Empire Earth

Empire Earth

17.10.2013 23:43:12
_______ .___ ___. .______ __ .______ _______
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| __| | |\/| | | ___/ | | | / | __|
| |____ | | | | | | | | | |\ \----.| |____
|_______||__| |__| | _| |__| | _| `._____||_______|

_______ ___ .______ .___________. __ __
| ____| / \ | _ \ | || | | |
| |__ / ^ \ | |_) | `---| |----`| |__| |
| __| / /_\ \ | / | | | __ |
| |____ / _____ \ | |\ \-. | | | | | |
|_______/__/ \__\ | _| `.__| |__| |__| |__|

____ _ ____ _ ____ _
/ ___| _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ / ___(_)_ __ | _ \ __ _| |_ __ _
| | | | | / __| __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ | | | \ \ / / | | | |/ _` | __/ _` |
| |__| |_| \__ \ || (_) | | | | | | | |___| |\ V / | |_| | (_| | || (_| |
\____\__,_|___/\__\___/|_| |_| |_| \____|_| \_/ |____/ \__,_|\__\__,_|

By Oblivion
oblivion_ee hotmail.com

Version: 3.6

This is the custom civilization data you can use to modify custom
civilizations which allows you to optimize them in any way you wish.

If you intend to fulfil hexing civilizations, you should save this document
and open it in Notepad so you can carry out the quizzes and other tasks.

0. - *Table of Contents*

0. Table of Contents
1. Why should I create my civs with a hex editor?
2. FAQ Update History
3. Warning regarding hexadecimal editing
4. Download a Free Hexadecimal Editor!
5. Instructions
6. Cheating with Hex Civs (NOPE)
7. Civilization Bonuses Data Table
8. Examples and Quizzes
9. Answers to Examples and Quizzes
10. I'm still stuck, what shall I do?
11. Credits
12. Copyright Notice

1. - *Why should I create my civs with a hex editor? (WSICMCWAE?)*

The main reasons are:
- It's more reliable than using the in-built game custom civ maker.
- It's much easier, it offers full customizable civ making.
- You can edit your civ whilst having Empire Earth running.
- Many experts use this method because it's far more efficient.

Other reasons:
- You can edit or create civilizations without even having Empire Earth
- You can edit/trade your civilizations with your buddies.
- It can be fun learning how a small portion of the game works.
- You learn the basics of how to edit hexadecimals, whilst having fun.
- Because I'd like you to. :-) Which is why I made the guide.
- Something to do in your meaningless life.
- For the sake of it.

2. - *FAQ Update History*

+ Newbie's can even try doing this | + Fixed the uneven ASCII titles
thanks to the instructions and | + Added the missing bonuses to the
improved layout of the table. | table.
+ Updated the Copyright and WSIMCMCWAE | + Added the "Hey, I'm going to cheat"
| section.

-What's new in 2.1?------------------------------------------------------------

+ Added tasks and example civs under | + Corrected a few mistakes.
the table. | + Instructions improved.
+ Added hex editor details (to make | + EXAMPLES AND QUIZZES section added
sure you get the right one) | for beginners.

-What's new in 3.0?-(30th-April-2005)------------------------------------------

+ Empire Earth: Art of Conquest | + Correct several minor errors.
Special Power Data Table added! :) | + Pointed out that the latest version
+ Added Empire Earth ASCII. | is always on GameFaqs.com server.

-What's new in 3.1?-(04th-July-2005)-------------------------------------------

+ Modified/improved format of tables. | + Fixed some very bad mistakes.
+ Updated some articles. |
+ Grammar/spellings corrected. |

-What's new in 3.2?-(27th-September-2005)--------------------------------------

+ Reorganised updates section so it's | + Corrected stupid grammar mistakes.
smaller. | + Tables spacing is updated for
+ Added the EXAM, good if your a | easier reading.
beginner at editing civs. | + Many other updates!

-What's new in 3.3?-(04th-October-2005)----------------------------------------

+ There's 23 special powers in the | + All title words now start in upper
table, not 19! (stupid mistake!) :( | case.

