Return To Mysterious Island

Return To Mysterious Island

16.10.2013 20:27:35
Return To Mysterious Island FAQ

Author : Blitz
Version : Intermediate
Console : PC

Disclaimer : i dont care what you do with the FAQ... you have all your rights
to reproduce it any form you want. I am not responsible for any thing I
missed. :p ( Its my 1st walkthrough as you can see..hehe)

1.1 : The Storyline

The game is about a girl named Mina. Mina's ship runs into rough weather and
the ships sinks and she gets washed ashore some Island. the game play consists
of collecting several items found on the Island and putting them to use, either
as a whole or as a combination of two or more items. The objective is to get
Mina out of the Island. The only thing in Mina's Possession is a cell-phone
which isn’t of much use initially coz its out of battery. The cell-phone has
an inbuilt encyclopedia which is a good help in the later part of the game
when you will be using bigger combinations.

1.2 : Navigation and Controls:

The controls are fairly easy. The navigation is purely using the mouse. The
cursor is shaped like a shell with a small circle(or dot??) under it. Just
point the mouse(or cursor) in a few directions till you see the cursor(or
shell) blink and the yellow dot under the cursor turns white. This is an
indication that you can go in that direction.

You can pick up items by hovering your mouse over things you think you can pick
up. If its pickable the cursor will trun into a "hand". The items you pick up
get stored in your inventory. The inventory is accesible using the right mouse
button. All the items you pick up will be stacked into the topmost right part
of your inventory window, where it says "Auto". You will have to drag the items
into the cells placed in the middle. Each cell can accomodate only one item.

If you fill up all the cells on the 1st page there are more pages with as many
cells arranged behind each other like a book with tabs. You will never run out
of cells because there are way too many cells. You wont need more than 3 of
those inventory "pages". The inventory items can be dragged into a single empty
cell or if you are trying a combination ( water + cloth = bandage for example)
you can drag an item from a cell (say cloth) into another cell having an item
you want to combine with (say water). When you do this both the items will be
taken out of the cell and placed in the small assembly area right below the
inventory and it will stay there till you drag it into a cell or create a
combination or assembly (same thing..different words.)

When you create a combination the combination is moved into the AUTO area ready
to be dragged into a cell. Now, there are some items in the inventory that you
can use on other things. All you have to do is left click on the item so it
gets selected and it hovers around with your mouse in the inventory section,
and then exit the inventory section either by right clicking or by clicking on
the "X" button on the bottom right part of your inventory screen.

Normally when you cannot pick up an object the cursor will either show you a
GEAR sign or a "crossed out" gear sign. When its a Gear sign, it means that the
inventory item currently selected is usable on that item. Sometimes it will
just give you a hint about what you might have to get (for example " It is
rock solid" which means you need something very hard to pry it out.. or "only
a monkey can get there" ..which means you might have to use a monkey). If its
a crossed out gear, the item currently selected is not the right one. In most
cases the item to be used will be a Knife.

Also note that some of the items you combine can also be dismantled and you get
all your original items back. This can be done by dragging your assembled
objects into the dismantling area (shown by a wrench). One more thing, if you
have several incomplete combinations lying in your assembly area, you can click
the up or the down markers next to the zone. Otherwise you will think your
items are missing. You will never miss an item unless its been combined with
something or eaten by you or your companion.

Theres also a small window below the AUTO cell, which is reserved for your
Company (the monkey). You can drag the monkey into the cells to combine or make
him use several items from the inventory ( e.g. Monkey + knife = monkey with a
knife...used for cutting objects which cannot be reached by Mina .. say

That’s all about the Inventory... I am sure I missed a few things... but they
are just unimportant.


Cutscene : Mina is washed ashore. She sees a man standing next to her and wakes
up. The man is just a distortion (its actually Captain Nemo's ghost ), so when
she opens her eyes its gone. She screams I am Alive and mumbles something about
needing something to eat.

That was the last you saw of Mina (for a while), now you will look at the world
from her perspective or "eyes".

First things first. You are at position 1x as shown in the map below. Move the
cursor to your left, towards the left of the waterfall or to the cliff closest
to you (you will see 2 birds perched in their nests). You will see it blink.
Left click to move to that place. Once you are here, you will see Captain Nemo
on a Ledge above the ground. Mina will ask him to stay, but he disappears and
then Mina assumes she was hallucinating. Anyways, hovering you mouse over the
ledge will show you the Gear sign, which means you can use something from your
inventory. But you don’t have anything yet. So just click on it anyways and it
will say its too high and only a monkey can reach there, which is enough of a
Hint. You can pick some eggs from the lower nest. The nest above is out of
reach for now. Also dont forget to pick up the rusted key/nail from the ground
right in front.

