X2: The Threat

X2: The Threat

18.10.2013 00:27:16

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[ X2: The Threat ]
[ Ships and Stations Statistics ]
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[ By: Wai Yen Tang ]
[ Updated: September 3 2004 ]
[ Version 1.1 ]

Table of Contents

1) Introduction
2) Ships statistics
3) Stations statistics
4) Ship Acquisition
5) Ship equipment outline
6) Commentaries
7) Credits

1) Introduction

This document is created for my own personal purpose and to others in
determining which ships and stations to buy.

You may not COPY, CHANGE, MUTILATE or SCRIBBLE without permission, also you
may not claim this document as your own. Because I'm the one who wrote this
document and you're the one reading it. Although, you are allowed to print it
for personal or private use only.

If you wish to add something or corrections (not the dumb or grammar stuff,
pleze if you cna raed tihs, tehn tehre is litlte need for corcertion.) You
will be given proper credit and a thank you note.

To send corrections and smart comments, please e-mail me at :

Any attachments and flames will be deleted, in addition to other suspicious

The following websites are allowed to post this faq:


If you want to post it on your website, please contact me and this list will
be updated. However, updates will only be made at gamefaqs.com(much too lazy)

Note: I'm playing now X2 version 1.4 U.S. version, if you don't have it.
Please download it at its homepage at www.egosoft.com or www.enlight.com
However, there are differences between version 1.3 and 1.4, mainly transports
ships stats.

2) Ships Statistics

These ships are expensive, that includes upgrading them to its full
potential, that is their speed, cargo space, steering, weapons, shields,
command softwares and accessories. It is wise to have some extra cash to
equip a ship to full readiness.

In your hands, any ships would accomplish anything, just a matter of
difficulty and planning. In the hands of the computer, luck or greater
numbers must be at your side.

Assuming you have played the game, the weapons loadout should be familiar to
you and I'll just omit to add the legends(too lazy). Ships recommended are
merely suggestions and should not be viewed as an absolute rule.

Warning: Changes by version 1.4 will be marked by asterisks '*'.

M5-class ships: These ships are fast and highly manoeuvrable. They are ideal
for explorations only. They are useless in combat against anyone, even
pirates. So, don't waste your money on them and spend your money instead on
M4 and M3-class ships. They are very useful for courier missions in which
requires rapid delivery of goods.

Argon Discoverer

Speed: 81 (490)
Acceleration: 11 m/s
Steering: 25.00 (150.00)
Cargo:(small) 10 (50)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Wasp missiles
Shields: 3*1MW
Weapons: Alpha to Gamma IRE (2 forward mounts)

Boron Octopus

Speed: 270 (540)
Acceleration: 184 m/s
Steering: 170.49 (681.99)
Cargo: (small) 5 (15)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Wasp
Shields: 2*1 MW
Weapons: (3 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Beta IRE

Teladi Harrier

Speed: 174 (349)
Acceleration: 60 m/s
Steering: 44.99 (89.99)
Cargo: (small) 19 (104)
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Wasp
Shields: 1*5 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha PAC

Split Jaguar

Speed: 135 (540)
Acceleration: 45 m/s
Steering: 41.99 (117.59)
Cargo: (small) 10 (30)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Wasp
Shields: 2*1 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha PAC

Paranid Pegasus

Speed: 252 (1009)
Acceleration: 45 m/s
Steering: 100.00 (200.00)
Cargo: (small) 5 (10)
Power Generation: 50 MW
Missiles: Wasp
Shields: 3*1 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward mounts) Alpha to Beta IRE

Recommended ship: The Argon Discoverer. Because it's well-balanced like the
manual said. You did read the manual did you? The discoverer is good for
several reasons for exploration and self-defence, the Paranid Pegasus however
is the best ship in courier missions in part of being the fastest ship in the

M4-class ships: Now that's a better ship than those puny M5s. Armed with PAC
guns and better missiles. You can kick some pirates' ass and steal their
ships. But they are vulnerable to the Khaaks' ships and ships higher than M4.
A single Hornet missile can destroy an M4, be careful when fighting TS-class
pirate ships. Ideal for group defence.

Argon Buster

Speed: 55 (176)
Acceleration: 8 m/s
Steering: 16.49 (74.24)
Cargo: (medium) 23 (108)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 3*5 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha to Gamma PAC and Mass

Boron Mako

Speed: 70 (245)
Acceleration: 10 m/s
Steering: 50.00 (110.00)
Cargo: (medium) 28 (108)
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 2*5 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC, Ion disruptor

Teladi Buzzard

Speed: 69 (181)
Acceleration: 45 m/s
Steering: 44.49 (116.99)
Cargo:(medium) 35 (140)
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Dragonfly
Shields: 3*5 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC

Split Scorpion

Speed: 109 (329)
Acceleration: 15 m/s
Steering: 59.99 (239.99)
Cargo: (medium) 38 (108)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Dragonfly
Shields: 1*5 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC. Alpha HEPT and Mass

Paranid Pericles

Speed: 74 (209)
Acceleration: 12 m/s
Steering: 19.99 (65.99)
Cargo: (medium) 30 (110)
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 3*5 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC, Alpha PSG.

Recommended ship: Paranid Pericles. It is fast, equally powerful among in its
class. Except the Split Scorpion, but its weak shields is what makes it
undesirable. You don't want to throw away your money on short-lived fighters.

M3-class ships: Major kickass ships. Your main battle fighter. Armed with
HEPT guns and Hornet missiles, there is no worries for Khaaks' ships and much
less about pirates. Slow and less manoeuvrable than M4s, but who cares when
you have a gun that shoots green death rays. Your chances of survival are
considerably raised with them. Ideal offensive ship.

Argon Nova

Speed: 65 (163)
Acceleration: 12 m/s
Steering: 19.99 (99.99)
Cargo: (large) 86 (236)
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Hornet Missiles
Shields: 3* 25 MW
Weapons: (2 forward Mounts) Alpha IRE, Alpha to Beta PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT,
Mass driver and Ion disruptor
(Rear turret) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC, and Mass driver

Boron Barracuda

Speed: 60 (204)
Acceleration: 9 m/s
Steering: 19.99 (79.99)
Cargo: (medium) 63 (208)
Power Generation: 250 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 2*25 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC. Alpha to Beta HEPT.
and Ion disruptor.

Teladi Falcon

Speed: 71 (315)
Acceleration: 7 m/s
Steering: 22.49 (101.24)
Cargo: (large) 53 (283)
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC. Alpha HEPT. Alpha
PSG. Ion disruptor.

Split Mamba

Speed: 114 (286)
Acceleration: 11 m/s
Steering: 25.00 (100.00)
Cargo: (large) 84 (224)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 1*25 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC. Alpha to Beta HEPT.
Mass Driver

Paranid Perseus

Speed: 105 (210)
Acceleration: 15 m/s
Steering: 20.49 (75.84)
Cargo: (medium) 60 (76)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (3 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC. Alpha HEPT. Alpha to
Beta PSG.