-What's new in 3.4?-(27th-October-2005)----------------------------------------

+ We now know what the first 4 bytes | + Added some indents, generally
of .civ files are thanks to barkin. | made things more neat.

-What's new in 3.5?-(04th-August-2007)-----------------------------------------

Oh wow an update after over two years? I felt an update was needed because 6
hex codes were incorrect, and that is the main purpose of this guide.

+ All codes hex codes now verified. | + Fixed 6 incorrect hex codes in the
+ Tweaked table layout. | 'Cybers - Combat' class.
+ Fixed and adjusted a few things here | + Added section '10. I'm still stuck,
and there. | what shall I do?' for newbies who
+ Added section '11. Credits'. | are undoubtively still struggling.
+ Made guide generally more newbie | + Added link to civ scanner tool.
friendly. (again) | + Removed obsolete spaces.

-What's new in 3.6?-(09th-August-2007)-----------------------------------------

+ Added the 12 remaining Space Fighters and Spaceships bonuses that are only
available in the art of conquest expansion. So table was slightly modified.
+ Improved introduction text.

3. - *Warning Regarding Hexadecimal Editing*

If you attempt to create a custom civ from scratch, you run the risk of
messing up your PC, game or scenarios beyond repair. Use at your own risk. I
shall not be liable in any way for loss or damage of any kind resulting from
using the information contained in this document, this includes loss of
goodwill, game stoppage, game failure or any other type of malfunction.

Even though I've never experienced any problems/errors creating OR editing
my Civs, I cannot be held responsible in ANY way if you end up damaging your
pc/game or anything related to it. As far as I know, a lot of people do this
without encountering any problems at all. You shouldn't either as long as you
do it correctly.

4. - *Download a Free Hexadecimal Editor!*

1. You'll need a hex editor before doing anything else!
A free hex editor can be found at:
Direct download link:
|Info about XVI32 2.51 |
|(C) 2002 Christian Maas |
|chmaas[at]handshake.de |
|www.chmaas.handshake.de |

For a full list of hex editors see:

For help on using the Hex Editor go to - C:\Program Files\Hex Editor\XVI32U.HLP

5. - *Instructions*

When you've got your free hex editor working;

2. Open up one of your pre-made Custom Civilizations e.g. Swordsman.civ
from the following folder:

C:\Sierra\Empire Earth\Users\default\Civilizations

If your editing an expansion Custom Civ, use folder:

C:\Sierra\Empire Earth - The Art of Conquest\Users\default\Civilizations

3. When you've opened your civ, you will see many numbers and letters

Refer to B |bonuses
__|__ ____civ name___ |amount
| | | | |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|?| | | |S|w|o|r|d|s|m|a|n|?|

Refer to B____________________________________________________________________
The first 4 bytes are an integer value, which tells the game how long your
civ name is (and thus where the name stops and where the bonuses start).
So for instance if you civ is called "HelloWorld" (10 bytes) then your file
would start with: 0A|00|00|00 (notice that the number 10 is represented in hex
as "0A"). - Contributed by barkin (barkin sympatico.ca)

civ name______________________________________________________________________
This is the name which is shown when you load the civilization, this name
is not used when you pick the civilization. When you pick the civilization the
names which are used are the actual files names of the civ file.

bonuses amount________________________________________________________________
This tells the game how many bonuses you have, for example if I selected 5
bonuses this number would be 05. You will only need to change this if you
delete or add extra bonuses. It is always placed straight after the name so
don't accidentally delete it.

All numbers you see after these 3 groups are your bonuses, your bonuses are
always separated by 4 bytes ( |00|00| ) and the last bonus always has 4
bytes ( |00|00| ) left over.

-What order are the bonuses in?
The bonuses are in the order of which you picked them, so if you pick a
tank bonus, then a bombers bonus, the tank bonus will be the first bonus when
viewed in the hex editor.

Now open up a one of your civilizations, select the bonus you want to overwrite
use the table to find out which bonus is what, then just type the new number in

When you are done hit save.

Here is a helpful tool to detect if you have any duplicate bonuses:


Please note, if the file has not been downloaded in at least x days from the
location it gets deleted. So to keep the downloads available please download
from all the locations. Thank you.

