

09.10.2013 21:27:58
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By: Richard Wise (aka tardounderdog)


1. Update history

2. Introduction

3. Copyright

4. What you can do in Constructor

5. Buildings

A. Resource yards

1. Woodyard
2. Cement yard
3. Brickyard
4. Steel yard

B. Houses

1. Log cabin
2. Wooden Lodge
3. Soweto hut
4. Bungalow
6. Northern Mews
7. COuncil house
8. Mid west house
9. Dakota house
10. Ohio house
11. Mock tudor
12. Scottish lodge
13. Town house
14. Beach house
15. Classic Georgian
16. Atlantan house

C. Utilities

1. Gadget factory
2. Police station
3. Mob boss headquarters
4. Prison
5. Park
6. Hospital
7. School

D. Undesirables

1. Commune
2. Pawn shop
3. Fixit's store
4. Biker bar
5. Apartment block
6. Haunted house
7. House of fun

E. Communities

1. Welsh cottage
2. Gothic church
3. Pub
4. Russain
5. Japanese
6. Dutch
7. Pyramid

6. The people

1. Worker
2. foreman
3. gangster
4. Biker
5. Clown
6. Theif
7. Police man
8. hippie
9. theif
10. ghost
11. zombie
12. mr. Fixit
13. Thug
14. repairman

7. Cheats

8. Who to thank

9. Closing bit

Update History

25/8/04 Version 1.0
TIME: 4:03PM

Just started it. GameFAQS is realy clogged up so I will not send it in for a
few days.
Added the first few things. I hope this is turns out to be an alright FAQ.
More updates soon.

26/8/04 Version 1.1
TIME: 7:24AM

Finished it. Now sending it in. Hope it's accepted.

5/9/04 Version 1.2
TIME: 9:48AM
No update. I have made an email address in which all FAQ stuff must be sent
That is:

of course you can still use but I probably ownt answer
the questions or whatever.


Hello and welcome to this short guide for constructor! I will update this a
fair bit so keep visiting!
If you want your stuff on this, email me at or I do have
MSN so add me if you want.


This is a copyrighted document. If you want to use it on your site, that is
fine but please email me first.
You are not permitted to re produce this document without qritten consent. If
you would like to print it for
private use, that is fine also.

What you can do in Constructor

Consturctor is a strategy game. There is no storyline or set missions. There
are many funny and slightly weird
things you can do in constructor. From kicking out the thugs next door to
frying people with lasers, I'm sure there
is something for all strategy gamers in here!


There are stacks of buildings you can construct in constructor. Here's the
full list.

Resource yards
These are the foundations of your buildings, nothing can be built without

Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale Value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- NONE
Cement- NONE
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can It be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x4

Cement yard
Purchase cost: $7,500
Resale value: $7,500
Resources Required:
Wood- 10
Cement- NONE
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x4

Brick yard
Purchase cost: $10,000
Resale value $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x4

Steel yard
Purchase cost: $15,000
Resale value $15,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x4


These really vary. From the dump to the mansions. Here's the full list.

Title: Log cabin
Purchase cost: $3,500
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- NONE
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x2

Title: Wooden Lodge
Purchase cost: $4,500
Resale value: $6,500
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- NONE
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x2

Title: Soweto hut
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $7,500
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- NONE
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x2

Title: Bungalow
Purchase cost: $5,800
Resale value: $7,500
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- 3
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x2

Title: Northern Mews
Purchase cost: $9,000
Resale value: $11,000
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- 3
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x3

Title: Council house
Purchase cost: $9,200
Resale value: $11,500
Resources required:
Wood- 4
Cement- 3
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 5x3

Title: Mid west house
Purchase cost: $9,500
Resale value: $12,000
Resources required:
Wood- 2
Cement- 3
Brick- 3
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x4

Title: Dakota house
Purchase cost: $9,500
Resale value: $12,400
Resources required:
Wood- 2
Cement- 3
Brick- 4
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x4

Title: Ohio house
Purchase cost: $10,500
Resale value: $13,000
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- 3
Brick- 4
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x4

Title: Mock tudor
Purchase cost: $12,000
Resale value: $15,000
Resources required:
Wood- 3
Cement- 2
Brick- 4
Steel- 2
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x3

Title: Scottish Lodge
Purchase cost: $13,500
Resale value: $17,500
Resources required:
Wood- 4
Cement- 2
Brick- 4
Steel- 3
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 5x3