Recommended ship: The Argon Nova, justified by its rear turret for shooting
down missiles and again balanced stats.

M2-class ships: Capital ships. Expensive, slow, and I haven't bought
one yet. Weapons not included.

Argon Titan

Speed: 135 (175)
Acceleration: 6 m/s
Steering: 0.99 (3.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 3500 (3500)
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 4 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret (3)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma PPC,
Mass Driver and Ion Disruptor
(Right (3) and Left turrets (3)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC, Mass
driver and Ion Disruptor
(Back turret(3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PSG, Alpha PPC, Mass
driver and Ion Disruptor
(up (3) and Down turrets (3)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta and Gamma HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PPC and Ion Disruptor

Boron Ray

Speed: 180 (234)
Acceleration: 15 m/s
Steering: 0.99 (2.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 2500 (2500)
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 5 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons: (Front turret (3)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma PPC,
and Ion Disruptor
(Right (3) and Left turrets (3)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC, and
Ion Disruptor
(Back turret(3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PSG, Alpha PPC and
Ion Disruptor
(up (3) and Down turrets (3)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta and Gamma HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PPC and Ion disruptor

Teladi Phoenix

Speed: 90 (153)
Acceleration: 14 m/s
Steering: 1.74 (4.37)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 5000
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 5 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 6*125 MW
Weapons:(Front turret (3)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, and Alpha to Gamma
(Right (3) and Left turrets (3)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC
(Back turret(3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, and Alpha PPC
(up (3) and Down turrets (3)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta and Gamma HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PPC

Split Python

Speed: 225 (292)
Acceleration: 13 m/s
Steering: 0.95 (2.85)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 3500
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 1 ship
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 4*125 MW
Weapons:(Front turret (3)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma PPC,
and Mass Driver
(Right (3) and Left turrets (3)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC, and
Mass Driver
(Back turret(3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PPC and Mass Driver
(up (3) and Down turrets (3)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta and Gamma HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PPC and Mass Driver

Paranid Odysseus

Speed: 150 (225)
Acceleration: 23 m/s
Steering: 0.99 (3.69)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 3000
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 4 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons: (Front turret (3)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Beta To Gamma PSG,
and Alpha to Gamma PPC
(Right (3) and Left turrets (3)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Beta to Gamma PSG, and
Alpha to Gamma PPC
(Back turret(3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha to Beta PSG, Alpha
(up (3) and Down turrets (3)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta and Gamma HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PSG, and Alpha to Beta PPC

Recommended ship: Paranid Odysseus, when it comes to military strength. The
Paranid have what it takes to put up a good fight. But this is in theory, I
haven't got a destroyer yet.

M1-class ships: These ships are your carriers. However, they don't have much
firepower of a destroyer and is relied on its fighter escorts. Weapons not

Argon Colossus

Speed: 108 (162)
Acceleration: 8 m/s
Steering: 0.99 (3.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 2900
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 130 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 6*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma PPC,
Mass Driver and Ion Disruptor
(Right (1) and Left Turret (1)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC, Mass
Driver and Ion Disruptor
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PSG, Alpha PPC, and
Mass Driver
(Up and Down turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha PSG,
Alpha to Beta PPC, and Mass Driver

Boron Shark

Speed: 117 (199)
Acceleration: 13 m/s
Steering: 0.99 (2.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 2900 (2900)
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 100 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 6*125 MW
Weapons:(Front Turret (1)) Alpha IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma PPC,
and Ion Disruptor
(Right (1) and Left Turret (1)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC, and
Ion Disruptor
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PSG, Alpha PPC, and
Ion Disruptor
(Up and Down turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta to Gamma HEPT, Beta to
Gamma PPC, and Ion Disruptor

Teladi Condor

Speed: 90 (126)
Acceleration: 4 m/s
Steering: 2.99 (7.49)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 6900
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 60 ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 7*125 MW
Weapons:(Front Turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, and Alpha to Gamma
(Right (1) and Left Turret (1)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, and Alpha to Gamma PPC
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, and Alpha PPC
(Up (1) and Down turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha
to Beta PPC

Split Raptor

Speed: 135 (243)
Acceleration: 7 m/s
Steering: 1.45 (4.35)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 2900
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 150 Ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons:(Front Turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma PPC,
and Mass Driver
(Right (1) and Left Turret (1)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha to Gamma PPC, and
Mass Driver
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PPC, and Mass Driver
(Up (1) and Down turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta to Gamma HEPT, Beta
to Gamma PPC, and Mass Driver

Paranid Zeus

Speed: 121 (194)
Acceleration: 5 m/s
Steering: 1.49 (5.54)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 3900
Power Generation: 10,000 MW
Ship Bay: 81 Ships
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 6*125 MW
Weapons:(Front Turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Beta to Gamma PSG,
and Alpha to Gamma PPC
(Right and Left Turret (1)) Beta to Gamma HEPT, Beta to Gamma PSG, and Alpha
to Gamma PPC
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha to Beta PSG, Alpha
(Up (1) and Down turret (1)) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Beta to Gamma HEPT, Alpha
to Beta PSG, Alpha to Beta PPC

Recommended ship: The Paranid Zeus is highly recommended for a good balance
of speed and defences. Equipped with PSG guns to defend against enemy
fighters and missiles. The Zeus can handle by itself and may stand against
other capital ships. But this is in theory, I haven't got a carrier yet.

M0-class ships: Battleships, never seen one. Probably never will. If there's
any sighting please inform me and provide information to the e-mail I
provided earlier.

M6-class ships: Corvettes. You'll get to try a Boron Hydra for a mission, but
only once. These are fast capital ships because you can equip it with
everything you need for exploration and carries your scout ship around. Just
like in Star Trek, you send a shuttle to dock with a station while the
Enterprise orbits the planet or station. These ships are deadly because of
their armaments and its turrets, which helps in destroying Khaak swarms and
any stations in no time. Best capital ship for your corporate security.
Weapons not included.

