MegaMan X

MegaMan X

17.10.2013 08:12:28
Mega Man X Secrets List

I found a MegaMan-X for SNES on the WWW, and I found out that the PC
version is almost exactly the same. All the secret items in the game
are listed below. ENJOY!

To get the other Heart Tank and the other Sub-Tank:
1) Get the Boomerang Cutter power-up in the Kuwanger stage.
2) Enter the Mandrill stage, use the Boomerang to grab the Sub-Tank.
3) Enter the Kuwanger stage again and use the Boomerang to grab the
Heart Tank sitting on the ledge at the top of the outside tower.

All Sub Bosses, all Heart Tanks and all Sub-Tanks plus:
Armor, Helmet, and Acceleration System.
To get Zero's Cannon: Enter Sigma level, cross chasm, battle Vile.
(Zero will give you his arm cannon just before passing away)
(Zero's Arm Cannon is the same)

All Sub Bosses, all Heart Tanks and all Sub-Tanks plus:
Armor, Helmet, Acceleration System, and Zero's Arm Cannon.


1. Go to the Armored Armadillo stage.
2. Ride the cart but jump off before leaving the first section.
3. There will be a large bat hanging from the ceiling.
4. Shoot the bat - it will usually give you a 1-Up.
5. Move out of sight of where the bat hangs.
6. Reenter the bats area -- he will re-appear, shoot him again.
7. Continue until your 1-Up lives are full (9 max).

(need Zero's Arm Cannon Power)

1. Go to the Armored Armadillo stage.
2. Start to ride the cart but jump off after it starts moving.
3. Use Zero's AC power to fully charge then switch to Rolling Shields.
4. With X's Force Shield surrounding him search for bats
5. Simply run into as many bats as you can, move back and forth to
make the bats reappear.
6. Once all of your Heart Tanks and Sub-Tanks are charged go for the bat.
7. There will be a large bat hanging from the ceiling.
8. Touch the bat with your shield - it will usually give you a 1-Up.
9. Move out of sight of where the bat hangs.
10. Reenter the bat area -- he will re-appear, shoot him again.
11. Continue until your 1-Up lives are full (9 max).


1. Chill Penguin S. Ice (Shotgun) Kill with Plain power
Ht: 5.34 Wt: 237 (Jump onto the wall)
Powers: Shotgun Ice, Sliding

2. Spark Mandrill E. Spark (Electric) Kill with Shotgun Ice
Ht: 10.0 Wt: 646
Powers: Electric Spark, Dash Punch
-- Use Fire Wave to kill the Robot Guards.
-- Use Shotgun Ice or Tornado power to kill the Thunder Slimer.

3. Armored Armadillo R. Shield (Rolling) Kill with Electric Spark
Ht: 6.36 Wt: 510
Powers: Rolling Shield, Guarding

4. Launch Octopus Homing. T (Torpedoes) Kill with Rolling Shields
Ht: 7.8 Wt: 348 For fun use Boomerang to
Powers: Homing Torpedo, Energy Drain cut off his tentacles.
-- Use Storm Tornado to destroy the Ship.
-- Use Storm Tornado to kill the Mecha-Eel.
-- For fun try riding on the Mecha-Eel's back!

5. Boomer Kuwanger B. Cutter (Boomerang) Kill with Homing Torpedoes
Ht: 7.93 Wt: 206 (Hang on left wall and
Powers: Boomerang Cutter, Dead Lift fire Homing Torpedoes)

6. Sting Chameleon C. Sting (Chameleon) Kill with Boomerang Cutter
Ht: 5.8 Wt: 169
Powers: Chameleon Sting, Iron Tongue

7. Storm Eagle Storm. T (Tornado) Kill with Chameleon Sting
Ht: 8.2 Wt: 275
Powers: Storm Tornado, Diving

8. Flame Mammoth Fire W. (Wave) Kill with Storm Tornado
Ht: 10.5 Wt: 719
Powers: Fire Wave, Oiling, Jump Press


1. Armadillo To the left of the 1st Earth Moving machine.
2. Mandrill In the first area, down a ladder, on the other side of
a wall -- use the Boomerang Cutter.
3. Eagle In the glass tower. It's easiest to get from the right
side of the tower.
4. Mammoth In the room with the Pick Tossing Miners. Climb up the
platforms, working towards the upper left side.
Accel-Jump from the platform with the Hard Hat Guys to
the left wall.


