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Diablo combat item list
By Leonard Cheong (essential)





1.Introduction (#1)

2.Copyright and contact information (#2)

3.Past revision (#3)

4.Prefixes and suffixes (#4)

5.Basic Weapons and armour (#5)

6.Unique weapons and armour (#6)

7.Tips (#7)

8.Closing (#8)






Welcome to my diablo combat item list.This list will explain what is a prefix
and suffix and what are the effects of them to a combat item. Also in this faq,
You will find out the whole list of combat items whether is basic or unique.
Nuff said, lets proceed.




Copyright and contact information


This guide solely belongs to me essentialism. I do not mind you copying it for
your own personal use,or sending it to a friend. However, if u want to post any
part of this faq into your own website or any other one, please e-mail me for
permission. My e-mail address is yew_keong@hotmail.com, If you do not have my
permission, and went on to post a part of this faq on your website, legal action
will be taken against the webmaster. And please do not use this faq for any
money transaction as it is illegal. Thank you.




Past revisions


v1.00: Initial release
V1.01: Added the section "Tips"




Prefixes and Suffixes


The first question you are probably gonna ask is whats a prefix and a suffix.
Ever notice when you get a weapon, armour, ring, amulet, or shield, sometimes
there would be a word be before or after it. Yeah thats it. The word before the
item is a prefix and the one after is a suffix. Due to the many prefixes and
suffixes, its almost impossible to get an item with the identical prefix or
suffix with an exact effect.Most of the combat items with these are usually
beneficial, however some can be really damaging to you. Whats worse is that if
you identify these sort of items, you can only sell them for 1 gold. To prevent
this from happening, just save before you identify anything. If its not to your
liking, just sell them away before identifying. The money you save might not be
much, but on a really bad day, this tactic could prove useful. Anyway, nuff
said, so here's the list.