Argon Centaur

Speed: 90 (207)
Acceleration: 12 m/s
Steering: 5.24 (10.49)
Cargo: (Extra large) 750 (1250)
Power Generation: 900 MW
Ship Bay: 1 scout
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 2*125 MW
Weapons: (2 forward mounts) Alpha to Gamma HEPT and Mass driver
(Turrets up(2) and down(2)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to
Beta HEPT, Mass driver

Boron Hydra

Speed: 94 (302)
Acceleration: 18 m/s
Steering: 2.99 (5.99)
Cargo: (Extra large) 500 (1500)
Power Generation: 900 MW
Ship Bay: 1 scout
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 2*125 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha to Gamma HEPT, and Ion Disruptor
(Turret Back (1)) Beta to Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT,
and Alpha PSG

Teladi Osprey

Speed: 85 (171)
Acceleration: 15 m/s
Steering: 7.24 (14.49)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 500 (1500)
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Ship Bay: 1 scout
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 3*125 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Alpha to Gamma HEPT, Alpha
to Beta PSG
(Turret Up (1) and Down (1)) Beta to Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, and Beta
to Gamma HEPT
(Turret back (1)) Beta to Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Beta PSG

Split Dragon

Speed: 135 (324)
Acceleration: 24 m/s
Steering: 6.49 (17.54)
Cargo: (Extra large) 475 (875)
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Ship Bay: 1 scout
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 1*125 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha to Gamma HEPT, Alpha PPC, and Mass Driver
(Turret Up (2) and Down (2)) Beta to Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to
Gamma HEPT, and Mass Driver

Paranid Nemesis

Speed: 100 (260)
Acceleration: 17 m/s
Steering: 3.49 (11.89)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 191 (413)
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Ship Bay: 1 scout
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 2*125 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha to Gamma HEPT and PSG
(Turret Up (1)) Beta to Gamma IRE, Beta to Gamma PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PSG
(Turret Back (1)) Beta to Gamma IRE, Beta To Gamma PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PSG

Recommended ship: Split Dragon, a fast and most manoeuvrable corvette,
equipped with Gamma HEPT turrets up and down. It has enough space for
anything and enough energy cells to jump to the farthest point of the
universe and back.


Transports are your lifeline and are essential in creating your financial
empire. There are two types of transports that you will consider, the TS-
class and TP-class ships.

TS-class ships: Bulky and slow freighters. Cost a lot to upgrade to their
full cargo space potential, so keep a lot of money if you want a fully
prepared freighter. Recommendations for starters are always upgrade their
speed to maximum and keep them in safe territories. Weapons and shields
matter little and should kept at a minimum standard at your discretion. I
equip my ships with some IRE guns and a 5MW shield. But, upgrade your fleet
if you can afford the loss in cargo space. SPEED and CARGO SPACE is what
matters in economics. The bigger the cargo space, the further away you can
trade while keeping the stations operational. The faster the ship, the faster
you get to good opportunities because prices change and a slow fat ship can
miss that opportunity.

Argon Mercury

Speed: 50 (130) *(150)
Acceleration: 12 m/s
Steering: 5.99 (23.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 500 (1500) *900 (1800)
Power Generation: 500 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha PAC, Alpha PSG, and Ion

Boron Dolphin

Speed: 46 (102) *(120)
Acceleration: 3 m/s
Steering: 2.49 (7.49)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 1500 (3000) *2000
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha PSG, and Ion Disruptor

Teladi Vulture

Speed: 49 (123)
Acceleration: 3 m/s
Steering: 4.49 (8.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 800 (2000) *1600 (2500)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 2*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha PSG, Mobile Drilling

Split Caiman

Speed: 75 (158) *(189)
Acceleration: 4 m/s
Steering: 6.49 (11.69)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 300 (1300) *600 (1500)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 2*25 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha to Gamma IRE
(Turret Back (1)) Alpha IRE, Alpha to Gamma PAC, Mass Driver, Mobile Drilling
system and Ion Disruptor

Paranid Demeter

Speed: 58 (117) *(175)
Acceleration: 3 m/s
Steering: 5.99 (17.99)
Cargo:(Extra large) 666 (1500) *999 (1665)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha PSG, and Mobile Drilling
(Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Gamma PAC, Alpha PSG, and Mobile

Recommended ship: Teladi Vulture. Good balance between speed and cargo space.
With 1.4, The Boron Dolphin is now a more viable choice.

TP-class ships: Useless in its intended role as personnel transports. It is
because YOU transport people when you take a mission displayed in bulletin
boards and it's boring ferrying around people. No, there is no transportation
industry as far as I know, meaning there is no airline industry. If you want
to transport people,Go play Railroad Tycoon. But it has some use as a fast
cargo ship. I have found use in them for transporting expensive cargo to or
from locations far, far away. That is according to my speed and cargo space
doctrine. A side note is that you cannot expand their cargo space. You don't
see them anywhere in the universe, what a waste of a class ship.

In 1.4, you see them with passengers. But, there are still no airline business.

Argon Express

Speed: 120 (216)
Acceleration: 10 m/s
Steering: 11.99 (23.99)
Cargo: (Large) 750
Power Generation: 250 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha to Beta PAC, Alpha PSG

Boron Manta

Speed: 72 (216)
Acceleration: 5 m/s
Steering: 5.49 (10.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 1000 *(large)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 2*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha to Beta PAC, and Ion

Teladi Toucan

Speed: 90 (180)
Acceleration: 13 m/s
Steering: 8.99 (17.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 900 *(large)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha to Beta PAC, Alpha PSG

Split Iguana

Speed: 162 (308)
Acceleration: 8 m/s
Steering: 7.99 (15.99)
Cargo: (Large) 450
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 2*25 MW
Weapons: (3 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Beta IRE, Alpha to Gamma PAC, and Ion
(Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Beta IRE, Alpha to Gamma PAC, and Ion Disruptor

Paranid Hermes

Speed: 67 (250)
Acceleration: 9 m/s
Steering: 17.99 (66.59)
Cargo: (Large) 697
Power Generation: 250 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Beta IRE, Alpha to Gamma PAC, Ion

Recommended ship: Boron Manta. Fast as an Argon Express and hold more cargo,
therefore more passengers. Weapons and shields matter little, since it can
outrun heavy ships.

TL-class ships: Mobile construction ships, except you need buy stations from
shipyards in order to build them. Expensive and utterly useless. You can hire
a TL for less than the amount you buy it and you would use TL rarely and for
the sole purpose of station construction. For military use, it has probably
the merit of being fast, but loses in a fight against capital ships or heavy

Argon Mammoth

Speed: 112 (225)
Acceleration: 6 m/s
Steering: 0.80 (2.00)
Cargo: (Station) 21000
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Ship Bay: 12 ships
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT and Mobile
Drilling System
(Left and Right Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT

Boron Orca

Speed: 112 (247)
Acceleration: 13 m/s
Steering: 0.64 (1.61)
Cargo: (Station) 17000
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Ship Bay: 10 ships
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret (3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Mobile Drilling
(Left (1) and Right Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT

Teladi Albatross

Speed: 58 (234)
Acceleration: 7 m/s
Steering: 0.74 (1.86)
Cargo: (Station) 14000
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Ship Bay: 10 ships
Shields: 6*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret (3)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha to Beta
PSG, Mobile Drilling System
(Left (1) and Right Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Alpha PSG

Split Elephant

Speed: 57 (303)
Acceleration: 7 m/s
Steering: 0.32 (1.70)
Cargo: (station) 11000
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Ship Bay: 30 ships
Shields: 5*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Mobile Drilling
System and Ion Disruptor
(Back Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT, Ion Disruptor

Paranid Hercules

Speed: 56 (227)
Acceleration: 6 m/s
Steering: 0.64 (1.61)
Cargo: (Station) 13000
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Ship Bay: 27 ships
Shields: 1*125 MW
Weapons: (Front Turret 1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT, Mobile Drilling
(Left (1) and Right Turret (1)) Alpha to Gamma IRE PAC and HEPT

Recommended ship: You're buying one? I'm just going pick the ship that has a
lot of space. The Argon Mammoth would be the choice. But this is in theory,
don't have a TL yet.

