Commandos 2

Commandos 2

16.10.2013 17:17:52


Commandos 2 (PC)
Bonus Book FAQ
By Evert "From Earth" van Aart
Final Version



0) Table of Contents



If you need to find a certain section quickly, press [CTRL] + [F] to bring up
the Find menu of your browser or text editor, and search for the code behind
the section's name in this TOC. For example, if you want to find all the
bonus pieces in Mission 6, search for 'MIS6' (without the quotes).

0 Table of Contents TOC0

1 FAQ Information FAQ1
a. About the Author ABO1
b. Contact Information CON1
c. Copyright Disclaimer COP1

2 Introduction INT2

3 Bonus Book Finders BON3
a. Mission 1 MIS1
b. Mission 2 MIS2
c. Mission 3 MIS3
d. Mission 4 MIS4
e. Mission 5 MIS5
f. Mission 6 MIS6
g. Mission 7 MIS7
h. Mission 8 MIS8
i. Mission 9 MIS9
j. Mission 10 MIS0

4 Credits & Thanks CRE4


1) FAQ Information



a. About the Author

For a full list of other work by the same author, Evert "From Earth" van Aart:

b. Contact Information

You can contact me by e-mail, but there are some rules.

- Do not send me questions that have already been answered in the FAQ.
- Do not expect me to know the answer to every single question about the game.
- Please include the title of the game in the subject line.
- You can send me corrections and additions, but you should know that this FAQ
is no longer in developement, so unless your correction or addition is about
something really important, I probably won't include it.
- Love mail is always welcome.

evert.vanaart (at) gmail (dot) com

c. Copyright Disclaimer

This FAQ is copyrighted by Evert "From Earth" van Aart, C2004-2007. It is the
intellectual property of the Author, and as such, it is prohobited by law to
distribute, host, copy or sell this any part of this document without the
written permission of the Author. Websites that want to host this FAQ
should contact the Author before doing so. For personal use only.


2) Introduction



In Commandos 2, you can unlock Bonus Missions by finding all pieces of
the Bonus Puzzle in the level. These pieces are hidden in Bonus Books,
and those are hidden in furniture, chests, and cabinets throughout the
level. These Bonus Books will disappear when clicked, at which point
a new piece of the photopuzzle will appear.

However, finding all the Bonus Books can be hard at times. Sometime you
still need one or two pieces, even though you've checked the whole level.
When this happens, you can either spend a lot of time searching through
all containers in the level, or you can simply read this FAQ.

How do you use it? Play Commandos 2, and take a look at the Bonus Book
Screen. Remember which pieces are still missing. Now, open this FAQ, and
go to the chapter for the mission you're stuck in. At the start of each
chapter, I'll give an ASCII representation of the Bonus Puzzle. Find what
pieces you're missing, and then look at the description with the
corresponding number.

Good luck,

Evert "From Earth" van Aart


3) Bonus Book Finders



a. Mission 1 - Night of the Wolves

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| 1 / \ 3 |
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1 > This one is in the house with the phone used to distract the general. In
this house, there's a room with 3 beds. There are also two tall lockers
in this room. The Book is in one of the two lockers.
2 > The same room and building as #1, but this Book is in the other of the
two lockers.
3 > In the Mess Hall, where the general's assistant is drinking with 5 other
soldiers. It's in the cupboard in the corner (not the one next to the
chest, the other corner).
4 > This one's in the room where Natasha starts. Look in the big locker on
the wall opposite of the door.
5 > Opposite of the Mess Hall (see #3), there's a small building with
showers inside. The last piece of the puzzle is in a locker in this
building, next to the door.

b. Mission 2 - Das Boot, Silent Killers

| | / |
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| \ | \ ___ |
| \ 1 | 2 | \____ |
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| \ | | 4 |
| \___ |_____ | |
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| 5 / / \__ |
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|__/ 8 \ |
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|___ ______________/ | |
| \_________/ __/ |
| \___ 9 _____/ |
| \_____ _____/ |
| 10 \____ ____/ 11 |
| \___ / |