Now move yourself to the left, towards a black "burnt out" area on the cliff
(4x). You will need to click twice to get there (There’s an intermediate
location, that you will reach first, but there’ s nothing there (3x)). You will
hear Volcanic eruptions accompanied by violent shaking of your mouse and Mina
will say "what a strange noise" every now and then. So once you are at the
black part which looks like it used to be a fireplace once, it should be enough
of a hint that you need to make a fire there. Anyways, pick up the sandstone
and the flint stone neat the fire and move to the location right behind you(5x)
(don’t worry about the SOOT on the wall).


4x <-- 3x <-- 2x

\ ^
v |

5x 1x


9x <----8x <--- 7x<--- 6x

Here, at 5x, right in front on the ground you will see some wooden things
nailed into the ground. Pick up the wet sea weed on the right. On your left you
will see a Long wooden thing with a metal piece on it. Moving your mouse will
indicate a gear. Clicking will tell you that its rock solid. This should
immediately spring something in ur mind. That is to use something thats hard,
from ur inventory, on that wooden thing. Go to the inventory. After dragging
items into the cell, click on the sand stone and exit the inventory and use
it on the wooden object. It will break into two pieces. You can now pick up the
wooden piece and the metal thing. The seaweed is useless for now, coz its wet.

Now move to 6x. Its the small pond near the opening in the cliff. Look in the
water and on the wall above the water for oyesters. Be very observant, Coz the
oyesters are almost "merged" into the background.If you are good you will also
get a giant oyester , but if u miss it, you can get it later too. Dont bother
with the fish for now, coz you need a fishing rod for fishing.

Move ahead to location 7x beyond the opening in the cliff. Here to your right
you will pick up lichen on the rocks. On your left burried in the ground you
will find a locked trunk. It will show a crossed out Gear. So use something
from the inventory to pick the lock. The only thing you can think of is the
rusted key/nail. Use it on the trunk. It will open up to give you a telescope
and some silver coins. Now move to location 8x. Find some burried eggs there.

Move ahead to 9x. Pick up the young Palm and the coconuts. Also right on your
toes you will see two crabs ripping off a dead porcupine. Grab the crabs while
they are not looking. Then pick up the porcupine.

Move to position 8x now. You will find a fresh coconut. Pick it up. Now, lets
examine your items in the inventory. The eggs can be combined with the Nail,
to increase Mina's hunger BAR. Dont eat up all of them. You will have enough
items to eat. Use the knife on the brown coconut. It will give you a peeled-off
coconut and a rope. Also use the knife on the porcupine. It will give you
quills and carcass. You can use the knife on the green cocounts and mina will
eat it instantaneously. Same with the oyesters but thats not advisable as you
may break the knife. So just use it maybe once. Using the knife on the giant
oyester will fetch you a pearl. Use the nail on the telescope to get a lens.
The lens can be used to make fire.

Now move to position 4x. Combine the Flint with the knife and the young palm,
to make a fire (you can also use, lens + lichen + palm = fire). Place the fire
on the black spot.

Now go to position 10x. Use the knife on the thorny bush to get thorns.
Also pick up the metal Plaque and the worms. The thorns cannot be used
directly. Put them in the fire to curve them. Now combine the curved
thorns with the worms, wood and rope to make a fishing rod. Use the fishing rod
on the fish on location 6x. It is inedible as it is raw. So put it in the fire
and Mina will eat it. Also use the crabs in the fire to eat them. Eat whatever
it takes to increase the hunger bar. Finally when you are done, Mina will say
she has eaten enough. So now its time to proceed further.

Move along the opening through position 10x. Move up the "steps". Mina will say
something about things attached to the rocks. Dont pay heed to it. They will
come into the picture later. Now get the forked branch, the amadou(mushroom)
on the tree bark. Also use your knife on the vine. Click on the logs above.
They will move and Mina will be at the top. Pick the palm leaf. You are at 11x
according to the Map.