Pirate Ships

There are only 4 types of pirate ships found in X2.

These ships can be acquired by shooting at them and getting their pilots
ejected from their cockpit. Of course, the reasons are that they lost
firepower, or defenses to fight you. But, most of them blow up pretty nice.

M5: Mandalay

Speed: ??? (260)
Acceleration: 27 m/s
Steering: ??? (75.74)
Cargo: (small) ?? (90)
Power Generation: 50 MW
Missiles: Wasp
Shields: 4*1MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Beta IRE and PAC, Alpha PSG

M4: Bayamon

Speed: ??? (206)
Acceleration: 8 m/s
Steering: ??? (134.99)
Cargo: (medium) ?? (158)
Power Generation: 50 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 2*5MW
Weapons: (4 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE, Alpha to Beta PAC, Alpha PSG,
Ion Disruptor

M3: Orinoco

Speed: ??? (174)
Acceleration: 7 m/s
Steering: ??? (68.99)
Cargo: (Large) ??? (374)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 2*25 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC, Alpha HEPT, Alpha to
Beta PSG, Ion Disruptor

TS: Pirate Ship

Speed: ??? (168)
Acceleration: 4 m/s
Steering: ??? (14.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) ??? (800) *(1000)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Mosquito
Shields: 1*25 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC, Alpha to Beta HEPT,
Alpha to Beta PSG, Ion Disruptor
(Turret Back (1)) Alpha to Beta PAC and PSG, Ion Disruptor

Recommended ship: The Orinoco, you're going to need a lot of protection and
firepower. But, why fly something you beaten?

Xenon Ships

Xenon ships are pilotable ships, but difficult to obtain. Because unlike
pirates who tell you they'll eject from their ship, giving you a pause from
firing. You might accidentally destroy a ship that could be yours.

Note: You can fight Xenon ships from their sectors and its neighbour or from
missions involving them. It may be possible to capture their capital ships,
but this has not been confirmed. Until then, it is not included in this list.

M5: Xenon N

Speed: ??? (464)
Acceleration: 16 m/s
Steering: ??? (301.98)
Cargo: (Small) ??? (62)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Wasp
Shields: 1*5 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE

M4: Xenon M

Speed: ??? (229)
Acceleration: 13 m/s
Steering: ??? (229.72)
Cargo: (small) 114
Power Generation: 150 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 4*5 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Gamma IRE and PAC

M3: Xenon L

Speed: ??? (159)
Acceleration: 11 m/s
Steering: ??? (181.99)
Cargo: (Large) ??? (234)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Hornet
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward Mounts) Alpha to Beta IRE and PAC, Alpha HEPT

Unknown Enemy Ships Aka Khaak

Thanks to Rain, I have expanded the list to include these annoying purple
ships. Now to read his exploits, go to the ships acquisition section. They are
nigh impossible to capture, be careful. In order to obtain these information,
you need to be at least an Argon Hero, or Boron Kings Knight, or Teladi Company
Shareholder, or Split honoured Friend of Rhonkar, or higher than Paranid Friend
of Priest King.

M5: Khaak Scout

Speed: ??? (569)
Acceleration: 38 m/s
Steering: ??? (157.48)
Cargo: (small) ??? (27)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Sting
Shields: 3*1 MW
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha Kyon Emitter

M4: Khaak Interceptor

Speed: ??? (310)
Acceleration: 20 m/s
Steering: ??? (104.99)
Cargo: (small) ??? (78)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Needle
Shields: 2*5 MW
Weapons: (2 Forward mounts) Alpha Kyon Emitter

M3: Khaak Fighter

Speed: ??? (198)
Acceleration: 17 m/s
Steering: ??? (104.99)
Cargo: (medium) ??? (150)
Power Generation: 200 MW
Missiles: Thorn
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: (3 Forward mounts) Alpha to Beta Kyon Emitter

Other Ships

These ships are not under your direct control, aside from the goner ship.
Although, never attempted to capture a Goner ship. According to Rain, you can
capture a goner ship without any loss in reputation.

Warning: The lasertower fires at any hostile ships, including pirates. It is
unfortunate for those who want to do business with the pirates by selling
illegal products and protecting its stations from them.

Goner Ship

Speed: ??? (216)
Acceleration: 3 m/s
Steering: ??? (119.99)
Cargo: (Large) ??? (430)
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: Silkworm
Shields: 3*25 MW
Weapons: None


Speed: 0
Acceleration: 0 m/s
Steering: ??? (5.99)
Cargo: (Extra Large) 50
Power Generation: 1000 MW
Missiles: none
Shields: 1*25 MW
Weapons: 1 Laser Tower Weapon

Fighter Drone

Speed: ??? (405)
Acceleration: 225 m/s
Steering: ??? (5.99)
Cargo: (small) 2
Power Generation: 100 MW
Missiles: None
Shields: None
Weapons: (1 Forward Mount) Alpha IRE


Statistics unknown

Speed (observed): ~450

They looked like UFOs from TV. They're probably Easter eggs, as they are
elusive and fast. No rewards comes from destroying them as far I know. Keep
your eyes peeled for them anyway.

3) Stations Statistics

Stations are what provides money and a home. Except they don't repair any
ship damages or hold any of your loot, which is a shame. I wish I could build
a home base, like owning my starbase. Stations have heavy shields
and strong hull, but unarmed so stay close or assign defense ships to your
stations. Anyway, attacks on your stations are quite rare, but still

Actually, a single Khaak fleet of one M3 and several M5 demanded my attention
when it attacked my ore mine and the station's shields were failing.
Thankfully, I was fast and powerful enough to intervene.

Many stations have needs to produce; the most common are energy cells.
Stations, like silicon or ore mines, from different species have the same
needs to produce. However, the divergence begins in the manufacturing
industry where specific food types for a species is required. For example,
Argons require cahoona meatsteaks, in which to produce these meatsteaks
require delexian wheats and Argnu beef. And so on. Therefore, basic resource
requirements, such as energy, ore and silicon, are the same. Meanwhile, the
food requirements are different by quantity. By using the Argons as the
median, the Teladi consume the same amount, while the Borons require a
quarter. The split consume about one-sixth. The Paranid consume about one-

One of the most frustrating aspect of trading in the game is the automation
of TS ships looking for the best prices to buy wares, especially energy
cells. When they arrive too late to their destination, they often head to
stations that seems to be the farthest, which wastes a lot of time. If anyone
knows on fixing this problem, please e-mail me. I had to monitor some ships
in sectors where energy prices are high and constantly changing.

Note: Some stations statistics are not empirically verified and are based on
comparative findings. If there are any differences between the statistics in
this faq and the actual game, please notify me. But be very certain about it.
I don't want to verify again the stats on big items such as the HEPT and PPC.

Note: All stations have identical shield and armour strength.