1 > Inside the Submarine that you're supposed to steal. Go to the center of
the Submarine to find some sort of kitchen, with a lot of cupboards on
the walls. This Bonus Book is in one of the cupboards.
2 > Inside the Submarine Pen. Standing on the Submarine you have to steal,
walk off the plank, back onto solid ground, and then turn left. Enter
the building here (it's the same building where the Captain is being
held captive). On the ground floor of this building, search the file
cabinet near the door to find this Book.
3 > This one's in the same building as #2. Go to the second floor, where
the Captain's cell is. Search the two lockers in the corner near the
stairs to find the Book.
4 > Remember that, in the previous mission, Natasha could phone the
general? Well, go to the building with the phone (it's near the
general's office). There are three rooms in this building: one anteroom,
the room with the phone, and a room with some beds and a lot of
enemies. The Book is in this last room, in the locker next to the door
behind the Officer. If you want to get it without being seen, enter the
building through the door behind the Officer. By the way, how nice of
those Germans to replace those Bonus Books overnight =)
5 > This one's in the room where Natasha started in the previous mission,
near the missiles you have to destroy. Check the big cupboard in this
room to find the Bonus Book (same location as #4 in Mission 1).
6 > Enter the general's office (with the safe you had to crack in the
previous mission). In the anteroom (the little room before the actual
office), there's a file cabinet in the corner. Check this cabinet to
find the next Book.
7 > This one's also in the general's office. Enter the actual office this
time, and search the shelves next to the desk.
8 > Opposite of the Mess Hall (where the assistant was drinking in the
previous mission), there's a small building with some showers inside.
The Book's in a locker in this building, next to the door.
9 > There are two gates to the enemy complex. Go to the gate with the train
tracks (near the fuel tanks). Facing this gate from inside the complex,
there are two doors, one on either side of the gate. Enter the left
door (you have to walk over a catwalk first), it leads to a small room
with two enemies and a switch to open the gate. The Book is in a desk
in this room.
10 > North from the train station, you'll see an anti-aircraft gun on a
wooden platform. Just north of that, in the complex wall, there's a
bunker. Enter this bunker, and look for an officer and a lieutenant in
a small office. This Book is hidden in the desk in this office.
11 > Enter the Submarine you're supposed to steal, and make your way to the
rear end. In the small room at the rear, you'll see a cupboard. It
contains the last piece of the Bonus Books.

c. Mission 3 - Silent Death

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| 5 / |
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1 > This one's in the room where you start, in the Submarine. Look in the
cupboard in this room to find it.
2 > In the center of the Submarine, you'll find some sort of kitchen, with
a lot of cupboards on both sides. This Book is in one of them.
3 > There are two buildings north of the Submarine. One is where the Green
Baret is being kept, the other one holds the radio. Enter the building
with the radio, and search the cupboard near the door to find the next
Bonus Book.
4 > Enter the big ship, and make your way to the front (if you take the
plane as the north end of the level, go west). In the last room, past
the crew quarters where the Captain is being held, you'll find 4
lockers. The Book is in one of them.
5 > This one's in the crew quarters of the ship, where the Captain is held
captive. Enter the room two doors away from the Captain's cell, and
search the cupboard to find the next piece.
6 > When you're on the bridge (where they're holding the Enigma Machine),
enter the door that leads down to the room below. Go down the stairs.
There's another set of stairs leading down, a door leading outside, and
a narrow office on the other side of the room. Enter this narrow office.
There's a desk with some equipment, but you should look for a really
small, brown cupboard on the wall to the right (seen from the door).
The Book is in this cupboard.

