

17.10.2013 15:58:32

Version: FINAL
Modified: 11/11/04
By: ParanoidXE

FINAL - updated layout
v.1.2 - initial release


I. Introduction to Noctropolis


Action Panel

Open: Opens doors, and other panels in the game.
Look: this allows you to look closer to an object, person, etc.
Move: Moves objects, it also uses objects.
Talk: Used to create conversation with another Person in the game.
Travel: Used to go to other locations in the game.
Setup: Lets you change the music or FX volume, or Quit to Dos.
Use: Shows you the inventory and you get to select which object you would like
to use during gameplay.
Get: Picks up an object.
Goto: Moves your character to a certain spot on the screen.
Inv: Lets you view your inventory.
Disk: Saves or Loads Games off of your hard drive.

Character/Place Information

Peter Bornick: He is an owner of the largest construction companies in the
city. He was killed, leaving the controlling interest to
his widow.

Butcher: Owner of the shop on Edwards Avenue. Noted for the quality of his

Cathedral: Probably the oldest building in the city, it dates back before the
disasters. Father Desmond is in charge of running it.

Cygus: Presently the largest construction company in Noctropolis. With no
previous history or experience, they are a mystery to most people.

Darksheer: The hero of Noctropolis. After catching all known villians of the
city, he retired. Villians since have returned.

Disasters: A little over a century ago there occurred a tectonic cataclysm.
Ash from the semi-dormant volcanoes cloud the sky, thus keeping
Noctropolis in perpetual darkness.

Drealmer: A telepathic criminal who entangles his victims in horrific
nightmares, ultimately torturing them to death.

Dynatek: A high-tech company located in Noctropolis. Incarnate Technologies, a
division of Dynatek, recently burned to the ground.

Father Desmond: A force of goodness in Noctropolis. His efforts to diminish
evil in the city include association with "The Wards." He was
a close friend of Darksheer's.

Flux: A new name on the streets. Possibly the director behind the recent drama
of villainy.

Greenhouse: A place where plants are grown until the day the sun hits
Noctropolis again.

Greenthumb: A notorious criminal who employs mutant horticulture in his deadly

Ben Hutchins: A powerful man in the old city. He died fifty years ago in the
great disasters. His remains were entombed in the mausoleum.

Liquidark: The distilled liquid essence of darkness. It has phenomenal healing
powers, and Darksheer used it to save his life.

Master Macabre: Once a fine Surgeon, he twisted his healing skills. Now he
only uses his scalpels for inflicting pain and mutilation.

Mausoleum: The final resting place for the well-to-do and influential of
Noctropolis. The doors are sealed except during services.

Nex: A performance advertised at the Opera House.

Noctropolis: The city defended by Darksheer.It was built ofter the disasters
destroyed the old city and filled the sky with black ash -- thus
giving it the name of City of Night.

Observatory: Built by an individual known as the Whisperman. Built for the
purpose of observing the heavens, the ash-cover has rendered it useless. It has
been closed for many years.

Opera House: Basically unused for many years, occasionally independent
proudctions use it to stage preformances.

Sam Jenkins: Construction director at Cygnus.

Shadeskin: A special darkweave fabric that absorbs Liquidark, allowing the
suit's occupant to be temp. rendered invisible in dark

Shadowlair: Built by a secret order before the Great Disasters. It houses
everything Darksheer uses in his fight against the villians.

Ms. Shoto: President of Cygnus.

Stiletto: Darksheer's companion. Rumored to be in love with her partner,
Stiletto disappeared shortly after the Darksheer's retirement.

Subterrainia: The name given to the old city that was leveled during the
disasters. The under ground network of mazes is now controlled by criminal

Succubus: A demon possessing the body of a young woman. Using the powers of
lust and seduction, she stalk the city -- and contemplates ways of
killing Father Desmond.

Sunspire Tower: A 150-story building under construction by Cygus. The plan is
that the upper stories will penetrate the ash-cover and be
able to view daylight.

The Wards: A gang of young men and women who help abate crime in city.

Top Hat: A magician who specializes in violent and deadly sleights of hand.
Arrested many times, her disappearing act behind bars is renowned.

