of the initial room. Break down all the doors with a TC.
Once you've claimed everything, start researching. Notice that you don't have
certain spells available, like heal and break wall. Now, look east and notice
some gems in the corner. Start digging for those. There will be some stranded
heroes on islands that will shoot your imps passing by, so take them out with
anything you've got(erhem, Vamp/horny). Stun them, if you'd like. However,
take note: until you posses the heal spell, the best you'll get are ghosts.
Any skelitions made are quickly scavenged by the opposing Keeper. Anyway, once
you have that, dig upwards. With the thunderbolt spell you picked up on the
way to the gem, kill or wound everything up near the top. Dig a bit up, but
not the the fortress(if you stumble accross it, re-load) and you will find the
Heal spell. If you have any prisoners left, heal them and torture. Now march
in with the hero-TC army and kill any unlucky victims and take out the Heart.
Claim the Training rooms on either side and you will be able to train!!!! Not
that that matters anymore.
Now the last part of this can be handled two ways. Either train an army and
march in with the destroy walls you picked up somewhere, or bolt all his imps
and wait a while for all this skelitons to pickit around the heart demanding
wages. And then leaving. So you march in against maybe a level 1 fly and
just take out his heart and vuala, you win.

Level 20
Skybird Trill
Long Terror

Note: A great deal of creatures are not available to you from the portals.
Bridges are un-buildable as well. Vamps will be scavenged. Sight of Evil and
Destroy walls are not available to you.
Note: An alternate start to the one mentioned next is to TC a vamp from the
bonus level and have him research scavenger room asap, then scavenge the
enemies vamps before he can get you. Isn't too hard if you use speed up a lot.

Wall yourself in(trial and error process). Then prepare for about 6-8 level 10
tentacles when you tunnel north. Take the castle and do what you will with the
creatures inside(1 being a level 10 horned reaper). The other keeper is at the
top of the map, and can cast desease to great irritation if your creatures get
on his side of the map. Just ignore him or completely swarm him (after bolting
all of his creatures, costing much money). Now, once you dig to the top-right
corner of the map, you can knock down the door and see an Avitar. Very very
powerful unit. Use a unit that knows gust of wind to blow him onto your tiles
(or maybe to the enemy, untested theory). If the first, swarm him with as many
long range creatures as you can, as only 4 short range creatures can hit him at
1 time, which will have very little impact, due to the huge amount of life he
heals with Heal. Make sure you stun him and torture because as soon as he is
dead or converted, a great deal of heroes suddenly pop up outta nowhere. SO,
what you should do is to get a factory, let the avitar stew in the prison for
awhile, and pump out all the boulder traps you can to the north of the dungeon
heart, which is where the avitar and a group of his friends will fall through
the ceiling from. More enemies will also show up from the east, so prepair for
them, as well. Once the second avitar is finished, you've won. Enjoy the
ending cinimatic.

8) Ending stuff

If you wish to contact me, my E-Mail is darksteelhyren@yahoo.com
You will be credited for anything you contribute to this guide.

Special thanks to
Gamefaqs.com for hosting this guide.
Celebi006 on the boards for major editing.
Dom who pointed out level 12's TC bonus.
tom brown, Bobby Vandehey, and others for pointing out level 14's TC bonus

www.Gamefaqs.com may host this guide.
As of June 20, 2006, www.neoseekers.com may host this guide.
As of June 20, 2006, www.1up.com may host this guide.

If you wish to host this, contact me via e-mail.

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

Copyright 2004 inferno719
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