1. Penguin Fire Wave on Ice Castle above cave with robot suit.
2. Mandrill After the ceiling guns, past the transformers, at the
ladder, go up, it's on a ledge -- use Boomerang Cutter.
3. Armadillo Jump onto the ledge in front of the 2nd Earth Moving
4. Octopus Sink Ship, Battle 1st Mecha-Eel, room to right.
-- Use Storm Tornado to destroy the Ship.
-- Use Storm Tornado to kill the Mecha-Eel.
-- For fun try riding on the Mecha-Eel's back!
5. Kuwanger On ledge at top of outside tower -- use Boomerang Cutter.
-- If you have the X-Buster Power-Up from the Mammoth
Stage or Zero's Arm Cannon Power then form a shield
around you before riding the elevator and while
climbing the tower wall. It will kill every enemy
during your outside climb up!
6. Chameleon In pit at the start of the cave.
-- Must defeat the Octopus so water will fill the pit
that is just before the cave, then accel-jump across.
7. Eagle Ride the elevator to the top and accel-jump to the left.
-- You will land on the roof of the building on the left.
8. Mammoth In the Pick Tossing Miner room on the far bottom right.
-- Must defeat the Penguin first to freeze the Lava on
the floor.


0. X-Buster Beginning Hold "Y" to charge, release to

1. Acceleration System Penguin At the top of the Ice cave.
Speed by pressing "A" and jump
twice as far by pressing "A"+"B".

"Step into this capsule and
receive an acceleration system to
boost your speed." - T. Light

2. Helmet Enhancement Eagle Climb the tall girder, go down the
other side, Accel-jump to ledge on
right, blast through the gas tanks.

"This capsule contains an
enhancement for your helmet which
will allow you to break some
ceilings with a headbutt."
- T. Light

3. Armor Chameleon At cave entrance, accel-jump over
the pit, climb onto top of cave
and fight a Green Clamper robot.
He can be defeated by X-Blaster
shots to the head. Run fast under
his jumps between your shots.

"This capsule contains a new type
of body armor. It will reduce
damage to your system by 50
percent." - T. Light

4a. X-Buster Power-Up Mammoth At the entrance to the Pick
Tossing Miners room jump onto the
first platform, then run back to
the left and dash jump so that X's
helmet begins breaking the blocks
(See below).

"This capsule contains a part
which will increase the
capabilities of your X-Buster.
You can use it to fire all types
of weapons." - T. Light

4b. Zero's Arm Cannon Vile's Room Beat all Mini-Bosses, enter Sigma
level, cross ravine, climb shaft,
battle Vile (See below).

"You are more powerful than you
were before but Sigma is much more
than he appears to be. You're
going to need an edge. Take my
Arm Cannon and your attack power
should increase. Good Luck, X!"
- Zero

5. Hyruken Power Armadillo Use the following instructions:

"I give you a special present.
Now, enter the capsule, please."
- T. Light

1. Finished off all the Mini-Bosses and collect ALL of the Hart
and Sub Tanks.
2. Return to the Armored Armadillo stage.
3. Before you reach the boss's room, when you are flying across
the chasm on the cart, jump to the cliff above the door.
4. Quickly climb the cliff and grab the Power-Up, then jump
into the chasm.
5. Repeat the process four more times, and Dr. Light will
appear and give you the Hyruken power.
6a. Press Down, Down/Forward, Forward then Y to use the Fireball.
6b. Press Down, Down/Reverse, Reverse then Y to use the Fireball.
7. Remember, you must have full power to fire this weapon.
8. When X fires the Hyruken Power he yells "Cook'in".


Dr. Light's Capsule or Zero's Arm Cannon Power will increase the
power of X's X-Buster.
Hold "Y" until X turns red then release a Mega blast of energy.
Also, while X is red, push the top "L" or "R" button to select one
of X's special powers and then release "Y":

1. S. Ice (Shotgun) Forms an Ice Cart that X can ride.
2. E. Spark (Electric) Shoots two Electric walls left and right.
3. R. Shield (Rolling) Generates a Force shield around X until
another weapon is selected or until
certain enemies touch X. This weapon
is great to use to collect energy and
1-Ups from bats in the Armadillo stage
or from the shaft worms just before
Sigma's room!
4. Homing. T (Torpedoes) Fires 5 Torpedoes forward.
5. B. Cutter (Boomerang) Throws 4 Boomerangs in all 4 directions.
6. C. Sting (Chameleon) Makes X Invisible (to enemy) for 7 seconds.
7. Storm. T (Tornado) Generates a vertical tower Tornado.
8. Fire W. (Wave) Throws a wall of Fire forward.


