Impossible Creatures

Impossible Creatures

16.10.2013 15:57:29
Impossible Creatures
Version 1.00

Copyright 2004 Wood Elf
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1.00 Walkthrough
1.01 Mission 1 (MSON1)
1.02 Mission 2 (MSON2)
1.03 Mission 3 (MSON3)
1.04 Mission 4 (MSON4)
1.05 Mission 5 (MSON5)
1.06 Mission 6 (MSON6)
1.07 Mission 7 (MSON7)
1.08 Mission 8 (MSON8)
1.09 Mission 9 (MSON9)
1.10 Mission 10 (MSN10)
1.11 Mission 11 (MSN11)
1.12 Mission 12 (MSN12)
1.13 Mission 13 (MSN13)
1.14 Mission 14 (MSN14)
1.15 Mission 15 (MSN15)
2.00 Buildings (Bldings)
3.00 Upgrades (Upgds)
4.00 Creatures
4.01 Normal Creatures (Ctrs)
4.02 Insect Invasion Creatures (InsctC)
5.00 Creature Abilities
5.01 Normal Abilities (Abty)
5.02 Insect Invasion Abilities (InsctA)
6.00 Cheats (Chts)
7.00 Versions
8.00 Credits and Thanks
9.00 FAQs

1.00 Walkthrough

Mission 1 - Exile (MSON1)

Have Lucy start gathering Coal
Gather Genetic Material from at least 2 creatures
Take Rex to the village
Have Lucy build a Creature Chamber
Destroy all creatures on the island

Secondary Objectives:
Research Level 2 at the Lab
Collect the Coyote
Collect the Porcupine
Collect the Mountain Lion
Collect the Skunk

Creature Update:
Mountain Lion + Coyote
Head: C
Front Legs: ML
Torso: ML
Hind Legs: ML
Tail: C

Coyote + Porcupine
Head: P
Front Legs: P
Torso: P
Hind Legs: C
Tail: C

Once you start, make Lucy start gathering coal since it does not matter if the
lab is hurt. Take Rex and go to the south of your base, there is normally a
coyote there. To the north is a mountain lion, get his DNA also. Along the way
to the village look for a porcupine.

Once you reach the village, you will see they have set fires to hold enemy
creatures at bay. After some dialogue from Lucy and Rex, send Lucy to build a
Creature Chamber.

This will be your basic creatures for this level. Once you can, start
researching Level 2. If you do not, you will not be able to get your
creatures. Send Rex to the north of the village to collect the skunk. Once
Level 2 is done, start building about 5 of each creature. Once you have about
3 of each, the fires will die out.

The creatures will charge toward your base so just wait for them to come. Once
they are dead, go past where the fires where with Lucy along with them.


Mission 2 - Renewal (MSON2)
Take Rex to the fuel depo
Take Rex and the henchmen back to the lab and deliver the fuel
Use Lucy to capture the genetic amplifier technology
Destroy the enemy base

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Wolf
Collect the Lemming

Creature Update:
Mountain Lion + Coyote
Head: C
Front Legs: ML
Torso: ML
Hind Legs: ML
Tail: C

Lemming + Porcupine
Head: P
Front Legs: L
Torso: P
Hind Legs: P
Tail: L

Once you start, send Rex up north and collect the lemming and start up Level 2
research. Once it's done start queuing up some critters. Once the wave of
enemy creatures is done, send Rex up to the fuel depo along with your
critters. Once you get a henchman to carry some fuel for you, send him and Rex
back to the lab.

Once he gets to the base, you will fly to a new location. Queue up 3 henchmen
to get coal for you. Send Rex down south on the Cliffside to the north of your
first base. There should be a wolf in the area, collect him.

Creature Update:
Mountain Lion + Wolf
Head: W
Front Legs: ML
Torso: W
Hind Legs: ML
Tail: W

That should increase the stats some, but mainly it will bring a lot of good
abilities to your critters. Take Lucy along with your critters to the pinging
on the map. There will be a genetic amplifier and lightning rod. Gather Tech
on the genetic amplifier and then destroy them both. Send Lucy to gather coal.
Head to the south east and destroy the base there.


Mission 3 - Father and Sons (MSON3)

Find the villager to scout the ice field, he will point out Whitely's creature
Have Lucy capture the electrical generator technology
Get Rex to Chanikov's lab
Destroy Whitely's base on the island
Get Lucy to Gather Tech from Soundbeam towers. Be careful, they'll harm her

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Grizzly Bear
Collect the Wolverine
Collect the Ram
Collect the Musk Ox

Once you start, build 4 more henchmen and start Lucy on building a Lightning
Rod. Make Rex go down the hill and head east between the ping on the map and
base to find a Grizzly.

Creature Update:
Wolf + Grizzly Bear
Head: GB
Front Legs: W
Torso: GB
Hind Legs: GB
Tail: W

Grizzly Bear + Porcupine
Head: P
Front Legs: P
Torso: P
Hind Legs: GB
Tail: GB

Make Lucy build another lightning rod and send 2 henchmen to build their own
lightning rod so you have them maxed out. Once the lightning rods are done,
send the henchmen to harvest coal and make Lucy build a Creature Chamber.
Start Level 2 as soon as you can. Once you have researched that, build a
genetic amplifier and then send her to the coal.

Once you can, start building creatures and head to the north east where a ping
on the map is. Kill the 2 creatures there and send Lucy in to research the
technology there. Once done, she will learn a new ability which will hurt
building a lot at melee range with Sabotage.

Then head North West with Lucy and Rex and your critters to find a Sound wave
Tower which is a anti-creature tower. Gather Tech it and then destroy it. Head
west with Lucy and critters to a expansion. Gather Tech on the workshop and
destroy the area. Meanwhile, send Rex to the north east ping on the map to get
Nero-toxin darts. They deal about 250 damage to a creature. This makes him
really good to tag along with you creatures now.

At the workshop area, there should be a Musk Ox near there, also there is a
wolverine at the edge to the south. From the Soundbeam tower, there is a Ram
to the north, collect him too.

Once your done getting all the animals, gather to the north of the workshop,
ready to attack the base at the ping on the map. Either build a workshop where
the enemy's was with Lucy or send her back to the base to heal.

Once the base is destroyed, follow the lake's edge and get ready to attack the
final base. Take it down, and show no mercy!


Mission 4 - Ship Wreck (MSON4)
Have Lucy gather technology from Whitey's water chamber
Have Lucy gather technology from Whitey's research clinic
Destroy Whitey Hooten

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Lobster
Collect the Snow Owl
Collect the Polar Bear
Find and destroy the Whitey's generator and lightning rod farm

Once you start, send the henchmen to get coal, queue 3 more henchmen up and
send Lucy to build a Lightning rod. Once you have the coal, queue one more
henchmen. Send rex down and collect the lobster. Once the lightning rod is
done, send Lucy to build a generator on the geyser.

Creature Update:
Lobster + Musk Ox
Head: MO
Front Legs: MO
Torso: MO
Hind Legs: L
Tail: MO
Claws: L

Lobster + Porcupine
Head: P
Front Legs: P
Torso: P
Hind Legs: P
Tail: P

The reason why you convert your critters to lobsters is because they have
regeneration. This makes them heal 1HP a second, a GREAT skill. Send Rex north
and collect the Polar Bear and Snow Owl.

Once the generator is done, keep upgrading it as fast as you can. Once that is
done, keep working on upgrading the Level as quick as you can. Be sure to
upgrade your creature's speed since the Wolf Grizzly is twice as fast as your
current creature.

While waiting for Level 4, you will be attacked by 4 creatures, Rex can take
them buy attacking and then just set waypoints so he will not stop moving
while reloading.

Once you have a good army going, head out to the cliff to the North West.
There is a mining spot there that has some Sound wave towers, clear it out for
later use. Once it's clear, send Lucy up with your critters and head to the
north ping on the map. There is a base there, destroy it and Gather Tech on
the water chamber.

Now that you have the Water Chamber, upgrade your critters to...

Creature Update:
Lobster + Musk Ox
Head: MO
Front Legs: MO
Torso: L
Hind Legs: L
Tail: L
Claws: L

Lobster + Porcupine
Head: P
Front Legs: P
Torso: L
Hind Legs: L
Tail: L
Claws: L

Now they will be able to swim through the water. Get your critters ready to
attack the next base. Inside the base is a research clinic, Gather Tech on
that. Now that the two bases are gone, the giant block of ice will be broken
opening the path to Whitey's main base.

Be sure to have about 4 of LMO and LP at your base since you might get
attacked from the water. Take the east fork past the ex-ice chunk and attack
the farm of generators and lightning rods. Then head north and attack the main
base. Target the creature chambers first, because he can build a lot of
creatures if you don’t.


Mission 5 - Trial by Fire (MSON5)
Send Rex to the village to ask for help
Build creatures with the archfish water artillery ability and use them to put
out the fire
Put out the fire on the plateau around the village before all the huts burn
Find and destroy the enemy lab on the island
Get Lucy to gather the technology from bramble fences
Get Lucy to gather the technology from the anti-air tower
Get Lucy to gather the technology from the air chamber
Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Zebra
Collect the Giraffe
Collect the Chameleon
Collect the Baboon

Once you start, queue 3 more henchmen and send Lucy to build a lightning rod.
Take Rex to the right and collect the Giraffe. Then head south toward the
village. But before you reach the village, go up a hill to the north and find
the chameleon.

Creature Update:
Giraffe + Chameleon
Head: C
Front Legs: G
Torso: C
Hind Legs: G
Tail: G (Saves Electricity) / (Camouflage)

This setup will double the damage of your old creature! Now head to the
village and you will receive the Arch fish.

Creature Update:
Archfish + Musk Ox
Head: A
Front Legs: MO
Torso: A
Hind Legs: MO
Tail: MO

Use this creature to put out the fires, but personally I don’t like artillery.
I delete him after the fires are out. Once you are able to create them, get
about 5 of them and head to the village. Once the village is safe, head back
to your base. Wait for the fire to be really near your lab before you attack.

Do this because the fire spreads after so many seconds and your creatures
normally get stuck in the spreading fire. While dousing the fire at your base,
there will be about 2 rounds of 2 archfish creatures, so put Rex up on the
hill (once half the fire is gone) and take them out when they come. Also once
you are up there, collect the baboon. Once the fire is out, you learn Rex and
Lucy can swim in water like henchmen now.

Start building your normal army up and head to the north west of the map.
There is a base there with a Anti-air tower there. Get Lucy to gather tech on
it and build one at your base. Around the base and the fire's pathway there is
a zebra waiting to be collected.

Once you finish the base off, head to the south of the island. To the very
south east there is a base which is great for an expansion, and you have to
gather tech from the bramble fence. Finish the base there and you might want
to build a workshop there for your henchmen who should be low on coal there.

After you finish the expansion, head north and there will be an air chamber,
use Lucy once again to gather tech from it. Then get ready to attack the main
base. Just make sure your Chameleon critters don’t attack the stuff on the
cliff, you may have to manually order them to walk by there.


Mission 6 - Flying Machines (MSON
Scout out and clear the entrance to the volcano of all creatures and buildings
Clear the area inside of the volcano of all enemy creatures and buildings
Protect the gyropad while it is being repaired. Do not allow Velika's creature
to destroy the pad
Eliminate all of the structures in Velika's outpost on the other side of the

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Chimpanzee
Collect the Gorilla
Collect the Hyena
Collect the Spitting Cobra
Collect the Crocodile
Collect the Black Panther

Note: Now you can upgrade your towers at the research clinic. Soundbeam will
attack 2 people at once and AA tower will deal extra damage.

Start with the basic queue of 3 and build a lightning rod next to the geyser.
Once that is done, build a generator and research advance structures and build
an anti-air tower next to the geyser. To the north-east there is a Hyena and
there is a Spitting Cobra to the south.

I would recommend not upgrading your ranged attacker since there is a
crocodile that you can get and it will increase the ranged damage. So just use
the normal archer but build as few as possible. In the middle of the map there
is 2 lakes, the crocodiles are in there. You need to destroy all enemy
structures in the area to proceed to the next level, but I suggest before you
do that, get the crocodile and add him to your main army. Plus move Lucy and
Rex to the south of the 2 lakes.

Once you kill all of the enemy structures, you have to cover a henchman while
he repairs a landing pad. It will take along time for him to repair it, but it
can be done in about 10-15 seconds if you use Lucy to repair it. To the right
of the landing, there is a good spot for an expansion (if you place 2 AA
towers near there). There will now be attacks from the right lake. Just place
about 5 melee and 5 ranged there to defend it. Place the rest to defend your
base from water attacks. Also I would suggest find the other 3 animals, they
normally are around the lakes also.