Prefix Effect

Amber +16% To 20% resist all

Angel's all spells up one level

Arch-Angels' all spells up two levels

Awesome +131% to 150% armour

Azure +21% to 30% resist lightning

Bent -50% to 75% damage

Blessed +91% to 110% armour

Blue +10% to 20% resist lightning

Bountiful charges of a staff tripled

Brass -1 to 5 To Hit

Bronze +1 to 5 To Hit

Brutal +81% to 95% damage

Burgundy +31% to 40% resist fire

Champion's +126% to 150% damage and +51
to 75 To Hit

Clumsy -50% to 75% damage and -1 to
-5 To Hit

Cobalt +41% to 50% resist lightning

Crimson +21% to 40% resist fire

Crystal +41% to 50% resist general

Deadly +36% to 50% damage

Diamond +51% to 60% resist general

Dragon's +51 to 60 mana

Drake's +41 to 50 mana

Dull -25% to 45% damage and -4 to 5
To Hit

Emerald +41% to 50% resist all

Fine +20% to 30% armour

Frog's -1 to 10 mana

Garnet +41% to 50% resist fire

Glorious +71% to 90% armour

Godly +171% to 200% armour

Gold +21 to 30 To Hit

Heavy +51% to 65% damage

Holy +151% to 170% armour

Hyena's -11 to -25 mana

Hydra's +81 to 100 mana

Iron +6 to 10 to hit

Ivory +31% to 40% resist general

Jade +21% to 30% resist all

Jagged +20% to 35% damage

King's +151% to +175% damage and +76
to 100 To Hit

Knight's +96% to 110% damage and +31 to
40 To Hit

Lapis +31% to 40% resist lightning

Lord's +81% to 95% damage and + 21 to
30 To Hit

Massive +96% to 110% damage

Master's +111% to 125% damage and +41
To 50 % To Hit

Grand +41% to 55% Armour

Mithril +41 to 60 To Hit

Merciless +151% to 175% damage

Meteoric +61 to 80 To Hit

Obsidian +31% to 40% resist all

Pearl +21% to 30% resist general

Platinum +31 to 40 To Hit

Plentiful charges of a staff doubled

Raven's +16 to 20 mana

Red +10% to 20% resist fire

Ruby +51% to 60% resist fire

Rusted -25% to 50% armour

Ruthless +126% to 150% damage

Saintly +111% to 130% armour

Sappire +51% to 60% resist ligtning

Savage +111% to 125% damage

Serpent's +30 to 40 mana

Sharp +20% to 35% damage and +1 to 5
To Hit

Silver +16 to 20 To Hit

Snake's +21 to 30 mana

Soldier's +66% to 80% damage and +16 to
20 To Hit

Spider's +10 to 15 mana

Steel +11 to 15 To Hit

Strong +31% to 40% armour

Strange +101 to 150 To Hit

Sturdy +20% to 30% armour

Tin -6 to 10 To Hit

Topaz +10% to 15% resist all

Useless -100% damage

Valiant +56% to 70% armour

Vicious +66% to 80% damage

Vulnerable -51% to -100% armour

Warrior +51% to 65% damage and +11 to
15 To Hit

Weak -25% to 45% damage

Wierd +81 to 100 To Hit

White +10% to 20% resist general

Wyrm's +61 to 80 mana

Suffix Effect

of Absorbtion -3 hit points per hit received
hand to hand combat only

of Accuracy +11 to +15 Dexterity

of the Ages Indestructible

of Atrophy -1 to 5 Dexterity

of Balance skip frame 2 of 'get hit'

of Bashing each hit from your weapon
removes 8 to 24 points from
target's Armour Class

of the Bat adds 3% damage done to mana

of the Bear knocks monster back one square

of Blocking skip all frames of 'get hit'
but frame 1 of "block"

of Blood adds 6% damage done to life

of Brilliance +11 to 15 magic

of Brittleness -26% to -75% Durability

of Burning +1 to 16 fire damage

of Carnage +13 to 16 damage

of Corruption lose all mana

of the Dark - 4 to light radius

of dexterity +1 to 5 dexterity

of Disease -1 to 5 vitality

of Dyslexia -1 to 5 magic

of the Eagle +21 to 30 hit points

of Fire +1 to 6 fire damage

of Flame +1 to 3 fire damage

of the Fool -6 to 10 magic

of the Fox +10 to 15 hit points

of Fragility durabilty=1

of Fraility -6 to 10 strength

of the Giant +16 to 20 strength

of Gore +9 to 12 damage

of Harmony skip frames 2,4,6 of'get hit'

of Haste skip frames 1,2,4,5 of attack

of Health -1 hit point per hit received
hand to hand combat only

of the Heavens +12 to 15 points for all stats

of Illness -6 to -10 vitality

of the Jaguar +16 to 20 hit points

of the Leech 3% damage done to target adds
to your life

of Life -4 hit points per hit received
hand to hand combat only

of Light + 2 to light radius

of Lightning +1 to 10 lightning damage

of the Lion +51 to 60 hit points

of Magic +1 to 5 magic

of Maiming +3 to 5 damage

of the Mammoth +61 to 80 hit points

of Many + 100% durabilty (Bows)

of Might +6 to 10 strength

of the Mind +6 to 10 magic

of the Moon +4 to 7 points to all stats

of the Night -2 to light radius

of the Pit -1 to 5 points from all stats

of Quality +1 to 2 damage

of Radiance +4 to light radius

of Tears +1 hit point per hit received
hand to hand combat only

of the Thief damage done by trap is cut by

of Thunder +1 to 20 lightning damage

of the Tiger +41 to 50 hit points

of the Titan +21 to 30 strength

of Trouble -6 to 10 points from all stats

of Osmosis -5 to 6 hit points per hit
received hand to hand combat

of Pain +2 to 4 hit points per hit
received hand to hand combat

of Paralysis -6 to 10 dexterity

of Perfection +21 to 30 dexterity

of Piercing each hit from your weapon
removes 2 to 6 points from
target's armour class

of Plenty +200% durability (Bows)

of Power +11 to 15 strength

of Precision +16 to 20 dexterity

of Protection -2 hit points per hit received
hand to hand combat only

of Puncturing each hit from your weapon
removes 4 to 12 points from
target's armour class

of Readiness skip frame 1 of attack

of Shock +1 to 6 lightning damage

of Skill +6 to 10 dexterity

of the Sky +1 to 3 points to all stats

of Slaughter +17 to 20 damage

of Slaying +6 to 8 damage

of Socery +16 to 20 magic

of Speed skip frames 1,3,5 of attack

of Stability skip frames 2,4 of 'get hit'