Note: The statistics below are player-owned stations. Computer-controlled
stations differ from the players as they have secondary demands or different
primary demands. The stations are ordered from basic resources to
manufactured goods.

Common Stations

-Solar Power Plant-

Produces: Energy Cells (276)
Needs: Crystals (2)
Time: Relative to sunshine, 1:30-1:58

-Ore Mine-

Produces: Ore (Relative to asteroid value, commonly 1 to 5)
Needs: Energy Cells (48)
Time: Relative to asteroid value

-Silicon Mine-

Produces: Silicon Wafers (Relative to asteroid value, 1 or 2 at most)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Time: Relative to asteroid value

Argon Stations

-Wheat Farm-

Produces: Delexian Wheat (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 Minute

-Cattle Ranch-

Produces: Argnu Beef (3)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Cahoona Bakery-

Produces: Meatsteak Cahoonas (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Argnu Beef (3)
Time: 1 minute

-Rimes Factory-

Produces: Cloth Rimes (3)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Delexian Wheat (12)
Time: 1:12

-Crystal Fab-

Produces: Crystals (8)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (80)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Quantum Tube Fab-

Produces: Quantum Tube (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (80)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Chip Plant-

Produces: Microchip (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (80)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Computer Plant-

Produces: Computer Components (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (16)
Silicon Wafers (1)
Time: 1:36

-Satellite Factory-

Produces: Navigation Relay Satellite (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Majaglit (160)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Advanced Satellite Factory-

Produces: Advanced Satellite (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (160)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Lasertower Factory-

Produces: Lasertower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1650)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (1100)
Ore (275)
Time: 1 hour and 50 minutes

-Drone Factory-

Produces: Fighter Drone (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (72)
Massom Powder (96)
Silicon Wafers (3)
Time: 4:48

-Shield Production Facility 1 MW-

Produces: 1 MW Shild (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (60)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Weapon Component Factory-

Produces: Warheads (9)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Cloth Rimes (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Mosquito Missile Factory-

Produces: Mosquito Missiles (6)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (12)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Wasp Missile Factory-

Produces: Wasp Missiles (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (12)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Silworm Missile Factory-

Produces: Silkworm Missiles (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (60)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Mass Driver Forge-

Produces: Mass Driver (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2400)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (1600)
Ore (400)
Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes

-Ammunition Factory-

Produces: Mass Driver Ammunition (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (16)
Ore (4)
Time: 1:36

-Mobile Drilling System Factory-

Produces: Mobile Drilling System (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1200)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (800)
Ore (200)
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

-Alpha IRE Forge-

Produces: Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (16)
Ore (4)
Time: 1:36

-Gamma IRE Forge-

Produces: Gamma Impulse Emitter (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (60)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (40)
Ore (10)
Time: 4 minutes

-Alpha PAC Forge-

Produces: Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (80)
Ore (20)
Time: 8 minutes

-Alpha HEPT Forge-

Produces: Alpha high Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1200)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (800)
Ore (200)
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

-Beta HEPT Forge-

Produces: Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2400)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (1600)
Ore (400)
Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes

-Gamma HEPT Forge-

Produces: Gamma High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (4800)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (3200)
Ore (800)
Time: 5 hours and 20 minutes

-Alpha PPC Forge-

Produces: Alpha Photon Pulse Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (4500)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (3000)
Ore (750)
Time: 5 hours

-Beta PPC Forge-

Produces: Beta Photon Pulse Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (9000)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (6000)
Ore (1500)
Time: 10 hours

-Ion Disruptor Forge-

Produces: Ion Disruptor (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2250)
Meatsteak Cahoonas (1500)
Ore (375)
Time: 2 hour and 30 minutes

Boron Stations

-Bio Gas Factory-

Produces: BoGas (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Time: 1:12

-BoFu Chemical Lab-

Produces: BoFu (3)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
BoGas (1)
Time: 1:12

-Plankton Farm-

Produces: Plankton (15)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Stott Mixery-

Produces: Stott Spices (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Plankton (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Crsytal Fab-

Produces: Crystals (8)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
BoFu (20)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Quantum Tube Fab-

Produces: Quantum Tubes (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
BoFu (20)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Chip Plant-

Produces: Microchips (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
BoFu (20)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Computer Plant-

Produces: Computer Components (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
BoFu (4)
Silicon Wafers (1)
Time: 1:36

-Satellite Factory-

Produces: Navigation Relay Satellite (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Majaglit (160)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Drone Factory-

Produces: Fighter Drone (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (72)
Massom Powder (96)
Silicon Wafers (3)
Time: 4:48

-Shield Production Facility 1 MW-

Produces: 1 MW Shield (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
BoFu (15)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Shield Production Facility 125 MW-

Produces: 125 MW Shield (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (7500)
BoFu (1250)
Ore (1250)
Time: 8 hours and 20 minutes

-Weapon Component Factory-

Produces: Warheads (9)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Cloth Rimes (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Mosquito Missile Factory-

Produces: Mosquito Missiles (6)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Bofu (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Dragonfly Missile Factory-

Produces: Dragonfly Missile (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
BoFu (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Hornet Missile Factory-

Produces: Hornet Missiles (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Bofu (15)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Alpha IRE Forge-

Produces: Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
BoFu (4)
Ore (4)
Time: 1:12

-Beta IRE Forge-

Produces: Beta Impulse Ray Emitter (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
BoFu (4)
Ore (4)
Time: 1:36

-Alpha PAC Forge-

Produces: Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Bofu (20)
Ore (20)
Time: 8 minutes

-Gamma PAC Forge-

Produces: Gamma Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (600)
BoFu (100)
Ore (100)
Time: 40 minutes

-Alpha HEPT Forge-

Produces: Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1200)
BoFu (200)
Ore (200)
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

-Beta HEPT Forge-

Produces: Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2400)
BoFu (400)
Ore (400)
Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes

-Beta PPC Forge-

Produces: Beta Photon Pulse Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (9000)
BoFu (1500)
Ore (1500)
Time: 10 hours

-Gamma PPC Forge-

Produces: Gamma Photon Pulse Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (18000)
BoFu (3000)
Ore (3000)
Time: 20 hours

-Ion Disruptor Forge-

Produces: Ion Disruptor (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2250)
BoFu (375)
Ore (375)
Time: 2 hours and 20 minutes

Teladi Stations

-Flower Farm-

Produces: Sunrise Flower (15)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 Minute

-Sun Oil Refinery-

Produces: Nostrop Oil (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Sunrise Flowers (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Dream Farm-

Produces: Swamp Plant (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Bliss Place-

Produces: Spaceweed (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (60)
Swamp Plant (8)
Time: 4 minutes

-Space Fuel Distillery-

Produces: Space Fuel (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Delexian Wheat (10)
Time: 1 minute

-Teladianium Foundry-

Produces: Teladianium (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Crystal Fab-

Produces: Crystals (8)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Nostrop Oil (80)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Quantum Tube Fab-

Produces: Quantum Tubes (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Nostrop Oil (80)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Chip Plant-

Produces: Microchips (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Nostrop Oil (80)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Computer Plant-