Whisperman: A mysterious man who is rumored to the live in Subterrainia. He is
responsible for the construction of the Observatory, many years

Map Activation

The Greenhouse: Look at the truck at Sunspire Tower, and talk to the clerk in
the Hall of Records.
Observatory: Talk to Tophat in the Opera House.
Cathedral: Talk to the Newspaper Vendor at Main Street.
Mausoleum: Talk to Father Desmond and get jawbone, talk to the clerk at
Hall of Records
Butcher Shop: Talk to the punks in Subrterrainia, then ask the news vendor
about butcher.
Shadowlair: Stiletto exposes it to you.
Dynatek: Talk to Sam Jenkins, and then the Clerk at Hall of Records.
Sunspire Tower: Look at the truck at Sunspire Tower, then talk to news vendor
and ask about Sunspire.
Cygnus Construction: Talk to the news vendor about Cygnus
Stiletto's Apartment: Talk to Father Desmond, or fail to ally with Stiletto
at shadowlair.
Opera House: Talk to Greenthumb in the greenhouse, then ask the clerk at hall
of records about Opera House.
Bornick Mansion: Red note on the coffin.




- Go to the Office which is located behind you

- Look at the letter on the desk
- Take the letter
- Get the comic that is on a footrest
- Goto the bookstore (Back where you came from)

- Talk to the person out the front door (Select conversations: 2,1,4)
- Get the package
- Use the Silver token to get to Noctropolis

- Talk to the newspaper Vendor (Select conversations: 1,2,1,2)
- Use the comic book in exchange for some information
- Ask all possible questions, then leave
- Travel to the Cathedral

- Get the wire on the right side
- Get the Fence Spire on the left side
- Open the lamppost access panel on the right
- Use the Wire
- Use the spire
- Go into the Cathedral

- Go to the confessional
- Open the window to talk with Father Desmond (Select: 2,2, and 1 through the
- Ask all questions
- Travel to Mainstreet

- Go to the Hall of Records

- Talk to the clerk (Select: 1,1,1,1)
- Use the jawbone when he asks for it.
- As the clerk about the new questions
- Travel to Mausoleum

- Open the gate
- Open the Side door
- go into the Side door
- Look at the note on the coffin
- Move the corpse
- Get the key
- Use the key to open one of the coffins
- Go to the Coffin

- Move the statue
- Goto the underground den

- Move the pillow
- Look at the Diary
- Get the Spear
- Use the spear
- Goto the new exit to the left
- Travel to the Cathedral

- Go into the Cathedral
- Get the Chalice
- Get some holy water from the fountain
- Move the pillow and get the detonator
- Get the middle statue in front of the altar
- Wait for Stiletto to return
- Use The holy water

- Talk to Stiletto (2,2,2,2,4,2,2,3)
- Open the Column Panel on the north end
- Take the Darksheer costume
- Open the Column Panel to the east and get the History of Darksheer
- Travel to Sunspire Construction

- Talk to the guard to find out Sam Jenkins' name. (1,1)
- Examine the truck
- Talk to Stiletto and she will distract the guard for you
- Goto the area past the fence
- Get the glass cutter
- Goto the lift
- Move the bricks
- Move the motor
- Goto the ground
- Travel to the main street

- Goto the hall of records
- Talk to the clerk (1)
- Ask about the greenhouse
- Travel to Cygnus Construction

- Goto the entrance
- Talk to Wanda (Front Desk) (2,1,2,1)
- Go to the Maintenance room
- Talk to Leon
- Talk to Stiletto
- Move the red switch
- Go to the door
- Talk to Wanda (1)
- Go to the door that has suddenly opened
- Talk to Sam Jenkins(1,1,1,2,2)
- Exit
- Talk to Wanda (Any choice)
- Get the passcard
- Goto the elevator
- Use the Elevator Pass
- Talk to Shoto
- Exit
- Use the elevator Pass
- Travel to Central Park Greenhouse

- Go to the Truck
- Get the Seeds and the Quickgrow Solution
- Exit
- Use the glass cutter to cut an entrance
- Goto the new entrance created
- Talk to Greenthumb
- Use the Liquidark grenade to free yourself
- Goto Stiletto
- Get the poster that is against the shrub
- Travel to Shadowlair

- Go to the liquidark pool to cure your status
- Travel to the main street

- Goto the Hall of Records
- Talk to the clerk
- Ask about the Opera House
- Travel to the Opera House

- Goto the entrance
- Talk to Tophat
- Travel to the Obeservatory

- Use the Noctrogyph to turn nearly invisible
- Goto the Observatory
- Use the sack of seeds
- Goto the new hole
- You need to make sure you do not get hit by the light or your in trouble.
- Goto the screwdriver
- get the screwdriver
- Goto and get the Oil Can
- Goto the platform
- Move the platform
- Get the log book
- Goto the door retracing your steps again
- Travel to the Opera House