1. Bomb Puffers Use Fire Wave to kill.
2. Crossing Canyon Use Force Shield.
3. Vile in an Armored Carrier Don't use any special powers,
you always loose almost all of
your power, Zero comes to rescue.
4. Vile Use Rolling Shields.
5. Vertical Shafts Use Chameleon Invisibility and
acceleration jump to climb.
6. Kuwanger Kill with Homing Torpedoes.
7. Just outside the BoSpider room Raise X's Force Shield and move
back and forth hitting the
enemies and getting recharged.
Don't run into the Hard Hat guys
when they are down or you'll
lose your force shield. Simply
turn X's back to them and they'll
run into X and be destroyed.
8. Mecha-Spider Boss (BoSpider) Shoot the Spider when it's on the
floor and it's spot turns red.
Stay in the left corner.
9. ** Exit to Main Screen ** 7437 6412 1255 (p/w doesn't work)
9a. Go to Armadillo stage (Optional) Charge up power and lives.
10. Penguin Kill with Plain Power.
11. Eagle Kill with Chameleon Sting.
12. Eyeball Machine Boss Shoot the Eyeballs and Nose.
(Rangda Bangda) Use Chameleon Sting on eyes.
Use Homing Torpedoes on nose.
13. ** Exit to Main Screen ** 7431 3842 8523 (p/w doesn't work)
13a. Go to Armadillo stage (Optional) Charge up power and lives.
14. Armadillo Kill with Electric Spark.
15. Chameleon Kill with Boomerangs Cutter.
16. Mandrill Kill with Shotgun Ice.
17. Octopus Kill with Rolling Shields.
18. Mammoth Kill with Storm Tornado.
19. DinoTank Boss (D-Rex) Cling to the wall and Shoot the
top part with the X-Blaster.
Asscel-Run to dodge the Energy
20. ** Exit to Main Screen ** 3676 4627 5142 (p/w doesn't work)
21. Shaft to Sigma room Use Force Shield.
Keep hitting the worms until all
powers are charged up.
22. Sigma's Mecha-Dog Kill with Shotgun Ice.
or One shot of Hyruken power!
23. Sigma with Sword Jump on left wall to dodge Sigma
and kill with Electric Spark.
or One shot of Hyruken power!
24. The Sigma Machine (Velgurder) Jump on platforms and shoot Sigma
in the head with Rolling Shields.
Don't get too close to his head
or you'll hit his shields and
loose your shot.
25. Game Ending and credits!!! Time from 1-25 is about 30 minutes.

(from end credits)

1. Highway Stage -- Vile
Spiky Rolling Spike Wheels
Crusher Helistompers
Ball De Voux StockyBots
Road Attackers Queen Bee Ship
Bee Blader Two-legged Droids
Robot Bomber Wasps
Monster Cannon Cars
Vile's Car Launching Ship
Vile in Armored Carrier (don't fight)

2. Ocean Stage -- Launch Octopus
Amenhopper Water Spiders
Sea Attacker Bomb Puffers
Gulpfer Spinning Sea Horses
Anglerge Cuttle Vacuum Subs
Gruiziler Cyber Eels
Utuboros Vacuum Fish
Whale Fleet Ship
Chopper Clamps
C Dragons

3. Snow Mountain Stage -- Chill Penguin
Ray Bat BunnyBots
Tombot Robot Lumber Jacks
Bomb Been Robot Bomber Wasps
Armor Soldier BatBots
Snow Shooter Rolling Spike Wheels
Buzzsaw Birds
Bandit in Armored Suit

4. Power Plant Stage -- Spark Mandrill
Gun Volt StockyBots (Robot Guards)
Hotrrion Light Bugs
Flammingle Buzzsaw Birds
Turn Cannon Thunder Slimer Boss
Thunder Slimer Gyro Jet Paranas
Floor Gun Turrets
Ceiling Gun Turrets
Bomb Puffers
Two-legged Droids

5. Sky Stage -- Storm Eagle
Lift Cannon Chopper Clampers
Flamer Shielded Spike Throwers
Sky Claw Rising Gun Turrets
Death Rogumer StockyBots
Flame Thrower Turrets
Two-legged Droids
Hard Hat Droids