d. Mission 4 - Target: Burma

| | \ |
| /| \ |
| 1 / \ | |
| ___/ \ | 3 |
| _______/ | / |
| ______/ | 2 / |
|_/ \ /_________ |
| \ / \______ |
| | / \___ |
| 4 _\ /\__ \__|
| / \ / \ 7 |
| / \ / \___ |
|___ ____/ \ / \___ |
| \_____ _____/ \ / \__ _______|
| \_____/ \/ 8 \__/ |
| / \ _____/ |
| | 6 \ _____/ |
| 5 | \ ____/ |
| / \/ 9 |
| | \ |

1 > From your starting position, head to the bridge. Cross the narrow
bridge, and the immediately turn left, and pass the stairs on the
right. Walk on the path between the water and the yellow building, then
go around the corner and enter this yellow building. Search the cupboard
in the room with the two officers to find the Book.
2 > There are three bridges over the river: a narrow one, and two big ones.
Get onto the big bridge in the southeast corner of the map (the one that
isn't near the escape boat). On this bridge, walk towards the square.
Just before you pass through the gate with the green roof, enter the
door on the left. Two guards are cleaning their guns here. Check the
gun racks to find this piece of the Bonus Mission.
3 > Not far away from the escape boat, you'll see a garden with several
monks walking in it. Enter the building across the road from this
garden. When you're in, enter the room on the right, and search the
4 > Near the big statue, and also near the two watch towers at the end of
the bridge, you'll see a big building in the center of the square. There
are two snipers on the balcony. Anyway, enter this building, and stay on
the ground floor. There's a room with two guards, some radio equipment,
and an officer that is constantly pacing around. Enter this room, and
check one of the cupboards.
5 > From the starting point, follow the river, staying on this side. After
passing the narrow bridge, keep going. When you come near the big
bridge, you'll see some stairs leading into the water. On the other side
of the river, big stairs are leading out of the water. Cross the river
here, and enter the big building across the road from those broad stairs
(the building with a guard on the roof). On the second floor, you'll see
a room with a bunch of shelves. The Book is on one of those shelves.
6 > Go to the same building as #2 (the one on the side of the southwestern
bridge). Enter it, and then climb a ladder to reach a room with some
bookshelves. The Book is on one of these shelves.
7 > Go to the radio building. On the ground floor, check the cupboard to
find the Bonus Book.
8 > Across the entrance to the statue is another building. Go through the
entrance (it doesn't have a door as entrance, just a hole). There are
four rooms here, two of them have bookshelves in them. Check one of the
two bookshelves for this piece.
9 > In the same building as #8, but this one's on the other bookshelf.

e. Mission 5 - Bridge Over River Kwai

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1 > On the bridge are two spots you can search (at the barrels). The Bonus
Books is hidden between one set of barrels.
2 > Go to the prisoner camp, across the river. There are 4 buildings between
the fences. Go into the one furthest away from the bridge. Here, you'll
find some shelves. Search them to find the second Bonus Book.
3 > Go to the prisoner camp across the river. Enter the biggest one of the
four buildings between the fences. Inside, search the cupboard (it's
the same cupboard in which you'll find the bomb).
4 > Cross the bridge, and turn right. Walk past the building, then turn
right, and walk down the sloped path. At the bottom of path is a small
house. Inside are an officer and a normal soldier. Once you've cleared
this one room building, look for a really small cabinet on the wall. I
mean REALLY small, the size of a Commando's head. Once you've found it,
search it for the Bonus Book.
5 > To complete the goal, you have to show Guinness the model of the bridge.
Go to the room with the model. Next to the model is a small cupboard,
the Bonus Book is inside.
6 > Enter the building nearest to the start, with the car next to it. On a
table in this building is a small cupboard. Search it for the Book.
7 > Near the start are two buildings. Enter the west one, the one closest
to the bridge. Search the little brown drawer next to the door for the

f. Mission 6 - Guns Of Savo Island

| | |
| / |
| | 2 |
|\_ \ |
| \_ 1 |_____ |
| \_ / \____ |
| \_ __/ \____ |
| \_ __/ \___|
| \_ __/ \___ 5 |
| \ __/ \____ |
| \__ _/ / \__ |
| _/ __/ \__ |
| 3 _/ 4 _/ \_ |
| _/ | / \_ |
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| / \_ 6 |
| __/ \_ |
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| / 7 \_ |
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| \_________________|
| ______________________/ ___/|
|\__________/ ___/ |
| \____ ___/ |
| \__ 9 ___/ |
| \__ ____/ |
| 8 \__ ___/ 10 |
| \ __/ |