Pick a henchman up with the helicopter and take him across the mountain. Build
a creature chamber on the other side with the helicopter and henchmen so the
work gets done quicker. Carry the henchman back to the other side and set both
of them to getting coal. Start building creatures immediately.

Creature Update:
Crocodile + Chameleon
Head: CH
Front Legs: CH
Torso: CR
Hind Legs: CR
Tail: CR (Saves Electricity) / (Camouflage)

While building creatures, build 2 AA towers and 2 Sound wave towers just in
case any creatures sneak by you. Once you feel your ready, charge forward and
just destroy the base.


Mission 7: - A Friend in Need (MSON7)
Free the villagers held captive at the temple by destroying the enemy
structures and bamboo fences surrounding them
Get all the villagers back to their villages. The villagers only feel safe
when they are near flaming savannah heads. Destroy all the enemies surrounding
the flaming savannah heads and the villagers will move to it.
Secondary Objectives:

Note: Rex gains Regeneration himself, this is really handy.

I like to start out by building a workshop next to the coal pile so the
workers can give you more coal quicker. Then I queue 2 more and wait until I
can queue another. Once you can, build a lightning tower and then work on a
generator. Just keep Leveling up. Once you can, get a gyrocopter to fly into
the middle of the map and build a water chamber there, you can easily
reinforce your army in the quickly if it is there.

Your first objective is to free the villagers in the middle left. The main
base is at the top left. I personally like to destroy the main base then help
the villagers. Just keep attacking the enemies along the way from each flame
light to another. Each time some villagers get to there homes, you get DNA of
an animal. I would just keep the same creatures from before.


Mission 8 - The Wicked Sky Witch (MSON8)
Destroy Velika's Base

Secondary Objectives:
Do not allow Velika's scouts alert Velika
Destroy Humphery's Base
Destroy Bugsy's Base
Collect the Eagle
Collect the Hippopotamus
Collect the Hammerhead Shark
Collect the Komodo Dragon
Collect the Rhinoceros
Collect the Cheetah

Note: You can research Henchmen Yoke which allows your henchmen to carry 25

I like this level. Queue 4 more henchmen up and build a lightning rod next to
the geyser, then a generator. Velika will send flying scouts, they are easy
enough to kill but to get a head start on DNA collecting, get Advance
Structure research and build a AA tower above the geyser.

Go in the water to the south and head east to a hammerhead shark. There is a
eagle flying above your base. Going up the hill to the north of your base and
you will find a hippo. At the tail like looking landmass near your base is a
komodo dragon. At the upper end of landmass in the middle there is rhino. The
Cheetah is a little south of the middle of the map. You should be able to get
all the DNA before you kill all the scouts.

Creature Update:
Lobster + Rhinoceros
Head: R
Front Legs: L
Torso: L
Hind Legs: R
Tail: L

Chameleon + Rhinoceros
Head: C
Front Legs: R
Torso: R
Hind Legs: C
Tail: R (Saves Electricity) / (Camouflage)

I think I should note that after a few minutes I normally get attacked by
Rhino Hornets, so I built 3 AA towers and upgraded them. Then when they can I
used Rex to attack them. Lucy and a few henchmen repaired them.

These guys cost a lot, but I believe their worth it. Once they are built, you
may lose 1, 2 if your not careful with your creatures. Once all the scouts are
gone, start working on creatures. There are 2 brothers you have to fight now
also. I find it's easier to attack the north brother first. It may be me, but
I think his defenses get harder the longer you play, where the other brother
is easy all the time.

Just keep creating the critters and upgrading them until you have a decent
army and attack to the north when you climb up the hill. With your
juggernaught creatures, skip the Sound wave towers and just target the
creatures, chambers and his HQ.

Before you attack the other brother, stay at the base until you can spare
about 3-4 of both LR and CR. This is because Velika will attack you normally
when your out the second time. Rex can help a lot if you leave him there. Once
you have enough critters, go east to your base and on the way there, you will
see a good expansion space for later. Continue east until you reach the next
brother's base. Destroy it. Walk to the north east of the map and get ready to
attack. She has a lot of spitting cobras, so be careful.

A good strategy is to get a Gyro to build a base near the north east entrance
so you can more quickly reinforce your army in case you lose a guy or two.
Also don’t go straight for her HQ, target her chambers first, this will make
it a lot easier.

There, that wasn't tough was it?


Level 9 - Mouth of the Beast (MSON9)
Defend the lab until it can be relocated
Destroy enemy lab or 4 electrical generators

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Vulture
Collect the Scorpion
Collect the Electric Eel

Note: Rex gains Pack hunter, which increases damage of all your critters near
him, this is a great ability. If you STILL haven't made him always travel with
your critters (besides defending a base), do so.

First build a new creature.

Creature Update:
Lobster + Polar Bear
Head: L
Front Legs: PB
Torso: L
Hind Legs: L
Tail: PB

That creature is for Level 4, these creatures are for Level 3 if you need

Creature Update:
Komodo Dragon + Ram
Head: KD (Poison) / R (Safe Electricity)
Front Legs: KD
Torso: R
Hind Legs: R
Tail: R (Poison Touch) / R (Safe Electricity)

Komodo Dragon + Polar Bear
Head: KD
Front Legs: PB
Torso: PB
Hind Legs: KD
Tail: PB (Poison Touch) / PB (Safe Electricity)

Komodo Dragon + Musk Ox
Head: KD
Front Legs: KD
Torso: MO
Hind Legs: MO
Tail: KD (Poison Touch) / MO (Safe Electricity)

I recommend the Komodo Dragon + Polar Bear. Queue 3 henchmen up and send your
current ones to gather coal. There should be a Vulture above your base,
collect him. Then look around your base to find scorpions, collect one. Go to
the water a bit north west of your base and find the electric eel, you may
have to swim a bit. Head back to your base and defend it from 3 attacking

Once the lightning rod is done, work on a generator and keep upgrading that.
Upgrade to Level 2 and then get advance structures. Once that is done, build a
anti-air tower next to your lab for the future. Upgrade to Level 3. Depending
if you used my creature or not, build a water chamber to the east or creature
chamber next to the anti-air tower.

Build about 6 creatures at start and build more if you need them. Keep
defending the attack until it is about 10:30 minutes into the game. I believe
you are not able to relocate unless the lab is at 100% health. Once Elephant
creatures start attacking, that means your at the end of attacking creatures.
While this whole time work on upgrading to Level 5.

Once you relocate, build a research lab and work on tower upgrade and henchmen
yoke. Be sure to build 1 or 2 anti-air tower next to your base.

You have 2 options to win now, either kill all electrical generators or kill
his base. I find it easier to do a mix. I like to starve him of electricity
then attack his base. This is because one of the electrical generators is
protected by 4 anti-air towers with the tower upgrade, AND it is only
accessible by air.

At the middle of the map, and a little bit east is a patch of land. A little
north is the first electrical generator that you can attack. It's normally
safe, but be careful. Sometimes air does attack your critters. This isn't a
problem if you got the speed upgrade for your guys. At the middle left of the
map is the expansion of the computer with a generator there. It is close to
his base so before you attack it, be sure you have a good army.

That generator attack will make him attack with his full army. You should be
able to kill them with minimal loses if you bring Rex, he helps a lot with his
new ability. The third and final generator you can attack is at the little
island with a bridge connecting it at the south of the map. It only has 4
Sound wave towers. Since you recently destroyed his army, you will be able to
destroy it with no problem.

Now that he had to rebuild his army from the main battle, and wasted what he
built on attacking you at the third generator, he should be starved for
energy. You should be able to attack his base directly without many problems.
The main is there is a lot of Sound wave towers. I would suggest to target the
creature chambers first, then either the Sound wave towers or focus on his HQ.

If your still having trouble, a thing that can help is build a Rhino/Lobster
from the first creature chamber you built at the south east. Place him at he
coal north of your base and set him on territorial stance. This is the main
place where the computer mines besides his base and the second generator. Or
if you just have some


Mission 10 - Invasion (MSN10)
Make your way to the train factory and destroy it

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Ant
Collect the Bull

Note: Now you can upgrade your henchmen to move quicker than normal. About
1.5x, this can really make it quicker to gather coal.

At the start, queue 4 more henchmen and when you have the coal, start on a
lightning rod. Use Rex to collect one of the ants near your base. Once you got
the ant, head up the hill to the right of your base and you should find a coal
expansion. Near there, there should be a bull to collect. Once you done with
the lightning rod, build a generator. There is water to the south west, when
you build a water chamber there, I suggest you build 2 anti-air towers there,
along with 1 at your lab.

Just keep fending off the attacks with Rex, or buy some cheap creatures. Once
you can, start your main army up. This map is pretty straight forward for the
first part. Keep following the path and destroy the 4 labs. Once they are
gone, add this creature to your rooster.

Creature Update:
Komodo Dragon + Dragonfly
Head: KD
Front Legs: D
Torso: D
Hind Legs: KD
Tail: KD

This is a good creature to attack the enemy when he tries to get an expansion.
The reason why you should get a flying unit is a draw back of the straight
forward design, they can fly over the hills. Trust me, he likes to expand. Or
you can place a Rhino/Lobster at the coal sites near the base. Once you feel
ready, attack with your main army, don't use the air. The reason is that ALL
air is bad, compared to ground troops.

If you just starve him, he will not be able to create any troops and spend all
his spare money on henchmen to try to get to a coal mine. Then he’s ready to
be attacked and killed.

Also, when you need to expand, take the one closest to your base, just above
the hill. This has the best coal and it's a good spot, you can just barricade
your self in with bramble fence. Then build 3-4 anti-air towers next to the


Mission 11 - Proof (MSN11)
Use Rex to find Lucy following her footprints in the desert sand; clear all
enemy creatures and structures on the way

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Lioness
Collect the Armadillo
Collect the Praying Mantis

Lucy ran away! How dare her! Oh well... What? You gotta rescue her? Start off
by building the same lightning rod/generator and queue up 4 more henchmen to
gather coal. Just keep Leveling up, and upgrading until you get a good enough
army. I find the map a lot easier if you attack the south-east, that is where
the main base is. At the end of the map you have to destroy it any way, better
to stop his mining and building earlier.

But before that is out, take out a stranded creature chamber near the middle
of the map. Also, there is a mining expansion near the base, make sure to
attack that too. Once those two are out, take the base itself down. Then
attack the outpost at the top left. Once you have done all of this, just
follow the footprints and DONE, you win.

The Praying Mantis is right at the start. The lioness is to the south east of
your base. And finally the armadillo is to the west side of the island and a
little north, near a coal expansion.


Mission 12 - The Good Doctor (MSN12)
Destroy Ganglion's Base

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Tiger
Collect the Camel
Collect the Poison Frog
Collect the Rat

Note: You gain Poison Tough, which isn't that great of ability. I would rather
have something like herding that would really help.

Note 2: There are a few new technologies ready to be researched at the
research clinic. You can upgrade so your henchmen can heal your critters. It
only targets 1 creature at a time and heals the same amount as regeneration.
But if you get 8 henchmen along with your critters, you can just keep healing
them so you can rampage around. It can also heal other henchmen, so don’t
worry about sending to battle while they heal.

Also you can get an upgrade that increase the health of 'key' structures. Also
there is an ability that increases the electrical resource, but you need to be
Level 4 before you can get it!

I don’t like this level personally. Anyway, queue up 3 more henchmen to coal.
Then make Lucy start working on a lightning rod. Once that is done, work on a
generator. Work on 3 Sound wave towers to the east of the generator ASAP. Then
get to work on Leveling up. Get the tower upgrade as soon as you can, it will
really help. He mostly attacks with piranha/praying mantis critters that have
about 30 hp. Then just use Rex to attack the higher HP critters and retreating

Once you have a army going, attack the area with water to the north east of
your base. There is a creature chamber there. You might be getting low on coal
by now. Go to the north of your base. There is a coast at the north west of
the map, there is a good expansion there. You rarely get attacked if you build
there. If you do, it's mostly head on where the Sound wave towers are at.

I would then target the creature chamber at the south west of the map. Once
the chamber is gone, attack the air chamber at the south east. There should be
a rat and camel in those areas. They are most likely at the bottom middle.
There is some coal, a good spot where you can place your healing henchmen if
you want to, they might as well give you a little extra cash when you don’t
need them.