6. - *Cheating with Hex Civs* (NOPE)

You cannot cheat by adding extra bonuses, if you overspend your 100
civilization points the game will simply not load the bonuses which you can't
afford,a nd you'll end up with a crappy civilization.

Also if you hack the civilization (this can also done with a trainer) into
tricking the game that you haven't overspent your points, you will get a
message like this:

"Player 'YOURNAME' has a civilization named 'YOURCIVNAME.CIV' which is not
compatible with the server's ('YOURNAME')."
And your civilization will not load, at all.

So, don't even try it... Though it is rumoured that you can overspend your
100 points and play other players without that message being displayed, note
the word "rumoured". If this is possible, then it is likely that you can only
do it when you are the host. If anyone has any details on how to do this, drop
me an email.

Name of Unit Class |Cost| Bonus Effect | Hex Code|
Aircraft - Bombers | 5 | 20% Area Damage | C801 |
Aircraft - Bombers | 2 | 20% Attack | C101 |
Aircraft - Bombers | 1 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF01 |
Aircraft - Bombers | 6 | 20% Cost Reduction | D701 |
Aircraft - Bombers | 3 | 20% Flight Time | C701 |
Aircraft - Bombers | 2 | 25% Hit Points | C201 |
Aircraft - Bombers | 2 | 20% Speed | C601 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 2 | 20% Attack | 8100 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 1 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 8F00 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 6 | 20% Cost Reduction | 9700 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 3 | 20% Flight Time | 8700 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 2 | 25% Hit Points | 8200 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 3 | 20% Range | 8500 |
Aircraft - Fighters | 2 | 20% Speed | 8600 |
Aircraft - Helicopters | 2 | 20% Attack | 0102 |
Aircraft - Helicopters | 1 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 0F02 |
Aircraft - Helicopters | 6 | 20% Cost Reduction | 1702 |
Aircraft - Helicopters | 2 | 25% Hit Points | 0202 |
Aircraft - Helicopters | 3 | 20% Range | 0502 |
Aircraft - Helicopters | 2 | 20% Speed | 0602 |
Archers - Foot | 2 | 20% Armor | 4400 |
Archers - Foot | 4 | 20% Attack | 4100 |
Archers - Foot | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F00 |
Archers - Foot | 8 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5700 |
Archers - Foot | 4 | 25% Hit Points | 4200 |
Archers - Foot | 5 | 20% Range | 4500 |
Archers - Foot | 4 | 20% Speed | 4600 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 2 | 20% Armor | C404 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 4 | 20% Attack | C104 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF04 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 8 | 20% Cost Reduction | D704 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 4 | 25% Hit Points | C204 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 5 | 20% Range | C504 |
Cavalry - Ranged | 4 | 20% Speed | C604 |
Cavalry - Spear (Melee) | 2 | 20% Armor | 8405 |
Cavalry - Spear (Melee) | 3 | 20% Attack | 8105 |
Cavalry - Spear (Melee) | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 8F05 |
Cavalry - Spear (Melee) | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 9705 |
Cavalry - Spear (Melee) | 3 | 25% Hit Points | 8205 |
Cavalry - Spear (Melee) | 3 | 20% Speed | 8605 |
Cavalry - Sword | 2 | 20% Armor | 4401 |
Cavalry - Sword | 3 | 20% Attack | 4101 |
Cavalry - Sword | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F01 |
Cavalry - Sword | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5701 |
Cavalry - Sword | 3 | 25% Hit Points | 4201 |