/ \

11x --> 12x --- 14x ====== 15x ----- 16x
28x |
/ v
23x ----- 17x ---- 18x ----- 19x -- 20x
\ | \
\ | \
\ | 21x
\ | /
\ | 22x
\ V
24x ------ 25x ------ 26x

Now move to Position 12x. Mina will say something about the island being
habitated by people. Dont move in that dircetion yet. Just take your knife and
cut the hibiscus plant. Mina will make a rope out of it.

Now you can move to 13x either from 14x or from 12x. 14x is a dead end for now.
At 13x, you will see Mina say something abt using the hot sulpurous water for
cooking something. Right behind you you will see a snake. Use the forked branch
on the snake. Use a knife on the tree, near the spider, to get some Rubber.
Also next to the snake are some medicinal herbs, cut them off. Return to 12x.

Move to 18x. Mina Will hear some cries move in that direction to 25x. You will
see a scarecrow. Get the cloth off the scarecrow. Also grab the oranges and the
lemons. You will see the monkeys throwing stones at you from a position near
24x, so you cant go in that Direction yet. But just while you are facing 24x,
to your right you will see some wheat plants. Use your knife to get some wheat.

Now continue further to 26x. Get the bamboo, medium bamboo sticks, elderberry
pith, small shoots of Bamboo and Willow bark from the broken tree in front.
Also, since you are here, collect some clay. Move back to 25x and then 18x.
Here you can go to either 17x or go to 21x through 20x which is just a lake.
This will be your source of water. But you need something to hold the water.
So all Mina will do now is Drink some water and take a bath(yumm!!).

So go to 17x for now. You will see a long vine hanging from a branch above.
You cant cut it coz Mina wants it long enough. Pick up the fruits lying nearby.
You cant get to the windmill(23x) yet because the stairs are broken. Pick up
the Brick mould from the stairs. You will have guessed we have to make some
bricks and use it on the steps. Combine the clay and the brick mould. You will
have unfired bricks which still cant be used. So we need to "fire" or bake the
bricks to use them. Go back to position 4x on the map. And put the bricks in
the fire. You now have bricks that you can use directly. You will have 2 sets.

Go back to 17x. Use the bricks on the stairs. Now you can climb upto the
Windmill. Pick up the axe from under your feet. Get the Cloth, and the coins
from the box that just drops. Read the poem on the box. It gives you some
clues, but then you wont need those coz we already got the coins. Also Collect
the metal fork and the wooden fork. Also some grapes from the vine. Use the
varnished cloth you just got on the windmill. Now, theres a monkey atop a tree
stopping the windmill from rotating. Try giving it grapes, it wont coz it
doesnt trust you yet. So leave the windmill for now.

Go along to 24x. This is the backroute to the area the monkeys were at.
They will run away. Now you will see a broken bellow. Which means you have to
find a way to fix it. Grab the logs. Use the bricks on the walls of the bellow
area. Its fixed. Now the only thing left is the Bellow itself, which, made out
of seal skin, has a hole in it. So you need seal skin? Where could you possibly
find a seal? Sea shore? Of course! But before that we need to think, do we
really need the bellow? Is it that urgent?

Lets go further, to will see an injured monkey. Mina names it Jep.
Now your next task is to heal Jep and get him to a position that he can eat.
But how? All you have in your inventory is stuff that you can eat and ofcourse
some medicinal herbs or barks which have to be prepared( in what? Something
liquid? but how would you fetch something Liquid. Duh!! Containers!). So you
see that circular thing in front of you. Clicking it, rotates it. Isnt that
familiar to how pots are made? So what do we need? CLAY!.

So go back to 26x, fetch some clay, use it on the rotating thing near 27x
and Vallah you have some pots. Hurrah!Now we can get some water! Errr..not yet.
The pots need to be fired. Make some fire in the bellow area.
Try firing the pots. Mina says its not hot enough. So we REALLY do NEEd the
bellows to work. SO go looking for Seals back to the shore. When you reach 1x,
you will find a freshly washed seal! Grab it. Use ur knife and you have seal
skin, some tendons and some fat! Back to location 24x and use the skin on the
bellows. Use the bellow and throw the pots in there. Thats it. You have pots!