Produces: Computer Components (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Nostrop Oil (16)
Silicon Wafers (1)
Time: 1:36

-Satellite Factory-

Produces: Navigation Relay Satellite (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Majaglit (160)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Drone Factory-

Produces: Fighter Drone (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (72)
Masson Powder (96)
Silicon Wafers (3)
Time: 4:48

-SQUASH Mine Factory-

Produces: SQUASH Mine (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (150)
Nostrop Oil (100)
Ore (25)
Time: 10 minutes

-Lasertower Factory-

Produces: Lasertower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Nostrop Oil (60)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Shield Production Facility 1 MW-

Produces: 1 MW shield (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Nostrop Oil (60)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Shield Production Facility 5 MW-

Produces: 5 MW Shield (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (390)
Nostrop Oil (260)
Ore (65)
Time: 26 minutes

-Weapon Component Factory-

Produces: Warheads (9)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Cloth Rimes (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Silkworm Missile Factory-

Produces: Silkworm Missile (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Nostrop Oil (60)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Alpha IRE Forge-

Produces: Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Nostrop Oil (16)
Ore (4)
Time: 1:36

-Beta IRE Forge-

Produces: Beta Impulse Ray Emitter (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (24)
Nostrop Oil (16)
Ore (4)
Time: 1:36

-Gamma IRE Forge-

Produces: Gamma Impusle Ray Emitter (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (60)
Nostrop Oil (40)
Ore (10)
Time: 4 minutes

-Alpha PAC Forge-

Produces: Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Nostrop Oil (80)
Ore (20)
Time: 8 minutes

-Alpha HEPT Forge-

Produces: Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1200)
Nostrop Oil (800)
Ore (200)
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

-Gamma PPC Forge-

Produces: Gamma Photon Pulse Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (18000)
Nostrop Oil (12000)
Ore (3000)
Time: 20 hours

-Alpha PSG Forge-

Produces: Alpha Phased Shockwave Generator (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1890)
Nostrop Oil (1260)
Ore (315)
Time: 2 hours and 6 minutes

-Ion Disruptor Forge-

Produces: Ion Disruptor (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2250)
Nostrop Oil (1500)
Ore (375)
Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Split Stations

-Scruffin Farm-

Produces: Scruffin Fruits (15)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Massom Mill-

Produces: Massom Powder (20)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Scruffin Fruits (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Chelt Space Aquarium-

Produces: Chelts Meat (3)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Rastar Refinery-

Produces: Rastar Oil (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (20)
Chelts Meat (4)
Time: 1:20

-Crystal Fab-

Produces: Crystals (8)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Rastar Oil (12)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Quantum Tube Fab-

Produces: Quantum Tubes (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Rastar Oil (12)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Chip Plant-

Produces: Microchips (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Rastar Oil (12)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Computer Plant-

Produces: Computer Components (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Rastar Oil (12)
Silicon Wafers (5)
time: 8 minutes

-Drone Factory-

Produces: Fighter Drone (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (72)
Massom Powder (96)
Silicon Wafers (3)
Time: 4:48

-Advanced Satellite Factory-

Produces: Advanced Satellite (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Majaglit (160)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-SQUASH Mine Factory-

Produces: SQUASH Mine (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (150)
Rastar Oil (15)
Ore (25)
Time: 10 minutes

-Shield Production Facility 1 MW-

Produces: 1 MW Shield (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Rastar Oil (9)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Shield Production Facility 25 MW-

Produces: 25 MW Shield (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1650)
Rastar Oil (165)
Ore (275)
Time: 1 hour and 50 minutes

-Weapon Component Factory-

Produces: Warheads (9)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Cloth Rimes (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Wasp Missile Factory-

Produces: Wasp Missile (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Rastar Oil (9)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Dragonfly Missile Factory-

Produces: Dragonfly Missile (5)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Rastar Oil (9)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Silkworm Missile Factory-

Produces: Silkworm Missile (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Rastar Oil (9)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Beta IRE Forge-

Produces: Beta Imnpulse Ray Emitter (5)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Rastar Oil (12)
Ore (20)
Time: 8 minutes

-Gamma IRE Forge-

Produces: Gamma Impulse Ray Emitter (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (60)
Rastar Oil (6)
Ore (10)
Time: 4 minutes

-Gamma PAC Forge-

Produces: Gamma Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (600)
Rastar Oil (60)
Ore (100)
Time: 40 minutes

-Beta HEPT Forge-

Produces: Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2400)
Rastar Oil (240)
Ore (400)
Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes

-Gamma HEPT Forge-

Produces: Gamma High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (4800)
Rastar Oil (480)
Ore (800)
Time: 5 hours and 20 minutes

Paranid Stations

-Soy Farm-

Produces: Soja Beans (12)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute


Produces: Soja Husks (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Soja Beans (12)
Time: 1 minute

-Snail Ranch-

Produces: Maja Snails (2)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Time: 1 minute

-Space Jewellery-

Produces: Majaglit (20)
Needs: Energy Cells (15)
Maja Snails (2)
Time: 1 minute

-Crystal Fab-

Produces: Crystals (8)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Soja Husk (16)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Quantum Tube Fab-

Produces: Quantum Tubes (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Soja Husk (16)
Silicon Wafers (5)

-Chip Plant-

Produces: Microchips (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Soja Husk (16)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Computer Plant-

Produces: Computer Components (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Soja Husk (16)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Drone Factory-

Produces: Fighter Drone (4)
Needs: Energy Cells (72)
Massom Powder (96)
Silicon Wafers (3)
Time: 4:48

-Lasertower Factory-

Produces: Lasertower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1650)
Soja Husk (220)
Ore (275)
Time: 1 hour and 50 minutes

-SQUASH Mine Factory-

Produces: SQUASH Mine (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (150)
Soja Husk (20)
Ore (25)
Time: 10 minutes

-Advanced Satellite Factory-

Produces: Advanced Satllite (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Majaglit (160)
Silicon Wafers (5)
Time: 8 minutes

-Shield Production Facility 5 MW-

Produces: 5 MW Shield (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (390)
Soja Husk (52)
Ore (65)
Time: 26 minutes

-Weapon Component Factory-

Produces: Warheads (9)
Needs: Energy Cells (18)
Cloth Rimes (3)
Ore (3)
Time: 1:12

-Wasp Missile Factory-

Produces: Wasp Missile (10)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Soja Husk (12)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Hornet Missile Factory-

Produces: Hornet Missile (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (90)
Soja Husk (12)
Ore (15)
Time: 6 minutes

-Mobile Drilling System Factory-

Produces: Mobile Drilling System (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1200)
Soja Husk (160)
Ore (200)
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

-Gamma IRE Forge-

Produces: Gamma Impulse Ray Emitter (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (60)
Soja Husk (8)
Ore (10)
Time: 4 minutes

-Alpha PAC Forge-

Produces: Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (120)
Soja Husk (16)
Ore (20)
Time: 8 minutes

-Beta PAC Forge-

Produces: Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (240)
Soja Husk (32)
Ore (40)
Time: 16 minutes