of the Stars +8 to 11 points to all stats

of Structure +101% to 200% durability

of Sturdiness +26% to 50% durability

of Strength + 1 to 5 strength

of Spikes if attacking monster hits you
it takes 1-10 damage

of Swiftness skip frames 1 and 3 of attack

of Thorns if attacking monster hits you
it takes 1-6 damage

of the Vampire 6% of damage done adds to mana

of Vigor +16 to 20 Vitality

of Vileness Target hit will not heal

of Vim +11 to 15 vitality

of Vitality +1 to 5 vitality

of the Vulture -11 to 25 hit points

of Weakness -1 to 5 strength

of the Whale +81 to 100 hit points

of Wizardry +21 to 30 to magic

of the Wolf +30 to 40 hit points

of Zest +6 to 10 vitality

of Zodiac +16 to 20 points to all stats

Thats all for the prefixes and suffixes,hopefully you will find a item with the
prefix and suffix you want. And just thank your lucky stars if you get an item
like Godly Gothic Plate of Zodiac. A piece of armour like that should be
treasured. Why? Cause not only does it boots EVERY stat of yours by an insane
amount, but it also does what an armour supposed to do. It will have an armour
class of at least 170. However, it is highly unlikely a rouge or a soceror can
wear this peice of armour unless you can find another item that can boost your
strength to the required amount. If not just sell it. Who knows you might find
an expensive weapon or spell book that can only be bought after you sold the
armour. Sometimes an item with a good prefix and suffix is better than a unique
item but it is best to suit your needs.




Basic weapons and armour


Phew. Now with that stuff gone I can begin to explain the most basic weapons and
armour. Weapons and armour without the bonus properties above. Basically there
are 5 types of weapons and 3 types of armour. Below is the whole list of it.