Head to the north east, where the little lake is at. There is a creature
chamber there, destroy it. You might want to build a chamber near there for
quick reinforcements. Now you have to take the base head on, this can is
easier said than done. The reason is he seems to like building water artillery
when you attack his base, so be ready to take on about 10-20 of them while
attacking, and be ready for reinforcements while heading up the hill. It's
easier to just keep pushing while henchmen heal than attack, retreat, attack,
retreat, attack, retreat. After a while, you should be able to take out a
creature chamber. The quicker you can take one out, the much easier it will
be. Just target the chamber, and then target the henchmen so they cannot build
any more chambers.

Then simply attack the HQ.

Around the base, the poison frog is randomly going around. From the main
entrance, the tiger is to the east. And at the south of the map is rat and


Mission 13 - The Gate (MSN13)
Destroy the Soundbeam and Anti-air towers at the outpost near your base in
order to take control of the building there.
Defend the base from the wave of goliath creatures
Destroy the Creature control at the blue base
Destroy all of the structures at the second base on the other side of the

Secondary Objectives:
Collect the Killer Whale

You lost Lucy! How will the lightning rod and generator will be built now!
Start of by queuing up 5 henchmen, and when you have enough coal, build a
workshop as close as possible to the coal. Send Rex into the water to the
south west. Keep going west and look around until you find a Killer Whale. You
have a choice, increased damage but with a trade off with a much slower
chameleon. Then there are 2 options you have, attack the outpost to he left
and gain a generator and expansion right away, or leave it alone and focus on
Leveling up with just 4 lightning rods. Either way you want is ok.

Creature Update:
Chameleon + Killer Whale
Head: C
Front Legs: C
Torso: C
Hind Legs: C
Tail: KW

I personally like to just Level up. I build the lightning rods to the east of
the workshop. Work on getting anti-air towers. Build 2 anti-air towers at the
south east, and 2 Sound wave towers at the hill to the west of your base. Just
keep using Rex to defend your base while the Sound wave towers are used as
decoys. After a while, a huge animal will attack. I believe 2 shots will take
him down. You will learn if you destroy a building controlling the giant
creatures, you will be able to control them.

I would work on building a research clinic and get henchmen yoke and henchmen
speed. Upgrade the towers next. Work on about 2 of your strong creatures and
take out the outpost to the left to gain an electrical boost. Also, I would
build 1 or 2 more anti-air towers next to your already built ones for the
future. You don’t need to build any more Sound wave towers since you should be
starting on a few creatures by now.

Once you have a good army going, head out toward the south west of the map.
The base is not that hard to take out. Just focus on the creature chambers and
take out any Sound wave towers that are bugging you. Destroy the Creature
Controller building and you will gain control of 4 big creatures. These
creatures are not that good compared to the rest of yours. Just send them on a
suicide mission to the enemy base. Follow them with your own creatures. He has
a few Sound wave towers on cliffs that your ranged critters can take down
while your melee critters take down the creature chambers. Most of the
chambers are bundled in one spot so it is not that hard to get them all before
he creates that many new creatures. Head to the northern spot of the base and
destroy his HQ.

Now, you need to destroy ALL red buildings and creatures. Use the Sonar pulse
at your base to see where they are at, most likely he got a few henchmen by
you and built a creature chamber or workshop at the south end of the island.

Also a good spot to expand if you need to is just the outpost to the west of
your base, it has about double the coal at your base.


Mission 14 - The Island of the Crazies (MSN14)
Destroy the antidote chamber. Get Rex to the antidote site within 15 minutes.
Creatures must be cured at the site to be immune
Destroy the enemy lab

Secondary Objectives
Collect the Sperm Whale
Collect the Great White
Collect the Elephant

I hate this level, I just used cheats to win. Sorry I cannot write about this
part. But I can suggest building a creature chamber ON the spilled antidote so
they start with it already on them.

The Sperm whale is at the middle top and middle bottom. The Shark is around
the area north east of your base. The Elephant is at the jungle covered area
at the north east of the island.

Creature Update:
Chameleon + Sperm Whale
Head: C
Front Legs: C
Torso: C
Hind Legs: C
Tail: SW


Mission 15 - Seeds Sown (MSN15)
Destroy Ganglion's Lab
Destroy Julius’s Lab

Secondary Objectives:

Start out by queuing 4 more henchmen up (3 miners, 1 builder). Do the same
basic build, lightning rod, and generator and keep Leveling up. Work on a
Research clinic and get Henchmen yoke, motivational speech and creature heal.
Make Rex your main defender. Put him more to the west than your creatures. Use
your critters as backup. Be sure to heal them after an attack. You may want to
build a Soundwave tower two near the coal. The base to the north of you has an
air chamber, so build about 2 anti-air towers near that base also. Upgrade the
towers as soon as you can. Once you finally can produce you super creatures,
start on the base to the north.

Be careful not to make your melee or ranged creatures range to far away from
the other. The melee critters should be used on the chambers and the ranged
critters on the air creatures. Before you start attack Ganglion's base, be
sure to have about 3 Rhino/Lobster and Whale/Chameleon to defend your base.
Every once in a while, there is an aquatic attack.

The expansion you can use is either the base to the north of your base or a
little north east to base, you should see the coal right away.

It's hard to start your base up, but once it is, it's easy to continue. Just
keep the ranged units close to the melee while charging Ganglion's base. They
can get distracted by the Sound wave towers on the cliff. Just keep pushing
until you reach his creature chambers. Destroy them, then the HQ. Julius is
not that hard to take on I thought. It might look like he has a huge base, but
it's just really spread out in a giant space. Just keep pushing toward his HQ
and destroy any buildings and creatures on the way. There's not that much
strategy there.

2.00 Buildings (Bldings)

Resource Cost:

Name: Lab
Requirements: N/A
Resource Cost: N/A
Info: This is your HQ building. Do not let it die, if it does, so do
Upgrades: Advance Structures, Increased Building Integrity

Name: Lightning Rod
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 150/0
Info: Limit 4. Increases Electricity resource by +2
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity, Strengthen Electrical Grid

Name: Creature Chamber
Requirements: N/A
Resource Cost: 250/0
Info: Used to build critters
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity

Name: Soundwave Tower
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 250/0
Info: A defensive tower against ground creatures. Best used by placing
bramble fencing around it.
Upgrades: Defensive Tower Upgrade

Name: Bramble Fence
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 5/0
Info: A 250 HP fence that has minimal cost of 5 coal per fence. It deals
damage to melee creatures if they attack it. Best used for surrounding towers.
Upgrades: Strengthen Fences

Name: Workshop
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 250
Info: Is used as a coal drop off. Place these near other coal mines for
a expansion.
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity

Name: Electrical Generator
Requirements: Lightning Rod
Resource Cost: 200/50
Info: Can only be placed on geysers. Increases electricity by +3 and can
be upgraded 3 times that increases electricity by +2
Upgrades: Geo-turbine 1, Geo-turbine 2, Geo-turbine 3, Increased Building
Integrity, Strengthen Electrical Grid

Name: Air Chamber
Requirements: Level 3 Research
Resource Cost: 300/100
Info: Used to create flying creatures
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity

Name: Water Chamber
Requirements: Level 2 Research
Resource Cost: 250/0
Info: Used to create Swimming and Amphibious creatures. Once built, you
can build amphibious creatures at a Creature Chamber
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity

Name: Anti-Air Tower
Requirements: Advance Structure Research
Resource Cost: 150/50
Info: Used to attack flying creatures.
Upgrades: Defensive Tower Upgrade

Name: Research Clinic
Requirements: Advance Structure Research
Resource Cost: 200/0
Info: Used to research most technology in the game
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity

Name: Genetic Amplifier
Requirements: Level 2 Research
Resource Cost: 150/50
Info: Used to upgrade your creature's stats
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity

Name: Landing Pad
Requirements: Advance Structure Research
Resource Cost: 150/50
Info: Limit 1. Can build Gyrocopter for a henchman
Upgrades: Increased Building Integrity


3.00 Upgrades (Upgds)

Name: Level 2
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 200/300
Info: Allows you to build more advance creatures and Water Chamber.

Name: Level 3
Requirements: Level 2
Resource Cost: 300/650
Info: Allows you to build more advance creatures and Air Chamber.

Name: Level 4
Requirements: Level 3
Resource Cost: 500/1000
Info: Allows you to build more advance creatures and research more

Name: Level 5
Requirements: Level 4
Resource Cost: 700/1400
Info: Allows you to build more advance creatures.

Name: Henchmen Binoculars
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 50/75
Info: Increases Henchmen's line of sight

Name: Henchmen 'Tag' Research
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 300/100
Info: Allows henchmen to 'tag' creatures. This is like the Star Craft’s
Zerg Queen's Parasite.

Name: Henchmen Yoke
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 200/100
Info: Allows your henchmen to carry 5 more coal.

Name: Henchmen Heal
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 125/75
Info: Allows Henchmen to heal creatures or other henchmen.

Name: Henchmen motivational speech

Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 175/75
Info: Allows Henchmen to move about twice the speed as they normally

Name: Increased Structural Integrity
Requirements: None
Resource Cost: 200/100
Info: Increases most building HP by 50%

Name: Defensive Tower Upgrade
Requirements: Level 4 Research
Resource Cost: 300/200
Info: Allows Soundwave towers to attack 2 people at once and Anti-air
towers to deal more damage.

Name: Strengthen Fences
Requirements: Level 4 Research
Resource Cost: 200/100
Info: Doubles bramble fence's HP

Name: Strengthen Electrical Grid
Requirements: Level 4 Research
Resource Cost: 200/250
Info: Increases Electricity output by 25%

4.00 Creatures

4.01 Normal Creatures (Ctrs)

Name: Ant
Cost: 78/25
Health: 30
Defense: 39
Speed: 26
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 1
Attack 1: Leg Attack (5) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (5) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: Immunity, Digging (Front Legs)
Info: Studies of the Ant have shown it provides remarkably strong
exoskeleton and quite a vicious bite despite its small size. The resources
required to generate these units are low, making it possible to build them in
great numbers, where they excel. Their ability to work in partnership with
each other is born in the Ant's hive mentality which enables such small
animals to achieve large tasks in a short period of time. It has also been
found that in some combinations, the Ant is able to dig itself into the ground
where other creatures are unaware of its presence. This digging capability,
combined with large numbers, can make for terrifying ambushes and excellent
defensive opportunities.
Brief: A powerful melee unit for Level 1, and it's a bargain price.
And who doesn't like a cute ant?
First Spotted: Level 10

Name: Archfish
Cost: 66/40
Health: 18
Defense: 6
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 30
Sight Radius: 30
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Water Artillery (3) Head
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 2
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Archfish is truly a unique creature with its ability to shoot
down prey with quick squirts of water from its mouth. The potential
implications of utilizing this creature's unique ability are vast in any
strategic army. By combining the Archfish with another animal, you have a
powerful artillery unit that can bombard anything within range. This of
course, has the unfortunate effect of rendering the creature fairly weak in
close combat. However, when used carefully they can provide a powerful range
addition to any army.
Brief: The first artillery unit you get in the game. And it is a
quick swimmer. Good if paired with higher health and defense unit.
First Spotted: Level 5

Name: Armadillo
Cost: 67/0
Health: 65
Defense: 81
Speed: 18
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (3) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Armadillo is a natural addition to any list of animals worthy
of further study. A tough layer of bony plates provides it with a layer of
armor that most creatures find quite difficult to penetrate, and ensures that
the creatures with this feature have a wonderfully high potential to survive.
The only negative side effect is, of course the fact that the high armor slows
the animal down, tough careful selection of combinations can easily overcome
this drawback.
Brief: The second highest defense unit in the game. Good paired
with a whale or other high health unit. And it costs 0 Electricity!
First Spotted: Level 11

Name: Baboon
Cost: 111/45
Health: 90
Defense: 45
Speed: 27
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 2
Attack 1: Pummel (4) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Pack Hunter
Info: The Baboon is a powerful and aggressive creature and, as such, is
a natural addition to any army. Although it does not posses any qualities that
make it truly stand out from others, it is a solid low-end close combat unit
with respectable speed and damage. The baboon may not be an extremely powerful
animal on it's own, but is still an optimal creature for strategic combination
choices. with this low-end attributes one can create a creature very useful
for defense when first establishing a base.
Brief: Fairly cheap unit for early game with a high defense. It
also is fairly good overall for its cost.
First Spotted: Level 5