Title: Town House
Purchase cost: $15,000
Resale value: $19,000
Resources required:
Wood- 4
Cement- 2
Brick- 5
Steel- 3
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x4

Title: Beach House
Purchase cost: $20,000
Resale value: $25,000
Resources required:
Wood- 4
Cement- 6
Brick- 2
Steel- 2
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 3x3

Title: Classic Georgian
Purchase cost: $23,000
Resale value: $28,000
Resources required:
Wood- 4
Cement- 2
Brick- 6
Steel- 3
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x3

Title: Atlantan house
Purchase cost: $25,000
Resale value: $32,000
Resources required:
Wood- 5
Cement- 4
Brick- 4
Steel- 3
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x4


These are required to build the nifty stuff like getting trees for houses,
getting gangsters and more.

Gadget factory
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x4

Police station
Purchase cost: $10,000
Resale value: $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 5x4

Mob boss headquarters
Purchase cost: $10,000
Resale value: $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x3

Purchase cost: $10,000
Resale value: $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- 10
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x4

Purchase cost: $10,000
Resale value: $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 2x2

Purchase cost: $ 10,000
Resale value: $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x3

Purchase cost: $10,000
Resale value: $10,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 5
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x3


These are required to build the more 'different' types of buildings. Some fo
these are dead useful.

Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 2x2
What can you do here?
Here you can hire hippies to go start parties in the streets, go make a new
home, or just cause general trouble.

Pawn shop
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- NONE
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 3x3
What can you do here?
Here you can hire a theif to go steal cash, resources or things from houses.

Fixit's store
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x3
What can you do here?
Here you can hire Mr. Fixit to go around and 'fix' a house.

Biker bar
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- 10
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NONE
Foundation size: 4x2
What can you do here?
Here you can hire a biker to go and either destroy a fence, destroy a house,
or go take over an enemy construction.

Apartment block
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- NONE
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 3x3
What can you do here?
Here you can hire thugs to go crash a house, or start a gang war in the

Haunted house
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- 10
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x2
What can you do here?
Here you can hire a ghost to go haunt a house, or start a zombie fest in

House of fun
Purchase cost: $5,000
Resale value: $5,000
Resources required:
Wood- 10
Cement- 10
Brick- 10
Steel- 10
Number available to build: 3
Can it be upgraded? NO
Foundation size: 4x2
What can you do here?
Here you can hire a clown to start fires, kill the ghost, or give the enemy
people a trip in the rocket.


These are the master of houses. They require masses of resources and cash.

Title: Welsh cottage
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x3

Title: Gothic church
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x3

Title: Pub
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 5x3

Title: Russian
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 4x3

Title: Japanese
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 7x3

Title: Dutch
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 5x3

Title: Pyramid
Purchase cost: $50,000
Resale value: $50,000
Resources required:
Wood- 20
Cement- 20
Brick- 20
Steel- 20
Number available to build: 1
Can it be upgraded? YES
Foundation size: 6x5

Those are all the buildings.

The people

There are a number of people in Constructor. Here's the list of the people
you can either control or just watch.

police man
mr. Fixit

Those are all the people.


Here's a full list of cheats. To use them, type them in where you set up the
game. Once your done, press enter.
A noise should indicate you did them correctly. To activate them, press C
while in game. A plus (+) should appear
next to the date.

Borrow Any Amount Of Money

Build Any Building, In Any Quantity

Build Any Fence

Build Any Gadget

Buy A Worker Anytime

Buy Any Weapon For Any Gangster

Buy Estates Without Restriction

Convert Workers Into A Gangster Anytime

Alt+P = create police, Alt+M = Mob Bribe Create Police Cadets/Mob Bribes

Enable Speed-Up In Network Play

hold Ctrl when placing structure Place Structures Instantly

Play Any Map On Any Setting

press Alt-C during game Turn Off Complaints

press Alt-I during game Turn Off Council Missions

Unlimited Tenants

Use Any Undesirable Function

Those are all the cheats.

Who to thank

Thanks to me for making it. Thanks to CjayC for putting it on GameFAQS.
Thanks for you to reading it!

Final bit

This guide only took me an hour or so to make. I hope it inspires you to make
some of your own!
Thanks for reading this!

Copyright of Richard Wise 2004.


Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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