-Alpha HEPT Forge-

Produces: Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1200)
Soja Husk (160)
Ore (200)
Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

-Beta HEPT Forge-

Produces: Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (2400)
Soja Husk (320)
Ore (400)
Time: 2 hours and 40 minutes

-Beta PPC Forge-

Produces: Beta Photon Pusle Cannon (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (9000)
Soja Husk (1200)
Ore (1500)
Time: 10 hours

-Alpha PSG Forge-

Produces: Alpha Phased Shockwave Generator (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (1890)
Soja Husk (252)
Ore (315)
Time: 2 hours and 6 minutes

-Beta PSG Forge-

Produces: Beta Phased Shockwave Generator (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (3750)
Soja Husk (500)
Ore (625)
Time: 4 hours and 10 minutes

-Gamma PSG Forge-

Produces: Gamma Phased Shockwave Generator (1)
Needs: Energy Cells (7500)
Soja Husk (1000)
Ore (1250)
Time: 8 hours and 20 minutes

4) Ship Acquisition

This is just a side note on how to acquire new ships.

1- You can buy them legally from shipyards and docks or...
2- ...You can ask the pilot to surrender his ship, by shooting at him/her.

Of course, shooting ships will affect your reputation with the affected
group. Unless you're a pirate that is, but I've never been one. I'm still
playing my first game though. So, concentrate mainly on pirates and you can
buy your proper ships with the dirty and hard-earned money from selling the
stolen ships. The more intact, the higher the price (Duh!).

If you want to capture a ship relatively undamaged, use Ion Disruptors.
However, they will take an eternity to eject a pilot out. So, much patience
you must have.

It is possible to capture a xenon ship, however these xenon pilots do not
warn you that they would eject unlike the pirates. So, it is very frustrating
that you might destroy your newly acquired ship by accident. Likewise,
Emphasize ion disruptors and patience to capture a xenon ship. But, I advise
against piloting these ships yourself because the cockpit does not give a
good view. Trust me. Observe a Xenon fighter's exterior cockpit to know what
I mean.

Of all my battles with the Khaak ships, it is not possible to capture them.

However, Rain has sent me an e-mail detailing his exploit.

"Thank you very much for the FAQ, I found it informative, appreciated the
opinions, and just plain out wish there were more out there as there are with
Freelancer. I would like to add, however, that I routinely capture Unknown
ships with a couple of PSG's on my Osprey, you can hit them just when they
are separating and usually nab 3-4, but getting them to the nearest base
alive is nigh impossible. However, with a couple hours of save and reload, I
managed to capture 3 M5 class ships worth a little over 18k total, and the
'mother" M3 class Unknown ship, with two intact "Unknown Objects" still
attached (lasers.) It can carry three 25Mw shields and the little guys carry
three 1Mw shields, but they are best sold. It is easy to capture them with a
PSG, but it is very hard to get one intact. Anyway, enjoyed the FAQ, best of
times... Rainy"

He's playing the latest version of X2 (v 1.4) in which allowed the
capture of khaak ships.

5) Ship Equipment Outline

This section is a list of standardized equipment on different ships. This is
served probably for my own purpose because I'm often forgetful of what my
ships are equipped with. Components do get destroyed during a fight,
especially in collisions.

Player Specific: In any ships you use, they must be equipped with the

-Trading System Extension
-Docking Computer
-Boost Extension
-Rudder Optimization (50%)
-Best Scanner
-Ecliptic Projector
-Video Enhancement Goggles
-Cargo Lifesupport system (optional)
-Transporter Device

For all ships in your fleet:

-Navigation Command Software
-Fight Command Software MK 1 & 2
-Cargo Bay Extension (Max)
-Engine Tuning (Max)

M5: With the above mentioned equipment with the additional:

-Mineral Scanner
-Duplex Scanner

M4, M3, M2, M1: Applied to them are:

-Freight Scanner
-Triplex Scanner
-Jump Drive
-Strafe Drive Extension

TS: Applied to this class are:

-Cargo Extension (Max)
-Fight command MK 1 only
-Trade Command MK 1 & 2

6) Commentaries

This section is where I put my thoughts on the various aspects of the game.
Such as the economic aspect, missions or combat. Some of these aspects get
tedious after some time and some are very frustrating despite the fun in
managing an empire. But these are my gaming thoughts, so read or don't read
it doesn't matter.

The economics in X2 was an answer to my boredom with another game called
Freelancer, A Microsoft game. Freelancer is similar to X2, however the
economy is too simplistic. The prices in that game are static and you have
only one ship. Nevertheless, it was fun to play. When considering placing a
station, you must be aware of the local sectors needs and what it can supply.
For example, sectors at Argon Prime has a high demand for delexian wheat and
has high supplies of energy cells in which means there is considerable profits
to be made. Other parts of the universe are less obvious, the demand may be
there, but the supply's prices may not be low enough for a profit.

The game's manual is incomplete as it does not provide all the keys or
shortcuts. For example, when placing a station, I accidentally hit a key on
the keypad (The one with the numlock). I have discovered that they served to
position the stations placement horizontally and vertically (If you pressed
insert for a vertical view). It is possible they may have forgotten about it
or just so that you seek help among their X2 community to referred on page 26
(US version). Either way, the manual is just poorly done if something
important is missing.

About supply, the most common supply for factories is energy cells. However,
solar power plants are quite few in some sectors that their prices might
prevent investors from establishing a factory. As a business person may think
that by alleviating the high prices by providing more solar power plants can
he establish his desired factory. But he must be aware that these power
plants must be supplied by crystals, another highly demanded commodity which
is expensive. These crystals may be acquired by crystal fabs or trading
ports, but the amount is quite few that would present a very small profit
margin for the player. If he relied on trading stations for such supplies, a
considerable amount of time is wasted upon. It is a lesson learned when I
established two solar power stations at Akeela's Beacon.

The missions in X2 are more diverse than my previous game, Freelancer. There
are courier missions, combat missions and transport missions.

In courier missions, it is divided into three: Gambling runs, Office runs and
cargo runs. Gambling and office runs are not different, just the context and
perhaps the difficulty of the mission are different. Simply the mission
involves the transportation of a person from station to another within a time
limit, and then you may continue until you refused because of an impossible
run like a 1 mizura run through 6 sectors. An M5 is required. Cargo runs are
one-way transportation of goods from one station to another, if you succeeded
within a certain time limit a bonus is awarded.