Cavalry - Sword | 3 | 20% Speed | 4601 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 1 | 30% Attack | 0101 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 20 | 10% Build Time Decrease | 0F01 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 25 | 20% Cost Reduction | 1701 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 3 | 30% Hit Points | 0201 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 2 | 35% Range | 0501 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 4 | 20% Speed | 0601 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 3 | 20% Attack | C100 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 4 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF00 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 11 | 15% Cost Reduction | D700 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 11 | 50% Hit Points | C200 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 4 | 20% Range | C500 |
Civ - Economy | 9 | 20% Farming | 0C06 |
Civ - Economy | 9 | 20% Fishing | 1106 |
Civ - Economy | 11 | 15% Gold Mining | 0B06 |
Civ - Economy | 11 | 20% Hunting and Foraging | 0906 |
Civ - Economy | 11 | 15% Iron Mining | 0E06 |
Civ - Economy | 9 | 15% Stone Mining | 0D06 |
Civ - Economy | 13 | 15% Wood Cutting | 0A06 |
Civ - General | 10 | 50% Conversion Resistance | 1000 |
Civ - General | 4 | 20% Mountain Combat Bonus | 1400 |
Civ - General | 9 | 15% Population Cap | 1500 |
Cybers - Combat | 2 | 20% Armor | C402 |
Cybers - Combat | 4 | 20% Attack | C102 |
Cybers - Combat | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF02 |
Cybers - Combat | 9 | 20% Cost Reduction | D702 |
Cybers - Combat | 4 | 25% Hit Points | C202 |
Cybers - Combat | 4 | 20% Range | C502 |
Cybers - Combat | 4 | 20% Speed | C602 |
Cybers - Ultra | 1 | 20% Armor | 8404 |
Cybers - Ultra | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 8F04 |
Cybers - Ultra | 5 | 20% Cost Reduction | 9704 |
Cybers - Ultra | 2 | 25% Hit Points | 8204 |
Cybers - Ultra | 2 | 20% Speed | 8604 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 2 | 20% Armor | C405 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 4 | 20% Attack | C105 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF05 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 8 | 20% Cost Reduction | D705 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 4 | 25% Hit Points | C205 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 5 | 20% Range | C505 |
Field Cannon and Anti-Tank Guns | 4 | 20% Speed | C605 |
Infantry - Ranged | 3 | 20% Armor | 8402 |
Infantry - Ranged | 5 | 20% Attack | 8102 |
Infantry - Ranged | 4 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 8F02 |
Infantry - Ranged | 9 | 20% Cost Reduction | 9702 |
Infantry - Ranged | 5 | 25% Hit Points | 8202 |
Infantry - Ranged | 6 | 20% Range | 8502 |
Infantry - Ranged | 5 | 20% Speed | 8602 |
Infantry - Spear(Melee) | 2 | 20% Armor | 4405 |
Infantry - Spear(Melee) | 3 | 25% Attack | 4105 |
Infantry - Spear(Melee) | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F05 |
Infantry - Spear(Melee) | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5705 |
Infantry - Spear(Melee) | 3 | 20% Hit Points | 4205 |
Infantry - Spear(Melee) | 3 | 20% Speed | 4605 |
Infantry - Sword | 2 | 20% Armor | 4402 |
Infantry - Sword | 3 | 25% Attack | 4102 |
Infantry - Sword | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F02 |
Infantry - Sword | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5702 |
Infantry - Sword | 3 | 20% Hit Points | 4202 |
Infantry - Sword | 3 | 20% Speed | 4602 |
Religion - Priests | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 0F03 |
Religion - Priests | 4 | 20% Cost Reduction | 1703 |
Religion - Priests | 2 | 20% Hit Points | 0203 |
Religion - Priests | 4 | 20% Range | 0503 |
Religion - Priests | 2 | 20% Speed | 0603 |
Religion - Prophets | 1 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F03 |
Religion - Prophets | 3 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5703 |
Religion - Prophets | 2 | 20% Hit Points | 4203 |
Religion - Prophets | 4 | 20% Range | 4503 |
Religion - Prophets | 2 | 20% Speed | 4603 |
Ships - Battleships and Carriers | 3 | 20% Attack | 8103 |
Ships - Battleships and Carriers | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 8F03 |
