

14.10.2013 21:31:35

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 27th Aug, 2004 (First version)


1. Introduction


Hook is a fun point and click adventure game made by Ocean in 1991. It features
the story of a grown up Peter Pan who is brought back to Neverland in search of
his kids, stolen by the fearsome Captain Hook. Peter arrives in Neverland with
no memories of ever having lived there, so when he meets Hook face to face,
Hook decides to give him three days to prepare himself for a fight on his ship.
As he meets up with his old friends, Peter must regain his memories, learn how
to fly and train himself for the final battle with Hook. Despite the extremely
short size of the game, this is still an entertaining graphic adventure that
features lively, colourful graphics and challenging puzzles.


2. Walkthrough


Walk left behind pirate square and get the anchor at the left side of the pier.
Get the washing line pole leaning up against the side of the ship, then walk
right to return to Pirate Square. Walk right to Old Mans Pier and get the rope.
Walk north to the crossed swords and get the two mugs on the tables at either
side. Walk north to Dead Mans Pier, then walk through the bottom-left entrance
to the Bait and Tackle. Get the mug on the left table and walk out through the
door on the second floor to arrive on a balcony above Pirate Square.

Combine the anchor and the rope to make a grappling hook. Attempt to use the
grappling hook with the roof above the clock tower two times and Peter will
refuse. In the square below, a pirate with a black hat will be walking left and
right. Wait until he walks toward the entrance on the right, then use the
grappling hook with the roof above the clock tower a third to swing over to the
other side of Pirate Square, grabbing the hat of the pirate along the way.

If you miss, just swing back and forth again between the balconies until you
collect the hat. On the left balcony, knock on the door to hear Mrs. Smeedle
answer. Quickly use the grappling hook on the roof above the clock tower to
swing back to the right balcony. Walk outside and walk to the top-left corner
of the area to return to Pirate Square. Walk to the left side of the area to go
behind Pirate Square, and use the washing line pole to get the pirate jacket.
Look at the pirate jacket in the inventory to find a gold piece.

Walk right and go to Muggers Alley at the top-right corner of Pirate Square.
Walk right to see the entrance to Dr Chop's shop. Enter his shop and talk to
him to view the conversation menu. As with all conversations in the game, right
click to change the text that Peter says. Say "How can I earn some money?" and
he will agree to give Peter a gold piece for one of his gold teeth. Say "OK.
You can have one of my gold teeth." to be given a gold coin. Talk to Dr Chop
again and select the same conversation topics to get another gold coin.

Get the roller blind from the wall and exit Dr Chop's shop to return to Muggers
Alley. Walk left to the Jolliest Rogers Place and give the three mugs to the
barman. Give the three gold pieces to the barman to get three drinks. Give the
three drinks to the pirate sitting at the table and he will fall asleep. Get
the trousers from the pirate and exit the Jolliest Rogers Place. Return to
Pirate Square and walk to the left side of the area to go behind Pirate Square.
Use the roller blind and Peter will change into pirate clothes.

Walk right to Pirate Square and return to Muggers Alley. Walk right through the
alley and enter Good Form pier. Walk onto Hook's ship and get gold pieces from
the jars at the right side of the ship. Exit the ship and return to Pirate
Square. Enter Ye Pirate Tailors at the top-left corner of Pirate Square and
talk to the shopkeeper. Say "My name's Peter Banning. Where can I find this
Hook?". Say "Do you have any metal detectors?", then say "There you go." to buy
the magnet. Exit the shop and return to Muggers Alley.

Walk to the right side of the alley and go to Good Form Beach. Use the magnet
with the X on the sand to find a clock. Exit the beach and walk right again to
Good Form Pier. Walk north to Hook's ship. Walk left on the ship to meet Hook,
who gives Peter three days to prepare himself for a battle. Hook makes Peter
walk the plank. Underwater, look in the clam to get a conch shell and use the
washing line pole on the rope to fix the pulley. Use the shell to ride up to a
log high above Neverland. Walk right along the log to enter the Neverforest.

Walk North. East. North. West. North. East and continue east to be caught in a
tree. Tinkerbell will rescue Peter and reveals a secret entrance in the tree
leading to the Lost Boys den. Walk through the entrance in the tree and walk up
the steps at the top-left corner of the area to enter the workshop. Get the
arrow on the table and walk west to the jogging area. Walk west to The Avenger
and get the net on the barrel. Walk east twice to enter the Four Seasons.

Use the conch shell near the chicken and get the eggs from the nest when the
chicken flies up. Get the big yellow flower on the right. Continue walking
right and get the stick on the ground near the red leaves. Walk east twice to
the workshop and give the eggs to the boy behind the table to receive a piece
of strong elastic. Walk east twice to the round pond and get the branch from
the tree at the bottom-right corner of the area. Give the flower to Tinkerbell
and she will give a thimble to Peter. Walk west twice to the workshop.