1 > If you check your goals, you'll see that you have to get some
explosives. Use the directions given in the Objective menu to find
the bunker where the explosives are kept. Enter it, and search the
cupboard nearest to the entrance to find the Bonus Book.
2 > In the camp nearest to your starting position (the one on the side with
the guns), there are several houses, and a bunker. Facing the bunker,
turn 90 degrees to the right, and walk to the wooden platform up ahead.
Enter the small hut on this platform. After taking care of the officer
inside, search the cupboard.
3 > In the southern village (the one above the guns), face the narrow bridge
across the river. To your right will be a wooden platform with two
buildings, a big one and a really small hut. The big one has a sniper
on the second floor. Enter this building, and look in the only cupboard
in this hut.
4 > This one's in the southern village, that's the village above the bunker
with the guns. There's a white bunker with a steel door in this village.
Facing the door, turn 120 degrees to your left. You'll see a pretty big,
T-shaped hut. Enter it, and search the shelves in the corner for the
next Book.
5 > When you finally get to the guns you have to destroy, you'll see a
couple of cupboards near those guns, in the same room. This Bonus Book
is in one of the cupboards.
6 > Like #5, this one's in one of the cupboards in the room with the guns.
7 > Standing at the three guns you have to destroy in the bunker, enter the
only door in this room. Walk down this corridor, and take the first door
left to enter a room filled with soldiers in white clothes. There's also
one cupboard in this room, the Book is in it.
8 > One of the clues you'll get in this mission is to steal the keys to
the bunker. Select this clue to find out where the keys are, then make
your way to that room. It's a big room, with a lot of radio's, a table
with a map, and the Admiral who has the keys. There are also a lot of
cupboards and closets here, search them all to find pieces #8, #9 and
9 > This one's also in the room with the Admiral who has the keys. See #8
for more details. Search all cupboards and cabinets to get them all.
10 > Again, in the room with the Admiral (see #8).

g. Mission 7 - The Giant In Haiphong

| \___ |
| \___ |
| __\___ 2 |
| 1 ____/ \___ |
| ____/ |\___ |
| ____/ | | \____ |
| / / | \ |
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|\__ | 4 | \ |
| \__ 3 / | | |
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| / \______ / 5 |
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| | \_|_ |
| / \__ |
| 6 /__ 7 / \___ |
| / \__ __/ \___ |
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| / \__ / \ |
| / \ /___ 8 _\|
| _/| | \__ ___/ |
| _/ | 9 | \_ ___/ |
| _/ | | 10 \___/ |
| _/ |_ / ___/ \ |
|/ / \__ | ___/ | |
| \ \__ / ___/ | 14 |
| 11 \ \__ |/ | |
| / \__ | 13 \ |
| / 12 \|_ | |
| / \__ \ |