Name: Bat
Cost: 56/105
Health: 28
Defense: 12
Speed: 32
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Flight, Sonar Pulse (Head)
Info: The Bat is the only mammal that can fly. Bats have modified hands
and arms that serve as wings capable of sustained flight. They have been
flitting across the night skies since the Eocene Epoch, some 50 million years
ago. In all this time, the physical features of these animals have changed
very little. Fossil specimens from Europe and North America are nearly
indistinguishable from living forms. There are nearly 1,000 living bat
species, accounting for almost a quarter of all mammal species. The Bat is a
relatively fast flight unit and has a good defense for a vulnerable flyer.
Combine with a strong offense creature for a powerful and extremely mobile
attack force. It also capable of revealing and area in the fog of war with
it's sonar pulse ability.
Brief: Very fast flyer unit. Generally weak all around but it has
sonar pulse which is very useful.
First Spotted: Level 7

Name: Bull
Cost: 173/80
Health: 221
Defense: 28
Speed: 25
Water Speed: N/A

Sight Radius: 30
Size: 5
Attack 1: Gore (10) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Charge Attack (Hind Legs), Horns (Head)
Info: The Bull is a member of one of the 274 recognized breeds of
cattle. Commonly used for commerce products such as meat and leather, this
creatures advantage is obvious at first glance. The massive horns that adorn
its forehead are powerful close combat armaments, vastly reducing the
effectiveness of the other creatures' defenses. With its charging ability the
Bull can cover great distances quickly and deliver a crushing blow.
Brief: Fairly good attack along which horns and charge attack makes
him a good melee choice.
First Spotted: Level 10

Name: Camel
Cost: 97/5
Health: 115
Defense: 16
Speed: 16
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 28
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (5) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: High Endurance (Torso)
Info: The Camel is a large ruminant native to the desert regions of Asia
and northern Africa. As commonly known, the humps on this creature's back are
stores of flesh and fat, absorbed as nutrition when food is scarce. This
provides the Camel with higher health than one normally expects and the
ability to subsist without water for several days. When considering strategic
combinations with other animals, utilize its high endurance levels as a
valuable addition to the creatures with special abilities.
Brief: It's high endurance ability is good if you pair him with
another creature that uses his ability a lot.
First Spotted: Level 12

Name: Chameleon
Cost: 59/95
Health: 29
Defense: 19
Speed: 15
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 30
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (3) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Tongue Attack (4) Head
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Regeneration, Camouflage (Tail)
Info: The Chameleon is a common name for certain lizards well known for
their ability to change colors. This ability is caused by hormones that affect
the special pigment-bearing cells in their skin. The ability to hide in plain
sight makes any creature combined with the Chameleon a perfect scout, as well
as a allowing for some powerful ambush strategies. The chameleon remains
camouflaged and invisible until it attacks, or is spotted by other creatures
that have keen sense or sonar pulse. The Chameleon also has a ranged tongue
attack and the ability to regenerate itself from damage.
Brief: I love this little guy. You can mix him with a high size
animal to get a powerful ranged unit. He has regeneration which is great,
since they can heal up themselves. Also they make good scouts if you pare them
with a low cost high speed creature with their camouflage ability.

First Spotted: Level 5

Name: Cheetah
Cost: 116/30
Health: 35
Defense: 45
Speed: 44
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 22
Size: 2
Attack 1: Claws (3) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground

Level: 2
Abilities: Leap Attack (Hind Legs)
Info: The Cheetah is a member of the cat family and one of the fastest
land animals in the world. They are well adapted to dry habitats such as
savanna grasslands an semi-deserts. They can survive for long periods without
water, gathering much of the water they need from the body fluids of their own
prey. Cheetahs prefer open habitats that offer unobstructed views of their
surroundings. On its own, this creature is somewhat fragile, which makes its
incredible speed an amazing advantage when combined with sturdier animals. The
Cheetah's leap attack ability ensures a swift first blow that can easily
define the outcome of the fight early on.
Brief: The fastest creature in the game!
First Spotted: Level 8

Name: Chimpanzee
Cost: 111/95
Health: 65
Defense: 35
Speed: 28
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 2
Attack 1: Pummel (2) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (2) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Rock Artillery (3)
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Pack Hunter
Info: Chimpanzees are one of the smartest primates known to man. This
intelligence makes it relatively easy to train them to use some quite
rudimentary tools, hence their ability to throw rocks. The Chimpanzee throws
rocks long distances, causing them to break apart on impact and send sharp
shards of rock flying everywhere. These shards damage anything in the area
around impact. Naturally, by creating a larger Chimpanzee through combination,
the creature will be able to throw larger, heavier rocks longer distances. In
the wild, a chimpanzee tends to form packs with others of its species. This
follows true when the animal is combined, as groups of four or more creatures
of he same type are always more effective.
Brief: This is similar to the Archfish's attack, but instead he
throws rocks.
First Spotted: Level 6

Name: Coyote
Cost: 83/10
Health: 50
Defense: 35
Speed: 29
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (6) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A

Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: Keen Sense (Head)
Info: The Coyote is a carnivore closely related to the Wolf and is
commonly seen as a pest to be eradicated, usually by shortsighted individuals
who cannot see beyond skin deep. Like an onion, the Coyote has many layers.
Usually they hunt singly or relays with others rather than in packs. Being a
nocturnal hunter in its original form, the Coyote has a keen sense ability
with which it detects camouflaged units. This combined with its reasonable
speed makes the Coyote an excellent, inexpensive scout.
Brief: An inexpensive scout that you can get early on in the game.
With the keen sense ability, he can detect critters that are digged in the
First Spotted: Level 1

Name: Crocodile
Cost: 226/0
Health: 200
Defense: 35
Speed: 22
Water Speed: 27
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 5
Attack 1: Bite (12) Head
Attack 2: Tail swipe (7) Tail
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 4
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Crocodile is one of the largest living reptiles known to man
and is found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Having a mouth
laden between 30 and 40 teeth in each jaw, its bite can be devastating alone.
Combine that with its armor-like skin made up of bony plates, and the
Crocodile is an extraordinarily well-adapted predator. The Crocodile is also
amphibious, and while not that fast on land, it can move fairly quickly in
Brief: A powerful melee attacker with the ability to walk and swim.
Plus it has good overall stats
First Spotted: Level 6

Name: Dolphin
Cost: 69/100
Health: 105
Defense: 18
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 32
Sight Radius: 30
Size: 3
Attack 1: Bite (5) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Sonic Attack (6) Head
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 3
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Dolphin is a fast-swimming animal related to whales and
porpoises. They are incredibly sleek and powerful swimmers found worldwide.
Dolphins differ from porpoises by their well-defined snout and conical teeth.
The bottle-nose dolphin is just one of at least 32 different species. These
animals are renowned for their appearance in open waters, making their
characteristic arched bounds, frequently before the bow waves of ships. The
Dolphin can use its natural sonar ability to damage and stun their opponents
from a safe distance.
Brief: A low cost range attacker that can quickly swim around.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Dragon Fly
Cost: 82/90
Health: 18

Defense: 25
Speed: 35
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Swoop Attack (6) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (4) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Immunity
Info: The Dragonfly is a predacious aquatic insect characterized by an
elongate body, agile flight and two roughly equal pairs of membranous wings.
Being such a small and delicate flying animal, he Dragonfly's inclusion in an
army is initially questionable. Although highly mobile because it can fly, the
Dragonfly is quite weak and therefore very susceptible to attacks that other
flying units would simply shrug off. However, it is immune to chemical based
attacks including stink, plague, and poison. This combination of attributes
and abilities makes the Dragonfly one of the cheapest animals, and lowest
Research Level flying units possible. For gaining early flight capability, the
Dragonfly is supreme.
Brief: The first flyer creatures you can get, and one of the
fastest. It also has good attack but it is on the low end of the stats
First Spotted: Level 7

Name: Eagle
Cost: 99/75
Health: 81
Defense: 9
Speed: 29
Water Speed: 0
Sight Radius: 40
Size: 4
Attack 1: Talons (4) Hind legs
Attack 2: Bite (2) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: N/A
Info: The majestic Eagle has been used to symbolize courage and power in
many cultures, and for good reason. Its large size and superb aerial skills
define this animal as the most powerful flying animal available in your army.
Females attain a length of about 1 yard (1 meter) from tip of the beak to the
tip of the tail, and have a wingspan of about 2 yards (2 meters). Males are
smaller, as is true for most birds of prey. The Eagle makes for a great scout
combination because it has one of the highest sight radiuses of all of the
animals available to you.
Brief: A high health flyer creature. It has very weak defense.
First Spotted: Level 8

Name: Electric Eel
Cost: 49/115
Health: 32
Defense: 2
Speed: 0
Water Speed: 36
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (4) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Lightning Attack (8) Head
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 3
Abilities: Electric Burst
Info: The Electrical Eel is an elongated, serpentine fish and one of the
600 diverse species. Of all of the electric fish species, this particular Eel
is capable of delivering a devastating lightning attack to its targets. This
shock is delivered at a distance, and renders this creature a powerful ranged
unit. It inhabits shallow coastal waters throughout the world, but by
combining it with ground animals, you can create a strong amphibious unit for
your army. Not to be overlooked is the Eel's ability to deliver an intense
electrical burst, covering everything within close proximity to it with a
discharge of built-up electricity. Keep in mind that this causes enormous
damage to friendly and enemy units and structures alike.
Brief: A weak creature that has a low coal cost but high energy
cost. It's electric burst is a powerful ability
First Spotted: Level 9

Name: Elephant
Cost: 296/125
Health: 440
Defense: 45
Speed: 18
Water Speed: 0
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 8
Attack 1: Gore (16) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 5
Abilities: Charge Attack (Hind legs), Herding, Horns (Head)
Info: The Elephant is a huge mammal characterized by a long muscular
snout and two long, curved tusks. Highly intelligent and strong, the healthy,
full-grown Elephant has no natural predator other than humans and can live up
to 60 years old. Its great size and strength make it both terrifying to
enemies and one of the most powerful ground attack animals available to your
army. Although it isn't one of the fastest animals, its deadly tusks combined
with its charged attack capability ensure it can cut down quickly anything in
its path.
Brief: A high HP creature. A good attack with good abilities to
match. It is rather slow moving.
First Spotted: Level 14

Name: Garfish
Cost: 42/0
Health: 54
Defense: 42
Speed: 0
Water Speed: 25
Sight Radius: 2o
Size: 3
Attack 1: Bite (7) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 2
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Garfish is a small fish with a short upper jaw and elongated
lower jaw. They are tropical fish usually found in warm seas, lakes and rivers
around the world. The Garfish is closely related to the halfbeak and flying
fish, and are known by fisherman for their tenacious attitude, fighting
veraciously to keep them from getting caught. Its bite renders this unit a
vicious melee addition to any army but it is also valuable for the tough
scales that cover its body. Garfish can also grow quite large, with some
specimens reaching over six feet long.
Brief: A good defense and attacker for its cheap cost.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Giraffe
Cost: 137/0
Health: 135
Defense: 12
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 45
Size: 4
Attack 1: Kick (5) Front legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Giraffe is the tallest living animal and instantly
recognizable by its exceptionally long neck. Giraffes live in the savanna and
open woodland, habitats where the available food varies throughout the year.
Averting 17ft. (5.3m) tall, the giraffe can pursue the surrounding terrain and
see any threats well before they are in range of attacking. An animal of
average speed and health, the Giraffe is supreme scout because its lack of any
special abilities makes it resource cost low. Fear not though, the sight
radius on the Giraffe more than makes up for any of its shortcomings.
Brief: A high health, speed and sight radius creature for level 2.
And it can stand up to a good level 2 fighter also.
First Spotted: Level 5

Name: Gorilla
Cost: 169/45
Health: 165
Defense: 35
Speed: 22
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 30
Size: 3
Attack 1: Pummel (10) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Herding
Info: The Gorilla is the largest of the great apes and one of the
closest living relatives of the human species. The Gorilla is a strong attack
unit at a relatively modest price. With the massive pummeling arms and a
furious bite, it is the most powerful primate available. Unlike the other
great apes, Gorillas travel, eat, play and sleep in the stable family groups.
Because of this, they receive a defensive herding bonus when 4 or more are in
close proximity to one another. When combining, keep in mind that this
creature has a high attack rating, but a relatively low defense rating.
Brief: A high attack rating and fairly good stats all around. Plus
the herding ability helps the critter.
First Spotted: Level 6

Name: Great White Shark
Cost: 149/55
Health: 327
Defense: 35
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 36
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 7
Attack 1: Bite (19) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 4
Abilities: Immunity, Frenzy
Info: With a conical snout, black eyes and large, serrated, arrowhead-
sharp teeth, the Great White Shark is intimidating in appearance and attack.
Although the Great White Shark is notorious as a villain, little documented
information exists about its behavior. Offensively, the inherent frenzy
ability increases damage and speed, while defensively, it is immune to
chemical-based attacks including stink and plague, with greater resistance to
poison. Be sure to keep in mind its low sight radius when planning optimal
creature combinations.
Brief: A high attack swimmer with frenzy. This causes this shark to
be a powerful fighter.
First Spotted: Level 14