Now lets explore the lake area. Go to 18x and then 19x. Here on a tree you will
see a chameleon next to a small branch shooting out from the tree, Use your
knife on it. Then use the pots to get some maple syrup. Now go down to 20x and
then 21x. Get some water in a pot. You can only keep one container of water in
your inventory. So to save multiple rounds to the lake try to mix everything up
while you are here. 1st things 1st. Get a cloth use it on water. You now have
a clean cloth. Now take a container of water, mix it with the willow bark, to
get some medicinal thing. Same with the medicinal plant. Now get some more
water. Go to your inventory. Try to mix up things. Be careful not to combine
the oyesters with the knife. It might break it. You will notice that the silver
and the copper coins combine, but three more items are missing to form
something missing. Hmm, try more stuff. Hey, the lemon stuck in too! So we now
have Lemon + silver + copper + 2 missing. think of something that will form
something out of all this. Silver and copper can act as two electrodes in an
acidic lime medium! wow! Thats not rocket science. So it has to be a battery.
What else goes in? Try the medium bamboo coz its hollow and it can hold the
acidic contents. Plus we need a clean cloth for insulation. Wow, we have a
battery! Mina's Fone charges up instantaneously and now the encyclopedia is
active! But alas, she still can't call, coz theres no signal. Get another
clean cloth from the lake.

Now right there,At 21x, look to your right, see a wall? The crossed gear shows
up. Try using a knife, doesnt work. Umm...the axe? good idea.
Wow, the walls broken, now We can get in. No!, its too dark in there! Go back
to the Monkey at 27x. You need to heal it up before it can eat anything. Lets
start with Water + clean cloth = bandage, use it on the onkey! Its healing.
Use the medicinal herbs first in the fire to heat it up and then use it on the
monkey!. Yippie! The Monkey feels well enough to eat. You could also have used
straw + rope = cushion, on the monkey. Now give him fruits. Not all, Mind you
You will need some for later. Now Jep is fine and has already become Mina's
good friend. Now you will be able to use the Monkey to get to places where
Mina couldnt (remember all those "you need to be a monkey to get up there?"
murmurs?). Also the monkey can use a few items from the inventory like the

Mina and Jep have a good nights rest. They wake up to Mina's dreams and
screams . she dreams about Captain Nemo wanting a proper burial.

Now Go to the windmill 23x. To get the monkey trust you, use one of his own
kinds. so use Jep to convince him that Mina is trustworthy. Combine Jep with a
fruit, to make a present. Give it to the monkey on the tree. It accepts it and
stops holding the windmill. Now get inside the windmill. Mina will say
something about it being rusty. Combine Jep with the Fat from the seal and Use
it on the top part of the windmill. It starts rotating. Use some wheat in the
mill, to get some flour. You can use this flour to make a pie
( flour + water + fruit + egg + maple syrup = pie) . You still need to bake it.
Just use it in a fire.

There are a 100 ways of playing the game after this. Many are shorter ways and
some longer. I am just going by how I played it.

Now get to 17x. Remember the vine hanging from the tree? Get Jep a knife and
use him to cut it. Now Mina will make some rope ladders out of it.

Get to 14x. Use your knife to get the narcotic plant. Also combine Jep with the
ladder and use him on one of those poles. He will build a bridge. Now 14x is
no longer a dead end. Go to 15x. You see the same sulphur ponf on one side and
an aggressive monkey on the other. Oh before we move on, combine the foked
branch with the rubber to make a sling shot. Try it on the monkey. Doesnt work?
No!, need something else. In your inventory, read the description for the
bamboo. It reads that the bamboo makes a noise on heating which drives wild
animals away. So just drop a bamboo into the sulphur pond. Bam! the monkey
runs away. Now collect the cage, sulphur and the coal. Move further to 16x.
Collect some potash and iron sulphate. Return back to 2x. Remember the Ledge
where Captain Nemo was standing? Now Jep can get you there! But lets 1st get
the eggs from the nest Mina wasnt able to reach. Use Jep up there.

Stupid monkey drops the egg. But hey, you see a feather/quill come down. Grab
it. Now go to your inventory. Combine the porcupine quills with the feathers
you just got. You see a third item missing. Try the wicker from your inventory.
Works! you now have arrows. But wheres the bow? Hmm in your inventory, click on
the young palm tree. It says, it can be used to make a bow. Use your knife on
it. You have a bow handle and combine it with a rope, to make a bow. Combine
the bow with arrows to get a bow and arrows set. You can also use Jep to get a
coconut atop a tree near 9x, but its useless. Now the important part. Give Jep
a rope ladder and get him on the ledge above at 2x. Now you can use click the
rope ladder to get into a small cave called "the Granite house"(you are at 29x)

Grab the eggs, the mysterious key, a musical note and the diving suit. You will
also see Nemo's body lying there. So now you need a coffin.