1 > On one of the shelves in the warehouse where the Lupin and Inferno start.
2 > Like #1, on one of the shelves in the warehouse.
3 > In the southwest corner of the map is a stationary truck. Enter the
second floor of the house with the green roof near that truck. Go to
the kitchen, and look in the stove to find the Bonus Book.
4 > Go to the white building where Natasha start. On the ground floor of
this building, look in the cupboard for a Book.
5 > In the village, stand on the square in front of the gate to the enemy
base. Face the gate, then turn 90 degrees to your left, and enter the
door in front of you. Search the shelves with the clothes for another
Bonus Book.
6 > Leave the white building where Natasha starts via the front door, and
turn left (seen from your Commando). Walk down the street. After passing
the house with the green roof and the balcony, enter the door on the
left, into a stone-colored building (it's on the same block as
Natasha's house). Get to the top floor of this house. In the bedroom,
check the small drawer next to the 'bed' to find this Book.
7 > Go to the same house where you can find #6. On the ground floor, go into
the room with the counter, and there search the small cabinet on the
8 > Between the row of houses with Natasha, and the house with the
Storekeeper, there's a lone house with a walled-off garden. Enter this
house, and head into the room with the general and the soldiers. Here,
check out the shelves to find the piece.
9 > If you go towards the enemy base gate from the starting point, you'll
come past couple of houses on the right side of the street. Enter the
first big house you come by, it has a green and a red roof, and a
balcony. Make your way to the second floor, and there enter a room with
a desk and some file cabinets. Check the fallen file cabinet and the
normal one to find two Books.
10 > Near the Green Beret's starting point are two small houses. One has got
some white flowers near the entrance; enter the other house, the one on
the corner of the street. Inside, check the shelves.
11 > Go into the house with the Shopkeeper (check your Goals to find the
house). Inside, climb a ladder to the second floor. In the small room
on the second floor, look for a chest near the window. The Book's inside.
12 > Like #9, this one's inside of one of the file cabinets on the second
floor of the big house west of the start. Read the description for #9
to get there.
13 > From the town, go through the gate, into the enemy base. Enter the first
building on your left, the one with the short stairs in front. Inside,
go through the only other door. Above you, you'll see the corridor that
runs above the gate. Don't climb up the ladder, however. Check out the
cabinets next to the door you just came through to find a Bonus Book.
14 > This one's inside the house of the Shopkeeper (check your goals to find
him). It's on the shelves behind the Shopkeeper.

h. Mission 8 - Saving Private Smith

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| \ | 3 |
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| 1 \ ____/ \ |
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|__/ 4 / |
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1 > In the rover is a sunken ship. There are two ways to enter it: you can
swim into the nose from underwater, or you can use the blowtorch to open
the rear end. Once inside the plane, take care of the enemies, and then
look in the green cabinet here.
2 > In the building where the Sapper (Inferno) is being held. Go to the big
living room, and search the big cupboard here to find the Book.
3 > This one's in the room where the Sniper is being interrogated. After you've
rescued him, check out the cupboard in this room. Check the Goals to
locate the right building.
4 > Also in the building where the Sniper was held captive. Go downstairs,
and search the small cupboard here to find the next piece.
5 > Go to the second floor of the building where the Green Baret was
imprisoned. There are two Books on this floor: one in a cabinet in the
bathroom, the other one in the cupboard in the bedroom.
6 > See #5: either in the bathroom or in the bedroom.

i. Mission 9 - Castle Colditz

| \ / / |
| | 2 _/ 4 _/ |
| | __/___ __/ |
| \ _/ _\_______ __/ 5 |
| \ / 3 __/ \___/_______ |
| 1 |/____/ __/ |\___________|
| \ 6 __/ \ | |
| | __/ \ | |
| | __/ \ 8 | 9 |
|_______ \ __/ 7 \ | ___|
| \_____\/ \ \ ___/ |
| | \_______ \ \__/ |
| | 11 _\_______ \ ___/ | |
| 10 | ______/ \ \___\/__13 | 14 |
| |______/ \__ 12 | | \__|____ |
|______/| \__ | | \____|
| | / \__ | | |
| | | \_| 18 \ 19 |
| / 16 | \ | |
| | | 17 | | |
| 15 | \ | \_____________|
| | / _____|_______/ | |
| | _______|___/ | \ |
|_____|_____/ _/ / \ | |
| __/ | | \ 24 |
| 20 ___/ 21 \ 22 | 23 | |
| ____/ \____ / | \ |
|/ | \___|___________/______________| ____|
| \ | | \/ |
| 25 | 26 / 27 | 28 ____/| |
| | | | ___/ 29 | 30 |