Swords Cost Durability Requirements Level Damage

Dagger 60 16 NIL 1 1-4

Short Sword 120 24 18str 1 2-6

Sabre 170 45 17str 1 1-8

Scimitar 200 28 23str, 23dex 4 3-7

Blade 280 30 25str, 30dex 4 2-8

Falchion 250 20 30str 2 4-8

Claymore 450 36 35str 5 1-12

Long Sword 350 40 30str, 30 dex 6 2-10

Broad Sword 750 50 40str 8 4-12

Bastard Sword 1000 60 50str 10 6-15

Two Handed Sword 1800 75 65str 14 8-16

Great Sword 3000 100 75str 17 10-20


Clubs Cost Durability Requirements Level Damage

Club 20 20 NIL 1 1-6

Spiked Club 60 20 18str 4 3-6

Mace 200 32 16str 2 1-8

Morning Star 300 40 26str 3 1-10

War Hammer 600 50 40str 5 5-9

Flail 500 36 30str 7 2-12

Maul 900 50 55str 10 6-20


Axes Cost Durability Requirements Level Damage

Small Axe 100 24 NIL 2 2-10

Axe 220 32 22str 4 4-12

Large Axe 850 40 30str 8 6-16

Broad Axe 1100 50 50str 11 8-20

Battle Axe 1500 60 65str 14 10-25

Great Axe 2500 75 80str 18 12-30


Bows Cost Durability Requirements Level Damage

Short Bow 100 30 NIL 1 1-4

Hunter's Bow 350 40 20str, 35dex 3 2-5

Long Bow 250 35 25str, 30dex 3 1-6

Composite Bow 600 45 25str, 40dex 7 3-6

Short Battle Bow 1000 45 30str, 50dex 9 3-7

Long Battle Bow 1500 50 30str, 60dex 11 1-10

Short War Bow 2000 55 35str, 70dex 15 4-8

Long War Bow 2500 60 45str, 80dex 19 1-14


Staffs Cost Durability Requirements Level Damage

Short Staff 30 25 NIL 1 2-4

Long Staff 100 35 NIL 4 4-8

Composite Staff 500 45 NIL 6 5-10

Battle Staff 1000 55 20str 9 6-12

War staff 1500 75 30str 12 8-16



Helmet/Headwear Cost Durability Requirements Level Armour Class

Cap 15 15 NIL 1 1-2

Skull Cap 40 20 NIL 2 2-4

Helm 100 30 25str 4 4-6

Full Helm 250 35 35str 6 6-8

Great Helm 500 60 50str 8 8-12

Crown 1000 40 40str 10 10-15


Shields Cost Durability Requirements Level Armour Class

Buckler 50 16 NIL 1 3-5

Small Shield 100 24 25str 2 5-8

Large Shield 250 32 40str 4 8-11

Kite Shield 500 40 50str 7 11-15

Tower Shield 1000 50 60str 10 15-20

Gothic Shield 2500 60 80str 11 14-18


Armour Cost Durability Requirements Level Armour Class

Rags 10 6 NIL 1 1-4

Cape 20 12 NIL 1 1-5

Cloak 50 18 NIL 1 2-7

Robe 100 24 NIL 2 4-7

Quilted Armour 250 30 NIL 2 7-10

Leather Armour 335 35 NIL 3 10-13

HardLeather Armour 500 40 NIL 3 11-14

Studded Armour 750 45 20str 4 15-17

Ring Mail 1000 50 25str 5 17-20

Chain Mail 1500 55 30str 6 18-22

Breast Plate 3000 80 40str 8 20-24

Scale Mail 2500 60 35str 7 23-26

Splint Mail 3500 65 45str 8 30-35

Field Plate 6000 80 65str 10 40-45

Plate Mail 5000 75 60str 9 42-50

Gothic Plate 10000 100 80str 11 50-60

Full Plate Mail 7500 90 90str 12 60-75



Unique weapons and armour


Now, what exactly is a unique item. Add some cool bonus attributs. a wacky name
to a basic item and make it one of a kind. There you have it a unique item.
Unique items can only be obtained by defeating unique enemies or completing
certain quests. If you ever come across a unique item that does not suit your
needs, just keep it just for memento's sake. You could sell it, but it would be
quite a waste. Now behold the Unique weapons.

Unique Swords

Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

Black Razor Dagger +150% to damage,+2
to vitality,
Wizardspike Dagger +15 to magic, +35
mana, +25% To Hit,
+15% resist all
Gonnagal's Dirk Dagger -5 to dexternity, +4
to damage, fast
attack,+25% resist
+5 to vitality,-5
to damage received
The Defender Sabre +5 to armour class
+5 to vitality,-5
to damage received
Lightsabre Sabre +20% to light radius
+1 to 10 lightning
damage,+20% To Hit,
+50% resist lightning
The Falcon's Talon Scimitar +20% To Hit, -33%
damage, +10 to
dexternity, Fastest
Gryphon's Claw Falchion +100% to damage, -2
to magic,-5 to
The Executioner's Falchion +150% damage, -10%
Blade to hit points,- 10%
light radius, +200%
The Bonesaw Claymore +10 damage, +10 to
Strength,-5 to magic
-5 to dexternity,+10
hit points,-10 mana
Ice Shank Long Sword +40% to resist fire
Durability=15, + 5
to strength
Inferno Long Sword +2 to 12 fire damage
+30% light radius,
+20 mana, +80% to
resist fire
Gibous Moon Broadsword +2 to all stats,+25%
to damage, +15 mana,
-30% light radius
Shadowhawk Broadsword -20% light radius,
Steals 5% mana per
hit,+15 To Hit, +5
resist all
Griswold's Edge Broadsword +1 to 10 fire damage
(quest) +25 To Hit, Faster
Hit, Knockback, +20
mana,-20 hit points
Doombringer Bastard Sword +25% To Hit, +250%
Damage,-5 to all
stats,-20% light
radius,-25 hit point
The Grizzly Two Handed Sword +20% strength,-5 to
+100% durability
The Grandfather Great Sword 1 Handed,+5 to all
stats,+20 To Hit,
+70% damage,+ 20 hit

Unique Clubs

Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

Gnarled Root Club +20 To Hit, +300%
damage,+10 to
dexternity,+5 to
Magic,+10 resist all
Crackrust Mace +2 to all stats,
to resist all,+50%
damage,-1 to all
Civerb's Crudgel Mace +35% damage to demon
enemies,-5 to
dexternity,-2 to mag
Dreamflange Mace +30 magic, +50 mana,
+50 resist magic,
+20% light radius,
+1 level to all
Baranar's Star Morning Star +12 To Hit,+80%
damage,+4 vitality,
-4 dexternity,fast
Schaefer's Hammer War Hammer -100% damage, 1-50
lightning hit,+50
hit points,+30 To
Hit,+80% resist
lightning,+10% light
The Celestial Star Flail No strength required
+20% light radius,
+10 damage,+8 Armour
Hammer of Jholm Maul +4 to 10 damage,
indestructable,+3 to
strength,+15% To Hit
The Cranium Basher Maul +20 to damage,+15 to
Strength,Empty mana
indestructible,+5 to
resist all