30x 31x ---> 32x ---> 33x
^ | |
| v v
29x 34x 35x

Move to 31x. You cant go into the dark areas coz theres no light. So you cant
enter 30x or 36x yet. Go to 32x. Get the planks, iron filings, screw driver,
hammer, nails and the roll of wire. Also behind you is a trunk which will give
you shirts and some wicks.(Although you have everything needed to make a
candle, we will still wait till when the time is right)

Go to 34x. Grab a cannon, grab the barrel of damp hardened gunpowder. Get the
photos, read the book on the table. One side of the book gives you a note
written by Nemo, the other side gives you instructions on how to make various
items. Also take the rods and tube. There are some pictures on the walls.
Look at them. They give you some clues. Now go to 33x. Get the charcoal and the
steel chain. Move to 35x. Collect the boiler,tank and the heater. combine them
to make a sill. Use the sill over the iron plate kept over the fireplace.

Also collect the amadou in front of the fireplace. Combine the flint and the
knife to make a lighter and then the lighter, amadou and the wood to make a
fire inside the fireplace. We are out of fire producing sources. Now use one of
the cloth pieces inside the fire to get a potentially fire producing source.

Now heat some Iron sulphate inside the sill to make sulphuric acid. Also the
maple syrup to make some alcohol.

Now move over to Nemo's Body at 29x. Combine the hammer+nails+ planks = coffin.
Use the coffin on Nemo's body. Now use the puller on the body. The next picture
shows Nemo being buried. After the burial,you see Nemo's ghost bidding farewell
to Mina. He is standing by the small pond near 6x. If you already got the Giant
Oyester, this is not for you, but if you didnt yet, Nemo's ghost will call you
to the pond indicating he has a present for you and shows you the Giant oyester

You can use your knife on this oyester to get a pearl. Now you are all set to
return to the cave. But theres a monkey on the ledge that throws your rope down
and wouldnt let Jep put it back, so you have to find another route to the cave.
Rememeber one of the paintings in the granite house mentioning something about
Nemo's men lowering the lakes level, to build a cave into granite house and
then closing the back wall of the cave to protect themselves? And you actually
saw that back entrance right at 22x. So the back entrance might still come in

Now Look into your inventory. Do you see the wet seaweed you collected at the
beginning from 5x? Well, its not there in the inventory anymore? Well it is.
Its just become dry! look at the info. what does it say? that on burning it
produces soda. So lets burn it in the fire near 4x. Cool so now we have soda.
What about the soda? Well it says, it reacts with fat to produce glycerin. Lets
try it. Wow we got soap and some syrupy substance. Whats with this syrupy
substance? It says, it reacts with boiling water to make a wax like paste.

Whoa! wax!! hmm so candles, right? ofcoz. Boiling water. Do we have any? If we
have water just heat it in the fire and mix it with the paste. If not get it
from the lake and either boil it in the fire near the bellows or in the sulphur
ponds. Note, the boiling water becomes cold in some time, so immediately use it
for whatever you need. On combining boiling water with that paste we get
candle wax. We already had wicks from Nemo's cave. So use the wicks on the
candle wax to make some candles. Hey, we now have a light source! Ugh!too late.

So what? we have a backroute, right? I hope. Now looking back at the inventory
lets try to combine things up...looking at the info from the encyclopedia.

Hey the broken cage combines with the wicker to make a cage! It says it can be
used to trap any other animal but a monkey. What other animal did we see?umm..
Snake! Oh yea. So go back to 13x. Use the forked branch on the snake and use
the new cage on it. Now we have a snake trapped inside a cage.

Go to 22x. We now have the candle, Use it on to get inside 22x. Before that
you can go to the windmill and use the hardened barrel to get some gun powder.
Oh and we need some clay, for the bequerel battery remember?

So into 22x. And then further into 36x. Oh but heres another monkey!, what do
we do? hmm Well there are 3 ways! Use the snake in the care, or use the pie or
use the alcohol! the monkey is out of the way. Grab the gun and the nonworking
lamp. Go further down into 31x. Yaay, we are back in the cave and now we can
get into 30x coz theres lights!