Combat missions are slightly difficult to find than courier missions, they
just don't show as often as the previous. Basically, you face your target in
a transport and some escorts ranging from M5 to M3, then maybe M6s. In higher
combat ranking, some of these have specifications beyond their maximum such as
speed or steering. Combat missions are divided into two: Personal and
governmental. Personal is a request to kill a certain individual for revenge.
That is if you kill someone, you may lose your police licence to that someone's
species, if you are in that species territory. Losing your licence is not funny
at the beginning of one's career, but it will be a mere nuisance later on, when
a player has a lot of money. Governmental jobs are much better, because it is
the government that requested your help and so you will not lose your licence or
your reputation points with the target species, if done right. It appears that
the target is always in a transport and is escorted by fighters from M5 to M3.
You must destroy the escorts first, then the target if you want to improve your
reputation with the target species or you find yourself at the same or lower
level. Don't know why, but these are rules in a game. Another one is bringing a
person to a station while under attack by Xenon ships. The rewards are the
client's offer and anything you can salvage from a battle with the Xenon. I
particularly liked this mission, because it gives an opportunity to capture a
ship, or gain bounties, if you bought a police licence and of course reputation

A side note, sometimes the reward goes into the negative. Is it a bug?
Obviously needs to be patched, no reward is worth this. Another comparison to
be made with Freelancer is job availability and content. In X2, you must look
for a job while Freelancer always provides one wherever you go, all
conditions being right, but it does make X2 more realistic since we in the
Real World must find jobs. Speaking of bounty, how about a bounty hunter

I wish the combat missions were more than just assassination. How about
escort missions, guard missions, reconnaissance missions, station-destruction
missions, pirate-related missions like scanning ships for illegal contents or
finding a missing person, or how about a space-age Amber alert. (Amber alert
originated from the US where it warns local drivers of a certain vehicule or
person just hours from a kidnapping, I believed the alert was named from a
girl who was kidnapped and rescued due to fast actions. Well, the Internet
will tell more.) Perhaps industrial espionage would be nice or working for a
corporation. A game will lose its playing value if we explored everything and
all we have left is motivation to buy a carrier. But it is quite impractical
when you are just facing fighters, or perhaps the game changes difficulty
accordingly by adding capital ships. But I'm not there yet.

Transport missions required you to pilot a TS or TP. TS missions involves a
station short of a resource such as energy cells and would pay for the
required amount at a fixed prices, along a reward if done within a time
limit. You can fill part of the mission or complete it in one run. But, it is
boring flying a slow ship across a sector in 5 minutes. TP missions involve
obviously passengers. One of which is a one-way trip within a time limit. The
other is more common is the "time of your life" tour missions, involving you
to fly to as many sectors as possible as your fee. This tour is, of course,
within a time limit. Although, I've never done TS missions, but I've done
some TP missions. Although, you must fly to each sector without using
jumpdrives or the sectors you visited will not count. These missions can be
found mainly in trading stations.

The weapons choices are okay, but some really need to change. For example,
the ion disruptors are good at getting rid of shields, but they don't damage
systems really well and therefore ineffective at capturing ships. It takes
too damn long to eject a pilot. Another weapons is the Mass driver, limited
by ammunition and its availability in some parts of Argon and Split sectors.
The Phased shockwave generator seemed effective but dangerous when
dogfighting among neutral ships, the weapon's wide arc could hit a neutral
ship and may risk the ship being hostile to the one who fired. Photon Pulse
cannons has a longer range, but I question its damage potential. Is it weaker
than HEPTs or was it just my imagination?

I wished there would be more use of my combat ships. One thing is security
across several sectors: I hate assigning escorts to every freighter, which is
costly and adds up to my ship list. So, I'm asking for a patrol command where
ships would go through designated sectors and seek out any enemies and
destroy it. And, of course, avoid any confrontations with pirates unless
attacked. Also, lasertowers should at least leave the pirates alone until they
attacked their homebase(s). Defence ships are too dumb to defend and liable to
more damage to themselves than to their enemies. Lasertowers are cheaper and
more powerful in relation to defence ships.

There are secret containers in the universe and they are no secret at all.
These containers can be found inside stations; all you have to do is look
around and you get some goodies, well just commodities like energy cells,
crystals and the like. But it's free!! Yipee!!

After months of playing the game, I noticed that stations and ships are
constructed by a series of modules. For examples, the cockpit of each race is
identical and is simply attached to parts to form the class ship. This
applies the same to stations. My point is that I want to model my own station
to differentiate the rest. In any case, anyone who knows a program or a
modder, please tell me about it.

I was thinking of Star Trek, when I was looking at some capital ships and was
wondering if we could see the name of the ships unto their hull and maybe
some other aesthetic features to give them a little more grandiosity. Yeah,
paint my ships black, the ghost fleet. Muhahaha!!

Now that I patched my game to version 1.4, it fixed some bugs, like the
negative reward. We now have the ability to build your own trading and
equipment station, but no station to service your destroyer or carrier.
Stations needs are now displayed rendering my stations section almost
obsolete. At least, there are some foresight in considering what and where to
place. TS are now faster and holds more cargo, therefore more money. Combat
is now more challenging than facing M3s and a transport. I now faced several
M6s, and quite possibly some capital ships as I go up in ranking, and most
assuring, no loss in reputation. The Xenons are more savage than before,
invading sectors with capital ships. However, I have some grievances despite
these enhancements. First, I no longer hear warnings of ships being attacked
during a mission, so that means I might lose a TS costing several hundred
thousands credits for such oversight. Satellites are no longer notified to
the player of they're being attacked; they are quietly noted in the message
journal. Second, despites the numerous mods out there, none seem to be there.
No automining, no patrol and no improvement in A.I. trading. Finally, I can't
order a fleet to jump or give orders effectively when 'broadcasting to ships
in sector'. In greater detail, when giving orders to a fleet to fly to a
sector, the universe pop up with the player's position and not the ships'
position, thus giving distant commands difficult. The fleets cannot be formed
into a cohesive unit, which means a squadron of fighters would break in all
directions in pursuit of enemy ships.

7) Credits

Credits to the creators of the game, Egosoft, for such a frustratingly
addictive game.
To Gary 'WerePanda4th' Plested, whom he also wrote statistics on the ships in
which I could verify.
Credits to Rain whom he expanded the faq to include the Khaak ships, without
him, we miss the occasion of flying these purple triangles.

My Pilot Stats as of date

Shipping Magnate (def: a person of rank, influence, or distinction. Not bad)
Combat ace 2nd grade (I prefer admiral, sounds like I have an armada by my
Argon Hero (where's my parade?)
Boron Kings Knight (How about naming me lord?)
Paranid Friend of Priest king (no comment)
Split Honoured Friend of Rhonkar (That's a long title)
Teladi Company Shareholder (Does it mean I get extra dividends?)
Goner Preacher (Don't have a goner ship, how can I preach?)

Copyright 2004 Wai Yen Tang
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Exzellente Tabelle aller Schiffe und Preise mit Kommentaren im Excel-Format

17.Oktober 2013
Eine kompakte aber detaillierte Karte des X2-Universums

18.Oktober 2013
Ships and Stations Statistics
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Ship Stats
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Factory Locations
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Div. Scripts

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Leitfaden im PDF-Format

17.Oktober 2013
X2-Savegame mit 2 Milliarden Credits, einem freigeschaltetem Script-Editor und 5 Scripten.

17.Oktober 2013
Savegame mit 99 Mio. Credits

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
22.Oktober 2014
24.Februari 2018
25.Juni 2019
28.Augustus 2018