Name: Grizzly Bear
Cost: 136/0
Health: 140
Defense: 19
Speed: 29
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 3
Attack 1: Claws (6) Front legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Grizzly has large, plant grade feet (heel and sole touching
ground) and five long claws on its front paws. The Grizzly Bear subsists on a
diet of berries, vegetation, and small mammals, but don't be fooled by the
vegetarian fare, this creature is dangerous, fast and tough in battle. Its
main weakness are low sight range, modest defense, and lack of any prominent
special abilities. The fact that it is relatively cheap and has high health
increases its strategic value in the Combiner.
Brief: Mainly a good fighter with nice health.
First Spotted: Level 3

Name: Hammerhead Shark
Cost: 71/25
Health: 90
Defense: 26
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 35
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 4
Attack 1: Bite (12) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 2
Abilities: Immunity, Keen sense (Head)
Info: The Hammerhead Shark is command name for about ten related species
of sharks found throughout the tropical and temperate seas. Large flattened
head give these fish a hydroplane-like lift and enable them to make sharper
turn than other sharks. The eyes and nostrils, by being spaced at the ends of
the head, also give them a greater ability to track prey. The Hammerhead is a
good attack creature that provides the benefits of a shark without the extreme
cost of going with a Great White. Average in cost and average in attributes,
the Hammerhead is immune to chemical-based attacks including stink, plague and
Brief: Brings the power of a shark without the bigger cost of the
great white.
First Spotted: Level 8

Name: Hippopotamus
Cost: 239/75
Health: 260
Defense: 50
Speed: 15
Water Speed: 22
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 6
Attack 1: Bite (16) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 4
Abilities: Charge Attack (Hind legs), Herding
Info: The Hippopotamus is an African mammal that lives partly in water
and partly on land. Although strictly a plant eater, the Hippopotamus has
massive jaws with a formidable tusks and an unpredictable temper. This
creature is a good medium-cost attack unit due to its high health and
ferocious bite. Due to its highly social nature, it also has herding ability,
making it more effective when used in groups of 4 or more. Decent armor, along
with the ability to be just as effective in the water as on land, make the
Hippo a good mid-level offensive creature.
Brief: Good health, defense (with a bonus from herding), attack.
And it has charge attack which is a great ability.
First Spotted: Level 8

Name: Hornet
Cost: 73/140
Health: 30
Defense: 15
Speed: 35
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (1) Head
Attack 2: Sting (3) Tail
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Immunity, Poison (Tail)
Info: The Hornet is a name commonly applied to the members of a group of
social wasps that make nests out of papery material composed of chewed plant
foliage and wood. In several Hornet species, no workers are produced. Instead
the female lays its eggs in the nests of other wasps, where the egg hatch and
the young are fed. This creature is an offensive high-speed flying creature
with poison and immunity abilities. While it is one of the fastest flying
units, be careful; the Hornet tends to be more delicate than other creatures.
Brief: One of the fastest flying units that are good on hit and run
attacks with their poison.
First Spotted: Level 7

Name: Horse
Cost: 186/5
Health: 150
Defense: 30
Speed: 34
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 5
Attack 1: Kick (9) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (5) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: High Endurance (Torso)
Info: The horse is a large land mammal noted for its speed, strength,
and endurance. It is a member of the Equidae family and extremely well-adapted
to traveling long distances with great efficiency. The Horse is also an
intensely social animal and tends to form strong associations with members of
its herd. Its instinctive behaviors form the basis of the horse's ability to
bond and obey a human trainer. As a result of deliberate breeding by humans,
Horses display a remarkable variation in size, body shape and coat color.
Similar to the Zebra, the Horse is a melee attack unit with a ferocious kick
and nasty bite.
Brief: A good overall unit. It also has high endurance skill which
is good for ability users.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Hyena
Cost: 107/55
Health: 81
Defense: 25
Speed: 26
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 3
Attack 1: Bite (9)
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Pack Hunter, Keen sense (Head)
Info: The Hyena is a dog-like carnivore and a renowned scavenger. Hyena
have powerful jaws capable of crushing large bones that other predator cannot
eat. In battle, this creature is more powerful than the Coyote, but plays a
similar role. Its keen sense ability makes it an excellent choice for more
advanced combinations that require a canine's astute sense of hearing and
smell. When combining, keep in mind the low attack and defense ratings that
keep the Hyena vulnerable and inexpensive.
Brief: A bit more powerful than a coyote, but it is in the same
league as a weak scout.
First Spotted: Level 6

Name: Kangaroo
Cost: 179/30
Health: 150
Defense: 19
Speed: 26
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 4
Attack 1: Kick (13) Hind Legs
Attack 2: Bite (4)
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Leap Attack (Hind legs)
Info: The Kangaroo is a common name for a group of mammals found in
Australia and neighboring islands. Kangaroos are marsupials, a type of mammal
that gives birth to undeveloped young. The young are carried and nurtured in a
special pouch on the mother's body. There are more than 50 kinds of mammals in
two different Kangaroo families. A physical feature that distinguishes
Kangaroos from other marsupials is the adaptation of hind legs and tail for
hopping. Red Kangaroos moving at top speed can cover 5 meters or more in a
single bound. This melee unit also has a ferocious kick and nasty bite.
Brief: A nice melee unit with leap attack.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Killer Whale
Cost: 106/130
Health: 210
Defense: 12
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 38
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 9
Attack 1: Bite (11) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Sonic Attack (9) Head
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 3
Abilities: Sonar Pulse (Head)
Info: The Killer Whale is the largest member of the dolphin family and
can be found in more parts of the world than any other cetacean. Killer Whales
may be solitary or live in groups of 2 to more than 50. They generally
cooperate during hunting and have even been known to prey on blue whales, the
largest species on earth. This creature has it all, speed, power and strong
special abilities of sonar pulse and sonic attack. Combine those with very
high health and intimidating size, you have a fairly expensive creature. Keep
its cost and research level low by combining it with lower ranked animals.
Brief: A good aquatic attacker with both a range and melee attack.
It also has the Sonar Pulse Ability.
First Spotted: Level 13

Name: Komodo Dragon
Cost: 123/125
Health: 100
Defense: 32
Speed: 22
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 3
Attack 1: Swipe (4) Front legs
Attack 2: Bite (8) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Regeneration, Poison Touch (Tail), Poison (Head)
Info: The Komodo Dragon is he largest living lizard and can grow as long
as a dining table and heavier than a grown man. A member of the monitor lizard
species, it is also among the oldest living lizards. This creature is a fierce
predator and scavenger. Its mouth carries a virulent bacteria, and its bite
alone can be fatal. Combine its poisonous bite and poison touch abilities with
its capacity to regenerate health and the Komodo Dragon becomes a valuable
addition to any army.
Brief: This unit is good since it has regeneration. Also it has two
poison abilities.
First Spotted: Level 8

Name: Lemming
Cost: 46/10
Health: 32
Defense: 17
Speed: 23
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (4)
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: Digging (Front Legs)
Info: The Lemming is a mouse-like rodent characterized by a small, short
body that is about 5 inches (13 cm) long, with a very short tail and stout
legs. In nature, Lemmings are renowned for their mass migration tendencies and
have been known to swim lakes and rivers and cross mountains while devouring
all vegetation in their path. Even when reaching the sea, they will follow
each other and attempt to cross it as if it were a river, resulting in their
death. This creature is valuable because it is one of only two creatures with
the digging ability. However, it is extremely low in every other attribute,
including attack, defense and speed. It is relatively cheap, but requires a
strategic combination with a stronger animal to make it useful.
Brief: A very cheap unit, with low stats.
First Spotted: Level 2

Name: Lioness
Cost: 150/75
Health: 128
Defense: 30
Speed: 32
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 4
Attack 1: Claws (5) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (5) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Pack Hunter, Leap attack (Hind Legs)
Info: The Lioness is a female member of one of the largest cat families.
The Lion's size and strength have captured human imagination since ancient
times, giving these animals the nickname "King of the Beasts." Lionesses have
massive shoulders and strong forelimbs, long, sharp claws and short, powerful
jaws. The Lioness' combination of speed and power makes it an excellent close
combat unit. Using the leap attack ability, the Lioness gets a damage bonus
when it first enters combat, demonstrating its superior hunting ability. The
pack hunter ability makes the Lioness even more powerful when used in large
groups of 4 or more.
Brief: A fairly good unit overall with the leap ability.
First Spotted: Level 11

Name: Lobster
Cost: 76/50
Health: 35
Defense: 65
Speed: 16
Water Speed: 24
Sight Radius: 10
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (3) Head
Attack 2: Pincers (5) Claws
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 2
Abilities: Regeneration, Barrier destroy
Info: The Lobster is a marine decapods crustacean, with five pairs of
appendages on the thorax, and is closely related to the freshwater crayfishes.
The signature claws that they are easily recognized by are usually not the
same size, as they might appear. One tends to be a heavier crusher claw and
the other a smaller biting claw. The head bears two pairs of antennae; the
eyes are compound and the tail is fanlike. In battle, the Lobster is
relatively slow, but has thick armor that makes it great for combining. It is
an amphibious creature and can easily destroy barriers with its strong clawed
attack. Weaknesses such a small sight radius keeps it cost down.
Brief: A overall great creature, high exceptional defense. It also
has regeneration with destroy barrier that can take down buildings quickly.
First Spotted: Level 4

Name: Moose
Cost: 393/50
Health: 500
Defense: 60
Speed: 20
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 7
Attack 1: Gore (21) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 5
Abilities: Horns (Head)
Info: The Moose is a common name for the largest member of the deer
family. The name actually means "eater of twigs", reflecting the animals'
primary diet. Moose are also referred to as "elk" in Europe and Asia and have
characteristically long legs that enable them to brow low bushes and small
trees as well as wade in lakes and ponds to feed on aquatic plants. The head
of the Moose is large with a overhanging upper lip and drooping growth of hair
and skin that hangs from the throat. Perhaps the most prominent feature of
this animal is the enormous set of antlers that are covered in a soft,
nutrient-rich skin. These antlers are shed each year in early fall, but until
then render the Moose lethal in close combat.
Brief: A high cost, high stats unit.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Mountain Lion
Cost: 98/30
Health: 65
Defense: 45
Speed: 65
Water Speed: 33
Sight Radius: N/A
Size: 2
Attack 1: Claws (3) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (2) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Leap Attack (Hind Legs)
Info: The Mountain Lion is a large wild cat found in mountainous areas
of the western hemisphere. It is a ferocious carnivore and a great medium
level attack unit, with attributes similar to other felines such as the
Lioness. Using the leap attack ability the Mountain Lion gets a damage bonus
when it first enters combat, demonstrating its superior hunting ability. It
has a high defense rating and would benefit from any combination with an
animal that has high health.
Brief: A high defense rating creature for level 1 with leap attack.
First Spotted: Level 1

Name: Musk Ox
Cost: 138/95
Health: 160
Defense: 39
Speed: 24
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 4
Attack 1: Gore (8) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 4
Abilities: Herding, Horns (Head)
Info: The Musk Ox is a large wild ox, native to the arctic Tundra of the
Northern Canada ad Greenland. Its appearance is fairly innocuous with a black
or brown shaggy coat and flat downward-curbing horns Related to the goats and
sheep, males emit a strong musky smell during the breading season. This
creature is fairly inexpensive and can be extremely effective in large easily
purchased numbers. Its herding and horns abilities make if valuable in any
melee combinations.
Brief: A good melee unit with the good ability horns and herding.
First Spotted: Level 3

Name: Black Panther
Cost: 148/30
Health: 120
Defense: 39
Speed: 37
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 3
Attack 1: Claws (5) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Leap Attack (Hind Legs)
Info: The Panther is one of the most mysterious members of the cat
family, characterized by a black, unspotted coat of fur. Most closely related
to the leopard, this creature is a low cost and low research level cat.
Similar in many respects to the Mountain Lion, the Panther has slightly better
attributes making it a viable option if you are looking to increase the
attributes without greatly affecting the overall resource cost of your
Brief: A slightly stronger variation of the Mountain Lion, and does not cost
that much more.
First Spotted: Level 6