Ships - Battleships and Carriers | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 9703 |
Ships - Battleships and Carriers | 3 | 25% Hit Points | 8203 |
Ships - Battleships and Carriers | 4 | 20% Range | 8503 |
Ships - Battleships and Carriers | 3 | 20% Speed | 8603 |
Ships - Frigates and Cruisers | 3 | 20% Attack | 0104 |
Ships - Frigates and Cruisers | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 0F04 |
Ships - Frigates and Cruisers | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 1704 |
Ships - Frigates and Cruisers | 3 | 25% Hit Points | 0204 |
Ships - Frigates and Cruisers | 4 | 20% Range | 0504 |
Ships - Frigates and Cruisers | 3 | 20% Speed | 0604 |
Ships - Galleys, Transports, & Subs | 3 | 20% Attack | 0105 |
Ships - Galleys, Transports, & Subs | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 0F05 |
Ships - Galleys, Transports, & Subs | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 1705 |
Ships - Galleys, Transports, & Subs | 3 | 25% Hit Points | 0205 |
Ships - Galleys, Transports, & Subs | 4 | 20% Range | 0505 |
Ships - Galleys, Transports, & Subs | 3 | 20% Speed | 0605 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 5 | 20% Area Damage | C803 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 1 | 20% Armor | C403 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 2 | 25% Attack | C103 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 1 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF03 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 3 | 20% Cost Reduction | D703 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 2 | 30% Hit Points | C203 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 2 | 20% Range | C503 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 2 | 25% Rate of Fire | C303 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 2 | 20% Speed | C603 |
Space Fighters | 4 | 20% Attack | 8106 |
Space Fighters | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 8F06 |
Space Fighters | 8 | 20% Cost Reduction | 9706 |
Space Fighters | 4 | 25% Hit Points | 8206 |
Space Fighters | 5 | 20% Range | 8506 |
Space Fighters | 4 | 20% Speed | 8606 |
Spaceships | 4 | 25% Attack | 4106 |
Spaceships | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F06 |
Spaceships | 8 | 30% Cost Reduction | 5706 |
Spaceships | 4 | 25% Hit Points | 4206 |
Spaceships | 5 | 20% Range | 4506 |
Spaceships | 4 | 25% Speed | 4606 |
Tanks | 3 | 10% Armor | 4404 |
Tanks | 4 | 20% Attack | 4104 |
Tanks | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F04 |
Tanks | 8 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5704 |
Tanks | 4 | 25% Hit Points | 4204 |
Tanks | 5 | 20% Range | 4504 |
Tanks | 4 | 20% Speed | 4604 |
| | 149 EE bonuses in total |
Special Powers for Art of Conquest | | 12 AoC bonuses in total |
| | 161 EE and AoC bonuses in total |
Name of Special Power |Cost| Epoch(s) available in | Hex Code |
Adaptation | 15 | Epochs: 3-15 | F906 |
Advanced Mining | 25 | Epochs: all | EF06 |
Bundeswehr | 5 | Epochs: 9-12 | F206 |
Camouflage | 25 | Epochs: all | F106 |
Cloaking | 25 | Epochs: all | F806 |
Conquistadors | 5 | Epochs: 7-9 | FB06 |
Crusaders | 15 | Epochs: 4-7 | E906 |
Cyber Ninja | 15 | Epochs: 15 only | F606 |
Emissaries | 20 | Epochs: all | EB06 |
Expansionism | 30 | Epochs: all | FA06 |
Exploration | 5 | Epochs: all | EC06 |
Fanaticism | 15 | Epochs: all | EA06 |
Flaming Arrow | 25 | Epochs: 3-7 | E606 |
Insurance | 20 | Epochs: all | ED06 |
Just In Time Manufacturing | 20 | Epochs: all | FC06 |
Market | 20 | Epochs: 10-15 | F506 |
Metallurgy | 30 | Epochs: all | EE06 |
Missile Base | 15 | Epochs: 13-15 | F706 |
Path Finding | 15 | Epochs: 11-15 | F406 |
Paratroopers | 25 | Epochs: all | F006 |
Priest Towers | 30 | Epochs: all | E806 |
S.A.S. Commando | 15 | Epochs: 10-15 | F306 |
Slavery | 10 | Epochs: all | E706 |
Table is copyright 2005 Oblivion | 23 powers in total |
| 184 bonuses and powers from AoC and EE |