Unique Axes

Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

Aguinara's Hatchet Small Axe +10 to magic,+80% to
resist general magic
+1 to all spell lvls
The Mangler Large Axe +200% damage,-5 to
dexterity,-5 to
magic,- 10 mana
Sharp Beak Large Axe +20 hit points,-10
to magic,-10 to mana
Wicked Axe Large Axe +30 To Hit, +10 to
dexterity, -10 to
vitality,-1 to 6
damage received
Bloodslayer Broad Axe +100% damage, +50%
damage to demons,-5
to all stats,-1 lvl
to all spells
Stonecleaver Broad Axe +30 hit points,+20%
To Hit,+50% damage,
+40 to resist
The Celestial Axe Battle Axe No strength required
+15% To Hit,+15 hit
points,-15 strength
Hellslayer Battle Axe +8 strength, +8
vitality,-25 mana,
+100% damage,+25 hit
Messerschmidt's Great Axe +200% damage,+15 to
Reaver damage,+5 to all
stats,-50 hit points
+2-12 fire damage
Butcher's Cleaver Cleaver (axe) +4 to strength, 4-24
(quest) Damage,durability=10


Unique Bows

Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

The Rift Bow Short Bow Arrow trvels at
different speed,+2
damage,-3 dexterity
The Needler Short Bow +50% to hit,1-3
Flamedart Composite Bow Fire Arrow,+1 to 6
fire damage,+20% To
Hit,+40% to resist
The Blackoak Bow Long Bow +10 To dexterity,-10
to vitality,+50%
damage,-10% light
Fleshstinger Long Bow +15 to dexterity,
+40% To Hit,+80%
Eaglehorn Long Battle Bow +20 dexterity,+50%
To Hit, +100% damage
Infinite Arrows
Windforce Long War Bow +5 to strength,+200%

Unique Staffs

Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

Gleamsong Short Staff -3 strength,+25 mana
-3 vitality, 76
charges of phasing
The Protector Short Staff +5 to vitality,1-3
damage,-5 damage per
hit received,
+40 armour,86
charges of healing
Staff of Shadows Long Staff -10 magic,+10 To Hit
+60% damage, -20%
light radius,faster
Immolator Long Staff +40% to resist fire,
+4 fire damage,+10
mana,-5 to vitality
Naj's Puzzler Long Staff +20 to magic,+10 to
dexterity,-25 hit
points,+20% resist
all,57 charges of
Thundercall Composite Staff +35 To Hit,+1-10
lightning damage,
+20% light radius,
+30% resist lightnin
76 charges of
Mindcry Battle Staff +15 to magic,+15% to
resist all,+1 lvl to
all spells,69 charge
of Guardian
Storm Spire War Staff +50% resist lightnin
+2-8 lightning
damage,+10 to
strength,-10 magic
Rod of Onan War Staff +5 to all stats,
+100% to damage,50
charges of golem

Unique Armour

Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

Harlequin Crest Cap +2 to all stats,+7
hit points,+7 mana
-3 armour,-1 to
damage recieved per
Thinking Cap Skull Cap +30 to mana,+2 lvls
to all spells,+20%
resist all,
Helm of Spirits Helm Gain 5% life per hit
Overlord's Helm Helm +20 to strength,+15
vitality,-20 to
Fool's Crest Helm -4 to all stats,+100
hit points,attacker
takes 1-3 hit points
+1-6 damage received
per hit
Gotterdamerung Great Helm +20 to all stats,+60
armour,depletes all
resistance,-4 to
received,+40% light
Veil of Steel Great Helm +50% resist all,+60
(quest) armour,-30 mana,+15
strength,+15 vitalit
-20% light radius
Royal Circlet Crown +10 to all stats,+40
armour,+40 mana,+10%
light radius
The Undead Crown Crown Armour class=8,Gain
(quest) 5% life per hit

Spit Skull Shield Buckler +10 to armour,+10 to
hit points,+2 to str
-10% light radius,
The Deflector Buckler Armour class=7,-20%
damage,-5% To Hit,
+10% resist all
Blackoak Shield Small Shield +10 dexterity,-10 to
vitality,-10% light
radius,armour class
=18,+150% durability
Holy Defender Large Shield Armour class=15,+20%
resist fire,absorbs
2 damage per hit,
+200% durability
Dragon's Breach Kite Shield +25% to resist fire,
+5 to strength,-5 to
magic,armour class
Stormshield Tower Shield armour class=40,+10
to strength,faster
block,absorbs 4
damage per hit,
Nightscape Cape armour class=15,-40%
light radius,+20%
resist all,faster
hit recovery,+3 to
The Rainbow Cloak Cloak armour class=10,+1
to all stats,+10% to
resist all,+5 hit
Wisdom's Warp Robe +5 magic,+10 mana,-1
damage per hit,+25
resist lightning,
armour class=15
Leather of Aut Leather Armour Indestructible,+5 to
strength,-5 to magic
+5 to dexterity,
armour class=15
The Gladiator's Studded Armour Armour class=25,-3
Bane to all stats,absorbs
2 damage per hit,
+200% durability
Sparking Mail Chain Mail armour class=30,
attacker takes 1-10
lightning damage if
Scavenger Carapace Breast Plate -15 damage per hit,
-30 to armour class,
+5 to dexterity,+40%
Arkaine's Valor Splint Mail +25 armour class,+10
(quest) to vitality,asorbs 3
damage per hit
received,fastest hit
Naj's Light Plate Plate Mail No strength required
+5 magic,+20 mana,
+20% resist all,+1
lvl to all spells
Demonspike Coat Full Plate Mail Armour Class=100,+10
strength,absorbs 6
damage per hit,+50%
resist fire,