Collect the sulphuric acid, projector, sulphur and the broken lamp. Use the
battery on the lamp and it lights up! combine the lens with the projector, lamp
and the photograpic sheets we found earlier in the cave, to make a projector
slide. Put it on the stool and project it on the board in front. Watch the
slides. They may contain hints. Now just right behind you, theres a big hole
in the floor with a ladder! Go down the ladder. you will hear sounds. dont pay
any heed. Go down and collect the air tank and the helmet. These look like
things from a diving suit. Combine the helmet, air tank, diving suit and a
charged lamp to form a diving suit. Also right behind you, or the ladder is
saltpeter! collect some. Try getting into the water. A shark comes in from
nowhere. So climb up the ladder real quick.

Go back to the sill at 35x. Combine sulpuric acid with saltpeter and use it in
the sill. Make sure the fire is burning otherwise it wont take the mixture.

So we now have nitric acid. Use the Nitric acid with the rods, clay and potash
to form a bequerel cell. Now use the iron filings with the gun and the powder
to make some ammo! Go down the ladder again. Collect some more saltpeter and
combine it with sulpur and charcoal to make some more gun powder(just to
increase points). Now keep the gun selected and click inside the water.

The shark will be on its way. Just aim at it with the gun. It will get injured
and run away. Now get into the water. Mina will come out next to a submarine
called Nautilus(1860). Get on top of the submarine. Disarm the gun and click on
the red button. A button stand will rise up. And suddenly there will be some
robots hovering around and Mina gets back into the water. Now arm urself again
and get inside the water. Come out near the submarine. Look at the robot doing
rounds upon the submarine. When it just passes the middle climb up real fast
and shoot the thruster (the green part) with your gun. The robot is destroyed.

Now you are alone. So play with the buttons. It tells you that you need a
mysterious key. You already have one. Clicking on the info for the key you
realise that the 4 crystals in it are useless and you need new ones. So pry
the inactive crystals out by combining the key with your screwdriver.

Now we have to look for 4 new crystals. Get to the cave again. Keep yourself
armed. You cant get out from 29x because theres a robot standing there! So use
the back entrance(22x). Theres a robot standing near the lake shore (21x).
Bring it down using ur gun. Collect the thruster and the Key. You can pry out
an active crystal from the key. You need 4 such keys,which means 4 such robots.

Now theres one standing near 17x. But you will have to go all around the
windmill via 18x and 24x and reach the windmill. Once there just blow the thing
up and get the thruster and the key.

Now head to 12x. Theres a robot between 12x and 14x. But you cant shoot from
12x. So we will have to go all around from 12x to 13x to 14x and gun down the

Ok so we are done with robots on the upper part. We still need one crystal.
How do we get it? Maybe there are some more robots on the lower area. Lets go
back to the inventory. We can make a dynamite! now lets go to 11x.

Whoa! lasers! There are two ways of getting past this. The simple way is use
Jep with the dynamite and blow up the BOX. 2) Use Jep with the Screwdriver and
solve the puzzle.

The Puzzle might look difficult but its actually very simple, All you have to
do is make sure all the green lights are on. But how? Well, make sure that each
light has in some way a connection to the central ending node! Just play with
the red buttons. And you will get it.

My combination was

v < > < >


Well I hope decoding the above signs isnt another puzzle for u guys.hehe...

Its the Direction the tip is pointing. If you have trouble Deciphering it, just
go to .

So now the Lasers are off, We go further down and see another robot, albeit its
broken. Mina doesnt want to destroy it instead she wants to decode it and get
the stuff out. Alrighty, we try to decode it.

So you racked you brains enuff? Well its the 1st puzzle, so decoding it should
be that much easier. Just remember all the puzzles have to do with the word

The way to go about any combination puzzle is just put a single number for all
letters. So say we have A U L S ...well just mash a single number for all
of them , hmm, say 3 3 3 3 . Now If you are lucky it will show up a green on
one of them. Just remember the corresponding Number and letter. So in this case
its U = 3. Do the same again for another letter, make sure u dont put 3's coz
its already known for U. Say you get A=2. So A=2 , U=3 , T=4 .....sounds like a
series... Could it be

N =1 A=2 U=3 T=4 I=5 L=6 U S=8

Now since we alreday have U=3, we cant have U=7. Also to make up for that
extra U , they have put in another letter V. remember V =0

So the sequence is N=1 A=2 U=3 T=4 I=5 L=6 S=8 V=0

Wow you cracked this one too! The thruster comes off and the key falls off.
Grab them.