To do these Save the document, and open it in notepad or wordpad.

You should know the answers to these questions before trying to edit civs.

Q1. What is the hex code for civ bonus "Infantry - Ranged | 20% Armor"?

Q2. Does 00 always go BEFORE or AFTER the rest civ bonus code?

Q3. Does it matter which order you put the civ bonuses in?

Q4. Is it easier to build a civ from scratch, or make one in EE and edit it?

Q5. Can I cheat using hexadecimal edited civs?

Q6. Can I put more than one of the same bonus in my civ?

Q7. How can I work out the name of the civilization with just the code?

Q8. Who made this guide, and how can I contact him?

Q9. I'm still having trouble, what should I do?

For answers see bottom of guide.


Here is full example with details included:
|00|00|00|14|00|00|00|84|02|00|00| | | | | | | | | | | |

Civ Name: All Rounder
Name of Unit Class |Cost| Bonus Effect | Hex Code|
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 20 | 10% Build Time Decrease | 0F01 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 25 | 20% Cost Reduction | 1701 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 4 | 20% Speed | 0601 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 11 | 15% Cost Reduction | D700 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 4 | 20% Range | C500 |
Civ - Economy | 11 | 20% Hunting and Foraging | 0906 |
Civ - General | 4 | 20% Mountain Combat Bonus | 1400 |
Civ - General | 9 | 15% Population Cap | 1500 |
Infantry - Ranged | 3 | 20% Armor | 8402 |
1. Find the name of the civilization in the code.
2. Match each bonuses hex code into the hex code of the file above.


See the Hex Editor help file at- C:\Program Files\Hex Editor\XVI32U.HLP

Here is a civilization for you to decipher, its called "Middle Age" and of
course it contains Middle Age Epoch bonuses. Workout where all the bonuses are,
then check what each one is by using the table. Hotkey Ctrl+F.
Remember, always ignore the first box (0A).
|00|00|42|02|00|00|15|00|00|00|D7|03|00|00|C8|03|00|00| | | | |

Use the above table to find out what each bonus is.
Here I'll start you off: (to type here, save the document and open in notepad)

Name of Unit Class |Cost| Bonus Effect | Hex Code|
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 4 | 20% Speed | 0601 |

Hint: There are 11 bonuses in total, and 10 for you to find!

1. Find each bonus, in the hex code of the file, then find the bonus
name and copy it into the list until you have all 11 bonuses.


When you've completed the above tasks, a more difficult one is below:
|04|00|00|4F|04|00|00|45|04|00|00|CF|03|00|00|C8|03|00|00| | | |

1. Find the Civ name.
2. Find every hex bonus, and what bonus is what.
3. Paste every bonus into the gap below.

Working out the name of the civ will help you, to work out the name, type
the code into your hex editor, and in the right column will appear the text.
Good Luck! (to type here, save the document and open in notepad)
Paste the bonuses you find here:
Name of Unit Class |Cost| Bonus Effect | Hex Code|


If you've completed both tasks successfully, then you should now be able to
create your own expert custom civilizations!
Remember, its much quicker and easier to edit an already made civ, similar to
what you want already.

9. - *ANSWERS TO EXAM and QUIZZES* (To check your answers)

A l l R o u n d e r (located near start of code)
Cant explain this as it's too simple..

Name of Unit Class |Cost| Bonus Effect | Hex Code|
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 4 | 20% Speed | 0601 |
Citizens and Fishing Boats | 20 | 10% Build Time Decrease | 0F01 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 11 | 15% Cost Reduction | D700 |
Civ - Economy | 11 | 15% Iron Mining | 0E06 |
Infantry - Sword | 7 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5702 |
Infantry - Sword | 2 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F02 |
Infantry - Sword | 3 | 20% Hit Points | 4202 |
Infantry - Sword | 3 | 20% Speed | 4602 |
Civ - General | 9 | 15% Population Cap | 1500 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 3 | 20% Cost Reduction | D703 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 5 | 20% Area Damage | C803 |