Look at the net in the inventory to find a piece of string. Combine the string
with the branch to make a bow, then use the bow with the pan pipes. Get the pan
pipes and walk east twice to the slingshot area. Use the elastic on the broken
slingshot to fix it. Walk east to the cliffside and use the edge of the cliff
to jump down to the mud below. Do this two more times, then talk to the boy
under the cliff and say "What did you think of that?" to be told that Peter is
ready to use the slingshot now. Walk west and use the slingshot.

Talk to the boy under the cliff and say "What are your happy thoughts?" to be
given some marbles. Walk west twice to the dining area. Talk to Rufio at the
right side of the table and say "Oh Rufio!" to throw the food at him. Walk east
to the round pond and Peter will be hit by an object which sends him flying
over to the island in the background. In the den, look at the beds, the rocking
chair and the fireplace. Talk to Tinkerbell and she will explain that Hook
burnt the den after Peter left Neverland. Peter will regain his memories and
will learn how to fly, and after a short cutscene he will fly to Hook's ship.

The battle is like a very basic version of the Monkey Island pirate insult
battles. Only one option will move Hook back, while the rest will move Peter
back. There is no way of losing in this part, as Peter will just stop moving
back when he gets too far. Say "Peter Pan the Avenger!", "Good form James.",
"Tick-tock-tick-tock Hook's afraid of a dead old croc.", "You kidnapped my
kids. You deserve to die James Hook!", "Put up your swords. It's Hook or me
this time.", then say "Peter Pan the Avenger!" to complete the game.


3. Item List


Hanging off the side of the pier behind Pirate Square. It is combined with
the rope to make the grappling hook.

Found at the right side of the bench in the Lost Boys Workshop. It is used
with the pan pipes in the Lost Boys workshop.

Made by combining the branch from the round pond area with the string. It is
used with the pan pipes in the Lost Boys workshop.

Found near the red leaves at the Autumn section of the Four Seasons area. It
is not used.

Found on the tree at the right side of the round pond area. It is combined
with the string to make a bow.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used.

Found by using the magnet on the X on Good Form Beach. It is not used.

Found by looking in the clam near the mermaids under the sea. It is used near
the chicken at the Spring section of the Four Seasons area.

After the conch shell has been used to scare the chicken in front of the
Spring section of the Four Seasons area, the eggs are found in the nest. They
are given to the boy in the Lost Boys workshop.

Found by giving the eggs to the boy in the Lost Boys workshop. It is used
with the broken elastic on the slingshot.

Found in front of the Summer section of the Four Seasons area. It is given to
Tinkerbell at the round pond.

Three full mugs are found by giving the three gold pieces to the barman in
the Jolliest Rogers Place after he has been given three mugs. They are given
to the man at the table in the Jolliest Rogers Place to make him fall asleep.

Found by looking at the pirate jacket in the inventory. It is given to the
barman in the Jolliest Rogers Place.

Found by having Dr Chop pull out one of Peter's gold teeth in his shop in
Mugger's Alley. It is given to the barman in the Jolliest Rogers Place.

Found by having Dr Chop pull out one of Peter's gold teeth in his shop in
Mugger's Alley. It is given to the barman in the Jolliest Rogers Place.

Made by combining the anchor with the rope. It is used with the roof above
the clock tower to swing from balcony to balcony.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used.

Bought from Ye Pirate Tailors in Pirate Square for the nine gold pieces. It
is used on the X on Good Form Beach to find the clock.

After attempting to fly off the edge of the cliff three times, the marbles
are found by talking to the boy near the puddle after using the slingshot.
They are not used.

Found on two tables in the Crossed Swords pub and one table in the Bait and
Tackle pub. They are given to the barman in the Jolliest Rogers Place.

Found on a barrel near the Lost Boys ship. It is looked at in the inventory
to find a piece of string.

Found in the pot at the right side of Hook's ship. They are used to buy the
magnet from Ye Pirate Tailors in Pirate Square.

Found by using the bow with the pan pipes in the Lost Boys workshop. They are
not used.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used.

Found by using the grappling hook on the roof of the clock from the balcony
when the pirate is walking below. It is one part of the pirate uniform.

Found by using the washing line pole on the jacket behind Pirate Square after
knocking on Mrs. Smeedle's door. It is one part of the pirate uniform.

Found on the man sitting at the table in the Jolliest Rogers Place after he
has been given the three full mugs. It is one part of the pirate uniform.

Found on the wall of Dr Chop's shop in Mugger's Alley. After the pirate
jacket, pirate hat and pirate trousers have been found, the roller blind is
used on the washing line behind Pirate Square to change into pirate clothes.

Found at the end of the pier at Deadman's Pier. It is combined with the
anchor to make the grappling hook.

Found by looking at the net in the inventory. It is combined with the branch
to make the bow.

Found by talking to Rufio after Peter regains his memory. It is used to
defeat Hook in the insult match on Hook's ship.

Found by talking to Tinkerbell after Peter regains his memory in the Lost
Boys base. It is not used.

Found by giving the flower to Tinkerbell at the round pond. It is not used.

Leaning up against the side of the ship behind Pirate Square. It is used with
the pirate jacket behind the Pirate Square to collect the gold piece. It is
used with the pulley near the mermaids under the sea.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2004-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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