Name: Piranha
Cost: 32/85
Health: 21
Defense: 3
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 33
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (6) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 2
Abilities: Frenzy, Pack Hunter
Info: The Piranha is compressed, oval shaped, fine-scaled fish that can
be anywhere from 10 to 24 in (25 to 60 cm) in length. This carnivorous
predator has a blunt head and powerful jaws with sharp, wedge-shaped teeth
that mesh like cutting shears and enable the fish to cut the flesh from the
prey. This creature associates in large schools and is attracted by commotion
and scent of blood. Once aroused, they can quickly reduce a large mammal to a
skeleton. The combination of these qualities gives the Piranha an extremely
high attack rate, frenzy and pack hunting abilities. This creature will
contribute a vicious attack to any combination. The frenzy ability uses
endurance, so keep in mind its low health and average endurance ratings when
considering optimal creature combinations.
Brief: A low cost unit that you can mass of and use frenzy to deal
extra damage.
First Spotted: Level 7

Name: Poison Frog
Cost: 62/90
Health: 35
Defense: 30
Speed: 20
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 35
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (1) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Tongue Attack (3) Head
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Poison Touch (Tail)
Info: The Poison Frog really lives up to its name. It is an amphibian
with glands that secrete a slimy mucous layer to protect the skin from drying
out and help draw oxygen in. In the water, these protective secretions help
amphibians retain a healthy balance of salt and water within their internal
tissues. This mucous gives the Poison Frog the poison touch ability, a passive
version of poison attack, to repel predators. Low speed, health and defense
ratings keep the Poison Frog relatively inexpensive.
Brief: A low cost creature with the poison touch ability.
First Spotted: Level 12

Name: Polar Bear
Cost: 166/0
Health: 155
Defense: 35
Speed: 23
Water Speed: 24
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 3
Attack 1: Claws (8) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (5) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 3
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Polar Bear is a common name for a white bear found in the sea
ice of the Artic throughout the North Polar basin. It has the plant grade feet
(heel and sole touching the ground) typical of bears, with five sharp, curved
claws on each foot for grasping the ice and holding on its prey. All Polar
Bears are white, although their fur may yellow in the summer, and they are the
largest wild bears ever weighed. Polar Bears have a strong navigational sense,
an extremely good sense of smell, and they are unusually clever at solving
problems in order to obtain food. This unit has fairly high attack ratings,
but its mediocre health and above average defense keeps it a relatively
inexpensive creature for combining.
Brief: A overall good attacker with the ability to travel on ground
and water.
First Spotted: Level 4

Name: Porcupine
Cost: 91/70
Health: 55
Defense: 45
Speed: 18
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (3) Head
Attack 2: Tail Strike (2) Tail
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Quill Throw (5)
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Quill Burst (Torso)
Info: The Porcupine is a herbivorous rodent with long, pointed spines,
or quills, growing from the back and sides and, in some species, from head to
tail. The quills which have a needle-sharp ends containing hundreds of barbs,
can be erected by the muscles of the skin. This animal grows to a length of
at least 24 in (65 to 80 cm) and has a short tail and brownish hair. The Value
of such a small creature is a strategic army is initially questioned, but its
ability of fire sharp quills from its body makes it a potent ranged unit. The
Porcupine has two ranged attacks, quill throw and quill burst. The latter is
an area attack that damages all units (friendly or enemy) in specific radius.
Brief: The first possible ranged unit possible. It also has a
weaker electrical burst ability.
First Spotted: Level 1

Name: Praying Mantis
Cost: 57/45
Health: 27
Defense: 4
Speed: 24
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (3) Head
Attack 2: Claws (5) Claws
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Immunity, Leap Attack (Hind Legs)
Info: The Praying Mantis is a long, slender winged insect common in
warm, temperate, and tropical regions throughout the world. These insects are
renowned for sitting back on their rear appendages and holding their stout
front pair of appendages together in an attitude reminiscent of prayer. Don't
be fooled by this saint-like appearance. They are actually patiently awaiting
an unfortunate insect to constitute their next tasty meal. Manifises are the
only insects that can turn their heads from side to side. Their front legs are
equipped with sharp spines that enable the insect to grasp and hold their
prey. The Praying Mantis has immunity and leap attacks.
Brief: A cheap unit with a fairly good attack on top of leap
First Spotted: Level 11

Name: Ram
Cost: 114/125
Health: 105
Defense: 35
Speed: 25
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 3
Attack 1: Gore (8) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Charge Attack (Hind Legs), Herding, Horns (Head)
Info: The Ram is a male member of the sheep family. Sheep are even-toed,
hoofed animals that chew cud with the upper incisor teeth missing with a four-
compartmented stomach. They have paired hollow, unbranched horns that are not
shed. The horns of adult male Ram are massive and spirally curved. Several
distinct types and more than 800 breeds of domesticated sheep have been
developed. The breeds are adapted to environments that range from desert to
tropical conditions. The Ram receives a bonus when first entering battle with
its charge attack. It is also more effective in groups of four or more and has
the ability to reduce a targets defense ratings with horns.
Brief: A fairly good melee fighter that has 3 good abilities that
make it a good choice.
First Spotted: Level 3

Name: Rat
Cost: 28/50
Health: 21
Defense: 19
Speed: 18
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: Plague
Info: Rat is a common name for any large member of the family of
rodents, with dull-colored, coarse fur; long tails; large ears; and a pointed
snout. Rats have extremely powerful teeth, with which they often gnaw through
wooden planks to get at stores of food, and they have even been known to bite
holes in lead pipes. They are usually nocturnal and live in human habitations,
forests, deserts, and on seagoing ships. They are extremely prolific, breeding
1 to 13 times a year and producing 1 to 22 young a litter. Most species of
Rats are herbivorous, but some are omnivorous. The Rat is the only animal able
to carry the vicious plague ability. It is immune to plague attacks, but keep
in mind its low health, defense, and sight radius when planning optimum
creature combinations.
Brief: A basically useless creature except for the plague ability.
First Spotted: Level 12

Name: Rattlesnake
Cost: 49/105
Health: 24
Defense: 6
Speed: 15
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (9) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Regeneration, Camouflage (Tail), Poison (Head)
Info: A Rattlesnake is any one of 30 species of venomous snakes
characterized by a horny rattle at the tip of the tail. This rattle is made up
of loosely connected, interlocking horny rings and is often shaken vigorously
to warn off intruders. The Rattlesnake is a cold-blooded animal whose body
temperature depends on its surrounding environment. As such, they prefer
mainly hot and dry locations such as grassy plains, sand hills, deserts and
brushy hillsides. This animal has a stout body and flattened, triangular head
and is typically is gray or brown, but can have bright orange or yellow
markings. Like other snakes, the Rattlesnake has a large number of ribs, which
are linked by muscles to specialized scales that cover its belly. Beware this
animal's deadly bite in melee combat.
Brief: A cheap unit with low-end stats.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Raven
Cost: 84/120
Health: 32
Defense: 4
Speed: 35
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 35
Size: 1
Attack 1: Talons (3) Hind Legs
Attack 2: Peck (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Pack Hunter
Info: The Raven is a large passerine bird in a family that also includes
crows, jays, magpies and jackdaws. They are among the most intelligent and
adaptable of birds. All Ravens are black with a glossy sheen, and subsist on
an omnivorous diet of eggs and nestlings, as well as other small animals,
vegetable matter, carrion and garbage. In some agricultural areas, Ravens are
considered great pests. Its talons and pecking bite make this animal a force
to be reckoned with.
Brief: Just another flying unit that is fairly weak.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Rhinoceros
Cost: 227/80
Health: 300
Defense: 50
Speed: 20
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 7
Attack 1: Gore (13) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 4
Abilities: Charge Attack (Hind Legs), Horns (Head)
Info: Rhinos are among the biggest and heaviest land animals today. They
have thick, pillar-like legs with three toes covered with broad, hoof like
nails. Rhinos are legendary for their poor eyesight, but their sense of smell
and hearing are acute. Although they look clumsily, Rhinos can swivel around
rapidly to face danger, and if threatened, can charge at speeds of up to
50km/h (about 30mph). The Rhinoceros is a powerful charging creature with high
armor. Its intimidating horn and strong bite help make it a good middle point
between the Bull and Elephant. Its high health and attack ratings are
beneficial to combinations with smaller animals. Drawbacks include a very low
sight radius and average speed.
Brief: A great melee fighter, at the cost of sight radius and
speed. The charge attack makes them rush into combat quicker than their normal
speed which sort of makes up for it.
First Spotted: Level 8

Name: Scorpion
Cost: 75/75
Health: 35
Defense: 68
Speed: 18
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (4) Head
Attack 2: Pincers (5) Claws
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: Poison (Tail)
Info: Barrier Destroy (Claws)
The Scorpion is an arachnid with a flat, narrow body, two lobster
like claws, eight legs, and a segmented abdominal tail. Terminating in a
venomous stinger supplied by a pair of poison glands, the tail is usually
curved upward and forward over the back. Found in warm and dry tropical
regions, including the southwestern United States, the scorpion is nocturnal
and feeds mainly on spiders an insects. The young are born live and remain
with the mother for a short period. When capturing a victim with its claws,
the scorpion inflicts a disabling sting with its tail. The Scorpion tail
delivers a lethal poison attack and its claws are extremely efficient at
barrier destruction.
Brief: A ok melee unit with Poison and Barrier Destroy, and it's
level 1.
First Spotted: Level 9

Name: Skunk
Cost: 58/50
Health: 52
Defense: 6
Speed: 25
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (4) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: Stink Cloud (Tail)
Info: The Skunk is a carnivore best known for the offensive odor it
produces from glands near its tail. Skunks are omnivorous, eating small
mammals, birds, eggs, and insects. They also like honey and bees. Many
farmers believe that skunks keep the rodent population under control. Striped
Skunks breed in late winter or early spring and the den, lined with
vegetation, can be a hole abandoned by another animal or a new one dug by the
Skunk. The Skunk is relatively weak and has low ratings in all areas, but it
is the only creature with the stink attack.
Brief: A fairly weak unit but is the only creature with the stink
attack ability.
First Spotted: Level 1

Name: Snapping Turtle
Cost: 183/0
Health: 122
Defense: 90
Speed: 14
Water Speed: 22
Sight Radius: 10
Size: 3
Attack 1: Bite (12) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 4
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Snapping Turtle is a member of one of two genera of large
freshwater turtles, noted for their strong jaws and fierce tempers. Its
powerful jaws grip so tenaciously on prey that it may sometimes be lifted up
by the object it bites. It feeds on fish and other small aquatic animals.
Snapping Turtles have a pink wormlike structure on their tongues that they
wiggle like a fishing lure to attract prey. They are one of the most well-
armored creatures in the game. Couple that with a nasty bite attack and you
have a great medium--cost defensive amphibious creature. Naturally, its speed
is one of the slowest you can find and it has a relatively small sight radius,
so keep that in mind when considering strategic combinations.
Brief: One of the highest defense animals in the game. So-so cost
(No electricity!) and slow movement.
First Spotted: Level 7

Name: Snowy Owl
Cost: 71/75
Health: 44
Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 40
Size: 2
Attack 1: Talons (2) Hind Legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Snowy Owl ranges across northern Eurasia and North America.
During the winter months, the Snowy Owl's white plumage camouflages it,
allowing it to swoop down undetected on small mammals and fish. This bird is
one of the cheapest flight creatures, making it an excellent choice for
inexpensive flying combinations. Be careful, flying units are very mobile,
but tend to be more delicate than other creatures. The Snowy Owl is
relatively quick and has an above average sight radius.
Brief: Yet another relatively weak flying unit.
First Spotted: Level 4

Name: Sperm Whale
Cost: 152/130
Health: 420
Defense: 15
Speed: N/A
Water Speed: 29
Sight Radius: 30
Size: 10
Attack 1: Bite (12) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Sonic Attack (15) Head
Movement Type: Swimmer
Level: 10
Abilities: Sonar Pulse (Head)
Info: The Sperm Whale is the largest of the toothed whales. Sperm
whales have a huge head - up to one-third the length of the body - which
houses the spermaceti, a light oily fat that is believed to aid the animal in
sending a directional beam of echolocation clicks from its snout. Below the
head is a relatively small and thin lower jaw, which contains a set of cone-
shaped teeth that fit into sockets in the upper jaw. The bodies of Sperm
Whales are laterally compressed, with a single blowhole on the left front of
the head and a thick dorsal hump originating at the hindmost third of the
body. Use this creature's tremendous size to your advantage, but be careful -
it's also very expensive. All Sperm Whale attributes and abilities are above
average, with extremely high health and a very high attack rating. It also
has the ability to stun enemy creatures with its sonic attack.
Brief: A extremely large, high cost, high health creature.
First Spotted: Level 14