1 > In the Castle itself, make your way to the inner prison yard (the
courtyard without the execution squad). You'll see a flat roof you can
walk on on one side of the yard. On this flat roof, there's a small
structure. Immediately underneath it, on ground level, is door. Enter
it, you should be in a room with some benches and a door leading to a
kitchen. Enter the kitchen, and search the cupboard for the Book.
2 > Go into the same building as you did for #1. In the room with the
benches, go down the stairs. Open the metal doors, and search the two
shelves in the room behind them to find no less than 2 Bonus Books.
3 > Go to the inner prisoner yard, the one without the firing squad. Look
around to find a really tall window (2 or 3 stories high). Facing this
window, turn right, and enter the door here. You should be in some sort
of gym. Head into the room under the stairs, and search the small
cabinet on the wall.
4 > The same place as #2. Search both shelves to find two pieces of the
Bonus Puzzle. Read #2 for more information.
5 > Go to the inner prisoner yard, the one without the firing squad. Look
around to find a really tall window (2 or 3 stories high). Facing this
window, turn right, and enter the door here. You should be in some sort
of gym. Go up the stairs to reach the first floor. In the room with the
beds, search two shelves and one cupboard to find a total of three
Bonus Books.
6 > Same as #5.
7 > Same as #5.
8 > Go to the inner prisoner yard, the one without the firing squad. Look
around to find a really tall window (2 or 3 stories high). Facing this
window, turn right, and enter the door here. You should be in some sort
of gym. Go up the stairs twice to reach the second floor. There are two
bedrooms here. Check all the furniture in those rooms to find 4
Bonus Books.
9 > Same as #8.
10 > Near the Green Beret's starting point, there's a factory with a sign
that says 'Brouwerij'. Go into this factory (the one with the pipes on
the roof, not the other one). Head into the little office on one side
of the room, and search all furniture here to find two Books.
11 > Same as #10.
12 > If you follow the river from the church where the Spy start, you'll
come past a factory. Get inside the fenced-off area, and then enter the
smallest of the two buildings. Search all the furniture in this small
house to find three Books.
13 > Same as #8.
14 > Same as #8.
15 > Go to the inner prisoner yard, the one without the firing squad. Look
around to find a really tall window (2 or 3 stories high). Facing this
window, turn right, and enter the door here. You should be in some sort
of gym. Go up the stairs twice to reach the second floor. There are two
bedrooms here. Walk past them, and enter the door. To your left is a
small boiler room. Search for a 'secret' cabinet in the wall. Look for
a metal plate in the wall, then look into it to find a Book.
16 > Same as #12.
17 > If you follow the river from the church where the Spy start, you'll
come past a factory. Across the road from the factory's main gate is
a house with a greenhouse attached to it. Enter this house, and search
the furniture in the living room and in the back room for 2 pieces.
18 > Same as #12.
19 > Go to the inner prisoner yard, the one without the firing squad. Look
around to find a really tall window (2 or 3 stories high). Facing this
window, turn right, and enter the door here. You should be in some sort
of gym. Go up the stairs twice to reach the second floor. There are two
bedrooms here. Walk past them, and enter the door. Head over to the
piano, and search it.
20 > Same as #17.
21 > Cross the road from the church where the Spy starts. Go onto the field
of grass behind the houses here. Now look for a ladder on the back of
one of the houses. Facing this ladder, turn left, and enter the small
house with the red roof you see here. Search all the furniture inside
to find 3 Bonus Books.
22 > From the church where the Spy starts, walk down the street, away from
Tread's starting point. On your left, there will be a row of houses.
Enter the tall house with the red roof on the corner. This is the cafe.
On the ground floor, you can find 3 Books by searching all furniture.
23 > Same as #22.
24 > From the church where the Spy starts, walk down the street, away from
Tread's starting point. On your left, there will be a row of houses.
Enter the tall house with the red roof on the corner. This is the cafe.
Go up the stairs to get to the first floor. Here, search all furniture
in the bathroom and the bedroom to find two pieces.
25 > Same as #21.
26 > Same as #21.
27 > Same as #22.
28 > Same as #24.
29 > From the church where the Spy starts, walk down the street, away from
Tread's starting point. On your left, there will be a row of houses.
Enter the tall house with the red roof on the corner. This is the cafe.
Go up the stairs twice to get to the second floor. Here, search the
cupboard in the corridor and the one in the other, small room (not the
bedroom) to find two more pieces.
30 > Same as #29.