10 bonuses
____________M__o__d__e__r__n_____A__g__e_____S__h__i__t__ v _____
Civ Name: Modern Age Shit
Name of Unit Class |Cost| Bonus Effect | Hex Code|
Civ - Economy | 11 | 15% Iron Mining | 0E06 |
Civ - Economy | 13 | 15% Wood Cutting | 0A06 |
Tanks | 8 | 20% Cost Reduction | 5704 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 11 | 15% Cost Reduction | D700 |
Civ - Buildings, Walls, and Towers | 4 | 20% Range | C500 |
Tanks | 4 | 20% Speed | 4604 |
Tanks | 3 | 30% Build Time Decrease | 4F04 |
Tanks | 5 | 20% Range | 4504 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 1 | 30% Build Time Decrease | CF03 |
Siege Weapons and Mobile AA | 5 | 20% Area Damage | C803 |


Q1. What is the hex code for civ bonus Infantry - Ranged | 20% Armor?
A1. Using the table above in the guide we can see it is "8402".

Q2. Does 00 always go BEFORE or AFTER the rest civ bonus code?
A2. ALWAYS after, check the Aircraft - Fighter codes in the table. There isn't
a single bonus which starts with 00. The only one that comes close is
Civ - General - 50% Conversion Resistance which has code "1000".

Q3. Does it matter which order you put the civ bonuses in?
A3. Nope, put tank bonuses first and aircraft after, they'll still load no
matter which order you put them in.

Q4. Is it easier to build a civ from scratch, or make one in EE and edit it?
A4. ALWAYS edit one you've made in the ee civ editor, it's MUCH easier!

Q5. Can I cheat using hexadecimal edited civs?
A5. No, see section '6. - *Cheating with Hex Civs* (NOPE)'.

Q6. Can I put more than one of the same bonus in my civ?
A6. Yes, you can increase the speed of your citizens TWICE by simply replacing
two bonuses with the citizen speed bonus. This can be done with any bonus
of your choosing!

Q7. How can I work out the name of the civilization with just the hex code?
A7. Easy, just type or replace the code into the hex editor and it should
appear on the right as letters. E.g.: a = 61, b = 62, c = 63, A = 41.
Keep in mind they are case sensitive!

Q8. Who made this guide, and how can I contact this person?
A8. Me, Oblivion. Via email - oblivion_ee hotmail.com

Q9. I'm still having trouble, what should I do?
A9. Read section '10. - *I'm still stuck what should I do?*'.

10. - *I'm Still Stuck What Should I Do?*

Wow, you are still stuck and I assume you have read this entire guide at
least twice. You are either very young, very stupid, very lazy or several of
those. However, as I am such a nice person this section has been made just for
you kind of people.

a) Visit Youtube.com and search Empire Earth, there are literally dozens of
videos about it there. This user seems to have uploaded most of them:
Make sure you watch ALL of them and read descriptions for help.

b) Ask in forums, chat rooms and online for help. (Don't ask me)

c) Ask a friend, a relative who has a some clue about computers, so you don't
go asking for your granny for help, keep asking/nagging these people it
they help you. Persistence pays off.

d) Search the internet for other tutorials about hex editing and read them.

e) If you have honestly reached this point and done absolutely everything then
I really don't know what to say.

11. - *Credits*

Me - for creating the guide
Stainless Steel Studios - for creating Empire Earth
Mad Doc Software - for creating Empire Earth Xpack
Sierra - for publishing Empire Earth & Xpack
Rick Goodman - for playing a major part in EE's creation
CJayC - for having this guide on GameFAQS

barkin - telling me some vital .civ information
Christian Maas - for making such an excellent free hex editor
uberswampmonsta - for helping newbies carry out civ editing


You can freely distribute the DOCUMENT, provided that:
(a) you DO NOT charge, or ask for donations, for this.
(b) you DO NOT distribute it with any other product, commercial or not,
without prior written permission.
(c) ALL of the document are to be remained unmodified and untouched.
The document MUST remain in its ORIGINAL text form.
(d) this document must NOT be used in any illegal activities of any kind.

Latest version will ALWAYS be located on the GameFaqs.com server.
All my guides - http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/49375.html

These hexadecimal codes are NOT mine, they are property of Stainless Steel
Everything in this document EXCEPT the hexadecimal codes "4604", "C303" etc are
my property and has been fully written by me, this includes all of the table,
instructions, all the ASCII, and all the text within the document.
End of Document - By now you should he a hexing h@x0r 1337 guru. ;)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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