- Goto the Door
- Talk to Tophat
- Talk to Tophat again
- Talk to the old man
- Travel to Shadowlair

- Goto the liquidark to heal yourself
- Travel to the Opera House

- Go to the door
- Get the brick
- Get the throwing knives
- Goto the trap door
- Use the brick
- Get the makeup kit in the dressing room
- Get the jewelry
- Move the costumes
- Open the door
- Goto the door
- Get the screwdriver
- Use the screwdriver on the door
- Move the water valve
- Get the hose
- Goto the new door
- Talk to the punks (2,3,1,2)
- Give the throwing knifes to the punks
- Talk to the punks (2,3)
- Give the jewelry to the punks
- Goto the door to the Set Room
- Goto the door to the Dressing room
- Move the switch
- Travel to Main Street

- Talk to the newspaper vendor
- Ask about the butcher
- Travel to the new place : Butcher Shop

- Talk to the butcher (3,2,1,1)
- Give the newspaper to the butcher
- Goto the freezer
- Move the slabs of meat until the ladder appears
- Get a meat hook
- Goto the ladder

- Observe Dr. Macabre
- Talk to the doctor
- Move the acid bottle to free Stiletto's gurney wheels
- Move the tray to move Stiletto's gurney
- Get a beaker from the shelves on the right
- Goto the door
- Goto the door
- Get some acid
- Open the door
- Goto the door
- Goto the fan
- Goto the adjacent room, timing your move for just after a blade passes
- Use the shard of glass to cut the rope
- Get the Valve wheel
- Goto the fan
- Use the rope on the hangin block
- goto the new door
- Use the acid on the overhang
- goto the doorway
- Goto the first door on your right
- Get the re-bar
- Goto the door
- Use the re-bar on the catwalk
- Goto the door on the far side
- Use the valve whell to turn off the water
- Goto the ball room
- Goto the Chandelier Room
- Goto the tunnel
- Goto the curtains
- Talk to the man (1,3,1)
- Give the makeup kit to him
- Talk to the man (2,2)
- Solve the puzzle door

O 1 O4

O 2 O5
O 3 O 6
O 7
O 8
O 9
O 10
Press them in this order: 9-2-6-3-8-5-2-8-4-1-9-10

- Once again, go to the Liquidark to cure yourself
- Talk to the Drealmer

- Get the can of paint
- Goto the Clown's Mouth
- Goto the clown's Mouth
- Get the pick from the mouth
- Exit
- Go to the door frame
- Use the pick on the door to Jack's Antiques
- Goto the door
- Get a match
- Exit
- Goto the Clown's Mouth
- Goto the door in the tower
- Get the lamp
- Exit
- Move the scroll hanging beneath the floating column
- Goto the door
- Use the match to burn the web
- Get a piece of stick webbing
- Get the eggsack
- Exit
- Goto the door in the tower
- Use the eggsack you got to kill the demon
- Get the diamond
- Exit
- Goto the door frame
- Goto Jack's Antiques
- Use the diamond from the Sacrifice Room to cut the glass
- Move the pepper shaker
- Get some pepper
- Exit
- Goto the Clown's Mouth
- Goto the clown's mouth
- use the pepper
- get the paintbrush
- exit
- Use the paintbrush or paint to make a door
- Goto the new door
- Use the sticky web
- Goto the top of the tower
- Move the running
- Get the key
- Goto the door
- Talk to the Drealmer
- Fall

- Talk to Stiletto
- Travel to Cygnus Costruction

- Goto the doors
- Goto the elevator
- Use the elevator pass
- Talk to Shoto (1,1,2,1,3)
- Goto the elevator
- Use the elevator pass
- Goto the doors
- Get the wrought iron shaft
- Use the wrought iron shaft
- goto the open manhole
- Get the three broken chair pieces
- Open the furnace
- Use the chairs
- Goto the new entrance
- Talk to Whisperman (3,1,2,2,1,1)
- Goto the water
- Goto the top of the ladder
- Goto the entrance of Cygnus Construction
- Goto the elevator
- Use the log book
- Use the meathook to slide down the wire in front of you

- Get the duct tape
- Get the rope
- Exit up the stairs
- Get the broom
- Exit up the stairs
- Use Sausage
- Use rope/sausage
- Use duct tape
- Use the broom/Meathook
- Talk to Flux
- Use the Gold token to Finish the Game!
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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