j. Mission 10 - Is Paris Burning?

| / \ \ |
| / \ | |
| / \ 3 | |
| 1 /\ 2 \ | |
| / | \ ___________\ 4 |
| __/ | ___\_____/ | | |
| __/ \_______/ | | |
| / \ / | |
|/ | | 7 | ___|
| | 6 | _\___/ |
| \ | _____/ |
| 5 \ |____/ |
| \ _____/ | |
| \_____/ | |
| _____/ | 10 |
| ___________/ | |
|/ / | |
| | 9 \ |
| 8 | \ |
|\ | \_____________/|
| \____ \ ______/ | |
| \___ \ _____/ \ | |
| \_\___________/ \ | |
| 11 ___/ | 13 | |
| ___/ | / 14 |
|____/ \_ 12 | / |
| \ \ / |
| \ ______________/| |
| 15 \__________/ |______________|
| \ | |
| \ 16 | 17 |

1 > In the subway station where you start, look into the trash can next to
the stairs that lead up to the next area.
2 > There are three houses in this level. Enter the middle one (you can only
enter it via the back side, not via the street side). Go to the second
floor, where you will find a pretty large library. And what do you find
in libraries? Right: books! Search all the book shelves, and the little
cabinet in the bedroom, to find a total of 4 Books.
3 > Go into the house where Natasha starts, the one with the elevator. Take
it up to the second floor. Here, search all little cupboards next to the
beds to find 2 Bonus Books.
4 > Same as #3.
5 > Go into the house where Natasha starts, the one with the elevator. Take
it up to the first floor. Here, search all little cupboards next to the
beds to find 2 Bonus Books.
6 > Same as #5.
7 > Go into the house where Natasha starts, the one with the elevator. On
the ground floor, search the desk behind the counter.
8 > There are three houses in this level. Enter the middle one (you can only
enter it via the back side, not via the street side). Go to the third
floor to find some sort of atelier. Search the shelves with the paint
buckets to find the Book.
9 > Same as #2.
10 > Same as #2.
11 > Same as #2.
12 > There are three houses in this level. Enter the middle one (you can only
enter it via the back side, not via the street side). On the ground
floor (the restaurant), you can find 2 Books: one in the cabinet in the
corridor, the other one on the shelves behind the bar.
13 > Same as #12.
14 > Go into the building where the General's Office (and the bomb you have
to diffuse) is. Go to the top floor, and search the desk here for a Book.
15 > There are three houses in this level. Enter the middle one (you can only
enter it via the back side, not via the street side). Go to the first
floor, where they're sewing some clothes. search the desk in the
Lieutenant's little office.
16 > Go into the building where the General's Office (and the bomb you have
to diffuse) is. Go to the second floor. There are two Books to be found
here: one in a file cabinet in the long room, the other one on a shelf
in the room with the desk.
17 > Same as #16.


4) Credits & Thanks



A big 'Thank you' goes out to Strategy Planet, for making the great Bonus
Book Locators (
Without this site, I wouldn't have been able to find all pieces myself.

Also, thanks to Pyro for making such a great, addicting game.

- Evert "From Earth" van Aart
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Bonus Book FAQ
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16.Oktober 2013

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Dt. Munitionstrainer (für v1.2 dt)

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Trainer für Unsichtbarkeit und Unverwundbarkeit (für v1.2)

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Die offizielle Tastatur-Schablone (Achtung: 1.7 MB)

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