Now you have 4 keys.. so 4 crystals. Return back to the Nautilus. Combine all
the 4 crystals with the Key and vallah! you have a new key! Use the Key on the
Key slot.

Uff, it opens up another puzzle! Now lets try our hand at this one. This one is
slightly difficult than the first one. Go by the same method. Mash a single
digit for all the 4 cells. So if we have 0 1 3 9 and we plug in 9 9 9 9
say we get a green light for the 2nd cell. So we write down 1 = 9. But what if
the combination is different for all cells, say 1=9 for the 2nd cell but 1#9
for the 3rd? So lets just put 1=9 for the 2nd. Similarly if we get 6 = 6 for
the last cell. Try to find out 2 combinations for each cell. Rack your brains
and come up with a solution. Here is mine

[x] [x] [x] [x]

x | x | x | x
0=1 | 0=8 | 0=6 | 0=0
1=2 | 1=9 | 1=7 | 1=1
2=3 | 2=0 | 2=8 | 2=2
3=4 | 3=1 | 3=9 | 3=3
4=5 | 4=2 | 4=0 | 4=4
: | : | : | :
: | : | : | :
: | : | : | :

I hope you can figure it out. Well If you really observe CLosely, all the 0's
correspond to the number 1 9 8 0 . So just Add 1980 to the number you see.

Anyways. The Puzzle is over. You get all the green lights and the door to
Nautilus opens up! Go downstairs to find urself trapped behind cage.
Beyound the caged door you will see a lever. But you cant reach it. So combine
Jep with a thruster and send him to the lever on the right side wall.
The door opens and you can move inside. I am still wondering what to do with
the wire on the ground. Anways, move further. But you cant move down because
of a broken bridge. Think of something to get the bridge up again. Try a couple
of thrusters. There you go! Go down and you will find yourself "puzzled" again!

This ones tough! But not really. If you are observant enough this one has to
be the easiest puzzle of the game!

So this one has 2 combinations and both have to be supplied and matched by us..
so lets try our age old technique.

Put same numbers on the top cell. say 1 1 1 1. As for the bottom cell, the
letters are so random, its difficult to strike up a combo. But look closely.
For each set of letters there is only a single letter contained in the word
NAUTILUS. So you will have all combinations like

x v b m | f j l p
s d f y | m w q x

In the 1st one, the odd man out is S, because its contained in the word
NAUTILU'S' and same with the 2nd combo NAUTI'L'US. So the lower section is
cut out, you know what letter to select. Just try single letter combos for the
upper cells. Green lights indicate you are right. It wont take you long to
realise that the combination is actually the number 1 8 6 0 , which is the same
as the year on the NAUTILUS. All green lights come up? yeah! the door opens up!
Another robot. But this one assumes that Mina is Nemo and Mina plays along.

Look around the room, you cant take anything except a pearl under the couch.
Also on the left is a locker, with a combination. Just play with the figures
on it to get a Central N enclosed in a cicle. You can find it here .

Now Go over to the robot and ask him to deactivate the shield. It will ask for
proper identification, which will involve answering 7 questions right with an
error scope of 2 questions, on which Mina will be eliminated. Just look around
the room for clues.

Some of the questions asked are

1) twinklings stars... growing arms --- answer: starfish
2) creatures adorning the wall..nose shape like a wall : swordfish
3) creature only drink water doesnt eat anything : sponge
4) silvery substance, Weighs the invisible, helps sailors .... : mercury
5) misty clouds.... : storm glass
6) Measures distance and time : chronometer
7) follows the sun,...tells sailors where they are : sextant
8) four wings : dragonfly
9) Beech, maple.... , newest here: the club
10) Nemo's most expensive possession : Family portratit
11) vernes correspondence : stack of navy letters kept in the safe.
12) creature has saved many sailors : dolphin
13 ) ivory... deadly...killed too many. : shark teeth.
14) brightest pearl: blue pearl in wine red case
15) lives graceful as its compatriot on the surface...,misses
two legs.. : sea horse
16) the spaniards stole it ... : aztec scepter

These questions should get you through. Once answered right the Robot will
deactivate the shield and Mina's fone will start working. She talked to her
mom and they get her some help... and shes taken off the Mysterious Island.

There are many other ways of completing the game, this is the easiest, because
the other one involves musical notes, which I have no clue how to read.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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