6. Factory Stage -- Armored Armadillo
Scrap Robo BatBots
Dig Labour Large BatBot
Rolling Cabyool Buzzsaw Birds
Hoganmer Rock Rumblers
Hard Hat Droids
Rolling Spike Wheels
Pick Tossing Miners
Jet Birds

7. Gallery Stage -- Flame Mammoth
Batton Bone Large Scrap Reploids
Batton M-501 Cyclops Scrap Reploids
Mettool C-15 Chopper Clampers
Metal Wing Pick Tossing Miners
Mole Borer Lava Drops
Spiked Pipe Rotors
Shielded Spike Throwers

8. Tower Stage -- Boomer Kuwanger
Dodge Blaster Shelded Spike Throwers
Sine Faller Wall Pulse Cannons
Jamminger Helidroids
Mega Tortois Laser Beam Triggered Laser Cannons
Slide Cannon Bomb Puffers
Ladder Yadder Ledge Pulse Cannons
Floating Gun Turrets
Ladder Lizards
Ceiling Gun Turrets

9. Forest Stage -- Sting Chameleon
Planty Robot Lumber Jacks
Iwgrm Bush Droids
Axe Max Bush Worms
Crag Man Water Spiders
Mad Pecker Jolly Green Clamper Boss
Greeper WoodPecker
RT-55J Cyber Worms
Shielded Spike Throwers
Bandit in Robot Suit

10. Sigma Stage -- Vile, Sigma
BoSpider Bomb Puffers
Rangda Bangda Helidroids
D-Rex Floor Gun Turrets
Velgurder Ceiling Gun Turrets
Two-legged Droids
Vile in Armored Carrier (don't fight)
Vile Boss
Laser Beam Tripped Laser Cannons
Shielded Spike Throwers
Wall Pulse Cannons
Kuwanger Boss
Hard Hat Droids
Rolling Spike Wheels
Mecha Spider Boss w/Baby Mecha Spiders
Buzzsaw Birds
Penguin Boss
Bandit in Robot Suit
Pick Tossing Miners
Wall Pulse Cannons
Floating Gun Turrets
Ceiling Gun Turrets
Eagle Boss w/ 4 babies
Rolling Spike Wheels
Shielded Spike Throwers
Eyeball Machine Boss
Ceiling Gun Turrets
Bomb Puffers
Armadillo Boss
Pick Tossing Miners
Chameleon Boss
Pick Tossing Miners
Gyro Jet Paranas
Mandrill Boss
Vacuum Fish
Octopus Boss
Laser Beam Tripped Laser Cannons
Floor Gun Turrets
Ceiling Gun Turrets
Mammoth Boss
DynoTank Boss
Pipe Worms
Sigma's Dog
Sigma with Sword Boss
Giant Robot Sigma Boss

List of Hearts Tanks, Sub Tanks and Power Ups

Octopus\ ------------- /Penguin
\|H |H A |/
Armadillo |H R | |H W | Mammoth
|T | |T |
------ ------
|H E | |H |
Eagle |T | | | Kuwanger
/|T | |\
Mandrill/ ------------- \Chameleon

H - Heart Tanks:
Each Heart Tank will increase the Energy Meter by 2 energy units.

T - Sub Tanks:
Each Sub Tank, when full and selected, will increase the energy
Meter by 28 energy units.

A - Accelerator
Speed by pressing "A" and jump twice as far by pressing "A"+"B".
E - Helmet
Break some ceilings with you head, also good on some monsters.
W - Power-up Weapons
Power-up both all weapons by holding "Y" till X turns red.
M - Extra Armor
Take 50% less damage.
R - Special attack (the famous Ryu Fireball)
Kills most monsters with only 1 hit, including boss monsters.
You must have full health to use it. Press Dn, Dn/Rt, Rt, "Y".

Energy Meter:
The Initial Energy Meter has 16 energy units.
The eight Heart Tanks add 8 x 2 = 16 additional energy units.
The Energy Meter holds a maximun of 32 energy units.
The Chameleon Armor will additionally reduce damage by 50%.

Power Capsules:
Large Oval White Power Capsule = 8 energy units.
Small Round White Power Capsule = 2 energy units.

Weapon Power Meter:
The Weapon Power Meter holds a maximun of 28 energy units.

Weapon Capsules:
Weapon Capsules are added to the weapon with the lowest energy level.
Large Round Blue Weapon Capsule = 8 energy units.
Small Round Blue Weapon Capsule = 2 energy units.

Enemy Energy Meter:
The Enemy Energy Meter holds a maximun of 32 energy units.

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