Name Type Bonus Capabiliies

Constructing Ring Ring +75% to resist all,
hit points will
slowly be drained
Ring of Engagement Ring -1 to 2 damage
received per hit,
attacker takes 1-3
damage,adds 5 to AC
damages monster AC
Bramble Ring -2 to all stats,+3
damage,+10 mana
Ring of Regha Ring +10 to magic,-3 to
strength,-3 to
general magic 10%,
+10% light radius
The Bleeder Ring +20% resist magic,
+30 mana,-10 hit
Empyrean Bamd Ring +2 to all stats,+20%
light radius,fast
recovery,absorb trap
Ring of Truth Ring +10 hit points,
absorbs 1 damage per
hit,+10% resist all
Optic Amulet Amulet +20% to light radius
+20% resist lightnin
absorbs 1 damage per
hit, +5 to magic






1.Save before identifying items. Especially items with prefixes.

2.Think carefully before selling a unique item or an item with good prefixes
and suffixes. You don't know when you might need them.

3.Keep items that suit your needs. A warrior might want an item with a strength
bonus. A rouge might want a bow and an item which has a dexterity bonus.
Sorceror might need a good staff and an item which boosts magic.

4.A unique item does not necesserily mean its better then an item with a prefix
and suffix. Some unique items actually harm your combat style and skill.

5.Indestructible items are the best as they save the gold for repairing. This
comes in handy when you have a unique item. The repair cost is gonna cost
a bomb so look out for indestructible items.

6.Always keep armour with a high fire resistance. You might need it when facing






Now thats all for the combat item list. I might have made some mistakes in this
list, if you happen to spot one, feel free to inform me. My email is
yew_keong@hotmail.com. If you have any tips you wanna share, or you need any
help in completing the game, feel free to email me too. Hopefully, you would be
able to get some help using this list.



Blizzard: For making this wonderful game

CJayC: For making GameFAQs

Special Thanks:

d3smond: For inspiring me to write FAQs.

akade1: For providing me with the knowledge on how to write a FAQ.

darketernal36: For helping me in every way possible.

d3v1lsblood: For giving me soooo much imformation for this list/FAQ.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Dt. Megatrainer

18.Oktober 2013
Combat Item List
Engl. Hinweise

15.Oktober 2013
Spellstrainer (für v1.09)

16.Oktober 2013
Anti-Autokill (für v1.09)

17.Oktober 2013
Karte aufdecken (für v1.09)

17.Oktober 2013
Unlimited Belt (für v1.09)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Warrior auf Level 50 mit sehr guten Waffen und guter Rüstung.

18.Oktober 2013
Rogue auf Level 50 mit sehr guten Waffen und guter Rüstung.

17.Oktober 2013
Sorcerer auf Level 48 mit sehr guten Waffen und guter Rüstung.

11.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer (für v1.00)

17.Oktober 2013
Hell Forge Trainer (was immer das auch sein mag)

16.Oktober 2013
US Version: Killer Spieler bei Diablo.

14.Oktober 2013
European Version: Hochwertiger Spieler im Low Level.

14.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Fast alle Super-Items, die man in die Finger bekommt sind mit dabei - nicht gecheatet. Auch ein paar Uniquis und jede Menge Gold!!! (Version 1.08 erkennt das Gold aber als Duplikat!) Achtung: 3MB

18.Oktober 2013
Update der Questliste

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Du bist ganz am Anfang, aber hast eine gute Ausrüstung

18.Oktober 2013
GameHack Table

14.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
13.Mei 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Europäische PAL Version.

17.Oktober 2013
Alles, was man so braucht (für v1.07)

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
Bitte readme.txt lesen (dt. für engl. Version)

14.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

30.September 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
19.Februari 2014