Name: Spitting Cobra
Cost: 53/75
Health: 27
Defense: 16
Speed: 17

Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Venom Spray (4) Head
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: N/A
Info: The Spitting Cobra is a venomous snake, known for its intimidating
behavior and deadly bite. Cobras are recognized by the hoods that they flare
when angry or disturbed; the hoods are created by the elongate ribs that
extend the loose skin of the neck behind the Cobra's heads. Cobra venom has
been used for many years in medical research because it has an enzyme,
lecithinase, that dissolves cell walls as well as membranes surrounding
viruses. The Spitting Cobra has a powerful poison ranged attack and is the
only creature that can spit poison from a distance. However, it also has low
health and mediocre speed ratings.
Brief: A poisonous attacking ranged unit. Otherwise fairly week.
First Spotted: Level 6

Name: Tiger
Cost: 225/30
Health: 280
Defense: 30
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 5
Attack 1: Claws (8) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (5) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 4
Abilities: Leap Attack (Hind Legs)
Info: The Tiger is the only cat with striped fur. Perfectly designed
predators, they possess beauty, grace, and awesome power. Their presence in
the wild, revealed by a throaty roar or a track on a dusty trail, electrifies
the forest and sends shivers down the spines of all who share its space.
Humans admire Tigers as much as they fear them and the animals figure
prominently in Asian myths, religions, arts, and imagination. Tigers are
territorial; they live alone in large areas that they defend from other
tigers. Its ideal territory is a large forested area with rich vegetation for
cover, plentiful water to drink and cool off in, and abundant deer, swine, and
other large mammals to eat. The Tiger is a large, powerful, and aggressive
cat. A combination of speed and high attack rating make it an excellent
offensive unit. Only its solitary nature and lack of pack ability keep it
from being king of the cats.
Brief: Basically another version of a cat without the pack hunter
First Spotted: Level 12

Name: Vulture
Cost: 117/115
Health: 96
Defense: 12
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 35
Size: 3
Attack 1: Peck (8) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Frenzy
Info: The Vulture is a large carrion-eating bird with a naked head and
hooked bill. They feed almost entirely on carrion, occasionally attacking
newborn or wounded living animals. Most hunt by sight, soaring and watching
for other vultures descending to feed. The Vulture has a triggered offensive
frenzy bonus that uses up endurance. It is a medium-level flying unit with
mediocre attributes.
Brief: Again, a so-so flying unit.
First Spotted: Level 9

Name: Walrus
Cost: 225/50
Health: 310
Defense: 19
Speed: 14
Water Speed: 27
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 5
Attack 1: Bite (14) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 4
Abilities: Horns (Head)
Info: The Walrus is a large marine mammal that can use all four limbs
when moving on shore. It is a highly social animal that congregates in herds
sometimes numbering several thousand. The bellowing of a herd can be heard
for great distances and the Walrus is gentle unless attacked. In nature,
Polar Bears are the chief natural predator of the Walrus and humans hunt the
animal for its valuable ivory tusks, flesh and blubber. This animal has a
vicious melee bite.
Brief: A pretty good melee unit.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Warthog
Cost: 83/75
Health: 60
Defense: 32
Speed: 24
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Head Butt (7) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Charge Attack (Hind Legs), Herding
Info: The Warthog is a wild pig with two pairs of tusks and two pairs of
wart like protuberances on a long, wide head. Its sparse coat is bristly with
a long mane running down the middle of the back and a few whiskers on the
chin. The Warthog tail is long, thin and tuffed at the end and it feeds
mainly on grasses, roots, berries, bark and occasionally carrion. This animal
can travel in groups called "sounders," but the males typically travel alone.
In nature, the Warthog would rather run than fight, but has a fierce head
Brief: A fairly good unit for its cost.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Wolf
Cost: 110/60
Health: 75
Defense: 15
Speed: 33
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (8) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: High Endurance (Torso), Pack Hunter, Keen Sense (Head)
Info: The Wolf is a carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog.
All Wolves are characterized by powerful teeth, bushy tails, and round pupils.
Certain characteristics of the skull distinguish them from domestic dogs, some
breeds of which they otherwise resemble. Wolves are equally at home on
prairies, in forests, and on all but the highest mountains. In the winter they
travel in packs searching for food. Small animals and birds are common prey of
Wolves, but a pack sometimes attacks reindeer, caribou, sheep, and other large
mammal, usually selecting weak, old, or very young animals for easier capture.
The Wolf is a powerful canine unit with keen sense ability that can detect
stealthy or camouflaged units. It also has high endurance and gains a bonus
when attacking in groups of four or more.
Brief: A fairly good melee unit for its cost. Plus it has multiple
good abilities.
First Spotted: Level 2

Name: Wolverine
Cost: 143/40
Health: 160
Defense: 25
Speed: 19
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 2
Attack 1: Claws (7) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (4) Bite
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Frenzy
Info: The Wolverine's body is heavyset, the legs are short and thick,
and the claws are long and curved. The head and tail are carried low, and the
back forms a high arch. The snout is short and pointed, and the head is blunt
and rounded; the yes are set wide apart, and the ears project only a short
distance above the head fur. Wolverines will eat bird eggs, berries, and any
animal they can kill and, lacking live prey, will eat carrion. They adept at
robbing the traps that hunters set for other animals. Although once abundant,
the Wolverine is now rare due to over hunting, both for its fur and because it
is viewed as a pest by some people. It is a vicious beast with a powerful
frenzy attack.
Brief: The main strength of this creature is frenzy.
First Spotted: Level 3

Name: Woolly Mammoth
Cost: 357/50
Health: 700
Defense: 19

Speed: 18
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 9
Attack 1: Gore (18) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 5
Abilities: Horns (Head)
Info: Revived from extinction, the Wooly Mammoth is a member of the
elephant family and has long, curved tusks and a prominent hump on its back.
It also has a shaggy covering of long, thick hair, adaptable to the cold
climate following the recession of the Ice Age. The first Woolly Mammoth
appeared in Africa during the Pliocene Epoch, about 5 million years ago. Its
massive horns are deadly in melee combat.
Brief: Super high HP! 200 higher than the second highest health
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Zebra
Cost: 101/5
Health: 78
Defense: 15
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 3
Attack 1: Kick (4) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (3) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 1
Abilities: High Endurance (Torso)
Info: The Zebra is a member of the horse family with an eye-catching
coat of black and white strips. Each Zebra species has different stripe
pattern, and no two individuals within a species have exactly the same
markings. Because they spend so much time eating, they are an easy target for
predators, and some zoologists have suggested that Zebra stripes act as a
protective camouflage. According to this theory, their bold markings break up
their outline, making them difficult to see from far away. Another explanation
for the markings is that herd, Zebra stripes confuse would-be attackers by
making it hard for them to single out an individual animal from a backdrop of
constantly shifting stripes.
Brief: A ok creature with the High Endurance ability.
First Spotted: Level 5


4.02 Insect Invasion Creatures (InsctC)

Name: Anaconda
Cost: 292/325
Health: 334
Defense: 6
Speed: 15
Water Speed: 18
Sight Radius: 15
Size: 8
Attack 1: Bite (11) Head
Attack 2: Constriction (17) Torso
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Amphibious
Level: 4
Abilities: High Endurance (Torso), Loner (Tail)
Info: Anacondas are the largest snake in the world, often growing over
30 feet in length. They've been known to successfully prey upon large, vicious
animals such as Crocodiles. Anacondas are amphibious creatures with powerful
muscles throughout their bodies, which they use when hunting to wrap about
their prey and constrict, crushing and suffocating their victims. In addition
to being a very powerful, large, amphibious animal who's attack power is
increased by the use of its long crushing torso, Anacondas are loners-
solitary creatures who are antisocial and hunt best by themselves.
Brief: A good unit for seeing if enemy units have expanded with its
loner ability and high attack.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Behemoth
Cost: 461/65
Health: 500
Defense: 79
Speed: 20
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 40
Size: 10
Attack 1: Bite (22) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 5
Abilities: Hovering (Torso)
Info: Make of it what you will...
Brief: Super powerful creature, with a high resource cost.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Black Widow
Cost: 121/60
Health: 20
Defense: 18
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1

Attack 1: Bite (5) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 4
Abilities: Loner (Tail), Web Throwing (Tail), Poison (Head)
Info: Black Widow Spiders are likely the most notoriously deadly spider
in North America. Female Black Widows possess a venom that can be deadly to
humans, and are rumored to kill and consume male Black Widow spiders after
mating with the, giving them their name. Creating Black Widow Spiders in your
army can consume a great deal of electricity, but its well worth it for the
potent abilities they possess in addition to their damaging and hindering
venomous bite, they can throw a strong web from their tail to paralyze groups
of opponents. And because of the Black Widow's storied anti-social nature,
their attack is amplified several times over when they hunt by themselves...
Brief: A fairly low cost, low stat creature with some good
abilities. It is a high level however.
First Spotted:

Name: Bombardier Beetle
Cost: 67/55
Health: 36

Defense: 22
Speed: 24
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 40
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (1) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: Chemical Artillery (1) Tail
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Hovering (Torso)
Info: The Bombardier (fire) beetle deters predators by spraying them
with noxious chemicals from the tip of the abdomen. Hydrogen peroxide and
hydroquinone are combined in a firing chamber, combining into a caustic,
boiling-hot mixture which explodes out of the beetle's tail. In your army of
Sigma creatures, these chemicals can be launched with enough explosive force
to fire them enormous distances, and causing splash damage to all creatures
and structures within range of the chemical's impact. No creature can see as
far as a Bombardier Beetle can fire its chemicals, so these beetles should be
used in conjunction with a 'spotter' unit at the location that you want them
to bomb. Though slow moving and very weak in close-ranged combat, Bombardier
Beetles have a set of insect wings beneath their shell which allow them
occasional short-range flight for emergency escapes.
Brief: A great sight radius unit with a artillery attack. Otherwise
it is weak.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Cockroach
Cost: 111/305
Health: 23
Defense: 39
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 4
Abilities: Defile Land (Hind Legs), Hovering (Torso), Plague (Head)
Info: The 'Cockroach' is common name for hundreds of species of insects,
all known for their hardiness, foul odor and oval shape. Cockroaches are often
carriers of pestilence, spoiling their environments (at least as far as humans
are concerned) with their excrement and stench, and their bite can transmit
Plague. The filth left behind by these creature's passing can be noxious and
dangerous to those who come into contact with it, and any creature without
Keen Sense will not detect the presence of this Spoiled Land until they're
standing in the middle of it. The large insectile wings beneath the
Cockroach's shell allow it to fly short distances every so often as well,
making for a quick getaway after laying a trap of Spoiled Land for enemies.
Brief: A fairly weak unit with some good poisonous abilities.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Condor
Cost: 211/70
Health: 290
Defense: 31
Speed: 26
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 40
Size: 6
Attack 1: Peck (11) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 6
Abilities: N/A
Info: Condors are the largest birds of prey, with wingspans of up to 10
ft. They have been known to attack living animals as large as deer. They are
particularly hardy, and are the largest flying creature available in your
army. Combined with smaller creatures bearing special abilities and additional
attacks, Condors become an unstoppable element of your air force.
Brief: The strongest flying unit in the game.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Firefly
Cost: 65/75
Health: 18
Defense: 81
Speed: 30
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 30
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Flash (Tail)
Info: A generic name for any of about one thousand different luminescent
beetles, the fire fly uses chemical reactions in its abdomen to create light,
the specific pattern of which is designed to attract mates of the same
species. This chemical luminescence has a unique practicality in your army,
where Fire flies can cause a flash of light with their tail so intense that it
temporarily blinds all creatures within a certain distance from the Fire fly.
Blinded creatures are incapable of using any ranged or artillery attacks,
making the Fire fly a useful defense against such creatures.
Brief: A unit that can counter enemy ranged or artillery units.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Garden Spider
Cost: 94/120
Health: 27
Defense: 15
Speed: 28
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (6) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Web Throwing (Tail)
Info: Garden Spiders are a commonplace arachnid known for its bright
gold and black markings, and its spectacular web-weaving abilities. They are
known as Orb Weavers, for the large, elaborate circular orb-shape webs that
they weav. These webs are usually built in gardens and bushes among foliage,
earning this spider its name. Although non-venomous and not particularly a
vicious fighter, the Garden Spider is a valuable resource to your army for its
ability to throw its incredibly strong webbing across groups of enemy
creatures, rendering them helpless and vulnerable.
Brief: A ok unit with Web Throwing ability.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Giant Anteater
Cost: 244/270
Health: 148
Defense: 19
Speed: 25
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 4
Attack 1: Claws (6) Front Legs
Attack 2: Bite (4) Head
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 4
Abilities: Loner (Tail), Digging (Front Legs)
Info: The Giant Anteater of South America is a voraciously hungry mammal
that manages to sustain its bulk with a diet of up to 30,000 insects per day.
Possessing strong forearms tipped with sharp, hooked claws, the Giant Anteater
locates termite mounds and rips them open, then inserts its extraordinarily
long tongue into the heart of the termite colony, trapping insects on its
tongue's sticky coating. The Giant Anteater's size and long tongue make a
formidable long range unit in your army alone, but it can also be a potent
melee unit thanks to the strong claws on its forearms, and an excellent
ambusher due to its ability to Dig with its forearms as well.
Brief: A ranged attacker with ok melee damage. It also has the
Loner Ability.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Hercules Beetle
Cost: 144/120
Health: 89
Defense: 55
Speed: 16
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 2
Attack 1: Crush (Head)
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 3
Abilities: Deflection Amour (Torso), Hovering (Torso), Barrier Destroy (Head)
Info: The largest beetle in the world is the Hercules beetle. It lives
in the tropical rainforests near the equator and can grow up to 7 inches long
and can lift and carry up to 5 lbs. Males possess a prominent pair of pincer-
like spikes on their head, which are used for grasping and flipping over rival
males when mating. Their thick shells are capable of reflecting ranged
attacks back at opponents who strike it, and house a set of insect wings which
the Hercules Beetle can use to fly small distances in quick, occasional
bursts. In your army, their spiked heads are particularly effective at
tearing open enemy structures.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Shield Bug
Cost: 45/70
Health: 25
Defense: 50
Speed: 21
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Immunity, Deflection Armor (Torso), Stink Cloud (Tail)
Info: The Shield Bug, named for the resemblance of its carapace to a
medieval shield, is characterized by its ability to emit a noxious odor when
disturbed. Shield bugs are a voracious pest to many commercial crops around
the world and their ability to become quickly immune to many pesticides makes
them a particularly insidious threat. This combination of the Shield Bug's
hard, smooth carapace which can deflect ranged attacks back at opponents, plus
the ability to create a Stink Cloud to slow attackers and protect allies from
ranged attacks, as well as its immunity to chemical attacks, makes it an
exceptionally well-defended unit. Combined with a larger creature, it will
become a pest that your opponent will find near impossible to squash.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Tarantula
Cost: 101/40
Health: 65
Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (4) Head
Attack 2: Grapple (7) Claws
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Disorienting Barbs (Tail)
Info: The largest spider on earth, some are known to have a leg span as
wide as a dinner plate. Tarantulas have been known to hunt and prey upon
small birds, rodents, and snakes, a credit to its ferocity when compared to
most arachnids who flee from such animals. They can defend themselves with
their powerful fangs, as well as by kicking a cloud of tiny, barbed hairs off
of their abdomen to irritate and disorient attackers, and they can grapple
with their prey with their strong and flexible pedipalps, which look like a
5th pair of legs near its head. Whenever attacked, creatures with a
Tarantula’s tail in your army will release a cloud of barbed hairs which will
irritate and disorient any attackers near them, temporarily eliminating any
organizational benefits those creatures possessed, such as hunting as a Pack,
or moving defensively as a h\Herd.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Termite
Cost: 42/10
Health: 22
Defense: 15
Speed: 20
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (5) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Infestation (Head)
Info: Termites are communal insects with a single queen matriarch, and
feed upon wood and other cellulose materials. Termites are near legendary for
their destructive tendencies, chewing through structural foundations to
buildings where they often establish colonies. Termites possess the unique
infestation ability , which allows a Termite who comes into contact with an
enemy structure to burrow inside of it, never to be seen again- but causing
massive damage to the structure over a period of time. No structure other
than the Lab can survive being infested by termites twice in a row, unless
it's repaired by Henchmen.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Walking Stick
Cost: 83/40
Health: 112
Defense: 19
Speed: 24
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 20
Size: 2
Attack 1: Bite (4) Head
Attack 2: N/A
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Ground
Level: 2
Abilities: Regeneration, Camouflage (Tail)
Info: The Giant African Walking Stick Bug has been known to grow 14
inches in length. They receive their name from the shape and color of their
body, which Camouflages them to look like a simple branch or stick. Walking
Sticks can also Regenerate parts of their body which are damaged or even lost,
allowing them to recover hit points after being in combat. Although slow
moving, they are hardy and the largest Camouflaged creature available in your
army, allowing for stealthy, inexpensive attacks early in your battles.
First Spotted: N/A

Name: Wasp
Cost: 78/95
Health: 18
Defense: 25
Speed: 35
Water Speed: N/A
Sight Radius: 25
Size: 1
Attack 1: Bite (2) Head
Attack 2: Sting (2) Tail
Attack 3: N/A
Ranged Damage: N/A
Movement Type: Flyer
Level: 3
Abilities: Assassinate (Tail), Poison (Tail)
Info: Wasps are actually more closely related to Ants than they are to
Bees, despite the common association with the latter due to their ability to
sting. However, like ants, Wasps are predatorily, and unlike bees who use
their sting as a deterrent and defense, Wasps use their stingers offensively
to paralyze and kill their prey. Wasps a mere inch in length are capable of
killing animals several times their size with their toxic sting- once combined
with another animal in your army of Sigma Creatures in a single blow. This
must be used cautiously, however, as Wasps have very delicate bodies and
accordingly low hit points.
First Spotted: N/A

5.00 Abilities

5.01 Normal Abilities - (Abty)

Name: Immunity
Info: Creature is immune to stink, poison, and plague. The
creature is also immune to poison effects applied through other abilities,
like poison touch and venom spray.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: N/A

Name: Digging
Info: Creature can burrow. While burrowed the creature is
undetectable to most unit and take less damage from attacks, but does not
regenerate endurance and cannot attack or use special abilities. Flying units
and units in water cannot use this ability. Countered by: keen sense, sonar
pulse, anti-air towers, piercing attacks.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Front Legs

Name: Pack Hunter
Info: Attack bonus when near at least 3 other creatures of the
same species . Countered by ranged attacks.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: N/A

Name: Sonar Pulse
Info: Reveals any area of the map for viewing for a short period
of time. Reveals the location of the camouflaged creatures and burrowed
digging creatures. Strategically beneficial against: camouflage and digging.
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Head

Name: Charge Attack
Info: Creature will charge into close combat, increasing its
movement speed for a good distance to the target and doing extra damage for
the first attack delivered. Flying and ranged units cannot use this ability.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Hind Legs

Name: Horns
Info: Reduces the target creature's defense rating when in close
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Head

Name: High Endurance
Info: Creature generates its endurance faster, allowing certain
special abilities that require endurance to be used more often. It also
negates the movement penalties that occur due to stink cloud, poison, sonic
attack or Sound beam towers.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Torso

Name: Regeneration
Info: When damaged, creature heals itself
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: N/A

Name: Camouflage
Info: Invisible to most creatures. Becomes visible for a short
periods when attacking or using special abilities. Countered by: keen sense,
radar pulse, anti-air towers.
Costs Endurance: N/A
Body Part: Tail

Name: Leap Attack
Info: Creature can leap into close combat, doing extra damage on
its first attack, and guaranteeing that it attacks first. Flying and ranged
units cannot use this ability.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Hind Legs

Name: Keen Sense
Info: Creature can detect camouflaged and digging units
strategically beneficial against: camouflage and digging.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Head

Name: Electrical Burst
Info: Massive electrical discharge that damages ALL creatures
within a radius around the creature. Weakness: Only works at point blank
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Tail

Name: Herding
Info: Defensive bonus when near at least 3 other creatures of the
same species. Countered by: horns, ranged attacks (porcupine quills
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: N/A

Name: Frenzy
Info: When triggered creature does more damage and moves a bit
faster. Weakness: Takes more damage from enemy attacks.
Costs Endurance: Yes, keeps draining until endurance is gone.
Body Part:

Name: Poison
Info: Poison damages and partially paralyzes enemy creatures
slowing their movement rate and reducing the damage they do for a limited
period of time. Countered by: immunity, multiple attacking units
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Multiple

Name: Poison Touch
Info: Creatures poisons all enemy creatures that touch it. Poison
damages and partially paralyzes enemy creatures, decreasing the target
creature's movement speed and the amount of damage it can inflict on enemy
units. Creatures with Immunity are not affected by poison touch. Countered by:
immunity, ranged attacks
Costs Endurance:
Body Part: Tail

Name: Barrier Destroy
Info: Creature does more damage when attacking buildings and
fences. Immune to the damage done by bramble fences.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Claws

Name: Quill Burst
Info: Massive quill discharge that damages ALL creatures within a
radius around the creature. This attack partially ignores the defense of the
affected creatures. Weakness: Only works at point blank range, DAMAGES ALLIED
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Torso

Name: Plague
Info: Creature can pass on a damaging plague when it attacks in
close combat. The plague spreads to any nearby enemy creatures and the carrier
is immune. This attack is most effective against masses of small, weak units.
Countered by: immunity, ranged attacks
Costs Endurance:
Body Part:

Name: Stink Cloud
Info: Creates a short-lived skink cloud that stuns enemy units and
makes all units within the cloud immune to ranged attacks and artillery
attacks. Countered by: immunity, flyers, high endurance
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Tail


5.02 Insect Invasion Abilities (InsctA)

Name: Loner
Info: Creature gains a substantial bonus to attack and defense
when fighting alone, without any allies nearby. This ability is Minimum Rank
4- creatures with Loner are automatically Rank 4 or higher. Countered by: web
throw, assassinate, poison
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Tail

Name: Hovering
Info: Creature can unsheathe wings from beneath its torso shell
and fly short distances, landing on the ground upon arriving at its
destination. This ability uses the creature's endurance
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Torso

Name: Web Throwing
Info: Creature can throw webbing that paralyzes all enemies within
an area around the target. This ability has a Minimum Rank 3- creatures with
Web Throwing are automatically Rank 3 or higher. This ability uses the
creature's endurance
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Tail

Name: Defile Land
Info: Creature can spread camouflage filth along the ground as it
moves. Enemies and allies who step into the filth are slowed and damaged. This
ability is Minimum Rank 4- creatures with Defile Land are automatically Rank 4
or higher. Counters: flyers, keen sense, immunity, digging.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Hind Legs

Name: Flash
Info: Creature can temporarily blind opponents within a set radius
of itself. Affected range or artillery units lose their ranged and artillery
attacks. Careful- this affects allied units as well!! This ability uses the
creature's endurance
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Tail

Name: Deflection Armor
Info: Creature will sometimes reflect Direct-Ranged attacks that
strike its armor back at its attacker. Countered by: melee, artillery
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Torso

Name: Disorienting Barbs
Info: Creature occasionally releases a cloud of barbs from its
tail when it is struck, which irritate the senses of attackers, disorienting
the attackers and eliminating their organizational bonuses such as hunt in a
pack or traveling in a herd. Countered by: ranged attacks, artillery
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Tail

Name: Infestation
Info: Creature can burrow inside of an enemy structure, never to
be seen again, causing massive damage to the structure over a period of time.
Costs Endurance: No
Body Part: Head

Name: Assassinate
Info: Creature can instantly eliminate a single target. The
creature must be within melee range for Assassinate to work. This ability uses
the creatures endurance
Costs Endurance: Yes
Body Part: Tail

6.00 Cheats (Chts)

In case you need help, or just want to cheat for some reason, these are the
ones that are in the game.

First you need to hit the ` button to bring up the console. Then type...


The first two you replace the 1000 with any other number. It does not seem to
work on 100,000 or more at a time. It also does not seem to work if you do
99,999. But when I tried 30,000 it worked. And you can enter that multiple

The highest you can put in is 60000. The info came from
He also told me DO NOT use the cheat_buildings cheat while playing the
campaign, this will not let you to Gather Tech on the buildings. This will not
make you be able to beat certain levels.

Also the building cheat enables you to build any buildings. The rank just
increases your rank. If your feeling suicidal, just use the killself cheat!

7.00 Versions

1.02 Minor Updates


1.01 Updated the info I got from


1.00 Just got on GameFAQs

8.00 Credits and Thanks

Everybody who helped make the great game Impossible creatures.
CJayC for creating a great site
And of course, ME! For making this. for info about certain cheats

9.00 FAQs

No one has e-mailed me yet ='(
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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